path: root/tests/auto
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto')
2 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp b/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp
index 695bfe7..13b13d6 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp
@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@ private slots:
void task228844_ensurePreviousSorting();
void task239706_editableFilterCombo();
void task218353_relativePaths();
+ void task251321_sideBarHiddenEntries();
+ void task251341_sideBarRemoveEntries();
QByteArray userSettings;
@@ -1852,5 +1854,119 @@ void tst_QFiledialog::task218353_relativePaths()
+void tst_QFiledialog::task251321_sideBarHiddenEntries()
+ QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+ QDir current = QDir::currentPath();
+ current.mkdir(".hidden");
+ QDir hiddenDir = QDir(".hidden");
+ hiddenDir.mkdir("subdir");
+ QDir hiddenSubDir = QDir(".hidden/subdir");
+ hiddenSubDir.mkdir("happy");
+ hiddenSubDir.mkdir("happy2");
+ QList<QUrl> urls;
+ urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(hiddenSubDir.absolutePath());
+ fd.setSidebarUrls(urls);
+ QTest::qWait(250);
+ QSidebar *sidebar = qFindChild<QSidebar*>(&fd, "sidebar");
+ sidebar->setFocus();
+ sidebar->selectUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(hiddenSubDir.absolutePath()));
+ QTest::mouseClick(sidebar->viewport(), Qt::LeftButton, 0, sidebar->visualRect(sidebar->model()->index(0, 0)).center());
+ QTest::qWait(250);
+ QFileSystemModel *model = qFindChild<QFileSystemModel*>(&fd, "qt_filesystem_model");
+ QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(model->index(hiddenSubDir.absolutePath())), 2);
+ hiddenSubDir.rmdir("happy2");
+ hiddenSubDir.rmdir("happy");
+ hiddenDir.rmdir("subdir");
+ current.rmdir(".hidden");
+class MyQSideBar : public QSidebar
+public :
+ MyQSideBar(QWidget *parent = 0) : QSidebar(parent)
+ {}
+ void removeSelection() {
+ QList<QModelIndex> idxs = selectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
+ QList<QPersistentModelIndex> indexes;
+ for (int i = 0; i < idxs.count(); i++)
+ indexes.append(;
+ for (int i = 0; i < indexes.count(); ++i)
+ if (! + 1).toUrl().path().isEmpty())
+ model()->removeRow(;
+ }
+void tst_QFiledialog::task251341_sideBarRemoveEntries()
+ QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+ QDir current = QDir::currentPath();
+ current.mkdir("testDir");
+ QDir testSubDir = QDir("testDir");
+ QList<QUrl> urls;
+ urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(testSubDir.absolutePath());
+ urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile("NotFound");
+ fd.setSidebarUrls(urls);
+ QTest::qWait(250);
+ QSidebar *sidebar = qFindChild<QSidebar*>(&fd, "sidebar");
+ sidebar->setFocus();
+ //We enter in the first bookmark
+ sidebar->selectUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(testSubDir.absolutePath()));
+ QTest::mouseClick(sidebar->viewport(), Qt::LeftButton, 0, sidebar->visualRect(sidebar->model()->index(0, 0)).center());
+ QTest::qWait(250);
+ QFileSystemModel *model = qFindChild<QFileSystemModel*>(&fd, "qt_filesystem_model");
+ //There is no file
+ QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(model->index(testSubDir.absolutePath())), 0);
+ //Icon is not enabled QUrlModel::EnabledRole
+ QVariant value = sidebar->model()->index(0, 0).data(Qt::UserRole + 2);
+ QCOMPARE(qvariant_cast<bool>(value), true);
+ sidebar->setFocus();
+ //We enter in the second bookmark which is invalid
+ sidebar->selectUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile("NotFound"));
+ QTest::mouseClick(sidebar->viewport(), Qt::LeftButton, 0, sidebar->visualRect(sidebar->model()->index(1, 0)).center());
+ QTest::qWait(250);
+ //We fallback to root because the entry in the bookmark is invalid
+ QCOMPARE(model->rowCount(model->index("NotFound")), model->rowCount(model->index(model->rootPath())));
+ //Icon is not enabled QUrlModel::EnabledRole
+ value = sidebar->model()->index(1, 0).data(Qt::UserRole + 2);
+ QCOMPARE(qvariant_cast<bool>(value), false);
+ MyQSideBar mySideBar;
+ mySideBar.init(model, urls);
+ mySideBar.selectUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(testSubDir.absolutePath()));
+ QTest::qWait(1000);
+ mySideBar.removeSelection();
+ //We remove the first entry
+ QList<QUrl> expected;
+ expected << QUrl::fromLocalFile("NotFound");
+ QCOMPARE(mySideBar.urls(), expected);
+ mySideBar.selectUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile("NotFound"));
+ mySideBar.removeSelection();
+ //We remove the second entry
+ expected.clear();
+ QCOMPARE(mySideBar.urls(), expected);
+ current.rmdir("testDir");
#include "tst_qfiledialog.moc"
diff --git a/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp b/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp
index e501bc4..57e441b 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ private slots:
void tabChangesFocus();
void tabChangesFocus_data();
void cacheMode();
+ void updateCachedItemAfterMove();
// task specific tests below me
void task141694_textItemEnsureVisible();
@@ -3662,6 +3663,8 @@ void tst_QGraphicsItem::defaultItemTest_QGraphicsEllipseItem()
class ItemChangeTester : public QGraphicsRectItem
+ ItemChangeTester(){}
+ ItemChangeTester(QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsRectItem(parent) {}
QVariant itemChangeReturnValue;
QGraphicsScene *itemSceneChangeTargetScene;
@@ -3950,6 +3953,39 @@ void tst_QGraphicsItem::itemChange()
QCOMPARE(tester.changes.size(), ++changeCount);
QCOMPARE(tester.changes.last(), QGraphicsItem::ItemChildRemovedChange);
QCOMPARE(qVariantValue<QGraphicsItem *>(tester.values.last()), (QGraphicsItem *)&testerHelper);
+ // ItemChildRemovedChange 1
+ ItemChangeTester *test = new ItemChangeTester;
+ test->itemSceneChangeTargetScene = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ QGraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene;
+ scene->addItem(test);
+ count = test->changes.size();
+ //We test here the fact that when a child is deleted the parent receive only one ItemChildRemovedChange
+ QGraphicsRectItem *child = new QGraphicsRectItem(test);
+ //We received ItemChildAddedChange
+ QCOMPARE(test->changes.size(), ++count);
+ QCOMPARE(test->changes.last(), QGraphicsItem::ItemChildAddedChange);
+ delete child;
+ child = 0;
+ QCOMPARE(test->changes.size(), ++count);
+ QCOMPARE(test->changes.last(), QGraphicsItem::ItemChildRemovedChange);
+ ItemChangeTester *childTester = new ItemChangeTester(test);
+ //Changes contains all sceneHasChanged and so on, we don't want to test that
+ int childCount = childTester->changes.size();
+ //We received ItemChildAddedChange
+ QCOMPARE(test->changes.size(), ++count);
+ child = new QGraphicsRectItem(childTester);
+ //We received ItemChildAddedChange
+ QCOMPARE(childTester->changes.size(), ++childCount);
+ QCOMPARE(childTester->changes.last(), QGraphicsItem::ItemChildAddedChange);
+ //Delete the child of the top level with all its children
+ delete childTester;
+ //Only one removal
+ QCOMPARE(test->changes.size(), ++count);
+ QCOMPARE(test->changes.last(), QGraphicsItem::ItemChildRemovedChange);
+ delete scene;
// ItemChildRemovedChange 2
@@ -6060,5 +6096,46 @@ void tst_QGraphicsItem::cacheMode()
QCOMPARE(testerChild2->repaints, 6);
+void tst_QGraphicsItem::updateCachedItemAfterMove()
+ // A simple item that uses ItemCoordinateCache
+ EventTester *tester = new EventTester;
+ tester->setCacheMode(QGraphicsItem::ItemCoordinateCache);
+ // Add to a scene, show in a view, ensure it's painted and reset its
+ // repaint counter.
+ QGraphicsScene scene;
+ scene.addItem(tester);
+ QGraphicsView view(&scene);
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ qt_x11_wait_for_window_manager(&view);
+ QTest::qWait(125);
+ tester->repaints = 0;
+ // Move the item, should not cause repaints
+ tester->setPos(10, 0);
+ QTest::qWait(125);
+ QCOMPARE(tester->repaints, 0);
+ // Move then update, should cause one repaint
+ tester->setPos(20, 0);
+ tester->update();
+ QTest::qWait(125);
+ QCOMPARE(tester->repaints, 1);
+ // Hiding the item doesn't cause a repaint
+ tester->hide();
+ QTest::qWait(125);
+ QCOMPARE(tester->repaints, 1);
+ // Moving a hidden item doesn't cause a repaint
+ tester->setPos(30, 0);
+ tester->update();
+ QTest::qWait(125);
+ QCOMPARE(tester->repaints, 1);
#include "tst_qgraphicsitem.moc"