path: root/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp
index 270144b..4f532c0 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
#include <private/qwidget_p.h>
#include <private/qpaintengine_raster_p.h>
#include <private/qmath_p.h>
+#include <qstatictext.h>
+#include <private/qstatictext_p.h>
@@ -709,13 +711,14 @@ void QPainterPrivate::updateEmulationSpecifier(QPainterState *s)
bool penTextureAlpha = false;
if ( == Qt::TexturePattern)
penTextureAlpha = qHasPixmapTexture(penBrush)
- ? penBrush.texture().hasAlpha()
+ ? (penBrush.texture().depth() > 1) && penBrush.texture().hasAlpha()
: penBrush.textureImage().hasAlphaChannel();
bool brushTextureAlpha = false;
- if (s-> == Qt::TexturePattern)
+ if (s-> == Qt::TexturePattern) {
brushTextureAlpha = qHasPixmapTexture(s->brush)
- ? s->brush.texture().hasAlpha()
+ ? (s->brush.texture().depth() > 1) && s->brush.texture().hasAlpha()
: s->brush.textureImage().hasAlphaChannel();
+ }
if ((( == Qt::TexturePattern && penTextureAlpha)
|| (s-> == Qt::TexturePattern && brushTextureAlpha))
&& !engine->hasFeature(QPaintEngine::MaskedBrush))
@@ -5698,6 +5701,23 @@ void QPainter::drawImage(const QRectF &targetRect, const QImage &image, const QR
+ \fn void QPainter::drawStaticText(const QPoint &position, const QStaticText &staticText)
+ \since 4.7
+ \overload
+ \fn void QPainter::drawStaticText(int x, int y, const QStaticText &staticText)
+ \since 4.7
+ \overload
\fn void QPainter::drawText(const QPointF &position, const QString &text)
Draws the given \a text with the currently defined text direction,
@@ -5720,6 +5740,124 @@ void QPainter::drawText(const QPointF &p, const QString &str)
+ \since 4.7
+ Draws the given \a staticText at the given \a position.
+ The text will be drawn using the font and the transformation set on the painter. If the
+ font and/or transformation set on the painter are different from the ones used to initialize
+ the layout of the QStaticText, then the layout will have to be recalculated. Use
+ QStaticText::prepare() to initialize \a staticText with the font and transformation with which
+ it will later be drawn.
+ If \a position is not the same as when \a staticText was initialized, or when it was last drawn,
+ then there will be a slight overhead when translating the text to its new position.
+ \note If the painter's transformation is not affine, then \a staticText will be drawn using regular
+ calls to drawText(), losing any potential performance improvement.
+ \sa QStaticText
+void QPainter::drawStaticText(const QPointF &position, const QStaticText &staticText)
+ Q_D(QPainter);
+ if (!d->engine || staticText.text().isEmpty() || pen().style() == Qt::NoPen)
+ return;
+ QStaticTextPrivate *staticText_d =
+ const_cast<QStaticTextPrivate *>(QStaticTextPrivate::get(&staticText));
+ // If we don't have an extended paint engine, or if the painter is projected,
+ // we go through standard code path
+ if (d->extended == 0 || !d->state->matrix.isAffine()) {
+ staticText_d->paintText(position, this);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Don't recalculate entire layout because of translation, rather add the dx and dy
+ // into the position to move each text item the correct distance.
+ QPointF transformedPosition = position * d->state->matrix;
+ QTransform matrix = d->state->matrix;
+ // The translation has been applied to transformedPosition. Remove translation
+ // component from matrix.
+ if (d->state->matrix.isTranslating()) {
+ qreal m11 = d->state->matrix.m11();
+ qreal m12 = d->state->matrix.m12();
+ qreal m13 = d->state->matrix.m13();
+ qreal m21 = d->state->matrix.m21();
+ qreal m22 = d->state->matrix.m22();
+ qreal m23 = d->state->matrix.m23();
+ qreal m33 = d->state->matrix.m33();
+ d->state->matrix.setMatrix(m11, m12, m13,
+ m21, m22, m23,
+ 0.0, 0.0, m33);
+ }
+ // If the transform is not identical to the text transform,
+ // we have to relayout the text (for other transformations than plain translation)
+ bool staticTextNeedsReinit = false;
+ if (staticText_d->matrix != d->state->matrix) {
+ staticText_d->matrix = d->state->matrix;
+ staticTextNeedsReinit = true;
+ }
+ bool restoreWhenFinished = false;
+ if (staticText_d->needsClipRect) {
+ save();
+ setClipRect(QRectF(position, staticText_d->maximumSize));
+ restoreWhenFinished = true;
+ }
+ if (font() != staticText_d->font) {
+ staticText_d->font = font();
+ staticTextNeedsReinit = true;
+ }
+ // Recreate the layout of the static text because the matrix or font has changed
+ if (staticTextNeedsReinit)
+ staticText_d->init();
+ if (transformedPosition != staticText_d->position) { // Translate to actual position
+ QFixed fx = QFixed::fromReal(transformedPosition.x());
+ QFixed fy = QFixed::fromReal(transformedPosition.y());
+ QFixed oldX = QFixed::fromReal(staticText_d->position.x());
+ QFixed oldY = QFixed::fromReal(staticText_d->position.y());
+ for (int item=0; item<staticText_d->itemCount;++item) {
+ QStaticTextItem *textItem = staticText_d->items + item;
+ for (int i=0; i<textItem->numGlyphs; ++i) {
+ textItem->glyphPositions[i].x += fx - oldX;
+ textItem->glyphPositions[i].y += fy - oldY;
+ }
+ textItem->userDataNeedsUpdate = true;
+ }
+ staticText_d->position = transformedPosition;
+ }
+ QPen oldPen = d->state->pen;
+ QColor currentColor = oldPen.color();
+ for (int i=0; i<staticText_d->itemCount; ++i) {
+ QStaticTextItem *item = staticText_d->items + i;
+ if (currentColor != item->color) {
+ setPen(item->color);
+ currentColor = item->color;
+ }
+ d->extended->drawStaticTextItem(item);
+ }
+ if (currentColor != oldPen.color())
+ setPen(oldPen);
+ if (restoreWhenFinished)
+ restore();
+ if (matrix.isTranslating())
+ d->state->matrix = matrix;
void QPainter::drawText(const QPointF &p, const QString &str, int tf, int justificationPadding)