path: root/src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp b/src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp
index f59cd99..a0ca6b0 100644
--- a/src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp
+++ b/src/script/api/qscriptengine.cpp
@@ -797,24 +797,6 @@ static QScriptValue __setupPackage__(QScriptContext *ctx, QScriptEngine *eng)
-QScriptPushScopeHelper::QScriptPushScopeHelper(JSC::CallFrame *exec, bool calledAsConstructor)
- engine = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
- previousFrame = engine->currentFrame;
- engine->currentFrame = exec;
- QScriptActivationObject *scope = new (exec) QScriptActivationObject(exec);
- scope->d_ptr()->calledAsConstructor = calledAsConstructor;
- exec->setScopeChain(exec->scopeChain()->copy()->push(scope));
- JSC::CallFrame *exec = engine->currentFrame;
- exec->setScopeChain(exec->scopeChain()->pop());
- exec->scopeChain()->deref();
- engine->currentFrame = previousFrame;
} // namespace QScript
QScriptEnginePrivate::QScriptEnginePrivate() : idGenerator(1)
@@ -2269,26 +2251,55 @@ QScriptContext *QScriptEngine::currentContext() const
QScriptContext *QScriptEngine::pushContext()
- const int argCount = 1; // for 'this'
- JSC::RegisterFile &registerFile = d->currentFrame->interpreter()->registerFile();
- JSC::Register *const newEnd = registerFile.end() + JSC::RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize + argCount;
- if (!registerFile.grow(newEnd))
- return 0;
- JSC::CallFrame* previousFrame = d->currentFrame;
- JSC::JSObject* scope = new (d->currentFrame) QScript::QScriptActivationObject(d->currentFrame);
+ JSC::CallFrame* newFrame = d->pushContext(d->currentFrame, d->currentFrame->globalData().dynamicGlobalObject,
+ JSC::ArgList(), /*callee = */0);
- d->currentFrame = JSC::CallFrame::create(newEnd);
- d->currentFrame->init(0, 0, previousFrame->scopeChain()->copy()->push(scope),
- previousFrame, 0, argCount, 0);
- QScriptContext *ctx = d->contextForFrame(d->currentFrame);
- ctx->setThisObject(globalObject());
if (agent())
- return ctx;
+ return d->contextForFrame(newFrame);
+/*! \internal
+ push a context for a native function.
+ JSC native function doesn't have different stackframe or context. so we need to create one.
+ use popContext right after to go back to the previous context the context if no stack overflow has hapenned
+ exec is the current top frame.
+ return the new top frame. (might be the same as exec if a new stackframe was not needed) or 0 if stack overflow
+JSC::CallFrame *QScriptEnginePrivate::pushContext(JSC::CallFrame *exec, const JSC::JSValue &thisObject,
+ const JSC::ArgList& args, JSC::JSObject *callee, bool calledAsConstructor)
+ JSC::CallFrame *newCallFrame = exec;
+ if (callee == 0 || !(exec->callee() == callee && exec->returnPC() != 0)) {
+ //We need to check if the Interpreter might have already created a frame for function called from JS.
+ JSC::Interpreter *interp = exec->interpreter();
+ JSC::Register *oldEnd = interp->registerFile().end();
+ int argc = args.size() + 1; //add "this"
+ JSC::Register *newEnd = oldEnd + argc + JSC::RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize;
+ if (!interp->registerFile().grow(newEnd))
+ return 0; //### Stack overflow
+ newCallFrame = JSC::CallFrame::create(oldEnd);
+ newCallFrame[0] = thisObject;
+ int dst = 0;
+ JSC::ArgList::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it)
+ newCallFrame[++dst] = *it;
+ newCallFrame += argc + JSC::RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize;
+ newCallFrame->init(0, /*vPC=*/0, exec->scopeChain(), exec, 0, argc, callee);
+ }
+ currentFrame = newCallFrame;
+ QScript::QScriptActivationObject *scope = new (newCallFrame) QScript::QScriptActivationObject(newCallFrame);
+ scope->d_ptr()->calledAsConstructor = calledAsConstructor;
+ newCallFrame->setScopeChain(newCallFrame->scopeChain()->copy()->push(scope));
+ return newCallFrame;
Pops the current execution context and restores the previous one.
This function must be used in conjunction with pushContext().
@@ -2305,11 +2316,26 @@ void QScriptEngine::popContext()
qWarning("QScriptEngine::popContext() doesn't match with pushContext()");
- JSC::RegisterFile &registerFile = d->currentFrame->interpreter()->registerFile();
- JSC::Register *const newEnd = d->currentFrame->registers() - JSC::RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize - d->currentFrame->argumentCount();
- d->currentFrame->scopeChain()->pop()->deref();
- d->currentFrame = d->currentFrame->callerFrame();
- registerFile.shrink(newEnd);
+ d->popContext();
+/*! \internal
+ counter part of QScriptEnginePrivate::pushContext
+ */
+void QScriptEnginePrivate::popContext()
+ if (currentFrame->returnPC() == 0) { //normal case
+ JSC::RegisterFile &registerFile = currentFrame->interpreter()->registerFile();
+ JSC::Register *const newEnd = currentFrame->registers() - JSC::RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize - currentFrame->argumentCount();
+ currentFrame->scopeChain()->pop()->deref();
+ currentFrame = currentFrame->callerFrame();
+ registerFile.shrink(newEnd);
+ } else { //the stack frame was created by the Interpreter, we don't need to rewind it.
+ currentFrame->setScopeChain(currentFrame->scopeChain()->pop());
+ currentFrame->scopeChain()->deref();
+ }