path: root/src/gui/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp
index 714b8c5..fdd51c3 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qstylesheetstyle.cpp
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
#include <private/qwidget_p.h>
#include <QAbstractSpinBox>
#include <QLabel>
+#include "qdrawutil.h"
#include <limits.h>
@@ -312,15 +313,10 @@ struct QStyleSheetBorderImageData : public QSharedData
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cuts[i] = -1;
- QPixmap topEdge, bottomEdge, leftEdge, rightEdge, middle;
- QRect topEdgeRect, bottomEdgeRect, leftEdgeRect, rightEdgeRect, middleRect;
- QRect topLeftCorner, topRightCorner, bottomRightCorner, bottomLeftCorner;
int cuts[4];
QPixmap pixmap;
QImage image;
QCss::TileMode horizStretch, vertStretch;
- void cutBorderImage();
struct QStyleSheetBackgroundData : public QSharedData
@@ -1122,176 +1118,27 @@ void QRenderRule::fixupBorder(int nativeWidth)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // assume, cut = border
bi->cuts[i] = int(border()->borders[i]);
- bi->cutBorderImage();
-void QStyleSheetBorderImageData::cutBorderImage()
- const int w = pixmap.width();
- const int h = pixmap.height();
- const int &l = cuts[LeftEdge], &r = cuts[RightEdge],
- &t = cuts[TopEdge], &b = cuts[BottomEdge];
- topEdgeRect = QRect(l, 0, w - r - l, t);
- bottomEdgeRect = QRect(l, h - b, w - l - r, b);
- if (horizStretch != TileMode_Stretch) {
- if (topEdgeRect.isValid())
- topEdge = pixmap.copy(topEdgeRect).scaledToHeight(t);
- if (bottomEdgeRect.isValid())
- bottomEdge = pixmap.copy(bottomEdgeRect).scaledToHeight(b);
- }
- leftEdgeRect = QRect(0, t, l, h - b - t);
- rightEdgeRect = QRect(w - r, t, r, h - t- b);
- if (vertStretch != TileMode_Stretch) {
- if (leftEdgeRect.isValid())
- leftEdge = pixmap.copy(leftEdgeRect).scaledToWidth(l);
- if (rightEdgeRect.isValid())
- rightEdge = pixmap.copy(rightEdgeRect).scaledToWidth(r);
- }
- middleRect = QRect(l, t, w - r -l, h - t - b);
- if (middleRect.isValid()
- && !(horizStretch == TileMode_Stretch && vertStretch == TileMode_Stretch)) {
- middle = pixmap.copy(middleRect);
- }
-static void qDrawCenterTiledPixmap(QPainter *p, const QRectF& r, const QPixmap& pix)
- p->drawTiledPixmap(r, pix, QPoint(pix.width() - int(r.width())%pix.width(),
- pix.height() - int(r.height())%pix.height()));
-// Note: Round is not supported
void QRenderRule::drawBorderImage(QPainter *p, const QRect& rect)
- setClip(p, rect);
- const QRectF br(rect);
- const int *borders = border()->borders;
- const int &l = borders[LeftEdge], &r = borders[RightEdge],
- &t = borders[TopEdge], &b = borders[BottomEdge];
- QRectF pr = br.adjusted(l, t, -r, -b);
+ static const Qt::TileRule tileMode2TileRule[] = {
+ Qt::Stretch, Qt::Round, Qt::Stretch, Qt::Repeat, Qt::Stretch };
+ const QStyleSheetBorderImageData *borderImageData = border()->borderImage();
+ const int *targetBorders = border()->borders;
+ const int *sourceBorders = borderImageData->cuts;
+ QMargins sourceMargins(sourceBorders[TopEdge], sourceBorders[LeftEdge],
+ sourceBorders[BottomEdge], sourceBorders[RightEdge]);
+ QMargins targetMargins(targetBorders[TopEdge], targetBorders[LeftEdge],
+ targetBorders[BottomEdge], targetBorders[RightEdge]);
bool wasSmoothPixmapTransform = p->renderHints() & QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform;
- const QStyleSheetBorderImageData *bi = border()->borderImage();
- const QPixmap& pix = bi->pixmap;
- const int *c = bi->cuts;
- QRectF tlc(0, 0, c[LeftEdge], c[TopEdge]);
- if (tlc.isValid())
- p->drawPixmap(QRectF(br.topLeft(), QSizeF(l, t)), pix, tlc);
- QRectF trc(pix.width() - c[RightEdge], 0, c[RightEdge], c[TopEdge]);
- if (trc.isValid())
- p->drawPixmap(QRectF(br.left() + br.width() - r, br.y(), r, t), pix, trc);
- QRectF blc(0, pix.height() - c[BottomEdge], c[LeftEdge], c[BottomEdge]);
- if (blc.isValid())
- p->drawPixmap(QRectF(br.x(), br.y() + br.height() - b, l, b), pix, blc);
- QRectF brc(pix.width() - c[RightEdge], pix.height() - c[BottomEdge],
- c[RightEdge], c[BottomEdge]);
- if (brc.isValid())
- p->drawPixmap(QRectF(br.x() + br.width() - r, br.y() + br.height() - b, r, b),
- pix, brc);
- QRectF topEdgeRect(br.x() + l, br.y(), pr.width(), t);
- QRectF bottomEdgeRect(br.x() + l, br.y() + br.height() - b, pr.width(), b);
- switch (bi->horizStretch) {
- case TileMode_Stretch:
- if (bi->topEdgeRect.isValid())
- p->drawPixmap(topEdgeRect, pix, bi->topEdgeRect);
- if (bi->bottomEdgeRect.isValid())
- p->drawPixmap(bottomEdgeRect, pix, bi->bottomEdgeRect);
- if (bi->middleRect.isValid()) {
- if (bi->vertStretch == TileMode_Stretch)
- p->drawPixmap(pr, pix, bi->middleRect);
- else if (bi->vertStretch == TileMode_Repeat) {
- QPixmap scaled = bi->middle.scaled(int(pr.width()), bi->middle.height());
- qDrawCenterTiledPixmap(p, pr, scaled);
- }
- }
- break;
- case TileMode_Repeat:
- if (!bi->topEdge.isNull() && !topEdgeRect.isEmpty()) {
- QPixmap scaled = bi->topEdge.scaled(bi->topEdge.width(), t);
- qDrawCenterTiledPixmap(p, topEdgeRect, scaled);
- }
- if (!bi->bottomEdge.isNull() && !bottomEdgeRect.isEmpty()) {
- QPixmap scaled = bi->bottomEdge.scaled(bi->bottomEdge.width(), b);
- qDrawCenterTiledPixmap(p, bottomEdgeRect, scaled);
- }
- if (bi->middleRect.isValid()) {
- if (bi->vertStretch == TileMode_Repeat) {
- qDrawCenterTiledPixmap(p, pr, bi->middle);
- } else if (bi->vertStretch == TileMode_Stretch) {
- QPixmap scaled = bi->middle.scaled(bi->middle.width(), int(pr.height()));
- qDrawCenterTiledPixmap(p, pr, scaled);
- }
- }
- break;
- case TileMode_Round:
- if (!bi->topEdge.isNull()) {
- int rwh = (int)pr.width()/ceil(pr.width()/bi->topEdge.width());
- QPixmap scaled = bi->topEdge.scaled(rwh, bi->topEdge.height());
- int blank = int(pr.width()) % rwh;
- p->drawTiledPixmap(QRectF(br.x() + l + blank/2, br.y(), pr.width() - blank, t),
- scaled);
- }
- if (!bi->bottomEdge.isNull()) {
- int rwh = (int) pr.width()/ceil(pr.width()/bi->bottomEdge.width());
- QPixmap scaled = bi->bottomEdge.scaled(rwh, bi->bottomEdge.height());
- int blank = int(pr.width()) % rwh;
- p->drawTiledPixmap(QRectF(br.x() + l+ blank/2, br.y()+br.height()-b,
- pr.width() - blank, b), scaled);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- QRectF leftEdgeRect(br.x(), br.y() + t, l, pr.height());
- QRectF rightEdgeRect(br.x() + br.width()- r, br.y() + t, r, pr.height());
- switch (bi->vertStretch) {
- case TileMode_Stretch:
- if (bi->leftEdgeRect.isValid())
- p->drawPixmap(leftEdgeRect, pix, bi->leftEdgeRect);
- if (bi->rightEdgeRect.isValid())
- p->drawPixmap(rightEdgeRect, pix, bi->rightEdgeRect);
- break;
- case TileMode_Repeat:
- if (!bi->leftEdge.isNull() && !leftEdgeRect.isEmpty()) {
- QPixmap scaled = bi->leftEdge.scaled(l, bi->leftEdge.height());
- qDrawCenterTiledPixmap(p, leftEdgeRect, scaled);
- }
- if (!bi->rightEdge.isNull() && !rightEdgeRect.isEmpty()) {
- QPixmap scaled = bi->rightEdge.scaled(r, bi->rightEdge.height());
- qDrawCenterTiledPixmap(p, rightEdgeRect, scaled);
- }
- break;
- case TileMode_Round:
- if (!bi->leftEdge.isNull()) {
- int rwh = (int) pr.height()/ceil(pr.height()/bi->leftEdge.height());
- QPixmap scaled = bi->leftEdge.scaled(bi->leftEdge.width(), rwh);
- int blank = int(pr.height()) % rwh;
- p->drawTiledPixmap(QRectF(br.x(), br.y() + t + blank/2, l, pr.height() - blank),
- scaled);
- }
- if (!bi->rightEdge.isNull()) {
- int rwh = (int) pr.height()/ceil(pr.height()/bi->rightEdge.height());
- QPixmap scaled = bi->rightEdge.scaled(bi->rightEdge.width(), rwh);
- int blank = int(pr.height()) % rwh;
- p->drawTiledPixmap(QRectF(br.x() + br.width() - r, br.y()+t+blank/2, r,
- pr.height() - blank), scaled);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ qDrawBorderPixmap(p, rect, targetMargins, borderImageData->pixmap,
+ QRect(QPoint(), borderImageData->pixmap.size()), sourceMargins,
+ QTileRules(tileMode2TileRule[borderImageData->horizStretch], tileMode2TileRule[borderImageData->vertStretch]));
p->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, wasSmoothPixmapTransform);
- unsetClip(p);
QRect QRenderRule::originRect(const QRect &rect, Origin origin) const
@@ -1525,7 +1372,7 @@ void QRenderRule::configurePalette(QPalette *p, QPalette::ColorGroup cg, const Q
/* For embedded widgets (ComboBox, SpinBox and ScrollArea) we want the embedded widget
* to be transparent when we have a transparent background or border image */
if ((hasBackground() && background()->isTransparent())
- || (hasBorder() && border()->hasBorderImage() && border()->borderImage()->middleRect.isValid()))
+ || (hasBorder() && border()->hasBorderImage() && !border()->borderImage()->pixmap.isNull()))
p->setBrush(cg, w->backgroundRole(), Qt::NoBrush);
@@ -2876,12 +2723,6 @@ void QStyleSheetStyle::polish(QWidget *w)
QRenderRule rule = renderRule(w, PseudoElement_None, PseudoClass_Any);
if (rule.hasDrawable() || rule.hasBox()) {
if (w->metaObject() == &QWidget::staticMetaObject
-#ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
- || qobject_cast<QMenuBar *>(w)
-#ifndef QT_NO_MENU
- || qobject_cast<QMenu *>(w)
|| qobject_cast<QHeaderView *>(w)
@@ -3189,6 +3030,7 @@ void QStyleSheetStyle::drawComplexControl(ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionC
if (const QStyleOptionToolButton *tool = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionToolButton *>(opt)) {
QStyleOptionToolButton toolOpt(*tool);
rule.configurePalette(&toolOpt.palette, QPalette::ButtonText, QPalette::Button);
+ toolOpt.font = rule.font.resolve(toolOpt.font);
toolOpt.rect = rule.borderRect(opt->rect);
bool customArrow = (tool->features & (QStyleOptionToolButton::HasMenu | QStyleOptionToolButton::MenuButtonPopup));
bool customDropDown = tool->features & QStyleOptionToolButton::MenuButtonPopup;
@@ -4164,9 +4006,8 @@ void QStyleSheetStyle::drawControl(ControlElement ce, const QStyleOption *opt, Q
rule.configurePalette(&frmOpt.palette, QPalette::Text, QPalette::Base);
frmOpt.rect = rule.borderRect(frmOpt.rect);
baseStyle()->drawControl(ce, &frmOpt, p, w);
- } else {
- rule.drawBorder(p, rule.borderRect(opt->rect));
+ // else, borders are already drawn in PE_Widget
@@ -4220,12 +4061,6 @@ void QStyleSheetStyle::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement pe, const QStyleOption *op
QRect rect = opt->rect;
switch (pe) {
- case PE_PanelStatusBar:
- if (rule.hasDrawable()) {
- rule.drawRule(p, opt->rect);
- return;
- }
- break;
case PE_FrameStatusBar: {
QRenderRule subRule = renderRule(w->parentWidget(), opt, PseudoElement_Item);
@@ -4337,36 +4172,34 @@ void QStyleSheetStyle::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement pe, const QStyleOption *op
case PE_Widget:
- if (!rule.hasBackground()) {
+ if (!rule.hasDrawable()) {
QWidget *container = containerWidget(w);
if (autoFillDisabledWidgets->contains(container)
- && (container == w || !renderRule(container, opt).hasBackground())) {
+ && (container == w || !renderRule(container, opt).hasDrawable())) {
//we do not have a background, but we disabled the autofillbackground anyway. so fill the background now.
// (this may happen if we have rules like :focus)
p->fillRect(opt->rect, opt->palette.brush(w->backgroundRole()));
if (const QAbstractScrollArea *sa = qobject_cast<const QAbstractScrollArea *>(w)) {
const QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate *sap = sa->d_func();
rule.drawBackground(p, opt->rect, sap->contentsOffset());
- } else
- {
- rule.drawBackground(p, opt->rect);
+ if (rule.hasBorder())
+ rule.drawBorder(p, rule.borderRect(opt->rect));
+ break;
- return;
- case PE_FrameMenu:
+ //fall tghought
+ case PE_PanelMenu:
case PE_PanelMenuBar:
- if (!rule.hasNativeBorder()) {
- rule.drawBorder(p, rule.borderRect(opt->rect));
+ case PE_PanelStatusBar:
+ if(rule.hasDrawable()) {
+ rule.drawRule(p, opt->rect);
- break;
+ break;
case PE_IndicatorToolBarSeparator:
case PE_IndicatorToolBarHandle: {
@@ -4973,13 +4806,10 @@ QSize QStyleSheetStyle::sizeFromContents(ContentsType ct, const QStyleOption *op
if ((pe == PseudoElement_MenuSeparator) && subRule.hasContentsSize()) {
return QSize(sz.width(), subRule.size().height());
} else if ((pe == PseudoElement_Item) && (subRule.hasBox() || subRule.hasBorder())) {
- int width = csz.width(), height = qMax(csz.height(), mi->fontMetrics.height());
- if (!mi->icon.isNull()) {
- int iconExtent = pixelMetric(PM_SmallIconSize);
- height = qMax(height, mi->icon.actualSize(QSize(iconExtent, iconExtent)).height());
- }
- width += mi->tabWidth;
- return subRule.boxSize(csz.expandedTo(subRule.minimumContentsSize()));
+ int width = csz.width();
+ if (mi->text.contains(QLatin1Char('\t')))
+ width += 12; //as in QCommonStyle
+ return subRule.boxSize(subRule.adjustSize(QSize(width, csz.height())));
@@ -5887,13 +5717,11 @@ void QStyleSheetStyle::clearWidgetFont(QWidget* w) const
w->setProperty("_q_styleSheetWidgetFont", QVariant(QVariant::Invalid));
-// Returns the palette that should be used when the particular widget is focused.
-// This needs to be called by some widgets that do drawing themselves instead
-// of through the style.
-// ### This should be removed ideally by Qt 4.5, and at least by Qt 5, and fixed
-// for good by letting the style draw everything.
+// Polish palette that should be used for a particular widget, with particular states
+// (eg. :focus, :hover, ...)
+// this is called by widgets that paint themself in their paint event
// Returns true if there is a new palette in pal.
-bool QStyleSheetStyle::focusPalette(const QWidget* w, const QStyleOption* opt, QPalette* pal)
+bool QStyleSheetStyle::styleSheetPalette(const QWidget* w, const QStyleOption* opt, QPalette* pal)
if (!w || !opt || !pal)
return false;