path: root/src/gui/text
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/text')
7 files changed, 209 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/text/qfont.cpp b/src/gui/text/qfont.cpp
index 9b85c04..99b9f40 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qfont.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/text/qfont.cpp
@@ -1297,6 +1297,8 @@ QFont::StyleHint QFont::styleHint() const
\value PreferQuality prefer the best quality font. The font matcher
will use the nearest standard point size that the font
+ \value ForceIntegerMetrics forces the use of integer values in font engines that support fractional
+ font metrics.
diff --git a/src/gui/text/qfont.h b/src/gui/text/qfont.h
index 5adf237..6f62424 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qfont.h
+++ b/src/gui/text/qfont.h
@@ -76,17 +76,18 @@ public:
enum StyleStrategy {
- PreferDefault = 0x0001,
- PreferBitmap = 0x0002,
- PreferDevice = 0x0004,
- PreferOutline = 0x0008,
- ForceOutline = 0x0010,
- PreferMatch = 0x0020,
- PreferQuality = 0x0040,
- PreferAntialias = 0x0080,
- NoAntialias = 0x0100,
- OpenGLCompatible = 0x0200,
- NoFontMerging = 0x8000
+ PreferDefault = 0x0001,
+ PreferBitmap = 0x0002,
+ PreferDevice = 0x0004,
+ PreferOutline = 0x0008,
+ ForceOutline = 0x0010,
+ PreferMatch = 0x0020,
+ PreferQuality = 0x0040,
+ PreferAntialias = 0x0080,
+ NoAntialias = 0x0100,
+ OpenGLCompatible = 0x0200,
+ ForceIntegerMetrics = 0x0400,
+ NoFontMerging = 0x8000
enum Weight {
diff --git a/src/gui/text/ b/src/gui/text/
index 8588214..0bfdbc0 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/
+++ b/src/gui/text/
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
#include <qvarlengtharray.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qendian.h>
+#include <qmath.h>
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
@@ -303,12 +304,20 @@ bool QCoreTextFontEngineMulti::stringToCMap(const QChar *str, int len, QGlyphLay
outGlyphs[idx] = tmpGlyphs[i] | fontIndex;
outAdvances_x[idx] = QFixed::fromReal(tmpPoints[i + 1].x - tmpPoints[i].x);
outAdvances_y[idx] = QFixed::fromReal(tmpPoints[i + 1].y - tmpPoints[i].y);
+ if (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics) {
+ outAdvances_x[idx] = outAdvances_x[idx].round();
+ outAdvances_y[idx] = outAdvances_y[idx].round();
+ }
CGSize lastGlyphAdvance;
CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(runFont, kCTFontHorizontalOrientation, tmpGlyphs + glyphCount - 1, &lastGlyphAdvance, 1);
outGlyphs[rtl ? 0 : (glyphCount - 1)] = tmpGlyphs[glyphCount - 1] | fontIndex;
- outAdvances_x[rtl ? 0 : (glyphCount - 1)] = QFixed::fromReal(lastGlyphAdvance.width);
+ outAdvances_x[rtl ? 0 : (glyphCount - 1)] =
+ (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? QFixed::fromReal(lastGlyphAdvance.width).round()
+ : QFixed::fromReal(lastGlyphAdvance.width);
outGlyphs += glyphCount;
outAttributes += glyphCount;
@@ -378,8 +387,11 @@ bool QCoreTextFontEngine::stringToCMap(const QChar *, int, QGlyphLayout *, int *
glyph_metrics_t QCoreTextFontEngine::boundingBox(const QGlyphLayout &glyphs)
QFixed w;
- for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.numGlyphs; ++i)
- w += glyphs.effectiveAdvance(i);
+ for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.numGlyphs; ++i) {
+ w += (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? glyphs.effectiveAdvance(i).round()
+ : glyphs.effectiveAdvance(i);
+ }
return glyph_metrics_t(0, -(ascent()), w, ascent()+descent(), w, 0);
glyph_metrics_t QCoreTextFontEngine::boundingBox(glyph_t glyph)
@@ -393,33 +405,51 @@ glyph_metrics_t QCoreTextFontEngine::boundingBox(glyph_t glyph)
ret.y = -QFixed::fromReal(rect.origin.y) - ret.height;
CGSize advances[1];
CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(ctfont, kCTFontHorizontalOrientation, &g, advances, 1);
- ret.xoff = QFixed::fromReal(advances[0].width).ceil();
- ret.yoff = QFixed::fromReal(advances[0].height).ceil();
+ ret.xoff = QFixed::fromReal(advances[0].width);
+ ret.yoff = QFixed::fromReal(advances[0].height);
+ if (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics) {
+ ret.xoff = ret.xoff.round();
+ ret.yoff = ret.yoff.round();
+ }
return ret;
QFixed QCoreTextFontEngine::ascent() const
- return QFixed::fromReal(CTFontGetAscent(ctfont)).ceil();
+ return (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? QFixed::fromReal(CTFontGetAscent(ctfont)).round()
+ : QFixed::fromReal(CTFontGetAscent(ctfont));
QFixed QCoreTextFontEngine::descent() const
+ QFixed d = QFixed::fromReal(CTFontGetDescent(ctfont));
+ if (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ d = d.round();
// subtract a pixel to even out the historical +1 in QFontMetrics::height().
// Fix in Qt 5.
- return QFixed::fromReal(CTFontGetDescent(ctfont)).ceil() - 1;
+ return d - 1;
QFixed QCoreTextFontEngine::leading() const
- return QFixed::fromReal(CTFontGetLeading(ctfont)).ceil();
+ return (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? QFixed::fromReal(CTFontGetLeading(ctfont)).round()
+ : QFixed::fromReal(CTFontGetLeading(ctfont));
QFixed QCoreTextFontEngine::xHeight() const
- return QFixed::fromReal(CTFontGetXHeight(ctfont)).ceil();
+ return (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? QFixed::fromReal(CTFontGetXHeight(ctfont)).round()
+ : QFixed::fromReal(CTFontGetXHeight(ctfont));
QFixed QCoreTextFontEngine::averageCharWidth() const
// ### Need to implement properly and get the information from the OS/2 Table.
- return QFontEngine::averageCharWidth();
+ return (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? QFontEngine::averageCharWidth().round()
+ : QFontEngine::averageCharWidth();
qreal QCoreTextFontEngine::maxCharWidth() const
@@ -787,6 +817,7 @@ struct QGlyphLayoutInfo
int *mappedFonts;
QTextEngine::ShaperFlags flags;
QFontEngineMacMulti::ShaperItem *shaperItem;
+ unsigned int styleStrategy;
static OSStatus atsuPostLayoutCallback(ATSULayoutOperationSelector selector, ATSULineRef lineRef, URefCon refCon,
@@ -856,6 +887,11 @@ static OSStatus atsuPostLayoutCallback(ATSULayoutOperationSelector selector, ATS
QFixed yAdvance = FixedToQFixed(baselineDeltas[glyphIdx]);
QFixed xAdvance = FixedToQFixed(layoutData[glyphIdx + 1].realPos - layoutData[glyphIdx].realPos);
+ if (nfo->styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics) {
+ yAdvance = yAdvance.round();
+ xAdvance = xAdvance.round();
+ }
if (glyphId != 0xffff || i == 0) {
if (i < nfo->glyphs->numGlyphs)
@@ -1032,6 +1068,7 @@ bool QFontEngineMacMulti::stringToCMapInternal(const QChar *str, int len, QGlyph
nfo.callbackCalled = false;
nfo.flags = flags;
nfo.shaperItem = shaperItem;
+ nfo.styleStrategy = fontDef.styleStrategy;
int prevNumGlyphs = *nglyphs;
@@ -1061,8 +1098,6 @@ bool QFontEngineMacMulti::stringToCMapInternal(const QChar *str, int len, QGlyph
| kATSLineDisableAllJustification
- layopts |= kATSLineUseDeviceMetrics;
if (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::NoAntialias)
layopts |= kATSLineNoAntiAliasing;
@@ -1366,14 +1401,22 @@ void QFontEngineMac::recalcAdvances(QGlyphLayout *glyphs, QTextEngine::ShaperFla
for (int i = 0; i < glyphs->numGlyphs; ++i) {
glyphs->advances_x[i] = QFixed::fromReal(metrics[i].deviceAdvance.x);
glyphs->advances_y[i] = QFixed::fromReal(metrics[i].deviceAdvance.y);
+ if (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics) {
+ glyphs->advances_x[i] = glyphs->advances_x[i].round();
+ glyphs->advances_y[i] = glyphs->advances_y[i].round();
+ }
glyph_metrics_t QFontEngineMac::boundingBox(const QGlyphLayout &glyphs)
QFixed w;
- for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.numGlyphs; ++i)
- w += glyphs.effectiveAdvance(i);
+ for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.numGlyphs; ++i) {
+ w += (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? glyphs.effectiveAdvance(i).round()
+ : glyphs.effectiveAdvance(i);
+ }
return glyph_metrics_t(0, -(ascent()), w, ascent()+descent(), w, 0);
@@ -1398,39 +1441,58 @@ glyph_metrics_t QFontEngineMac::boundingBox(glyph_t glyph)
gm.xoff = QFixed::fromReal(metrics.deviceAdvance.x);
gm.yoff = QFixed::fromReal(metrics.deviceAdvance.y);
+ if (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics) {
+ gm.x = gm.x.floor();
+ gm.y = gm.y.floor();
+ gm.xoff = gm.xoff.round();
+ gm.yoff = gm.yoff.round();
+ }
return gm;
QFixed QFontEngineMac::ascent() const
- return m_ascent;
+ return (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? m_ascent.round()
+ : m_ascent;
QFixed QFontEngineMac::descent() const
// subtract a pixel to even out the historical +1 in QFontMetrics::height().
// Fix in Qt 5.
- return m_descent - 1;
+ return (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? m_descent.round() - 1
+ : m_descent;
QFixed QFontEngineMac::leading() const
- return m_leading;
+ return (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? m_leading.round()
+ : m_leading;
qreal QFontEngineMac::maxCharWidth() const
- return m_maxCharWidth;
+ return (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? qRound(m_maxCharWidth)
+ : m_maxCharWidth;
QFixed QFontEngineMac::xHeight() const
- return m_xHeight;
+ return (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? m_xHeight.round()
+ : m_xHeight;
QFixed QFontEngineMac::averageCharWidth() const
- return m_averageCharWidth;
+ return (fontDef.styleStrategy & QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics)
+ ? m_averageCharWidth.round()
+ : m_averageCharWidth;
static void addGlyphsToPathHelper(ATSUStyle style, glyph_t *glyphs, QFixedPoint *positions, int numGlyphs, QPainterPath *path)
diff --git a/src/gui/text/qfontmetrics.cpp b/src/gui/text/qfontmetrics.cpp
index 9349f46..3a52e8e 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qfontmetrics.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/text/qfontmetrics.cpp
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ int QFontMetrics::height() const
QFontEngine *engine = d->engineForScript(QUnicodeTables::Common);
Q_ASSERT(engine != 0);
- return qRound(engine->ascent() + engine->descent()) + 1;
+ return qRound(engine->ascent()) + qRound(engine->descent()) + 1;
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ int QFontMetrics::lineSpacing() const
QFontEngine *engine = d->engineForScript(QUnicodeTables::Common);
Q_ASSERT(engine != 0);
- return qRound(engine->leading() + engine->ascent() + engine->descent()) + 1;
+ return qRound(engine->leading()) + qRound(engine->ascent()) + qRound(engine->descent()) + 1;
diff --git a/src/gui/text/qstatictext.cpp b/src/gui/text/qstatictext.cpp
index 1fabf12..45252d8 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qstatictext.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/text/qstatictext.cpp
@@ -99,20 +99,27 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
point with no boundaries, and also when QPainter::drawText() is called with a bounding
- If a bounding rectangle is not required, create a QStaticText object without setting a maximum
- size. The text will then occupy a single line.
+ If a bounding rectangle is not required, create a QStaticText object without setting a preferred
+ text width. The text will then occupy a single line.
- If you set a maximum size on the QStaticText object, this will bound the text. The text will
- be formatted so that no line exceeds the given width. When the object is painted, it will
- be clipped at the given size. The position of the text is decided by the argument
- passed to QPainter::drawStaticText() and can change from call to call with a minimal impact
- on performance.
+ If you set a text width on the QStaticText object, this will bound the text. The text will
+ be formatted so that no line exceeds the given width. The text width set for QStaticText will
+ not automatically be used for clipping. To achieve clipping in addition to line breaks, use
+ QPainter::setClipRect(). The position of the text is decided by the argument passed to
+ QPainter::drawStaticText() and can change from call to call with a minimal impact on
+ performance.
QStaticText will attempt to guess the format of the input text using Qt::mightBeRichText().
To force QStaticText to display its contents as either plain text or rich text, use the
function QStaticText::setTextFormat() and pass in, respectively, Qt::PlainText and
+ If it's the first time the static text is drawn, or if the static text, or the painter's font
+ or matrix have been altered since the last time it was drawn, the text's layout has to be
+ recalculated. This will impose an overhead on the QPainter::drawStaticText() call where the
+ relayout occurs. To avoid this overhead in the paint event, you can call prepare() ahead of
+ time to ensure that the layout is calculated.
\sa QPainter::drawText(), QPainter::drawStaticText(), QTextLayout, QTextDocument
@@ -143,12 +150,11 @@ QStaticText::QStaticText()
If an invalid size is passed for \a size the text will be unbounded.
-QStaticText::QStaticText(const QString &text, const QSizeF &size)
+QStaticText::QStaticText(const QString &text)
: data(new QStaticTextPrivate)
data->text = text;
- data->maximumSize = size;
- data->init();
+ data->invalidate();
@@ -177,17 +183,17 @@ void QStaticText::detach()
- Prepares the QStaticText object for being painted with the given \a matrix and the given
- \a font to avoid overhead when the actual drawStaticText() call is made.
+ Prepares the QStaticText object for being painted with the given \a matrix and the given \a font
+ to avoid overhead when the actual drawStaticText() call is made.
- When drawStaticText() is called, the layout of the QStaticText will be recalculated if the
- painter's font or matrix is different from the one used for the currently cached layout. By
- default, QStaticText will use a default constructed QFont and an identity matrix to create
- its layout.
+ When drawStaticText() is called, the layout of the QStaticText will be recalculated if any part
+ of the QStaticText object has changed since the last time it was drawn. It will also be
+ recalculated if the painter's font or matrix are not the same as when the QStaticText was last
+ drawn.
- To avoid the overhead of creating the layout the first time you draw the QStaticText with
- a painter whose matrix or font are different from the defaults, you can use the prepare()
- function and pass in the matrix and font you expect to use when drawing the text.
+ To avoid the overhead of creating the layout the first time you draw the QStaticText after
+ making changes, you can use the prepare() function and pass in the \a matrix and \a font you
+ expect to use when drawing the text.
\sa QPainter::setFont(), QPainter::setMatrix()
@@ -209,7 +215,7 @@ QStaticText &QStaticText::operator=(const QStaticText &other)
- Compares \a other to this QStaticText. Returns true if the texts, fonts and maximum sizes
+ Compares \a other to this QStaticText. Returns true if the texts, fonts and text widths
are equal.
bool QStaticText::operator==(const QStaticText &other) const
@@ -217,7 +223,7 @@ bool QStaticText::operator==(const QStaticText &other) const
return (data ==
|| (data->text ==>text
&& data->font ==>font
- && data->maximumSize ==>maximumSize));
+ && data->textWidth ==>textWidth));
@@ -232,7 +238,7 @@ bool QStaticText::operator!=(const QStaticText &other) const
Sets the text of the QStaticText to \a text.
- \note This function will cause the layout of the text to be recalculated.
+ \note This function will cause the layout of the text to require recalculation.
\sa text()
@@ -240,7 +246,7 @@ void QStaticText::setText(const QString &text)
data->text = text;
- data->init();
+ data->invalidate();
@@ -250,7 +256,7 @@ void QStaticText::setText(const QString &text)
displayed as is, whereas it will be interpreted as HTML if the format is Qt::RichText. HTML tags
that alter the font of the text, its color, or its layout are supported by QStaticText.
- \note This function will cause the layout of the text to be recalculated.
+ \note This function will cause the layout of the text to require recalculation.
\sa textFormat(), setText(), text()
@@ -258,7 +264,7 @@ void QStaticText::setTextFormat(Qt::TextFormat textFormat)
data->textFormat = textFormat;
- data->init();
+ data->invalidate();
@@ -289,7 +295,7 @@ QString QStaticText::text() const
The default is QStaticText::ModerateCaching.
- \note This function will cause the layout of the text to be recalculated.
+ \note This function will cause the layout of the text to require recalculation.
\sa performanceHint()
@@ -301,7 +307,7 @@ void QStaticText::setPerformanceHint(PerformanceHint performanceHint)
data->useBackendOptimizations = (performanceHint == AggressiveCaching);
- data->init();
+ data->invalidate();
@@ -315,48 +321,56 @@ QStaticText::PerformanceHint QStaticText::performanceHint() const
- Sets the maximum size of the QStaticText to \a size.
+ Sets the preferred width for this QStaticText. If the text is wider than the specified width,
+ it will be broken into multiple lines and grow vertically. If the text cannot be split into
+ multiple lines, it will be larger than the specified \a textWidth.
- \note This function will cause the layout of the text to be recalculated.
+ Setting the preferred text width to a negative number will cause the text to be unbounded.
- \sa maximumSize(), size()
+ Use size() to get the actual size of the text.
+ \note This function will cause the layout of the text to require recalculation.
+ \sa textWidth(), size()
-void QStaticText::setMaximumSize(const QSizeF &size)
+void QStaticText::setTextWidth(qreal textWidth)
- data->maximumSize = size;
- data->init();
+ data->textWidth = textWidth;
+ data->invalidate();
- Returns the maximum size of the QStaticText.
+ Returns the preferred width for this QStaticText.
- \sa setMaximumSize()
+ \sa setTextWidth()
-QSizeF QStaticText::maximumSize() const
+qreal QStaticText::textWidth() const
- return data->maximumSize;
+ return data->textWidth;
Returns the size of the bounding rect for this QStaticText.
- \sa maximumSize()
+ \sa textWidth()
QSizeF QStaticText::size() const
+ if (data->needsRelayout)
+ data->init();
return data->actualSize;
- : items(0), itemCount(0), glyphPool(0), positionPool(0), needsClipRect(false),
- useBackendOptimizations(false), textFormat(Qt::AutoText)
+ : items(0), itemCount(0), glyphPool(0), positionPool(0), textWidth(-1.0),
+ needsRelayout(true), useBackendOptimizations(false), textFormat(Qt::AutoText)
QStaticTextPrivate::QStaticTextPrivate(const QStaticTextPrivate &other)
- : text(other.text), font(other.font), maximumSize(other.maximumSize), matrix(other.matrix),
- items(0), itemCount(0), glyphPool(0), positionPool(0), needsClipRect(false),
+ : text(other.text), font(other.font), textWidth(other.textWidth), matrix(other.matrix),
+ items(0), itemCount(0), glyphPool(0), positionPool(0), needsRelayout(true),
useBackendOptimizations(other.useBackendOptimizations), textFormat(other.textFormat)
@@ -388,8 +402,15 @@ namespace {
- m_positionPool(positionPool)
+ m_positionPool(positionPool),
+ m_dirtyPen(false)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void updateState(const QPaintEngineState &newState)
+ if (newState.state() & QPaintEngine::DirtyPen)
+ m_dirtyPen = true;
virtual void drawTextItem(const QPointF &position, const QTextItem &textItem)
@@ -412,7 +433,8 @@ namespace {
currentItem->numGlyphs = ti.glyphs.numGlyphs;
currentItem->glyphs = m_glyphPool;
currentItem->glyphPositions = m_positionPool;
- currentItem->color = state->pen().color();
+ if (m_dirtyPen)
+ currentItem->color = state->pen().color();
QTransform matrix = state->transform();
matrix.translate(position.x(), position.y());
@@ -435,7 +457,6 @@ namespace {
virtual bool begin(QPaintDevice *) { return true; }
virtual bool end() { return true; }
- virtual void updateState(const QPaintEngineState &) {}
virtual void drawPixmap(const QRectF &, const QPixmap &, const QRectF &) {}
virtual Type type() const
@@ -461,6 +482,8 @@ namespace {
glyph_t *m_glyphPool;
QFixedPoint *m_positionPool;
+ bool m_dirtyPen;
class DrawTextItemDevice: public QPaintDevice
@@ -530,41 +553,50 @@ namespace {
-void QStaticTextPrivate::paintText(const QPointF &pos, QPainter *p)
+void QStaticTextPrivate::paintText(const QPointF &topLeftPosition, QPainter *p)
bool preferRichText = textFormat == Qt::RichText
|| (textFormat == Qt::AutoText && Qt::mightBeRichText(text));
if (!preferRichText) {
- if (maximumSize.isValid()) {
- QRectF boundingRect;
- p->drawText(QRectF(pos, maximumSize), Qt::TextWordWrap, text, &boundingRect);
- actualSize = boundingRect.size();
- needsClipRect = boundingRect.width() > maximumSize.width()
- || boundingRect.height() > maximumSize.height();
- } else {
- p->drawText(pos, text);
- needsClipRect = false;
- QFontMetrics fm(font);
- actualSize = fm.boundingRect(text).size();
+ QTextLayout textLayout;
+ textLayout.setText(text);
+ textLayout.setFont(font);
+ qreal leading = QFontMetricsF(font).leading();
+ qreal height = -leading;
+ textLayout.beginLayout();
+ while (1) {
+ QTextLine line = textLayout.createLine();
+ if (!line.isValid())
+ break;
+ if (textWidth >= 0.0)
+ line.setLineWidth(textWidth);
+ height += leading;
+ line.setPosition(QPointF(0.0, height));
+ height += line.height();
+ textLayout.endLayout();
+ actualSize = textLayout.boundingRect().size();
+ textLayout.draw(p, topLeftPosition);
} else {
QTextDocument document;
+ document.setDocumentMargin(0.0);
+ if (textWidth >= 0.0)
+ document.setTextWidth(textWidth);
- QRectF rect = maximumSize.isValid() ? QRectF(pos, maximumSize) : QRectF();
- p->translate(pos);
- document.drawContents(p, rect);
+ p->translate(topLeftPosition);
+ document.drawContents(p);
actualSize = document.size();
- needsClipRect = maximumSize.isValid()
- && (actualSize.width() > maximumSize.width()
- || actualSize.height() > maximumSize.height());
@@ -611,6 +643,7 @@ void QStaticTextPrivate::init()
paintText(QPointF(0, 0), &painter);
+ needsRelayout = false;
diff --git a/src/gui/text/qstatictext.h b/src/gui/text/qstatictext.h
index 00d42e0..f3bef93 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qstatictext.h
+++ b/src/gui/text/qstatictext.h
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public:
- QStaticText(const QString &text, const QSizeF &maximumSize = QSizeF());
+ QStaticText(const QString &text);
QStaticText(const QStaticText &other);
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ public:
void setTextFormat(Qt::TextFormat textFormat);
Qt::TextFormat textFormat() const;
- void setMaximumSize(const QSizeF &maximumSize);
- QSizeF maximumSize() const;
+ void setTextWidth(qreal textWidth);
+ qreal textWidth() const;
QSizeF size() const;
- void prepare(const QTransform &matrix, const QFont &font);
+ void prepare(const QTransform &matrix = QTransform(), const QFont &font = QFont());
void setPerformanceHint(PerformanceHint performanceHint);
PerformanceHint performanceHint() const;
diff --git a/src/gui/text/qstatictext_p.h b/src/gui/text/qstatictext_p.h
index e758244..f017ed1 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qstatictext_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/text/qstatictext_p.h
@@ -118,11 +118,16 @@ public:
void init();
void paintText(const QPointF &pos, QPainter *p);
+ void invalidate()
+ {
+ needsRelayout = true;
+ }
QAtomicInt ref; // 4 bytes per text
QString text; // 4 bytes per text
QFont font; // 8 bytes per text
- QSizeF maximumSize; // 16 bytes per text
+ qreal textWidth; // 8 bytes per text
QSizeF actualSize; // 16 bytes per text
QPointF position; // 16 bytes per text
@@ -132,11 +137,11 @@ public:
glyph_t *glyphPool; // 4 bytes per text
QFixedPoint *positionPool; // 4 bytes per text
- unsigned char needsClipRect : 1; // 1 byte per text
- unsigned char useBackendOptimizations : 1;
+ unsigned char needsRelayout : 1;
+ unsigned char useBackendOptimizations : 1; // 1 byte per text
unsigned char textFormat : 2;
// ================
- // 171 bytes per text
+ // 163 bytes per text
static QStaticTextPrivate *get(const QStaticText *q);