path: root/src/gui/widgets/qlineedit_p.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/widgets/qlineedit_p.h')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qlineedit_p.h b/src/gui/widgets/qlineedit_p.h
index 83a34de..244d2be 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qlineedit_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qlineedit_p.h
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@
#include "QtCore/qpointer.h"
#include "QtGui/qlineedit.h"
+#include "private/qlinecontrol_p.h"
class QLineEditPrivate : public QWidgetPrivate
@@ -73,168 +75,67 @@ class QLineEditPrivate : public QWidgetPrivate
- : cursor(0), preeditCursor(0), cursorTimer(0), frame(1),
- cursorVisible(0), hideCursor(false), separator(0), readOnly(0),
- dragEnabled(0), contextMenuEnabled(1), echoMode(0), textDirty(0),
- selDirty(0), validInput(1), alignment(Qt::AlignLeading | Qt::AlignVCenter), ascent(0),
- maxLength(32767), hscroll(0), vscroll(0), lastCursorPos(-1), maskData(0),
- modifiedState(0), undoState(0), selstart(0), selend(0), userInput(false),
- emitingEditingFinished(false), passwordEchoEditing(false)
- , completer(0)
- , leftTextMargin(0), topTextMargin(0), rightTextMargin(0), bottomTextMargin(0)
- {
- }
+ : control(0), frame(1), contextMenuEnabled(1), cursorVisible(0),
+ dragEnabled(0), clickCausedFocus(0), hscroll(0), vscroll(0),
+ alignment(Qt::AlignLeading | Qt::AlignVCenter),
+ leftTextMargin(0), topTextMargin(0), rightTextMargin(0), bottomTextMargin(0)
+ {
+ }
- delete [] maskData;
+ delete control;
+ QLineControl *control;
+ QPointer<QAction> selectAllAction;
void init(const QString&);
- QString text;
- int cursor;
- int preeditCursor;
- int cursorTimer; // -1 for non blinking cursor.
+ int xToPos(int x, QTextLine::CursorPosition = QTextLine::CursorBetweenCharacters) const;
+ QRect cursorRect() const;
+ void setCursorVisible(bool visible);
+ void updatePasswordEchoEditing(bool);
+ inline bool shouldEnableInputMethod() const
+ {
+ return !control->isReadOnly();
+ }
QPoint tripleClick;
QBasicTimer tripleClickTimer;
uint frame : 1;
+ uint contextMenuEnabled : 1;
uint cursorVisible : 1;
- uint hideCursor : 1; // used to hide the cursor inside preedit areas
- uint separator : 1;
- uint readOnly : 1;
uint dragEnabled : 1;
- uint contextMenuEnabled : 1;
- uint echoMode : 2;
- uint textDirty : 1;
- uint selDirty : 1;
- uint validInput : 1;
- uint alignment;
- int ascent;
- int maxLength;
+ uint clickCausedFocus : 1;
int hscroll;
int vscroll;
- int lastCursorPos;
- QPointer<QAction> selectAllAction;
+ uint alignment;
+ static const int verticalMargin;
+ static const int horizontalMargin;
- inline void emitCursorPositionChanged();
bool sendMouseEventToInputContext(QMouseEvent *e);
- void finishChange(int validateFromState = -1, bool update = false, bool edited = true);
- QPointer<QValidator> validator;
- struct MaskInputData {
- enum Casemode { NoCaseMode, Upper, Lower };
- QChar maskChar; // either the separator char or the inputmask
- bool separator;
- Casemode caseMode;
- };
- QString inputMask;
- QChar blank;
- MaskInputData *maskData;
- inline int nextMaskBlank(int pos) {
- int c = findInMask(pos, true, false);
- separator |= (c != pos);
- return (c != -1 ? c : maxLength);
- }
- inline int prevMaskBlank(int pos) {
- int c = findInMask(pos, false, false);
- separator |= (c != pos);
- return (c != -1 ? c : 0);
- }
- void setCursorVisible(bool visible);
- // undo/redo handling
- enum CommandType { Separator, Insert, Remove, Delete, RemoveSelection, DeleteSelection, SetSelection };
- struct Command {
- inline Command() {}
- inline Command(CommandType t, int p, QChar c, int ss, int se) : type(t),uc(c),pos(p),selStart(ss),selEnd(se) {}
- uint type : 4;
- QChar uc;
- int pos, selStart, selEnd;
- };
- int modifiedState;
- int undoState;
- QVector<Command> history;
- void addCommand(const Command& cmd);
- void insert(const QString& s);
- void del(bool wasBackspace = false);
- void remove(int pos);
- inline void separate() { separator = true; }
- void undo(int until = -1);
- void redo();
- inline bool isUndoAvailable() const { return !readOnly && undoState; }
- inline bool isRedoAvailable() const { return !readOnly && undoState < (int)history.size(); }
- // selection
- int selstart, selend;
- inline bool allSelected() const { return !text.isEmpty() && selstart == 0 && selend == (int)text.length(); }
- inline bool hasSelectedText() const { return !text.isEmpty() && selend > selstart; }
- inline void deselect() { selDirty |= (selend > selstart); selstart = selend = 0; }
- void removeSelectedText();
- void copy(bool clipboard = true) const;
- inline bool inSelection(int x) const
- { if (selstart >= selend) return false;
- int pos = xToPos(x, QTextLine::CursorOnCharacter); return pos >= selstart && pos < selend; }
- // masking
- void parseInputMask(const QString &maskFields);
- bool isValidInput(QChar key, QChar mask) const;
- bool hasAcceptableInput(const QString &text) const;
- QString maskString(uint pos, const QString &str, bool clear = false) const;
- QString clearString(uint pos, uint len) const;
- QString stripString(const QString &str) const;
- int findInMask(int pos, bool forward, bool findSeparator, QChar searchChar = QChar()) const;
- // input methods
- bool composeMode() const { return !textLayout.preeditAreaText().isEmpty(); }
- // complex text layout
- QTextLayout textLayout;
- void updateTextLayout();
- void moveCursor(int pos, bool mark = false);
- void setText(const QString& txt, int pos = -1, bool edited = true);
- int xToPos(int x, QTextLine::CursorPosition = QTextLine::CursorBetweenCharacters) const;
- QRect cursorRect() const;
- bool fixup();
QRect adjustedContentsRect() const;
- // drag and drop
- QPoint dndPos;
- QBasicTimer dndTimer;
- void drag();
- void _q_clipboardChanged();
void _q_handleWindowActivate();
- void _q_deleteSelected();
- bool userInput;
- bool emitingEditingFinished;
+ void _q_textEdited(const QString &);
+ void _q_cursorPositionChanged(int, int);
- QBasicTimer deleteAllTimer; // keypad navigation
- QString origText;
+ void _q_editFocusChange(bool);
- bool passwordEchoEditing;
- void updatePasswordEchoEditing(bool editing);
- QPointer<QCompleter> completer;
- void complete(int key = -1);
void _q_completionHighlighted(QString);
- bool advanceToEnabledItem(int n);
+ QPoint dndPos;
+ QBasicTimer dndTimer;
+ void drag();
int leftTextMargin;