path: root/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/qgraphicsitem')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp b/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp
index 4476084..25ec040 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp
@@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ private slots:
void itemClipsChildrenToShape2();
void itemClipsChildrenToShape3();
void itemClipsChildrenToShape4();
+ void itemClipsChildrenToShape5();
void itemClipsTextChildToShape();
void itemClippingDiscovery();
void ancestorFlags();
@@ -5464,6 +5465,193 @@ void tst_QGraphicsItem::itemClipsChildrenToShape4()
QTRY_COMPARE(innerWidget->painted, true);
+static inline void renderSceneToImage(QGraphicsScene *scene, QImage *image, const QString &filename)
+ image->fill(0);
+ QPainter painter(image);
+ scene->render(&painter);
+ painter.end();
+ image->save(filename);
+ Q_UNUSED(filename);
+void tst_QGraphicsItem::itemClipsChildrenToShape5()
+ class ParentItem : public QGraphicsRectItem
+ {
+ public:
+ ParentItem(qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height)
+ : QGraphicsRectItem(x, y, width, height) {}
+ QPainterPath shape() const
+ {
+ QPainterPath path;
+ path.addRect(50, 50, 200, 200);
+ return path;
+ }
+ };
+ ParentItem *parent = new ParentItem(0, 0, 300, 300);
+ parent->setBrush(Qt::blue);
+ parent->setOpacity(0.5);
+ const QRegion parentRegion(0, 0, 300, 300);
+ const QRegion clippedParentRegion = parentRegion & QRect(50, 50, 200, 200);
+ QRegion childRegion;
+ QRegion grandChildRegion;
+ QGraphicsRectItem *topLeftChild = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ topLeftChild->setBrush(Qt::red);
+ topLeftChild->setParentItem(parent);
+ childRegion += QRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ QGraphicsRectItem *topRightChild = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ topRightChild->setBrush(Qt::red);
+ topRightChild->setParentItem(parent);
+ topRightChild->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape);
+ topRightChild->setPos(200, 0);
+ childRegion += QRect(200, 0, 100, 100);
+ QGraphicsRectItem *topRightGrandChild = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ topRightGrandChild->setBrush(Qt::green);
+ topRightGrandChild->setParentItem(topRightChild);
+ topRightGrandChild->setPos(-40, 40);
+ grandChildRegion += QRect(200 - 40, 0 + 40, 100, 100) & QRect(200, 0, 100, 100);
+ QGraphicsRectItem *bottomLeftChild = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ bottomLeftChild->setBrush(Qt::red);
+ bottomLeftChild->setParentItem(parent);
+ bottomLeftChild->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsToShape);
+ bottomLeftChild->setPos(0, 200);
+ childRegion += QRect(0, 200, 100, 100);
+ QGraphicsRectItem *bottomLeftGrandChild = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 160, 160);
+ bottomLeftGrandChild->setBrush(Qt::green);
+ bottomLeftGrandChild->setParentItem(bottomLeftChild);
+ bottomLeftGrandChild->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsToShape);
+ bottomLeftGrandChild->setPos(0, -60);
+ grandChildRegion += QRect(0, 200 - 60, 160, 160);
+ QGraphicsRectItem *bottomRightChild = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 100, 100);
+ bottomRightChild->setBrush(Qt::red);
+ bottomRightChild->setParentItem(parent);
+ bottomRightChild->setPos(200, 200);
+ childRegion += QRect(200, 200, 100, 100);
+ QPoint controlPoints[17] = {
+ QPoint(5, 5) , QPoint(95, 5) , QPoint(205, 5) , QPoint(295, 5) ,
+ QPoint(5, 95) , QPoint(95, 95) , QPoint(205, 95) , QPoint(295, 95) ,
+ QPoint(150, 150),
+ QPoint(5, 205), QPoint(95, 205), QPoint(205, 205), QPoint(295, 205),
+ QPoint(5, 295), QPoint(95, 295), QPoint(205, 295), QPoint(295, 295),
+ };
+ const QRegion clippedChildRegion = childRegion & QRect(50, 50, 200, 200);
+ const QRegion clippedGrandChildRegion = grandChildRegion & QRect(50, 50, 200, 200);
+ QGraphicsScene scene;
+ scene.addItem(parent);
+ QImage sceneImage(300, 300, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
+#define VERIFY_CONTROL_POINTS(pRegion, cRegion, gRegion) \
+ for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i) { \
+ QPoint controlPoint = controlPoints[i]; \
+ QRgb pixel = sceneImage.pixel(controlPoint.x(), controlPoint.y()); \
+ if (pRegion.contains(controlPoint)) \
+ QVERIFY(qBlue(pixel) != 0); \
+ else \
+ QVERIFY(qBlue(pixel) == 0); \
+ if (cRegion.contains(controlPoint)) \
+ QVERIFY(qRed(pixel) != 0); \
+ else \
+ QVERIFY(qRed(pixel) == 0); \
+ if (gRegion.contains(controlPoint)) \
+ QVERIFY(qGreen(pixel) != 0); \
+ else \
+ QVERIFY(qGreen(pixel) == 0); \
+ }
+ const QList<QGraphicsItem *> children = parent->childItems();
+ const int childrenCount = children.count();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ QString clipString;
+ QString childString;
+ switch (i) {
+ case 0:
+ // All children stacked in front.
+ childString = QLatin1String("ChildrenInFront.png");
+ foreach (QGraphicsItem *child, children)
+ child->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent, false);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // All children stacked behind.
+ childString = QLatin1String("ChildrenBehind.png");
+ foreach (QGraphicsItem *child, children)
+ child->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent, true);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // First half of the children behind, second half in front.
+ childString = QLatin1String("FirstHalfBehind_SecondHalfInFront.png");
+ for (int j = 0; j < childrenCount; ++j) {
+ QGraphicsItem *child =;
+ child->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent, (j < childrenCount / 2));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // First half of the children in front, second half behind.
+ childString = QLatin1String("FirstHalfInFront_SecondHalfBehind.png");
+ for (int j = 0; j < childrenCount; ++j) {
+ QGraphicsItem *child =;
+ child->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent, (j >= childrenCount / 2));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // Child2 and child4 behind, rest in front.
+ childString = QLatin1String("Child2And4Behind_RestInFront.png");
+ for (int j = 0; j < childrenCount; ++j) {
+ QGraphicsItem *child =;
+ if (j == 1 || j == 3)
+ child->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent, true);
+ else
+ child->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent, false);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ qFatal("internal error");
+ }
+ // Nothing is clipped.
+ parent->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape, false);
+ parent->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsToShape, false);
+ clipString = QLatin1String("nothingClipped_");
+ renderSceneToImage(&scene, &sceneImage, clipString + childString);
+ VERIFY_CONTROL_POINTS(parentRegion, childRegion, grandChildRegion);
+ // Parent clips children to shape.
+ parent->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape);
+ clipString = QLatin1String("parentClipsChildrenToShape_");
+ renderSceneToImage(&scene, &sceneImage, clipString + childString);
+ VERIFY_CONTROL_POINTS(parentRegion, clippedChildRegion, clippedGrandChildRegion);
+ // Parent clips itself and children to shape.
+ parent->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsToShape);
+ clipString = QLatin1String("parentClipsItselfAndChildrenToShape_");
+ renderSceneToImage(&scene, &sceneImage, clipString + childString);
+ VERIFY_CONTROL_POINTS(clippedParentRegion, clippedChildRegion, clippedGrandChildRegion);
+ // Parent clips itself to shape.
+ parent->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape, false);
+ clipString = QLatin1String("parentClipsItselfToShape_");
+ renderSceneToImage(&scene, &sceneImage, clipString + childString);
+ VERIFY_CONTROL_POINTS(clippedParentRegion, childRegion, grandChildRegion);
+ }
void tst_QGraphicsItem::itemClipsTextChildToShape()
// Construct a scene with a rect that clips its children, with one text