path: root/src/gui/effects/qgraphicseffect.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/effects/qgraphicseffect.cpp')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/effects/qgraphicseffect.cpp b/src/gui/effects/qgraphicseffect.cpp
index 3d363f1..949922a 100644
--- a/src/gui/effects/qgraphicseffect.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/effects/qgraphicseffect.cpp
@@ -432,71 +432,6 @@ QGraphicsBlurEffect::~QGraphicsBlurEffect()
-// Blur the image according to the blur radius
-// Based on exponential blur algorithm by Jani Huhtanen
-// (maximum radius is set to 16)
-static QImage blurred(const QImage& image, const QRect& rect, int radius)
- int tab[] = { 14, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 };
- int alpha = (radius < 1) ? 16 : (radius > 17) ? 1 : tab[radius-1];
- QImage result = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
- int r1 =;
- int r2 = rect.bottom();
- int c1 = rect.left();
- int c2 = rect.right();
- int bpl = result.bytesPerLine();
- int rgba[4];
- unsigned char* p;
- for (int col = c1; col <= c2; col++) {
- p = result.scanLine(r1) + col * 4;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
- p += bpl;
- for (int j = r1; j < r2; j++, p += bpl)
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- p[i] = (rgba[i] += ((p[i] << 4) - rgba[i]) * alpha / 16) >> 4;
- }
- for (int row = r1; row <= r2; row++) {
- p = result.scanLine(row) + c1 * 4;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
- p += 4;
- for (int j = c1; j < c2; j++, p += 4)
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- p[i] = (rgba[i] += ((p[i] << 4) - rgba[i]) * alpha / 16) >> 4;
- }
- for (int col = c1; col <= c2; col++) {
- p = result.scanLine(r2) + col * 4;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
- p -= bpl;
- for (int j = r1; j < r2; j++, p -= bpl)
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- p[i] = (rgba[i] += ((p[i] << 4) - rgba[i]) * alpha / 16) >> 4;
- }
- for (int row = r1; row <= r2; row++) {
- p = result.scanLine(row) + c2 * 4;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
- p -= 4;
- for (int j = c1; j < c2; j++, p -= 4)
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- p[i] = (rgba[i] += ((p[i] << 4) - rgba[i]) * alpha / 16) >> 4;
- }
- return result;
int QGraphicsBlurEffect::blurRadius() const
Q_D(const QGraphicsBlurEffect);
@@ -553,121 +488,83 @@ QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::~QGraphicsDropShadowEffect()
-QPointF QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::shadowOffset() const
+QPointF QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::offset() const
Q_D(const QGraphicsDropShadowEffect);
- return d->offset;
+ return d->filter->offset();
-void QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::setShadowOffset(const QPointF &ofs)
+void QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::setOffset(const QPointF &ofs)
- if (d->offset == ofs)
+ if (d->filter->offset() == ofs)
- d->offset = ofs;
+ d->filter->setOffset(ofs);
- emit shadowOffsetChanged(ofs);
+ emit offsetChanged(ofs);
int QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::blurRadius() const
Q_D(const QGraphicsDropShadowEffect);
- return d->radius;
+ return d->filter->blurRadius();
void QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::setBlurRadius(int blurRadius)
- if (d->radius == blurRadius)
+ if (d->filter->blurRadius() == blurRadius)
- d->radius = blurRadius;
+ d->filter->setBlurRadius(blurRadius);
emit blurRadiusChanged(blurRadius);
-qreal QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::opacity() const
+QColor QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::color() const
Q_D(const QGraphicsDropShadowEffect);
- return d->alpha;
+ return d->filter->color();
-void QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::setOpacity(qreal opacity)
+void QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::setColor(const QColor &color)
- if (qFuzzyCompare(d->alpha, opacity))
+ if (d->filter->color() == color)
- d->alpha = opacity;
- emit opacityChanged(opacity);
+ d->filter->setColor(color);
+ emit colorChanged(color);
QRectF QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::boundingRectFor(const QRectF &rect) const
Q_D(const QGraphicsDropShadowEffect);
- QRectF shadowRect = rect.translated(d->offset);
- QRectF blurRect = shadowRect;
- qreal delta = d->radius * 3;
- blurRect.adjust(-delta, -delta, delta, delta);
- blurRect |= rect;
- return blurRect;
+ return d->filter->boundingRectFor(rect);
void QGraphicsDropShadowEffect::draw(QPainter *painter, QGraphicsEffectSource *source)
- if (d->radius <= 0 && d->offset.isNull()) {
+ if (d->filter->blurRadius() <= 0 && d->filter->offset().isNull()) {
- const QTransform &transform = painter->worldTransform();
- const QPointF offset(d->offset.x() * transform.m11(), d->offset.y() * transform.m22());
- const QPoint shadowOffset = offset.toPoint();
- const QRectF sourceRect = source->boundingRect(Qt::DeviceCoordinates);
- const QRectF shadowRect = sourceRect.translated(offset);
- QRectF blurRect = shadowRect;
- qreal delta = d->radius * 3;
- blurRect.adjust(-delta, -delta, delta, delta);
- blurRect |= sourceRect;
- QRect effectRect = blurRect.toAlignedRect();
- const QRect deviceRect = source->deviceRect();
- const bool fullyInsideDeviceRect = effectRect.x() >= deviceRect.x()
- && effectRect.right() <= deviceRect.right()
- && effectRect.y() >= deviceRect.y()
- && effectRect.bottom() <= deviceRect.bottom();
- if (!fullyInsideDeviceRect) {
- // Clip to device rect to avoid huge pixmaps.
- effectRect &= source->deviceRect();
- effectRect |= effectRect.translated(-shadowOffset);
- if (effectRect.isEmpty())
- return; // nothing to paint;
+ QPoint offset;
+ if (source->isPixmap()) {
+ // No point in drawing in device coordinates (pixmap will be scaled anyways).
+ const QPixmap pixmap = source->pixmap(Qt::LogicalCoordinates, &offset);
+ d->filter->draw(painter, offset, pixmap);
+ return;
- QPixmap pixmap(effectRect.size());
- pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent);
- QPainter pixmapPainter(&pixmap);
- pixmapPainter.setRenderHints(painter->renderHints());
- pixmapPainter.setWorldTransform(painter->worldTransform());
- if (effectRect.x() != 0 || effectRect.y() != 0)
- pixmapPainter.translate(-effectRect.topLeft());
- source->draw(&pixmapPainter);
- pixmapPainter.end();
- QImage img = pixmap.toImage();
- QImage shadowImage(img.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32);
- shadowImage.fill(qRgba(0, 0, 0, d->alpha * 255));
- shadowImage.setAlphaChannel(img.alphaChannel());
- shadowImage = blurred(shadowImage, shadowImage.rect(), d->radius);
- // Draw using an untransformed painter.
+ // Draw pixmap in device coordinates to avoid pixmap scaling.
+ const QPixmap pixmap = source->pixmap(Qt::DeviceCoordinates, &offset);
QTransform restoreTransform = painter->worldTransform();
- painter->drawImage(effectRect.topLeft() + shadowOffset, shadowImage);
- painter->drawPixmap(effectRect.topLeft(), pixmap);
+ d->filter->draw(painter, offset, pixmap);