path: root/tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp b/tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp
index 72c13bf..178e5e5 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp
@@ -3679,65 +3679,10 @@ void tst_QUrl::binaryData()
void tst_QUrl::fromUserInput_data()
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("string");
- QTest::addColumn<QUrl>("url");
- // Null
- QTest::newRow("null") << QString() << QUrl();
- // File
- QDirIterator it(QDir::homePath());
- QString fileString;
- int c = 0;
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- QTest::newRow(QString("file-%1").arg(c++).toLatin1()) << it.filePath() << QUrl::fromLocalFile(it.filePath());
- }
- // basic latin1
- QTest::newRow("unicode-0") << QString::fromUtf8("\xC3\") << QUrl::fromEncoded(QString::fromUtf8("http://\xC3\").toUtf8(), QUrl::TolerantMode);
- // unicode
- QTest::newRow("unicode-1") << QString::fromUtf8("\xCE\") << QUrl::fromEncoded(QString::fromUtf8("http://\xCE\").toUtf8(), QUrl::TolerantMode);
- // no scheme
- QTest::newRow("add scheme-0") << "" << QUrl("");
- QTest::newRow("add scheme-1") << "" << QUrl("");
- QTest::newRow("add scheme-2") << "" << QUrl("");
- QTest::newRow("add scheme-3") << "webkit" << QUrl("webkit");
- // QUrl's tolerant parser should already handle this
- QTest::newRow("not-encoded-0") << " page.html" << QUrl("");
- // Make sure the :80, i.e. port doesn't screw anything up
- QUrl portUrl("");
- portUrl.setPort(80);
- QTest::newRow("port-0") << "" << portUrl;
- QTest::newRow("port-1") << "" << portUrl;
- // mailto doesn't have a ://, but is valid
- QUrl mailto("");
- mailto.setScheme("mailto");
- QTest::newRow("mailto") << "" << mailto;
- // misc
- QTest::newRow("localhost-0") << "localhost" << QUrl("http://localhost");
- QTest::newRow("localhost-1") << "localhost:80" << QUrl("http://localhost:80");
- QTest::newRow("spaces-0") << " page.html " << QUrl("");
- QTest::newRow("trash-0") << "" << QUrl::fromEncoded("");
- // FYI: The scheme in the resulting url user
- QUrl authUrl("");
- QTest::newRow("misc-1") << "" << authUrl;
-// public static QUrl guessUrlFromString(QString const& string)
void tst_QUrl::fromUserInput()
- QFETCH(QString, string);
- QFETCH(QUrl, url);
- QUrl guessedUrl = QUrl::fromUserInput(string);
- QCOMPARE(guessedUrl, url);
void tst_QUrl::task_199967()