path: root/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation.cpp
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1 files changed, 106 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation.cpp b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation.cpp
index 20449d7..009e07f 100644
--- a/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativeanimation.cpp
@@ -1877,13 +1877,17 @@ void QDeclarativePropertyAnimation::setTo(const QVariant &t)
- \qmlproperty QEasingCurve PropertyAnimation::easing
- \brief the easing curve used for the transition.
+ \qmlproperty enum PropertyAnimation::easing.type
+ \qmlproperty real PropertyAnimation::easing.amplitude
+ \qmlproperty real PropertyAnimation::easing.overshoot
+ \qmlproperty real PropertyAnimation::easing.period
+ \brief the easing curve used for the animation.
- For the easing you can specify the following parameters: type, amplitude, period and overshoot.
+ To specify an easing curve you need to specify at least the type. For some curves you can also specify
+ amplitude, period and/or overshoot (more details provided after the table).
- PropertyAnimation { properties: "y"; easing.type: "InOutElastc"; easing.amplitude: 2.0; easing.period: 1.5 }
+ PropertyAnimation { properties: "y"; easing.type: "InOutElastic"; easing.amplitude: 2.0; easing.period: 1.5 }
Available types are:
@@ -2447,12 +2451,15 @@ QDeclarativeParentAnimation::QDeclarativeParentAnimation(QObject *parent)
QDeclarative_setParent_noEvent(d->topLevelGroup, this);
d->startAction = new QActionAnimation;
+ QDeclarative_setParent_noEvent(d->startAction, d->topLevelGroup);
d->ag = new QParallelAnimationGroup;
+ QDeclarative_setParent_noEvent(d->ag, d->topLevelGroup);
d->endAction = new QActionAnimation;
+ QDeclarative_setParent_noEvent(d->endAction, d->topLevelGroup);
@@ -2743,4 +2750,99 @@ QAbstractAnimation *QDeclarativeParentAnimation::qtAnimation()
return d->topLevelGroup;
+ \qmlclass AnchorAnimation QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation
+ \since 4.7
+ \inherits Animation
+ \brief The AnchorAnimation element allows you to animate anchor changes.
+ AnchorAnimation will animated any changes specified by a state's AnchorChanges.
+ In the following snippet we animate the addition of a right anchor to our item.
+ \qml
+ Item {
+ id: myItem
+ width: 100
+ }
+ ...
+ State {
+ AnchorChanges {
+ target: myItem
+ anchors.right: container.right
+ }
+ }
+ ...
+ Transition {
+ //smoothly reanchor myItem and move into new position
+ AnchorAnimation {}
+ }
+ \endqml
+ \sa AnchorChanges
+QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation::QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation(QObject *parent)
+: QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation(*(new QDeclarativeAnchorAnimationPrivate), parent)
+ Q_D(QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation);
+ d->va = new QDeclarativeBulkValueAnimator;
+ QDeclarative_setParent_noEvent(d->va, this);
+QAbstractAnimation *QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation::qtAnimation()
+ Q_D(QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation);
+ return d->va;
+ \qmlproperty list<Item> AnchorAnimation::targets
+ The items to reanchor.
+ If no targets are specified all AnchorChanges will be
+ animated by the AnchorAnimation.
+QDeclarativeListProperty<QDeclarativeItem> QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation::targets()
+ Q_D(QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation);
+ return QDeclarativeListProperty<QDeclarativeItem>(this, d->targets);
+void QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation::transition(QDeclarativeStateActions &actions,
+ QDeclarativeProperties &modified,
+ TransitionDirection direction)
+ Q_D(QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation);
+ PropertyUpdater *data = new PropertyUpdater;
+ data->interpolatorType = QMetaType::QReal;
+ data->interpolator = d->interpolator;
+ data->reverse = direction == Backward ? true : false;
+ data->fromSourced = false;
+ data->fromDefined = false;
+ for (int ii = 0; ii < actions.count(); ++ii) {
+ QDeclarativeAction &action = actions[ii];
+ if (action.event && action.event->typeName() == QLatin1String("AnchorChanges")
+ && (d->targets.isEmpty() || d->targets.contains(static_cast<QDeclarativeAnchorChanges*>(action.event)->object()))) {
+ data->actions << static_cast<QDeclarativeAnchorChanges*>(action.event)->additionalActions();
+ }
+ }
+ if (data->actions.count()) {
+ if (!d->rangeIsSet) {
+ d->va->setStartValue(qreal(0));
+ d->va->setEndValue(qreal(1));
+ d->rangeIsSet = true;
+ }
+ d->va->setAnimValue(data, QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped);
+ d->va->setFromSourcedValue(&data->fromSourced);
+ } else {
+ delete data;
+ }