path: root/tests/auto/exceptionsafety_objects/tst_exceptionsafety_objects.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/exceptionsafety_objects/tst_exceptionsafety_objects.cpp')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/exceptionsafety_objects/tst_exceptionsafety_objects.cpp b/tests/auto/exceptionsafety_objects/tst_exceptionsafety_objects.cpp
index 3c85306..dd5f8da 100644
--- a/tests/auto/exceptionsafety_objects/tst_exceptionsafety_objects.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/exceptionsafety_objects/tst_exceptionsafety_objects.cpp
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ QT_USE_NAMESPACE
#include "oomsimulator.h"
+#include "3rdparty/memcheck.h"
class tst_ExceptionSafetyObjects: public QObject
@@ -66,17 +67,6 @@ private slots:
void widgets();
-void tst_ExceptionSafetyObjects::initTestCase()
- // sanity check whether OOM simulation works
- AllocFailActivator allocFailActivator;
- mallocFailIndex = 0;
- // malloc fail index is 0 -> this malloc should fail.
- void *buf = malloc(42);
- QVERIFY(!buf);
// helper structs to create an arbitrary widget
struct AbstractObjectCreator
@@ -102,20 +92,107 @@ void tst_ExceptionSafetyObjects::objects_data()
-void tst_ExceptionSafetyObjects::objects()
+// create and destructs an object, and lets each and every allocation
+// during construction and destruction fail.
+static void doOOMTest(AbstractObjectCreator *creator, QObject *parent)
- QFETCH(AbstractObjectCreator *, objectCreator);
- AllocFailActivator allocFailActivator;
+ AllocFailer allocFailer;
int currentOOMIndex = 0;
+ bool caught = false;
+ int allocStartIndex = 0;
+ int allocEndIndex = 0;
+ int lastAllocCount = 0;
do {
- mallocFailIndex = ++currentOOMIndex;
+ allocFailer.setAllocFailIndex(++currentOOMIndex);
+ caught = false;
+ lastAllocCount = allocEndIndex - allocStartIndex;
+ allocStartIndex = allocFailer.currentAllocIndex();
try {
- QScopedPointer<QObject> ptr(objectCreator->create(0));
+ QScopedPointer<QObject> ptr(creator->create(parent));
} catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
+ caught = true;
- } while (mallocFailIndex <= 0);
+ allocEndIndex = allocFailer.currentAllocIndex();
+ } while (caught || allocEndIndex - allocStartIndex != lastAllocCount);
+ allocFailer.deactivate();
+static bool alloc1Failed = false;
+static bool alloc2Failed = false;
+static bool alloc3Failed = false;
+static bool alloc4Failed = false;
+static bool malloc1Failed = false;
+static bool malloc2Failed = false;
+// Tests that new, new[] and malloc() fail at least once during OOM testing.
+class SelfTestObject : public QObject
+ SelfTestObject(QObject *parent = 0)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ {
+ try { delete new int; } catch (const std::bad_alloc &) { alloc1Failed = true; }
+ try { delete [] new double[5]; } catch (const std::bad_alloc &) { alloc2Failed = true; }
+ void *buf = malloc(42);
+ if (buf)
+ free(buf);
+ else
+ malloc1Failed = true;
+ }
+ ~SelfTestObject()
+ {
+ try { delete new int; } catch (const std::bad_alloc &) { alloc3Failed = true; }
+ try { delete [] new double[5]; } catch (const std::bad_alloc &) { alloc4Failed = true; }
+ void *buf = malloc(42);
+ if (buf)
+ free(buf);
+ else
+ malloc2Failed = true;
+ }
+void tst_ExceptionSafetyObjects::initTestCase()
+ "You must use a valgrind with oom simulation support");
+ // running in valgrind - don't use glibc hooks
+ disableHooks();
+ }
+ // sanity check whether OOM simulation works
+ AllocFailer allocFailer;
+ // malloc fail index is 0 -> this malloc should fail.
+ void *buf = malloc(42);
+ QVERIFY(!buf);
+ // malloc fail index is 1 - second malloc should fail.
+ allocFailer.setAllocFailIndex(1);
+ buf = malloc(42);
+ QVERIFY(buf);
+ free(buf);
+ buf = malloc(42);
+ QVERIFY(!buf);
+ allocFailer.deactivate();
+ doOOMTest(new ObjectCreator<SelfTestObject>, 0);
+void tst_ExceptionSafetyObjects::objects()
+ QFETCH(AbstractObjectCreator *, objectCreator);
+ doOOMTest(objectCreator, 0);
template <typename T>
@@ -136,56 +213,18 @@ void tst_ExceptionSafetyObjects::widgets_data()
+ NEWROW(QFrame);
+ NEWROW(QStackedWidget);
void tst_ExceptionSafetyObjects::widgets()
QFETCH(AbstractObjectCreator *, widgetCreator);
- mallocCount = freeCount = 0;
- int currentOOMIndex = 0;
- // activate mallocFail - WE'RE HOT!
- AllocFailActivator allocFailActivator;
- do {
- // start after first alloc (the first alloc is creation of the widget itself)
- mallocFailIndex = ++currentOOMIndex;
- // first, create without a parent
- try {
- QScopedPointer<QObject> ptr(widgetCreator->create(0));
- // QScopedPointer deletes the widget again here.
- } catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
- // ignore all std::bad_alloc - note: valgrind should show no leaks
- }
- // repeat the loop until we the malloc fail index indicates that
- // there was no OOM simulation happening
- } while (mallocFailIndex <= 0);
- // reset counting
- currentOOMIndex = 0;
- do {
- mallocFailIndex = ++currentOOMIndex;
- // create the widget with a parent
- try {
- QWidget parent;
- widgetCreator->create(&parent);
- // parent goes out of scope - widget should be deleted as well
- } catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
- }
- } while (mallocFailIndex <= 0);
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- allocFailActivator.deactivate();
+ doOOMTest(widgetCreator, 0);
- qDebug() << "mallocCount" << mallocCount << "freeCount" << freeCount <<
- "simulated alloc fails" << currentOOMIndex;
+ QWidget parent;
+ doOOMTest(widgetCreator, &parent);