path: root/src/gui/styles
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/styles')
6 files changed, 149 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/gtksymbols.cpp b/src/gui/styles/gtksymbols.cpp
index acb8437..0842ec7 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/gtksymbols.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/gtksymbols.cpp
@@ -746,9 +746,9 @@ static void setupGtkFileChooser(GtkWidget* gtkFileChooser, QWidget *parent,
foreach (const QString &rawfilter, filters) {
GtkFileFilter *gtkFilter = QGtk::gtk_file_filter_new ();
QString name = rawfilter.left(rawfilter.indexOf(QLatin1Char('(')));
- QGtk::gtk_file_filter_set_name(gtkFilter, qPrintable(name));
QStringList extensions = extract_filter(rawfilter);
+ QGtk::gtk_file_filter_set_name(gtkFilter, qPrintable(name.isEmpty() ? extensions.join(QLS(", ")) : name));
foreach (const QString &fileExtension, extensions) {
QGtk::gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (gtkFilter, qPrintable(fileExtension));
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp
index d5ce8df..be80d37 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp
@@ -1780,7 +1780,46 @@ void QCommonStyle::drawControl(ControlElement element, const QStyleOption *opt,
case CE_TabBarTab:
if (const QStyleOptionTab *tab = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionTab *>(opt)) {
drawControl(CE_TabBarTabShape, tab, p, widget);
- drawControl(CE_TabBarTabLabel, tab, p, widget);
+ QStyleOptionTabV3 tabV3(*tab);
+ QRect labelRect = tabV3.rect;
+ QSize &left= tabV3.leftButtonSize;
+ QSize &right = tabV3.rightButtonSize;
+ const int spacing = 6 + 2;
+ // left widget
+ if (!left.isEmpty()) {
+ if (tabV3.shape == QTabBar::RoundedEast || tabV3.shape == QTabBar::TriangularEast )
+ labelRect.setTop( + spacing + left.height());
+ else if (tabV3.shape == QTabBar::RoundedWest|| tabV3.shape == QTabBar::TriangularWest)
+ labelRect.setBottom(labelRect.bottom() - spacing - left.height());
+ else
+ labelRect.setLeft(labelRect.left() + spacing + left.width());
+ }
+ // right widget
+ if (!right.isEmpty()) {
+ if (tabV3.shape == QTabBar::RoundedEast || tabV3.shape == QTabBar::TriangularEast )
+ labelRect.setBottom(labelRect.bottom() - spacing - right.height());
+ else if (tabV3.shape == QTabBar::RoundedWest|| tabV3.shape == QTabBar::TriangularWest)
+ labelRect.setTop( + spacing + right.height());
+ else
+ labelRect.setRight(labelRect.right() - spacing - right.width());
+ }
+ tabV3.rect = visualRect(opt->direction, opt->rect, labelRect);
+ drawControl(CE_TabBarTabLabel, &tabV3, p, widget);
+ if (tabV3.state & State_HasFocus) {
+ const int OFFSET = 1 + pixelMetric(PM_DefaultFrameWidth);
+ int x1, x2;
+ x1 = tab->rect.left();
+ x2 = tab->rect.right() - 1;
+ QStyleOptionFocusRect fropt;
+ fropt.QStyleOption::operator=(*tab);
+ fropt.rect.setRect(x1 + 1 + OFFSET, tab->rect.y() + OFFSET,
+ x2 - x1 - 2*OFFSET, tab->rect.height() - 2*OFFSET);
+ drawPrimitive(PE_FrameFocusRect, &fropt, p, widget);
+ }
case CE_TabBarTabShape:
@@ -1982,12 +2021,8 @@ void QCommonStyle::drawControl(ControlElement element, const QStyleOption *opt,
(tabV2.state & State_Enabled) ? QIcon::Normal
: QIcon::Disabled);
- int offset = 4;
+ int offset = 6;
int left = opt->rect.left();
- if (tabV2.leftButtonSize.isEmpty())
- offset += 2;
- else
- left += tabV2.leftButtonSize.width() + (6 + 2) + 2;
QRect iconRect = QRect(left + offset, - tabIcon.height() / 2,
tabIconSize.width(), tabIconSize.height());
if (!verticalTabs)
@@ -1998,20 +2033,6 @@ void QCommonStyle::drawControl(ControlElement element, const QStyleOption *opt,
drawItemText(p, tr, alignment, tab->palette, tab->state & State_Enabled, tab->text, QPalette::WindowText);
if (verticalTabs)
- if (tabV2.state & State_HasFocus) {
- const int OFFSET = 1 + pixelMetric(PM_DefaultFrameWidth);
- int x1, x2;
- x1 = tabV2.rect.left();
- x2 = tabV2.rect.right() - 1;
- QStyleOptionFocusRect fropt;
- fropt.QStyleOption::operator=(*tab);
- fropt.rect.setRect(x1 + 1 + OFFSET, tabV2.rect.y() + OFFSET,
- x2 - x1 - 2*OFFSET, tabV2.rect.height() - 2*OFFSET);
- drawPrimitive(PE_FrameFocusRect, &fropt, p, widget);
- }
#endif // QT_NO_TABBAR
@@ -2859,12 +2880,6 @@ QRect QCommonStyle::subElementRect(SubElement sr, const QStyleOption *opt,
tr.setRight(tr.right() - horizontalShift);
- // left widget
- if (!tabV2.leftButtonSize.isEmpty()) {
- tr.setLeft(tr.left() + 6 + 2 +
- (verticalTabs ? tabV2.leftButtonSize.height() : tabV2.leftButtonSize.width()));
- }
// icon
if (!tabV2.icon.isNull()) {
QSize iconSize = tabV2.iconSize;
@@ -2886,12 +2901,6 @@ QRect QCommonStyle::subElementRect(SubElement sr, const QStyleOption *opt,
tr.setLeft(tr.left() + tabIconSize.width() + offset + 2);
- // right widget
- if (!tabV2.rightButtonSize.isEmpty()) {
- tr.setRight(tr.right() - 6 - 2 -
- (verticalTabs ? tabV2.rightButtonSize.height() : tabV2.rightButtonSize.width()));
- }
if (!verticalTabs)
tr = visualRect(opt->direction, opt->rect, tr);
r = tr;
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle.cpp
index b7fa575..ca71da2 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle.cpp
@@ -951,14 +951,15 @@ void QGtkStyle::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement element,
"interior-focus", &interior_focus,
"focus-line-width", &focus_line_width, NULL);
+ // See for info about this hack
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(gtkEntry), "transparent-bg-hint", GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE));
if (!interior_focus && option->state & State_HasFocus)
rect.adjust(focus_line_width, focus_line_width, -focus_line_width, -focus_line_width);
gtkPainter.paintShadow(gtkEntry, "entry", rect, option->state & State_Enabled ?
GTK_SHADOW_IN, gtkEntry->style,
option->state & State_HasFocus ? QLS("focus") : QString());
if (!interior_focus && option->state & State_HasFocus)
gtkPainter.paintShadow(gtkEntry, "entry", option->rect, option->state & State_Enabled ?
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/ b/src/gui/styles/
index 5d08c58..e32c5e2 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/
+++ b/src/gui/styles/
@@ -2649,6 +2649,9 @@ int QMacStyle::pixelMetric(PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption *opt, const QW
case PM_MenuHMargin:
ret = 0;
+ case PM_ToolBarFrameWidth:
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
ret = QWindowsStyle::pixelMetric(metric, opt, widget);
@@ -3679,8 +3682,8 @@ void QMacStyle::drawControl(ControlElement ce, const QStyleOption *opt, QPainter
if (tb->toolButtonStyle != Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly) {
needText = true;
if (tb->toolButtonStyle == Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) {
- pr.setHeight(pixmap.size().height() + 6);
- cr.adjust(0, pr.bottom(), 0, -3);
+ pr.setHeight(pixmap.size().height());
+ cr.adjust(0, pr.bottom() + 1, 0, 1);
alignment |= Qt::AlignCenter;
} else {
pr.setWidth(pixmap.width() + 8);
@@ -3688,7 +3691,7 @@ void QMacStyle::drawControl(ControlElement ce, const QStyleOption *opt, QPainter
alignment |= Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter;
- if (down) {
+ if (opt->state & State_Sunken) {
pr.translate(shiftX, shiftY);
pixmap = darkenPixmap(pixmap);
@@ -3718,7 +3721,8 @@ void QMacStyle::drawControl(ControlElement ce, const QStyleOption *opt, QPainter
drawItemText(p, cr, alignment, pal,
tb->state & State_Enabled, tb->text, role);
- if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion < QSysInfo::MV_10_5 && down) {
+ if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion < QSysInfo::MV_10_5 &&
+ (tb->state & State_Sunken)) {
// Draw a "drop shadow" in earlier versions.
drawItemText(p, cr.adjusted(0, 1, 0, 1), alignment,
tb->palette, tb->state & State_Enabled, tb->text);
@@ -4544,9 +4548,10 @@ void QMacStyle::drawControl(ControlElement ce, const QStyleOption *opt, QPainter
case CE_ToolBar: {
// For unified tool bars, draw nothing.
if (w) {
- if (QMainWindow * mainWindow = qobject_cast<QMainWindow *>(w->window()))
+ if (QMainWindow * mainWindow = qobject_cast<QMainWindow *>(w->window())) {
if (mainWindow->unifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac())
+ }
// draw background gradient
@@ -5270,6 +5275,7 @@ void QMacStyle::drawComplexControl(ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex
if (const QStyleOptionToolButton *tb
= qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionToolButton *>(opt)) {
if (widget && qobject_cast<QToolBar *>(widget->parentWidget())) {
+// p->fillRect(tb->rect, QColor(155, 0, 155, 155));
if (tb->subControls & SC_ToolButtonMenu) {
QStyleOption arrowOpt(0);
arrowOpt.rect = subControlRect(cc, tb, SC_ToolButtonMenu, widget);
@@ -5282,16 +5288,22 @@ void QMacStyle::drawComplexControl(ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex
drawToolbarButtonArrow(tb->rect, tds, cg);
if (tb->state & State_On) {
- QPen oldPen = p->pen();
- p->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0x3a));
- p->fillRect(tb->rect.adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1), QColor(0, 0, 0, 0x12));
- p->drawLine(tb->rect.left() + 1, tb->,
- tb->rect.right() - 1, tb->;
- p->drawLine(tb->rect.left() + 1, tb->rect.bottom(),
- tb->rect.right() - 1, tb->rect.bottom());
- p->drawLine(tb->rect.topLeft(), tb->rect.bottomLeft());
- p->drawLine(tb->rect.topRight(), tb->rect.bottomRight());
- p->setPen(oldPen);
+ if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion >= QSysInfo::MV_10_5) {
+ static QPixmap pm(QLatin1String(":/trolltech/mac/style/images/leopard-unified-toolbar-on.png"));
+ p->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
+ QStyleHelper::drawBorderPixmap(pm, p, tb->rect, 2, 2, 2, 2);
+ } else {
+ QPen oldPen = p->pen();
+ p->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0x3a));
+ p->fillRect(tb->rect.adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1), QColor(0, 0, 0, 0x12));
+ p->drawLine(tb->rect.left() + 1, tb->,
+ tb->rect.right() - 1, tb->;
+ p->drawLine(tb->rect.left() + 1, tb->rect.bottom(),
+ tb->rect.right() - 1, tb->rect.bottom());
+ p->drawLine(tb->rect.topLeft(), tb->rect.bottomLeft());
+ p->drawLine(tb->rect.topRight(), tb->rect.bottomRight());
+ p->setPen(oldPen);
+ }
drawControl(CE_ToolButtonLabel, opt, p, widget);
} else {
@@ -6009,6 +6021,14 @@ QSize QMacStyle::sizeFromContents(ContentsType ct, const QStyleOption *opt,
case CT_ToolButton:
+ if (widget && qobject_cast<const QToolBar *>(widget->parentWidget())) {
+ sz.rwidth() += 4;
+ if (sz.height() <= 32) {
+ // Workaround strange HIToolBar bug when getting constraints.
+ sz.rheight() += 1;
+ }
+ return sz;
+ }
sz.rwidth() += 10;
sz.rheight() += 10;
return sz;
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qstylehelper.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qstylehelper.cpp
index 3320970..69f8cd2 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qstylehelper.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qstylehelper.cpp
@@ -50,9 +50,10 @@
-const bool QStyleHelper::UsePixmapCache = true;
+namespace QStyleHelper {
+const bool UsePixmapCache = true;
-QString QStyleHelper::uniqueName(const QString &key, const QStyleOption *option, const QSize &size)
+QString uniqueName(const QString &key, const QStyleOption *option, const QSize &size)
QString tmp;
const QStyleOptionComplex *complexOption = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionComplex *>(option);
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ QString QStyleHelper::uniqueName(const QString &key, const QStyleOption *option,
#ifndef QT_NO_DIAL
-int QStyleHelper::calcBigLineSize(int radius)
+int calcBigLineSize(int radius)
int bigLineSize = radius / 6;
if (bigLineSize < 4)
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ static QPointF calcRadialPos(const QStyleOptionSlider *dial, qreal offset)
return pos;
-qreal QStyleHelper::angle(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
+qreal angle(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
static const qreal rad_factor = 180 / Q_PI;
qreal _angle = 0;
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ qreal QStyleHelper::angle(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
return _angle;
-QPolygonF QStyleHelper::calcLines(const QStyleOptionSlider *dial)
+QPolygonF calcLines(const QStyleOptionSlider *dial)
QPolygonF poly;
int width = dial->rect.width();
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ QPolygonF QStyleHelper::calcLines(const QStyleOptionSlider *dial)
// This will draw a nice and shiny QDial for us. We don't want
// all the shinyness in QWindowsStyle, hence we place it here
-void QStyleHelper::drawDial(const QStyleOptionSlider *option, QPainter *painter)
+void drawDial(const QStyleOptionSlider *option, QPainter *painter)
QPalette pal = option->palette;
QColor buttonColor = pal.button().color();
@@ -292,4 +293,61 @@ void QStyleHelper::drawDial(const QStyleOptionSlider *option, QPainter *painter)
#endif //QT_NO_DIAL
+void drawBorderPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap, QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect,
+ int left, int top, int right,
+ int bottom)
+ QSize size = pixmap.size();
+ //painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
+ //top
+ if (top > 0) {
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() + left,, rect.width() -right - left, top), pixmap,
+ QRect(left, 0, size.width() -right - left, top));
+ //top-left
+ if(left > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left(),, left, top), pixmap,
+ QRect(0, 0, left, top));
+ //top-right
+ if (right > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() + rect.width() - right,, right, top), pixmap,
+ QRect(size.width() - right, 0, right, top));
+ }
+ //left
+ if (left > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left(),, left, rect.height() - top - bottom), pixmap,
+ QRect(0, top, left, size.height() - bottom - top));
+ //center
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() + left,, rect.width() -right - left,
+ rect.height() - bottom - top), pixmap,
+ QRect(left, top, size.width() -right -left,
+ size.height() - bottom - top));
+ //right
+ if (right > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() +rect.width() - right,, right, rect.height() - top - bottom), pixmap,
+ QRect(size.width() - right, top, right, size.height() - bottom - top));
+ //bottom
+ if (bottom > 0) {
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() +left, + rect.height() - bottom,
+ rect.width() - right - left, bottom), pixmap,
+ QRect(left, size.height() - bottom,
+ size.width() - right - left, bottom));
+ //bottom-left
+ if (left > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left(), + rect.height() - bottom, left, bottom), pixmap,
+ QRect(0, size.height() - bottom, left, bottom));
+ //bottom-right
+ if (right > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() + rect.width() - right, + rect.height() - bottom, right, bottom), pixmap,
+ QRect(size.width() - right, size.height() - bottom, right, bottom));
+ }
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qstylehelper_p.h b/src/gui/styles/qstylehelper_p.h
index d9b2e28..711bd2d 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qstylehelper_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qstylehelper_p.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
class QPainter;
+class QPixmap;
class QStyleOptionSlider;
class QStyleOption;
@@ -32,6 +33,9 @@ namespace QStyleHelper
int calcBigLineSize(int radius);
void drawDial(const QStyleOptionSlider *dial, QPainter *painter);
#endif //QT_NO_DIAL
+ void drawBorderPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap, QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect,
+ int left = 0, int top = 0, int right = 0,
+ int bottom = 0);