path: root/tests/auto/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 489 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp b/tests/auto/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp
index 7adb67f..33753f1 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
#include <QtNetwork/QLocalServer>
#include <QtNetwork/QHostInfo>
#include <QtNetwork/QFtp>
+#include <QtNetwork/QAbstractNetworkCache>
#include <QtNetwork/qauthenticator.h>
#include <QtNetwork/qnetworkaccessmanager.h>
#include <QtNetwork/qnetworkrequest.h>
@@ -198,6 +199,8 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
void ioGetFromHttpBrokenServer_data();
void ioGetFromHttpBrokenServer();
+ void ioGetFromHttpWithCache_data();
+ void ioGetFromHttpWithCache();
void ioGetWithManyProxies_data();
void ioGetWithManyProxies();
@@ -223,16 +226,13 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
void ioPostToHttpFromMiddleOfQBufferFiveBytes();
void ioPostToHttpNoBufferFlag();
void ioPostToHttpUploadProgress();
- void ioPostToHttpEmtpyUploadProgress();
+ void ioPostToHttpEmptyUploadProgress();
+ void lastModifiedHeaderForFile();
+ void lastModifiedHeaderForHttp();
void rateControl_data();
void rateControl();
- void downloadPerformance();
- void uploadPerformance();
- void performanceControlRate();
- void httpUploadPerformance();
- void httpDownloadPerformance_data();
- void httpDownloadPerformance();
void downloadProgress_data();
void downloadProgress();
@@ -321,8 +321,9 @@ public:
QByteArray dataToTransmit;
QByteArray receivedData;
bool doClose;
+ int totalConnections;
- MiniHttpServer(const QByteArray &data) : client(0), dataToTransmit(data), doClose(true)
+ MiniHttpServer(const QByteArray &data) : client(0), dataToTransmit(data), doClose(true), totalConnections(0)
connect(this, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(doAccept()));
@@ -332,6 +333,7 @@ public slots:
void doAccept()
client = nextPendingConnection();
+ ++totalConnections;
connect(client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(sendData()));
@@ -382,6 +384,61 @@ public:
+class MyMemoryCache: public QAbstractNetworkCache
+ typedef QPair<QNetworkCacheMetaData, QByteArray> CachedContent;
+ typedef QHash<QByteArray, CachedContent> CacheData;
+ CacheData cache;
+ MyMemoryCache(QObject *parent) : QAbstractNetworkCache(parent) {}
+ QNetworkCacheMetaData metaData(const QUrl &url)
+ {
+ return cache.value(url.toEncoded()).first;
+ }
+ void updateMetaData(const QNetworkCacheMetaData &metaData)
+ {
+ cache[metaData.url().toEncoded()].first = metaData;
+ }
+ QIODevice *data(const QUrl &url)
+ {
+ CacheData::ConstIterator it = cache.find(url.toEncoded());
+ if (it == cache.constEnd())
+ return 0;
+ QBuffer *io = new QBuffer(this);
+ io->setData(it->second);
+ io->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ io->seek(0);
+ return io;
+ }
+ bool remove(const QUrl &url)
+ {
+ cache.remove(url.toEncoded());
+ return true;
+ }
+ qint64 cacheSize() const
+ {
+ qint64 total = 0;
+ foreach (const CachedContent &entry, cache)
+ total += entry.second.size();
+ return total;
+ }
+ QIODevice *prepare(const QNetworkCacheMetaData &)
+ { Q_ASSERT(0 && "Should not have tried to add to the cache"); return 0; }
+ void insert(QIODevice *)
+ { Q_ASSERT(0 && "Should not have tried to add to the cache"); }
+ void clear() { cache.clear(); }
class DataReader: public QObject
@@ -413,93 +470,6 @@ public slots:
-class FixedSizeDataGenerator : public QIODevice
- enum { Idle, Started, Stopped } state;
- FixedSizeDataGenerator(qint64 size) : state(Idle)
- { open(ReadOnly | Unbuffered);
- toBeGeneratedTotalCount = toBeGeneratedCount = size;
- }
- virtual qint64 bytesAvailable() const
- {
- return state == Started ? toBeGeneratedCount + QIODevice::bytesAvailable() : 0;
- }
- virtual bool isSequential() const{
- return false;
- }
- virtual bool reset() const{
- return false;
- }
- qint64 size() const {
- return toBeGeneratedTotalCount;
- }
-public slots:
- void start() { state = Started; emit readyRead(); }
- virtual qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxlen)
- {
- memset(data, '@', maxlen);
- if (toBeGeneratedCount <= 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- qint64 n = qMin(maxlen, toBeGeneratedCount);
- toBeGeneratedCount -= n;
- if (toBeGeneratedCount <= 0) {
- // make sure this is a queued connection!
- emit readChannelFinished();
- }
- return n;
- }
- virtual qint64 writeData(const char *, qint64)
- { return -1; }
- qint64 toBeGeneratedCount;
- qint64 toBeGeneratedTotalCount;
-class DataGenerator: public QIODevice
- enum { Idle, Started, Stopped } state;
- DataGenerator() : state(Idle)
- { open(ReadOnly); }
- virtual bool isSequential() const { return true; }
- virtual qint64 bytesAvailable() const { return state == Started ? 1024*1024 : 0; }
-public slots:
- void start() { state = Started; emit readyRead(); }
- void stop() { state = Stopped; emit readyRead(); }
- virtual qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxlen)
- {
- if (state == Stopped)
- return -1; // EOF
- // return as many bytes as are wanted
- memset(data, '@', maxlen);
- return maxlen;
- }
- virtual qint64 writeData(const char *, qint64)
- { return -1; }
class SocketPair: public QObject
@@ -692,255 +662,6 @@ protected:
-class TimedSender: public QThread
- qint64 totalBytes;
- QSemaphore ready;
- QByteArray dataToSend;
- QTcpSocket *client;
- int timeout;
- int port;
- int transferRate;
- TimedSender(int ms)
- : totalBytes(0), timeout(ms), port(-1), transferRate(-1)
- {
- dataToSend = QByteArray(16*1024, '@');
- start();
- ready.acquire();
- }
- inline int serverPort() const { return port; }
-private slots:
- void writeMore()
- {
- while (client->bytesToWrite() < 128 * 1024) {
- writePacket(dataToSend);
- }
- }
- void run()
- {
- QTcpServer server;
- server.listen();
- port = server.serverPort();
- ready.release();
- server.waitForNewConnection(-1);
- client = server.nextPendingConnection();
- writeMore();
- connect(client, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), SLOT(writeMore()), Qt::DirectConnection);
- QEventLoop eventLoop;
- QTimer::singleShot(timeout, &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
- QTime timer;
- timer.start();
- eventLoop.exec();
- disconnect(client, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), this, 0);
- // wait for the connection to shut down
- client->disconnectFromHost();
- if (!client->waitForDisconnected(10000))
- return;
- transferRate = totalBytes * 1000 / timer.elapsed();
- qDebug() << "TimedSender::run" << "receive rate:" << (transferRate / 1024) << "kB/s in"
- << timer.elapsed() << "ms";
- }
- void writePacket(const QByteArray &array)
- {
- client->write(array);
- totalBytes += array.size();
- }
-class ThreadedDataReader: public QThread
- // used to make the constructor only return after the tcp server started listening
- QSemaphore ready;
- QTcpSocket *client;
- int timeout;
- int port;
- qint64 transferRate;
- ThreadedDataReader()
- : port(-1), transferRate(-1)
- {
- start();
- ready.acquire();
- }
- inline int serverPort() const { return port; }
- void run()
- {
- QTcpServer server;
- server.listen();
- port = server.serverPort();
- ready.release();
- server.waitForNewConnection(-1);
- client = server.nextPendingConnection();
- QEventLoop eventLoop;
- DataReader reader(client, false);
- QObject::connect(client, SIGNAL(disconnected()), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
- QTime timer;
- timer.start();
- eventLoop.exec();
- qint64 elapsed = timer.elapsed();
- transferRate = reader.totalBytes * 1000 / elapsed;
- qDebug() << "ThreadedDataReader::run" << "send rate:" << (transferRate / 1024) << "kB/s in" << elapsed << "msec";
- }
-class ThreadedDataReaderHttpServer: public QThread
- // used to make the constructor only return after the tcp server started listening
- QSemaphore ready;
- QTcpSocket *client;
- int timeout;
- int port;
- qint64 transferRate;
- ThreadedDataReaderHttpServer()
- : port(-1), transferRate(-1)
- {
- start();
- ready.acquire();
- }
- inline int serverPort() const { return port; }
- void run()
- {
- QTcpServer server;
- server.listen();
- port = server.serverPort();
- ready.release();
- server.waitForNewConnection(-1);
- client = server.nextPendingConnection();
- client->write("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
- client->write("Content-length: 0\r\n");
- client->write("\r\n");
- client->flush();
- QCoreApplication::processEvents();
- QEventLoop eventLoop;
- DataReader reader(client, false);
- QObject::connect(client, SIGNAL(disconnected()), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
- QTime timer;
- timer.start();
- eventLoop.exec();
- qint64 elapsed = timer.elapsed();
- transferRate = reader.totalBytes * 1000 / elapsed;
- qDebug() << "ThreadedDataReaderHttpServer::run" << "send rate:" << (transferRate / 1024) << "kB/s in" << elapsed << "msec";
- }
-class HttpDownloadPerformanceClient : QObject {
- QIODevice *device;
- public:
- HttpDownloadPerformanceClient (QIODevice *dev) : device(dev){
- connect(dev, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyReadSlot()));
- }
- public slots:
- void readyReadSlot() {
- device->readAll();
- }
-class HttpDownloadPerformanceServer : QObject {
- qint64 dataSize;
- qint64 dataSent;
- QTcpServer server;
- QTcpSocket *client;
- bool serverSendsContentLength;
- bool chunkedEncoding;
- HttpDownloadPerformanceServer (qint64 ds, bool sscl, bool ce) : dataSize(ds), dataSent(0),
- client(0), serverSendsContentLength(sscl), chunkedEncoding(ce) {
- server.listen();
- connect(&server, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(newConnectionSlot()));
- }
- int serverPort() {
- return server.serverPort();
- }
-public slots:
- void newConnectionSlot() {
- client = server.nextPendingConnection();
- client->setParent(this);
- connect(client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyReadSlot()));
- connect(client, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), this, SLOT(bytesWrittenSlot(qint64)));
- }
- void readyReadSlot() {
- client->readAll();
- client->write("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n");
- if (serverSendsContentLength)
- client->write(QString("Content-Length: " + QString::number(dataSize) + "\n").toAscii());
- if (chunkedEncoding)
- client->write(QString("Transfer-Encoding: chunked\n").toAscii());
- client->write("Connection: close\n\n");
- }
- void bytesWrittenSlot(qint64 amount) {
- Q_UNUSED(amount);
- if (dataSent == dataSize && client) {
- // close eventually
- // chunked encoding: we have to send a last "empty" chunk
- if (chunkedEncoding)
- client->write(QString("0\r\n\r\n").toAscii());
- client->disconnectFromHost();
- server.close();
- client = 0;
- return;
- }
- // send data
- if (client && client->bytesToWrite() < 100*1024 && dataSent < dataSize) {
- qint64 amount = qMin(qint64(16*1024), dataSize - dataSent);
- QByteArray data(amount, '@');
- if (chunkedEncoding) {
- client->write(QString(QString("%1").arg(amount,0,16).toUpper() + "\r\n").toAscii());
- client->write(data.constData(), amount);
- client->write(QString("\r\n").toAscii());
- } else {
- client->write(data.constData(), amount);
- }
- dataSent += amount;
- }
- }
@@ -1101,6 +822,7 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::cleanup()
// clear the internal cache
+ manager.setCache(0);
// clear cookies
@@ -2323,6 +2045,146 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::ioGetFromHttpBrokenServer()
QVERIFY(reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError);
+void tst_QNetworkReply::ioGetFromHttpWithCache_data()
+ qRegisterMetaType<MyMemoryCache::CachedContent>();
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("dataToSend");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("body");
+ QTest::addColumn<MyMemoryCache::CachedContent>("cachedReply");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("cacheMode");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("loadedFromCache");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("networkUsed");
+ QByteArray reply200 =
+ "HTTP/1.0 200\r\n"
+ "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"
+ "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
+ "Cache-control: no-cache\r\n"
+ "Content-length: 8\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "Reloaded";
+ QByteArray reply304 =
+ "HTTP/1.0 304 Use Cache\r\n"
+ "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"
+ "\r\n";
+ QTest::newRow("not-cached,always-network")
+ << reply200 << "Reloaded" << MyMemoryCache::CachedContent() << int(QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork) << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("not-cached,prefer-network")
+ << reply200 << "Reloaded" << MyMemoryCache::CachedContent() << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork) << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("not-cached,prefer-cache")
+ << reply200 << "Reloaded" << MyMemoryCache::CachedContent() << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferCache) << false << true;
+ QDateTime present = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC();
+ QDateTime past = present.addSecs(-3600);
+ QDateTime future = present.addSecs(3600);
+ static const char dateFormat[] = "ddd, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss 'GMT'";
+ QNetworkCacheMetaData::RawHeaderList rawHeaders;
+ MyMemoryCache::CachedContent content;
+ content.second = "Not-reloaded";
+ content.first.setLastModified(past);
+ //
+ // Set to expired
+ //
+ rawHeaders.clear();
+ rawHeaders << QNetworkCacheMetaData::RawHeader("Date", QLocale::c().toString(past, dateFormat).toLatin1())
+ << QNetworkCacheMetaData::RawHeader("Cache-control", "max-age=0"); // isn't used in cache loading
+ content.first.setRawHeaders(rawHeaders);
+ content.first.setLastModified(past);
+ QTest::newRow("expired,200,prefer-network")
+ << reply200 << "Reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork) << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("expired,200,prefer-cache")
+ << reply200 << "Reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferCache) << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("expired,304,prefer-network")
+ << reply304 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork) << true << true;
+ QTest::newRow("expired,304,prefer-cache")
+ << reply304 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferCache) << true << true;
+ //
+ // Set to not-expired
+ //
+ rawHeaders.clear();
+ rawHeaders << QNetworkCacheMetaData::RawHeader("Date", QLocale::c().toString(past, dateFormat).toLatin1())
+ << QNetworkCacheMetaData::RawHeader("Cache-control", "max-age=7200"); // isn't used in cache loading
+ content.first.setRawHeaders(rawHeaders);
+ content.first.setExpirationDate(future);
+ QTest::newRow("not-expired,200,always-network")
+ << reply200 << "Reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork) << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("not-expired,200,prefer-network")
+ << reply200 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork) << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("not-expired,200,prefer-cache")
+ << reply200 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferCache) << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("not-expired,200,always-cache")
+ << reply200 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache) << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("not-expired,304,prefer-network")
+ << reply304 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork) << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("not-expired,304,prefer-cache")
+ << reply304 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferCache) << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("not-expired,304,always-cache")
+ << reply304 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache) << true << false;
+ //
+ // Set must-revalidate now
+ //
+ rawHeaders.clear();
+ rawHeaders << QNetworkCacheMetaData::RawHeader("Date", QLocale::c().toString(past, dateFormat).toLatin1())
+ << QNetworkCacheMetaData::RawHeader("Cache-control", "max-age=7200, must-revalidate"); // must-revalidate is used
+ content.first.setRawHeaders(rawHeaders);
+ QTest::newRow("must-revalidate,200,always-network")
+ << reply200 << "Reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork) << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("must-revalidate,200,prefer-network")
+ << reply200 << "Reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork) << false << true;
+ QTest::newRow("must-revalidate,200,prefer-cache")
+ << reply200 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferCache) << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("must-revalidate,200,always-cache")
+ << reply200 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache) << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("must-revalidate,304,prefer-network")
+ << reply304 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork) << true << true;
+ QTest::newRow("must-revalidate,304,prefer-cache")
+ << reply304 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::PreferCache) << true << false;
+ QTest::newRow("must-revalidate,304,always-cache")
+ << reply304 << "Not-reloaded" << content << int(QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache) << true << false;
+void tst_QNetworkReply::ioGetFromHttpWithCache()
+ QFETCH(QByteArray, dataToSend);
+ MiniHttpServer server(dataToSend);
+ server.doClose = false;
+ MyMemoryCache *memoryCache = new MyMemoryCache(&manager);
+ manager.setCache(memoryCache);
+ QFETCH(MyMemoryCache::CachedContent, cachedReply);
+ QUrl url = "http://localhost:" + QString::number(server.serverPort());
+ cachedReply.first.setUrl(url);
+ if (!cachedReply.second.isNull())
+ memoryCache->cache.insert(url.toEncoded(), cachedReply);
+ QFETCH(int, cacheMode);
+ QNetworkRequest request(url);
+ request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, cacheMode);
+ request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheSaveControlAttribute, false);
+ QNetworkReplyPtr reply = manager.get(request);
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
+ QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(10);
+ QVERIFY(!QTestEventLoop::instance().timeout());
+ QTEST(reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::SourceIsFromCacheAttribute).toBool(), "loadedFromCache");
+ QTEST(server.totalConnections > 0, "networkUsed");
+ QFETCH(QString, body);
+ QCOMPARE(reply->readAll().constData(), qPrintable(body));
void tst_QNetworkReply::ioGetWithManyProxies_data()
QTest::addColumn<QList<QNetworkProxy> >("proxyList");
@@ -2551,7 +2413,7 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::ioGetWithManyProxies()
connect(&manager, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*,QList<QSslError>)),
- QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(10);
+ QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(15);
@@ -2961,12 +2823,7 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::ioPostToHttpFromSocket()
QSignalSpy authenticationRequiredSpy(&manager, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QNetworkReply*,QAuthenticator*)));
QSignalSpy proxyAuthenticationRequiredSpy(&manager, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)));
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
- QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(6);
- QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(3);
+ QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(12);
disconnect(&manager, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),
this, SLOT(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)));
disconnect(&manager, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QNetworkReply*,QAuthenticator*)),
@@ -3265,7 +3122,7 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::ioPostToHttpUploadProgress()
-void tst_QNetworkReply::ioPostToHttpEmtpyUploadProgress()
+void tst_QNetworkReply::ioPostToHttpEmptyUploadProgress()
QByteArray ba;
@@ -3311,6 +3168,40 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::ioPostToHttpEmtpyUploadProgress()
+void tst_QNetworkReply::lastModifiedHeaderForFile()
+ QFileInfo fileInfo(SRCDIR "./bigfile");
+ QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileInfo.filePath());
+ QNetworkRequest request(url);
+ QNetworkReplyPtr reply = manager.head(request);
+ QSignalSpy spy(reply, SIGNAL(uploadProgress(qint64,qint64)));
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
+ QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(10);
+ QVERIFY(!QTestEventLoop::instance().timeout());
+ QDateTime header = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::LastModifiedHeader).toDateTime();
+ QCOMPARE(header, fileInfo.lastModified());
+void tst_QNetworkReply::lastModifiedHeaderForHttp()
+ // Tue, 22 May 2007 12:04:57 GMT according to webserver
+ QUrl url = "http://" + QtNetworkSettings::serverName() + "/gif/fluke.gif";
+ QNetworkRequest request(url);
+ QNetworkReplyPtr reply = manager.head(request);
+ QSignalSpy spy(reply, SIGNAL(uploadProgress(qint64,qint64)));
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
+ QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(10);
+ QVERIFY(!QTestEventLoop::instance().timeout());
+ QDateTime header = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::LastModifiedHeader).toDateTime();
+ QDateTime realDate = QDateTime::fromString("2007-05-22T12:04:57", Qt::ISODate);
+ realDate.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC);
+ QCOMPARE(header, realDate);
void tst_QNetworkReply::rateControl_data()
@@ -3365,142 +3256,6 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::rateControl()
QVERIFY(sender.transferRate <= maxRate);
-void tst_QNetworkReply::downloadPerformance()
- // unlike the above function, this one tries to send as fast as possible
- // and measures how fast it was.
- TimedSender sender(5000);
- QNetworkRequest request("debugpipe://" + QString::number(sender.serverPort()) + "/?bare=1");
- QNetworkReplyPtr reply = manager.get(request);
- DataReader reader(reply, false);
- QTime loopTime;
- connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
- loopTime.start();
- QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(40);
- int elapsedTime = loopTime.elapsed();
- sender.wait();
- qint64 receivedBytes = reader.totalBytes;
- qDebug() << "tst_QNetworkReply::downloadPerformance" << "receive rate:" << (receivedBytes * 1000 / elapsedTime / 1024) << "kB/s and"
- << elapsedTime << "ms";
-void tst_QNetworkReply::uploadPerformance()
- ThreadedDataReader reader;
- DataGenerator generator;
- QNetworkRequest request("debugpipe://" + QString::number(reader.serverPort()) + "/?bare=1");
- QNetworkReplyPtr reply = manager.put(request, &generator);
- generator.start();
- connect(&reader, SIGNAL(finished()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
- QTimer::singleShot(5000, &generator, SLOT(stop()));
- QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(30);
- QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError);
- QVERIFY(!QTestEventLoop::instance().timeout());
-void tst_QNetworkReply::httpUploadPerformance()
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
- // SHow some mercy for non-desktop platform/s
- enum {UploadSize = 4*1024*1024}; // 4 MB
- enum {UploadSize = 128*1024*1024}; // 128 MB
- ThreadedDataReaderHttpServer reader;
- FixedSizeDataGenerator generator(UploadSize);
- QNetworkRequest request(QUrl("" + QString::number(reader.serverPort()) + "/?bare=1"));
- request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader,UploadSize);
- QNetworkReplyPtr reply = manager.put(request, &generator);
- connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
- QTime time;
- generator.start();
- time.start();
- QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(40);
- QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError);
- QVERIFY(!QTestEventLoop::instance().timeout());
- qint64 elapsed = time.elapsed();
- qDebug() << "tst_QNetworkReply::httpUploadPerformance" << elapsed << "msec, "
- << ((UploadSize/1024.0)/(elapsed/1000.0)) << " kB/sec";
- reader.exit();
- reader.wait();
-void tst_QNetworkReply::performanceControlRate()
- // this is a control comparison for the other two above
- // it does the same thing, but instead bypasses the QNetworkAccess system
- qDebug() << "The following are the maximum transfer rates that we can get in this system"
- " (bypassing QNetworkAccess)";
- TimedSender sender(5000);
- QTcpSocket sink;
- sink.connectToHost("", sender.serverPort());
- DataReader reader(&sink, false);
- QTime loopTime;
- connect(&sink, SIGNAL(disconnected()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
- loopTime.start();
- QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(40);
- int elapsedTime = loopTime.elapsed();
- sender.wait();
- qint64 receivedBytes = reader.totalBytes;
- qDebug() << "tst_QNetworkReply::performanceControlRate" << "receive rate:" << (receivedBytes * 1000 / elapsedTime / 1024) << "kB/s and"
- << elapsedTime << "ms";
-void tst_QNetworkReply::httpDownloadPerformance_data()
- QTest::addColumn<bool>("serverSendsContentLength");
- QTest::addColumn<bool>("chunkedEncoding");
- QTest::newRow("Server sends no Content-Length") << false << false;
- QTest::newRow("Server sends Content-Length") << true << false;
- QTest::newRow("Server uses chunked encoding") << false << true;
-void tst_QNetworkReply::httpDownloadPerformance()
- QFETCH(bool, serverSendsContentLength);
- QFETCH(bool, chunkedEncoding);
-#ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
- // Show some mercy to non-desktop platform/s
- enum {UploadSize = 4*1024*1024}; // 4 MB
- enum {UploadSize = 128*1024*1024}; // 128 MB
- HttpDownloadPerformanceServer server(UploadSize, serverSendsContentLength, chunkedEncoding);
- QNetworkRequest request(QUrl("" + QString::number(server.serverPort()) + "/?bare=1"));
- QNetworkReplyPtr reply = manager.get(request);
- connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
- HttpDownloadPerformanceClient client(reply);
- QTime time;
- time.start();
- QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(40);
- QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError);
- QVERIFY(!QTestEventLoop::instance().timeout());
- qint64 elapsed = time.elapsed();
- qDebug() << "tst_QNetworkReply::httpDownloadPerformance" << elapsed << "msec, "
- << ((UploadSize/1024.0)/(elapsed/1000.0)) << " kB/sec";
void tst_QNetworkReply::downloadProgress_data()
@@ -3687,8 +3442,11 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::receiveCookiesFromHttp_data()
cookie = QNetworkCookie("a", "b");
header << cookie;
+ cookie.setDomain(QtNetworkSettings::serverName());
+ jar << cookie;
QTest::newRow("invalid-cookie-path") << "a=b; path=/not/part-of-path" << header << jar;
+ jar.clear();
cookie = QNetworkCookie("a", "b");