path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
5 files changed, 737 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/ b/tests/auto/
index 5ac0c81..3451b53 100644
--- a/tests/auto/
+++ b/tests/auto/
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ SUBDIRS=\
selftests \
utf8 \
qfilesystementry \
+ qabstractfileengine
symbian:SUBDIRS -= \
qtconcurrentfilter \
diff --git a/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/ b/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..870473a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+QT = core
+SOURCES = tst_qabstractfileengine.cpp
+RESOURCES += qabstractfileengine.qrc
diff --git a/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/qabstractfileengine.qrc b/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/qabstractfileengine.qrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5401b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/qabstractfileengine.qrc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
+<qresource prefix="/tst_qabstractfileengine/">
+ <file>resources/</file>
diff --git a/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/resources/file.txt b/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/resources/file.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a03e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/resources/file.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This is a simple text file.
diff --git a/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/tst_qabstractfileengine.cpp b/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/tst_qabstractfileengine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2003a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/qabstractfileengine/tst_qabstractfileengine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+#include <QtCore/QAbstractFileEngine>
+#include <QtCore/QFSFileEngine>
+#include <QtCore/QMutex>
+#include <QtCore/QMutexLocker>
+#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
+#include <QtCore/QScopedPointer>
+#include <QtCore/QHash>
+#include <QtTest/QTest>
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+class tst_QAbstractFileEngine
+ : public QObject
+public slots:
+ void cleanupTestCase();
+private slots:
+ void customHandler();
+ void fileIO_data();
+ void fileIO();
+ QStringList filesForRemoval;
+class ReferenceFileEngine
+ : public QAbstractFileEngine
+ ReferenceFileEngine(const QString &fileName)
+ : fileName_(fileName)
+ , position_(-1)
+ , openForRead_(false)
+ , openForWrite_(false)
+ {
+ }
+ bool open(QIODevice::OpenMode openMode)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(!openForRead_);
+ Q_ASSERT(!openForWrite_);
+ openFile_ = resolveFile(openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+ if (!openFile_)
+ return false;
+ position_ = 0;
+ if (openMode & QIODevice::ReadOnly)
+ openForRead_ = true;
+ if (openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly) {
+ openForWrite_ = true;
+ QMutexLocker lock(&openFile_->mutex);
+ if (openMode & QIODevice::Truncate
+ || !(openForRead_ || openMode & QIODevice::Append))
+ openFile_->content.clear();
+ if (openMode & QIODevice::Append)
+ position_ = openFile_->content.size();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool close()
+ {
+ openFile_.clear();
+ openForRead_ = false;
+ openForWrite_ = false;
+ position_ = -1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ qint64 size() const
+ {
+ QSharedPointer<File> file = resolveFile(false);
+ if (!file)
+ return 0;
+ QMutexLocker lock(&file->mutex);
+ return file->content.size();
+ }
+ qint64 pos() const
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(openForRead_ || openForWrite_);
+ return position_;
+ }
+ bool seek(qint64 pos)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(openForRead_ || openForWrite_);
+ if (pos >= 0) {
+ position_ = pos;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool flush()
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(openForRead_ || openForWrite_);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool remove()
+ {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&fileSystemMutex);
+ int count = fileSystem.remove(fileName_);
+ return (count == 1);
+ }
+ bool copy(const QString &newName)
+ {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&fileSystemMutex);
+ if (!fileSystem.contains(fileName_)
+ || fileSystem.contains(newName))
+ return false;
+ fileSystem.insert(newName, fileSystem.value(fileName_));
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool rename(const QString &newName)
+ {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&fileSystemMutex);
+ if (!fileSystem.contains(fileName_)
+ || fileSystem.contains(newName))
+ return false;
+ fileSystem.insert(newName, fileSystem.take(fileName_));
+ return true;
+ }
+ // bool link(const QString &newName)
+ // {
+ // Q_UNUSED(newName)
+ // return false;
+ // }
+ // bool mkdir(const QString &dirName, bool createParentDirectories) const
+ // {
+ // Q_UNUSED(dirName)
+ // Q_UNUSED(createParentDirectories)
+ // return false;
+ // }
+ // bool rmdir(const QString &dirName, bool recurseParentDirectories) const
+ // {
+ // Q_UNUSED(dirName)
+ // Q_UNUSED(recurseParentDirectories)
+ // return false;
+ // }
+ bool setSize(qint64 size)
+ {
+ if (size < 0)
+ return false;
+ QSharedPointer<File> file = resolveFile(false);
+ if (!file)
+ return false;
+ QMutexLocker lock(&file->mutex);
+ file->content.resize(size);
+ if (openForRead_ || openForWrite_)
+ if (position_ > size)
+ position_ = size;
+ return (file->content.size() == size);
+ }
+ FileFlags fileFlags(FileFlags type) const
+ {
+ QSharedPointer<File> file = resolveFile(false);
+ if (file) {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&file->mutex);
+ return (file->fileFlags & type);
+ }
+ return FileFlags();
+ }
+ // bool setPermissions(uint perms)
+ // {
+ // Q_UNUSED(perms)
+ // return false;
+ // }
+ QString fileName(FileName file) const
+ {
+ switch (file) {
+ case DefaultName:
+ return QLatin1String("DefaultName");
+ case BaseName:
+ return QLatin1String("BaseName");
+ case PathName:
+ return QLatin1String("PathName");
+ case AbsoluteName:
+ return QLatin1String("AbsoluteName");
+ case AbsolutePathName:
+ return QLatin1String("AbsolutePathName");
+ case LinkName:
+ return QLatin1String("LinkName");
+ case CanonicalName:
+ return QLatin1String("CanonicalName");
+ case CanonicalPathName:
+ return QLatin1String("CanonicalPathName");
+ case BundleName:
+ return QLatin1String("BundleName");
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return QString();
+ }
+ uint ownerId(FileOwner owner) const
+ {
+ QSharedPointer<File> file = resolveFile(false);
+ if (file) {
+ switch (owner) {
+ case OwnerUser:
+ {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&file->mutex);
+ return file->userId;
+ }
+ case OwnerGroup:
+ {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&file->mutex);
+ return file->groupId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -2;
+ }
+ QString owner(FileOwner owner) const
+ {
+ QSharedPointer<File> file = resolveFile(false);
+ if (file) {
+ uint ownerId;
+ switch (owner) {
+ case OwnerUser:
+ {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&file->mutex);
+ ownerId = file->userId;
+ }
+ {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&fileSystemMutex);
+ return fileSystemUsers.value(ownerId);
+ }
+ case OwnerGroup:
+ {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&file->mutex);
+ ownerId = file->groupId;
+ }
+ {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&fileSystemMutex);
+ return fileSystemGroups.value(ownerId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return QString();
+ }
+ QDateTime fileTime(FileTime time) const
+ {
+ QSharedPointer<File> file = resolveFile(false);
+ if (file) {
+ QMutexLocker lock(&file->mutex);
+ switch (time) {
+ case CreationTime:
+ return file->creation;
+ case ModificationTime:
+ return file->modification;
+ case AccessTime:
+ return file->access;
+ }
+ }
+ return QDateTime();
+ }
+ void setFileName(const QString &file)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(!openForRead_);
+ Q_ASSERT(!openForWrite_);
+ fileName_ = file;
+ }
+ // typedef QAbstractFileEngineIterator Iterator;
+ // Iterator *beginEntryList(QDir::Filters filters, const QStringList &filterNames)
+ // {
+ // Q_UNUSED(filters)
+ // Q_UNUSED(filterNames)
+ // return 0;
+ // }
+ // Iterator *endEntryList()
+ // {
+ // return 0;
+ // }
+ qint64 read(char *data, qint64 maxLen)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(openForRead_);
+ Q_ASSERT(!openFile_.isNull());
+ QMutexLocker lock(&openFile_->mutex);
+ qint64 readSize = qMin(openFile_->content.size() - position_, maxLen);
+ if (readSize < 0)
+ return -1;
+ qMemCopy(data, openFile_->content.constData() + position_, readSize);
+ position_ += readSize;
+ return readSize;
+ }
+ qint64 write(const char *data, qint64 length)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(openForWrite_);
+ if (length < 0)
+ return -1;
+ Q_ASSERT(!openFile_.isNull());
+ QMutexLocker lock(&openFile_->mutex);
+ if (openFile_->content.size() == position_)
+ openFile_->content.append(data, length);
+ else {
+ if (position_ + length > openFile_->content.size())
+ openFile_->content.resize(position_ + length);
+ openFile_->content.replace(position_, length, data, length);
+ }
+ qint64 writeSize = qMin(length, openFile_->content.size() - position_);
+ position_ += writeSize;
+ return writeSize;
+ }
+ // void setError(QFile::FileError error, const QString &str);
+ struct File
+ {
+ File()
+ : userId(0)
+ , groupId(0)
+ , fileFlags(
+ ReadOwnerPerm | WriteOwnerPerm | ExeOwnerPerm
+ | ReadUserPerm | WriteUserPerm | ExeUserPerm
+ | ReadGroupPerm | WriteGroupPerm | ExeGroupPerm
+ | ReadOtherPerm | WriteOtherPerm | ExeOtherPerm
+ | FileType | ExistsFlag)
+ {
+ }
+ QMutex mutex;
+ uint userId, groupId;
+ QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlags fileFlags;
+ QDateTime creation, modification, access;
+ QByteArray content;
+ };
+ QSharedPointer<File> resolveFile(bool create) const
+ {
+ if (openForRead_ || openForWrite_) {
+ Q_ASSERT(openFile_);
+ return openFile_;
+ }
+ QMutexLocker lock(&fileSystemMutex);
+ if (create) {
+ QSharedPointer<File> &p = fileSystem[fileName_];
+ if (p.isNull())
+ p = QSharedPointer<File>(new File);
+ return p;
+ }
+ return fileSystem.value(fileName_);
+ }
+ static QMutex fileSystemMutex;
+ static QHash<uint, QString> fileSystemUsers, fileSystemGroups;
+ static QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<File> > fileSystem;
+ QString fileName_;
+ qint64 position_;
+ bool openForRead_;
+ bool openForWrite_;
+ mutable QSharedPointer<File> openFile_;
+QMutex ReferenceFileEngine::fileSystemMutex;
+QHash<uint, QString> ReferenceFileEngine::fileSystemUsers, ReferenceFileEngine::fileSystemGroups;
+QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<ReferenceFileEngine::File> > ReferenceFileEngine::fileSystem;
+class FileEngineHandler
+ : QAbstractFileEngineHandler
+ QAbstractFileEngine *create(const QString &fileName) const
+ {
+ if (fileName.startsWith("QFSFileEngine:"))
+ return new QFSFileEngine(fileName.mid(14));
+ if (fileName.startsWith("reference-file-engine:"))
+ return new ReferenceFileEngine(fileName.mid(22));
+ if (fileName.startsWith("resource:"))
+ return QAbstractFileEngine::create(QLatin1String(":/tst_qabstractfileengine/resources/") + fileName.mid(9));
+ return 0;
+ }
+void tst_QAbstractFileEngine::cleanupTestCase()
+ bool failed = false;
+ FileEngineHandler handler;
+ Q_FOREACH(QString file, filesForRemoval)
+ if (!QFile::remove(file)
+ || QFile::exists(file)) {
+ failed = true;
+ qDebug() << "Couldn't remove file:" << file;
+ }
+ QVERIFY(!failed);
+void tst_QAbstractFileEngine::customHandler()
+ QScopedPointer<QAbstractFileEngine> file;
+ {
+ file.reset(QAbstractFileEngine::create("resource:file.txt"));
+ QVERIFY(file);
+ }
+ {
+ FileEngineHandler handler;
+ QFile file("resource:file.txt");
+ QVERIFY(file.exists());
+ }
+ {
+ QFile file("resource:file.txt");
+ QVERIFY(!file.exists());
+ }
+void tst_QAbstractFileEngine::fileIO_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("fileName");
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("readContent");
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("writeContent");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("fileExists");
+ QString resourceTxtFile(":/tst_qabstractfileengine/resources/file.txt");
+ QByteArray readContent("This is a simple text file.\n");
+ QByteArray writeContent("This contains two lines of text.\n");
+ QTest::newRow("resource") << resourceTxtFile << readContent << QByteArray() << true;
+ QTest::newRow("native") << "native-file.txt" << readContent << writeContent << false;
+ QTest::newRow("Forced QFSFileEngine") << "QFSFileEngine:QFSFileEngine-file.txt" << readContent << writeContent << false;
+ QTest::newRow("Custom FE") << "reference-file-engine:file.txt" << readContent << writeContent << false;
+ QTest::newRow("Forced QFSFileEngine (native)") << "QFSFileEngine:native-file.txt" << readContent << writeContent << true;
+ QTest::newRow("native (Forced QFSFileEngine)") << "QFSFileEngine-file.txt" << readContent << writeContent << true;
+ QTest::newRow("Custom FE (2)") << "reference-file-engine:file.txt" << readContent << writeContent << true;
+void tst_QAbstractFileEngine::fileIO()
+ QFETCH(QString, fileName);
+ QFETCH(QByteArray, readContent);
+ QFETCH(QByteArray, writeContent);
+ QFETCH(bool, fileExists);
+ FileEngineHandler handler;
+ {
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ QCOMPARE(file.exists(), fileExists);
+ if (!fileExists) {
+ QVERIFY( | QIODevice::Unbuffered));
+ filesForRemoval.append(fileName);
+ QCOMPARE(file.write(readContent), qint64(readContent.size()));
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // File content is: readContent
+ //
+ qint64 fileSize = readContent.size();
+ {
+ // Reading
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QVERIFY( | QIODevice::Unbuffered));
+ QVERIFY(file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(0));
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.readAll(), readContent);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), fileSize);
+ file.close();
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ }
+ if (writeContent.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ {
+ // Writing / appending
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QVERIFY( | QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Unbuffered));
+ QVERIFY(file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.write(writeContent), qint64(writeContent.size()));
+ fileSize += writeContent.size();
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ file.close();
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ }
+ //
+ // File content is: readContent + writeContent
+ //
+ {
+ // Reading and Writing
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QVERIFY( | QIODevice::Unbuffered));
+ QVERIFY(file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(0));
+ QCOMPARE(file.readAll(), readContent + writeContent);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(writeContent.size()));
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.write(readContent), qint64(readContent.size()));
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(0));
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.write(writeContent), qint64(writeContent.size()));
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(writeContent.size()));
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(, writeContent);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(writeContent.size()));
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.readAll(), readContent);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ file.close();
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ }
+ //
+ // File content is: writeContent + readContent
+ //
+ {
+ // Writing
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QVERIFY( | QIODevice::Unbuffered));
+ QVERIFY(file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(0));
+ QCOMPARE(file.write(writeContent), qint64(writeContent.size()));
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(writeContent.size()));
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QVERIFY(file.resize(writeContent.size()));
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), qint64(writeContent.size()));
+ file.close();
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), qint64(writeContent.size()));
+ QVERIFY(file.resize(fileSize));
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ }
+ //
+ // File content is: writeContent + <undefined>
+ // File size is : (readContent + writeContent).size()
+ //
+ {
+ // Writing / extending
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QVERIFY( | QIODevice::Unbuffered));
+ QVERIFY(file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(0));
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(1024));
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ fileSize = 1024 + writeContent.size();
+ QCOMPARE(file.write(writeContent), qint64(writeContent.size()));
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(1028));
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ fileSize = 1028 + writeContent.size();
+ QCOMPARE(file.write(writeContent), qint64(writeContent.size()));
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ file.close();
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ }
+ //
+ // File content is: writeContent + <undefined> + writeContent
+ // File size is : 1024 + writeContent.size()
+ //
+ {
+ // Writing / truncating
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QVERIFY( | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Unbuffered));
+ QVERIFY(file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), qint64(0));
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), qint64(0));
+ fileSize = readContent.size();
+ QCOMPARE(file.write(readContent), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.pos(), fileSize);
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ file.close();
+ QVERIFY(!file.isOpen());
+ QCOMPARE(file.size(), fileSize);
+ }
+ //
+ // File content is: readContent
+ //
+#include "tst_qabstractfileengine.moc"