path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
4 files changed, 211 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qbuffer/tst_qbuffer.cpp b/tests/auto/qbuffer/tst_qbuffer.cpp
index 776935d..bf4842f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qbuffer/tst_qbuffer.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qbuffer/tst_qbuffer.cpp
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ public:
private slots:
+ void open();
void getSetCheck();
void readBlock();
void readBlockPastEnd();
@@ -104,6 +105,55 @@ tst_QBuffer::tst_QBuffer()
+void tst_QBuffer::open()
+ QByteArray data(10, 'f');
+ QBuffer b;
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QBuffer::open: Buffer access not specified");
+ QVERIFY(!b.isOpen());
+ b.close();
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QBuffer::open: Buffer access not specified");
+ QVERIFY(!b.isOpen());
+ b.close();
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QBuffer::open: Buffer access not specified");
+ QVERIFY(!b.isOpen());
+ b.close();
+ QVERIFY(b.isReadable());
+ b.close();
+ QVERIFY(b.isWritable());
+ b.close();
+ b.setData(data);
+ QVERIFY(b.isWritable());
+ QCOMPARE(b.size(), qint64(10));
+ QCOMPARE(b.pos(), b.size());
+ b.close();
+ b.setData(data);
+ QVERIFY(b.isWritable());
+ QCOMPARE(b.size(), qint64(0));
+ QCOMPARE(b.pos(), qint64(0));
+ b.close();
+ QVERIFY(b.isReadable());
+ QVERIFY(b.isWritable());
+ b.close();
// some status() tests, too
void tst_QBuffer::readBlock()
diff --git a/tests/auto/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp b/tests/auto/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp
index 25925bd..45f501c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp
@@ -6195,16 +6195,62 @@ void tst_QNetworkReply::synchronousRequestSslFailure()
-void tst_QNetworkReply::httpAbort()
+class HttpAbortHelper : public QObject
- // FIXME: Implement a test that aborts a big HTTP reply
- // a) after the first readyRead()
- // b) immediatly after the get()
- // c) after the finished()
- // The goal is no crash and no irrelevant signals after the abort
+ HttpAbortHelper(QNetworkReply *parent)
+ : QObject(parent)
+ {
+ mReply = parent;
+ connect(parent, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()));
+ }
+ ~HttpAbortHelper()
+ {
+ }
+public slots:
+ void readyRead()
+ {
+ mReply->abort();
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&QTestEventLoop::instance(), "exitLoop", Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ }
+ QNetworkReply *mReply;
+void tst_QNetworkReply::httpAbort()
// FIXME Also implement one where we do a big upload and then abort().
// It must not crash either.
+ // Abort after the first readyRead()
+ QNetworkRequest request("http://" + QtNetworkSettings::serverName() + "/qtest/bigfile");
+ QNetworkReplyPtr reply;
+ reply = manager.get(request);
+ HttpAbortHelper replyHolder(reply);
+ QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(10);
+ QVERIFY(!QTestEventLoop::instance().timeout());
+ QCOMPARE(reply->error(), QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError);
+ QVERIFY(reply->isFinished());
+ // Abort immediatly after the get()
+ QNetworkReplyPtr reply2 = manager.get(request);
+ connect(reply2, SIGNAL(finished()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
+ reply2->abort();
+ QCOMPARE(reply2->error(), QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError);
+ QVERIFY(reply2->isFinished());
+ // Abort after the finished()
+ QNetworkRequest request3("http://" + QtNetworkSettings::serverName() + "/qtest/rfc3252.txt");
+ QNetworkReplyPtr reply3 = manager.get(request3);
+ connect(reply3, SIGNAL(finished()), &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
+ QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(10);
+ QVERIFY(reply3->isFinished());
+ reply3->abort();
+ QCOMPARE(reply3->error(), QNetworkReply::NoError);
void tst_QNetworkReply::dontInsertPartialContentIntoTheCache()
diff --git a/tests/auto/qsocketnotifier/tst_qsocketnotifier.cpp b/tests/auto/qsocketnotifier/tst_qsocketnotifier.cpp
index 550cef9..eb9a260 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qsocketnotifier/tst_qsocketnotifier.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qsocketnotifier/tst_qsocketnotifier.cpp
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
#include <private/qnet_unix_p.h>
#include <limits>
-#include <select.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
class tst_QSocketNotifier : public QObject
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ void tst_QSocketNotifier::unexpectedDisconnection()
// we have to wait until sequence value changes
// as any event can make us jump out processing
- QVERIFY(timer.isActive); //escape if test would hang
+ QVERIFY(timer.isActive()); //escape if test would hang
} while(tester.sequence <= 0);
QVERIFY(readEnd1.state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState);
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ void tst_QSocketNotifier::posixSockets()
QCOMPARE(readSpy.count(), 1);
- QCOMPARE(writeSpy.count(), 0);
+ writeSpy.clear(); //depending on OS, write notifier triggers on creation or not.
QCOMPARE(errorSpy.count(), 0);
char buffer[100];
@@ -315,18 +315,17 @@ void tst_QSocketNotifier::posixSockets()
void tst_QSocketNotifier::bogusFds()
-#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
+#ifndef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+ //behaviour of QSocketNotifier with an invalid fd is totally different across OS
+ //main point of this test was to check symbian backend doesn't crash
+ QSKIP("test only for symbian", SkipAll);
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QSocketNotifier: Internal error");
QSocketNotifier max(std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), QSocketNotifier::Read);
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket specified");
-#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QSocketNotifier: Internal error");
QSocketNotifier min(std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), QSocketNotifier::Write);
-#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QSocketNotifier: Internal error");
//bogus magic number is the first pseudo socket descriptor from symbian socket engine.
QSocketNotifier bogus(0x40000000, QSocketNotifier::Exception);
QSocketNotifier largestlegal(FD_SETSIZE - 1, QSocketNotifier::Read);
@@ -350,6 +349,7 @@ void tst_QSocketNotifier::bogusFds()
QCOMPARE(minspy.count(), 0);
QCOMPARE(bogspy.count(), 0);
QCOMPARE(llspy.count(), 0);
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/corelib/tools/qstring/main.cpp b/tests/benchmarks/corelib/tools/qstring/main.cpp
index 87322a5..5b5f0f7 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/corelib/tools/qstring/main.cpp
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/corelib/tools/qstring/main.cpp
@@ -48,7 +48,12 @@
#define SRCDIR ""
+#if !defined(QWS) && defined(Q_OS_MAC)
+#include "private/qcore_mac_p.h"
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
+#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
@@ -76,6 +81,18 @@ private slots:
void fromLatin1Alternatives() const;
void fromUtf8Alternatives_data() const;
void fromUtf8Alternatives() const;
+#if !defined(QWS) && defined(Q_OS_MAC)
+ void QCFString_data() const;
+ void QCFString_toCFStringRef_data() const;
+ void QCFString_toCFStringRef() const;
+ void QCFString_operatorCFStringRef_data() const;
+ void QCFString_operatorCFStringRef() const;
+ void QCFString_toQString_data() const;
+ void QCFString_toQString() const;
+ void QCFString_operatorQString_data() const;
+ void QCFString_operatorQString() const;
+#endif // !defined(QWS) && defined(Q_OS_MAC)
void tst_QString::equals() const
@@ -2596,6 +2613,89 @@ void tst_QString::fromUtf8Alternatives() const
+#if !defined(QWS) && defined(Q_OS_MAC)
+void tst_QString::QCFString_data() const
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("string");
+ QString base(QLatin1String("I'm some cool string"));
+ QTest::newRow("base") << base;
+ base = base.repeated(25);
+ QTest::newRow("25 bases") << base;
+ QTest::newRow("raw 25 bases") << QString::fromRawData(base.constData(), base.size());
+void tst_QString::QCFString_toCFStringRef_data() const
+ QCFString_data();
+void tst_QString::QCFString_toCFStringRef() const
+ QFETCH(QString, string);
+ CFStringRef cfstr = QCFString::toCFStringRef(string);
+ CFRelease(cfstr);
+ }
+void tst_QString::QCFString_operatorCFStringRef_data() const
+ QCFString_data();
+void tst_QString::QCFString_operatorCFStringRef() const
+ QFETCH(QString, string);
+ CFStringRef cfstr;
+ QCFString qcfstr(string);
+ cfstr = qcfstr;
+ }
+void tst_QString::QCFString_toQString_data() const
+ QCFString_data();
+void tst_QString::QCFString_toQString() const
+ QFETCH(QString, string);
+ QCFString qcfstr(string);
+ QString qstr;
+ qstr = QCFString::toQString(qcfstr);
+ }
+ QVERIFY(qstr == string);
+void tst_QString::QCFString_operatorQString_data() const
+ QCFString_data();
+void tst_QString::QCFString_operatorQString() const
+ QFETCH(QString, string);
+ QCFString qcfstr_base(string);
+ QString qstr;
+ QCFString qcfstr(qcfstr_base);
+ qstr = qcfstr;
+ }
+ QVERIFY(qstr == string);
+#endif // !defined(QWS) && defined(Q_OS_MAC)
#include "main.moc"