path: root/tests/auto/qsvgrenderer
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/qsvgrenderer')
2 files changed, 643 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qsvgrenderer/ b/tests/auto/qsvgrenderer/
index 120d9f0..8cfbcce 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qsvgrenderer/
+++ b/tests/auto/qsvgrenderer/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ QT += svg
SOURCES += tst_qsvgrenderer.cpp
RESOURCES += resources.qrc
-wince*: {
+wince*|symbian {
addFiles.sources = *.svg *.svgz
addFiles.path = .
diff --git a/tests/auto/qsvgrenderer/tst_qsvgrenderer.cpp b/tests/auto/qsvgrenderer/tst_qsvgrenderer.cpp
index 6fe6229..9700085 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qsvgrenderer/tst_qsvgrenderer.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qsvgrenderer/tst_qsvgrenderer.cpp
@@ -75,7 +75,15 @@ private slots:
void stylePropagation() const;
void matrixForElement() const;
void gradientStops() const;
+ void gradientRefs();
void fillRule();
+ void opacity();
+ void paths();
+ void displayMode();
+ void strokeInherit();
+ void testFillInheritance();
+ void testStopOffsetOpacity();
+ void testUseElement();
void testGzLoading();
@@ -331,7 +339,7 @@ void tst_QSvgRenderer::nestedQXmlStreamReader() const
QCOMPARE(reader.readNext(), QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument);
QCOMPARE(reader.readNext(), QXmlStreamReader::StartElement);
QCOMPARE(, QLatin1String("bar"));
QPicture picture;
QPainter painter(&picture);
QSvgRenderer renderer(&reader);
@@ -533,7 +541,10 @@ void tst_QSvgRenderer::gradientStops() const
QCOMPARE(image, refImage);
+void tst_QSvgRenderer::gradientRefs()
const char *svgs[] = {
@@ -565,6 +576,17 @@ void tst_QSvgRenderer::gradientStops() const
"<rect fill=\"url(#gradient)\" height=\"8\" width=\"256\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg>"
+ "<rect fill=\"url(#gradient)\" height=\"8\" width=\"256\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\"/>"
+ "<defs>"
+ "<linearGradient id=\"gradient0\">"
+ "<stop offset=\"0\" stop-color=\"red\" stop-opacity=\"0\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"1\" stop-color=\"blue\"/>"
+ "</linearGradient>"
+ "<linearGradient id=\"gradient\" xlink:href=\"#gradient0\">"
+ "</linearGradient>"
+ "</defs>"
for (int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(svgs) / sizeof(svgs[0]) ; ++i)
@@ -589,6 +611,7 @@ void tst_QSvgRenderer::gradientStops() const
void tst_QSvgRenderer::testGzLoading()
@@ -605,9 +628,11 @@ void tst_QSvgRenderer::testGzLoading()
QByteArray qt_inflateGZipDataFrom(QIODevice *device);
void tst_QSvgRenderer::testGzHelper_data()
@@ -640,6 +665,7 @@ void tst_QSvgRenderer::testGzHelper_data()
void tst_QSvgRenderer::testGzHelper()
QFETCH(QByteArray, in);
QFETCH(QByteArray, out);
@@ -648,27 +674,634 @@ void tst_QSvgRenderer::testGzHelper()
QByteArray result = qt_inflateGZipDataFrom(&buffer);
QCOMPARE(result, out);
void tst_QSvgRenderer::fillRule()
- QByteArray data(
+ static const char *svgs[] = {
+ // Paths
+ // Default fill-rule (nonzero)
+ "<svg>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"30\" width=\"30\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <path d=\"M10 0 L30 0 L30 30 L0 30 L0 10 L20 10 L20 20 L10 20 Z\" fill=\"red\" />"
+ "</svg>",
+ // nonzero
+ "<svg>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"30\" width=\"30\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <path d=\"M10 0 L30 0 L30 30 L0 30 L0 10 L20 10 L20 20 L10 20 Z\" fill=\"red\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\" />"
+ "</svg>",
+ // evenodd
- "<rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"300\" width=\"400\" fill=\"blue\" />"
- "<path d=\"M100 200 L300 200 L300 100 L100 100 M100 200 L300 200 L300 100 L100 100 Z\" fill=\"red\" stroke=\"black\" />"
- "</svg>");
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"30\" width=\"30\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <path d=\"M10 0 L30 0 L30 30 L0 30 L0 10 L20 10 L20 20 L10 20 Z\" fill=\"red\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" />"
+ "</svg>",
- QSvgRenderer renderer(data);
+ // Polygons
+ // Default fill-rule (nonzero)
+ "<svg>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"30\" width=\"30\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <polygon points=\"10 0 30 0 30 30 0 30 0 10 20 10 20 20 10 20\" fill=\"red\" />"
+ "</svg>",
+ // nonzero
+ "<svg>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"30\" width=\"30\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <polygon points=\"10 0 30 0 30 30 0 30 0 10 20 10 20 20 10 20\" fill=\"red\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\" />"
+ "</svg>",
+ // evenodd
+ "<svg>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"30\" width=\"30\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <polygon points=\"10 0 30 0 30 30 0 30 0 10 20 10 20 20 10 20\" fill=\"red\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" />"
+ "</svg>"
+ };
- QImage image(128, 128, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
- image.fill(0);
+ const int COUNT = sizeof(svgs) / sizeof(svgs[0]);
+ QImage refImageNonZero(30, 30, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ QImage refImageEvenOdd(30, 30, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ refImageNonZero.fill(0xffff0000);
+ refImageEvenOdd.fill(0xffff0000);
+ QPainter p;
+ p.begin(&refImageNonZero);
+ p.fillRect(QRectF(0, 0, 10, 10), Qt::blue);
+ p.end();
+ p.begin(&refImageEvenOdd);
+ p.fillRect(QRectF(0, 0, 10, 10), Qt::blue);
+ p.fillRect(QRectF(10, 10, 10, 10), Qt::blue);
+ p.end();
+ for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
+ QByteArray data(svgs[i]);
+ QSvgRenderer renderer(data);
+ QImage image(30, 30, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ image.fill(0);
+ p.begin(&image);
+ renderer.render(&p);
+ p.end();
+ QCOMPARE(image, i % 3 == 2 ? refImageEvenOdd : refImageNonZero);
+ }
+static void opacity_drawSvgAndVerify(const QByteArray &data)
+ QSvgRenderer renderer(data);
+ QVERIFY(renderer.isValid());
+ QImage image(10, 10, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ image.fill(0xffff00ff);
QPainter painter(&image);
+ QCOMPARE(image.pixel(5, 5), 0xff7f7f7f);
+void tst_QSvgRenderer::opacity()
+ static const char *opacities[] = {"-1.4641", "0", "0.5", "1", "1.337"};
+ static const char *firstColors[] = {"#7f7f7f", "#7f7f7f", "#402051", "blue", "#123456"};
+ static const char *secondColors[] = {"red", "#bad", "#bedead", "#7f7f7f", "#7f7f7f"};
+ // Fill-opacity
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ QByteArray data("<svg><rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"");
+ data.append(firstColors[i]);
+ data.append("\"/><rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"");
+ data.append(secondColors[i]);
+ data.append("\" fill-opacity=\"");
+ data.append(opacities[i]);
+ data.append("\"/></svg>");
+ opacity_drawSvgAndVerify(data);
+ }
+ // Stroke-opacity
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ QByteArray data("<svg viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\"><polyline points=\"0 5 10 5\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"");
+ data.append(firstColors[i]);
+ data.append("\" stroke-width=\"10\"/><line x1=\"5\" y1=\"0\" x2=\"5\" y2=\"10\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"");
+ data.append(secondColors[i]);
+ data.append("\" stroke-width=\"10\" stroke-opacity=\"");
+ data.append(opacities[i]);
+ data.append("\"/></svg>");
+ opacity_drawSvgAndVerify(data);
+ }
+ // As gradients:
+ // Fill-opacity
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ QByteArray data("<svg><defs><linearGradient id=\"gradient\"><stop offset=\"0\" stop-color=\"");
+ data.append(secondColors[i]);
+ data.append("\"/><stop offset=\"1\" stop-color=\"");
+ data.append(secondColors[i]);
+ data.append("\"/></linearGradient></defs><rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"");
+ data.append(firstColors[i]);
+ data.append("\"/><rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"url(#gradient)\" fill-opacity=\"");
+ data.append(opacities[i]);
+ data.append("\"/></svg>");
+ opacity_drawSvgAndVerify(data);
+ }
+ // Stroke-opacity
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ QByteArray data("<svg viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\"><defs><linearGradient id=\"grad\"><stop offset=\"0\" stop-color=\"");
+ data.append(secondColors[i]);
+ data.append("\"/><stop offset=\"1\" stop-color=\"");
+ data.append(secondColors[i]);
+ data.append("\"/></linearGradient></defs><polyline points=\"0 5 10 5\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"");
+ data.append(firstColors[i]);
+ data.append("\" stroke-width=\"10\" /><line x1=\"5\" y1=\"0\" x2=\"5\" y2=\"10\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"url(#grad)\" stroke-width=\"10\" stroke-opacity=\"");
+ data.append(opacities[i]);
+ data.append("\" /></svg>");
+ opacity_drawSvgAndVerify(data);
+ }
+void tst_QSvgRenderer::paths()
+ static const char *svgs[] = {
+ // Absolute coordinates, explicit commands.
+ "<svg>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"50\" width=\"50\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <path d=\"M50 0 V50 H0 Q0 25 25 25 T50 0 C25 0 50 50 25 50 S25 0 0 0 Z\" fill=\"red\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // Absolute coordinates, implicit commands.
+ "<svg>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"50\" width=\"50\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <path d=\"M50 0 50 50 0 50 Q0 25 25 25 Q50 25 50 0 C25 0 50 50 25 50 C0 50 25 0 0 0 Z\" fill=\"red\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" />"
+ "</svg>",
+ // Relative coordinates, explicit commands.
+ "<svg>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"50\" width=\"50\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <path d=\"m50 0 v50 h-50 q0 -25 25 -25 t25 -25 c-25 0 0 50 -25 50 s0 -50 -25 -50 z\" fill=\"red\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" />"
+ "</svg>",
+ // Relative coordinates, implicit commands.
+ "<svg>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"50\" width=\"50\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <path d=\"m50 0 0 50 -50 0 q0 -25 25 -25 25 0 25 -25 c-25 0 0 50 -25 50 -25 0 0 -50 -25 -50 z\" fill=\"red\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" />"
+ "</svg>",
+ // Absolute coordinates, explicit commands, minimal whitespace.
+ "<svg>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"50\" width=\"50\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <path d=\"m50 0v50h-50q0-25 25-25t25-25c-25 0 0 50-25 50s0-50-25-50z\" fill=\"red\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" />"
+ "</svg>",
+ // Absolute coordinates, explicit commands, extra whitespace.
+ "<svg>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"50\" width=\"50\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " <path d=\" M 50 0 V 50 H 0 Q 0 25 25 25 T 50 0 C 25 0 50 50 25 50 S 25 0 0 0 Z \" fill=\"red\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" />"
+ "</svg>"
+ };
+ const int COUNT = sizeof(svgs) / sizeof(svgs[0]);
+ QImage images[COUNT];
+ QPainter p;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
+ QByteArray data(svgs[i]);
+ QSvgRenderer renderer(data);
+ QVERIFY(renderer.isValid());
+ images[i] = QImage(50, 50, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ images[i].fill(0);
+ p.begin(&images[i]);
+ renderer.render(&p);
+ p.end();
+ if (i != 0) {
+ QCOMPARE(images[i], images[0]);
+ }
+ }
+void tst_QSvgRenderer::displayMode()
+ static const char *svgs[] = {
+ // All visible.
+ "<svg>"
+ " <g>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"red\" />"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // Don't display svg element.
+ "<svg display=\"none\">"
+ " <g>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"red\" />"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // Don't display g element.
+ "<svg>"
+ " <g display=\"none\">"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"red\" />"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // Don't display first rect element.
+ "<svg>"
+ " <g>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"red\" display=\"none\" />"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"blue\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // Don't display second rect element.
+ "<svg>"
+ " <g>"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"red\" />"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"blue\" display=\"none\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // Don't display svg element, but set display mode to "inline" for other elements.
+ "<svg display=\"none\">"
+ " <g display=\"inline\">"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"red\" display=\"inline\" />"
+ " <rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" height=\"10\" width=\"10\" fill=\"blue\" display=\"inline\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>"
+ };
+ QRgb expectedColors[] = {0xff0000ff, 0xff00ff00, 0xff00ff00, 0xff0000ff, 0xffff0000, 0xff00ff00};
+ const int COUNT = sizeof(svgs) / sizeof(svgs[0]);
+ QPainter p;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
+ QByteArray data(svgs[i]);
+ QSvgRenderer renderer(data);
+ QVERIFY(renderer.isValid());
+ QImage image(10, 10, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ image.fill(0xff00ff00);
+ p.begin(&image);
+ renderer.render(&p);
+ p.end();
+ QCOMPARE(image.pixel(5, 5), expectedColors[i]);
+ }
+void tst_QSvgRenderer::strokeInherit()
+ static const char *svgs[] = {
+ // Reference.
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 200 30\">"
+ " <g stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"20\" stroke-linecap=\"butt\""
+ " stroke-linejoin=\"miter\" stroke-miterlimit=\"1\" stroke-dasharray=\"20,10\""
+ " stroke-dashoffset=\"10\" stroke-opacity=\"0.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 10 100 10 100 20 190 20\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"0\" stroke-dasharray=\"3,3,1\" stroke-dashoffset=\"4.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 25 80 25\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // stroke
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 200 30\">"
+ " <g stroke=\"none\" stroke-width=\"20\" stroke-linecap=\"butt\""
+ " stroke-linejoin=\"miter\" stroke-miterlimit=\"1\" stroke-dasharray=\"20,10\""
+ " stroke-dashoffset=\"10\" stroke-opacity=\"0.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 10 100 10 100 20 190 20\" stroke=\"blue\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g stroke=\"yellow\" stroke-width=\"0\" stroke-dasharray=\"3,3,1\" stroke-dashoffset=\"4.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 25 80 25\" stroke=\"green\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // stroke-width
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 200 30\">"
+ " <g stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"0\" stroke-linecap=\"butt\""
+ " stroke-linejoin=\"miter\" stroke-miterlimit=\"1\" stroke-dasharray=\"20,10\""
+ " stroke-dashoffset=\"10\" stroke-opacity=\"0.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 10 100 10 100 20 190 20\" stroke-width=\"20\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"10\" stroke-dasharray=\"3,3,1\" stroke-dashoffset=\"4.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 25 80 25\" stroke-width=\"0\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // stroke-linecap
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 200 30\">"
+ " <g stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"20\" stroke-linecap=\"round\""
+ " stroke-linejoin=\"miter\" stroke-miterlimit=\"1\" stroke-dasharray=\"20,10\""
+ " stroke-dashoffset=\"10\" stroke-opacity=\"0.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 10 100 10 100 20 190 20\" stroke-linecap=\"butt\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"0\" stroke-dasharray=\"3,3,1\" stroke-dashoffset=\"4.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 25 80 25\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // stroke-linejoin
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 200 30\">"
+ " <g stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"20\" stroke-linecap=\"butt\""
+ " stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-miterlimit=\"1\" stroke-dasharray=\"20,10\""
+ " stroke-dashoffset=\"10\" stroke-opacity=\"0.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 10 100 10 100 20 190 20\" stroke-linejoin=\"miter\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"0\" stroke-dasharray=\"3,3,1\" stroke-dashoffset=\"4.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 25 80 25\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // stroke-miterlimit
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 200 30\">"
+ " <g stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"20\" stroke-linecap=\"butt\""
+ " stroke-linejoin=\"miter\" stroke-miterlimit=\"2\" stroke-dasharray=\"20,10\""
+ " stroke-dashoffset=\"10\" stroke-opacity=\"0.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 10 100 10 100 20 190 20\" stroke-miterlimit=\"1\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"0\" stroke-dasharray=\"3,3,1\" stroke-dashoffset=\"4.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 25 80 25\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // stroke-dasharray
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 200 30\">"
+ " <g stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"20\" stroke-linecap=\"butt\""
+ " stroke-linejoin=\"miter\" stroke-miterlimit=\"1\" stroke-dasharray=\"1,1,1,1,1,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,3\""
+ " stroke-dashoffset=\"10\" stroke-opacity=\"0.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 10 100 10 100 20 190 20\" stroke-dasharray=\"20,10\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"0\" stroke-dasharray=\"none\" stroke-dashoffset=\"4.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 25 80 25\" stroke-dasharray=\"3,3,1\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // stroke-dashoffset
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 200 30\">"
+ " <g stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"20\" stroke-linecap=\"butt\""
+ " stroke-linejoin=\"miter\" stroke-miterlimit=\"1\" stroke-dasharray=\"20,10\""
+ " stroke-dashoffset=\"0\" stroke-opacity=\"0.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 10 100 10 100 20 190 20\" stroke-dashoffset=\"10\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"0\" stroke-dasharray=\"3,3,1\" stroke-dashoffset=\"0\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 25 80 25\" stroke-dashoffset=\"4.5\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ // stroke-opacity
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 200 30\">"
+ " <g stroke=\"blue\" stroke-width=\"20\" stroke-linecap=\"butt\""
+ " stroke-linejoin=\"miter\" stroke-miterlimit=\"1\" stroke-dasharray=\"20,10\""
+ " stroke-dashoffset=\"10\" stroke-opacity=\"0\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 10 100 10 100 20 190 20\" stroke-opacity=\"0.5\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g stroke=\"green\" stroke-width=\"0\" stroke-dasharray=\"3,3,1\" stroke-dashoffset=\"4.5\">"
+ " <polyline fill=\"none\" points=\"10 25 80 25\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>"
+ };
+ const int COUNT = sizeof(svgs) / sizeof(svgs[0]);
+ QImage images[COUNT];
+ QPainter p;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
+ QByteArray data(svgs[i]);
+ QSvgRenderer renderer(data);
+ QVERIFY(renderer.isValid());
+ images[i] = QImage(200, 30, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ images[i].fill(-1);
+ p.begin(&images[i]);
+ renderer.render(&p);
+ p.end();
+ if (i != 0) {
+ QCOMPARE(images[0], images[i]);
+ }
+ }
- QCOMPARE(image.pixel(64, 64), QColor(Qt::red).rgba());
+void tst_QSvgRenderer::testFillInheritance()
+ static const char *svgs[] = {
+ //reference
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <polygon points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\" fill= \"red\" stroke = \"blue\" fill-opacity = \"0.5\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <polygon points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\" fill= \"red\" stroke = \"blue\" fill-opacity = \"0.5\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\"/>"
+ " <rect x = \"40\" y = \"40\" width = \"70\" height =\"20\" fill = \"green\" fill-opacity = \"0\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <g fill = \"red\" fill-opacity = \"0.5\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\">"
+ " <polygon points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\" stroke = \"blue\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <rect x = \"40\" y = \"40\" width = \"70\" height =\"20\" fill = \"green\" fill-opacity = \"0\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <g fill = \"green\" fill-rule = \"nonzero\">"
+ " <polygon points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\" stroke = \"blue\" fill = \"red\" fill-opacity = \"0.5\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g fill-opacity = \"0.8\" fill = \"red\">"
+ " <rect x = \"40\" y = \"40\" width = \"70\" height =\"20\" fill = \"green\" fill-opacity = \"0\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <g fill = \"red\" >"
+ " <g fill-opacity = \"0.5\">"
+ " <g fill-rule = \"evenodd\">"
+ " <g>"
+ " <polygon points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\" stroke = \"blue\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " </g>"
+ " </g>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g fill-opacity = \"0.8\" >"
+ " <rect x = \"40\" y = \"40\" width = \"70\" height =\"20\" fill = \"none\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <g fill = \"none\" fill-opacity = \"0\">"
+ " <polygon points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\" stroke = \"blue\" fill = \"red\" fill-opacity = \"0.5\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g fill-opacity = \"0\" >"
+ " <rect x = \"40\" y = \"40\" width = \"70\" height =\"20\" fill = \"green\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>"
+ };
+ const int COUNT = sizeof(svgs) / sizeof(svgs[0]);
+ QImage images[COUNT];
+ QPainter p;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
+ QByteArray data(svgs[i]);
+ QSvgRenderer renderer(data);
+ QVERIFY(renderer.isValid());
+ images[i] = QImage(200, 200, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ images[i].fill(-1);
+ p.begin(&images[i]);
+ renderer.render(&p);
+ p.end();
+ if (i != 0) {
+ QCOMPARE(images[0], images[i]);
+ }
+ }
+void tst_QSvgRenderer::testStopOffsetOpacity()
+ static const char *svgs[] = {
+ //reference
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 64 64\">"
+ "<radialGradient id=\"MyGradient1\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" r=\"30\" fx=\"20\" fy=\"20\">"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.0\" style=\"stop-color:red\" stop-opacity=\"0.3\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.5\" style=\"stop-color:green\" stop-opacity=\"1\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"1\" style=\"stop-color:yellow\" stop-opacity=\"1\"/>"
+ "</radialGradient>"
+ "<radialGradient id=\"MyGradient2\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"70\" r=\"70\" fx=\"20\" fy=\"20\">"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.0\" style=\"stop-color:blue\" stop-opacity=\"0.3\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.5\" style=\"stop-color:violet\" stop-opacity=\"1\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"1\" style=\"stop-color:orange\" stop-opacity=\"1\"/>"
+ "</radialGradient>"
+ "<rect x=\"5\" y=\"5\" width=\"55\" height=\"55\" fill=\"url(#MyGradient1)\" stroke=\"black\" />"
+ "<rect x=\"20\" y=\"20\" width=\"35\" height=\"35\" fill=\"url(#MyGradient2)\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ //Stop Offset
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 64 64\">"
+ "<radialGradient id=\"MyGradient1\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" r=\"30\" fx=\"20\" fy=\"20\">"
+ "<stop offset=\"abc\" style=\"stop-color:red\" stop-opacity=\"0.3\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.5\" style=\"stop-color:green\" stop-opacity=\"1\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"1\" style=\"stop-color:yellow\" stop-opacity=\"1\"/>"
+ "</radialGradient>"
+ "<radialGradient id=\"MyGradient2\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"70\" r=\"70\" fx=\"20\" fy=\"20\">"
+ "<stop offset=\"-3.bc\" style=\"stop-color:blue\" stop-opacity=\"0.3\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.5\" style=\"stop-color:violet\" stop-opacity=\"1\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"1\" style=\"stop-color:orange\" stop-opacity=\"1\"/>"
+ "</radialGradient>"
+ "<rect x=\"5\" y=\"5\" width=\"55\" height=\"55\" fill=\"url(#MyGradient1)\" stroke=\"black\" />"
+ "<rect x=\"20\" y=\"20\" width=\"35\" height=\"35\" fill=\"url(#MyGradient2)\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ //Stop Opacity
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 64 64\">"
+ "<radialGradient id=\"MyGradient1\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" r=\"30\" fx=\"20\" fy=\"20\">"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.0\" style=\"stop-color:red\" stop-opacity=\"0.3\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.5\" style=\"stop-color:green\" stop-opacity=\"x.45\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"1\" style=\"stop-color:yellow\" stop-opacity=\"\"/>"
+ "</radialGradient>"
+ "<radialGradient id=\"MyGradient2\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"70\" r=\"70\" fx=\"20\" fy=\"20\">"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.0\" style=\"stop-color:blue\" stop-opacity=\"0.3\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.5\" style=\"stop-color:violet\" stop-opacity=\"-0.xy\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"1\" style=\"stop-color:orange\" stop-opacity=\"z.5\"/>"
+ "</radialGradient>"
+ "<rect x=\"5\" y=\"5\" width=\"55\" height=\"55\" fill=\"url(#MyGradient1)\" stroke=\"black\" />"
+ "<rect x=\"20\" y=\"20\" width=\"35\" height=\"35\" fill=\"url(#MyGradient2)\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ //Stop offset and Stop opacity
+ "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 64 64\">"
+ "<radialGradient id=\"MyGradient1\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" r=\"30\" fx=\"20\" fy=\"20\">"
+ "<stop offset=\"abc\" style=\"stop-color:red\" stop-opacity=\"0.3\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.5\" style=\"stop-color:green\" stop-opacity=\"x.45\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"1\" style=\"stop-color:yellow\" stop-opacity=\"\"/>"
+ "</radialGradient>"
+ "<radialGradient id=\"MyGradient2\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"70\" r=\"70\" fx=\"20\" fy=\"20\">"
+ "<stop offset=\"-3.bc\" style=\"stop-color:blue\" stop-opacity=\"0.3\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"0.5\" style=\"stop-color:violet\" stop-opacity=\"-0.xy\"/>"
+ "<stop offset=\"1\" style=\"stop-color:orange\" stop-opacity=\"z.5\"/>"
+ "</radialGradient>"
+ "<rect x=\"5\" y=\"5\" width=\"55\" height=\"55\" fill=\"url(#MyGradient1)\" stroke=\"black\" />"
+ "<rect x=\"20\" y=\"20\" width=\"35\" height=\"35\" fill=\"url(#MyGradient2)\"/>"
+ "</svg>"
+ };
+ QImage images[4];
+ QPainter p;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ QByteArray data(svgs[i]);
+ QSvgRenderer renderer(data);
+ QVERIFY(renderer.isValid());
+ images[i] = QImage(64, 64, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ images[i].fill(-1);
+ p.begin(&images[i]);
+ renderer.render(&p);
+ p.end();
+ }
+ QCOMPARE(images[0], images[1]);
+ QCOMPARE(images[0], images[2]);
+ QCOMPARE(images[0], images[3]);
+void tst_QSvgRenderer::testUseElement()
+ static const char *svgs[] = {
+ //Use refering to non group node (1)
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <polygon points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\"/>"
+ " <polygon points=\"20,80 50,180 100,70 40,140 50,140\" fill= \"red\" stroke = \"blue\" fill-opacity = \"0.7\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\" stroke-width = \"3\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <polygon id = \"usedPolyline\" points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\"/>"
+ " <use y = \"60\" xlink:href = \"#usedPolyline\" fill= \"red\" stroke = \"blue\" fill-opacity = \"0.7\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\" stroke-width = \"3\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <polygon id = \"usedPolyline\" points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\"/>"
+ " <g fill = \" red\" fill-opacity =\"0.2\">"
+ "<use y = \"60\" xlink:href = \"#usedPolyline\" stroke = \"blue\" fill-opacity = \"0.7\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\" stroke-width = \"3\"/>"
+ "</g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <polygon id = \"usedPolyline\" points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\"/>"
+ " <g stroke-width = \"3\" stroke = \"yellow\">"
+ " <use y = \"60\" xlink:href = \"#usedPolyline\" fill = \" red\" stroke = \"blue\" fill-opacity = \"0.7\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ //Use refering to non group node (2)
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <polygon points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\" fill = \"green\" fill-rule = \"nonzero\" stroke = \"purple\" stroke-width = \"4\" stroke-dasharray = \"1,1,3,1\" stroke-offset = \"3\" stroke-miterlimit = \"6\" stroke-linecap = \"butt\" stroke-linejoin = \"round\"/>"
+ " <polygon points=\"20,80 50,180 100,70 40,140 50,140\" fill= \"red\" stroke = \"blue\" fill-opacity = \"0.7\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\" stroke-width = \"3\" stroke-dasharray = \"1,1,1,1\" stroke-offset = \"5\" stroke-miterlimit = \"3\" stroke-linecap = \"butt\" stroke-linejoin = \"square\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <g fill = \"green\" fill-rule = \"nonzero\" stroke = \"purple\" stroke-width = \"4\" stroke-dasharray = \"1,1,3,1\" stroke-offset = \"3\" stroke-miterlimit = \"6\" stroke-linecap = \"butt\" stroke-linejoin = \"round\">"
+ " <polygon id = \"usedPolyline\" points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g stroke = \"blue\" stroke-width = \"3\" stroke-dasharray = \"1,1,1,1\" stroke-offset = \"5\" stroke-miterlimit = \"3\" stroke-linecap = \"butt\" stroke-linejoin = \"square\">"
+ " <use y = \"60\" xlink:href = \"#usedPolyline\" fill-opacity = \"0.7\" fill= \"red\" stroke = \"blue\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <g fill = \"green\" fill-rule = \"nonzero\" stroke = \"purple\" stroke-width = \"4\" stroke-dasharray = \"1,1,3,1\" stroke-offset = \"3\" stroke-miterlimit = \"6\" stroke-linecap = \"butt\" stroke-linejoin = \"round\">"
+ " <polygon id = \"usedPolyline\" points=\"20,20 50,120 100,10 40,80 50,80\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ " <g stroke-width = \"3\" stroke-dasharray = \"1,1,1,1\" stroke-offset = \"5\" stroke-miterlimit = \"3\" stroke-linecap = \"butt\" stroke-linejoin = \"square\" >"
+ " <use y = \"60\" xlink:href = \"#usedPolyline\" fill= \"red\" stroke = \"blue\" fill-opacity = \"0.7\" fill-rule = \"evenodd\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ //Use refering to group node
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <g>"
+ " <circle cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" r=\"100\" fill = \"red\" fill-opacity = \"0.6\"/>"
+ " <rect x = \"10\" y = \"10\" width = \"30\" height = \"30\" fill = \"red\" fill-opacity = \"0.5\"/>"
+ " <circle fill=\"#a6ce39\" cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" r=\"33\" fill-opacity = \"0.5\"/>"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <defs>"
+ " <g id=\"usedG\">"
+ " <circle cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" r=\"100\" fill-opacity = \"0.6\"/>"
+ " <rect x = \"10\" y = \"10\" width = \"30\" height = \"30\"/>"
+ " <circle fill=\"#a6ce39\" cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" r=\"33\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ " </defs>"
+ " <use xlink:href =\"#usedG\" fill = \"red\" fill-opacity =\"0.5\"/>"
+ "</svg>",
+ "<svg viewBox = \"0 0 200 200\">"
+ " <defs>"
+ " <g fill = \"blue\" fill-opacity = \"0.3\">"
+ " <g id=\"usedG\">"
+ " <circle cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" r=\"100\" fill-opacity = \"0.6\"/>"
+ " <rect x = \"10\" y = \"10\" width = \"30\" height = \"30\"/>"
+ " <circle fill=\"#a6ce39\" cx=\"0\" cy=\"0\" r=\"33\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ " </g>"
+ " </defs>"
+ " <g fill = \"red\" fill-opacity =\"0.5\">"
+ " <use xlink:href =\"#usedG\" />"
+ " </g>"
+ "</svg>"
+ };
+ const int COUNT = sizeof(svgs) / sizeof(svgs[0]);
+ QImage images[COUNT];
+ QPainter p;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
+ QByteArray data(svgs[i]);
+ QSvgRenderer renderer(data);
+ images[i] = QImage(200, 200, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+ images[i].fill(-1);
+ p.begin(&images[i]);
+ renderer.render(&p);
+ p.end();
+ if (i < 4 && i != 0) {
+ QCOMPARE(images[0], images[i]);
+ } else if (i > 4 && i < 7) {
+ QCOMPARE(images[4], images[i]);
+ } else if (i > 7) {
+ QCOMPARE(images[8], images[i]);
+ }
+ }