path: root/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qmlgraphicsitem_p.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/declarative/graphicsitems/qmlgraphicsitem_p.h')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qmlgraphicsitem_p.h b/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qmlgraphicsitem_p.h
index 5ef07e3..7662a3b 100644
--- a/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qmlgraphicsitem_p.h
+++ b/src/declarative/graphicsitems/qmlgraphicsitem_p.h
@@ -280,8 +280,209 @@ public:
static int restart(QTime &);
+ Key filters can be installed on a QmlGraphicsItem, but not removed. Currently they
+ are only used by attached objects (which are only destroyed on Item
+ destruction), so this isn't a problem. If in future this becomes any form
+ of public API, they will have to support removal too.
+class QmlGraphicsItemKeyFilter
+ QmlGraphicsItemKeyFilter(QmlGraphicsItem * = 0);
+ virtual ~QmlGraphicsItemKeyFilter();
+ virtual void keyPressed(QKeyEvent *event);
+ virtual void keyReleased(QKeyEvent *event);
+ virtual void inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *event);
+ virtual QVariant inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery query) const;
+ virtual void componentComplete();
+ QmlGraphicsItemKeyFilter *m_next;
+class QmlGraphicsKeyNavigationAttachedPrivate : public QObjectPrivate
+ QmlGraphicsKeyNavigationAttachedPrivate()
+ : QObjectPrivate(), left(0), right(0), up(0), down(0) {}
+ QmlGraphicsItem *left;
+ QmlGraphicsItem *right;
+ QmlGraphicsItem *up;
+ QmlGraphicsItem *down;
+class QmlGraphicsKeyNavigationAttached : public QObject, public QmlGraphicsItemKeyFilter
+ Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QmlGraphicsKeyNavigationAttached)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QmlGraphicsItem *left READ left WRITE setLeft NOTIFY changed)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QmlGraphicsItem *right READ right WRITE setRight NOTIFY changed)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QmlGraphicsItem *up READ up WRITE setUp NOTIFY changed)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QmlGraphicsItem *down READ down WRITE setDown NOTIFY changed)
+ QmlGraphicsKeyNavigationAttached(QObject * = 0);
+ QmlGraphicsItem *left() const;
+ void setLeft(QmlGraphicsItem *);
+ QmlGraphicsItem *right() const;
+ void setRight(QmlGraphicsItem *);
+ QmlGraphicsItem *up() const;
+ void setUp(QmlGraphicsItem *);
+ QmlGraphicsItem *down() const;
+ void setDown(QmlGraphicsItem *);
+ static QmlGraphicsKeyNavigationAttached *qmlAttachedProperties(QObject *);
+ void changed();
+ virtual void keyPressed(QKeyEvent *event);
+ virtual void keyReleased(QKeyEvent *event);
+class QmlGraphicsKeysAttachedPrivate : public QObjectPrivate
+ QmlGraphicsKeysAttachedPrivate()
+ : QObjectPrivate(), inPress(false), inRelease(false)
+ , inIM(false), enabled(true), imeItem(0), item(0)
+ {}
+ bool isConnected(const char *signalName);
+ QGraphicsItem *finalFocusProxy(QGraphicsItem *item) const
+ {
+ QGraphicsItem *fp;
+ while ((fp = item->focusProxy()))
+ item = fp;
+ return item;
+ }
+ //loop detection
+ bool inPress:1;
+ bool inRelease:1;
+ bool inIM:1;
+ bool enabled : 1;
+ QGraphicsItem *imeItem;
+ QList<QmlGraphicsItem *> targets;
+ QmlGraphicsItem *item;
+class QmlGraphicsKeysAttached : public QObject, public QmlGraphicsItemKeyFilter
+ Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QmlGraphicsKeysAttached)
+ Q_PROPERTY(bool enabled READ enabled WRITE setEnabled NOTIFY enabledChanged)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QList<QmlGraphicsItem *> *forwardTo READ forwardTo)
+ QmlGraphicsKeysAttached(QObject *parent=0);
+ ~QmlGraphicsKeysAttached();
+ bool enabled() const { Q_D(const QmlGraphicsKeysAttached); return d->enabled; }
+ void setEnabled(bool enabled) {
+ Q_D(QmlGraphicsKeysAttached);
+ if (enabled != d->enabled) {
+ d->enabled = enabled;
+ emit enabledChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ QList<QmlGraphicsItem *> *forwardTo() {
+ Q_D(QmlGraphicsKeysAttached);
+ return &d->targets;
+ }
+ virtual void componentComplete();
+ static QmlGraphicsKeysAttached *qmlAttachedProperties(QObject *);
+ void enabledChanged();
+ void pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void released(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void digit0Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void digit1Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void digit2Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void digit3Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void digit4Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void digit5Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void digit6Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void digit7Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void digit8Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void digit9Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void leftPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void rightPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void upPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void downPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void asteriskPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void numberSignPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void escapePressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void returnPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void enterPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void deletePressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void spacePressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void backPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void cancelPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void selectPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void yesPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void noPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void context1Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void context2Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void context3Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void context4Pressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void callPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void hangupPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void flipPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void menuPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void volumeUpPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ void volumeDownPressed(QmlGraphicsKeyEvent *event);
+ virtual void keyPressed(QKeyEvent *event);
+ virtual void keyReleased(QKeyEvent *event);
+ virtual void inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *);
+ virtual QVariant inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery query) const;
+ const QByteArray keyToSignal(int key) {
+ QByteArray keySignal;
+ if (key >= Qt::Key_0 && key <= Qt::Key_9) {
+ keySignal = "digit0Pressed";
+ keySignal[5] = '0' + (key - Qt::Key_0);
+ } else {
+ int i = 0;
+ while (sigMap[i].key && sigMap[i].key != key)
+ ++i;
+ keySignal = sigMap[i].sig;
+ }
+ return keySignal;
+ }
+ struct SigMap {
+ int key;
+ const char *sig;
+ };
+ static const SigMap sigMap[];