path: root/src/gui/inputmethod
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/inputmethod')
2 files changed, 252 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/inputmethod/qcoefepinputcontext_p.h b/src/gui/inputmethod/qcoefepinputcontext_p.h
index 8c8ffd4..de3577f 100644
--- a/src/gui/inputmethod/qcoefepinputcontext_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/inputmethod/qcoefepinputcontext_p.h
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ public:
TCoeInputCapabilities inputCapabilities();
+ void resetSplitViewWidget(bool keepInputWidget = false);
+ void ensureFocusWidgetVisible(QWidget *widget);
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *timerEvent);
@@ -104,9 +107,11 @@ private:
void queueInputCapabilitiesChanged();
bool needsInputPanel();
void commitTemporaryPreeditString();
+ bool isWidgetVisible(QWidget *widget, int offset = 0);
private Q_SLOTS:
void ensureInputCapabilitiesChanged();
+ void translateInputWidget();
// From MCoeFepAwareTextEditor
@@ -155,9 +160,15 @@ private:
QBasicTimer m_tempPreeditStringTimeout;
bool m_hasTempPreeditString;
+ int m_splitViewResizeBy;
+ Qt::WindowStates m_splitViewPreviousWindowStates;
+ QRectF m_transformation;
friend class tst_QInputContext;
+Q_GUI_EXPORT void qt_s60_setPartialScreenInputMode(bool enable);
#endif // QT_NO_IM
diff --git a/src/gui/inputmethod/qcoefepinputcontext_s60.cpp b/src/gui/inputmethod/qcoefepinputcontext_s60.cpp
index 1bef64d..73aa982 100644
--- a/src/gui/inputmethod/qcoefepinputcontext_s60.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/inputmethod/qcoefepinputcontext_s60.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
#include <qgraphicsscene.h>
#include <qgraphicswidget.h>
#include <qsymbianevent.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qdesktopwidget.h>
#include <private/qcore_symbian_p.h>
#include <fepitfr.h>
@@ -67,8 +69,16 @@
// that support text selection.
#define QT_EAknEditorFlagSelectionVisible 0x100000
+// EAknEditorFlagEnablePartialScreen is only valid from Sym^3 onwards.
+#define QT_EAknEditorFlagEnablePartialScreen 0x200000
+Q_GUI_EXPORT void qt_s60_setPartialScreenInputMode(bool enable)
+ S60->partial_keyboard = enable;
QCoeFepInputContext::QCoeFepInputContext(QObject *parent)
: QInputContext(parent),
m_fepState(q_check_ptr(new CAknEdwinState)), // CBase derived object needs check on new
@@ -80,13 +90,19 @@ QCoeFepInputContext::QCoeFepInputContext(QObject *parent)
- m_hasTempPreeditString(false)
+ m_hasTempPreeditString(false),
+ m_splitViewResizeBy(0),
+ m_splitViewPreviousWindowStates(Qt::WindowNoState)
- if (QSysInfo::s60Version() > QSysInfo::SV_S60_5_0)
- m_fepState->SetFlags(EAknEditorFlagDefault | QT_EAknEditorFlagSelectionVisible);
- else
- m_fepState->SetFlags(EAknEditorFlagDefault);
+ int defaultFlags = EAknEditorFlagDefault;
+ if (QSysInfo::s60Version() > QSysInfo::SV_S60_5_0) {
+ if (S60->partial_keyboard) {
+ defaultFlags |= QT_EAknEditorFlagEnablePartialScreen;
+ }
+ defaultFlags |= QT_EAknEditorFlagSelectionVisible;
+ }
+ m_fepState->SetFlags(defaultFlags);
m_fepState->SetDefaultInputMode( EAknEditorTextInputMode );
m_fepState->SetPermittedInputModes( EAknEditorAllInputModes );
m_fepState->SetDefaultCase( EAknEditorTextCase );
@@ -210,6 +226,21 @@ bool QCoeFepInputContext::filterEvent(const QEvent *event)
return false;
switch (event->type()) {
+ case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
+ // Alphanumeric keypad doesn't like it when we click and text is still getting displayed
+ // It ignores the mouse event, so we need to commit and send a selection event (which will get triggered
+ // after the commit)
+ if (!m_preeditString.isEmpty()) {
+ commitCurrentString(false);
+ int pos = focusWidget()->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition).toInt();
+ QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> selectAttributes;
+ selectAttributes << QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::Selection, pos, 0, QVariant());
+ QInputMethodEvent selectEvent(QLatin1String(""), selectAttributes);
+ sendEvent(selectEvent);
+ }
+ break;
case QEvent::KeyPress:
// fall through intended
@@ -343,6 +374,164 @@ TCoeInputCapabilities QCoeFepInputContext::inputCapabilities()
return TCoeInputCapabilities(m_textCapabilities, this, 0);
+void QCoeFepInputContext::resetSplitViewWidget(bool keepInputWidget)
+ QGraphicsView *gv = qobject_cast<QGraphicsView*>(S60->splitViewLastWidget);
+ if (!gv) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QSymbianControl *symControl = static_cast<QSymbianControl*>(gv->effectiveWinId());
+ symControl->CancelLongTapTimer();
+ const bool alwaysResize = (gv->verticalScrollBarPolicy() != Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+ QWidget *windowToMove = gv->window();
+ bool userResize = gv->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Resized);
+ windowToMove->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ if (!alwaysResize) {
+ if (gv->scene()) {
+ disconnect(gv->scene()->focusItem()->toGraphicsObject(), SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(translateInputWidget()));
+ QGraphicsItem *rootItem;
+ foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, gv->scene()->items()) {
+ if (!item->parentItem()) {
+ rootItem = item;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rootItem)
+ rootItem->resetTransform();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (m_splitViewResizeBy)
+ gv->resize(gv->rect().width(), m_splitViewResizeBy);
+ }
+ // Resizing might have led to widget losing its original windowstate.
+ // Restore previous window state.
+ if (m_splitViewPreviousWindowStates != windowToMove->windowState())
+ windowToMove->setWindowState(m_splitViewPreviousWindowStates);
+ windowToMove->setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+ gv->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Resized, userResize); //not a user resize
+ m_splitViewResizeBy = 0;
+ if (!keepInputWidget) {
+ m_splitViewPreviousWindowStates = Qt::WindowNoState;
+ S60->splitViewLastWidget = 0;
+ }
+// Checks if a given widget is visible in the splitview rect. The offset
+// parameter can be used to validate if moving widget upwards or downwards
+// by the offset would make a difference for the visibility.
+bool QCoeFepInputContext::isWidgetVisible(QWidget *widget, int offset)
+ bool visible = false;
+ if (widget) {
+ QRect splitViewRect = qt_TRect2QRect(static_cast<CEikAppUi*>(S60->appUi())->ClientRect());
+ QWidget *window = QApplication::activeWindow();
+ QGraphicsView *gv = qobject_cast<QGraphicsView*>(widget);
+ if (gv && window) {
+ if (QGraphicsScene *scene = gv->scene()) {
+ if (QGraphicsItem *focusItem = scene->focusItem()) {
+ QPoint cursorPos = window->mapToGlobal(focusItem->cursor().pos());
+ cursorPos.setY(cursorPos.y() + offset);
+ if (splitViewRect.contains(cursorPos)) {
+ visible = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return visible;
+// Ensure that the input widget is visible in the splitview rect.
+void QCoeFepInputContext::ensureFocusWidgetVisible(QWidget *widget)
+ // Native side opening and closing its virtual keyboard when it changes the keyboard layout,
+ // has an adverse impact on long tap timer. Cancel the timer when splitview opens to avoid this.
+ QSymbianControl *symControl = static_cast<QSymbianControl*>(widget->effectiveWinId());
+ symControl->CancelLongTapTimer();
+ // Graphicsviews that have vertical scrollbars should always be resized to the splitview area.
+ // Graphicsviews without scrollbars should be translated.
+ QGraphicsView *gv = qobject_cast<QGraphicsView*>(widget);
+ if (!gv)
+ return;
+ const bool alwaysResize = (gv && gv->verticalScrollBarPolicy() != Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+ const bool moveWithinVisibleArea = (S60->splitViewLastWidget != 0);
+ QWidget *windowToMove = gv ? gv : symControl->widget();
+ if (!windowToMove->isWindow())
+ windowToMove = windowToMove->window();
+ if (!windowToMove) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // When opening the keyboard (not moving within the splitview area), save the original
+ // window state. In some cases, ensuring input widget visibility might lead to window
+ // states getting changed.
+ if (!moveWithinVisibleArea) {
+ S60->splitViewLastWidget = widget;
+ m_splitViewPreviousWindowStates = windowToMove->windowState();
+ }
+ int windowTop = widget->window()->pos().y();
+ const bool userResize = widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Resized);
+ QRect splitViewRect = qt_TRect2QRect(static_cast<CEikAppUi*>(S60->appUi())->ClientRect());
+ // When resizing a window widget, it will lose its maximized window state.
+ // Native applications hide statuspane in splitview state, so lets move to
+ // fullscreen mode. This makes available area slightly bigger, which helps usability
+ // and greatly reduces event passing in orientation switch cases,
+ // as the statuspane size is not changing.
+ if (!(windowToMove->windowState() & Qt::WindowFullScreen)) {
+ windowToMove->setWindowState(
+ (windowToMove->windowState() & ~(Qt::WindowMinimized | Qt::WindowFullScreen)) | Qt::WindowFullScreen);
+ }
+ if (alwaysResize) {
+ windowToMove->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
+ if (!moveWithinVisibleArea)
+ m_splitViewResizeBy = widget->height();
+ windowTop = widget->geometry().top();
+ widget->resize(widget->width(), splitViewRect.height() - windowTop);
+ if (gv->scene()) {
+ const QRectF microFocusRect = gv->scene()->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImMicroFocus).toRectF();
+ gv->ensureVisible(microFocusRect);
+ }
+ windowToMove->setUpdatesEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ if (!moveWithinVisibleArea) {
+ // Check if the widget contains cursorPositionChanged signal and connect to it.
+ const char *signal = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged())).constData();
+ int index = gv->scene()->focusItem()->toGraphicsObject()->metaObject()->indexOfSignal(signal + 1);
+ if (index != -1)
+ connect(gv->scene()->focusItem()->toGraphicsObject(), SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(translateInputWidget()));
+ }
+ translateInputWidget();
+ }
+ widget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Resized, userResize); //not a user resize
static QTextCharFormat qt_TCharFormat2QTextCharFormat(const TCharFormat &cFormat, bool validStyleColor)
QTextCharFormat qFormat;
@@ -474,10 +663,12 @@ void QCoeFepInputContext::applyHints(Qt::InputMethodHints hints)
- if (QSysInfo::s60Version() > QSysInfo::SV_S60_5_0)
- flags = QT_EAknEditorFlagSelectionVisible;
- else
- flags = 0;
+ flags = 0;
+ if (QSysInfo::s60Version() > QSysInfo::SV_S60_5_0) {
+ if (S60->partial_keyboard)
+ flags |= QT_EAknEditorFlagEnablePartialScreen;
+ flags |= QT_EAknEditorFlagSelectionVisible;
+ }
if (hints & ImhUppercaseOnly && !(hints & ImhLowercaseOnly)
|| hints & ImhLowercaseOnly && !(hints & ImhUppercaseOnly)) {
flags |= EAknEditorFlagFixedCase;
@@ -604,6 +795,47 @@ void QCoeFepInputContext::ensureInputCapabilitiesChanged()
m_pendingInputCapabilitiesChanged = false;
+void QCoeFepInputContext::translateInputWidget()
+ QGraphicsView *gv = qobject_cast<QGraphicsView *>(S60->splitViewLastWidget);
+ QRect splitViewRect = qt_TRect2QRect(static_cast<CEikAppUi*>(S60->appUi())->ClientRect());
+ QRectF cursor = gv->scene()->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImMicroFocus).toRectF();
+ QPolygon cursorP = gv->mapFromScene(cursor);
+ QRectF vkbRect = QRectF(splitViewRect.bottomLeft(), qApp->desktop()->rect().bottomRight());
+ if (cursor.isEmpty() || vkbRect.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ // Fetch root item (i.e. graphicsitem with no parent)
+ QGraphicsItem *rootItem;
+ foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, gv->scene()->items()) {
+ if (!item->parentItem()) {
+ rootItem = item;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rootItem)
+ return;
+ m_transformation = (rootItem->transform().isTranslating()) ? QRectF(0,0, gv->width(), rootItem->transform().dy()) : QRectF();
+ // Do nothing if the cursor is visible in the splitview area.
+ if (splitViewRect.contains(cursorP.boundingRect()))
+ return;
+ // New Y position should be ideally at the center of the splitview area.
+ // If that would expose unpainted canvas, limit the tranformation to the visible scene bottom.
+ const qreal maxY = gv->sceneRect().bottom() - splitViewRect.bottom() + m_transformation.height();
+ qreal dy = -(qMin(maxY, (cursor.bottom() - / 2)));
+ // Do not allow transform above screen top.
+ if (m_transformation.height() + dy > 0)
+ return;
+ rootItem->setTransform(QTransform::fromTranslate(0, dy), true);
void QCoeFepInputContext::StartFepInlineEditL(const TDesC& aInitialInlineText,
TInt aPositionOfInsertionPointInInlineText, TBool aCursorVisibility, const MFormCustomDraw* /*aCustomDraw*/,
MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever& aInlineTextFormatRetriever,