path: root/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
index 0928643..4b76ef6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ public:
IDirectFBDisplayLayer *dfbLayer;
IDirectFBScreen *dfbScreen;
- QRegion prevExpose;
QSet<IDirectFBSurface*> allocatedSurfaces;
@@ -82,6 +81,7 @@ public:
QDirectFBScreen::DirectFBFlags directFBFlags;
QImage::Format alphaPixmapFormat;
+ QColor backgroundColor;
QDirectFBScreenPrivate::QDirectFBScreenPrivate(QDirectFBScreen *screen)
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ IDirectFBSurface *QDirectFBScreen::createDFBSurface(const QImage &img, SurfaceCr
if (img.isNull()) // assert?
return 0;
if (QDirectFBScreen::getSurfacePixelFormat(img.format()) == DSPF_UNKNOWN) {
QImage image = img.convertToFormat(img.hasAlphaChannel()
? d_ptr->alphaPixmapFormat
@@ -321,10 +322,10 @@ IDirectFBSurface *QDirectFBScreen::copyToDFBSurface(const QImage &img,
DFBResult result = dfbSurface->Blit(dfbSurface, imgSurface, 0, 0, 0);
if (result != DFB_OK)
DirectFBError("QDirectFBScreen::copyToDFBSurface()", result);
+ imgSurface->Release(imgSurface);
#if (Q_DIRECTFB_VERSION >= 0x010000)
- imgSurface->Release(imgSurface);
Q_ASSERT(image.format() == pixmapFormat);
int bpl;
@@ -1047,6 +1048,14 @@ bool QDirectFBScreen::connect(const QString &displaySpec)
printDirectFBInfo(d_ptr->dfb, d_ptr->dfbSurface);
+ QRegExp backgroundColorRegExp("bgcolor=?(.+)");
+ backgroundColorRegExp.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ if (displayArgs.indexOf(backgroundColorRegExp) != -1) {
+ d_ptr->backgroundColor.setNamedColor(backgroundColorRegExp.cap(1));
+ }
+ if (!d_ptr->backgroundColor.isValid())
+ d_ptr->backgroundColor = Qt::green;
return true;
@@ -1087,7 +1096,7 @@ bool QDirectFBScreen::initDevice()
+#if defined QT_NO_DIRECTFB_WM || defined QT_NO_DIRECTFB_LAYER
qt_screencursor = new QDirectFBScreenCursor;
@@ -1145,203 +1154,134 @@ QWSWindowSurface *QDirectFBScreen::createSurface(const QString &key) const
return QScreen::createSurface(key);
-void QDirectFBScreen::compose(const QRegion &region)
- const QList<QWSWindow*> windows = QWSServer::instance()->clientWindows();
- QRegion blitRegion = region;
- QRegion blendRegion;
- d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetBlittingFlags(d_ptr->dfbSurface, DSBLIT_NOFX);
- // blit opaque region
- for (int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i) {
- QWSWindow *win =;
- QWSWindowSurface *surface = win->windowSurface();
- if (!surface)
- continue;
- const QRegion r = win->allocatedRegion() & blitRegion;
- if (r.isEmpty())
- continue;
- blitRegion -= r;
- if (surface->isRegionReserved()) {
- // nothing
- } else if (win->isOpaque()) {
- const QPoint offset = win->requestedRegion().boundingRect().topLeft();
- if (surface->key() == QLatin1String("directfb")) {
- QDirectFBWindowSurface *s = static_cast<QDirectFBWindowSurface*>(surface);
- blit(s->directFBSurface(), offset, r);
- } else {
- blit(surface->image(), offset, r);
- }
- } else {
- blendRegion += r;
- }
- if (blitRegion.isEmpty())
- break;
- }
- { // fill background
- const QRegion fill = blitRegion + blendRegion;
- if (!fill.isEmpty()) {
- const QColor color = QWSServer::instance()->backgroundBrush().color();
- solidFill(color, fill);
- blitRegion = QRegion();
- }
- }
- if (blendRegion.isEmpty())
- return;
- // blend non-opaque region
- for (int i = windows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- QWSWindow *win =;
- QWSWindowSurface *surface = win->windowSurface();
- if (!surface)
- continue;
- const QRegion r = win->allocatedRegion() & blendRegion;
- if (r.isEmpty())
- continue;
- DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags flags = DSBLIT_NOFX;
- if (!win->isOpaque()) {
- const uint opacity = win->opacity();
- if (opacity < 255) {
- d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetColor(d_ptr->dfbSurface, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, opacity);
- }
- }
- d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetBlittingFlags(d_ptr->dfbSurface, flags);
- const QPoint offset = win->requestedRegion().boundingRect().topLeft();
- if (surface->key() == QLatin1String("directfb")) {
- QDirectFBWindowSurface *s = static_cast<QDirectFBWindowSurface*>(surface);
- blit(s->directFBSurface(), offset, r);
- } else {
- blit(surface->image(), offset, r);
- }
- }
-#if (Q_DIRECTFB_VERSION >= 0x010000)
- d_ptr->dfbSurface->ReleaseSource(d_ptr->dfbSurface);
// Normally, when using DirectFB to compose the windows (I.e. when
// QT_NO_DIRECTFB_WM isn't set), exposeRegion will simply return. If
// QT_NO_DIRECTFB_WM is set, exposeRegion will compose only non-directFB
// window surfaces. Normal, directFB surfaces are handled by DirectFB.
+static inline bool needExposeRegion()
+ return true;
+ return true;
+ return false;
void QDirectFBScreen::exposeRegion(QRegion r, int changing)
+ if (!needExposeRegion()) {
+ return;
+ }
const QList<QWSWindow*> windows = QWSServer::instance()->clientWindows();
if (changing < 0 || changing >= windows.size())
QWSWindow *win =;
QWSWindowSurface *s = win->windowSurface();
- if (s && s->key() == QLatin1String("directfb"))
- return;
r &= region();
if (r.isEmpty())
- if (d_ptr->flipFlags & DSFLIP_BLIT) {
- const QRect brect = r.boundingRect();
- DFBRegion dfbRegion = { brect.left(),,
- brect.right(), brect.bottom() };
- compose(r);
- d_ptr->dfbSurface->Flip(d_ptr->dfbSurface, &dfbRegion,
- d_ptr->flipFlags);
+ const QRect brect = r.boundingRect();
+ if (!s) {
+ solidFill(d_ptr->backgroundColor, r);
} else {
- compose(r + d_ptr->prevExpose);
- d_ptr->dfbSurface->Flip(d_ptr->dfbSurface, 0, d_ptr->flipFlags);
+ const QRect windowGeometry = s->geometry();
+ const QRegion outsideWindow = r.subtracted(windowGeometry);
+ if (!outsideWindow.isEmpty()) {
+ solidFill(d_ptr->backgroundColor, outsideWindow);
+ }
+ const QRegion insideWindow = r.intersected(windowGeometry);
+ if (!insideWindow.isEmpty()) {
+ QDirectFBWindowSurface *dfbWindowSurface = (s->key() == QLatin1String("directfb"))
+ ? static_cast<QDirectFBWindowSurface*>(s) : 0;
+ if (dfbWindowSurface) {
+ IDirectFBSurface *surface = dfbWindowSurface->directFBSurface();
+ const int n = insideWindow.numRects();
+ if (n == 1 || d_ptr->directFBFlags & BoundingRectFlip) {
+ const QRect source = (insideWindow.boundingRect().intersected(windowGeometry)).translated(-windowGeometry.topLeft());
+ const DFBRectangle rect = {
+ source.x(), source.y(), source.width(), source.height()
+ };
+ d_ptr->dfbSurface->Blit(d_ptr->dfbSurface, surface, &rect,
+ windowGeometry.x() + source.x(),
+ windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
+ } else {
+ const QVector<QRect> rects = insideWindow.rects();
+ QVarLengthArray<DFBRectangle, 16> dfbRectangles(n);
+ QVarLengthArray<DFBPoint, 16> dfbPoints(n);
+ for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
+ const QRect source = (;
+ DFBRectangle &rect = dfbRectangles[i];
+ rect.x = source.x();
+ rect.y = source.y();
+ rect.w = source.width();
+ rect.h = source.height();
+ dfbPoints[i].x = (windowGeometry.x() + source.x());
+ dfbPoints[i].y = (windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
+ }
+ d_ptr->dfbSurface->BatchBlit(d_ptr->dfbSurface, surface, dfbRectangles.constData(),
+ dfbPoints.constData(), n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- d_ptr->prevExpose = r;
-void QDirectFBScreen::blit(const QImage &img, const QPoint &topLeft,
- const QRegion &reg)
- IDirectFBSurface *src = createDFBSurface(img, QDirectFBScreen::DontTrackSurface);
- if (!src) {
- qWarning("QDirectFBScreen::blit(): Error creating surface");
- return;
- }
- blit(src, topLeft, reg);
+ if (QScreenCursor *cursor = QScreenCursor::instance()) {
+ const QRect cursorRectangle = cursor->boundingRect();
+ if (cursor->isVisible() && !cursor->isAccelerated() && cursorRectangle.intersects(brect)) {
+ const QImage image = cursor->image();
+ IDirectFBSurface *surface = createDFBSurface(image, QDirectFBScreen::DontTrackSurface);
+ d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetBlittingFlags(d_ptr->dfbSurface, DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL);
+ d_ptr->dfbSurface->Blit(d_ptr->dfbSurface, surface, 0, cursorRectangle.x(), cursorRectangle.y());
+ surface->Release(surface);
#if (Q_DIRECTFB_VERSION >= 0x010000)
- d_ptr->dfbSurface->ReleaseSource(d_ptr->dfbSurface);
+ d_ptr->dfbSurface->ReleaseSource(d_ptr->dfbSurface);
- src->Release(src);
-void QDirectFBScreen::blit(IDirectFBSurface *src, const QPoint &topLeft,
- const QRegion &region)
- const QVector<QRect> rs = region.translated(-offset()).rects();
- const int size = rs.size();
- const QPoint tl = topLeft - offset();
- QVarLengthArray<DFBRectangle> rects(size);
- QVarLengthArray<DFBPoint> points(size);
- int n = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- const QRect r =;
- if (!r.isValid())
- continue;
- rects[n].x = r.x() - tl.x();
- rects[n].y = r.y() - tl.y();
- rects[n].w = r.width();
- rects[n].h = r.height();
- points[n].x = r.x();
- points[n].y = r.y();
- ++n;
+ }
- d_ptr->dfbSurface->BatchBlit(d_ptr->dfbSurface, src,,
-, n);
+ flipSurface(d_ptr->dfbSurface, d_ptr->flipFlags, r, QPoint());
-// This function is only ever called by QScreen::drawBackground which
-// is only ever called by QScreen::compose which is never called with
-// DirectFB so it's really a noop.
void QDirectFBScreen::solidFill(const QColor &color, const QRegion &region)
if (region.isEmpty())
- if (QDirectFBScreen::getImageFormat(d_ptr->dfbSurface) == QImage::Format_RGB32) {
- data = QDirectFBScreen::lockSurface(d_ptr->dfbSurface, DSLF_WRITE, &lstep);
- if (!data)
- return;
- QScreen::solidFill(color, region);
- d_ptr->dfbSurface->Unlock(d_ptr->dfbSurface);
- data = 0;
- lstep = 0;
+ d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetColor(d_ptr->dfbSurface,
+ color.alpha());
+ const int n = region.numRects();
+ if (n > 1) {
+ const QRect r = region.boundingRect();
+ d_ptr->dfbSurface->FillRectangle(d_ptr->dfbSurface, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
} else {
- d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetColor(d_ptr->dfbSurface,
- color.alpha());
const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects();
- for (int i=0; i<rects.size(); ++i) {
+ QVarLengthArray<DFBRectangle, 32> rectArray(n);
+ for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
const QRect &r =;
- d_ptr->dfbSurface->FillRectangle(d_ptr->dfbSurface,
- r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
+ rectArray[i].x = r.x();
+ rectArray[i].y = r.y();
+ rectArray[i].w = r.width();
+ rectArray[i].h = r.height();
+ d_ptr->dfbSurface->FillRectangles(d_ptr->dfbSurface, rectArray.constData(), n);
+void QDirectFBScreen::erase(const QRegion &region)
+ solidFill(d_ptr->backgroundColor, region);
QImage::Format QDirectFBScreen::alphaPixmapFormat() const
return d_ptr->alphaPixmapFormat;
@@ -1377,3 +1317,31 @@ uchar *QDirectFBScreen::lockSurface(IDirectFBSurface *surface, uint flags, int *
return reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(mem);
+void QDirectFBScreen::flipSurface(IDirectFBSurface *surface, DFBSurfaceFlipFlags flipFlags,
+ const QRegion &region, const QPoint &offset)
+ if (!(flipFlags & DSFLIP_BLIT)) {
+ surface->Flip(surface, 0, flipFlags);
+ } else {
+ if (!(d_ptr->directFBFlags & BoundingRectFlip) && region.numRects() > 1) {
+ const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects();
+ const DFBSurfaceFlipFlags nonWaitFlags = flipFlags & ~DSFLIP_WAIT;
+ for (int i=0; i<rects.size(); ++i) {
+ const QRect &r =;
+ const DFBRegion dfbReg = { r.x() + offset.x(), r.y() + offset.y(),
+ r.x() + r.width() + offset.x(),
+ r.y() + r.height() + offset.y() };
+ surface->Flip(surface, &dfbReg, i + 1 < rects.size() ? nonWaitFlags : flipFlags);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const QRect r = region.boundingRect();
+ const DFBRegion dfbReg = { r.x() + offset.x(), r.y() + offset.y(),
+ r.x() + r.width() + offset.x(),
+ r.y() + r.height() + offset.y() };
+ surface->Flip(surface, &dfbReg, flipFlags);
+ }
+ }