path: root/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp b/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp
index 930d181..ba2a0ea 100644
--- a/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp
+++ b/src/opengl/gl2paintengineex/qpaintengineex_opengl2.cpp
@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ static const GLuint QT_IMAGE_TEXTURE_UNIT = 0; //Can be the same as brush
static const GLuint QT_MASK_TEXTURE_UNIT = 1;
static const GLuint QT_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_UNIT = 2;
+#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
+extern Q_GUI_EXPORT bool qt_cleartype_enabled;
class QGLTextureGlyphCache : public QObject, public QTextureGlyphCache
@@ -100,6 +104,7 @@ public:
virtual void createTextureData(int width, int height);
virtual void resizeTextureData(int width, int height);
virtual void fillTexture(const Coord &c, glyph_t glyph);
+ virtual int glyphMargin() const;
inline GLuint texture() const { return m_texture; }
@@ -290,7 +295,7 @@ void QGLTextureGlyphCache::fillTexture(const Coord &c, glyph_t glyph)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture);
if (mask.format() == QImage::Format_RGB32) {
- glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, c.x, m_height - c.y, maskWidth, maskHeight, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, mask.bits());
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, c.x, c.y, maskWidth, maskHeight, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, mask.bits());
} else {
#ifdef QT_OPENGL_ES2
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, c.x, c.y, maskWidth, maskHeight, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, mask.bits());
@@ -310,6 +315,17 @@ void QGLTextureGlyphCache::fillTexture(const Coord &c, glyph_t glyph)
+int QGLTextureGlyphCache::glyphMargin() const
+#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
+ return 2;
+#elif defined (Q_WS_X11)
+ return 0;
+ return m_type == QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_RGBMask ? 2 : 0;
extern QImage qt_imageForBrush(int brushStyle, bool invert);
////////////////////////////////// Private Methods //////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -1209,6 +1225,12 @@ void QGL2PaintEngineEx::drawTextItem(const QPointF &p, const QTextItem &textItem
if (ti.fontEngine->fontDef.pixelSize * qSqrt(s->matrix.determinant()) >= 64)
drawCached = false;
+ if (d->glyphCacheType == QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_RGBMask
+ && state()->composition_mode != QPainter::CompositionMode_Source
+ && state()->composition_mode != QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver) {
+ drawCached = false;
+ }
if (drawCached) {
d->drawCachedGlyphs(p, ti);
@@ -1229,11 +1251,12 @@ void QGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::drawCachedGlyphs(const QPointF &p, const QTextIte
QFontEngineGlyphCache::Type glyphType = ti.fontEngine->glyphFormat >= 0
? QFontEngineGlyphCache::Type(ti.fontEngine->glyphFormat)
- : QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_A8;
+ : glyphCacheType;
QGLTextureGlyphCache *cache =
(QGLTextureGlyphCache *) ti.fontEngine->glyphCache(ctx, s->matrix);
- if (!cache) {
+ if (!cache || cache->cacheType() != glyphType) {
cache = new QGLTextureGlyphCache(ctx, glyphType, s->matrix);
ti.fontEngine->setGlyphCache(ctx, cache);
@@ -1248,12 +1271,6 @@ void QGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::drawCachedGlyphs(const QPointF &p, const QTextIte
- if (glyphType == QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_A8)
- shaderManager->setMaskType(QGLEngineShaderManager::PixelMask);
- else if (glyphType == QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_RGBMask)
- shaderManager->setMaskType(QGLEngineShaderManager::SubPixelMask);
- //### TODO: Gamma correction
int margin = cache->glyphMargin();
GLfloat dx = 1.0 / cache->width();
@@ -1274,10 +1291,96 @@ void QGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::drawCachedGlyphs(const QPointF &p, const QTextIte
textureCoordinateArray.addRect(QRectF(c.x*dx, c.y*dy, c.w * dx, c.h * dy));
+ if ( != oldVertexCoordinateDataPtr)
+ glVertexAttribPointer(QT_VERTEX_COORDS_ATTR, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0,;
+ if ( != oldTextureCoordinateDataPtr)
+ glVertexAttribPointer(QT_TEXTURE_COORDS_ATTR, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0,;
QBrush pensBrush = q->state()->pen.brush();
- prepareForDraw(false); // Text always causes src pixels to be transparent
+ if (glyphType == QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_A8) {
+ // Greyscale antialiasing
+ shaderManager->setMaskType(QGLEngineShaderManager::PixelMask);
+ prepareForDraw(false); // Text always causes src pixels to be transparent
+ } else if (glyphType == QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_RGBMask) {
+ // Subpixel antialiasing without gamma correction
+ QPainter::CompositionMode compMode = q->state()->composition_mode;
+ Q_ASSERT(compMode == QPainter::CompositionMode_Source
+ || compMode == QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver);
+ shaderManager->setMaskType(QGLEngineShaderManager::SubPixelMaskPass1);
+ if ( == Qt::SolidPattern) {
+ // Solid patterns can get away with only one pass.
+ QColor c = pensBrush.color();
+ qreal oldOpacity = q->state()->opacity;
+ if (compMode == QPainter::CompositionMode_Source) {
+ c = premultiplyColor(c, q->state()->opacity);
+ q->state()->opacity = 1;
+ opacityUniformDirty = true;
+ }
+ compositionModeDirty = false; // I can handle this myself, thank you very much
+ prepareForDraw(false); // Text always causes src pixels to be transparent
+ // prepareForDraw() have set the opacity on the current shader, so the opacity state can now be reset.
+ if (compMode == QPainter::CompositionMode_Source) {
+ q->state()->opacity = oldOpacity;
+ opacityUniformDirty = true;
+ }
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBlendColor(c.redF(), c.greenF(), c.blueF(), c.alphaF());
+ } else {
+ // Other brush styles need two passes.
+ qreal oldOpacity = q->state()->opacity;
+ if (compMode == QPainter::CompositionMode_Source) {
+ q->state()->opacity = 1;
+ opacityUniformDirty = true;
+ pensBrush = Qt::white;
+ setBrush(&pensBrush);
+ }
+ compositionModeDirty = false; // I can handle this myself, thank you very much
+ prepareForDraw(false); // Text always causes src pixels to be transparent
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, cache->texture());
+ updateTextureFilter(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_REPEAT, false);
+#ifndef QT_OPENGL_ES_2
+ if (inRenderText)
+ shaderManager->currentProgram()->setUniformValue(location(QGLEngineShaderManager::Depth), zValueForRenderText());
+ shaderManager->currentProgram()->setUniformValue(location(QGLEngineShaderManager::MaskTexture), QT_MASK_TEXTURE_UNIT);
+ glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6 * glyphs.size());
+ shaderManager->setMaskType(QGLEngineShaderManager::SubPixelMaskPass2);
+ if (compMode == QPainter::CompositionMode_Source) {
+ q->state()->opacity = oldOpacity;
+ opacityUniformDirty = true;
+ pensBrush = q->state()->pen.brush();
+ setBrush(&pensBrush);
+ }
+ compositionModeDirty = false;
+ prepareForDraw(false); // Text always causes src pixels to be transparent
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
+ }
+ compositionModeDirty = true;
+ }
+ //### TODO: Gamma correction
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, cache->texture());
@@ -1287,14 +1390,7 @@ void QGL2PaintEngineExPrivate::drawCachedGlyphs(const QPointF &p, const QTextIte
if (inRenderText)
shaderManager->currentProgram()->setUniformValue(location(QGLEngineShaderManager::Depth), zValueForRenderText());
shaderManager->currentProgram()->setUniformValue(location(QGLEngineShaderManager::MaskTexture), QT_MASK_TEXTURE_UNIT);
- if ( != oldVertexCoordinateDataPtr)
- glVertexAttribPointer(QT_VERTEX_COORDS_ATTR, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0,;
- if ( != oldTextureCoordinateDataPtr)
- glVertexAttribPointer(QT_TEXTURE_COORDS_ATTR, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0,;
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6 * glyphs.size());
@@ -1353,6 +1449,18 @@ bool QGL2PaintEngineEx::begin(QPaintDevice *pdev)
+ d->glyphCacheType = QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_A8;
+#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2)
+ if (!d->device->format().alpha()
+#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
+ && qt_cleartype_enabled
+ ) {
+ d->glyphCacheType = QFontEngineGlyphCache::Raster_RGBMask;
+ }
return true;