path: root/tools/assistant
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/assistant')
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/assistant.icnsbin162568 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/assistant.icobin355574 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/assistant-128.pngbin6448 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/assistant.pngbin2034 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/close.pngbin406 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/designer.pngbin1282 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/linguist.pngbin1382 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/addtab.pngbin469 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/book.pngbin1477 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/closetab.pngbin516 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/editcopy.pngbin1468 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/find.pngbin1836 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/home.pngbin1807 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/next.pngbin1310 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/prev.pngbin1080 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/print.pngbin2087 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/synctoc.pngbin1838 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/whatsthis.pngbin1586 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/zoomin.pngbin1696 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/zoomout.pngbin1662 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/qt.pngbin1422 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/addtab.pngbin314 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/book.pngbin1109 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/closetab.pngbin375 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/editcopy.pngbin1325 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/find.pngbin1944 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/home.pngbin1414 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/next.pngbin1038 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/previous.pngbin898 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/print.pngbin1456 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/synctoc.pngbin1235 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/whatsthis.pngbin1040 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/zoomin.pngbin1208 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/win/zoomout.pngbin1226 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/compat/images/wrap.pngbin500 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/lib/qclucenefieldnames_p.h (renamed from tools/assistant/compat/fontsettingsdialog.h)48
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/tools/assistant/assistant.qchbin364544 -> 364544 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/tools/assistant/findwidget.h (renamed from tools/assistant/compat/helpwindow.h)77
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/tools/assistant/images/bookmark.pngbin0 -> 1266 bytes
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/tools/assistant/tracer.h (renamed from tools/assistant/compat/lib/qassistantclient_global.h)40
-rw-r--r--tools/assistant/tools/assistant/xbelsupport.h (renamed from tools/assistant/compat/topicchooser.h)52
139 files changed, 6418 insertions, 11286 deletions
diff --git a/tools/assistant/ b/tools/assistant/
index 08d0d4b..97196b2 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/
+++ b/tools/assistant/
@@ -3,6 +3,4 @@ CONFIG += ordered
SUBDIRS += lib/fulltextsearch \
lib \
- tools \
- compat \
- compat/lib \ \ No newline at end of file
+ tools
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/Info_mac.plist b/tools/assistant/compat/Info_mac.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index b1e6336..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/Info_mac.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd">
-<plist version="0.9">
- <key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
- <string>@ICON@</string>
- <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
- <string>APPL</string>
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>Created by Qt/QMake</string>
- <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
- <string>????</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.trolltech.assistant-compat</string>
- <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
- <string>@EXECUTABLE@</string>
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.icns b/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.icns
deleted file mode 100644
index 6291dd3..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.icns
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.ico b/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e1b83f..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/ b/tools/assistant/compat/
deleted file mode 100644
index e865d6b..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-TARGET = assistant_adp
-CONFIG += qt warn_on
-unix:contains(QT_CONFIG, dbus):QT += dbus
-build_all:!build_pass {
- CONFIG -= build_all
- CONFIG += release
-QT += xml network
-PROJECTNAME = Assistant
-DESTDIR = ../../../bin
-FORMS += helpdialog.ui \
- mainwindow.ui \
- tabbedbrowser.ui \
- topicchooser.ui
-SOURCES += main.cpp \
- helpwindow.cpp \
- topicchooser.cpp \
- docuparser.cpp \
- index.cpp \
- profile.cpp \
- config.cpp \
- helpdialog.cpp \
- mainwindow.cpp \
- tabbedbrowser.cpp \
- fontsettingsdialog.cpp
-HEADERS += helpwindow.h \
- topicchooser.h \
- docuparser.h \
- index.h \
- profile.h \
- helpdialog.h \
- mainwindow.h \
- tabbedbrowser.h \
- config.h \
- fontsettingsdialog.h
-RESOURCES += assistant.qrc
-contains(QT_PRODUCT, OpenSource.*):DEFINES *= QT_OPENSOURCE
-win32 {
- !wince*:LIBS += -lshell32
- RC_FILE = assistant.rc
-mac {
- ICON = assistant.icns
- TARGET = Assistant_adp
- QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info_mac.plist
-INSTALLS += target
-TRANSLATIONS = assistant_de.ts
-unix:!contains(QT_CONFIG, zlib):LIBS += -lz
-contains(CONFIG, static): {
- win32 {
- exists($$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/imageformats/qjpeg.lib) {
- QTPLUGIN += qjpeg
- }
- } else {
- exists($$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/imageformats/qjpeg.a) {
- QTPLUGIN += qjpeg
- }
- }
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.qrc b/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.qrc
deleted file mode 100644
index dae1f48..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.qrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- <qresource prefix="/trolltech/assistant" >
- <file>images/assistant-128.png</file>
- <file>images/assistant.png</file>
- <file>images/close.png</file>
- <file>images/designer.png</file>
- <file>images/linguist.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/addtab.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/book.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/closetab.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/editcopy.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/find.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/home.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/next.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/prev.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/print.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/synctoc.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/whatsthis.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/zoomin.png</file>
- <file>images/mac/zoomout.png</file>
- <file>images/qt.png</file>
- <file>images/win/addtab.png</file>
- <file>images/win/book.png</file>
- <file>images/win/closetab.png</file>
- <file>images/win/editcopy.png</file>
- <file>images/win/find.png</file>
- <file>images/win/home.png</file>
- <file>images/win/next.png</file>
- <file>images/win/previous.png</file>
- <file>images/win/print.png</file>
- <file>images/win/synctoc.png</file>
- <file>images/win/whatsthis.png</file>
- <file>images/win/zoomin.png</file>
- <file>images/win/zoomout.png</file>
- <file>images/wrap.png</file>
- </qresource>
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.rc b/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index b4786ce..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/assistant.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/ b/tools/assistant/compat/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1086f4c..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-TARGET = assistant_adp
-CONFIG += qt warn_on
-unix:contains(QT_CONFIG, dbus):QT += dbus
-build_all:!build_pass {
- CONFIG -= build_all
- CONFIG += release
-QT += xml network
-PROJECTNAME = Assistant
-DESTDIR = ../../../bin
-FORMS += helpdialog.ui \
- mainwindow.ui \
- tabbedbrowser.ui \
- topicchooser.ui
-SOURCES += main.cpp \
- helpwindow.cpp \
- topicchooser.cpp \
- docuparser.cpp \
- index.cpp \
- profile.cpp \
- config.cpp \
- helpdialog.cpp \
- mainwindow.cpp \
- tabbedbrowser.cpp \
- fontsettingsdialog.cpp
-HEADERS += helpwindow.h \
- topicchooser.h \
- docuparser.h \
- index.h \
- profile.h \
- helpdialog.h \
- mainwindow.h \
- tabbedbrowser.h \
- config.h \
- fontsettingsdialog.h
-RESOURCES += assistant.qrc
-contains(QT_PRODUCT, OpenSource.*):DEFINES *= QT_OPENSOURCE
-win32 {
- LIBS += -lshell32
- RC_FILE = assistant.rc
-mac {
- ICON = assistant.icns
- TARGET = Assistant_adp
-# QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info_mac.plist
-INSTALLS += target
-TRANSLATIONS = assistant_de.ts
-unix:!contains(QT_CONFIG, zlib):LIBS += -lz
-contains(CONFIG, static): {
- win32 {
- exists($$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/imageformats/qjpeg.lib) {
- QTPLUGIN += qjpeg
- }
- } else {
- exists($$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/imageformats/qjpeg.a) {
- QTPLUGIN += qjpeg
- }
- }
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/config.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/config.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1faef42..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/config.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "config.h"
-#include "profile.h"
-#include "docuparser.h"
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QDesktopWidget>
-#include <QLibraryInfo>
-#include <QFont>
-#include <QFontInfo>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QSettings>
-#include <QList>
-static Config *static_configuration = 0;
-inline QString getVersionString()
- return QString::number( (QT_VERSION >> 16) & 0xff )
- + QLatin1String(".") + QString::number( (QT_VERSION >> 8) & 0xff );
- : profil( 0 ), hideSidebar( false ), rebuildDocs(true)
- if( !static_configuration ) {
- static_configuration = this;
- } else {
- qWarning( "Multiple configurations not allowed!" );
- }
-Config *Config::loadConfig(const QString &profileFileName)
- Config *config = new Config();
- if (profileFileName.isEmpty()) { // no profile
- if (!config->defaultProfileExists()) {
- config->profil = Profile::createDefaultProfile();
- config->saveProfile(config->profil);
- } else {
- config->profil = new Profile();
- }
- config->loadDefaultProfile();
- config->load();
- return config;
- }
- QFile file(profileFileName);
- if (!file.exists()) {
- qWarning( "File does not exist: %s", qPrintable(profileFileName) );
- return 0;
- }
- DocuParser *parser = DocuParser::createParser( profileFileName );
- if (!parser) {
- qWarning( "Failed to create parser for file: %s", qPrintable(profileFileName) );
- return 0;
- }
- if (parser->parserVersion() < DocuParser::Qt320) {
- qWarning( "File does not contain profile information" );
- return 0;
- }
- DocuParser320 *profileParser = static_cast<DocuParser320*>(parser);
- parser->parse(&file);
- config->profil = profileParser->profile();
- if (!config->profil) {
- qWarning( "Config::loadConfig(), no profile in: %s", qPrintable(profileFileName) );
- return 0;
- }
- config->profil->setProfileType(Profile::UserProfile);
- config->profil->setDocuParser(profileParser);
- config->load();
- return config;
-Config *Config::configuration()
- Q_ASSERT( static_configuration );
- return static_configuration;
-void Config::load()
- const QString key = getVersionString() + QLatin1String("/");
- bool isDefaultProfile = profil->props[QLatin1String("name")] == QLatin1String("default");
- const QString pKey = isDefaultProfile ? QString::fromLatin1(QT_VERSION_STR)
- : getVersionString();
- const QString profkey = pKey + QLatin1String("/Profile/") + profil->props[QLatin1String("name")] + QLatin1String("/");
- QSettings settings;
- home = profil->props[QLatin1String("startpage")];;
- if (home.isEmpty() && isDefaultProfile)
- home = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DocumentationPath) + QLatin1String("/html/index.html");
- src = settings.value( profkey + QLatin1String("Source") ).toStringList();
- sideBar = settings.value( key + QLatin1String("SideBarPage") ).toInt();
- if (qApp->type() != QApplication::Tty)
- winGeometry = settings.value(key + QLatin1String("windowGeometry")).toByteArray();
- mainWinState = settings.value(key + QLatin1String("MainWindowState")).toByteArray();
- pointFntSize = settings.value(key + QLatin1String("FontSize"), qApp->font().pointSizeF()).toDouble();
- rebuildDocs = settings.value( key + QLatin1String("RebuildDocDB"), true ).toBool();
- profileNames = settings.value( key + QLatin1String("Profile") ).toStringList();
- m_fontSettings.windowFont = qVariantValue<QFont>(settings.value(key + QLatin1String("windowfont"), qApp->font()));
- m_fontSettings.browserFont = qVariantValue<QFont>(settings.value(key + QLatin1String("browserfont"), qApp->font()));
- m_fontSettings.useWindowFont = settings.value(key + QLatin1String("usewindowfont"), false).toBool();
- m_fontSettings.useBrowserFont = settings.value(key + QLatin1String("usebrowserfont"), false).toBool();
- m_fontSettings.windowWritingSystem = static_cast<QFontDatabase::WritingSystem>(
- settings.value(key + QLatin1String("windowwritingsystem"), QFontDatabase::Latin).toInt());
- m_fontSettings.browserWritingSystem = static_cast<QFontDatabase::WritingSystem>(
- settings.value(key + QLatin1String("browserwritingsystem"), QFontDatabase::Latin).toInt());
- m_fontSettings.browserFont.setPointSizeF(pointFntSize);
-void Config::save()
- saveSettings();
- saveProfile( profil );
-void Config::saveSettings()
- const QString key = getVersionString() + QLatin1String("/");
- const QString pKey = (profil->props[QLatin1String("name")] == QLatin1String("default"))
- ? QString::fromLatin1(QT_VERSION_STR)
- : getVersionString();
- const QString profkey = pKey + QLatin1String("/Profile/") + profil->props[QLatin1String("name")] + QLatin1String("/");
- QSettings settings;
- settings.setValue( profkey + QLatin1String("Source"), src );
- settings.setValue( key + QLatin1String("SideBarPage"), sideBarPage() );
- if (qApp->type() != QApplication::Tty)
- settings.setValue(key + QLatin1String("windowGeometry"), winGeometry);
- settings.setValue( key + QLatin1String("MainWindowState"), mainWinState );
- settings.setValue( key + QLatin1String("FontSize"), pointFntSize);
- settings.setValue( key + QLatin1String("RebuildDocDB"), rebuildDocs );
- settings.setValue(key + QLatin1String("windowfont"), m_fontSettings.windowFont);
- settings.setValue(key + QLatin1String("browserfont"), m_fontSettings.browserFont);
- settings.setValue(key + QLatin1String("usewindowfont"), m_fontSettings.useWindowFont);
- settings.setValue(key + QLatin1String("usebrowserfont"), m_fontSettings.useBrowserFont);
- settings.setValue(key + QLatin1String("windowwritingsystem"), m_fontSettings.windowWritingSystem);
- settings.setValue(key + QLatin1String("browserwritingsystem"), m_fontSettings.browserWritingSystem);
-static void dumpmap( const QMap<QString,QString> &m, const QString &header )
- qDebug( header );
- QMap<QString,QString>::ConstIterator it = m.begin();
- while (it != m.end()) {
- qDebug( " " + it.key() + ":\t\t" + *it );
- ++it;
- }
-bool Config::defaultProfileExists()
- QSettings settings;
- const QString profKey = QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR) + QLatin1String("/Profile/default/");
- if (settings.contains(profKey + QLatin1String("DocFiles"))
- && settings.contains(profKey + QLatin1String("Titles"))
- && settings.contains(profKey + QLatin1String("ImageDirs"))) {
- QStringList dcfs = settings.value(profKey + QLatin1String("DocFiles") ).toStringList();
- foreach (QString file, dcfs) {
- if (file == Profile::storableFilePath(file))
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-void Config::loadDefaultProfile()
- QSettings settings;
- const QString profKey = QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR) + QLatin1String("/Profile/default/");
- if (!defaultProfileExists())
- return;
- // Override the defaults with settings in registry.
- profil->icons.clear();
- profil->indexPages.clear();
- profil->imageDirs.clear();
- profil->docs.clear();
- profil->dcfTitles.clear();
- QStringList titles = settings.value( profKey + QLatin1String("Titles") ).toStringList();
- QStringList iconLst = settings.value( profKey + QLatin1String("DocIcons") ).toStringList();
- QStringList indexLst = settings.value( profKey + QLatin1String("IndexPages") ).toStringList();
- QStringList imgDirLst = settings.value( profKey + QLatin1String("ImageDirs") ).toStringList();
- QStringList dcfs = settings.value( profKey + QLatin1String("DocFiles") ).toStringList();
- profil->props[QLatin1String("name")] = QLatin1String("default");
- QString filePath;
- QStringList::ConstIterator it = titles.constBegin();
- QStringList::ConstIterator iconIt = iconLst.constBegin();
- QStringList::ConstIterator indexIt = indexLst.constBegin();
- QStringList::ConstIterator imageIt = imgDirLst.constBegin();
- QStringList::ConstIterator dcfIt = dcfs.constBegin();
- while((it != titles.constEnd())
- && (iconIt != iconLst.constEnd())
- && (indexIt != indexLst.constEnd())
- && (imageIt != imgDirLst.constEnd())
- && (dcfIt != dcfs.constEnd())) {
- profil->addDCFIcon( *it, *iconIt );
- profil->addDCFIndexPage(*it, Profile::loadableFilePath(*indexIt));
- profil->addDCFImageDir( *it, *imageIt );
- profil->addDCFTitle(Profile::loadableFilePath(*dcfIt), *it);
- ++it, ++iconIt, ++indexIt, ++imageIt, ++dcfIt;
- }
- dumpmap( profil->icons, QLatin1String("Icons") );
- dumpmap( profil->indexPages, QLatin1String("IndexPages") );
- dumpmap( profil->imageDirs, QLatin1String("ImageDirs") );
- dumpmap( profil->dcfTitles, QLatin1String("dcfTitles") );
- qDebug( "Docfiles: \n " + profil->docs.join( "\n " ) );
-void Config::saveProfile( Profile *profile )
- if (profil->profileType() == Profile::UserProfile)
- return;
- const QString key = (profile->props[QLatin1String("name")] == QLatin1String("default"))
- ? QString::fromLatin1(QT_VERSION_STR)
- : getVersionString();
- const QString profKey = key + QLatin1String("/Profile/") + profile->props[QLatin1String("name")] + QLatin1String("/");
- QString path = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DocumentationPath).replace(QLatin1String("\\"), QLatin1String("/"));
- QStringList indexes, icons, imgDirs, dcfs;
- QStringList titles = profile->dcfTitles.keys();
- QStringList::ConstIterator it = titles.constBegin();
- QString filePath;
- for ( ; it != titles.constEnd(); ++it ) {
- indexes << Profile::storableFilePath(profile->indexPages[*it]);
- icons << profile->icons[*it];
- imgDirs << profile->imageDirs[*it];
- dcfs << Profile::storableFilePath(profile->dcfTitles[*it]);
- }
- QSettings settings;
- settings.setValue( profKey + QLatin1String("Titles"), titles );
- settings.setValue( profKey + QLatin1String("DocFiles"), dcfs );
- settings.setValue( profKey + QLatin1String("IndexPages"), indexes );
- settings.setValue( profKey + QLatin1String("DocIcons"), icons );
- settings.setValue( profKey + QLatin1String("ImageDirs"), imgDirs );
- qDebug() << "Titles:\n - " << ((QStringList*)&titles)->join("\n - ");
- qDebug() << "Docfiles:\n - " << dcfs.join("\n - " );
- qDebug() << "IndexPages:\n - " << indexes.join("\n - ");
- qDebug() << "DocIcons:\n - " << icons.join("\n - " );
- qDebug() << "ImageDirs:\n - " << imgDirs.join("\n - " );
-QStringList Config::mimePaths()
- static QStringList lst;
- if( lst.count() > 0 )
- return lst;
- for (QMap<QString,QString>::ConstIterator it = profil->dcfTitles.constBegin();
- it != profil->dcfTitles.constEnd(); ++it ) {
- // Mime source for .dcf file path
- QFileInfo info( *it );
- QString dcfPath = info.absolutePath();
- if (!lst.contains(dcfPath))
- lst << dcfPath;
- // Image dir for .dcf
- QString imgDir = QDir::toNativeSeparators( dcfPath + QDir::separator()
- + profil->imageDirs[it.key()] );
- if (!lst.contains(imgDir))
- lst << imgDir;
- }
- return lst;
-QStringList Config::profiles() const
- return profileNames;
-QString Config::title() const
- QString s = profil->props[QLatin1String("title")];
- if (s.isEmpty())
- s = QObject::tr("Qt Assistant by Nokia");
- return s;
-QString Config::aboutApplicationMenuText() const
- return profil->props[QLatin1String("aboutmenutext")];
-QString Config::aboutURL() const
- return profil->props[QLatin1String("abouturl")];
-QString Config::homePage() const
- return home.isEmpty() ? profil->props[QLatin1String("startpage")] : home;
-QStringList Config::source() const
- return src.size() == 0 ? QStringList(profil->props[QLatin1String("startpage")]) : src;
-QStringList Config::docFiles() const
- return profil->docs;
-QPixmap Config::docIcon( const QString &title ) const
- // ### To allow qdoc generated dcf files to reference the doc icons from qmake_image_col
- QString name = profil->icons[title];
- QString resName = QLatin1String(":/trolltech/assistant/images/") + name;
- if (QFile::exists(resName))
- return QPixmap(resName);
- if (name.startsWith(QLatin1String("file:")))
- name = name.mid(5);
- return QPixmap(name);
-QPixmap Config::applicationIcon() const
- QString name = profil->props[QLatin1String("applicationicon")];
- QString resName = QLatin1String(":/trolltech/assistant/images/") + name;
- if (QFile::exists(resName))
- return QPixmap(resName);
- if (name.startsWith(QLatin1String("file:")))
- name = name.mid(5);
- return QPixmap(name);
-QStringList Config::docTitles() const
- return QStringList(profil->indexPages.keys());
-QString Config::docImageDir( const QString &docfile ) const
- return profil->imageDirs[docfile];
-QString Config::indexPage( const QString &title ) const
- return profil->indexPages[title];
-void Config::hideSideBar( bool b )
- hideSidebar = b;
-bool Config::sideBarHidden() const
- return hideSidebar;
-QString Config::assistantDocPath() const
- return profil->props[QLatin1String("assistantdocs")].isEmpty()
- ? QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DocumentationPath) + QLatin1String("/html")
- : profil->props[QLatin1String("assistantdocs")];
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/config.h b/tools/assistant/compat/config.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 498e6bb..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/config.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#ifndef CONFIG_H
-#define CONFIG_H
-#include "profile.h"
-#include <QString>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QPixmap>
-#include <QMap>
-#include <QtGui/QFont>
-#include <QtGui/QFontDatabase>
-class Profile;
-struct FontSettings
- FontSettings() : useWindowFont(false), useBrowserFont(false),
- windowWritingSystem(QFontDatabase::Latin), browserWritingSystem(QFontDatabase::Latin)
- { }
- QFont windowFont;
- QFont browserFont;
- bool useWindowFont;
- bool useBrowserFont;
- QFontDatabase::WritingSystem windowWritingSystem;
- QFontDatabase::WritingSystem browserWritingSystem;
-class Config
- Config();
- void load();
- void save();
- Profile *profile() const { return profil; }
- QString profileName() const { return profil->props[QLatin1String("name")]; }
- bool validProfileName() const;
- void hideSideBar( bool b );
- bool sideBarHidden() const;
- QStringList mimePaths();
- // From profile, read only
- QStringList docFiles() const;
- QStringList docTitles() const;
- QString indexPage( const QString &title ) const;
- QString docImageDir( const QString &title ) const;
- QPixmap docIcon( const QString &title ) const;
- QStringList profiles() const;
- QString title() const;
- QString aboutApplicationMenuText() const;
- QString aboutURL() const;
- QPixmap applicationIcon() const;
- // From QSettings, read / write
- QString homePage() const;
- void setHomePage( const QString &hom ) { home = hom; }
- QStringList source() const;
- void setSource( const QStringList &s ) { src = s; }
- int sideBarPage() const { return sideBar; }
- void setSideBarPage( int sbp ) { sideBar = sbp; }
- QByteArray windowGeometry() const { return winGeometry; }
- void setWindowGeometry( const QByteArray &geometry ) { winGeometry = geometry; }
- QByteArray mainWindowState() const { return mainWinState; }
- void setMainWindowState( const QByteArray &state ) { mainWinState = state; }
- qreal fontPointSize() const { return pointFntSize; }
- void setFontPointSize(qreal size)
- {
- pointFntSize = size;
- m_fontSettings.useBrowserFont = true;
- m_fontSettings.browserFont.setPointSizeF(size);
- }
- FontSettings fontSettings() { return m_fontSettings; }
- void setFontSettings(const FontSettings &settings) { m_fontSettings = settings; }
- QString assistantDocPath() const;
- bool docRebuild() const { return rebuildDocs; }
- void setDocRebuild( bool rb ) { rebuildDocs = rb; }
- void saveProfile( Profile *profile );
- void loadDefaultProfile();
- bool defaultProfileExists();
- static Config *configuration();
- static Config *loadConfig(const QString &profileFileName);
- Config( const Config &c );
- Config& operator=( const Config &c );
- void saveSettings();
- Profile *profil;
- QStringList profileNames;
- QString home;
- QStringList src;
- QByteArray mainWinState;
- QByteArray winGeometry;
- qreal pointFntSize;
- int sideBar;
- bool hideSidebar;
- bool rebuildDocs;
- FontSettings m_fontSettings;
-#endif // CONFIG_H
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/docuparser.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/docuparser.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index db2f824..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/docuparser.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "docuparser.h"
-#include "profile.h"
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QRegExp>
-#include <QString>
-#include <QDataStream>
-QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &s, ContentItem &ci)
- s >> ci.title;
- s >> ci.reference;
- s >> ci.depth;
- return s;
-QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &s, const ContentItem &ci)
- s << ci.title;
- s << ci.reference;
- s << ci.depth;
- return s;
-const QString DocuParser::DocumentKey = QLatin1String("/Qt Assistant/") + QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR) + QLatin1String("/");
-DocuParser *DocuParser::createParser(const QString &fileName)
- QFile file(fileName);
- if(! {
- return 0;
- }
- QString str;
- int maxlen = 1024;
- int majVer = 0, minVer = 0, serVer = 0;
- static QRegExp re(QLatin1String("assistantconfig +version=\"(\\d)\\.(\\d)\\.(\\d)\""), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- Q_ASSERT(re.isValid());
- while(!(str = QLatin1String(file.readLine(maxlen))).isEmpty()) {
- if(re.indexIn(str) >= 0) {
- majVer = re.cap(1).toInt();
- minVer = re.cap(2).toInt();
- serVer = re.cap(3).toInt();
- break;
- }
- }
- if (majVer < 3 || (majVer == 3 && minVer < 2)) {
- return new DocuParser310;
- }
- return new DocuParser320;
-bool DocuParser::parse(QFile *file)
- QXmlInputSource source(file);
- QXmlSimpleReader reader;
- reader.setContentHandler(this);
- reader.setErrorHandler(this);
- setFileName(QFileInfo(*file).absoluteFilePath());
- return reader.parse(source);
-QString DocuParser::errorProtocol() const
- return errorProt;
-QList<ContentItem> DocuParser::getContentItems()
- return contentList;
-QList<IndexItem*> DocuParser::getIndexItems()
- return indexList;
-QString DocuParser::absolutify(const QString &name, bool makeUrl) const
- if (!name.isEmpty()) {
- QString s = name;
- s.replace(QLatin1String("\\"), QLatin1String("/"));
- QFileInfo orgPath(name);
- if(orgPath.isRelative())
- s = QFileInfo(fname).path() + QLatin1Char('/') + name;
- if (makeUrl)
- s.prepend(QLatin1String("file:"));
- return s;
- }
- return name;
-void DocuParser310::addTo(Profile *p)
- p->addDCFTitle(fname, docTitle);
- p->addDCFIcon(docTitle, iconName);
- p->addDCFIndexPage(docTitle, conURL);
-bool DocuParser310::startDocument()
- state = StateInit;
- errorProt = QLatin1String("");
- contentRef = QLatin1String("");
- indexRef = QLatin1String("");
- depth = 0;
- contentList.clear();
- qDeleteAll(indexList);
- indexList.clear();
- return true;
-bool DocuParser310::startElement(const QString &, const QString &,
- const QString &qname,
- const QXmlAttributes &attr)
- if (qname == QLatin1String("DCF") && state == StateInit) {
- state = StateContent;
- contentRef = absolutify(attr.value(QLatin1String("ref")), false);
- conURL = contentRef;
- docTitle = attr.value(QLatin1String("title"));
- iconName = absolutify(attr.value(QLatin1String("icon")), false);
- contentList.append(ContentItem(docTitle, absolutify(contentRef), depth));
- } else if (qname == QLatin1String("section") && (state == StateContent || state == StateSect)) {
- state = StateSect;
- contentRef = absolutify(attr.value(QLatin1String("ref")));
- title = attr.value(QLatin1String("title"));
- depth++;
- contentList.append(ContentItem(title, contentRef, depth));
- } else if (qname == QLatin1String("keyword") && state == StateSect) {
- state = StateKeyword;
- indexRef = absolutify(attr.value(QLatin1String("ref")));
- } else
- return false;
- return true;
-bool DocuParser310::endElement(const QString &nameSpace, const QString &localName,
- const QString &qName)
- Q_UNUSED(nameSpace);
- Q_UNUSED(localName);
- Q_UNUSED(qName);
- switch(state) {
- case StateInit:
- break;
- case StateContent:
- state = StateInit;
- break;
- case StateSect:
- state = --depth ? StateSect : StateContent;
- break;
- case StateKeyword:
- state = StateSect;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return true;
-bool DocuParser310::characters(const QString& ch)
- QString str = ch.simplified();
- if (str.isEmpty())
- return true;
- switch (state) {
- case StateInit:
- case StateContent:
- case StateSect:
- return false;
- break;
- case StateKeyword:
- indexList.append(new IndexItem(str, indexRef));
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool DocuParser310::fatalError(const QXmlParseException& exception)
- errorProt += QString::fromLatin1("fatal parsing error: %1 in line %2, column %3\n")
- .arg(exception.message())
- .arg(exception.lineNumber())
- .arg(exception.columnNumber());
- return QXmlDefaultHandler::fatalError(exception);
- : prof(new Profile)
-void DocuParser320::addTo(Profile *p)
- QMap<QString,QString>::ConstIterator it;
- for (it = prof->dcfTitles.constBegin(); it != prof->dcfTitles.constEnd(); ++it)
- p->dcfTitles[it.key()] = *it;
- for (it = prof->icons.constBegin(); it != prof->icons.constEnd(); ++it)
- p->icons[it.key()] = *it;
- for (it = prof->indexPages.constBegin(); it != prof->indexPages.constEnd(); ++it)
- p->indexPages[it.key()] = *it;
-bool DocuParser320::startDocument()
- state = StateInit;
- errorProt = QLatin1String("");
- contentRef = QLatin1String("");
- indexRef = QLatin1String("");
- depth = 0;
- contentList.clear();
- indexList.clear();
- prof->addDCF(fname);
- return true;
-bool DocuParser320::startElement(const QString &, const QString &,
- const QString &qname,
- const QXmlAttributes &attr)
- QString lower = qname.toLower();
- switch(state) {
- case StateInit:
- if(lower == QLatin1String("assistantconfig"))
- state = StateDocRoot;
- break;
- case StateDocRoot:
- if(lower == QLatin1String("dcf")) {
- state = StateContent;
- contentRef = absolutify(attr.value(QLatin1String("ref")));
- conURL = contentRef;
- docTitle = attr.value(QLatin1String("title"));
- iconName = absolutify(attr.value(QLatin1String("icon")));
- contentList.append(ContentItem(docTitle, contentRef, depth));
- } else if(lower == QLatin1String("profile")) {
- state = StateProfile;
- }
- break;
- case StateSect:
- if (lower == QLatin1String("keyword") && state == StateSect) {
- state = StateKeyword;
- indexRef = absolutify(attr.value(QLatin1String("ref")));
- break;
- } // else if (lower == "section")
- case StateContent:
- if(lower == QLatin1String("section")) {
- state = StateSect;
- contentRef = absolutify(attr.value(QLatin1String("ref")));
- title = attr.value(QLatin1String("title"));
- depth++;
- contentList.append(ContentItem(title, contentRef, depth));
- }
- break;
- case StateProfile:
- if(lower == QLatin1String("property")) {
- state = StateProperty;
- propertyName = attr.value(QLatin1String("name"));
- }
- break;
- case StateProperty:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return true;
-bool DocuParser320::endElement(const QString &nameSpace,
- const QString &localName,
- const QString &qName)
- Q_UNUSED(nameSpace);
- Q_UNUSED(localName);
- Q_UNUSED(qName);
- switch(state) {
- case StateInit:
- break;
- case StateDocRoot:
- state = StateInit;
- break;
- case StateProfile:
- state = StateDocRoot;
- break;
- case StateProperty:
- state = StateProfile;
- if(propertyName.isEmpty() || propertyValue.isEmpty())
- return false;
- {
- static const QStringList lst = QStringList()
- << QLatin1String("startpage") << QLatin1String("abouturl")
- << QLatin1String("applicationicon") << QLatin1String("assistantdocs");
- if (lst.contains(propertyName))
- propertyValue = absolutify(propertyValue);
- }
- prof->addProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
- break;
- case StateContent:
- if(!iconName.isEmpty())
- prof->addDCFIcon(docTitle, iconName);
- if(contentRef.isEmpty())
- return false;
- prof->addDCFIndexPage(docTitle, conURL);
- prof->addDCFTitle(fname, docTitle);
- state = StateDocRoot;
- break;
- case StateSect:
- state = --depth ? StateSect : StateContent;
- break;
- case StateKeyword:
- state = StateSect;
- break;
- }
- return true;
-bool DocuParser320::characters(const QString& ch)
- QString str = ch.simplified();
- if (str.isEmpty())
- return true;
- switch (state) {
- case StateInit:
- case StateContent:
- case StateSect:
- return false;
- break;
- case StateKeyword:
- indexList.append(new IndexItem(str, indexRef));
- break;
- case StateProperty:
- propertyValue = ch;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool DocuParser320::fatalError(const QXmlParseException& exception)
- errorProt += QString::fromLatin1("fatal parsing error: %1 in line %2, column %3\n")
- .arg(exception.message())
- .arg(exception.lineNumber())
- .arg(exception.columnNumber());
- return QXmlDefaultHandler::fatalError(exception);
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/docuparser.h b/tools/assistant/compat/docuparser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c7692e..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/docuparser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include <QList>
-#include <QMap>
-#include <QXmlDefaultHandler>
-#include <QXmlAttributes>
-#include <QXmlParseException>
-class Profile;
-struct ContentItem {
- ContentItem()
- : title( QString() ), reference( QString() ), depth( 0 ) {}
- ContentItem( const QString &t, const QString &r, int d )
- : title( t ), reference( r ), depth( d ) {}
- QString title;
- QString reference;
- int depth;
-QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, ContentItem &ci );
-QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const ContentItem &ci );
-struct IndexItem {
- IndexItem( const QString &k, const QString &r )
- : keyword( k ), reference( r ) {}
- QString keyword;
- QString reference;
-class DocuParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler
- enum ParserVersion { Qt310, Qt320 };
- // Since We don't want problems with documentation
- // from version to version, this string stores the correct
- // version string to save documents.
- static const QString DocumentKey;
- static DocuParser *createParser( const QString &fileName );
- virtual bool parse( QFile *file );
- QList<ContentItem> getContentItems();
- QList<IndexItem*> getIndexItems();
- QString errorProtocol() const;
- QString contentsURL() const { return conURL; }
- virtual ParserVersion parserVersion() const = 0;
- virtual void addTo( Profile *p ) = 0;
- QString fileName() const { return fname; }
- void setFileName( const QString &file ) { fname = file; }
- QString absolutify( const QString &input, bool makeUrl = true ) const;
- QString contentRef, indexRef, errorProt, conURL;
- QString docTitle, title, iconName;
- QList<ContentItem> contentList;
- QList<IndexItem*> indexList;
- QString fname;
-class DocuParser310 : public DocuParser
- enum States{ StateInit, StateContent, StateSect, StateKeyword };
- bool startDocument();
- bool startElement( const QString&, const QString&, const QString& ,
- const QXmlAttributes& );
- bool endElement( const QString&, const QString&, const QString& );
- bool characters( const QString & );
- bool fatalError( const QXmlParseException& exception );
- virtual ParserVersion parserVersion() const { return Qt310; }
- virtual void addTo( Profile *p );
- States state;
- int depth;
-class DocuParser320 : public DocuParser
- enum States { StateInit, StateDocRoot, StateProfile, StateProperty,
- StateContent, StateSect, StateKeyword };
- DocuParser320();
- bool startDocument();
- bool startElement( const QString&, const QString&, const QString& ,
- const QXmlAttributes& );
- bool endElement( const QString&, const QString&, const QString& );
- bool characters( const QString & );
- bool fatalError( const QXmlParseException& exception );
- virtual ParserVersion parserVersion() const { return Qt320; }
- virtual void addTo( Profile *p );
- Profile *profile() const { return prof; }
- States state;
- int depth;
- int docfileCounter;
- QString propertyValue;
- QString propertyName;
- Profile *prof;
-#endif // DOCUPARSER_H
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/fontsettingsdialog.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/fontsettingsdialog.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 31a3241..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/fontsettingsdialog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "fontsettingsdialog.h"
-#include "fontpanel.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include <QtGui/QLabel>
-#include <QtGui/QComboBox>
-#include <QtGui/QHBoxLayout>
-#include <QtGui/QVBoxLayout>
-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
-#include <QtGui/QStackedWidget>
-#include <QtGui/QDialogButtonBox>
-FontSettingsDialog::FontSettingsDialog(QWidget *parent)
- : QDialog(parent)
- , m_windowFontPanel(new FontPanel(this))
- , m_browserFontPanel(new FontPanel(this))
- , m_dialogButtonBox(new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel))
- setModal(true);
- setWindowTitle(tr("Font Settings"));
- setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint);
- QVBoxLayout *mainVLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
- mainVLayout->addLayout(hboxLayout);
- QLabel *label = new QLabel(tr("Font settings for:"), this);
- label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- hboxLayout->addWidget(label);
- QComboBox *comboBox = new QComboBox(this);
- comboBox->addItem(tr("Browser"));
- comboBox->addItem(tr("Application"));
- hboxLayout->addWidget(comboBox);
- m_windowFontPanel->setCheckable(true);
- m_browserFontPanel->setCheckable(true);
- const QString customSettings(tr("Use custom settings"));
- m_windowFontPanel->setTitle(customSettings);
- m_browserFontPanel->setTitle(customSettings);
- QStackedWidget *stackWidget = new QStackedWidget(this);
- stackWidget->addWidget(m_browserFontPanel);
- stackWidget->addWidget(m_windowFontPanel);
- mainVLayout->addWidget(stackWidget);
- mainVLayout->addWidget(m_dialogButtonBox);
- connect(m_dialogButtonBox , SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()));
- connect(m_dialogButtonBox , SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()));
- connect(comboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), stackWidget, SLOT(setCurrentIndex(int)));
- // nothing todo
-bool FontSettingsDialog::showDialog(FontSettings *settings)
- setupFontSettingsDialog(settings);
- if (exec() != Accepted)
- return false;
- updateFontSettings(settings);
- return true;
-void FontSettingsDialog::updateFontSettings(FontSettings *settings)
- settings->useWindowFont = m_windowFontPanel->isChecked();
- settings->useBrowserFont = m_browserFontPanel->isChecked();
- settings->windowFont = settings->useWindowFont ? m_windowFontPanel->selectedFont() : qApp->font();
- settings->browserFont = settings->useBrowserFont ? m_browserFontPanel->selectedFont() : qApp->font();
- settings->windowWritingSystem = settings->useWindowFont ? m_windowFontPanel->writingSystem() : QFontDatabase::Latin;
- settings->browserWritingSystem = settings->useBrowserFont ? m_browserFontPanel->writingSystem() : QFontDatabase::Latin;
-void FontSettingsDialog::setupFontSettingsDialog(const FontSettings *settings)
- m_windowFontPanel->setSelectedFont(settings->windowFont);
- m_browserFontPanel->setSelectedFont(settings->browserFont);
- m_windowFontPanel->setWritingSystem(settings->windowWritingSystem);
- m_browserFontPanel->setWritingSystem(settings->browserWritingSystem);
- m_windowFontPanel->setChecked(settings->useWindowFont);
- m_browserFontPanel->setChecked(settings->useBrowserFont);
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/helpdialog.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/helpdialog.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 23c1bfc..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/helpdialog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1331 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "helpdialog.h"
-#include "helpwindow.h"
-#include "topicchooser.h"
-#include "docuparser.h"
-#include "mainwindow.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "tabbedbrowser.h"
-#include <QtGui>
-#include <QtDebug>
-#include <QtCore/QVarLengthArray>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <limits.h>
- LinkRole = Qt::UserRole + 1000
-static bool verifyDirectory(const QString &str)
- QFileInfo dirInfo(str);
- if (!dirInfo.exists())
- return QDir().mkdir(str);
- if (!dirInfo.isDir()) {
- qWarning("'%s' exists but is not a directory", str.toLatin1().constData());
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-struct IndexKeyword {
- IndexKeyword(const QString &kw, const QString &l)
- : keyword(kw), link(l) {}
- IndexKeyword() : keyword(QString()), link(QString()) {}
- bool operator<(const IndexKeyword &ik) const {
- return keyword.toLower() < ik.keyword.toLower();
- }
- bool operator<=(const IndexKeyword &ik) const {
- return keyword.toLower() <= ik.keyword.toLower();
- }
- bool operator>(const IndexKeyword &ik) const {
- return keyword.toLower() > ik.keyword.toLower();
- }
- QString keyword;
- QString link;
-QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &s, IndexKeyword &ik)
- s >> ik.keyword;
- s >>;
- return s;
-QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &s, const IndexKeyword &ik)
- s << ik.keyword;
- s <<;
- return s;
-QValidator::State SearchValidator::validate(QString &str, int &) const
- for (int i = 0; i < (int) str.length(); ++i) {
- QChar c = str[i];
- if (!c.isLetterOrNumber() && c != QLatin1Char('\'') && c != QLatin1Char('`')
- && c != QLatin1Char('\"') && c != QLatin1Char(' ') && c != QLatin1Char('-') && c != QLatin1Char('_')
- && c!= QLatin1Char('*'))
- return QValidator::Invalid;
- }
- return QValidator::Acceptable;
-class IndexListModel: public QStringListModel
- IndexListModel(QObject *parent = 0)
- : QStringListModel(parent) {}
- void clear() { contents.clear(); setStringList(QStringList()); }
- QString description(int index) const { return stringList().at(index); }
- QStringList links(int index) const { return contents.values(stringList().at(index)); }
- void addLink(const QString &description, const QString &link) { contents.insert(description, link); }
- void publish() { filter(QString(), QString()); }
- QModelIndex filter(const QString &s, const QString &real);
- virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
- { return QStringListModel::flags(index) & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable; }
- QMultiMap<QString, QString> contents;
-bool caseInsensitiveLessThan(const QString &as, const QString &bs)
- const QChar *a = as.unicode();
- const QChar *b = bs.unicode();
- if (a == 0)
- return true;
- if (b == 0)
- return false;
- if (a == b)
- return false;
- int l=qMin(as.length(),bs.length());
- while (l-- && QChar::toLower(a->unicode()) == QChar::toLower(b->unicode()))
- a++,b++;
- if (l==-1)
- return (as.length() < bs.length());
- return QChar::toLower(a->unicode()) < QChar::toLower(b->unicode());
- * \a real is kinda a hack for the smart search, need a way to match a regexp to an item
- * How would you say the best match for Q.*Wiget is QWidget?
- */
-QModelIndex IndexListModel::filter(const QString &s, const QString &real)
- QStringList list;
- int goodMatch = -1;
- int perfectMatch = -1;
- if (s.isEmpty())
- perfectMatch = 0;
- const QRegExp regExp(s, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- QMultiMap<QString, QString>::iterator it = contents.begin();
- QString lastKey;
- for (; it != contents.end(); ++it) {
- if (it.key() == lastKey)
- continue;
- lastKey = it.key();
- const QString key = it.key();
- if (key.contains(regExp) || key.contains(s, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
- list.append(key);
- if (perfectMatch == -1 && (key.startsWith(real, Qt::CaseInsensitive))) {
- if (goodMatch == -1)
- goodMatch = list.count() - 1;
- if (real.length() == key.length()){
- perfectMatch = list.count() - 1;
- }
- } else if (perfectMatch > -1 && s == key) {
- perfectMatch = list.count() - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- int bestMatch = perfectMatch;
- if (bestMatch == -1)
- bestMatch = goodMatch;
- bestMatch = qMax(0, bestMatch);
- // sort the new list
- QString match;
- if (bestMatch >= 0 && list.count() > bestMatch)
- match = list[bestMatch];
- qSort(list.begin(), list.end(), caseInsensitiveLessThan);
- setStringList(list);
- for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
- if ( == match){
- bestMatch = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- return index(bestMatch, 0, QModelIndex());
-HelpNavigationListItem::HelpNavigationListItem(QListWidget *ls, const QString &txt)
- : QListWidgetItem(txt, ls)
-void HelpNavigationListItem::addLink(const QString &link)
- QString lnk = HelpDialog::removeAnchorFromLink(link);
- if (linkList.filter(lnk, Qt::CaseInsensitive).count() > 0)
- return;
- linkList << link;
-HelpDialog::HelpDialog(QWidget *parent, MainWindow *h)
- : QWidget(parent), lwClosed(false), help(h)
- ui.setupUi(this);
- ui.listContents->setUniformRowHeights(true);
- ui.listContents->header()->setStretchLastSection(false);
- ui.listContents->header()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
- ui.listBookmarks->setUniformRowHeights(true);
- ui.listBookmarks->header()->setStretchLastSection(false);
- ui.listBookmarks->header()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
- indexModel = new IndexListModel(this);
- ui.listIndex->setModel(indexModel);
- ui.listIndex->setLayoutMode(QListView::Batched);
- ui.listBookmarks->setItemHidden(ui.listBookmarks->headerItem(), true);
- ui.listContents->setItemHidden(ui.listContents->headerItem(), true);
- ui.searchButton->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::ALT|Qt::SHIFT|Qt::Key_S));
-void HelpDialog::initialize()
- connect(ui.tabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(currentTabChanged(int)));
- connect(ui.listContents, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(showTopic(QTreeWidgetItem*)));
- connect(ui.listContents, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showTreeItemMenu(QPoint)));
- ui.listContents->viewport()->installEventFilter(this);
- connect(ui.editIndex, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(showTopic()));
- connect(ui.editIndex, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(searchInIndex(QString)));
- connect(ui.listIndex, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(showTopic()));
- connect(ui.listIndex, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showIndexItemMenu(QPoint)));
- connect(ui.listBookmarks, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(showTopic(QTreeWidgetItem*)));
- connect(ui.listBookmarks, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showTreeItemMenu(QPoint)));
- connect(ui.termsEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateSearchButton(QString)));
- connect(ui.resultBox, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showListItemMenu(QPoint)));
- cacheFilesPath = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/.assistant"); //### Find a better location for the dbs
- ui.editIndex->installEventFilter(this);
- ui.framePrepare->hide();
- connect(qApp, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), SLOT(lastWinClosed()));
- ui.termsEdit->setValidator(new SearchValidator(ui.termsEdit));
- actionOpenCurrentTab = new QAction(this);
- actionOpenCurrentTab->setText(tr("Open Link in Current Tab"));
- actionOpenLinkInNewWindow = new QAction(this);
- actionOpenLinkInNewWindow->setText(tr("Open Link in New Window"));
- actionOpenLinkInNewTab = new QAction(this);
- actionOpenLinkInNewTab->setText(tr("Open Link in New Tab"));
- itemPopup = new QMenu(this);
- itemPopup->addAction(actionOpenCurrentTab);
- itemPopup->addAction(actionOpenLinkInNewWindow);
- itemPopup->addAction(actionOpenLinkInNewTab);
- ui.tabWidget->setElideMode(Qt::ElideNone);
- contentList.clear();
- initDoneMsgShown = false;
- fullTextIndex = 0;
- indexDone = false;
- titleMapDone = false;
- contentsInserted = false;
- bookmarksInserted = false;
- setupTitleMap();
-void HelpDialog::processEvents()
- qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
-void HelpDialog::lastWinClosed()
- lwClosed = true;
-void HelpDialog::removeOldCacheFiles(bool onlyFulltextSearchIndex)
- if (!verifyDirectory(cacheFilesPath)) {
- qWarning("Failed to created assistant directory");
- return;
- }
- QString pname = QLatin1String(".") + Config::configuration()->profileName();
- QStringList fileList;
- fileList << QLatin1String("indexdb40.dict")
- << QLatin1String("indexdb40.doc");
- if (!onlyFulltextSearchIndex)
- fileList << QLatin1String("indexdb40") << QLatin1String("contentdb40");
- QStringList::iterator it = fileList.begin();
- for (; it != fileList.end(); ++it) {
- if (QFile::exists(cacheFilesPath + QDir::separator() + *it + pname)) {
- QFile f(cacheFilesPath + QDir::separator() + *it + pname);
- f.remove();
- }
- }
-void HelpDialog::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e)
- Q_UNUSED(e);
- static int opacity = 255;
- help->setWindowOpacity((opacity-=4)/255.0);
- if (opacity<=0)
- qApp->quit();
-void HelpDialog::loadIndexFile()
- if (indexDone)
- return;
- setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
- indexDone = true;
- ui.labelPrepare->setText(tr("Prepare..."));
- ui.framePrepare->show();
- processEvents();
- QProgressBar *bar = ui.progressPrepare;
- bar->setMaximum(100);
- bar->setValue(0);
- keywordDocuments.clear();
- QList<IndexKeyword> lst;
- QFile indexFile(cacheFilesPath + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("indexdb40.") +
- Config::configuration()->profileName());
- if (! {
- buildKeywordDB();
- processEvents();
- if (lwClosed)
- return;
- if (! {
- QMessageBox::warning(help, tr("Qt Assistant"), tr("Failed to load keyword index file\n"
- "Assistant will not work!"));
-#if defined Q_WS_WIN || defined Q_WS_MACX
- startTimer(50);
- return;
- }
- }
- QDataStream ds(&indexFile);
- quint32 fileAges;
- ds >> fileAges;
- if (fileAges != getFileAges()) {
- indexFile.close();
- buildKeywordDB();
- if (! {
- QMessageBox::warning(help, tr("Qt Assistant"),
- tr("Cannot open the index file %1").arg(QFileInfo(indexFile).absoluteFilePath()));
- return;
- }
- ds.setDevice(&indexFile);
- ds >> fileAges;
- }
- ds >> lst;
- indexFile.close();
- bar->setValue(bar->maximum());
- processEvents();
- for (int i=0; i<lst.count(); ++i) {
- const IndexKeyword &idx =;
- indexModel->addLink(idx.keyword,;
- keywordDocuments << HelpDialog::removeAnchorFromLink(;
- }
- indexModel->publish();
- ui.framePrepare->hide();
- showInitDoneMessage();
- setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
-quint32 HelpDialog::getFileAges()
- QStringList addDocuFiles = Config::configuration()->docFiles();
- QStringList::const_iterator i = addDocuFiles.constBegin();
- quint32 fileAges = 0;
- for (; i != addDocuFiles.constEnd(); ++i) {
- QFileInfo fi(*i);
- if (fi.exists())
- fileAges += fi.lastModified().toTime_t();
- }
- return fileAges;
-void HelpDialog::buildKeywordDB()
- QStringList addDocuFiles = Config::configuration()->docFiles();
- QStringList::iterator i = addDocuFiles.begin();
- // Set up an indeterminate progress bar.
- ui.labelPrepare->setText(tr("Prepare..."));
- ui.progressPrepare->setMaximum(0);
- ui.progressPrepare->setMinimum(0);
- ui.progressPrepare->setValue(0);
- processEvents();
- QList<IndexKeyword> lst;
- quint32 fileAges = 0;
- for (i = addDocuFiles.begin(); i != addDocuFiles.end(); ++i) {
- QFile file(*i);
- if (!file.exists()) {
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"),
- tr("Documentation file %1 does not exist!\n"
- "Skipping file.").arg(QFileInfo(file).absoluteFilePath()));
- continue;
- }
- fileAges += QFileInfo(file).lastModified().toTime_t();
- DocuParser *handler = DocuParser::createParser(*i);
- bool ok = handler->parse(&file);
- file.close();
- if (!ok){
- QString msg = QString::fromLatin1("In file %1:\n%2")
- .arg(QFileInfo(file).absoluteFilePath())
- .arg(handler->errorProtocol());
- QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Parse Error"), tr(msg.toUtf8()));
- delete handler;
- continue;
- }
- QList<IndexItem*> indLst = handler->getIndexItems();
- int counter = 0;
- foreach (IndexItem *indItem, indLst) {
- QFileInfo fi(indItem->reference);
- lst.append(IndexKeyword(indItem->keyword, indItem->reference));
- if (++counter%100 == 0) {
- if (ui.progressPrepare)
- ui.progressPrepare->setValue(counter);
- processEvents();
- if (lwClosed) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- delete handler;
- }
- if (!lst.isEmpty())
- qSort(lst);
- QFile indexout(cacheFilesPath + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("indexdb40.")
- + Config::configuration()->profileName());
- if (verifyDirectory(cacheFilesPath) && {
- QDataStream s(&indexout);
- s << fileAges;
- s << lst;
- indexout.close();
- }
-void HelpDialog::setupTitleMap()
- if (titleMapDone)
- return;
- bool needRebuild = false;
- if (Config::configuration()->profileName() == QLatin1String("default")) {
- const QStringList docuFiles = Config::configuration()->docFiles();
- for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = docuFiles.begin(); it != docuFiles.end(); ++it) {
- if (!QFile::exists(*it)) {
- Config::configuration()->saveProfile(Profile::createDefaultProfile());
- Config::configuration()->loadDefaultProfile();
- needRebuild = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (Config::configuration()->docRebuild() || needRebuild) {
- removeOldCacheFiles();
- Config::configuration()->setDocRebuild(false);
- Config::configuration()->saveProfile(Config::configuration()->profile());
- }
- if (contentList.isEmpty())
- getAllContents();
- titleMapDone = true;
- titleMap.clear();
- for (QList<QPair<QString, ContentList> >::Iterator it = contentList.begin(); it != contentList.end(); ++it) {
- ContentList lst = (*it).second;
- foreach (ContentItem item, lst) {
- titleMap[item.reference] = item.title.trimmed();
- }
- }
- processEvents();
-void HelpDialog::getAllContents()
- QFile contentFile(cacheFilesPath + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("contentdb40.")
- + Config::configuration()->profileName());
- contentList.clear();
- if (! {
- buildContentDict();
- return;
- }
- QDataStream ds(&contentFile);
- quint32 fileAges;
- ds >> fileAges;
- if (fileAges != getFileAges()) {
- contentFile.close();
- removeOldCacheFiles(true);
- buildContentDict();
- return;
- }
- QString key;
- QList<ContentItem> lst;
- while (!ds.atEnd()) {
- ds >> key;
- ds >> lst;
- contentList += qMakePair(key, QList<ContentItem>(lst));
- }
- contentFile.close();
- processEvents();
-void HelpDialog::buildContentDict()
- QStringList docuFiles = Config::configuration()->docFiles();
- quint32 fileAges = 0;
- for (QStringList::iterator it = docuFiles.begin(); it != docuFiles.end(); ++it) {
- QFile file(*it);
- if (!file.exists()) {
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"),
- tr("Documentation file %1 does not exist!\n"
- "Skipping file.").arg(QFileInfo(file).absoluteFilePath()));
- continue;
- }
- fileAges += QFileInfo(file).lastModified().toTime_t();
- DocuParser *handler = DocuParser::createParser(*it);
- if (!handler) {
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"),
- tr("Documentation file %1 is not compatible!\n"
- "Skipping file.").arg(QFileInfo(file).absoluteFilePath()));
- continue;
- }
- bool ok = handler->parse(&file);
- file.close();
- if (ok) {
- contentList += qMakePair(*it, QList<ContentItem>(handler->getContentItems()));
- delete handler;
- } else {
- QString msg = QString::fromLatin1("In file %1:\n%2")
- .arg(QFileInfo(file).absoluteFilePath())
- .arg(handler->errorProtocol());
- QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Parse Error"), tr(msg.toUtf8()));
- continue;
- }
- }
- QFile contentOut(cacheFilesPath + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("contentdb40.")
- + Config::configuration()->profileName());
- if ( {
- QDataStream s(&contentOut);
- s << fileAges;
- for (QList<QPair<QString, ContentList> >::Iterator it = contentList.begin(); it != contentList.end(); ++it) {
- s << *it;
- }
- contentOut.close();
- }
-void HelpDialog::currentTabChanged(int index)
- QString s = ui.tabWidget->widget(index)->objectName();
- if (s == QLatin1String("indexPage"))
- QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(loadIndexFile()));
- else if (s == QLatin1String("bookmarkPage"))
- insertBookmarks();
- else if (s == QLatin1String("contentPage"))
- QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(insertContents()));
- else if (s == QLatin1String("searchPage"))
- QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(setupFullTextIndex()));
-void HelpDialog::showInitDoneMessage()
- if (initDoneMsgShown)
- return;
- initDoneMsgShown = true;
- help->statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Done"), 3000);
-void HelpDialog::showTopic(QTreeWidgetItem *item)
- if (item)
- showTopic();
-void HelpDialog::showTopic()
- QString tabName = ui.tabWidget->currentWidget()->objectName();
- if (tabName == QLatin1String("indexPage"))
- showIndexTopic();
- else if (tabName == QLatin1String("bookmarkPage"))
- showBookmarkTopic();
- else if (tabName == QLatin1String("contentPage"))
- showContentsTopic();
-void HelpDialog::showIndexTopic()
- int row = ui.listIndex->currentIndex().row();
- if (row == -1 || row >= indexModel->rowCount())
- return;
- QString description = indexModel->description(row);
- QStringList links = indexModel->links(row);
- bool blocked = ui.editIndex->blockSignals(true);
- ui.editIndex->setText(description);
- ui.editIndex->blockSignals(blocked);
- if (links.count() == 1) {
- emit showLink(links.first());
- } else {
- qSort(links);
- QStringList::Iterator it = links.begin();
- QStringList linkList;
- QStringList linkNames;
- for (; it != links.end(); ++it) {
- linkList << *it;
- linkNames << titleOfLink(*it);
- }
- QString link = TopicChooser::getLink(this, linkNames, linkList, description);
- if (!link.isEmpty())
- emit showLink(link);
- }
- ui.listIndex->setCurrentIndex(indexModel->index(indexModel->stringList().indexOf(description)));
- ui.listIndex->scrollTo(ui.listIndex->currentIndex(), QAbstractItemView::PositionAtTop);
-void HelpDialog::searchInIndex(const QString &searchString)
- QRegExp atoz(QLatin1String("[A-Z]"));
- int matches = searchString.count(atoz);
- if (matches > 0 && !searchString.contains(QLatin1String(".*")))
- {
- int start = 0;
- QString newSearch;
- for (; matches > 0; --matches) {
- int match = searchString.indexOf(atoz, start+1);
- if (match <= start)
- continue;
- newSearch += searchString.mid(start, match-start);
- newSearch += QLatin1String(".*");
- start = match;
- }
- newSearch += searchString.mid(start);
- ui.listIndex->setCurrentIndex(indexModel->filter(newSearch, searchString));
- }
- else
- ui.listIndex->setCurrentIndex(indexModel->filter(searchString, searchString));
-QString HelpDialog::titleOfLink(const QString &link)
- QString s = HelpDialog::removeAnchorFromLink(link);
- s = titleMap[s];
- if (s.isEmpty())
- return link;
- return s;
-bool HelpDialog::eventFilter(QObject * o, QEvent * e)
- if (o == ui.editIndex && e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
- switch (static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e)->key()) {
- case Qt::Key_Up:
- case Qt::Key_Down:
- case Qt::Key_PageDown:
- case Qt::Key_PageUp:
- QApplication::sendEvent(ui.listIndex, e);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- } else if (o == ui.listContents->viewport()) {
- if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
- QMouseEvent *me = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e);
- if (me->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
- QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui.listContents->itemAt(me->pos());
- QRect vRect = ui.listContents->visualItemRect(item);
- // only show topic if we clicked an item
- if (item && vRect.contains(me->pos()))
- showTopic(item);
- }
- }
- }
- return QWidget::eventFilter(o, e);
-void HelpDialog::addBookmark()
- if (!bookmarksInserted)
- insertBookmarks();
- QString link = help->browsers()->currentBrowser()->source().toString();
- QString title = help->browsers()->currentBrowser()->documentTitle();
- if (title.isEmpty())
- title = titleOfLink(link);
- QTreeWidgetItem *i = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui.listBookmarks, 0);
- i->setText(0, title);
- i->setData(0, LinkRole, link);
- ui.buttonRemove->setEnabled(true);
- saveBookmarks();
- help->updateBookmarkMenu();
-void HelpDialog::on_buttonAdd_clicked()
- addBookmark();
-void HelpDialog::on_buttonRemove_clicked()
- if (!ui.listBookmarks->currentItem())
- return;
- delete ui.listBookmarks->currentItem();
- saveBookmarks();
- if (ui.listBookmarks->topLevelItemCount() != 0) {
- ui.listBookmarks->setCurrentItem(ui.listBookmarks->topLevelItem(0));
- }
- ui.buttonRemove->setEnabled(ui.listBookmarks->topLevelItemCount() > 0);
- help->updateBookmarkMenu();
-void HelpDialog::insertBookmarks()
- if (bookmarksInserted)
- return;
- bookmarksInserted = true;
- ui.listBookmarks->clear();
- QFile f(cacheFilesPath + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("bookmarks.")
- + Config::configuration()->profileName());
- if (!
- return;
- QTextStream ts(&f);
- while (!ts.atEnd()) {
- QTreeWidgetItem *i = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui.listBookmarks, 0);
- i->setText(0, ts.readLine());
- i->setData(0, LinkRole, ts.readLine());
- }
- ui.buttonRemove->setEnabled(ui.listBookmarks->topLevelItemCount() > 0);
- help->updateBookmarkMenu();
- showInitDoneMessage();
-void HelpDialog::showBookmarkTopic()
- if (!ui.listBookmarks->currentItem())
- return;
- QTreeWidgetItem *i = (QTreeWidgetItem*)ui.listBookmarks->currentItem();
- emit showLink(i->data(0, LinkRole).toString());
-static void store(QTreeWidgetItem *i, QTextStream &ts)
- ts << i->text(0) << endl;
- ts << i->data(0, LinkRole).toString() << endl;
- for (int index = 0; index < i->childCount(); ++index)
- store(i->child(index), ts);
-static void store(QTreeWidget *tw, QTextStream &ts)
- for (int index = 0; index < tw->topLevelItemCount(); ++index)
- store(tw->topLevelItem(index), ts);
-void HelpDialog::saveBookmarks()
- QFile f(cacheFilesPath + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("bookmarks.")
- + Config::configuration()->profileName());
- if (!
- return;
- QTextStream ts(&f);
- store(ui.listBookmarks, ts);
- f.close();
-void HelpDialog::insertContents()
-#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
- static const QLatin1String IconPath(":/trolltech/assistant/images/mac/book.png");
- static const QLatin1String IconPath(":/trolltech/assistant/images/win/book.png");
- if (contentsInserted)
- return;
- if (contentList.isEmpty())
- getAllContents();
- contentsInserted = true;
- ui.listContents->clear();
- setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
- if (!titleMapDone)
- setupTitleMap();
-#if 0 // ### port me
- ui.listContents->setSorting(-1);
- for (QList<QPair<QString, ContentList> >::Iterator it = contentList.begin(); it != contentList.end(); ++it) {
- QTreeWidgetItem *newEntry = 0;
- QTreeWidgetItem *contentEntry = 0;
- QStack<QTreeWidgetItem*> stack;
- stack.clear();
- int depth = 0;
- bool root = false;
- const int depthSize = 32;
- QVarLengthArray<QTreeWidgetItem*, depthSize> lastItem(depthSize);
- ContentList lst = (*it).second;
- for (ContentList::ConstIterator it = lst.constBegin(); it != lst.constEnd(); ++it) {
- ContentItem item = *it;
- if (item.depth == 0) {
- lastItem[0] = 0;
- newEntry = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui.listContents, 0);
- newEntry->setIcon(0, QIcon(IconPath));
- newEntry->setText(0, item.title);
- newEntry->setData(0, LinkRole, item.reference);
- stack.push(newEntry);
- depth = 1;
- root = true;
- }
- else{
- if ((item.depth > depth) && root) {
- depth = item.depth;
- stack.push(contentEntry);
- }
- if (item.depth == depth) {
- if (lastItem.capacity() == depth)
- lastItem.resize(depth + depthSize);
- contentEntry = new QTreeWidgetItem(, lastItem[ depth ]);
- lastItem[ depth ] = contentEntry;
- contentEntry->setText(0, item.title);
- contentEntry->setData(0, LinkRole, item.reference);
- }
- else if (item.depth < depth) {
- stack.pop();
- depth--;
- item = *(--it);
- }
- }
- }
- processEvents();
- }
- setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
- showInitDoneMessage();
-void HelpDialog::showContentsTopic()
- QTreeWidgetItem *i = (QTreeWidgetItem*)ui.listContents->currentItem();
- if (!i)
- return;
- emit showLink(i->data(0, LinkRole).toString());
-QTreeWidgetItem * HelpDialog::locateLink(QTreeWidgetItem *item, const QString &link)
- QTreeWidgetItem *child = 0;
-#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
- Qt::CaseSensitivity checkCase = Qt::CaseInsensitive;
- Qt::CaseSensitivity checkCase = Qt::CaseSensitive;
- for (int i = 0, childCount = item->childCount(); i<childCount; i++) {
- child = item->child(i);
- ///check whether it is this item
- if (link.startsWith(child->data(0, LinkRole).toString(), checkCase))
- break;
- //check if the link is a child of this item
- else if (child->childCount()) {
- child = locateLink(child, link);
- if (child)
- break;
- }
- child = 0;
- }
- return child;
-void HelpDialog::locateContents(const QString &link)
- //ensure the TOC is filled
- if (!contentsInserted)
- insertContents();
-#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
- Qt::CaseSensitivity checkCase = Qt::CaseInsensitive;
- Qt::CaseSensitivity checkCase = Qt::CaseSensitive;
- QString findLink(link);
- //Installations on a windows local drive will give the 'link' as <file:///C:/xxx>
- //and the contents in the TOC will be <file:C:/xxx>.
- //But on others the 'link' of format <file:///root/xxx>
- //and the contents in the TOC will be <file:/root/xxx>.
- if (findLink.contains(QLatin1String("file:///"))) {
- if (findLink[9] == QLatin1Char(':')) //on windows drives
- findLink.replace(0, 8, QLatin1String("file:"));
- else
- findLink.replace(0, 8, QLatin1String("file:/"));
- }
- bool topLevel = false;
- QTreeWidgetItem *item = 0;
- int totalItems = ui.listContents->topLevelItemCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < totalItems; i++ ) {
- // first see if we are one of the top level items
- item = (QTreeWidgetItem*)ui.listContents->topLevelItem(i);
- if (findLink.startsWith(item->data(0, LinkRole).toString(), checkCase)) {
- topLevel = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!topLevel) {
- // now try to find it in the sublevel items
- for (int n = 0; n < totalItems; ++n) {
- item = (QTreeWidgetItem*)ui.listContents->topLevelItem(n);
- item = locateLink(item, findLink);
- if (item)
- break;
- }
- }
- //remove the old selection
- QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> selected = ui.listContents->selectedItems();
- foreach(QTreeWidgetItem *sel, selected)
- ui.listContents->setItemSelected(sel, false);
- //set the TOC item and show
- ui.listContents->setCurrentItem(item);
- ui.listContents->setItemSelected(item, true);
- ui.listContents->scrollToItem(item);
-void HelpDialog::toggleContents()
- if (!isVisible() || ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() != 0) {
- ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
- parentWidget()->show();
- }
- else
- parentWidget()->hide();
-void HelpDialog::toggleIndex()
- if (!isVisible() || ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() != 1 || !ui.editIndex->hasFocus()) {
- ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);
- parentWidget()->show();
- ui.editIndex->setFocus();
- }
- else
- parentWidget()->hide();
-void HelpDialog::toggleBookmarks()
- if (!isVisible() || ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() != 2) {
- ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(2);
- parentWidget()->show();
- }
- else
- parentWidget()->hide();
-void HelpDialog::toggleSearch()
- if (!isVisible() || ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() != 3) {
- ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(3);
- parentWidget()->show();
- }
- else
- parentWidget()->hide();
-void HelpDialog::setupFullTextIndex()
- if (fullTextIndex)
- return;
- QString pname = Config::configuration()->profileName();
- fullTextIndex = new Index(QStringList(), QDir::homePath()); // ### Is this correct ?
- if (!verifyDirectory(cacheFilesPath)) {
- QMessageBox::warning(help, tr("Qt Assistant"),
- tr("Failed to save fulltext search index\n"
- "Assistant will not work!"));
- return;
- }
- fullTextIndex->setDictionaryFile(cacheFilesPath + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("indexdb40.dict.") + pname);
- fullTextIndex->setDocListFile(cacheFilesPath + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("indexdb40.doc.") + pname);
- processEvents();
- connect(fullTextIndex, SIGNAL(indexingProgress(int)),
- this, SLOT(setIndexingProgress(int)));
- QFile f(cacheFilesPath + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("indexdb40.dict.") + pname);
- if (!f.exists()) {
- QString doc;
- QSet<QString> documentSet;
- QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it = titleMap.constBegin();
- for (; it != titleMap.constEnd(); ++it) {
- doc = HelpDialog::removeAnchorFromLink(it.key());
- if (!doc.isEmpty())
- documentSet.insert(doc);
- }
- loadIndexFile();
- for ( QStringList::Iterator it = keywordDocuments.begin(); it != keywordDocuments.end(); ++it ) {
- if (!(*it).isEmpty())
- documentSet.insert(*it);
- }
- fullTextIndex->setDocList( documentSet.toList() );
- help->statusBar()->clearMessage();
- setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
- ui.labelPrepare->setText(tr("Indexing files..."));
- ui.progressPrepare->setMaximum(100);
- ui.progressPrepare->reset();
- ui.progressPrepare->show();
- ui.framePrepare->show();
- processEvents();
- if (fullTextIndex->makeIndex() == -1)
- return;
- fullTextIndex->writeDict();
- ui.progressPrepare->setValue(100);
- ui.framePrepare->hide();
- setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
- showInitDoneMessage();
- } else {
- setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
- help->statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Reading dictionary..."));
- processEvents();
- fullTextIndex->readDict();
- help->statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Done"), 3000);
- setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
- }
- keywordDocuments.clear();
-void HelpDialog::setIndexingProgress(int prog)
- ui.progressPrepare->setValue(prog);
- processEvents();
-void HelpDialog::startSearch()
- QString str = ui.termsEdit->text();
- str = str.simplified();
- str = str.replace(QLatin1String("\'"), QLatin1String("\""));
- str = str.replace(QLatin1String("`"), QLatin1String("\""));
- QString buf = str;
- str = str.replace(QLatin1String("-"), QLatin1String(" "));
- str = str.replace(QRegExp(QLatin1String("\\s[\\S]?\\s")), QLatin1String(" "));
- terms = str.split(QLatin1Char(' '));
- QStringList termSeq;
- QStringList seqWords;
- QStringList::iterator it = terms.begin();
- for (; it != terms.end(); ++it) {
- (*it) = (*it).simplified();
- (*it) = (*it).toLower();
- (*it) = (*it).replace(QLatin1String("\""), QLatin1String(""));
- }
- if (str.contains(QLatin1Char('\"'))) {
- if ((str.count(QLatin1Char('\"')))%2 == 0) {
- int beg = 0;
- int end = 0;
- QString s;
- beg = str.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\"'), beg);
- while (beg != -1) {
- beg++;
- end = str.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\"'), beg);
- s = str.mid(beg, end - beg);
- s = s.toLower();
- s = s.simplified();
- if (s.contains(QLatin1Char('*'))) {
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Full Text Search"),
- tr("Using a wildcard within phrases is not allowed."));
- return;
- }
- seqWords += s.split(QLatin1Char(' '));
- termSeq << s;
- beg = str.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\"'), end + 1);
- }
- } else {
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Full Text Search"),
- tr("The closing quotation mark is missing."));
- return;
- }
- }
- setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
- foundDocs.clear();
- foundDocs = fullTextIndex->query(terms, termSeq, seqWords);
- QString msg = tr("%n document(s) found.", "", foundDocs.count());
- help->statusBar()->showMessage(tr(msg.toUtf8()), 3000);
- ui.resultBox->clear();
- for (it = foundDocs.begin(); it != foundDocs.end(); ++it)
- ui.resultBox->addItem(fullTextIndex->getDocumentTitle(*it));
- terms.clear();
- bool isPhrase = false;
- QString s;
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)buf.length(); ++i) {
- if (buf[i] == QLatin1Char('\"')) {
- isPhrase = !isPhrase;
- s = s.simplified();
- if (!s.isEmpty())
- terms << s;
- s = QLatin1String("");
- } else if (buf[i] == QLatin1Char(' ') && !isPhrase) {
- s = s.simplified();
- if (!s.isEmpty())
- terms << s;
- s = QLatin1String("");
- } else
- s += buf[i];
- }
- if (!s.isEmpty())
- terms << s;
- setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
-void HelpDialog::on_helpButton_clicked()
- emit showLink(MainWindow::urlifyFileName(
- Config::configuration()->assistantDocPath() +
- QLatin1String("/assistant-manual.html#full-text-searching")));
-void HelpDialog::on_resultBox_itemActivated(QListWidgetItem *item)
- showResultPage(item);
-void HelpDialog::showResultPage(QListWidgetItem *item)
- if (item)
- emit showSearchLink(foundDocs[ui.resultBox->row(item)], terms);
-void HelpDialog::showIndexItemMenu(const QPoint &pos)
- QListView *listView = qobject_cast<QListView*>(sender());
- if (!listView)
- return;
- QModelIndex idx = listView->indexAt(pos);
- if (!idx.isValid())
- return;
- QAction *action = itemPopup->exec(listView->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos));
- if (action == actionOpenCurrentTab) {
- showTopic();
- } else if (action) {
- HelpWindow *hw = help->browsers()->currentBrowser();
- QString itemName =;
- ui.editIndex->setText(itemName);
- QStringList links = indexModel->links(idx.row());
- if (links.count() == 1) {
- if (action == actionOpenLinkInNewWindow)
- hw->openLinkInNewWindow(links.first());
- else
- hw->openLinkInNewPage(links.first());
- } else {
- QStringList::Iterator it = links.begin();
- QStringList linkList;
- QStringList linkNames;
- for (; it != links.end(); ++it) {
- linkList << *it;
- linkNames << titleOfLink(*it);
- }
- QString link = TopicChooser::getLink(this, linkNames, linkList, itemName);
- if (!link.isEmpty()) {
- if (action == actionOpenLinkInNewWindow)
- hw->openLinkInNewWindow(link);
- else
- hw->openLinkInNewPage(link);
- }
- }
- }
-void HelpDialog::showListItemMenu(const QPoint &pos)
- QListWidget *listWidget = qobject_cast<QListWidget*>(sender());
- if (!listWidget)
- return;
- QListWidgetItem *item = listWidget->itemAt(pos);
- if (!item)
- return;
- QAction *action = itemPopup->exec(listWidget->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos));
- if (action == actionOpenCurrentTab) {
- showResultPage(item);
- } else if (action) {
- HelpWindow *hw = help->browsers()->currentBrowser();
- QString link = foundDocs[ui.resultBox->row(item)];
- if (action == actionOpenLinkInNewWindow)
- hw->openLinkInNewWindow(link);
- else
- hw->openLinkInNewPage(link);
- }
-void HelpDialog::showTreeItemMenu(const QPoint &pos)
- QTreeWidget *treeWidget = qobject_cast<QTreeWidget*>(sender());
- if (!treeWidget)
- return;
- QTreeWidgetItem *item = treeWidget->itemAt(pos);
- if (!item)
- return;
- QAction *action = itemPopup->exec(treeWidget->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos));
- if (action == actionOpenCurrentTab) {
- if (ui.tabWidget->currentWidget()->objectName() == QLatin1String("contentPage"))
- showContentsTopic();
- else
- showBookmarkTopic();
- } else if (action) {
- QTreeWidgetItem *i = (QTreeWidgetItem*)item;
- if (action == actionOpenLinkInNewWindow)
- help->browsers()->currentBrowser()->openLinkInNewWindow(i->data(0, LinkRole).toString());
- else
- help->browsers()->currentBrowser()->openLinkInNewPage(i->data(0, LinkRole).toString());
- }
-void HelpDialog::on_termsEdit_returnPressed()
- startSearch();
-void HelpDialog::updateSearchButton(const QString &txt)
- ui.searchButton->setDisabled(txt.isEmpty());
-void HelpDialog::on_searchButton_clicked()
- startSearch();
-QString HelpDialog::removeAnchorFromLink(const QString &link)
- int i = link.length();
- int j = link.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
- int l = link.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator());
- if (l > j)
- j = l;
- if (j > -1) {
- QString fileName = link.mid(j+1);
- int k = fileName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('#'));
- if (k > -1)
- i = j + k + 1;
- }
- return link.left(i);
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/helpdialog.h b/tools/assistant/compat/helpdialog.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e1bac2..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/helpdialog.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "ui_helpdialog.h"
-#include "index.h"
-#include "helpwindow.h"
-#include "docuparser.h"
-#include <QList>
-#include <QPair>
-#include <QListWidget>
-#include <QTreeWidget>
-#include <QMap>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QValidator>
-#include <qmenu.h>
-#include <QHash>
-class QProgressBar;
-class MainWindow;
-class QTextBrowser;
-class IndexListModel;
-class HelpNavigationListItem : public QListWidgetItem
- HelpNavigationListItem(QListWidget *ls, const QString &txt);
- void addLink(const QString &link);
- QStringList links() const { return linkList; }
- QStringList linkList;
-class SearchValidator : public QValidator
- SearchValidator(QObject *parent)
- : QValidator(parent) {}
- ~SearchValidator() {}
- QValidator::State validate(QString &str, int &) const;
-class HelpDialog : public QWidget
- HelpDialog(QWidget *parent, MainWindow *h);
- inline QTabWidget *tabWidget() const
- { return ui.tabWidget; }
- QString titleOfLink(const QString &link);
- bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *);
- bool lastWindowClosed() { return lwClosed; }
- void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e);
- static QString removeAnchorFromLink(const QString &link);
- void showLink(const QString &s);
- void showSearchLink(const QString &s, const QStringList &terms);
-public slots:
- void initialize();
- void startSearch();
- void addBookmark();
- void currentTabChanged(int index);
- void locateContents(const QString &link);
-private slots:
- void on_buttonAdd_clicked();
- void on_buttonRemove_clicked();
- void on_termsEdit_returnPressed();
- void on_helpButton_clicked();
- void on_searchButton_clicked();
- void on_resultBox_itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*);
- void updateSearchButton(const QString &txt);
- void showResultPage(QListWidgetItem *);
- void showTopic(QTreeWidgetItem *);
- void loadIndexFile();
- void insertContents();
- void setupFullTextIndex();
- void showTopic();
- void searchInIndex(const QString &s);
- void toggleContents();
- void toggleIndex();
- void toggleBookmarks();
- void toggleSearch();
- void lastWinClosed();
- void setIndexingProgress(int prog);
- void showListItemMenu(const QPoint &pos);
- void showIndexItemMenu(const QPoint &pos);
- void showTreeItemMenu(const QPoint &pos);
- void insertBookmarks();
- void processEvents();
- typedef QList<ContentItem> ContentList;
- void removeOldCacheFiles(bool onlyFulltextSearchIndex = false);
- void buildKeywordDB();
- quint32 getFileAges();
- void showIndexTopic();
- void showBookmarkTopic();
- void setupTitleMap();
- void saveBookmarks();
- void showContentsTopic();
- void showInitDoneMessage();
- void buildContentDict();
- QTreeWidgetItem * locateLink(QTreeWidgetItem *item, const QString &link);
- Ui::HelpDialog ui;
- IndexListModel *indexModel;
- QMap<QString, QString> titleMap;
- bool indexDone, bookmarksInserted, titleMapDone, contentsInserted;
- bool lwClosed;
- MainWindow *help;
- QString documentationPath;
- Index *fullTextIndex;
- QStringList terms, foundDocs;
- bool initDoneMsgShown;
- void getAllContents();
- QList<QPair<QString, ContentList> > contentList;
- QMenu *itemPopup;
- QString cacheFilesPath;
- QStringList keywordDocuments;
- QAction *actionOpenCurrentTab;
- QAction *actionOpenLinkInNewWindow;
- QAction *actionOpenLinkInNewTab;
-#endif // HELPDIALOG_H
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/helpdialog.ui b/tools/assistant/compat/helpdialog.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fc8817..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/helpdialog.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <author></author>
- <comment>*********************************************************************
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
- <exportmacro></exportmacro>
- <class>HelpDialog</class>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="HelpDialog" >
- <property name="geometry" >
- <rect>
- <x>0</x>
- <y>0</y>
- <width>274</width>
- <height>417</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
- <property name="windowTitle" >
- <string>Help</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>&lt;b>Help&lt;/b>&lt;p>Choose the topic you want help on from the contents list, or search the index for keywords.&lt;/p></string>
- </property>
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
- <property name="margin" >
- <number>0</number>
- </property>
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <item>
- <widget class="QTabWidget" name="tabWidget" >
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Displays help topics organized by category, index or bookmarks. Another tab inherits the full text search.</string>
- </property>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="contentPage" >
- <attribute name="title" >
- <string>Con&amp;tents</string>
- </attribute>
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
- <property name="margin" >
- <number>5</number>
- </property>
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <item>
- <widget class="QTreeWidget" name="listContents" >
- <property name="contextMenuPolicy" >
- <enum>Qt::CustomContextMenu</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>&lt;b>Help topics organized by category.&lt;/b>&lt;p>Double-click an item to see the topics in that category. To view a topic, just double-click it.&lt;/p></string>
- </property>
- <property name="rootIsDecorated" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- <property name="uniformRowHeights" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- <column>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>column 1</string>
- </property>
- </column>
- </widget>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </widget>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="indexPage" >
- <attribute name="title" >
- <string>&amp;Index</string>
- </attribute>
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
- <property name="margin" >
- <number>5</number>
- </property>
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <item>
- <widget class="QLabel" name="TextLabel1" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Look For:</string>
- </property>
- <property name="buddy" >
- <cstring>editIndex</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="editIndex" >
- <property name="toolTip" >
- <string>Enter keyword</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>&lt;b>Enter a keyword.&lt;/b>&lt;p>The list will select an item that matches the entered string best.&lt;/p></string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QListView" name="listIndex" >
- <property name="contextMenuPolicy" >
- <enum>Qt::CustomContextMenu</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>&lt;b>List of available help topics.&lt;/b>&lt;p>Double-click on an item to open its help page. If more than one is found, you must specify which page you want.&lt;/p></string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </widget>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="bookmarkPage" >
- <attribute name="title" >
- <string>&amp;Bookmarks</string>
- </attribute>
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
- <property name="margin" >
- <number>5</number>
- </property>
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <item>
- <widget class="QTreeWidget" name="listBookmarks" >
- <property name="contextMenuPolicy" >
- <enum>Qt::CustomContextMenu</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Displays the list of bookmarks.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="uniformRowHeights" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- <column>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>column 1</string>
- </property>
- </column>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
- <property name="margin" >
- <number>0</number>
- </property>
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <item>
- <spacer>
- <property name="orientation" >
- <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeType" >
- <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeHint" >
- <size>
- <width>20</width>
- <height>20</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </spacer>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonAdd" >
- <property name="toolTip" >
- <string>Add new bookmark</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Add the currently displayed page as a new bookmark.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;New</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonRemove" >
- <property name="toolTip" >
- <string>Delete bookmark</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Delete the selected bookmark.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Delete</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </widget>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="searchPage" >
- <attribute name="title" >
- <string>&amp;Search</string>
- </attribute>
- <layout class="QGridLayout" >
- <property name="margin" >
- <number>5</number>
- </property>
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <item row="3" column="0" >
- <spacer>
- <property name="orientation" >
- <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeType" >
- <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeHint" >
- <size>
- <width>20</width>
- <height>20</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </spacer>
- </item>
- <item row="0" column="0" >
- <widget class="QLabel" name="TextLabel1_2" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Searching f&amp;or:</string>
- </property>
- <property name="buddy" >
- <cstring>termsEdit</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="1" column="0" >
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="termsEdit" >
- <property name="toolTip" >
- <string>Enter searchword(s)</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>&lt;b>Enter search word(s).&lt;/b>&lt;p>Enter here the word(s) you are looking for. The words may contain wildcards (*). For a sequence of words quote them.&lt;/p></string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="5" column="0" >
- <widget class="QListWidget" name="resultBox" >
- <property name="contextMenuPolicy" >
- <enum>Qt::CustomContextMenu</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>&lt;b>Found documents&lt;/b>&lt;p>This list contains all found documents from the last search. The documents are ordered, i.e. the first document has the most matches.&lt;/p></string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="4" column="0" >
- <widget class="QLabel" name="TextLabel2" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Found &amp;Documents:</string>
- </property>
- <property name="buddy" >
- <cstring>resultBox</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="2" column="0" >
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
- <property name="margin" >
- <number>1</number>
- </property>
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <item>
- <widget class="QPushButton" name="helpButton" >
- <property name="toolTip" >
- <string>Display the help page</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Display the help page for the full text search.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>He&amp;lp</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <spacer>
- <property name="orientation" >
- <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeType" >
- <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeHint" >
- <size>
- <width>61</width>
- <height>21</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </spacer>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QPushButton" name="searchButton" >
- <property name="toolTip" >
- <string>Start searching</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Pressing this button starts the search.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Search</string>
- </property>
- <property name="enabled" >
- <bool>false</bool>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </widget>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QFrame" name="framePrepare" >
- <property name="frameShape" >
- <enum>QFrame::StyledPanel</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="frameShadow" >
- <enum>QFrame::Raised</enum>
- </property>
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
- <property name="margin" >
- <number>3</number>
- </property>
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <item>
- <widget class="QLabel" name="labelPrepare" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Preparing...</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QProgressBar" name="progressPrepare" />
- </item>
- </layout>
- </widget>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </widget>
- <pixmapfunction></pixmapfunction>
- <tabstops>
- <tabstop>tabWidget</tabstop>
- <tabstop>listContents</tabstop>
- <tabstop>editIndex</tabstop>
- <tabstop>listIndex</tabstop>
- <tabstop>listBookmarks</tabstop>
- <tabstop>buttonAdd</tabstop>
- <tabstop>buttonRemove</tabstop>
- <tabstop>termsEdit</tabstop>
- <tabstop>searchButton</tabstop>
- <tabstop>helpButton</tabstop>
- <tabstop>resultBox</tabstop>
- </tabstops>
- <resources/>
- <connections/>
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/helpwindow.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/helpwindow.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6674342..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/helpwindow.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "helpwindow.h"
-#include "mainwindow.h"
-#include "tabbedbrowser.h"
-#include "helpdialog.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QClipboard>
-#include <QUrl>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QProcess>
-#include <QAction>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QFont>
-#include <QtEvents>
-#include <QTextStream>
-#include <QTextCodec>
-#include <QStatusBar>
-#include <QTextCursor>
-#include <QTextObject>
-#include <QTextLayout>
-#include <QtDebug>
-#include <qdesktopservices.h>
-#include <QtGui/QClipboard>
-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
-#if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
-# include <windows.h>
-HelpWindow::HelpWindow(MainWindow *w, QWidget *parent)
- : QTextBrowser(parent)
- , mw(w)
- , blockScroll(false)
- , shiftPressed(false)
- , newWindow(false)
- FontSettings settings = Config::configuration()->fontSettings();
- setFont(settings.browserFont);
- connect(this, SIGNAL(copyAvailable(bool)), w, SLOT(copyAvailable(bool)));
-void HelpWindow::setSource(const QUrl &name)
- if (name.isValid()) {
- if (name.scheme() == QLatin1String("http") || name.scheme() == QLatin1String("ftp")
- || name.scheme() == QLatin1String("mailto") || name.path().endsWith(QLatin1String("pdf"))) {
- bool launched = QDesktopServices::openUrl(name);
- if (!launched) {
- QMessageBox::information(mw, tr("Help"),
- tr("Unable to launch web browser.\n"),
- tr("OK"));
- }
- return;
- }
- QFileInfo fi(name.toLocalFile());
- if (name.scheme() == QLatin1String("file") && fi.exists()) {
- if (newWindow || (shiftPressed && hasFocus())) {
- shiftPressed = false;
- mw->saveSettings();
- MainWindow *nmw = new MainWindow;
- nmw->move(mw->geometry().topLeft());
- nmw->show();
- if (mw->isMaximized())
- nmw->showMaximized();
- nmw->setup();
- nmw->showLink(name.toString());
- } else {
- QTextBrowser::setSource(name);
- QTextBrowser::scrollToAnchor(name.fragment());
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- mw->statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Failed to open link: '%1'").arg(name.toString()), 5000);
- setHtml(tr("<div align=\"center\"><h1>The page could not be found</h1><br>"
- "<h3>'%1'</h3></div>").arg(name.toString()));
- mw->browsers()->updateTitle(tr("Error..."));
-void HelpWindow::openLinkInNewWindow()
- if (lastAnchor.isEmpty())
- return;
- newWindow = true;
- setSource(lastAnchor);
- newWindow = false;
-void HelpWindow::openLinkInNewWindow(const QString &link)
- lastAnchor = link;
- openLinkInNewWindow();
-void HelpWindow::openLinkInNewPage()
- if(lastAnchor.isEmpty())
- return;
- mw->browsers()->newTab(lastAnchor);
- lastAnchor.clear();
-void HelpWindow::openLinkInNewPage(const QString &link)
- lastAnchor = link;
- openLinkInNewPage();
-bool HelpWindow::hasAnchorAt(const QPoint& pos)
- lastAnchor = anchorAt(pos);
- if (lastAnchor.isEmpty())
- return false;
- lastAnchor = source().resolved(lastAnchor).toString();
- if ( == QLatin1Char('#')) {
- QString src = source().toString();
- int hsh = src.indexOf(QLatin1Char('#'));
- lastAnchor = (hsh>=0 ? src.left(hsh) : src) + lastAnchor;
- }
- return true;
-void HelpWindow::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e)
- QMenu menu(QLatin1String(""), 0);
- QUrl link;
- QAction *copyAnchorAction = 0;
- if (hasAnchorAt(e->pos())) {
- link = anchorAt(e->pos());
- if (link.isRelative())
- link = source().resolved(link);
- copyAnchorAction = menu.addAction(tr("Copy &Link Location"));
- copyAnchorAction->setEnabled(!link.isEmpty() && link.isValid());
- menu.addAction(tr("Open Link in New Tab"),
- this, SLOT(openLinkInNewPage()));
- menu.addAction(tr("Open Link in New Window\tShift+LMB"),
- this, SLOT(openLinkInNewWindow()));
- }
- mw->setupPopupMenu(&menu);
- QAction *action = menu.exec(e->globalPos());
- if (action == copyAnchorAction)
- QApplication::clipboard()->setText(link.toString());
-void HelpWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
- if (e->button() == Qt::XButton1) {
- QTextBrowser::backward();
- return;
- }
- if (e->button() == Qt::XButton2) {
- QTextBrowser::forward();
- return;
- }
- if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton && hasAnchorAt(e->pos())) {
- openLinkInNewPage();
- return;
- }
- QTextBrowser::mouseReleaseEvent(e);
-void HelpWindow::blockScrolling(bool b)
- blockScroll = b;
-void HelpWindow::ensureCursorVisible()
- if (!blockScroll)
- QTextBrowser::ensureCursorVisible();
-void HelpWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
- shiftPressed = e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier;
- if (!(shiftPressed && hasAnchorAt(e->pos())))
- QTextBrowser::mousePressEvent(e);
-void HelpWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
- shiftPressed = e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier;
- QTextBrowser::keyPressEvent(e);
-bool HelpWindow::isKDERunning() const
- return !qgetenv("KDE_FULL_SESSION").isEmpty();
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/images/assistant-128.png b/tools/assistant/compat/images/assistant-128.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f05949f..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/assistant-128.png
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Binary files differ
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--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/designer.png
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--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/linguist.png
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--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/book.png
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--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/closetab.png
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index f551364..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/editcopy.png
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/find.png
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deleted file mode 100644
index 78d94da..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/home.png
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index a585cab..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/next.png
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 612fb34..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/prev.png
+++ /dev/null
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index 10ca56c..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/print.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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index 067fa94..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/synctoc.png
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5b7078f..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/whatsthis.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index d46f5af..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/zoomin.png
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4632656..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/mac/zoomout.png
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2dc6716..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/qt.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4bb0feb..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/addtab.png
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Binary files differ
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index 09ec4d3..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/book.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/closetab.png
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1121b47..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/editcopy.png
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6ea35e9..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/find.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/home.png b/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/home.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b1c6ae1..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/home.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8df4127..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/next.png
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/previous.png b/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/previous.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0780bc2..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/previous.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/print.png b/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/print.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7c02d..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/print.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/synctoc.png b/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/synctoc.png
deleted file mode 100644
index da301bc..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/synctoc.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/whatsthis.png b/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/whatsthis.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 623cad6..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/whatsthis.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/zoomin.png b/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/zoomin.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e586fc..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/zoomin.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/zoomout.png b/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/zoomout.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a736d39..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/win/zoomout.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/images/wrap.png b/tools/assistant/compat/images/wrap.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 90f18d9..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/images/wrap.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/index.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/index.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ff54626..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/index.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "index.h"
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QByteArray>
-#include <QTextStream>
-#include <QtAlgorithms>
-#include <QUrl>
-#include <QTextCodec>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <QTextDocument>
-struct Term {
- Term() : frequency(-1) {}
- Term( const QString &t, int f, QVector<Document> l ) : term( t ), frequency( f ), documents( l ) {}
- QString term;
- int frequency;
- QVector<Document>documents;
- bool operator<( const Term &i2 ) const { return frequency < i2.frequency; }
-QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, Document &l )
- s >> l.docNumber;
- s >> l.frequency;
- return s;
-QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const Document &l )
- s << (qint16)l.docNumber;
- s << (qint16)l.frequency;
- return s;
-Index::Index( const QString &dp, const QString &hp )
- : QObject( 0 ), docPath( dp )
- Q_UNUSED(hp);
- alreadyHaveDocList = false;
- lastWindowClosed = false;
- connect( qApp, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()),
- this, SLOT(setLastWinClosed()) );
-Index::Index( const QStringList &dl, const QString &hp )
- : QObject( 0 )
- Q_UNUSED(hp);
- docList = dl;
- alreadyHaveDocList = true;
- lastWindowClosed = false;
- connect( qApp, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()),
- this, SLOT(setLastWinClosed()) );
-void Index::setLastWinClosed()
- lastWindowClosed = true;
-void Index::setDictionaryFile( const QString &f )
- dictFile = f;
-void Index::setDocListFile( const QString &f )
- docListFile = f;
-void Index::setDocList( const QStringList &lst )
- docList = lst;
-int Index::makeIndex()
- if ( !alreadyHaveDocList )
- setupDocumentList();
- if ( docList.isEmpty() )
- return 1;
- QStringList::Iterator it = docList.begin();
- int steps = docList.count() / 100;
- if ( !steps )
- steps++;
- int prog = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; it != docList.end(); ++it, ++i ) {
- if ( lastWindowClosed ) {
- return -1;
- }
- QUrl url(*it);
- parseDocument( url.toLocalFile(), i );
- if ( i%steps == 0 ) {
- prog++;
- emit indexingProgress( prog );
- }
- }
- return 0;
-void Index::setupDocumentList()
- QDir d( docPath );
- QStringList filters;
- filters.append(QLatin1String("*.html"));
- QStringList lst = d.entryList(filters);
- QStringList::ConstIterator it = lst.constBegin();
- for ( ; it != lst.constEnd(); ++it )
- docList.append( QLatin1String("file:") + docPath + QLatin1String("/") + *it );
-void Index::insertInDict( const QString &str, int docNum )
- if ( str == QLatin1String("amp") || str == QLatin1String("nbsp"))
- return;
- Entry *e = 0;
- if ( dict.count() )
- e = dict[ str ];
- if ( e ) {
- if ( e->documents.last().docNumber != docNum )
- e->documents.append( Document(docNum, 1 ) );
- else
- e->documents.last().frequency++;
- } else {
- dict.insert( str, new Entry( docNum ) );
- }
-QString Index::getCharsetForDocument(QFile *file)
- QTextStream s(file);
- QString contents = s.readAll();
- QString encoding;
- int start = contents.indexOf(QLatin1String("<meta"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- if (start > 0) {
- int end = contents.indexOf(QLatin1String(">"), start);
- QString meta = contents.mid(start+5, end-start);
- meta = meta.toLower();
- QRegExp r(QLatin1String("charset=([^\"\\s]+)"));
- if (r.indexIn(meta) != -1) {
- encoding = r.cap(1);
- }
- }
- file->seek(0);
- if (encoding.isEmpty())
- return QLatin1String("utf-8");
- return encoding;
-void Index::parseDocument( const QString &filename, int docNum )
- QFile file( filename );
- if ( ! ) {
- qWarning( "can not open file %s", qPrintable(filename) );
- return;
- }
- QTextStream s(&file);
- QString en = getCharsetForDocument(&file);
- s.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName(en.toLatin1().constData()));
- QString text = s.readAll();
- if (text.isNull())
- return;
- bool valid = true;
- const QChar *buf = text.unicode();
- QChar str[64];
- QChar c = buf[0];
- int j = 0;
- int i = 0;
- while ( j < text.length() ) {
- if ( c == QLatin1Char('<') || c == QLatin1Char('&') ) {
- valid = false;
- if ( i > 1 )
- insertInDict( QString(str,i), docNum );
- i = 0;
- c = buf[++j];
- continue;
- }
- if ( ( c == QLatin1Char('>') || c == QLatin1Char(';') ) && !valid ) {
- valid = true;
- c = buf[++j];
- continue;
- }
- if ( !valid ) {
- c = buf[++j];
- continue;
- }
- if ( ( c.isLetterOrNumber() || c == QLatin1Char('_') ) && i < 63 ) {
- str[i] = c.toLower();
- ++i;
- } else {
- if ( i > 1 )
- insertInDict( QString(str,i), docNum );
- i = 0;
- }
- c = buf[++j];
- }
- if ( i > 1 )
- insertInDict( QString(str,i), docNum );
- file.close();
-void Index::writeDict()
- QFile f( dictFile );
- if ( ! ) )
- return;
- QDataStream s( &f );
- for(QHash<QString, Entry *>::Iterator it = dict.begin(); it != dict.end(); ++it) {
- s << it.key();
- s << it.value()->documents.count();
- s << it.value()->documents;
- }
- f.close();
- writeDocumentList();
-void Index::writeDocumentList()
- QFile f( docListFile );
- if ( ! ) )
- return;
- QDataStream s( &f );
- s << docList;
-void Index::readDict()
- QFile f( dictFile );
- if ( ! ) )
- return;
- dict.clear();
- QDataStream s( &f );
- QString key;
- int numOfDocs;
- QVector<Document> docs;
- while ( !s.atEnd() ) {
- s >> key;
- s >> numOfDocs;
- docs.resize(numOfDocs);
- s >> docs;
- dict.insert( key, new Entry( docs ) );
- }
- f.close();
- readDocumentList();
-void Index::readDocumentList()
- QFile f( docListFile );
- if ( ! ) )
- return;
- QDataStream s( &f );
- s >> docList;
-QStringList Index::query( const QStringList &terms, const QStringList &termSeq, const QStringList &seqWords )
- QList<Term> termList;
- for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = terms.begin(); it != terms.end(); ++it ) {
- Entry *e = 0;
- if ( (*it).contains(QLatin1Char('*')) ) {
- QVector<Document> wcts = setupDummyTerm( getWildcardTerms( *it ) );
- termList.append( Term(QLatin1String("dummy"), wcts.count(), wcts ) );
- } else if ( dict[ *it ] ) {
- e = dict[ *it ];
- termList.append( Term( *it, e->documents.count(), e->documents ) );
- } else {
- return QStringList();
- }
- }
- if ( !termList.count() )
- return QStringList();
- qSort(termList);
- QVector<Document> minDocs = termList.takeFirst().documents;
- for(QList<Term>::Iterator it = termList.begin(); it != termList.end(); ++it) {
- Term *t = &(*it);
- QVector<Document> docs = t->documents;
- for(QVector<Document>::Iterator minDoc_it = minDocs.begin(); minDoc_it != minDocs.end(); ) {
- bool found = false;
- for (QVector<Document>::ConstIterator doc_it = docs.constBegin(); doc_it != docs.constEnd(); ++doc_it ) {
- if ( (*minDoc_it).docNumber == (*doc_it).docNumber ) {
- (*minDoc_it).frequency += (*doc_it).frequency;
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( !found )
- minDoc_it = minDocs.erase( minDoc_it );
- else
- ++minDoc_it;
- }
- }
- QStringList results;
- qSort( minDocs );
- if ( termSeq.isEmpty() ) {
- for(QVector<Document>::Iterator it = minDocs.begin(); it != minDocs.end(); ++it)
- results <<*it).docNumber);
- return results;
- }
- QString fileName;
- for(QVector<Document>::Iterator it = minDocs.begin(); it != minDocs.end(); ++it) {
- fileName = docList[ (int)(*it).docNumber ];
- if ( searchForPattern( termSeq, seqWords, fileName ) )
- results << fileName;
- }
- return results;
-QString Index::getDocumentTitle( const QString &fullFileName )
- QUrl url(fullFileName);
- QString fileName = url.toLocalFile();
- if (documentTitleCache.contains(fileName))
- return documentTitleCache.value(fileName);
- QFile file( fileName );
- if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly ) ) {
- qWarning( "cannot open file %s", qPrintable(fileName) );
- return fileName;
- }
- QTextStream s( &file );
- QString text = s.readAll();
- int start = text.indexOf(QLatin1String("<title>"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive) + 7;
- int end = text.indexOf(QLatin1String("</title>"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- QString title = tr("Untitled");
- if (end - start > 0) {
- title = text.mid(start, end - start);
- if (Qt::mightBeRichText(title)) {
- QTextDocument doc;
- doc.setHtml(title);
- title = doc.toPlainText();
- }
- }
- documentTitleCache.insert(fileName, title);
- return title;
-QStringList Index::getWildcardTerms( const QString &term )
- QStringList lst;
- QStringList terms = split( term );
- QStringList::Iterator iter;
- for(QHash<QString, Entry*>::Iterator it = dict.begin(); it != dict.end(); ++it) {
- int index = 0;
- bool found = false;
- QString text( it.key() );
- for ( iter = terms.begin(); iter != terms.end(); ++iter ) {
- if ( *iter == QLatin1String("*") ) {
- found = true;
- continue;
- }
- if ( iter == terms.begin() && (*iter)[0] != text[0] ) {
- found = false;
- break;
- }
- index = text.indexOf( *iter, index );
- if ( *iter == terms.last() && index != (int)text.length()-1 ) {
- index = text.lastIndexOf( *iter );
- if ( index != (int)text.length() - (int)(*iter).length() ) {
- found = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( index != -1 ) {
- found = true;
- index += (*iter).length();
- continue;
- } else {
- found = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( found )
- lst << text;
- }
- return lst;
-QStringList Index::split( const QString &str )
- QStringList lst;
- int j = 0;
- int i = str.indexOf(QLatin1Char('*'), j );
- if (str.startsWith(QLatin1String("*")))
- lst << QLatin1String("*");
- while ( i != -1 ) {
- if ( i > j && i <= (int)str.length() ) {
- lst << str.mid( j, i - j );
- lst << QLatin1String("*");
- }
- j = i + 1;
- i = str.indexOf(QLatin1Char('*'), j );
- }
- int l = str.length() - 1;
- if ( str.mid( j, l - j + 1 ).length() > 0 )
- lst << str.mid( j, l - j + 1 );
- return lst;
-QVector<Document> Index::setupDummyTerm( const QStringList &terms )
- QList<Term> termList;
- for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = terms.begin(); it != terms.end(); ++it) {
- Entry *e = 0;
- if ( dict[ *it ] ) {
- e = dict[ *it ];
- termList.append( Term( *it, e->documents.count(), e->documents ) );
- }
- }
- QVector<Document> maxList(0);
- if ( !termList.count() )
- return maxList;
- qSort(termList);
- maxList = termList.takeLast().documents;
- for(QList<Term>::Iterator it = termList.begin(); it != termList.end(); ++it) {
- Term *t = &(*it);
- QVector<Document> docs = t->documents;
- for (QVector<Document>::iterator docIt = docs.begin(); docIt != docs.end(); ++docIt ) {
- if ( maxList.indexOf( *docIt ) == -1 )
- maxList.append( *docIt );
- }
- }
- return maxList;
-void Index::buildMiniDict( const QString &str )
- if ( miniDict[ str ] )
- miniDict[ str ]->positions.append( wordNum );
- ++wordNum;
-bool Index::searchForPattern( const QStringList &patterns, const QStringList &words, const QString &fileName )
- QUrl url(fileName);
- QString fName = url.toLocalFile();
- QFile file( fName );
- if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly ) ) {
- qWarning( "cannot open file %s", qPrintable(fName) );
- return false;
- }
- wordNum = 3;
- miniDict.clear();
- QStringList::ConstIterator cIt = words.begin();
- for ( ; cIt != words.end(); ++cIt )
- miniDict.insert( *cIt, new PosEntry( 0 ) );
- QTextStream s( &file );
- QString text = s.readAll();
- bool valid = true;
- const QChar *buf = text.unicode();
- QChar str[64];
- QChar c = buf[0];
- int j = 0;
- int i = 0;
- while ( j < text.length() ) {
- if ( c == QLatin1Char('<') || c == QLatin1Char('&') ) {
- valid = false;
- if ( i > 1 )
- buildMiniDict( QString(str,i) );
- i = 0;
- c = buf[++j];
- continue;
- }
- if ( ( c == QLatin1Char('>') || c == QLatin1Char(';') ) && !valid ) {
- valid = true;
- c = buf[++j];
- continue;
- }
- if ( !valid ) {
- c = buf[++j];
- continue;
- }
- if ( ( c.isLetterOrNumber() || c == QLatin1Char('_') ) && i < 63 ) {
- str[i] = c.toLower();
- ++i;
- } else {
- if ( i > 1 )
- buildMiniDict( QString(str,i) );
- i = 0;
- }
- c = buf[++j];
- }
- if ( i > 1 )
- buildMiniDict( QString(str,i) );
- file.close();
- QStringList::ConstIterator patIt = patterns.begin();
- QStringList wordLst;
- QList<uint> a, b;
- QList<uint>::iterator aIt;
- for ( ; patIt != patterns.end(); ++patIt ) {
- wordLst = (*patIt).split(QLatin1Char(' '));
- a = miniDict[ wordLst[0] ]->positions;
- for ( int j = 1; j < (int)wordLst.count(); ++j ) {
- b = miniDict[ wordLst[j] ]->positions;
- aIt = a.begin();
- while ( aIt != a.end() ) {
- if ( b.contains( *aIt + 1 )) {
- (*aIt)++;
- ++aIt;
- } else {
- aIt = a.erase( aIt );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( a.count() )
- return true;
- return false;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/index.h b/tools/assistant/compat/index.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dd6d54..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/index.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#ifndef INDEX_H
-#define INDEX_H
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QHash>
-#include <QDataStream>
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QList>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QVector>
-struct Document {
- Document( int d, int f ) : docNumber( d ), frequency( f ) {}
- Document() : docNumber( -1 ), frequency( 0 ) {}
- bool operator==( const Document &doc ) const {
- return docNumber == doc.docNumber;
- }
- bool operator<( const Document &doc ) const {
- return frequency > doc.frequency;
- }
- bool operator<=( const Document &doc ) const {
- return frequency >= doc.frequency;
- }
- bool operator>( const Document &doc ) const {
- return frequency < doc.frequency;
- }
- qint16 docNumber;
- qint16 frequency;
-QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, Document &l );
-QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const Document &l );
-class Index : public QObject
- struct Entry {
- Entry( int d ) { documents.append( Document( d, 1 ) ); }
- Entry( QVector<Document> l ) : documents( l ) {}
- QVector<Document> documents;
- };
- struct PosEntry {
- PosEntry( int p ) { positions.append( p ); }
- QList<uint> positions;
- };
- Index( const QString &dp, const QString &hp );
- Index( const QStringList &dl, const QString &hp );
- void writeDict();
- void readDict();
- int makeIndex();
- QStringList query( const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList& );
- QString getDocumentTitle( const QString& );
- void setDictionaryFile( const QString& );
- void setDocListFile( const QString& );
- void setDocList( const QStringList & );
- void indexingProgress( int );
-private slots:
- void setLastWinClosed();
- void setupDocumentList();
- void parseDocument( const QString&, int );
- void insertInDict( const QString&, int );
- void writeDocumentList();
- void readDocumentList();
- QStringList getWildcardTerms( const QString& );
- QStringList split( const QString& );
- QVector<Document> setupDummyTerm( const QStringList& );
- bool searchForPattern( const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QString& );
- void buildMiniDict( const QString& );
- QString getCharsetForDocument(QFile *);
- QStringList docList;
- QHash<QString, Entry*> dict;
- QHash<QString, PosEntry*> miniDict;
- uint wordNum;
- QString docPath;
- QString dictFile, docListFile;
- bool alreadyHaveDocList;
- bool lastWindowClosed;
- QHash<QString, QString> documentTitleCache;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/lib/ b/tools/assistant/compat/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index e50d470..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-QT += network
-TARGET = QtAssistantClient
- VERSION=4.3.0
-} else {
-CONFIG += qt warn_on
-mac|win32:CONFIG += debug_and_release
-mac:unix:CONFIG += explicitlib
-CONFIG -= dll
-HEADERS = qassistantclient.h \
- qassistantclient_global.h
-SOURCES = qassistantclient.cpp
-DESTDIR = ../../../../lib
-DLLDESTDIR = ../../../../bin
-unix {
-contains(CONFIG, static) {
-#load up the headers info
-CONFIG += qt_install_headers
-HEADERS_PRI = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/include/QtAssistant/headers.pri
-include($$HEADERS_PRI, "", true)|clear(HEADERS_PRI)
-#mac frameworks
-mac:!static:contains(QT_CONFIG, qt_framework) {
- TARGET = QtAssistant # Change the name to match the headers
- CONFIG += lib_bundle qt_no_framework_direct_includes qt_framework
- CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
- !build_pass:CONFIG += build_all
- } else { #release
- !debug_and_release|build_pass {
- CONFIG -= qt_install_headers #no need to install these as well
- FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.version = Versions
- FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.path = Headers
- }
- }
-TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget($$TARGET$$QT_LIBINFIX) #done towards the end
-INSTALLS += target
-win32 {
- dlltarget.path=$$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]
- INSTALLS += dlltarget
-qt_install_headers {
- assistant_headers.files = $$SYNCQT.HEADER_FILES $$SYNCQT.HEADER_CLASSES
- assistant_headers.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/QtAssistant
- INSTALLS += assistant_headers
-unix {
- CONFIG += create_pc
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/lib/qassistantclient.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/lib/qassistantclient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d0a92..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/lib/qassistantclient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "qassistantclient.h"
-#include <qtcpsocket.h>
-#include <qtextstream.h>
-#include <qtimer.h>
-#include <qfileinfo.h>
-#include <qmap.h>
-class QAssistantClientPrivate
- friend class QAssistantClient;
- QStringList arguments;
-static QMap<const QAssistantClient*,QAssistantClientPrivate*> *dpointers = 0;
-static QAssistantClientPrivate *data( const QAssistantClient *client, bool create=false )
- if( !dpointers )
- dpointers = new QMap<const QAssistantClient*,QAssistantClientPrivate*>;
- QAssistantClientPrivate *d = (*dpointers)[client];
- if( !d && create ) {
- d = new QAssistantClientPrivate;
- dpointers->insert( client, d );
- }
- return d;
- \class QAssistantClient
- \obsolete
- \brief The QAssistantClient class provides a means of using Qt
- Assistant as an application's help tool.
- \ingroup helpsystem
- \bold{Note:} \e{This class is obsolete and only required when using
- the old Qt Assistant, now called assistant_adp. If you want to use
- the new Qt Assistant as a remote help viewer, simple create a
- QProcess instance and specify \tt{assistant} as its executable.
- The following code shows how to start Qt Assistant and request a
- certain page to be shown:}
- \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/tools_assistant_compat_lib_qassistantclient.cpp 0
- \e{For a complete example using the Qt Assistant remotely, see the \l
- {help/remotecontrol}{Remote Control} example.}
- In order to make Qt Assistant act as a customized help tool for
- your application, you must provide your application with a
- QAssistantClient object in addition to a \l
- {assistant-manual.html} {Qt Assistant Document Profile} (\c .adp
- file) and the associated documentation.
- Note that the QAssistantClient class is not included in the Qt
- library. To use it you must add the following line to your pro
- file:
- \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/tools_assistant_compat_lib_qassistantclient.cpp 1
- A QAssistantClient instance can open or close Qt Assistant
- whenever it is required.
- Once you have created a QAssistantClient instance, specifying the
- path to the Qt Assistant executable, using Qt Assistant is
- simple: You can either call the openAssistant() slot to show the
- defined start page of the documentation, or you can call the
- showPage() slot to show a particular help page. When you call
- openAssistant() and showPage(), Qt Assistant will be launched if
- it isn't already running. When Qt Assistant is running, the
- isOpen() function returns true.
- When calling showPage() the Qt Assistant instance will also be
- brought to the foreground if its hidden. The showPage() slot can
- be called multiple times, while calling openAssistant() several
- times without closing the application in between, will have no
- effect.
- You can close Qt Assistant at any time using the closeAssistant()
- slot. When you call openAssistant(), or you call showPage()
- without a previous call to openAssistant(), the assistantOpened()
- signal is emitted. Similarly when closeAssistant() is called,
- assistantClosed() is emitted. In either case, if an error occurs,
- error() is emitted.
- One QAssistantClient instance interacts with one Qt Assistant
- instance, so every time you call openAssistant(), showPage() or
- closeAssistant() they are applied to the particular Qt Assistant
- instance associated with the QAssistantClient.
- Qt Assistant's documentation set can be altered using the command
- line arguments that are passed to the application when it is
- launched. When started without any options, Qt Assistant displays
- a default set of documentation. When Qt is installed, the default
- documentation set in Qt Assistant contains the Qt reference
- documentation as well as the tools that come with Qt, such as \QD
- and \c qmake.
- Use the setArguments() function to specify the command line
- arguments. You can add or remove documentation from Qt Assistant
- by adding and removing the relevant content files: The command
- line arguments are \c {-addContentFile file.dcf} and \c
- {-removeContentFile file.dcf} respectively. You can make Qt
- Assistant run customized documentation sets that are separate from
- the Qt documentation, by specifying a profile: \c {-profile
- myapplication.adp}. The profile format can also be used to alter
- several of Qt Assistant's properties such as its title and
- startpage.
- The Documentation Content File (\c .dcf) and Qt Assistant
- Documentation Profile (\c .adp) formats are documented in the \l
- {assistant-manual.html}{Qt Assistant Manual}.
- For a complete example using the QAssistantClient class, see the
- \e{Simple Text Viewer} example. The example shows how you can make
- Qt Assistant act as a customized help tool for your application
- using the QAssistantClient class combined with a Qt Assistant
- Document Profile.
- \sa {Qt Assistant Manual}, {Simple Text Viewer Example}
- \fn void QAssistantClient::assistantOpened()
- This signal is emitted when Qt Assistant is opened and the
- client-server communication is set up.
- \sa openAssistant(), showPage()
- \fn void QAssistantClient::assistantClosed()
- This signal is emitted when the connection to Qt Assistant is
- closed. This happens when the user exits Qt Assistant, if an
- error in the server or client occurs, or if closeAssistant() is
- called.
- \sa closeAssistant()
- \fn void QAssistantClient::error( const QString &message )
- This signal is emitted if Qt Assistant cannot be started, or if an
- error occurs during the initialization of the connection between
- Qt Assistant and the calling application. The \a message provides an
- explanation of the error.
- Constructs an assistant client with the specified \a parent. For
- systems other than Mac OS, \a path specifies the path to the Qt
- Assistant executable. For Mac OS, \a path specifies a directory
- containing a valid bundle. If \a path is the empty
- string, the system path (\c{%PATH%} or \c $PATH) is used.
-QAssistantClient::QAssistantClient( const QString &path, QObject *parent )
- : QObject( parent ), host ( QLatin1String("localhost") )
-#if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
- const QString assistant = QLatin1String("Assistant_adp");
- const QString assistant = QLatin1String("assistant_adp");
- if ( path.isEmpty() )
- assistantCommand = assistant;
- else {
- QFileInfo fi( path );
- if ( fi.isDir() )
- assistantCommand = path + QLatin1String("/") + assistant;
- else
- assistantCommand = path;
- }
-#if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
- assistantCommand += QLatin1String(".app/Contents/MacOS/Assistant_adp");
- socket = new QTcpSocket( this );
- connect( socket, SIGNAL(connected()),
- SLOT(socketConnected()) );
- connect( socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()),
- SLOT(socketConnectionClosed()) );
- connect( socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),
- SLOT(socketError()) );
- opened = false;
- proc = new QProcess( this );
- port = 0;
- pageBuffer = QLatin1String("");
- connect( proc, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()),
- this, SLOT(readStdError()) );
- connect( proc, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)),
- this, SLOT(procError(QProcess::ProcessError)) );
- Destroys the assistant client object.
- if ( proc->state() == QProcess::Running )
- proc->terminate();
- if( dpointers ) {
- QAssistantClientPrivate *d = (*dpointers)[ this ];
- if ( d ) {
- dpointers->remove(this);
- delete d;
- if( dpointers->isEmpty() ) {
- delete dpointers;
- dpointers = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- Opens Qt Assistant, i.e. sets up the client-server communication
- between the application and Qt Assistant, and shows the start page
- specified by the current \l {assistant-manual.html}
- {Qt Assistant Document Profile}. If there is no specfied profile,
- and Qt is installed, the default start page is the Qt Reference
- Documentation's index page.
- If the connection is already established, this function does
- nothing. Use the showPage() function to show another page. If an
- error occurs, the error() signal is emitted.
- \sa showPage(), assistantOpened()
-void QAssistantClient::openAssistant()
- if ( proc->state() == QProcess::Running )
- return;
- QStringList args;
- args.append(QLatin1String("-server"));
- if( !pageBuffer.isEmpty() ) {
- args.append( QLatin1String("-file") );
- args.append( pageBuffer );
- }
- QAssistantClientPrivate *d = data( this );
- if( d ) {
- QStringList::ConstIterator it = d->arguments.constBegin();
- while( it!=d->arguments.constEnd() ) {
- args.append( *it );
- ++it;
- }
- }
- connect( proc, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()),
- this, SLOT(readPort()) );
- proc->start(assistantCommand, args);
-void QAssistantClient::procError(QProcess::ProcessError err)
- switch (err)
- {
- case QProcess::FailedToStart:
- emit error( tr( "Failed to start Qt Assistant." ) );
- break;
- case QProcess::Crashed:
- emit error( tr( "Qt Assistant crashed." ) );
- break;
- default:
- emit error( tr( "Error while running Qt Assistant." ) );
- }
-void QAssistantClient::readPort()
- QString p(QString::fromLatin1(proc->readAllStandardOutput()));
- quint16 port = p.toUShort();
- if ( port == 0 ) {
- emit error( tr( "Cannot connect to Qt Assistant." ) );
- return;
- }
- socket->connectToHost( host, port );
- disconnect( proc, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()),
- this, SLOT(readPort()) );
- Closes the Qt Assistant instance.
- \sa openAssistant(), assistantClosed()
-void QAssistantClient::closeAssistant()
- if ( !opened )
- return;
- bool blocked = proc->blockSignals(true);
- proc->terminate();
- if (!proc->waitForFinished(2000)) {
- // If the process hasn't died after 2 seconds,
- // we kill it, causing it to exit immediately.
- proc->kill();
- }
- proc->blockSignals(blocked);
- Brings Qt Assistant to the foreground showing the given \a page.
- The \a page parameter is a path to an HTML file
- (e.g., QLatin1String("/home/pasquale/superproduct/docs/html/intro.html")).
- If Qt Assistant hasn't been opened yet, this function will call
- the openAssistant() slot with the specified page as the start
- page.
- \note The first time Qt Assistant is started, its window will open
- in front of the application's windows. Subsequent calls to this function
- will only load the specified pages in Qt Assistant and will not display
- its window in front of the application's windows.
- \sa openAssistant()
-void QAssistantClient::showPage( const QString &page )
- if (opened) {
- QTextStream os( socket );
- os << page << QLatin1String("\n");
- } else {
- pageBuffer = page;
- if (proc->state() == QProcess::NotRunning) {
- openAssistant();
- pageBuffer.clear();
- return;
- }
- }
- \property QAssistantClient::open
- \brief whether Qt Assistant is open
-bool QAssistantClient::isOpen() const
- return opened;
-void QAssistantClient::socketConnected()
- opened = true;
- if ( !pageBuffer.isEmpty() )
- showPage( pageBuffer );
- emit assistantOpened();
-void QAssistantClient::socketConnectionClosed()
- opened = false;
- emit assistantClosed();
-void QAssistantClient::socketError()
- QAbstractSocket::SocketError err = socket->error();
- if (err == QTcpSocket::ConnectionRefusedError)
- emit error( tr( "Could not connect to Assistant: Connection refused" ) );
- else if (err == QTcpSocket::HostNotFoundError)
- emit error( tr( "Could not connect to Assistant: Host not found" ) );
- else if (err != QTcpSocket::RemoteHostClosedError)
- emit error( tr( "Communication error" ) );
-void QAssistantClient::readStdError()
- QString errmsg = QString::fromLatin1(proc->readAllStandardError());
- if (!errmsg.isEmpty())
- emit error( errmsg.simplified() );
- \fn void QAssistantClient::setArguments(const QStringList &arguments)
- Sets the command line \a arguments that are passed to Qt Assistant
- when it is launched.
- The command line arguments can be used to alter Qt Assistant's
- documentation set. When started without any options, Qt Assistant
- displays a default set of documentation. When Qt is installed, the
- default documentation set in Qt Assistant contains the Qt
- reference documentation as well as the tools that come with Qt,
- such as Qt Designer and qmake.
-void QAssistantClient::setArguments( const QStringList &args )
- QAssistantClientPrivate *d = data( this, true );
- d->arguments = args;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/lib/qassistantclient.h b/tools/assistant/compat/lib/qassistantclient.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fc8bb5b..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/lib/qassistantclient.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include <QtCore/QObject>
-#include <QtCore/QStringList>
-#include <QtCore/QProcess>
-#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
-#include <QtAssistant/qassistantclient_global.h>
-class QTcpSocket;
-class QT_ASSISTANT_CLIENT_EXPORT QAssistantClient : public QObject
- Q_PROPERTY( bool open READ isOpen )
- QAssistantClient( const QString &path, QObject *parent = 0);
- ~QAssistantClient();
- bool isOpen() const;
- void setArguments( const QStringList &args );
-public Q_SLOTS:
- virtual void openAssistant();
- virtual void closeAssistant();
- virtual void showPage( const QString &page );
- void assistantOpened();
- void assistantClosed();
- void error( const QString &msg );
-private Q_SLOTS:
- void socketConnected();
- void socketConnectionClosed();
- void readPort();
- void procError(QProcess::ProcessError err);
- void socketError();
- void readStdError();
- QTcpSocket *socket;
- QProcess *proc;
- quint16 port;
- QString host, assistantCommand, pageBuffer;
- bool opened;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/main.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c16c52e..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "mainwindow.h"
-#include "helpdialog.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include <QTcpServer>
-#include <QTcpSocket>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QPixmap>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QPointer>
-#include <QTranslator>
-#include <QLibraryInfo>
-#include <QLocale>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
- #include <QtPlugin>
-#define INDEX_CHECK( text ) if( i+1 >= argc ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", text); return 1; }
-#if !defined(QT_NO_DBUS) && defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
-#include <QtDBus/QDBusConnection>
-#include <QtDBus/QDBusAbstractAdaptor>
-#include <QtDBus/QDBusObjectPath>
-#include "tabbedbrowser.h"
-class HelpWindowAdaptor : public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
- Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "com.trolltech.Assistant.HelpWindow")
- Q_PROPERTY(QString source READ source WRITE setSource)
- HelpWindowAdaptor(HelpWindow *w) : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(w), helpWindow(w)
- {
- setAutoRelaySignals(true);
- }
-public Q_SLOTS:
- inline QString source() const { return helpWindow->source().toString(); }
- inline void setSource(const QString &src) { helpWindow->setSource(src); }
- inline void clearHistory() { helpWindow->clearHistory(); }
- inline void backward() { helpWindow->backward(); }
- inline void forward() { helpWindow->forward(); }
- inline void reload() { helpWindow->reload(); }
- inline void home() { helpWindow->home(); }
- HelpWindow *helpWindow;
-class AssistantAdaptor : public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
- Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "com.trolltech.Assistant.HelpViewer")
- AssistantAdaptor(MainWindow *mw) : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(mw), mw(mw)
- {
- QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
- connection.registerService(QLatin1String("com.trolltech.Assistant"));
- connection.registerObject(QLatin1String("/Assistant"), mw);
- }
-public slots:
- void showLink(const QString &link) { mw->showLink(link); }
- QDBusObjectPath createNewTab();
- QDBusObjectPath currentTab();
- QDBusObjectPath pathForBrowser(HelpWindow *window);
- MainWindow *mw;
-QDBusObjectPath AssistantAdaptor::createNewTab()
- HelpWindow *window = mw->browsers()->newBackgroundTab();
- return pathForBrowser(window);
-QDBusObjectPath AssistantAdaptor::currentTab()
- HelpWindow *window = mw->browsers()->currentBrowser();
- return pathForBrowser(window);
-QDBusObjectPath AssistantAdaptor::pathForBrowser(HelpWindow *window)
- int index = mw->browsers()->browsers().indexOf(window);
- if (index == -1)
- return QDBusObjectPath();
- QString name(QLatin1String("/Assistant/Tabs/"));
- name += QString::number(index);
- QDBusObjectPath path(name);
- if (!window->findChild<HelpWindowAdaptor *>()) {
- (void)new HelpWindowAdaptor(window);
- QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject(name, window);
- }
- return path;
-#endif // QT_NO_DBUS
-class AssistantSocket : public QTcpSocket
- AssistantSocket( int sock, QObject *parent = 0 );
- ~AssistantSocket() {}
- void showLinkRequest( const QString& );
-private slots:
- void readClient();
- void connectionClosed();
-class AssistantServer : public QTcpServer
- AssistantServer( QObject* parent = 0 );
- quint16 getPort() const;
- void showLinkRequest( const QString& );
- void newConnect();
-public slots:
- virtual void incomingConnection( int socket );
- quint16 p;
-AssistantSocket::AssistantSocket( int sock, QObject *parent )
- : QTcpSocket( parent )
- connect( this, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(readClient()) );
- connect( this, SIGNAL(disconnected()), SLOT(connectionClosed()) );
- setSocketDescriptor( sock );
-void AssistantSocket::readClient()
- QString link = QString();
- while ( canReadLine() )
- link = QLatin1String(readLine());
- if ( !link.isNull() ) {
- link = link.replace(QLatin1String("\n"), QLatin1String(""));
- link = link.replace(QLatin1String("\r"), QLatin1String(""));
- QFileInfo fi(link);
- link = fi.absoluteFilePath();
- emit showLinkRequest( link );
- }
-void AssistantSocket::connectionClosed()
- deleteLater();
-AssistantServer::AssistantServer( QObject *parent )
- : QTcpServer( parent )
- listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost, 0);
- if ( !isListening() ) {
- QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Qt Assistant" ),
- tr( "Failed to bind to port %1" ).arg( serverPort() ) );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- p = serverPort();
-quint16 AssistantServer::getPort() const
- return p;
-void AssistantServer::incomingConnection( int socket )
- AssistantSocket *as = new AssistantSocket( socket, this );
- connect( as, SIGNAL(showLinkRequest(QString)),
- this, SIGNAL(showLinkRequest(QString)) );
- emit newConnect();
-int runAssistant( int argc, char ** argv )
- bool withGUI = true;
-#ifndef Q_WS_WIN
- if ( argc > 1 ) {
- QString arg = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[1]);
- arg = arg.toLower();
- if ( arg == QLatin1String("-addcontentfile")
- || arg == QLatin1String("-removecontentfile")
- || arg == QLatin1String("-help")
- || arg == QLatin1String("/?")
- )
- withGUI = false;
- }
- QApplication a(argc, argv, withGUI);
- a.setOrganizationName(QLatin1String("Trolltech"));
- a.setApplicationName(QLatin1String("Assistant"));
- QString resourceDir;
- AssistantServer *as = 0;
- QStringList catlist;
- QString file, profileName, aDocPath;
- bool server = false;
- bool hideSidebar = false;
- bool configLoaded = false;
- if ( argc == 2 ) {
- file = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[1]);
- if (file.startsWith(QLatin1String("-")) || file == QLatin1String("/?")) {
- file.clear();
- } else {
- QFileInfo fi(file);
- file = fi.absoluteFilePath();
- file = MainWindow::urlifyFileName(file);
- }
- }
- if ( file.isEmpty() ) {
- for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) {
- QString opt = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[i]).toLower();
- if ( opt == QLatin1String("-file") ) {
- INDEX_CHECK( "Missing file argument!" );
- i++;
- file = QFile::decodeName(argv[i]);
- } else if ( opt == QLatin1String("-server") ) {
- server = true;
- } else if ( opt == QLatin1String("-profile") ) {
- INDEX_CHECK( "Missing profile argument!" );
- profileName = QFile::decodeName(argv[++i]);
- } else if ( opt == QLatin1String("-addcontentfile") ) {
- INDEX_CHECK( "Missing content file!" );
- Config *c = Config::loadConfig(QString());
- QFileInfo file( QFile::decodeName(argv[i+1]) );
- if( !file.exists() ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not locate content file: %s\n", qPrintable(file.absoluteFilePath()));
- return 1;
- }
- DocuParser *parser = DocuParser::createParser( file.absoluteFilePath() );
- if( parser ) {
- QFile f( QFile::decodeName(argv[i+1]) );
- if( !parser->parse( &f ) ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse file: %s\n", qPrintable(file.absoluteFilePath()));
- return 1;
- }
- parser->addTo( c->profile() );
- c->setDocRebuild( true );
- c->save();
- }
- return 0;
- } else if ( opt == QLatin1String("-removecontentfile") ) {
- INDEX_CHECK("Missing content file!");
- Config *c = Config::loadConfig(QString());
- Profile *profile = c->profile();
- QString contentFile = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[i+i]);
- QStringList entries;
-#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
- contentFile.replace(QLatin1Char('\\'), QLatin1Char('/'));
- entries = profile->docs.filter(contentFile, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- entries = profile->docs.filter(contentFile);
- if (entries.count() == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not locate content file: %s\n", qPrintable(contentFile));
- return 1;
- } else if (entries.count() > 1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "More than one entry matching file name found, "
- "please specify full path to file");
- return 1;
- } else {
- QFileInfo file(entries[0]);
- if( !file.exists() ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not locate content file: %s\n", qPrintable(file.absoluteFilePath()));
- return 1;
- }
- profile->removeDocFileEntry( file.absoluteFilePath() );
- c->setDocRebuild( true );
- c->save();
- }
- return 0;
- } else if ( QString( QLatin1String(argv[i]) ).toLower() == QLatin1String("-docpath") ) {
- INDEX_CHECK( "Missing path!" );
- QDir dir(QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[i+1]));
- if ( dir.exists() ) {
- Config *c = Config::loadConfig(QString());
- c->saveProfile(Profile::createDefaultProfile(dir.absolutePath()));
- c->loadDefaultProfile();
- c->setDocRebuild(true);
- c->save();
- configLoaded = true;
- ++i;
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "The specified path does not exist!\n");
- return 1;
- }
- } else if ( opt == QLatin1String("-hidesidebar") ) {
- hideSidebar = true;
- } else if ( opt == QLatin1String("-help") || opt == QLatin1String("/?") ) {
- QString helpText = QLatin1String( "Usage: assistant [option]\n"
- "Options:\n"
- " -file Filename assistant opens the specified file\n"
- " -server reads commands from a socket after\n"
- " assistant has started\n"
- " -profile fileName starts assistant and displays the\n"
- " profile specified in the file fileName.\n"
- " -addContentFile file adds the content file 'file' to the set of\n"
- " documentation available by default\n"
- " -removeContentFile file removes the content file 'file' from the\n"
- " documentation available by default\n"
- " -docPath path sets the Qt documentation root path to\n"
- " 'path' and starts assistant\n"
- " -hideSidebar assistant will hide the sidebar.\n"
- " -resourceDir assistant will load translations from\n"
- " this directory.\n"
- " -help shows this help.");
-#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
- QMessageBox::information( 0, QLatin1String("Qt Assistant"),
- QLatin1String("<pre>") + helpText + QLatin1String("</pre>") );
- fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", qPrintable(helpText));
- exit( 0 );
- } else if ( opt == QLatin1String("-resourcedir") ) {
- INDEX_CHECK( "Missing resource directory argument!" );
- resourceDir = QFile::decodeName( argv[++i] );
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option %s. Try -help to get help.\n", qPrintable(opt));
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if( resourceDir.isNull() )
- resourceDir = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath);
- QTranslator translator( 0 );
- translator.load( QLatin1String("assistant_adp_") + QLocale::system().name(), resourceDir );
- a.installTranslator( &translator );
- QTranslator qtTranslator( 0 );
- qtTranslator.load( QLatin1String("qt_") + QLocale::system().name(), resourceDir );
- a.installTranslator( &qtTranslator );
- Config *conf = 0;
- if (configLoaded)
- conf = Config::configuration();
- else
- conf = Config::loadConfig( profileName );
- if (!conf) {
- fprintf( stderr, "Profile '%s' does not exist!\n", profileName.toLatin1().constData() );
- fflush( stderr );
- return -1;
- }
- QStringList links = conf->source();
- conf->hideSideBar( hideSidebar );
- QPointer<MainWindow> mw = new MainWindow();
- mw->setObjectName(QLatin1String("Assistant"));
- if ( server ) {
- as = new AssistantServer();
- printf("%d\n", as->serverPort() );
- fflush( stdout );
- as->connect( as, SIGNAL(showLinkRequest(QString)),
- mw, SLOT(showLinkFromClient(QString)) );
- }
-#if !defined(QT_NO_DBUS) && defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
- new AssistantAdaptor(mw);
-#endif // QT_NO_DBUS
- FontSettings settings = conf->fontSettings();
- if (mw->font() != settings.windowFont)
- a.setFont(settings.windowFont, "QWidget");
-#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
- // Make sure AssitantClient shows the window in front.
- mw->raise();
- mw->show();
- if (!file.isEmpty())
- mw->showLink( MainWindow::urlifyFileName(file) );
- else if (file.isEmpty())
- mw->showLinks( links );
- a.connect( &a, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &a, SLOT(quit()) );
- int appExec = a.exec();
- delete (MainWindow*)mw;
- return appExec;
-int main( int argc, char ** argv )
- Q_INIT_RESOURCE(assistant);
- return QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(runAssistant)(argc, argv);
-#include "main.moc"
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/mainwindow.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/mainwindow.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 76143a5..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/mainwindow.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,885 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "mainwindow.h"
-#include "tabbedbrowser.h"
-#include "helpdialog.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "fontsettingsdialog.h"
-#include <QDockWidget>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QStatusBar>
-#include <QShortcut>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QEventLoop>
-#include <QtEvents>
-#include <QFontDatabase>
-#include <QWhatsThis>
-#include <QTextDocumentFragment>
-#include <QLibraryInfo>
-#include <QPrinter>
-#include <QPrintDialog>
-#include <QAbstractTextDocumentLayout>
-#include <QTextDocument>
-#include <QTextObject>
-#include <QFileDialog>
-#include <QThread>
-QList<MainWindow*> MainWindow::windows;
-#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
-extern Q_CORE_EXPORT int qt_ntfs_permission_lookup;
- setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(true);
- ui.setupUi(this);
-#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
- // Workaround for QMimeSourceFactory failing in QFileInfo::isReadable() for
- // certain user configs. See task: 34372
- qt_ntfs_permission_lookup = 0;
- setupCompleted = false;
- goActions = QList<QAction*>();
- goActionDocFiles = new QMap<QAction*,QString>;
- windows.append(this);
- tabs = new TabbedBrowser(this);
- connect(tabs, SIGNAL(tabCountChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateTabActions(int)));
- setCentralWidget(tabs);
- Config *config = Config::configuration();
- updateProfileSettings();
- dw = new QDockWidget(this);
- dw->setAllowedAreas(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
- dw->setWindowTitle(tr("Sidebar"));
- dw->setObjectName(QLatin1String("sidebar"));
- helpDock = new HelpDialog(dw, this);
- dw->setWidget(helpDock);
- addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, dw);
- // read geometry configuration
- setupGoActions();
- restoreGeometry(config->windowGeometry());
- restoreState(config->mainWindowState());
- if (config->sideBarHidden())
- dw->hide();
- tabs->setup();
- QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(setup()));
-#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
- QMenu *windowMenu = new QMenu(tr("&Window"), this);
- menuBar()->insertMenu(ui.helpMenu->menuAction(), windowMenu);
- windowMenu->addAction(tr("Minimize"), this,
- SLOT(showMinimized()), QKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+M")));
- // Use the same forward and backward browser shortcuts as Safari and Internet Explorer do
- // on the Mac. This means that if you have access to one of those cool Intellimice, the thing
- // works just fine, since that's how Microsoft hacked it.
- ui.actionGoPrevious->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL|Qt::Key_Left));
- ui.actionGoNext->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL|Qt::Key_Right));
- static const QLatin1String MacIconPath(":/trolltech/assistant/images/mac");
- ui.actionGoNext->setIcon(QIcon(MacIconPath + QLatin1String("/next.png")));
- ui.actionGoPrevious->setIcon(QIcon(MacIconPath + QLatin1String("/prev.png")));
- ui.actionGoHome->setIcon(QIcon(MacIconPath + QLatin1String("/home.png")));
- ui.actionEditCopy->setIcon(QIcon(MacIconPath + QLatin1String("/editcopy.png")));
- ui.actionEditCopy->setIcon(QIcon(MacIconPath + QLatin1String("/editcopy.png")));
- ui.actionEditFind->setIcon(QIcon(MacIconPath + QLatin1String("/find.png")));
- ui.actionFilePrint->setIcon(QIcon(MacIconPath + QLatin1String("/print.png")));
- ui.actionZoomOut->setIcon(QIcon(MacIconPath + QLatin1String("/zoomout.png")));
- ui.actionZoomIn->setIcon(QIcon(MacIconPath + QLatin1String("/zoomin.png")));
- ui.actionSyncToc->setIcon(QIcon(MacIconPath + QLatin1String("/synctoc.png")));
- ui.actionHelpWhatsThis->setIcon(QIcon(MacIconPath + QLatin1String("/whatsthis.png")));
-#elif defined(Q_WS_X11)
- ui.actionGoNext->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("go-next" , ui.actionGoNext->icon()));
- ui.actionGoPrevious->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("go-previous" , ui.actionGoPrevious->icon()));
- ui.actionGoHome->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("user-home" , ui.actionGoHome->icon()));
- ui.actionEditCopy->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("edit-copy" , ui.actionEditCopy->icon()));
- ui.actionEditFind->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("edit-find" , ui.actionEditFind->icon()));
- ui.actionFilePrint->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-print" , ui.actionFilePrint->icon()));
- ui.actionZoomOut->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("zoom-out" , ui.actionZoomOut->icon()));
- ui.actionZoomIn->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("zoom-in" , ui.actionZoomIn->icon()));
- ui.actionSyncToc->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("view-refresh" , ui.actionSyncToc->icon()));
- windows.removeAll(this);
- delete goActionDocFiles;
-void MainWindow::setup()
- if(setupCompleted)
- return;
- qApp->setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor));
- statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Initializing Qt Assistant..."));
- setupCompleted = true;
- helpDock->initialize();
- connect(ui.actionGoPrevious, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(backward()));
- connect(ui.actionGoNext, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(forward()));
- connect(ui.actionEditCopy, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(copy()));
- connect(ui.actionFileExit, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(closeAllWindows()));
- connect(ui.actionAddBookmark, SIGNAL(triggered()),
- helpDock, SLOT(addBookmark()));
- connect(helpDock, SIGNAL(showLink(QString)),
- this, SLOT(showLink(QString)));
- connect(helpDock, SIGNAL(showSearchLink(QString,QStringList)),
- this, SLOT(showSearchLink(QString,QStringList)));
- connect(ui.bookmarkMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)),
- this, SLOT(showBookmark(QAction*)));
- connect(ui.actionZoomIn, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(zoomIn()));
- connect(ui.actionZoomOut, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(zoomOut()));
- connect(ui.actionOpenPage, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(newTab()));
- connect(ui.actionClosePage, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(closeTab()));
- connect(ui.actionNextPage, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(nextTab()));
- connect(ui.actionPrevPage, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(previousTab()));
-#if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) || defined(Q_OS_WIN64)
- QShortcut *acc = new QShortcut(tr("SHIFT+CTRL+="), this);
- connect(acc, SIGNAL(activated()), ui.actionZoomIn, SIGNAL(triggered()));
- connect(new QShortcut(tr("Ctrl+T"), this), SIGNAL(activated()), helpDock, SLOT(toggleContents()));
- connect(new QShortcut(tr("Ctrl+I"), this), SIGNAL(activated()), helpDock, SLOT(toggleIndex()));
- connect(new QShortcut(tr("Ctrl+B"), this), SIGNAL(activated()), helpDock, SLOT(toggleBookmarks()));
- connect(new QShortcut(tr("Ctrl+S"), this), SIGNAL(activated()), helpDock, SLOT(toggleSearch()));
- connect(new QShortcut(tr("Ctrl+]"), this), SIGNAL(activated()), tabs, SLOT(nextTab()));
- connect(new QShortcut(tr("Ctrl+["), this), SIGNAL(activated()), tabs, SLOT(previousTab()));
- Config *config = Config::configuration();
- setupBookmarkMenu();
- QAction *viewsAction = createPopupMenu()->menuAction();
- viewsAction->setText(tr("Views"));
- ui.viewMenu->addAction(viewsAction);
- const int tabIndex = config->sideBarPage();
- helpDock->tabWidget()->setCurrentIndex(tabIndex);
- // The tab index is 0 by default, so we need to force an upate
- // to poulate the contents in this case.
- if (tabIndex == 0)
- helpDock->currentTabChanged(tabIndex);
- ui.actionEditFind->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Find);
- ui.actionEditFindNext->setShortcut(QKeySequence::FindNext);
- ui.actionEditFindPrev->setShortcut(QKeySequence::FindPrevious);
- QObject::connect(ui.actionEditFind, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(find()));
- QObject::connect(ui.actionEditFindNext, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(findNext()));
- QObject::connect(ui.actionEditFindPrev, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabs, SLOT(findPrevious()));
- connect(ui.actionEditFont_Settings, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showFontSettingsDialog()));
- qApp->restoreOverrideCursor();
- ui.actionGoPrevious->setEnabled(false);
- ui.actionGoNext->setEnabled(false);
- ui.actionEditCopy->setEnabled(false);
- // set the current selected item in the treeview
- helpDialog()->locateContents(tabs->currentBrowser()->source().toString());
- connect(tabs, SIGNAL(browserUrlChanged(QString)), helpDock, SLOT(locateContents(QString)));
-void MainWindow::browserTabChanged()
- HelpWindow *win = tabs->currentBrowser();
- if (win) {
- QTextCursor cursor(win->textCursor());
- ui.actionEditCopy->setEnabled(cursor.hasSelection());
- ui.actionGoPrevious->setEnabled(win->isBackwardAvailable());
- ui.actionGoNext->setEnabled(win->isForwardAvailable());
- }
-void MainWindow::copyAvailable(bool yes)
- ui.actionEditCopy->setEnabled(yes);
-void MainWindow::updateTabActions(int index)
- bool enabled = (index > 1) ? true : false;
- ui.actionPrevPage->setEnabled(enabled);
- ui.actionNextPage->setEnabled(enabled);
- ui.actionClosePage->setEnabled(enabled);
-void MainWindow::setupGoActions()
- Config *config = Config::configuration();
- QStringList titles = config->docTitles();
- QAction *action = 0;
- static bool separatorInserted = false;
- foreach (QAction *a, goActions) {
- ui.goMenu->removeAction(a);
- ui.goActionToolbar->removeAction(a);
- }
- qDeleteAll(goActions);
- goActions.clear();
- goActionDocFiles->clear();
- int addCount = 0;
- foreach (QString title, titles) {
- QPixmap pix = config->docIcon(title);
- if(!pix.isNull()) {
- if(!separatorInserted) {
- ui.goMenu->addSeparator();
- separatorInserted = true;
- }
- action = new QAction(this);
- action->setText(title);
- action->setWhatsThis(tr("Displays the main page of a specific documentation set."));
- action->setIcon(QIcon(pix));
- ui.goMenu->addAction(action);
- ui.goActionToolbar->addAction(action);
- goActions.append(action);
- goActionDocFiles->insert(action, config->indexPage(title));
- connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()),
- this, SLOT(showGoActionLink()));
- ++addCount;
- }
- }
- if(!addCount)
- ui.goActionToolbar->hide();
- else
- ui.goActionToolbar->show();
-bool MainWindow::insertActionSeparator()
- ui.goMenu->addSeparator();
- ui.Toolbar->addSeparator();
- return true;
-void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e)
- saveSettings();
- e->accept();
-void MainWindow::about()
- QMessageBox box(this);
- box.setText(QString::fromLatin1("<center><img src=\":/trolltech/assistant/images/assistant-128.png\">"
- "<h3>%1</h3>"
- "<p>Version %2</p></center>"
- "<p>Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).</p>")
- .arg(tr("Qt Assistant")).arg(QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR)));
- box.setWindowTitle(tr("Qt Assistant"));
- box.setIcon(QMessageBox::NoIcon);
- box.exec();
-void MainWindow::on_actionAboutApplication_triggered()
- QString url = Config::configuration()->aboutURL();
- if (url == QLatin1String("about_qt")) {
- QMessageBox::aboutQt(this, QLatin1String("Qt Assistant"));
- return;
- }
- QString text;
- if (url.startsWith(QLatin1String("file:")))
- url = url.mid(5);
- QFile file(url);
- if(file.exists() &&
- text = QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll());
- if(text.isNull())
- text = tr("Failed to open about application contents in file: '%1'").arg(url);
- QFileInfo fi(file);
- QString path = QDir::cleanPath(fi.absolutePath());
- if (!QDir::searchPaths(QLatin1String("aboutImages")).contains(path))
- QDir::addSearchPath(QLatin1String("aboutImages"), path);
- QMessageBox box(this);
- box.setText(text);
- box.setWindowTitle(Config::configuration()->aboutApplicationMenuText());
- box.setIcon(QMessageBox::NoIcon);
- box.exec();
-void MainWindow::on_actionAboutAssistant_triggered()
- about();
-void MainWindow::on_actionGoHome_triggered()
- QString home = MainWindow::urlifyFileName(Config::configuration()->homePage());
- showLink(home);
-QString MainWindow::urlifyFileName(const QString &fileName)
- QString name = fileName;
- QUrl url(name);
-#if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
- if (!url.isValid() || url.scheme().isEmpty() || url.scheme().toLower() != QLatin1String("file:")) {
- int i = name.indexOf(QLatin1Char('#'));
- QString anchor = name.mid(i);
- name = name.toLower();
- if (i > -1)
- name.replace(i, anchor.length(), anchor);
- name.replace(QLatin1Char('\\'), QLatin1Char('/'));
- foreach (QFileInfo drive, QDir::drives()) {
- if (name.startsWith(drive.absolutePath().toLower())) {
- name = QLatin1String("file:") + name;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!url.isValid() || url.scheme().isEmpty())
- name.prepend(QLatin1String("file:"));
- return name;
-#ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER
-class PrintThread : public QThread
- QPrinter _printer;
- QTextDocument *_document;
- PrintThread(QObject *parent)
- : QThread(parent), _printer(QPrinter::HighResolution), _document(0)
- {
- }
- ~PrintThread()
- {
- wait();
- }
- QPrinter *printer()
- {
- return &_printer;
- }
- void start(QTextDocument *document)
- {
- _document = document->clone();
- _document->moveToThread(this);
- QThread::start();
- }
- void run()
- {
- _document->print(printer());
- delete _document;
- _document = 0;
- }
-#endif //QT_NO_PRINTER
-void MainWindow::on_actionFilePrint_triggered()
-#ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER
- if (!QFontDatabase::supportsThreadedFontRendering()) {
- QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution);
- QPrintDialog dlg(&printer, this);
- if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
- qApp->setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
- tabs->currentBrowser()->document()->print(&printer);
- qApp->restoreOverrideCursor();
- }
- return;
- }
- PrintThread *thread = new PrintThread(this);
- QPrintDialog dlg(thread->printer(), this);
- if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
- connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(printingFinished()));
- connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
- qApp->setOverrideCursor(Qt::BusyCursor);
- thread->start(tabs->currentBrowser()->document());
- } else {
- delete thread;
- }
- Q_ASSERT("No printing support");
-void MainWindow::printingFinished()
- qApp->restoreOverrideCursor();
-void MainWindow::updateBookmarkMenu()
- for(QList<MainWindow*>::Iterator it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it)
- (*it)->setupBookmarkMenu();
-void MainWindow::setupBookmarkMenu()
- ui.bookmarkMenu->clear();
- bookmarks.clear();
- ui.bookmarkMenu->addAction(ui.actionAddBookmark);
- QFile f(QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/.assistant/bookmarks.") +
- Config::configuration()->profileName());
- if (!
- return;
- QTextStream ts(&f);
- ui.bookmarkMenu->addSeparator();
- while (!ts.atEnd()) {
- QString title = ts.readLine();
- QString link = ts.readLine();
- bookmarks.insert(ui.bookmarkMenu->addAction(title), link);
- }
-void MainWindow::showBookmark(QAction *action)
- if (bookmarks.contains(action))
- showLink(bookmarks.value(action));
-void MainWindow::showLinkFromClient(const QString &link)
- setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized);
- raise();
- activateWindow();
- QString l = MainWindow::urlifyFileName(link);
- showLink(l);
- if (isMinimized())
- showNormal();
-void MainWindow::showLink(const QString &link)
- if(link.isEmpty())
- qWarning("The link is empty!");
- // don't fill the history with the same url more then once
- if (link == tabs->currentBrowser()->source().toString())
- return;
- QUrl url(link);
- QFileInfo fi(url.toLocalFile());
- tabs->setSource(url.toString());
- tabs->currentBrowser()->setFocus();
-void MainWindow::showLinks(const QStringList &links)
- if (links.size() == 0) {
- qWarning("MainWindow::showLinks() - Empty link");
- return;
- }
- if (links.size() == 1) {
- showLink(MainWindow::urlifyFileName(links.first()));
- return;
- }
- QStringList::ConstIterator it = links.begin();
- // Initial showing, The tab is empty so update that without creating it first
- if (!tabs->currentBrowser()->source().isValid()) {
- QPair<HelpWindow*, QString> browser;
- browser.first = tabs->currentBrowser();
- browser.second = links.first();
- pendingBrowsers.append(browser);
- tabs->setTitle(tabs->currentBrowser(), tr("..."));
- }
- ++it;
- while(it != links.end()) {
- QPair<HelpWindow*, QString> browser;
- browser.first = tabs->newBackgroundTab();
- browser.second = *it;
- pendingBrowsers.append(browser);
- ++it;
- }
- startTimer(50);
- return;
-void MainWindow::removePendingBrowser(HelpWindow *win)
- if (!pendingBrowsers.count())
- return;
- QMutableListIterator<QPair<HelpWindow*, QString> > it(pendingBrowsers);
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- QPair<HelpWindow*, QString> browser =;
- if (browser.first == win) {
- it.remove();
- break;
- }
- }
-void MainWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e)
- QPair<HelpWindow*, QString> browser = pendingBrowsers.first();
- pendingBrowsers.pop_front();
- if (pendingBrowsers.size() == 0)
- killTimer(e->timerId());
- browser.first->setSource(MainWindow::urlifyFileName(browser.second));
-void MainWindow::showQtHelp()
- showLink(QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DocumentationPath) +
- QLatin1String("/html/index.html"));
-MainWindow* MainWindow::newWindow()
- saveSettings();
- MainWindow *mw = new MainWindow;
- mw->move(geometry().topLeft());
- if (isMaximized())
- mw->showMaximized();
- else
- mw->show();
- mw->on_actionGoHome_triggered();
- return mw;
-void MainWindow::saveSettings()
- Config *config = Config::configuration();
- config->setSideBarPage(helpDock->tabWidget()->currentIndex());
- config->setWindowGeometry(saveGeometry());
- config->setMainWindowState(saveState());
- // Create list of the tab urls
- QStringList lst;
- QList<HelpWindow*> browsers = tabs->browsers();
- foreach (HelpWindow *browser, browsers)
- lst << browser->source().toString();
- config->setSource(lst);
- config->save();
-TabbedBrowser* MainWindow::browsers() const
- return tabs;
-void MainWindow::showSearchLink(const QString &link, const QStringList &terms)
- HelpWindow * hw = tabs->currentBrowser();
- hw->blockScrolling(true);
- hw->setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
- if (hw->source() == link)
- hw->reload();
- else
- showLink(link);
- hw->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
- hw->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
- QTextCharFormat marker;
- marker.setForeground(Qt::red);
- QTextCursor firstHit;
- QTextCursor c = hw->textCursor();
- c.beginEditBlock();
- foreach (QString term, terms) {
- c.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start);
- hw->setTextCursor(c);
- bool found = hw->find(term, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords);
- while (found) {
- QTextCursor hit = hw->textCursor();
- if (firstHit.isNull() || hit.position() < firstHit.position())
- firstHit = hit;
- hit.mergeCharFormat(marker);
- found = hw->find(term, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords);
- }
- }
- if (firstHit.isNull()) {
- firstHit = hw->textCursor();
- firstHit.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start);
- }
- firstHit.clearSelection();
- c.endEditBlock();
- hw->setTextCursor(firstHit);
- hw->blockScrolling(false);
- hw->viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled(true);
-void MainWindow::showGoActionLink()
- const QObject *origin = sender();
- if(!origin ||
- QString::fromLatin1(origin->metaObject()->className()) != QString::fromLatin1("QAction"))
- return;
- QAction *action = (QAction*) origin;
- QString docfile = *(goActionDocFiles->find(action));
- showLink(MainWindow::urlifyFileName(docfile));
-void MainWindow::on_actionHelpAssistant_triggered()
- showLink(Config::configuration()->assistantDocPath() + QLatin1String("/assistant-manual.html"));
-HelpDialog* MainWindow::helpDialog() const
- return helpDock;
-void MainWindow::backwardAvailable(bool enable)
- ui.actionGoPrevious->setEnabled(enable);
-void MainWindow::forwardAvailable(bool enable)
- ui.actionGoNext->setEnabled(enable);
-void MainWindow::updateProfileSettings()
- Config *config = Config::configuration();
-#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
- setWindowIcon(config->applicationIcon());
- ui.helpMenu->clear();
- //ui.helpMenu->addAction(ui.actionHelpAssistant);
- //ui.helpMenu->addSeparator();
- ui.helpMenu->addAction(ui.actionAboutAssistant);
- if (!config->aboutApplicationMenuText().isEmpty())
- ui.helpMenu->addAction(ui.actionAboutApplication);
- ui.helpMenu->addSeparator();
- ui.helpMenu->addAction(ui.actionHelpWhatsThis);
- ui.actionAboutApplication->setText(config->aboutApplicationMenuText());
- if(!config->title().isNull())
- setWindowTitle(config->title());
-void MainWindow::setupPopupMenu(QMenu *m)
- m->addAction(ui.actionNewWindow);
- m->addAction(ui.actionOpenPage);
- m->addAction(ui.actionClosePage);
- m->addSeparator();
- m->addAction(ui.actionSaveAs);
- m->addSeparator();
- m->addAction(ui.actionGoPrevious);
- m->addAction(ui.actionGoNext);
- m->addAction(ui.actionGoHome);
- m->addSeparator();
- m->addAction(ui.actionZoomIn);
- m->addAction(ui.actionZoomOut);
- m->addSeparator();
- m->addAction(ui.actionEditCopy);
- m->addAction(ui.actionEditFind);
-void MainWindow::on_actionSyncToc_triggered()
- HelpWindow *w = tabs->currentBrowser();
- if(w) {
- qApp->setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor));
- QString link = w->source().toString();
- helpDock->locateContents(link);
- helpDock->tabWidget()->setCurrentIndex(0);
- qApp->restoreOverrideCursor();
- }
-void MainWindow::on_actionNewWindow_triggered()
- newWindow()->show();
-void MainWindow::on_actionClose_triggered()
- close();
-void MainWindow::on_actionHelpWhatsThis_triggered()
- QWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode();
-void MainWindow::on_actionSaveAs_triggered()
- QString fileName;
- QUrl url = tabs->currentBrowser()->source();
- if (url.isValid()) {
- QFileInfo fi(url.toLocalFile());
- fileName = fi.fileName();
- }
- fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save Page"), fileName);
- if (fileName.isEmpty())
- return;
- QFile file(fileName);
- if (! {
- QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Save Page"), tr("Cannot open file for writing!"));
- return;
- }
- QFileInfo fi(fileName);
- QString fn = fi.fileName();
- int i = fn.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
- if (i > -1)
- fn = fn.left(i);
- QString relativeDestPath = fn + QLatin1String("_images");
- QDir destDir(fi.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + relativeDestPath);
- bool imgDirAvailable = destDir.exists();
- if (!imgDirAvailable)
- imgDirAvailable = destDir.mkdir(destDir.absolutePath());
- // save images
- QTextDocument *doc = tabs->currentBrowser()->document()->clone();
- if (url.isValid() && imgDirAvailable) {
- QTextBlock::iterator it;
- for (QTextBlock block = doc->begin(); block != doc->end(); block = {
- for (it = block.begin(); !(it.atEnd()); ++it) {
- QTextFragment fragment = it.fragment();
- if (fragment.isValid()) {
- QTextImageFormat fm = fragment.charFormat().toImageFormat();
- if (fm.isValid() && ! {
- QUrl imagePath = tabs->currentBrowser()->source().resolved(;
- if (!imagePath.isValid())
- continue;
- QString from = imagePath.toLocalFile();
- QString destName =;
- int j = destName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
- if (j > -1)
- destName = destName.mid(j+1);
- QFileInfo info(from);
- if (info.exists()) {
- if (!QFile::copy(from, destDir.absolutePath()
- + QDir::separator() + destName))
- continue;
- fm.setName(QLatin1String("./") + relativeDestPath + QLatin1String("/") + destName);
- QTextCursor cursor(doc);
- cursor.setPosition(fragment.position());
- cursor.setPosition(fragment.position() + fragment.length(),
- QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
- cursor.setCharFormat(fm);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- QString src = doc->toHtml(QByteArray("utf-8"));
- QTextStream s(&file);
- s.setCodec("utf-8");
- s << src;
- s.flush();
- file.close();
-void MainWindow::showFontSettingsDialog()
- Config *config = Config::configuration();
- FontSettings settings = config->fontSettings();
- { // It is important that the dialog be deleted before UI mode changes.
- FontSettingsDialog dialog;
- if (!dialog.showDialog(&settings))
- return;
- }
- config->setFontPointSize(settings.browserFont.pointSizeF());
- config->setFontSettings(settings);
- updateApplicationFontSettings(settings);
-void MainWindow::updateApplicationFontSettings(FontSettings &settings)
- QFont font = settings.windowFont;
- if (this->font() != font)
- qApp->setFont(font, "QWidget");
- font = settings.browserFont;
- QList<HelpWindow*> browsers = tabs->browsers();
- foreach (HelpWindow *browser, browsers) {
- if (browser->font() != font)
- browser->setFont(font);
- }
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/mainwindow.h b/tools/assistant/compat/mainwindow.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a08064d..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/mainwindow.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include <QPointer>
-#include <QMap>
-class TabbedBrowser;
-class HelpDialog;
-class HelpWindow;
-class QMenu;
-class QDockWidget;
-class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
- MainWindow();
- virtual ~MainWindow();
- TabbedBrowser *browsers() const;
- HelpDialog *helpDialog() const;
- void setupPopupMenu(QMenu *menu);
- static QString urlifyFileName(const QString &fileName);
- void removePendingBrowser(HelpWindow *win);
-public slots:
- MainWindow *newWindow();
- void setup();
- void showLink(const QString &link);
- void showLinks(const QStringList &links);
- void saveSettings();
- void updateBookmarkMenu();
- void printingFinished();
-private slots:
- void on_actionNewWindow_triggered();
- void on_actionGoHome_triggered();
- void on_actionFilePrint_triggered();
- void on_actionClose_triggered();
- void on_actionHelpWhatsThis_triggered();
- void on_actionHelpAssistant_triggered();
- void on_actionAboutApplication_triggered();
- void on_actionAboutAssistant_triggered();
- void on_actionSaveAs_triggered();
- void on_actionSyncToc_triggered();
- void about();
- void setupBookmarkMenu();
- void showBookmark(QAction *action);
- void showLinkFromClient(const QString &link);
- void showQtHelp();
- void showSearchLink(const QString &link, const QStringList &terms);
- void showGoActionLink();
- void updateProfileSettings();
- void backwardAvailable(bool);
- void forwardAvailable(bool);
- void browserTabChanged();
- void copyAvailable(bool yes);
- void updateTabActions(int index);
- void showFontSettingsDialog();
- void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *);
- void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *);
- void setupGoActions();
- bool insertActionSeparator();
- void updateApplicationFontSettings(FontSettings &settings);
- Ui::MainWindow ui;
- QList<QAction*> goActions;
- uint setupCompleted:1;
- TabbedBrowser *tabs;
- QMap<QAction*, QString> bookmarks;
- HelpDialog *helpDock;
- QDockWidget *dw;
- static QList<MainWindow*> windows;
- QMap<QAction*,QString> *goActionDocFiles;
- QList<QPair<HelpWindow*,QString> > pendingBrowsers;
-#endif // MAINWINDOW_H
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/mainwindow.ui b/tools/assistant/compat/mainwindow.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 535e27e..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/mainwindow.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <comment>*********************************************************************
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
- <class>MainWindow</class>
- <widget class="QMainWindow" name="MainWindow" >
- <property name="geometry" >
- <rect>
- <x>0</x>
- <y>0</y>
- <width>949</width>
- <height>670</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
- <property name="windowTitle" >
- <string>Qt Assistant by Nokia</string>
- </property>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="__qt_central_widget" />
- <widget class="QToolBar" name="Toolbar" >
- <property name="windowTitle" >
- <string>Toolbar</string>
- </property>
- <property name="orientation" >
- <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
- </property>
- <attribute name="toolBarArea" >
- <enum>TopToolBarArea</enum>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="toolBarBreak" >
- <bool>false</bool>
- </attribute>
- <addaction name="actionGoPrevious" />
- <addaction name="actionGoNext" />
- <addaction name="actionGoHome" />
- <addaction name="actionSyncToc" />
- <addaction name="separator" />
- <addaction name="actionEditCopy" />
- <addaction name="actionEditFind" />
- <addaction name="actionFilePrint" />
- <addaction name="separator" />
- <addaction name="actionZoomIn" />
- <addaction name="actionZoomOut" />
- <addaction name="separator" />
- <addaction name="actionHelpWhatsThis" />
- </widget>
- <widget class="QToolBar" name="goActionToolbar" >
- <property name="windowTitle" >
- <string>Go</string>
- </property>
- <property name="orientation" >
- <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
- </property>
- <attribute name="toolBarArea" >
- <enum>TopToolBarArea</enum>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="toolBarBreak" >
- <bool>false</bool>
- </attribute>
- </widget>
- <widget class="QMenuBar" name="menubar" >
- <property name="geometry" >
- <rect>
- <x>0</x>
- <y>0</y>
- <width>949</width>
- <height>29</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
- <widget class="QMenu" name="helpMenu" >
- <property name="title" >
- <string>&amp;Help</string>
- </property>
- <addaction name="actionHelpAssistant" />
- <addaction name="separator" />
- <addaction name="actionAboutAssistant" />
- <addaction name="actionAboutApplication" />
- <addaction name="separator" />
- <addaction name="actionHelpWhatsThis" />
- </widget>
- <widget class="QMenu" name="fileMenu" >
- <property name="title" >
- <string>&amp;File</string>
- </property>
- <addaction name="actionNewWindow" />
- <addaction name="actionOpenPage" />
- <addaction name="actionClosePage" />
- <addaction name="separator" />
- <addaction name="actionSaveAs" />
- <addaction name="separator" />
- <addaction name="actionFilePrint" />
- <addaction name="separator" />
- <addaction name="actionClose" />
- <addaction name="actionFileExit" />
- </widget>
- <widget class="QMenu" name="bookmarkMenu" >
- <property name="title" >
- <string>Boo&amp;kmarks</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- <widget class="QMenu" name="goMenu" >
- <property name="title" >
- <string>&amp;Go</string>
- </property>
- <addaction name="actionGoPrevious" />
- <addaction name="actionGoNext" />
- <addaction name="actionGoHome" />
- <addaction name="actionSyncToc" />
- <addaction name="separator" />
- <addaction name="actionNextPage" />
- <addaction name="actionPrevPage" />
- </widget>
- <widget class="QMenu" name="viewMenu" >
- <property name="title" >
- <string>&amp;View</string>
- </property>
- <addaction name="actionZoomIn" />
- <addaction name="actionZoomOut" />
- </widget>
- <widget class="QMenu" name="editMenu" >
- <property name="title" >
- <string>&amp;Edit</string>
- </property>
- <addaction name="actionEditCopy" />
- <addaction name="actionEditFind" />
- <addaction name="actionEditFindNext" />
- <addaction name="actionEditFindPrev" />
- <addaction name="separator" />
- <addaction name="actionEditFont_Settings" />
- </widget>
- <addaction name="fileMenu" />
- <addaction name="editMenu" />
- <addaction name="viewMenu" />
- <addaction name="goMenu" />
- <addaction name="bookmarkMenu" />
- <addaction name="helpMenu" />
- </widget>
- <action name="actionFilePrint" >
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/print.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Print...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Print the currently displayed page.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+P</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionFileExit" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>E&amp;xit</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Quit Qt Assistant.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+Q</string>
- </property>
- <property name="menuRole" >
- <enum>QAction::QuitRole</enum>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionEditCopy" >
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/editcopy.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Copy</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Copy the selected text to the clipboard.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+C</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionEditFind" >
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/find.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Find in Text...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Open the Find dialog. Qt Assistant will search the currently displayed page for the text you enter.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+F</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionEditFindNext" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Find &amp;Next</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>F3</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionEditFindPrev" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Find &amp;Previous</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Shift+F3</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionGoHome" >
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/home.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Home</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Go to the home page. Qt Assistant's home page is the Qt Reference Documentation.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+Home</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionGoPrevious" >
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/previous.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Previous</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Go to the previous page.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Alt+Left</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionGoNext" >
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/next.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Next</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Go to the next page.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Alt+Right</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionAboutAssistant" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>About Qt Assistant</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Display further information about Qt Assistant.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="menuRole" >
- <enum>QAction::AboutRole</enum>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionAboutApplication" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>About Qt</string>
- </property>
- <property name="menuRole" >
- <enum>QAction::AboutQtRole</enum>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionZoomIn" >
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/zoomin.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Zoom &amp;in</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Zoom in on the document, i.e. increase the font size.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl++</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionZoomOut" >
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/zoomout.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Zoom &amp;out</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Zoom out on the document, i.e. decrease the font size.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+-</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionNewWindow" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>New Window</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Open a new window.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+N</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionClose" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Close</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Close the current window.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+W</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionAddBookmark" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Add Bookmark</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Add the currently displayed page as a new bookmark.</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionHelpWhatsThis" >
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/whatsthis.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>What's This?</string>
- </property>
- <property name="statusTip" >
- <string>"What's This?" context sensitive help.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>"What's This?" context sensitive help.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Shift+F1</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionOpenPage" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Add Tab</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+Alt+N</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionNextPage" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Next Tab</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+Alt+Right</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionPrevPage" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Previous Tab</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+Alt+Left</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionClosePage" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Close Tab</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+Alt+Q</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionHelpAssistant" >
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/assistant.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Qt Assistant Manual</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>F1</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionSaveAs" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Save Page As...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="shortcut" >
- <string>Ctrl+Alt+S</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionSyncToc" >
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/synctoc.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Sync with Table of Contents</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Select the page in contents tab.</string>
- </property>
- </action>
- <action name="actionEditFont_Settings" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Font Settings...</string>
- </property>
- <property name="menuRole" >
- <enum>QAction::PreferencesRole</enum>
- </property>
- </action>
- </widget>
- <resources>
- <include location="assistant.qrc" />
- </resources>
- <connections/>
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/profile.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/profile.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2878a20..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/profile.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "profile.h"
-#include <QTextCodec>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QRegExp>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QList>
-#include <QLibraryInfo>
-#define QT_TITLE QLatin1String("Qt Reference Documentation")
-#define DESIGNER_TITLE QLatin1String("Qt Designer Manual")
-#define ASSISTANT_TITLE QLatin1String("Qt Assistant Manual")
-#define LINGUIST_TITLE QLatin1String("Qt Linguist Manual")
-#define QMAKE_TITLE QLatin1String("qmake Manual")
-Profile *Profile::createDefaultProfile(const QString &docPath)
- QString path = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DocumentationPath);
- if (!docPath.isEmpty())
- path = docPath;
- path = QDir::cleanPath(path) + QLatin1String("/html/");
- Profile *profile = new Profile;
- profile->valid = true;
- profile->type = DefaultProfile;
- profile->props[QLatin1String("name")] = QLatin1String("default");
- profile->props[QLatin1String("applicationicon")] = QLatin1String("assistant.png");
- profile->props[QLatin1String("aboutmenutext")] = QLatin1String("About Qt");
- profile->props[QLatin1String("abouturl")] = QLatin1String("about_qt");
- profile->props[QLatin1String("basepath")] = path;
- profile->props[QLatin1String("startpage")] = path + QLatin1String("index.html");
- profile->addDCFTitle( path + QLatin1String("qt.dcf"), QT_TITLE );
- profile->addDCFTitle( path + QLatin1String("designer.dcf"), DESIGNER_TITLE );
- profile->addDCFTitle( path + QLatin1String("assistant.dcf"), ASSISTANT_TITLE );
- profile->addDCFTitle( path + QLatin1String("linguist.dcf"), LINGUIST_TITLE );
- profile->addDCFTitle( path + QLatin1String("qmake.dcf"), QMAKE_TITLE );
- profile->addDCFIcon( QT_TITLE, QLatin1String("qt.png") );
- profile->addDCFIcon( DESIGNER_TITLE, QLatin1String("designer.png") );
- profile->addDCFIcon( ASSISTANT_TITLE, QLatin1String("assistant.png") );
- profile->addDCFIcon( LINGUIST_TITLE, QLatin1String("linguist.png") );
- profile->addDCFIndexPage( QT_TITLE, path + QLatin1String("index.html") );
- profile->addDCFIndexPage( DESIGNER_TITLE, path + QLatin1String("designer-manual.html") );
- profile->addDCFIndexPage( ASSISTANT_TITLE, path + QLatin1String("assistant-manual.html") );
- profile->addDCFIndexPage( LINGUIST_TITLE, path + QLatin1String("linguist-manual.html") );
- profile->addDCFIndexPage( QMAKE_TITLE, path + QLatin1String("qmake-manual.html") );
- profile->addDCFImageDir( QT_TITLE, QLatin1String("../../gif/") );
- profile->addDCFImageDir( DESIGNER_TITLE, QLatin1String("../../gif/") );
- profile->addDCFImageDir( ASSISTANT_TITLE, QLatin1String("../../gif/") );
- profile->addDCFImageDir( LINGUIST_TITLE, QLatin1String("../../gif/") );
- profile->addDCFImageDir( QMAKE_TITLE, QLatin1String("../../gif/") );
- return profile;
- : valid( true ), dparser( 0 )
- type = DefaultProfile;
-bool Profile::isValid() const
- return valid;
-void Profile::addDCFTitle(const QString &dcf, const QString &title)
- QString absdcf = QFileInfo(dcf).absoluteFilePath();
- dcfTitles[title] = absdcf;
- if (!docs.contains(absdcf))
- docs << absdcf;
-void Profile::addDCF(const QString &docfile)
- if( !docs.contains( docfile ) == 0 )
- docs << docfile;
-void Profile::addDCFIcon(const QString docfile, const QString &icon)
- icons[docfile] = icon;
-void Profile::addDCFIndexPage(const QString title, const QString &indexPage)
- indexPages[title] = indexPage;
-void Profile::addDCFImageDir(const QString docfile, const QString &imgDir)
- imageDirs[docfile] = imgDir;
-void Profile::addProperty(const QString &name, const QString &value)
- props[name] = value;
-bool Profile::hasDocFile(const QString &name)
- return docs.contains( name );
-void Profile::removeDocFileEntry(const QString &docfile)
- docs.removeAll(docfile);
- QStringList titles;
- for( QMap<QString,QString>::Iterator it = dcfTitles.begin();
- it != dcfTitles.end(); ++it ) {
- if( (*it) == docfile ) {
- indexPages.remove( *it );
- icons.remove( *it );
- imageDirs.remove( *it );
- titles << it.key();
- }
- }
- for( QStringList::ConstIterator title = titles.constBegin();
- title != titles.constEnd(); ++title )
- dcfTitles.remove( *title );
- qDebug() << "docs:\n - " << docs.join("\n - ");
- qDebug() << "titles:\n - " << titles.join("\n - ");
- qDebug() << "keys:\n - " << ((QStringList*)&(dcfTitles.keys()))->join("\n - ");
- qDebug() << "values:\n - " << ((QStringList*)&(dcfTitles.values()))->join("\n - ");
-QString Profile::storableFilePath(const QString &fileName)
- QString path = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DocumentationPath).replace(QLatin1String("\\"), QLatin1String("/"));
- QString fName = fileName;
- if (fName.startsWith(path))
- fName.replace(0, path.length(), QLatin1String("$DOCPATH$"));
- return fName;
-QString Profile::loadableFilePath(const QString &fileName)
- QString path = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DocumentationPath).replace(QLatin1String("\\"), QLatin1String("/"));
- QString fName = fileName;
- if (fName.startsWith(QLatin1String("$DOCPATH$")))
- fName.replace(0, 9, path);
- return fName;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/profile.h b/tools/assistant/compat/profile.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aa9719..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/profile.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#ifndef PROFILE_H
-#define PROFILE_H
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QString>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QMap>
-class DocuParser;
-class Profile
- enum ProfileType { DefaultProfile, UserProfile };
- Profile();
- bool isValid() const;
- void addDCF( const QString &docfile );
- void addDCFIcon( const QString title, const QString &icon );
- void addDCFIndexPage( const QString title, const QString &indexPage );
- void addDCFImageDir( const QString title, const QString &imgDir );
- void addDCFTitle( const QString &dcf, const QString &title );
- void addProperty( const QString &name, const QString &value );
- bool hasDocFile( const QString &docFile );
- void removeDocFileEntry( const QString &title );
- ProfileType profileType() const { return type; }
- void setProfileType( ProfileType t ) { type = t; }
- DocuParser *docuParser() const { return dparser; }
- void setDocuParser( DocuParser *dp ) { dparser = dp; }
- static Profile* createDefaultProfile(const QString &docPath = QString());
- static QString makeRelativePath(const QString &base, const QString &path);
- static QString storableFilePath(const QString &fileName);
- static QString loadableFilePath(const QString &fileName);
- uint valid:1;
- ProfileType type;
- DocuParser *dparser;
- QMap<QString,QString> props;
- QMap<QString,QString> icons;
- QMap<QString,QString> indexPages;
- QMap<QString,QString> imageDirs;
- QMap<QString,QString> dcfTitles;
- QStringList docs;
-#endif // PROFILE_H
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/tabbedbrowser.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/tabbedbrowser.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c3c1572..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/tabbedbrowser.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "tabbedbrowser.h"
-#include "mainwindow.h"
-#include "helpwindow.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include <QStyleOptionTab>
-#include <QToolTip>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QToolButton>
-#include <QPixmap>
-#include <QIcon>
-#include <QStyle>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QStackedWidget>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QTextBlock>
-#include <QKeyEvent>
-#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
-const QLatin1String ImageLocation(":trolltech/assistant/images/mac/");
-const QLatin1String ImageLocation(":trolltech/assistant/images/win/");
-TabbedBrowser::TabbedBrowser(MainWindow *parent)
- : QWidget(parent)
- ui.setupUi(this);
- init();
- QStackedWidget *stack = qFindChild<QStackedWidget*>(;
- Q_ASSERT(stack);
- stack->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- connect(stack, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), parent, SLOT(browserTabChanged()));
- QPalette p = palette();
- p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Highlight,
- p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight));
- p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::HighlightedText,
- p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText));
- setPalette(p);
-MainWindow *TabbedBrowser::mainWindow() const
- return static_cast<MainWindow*>(parentWidget());
-void TabbedBrowser::forward()
- currentBrowser()->forward();
- emit browserUrlChanged(currentBrowser()->source().toString());
-void TabbedBrowser::backward()
- currentBrowser()->backward();
- emit browserUrlChanged(currentBrowser()->source().toString());
-void TabbedBrowser::setSource( const QString &ref )
- HelpWindow * win = currentBrowser();
- win->setSource(ref);
-void TabbedBrowser::reload()
- currentBrowser()->reload();
-void TabbedBrowser::home()
- currentBrowser()->home();
-HelpWindow *TabbedBrowser::currentBrowser() const
- return static_cast<HelpWindow*>(>currentWidget());
-void TabbedBrowser::nextTab()
- if(>currentIndex()<>count()-1)
-void TabbedBrowser::previousTab()
- int idx =>currentIndex()-1;
- if(idx>=0)
-HelpWindow *TabbedBrowser::createHelpWindow()
- MainWindow *mainWin = mainWindow();
- HelpWindow *win = new HelpWindow(mainWin, 0);
- win->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame);
- win->setPalette(palette());
- win->setSearchPaths(Config::configuration()->mimePaths());
->addTab(win, tr("..."));
- connect(win, SIGNAL(highlighted(QString)),
- (const QObject*) (mainWin->statusBar()), SLOT(showMessage(QString)));
- connect(win, SIGNAL(backwardAvailable(bool)),
- mainWin, SLOT(backwardAvailable(bool)));
- connect(win, SIGNAL(forwardAvailable(bool)),
- mainWin, SLOT(forwardAvailable(bool)));
- connect(win, SIGNAL(sourceChanged(QUrl)), this, SLOT(sourceChanged()));
->cornerWidget(Qt::TopRightCorner)->setEnabled(>count() > 1);
- win->installEventFilter(this);
- win->viewport()->installEventFilter(this);
- ui.editFind->installEventFilter(this);
- return win;
-HelpWindow *TabbedBrowser::newBackgroundTab()
- HelpWindow *win = createHelpWindow();
- emit tabCountChanged(>count());
- return win;
-void TabbedBrowser::newTab(const QString &lnk)
- QString link(lnk);
- if(link.isNull()) {
- HelpWindow *w = currentBrowser();
- if(w)
- link = w->source().toString();
- }
- HelpWindow *win = createHelpWindow();
- if(!link.isNull()) {
- win->setSource(link);
- }
- emit tabCountChanged(>count());
-void TabbedBrowser::zoomIn()
- currentBrowser()->zoomIn();
- Config::configuration()->setFontPointSize(currentBrowser()->font().pointSizeF());
-void TabbedBrowser::zoomOut()
- currentBrowser()->zoomOut();
- Config::configuration()->setFontPointSize(currentBrowser()->font().pointSizeF());
-void TabbedBrowser::init()
- lastCurrentTab = 0;
- while(>count()) {
- QWidget *page =>widget(0);
- delete page;
- }
- connect(, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)),
- this, SLOT(transferFocus()));
- QTabBar *tabBar = qFindChild<QTabBar*>(;
- QStyleOptionTab opt;
- if (tabBar) {
- opt.init(tabBar);
- opt.shape = tabBar->shape();
- tabBar->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
- connect(tabBar, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), SLOT(openTabMenu(QPoint)));
- }
- // workaround for sgi style
- QPalette pal = palette();
- pal.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Button, pal.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window));
- pal.setColor(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Button, pal.color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Window));
- pal.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Button, pal.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window));
- QToolButton *newTabButton = new QToolButton(this);
->setCornerWidget(newTabButton, Qt::TopLeftCorner);
- newTabButton->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
- newTabButton->setAutoRaise(true);
- newTabButton->setIcon(QIcon(ImageLocation + QLatin1String("addtab.png")));
- QObject::connect(newTabButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newTab()));
- newTabButton->setToolTip(tr("Add page"));
- QToolButton *closeTabButton = new QToolButton(this);
- closeTabButton->setPalette(pal);
->setCornerWidget(closeTabButton, Qt::TopRightCorner);
- closeTabButton->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
- closeTabButton->setAutoRaise(true);
- closeTabButton->setIcon(QIcon(ImageLocation + QLatin1String("closetab.png")));
- QObject::connect(closeTabButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeTab()));
- closeTabButton->setToolTip(tr("Close page"));
- closeTabButton->setEnabled(false);
- QObject::connect(ui.toolClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), ui.frameFind, SLOT(hide()));
- QObject::connect(ui.toolPrevious, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(findPrevious()));
- QObject::connect(ui.toolNext, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(findNext()));
- QObject::connect(ui.editFind, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(findNext()));
- QObject::connect(ui.editFind, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)),
- this, SLOT(find(QString)));
- ui.frameFind->setVisible(false);
- ui.labelWrapped->setVisible(false);
- autoHideTimer = new QTimer(this);
- autoHideTimer->setInterval(5000);
- autoHideTimer->setSingleShot(true);
- QObject::connect(autoHideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), ui.frameFind, SLOT(hide()));
-void TabbedBrowser::updateTitle(const QString &title)
->setTabText(>indexOf(currentBrowser()), title.trimmed());
-void TabbedBrowser::newTab()
- newTab(QString());
-void TabbedBrowser::transferFocus()
- if(currentBrowser()) {
- currentBrowser()->setFocus();
- }
- mainWindow()->setWindowTitle(Config::configuration()->title()
- + QLatin1String(" - ")
- + currentBrowser()->documentTitle());
-void TabbedBrowser::initHelpWindow(HelpWindow * /*win*/)
-void TabbedBrowser::setup()
- newTab(QString());
-void TabbedBrowser::copy()
- currentBrowser()->copy();
-void TabbedBrowser::closeTab()
- if(>count()==1)
- return;
- HelpWindow *win = currentBrowser();
- mainWindow()->removePendingBrowser(win);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, win, SLOT(deleteLater()));
->cornerWidget(Qt::TopRightCorner)->setEnabled(>count() > 1);
- emit tabCountChanged(>count());
-QStringList TabbedBrowser::sources() const
- QStringList lst;
- int cnt =>count();
- for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
- lst.append(((QTextBrowser*)>widget(i))->source().toString());
- }
- return lst;
-QList<HelpWindow*> TabbedBrowser::browsers() const
- QList<HelpWindow*> list;
- for (int i=0; i<>count(); ++i) {
- Q_ASSERT(qobject_cast<HelpWindow*>(>widget(i)));
- list.append(static_cast<HelpWindow*>(>widget(i)));
- }
- return list;
-void TabbedBrowser::sourceChanged()
- HelpWindow *win = qobject_cast<HelpWindow *>(QObject::sender());
- Q_ASSERT(win);
- QString docTitle(win->documentTitle());
- if (docTitle.isEmpty())
- docTitle = QLatin1String("...");
- // Make the classname in the title a bit more visible (otherwise
- // we just see the "Qt 4.0 : Q..." which isn't really helpful ;-)
- QString qtTitle = QLatin1String("Qt ") + QString::number( (QT_VERSION >> 16) & 0xff )
- + QLatin1String(".") + QString::number( (QT_VERSION >> 8) & 0xff )
- + QLatin1String(": ");
- if (docTitle.startsWith(qtTitle))
- docTitle = docTitle.mid(qtTitle.length());
- setTitle(win, docTitle);
- ui.frameFind->hide();
- ui.labelWrapped->hide();
- win->setTextCursor(win->cursorForPosition(QPoint(0, 0)));
-void TabbedBrowser::setTitle(HelpWindow *win, const QString &title)
- const QString tt = title.trimmed();
->setTabText(>indexOf(win), tt);
- if (win == currentBrowser())
- mainWindow()->setWindowTitle(Config::configuration()->title() + QLatin1String(" - ") + tt);
-void TabbedBrowser::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
- int key = e->key();
- QString ttf = ui.editFind->text();
- QString text = e->text();
- if (ui.frameFind->isVisible()) {
- switch (key) {
- case Qt::Key_Escape:
- ui.frameFind->hide();
- ui.labelWrapped->hide();
- return;
- case Qt::Key_Backspace:
- ttf.chop(1);
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Return:
- case Qt::Key_Enter:
- // Return/Enter key events are not accepted by QLineEdit
- return;
- default:
- if (text.isEmpty()) {
- QWidget::keyPressEvent(e);
- return;
- }
- ttf += text;
- }
- } else {
- if (text.isEmpty() || text[0].isSpace() || !text[0].isPrint()) {
- QWidget::keyPressEvent(e);
- return;
- }
- if (text.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
- ui.editFind->clear();
- find();
- return;
- }
- ttf = text;
- ui.frameFind->show();
- }
- ui.editFind->setText(ttf);
- find(ttf, false, false);
-void TabbedBrowser::findNext()
- find(ui.editFind->text(), true, false);
-void TabbedBrowser::findPrevious()
- find(ui.editFind->text(), false, true);
-void TabbedBrowser::find()
- ui.frameFind->show();
- ui.editFind->setFocus(Qt::ShortcutFocusReason);
- ui.editFind->selectAll();
- autoHideTimer->stop();
-void TabbedBrowser::find(QString ttf, bool forward, bool backward)
- HelpWindow *browser = currentBrowser();
- QTextDocument *doc = browser->document();
- QString oldText = ui.editFind->text();
- QTextCursor c = browser->textCursor();
- QTextDocument::FindFlags options;
- QPalette p = ui.editFind->palette();
- p.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, Qt::white);
- if (c.hasSelection())
- c.setPosition(forward ? c.position() : c.anchor(), QTextCursor::MoveAnchor);
- QTextCursor newCursor = c;
- if (!ttf.isEmpty()) {
- if (backward)
- options |= QTextDocument::FindBackward;
- if (ui.checkCase->isChecked())
- options |= QTextDocument::FindCaseSensitively;
- if (ui.checkWholeWords->isChecked())
- options |= QTextDocument::FindWholeWords;
- newCursor = doc->find(ttf, c, options);
- ui.labelWrapped->hide();
- if (newCursor.isNull()) {
- QTextCursor ac(doc);
- ac.movePosition(options & QTextDocument::FindBackward
- ? QTextCursor::End : QTextCursor::Start);
- newCursor = doc->find(ttf, ac, options);
- if (newCursor.isNull()) {
- p.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, QColor(255, 102, 102));
- newCursor = c;
- } else
- ui.labelWrapped->show();
- }
- }
- if (!ui.frameFind->isVisible())
- ui.frameFind->show();
- browser->setTextCursor(newCursor);
- ui.editFind->setPalette(p);
- if (!ui.editFind->hasFocus())
- autoHideTimer->start();
-bool TabbedBrowser::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
- if (o == ui.editFind) {
- if (e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn && autoHideTimer->isActive())
- autoHideTimer->stop();
- } else if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress && ui.frameFind->isVisible()) { // assume textbrowser
- QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(e);
- if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Space) {
- keyPressEvent(ke);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return QWidget::eventFilter(o, e);
-void TabbedBrowser::openTabMenu(const QPoint& pos)
- QTabBar *tabBar = qFindChild<QTabBar*>(;
- QMenu m(QLatin1String(""), tabBar);
- QAction *new_action = m.addAction(tr("New Tab"));
- QAction *close_action = m.addAction(tr("Close Tab"));
- QAction *close_others_action = m.addAction(tr("Close Other Tabs"));
- if (tabBar->count() == 1) {
- close_action->setEnabled(false);
- close_others_action->setEnabled(false);
- }
- QAction *action_picked = m.exec(tabBar->mapToGlobal(pos));
- if (!action_picked)
- return;
- if (action_picked == new_action) {
- newTab();
- return;
- }
- QList<HelpWindow*> windowList = browsers();
- for (int i = 0; i < tabBar->count(); ++i) {
- if (tabBar->tabRect(i).contains(pos)) {
- HelpWindow *win = static_cast<HelpWindow*>(>widget(i));
- if (action_picked == close_action) {
- mainWindow()->removePendingBrowser(win);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, win, SLOT(deleteLater()));
- }
- windowList.removeOne(win);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (action_picked == close_others_action) {
- foreach (HelpWindow* win, windowList) {
- mainWindow()->removePendingBrowser(win);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, win, SLOT(deleteLater()));
- windowList.removeOne(win);
- }
- }
->cornerWidget(Qt::TopRightCorner)->setEnabled(windowList.count() > 1);
- emit tabCountChanged(windowList.count());
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/tabbedbrowser.h b/tools/assistant/compat/tabbedbrowser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e32505..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/tabbedbrowser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "ui_tabbedbrowser.h"
-class MainWindow;
-class HelpWindow;
-class QStyleSheet;
-class QMimeSourceFactory;
-class QTimer;
-class TabbedBrowser : public QWidget
- TabbedBrowser(MainWindow *parent);
- virtual ~TabbedBrowser();
- MainWindow *mainWindow() const;
- HelpWindow *currentBrowser() const;
- QStringList sources() const;
- QList<HelpWindow*> browsers() const;
- HelpWindow* newBackgroundTab();
- HelpWindow* createHelpWindow();
- void setTitle(HelpWindow*, const QString &);
- void tabCountChanged(int count);
- void browserUrlChanged(const QString &link);
- void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
- bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e);
-public slots:
- void init();
- void forward();
- void backward();
- void setSource(const QString &ref);
- void reload();
- void home();
- void nextTab();
- void previousTab();
- void newTab(const QString &lnk);
- void zoomIn();
- void zoomOut();
- void updateTitle(const QString &title);
- void newTab();
- void transferFocus();
- void initHelpWindow(HelpWindow *win);
- void setup();
- void copy();
- void closeTab();
- void sourceChanged();
- void find();
- void findNext();
- void findPrevious();
-private slots:
- void find(QString, bool forward = false, bool backward = false);
- void openTabMenu(const QPoint& pos);
- Ui::TabbedBrowser ui;
- QWidget *lastCurrentTab;
- QFont tabFont;
- QString fixedFontFam;
- QColor lnkColor;
- bool underlineLnk;
- QTimer *autoHideTimer;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/tabbedbrowser.ui b/tools/assistant/compat/tabbedbrowser.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 411f145..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/tabbedbrowser.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <author></author>
- <comment>*********************************************************************
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
- <exportmacro></exportmacro>
- <class>TabbedBrowser</class>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="TabbedBrowser" >
- <property name="geometry" >
- <rect>
- <x>0</x>
- <y>0</y>
- <width>710</width>
- <height>664</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
- <property name="windowTitle" >
- <string>TabbedBrowser</string>
- </property>
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
- <property name="margin" >
- <number>0</number>
- </property>
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>0</number>
- </property>
- <item>
- <widget class="QTabWidget" name="tab" >
- <widget class="QWidget" name="frontpage" >
- <attribute name="title" >
- <string>Untitled</string>
- </attribute>
- <layout class="QGridLayout" >
- <property name="margin" >
- <number>8</number>
- </property>
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- </layout>
- </widget>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QFrame" name="frameFind" >
- <property name="frameShape" >
- <enum>QFrame::StyledPanel</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="frameShadow" >
- <enum>QFrame::Raised</enum>
- </property>
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
- <property name="margin" >
- <number>0</number>
- </property>
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <item>
- <widget class="QToolButton" name="toolClose" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string/>
- </property>
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/close.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="autoRaise" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="editFind" >
- <property name="sizePolicy" >
- <sizepolicy>
- <hsizetype>0</hsizetype>
- <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
- </sizepolicy>
- </property>
- <property name="minimumSize" >
- <size>
- <width>150</width>
- <height>0</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QToolButton" name="toolPrevious" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Previous</string>
- </property>
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/previous.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="toolButtonStyle" >
- <enum>Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="autoRaise" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QToolButton" name="toolNext" >
- <property name="minimumSize" >
- <size>
- <width>0</width>
- <height>0</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Next</string>
- </property>
- <property name="icon" >
- <iconset resource="assistant.qrc" >:/trolltech/assistant/images/win/next.png</iconset>
- </property>
- <property name="toolButtonStyle" >
- <enum>Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="autoRaise" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- <property name="arrowType" >
- <enum>Qt::NoArrow</enum>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkCase" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Case Sensitive</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkWholeWords" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>Whole words</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QLabel" name="labelWrapped" >
- <property name="minimumSize" >
- <size>
- <width>0</width>
- <height>20</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize" >
- <size>
- <width>105</width>
- <height>20</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&lt;img src=":/trolltech/assistant/images/wrap.png">&amp;nbsp;Search wrapped</string>
- </property>
- <property name="textFormat" >
- <enum>Qt::RichText</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="scaledContents" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- <property name="alignment" >
- <set>Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <spacer>
- <property name="orientation" >
- <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeHint" >
- <size>
- <width>81</width>
- <height>21</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </spacer>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </widget>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </widget>
- <pixmapfunction></pixmapfunction>
- <resources>
- <include location="assistant.qrc" />
- </resources>
- <connections/>
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/topicchooser.cpp b/tools/assistant/compat/topicchooser.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b2e7e98..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/topicchooser.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
-#include "topicchooser.h"
-#include <QLabel>
-#include <QListWidget>
-#include <QPushButton>
-TopicChooser::TopicChooser(QWidget *parent, const QStringList &lnkNames,
- const QStringList &lnks, const QString &title)
- : QDialog(parent), links(lnks), linkNames(lnkNames)
- ui.setupUi(this);
- ui.label->setText(tr("Choose a topic for <b>%1</b>").arg(title));
- ui.listbox->addItems(linkNames);
- if (ui.listbox->count() != 0)
- ui.listbox->setCurrentRow(0);
- ui.listbox->setFocus();
-QString TopicChooser::link() const
- if (ui.listbox->currentRow() == -1)
- return QString();
- QString s = ui.listbox->item(ui.listbox->currentRow())->text();
- if (s.isEmpty())
- return s;
- int i = linkNames.indexOf(s);
- return links[i];
-QString TopicChooser::getLink(QWidget *parent, const QStringList &lnkNames,
- const QStringList &lnks, const QString &title)
- TopicChooser *dlg = new TopicChooser(parent, lnkNames, lnks, title);
- QString lnk;
- if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
- lnk = dlg->link();
- delete dlg;
- return lnk;
-void TopicChooser::on_buttonDisplay_clicked()
- accept();
-void TopicChooser::on_buttonCancel_clicked()
- reject();
-void TopicChooser::on_listbox_itemActivated(QListWidgetItem *item)
- Q_UNUSED(item);
- accept();
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/topicchooser.ui b/tools/assistant/compat/topicchooser.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 18ff61b..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/topicchooser.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
- <comment>*********************************************************************
-** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** All rights reserved.
-** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
-** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
-** this package.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
-** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
-** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
-** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
-** Nokia at
- <class>TopicChooser</class>
- <widget class="QDialog" name="TopicChooser" >
- <property name="geometry" >
- <rect>
- <x>0</x>
- <y>0</y>
- <width>391</width>
- <height>223</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
- <property name="windowTitle" >
- <string>Choose Topic</string>
- </property>
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Select a topic from the list and click the &lt;b>Display&lt;/b>-button to open the online help.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeGripEnabled" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <property name="leftMargin" >
- <number>11</number>
- </property>
- <property name="topMargin" >
- <number>11</number>
- </property>
- <property name="rightMargin" >
- <number>11</number>
- </property>
- <property name="bottomMargin" >
- <number>11</number>
- </property>
- <item>
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label" >
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Topics</string>
- </property>
- <property name="buddy" >
- <cstring>listbox</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QListWidget" name="listbox" >
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Displays a list of available help topics for the keyword.</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
- <property name="spacing" >
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <property name="leftMargin" >
- <number>0</number>
- </property>
- <property name="topMargin" >
- <number>0</number>
- </property>
- <property name="rightMargin" >
- <number>0</number>
- </property>
- <property name="bottomMargin" >
- <number>0</number>
- </property>
- <item>
- <spacer>
- <property name="orientation" >
- <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeType" >
- <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeHint" >
- <size>
- <width>20</width>
- <height>20</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </spacer>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonDisplay" >
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Open the topic selected in the list.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Display</string>
- </property>
- <property name="autoDefault" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- <property name="default" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item>
- <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonCancel" >
- <property name="whatsThis" >
- <string>Close the Dialog.</string>
- </property>
- <property name="text" >
- <string>&amp;Close</string>
- </property>
- <property name="autoDefault" >
- <bool>true</bool>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </item>
- </layout>
- </widget>
- <resources/>
- <connections/>
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/ b/tools/assistant/lib/
index 51933de..26d3456 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ unix:QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_REQUIRES += QtNetwork \
QtSql \
LIBS_PRIVATE += -l$$qclucene
RESOURCES += helpsystem.qrc
SOURCES += qhelpenginecore.cpp \
qhelpengine.cpp \
@@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ SOURCES += qhelpenginecore.cpp \
qhelpsearchindexwriter_default.cpp \
qhelpsearchindexreader_default.cpp \
qhelpsearchindexreader.cpp \
+ qclucenefieldnames.cpp \
# access to clucene
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ HEADERS += qhelpenginecore.h \
qhelpsearchindex_default_p.h \
qhelpsearchindexwriter_default_p.h \
qhelpsearchindexreader_default_p.h \
- qhelpsearchindexreader_p.h
+ qhelpsearchindexreader_p.h \
+ qclucenefieldnames_p.h
# access to clucene
HEADERS += qhelpsearchindexwriter_clucene_p.h \
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qclucenefieldnames.cpp b/tools/assistant/lib/qclucenefieldnames.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84e3a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qclucenefieldnames.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "qclucenefieldnames_p.h"
+namespace qt {
+namespace fulltextsearch {
+namespace clucene {
+const QString AttributeField(QLatin1String("attribute"));
+const QString ContentField(QLatin1String("content"));
+const QString NamespaceField(QLatin1String("namespace"));
+const QString PathField(QLatin1String("path"));
+const QString TitleField(QLatin1String("title"));
+const QString TitleTokenizedField(QLatin1String("titleTokenized"));
+} // namespace clucene
+} // namespace fulltextsearch
+} // namespace qt
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/fontsettingsdialog.h b/tools/assistant/lib/qclucenefieldnames_p.h
index 6599d2a..ae13515 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/fontsettingsdialog.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qclucenefieldnames_p.h
@@ -39,39 +39,27 @@
-#include <QtCore/QObject>
-#include <QtGui/QDialog>
+#include <QtCore/QtGlobal>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
-class FontPanel;
-struct FontSettings;
-class QDialogButtonBox;
-class FontSettingsDialog : public QDialog
- FontSettingsDialog(QWidget *parent = 0);
- ~FontSettingsDialog();
- bool showDialog(FontSettings *settings);
- void updateFontSettings(FontSettings *settings);
- void setupFontSettingsDialog(const FontSettings *settings);
- FontPanel *m_windowFontPanel;
- FontPanel *m_browserFontPanel;
- QDialogButtonBox *m_dialogButtonBox;
+namespace qt {
+namespace fulltextsearch {
+namespace clucene {
+ extern const QString AttributeField;
+ extern const QString ContentField;
+ extern const QString NamespaceField;
+ extern const QString PathField;
+ extern const QString TitleField;
+ extern const QString TitleTokenizedField;
+} // namespace clucene
+} // namespace fulltextsearch
+} // namespace qt
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelp_global.cpp b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelp_global.cpp
index 539b504..d8a94d3 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelp_global.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelp_global.cpp
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
+#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QRegExp>
#include <QtCore/QMutexLocker>
#include <QtGui/QTextDocument>
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ QString QHelpGlobal::uniquifyConnectionName(const QString &name, void *pointer)
QString QHelpGlobal::documentTitle(const QString &content)
- QString title = QObject::tr("Untitled");
+ QString title = QCoreApplication::translate("QHelp", "Untitled");
if (!content.isEmpty()) {
int start = content.indexOf(QLatin1String("<title>"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive) + 7;
int end = content.indexOf(QLatin1String("</title>"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
@@ -86,17 +87,18 @@ QString QHelpGlobal::codecFromData(const QByteArray &data)
QString QHelpGlobal::codecFromHtmlData(const QByteArray &data)
- QString content = QString::fromUtf8(data.constData(), data.size());
- int start = content.indexOf(QLatin1String("<meta"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ QString head = QString::fromUtf8(data.constData(), qMin(1000, data.size()));
+ int start = head.indexOf(QLatin1String("<meta"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (start > 0) {
- int end;
QRegExp r(QLatin1String("charset=([^\"\\s]+)"));
while (start != -1) {
- end = content.indexOf(QLatin1Char('>'), start) + 1;
- const QString &meta = content.mid(start, end - start).toLower();
+ const int end = head.indexOf(QLatin1Char('>'), start) + 1;
+ if (end <= start)
+ break;
+ const QString &meta = head.mid(start, end - start).toLower();
if (r.indexIn(meta) != -1)
return r.cap(1);
- start = content.indexOf(QLatin1String("<meta"), end,
+ start = head.indexOf(QLatin1String("<meta"), end,
@@ -105,8 +107,8 @@ QString QHelpGlobal::codecFromHtmlData(const QByteArray &data)
QString QHelpGlobal::codecFromXmlData(const QByteArray &data)
- QString content = QString::fromUtf8(data.constData(), data.size());
+ QString head = QString::fromUtf8(data.constData(), qMin(1000, data.size()));
const QRegExp encodingExp(QLatin1String("^\\s*<\\?xml version="
"\"\\d\\.\\d\" encoding=\"([^\"]+)\"\\?>.*"));
- return encodingExp.exactMatch(content) ? encodingExp.cap(1) : QString();
+ return encodingExp.exactMatch(head) ? encodingExp.cap(1) : QString();
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpcollectionhandler.cpp b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpcollectionhandler.cpp
index cb7e457..235f737 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpcollectionhandler.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpcollectionhandler.cpp
@@ -308,10 +308,8 @@ bool QHelpCollectionHandler::addCustomFilter(const QString &filterName,
m_query.prepare(QLatin1String("SELECT Id FROM FilterNameTable WHERE Name=?"));
m_query.bindValue(0, filterName);
- while ( {
+ if (
nameId = m_query.value(0).toInt();
- break;
- }
m_query.exec(QLatin1String("SELECT Id, Name FROM FilterAttributeTable"));
QStringList idsToInsert = attributes;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpenginecore.cpp b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpenginecore.cpp
index 066e4d5..71306af 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpenginecore.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpenginecore.cpp
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ bool QHelpEngineCorePrivate::setup()
QHelpDBReader *reader = new QHelpDBReader(absFileName,
QHelpGlobal::uniquifyConnectionName(info.fileName, this), this);
if (!reader->init()) {
- emit q->warning(tr("Cannot open documentation file %1: %2!")
+ emit q->warning(QHelpEngineCore::tr("Cannot open documentation file %1: %2!")
.arg(absFileName, reader->errorMessage()));
@@ -406,8 +406,9 @@ QStringList QHelpEngineCore::customFilters() const
Adds the new custom filter \a filterName. The filter attributes
- are specified by \a attributes. The function returns false if
- the filter can not be added, e.g. when the filter already exists.
+ are specified by \a attributes. If the filter already exists,
+ its attribute set is replaced. The function returns true if
+ the operation succeeded, otherwise it returns false.
\sa customFilters(), removeCustomFilter()
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpgenerator.cpp b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpgenerator.cpp
index 4b94ebf..783f016 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpgenerator.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpgenerator.cpp
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QSet>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include <QtCore/QTextCodec>
@@ -537,7 +538,8 @@ bool QHelpGenerator::insertFiles(const QStringList &files, const QString &rootPa
int fileId = -1;
- if (!d->fileMap.contains(fileName)) {
+ QMap<QString, int>::Iterator fileMapIt = d->fileMap.find(fileName);
+ if (fileMapIt == d->fileMap.end()) {
fileDataList.append(qCompress(data)); = fileName;
@@ -551,18 +553,20 @@ bool QHelpGenerator::insertFiles(const QStringList &files, const QString &rootPa
} else {
- fileId = d->fileMap.value(fileName);
+ fileId = fileMapIt.value();
+ QSet<int> &fileFilterSet = d->fileFilterMap[fileId];
+ QSet<int> &tmpFileFilterSet = tmpFileFilterMap[fileId];
foreach (const int &filter, filterAtts) {
- if (!d->fileFilterMap.value(fileId).contains(filter)
- && !tmpFileFilterMap.value(fileId).contains(filter)) {
- d->fileFilterMap[fileId].insert(filter);
- tmpFileFilterMap[fileId].insert(filter);
+ if (!fileFilterSet.contains(filter)
+ && !tmpFileFilterSet.contains(filter)) {
+ fileFilterSet.insert(filter);
+ tmpFileFilterSet.insert(filter);
- if (tmpFileFilterMap.count()) {
+ if (!tmpFileFilterMap.isEmpty()) {
QMap<int, QSet<int> >::const_iterator it = tmpFileFilterMap.constBegin();
while (it != tmpFileFilterMap.constEnd()) {
@@ -625,8 +629,7 @@ bool QHelpGenerator::registerCustomFilter(const QString &filterName,
while (d->query->next()) {
- if (idsToInsert.contains(d->query->value(1).toString()))
- idsToInsert.removeAll(d->query->value(1).toString());
+ idsToInsert.removeAll(d->query->value(1).toString());
foreach (const QString &id, idsToInsert) {
@@ -674,7 +677,7 @@ bool QHelpGenerator::registerCustomFilter(const QString &filterName,
return true;
-bool QHelpGenerator::insertKeywords(const QList<QHelpDataIndexItem> keywords,
+bool QHelpGenerator::insertKeywords(const QList<QHelpDataIndexItem> &keywords,
const QStringList &filterAttributes)
if (!d->query)
@@ -704,7 +707,17 @@ bool QHelpGenerator::insertKeywords(const QList<QHelpDataIndexItem> keywords,
int i = 0;
+ QSet<QString> indices;
foreach (const QHelpDataIndexItem &itm, keywords) {
+ /*
+ * Identical ids make no sense and just confuse the Assistant user,
+ * so we ignore all repetitions.
+ */
+ if (indices.contains(itm.identifier))
+ continue;
+ indices.insert(itm.identifier);
pos = itm.reference.indexOf(QLatin1Char('#'));
fileName = itm.reference.left(pos);
if (pos > -1)
@@ -716,8 +729,9 @@ bool QHelpGenerator::insertKeywords(const QList<QHelpDataIndexItem> keywords,
if (fName.startsWith(QLatin1String("./")))
fName = fName.mid(2);
- if (d->fileMap.contains(fName))
- fileId = d->fileMap.value(fName);
+ QMap<QString, int>::ConstIterator it = d->fileMap.find(fName);
+ if (it != d->fileMap.end())
+ fileId = it.value();
fileId = 1;
@@ -749,7 +763,7 @@ bool QHelpGenerator::insertKeywords(const QList<QHelpDataIndexItem> keywords,
d->query->exec(QLatin1String("SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM IndexTable"));
- if (d->query->next() && d->query->value(0).toInt() >= keywords.count())
+ if (d->query->next() && d->query->value(0).toInt() >= indices.count())
return true;
return false;
@@ -824,4 +838,68 @@ bool QHelpGenerator::insertMetaData(const QMap<QString, QVariant> &metaData)
return true;
+bool QHelpGenerator::checkLinks(const QHelpDataInterface &helpData)
+ /*
+ * Step 1: Gather the canoncal file paths of all files in the project.
+ * We use a set, because there will be a lot of look-ups.
+ */
+ QSet<QString> files;
+ foreach (const QHelpDataFilterSection &filterSection, helpData.filterSections()) {
+ foreach (const QString &file, filterSection.files()) {
+ QFileInfo fileInfo(helpData.rootPath() + QDir::separator() + file);
+ const QString &canonicalFileName = fileInfo.canonicalFilePath();
+ if (!fileInfo.exists())
+ emit warning(tr("File '%1' does not exist.").arg(file));
+ else
+ files.insert(canonicalFileName);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Step 2: Check the hypertext and image references of all HTML files.
+ * Note that we don't parse the files, but simply grep for the
+ * respective HTML elements. Therefore. contents that are e.g.
+ * commented out can cause false warning.
+ */
+ bool allLinksOk = true;
+ foreach (const QString &fileName, files) {
+ if (!fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String("html"))
+ && !fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String("htm")))
+ continue;
+ QFile htmlFile(fileName);
+ if (! {
+ emit warning(tr("File '%1' cannot be opened.").arg(fileName));
+ continue;
+ }
+ const QRegExp linkPattern(QLatin1String("<(?:a href|img src)=\"?([^#\">]+)[#\">]"));
+ QTextStream stream(&htmlFile);
+ const QString codec = QHelpGlobal::codecFromData(;
+ stream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName(codec.toLatin1().constData()));
+ const QString &content = stream.readAll();
+ QStringList invalidLinks;
+ for (int pos = linkPattern.indexIn(content); pos != -1;
+ pos = linkPattern.indexIn(content, pos + 1)) {
+ const QString& linkedFileName = linkPattern.cap(1);
+ if (linkedFileName.contains(QLatin1String("://")))
+ continue;
+ const QString curDir = QFileInfo(fileName).dir().path();
+ const QString &canonicalLinkedFileName =
+ QFileInfo(curDir + QDir::separator() + linkedFileName).canonicalFilePath();
+ if (!files.contains(canonicalLinkedFileName)
+ && !invalidLinks.contains(canonicalLinkedFileName)) {
+ emit warning(tr("File '%1' contains an invalid link to file '%2'").
+ arg(fileName).arg(linkedFileName));
+ allLinksOk = false;
+ invalidLinks.append(canonicalLinkedFileName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!allLinksOk)
+ d->error = tr("Invalid links in HTML files.");
+ return allLinksOk;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpgenerator_p.h b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpgenerator_p.h
index c589e25..823a07a 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpgenerator_p.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpgenerator_p.h
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ public:
bool generate(QHelpDataInterface *helpData,
const QString &outputFileName);
+ bool checkLinks(const QHelpDataInterface &helpData);
QString error() const;
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ private:
const QStringList &filterAttribs, bool forceUpdate = false);
bool registerVirtualFolder(const QString &folderName, const QString &ns);
bool insertFilterAttributes(const QStringList &attributes);
- bool insertKeywords(const QList<QHelpDataIndexItem> keywords,
+ bool insertKeywords(const QList<QHelpDataIndexItem> &keywords,
const QStringList &filterAttributes);
bool insertFiles(const QStringList &files, const QString &rootPath,
const QStringList &filterAttributes);
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpprojectdata.cpp b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpprojectdata.cpp
index 869a446..83491a0 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpprojectdata.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpprojectdata.cpp
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "qhelpprojectdata_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtCore/QStack>
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ private:
void QHelpProjectDataPrivate::raiseUnknownTokenError()
- raiseError(QObject::tr("Unknown token."));
+ raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject", "Unknown token."));
void QHelpProjectDataPrivate::readData(const QByteArray &contents)
@@ -95,12 +96,14 @@ void QHelpProjectDataPrivate::readData(const QByteArray &contents)
&& attributes().value(QLatin1String("version")) == QLatin1String("1.0"))
- raiseError(QObject::tr("Unknown token. Expected \"QtHelpProject\"!"));
+ raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject",
+ "Unknown token. Expected \"QtHelpProject\"!"));
if (hasError()) {
- raiseError(QObject::tr("Error in line %1: %2").arg(lineNumber())
+ raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject",
+ "Error in line %1: %2").arg(lineNumber())
@@ -113,11 +116,15 @@ void QHelpProjectDataPrivate::readProject()
if (name() == QLatin1String("virtualFolder")) {
virtualFolder = readElementText();
if (virtualFolder.contains(QLatin1String("/")))
- raiseError(QObject::tr("A virtual folder must not contain a \'/\' character!"));
+ raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject",
+ "A virtual folder must not contain "
+ "a \'/\' character!"));
} else if (name() == QLatin1String("namespace")) {
namespaceName = readElementText();
if (namespaceName.contains(QLatin1String("/")))
- raiseError(QObject::tr("A namespace must not contain a \'/\' character!"));
+ raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject",
+ "A namespace must not contain a "
+ "\'/\' character!"));
} else if (name() == QLatin1String("customFilter")) {
} else if (name() == QLatin1String("filterSection")) {
@@ -125,17 +132,21 @@ void QHelpProjectDataPrivate::readProject()
} else if (name() == QLatin1String("metaData")) {
QString n = attributes().value(QLatin1String("name")).toString();
if (!metaData.contains(n))
- metaData[n] = attributes().value(QLatin1String("value")).toString();
+ metaData[n]
+ = attributes().value(QLatin1String("value")).toString();
- metaData.insert(n, attributes().value(QLatin1String("value")).toString());
+ metaData.insert(n, attributes().
+ value(QLatin1String("value")).toString());
} else {
} else if (isEndElement() && name() == QLatin1String("QtHelpProject")) {
if (namespaceName.isEmpty())
- raiseError(QObject::tr("Missing namespace in QtHelpProject."));
+ raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject",
+ "Missing namespace in QtHelpProject."));
else if (virtualFolder.isEmpty())
- raiseError(QObject::tr("Missing virtual folder in QtHelpProject"));
+ raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject",
+ "Missing virtual folder in QtHelpProject"));
@@ -223,12 +234,14 @@ void QHelpProjectDataPrivate::readKeywords()
if (attributes().value(QLatin1String("ref")).toString().isEmpty()
|| (attributes().value(QLatin1String("name")).toString().isEmpty()
&& attributes().value(QLatin1String("id")).toString().isEmpty()))
- raiseError(QObject::tr("Missing attribute in keyword at line %1.")
- .arg(lineNumber()));
- filterSectionList.last().addIndex(
- QHelpDataIndexItem(attributes().value(QLatin1String("name")).toString(),
- attributes().value(QLatin1String("id")).toString(),
- attributes().value(QLatin1String("ref")).toString()));
+ raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject",
+ "Missing attribute in keyword at line %1.")
+ .arg(lineNumber()));
+ filterSectionList.last()
+ .addIndex(QHelpDataIndexItem(attributes().
+ value(QLatin1String("name")).toString(),
+ attributes().value(QLatin1String("id")).toString(),
+ attributes().value(QLatin1String("ref")).toString()));
} else {
@@ -346,8 +359,8 @@ bool QHelpProjectData::readData(const QString &fileName)
d->rootPath = QFileInfo(fileName).absolutePath();
QFile file(fileName);
if (! {
- d->errorMsg = QObject::tr("The input file %1 could not be opened!")
- .arg(fileName);
+ d->errorMsg = QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpProject",
+ "The input file %1 could not be opened!").arg(fileName);
return false;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexreader_clucene.cpp b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexreader_clucene.cpp
index b5bec44..ee6dcfb 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexreader_clucene.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexreader_clucene.cpp
@@ -39,16 +39,19 @@
-#include "qhelpenginecore.h"
-#include "fulltextsearch/qsearchable_p.h"
-#include "fulltextsearch/qqueryparser_p.h"
#include "fulltextsearch/qindexreader_p.h"
+#include "fulltextsearch/qqueryparser_p.h"
+#include "fulltextsearch/qsearchable_p.h"
+#include "qclucenefieldnames_p.h"
+#include "qhelpenginecore.h"
#include "qhelpsearchindexreader_clucene_p.h"
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QSet>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
+#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
#include <QtCore/QMutexLocker>
@@ -108,64 +111,88 @@ void QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::run()
#if !defined(QT_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
try {
- QCLuceneBooleanQuery booleanQuery;
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery booleanQueryTitle;
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery booleanQueryContent;
QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer analyzer;
- if (!buildQuery(booleanQuery, queryList, analyzer)) {
+ const QStringList& attribList =
+ engine.filterAttributes(engine.currentFilter());
+ bool titleQueryIsValid = buildQuery(queryList, TitleTokenizedField,
+ attribList, booleanQueryTitle, analyzer);
+ bool contentQueryIsValid = buildQuery(queryList, ContentField,
+ attribList, booleanQueryContent, analyzer);
+ if (!titleQueryIsValid && !contentQueryIsValid) {
emit searchingFinished(0);
- const QStringList attribList = engine.filterAttributes(engine.currentFilter());
- if (!attribList.isEmpty()) {
- QCLuceneQuery* query = QCLuceneQueryParser::parse(QLatin1String("+")
- + attribList.join(QLatin1String(" +")), QLatin1String("attribute"), analyzer);
+ QCLuceneIndexSearcher indexSearcher(indexPath);
- if (!query) {
+ // QCLuceneHits object must be allocated on the heap, because
+ // there is no default constructor.
+ QSharedPointer<QCLuceneHits> titleHits;
+ QSharedPointer<QCLuceneHits> contentHits;
+ if (titleQueryIsValid) {
+ titleHits = QSharedPointer<QCLuceneHits>(new QCLuceneHits(
+ }
+ if (contentQueryIsValid) {
+ contentHits = QSharedPointer<QCLuceneHits>(new QCLuceneHits(
+ }
+ bool boost = true;
+ if ((titleHits.isNull() || titleHits->length() == 0)
+ && (contentHits.isNull() || contentHits->length() == 0)) {
+ booleanQueryTitle = QCLuceneBooleanQuery();
+ booleanQueryContent = QCLuceneBooleanQuery();
+ titleQueryIsValid =
+ buildTryHarderQuery(queryList, TitleTokenizedField,
+ attribList, booleanQueryTitle, analyzer);
+ contentQueryIsValid =
+ buildTryHarderQuery(queryList, ContentField, attribList,
+ booleanQueryContent, analyzer);
+ if (!titleQueryIsValid && !contentQueryIsValid) {
emit searchingFinished(0);
- booleanQuery.add(query, true, true, false);
- }
- QCLuceneIndexSearcher indexSearcher(indexPath);
- QCLuceneHits hits =;
- bool boost = true;
- QCLuceneBooleanQuery tryHarderQuery;
- if (hits.length() == 0) {
- if (buildTryHarderQuery(tryHarderQuery, queryList, analyzer)) {
- if (!attribList.isEmpty()) {
- QCLuceneQuery* query = QCLuceneQueryParser::parse(QLatin1String("+")
- + attribList.join(QLatin1String(" +")), QLatin1String("attribute"),
- analyzer);
- tryHarderQuery.add(query, true, true, false);
- }
- hits =;
- boost = (hits.length() == 0);
+ if (titleQueryIsValid) {
+ titleHits = QSharedPointer<QCLuceneHits>(new QCLuceneHits(
+ }
+ if (contentQueryIsValid) {
+ contentHits = QSharedPointer<QCLuceneHits>(new QCLuceneHits(
+ boost = false;
+ QList<QSharedPointer<QCLuceneHits> > cluceneHitsList;
+ if (!titleHits.isNull())
+ cluceneHitsList.append(titleHits);
+ if (!contentHits.isNull())
+ cluceneHitsList.append(contentHits);
QSet<QString> pathSet;
QCLuceneDocument document;
const QStringList namespaceList = engine.registeredDocumentations();
- for (qint32 i = 0; i < hits.length(); i++) {
- document = hits.document(i);
- const QString path = document.get(QLatin1String("path"));
- if (!pathSet.contains(path) && namespaceList.contains(
- document.get(QLatin1String("namespace")), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
- pathSet.insert(path);
- hitList.append(qMakePair(path, document.get(QLatin1String("title"))));
- }
- document.clear();
+ foreach (QSharedPointer<QCLuceneHits> hits, cluceneHitsList) {
+ for (qint32 i = 0; i < hits->length(); i++) {
+ document = hits->document(i);
+ const QString path = document.get(PathField);
+ if (!pathSet.contains(path) && namespaceList.contains(
+ document.get(NamespaceField), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
+ pathSet.insert(path);
+ hitList.append(qMakePair(path, document.get(TitleField)));
+ }
+ document.clear();
- mutex.lock();
- if (m_cancel) {
+ mutex.lock();
+ if (m_cancel) {
+ mutex.unlock();
+ emit searchingFinished(0);
+ return;
+ }
- emit searchingFinished(0);
- return;
- mutex.unlock();
@@ -185,144 +212,205 @@ void QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::run()
-bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::defaultQuery(const QString &term, QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
- QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer &analyzer)
+bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::buildQuery(
+ const QList<QHelpSearchQuery> &queries, const QString &fieldName,
+ const QStringList &filterAttributes, QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
+ QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer)
- const QLatin1String c("content");
- const QLatin1String t("titleTokenized");
- QCLuceneQuery *query = QCLuceneQueryParser::parse(term, c, analyzer);
- QCLuceneQuery *query2 = QCLuceneQueryParser::parse(term, t, analyzer);
- if (query && query2) {
- booleanQuery.add(query, true, false, false);
- booleanQuery.add(query2, true, false, false);
- return true;
+ bool queryIsValid = false;
+ foreach (const QHelpSearchQuery &query, queries) {
+ if (fieldName != ContentField && isNegativeQuery(query)) {
+ queryIsValid = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (query.fieldName) {
+ case QHelpSearchQuery::FUZZY:
+ if (addFuzzyQuery(query, fieldName, booleanQuery, analyzer))
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ break;
+ case QHelpSearchQuery::WITHOUT:
+ if (fieldName != ContentField)
+ return false;
+ if (addWithoutQuery(query, fieldName, booleanQuery))
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ break;
+ case QHelpSearchQuery::PHRASE:
+ if (addPhraseQuery(query, fieldName, booleanQuery))
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ break;
+ case QHelpSearchQuery::ALL:
+ if (addAllQuery(query, fieldName, booleanQuery))
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ break;
+ case QHelpSearchQuery::DEFAULT:
+ if (addDefaultQuery(query, fieldName, true, booleanQuery, analyzer))
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ break;
+ case QHelpSearchQuery::ATLEAST:
+ if (addAtLeastQuery(query, fieldName, booleanQuery, analyzer))
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Q_ASSERT(!"Invalid field name");
+ }
- return false;
+ if (queryIsValid && !filterAttributes.isEmpty()) {
+ queryIsValid =
+ addAttributesQuery(filterAttributes, booleanQuery, analyzer);
+ }
+ return queryIsValid;
-bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::buildQuery(QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
- const QList<QHelpSearchQuery> &queryList, QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer &analyzer)
+bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::buildTryHarderQuery(
+ const QList<QHelpSearchQuery> &queries, const QString &fieldName,
+ const QStringList &filterAttributes, QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
+ QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer)
- foreach (const QHelpSearchQuery query, queryList) {
- switch (query.fieldName) {
- case QHelpSearchQuery::FUZZY: {
- const QLatin1String fuzzy("~");
- foreach (const QString &term, query.wordList) {
- if (term.isEmpty()
- || !defaultQuery(term.toLower() + fuzzy, booleanQuery, analyzer)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- } break;
- case QHelpSearchQuery::WITHOUT: {
- QStringList stopWords = QCLuceneStopAnalyzer().englishStopWords();
- foreach (const QString &term, query.wordList) {
- if (stopWords.contains(term, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
- continue;
- QCLuceneQuery *query = new QCLuceneTermQuery(QCLuceneTerm(
- QLatin1String("content"), term.toLower()));
- QCLuceneQuery *query2 = new QCLuceneTermQuery(QCLuceneTerm(
- QLatin1String("titleTokenized"), term.toLower()));
- if (query && query2) {
- booleanQuery.add(query, true, false, true);
- booleanQuery.add(query2, true, false, true);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- } break;
- case QHelpSearchQuery::PHRASE: {
- const QString &term =;
- if (term.contains(QLatin1Char(' '))) {
- QStringList termList = term.split(QLatin1String(" "));
- QCLucenePhraseQuery *q = new QCLucenePhraseQuery();
- QStringList stopWords = QCLuceneStopAnalyzer().englishStopWords();
- foreach (const QString &term, termList) {
- if (!stopWords.contains(term, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
- q->addTerm(QCLuceneTerm(QLatin1String("content"), term.toLower()));
- }
- booleanQuery.add(q, true, true, false);
- } else {
- QCLuceneQuery *query = new QCLuceneTermQuery(QCLuceneTerm(
- QLatin1String("content"), term.toLower()));
- QCLuceneQuery *query2 = new QCLuceneTermQuery(QCLuceneTerm(
- QLatin1String("titleTokenized"), term.toLower()));
- if (query && query2) {
- booleanQuery.add(query, true, true, false);
- booleanQuery.add(query2, true, false, false);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- } break;
+ if (queries.isEmpty())
+ return false;
+ const QHelpSearchQuery &query = queries.front();
+ if (query.fieldName != QHelpSearchQuery::DEFAULT)
+ return false;
+ if (isNegativeQuery(query))
+ return false;
+ if (!addDefaultQuery(query, fieldName, false, booleanQuery, analyzer))
+ return false;
+ if (filterAttributes.isEmpty())
+ return true;
+ return addAttributesQuery(filterAttributes, booleanQuery, analyzer);
- case QHelpSearchQuery::ALL: {
- QStringList stopWords = QCLuceneStopAnalyzer().englishStopWords();
- foreach (const QString &term, query.wordList) {
- if (stopWords.contains(term, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
- continue;
+bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::isNegativeQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query) const
+ const QString &search = query.wordList.join(" ");
+ return search.contains('!') || search.contains('-')
+ || search.contains(QLatin1String(" NOT "));
- QCLuceneQuery *query = new QCLuceneTermQuery(QCLuceneTerm(
- QLatin1String("content"), term.toLower()));
+bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::addFuzzyQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query,
+ const QString &fieldName, QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
+ QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer)
+ bool queryIsValid = false;
+ const QLatin1String fuzzy("~");
+ foreach (const QString &term, query.wordList) {
+ if (!term.isEmpty()) {
+ QCLuceneQuery *lQuery =
+ QCLuceneQueryParser::parse(term + fuzzy, fieldName, analyzer);
+ if (lQuery != 0) {
+ booleanQuery.add(lQuery, true, false, false);
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return queryIsValid;
- if (query) {
- booleanQuery.add(query, true, true, false);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- } break;
+bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::addWithoutQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query,
+ const QString &fieldName, QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery)
+ bool queryIsValid = false;
+ const QStringList &stopWords = QCLuceneStopAnalyzer().englishStopWords();
+ foreach (const QString &term, query.wordList) {
+ if (stopWords.contains(term, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+ continue;
+ QCLuceneQuery *lQuery = new QCLuceneTermQuery(QCLuceneTerm(
+ fieldName, term.toLower()));
+ booleanQuery.add(lQuery, true, false, true);
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ }
+ return queryIsValid;
- case QHelpSearchQuery::DEFAULT: {
- foreach (const QString &term, query.wordList) {
- QCLuceneQuery *query = QCLuceneQueryParser::parse(term.toLower(),
- QLatin1String("content"), analyzer);
+bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::addPhraseQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query,
+ const QString &fieldName, QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery)
+ bool queryIsValid = false;
+ const QString &term =;
+ if (term.contains(QLatin1Char(' '))) {
+ const QStringList termList = term.split(QLatin1String(" "));
+ QCLucenePhraseQuery *q = new QCLucenePhraseQuery();
+ const QStringList stopWords = QCLuceneStopAnalyzer().englishStopWords();
+ foreach (const QString &term, termList) {
+ if (!stopWords.contains(term, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+ q->addTerm(QCLuceneTerm(fieldName, term.toLower()));
+ }
+ if (!q->getTerms().isEmpty()) {
+ booleanQuery.add(q, true, true, false);
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ QCLuceneQuery *lQuery = new QCLuceneTermQuery(QCLuceneTerm(
+ fieldName, term.toLower()));
+ booleanQuery.add(lQuery, true, true, false);
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ }
+ return queryIsValid;
- if (query)
- booleanQuery.add(query, true, true, false);
- }
- } break;
+bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::addAllQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query,
+ const QString &fieldName, QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery)
+ bool queryIsValid = false;
+ const QStringList &stopWords = QCLuceneStopAnalyzer().englishStopWords();
+ foreach (const QString &term, query.wordList) {
+ if (stopWords.contains(term, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+ continue;
+ QCLuceneQuery *lQuery = new QCLuceneTermQuery(QCLuceneTerm(
+ fieldName, term.toLower()));
+ booleanQuery.add(lQuery, true, true, false);
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ }
+ return queryIsValid;
- case QHelpSearchQuery::ATLEAST: {
- foreach (const QString &term, query.wordList) {
- if (term.isEmpty() || !defaultQuery(term.toLower(), booleanQuery, analyzer))
- return false;
- }
- }
+bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::addDefaultQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query,
+ const QString &fieldName, bool allTermsRequired,
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
+ QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer)
+ bool queryIsValid = false;
+ foreach (const QString &term, query.wordList) {
+ QCLuceneQuery *lQuery =
+ QCLuceneQueryParser::parse(term.toLower(), fieldName, analyzer);
+ if (lQuery) {
+ booleanQuery.add(lQuery, true, allTermsRequired, false);
+ queryIsValid = true;
- return true;
+ return queryIsValid;
-bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::buildTryHarderQuery(QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
- const QList<QHelpSearchQuery> &queryList, QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer &analyzer)
+bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::addAtLeastQuery(
+ const QHelpSearchQuery &query, const QString &fieldName,
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery, QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer)
- bool retVal = false;
- foreach (const QHelpSearchQuery query, queryList) {
- switch (query.fieldName) {
- default: break;
- case QHelpSearchQuery::DEFAULT: {
- foreach (const QString &term, query.wordList) {
- QCLuceneQuery *query = QCLuceneQueryParser::parse(term.toLower(),
- QLatin1String("content"), analyzer);
- if (query) {
- retVal = true;
- booleanQuery.add(query, true, false, false);
- }
- }
- } break;
+ bool queryIsValid = false;
+ foreach (const QString &term, query.wordList) {
+ if (!term.isEmpty()) {
+ QCLuceneQuery *lQuery =
+ QCLuceneQueryParser::parse(term, fieldName, analyzer);
+ if (lQuery) {
+ booleanQuery.add(lQuery, true, false, false);
+ queryIsValid = true;
+ }
- return retVal;
+ return queryIsValid;
+bool QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::addAttributesQuery(
+ const QStringList &filterAttributes, QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
+ QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer)
+ QCLuceneQuery* lQuery = QCLuceneQueryParser::parse(QLatin1String("+")
+ + filterAttributes.join(QLatin1String(" +")), AttributeField, analyzer);
+ if (!lQuery)
+ return false;
+ booleanQuery.add(lQuery, true, true, false);
+ return true;
void QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::boostSearchHits(const QHelpEngineCore &engine,
@@ -336,21 +424,22 @@ void QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene::boostSearchHits(const QHelpEngineCore &engin
QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer analyzer;
QCLuceneQuery *parsedQuery = QCLuceneQueryParser::parse(
- joinedQuery, QLatin1String("content"), analyzer);
+ joinedQuery, ContentField, analyzer);
if (parsedQuery) {
joinedQuery = parsedQuery->toString();
delete parsedQuery;
- int length = QString(QLatin1String("content:")).length();
- int index = joinedQuery.indexOf(QLatin1String("content:"));
+ const QString contentString(ContentField + QLatin1String(":"));
+ int length = contentString.length();
+ int index = joinedQuery.indexOf(contentString);
QString term;
int nextIndex = 0;
QStringList searchTerms;
while (index != -1) {
- nextIndex = joinedQuery.indexOf(QLatin1String("content:"), index + 1);
+ nextIndex = joinedQuery.indexOf(contentString, index + 1);
term = joinedQuery.mid(index + length, nextIndex - (length + index)).simplified();
if (term.startsWith(QLatin1String("\""))
&& term.endsWith(QLatin1String("\""))) {
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexreader_clucene_p.h b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexreader_clucene_p.h
index 3e3b9dd..04c0088 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexreader_clucene_p.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexreader_clucene_p.h
@@ -53,16 +53,19 @@
// We mean it.
-#include "qhelpsearchindexreader_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/QList>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include "fulltextsearch/qanalyzer_p.h"
#include "fulltextsearch/qquery_p.h"
+#include "qhelpsearchindexreader_p.h"
namespace qt {
- namespace fulltextsearch {
- namespace clucene {
+namespace fulltextsearch {
+namespace clucene {
class QHelpSearchIndexReaderClucene : public QHelpSearchIndexReader
@@ -74,18 +77,38 @@ public:
void run();
- bool defaultQuery(const QString &term, QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
- QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer &analyzer);
- bool buildQuery(QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery, const QList<QHelpSearchQuery> &queryList,
- QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer &analyzer);
- bool buildTryHarderQuery(QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
- const QList<QHelpSearchQuery> &queryList, QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer &analyzer);
void boostSearchHits(const QHelpEngineCore &engine, QList<QHelpSearchEngine::SearchHit> &hitList,
const QList<QHelpSearchQuery> &queryList);
+ bool buildQuery(const QList<QHelpSearchQuery> &queries,
+ const QString &fieldName,
+ const QStringList &filterAttributes,
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
+ QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer);
+ bool buildTryHarderQuery(const QList<QHelpSearchQuery> &queries,
+ const QString &fieldName,
+ const QStringList &filterAttributes,
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
+ QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer);
+ bool addFuzzyQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query, const QString &fieldName,
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery, QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer);
+ bool addWithoutQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query, const QString &fieldName,
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery);
+ bool addPhraseQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query, const QString &fieldName,
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery);
+ bool addAllQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query, const QString &fieldName,
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery);
+ bool addDefaultQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query, const QString &fieldName,
+ bool allTermsRequired, QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery,
+ QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer);
+ bool addAtLeastQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query, const QString &fieldName,
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery, QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer);
+ bool addAttributesQuery(const QStringList &filterAttributes,
+ QCLuceneBooleanQuery &booleanQuery, QCLuceneAnalyzer &analyzer);
+ bool isNegativeQuery(const QHelpSearchQuery &query) const;
- } // namespace clucene
- } // namespace fulltextsearch
+} // namespace clucene
+} // namespace fulltextsearch
} // namespace qt
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexwriter_clucene.cpp b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexwriter_clucene.cpp
index e3cc2b0..b65ba2a 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexwriter_clucene.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchindexwriter_clucene.cpp
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
+#include "qclucenefieldnames_p.h"
#include "qhelpenginecore.h"
#include "qhelp_global.h"
#include "fulltextsearch/qhits_p.h"
@@ -407,17 +408,17 @@ public:
QString parsedTitle = QHelpGlobal::documentTitle(data);
if(!parsedData.isEmpty()) {
- document->add(new QCLuceneField(QLatin1String("content"),
+ document->add(new QCLuceneField(ContentField,
- document->add(new QCLuceneField(QLatin1String("path"), fileName,
+ document->add(new QCLuceneField(PathField, fileName,
- document->add(new QCLuceneField(QLatin1String("title"), parsedTitle,
+ document->add(new QCLuceneField(TitleField, parsedTitle,
- document->add(new QCLuceneField(QLatin1String("titleTokenized"), parsedTitle,
+ document->add(new QCLuceneField(TitleTokenizedField, parsedTitle,
QCLuceneField::STORE_YES | QCLuceneField::INDEX_TOKENIZED));
- document->add(new QCLuceneField(QLatin1String("namespace"), namespaceName,
+ document->add(new QCLuceneField(NamespaceField, namespaceName,
- document->add(new QCLuceneField(QLatin1String("attribute"), attributes,
+ document->add(new QCLuceneField(AttributeField, attributes,
QCLuceneField::STORE_YES | QCLuceneField::INDEX_TOKENIZED));
return true;
@@ -713,9 +714,7 @@ void QHelpSearchIndexWriter::run()
if (indexMap.contains(namespaceName)) {
// make sure we really have content indexed for namespace
- // NOTE: Extra variable just for GCC 3.3.5
- QLatin1String key("namespace");
- QCLuceneTermQuery query(QCLuceneTerm(key, namespaceName));
+ QCLuceneTermQuery query(QCLuceneTerm(NamespaceField, namespaceName));
QCLuceneIndexSearcher indexSearcher(indexPath);
QCLuceneHits hits =;
if (hits.length() <= 0)
@@ -858,8 +857,7 @@ void QHelpSearchIndexWriter::removeDocuments(const QString &indexPath,
QCLuceneIndexReader reader = QCLuceneIndexReader::open(indexPath);
- reader.deleteDocuments(QCLuceneTerm(QLatin1String("namespace"),
- namespaceName));
+ reader.deleteDocuments(QCLuceneTerm(NamespaceField, namespaceName));
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchquerywidget.cpp b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchquerywidget.cpp
index 3c3919e..1634a0d 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchquerywidget.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchquerywidget.cpp
@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@
#include "qhelpsearchquerywidget.h"
-#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/QAbstractListModel>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
@@ -101,8 +99,9 @@ private:
- : QObject(), simpleSearch(true),
- searchCompleter(new CompleterModel(this), this)
+ : QObject()
+ , simpleSearch(true)
+ , searchCompleter(new CompleterModel(this), this)
searchButton = 0;
advancedSearchWidget = 0;
@@ -136,33 +135,6 @@ private:
- QString escapeString(const QString &text)
- {
- QString retValue = text;
- const QString escape(QLatin1String("\\"));
- QStringList escapableCharsList;
- escapableCharsList << QLatin1String("\\") << QLatin1String("+")
- << QLatin1String("-") << QLatin1String("!") << QLatin1String("(")
- << QLatin1String(")") << QLatin1String(":") << QLatin1String("^")
- << QLatin1String("[") << QLatin1String("]") << QLatin1String("{")
- << QLatin1String("}") << QLatin1String("~");
- // make sure we won't end up with an empty string
- foreach (const QString &escapeChar, escapableCharsList) {
- if (retValue.contains(escapeChar))
- retValue.replace(escapeChar, QLatin1String(""));
- }
- if (retValue.trimmed().isEmpty())
- return retValue;
- retValue = text; // now really escape the string...
- foreach (const QString &escapeChar, escapableCharsList) {
- if (retValue.contains(escapeChar))
- retValue.replace(escapeChar, escape + escapeChar);
- }
- return retValue;
- }
QStringList buildTermList(const QString query)
bool s = false;
@@ -222,8 +194,8 @@ private:
- void nextOrPrevQuery(int maxOrMinIndex, int addend,
- QToolButton *thisButton, QToolButton *otherButton)
+ void nextOrPrevQuery(int maxOrMinIndex, int addend, QToolButton *thisButton,
+ QToolButton *otherButton)
QueryHistory *queryHist;
QList<QLineEdit *> lineEdits;
@@ -233,7 +205,7 @@ private:
} else {
queryHist = &complexQueries;
lineEdits << allQuery << atLeastQuery << similarQuery
- << withoutQuery << exactQuery;
+ << withoutQuery << exactQuery;
foreach (QLineEdit *lineEdit, lineEdits)
@@ -278,11 +250,11 @@ private:
void enableOrDisableToolButtons()
- const QueryHistory &queryHist =
- simpleSearch ? simpleQueries : complexQueries;
+ const QueryHistory &queryHist = simpleSearch ? simpleQueries
+ : complexQueries;
prevQueryButton->setEnabled(queryHist.curQuery > 0);
- nextQueryButton->setEnabled(queryHist.curQuery <
- queryHist.queries.size() - 1);
+ nextQueryButton->setEnabled(queryHist.curQuery
+ < queryHist.queries.size() - 1);
private slots:
@@ -306,41 +278,45 @@ private slots:
QList<QHelpSearchQuery> queryList;
#if !defined(QT_CLUCENE_SUPPORT)
- QStringList(defaultQuery->text())));
+ QStringList(defaultQuery->text())));
if (defaultQuery->isEnabled()) {
- buildTermList(escapeString(defaultQuery->text()))));
+ buildTermList(defaultQuery->text())));
} else {
const QRegExp exp(QLatin1String("\\s+"));
- QStringList lst = similarQuery->text().split(exp, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ QStringList lst = similarQuery->text().split(exp,
+ QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (!lst.isEmpty()) {
QStringList fuzzy;
foreach (const QString &term, lst)
- fuzzy += buildTermList(escapeString(term));
- queryList.append(QHelpSearchQuery(QHelpSearchQuery::FUZZY, fuzzy));
+ fuzzy += buildTermList(term);
+ queryList.append(QHelpSearchQuery(QHelpSearchQuery::FUZZY,
+ fuzzy));
lst = withoutQuery->text().split(exp, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (!lst.isEmpty()) {
QStringList without;
foreach (const QString &term, lst)
- without.append(escapeString(term));
- queryList.append(QHelpSearchQuery(QHelpSearchQuery::WITHOUT, without));
+ without.append(term);
+ queryList.append(QHelpSearchQuery(QHelpSearchQuery::WITHOUT,
+ without));
if (!exactQuery->text().isEmpty()) {
QString phrase = exactQuery->text().remove(QLatin1Char('\"'));
- phrase = escapeString(phrase.simplified());
- queryList.append(QHelpSearchQuery(QHelpSearchQuery::PHRASE, QStringList(phrase)));
+ phrase = phrase.simplified();
+ queryList.append(QHelpSearchQuery(QHelpSearchQuery::PHRASE,
+ QStringList(phrase)));
lst = allQuery->text().split(exp, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (!lst.isEmpty()) {
QStringList all;
foreach (const QString &term, lst)
- all.append(escapeString(term));
+ all.append(term);
queryList.append(QHelpSearchQuery(QHelpSearchQuery::ALL, all));
@@ -348,8 +324,9 @@ private slots:
if (!lst.isEmpty()) {
QStringList atLeast;
foreach (const QString &term, lst)
- atLeast += buildTermList(escapeString(term));
- queryList.append(QHelpSearchQuery(QHelpSearchQuery::ATLEAST, atLeast));
+ atLeast += buildTermList(term);
+ queryList.append(QHelpSearchQuery(QHelpSearchQuery::ATLEAST,
+ atLeast));
@@ -363,8 +340,9 @@ private slots:
void nextQuery()
- nextOrPrevQuery((simpleSearch ? simpleQueries : complexQueries).queries.size() - 1,
- 1, nextQueryButton, prevQueryButton);
+ nextOrPrevQuery((simpleSearch ? simpleQueries
+ : complexQueries).queries.size() - 1, 1, nextQueryButton,
+ prevQueryButton);
void prevQuery()
@@ -415,8 +393,9 @@ private:
\fn void QHelpSearchQueryWidget::search()
This signal is emitted when a the user has the search button invoked.
- After reciving the signal you can ask the QHelpSearchQueryWidget for the build list
- of QHelpSearchQuery's that you may pass to the QHelpSearchEngine's search() function.
+ After reciving the signal you can ask the QHelpSearchQueryWidget for the
+ build list of QHelpSearchQuery's that you may pass to the QHelpSearchEngine's
+ search() function.
@@ -544,7 +523,8 @@ QList<QHelpSearchQuery> QHelpSearchQueryWidget::query() const
QList<QHelpSearchQuery>() : queryHist.queries.last();
-/*! \reimp
+ \reimp
void QHelpSearchQueryWidget::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *focusEvent)
diff --git a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchresultwidget.cpp b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchresultwidget.cpp
index ad540c6..8e476d5 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchresultwidget.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/lib/qhelpsearchresultwidget.cpp
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ private:
last = resultLastToShow > count ? count : resultLastToShow;
- hitsLabel->setText(tr("%1 - %2 of %3 Hits").arg(first).arg(last).arg(count));
+ hitsLabel->setText(QHelpSearchResultWidget::tr("%1 - %2 of %3 Hits").arg(first).arg(last).arg(count));
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/aboutdialog.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/aboutdialog.cpp
index 0ab8659..26d488d 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/aboutdialog.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/aboutdialog.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
+#include "helpviewer.h"
+#include "tracer.h"
#include <QtCore/QBuffer>
@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
AboutLabel::AboutLabel(QWidget *parent)
: QTextBrowser(parent)
QPalette p;
p.setColor(QPalette::Base, p.color(QPalette::Background));
@@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ AboutLabel::AboutLabel(QWidget *parent)
void AboutLabel::setText(const QString &text, const QByteArray &resources)
QDataStream in(resources);
in >> m_resourceMap;
@@ -72,6 +76,7 @@ void AboutLabel::setText(const QString &text, const QByteArray &resources)
QSize AboutLabel::minimumSizeHint() const
QTextDocument *doc = document();
return QSize(int(doc->size().width()), int(doc->size().height()));
@@ -79,6 +84,7 @@ QSize AboutLabel::minimumSizeHint() const
QVariant AboutLabel::loadResource(int type, const QUrl &name)
if (type == 2 || type == 3) {
if (m_resourceMap.contains(name.toString())) {
return m_resourceMap.value(name.toString());
@@ -89,9 +95,9 @@ QVariant AboutLabel::loadResource(int type, const QUrl &name)
void AboutLabel::setSource(const QUrl &url)
- if (url.isValid()
- && (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("http") || url.scheme() == QLatin1String("ftp")
- || url.scheme() == QLatin1String("mailto") || url.path().endsWith(QLatin1String("pdf")))) {
+ if (url.isValid() && (!HelpViewer::isLocalUrl(url)
+ || !HelpViewer::canOpenPage(url.path()))) {
if (!QDesktopServices::openUrl(url)) {
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"),
tr("Unable to launch external application.\n"),
@@ -103,6 +109,7 @@ void AboutLabel::setSource(const QUrl &url)
AboutDialog::AboutDialog(QWidget *parent)
: QDialog(parent, Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint|Qt::WindowTitleHint|Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint)
m_pixmapLabel = 0;
m_aboutLabel = new AboutLabel();
@@ -121,12 +128,14 @@ AboutDialog::AboutDialog(QWidget *parent)
void AboutDialog::setText(const QString &text, const QByteArray &resources)
m_aboutLabel->setText(text, resources);
void AboutDialog::setPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap)
if (!m_pixmapLabel) {
m_pixmapLabel = new QLabel();
m_layout->addWidget(m_pixmapLabel, 0, 0, 1, -1, Qt::AlignCenter);
@@ -137,11 +146,13 @@ void AboutDialog::setPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap)
QString AboutDialog::documentTitle() const
return m_aboutLabel->documentTitle();
void AboutDialog::updateSize()
QSize screenSize = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(QCursor::pos()).size();
int limit = qMin(screenSize.width()/2, 500);
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/
index 1a7e874..edaf076 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/
@@ -1,71 +1,81 @@
TARGET = assistant
-contains(QT_CONFIG, webkit) {
- QT += webkit
-CONFIG += qt warn_on help
+contains(QT_CONFIG, webkit):QT += webkit
+CONFIG += qt \
+ warn_on \
+ help
QT += network
DESTDIR = ../../../../bin
+target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]
INSTALLS += target
+DEPENDPATH += ../shared
-### Work around a qmake issue when statically linking to
-### not-yet-installed plugins
+# ## Work around a qmake issue when statically linking to
+# ## not-yet-installed plugins
LIBS += -L$$QT_BUILD_TREE/plugins/sqldrivers
+HEADERS += aboutdialog.h \
+ bookmarkdialog.h \
+ bookmarkfiltermodel.h \
+ bookmarkitem.h \
+ bookmarkmanager.h \
+ bookmarkmodel.h \
+ centralwidget.h \
+ cmdlineparser.h \
+ contentwindow.h \
+ findwidget.h \
+ filternamedialog.h \
+ helpenginewrapper.h \
+ helpviewer.h \
+ indexwindow.h \
+ installdialog.h \
+ mainwindow.h \
+ preferencesdialog.h \
+ qtdocinstaller.h \
+ remotecontrol.h \
+ searchwidget.h \
+ topicchooser.h \
+ tracer.h \
+ xbelsupport.h \
+ ../shared/collectionconfiguration.h
+win32:HEADERS += remotecontrol_win.h
-HEADERS += helpviewer.h \
- mainwindow.h \
- indexwindow.h \
- topicchooser.h \
- contentwindow.h \
- searchwidget.h \
- preferencesdialog.h \
- filternamedialog.h \
- centralwidget.h \
- installdialog.h \
- bookmarkmanager.h \
- remotecontrol.h \
- cmdlineparser.h \
- aboutdialog.h \
- qtdocinstaller.h
-win32 {
- HEADERS += remotecontrol_win.h
-SOURCES += helpviewer.cpp \
- main.cpp \
- mainwindow.cpp \
- indexwindow.cpp \
- topicchooser.cpp \
- contentwindow.cpp \
- searchwidget.cpp \
- preferencesdialog.cpp \
- filternamedialog.cpp \
- centralwidget.cpp \
- installdialog.cpp \
- bookmarkmanager.cpp \
- remotecontrol.cpp \
- cmdlineparser.cpp \
- aboutdialog.cpp \
- qtdocinstaller.cpp
+SOURCES += aboutdialog.cpp \
+ bookmarkdialog.cpp \
+ bookmarkfiltermodel.cpp \
+ bookmarkitem.cpp \
+ bookmarkmanager.cpp \
+ bookmarkmodel.cpp \
+ centralwidget.cpp \
+ cmdlineparser.cpp \
+ contentwindow.cpp \
+ findwidget.cpp \
+ filternamedialog.cpp \
+ helpenginewrapper.cpp \
+ helpviewer.cpp \
+ indexwindow.cpp \
+ installdialog.cpp \
+ main.cpp \
+ mainwindow.cpp \
+ preferencesdialog.cpp \
+ qtdocinstaller.cpp \
+ remotecontrol.cpp \
+ searchwidget.cpp \
+ topicchooser.cpp \
+ xbelsupport.cpp \
+ ../shared/collectionconfiguration.cpp \
-FORMS += topicchooser.ui \
- preferencesdialog.ui \
- filternamedialog.ui \
- installdialog.ui \
- bookmarkdialog.ui
+FORMS += bookmarkdialog.ui \
+ bookmarkwidget.ui \
+ filternamedialog.ui \
+ installdialog.ui \
+ preferencesdialog.ui \
+ topicchooser.ui
-RESOURCES += assistant.qrc assistant_images.qrc
+RESOURCES += assistant.qrc \
+ assistant_images.qrc
win32 {
!wince*:LIBS += -lshell32
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/assistant.qch b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/assistant.qch
index 78fe9f3..e6d5299 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/assistant.qch
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/assistant.qch
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/assistant_images.qrc b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/assistant_images.qrc
index 58e03b5..34918c0 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/assistant_images.qrc
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/assistant_images.qrc
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+ <file>images/bookmark.png</file>
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkdialog.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkdialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f081c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkdialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "tracer.h"
+#include "bookmarkdialog.h"
+#include "bookmarkfiltermodel.h"
+#include "bookmarkitem.h"
+#include "bookmarkmodel.h"
+#include <QtGui/QKeyEvent>
+#include <QtGui/QMenu>
+BookmarkDialog::BookmarkDialog(BookmarkModel *sourceModel, const QString &title,
+ const QString &url, QWidget *parent)
+ : QDialog(parent)
+ , m_url(url)
+ , m_title(title)
+ , bookmarkModel(sourceModel)
+ ui.setupUi(this);
+ ui.bookmarkEdit->setText(m_title);
+ ui.newFolderButton->setVisible(false);
+ ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setDefault(true);
+ connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accepted()));
+ connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(rejected()));
+ connect(ui.newFolderButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addFolder()));
+ connect(ui.toolButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toolButtonClicked()));
+ connect(ui.bookmarkEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this,
+ SLOT(textChanged(QString)));
+ bookmarkProxyModel = new BookmarkFilterModel(this);
+ bookmarkProxyModel->setSourceModel(bookmarkModel);
+ ui.bookmarkFolders->setModel(bookmarkProxyModel);
+ connect(ui.bookmarkFolders, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this,
+ SLOT(currentIndexChanged(int)));
+ bookmarkTreeModel = new BookmarkTreeModel(this);
+ bookmarkTreeModel->setSourceModel(bookmarkModel);
+ ui.treeView->setModel(bookmarkTreeModel);
+ ui.treeView->expandAll();
+ ui.treeView->setVisible(false);
+ ui.treeView->installEventFilter(this);
+ ui.treeView->viewport()->installEventFilter(this);
+ ui.treeView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
+ connect(ui.treeView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this,
+ SLOT(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)));
+ connect(ui.treeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,
+ QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(currentIndexChanged(QModelIndex)));
+ ui.bookmarkFolders->setCurrentIndex(0);
+ ui.treeView->setCurrentIndex(ui.treeView->indexAt(QPoint(2, 2)));
+bool BookmarkDialog::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event)
+ if (object != ui.treeView && object != ui.treeView->viewport())
+ return QWidget::eventFilter(object, event);
+ if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
+ QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);
+ switch (ke->key()) {
+ case Qt::Key_F2: {
+ bookmarkModel->setItemsEditable(true);
+ ui.treeView->edit(ui.treeView->currentIndex());
+ bookmarkModel->setItemsEditable(false);
+ } break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
+void BookmarkDialog::currentIndexChanged(int row)
+ QModelIndex next = bookmarkProxyModel->index(row, 0, QModelIndex());
+ if (next.isValid()) {
+ next = bookmarkProxyModel->mapToSource(next);
+ ui.treeView->setCurrentIndex(bookmarkTreeModel->mapFromSource(next));
+ }
+void BookmarkDialog::currentIndexChanged(const QModelIndex &index)
+ const QModelIndex current = bookmarkTreeModel->mapToSource(index);
+ if (current.isValid()) {
+ const int row = bookmarkProxyModel->mapFromSource(current).row();
+ ui.bookmarkFolders->setCurrentIndex(row);
+ }
+void BookmarkDialog::accepted()
+ QModelIndex index = ui.treeView->currentIndex();
+ if (index.isValid()) {
+ index = bookmarkModel->addItem(bookmarkTreeModel->mapToSource(index));
+ if (BookmarkItem *item = bookmarkModel->itemFromIndex(index))
+ item->setData(DataVector() << m_title << m_url << false);
+ } else
+ rejected();
+ accept();
+void BookmarkDialog::rejected()
+ foreach (const QPersistentModelIndex &index, cache)
+ bookmarkModel->removeItem(index);
+ reject();
+void BookmarkDialog::addFolder()
+ QModelIndex index = ui.treeView->currentIndex();
+ if (index.isValid()) {
+ index = bookmarkModel->addItem(bookmarkTreeModel->mapToSource(index),
+ true);
+ cache.append(index);
+ index = bookmarkTreeModel->mapFromSource(index);
+ if (index.isValid()) {
+ bookmarkModel->setItemsEditable(true);
+ ui.treeView->edit(index);
+ ui.treeView->expand(index);
+ ui.treeView->setCurrentIndex(index);
+ bookmarkModel->setItemsEditable(false);
+ }
+ }
+void BookmarkDialog::toolButtonClicked()
+ const bool visible = !ui.treeView->isVisible();
+ ui.treeView->setVisible(visible);
+ ui.newFolderButton->setVisible(visible);
+ if (visible) {
+ resize(QSize(width(), 400));
+ ui.toolButton->setText(QLatin1String("-"));
+ } else {
+ resize(width(), minimumHeight());
+ ui.toolButton->setText(QLatin1String("+"));
+ }
+void BookmarkDialog::textChanged(const QString& text)
+ m_title = text;
+void BookmarkDialog::customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &point)
+ QMenu menu(QLatin1String(""), this);
+ QAction *renameItem = menu.addAction(tr("Rename Folder"));
+ QAction *picked = menu.exec(ui.treeView->mapToGlobal(point));
+ if (picked == renameItem) {
+ bookmarkModel->setItemsEditable(true);
+ ui.treeView->edit(ui.treeView->currentIndex());
+ bookmarkModel->setItemsEditable(false);
+ }
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkdialog.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkdialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba38c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkdialog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "ui_bookmarkdialog.h"
+class BookmarkModel;
+class BookmarkFilterModel;
+class BookmarkTreeModel;
+class BookmarkDialog : public QDialog
+ BookmarkDialog(BookmarkModel *bookmarkModel, const QString &title,
+ const QString &url, QWidget *parent = 0);
+ ~BookmarkDialog();
+ bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event);
+private slots:
+ void currentIndexChanged(int index);
+ void currentIndexChanged(const QModelIndex &index);
+ void accepted();
+ void rejected();
+ void addFolder();
+ void toolButtonClicked();
+ void textChanged(const QString& text);
+ void customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &point);
+ QString m_url;
+ QString m_title;
+ Ui::BookmarkDialog ui;
+ QList<QPersistentModelIndex> cache;
+ BookmarkModel *bookmarkModel;
+ BookmarkTreeModel *bookmarkTreeModel;
+ BookmarkFilterModel *bookmarkProxyModel;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkdialog.ui b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkdialog.ui
index 7a878f9..5131531 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkdialog.ui
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkdialog.ui
@@ -1,38 +1,39 @@
-<ui version="4.0" >
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
- <widget class="QDialog" name="BookmarkDialog" >
- <property name="geometry" >
+ <widget class="QDialog" name="BookmarkDialog">
+ <property name="geometry">
- <height>135</height>
+ <height>133</height>
- <property name="sizePolicy" >
- <sizepolicy vsizetype="Preferred" hsizetype="Preferred" >
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
- <property name="windowTitle" >
+ <property name="windowTitle">
<string>Add Bookmark</string>
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3" >
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout" >
+ <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2" >
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label" >
- <property name="text" >
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
+ <property name="text">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2" >
- <property name="text" >
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
+ <property name="text">
<string>Add in Folder:</string>
@@ -40,35 +41,35 @@
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout" >
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="bookmarkEdit" />
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="bookmarkEdit"/>
- <widget class="QComboBox" name="bookmarkFolders" />
+ <widget class="QComboBox" name="bookmarkFolders"/>
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_3" >
+ <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_3">
- <widget class="QToolButton" name="toolButton" >
- <property name="minimumSize" >
+ <widget class="QToolButton" name="toolButton">
+ <property name="minimumSize">
- <property name="text" >
+ <property name="text">
- <widget class="Line" name="line" >
- <property name="orientation" >
+ <widget class="Line" name="line">
+ <property name="orientation">
@@ -76,30 +77,39 @@
- <widget class="QTreeView" name="treeView" >
- <property name="sizePolicy" >
- <sizepolicy vsizetype="Ignored" hsizetype="Expanding" >
+ <widget class="QTreeView" name="treeView">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Ignored">
+ <property name="uniformRowHeights">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="allColumnsShowFocus">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="headerHidden">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_4" >
+ <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_4">
- <widget class="QPushButton" name="newFolderButton" >
- <property name="text" >
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="newFolderButton">
+ <property name="text">
<string>New Folder</string>
- <widget class="QDialogButtonBox" name="buttonBox" >
- <property name="orientation" >
+ <widget class="QDialogButtonBox" name="buttonBox">
+ <property name="orientation">
- <property name="standardButtons" >
+ <property name="standardButtons">
@@ -116,11 +126,11 @@
- <hint type="sourcelabel" >
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
- <hint type="destinationlabel" >
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
@@ -132,11 +142,11 @@
- <hint type="sourcelabel" >
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
- <hint type="destinationlabel" >
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkfiltermodel.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkfiltermodel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5874493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkfiltermodel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "bookmarkfiltermodel.h"
+#include "bookmarkitem.h"
+#include "bookmarkmodel.h"
+BookmarkFilterModel::BookmarkFilterModel(QObject *parent)
+ : QAbstractProxyModel(parent)
+ , hideBookmarks(true)
+ , sourceModel(0)
+BookmarkFilterModel::setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel *_sourceModel)
+ beginResetModel();
+ QAbstractProxyModel::setSourceModel(sourceModel);
+ sourceModel = qobject_cast<BookmarkModel*> (_sourceModel);
+ connect(sourceModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this,
+ SLOT(changed(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)));
+ connect(sourceModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex, int, int)),
+ this, SLOT(rowsInserted(QModelIndex, int, int)));
+ connect(sourceModel, SIGNAL(rowsAboutToBeRemoved(QModelIndex, int, int)),
+ this, SLOT(rowsAboutToBeRemoved(QModelIndex, int, int)));
+ connect(sourceModel, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex, int, int)), this,
+ SLOT(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex, int, int)));
+ connect(sourceModel, SIGNAL(layoutAboutToBeChanged()), this,
+ SLOT(layoutAboutToBeChanged()));
+ connect(sourceModel, SIGNAL(layoutChanged()), this,
+ SLOT(layoutChanged()));
+ connect(sourceModel, SIGNAL(modelAboutToBeReset()), this,
+ SLOT(modelAboutToBeReset()));
+ connect(sourceModel, SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SLOT(modelReset()));
+ if (sourceModel)
+ setupCache(sourceModel->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()));
+ endResetModel();
+BookmarkFilterModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ Q_UNUSED(index)
+ return cache.count();
+BookmarkFilterModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ Q_UNUSED(index)
+ if (sourceModel)
+ return sourceModel->columnCount();
+ return 0;
+BookmarkFilterModel::mapToSource(const QModelIndex &proxyIndex) const
+ const int row = proxyIndex.row();
+ if (proxyIndex.isValid() && row >= 0 && row < cache.count())
+ return cache[row];
+ return QModelIndex();
+BookmarkFilterModel::mapFromSource(const QModelIndex &sourceIndex) const
+ return index(cache.indexOf(sourceIndex), 0, QModelIndex());
+BookmarkFilterModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const
+ Q_UNUSED(child)
+ return QModelIndex();
+BookmarkFilterModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &index) const
+ Q_UNUSED(index)
+ if (row < 0 || column < 0 || cache.count() <= row
+ || !sourceModel || sourceModel->columnCount() <= column) {
+ return QModelIndex();
+ }
+ return createIndex(row, 0);
+BookmarkFilterModel::supportedDropActions () const
+ if (sourceModel)
+ return sourceModel->supportedDropActions();
+ return Qt::IgnoreAction;
+BookmarkFilterModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ if (sourceModel)
+ return sourceModel->flags(index);
+ return Qt::NoItemFlags;
+BookmarkFilterModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
+ if (sourceModel)
+ return sourceModel->data(mapToSource(index), role);
+ return QVariant();
+BookmarkFilterModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value,
+ int role)
+ if (sourceModel)
+ return sourceModel->setData(mapToSource(index), value, role);
+ return false;
+ if (sourceModel) {
+ beginResetModel();
+ hideBookmarks = true;
+ setupCache(sourceModel->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()));
+ endResetModel();
+ }
+ if (sourceModel) {
+ beginResetModel();
+ hideBookmarks = false;
+ setupCache(sourceModel->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()));
+ endResetModel();
+ }
+BookmarkFilterModel::changed(const QModelIndex &topLeft,
+ const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
+ emit dataChanged(mapFromSource(topLeft), mapFromSource(bottomRight));
+BookmarkFilterModel::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
+ if (!sourceModel)
+ return;
+ QModelIndex cachePrevious = parent;
+ if (BookmarkItem *parentItem = sourceModel->itemFromIndex(parent)) {
+ BookmarkItem *newItem = parentItem->child(start);
+ // iterate over tree hirarchie to find the previous folder
+ for (int i = 0; i < parentItem->childCount(); ++i) {
+ if (BookmarkItem *child = parentItem->child(i)) {
+ const QModelIndex &tmp = sourceModel->indexFromItem(child);
+ if ( && child != newItem)
+ cachePrevious = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ const QModelIndex &newIndex = sourceModel->indexFromItem(newItem);
+ const bool isFolder =;
+ if ((isFolder && hideBookmarks) || (!isFolder && !hideBookmarks)) {
+ beginInsertRows(mapFromSource(parent), start, end);
+ cache.insert(cache.indexOf(cachePrevious) + 1, newIndex);
+ endInsertRows();
+ }
+ }
+BookmarkFilterModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start,
+ int end)
+ if (!sourceModel)
+ return;
+ if (BookmarkItem *parentItem = sourceModel->itemFromIndex(parent)) {
+ if (BookmarkItem *child = parentItem->child(start)) {
+ indexToRemove = sourceModel->indexFromItem(child);
+ if (cache.contains(indexToRemove))
+ beginRemoveRows(mapFromSource(parent), start, end);
+ }
+ }
+BookmarkFilterModel::rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &/*parent*/, int, int)
+ if (cache.contains(indexToRemove)) {
+ cache.removeAll(indexToRemove);
+ endRemoveRows();
+ }
+ // TODO: ???
+ // TODO: ???
+ beginResetModel();
+ if (sourceModel)
+ setupCache(sourceModel->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()));
+ endResetModel();
+BookmarkFilterModel::setupCache(const QModelIndex &parent)
+ cache.clear();
+ collectItems(parent);
+BookmarkFilterModel::collectItems(const QModelIndex &parent)
+ if (parent.isValid()) {
+ bool isFolder = sourceModel->data(parent, UserRoleFolder).toBool();
+ if ((isFolder && hideBookmarks) || (!isFolder && !hideBookmarks))
+ cache.append(parent);
+ if (sourceModel->hasChildren(parent)) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < sourceModel->rowCount(parent); ++i)
+ collectItems(sourceModel->index(i, 0, parent));
+ }
+ }
+// -- BookmarkTreeModel
+BookmarkTreeModel::BookmarkTreeModel(QObject *parent)
+ : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent)
+BookmarkTreeModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+ return qMin(1, QSortFilterProxyModel::columnCount(parent));
+BookmarkTreeModel::filterAcceptsRow(int row, const QModelIndex &parent) const
+ Q_UNUSED(row)
+ BookmarkModel *model = qobject_cast<BookmarkModel*> (sourceModel());
+ if (model->rowCount(parent) > 0
+ && model->data(model->index(row, 0, parent), UserRoleFolder).toBool())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkfiltermodel.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkfiltermodel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ea7ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkfiltermodel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include <QtCore/QPersistentModelIndex>
+#include <QtGui/QAbstractProxyModel>
+#include <QtGui/QSortFilterProxyModel>
+class BookmarkItem;
+class BookmarkModel;
+typedef QList<QPersistentModelIndex> PersistentModelIndexCache;
+class BookmarkFilterModel : public QAbstractProxyModel
+ explicit BookmarkFilterModel(QObject *parent = 0);
+ void setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel *sourceModel);
+ int rowCount(const QModelIndex &index) const;
+ int columnCount(const QModelIndex &index) const;
+ QModelIndex mapToSource(const QModelIndex &proxyIndex) const;
+ QModelIndex mapFromSource(const QModelIndex &sourceIndex) const;
+ QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const;
+ QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const;
+ Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions () const;
+ Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const;
+ QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const;
+ bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role);
+ void filterBookmarks();
+ void filterBookmarkFolders();
+private slots:
+ void changed(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight);
+ void rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end);
+ void rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end);
+ void rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end);
+ void layoutAboutToBeChanged();
+ void layoutChanged();
+ void modelAboutToBeReset();
+ void modelReset();
+ void setupCache(const QModelIndex &parent);
+ void collectItems(const QModelIndex &parent);
+ bool hideBookmarks;
+ BookmarkModel *sourceModel;
+ PersistentModelIndexCache cache;
+ QPersistentModelIndex indexToRemove;
+// -- BookmarkTreeModel
+class BookmarkTreeModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel
+ BookmarkTreeModel(QObject *parent = 0);
+ int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
+ bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkitem.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkitem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8036959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkitem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "bookmarkitem.h"
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+BookmarkItem::BookmarkItem(const DataVector &data, BookmarkItem *parent)
+ : m_data(data)
+ , m_parent(parent)
+ qDeleteAll(m_children);
+BookmarkItem::parent() const
+ return m_parent;
+BookmarkItem::setParent(BookmarkItem *parent)
+ m_parent = parent;
+BookmarkItem::addChild(BookmarkItem *child)
+ child->setParent(this);
+ m_children.append(child);
+BookmarkItem::child(int number) const
+ if (number >= 0 && number < m_children.count())
+ return m_children[number];
+ return 0;
+int BookmarkItem::childCount() const
+ return m_children.count();
+int BookmarkItem::childNumber() const
+ if (m_parent)
+ return m_parent->m_children.indexOf(const_cast<BookmarkItem*>(this));
+ return 0;
+BookmarkItem::data(int column) const
+ if (column == 0)
+ return m_data[0];
+ if (column == 1 || column == UserRoleUrl)
+ return m_data[1];
+ if (column == UserRoleFolder)
+ return m_data[1].toString() == QLatin1String("Folder");
+ if (column == UserRoleExpanded)
+ return m_data[2];
+ return QVariant();
+BookmarkItem::setData(const DataVector &data)
+ m_data = data;
+BookmarkItem::setData(int column, const QVariant &newValue)
+ int index = -1;
+ if (column == 0 || column == 1)
+ index = column;
+ if (column == UserRoleUrl || column == UserRoleFolder)
+ index = 1;
+ if (column == UserRoleExpanded)
+ index = 2;
+ if (index < 0)
+ return false;
+ m_data[index] = newValue;
+ return true;
+BookmarkItem::insertChildren(bool isFolder, int position, int count)
+ if (position < 0 || position > m_children.size())
+ return false;
+ for (int row = 0; row < count; ++row) {
+ m_children.insert(position, new BookmarkItem(DataVector()
+ << QObject::tr(isFolder ? "New Folder" : "Untitled")
+ << (isFolder ? "Folder" : "about:blank") << false, this));
+ }
+ return true;
+BookmarkItem::removeChildren(int position, int count)
+ if (position < 0 || position > m_children.size())
+ return false;
+ for (int row = 0; row < count; ++row)
+ delete m_children.takeAt(position);
+ return true;
+BookmarkItem::dumpTree(int indent) const
+ const QString tree(indent, ' ');
+ qDebug() << tree + (data(UserRoleFolder).toBool() ? "Folder" : "Bookmark")
+ << "Label:" << data(0).toString() << "parent:" << m_parent << "this:"
+ << this;
+ foreach (BookmarkItem *item, m_children)
+ item->dumpTree(indent + 4);
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkitem.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkitem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7acaf86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkitem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include <QtCore/QVariant>
+#include <QtCore/QVector>
+enum {
+ UserRoleUrl = Qt::UserRole + 50,
+ UserRoleFolder = Qt::UserRole + 100,
+ UserRoleExpanded = Qt::UserRole + 150
+typedef QVector<QVariant> DataVector;
+class BookmarkItem
+ BookmarkItem(const DataVector &data, BookmarkItem *parent = 0);
+ ~BookmarkItem();
+ BookmarkItem *parent() const;
+ void setParent(BookmarkItem *parent);
+ void addChild(BookmarkItem *child);
+ BookmarkItem *child(int number) const;
+ int childCount() const;
+ int childNumber() const;
+ QVariant data(int column) const;
+ void setData(const DataVector &data);
+ bool setData(int column, const QVariant &value);
+ bool insertChildren(bool isFolder, int position, int count);
+ bool removeChildren(int position, int count);
+ void dumpTree(int indent) const;
+ DataVector m_data;
+ BookmarkItem *m_parent;
+ QList<BookmarkItem*> m_children;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmanager.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmanager.cpp
index 0ce1b9d..8fba811 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmanager.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmanager.cpp
@@ -38,549 +38,210 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include "bookmarkmanager.h"
+#include "bookmarkdialog.h"
+#include "bookmarkfiltermodel.h"
+#include "bookmarkitem.h"
+#include "bookmarkmodel.h"
#include "centralwidget.h"
+#include "helpenginewrapper.h"
+#include <QtGui/QFileDialog>
#include <QtGui/QMenu>
-#include <QtGui/QIcon>
-#include <QtGui/QStyle>
-#include <QtGui/QLabel>
-#include <QtGui/QLayout>
-#include <QtCore/QEvent>
-#include <QtGui/QComboBox>
#include <QtGui/QKeyEvent>
-#include <QtGui/QLineEdit>
#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
-#include <QtGui/QHeaderView>
-#include <QtGui/QToolButton>
-#include <QtGui/QPushButton>
-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
-#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngineCore>
-#include <QtGui/QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QtGui/QSortFilterProxyModel>
-BookmarkDialog::BookmarkDialog(BookmarkManager *manager, const QString &title,
- const QString &url, QWidget *parent)
- : QDialog(parent)
- , m_url(url)
- , m_title(title)
- , bookmarkManager(manager)
- ui.setupUi(this);
- installEventFilter(this);
- ui.treeView->installEventFilter(this);
- ui.treeView->viewport()->installEventFilter(this);
- ui.bookmarkEdit->setText(title);
- ui.newFolderButton->setVisible(false);
- ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setDefault(true);
- ui.bookmarkFolders->addItems(bookmarkManager->bookmarkFolders());
- proxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this);
- proxyModel->setFilterKeyColumn(0);
- proxyModel->setDynamicSortFilter(true);
- proxyModel->setFilterRole(Qt::UserRole + 10);
- proxyModel->setSourceModel(bookmarkManager->treeBookmarkModel());
- proxyModel->setFilterRegExp(QRegExp(QLatin1String("Folder"),
- Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::FixedString));
- ui.treeView->setModel(proxyModel);
- ui.treeView->expandAll();
- ui.treeView->setVisible(false);
- ui.treeView->header()->setVisible(false);
- ui.treeView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
- connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()));
- connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(addAccepted()));
- connect(ui.newFolderButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addNewFolder()));
- connect(ui.toolButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toolButtonClicked()));
- connect(ui.bookmarkEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this,
- SLOT(textChanged(QString)));
- connect(bookmarkManager->treeBookmarkModel(),
- SIGNAL(itemChanged(QStandardItem*)),
- this, SLOT(itemChanged(QStandardItem*)));
- connect(ui.bookmarkFolders, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)), this,
- SLOT(selectBookmarkFolder(QString)));
- connect(ui.treeView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this,
- SLOT(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)));
- connect(ui.treeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,
- QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(currentChanged(QModelIndex)));
-void BookmarkDialog::addAccepted()
- QItemSelectionModel *model = ui.treeView->selectionModel();
- const QModelIndexList &list = model->selection().indexes();
+#include <QFile>
+#include "xbelsupport.h"
- QModelIndex index;
- if (!list.isEmpty())
- index = proxyModel->mapToSource(;
- bookmarkManager->addNewBookmark(index, ui.bookmarkEdit->text(), m_url);
- accept();
+// -- BookmarkManager::BookmarkWidget
-void BookmarkDialog::addNewFolder()
+void BookmarkManager::BookmarkWidget::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event)
- QItemSelectionModel *model = ui.treeView->selectionModel();
- const QModelIndexList &list = model->selection().indexes();
+ if (event->reason() != Qt::MouseFocusReason) {
+ ui.lineEdit->selectAll();
+ ui.lineEdit->setFocus();
- QModelIndex index;
- if (!list.isEmpty())
- index =;
- QModelIndex newFolder =
- bookmarkManager->addNewFolder(proxyModel->mapToSource(index));
- if (newFolder.isValid()) {
- ui.treeView->expand(index);
- const QModelIndex &index = proxyModel->mapFromSource(newFolder);
- model->setCurrentIndex(index, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
- ui.bookmarkFolders->clear();
- ui.bookmarkFolders->addItems(bookmarkManager->bookmarkFolders());
- const QString &name =;
- ui.bookmarkFolders->setCurrentIndex(ui.bookmarkFolders->findText(name));
+ // force the focus in event on bookmark manager
+ emit focusInEvent();
- ui.treeView->setFocus();
-void BookmarkDialog::toolButtonClicked()
- bool visible = !ui.treeView->isVisible();
- ui.treeView->setVisible(visible);
- ui.newFolderButton->setVisible(visible);
- if (visible) {
- resize(QSize(width(), 400));
- ui.toolButton->setText(QLatin1String("-"));
- } else {
- resize(width(), minimumHeight());
- ui.toolButton->setText(QLatin1String("+"));
- }
+// -- BookmarkManager::BookmarkTreeView
-void BookmarkDialog::itemChanged(QStandardItem *item)
+BookmarkManager::BookmarkTreeView::BookmarkTreeView(QWidget *parent)
+ : QTreeView(parent)
- if (renameItem != item) {
- renameItem = item;
- oldText = item->text();
- return;
- }
+ setAcceptDrops(true);
+ setDragEnabled(true);
+ setAutoExpandDelay(1000);
+ setUniformRowHeights(true);
+ setDropIndicatorShown(true);
+ setExpandsOnDoubleClick(true);
- if (item->text() != oldText) {
- ui.bookmarkFolders->clear();
- ui.bookmarkFolders->addItems(bookmarkManager->bookmarkFolders());
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this,
+ SLOT(setExpandedData(QModelIndex)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(collapsed(QModelIndex)), this,
+ SLOT(setExpandedData(QModelIndex)));
- QString name = tr("Bookmarks");
- const QModelIndex &index = ui.treeView->currentIndex();
- if (index.isValid())
- name =;
- ui.bookmarkFolders->setCurrentIndex(ui.bookmarkFolders->findText(name));
- }
-void BookmarkDialog::textChanged(const QString &string)
+void BookmarkManager::BookmarkTreeView::subclassKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
- ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(!string.isEmpty());
+ QTreeView::keyPressEvent(event);
-void BookmarkDialog::selectBookmarkFolder(const QString &folderName)
+void BookmarkManager::BookmarkTreeView::setExpandedData(const QModelIndex &index)
- if (folderName.isEmpty())
- return;
- if (folderName == tr("Bookmarks")) {
- ui.treeView->clearSelection();
- return;
- }
- QStandardItemModel *model = bookmarkManager->treeBookmarkModel();
- QList<QStandardItem*> list = model->findItems(folderName,
- Qt::MatchCaseSensitive | Qt::MatchRecursive, 0);
- if (!list.isEmpty()) {
- const QModelIndex &index = model->indexFromItem(;
- QItemSelectionModel *model = ui.treeView->selectionModel();
- if (model) {
- model->setCurrentIndex(proxyModel->mapFromSource(index),
- QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
- }
- }
+ if (BookmarkModel *treeModel = qobject_cast<BookmarkModel*> (model()))
+ treeModel->setData(index, isExpanded(index), UserRoleExpanded);
-void BookmarkDialog::customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &point)
- QModelIndex index = ui.treeView->indexAt(point);
- if (!index.isValid())
- return;
+// -- BookmarkManager
- QMenu menu(QLatin1String(""), this);
+QMutex BookmarkManager::mutex;
+BookmarkManager* BookmarkManager::bookmarkManager = 0;
- QAction *removeItem = menu.addAction(tr("Delete Folder"));
- QAction *renameItem = menu.addAction(tr("Rename Folder"));
+// -- public
- QAction *picked = menu.exec(ui.treeView->mapToGlobal(point));
- if (!picked)
- return;
- const QModelIndex &proxyIndex = proxyModel->mapToSource(index);
- if (picked == removeItem) {
- bookmarkManager->removeBookmarkItem(ui.treeView, proxyIndex);
- ui.bookmarkFolders->clear();
- ui.bookmarkFolders->addItems(bookmarkManager->bookmarkFolders());
- QString name = tr("Bookmarks");
- index = ui.treeView->currentIndex();
- if (index.isValid())
- name =;
- ui.bookmarkFolders->setCurrentIndex(ui.bookmarkFolders->findText(name));
- }
- else if (picked == renameItem) {
- BookmarkModel *model = bookmarkManager->treeBookmarkModel();
- if (QStandardItem *item = model->itemFromIndex(proxyIndex)) {
- item->setEditable(true);
- ui.treeView->edit(index);
- item->setEditable(false);
- }
- }
-void BookmarkDialog::currentChanged(const QModelIndex &current)
- QString text = tr("Bookmarks");
- if (current.isValid())
- text =;
- ui.bookmarkFolders->setCurrentIndex(ui.bookmarkFolders->findText(text));
-bool BookmarkDialog::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e)
+BookmarkManager* BookmarkManager::instance()
- if (object != ui.treeView && object != ui.treeView->viewport())
- return QWidget::eventFilter(object, e);
- if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
- QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e);
- switch (ke->key()) {
- case Qt::Key_F2: {
- const QModelIndex &index = ui.treeView->currentIndex();
- const QModelIndex &source = proxyModel->mapToSource(index);
- QStandardItem *item =
- bookmarkManager->treeBookmarkModel()->itemFromIndex(source);
- if (item) {
- item->setEditable(true);
- ui.treeView->edit(index);
- item->setEditable(false);
- }
- } break;
- case Qt::Key_Delete: {
- const QModelIndex &index = ui.treeView->currentIndex();
- bookmarkManager->removeBookmarkItem(ui.treeView,
- proxyModel->mapToSource(index));
- ui.bookmarkFolders->clear();
- ui.bookmarkFolders->addItems(bookmarkManager->bookmarkFolders());
- QString name = tr("Bookmarks");
- if (index.isValid())
- name =;
- ui.bookmarkFolders->setCurrentIndex(ui.bookmarkFolders->findText(name));
- } break;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ if (!bookmarkManager) {
+ QMutexLocker _(&mutex);
+ if (!bookmarkManager)
+ bookmarkManager = new BookmarkManager();
- return QObject::eventFilter(object, e);
+ return bookmarkManager;
-// #pragma mark -- BookmarkWidget
-BookmarkWidget::BookmarkWidget(BookmarkManager *manager, QWidget *parent,
- bool showButtons)
- : QWidget(parent)
- , addButton(0)
- , removeButton(0)
- , bookmarkManager(manager)
+void BookmarkManager::destroy()
- setup(showButtons);
- installEventFilter(this);
- treeView->installEventFilter(this);
- treeView->viewport()->installEventFilter(this);
+ delete bookmarkManager;
+ bookmarkManager = 0;
+QWidget* BookmarkManager::bookmarkDockWidget() const
+ if (bookmarkWidget)
+ return bookmarkWidget;
+ return 0;
-void BookmarkWidget::removeClicked()
+void BookmarkManager::takeBookmarksMenu(QMenu* menu)
- const QModelIndex &index = treeView->currentIndex();
- if (searchField->text().isEmpty()) {
- bookmarkManager->removeBookmarkItem(treeView,
- filterBookmarkModel->mapToSource(index));
- }
+ bookmarkMenu = menu;
+ refeshBookmarkMenu();
-void BookmarkWidget::filterChanged()
- bool searchBookmarks = searchField->text().isEmpty();
- if (!searchBookmarks) {
- regExp.setPattern(searchField->text());
- filterBookmarkModel->setSourceModel(bookmarkManager->listBookmarkModel());
- } else {
- regExp.setPattern(QLatin1String(""));
- filterBookmarkModel->setSourceModel(bookmarkManager->treeBookmarkModel());
- }
+// -- public slots
- if (addButton)
- addButton->setEnabled(searchBookmarks);
- if (removeButton)
- removeButton->setEnabled(searchBookmarks);
- filterBookmarkModel->setFilterRegExp(regExp);
- const QModelIndex &index = treeView->indexAt(QPoint(1, 1));
- if (index.isValid())
- treeView->setCurrentIndex(index);
- if (searchBookmarks)
- expandItems();
-void BookmarkWidget::expand(const QModelIndex &index)
+void BookmarkManager::addBookmark(const QString &title, const QString &url)
- const QModelIndex &source = filterBookmarkModel->mapToSource(index);
- QStandardItem *item =
- bookmarkManager->treeBookmarkModel()->itemFromIndex(source);
- if (item)
- item->setData(treeView->isExpanded(index), Qt::UserRole + 11);
+ showBookmarkDialog(title.isEmpty() ? tr("Untiled") : title,
+ url.isEmpty() ? QLatin1String("about:blank") : url);
-void BookmarkWidget::activated(const QModelIndex &index)
- if (!index.isValid())
- return;
+// -- private
- QString data = + 10).toString();
- if (data != QLatin1String("Folder"))
- emit requestShowLink(data);
-void BookmarkWidget::customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &point)
+ : typeAndSearch(false)
+ , bookmarkMenu(0)
+ , bookmarkModel(new BookmarkModel)
+ , bookmarkWidget(new BookmarkWidget)
+ , bookmarkTreeView(new BookmarkTreeView)
- QModelIndex index = treeView->indexAt(point);
- if (!index.isValid())
- return;
+ bookmarkWidget->installEventFilter(this);
+ connect(bookmarkWidget->ui.add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
+ SLOT(addBookmark()));
+ connect(bookmarkWidget->ui.remove, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
+ SLOT(removeBookmark()));
+ connect(bookmarkWidget->ui.lineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this,
+ SLOT(textChanged(QString)));
+ connect(bookmarkWidget, SIGNAL(focusInEvent()), this, SLOT(focusInEvent()));
- QAction *showItem = 0;
- QAction *removeItem = 0;
- QAction *renameItem = 0;
- QAction *showItemNewTab = 0;
- QMenu menu(QLatin1String(""), this);
- QString data = + 10).toString();
- if (data == QLatin1String("Folder")) {
- removeItem = menu.addAction(tr("Delete Folder"));
- renameItem = menu.addAction(tr("Rename Folder"));
- } else {
- showItem = menu.addAction(tr("Show Bookmark"));
- showItemNewTab = menu.addAction(tr("Show Bookmark in New Tab"));
- if (searchField->text().isEmpty()) {
- menu.addSeparator();
- removeItem = menu.addAction(tr("Delete Bookmark"));
- renameItem = menu.addAction(tr("Rename Bookmark"));
- }
- }
+ bookmarkTreeView->setModel(bookmarkModel);
+ bookmarkTreeView->installEventFilter(this);
+ bookmarkTreeView->viewport()->installEventFilter(this);
+ bookmarkTreeView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
+ bookmarkWidget->ui.stackedWidget->addWidget(bookmarkTreeView);
- QAction *pickedAction = menu.exec(treeView->mapToGlobal(point));
- if (!pickedAction)
- return;
+ connect(bookmarkTreeView, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this,
+ SLOT(setSourceFromIndex(QModelIndex)));
+ connect(bookmarkTreeView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this,
+ SLOT(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)));
- if (pickedAction == showItem) {
- emit requestShowLink(data);
- }
- else if (pickedAction == showItemNewTab) {
- CentralWidget::instance()->setSourceInNewTab(data);
- }
- else if (pickedAction == removeItem) {
- bookmarkManager->removeBookmarkItem(treeView,
- filterBookmarkModel->mapToSource(index));
- }
- else if (pickedAction == renameItem) {
- const QModelIndex &source = filterBookmarkModel->mapToSource(index);
- QStandardItem *item =
- bookmarkManager->treeBookmarkModel()->itemFromIndex(source);
- if (item) {
- item->setEditable(true);
- treeView->edit(index);
- item->setEditable(false);
- }
- }
+ connect(&HelpEngineWrapper::instance(), SIGNAL(setupFinished()), this,
+ SLOT(setupFinished()));
+ connect(bookmarkModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this,
+ SLOT(refeshBookmarkMenu()));
-void BookmarkWidget::setup(bool showButtons)
- regExp.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::FixedString);
- regExp.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- QLayout *vlayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- vlayout->setMargin(4);
- QLabel *label = new QLabel(tr("Filter:"), this);
- vlayout->addWidget(label);
- searchField = new QLineEdit(this);
- vlayout->addWidget(searchField);
- connect(searchField, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this,
- SLOT(filterChanged()));
- treeView = new TreeView(this);
- vlayout->addWidget(treeView);
-#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
-# define SYSTEM "mac"
-# define SYSTEM "win"
- if (showButtons) {
- QLayout *hlayout = new QHBoxLayout();
- vlayout->addItem(hlayout);
- hlayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
- addButton = new QToolButton(this);
- addButton->setText(tr("Add"));
- addButton->setIcon(QIcon(QLatin1String(":/trolltech/assistant/images/"
- SYSTEM "/addtab.png")));
- addButton->setAutoRaise(true);
- addButton->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon);
- hlayout->addWidget(addButton);
- connect(addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(addBookmark()));
- removeButton = new QToolButton(this);
- removeButton->setText(tr("Remove"));
- removeButton->setIcon(QIcon(QLatin1String(":/trolltech/assistant/images/"
- SYSTEM "/closetab.png")));
- removeButton->setAutoRaise(true);
- removeButton->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon);
- hlayout->addWidget(removeButton);
- connect(removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeClicked()));
- }
- filterBookmarkModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this);
- treeView->setModel(filterBookmarkModel);
- treeView->setDragEnabled(true);
- treeView->setAcceptDrops(true);
- treeView->setAutoExpandDelay(1000);
- treeView->setDropIndicatorShown(true);
- treeView->header()->setVisible(false);
- treeView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
- connect(treeView, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this,
- SLOT(expand(QModelIndex)));
- connect(treeView, SIGNAL(collapsed(QModelIndex)), this,
- SLOT(expand(QModelIndex)));
- connect(treeView, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this,
- SLOT(activated(QModelIndex)));
- connect(treeView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)),
- this, SLOT(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)));
- filterBookmarkModel->setFilterKeyColumn(0);
- filterBookmarkModel->setDynamicSortFilter(true);
- filterBookmarkModel->setSourceModel(bookmarkManager->treeBookmarkModel());
- expandItems();
+ HelpEngineWrapper::instance().setBookmarks(bookmarkModel->bookmarks());
-void BookmarkWidget::expandItems()
+void BookmarkManager::removeItem(const QModelIndex &index)
- QStandardItemModel *model = bookmarkManager->treeBookmarkModel();
- QList<QStandardItem*>list = model->findItems(QLatin1String("*"),
- Qt::MatchWildcard | Qt::MatchRecursive, 0);
- foreach (const QStandardItem *item, list) {
- const QModelIndex &index = model->indexFromItem(item);
- treeView->setExpanded(filterBookmarkModel->mapFromSource(index),
- item->data(Qt::UserRole + 11).toBool());
+ QModelIndex current = index;
+ if (typeAndSearch) { // need to map because of proxy
+ current = typeAndSearchModel->mapToSource(current);
+ current = bookmarkFilterModel->mapToSource(current);
+ } else if (!bookmarkModel->parent(index).isValid()) {
+ return; // check if we should delete the "Bookmarks Menu", bail
-void BookmarkWidget::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e)
- if (e->reason() != Qt::MouseFocusReason) {
- searchField->selectAll();
- searchField->setFocus();
- QModelIndex index = treeView->indexAt(QPoint(1, 1));
- if (index.isValid())
- treeView->setCurrentIndex(index);
+ if (bookmarkModel->hasChildren(current)) {
+ int value = QMessageBox::question(bookmarkTreeView, tr("Remove"),
+ tr("You are going to delete a Folder, this will also<br>"
+ "remove it's content. Are you sure to continue?"),
+ QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel);
+ if (value == QMessageBox::Cancel)
+ return;
+ bookmarkModel->removeItem(current);
-bool BookmarkWidget::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e)
+bool BookmarkManager::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event)
- if (object != this && object != treeView
- && object != treeView->viewport()) {
- return QWidget::eventFilter(object, e);
- }
+ if (object != bookmarkTreeView && object != bookmarkTreeView->viewport()
+ && object != bookmarkWidget)
+ return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
- if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
- QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e);
- const bool tree = object == treeView || object == treeView->viewport();
+ const bool isWidget = object == bookmarkWidget;
+ if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
+ QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);
switch (ke->key()) {
case Qt::Key_F2: {
- const QModelIndex &index = treeView->currentIndex();
- const QModelIndex &src = filterBookmarkModel->mapToSource(index);
- if (tree && searchField->text().isEmpty()) {
- if (QStandardItem *item = bookmarkManager->treeBookmarkModel()
- ->itemFromIndex(src)) {
- item->setEditable(true);
- treeView->edit(index);
- item->setEditable(false);
- }
- }
- } break;
- case Qt::Key_Enter: {
- case Qt::Key_Return:
- if (tree) {
- const QString &data = treeView->selectionModel()->currentIndex()
- .data(Qt::UserRole + 10).toString();
- if (!data.isEmpty() && data != QLatin1String("Folder"))
- emit requestShowLink(data);
- }
+ renameBookmark(bookmarkTreeView->currentIndex());
} break;
case Qt::Key_Delete: {
- const QModelIndex &index = treeView->currentIndex();
- const QModelIndex &src = filterBookmarkModel->mapToSource(index);
- if (tree && searchField->text().isEmpty())
- bookmarkManager->removeBookmarkItem(treeView, src);
+ removeItem(bookmarkTreeView->currentIndex());
} break;
- case Qt::Key_Up: {
+ case Qt::Key_Up: { // needs event filter on widget
case Qt::Key_Down:
- if (!tree)
- treeView->subclassKeyPressEvent(ke);
+ if (isWidget)
+ bookmarkTreeView->subclassKeyPressEvent(ke);
} break;
case Qt::Key_Escape: {
@@ -591,324 +252,255 @@ bool BookmarkWidget::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e)
- if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
- QMouseEvent *me = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e);
- bool controlPressed = me->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier;
- if(((me->button() == Qt::LeftButton) && controlPressed)
- || (me->button() == Qt::MidButton)) {
- const QModelIndex &index = treeView->currentIndex();
- const QString &data = + 10).toString();
- if (!data.isEmpty() && data != QLatin1String("Folder"))
- CentralWidget::instance()->setSourceInNewTab(data);
+ if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease && !isWidget) {
+ QMouseEvent *me = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event);
+ switch (me->button()) {
+ case Qt::LeftButton: {
+ if (me->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)
+ setSourceFromIndex(bookmarkTreeView->currentIndex(), true);
+ } break;
+ case Qt::MidButton: {
+ setSourceFromIndex(bookmarkTreeView->currentIndex(), true);
+ } break;
+ default: break;
- return QWidget::eventFilter(object, e);
+ return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
-// #pragma mark -- BookmarkModel
-BookmarkModel::BookmarkModel(int rows, int columns, QObject *parent)
- : QStandardItemModel(rows, columns, parent)
+void BookmarkManager::buildBookmarksMenu(const QModelIndex &index, QMenu* menu)
+ if (!index.isValid())
+ return;
+ const QString &text =;
+ const QIcon &icon = qVariantValue<QIcon>(;
+ if ( {
+ if (QMenu* subMenu = menu->addMenu(icon, text)) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < bookmarkModel->rowCount(index); ++i)
+ buildBookmarksMenu(bookmarkModel->index(i, 0, index), subMenu);
+ }
+ } else {
+ QAction *action = menu->addAction(icon, text);
+ action->setData(;
+ }
-Qt::DropActions BookmarkModel::supportedDropActions() const
+void BookmarkManager::showBookmarkDialog(const QString &name, const QString &url)
- return Qt::MoveAction;
+ BookmarkDialog dialog(bookmarkModel, name, url, bookmarkTreeView);
+ dialog.exec();
-Qt::ItemFlags BookmarkModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
- Qt::ItemFlags defaultFlags = QStandardItemModel::flags(index);
- if ((!index.isValid()) // can only happen for the invisible root item
- || + 10).toString() == QLatin1String("Folder"))
- return (Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | defaultFlags) &~ Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
+// -- private slots
- return (Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | defaultFlags) &~ Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
+void BookmarkManager::setupFinished()
+ bookmarkModel->setBookmarks(HelpEngineWrapper::instance().bookmarks());
+ bookmarkModel->expandFoldersIfNeeeded(bookmarkTreeView);
+ refeshBookmarkMenu();
-// #pragma mark -- BookmarkManager
+ bookmarkTreeView->hideColumn(1);
+ bookmarkTreeView->header()->setVisible(false);
+ bookmarkTreeView->header()->setStretchLastSection(true);
+ bookmarkFilterModel = new BookmarkFilterModel(this);
+ bookmarkFilterModel->setSourceModel(bookmarkModel);
+ bookmarkFilterModel->filterBookmarkFolders();
-BookmarkManager::BookmarkManager(QHelpEngineCore *_helpEngine)
- : treeModel(new BookmarkModel(0, 1, this))
- , listModel(new BookmarkModel(0, 1, this))
- , renameItem(0)
- , helpEngine(_helpEngine)
- folderIcon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DirClosedIcon);
- connect(treeModel, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QStandardItem*)), this,
- SLOT(itemChanged(QStandardItem*)));
- connect(treeModel, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QStandardItem*)), this,
- SIGNAL(bookmarksChanged()));
- connect(treeModel, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)),
- this, SIGNAL(bookmarksChanged()));
+ typeAndSearchModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this);
+ typeAndSearchModel->setDynamicSortFilter(true);
+ typeAndSearchModel->setSourceModel(bookmarkFilterModel);
+void BookmarkManager::addBookmark()
- treeModel->clear();
- listModel->clear();
+ if (CentralWidget *widget = CentralWidget::instance()) {
+ showBookmarkDialog(widget->currentTitle(),
+ widget->currentSource().toString());
+ }
-BookmarkModel* BookmarkManager::treeBookmarkModel()
+void BookmarkManager::removeBookmark()
- return treeModel;
+ removeItem(bookmarkTreeView->currentIndex());
-BookmarkModel* BookmarkManager::listBookmarkModel()
- return listModel;
+//void BookmarkManager::manageBookmarks()
-void BookmarkManager::saveBookmarks()
+void BookmarkManager::refeshBookmarkMenu()
- QByteArray bookmarks;
- QDataStream stream(&bookmarks, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+ if (!bookmarkMenu)
+ return;
- readBookmarksRecursive(treeModel->invisibleRootItem(), stream, 0);
- helpEngine->setCustomValue(QLatin1String("Bookmarks"), bookmarks);
+ bookmarkMenu->clear();
-QStringList BookmarkManager::bookmarkFolders() const
- QStringList folders(tr("Bookmarks"));
+ //bookmarkMenu->addAction(tr("Manage Bookmarks..."), this,
+ // SLOT(manageBookmarks()));
+ bookmarkMenu->addAction(tr("Import..."), this, SLOT(importBookmarks()));
+ bookmarkMenu->addAction(tr("Export..."), this, SLOT(exportBookmarks()));
+ bookmarkMenu->addAction(tr("Add Bookmark..."), this, SLOT(addBookmark()),
+ QKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+D")));
+ bookmarkMenu->addSeparator();
- QList<QStandardItem*>list = treeModel->findItems(QLatin1String("*"),
- Qt::MatchWildcard | Qt::MatchRecursive, 0);
+ const QModelIndex &root = bookmarkModel->index(0, 0, QModelIndex());
+ for (int i = 0; i < bookmarkModel->rowCount(root); ++i)
+ buildBookmarksMenu(bookmarkModel->index(i, 0, root), bookmarkMenu);
- QString data;
- foreach (const QStandardItem *item, list) {
- data = item->data(Qt::UserRole + 10).toString();
- if (data == QLatin1String("Folder"))
- folders << item->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
- }
- return folders;
+ connect(bookmarkMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this,
+ SLOT(setSourceFromAction(QAction*)));
-QModelIndex BookmarkManager::addNewFolder(const QModelIndex &index)
+void BookmarkManager::renameBookmark(const QModelIndex &index)
- QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(uniqueFolderName());
- item->setEditable(false);
- item->setData(false, Qt::UserRole + 11);
- item->setData(QLatin1String("Folder"), Qt::UserRole + 10);
- item->setIcon(QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DirClosedIcon));
- if (index.isValid()) {
- treeModel->itemFromIndex(index)->appendRow(item);
- } else {
- treeModel->appendRow(item);
- }
- return treeModel->indexFromItem(item);
+ // check if we should rename the "Bookmarks Menu", bail
+ if (!typeAndSearch && !bookmarkModel->parent(index).isValid())
+ return;
+ bookmarkModel->setItemsEditable(true);
+ bookmarkTreeView->edit(index);
+ bookmarkModel->setItemsEditable(false);
-void BookmarkManager::removeBookmarkItem(QTreeView *treeView,
- const QModelIndex &index)
+void BookmarkManager::importBookmarks()
- QStandardItem *item = treeModel->itemFromIndex(index);
- if (item) {
- QString data = + 10).toString();
- if (data == QLatin1String("Folder") && item->rowCount() > 0) {
- int value = QMessageBox::question(treeView, tr("Remove"),
- tr("You are going to delete a Folder, this will also<br>"
- "remove it's content. Are you sure to continue?"),
- QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel);
- if (value == QMessageBox::Cancel)
- return;
- }
+ const QString &fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, tr("Open File"),
+ QDir::currentPath(), tr("Files (*.xbel)"));
- if (data != QLatin1String("Folder")) {
- QList<QStandardItem*>itemList = listModel->findItems(item->text());
- foreach (const QStandardItem *i, itemList) {
- if (i->data(Qt::UserRole + 10) == data) {
- listModel->removeRow(i->row());
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- removeBookmarkFolderItems(item);
- }
- treeModel->removeRow(item->row(), index.parent());
+ if (fileName.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if ( {
+ XbelReader reader(bookmarkModel);
+ reader.readFromFile(&file);
-void BookmarkManager::showBookmarkDialog(QWidget *parent, const QString &name,
- const QString &url)
+void BookmarkManager::exportBookmarks()
- BookmarkDialog dialog(this, name, url, parent);
- dialog.exec();
+ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(0, tr("Save File"),
+ QLatin1String("untitled.xbel"), tr("Files (*.xbel)"));
-void BookmarkManager::addNewBookmark(const QModelIndex &index,
- const QString &name, const QString &url)
- QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(name);
- item->setEditable(false);
- item->setData(false, Qt::UserRole + 11);
- item->setData(url, Qt::UserRole + 10);
+ const QLatin1String suffix(".xbel");
+ if (!fileName.endsWith(suffix))
+ fileName.append(suffix);
- if (index.isValid())
- treeModel->itemFromIndex(index)->appendRow(item);
- else
- treeModel->appendRow(item);
- listModel->appendRow(item->clone());
- emit bookmarksChanged();
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if ( {
+ XbelWriter writer(bookmarkModel);
+ writer.writeToFile(&file);
+ } else {
+ QMessageBox::information(bookmarkTreeView, tr("Qt Assistant"),
+ tr("Unable to save bookmarks."), tr("OK"));
+ }
-void BookmarkManager::fillBookmarkMenu(QMenu *menu)
+void BookmarkManager::setSourceFromAction(QAction *action)
- if (!menu || !treeModel)
- return;
+ const QVariant &data = action->data();
- map.clear();
- fillBookmarkMenu(menu, treeModel->invisibleRootItem());
+ if (data.canConvert<QUrl>())
+ emit setSource(data.toUrl());
-void BookmarkManager::fillBookmarkMenu(QMenu *menu, QStandardItem *root)
+void BookmarkManager::setSourceFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index, bool newTab)
- for (int i = 0; i < root->rowCount(); ++i) {
- QStandardItem *item = root->child(i);
- if (item && item->data(Qt::UserRole + 10)
- .toString() == QLatin1String("Folder")) {
- QMenu* newMenu = menu->addMenu(folderIcon, item->text());
- if (item->rowCount() > 0)
- fillBookmarkMenu(newMenu, item);
- } else {
- map.insert(menu->addAction(item->text()), item->index());
- }
- }
+ QAbstractItemModel *base = bookmarkModel;
+ if (typeAndSearch)
+ base = typeAndSearchModel;
-QUrl BookmarkManager::urlForAction(QAction* action) const
- if (map.contains(action)) {
- const QModelIndex &index = map.value(action);
- if (QStandardItem* item = treeModel->itemFromIndex(index))
- return QUrl(item->data(Qt::UserRole + 10).toString());
+ if (base->data(index, UserRoleFolder).toBool())
+ return;
+ const QVariant &data = base->data(index, UserRoleUrl);
+ if (data.canConvert<QUrl>()) {
+ if (newTab)
+ emit setSourceInNewTab(data.toUrl());
+ else
+ emit setSource(data.toUrl());
- return QUrl();
-void BookmarkManager::itemChanged(QStandardItem *item)
+void BookmarkManager::customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &point)
- if (renameItem != item) {
- renameItem = item;
- oldText = item->text();
+ QModelIndex index = bookmarkTreeView->indexAt(point);
+ if (!index.isValid())
- }
- if (item->text() != oldText) {
- if (item->data(Qt::UserRole + 10).toString() != QLatin1String("Folder")) {
- QList<QStandardItem*>itemList = listModel->findItems(oldText);
- if (itemList.count() > 0)
- }
- }
+ // check if we should open the menu on "Bookmarks Menu", bail
+ if (!typeAndSearch && !bookmarkModel->parent(index).isValid())
+ return;
-void BookmarkManager::setupBookmarkModels()
- treeModel->clear();
- listModel->clear();
- qint32 depth;
- bool expanded;
- QString name, type;
- QList<int> lastDepths;
- QList<QStandardItem*> parents;
- QByteArray ba =
- helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("Bookmarks")).toByteArray();
- QDataStream stream(ba);
- while (!stream.atEnd()) {
- stream >> depth >> name >> type >> expanded;
- QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(name);
- item->setEditable(false);
- item->setData(type, Qt::UserRole + 10);
- item->setData(expanded, Qt::UserRole + 11);
- if (depth == 0) {
- parents.clear(); lastDepths.clear();
- treeModel->appendRow(item);
- parents << item; lastDepths << depth;
- } else {
- if (depth <= lastDepths.last()) {
- while (depth <= lastDepths.last() && parents.count() > 0) {
- parents.pop_back(); lastDepths.pop_back();
- }
- }
- parents.last()->appendRow(item);
- if (type == QLatin1String("Folder")) {
- parents << item; lastDepths << depth;
- }
- }
+ QAction *remove = 0;
+ QAction *rename = 0;
+ QAction *showItem = 0;
+ QAction *showItemInNewTab = 0;
- if (type == QLatin1String("Folder"))
- item->setIcon(folderIcon);
- else
- listModel->appendRow(item->clone());
+ QMenu menu(QLatin1String(""));
+ if (!typeAndSearch && bookmarkModel->data(index, UserRoleFolder).toBool()) {
+ remove = menu.addAction(tr("Delete Folder"));
+ rename = menu.addAction(tr("Rename Folder"));
+ } else {
+ showItem = menu.addAction(tr("Show Bookmark"));
+ showItemInNewTab = menu.addAction(tr("Show Bookmark in New Tab"));
+ menu.addSeparator();
+ remove = menu.addAction(tr("Delete Bookmark"));
+ rename = menu.addAction(tr("Rename Bookmark"));
-QString BookmarkManager::uniqueFolderName() const
- QString folderName = tr("New Folder");
- QList<QStandardItem*> list = treeModel->findItems(folderName,
- Qt::MatchContains | Qt::MatchRecursive, 0);
- if (!list.isEmpty()) {
- QStringList names;
- foreach (const QStandardItem *item, list)
- names << item->text();
- for (int i = 1; i <= names.count(); ++i) {
- folderName = (tr("New Folder") + QLatin1String(" %1")).arg(i);
- if (!names.contains(folderName))
- break;
- }
- }
- return folderName;
+ QAction *pickedAction = menu.exec(bookmarkTreeView->mapToGlobal(point));
+ if (pickedAction == rename)
+ renameBookmark(index);
+ else if (pickedAction == remove)
+ removeItem(index);
+ else if (pickedAction == showItem || pickedAction == showItemInNewTab)
+ setSourceFromIndex(index, pickedAction == showItemInNewTab);
-void BookmarkManager::removeBookmarkFolderItems(QStandardItem *item)
+void BookmarkManager::focusInEvent()
- for (int j = 0; j < item->rowCount(); ++j) {
- QStandardItem *child = item->child(j);
- if (child->rowCount() > 0)
- removeBookmarkFolderItems(child);
- QString data = child->data(Qt::UserRole + 10).toString();
- QList<QStandardItem*>itemList = listModel->findItems(child->text());
- foreach (const QStandardItem *i, itemList) {
- if (i->data(Qt::UserRole + 10) == data) {
- listModel->removeRow(i->row());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ const QModelIndex &index = bookmarkTreeView->indexAt(QPoint(2, 2));
+ if (index.isValid())
+ bookmarkTreeView->setCurrentIndex(index);
-void BookmarkManager::readBookmarksRecursive(const QStandardItem *item,
- QDataStream &stream, const qint32 depth) const
+void BookmarkManager::textChanged(const QString &text)
- for (int j = 0; j < item->rowCount(); ++j) {
- const QStandardItem *child = item->child(j);
- stream << depth;
- stream << child->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
- stream << child->data(Qt::UserRole + 10).toString();
- stream << child->data(Qt::UserRole + 11).toBool();
- if (child->rowCount() > 0)
- readBookmarksRecursive(child, stream, (depth +1));
+ if (!bookmarkWidget->ui.lineEdit->text().isEmpty()) {
+ if (!typeAndSearch) {
+ typeAndSearch = true;
+ bookmarkTreeView->setItemsExpandable(false);
+ bookmarkTreeView->setRootIsDecorated(false);
+ bookmarkTreeView->setModel(typeAndSearchModel);
+ }
+ typeAndSearchModel->setFilterRegExp(QRegExp(text));
+ } else {
+ typeAndSearch = false;
+ bookmarkTreeView->setModel(bookmarkModel);
+ bookmarkTreeView->setItemsExpandable(true);
+ bookmarkTreeView->setRootIsDecorated(true);
+ bookmarkModel->expandFoldersIfNeeeded(bookmarkTreeView);
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmanager.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmanager.h
index da36833..88342d5 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmanager.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmanager.h
@@ -38,178 +38,118 @@
-#include "ui_bookmarkdialog.h"
-#include <QtCore/QUrl>
-#include <QtCore/QObject>
-#include <QtCore/QString>
-#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
-#include <QtCore/QDataStream>
-#include <QtGui/QIcon>
-#include <QtGui/QDialog>
-#include <QtGui/QWidget>
+#include <QtCore/QMutex>
#include <QtGui/QTreeView>
-#include <QtGui/QStandardItemModel>
+#include "ui_bookmarkwidget.h"
-class QEvent;
-class QLineEdit;
-class QTreeView;
-class QToolButton;
-class QStandardItem;
-class QHelpEngineCore;
-class QAbstractItemModel;
+class BookmarkModel;
+class BookmarkFilterModel;
+class QKeyEvent;
class QSortFilterProxyModel;
-class BookmarkManager;
-class BookmarkDialog : public QDialog
+class BookmarkManager : public QObject
+ class BookmarkWidget;
+ class BookmarkTreeView;
+ class BookmarkListView;
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(BookmarkManager);
- BookmarkDialog(BookmarkManager *manager, const QString &title,
- const QString &url, QWidget *parent = 0);
- ~BookmarkDialog();
+ static BookmarkManager* instance();
+ static void destroy();
-private slots:
- void addAccepted();
- void addNewFolder();
- void toolButtonClicked();
- void itemChanged(QStandardItem *item);
- void textChanged(const QString& string);
- void selectBookmarkFolder(const QString &folderName);
- void customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &point);
- void currentChanged(const QModelIndex& current);
+ QWidget* bookmarkDockWidget() const;
+ void takeBookmarksMenu(QMenu* menu);
- bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e);
+public slots:
+ void addBookmark(const QString &title, const QString &url);
+ void escapePressed();
+ void setSource(const QUrl &url);
+ void setSourceInNewTab(const QUrl &url);
- QString m_url;
- QString m_title;
+ BookmarkManager();
+ ~BookmarkManager();
- QString oldText;
- QStandardItem *renameItem;
+ void removeItem(const QModelIndex &index);
+ bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event);
+ void buildBookmarksMenu(const QModelIndex &index, QMenu *menu);
+ void showBookmarkDialog(const QString &name, const QString &url);
- Ui::BookmarkDialog ui;
- BookmarkManager *bookmarkManager;
- QSortFilterProxyModel *proxyModel;
+private slots:
+ void setupFinished();
-class TreeView : public QTreeView {
- TreeView(QWidget* parent = 0) : QTreeView(parent) {}
- void subclassKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
- {
- QTreeView::keyPressEvent(event);
- }
+ void addBookmark();
+ void removeBookmark();
+// void manageBookmarks();
+ void refeshBookmarkMenu();
+ void renameBookmark(const QModelIndex &index);
-class BookmarkWidget : public QWidget
+ void importBookmarks();
+ void exportBookmarks();
- BookmarkWidget(BookmarkManager *manager, QWidget *parent = 0,
- bool showButtons = true);
- ~BookmarkWidget();
+ void setSourceFromAction(QAction *action);
+ void setSourceFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index, bool newTab = false);
- void addBookmark();
- void requestShowLink(const QUrl &url);
- void escapePressed();
-private slots:
- void removeClicked();
- void filterChanged();
- void expand(const QModelIndex& index);
- void activated(const QModelIndex &index);
+ void focusInEvent();
+ void textChanged(const QString &text);
void customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &point);
- void setup(bool showButtons);
- void expandItems();
- void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e);
- bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event);
+ bool typeAndSearch;
- QRegExp regExp;
- TreeView *treeView;
- QLineEdit *searchField;
- QToolButton *addButton;
- QToolButton *removeButton;
- BookmarkManager *bookmarkManager;
- QSortFilterProxyModel* filterBookmarkModel;
+ static QMutex mutex;
+ static BookmarkManager *bookmarkManager;
-class BookmarkModel : public QStandardItemModel
+ QMenu *bookmarkMenu;
- BookmarkModel(int rows, int columns, QObject *parent = 0);
- ~BookmarkModel();
+ BookmarkModel *bookmarkModel;
+ BookmarkFilterModel *bookmarkFilterModel;
+ QSortFilterProxyModel *typeAndSearchModel;
- Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions() const;
- Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const;
+ BookmarkWidget *bookmarkWidget;
+ BookmarkTreeView *bookmarkTreeView;
-class BookmarkManager : public QObject
+class BookmarkManager::BookmarkWidget : public QWidget
- BookmarkManager(QHelpEngineCore* helpEngine);
- ~BookmarkManager();
+ BookmarkWidget(QWidget *parent = 0)
+ : QWidget(parent) { ui.setupUi(this); }
+ virtual ~BookmarkWidget() {}
- BookmarkModel* treeBookmarkModel();
- BookmarkModel* listBookmarkModel();
- void saveBookmarks();
- QStringList bookmarkFolders() const;
- QModelIndex addNewFolder(const QModelIndex& index);
- void removeBookmarkItem(QTreeView *treeView, const QModelIndex& index);
- void showBookmarkDialog(QWidget* parent, const QString &name,
- const QString &url);
- void addNewBookmark(const QModelIndex& index, const QString &name,
- const QString &url);
- void setupBookmarkModels();
- void fillBookmarkMenu(QMenu *menu);
- QUrl urlForAction(QAction* action) const;
+ Ui::BookmarkWidget ui;
- void bookmarksChanged();
-private slots:
- void itemChanged(QStandardItem *item);
+ void focusInEvent();
- QString uniqueFolderName() const;
- void removeBookmarkFolderItems(QStandardItem *item);
- void readBookmarksRecursive(const QStandardItem *item, QDataStream &stream,
- const qint32 depth) const;
- void fillBookmarkMenu(QMenu *menu, QStandardItem *root);
+ void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event);
- QString oldText;
- QIcon folderIcon;
- BookmarkModel *treeModel;
- BookmarkModel *listModel;
- QStandardItem *renameItem;
- QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine;
- QMap<QAction*, QModelIndex> map;
+class BookmarkManager::BookmarkTreeView : public QTreeView
+ BookmarkTreeView(QWidget *parent = 0);
+ ~BookmarkTreeView() {}
+ void subclassKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
+private slots:
+ void setExpandedData(const QModelIndex &index);
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmodel.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmodel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c785f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmodel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "bookmarkmodel.h"
+#include "bookmarkitem.h"
+#include <QtCore/QMimeData>
+#include <QtCore/QStack>
+#include <QtGui/QApplication>
+#include <QtGui/QStyle>
+#include <QtGui/QTreeView>
+const QLatin1String MIMETYPE("application/bookmarks.assistant");
+ : QAbstractItemModel()
+ , m_folder(false)
+ , m_editable(false)
+ , rootItem(0)
+ delete rootItem;
+BookmarkModel::bookmarks() const
+ QByteArray ba;
+ QDataStream stream(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+ const QModelIndex &root = index(0,0, QModelIndex());
+ for (int i = 0; i < rowCount(root); ++i)
+ collectItems(index(i, 0, root), 0, &stream);
+ return ba;
+BookmarkModel::setBookmarks(const QByteArray &bookmarks)
+ folderIcon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DirClosedIcon);
+ bookmarkIcon = QIcon(QLatin1String(":/trolltech/assistant/images/bookmark.png"));
+ rootItem = new BookmarkItem(DataVector() << tr("Name") << tr("Address")
+ << true);
+ BookmarkItem* item = new BookmarkItem(DataVector() << tr("Bookmarks Menu")
+ << QLatin1String("Folder") << true);
+ rootItem->addChild(item);
+ QStack<BookmarkItem*> parents;
+ parents.push(item);
+ qint32 depth;
+ bool expanded;
+ QString name, url;
+ QDataStream stream(bookmarks);
+ while (!stream.atEnd()) {
+ stream >> depth >> name >> url >> expanded;
+ while ((parents.count() - 1) != depth)
+ parents.pop();
+ item = new BookmarkItem(DataVector() << name << url << expanded);
+ if (url == QLatin1String("Folder")) {
+ parents.push(item);
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ cache.clear();
+ const QModelIndex &root = index(0,0, QModelIndex());
+ setupCache(root);
+ cache.insert(static_cast<BookmarkItem*> (root.internalPointer()), root);
+BookmarkModel::setItemsEditable(bool editable)
+ m_editable = editable;
+BookmarkModel::expandFoldersIfNeeeded(QTreeView *treeView)
+ foreach (const QModelIndex &index, cache)
+ treeView->setExpanded(index,;
+BookmarkModel::addItem(const QModelIndex &parent, bool isFolder)
+ m_folder = isFolder;
+ QModelIndex next;
+ if (insertRow(rowCount(parent), parent))
+ next = index(rowCount(parent) - 1, 0, parent);
+ m_folder = false;
+ return next;
+BookmarkModel::removeItem(const QModelIndex &index)
+ if (!index.isValid())
+ return false;
+ QModelIndexList indexes;
+ if (rowCount(index) > 0)
+ indexes = collectItems(index);
+ indexes.append(index);
+ foreach (const QModelIndex &itemToRemove, indexes) {
+ if (!removeRow(itemToRemove.row(), itemToRemove.parent()))
+ return false;
+ cache.remove(itemFromIndex(itemToRemove));
+ }
+ return true;
+BookmarkModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ if (BookmarkItem *item = itemFromIndex(index))
+ return item->childCount();
+ return 0;
+BookmarkModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &/*index*/) const
+ return 2;
+BookmarkModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ if (!index.isValid())
+ return QModelIndex();
+ if (BookmarkItem *childItem = itemFromIndex(index)) {
+ if (BookmarkItem *parent = childItem->parent()) {
+ if (parent != rootItem)
+ return createIndex(parent->childNumber(), 0, parent);
+ }
+ }
+ return QModelIndex();
+BookmarkModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &index) const
+ if (index.isValid() && (index.column() != 0 && index.column() != 1))
+ return QModelIndex();
+ if (BookmarkItem *parent = itemFromIndex(index)) {
+ if (BookmarkItem *childItem = parent->child(row))
+ return createIndex(row, column, childItem);
+ }
+ return QModelIndex();
+BookmarkModel::supportedDropActions () const
+ return /* Qt::CopyAction | */Qt::MoveAction;
+BookmarkModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ if (!index.isValid())
+ return Qt::NoItemFlags;
+ Qt::ItemFlags defaultFlags = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
+ if (m_editable)
+ defaultFlags |= Qt::ItemIsEditable;
+ if (itemFromIndex(index) &&
+ && index.column() > 0) {
+ defaultFlags &= ~Qt::ItemIsEditable;
+ return defaultFlags | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
+ }
+ return defaultFlags | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
+BookmarkModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
+ if (index.isValid()) {
+ if (BookmarkItem *item = itemFromIndex(index)) {
+ switch (role) {
+ case Qt::EditRole: {
+ case Qt::DisplayRole:
+ if ( && index.column() == 1)
+ return QLatin1String("");
+ return item->data(index.column());
+ } break;
+ case Qt::DecorationRole: {
+ if (index.column() == 0)
+ return
+ ? folderIcon : bookmarkIcon;
+ } break;
+ default:;
+ return item->data(role);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return QVariant();
+BookmarkModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
+ bool result = false;
+ if (role != Qt::EditRole && role != UserRoleExpanded)
+ return result;
+ if (BookmarkItem *item = itemFromIndex(index)) {
+ if (role == Qt::EditRole) {
+ const bool isFolder =;
+ if (!isFolder || (isFolder && index.column() == 0))
+ result = item->setData(index.column(), value);
+ } else if (role == UserRoleExpanded) {
+ result = item->setData(UserRoleExpanded, value);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result)
+ emit dataChanged(index, index);
+ return result;
+BookmarkModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
+ int role) const
+ if (rootItem && orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole)
+ return rootItem->data(section);
+ return QVariant();
+BookmarkModel::indexFromItem(BookmarkItem *item) const
+ return cache.value(item, QModelIndex());
+BookmarkModel::itemFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ if (index.isValid())
+ return static_cast<BookmarkItem*>(index.internalPointer());
+ return rootItem;
+BookmarkModel::insertRows(int position, int rows, const QModelIndex &parent)
+ if (!
+ return false;
+ bool success = false;
+ if (BookmarkItem *parentItem = itemFromIndex(parent)) {
+ beginInsertRows(parent, position, position + rows - 1);
+ success = parentItem->insertChildren(m_folder, position, rows);
+ if (success) {
+ const QModelIndex &current = index(position, 0, parent);
+ cache.insert(itemFromIndex(current), current);
+ }
+ endInsertRows();
+ }
+ return success;
+BookmarkModel::removeRows(int position, int rows, const QModelIndex &index)
+ bool success = false;
+ if (BookmarkItem *parent = itemFromIndex(index)) {
+ beginRemoveRows(index, position, position + rows - 1);
+ success = parent->removeChildren(position, rows);
+ endRemoveRows();
+ }
+ return success;
+BookmarkModel::mimeTypes() const
+ return QStringList() << MIMETYPE;
+BookmarkModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const
+ if (indexes.isEmpty())
+ return 0;
+ QByteArray data;
+ QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+ foreach (const QModelIndex &index, indexes) {
+ if (index.column() == 0)
+ collectItems(index, 0, &stream);
+ }
+ QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData();
+ mimeData->setData(MIMETYPE, data);
+ return mimeData;
+BookmarkModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action,
+ int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
+ if (action == Qt::IgnoreAction)
+ return true;
+ if (!data->hasFormat(MIMETYPE) || column > 0)
+ return false;
+ QByteArray ba = data->data(MIMETYPE);
+ QDataStream stream(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ while (stream.atEnd())
+ return false;
+ qint32 depth;
+ bool expanded;
+ QString name, url;
+ while (!stream.atEnd()) {
+ stream >> depth >> name >> url >> expanded;
+ if (insertRow(qMax(0, row), parent)) {
+ const QModelIndex &current = index(qMax(0, row), 0, parent);
+ if (current.isValid()) {
+ BookmarkItem* item = itemFromIndex(current);
+ item->setData(DataVector() << name << url << expanded);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+BookmarkModel::setupCache(const QModelIndex &parent)
+ const QModelIndexList &list = collectItems(parent);
+ foreach (const QModelIndex &index, list)
+ cache.insert(itemFromIndex(index), index);
+BookmarkModel::collectItems(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+ QModelIndexList list;
+ for (int i = rowCount(parent) - 1; i >= 0 ; --i) {
+ const QModelIndex &next = index(i, 0, parent);
+ if (data(next, UserRoleFolder).toBool())
+ list += collectItems(next);
+ list.append(next);
+ }
+ return list;
+BookmarkModel::collectItems(const QModelIndex &parent, qint32 depth,
+ QDataStream *stream) const
+ if (parent.isValid()) {
+ *stream << depth;
+ *stream <<;
+ *stream <<;
+ *stream <<;
+ for (int i = 0; i < rowCount(parent); ++i) {
+ if (
+ collectItems(index(i, 0 , parent), depth + 1, stream);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmodel.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmodel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b2a0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkmodel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include <QtCore/QAbstractItemModel>
+#include <QtGui/QIcon>
+class BookmarkItem;
+class QMimeData;
+class QTreeView;
+typedef QMap<BookmarkItem*, QPersistentModelIndex> ItemModelIndexCache;
+class BookmarkModel : public QAbstractItemModel
+ BookmarkModel();
+ ~BookmarkModel();
+ QByteArray bookmarks() const;
+ void setBookmarks(const QByteArray &bookmarks);
+ void setItemsEditable(bool editable);
+ void expandFoldersIfNeeeded(QTreeView *treeView);
+ QModelIndex addItem(const QModelIndex &parent, bool isFolder = false);
+ bool removeItem(const QModelIndex &index);
+ int rowCount(const QModelIndex &index = QModelIndex()) const;
+ int columnCount(const QModelIndex &index = QModelIndex()) const;
+ QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &index) const;
+ QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &index) const;
+ Qt::DropActions supportedDropActions () const;
+ Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const;
+ QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const;
+ bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role);
+ QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const;
+ QModelIndex indexFromItem(BookmarkItem *item) const;
+ BookmarkItem *itemFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const;
+ bool insertRows(int position, int rows, const QModelIndex &parent);
+ bool removeRows(int position, int rows, const QModelIndex &parent);
+ QStringList mimeTypes() const;
+ QMimeData* mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const;
+ bool dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row,
+ int column, const QModelIndex &parent);
+ void setupCache(const QModelIndex &parent);
+ QModelIndexList collectItems(const QModelIndex &parent) const;
+ void collectItems(const QModelIndex &parent, qint32 depth,
+ QDataStream *stream) const;
+ int columns;
+ bool m_folder;
+ bool m_editable;
+ QIcon folderIcon;
+ QIcon bookmarkIcon;
+ QTreeView *treeView;
+ BookmarkItem *rootItem;
+ ItemModelIndexCache cache;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkwidget.ui b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkwidget.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3015740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/bookmarkwidget.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
+ <class>BookmarkWidget</class>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="BookmarkWidget">
+ <property name="geometry">
+ <rect>
+ <x>0</x>
+ <y>0</y>
+ <width>235</width>
+ <height>606</height>
+ </rect>
+ </property>
+ <property name="windowTitle">
+ <string>Bookmarks</string>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <item>
+ <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Filter:</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>40</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit"/>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QStackedWidget" name="stackedWidget"/>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2">
+ <item>
+ <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>40</width>
+ <height>20</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="add">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Add</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="remove">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Remove</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <resources/>
+ <connections/>
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/centralwidget.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/centralwidget.cpp
index 0e4096b..03af06c 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/centralwidget.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/centralwidget.cpp
@@ -38,36 +38,30 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include "centralwidget.h"
+#include "findwidget.h"
+#include "helpenginewrapper.h"
#include "helpviewer.h"
#include "searchwidget.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
-#include "preferencesdialog.h"
+#include "../shared/collectionconfiguration.h"
-#include <QtCore/QDir>
-#include <QtCore/QEvent>
#include <QtCore/QTimer>
-#include <QtGui/QMenu>
-#include <QtGui/QLabel>
+#include <QtGui/QApplication>
+#include <QtGui/QKeyEvent>
#include <QtGui/QLayout>
+#include <QtGui/QMenu>
#include <QtGui/QPrinter>
-#include <QtGui/QLineEdit>
-#include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
#include <QtGui/QTabBar>
#include <QtGui/QTabWidget>
#include <QtGui/QToolButton>
-#include <QtGui/QMouseEvent>
-#include <QtGui/QSpacerItem>
-#include <QtGui/QTextCursor>
+#include <QtGui/QPageSetupDialog>
#include <QtGui/QPrintDialog>
-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
-#include <QtGui/QTextDocumentFragment>
#include <QtGui/QPrintPreviewDialog>
-#include <QtGui/QPageSetupDialog>
-#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngine>
#include <QtHelp/QHelpSearchEngine>
@@ -86,137 +80,20 @@ namespace {
CentralWidget *staticCentralWidget = 0;
-FindWidget::FindWidget(QWidget *parent)
- : QWidget(parent)
- , appPalette(qApp->palette())
- QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
- QString resourcePath = QLatin1String(":/trolltech/assistant/images/");
-#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
- hboxLayout->setMargin(0);
- hboxLayout->setSpacing(6);
- resourcePath.append(QLatin1String("win"));
- resourcePath.append(QLatin1String("mac"));
- toolClose = setupToolButton(QLatin1String(""),
- resourcePath + QLatin1String("/closetab.png"));
- hboxLayout->addWidget(toolClose);
- editFind = new QLineEdit(this);
- hboxLayout->addWidget(editFind);
- editFind->setMinimumSize(QSize(150, 0));
- connect(editFind, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateButtons()));
- toolPrevious = setupToolButton(tr("Previous"),
- resourcePath + QLatin1String("/previous.png"));
- hboxLayout->addWidget(toolPrevious);
- toolNext = setupToolButton(tr("Next"),
- resourcePath + QLatin1String("/next.png"));
- hboxLayout->addWidget(toolNext);
- checkCase = new QCheckBox(tr("Case Sensitive"), this);
- hboxLayout->addWidget(checkCase);
- checkWholeWords = new QCheckBox(tr("Whole words"), this);
- hboxLayout->addWidget(checkWholeWords);
-#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
- checkWholeWords->hide();
- labelWrapped = new QLabel(this);
- labelWrapped->setScaledContents(true);
- labelWrapped->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText);
- labelWrapped->setMinimumSize(QSize(0, 20));
- labelWrapped->setMaximumSize(QSize(105, 20));
- labelWrapped->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeading | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
- labelWrapped->setText(tr("<img src=\":/trolltech/assistant/images/wrap.png\""
- ">&nbsp;Search wrapped"));
- hboxLayout->addWidget(labelWrapped);
- QSpacerItem *spacerItem = new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding,
- QSizePolicy::Minimum);
- hboxLayout->addItem(spacerItem);
- setMinimumWidth(minimumSizeHint().width());
- labelWrapped->hide();
- updateButtons();
+// -- CentralWidget
-void FindWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event)
-#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
- // TODO: remove this once webkit supports setting the palette
- if (!event->spontaneous())
- qApp->setPalette(appPalette);
- Q_UNUSED(event);
-void FindWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent* event)
-#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
- // TODO: remove this once webkit supports setting the palette
- if (!event->spontaneous()) {
- QPalette p = appPalette;
- p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Highlight,
- p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight));
- p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::HighlightedText,
- p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText));
- qApp->setPalette(p);
- }
- Q_UNUSED(event);
-void FindWidget::updateButtons()
- if (editFind->text().isEmpty()) {
- toolPrevious->setEnabled(false);
- toolNext->setEnabled(false);
- } else {
- toolPrevious->setEnabled(true);
- toolNext->setEnabled(true);
- }
-QToolButton* FindWidget::setupToolButton(const QString &text, const QString &icon)
- QToolButton *toolButton = new QToolButton(this);
- toolButton->setText(text);
- toolButton->setAutoRaise(true);
- toolButton->setIcon(QIcon(icon));
- toolButton->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon);
- return toolButton;
-// --
-CentralWidget::CentralWidget(QHelpEngine *engine, MainWindow *parent)
+CentralWidget::CentralWidget(MainWindow *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
, lastTabPage(0)
- , collectionFile(engine->collectionFile())
- , findBar(0)
, tabWidget(0)
, findWidget(0)
- , helpEngine(engine)
, printer(0)
, usesDefaultCollection(parent->usesDefaultCollection())
, m_searchWidget(0)
staticCentralWidget = this;
QVBoxLayout *vboxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
@@ -253,20 +130,15 @@ CentralWidget::CentralWidget(QHelpEngine *engine, MainWindow *parent)
- findBar = new QWidget(this);
- findWidget = new FindWidget(findBar);
- findBar->setMinimumHeight(findWidget->minimumSizeHint().height());
- findWidget->move(0, 0);
- vboxLayout->addWidget(findBar);
- findBar->hide();
- findWidget->editFind->installEventFilter(this);
- connect(findWidget->toolClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), findBar, SLOT(hide()));
- connect(findWidget->toolNext, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(findNext()));
- connect(findWidget->editFind, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(findNext()));
- connect(findWidget->editFind, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this,
- SLOT(findCurrentText(QString)));
- connect(findWidget->toolPrevious, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(findPrevious()));
+ findWidget = new FindWidget(this);
+ vboxLayout->addWidget(findWidget);
+ findWidget->hide();
+ connect(findWidget, SIGNAL(findNext()), this, SLOT(findNext()));
+ connect(findWidget, SIGNAL(findPrevious()), this, SLOT(findPrevious()));
+ connect(findWidget, SIGNAL(find(QString, bool)), this,
+ SLOT(find(QString, bool)));
+ connect(findWidget, SIGNAL(escapePressed()), this, SLOT(activateTab()));
QTabBar *tabBar = qFindChild<QTabBar*>(tabWidget);
if (tabBar) {
@@ -288,45 +160,40 @@ CentralWidget::CentralWidget(QHelpEngine *engine, MainWindow *parent)
delete printer;
- QHelpEngineCore engine(collectionFile, 0);
- if (!engine.setupData())
- return;
- QString zoomCount;
- QString currentPages;
- QLatin1Char separator('|');
+ QStringList zoomFactors;
+ QStringList currentPages;
bool searchAttached = m_searchWidget->isAttached();
int i = searchAttached ? 1 : 0;
for (; i < tabWidget->count(); ++i) {
HelpViewer *viewer = qobject_cast<HelpViewer*>(tabWidget->widget(i));
if (viewer && viewer->source().isValid()) {
- currentPages += viewer->source().toString() + separator;
- zoomCount += QString::number(viewer->zoom()) + separator;
+ currentPages << viewer->source().toString();
+ zoomFactors << QString::number(viewer->zoom());
- engine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("LastTabPage"), lastTabPage);
- engine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("LastShownPages"), currentPages);
- engine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("SearchWasAttached"), searchAttached);
-#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
- engine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("LastPagesZoomWebView"), zoomCount);
- engine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("LastPagesZoomTextBrowser"), zoomCount);
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
+ helpEngine.setLastTabPage(tabWidget->currentIndex());
+ helpEngine.setLastShownPages(currentPages);
+ helpEngine.setSearchWasAttached(searchAttached);
+ helpEngine.setLastZoomFactors(zoomFactors);
CentralWidget *CentralWidget::instance()
return staticCentralWidget;
void CentralWidget::newTab()
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
if (viewer && viewer->hasLoadFinished())
@@ -338,6 +205,7 @@ void CentralWidget::newTab()
void CentralWidget::zoomIn()
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
@@ -348,6 +216,7 @@ void CentralWidget::zoomIn()
void CentralWidget::zoomOut()
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
@@ -356,13 +225,9 @@ void CentralWidget::zoomOut()
-void CentralWidget::findNext()
- find(findWidget->editFind->text(), true);
void CentralWidget::nextPage()
int index = tabWidget->currentIndex() + 1;
if (index >= tabWidget->count())
index = 0;
@@ -371,6 +236,7 @@ void CentralWidget::nextPage()
void CentralWidget::resetZoom()
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
@@ -381,19 +247,16 @@ void CentralWidget::resetZoom()
void CentralWidget::previousPage()
int index = tabWidget->currentIndex() -1;
if (index < 0)
index = tabWidget->count() -1;
-void CentralWidget::findPrevious()
- find(findWidget->editFind->text(), false);
void CentralWidget::closeTab()
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (!viewer|| tabWidget->count() == 1)
@@ -404,12 +267,13 @@ void CentralWidget::closeTab()
void CentralWidget::setSource(const QUrl &url)
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
HelpViewer *lastViewer =
if (!viewer && !lastViewer) {
- viewer = new HelpViewer(helpEngine, this);
+ viewer = new HelpViewer(this);
lastTabPage = tabWidget->addTab(viewer, QString());
@@ -427,18 +291,14 @@ void CentralWidget::setSource(const QUrl &url)
void CentralWidget::setupWidget()
- int option = helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("StartOption"),
- ShowLastPages).toInt();
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
+ int option = helpEngine.startOption();
if (option != ShowLastPages) {
QString homePage;
- if (option == ShowHomePage) {
- homePage = helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("defaultHomepage"),
- QLatin1String("help")).toString();
- homePage = helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("homepage"),
- homePage).toString();
- }
- if (option == ShowBlankPage)
+ if (option == ShowHomePage)
+ homePage = helpEngine.homePage();
+ else if (option == ShowBlankPage)
homePage = QLatin1String("about:blank");
} else {
@@ -448,11 +308,9 @@ void CentralWidget::setupWidget()
void CentralWidget::setLastShownPages()
- const QLatin1String key("LastShownPages");
- QString value = helpEngine->customValue(key, QString()).toString();
- const QStringList lastShownPageList = value.split(QLatin1Char('|'),
- QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
+ const QStringList lastShownPageList = helpEngine.lastShownPages();
const int pageCount = lastShownPageList.count();
if (pageCount == 0) {
if (usesDefaultCollection)
@@ -461,48 +319,39 @@ void CentralWidget::setLastShownPages()
+ QStringList zoomFactors = helpEngine.lastZoomFactors();
+ while (zoomFactors.count() < pageCount)
+ zoomFactors.append(CollectionConfiguration::DefaultZoomFactor);
-#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
- const QLatin1String zoom("LastPagesZoomWebView");
- const QLatin1String zoom("LastPagesZoomTextBrowser");
- value = helpEngine->customValue(zoom, QString()).toString();
- QVector<QString> zoomVector = value.split(QLatin1Char('|'),
- QString::SkipEmptyParts).toVector();
- const int zoomCount = zoomVector.count();
- zoomVector.insert(zoomCount, pageCount - zoomCount, QLatin1String("0.0"));
- QVector<QString>::const_iterator zIt = zoomVector.constBegin();
- QStringList::const_iterator it = lastShownPageList.constBegin();
- for (; it != lastShownPageList.constEnd(); ++it, ++zIt)
- setSourceInNewTab((*it), (*zIt).toFloat());
- const QLatin1String lastTab("LastTabPage");
- int tab = helpEngine->customValue(lastTab, 1).toInt();
- const QLatin1String searchKey("SearchWasAttached");
const bool searchIsAttached = m_searchWidget->isAttached();
- const bool searchWasAttached = helpEngine->customValue(searchKey).toBool();
- if (searchWasAttached && !searchIsAttached)
- tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(--tab);
+ const bool searchWasAttached = helpEngine.searchWasAttached();
+ int tabToShow = helpEngine.lastTabPage();
+ if (searchWasAttached && !searchIsAttached && tabToShow != 0)
+ --tabToShow;
else if (!searchWasAttached && searchIsAttached)
- tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(++tab);
- else
- tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(tab);
+ ++tabToShow;
+ for (int curTab = 0; curTab < pageCount; ++curTab) {
+ const QString &curFile =;
+ if (helpEngine.findFile(curFile).isValid())
+ setSourceInNewTab(curFile,;
+ else if (curTab + searchIsAttached <= tabToShow)
+ --tabToShow;
+ }
+ tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(tabToShow);
bool CentralWidget::hasSelection() const
const HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
return viewer ? viewer->hasSelection() : false;
QUrl CentralWidget::currentSource() const
const HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
return viewer->source();
@@ -512,6 +361,7 @@ QUrl CentralWidget::currentSource() const
QString CentralWidget::currentTitle() const
const HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
return viewer->documentTitle();
@@ -521,6 +371,7 @@ QString CentralWidget::currentTitle() const
void CentralWidget::copySelection()
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
@@ -528,13 +379,13 @@ void CentralWidget::copySelection()
void CentralWidget::showTextSearch()
- findBar->show();
- findWidget->editFind->selectAll();
- findWidget->editFind->setFocus(Qt::ShortcutFocusReason);
+ findWidget->show();
void CentralWidget::initPrinter()
if (!printer)
printer = new QPrinter(QPrinter::HighResolution);
@@ -543,6 +394,7 @@ void CentralWidget::initPrinter()
void CentralWidget::print()
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (!viewer)
@@ -550,23 +402,23 @@ void CentralWidget::print()
- QPrintDialog *dlg = new QPrintDialog(printer, this);
+ QPrintDialog dlg(printer, this);
#if defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
if (viewer->textCursor().hasSelection())
- dlg->addEnabledOption(QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintSelection);
+ dlg.addEnabledOption(QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintSelection);
- dlg->addEnabledOption(QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintPageRange);
- dlg->addEnabledOption(QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintCollateCopies);
- dlg->setWindowTitle(tr("Print Document"));
- if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+ dlg.addEnabledOption(QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintPageRange);
+ dlg.addEnabledOption(QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintCollateCopies);
+ dlg.setWindowTitle(tr("Print Document"));
+ if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
- delete dlg;
void CentralWidget::printPreview()
QPrintPreviewDialog preview(printer, this);
@@ -578,6 +430,7 @@ void CentralWidget::printPreview()
void CentralWidget::printPreview(QPrinter *p)
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
@@ -587,6 +440,7 @@ void CentralWidget::printPreview(QPrinter *p)
void CentralWidget::pageSetup()
QPageSetupDialog dlg(printer);
@@ -596,11 +450,13 @@ void CentralWidget::pageSetup()
bool CentralWidget::isHomeAvailable() const
return currentHelpViewer() ? true : false;
void CentralWidget::home()
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
@@ -608,6 +464,7 @@ void CentralWidget::home()
bool CentralWidget::isForwardAvailable() const
const HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
return viewer->isForwardAvailable();
@@ -617,6 +474,7 @@ bool CentralWidget::isForwardAvailable() const
void CentralWidget::forward()
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
@@ -624,6 +482,7 @@ void CentralWidget::forward()
bool CentralWidget::isBackwardAvailable() const
const HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
return viewer->isBackwardAvailable();
@@ -633,6 +492,7 @@ bool CentralWidget::isBackwardAvailable() const
void CentralWidget::backward()
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
@@ -641,16 +501,19 @@ void CentralWidget::backward()
QList<QAction*> CentralWidget::globalActions() const
return globalActionList;
void CentralWidget::setGlobalActions(const QList<QAction*> &actions)
globalActionList = actions;
void CentralWidget::setSourceInNewTab(const QUrl &url, qreal zoom)
HelpViewer *viewer;
#if defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
@@ -659,7 +522,7 @@ void CentralWidget::setSourceInNewTab(const QUrl &url, qreal zoom)
- viewer = new HelpViewer(helpEngine, this);
+ viewer = new HelpViewer(this);
@@ -683,7 +546,8 @@ void CentralWidget::setSourceInNewTab(const QUrl &url, qreal zoom)
HelpViewer *CentralWidget::newEmptyTab()
- HelpViewer *viewer = new HelpViewer(helpEngine, this);
+ HelpViewer *viewer = new HelpViewer(this);
#if defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
@@ -695,13 +559,9 @@ HelpViewer *CentralWidget::newEmptyTab()
return viewer;
-void CentralWidget::findCurrentText(const QString &text)
- find(text, true);
void CentralWidget::connectSignals()
const HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer) {
connect(viewer, SIGNAL(copyAvailable(bool)), this,
@@ -721,11 +581,13 @@ void CentralWidget::connectSignals()
HelpViewer *CentralWidget::currentHelpViewer() const
return qobject_cast<HelpViewer*>(tabWidget->currentWidget());
void CentralWidget::activateTab(bool onlyHelpViewer)
if (currentHelpViewer()) {
} else {
@@ -739,6 +601,7 @@ void CentralWidget::activateTab(bool onlyHelpViewer)
void CentralWidget::setTabTitle(const QUrl &url)
#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
QTabBar *tabBar = qFindChild<QTabBar*>(tabWidget);
@@ -760,6 +623,7 @@ void CentralWidget::setTabTitle(const QUrl &url)
void CentralWidget::currentPageChanged(int index)
const HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer)
lastTabPage = index;
@@ -775,6 +639,7 @@ void CentralWidget::currentPageChanged(int index)
void CentralWidget::showTabBarContextMenu(const QPoint &point)
HelpViewer *viewer = helpViewerFromTabPosition(tabWidget, point);
if (!viewer)
@@ -822,11 +687,12 @@ void CentralWidget::showTabBarContextMenu(const QPoint &point)
if (pickedAction == newBookmark)
- emit addNewBookmark(viewer->documentTitle(), viewer->source().toString());
+ emit addBookmark(viewer->documentTitle(), viewer->source().toString());
bool CentralWidget::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e)
if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e);
switch (ke->key()) {
@@ -834,14 +700,6 @@ bool CentralWidget::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e)
return QWidget::eventFilter(object, e);
} break;
- case Qt::Key_Escape: {
- if (findWidget->editFind == object) {
- findBar->hide();
- if (HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer())
- viewer->setFocus();
- }
- } break;
case Qt::Key_Backspace: {
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (viewer == object) {
@@ -882,43 +740,51 @@ bool CentralWidget::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e)
void CentralWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
const QString &text = e->text();
if (text.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
- if (!findBar->isVisible()) {
- findBar->show();
- findWidget->editFind->clear();
+ if (!findWidget->isVisible()) {
+ findWidget->showAndClear();
} else {
- findWidget->editFind->selectAll();
+ findWidget->show();
- findWidget->editFind->setFocus();
- return;
+ } else {
+ QWidget::keyPressEvent(e);
- QWidget::keyPressEvent(e);
-void CentralWidget::find(const QString &ttf, bool forward)
+void CentralWidget::findNext()
- QPalette p = findWidget->editFind->palette();
- p.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, Qt::white);
+ find(findWidget->text(), true);
- bool found = false;
+void CentralWidget::findPrevious()
+ find(findWidget->text(), false);
+void CentralWidget::find(const QString &ttf, bool forward)
+ bool found = false;
#if defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
found = findInTextBrowser(ttf, forward);
found = findInWebPage(ttf, forward);
- if (!found && !ttf.isEmpty())
- p.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, QColor(255, 102, 102));
+ if (!found && ttf.isEmpty())
+ found = true; // the line edit is empty, no need to mark it red...
if (!findWidget->isVisible())
- findWidget->editFind->setPalette(p);
+ findWidget->setPalette(found);
bool CentralWidget::findInWebPage(const QString &ttf, bool forward)
#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
if (HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer()) {
bool found = false;
@@ -927,21 +793,23 @@ bool CentralWidget::findInWebPage(const QString &ttf, bool forward)
if (!forward)
options |= QWebPage::FindBackward;
- if (findWidget->checkCase->isChecked())
+ if (findWidget->caseSensitive())
options |= QWebPage::FindCaseSensitively;
found = viewer->findText(ttf, options);
- findWidget->labelWrapped->hide();
+ findWidget->setTextWrappedVisible(false);
if (!found) {
options |= QWebPage::FindWrapsAroundDocument;
found = viewer->findText(ttf, options);
if (found)
- findWidget->labelWrapped->show();
+ findWidget->setTextWrappedVisible(true);
// force highlighting of all other matches, also when empty (clear)
options = QWebPage::HighlightAllOccurrences;
+ if (findWidget->caseSensitive())
+ options |= QWebPage::FindCaseSensitively;
viewer->findText(QLatin1String(""), options);
viewer->findText(ttf, options);
return found;
@@ -949,12 +817,16 @@ bool CentralWidget::findInWebPage(const QString &ttf, bool forward)
// this needs to stay, case for active search results page
return findInTextBrowser(ttf, forward);
+ Q_UNUSED(ttf);
+ Q_UNUSED(forward);
return false;
bool CentralWidget::findInTextBrowser(const QString &ttf, bool forward)
QTextBrowser *browser = qobject_cast<QTextBrowser*>(currentHelpViewer());
if (tabWidget->currentWidget() == m_searchWidget)
browser = qFindChild<QTextBrowser*>(m_searchWidget);
@@ -978,13 +850,10 @@ bool CentralWidget::findInTextBrowser(const QString &ttf, bool forward)
if (!forward)
options |= QTextDocument::FindBackward;
- if (findWidget->checkCase->isChecked())
+ if (findWidget->caseSensitive())
options |= QTextDocument::FindCaseSensitively;
- if (findWidget->checkWholeWords->isChecked())
- options |= QTextDocument::FindWholeWords;
- findWidget->labelWrapped->hide();
+ findWidget->setTextWrappedVisible(false);
bool found = true;
QTextCursor newCursor = doc->find(ttf, cursor, options);
@@ -997,7 +866,7 @@ bool CentralWidget::findInTextBrowser(const QString &ttf, bool forward)
found = false;
newCursor = cursor;
} else {
- findWidget->labelWrapped->show();
+ findWidget->setTextWrappedVisible(true);
@@ -1006,6 +875,7 @@ bool CentralWidget::findInTextBrowser(const QString &ttf, bool forward)
void CentralWidget::updateBrowserFont()
QFont font;
bool searchAttached = searchWidgetAttached();
if (searchAttached) {
@@ -1019,8 +889,14 @@ void CentralWidget::updateBrowserFont()
setBrowserFontFor(tabWidget->widget(i), font);
+bool CentralWidget::searchWidgetAttached() const
+ return m_searchWidget && m_searchWidget->isAttached();
void CentralWidget::createSearchWidget(QHelpSearchEngine *searchEngine)
if (m_searchWidget)
@@ -1037,8 +913,9 @@ void CentralWidget::createSearchWidget(QHelpSearchEngine *searchEngine)
void CentralWidget::activateSearchWidget(bool updateLastTabPage)
if (!m_searchWidget)
- createSearchWidget(helpEngine->searchEngine());
+ createSearchWidget(HelpEngineWrapper::instance().searchEngine());
if (!m_searchWidget->isAttached()) {
tabWidget->insertTab(0, m_searchWidget, tr("Search"));
@@ -1054,6 +931,7 @@ void CentralWidget::activateSearchWidget(bool updateLastTabPage)
void CentralWidget::removeSearchWidget()
if (searchWidgetAttached()) {
@@ -1062,6 +940,7 @@ void CentralWidget::removeSearchWidget()
int CentralWidget::availableHelpViewer() const
int count = tabWidget->count();
if (searchWidgetAttached())
@@ -1070,6 +949,7 @@ int CentralWidget::availableHelpViewer() const
bool CentralWidget::enableTabCloseAction() const
int minTabCount = 1;
if (searchWidgetAttached())
minTabCount = 2;
@@ -1079,6 +959,7 @@ bool CentralWidget::enableTabCloseAction() const
QString CentralWidget::quoteTabTitle(const QString &title) const
QString s = title;
return s.replace(QLatin1Char('&'), QLatin1String("&&"));
@@ -1086,6 +967,7 @@ QString CentralWidget::quoteTabTitle(const QString &title) const
CentralWidget::setSourceFromSearch(const QUrl &url)
#if defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
@@ -1098,6 +980,7 @@ CentralWidget::setSourceFromSearch(const QUrl &url)
CentralWidget::setSourceFromSearchInNewTab(const QUrl &url)
#if defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
@@ -1110,11 +993,13 @@ CentralWidget::setSourceFromSearchInNewTab(const QUrl &url)
HelpViewer *viewer = currentHelpViewer();
if (!viewer)
- QHelpSearchEngine *searchEngine = helpEngine->searchEngine();
+ QHelpSearchEngine *searchEngine =
+ HelpEngineWrapper::instance().searchEngine();
QList<QHelpSearchQuery> queryList = searchEngine->query();
QStringList terms;
@@ -1174,8 +1059,33 @@ CentralWidget::highlightSearchTerms()
+void CentralWidget::closeOrReloadTabs(const QList<int> &indices, bool tryReload)
+ QList<int> sortedIndices = indices;
+ qSort(sortedIndices);
+ for (int i = sortedIndices.count(); --i >= 0;) {
+ const int tab =;
+ bool close = true;
+ if (tryReload) {
+ HelpViewer *viewer =
+ qobject_cast<HelpViewer*>(tabWidget->widget(tab));
+ if (HelpEngineWrapper::instance().findFile(viewer->source()).isValid()) {
+ viewer->reload();
+ close = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (close)
+ closeTabAt(tab);
+ }
+ if (availableHelpViewer() == 0)
+ setSource(QUrl(QLatin1String("about:blank")));
void CentralWidget::closeTabAt(int index)
HelpViewer *viewer = qobject_cast<HelpViewer*>(tabWidget->widget(index));
QTimer::singleShot(0, viewer, SLOT(deleteLater()));
@@ -1183,8 +1093,9 @@ void CentralWidget::closeTabAt(int index)
QMap<int, QString> CentralWidget::currentSourceFileList() const
QMap<int, QString> sourceList;
- for (int i = 1; i < tabWidget->count(); ++i) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tabWidget->count(); ++i) {
HelpViewer *viewer = qobject_cast<HelpViewer*>(tabWidget->widget(i));
if (viewer && viewer->source().isValid())
sourceList.insert(i, viewer->source().host());
@@ -1194,8 +1105,9 @@ QMap<int, QString> CentralWidget::currentSourceFileList() const
void CentralWidget::getBrowserFontFor(QWidget *viewer, QFont *font)
- const QLatin1String key("useBrowserFont");
- if (!helpEngine->customValue(key, false).toBool()) {
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
+ if (!helpEngine.usesBrowserFont()) {
*font = qApp->font(); // case for QTextBrowser and SearchWidget
#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
QWebView *view = qobject_cast<QWebView*> (viewer);
@@ -1206,13 +1118,13 @@ void CentralWidget::getBrowserFontFor(QWidget *viewer, QFont *font)
} else {
- *font = qVariantValue<QFont>(helpEngine->customValue(
- QLatin1String("browserFont")));
+ *font = helpEngine.browserFont();
void CentralWidget::setBrowserFontFor(QWidget *widget, const QFont &font)
#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
QWebView *view = qobject_cast<QWebView*> (widget);
if (view) {
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/centralwidget.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/centralwidget.h
index 9e32985..6c3e93c 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/centralwidget.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/centralwidget.h
@@ -38,78 +38,27 @@
#include <QtCore/QUrl>
-#include <QtCore/QPoint>
-#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
-#include "searchwidget.h"
-class QEvent;
-class QLabel;
-class QAction;
-class QCheckBox;
-class QLineEdit;
-class QTextBrowser;
-class QToolButton;
+class FindWidget;
class HelpViewer;
-class QTabWidget;
-class QHelpEngine;
-class CentralWidget;
-class PrintHelper;
class MainWindow;
class QHelpSearchEngine;
-class FindWidget : public QWidget
- FindWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
- ~FindWidget();
- void findNext();
- void findPrevious();
- void hideEvent(QHideEvent* event);
- void showEvent(QShowEvent * event);
-private slots:
- void updateButtons();
- QToolButton* setupToolButton(const QString &text, const QString &icon);
- QLineEdit *editFind;
- QCheckBox *checkCase;
- QLabel *labelWrapped;
- QToolButton *toolNext;
- QToolButton *toolClose;
- QToolButton *toolPrevious;
- QCheckBox *checkWholeWords;
- QPalette appPalette;
- friend class CentralWidget;
+class QTabWidget;
+class SearchWidget;
class CentralWidget : public QWidget
- CentralWidget(QHelpEngine *engine, MainWindow *parent);
+ CentralWidget(MainWindow *parent);
void setupWidget();
@@ -122,11 +71,8 @@ public:
QList<QAction*> globalActions() const;
void setGlobalActions(const QList<QAction*> &actions);
HelpViewer *currentHelpViewer() const;
- void activateTab(bool onlyHelpViewer = false);
- bool searchWidgetAttached() const {
- return m_searchWidget && m_searchWidget->isAttached();
- }
+ bool searchWidgetAttached() const;
void createSearchWidget(QHelpSearchEngine *searchEngine);
void activateSearchWidget(bool updateLastTabPage = false);
void removeSearchWidget();
@@ -134,6 +80,7 @@ public:
int availableHelpViewer() const;
bool enableTabCloseAction() const;
+ void closeOrReloadTabs(const QList<int> &indices, bool tryReload);
void closeTabAt(int index);
QMap<int, QString> currentSourceFileList() const;
@@ -142,11 +89,9 @@ public:
public slots:
void zoomIn();
void zoomOut();
- void findNext();
void nextPage();
void resetZoom();
void previousPage();
- void findPrevious();
void copySelection();
void showTextSearch();
void print();
@@ -155,12 +100,17 @@ public slots:
void updateBrowserFont();
void setSource(const QUrl &url);
void setSourceInNewTab(const QUrl &url, qreal zoom = 0.0);
- void findCurrentText(const QString &text);
HelpViewer *newEmptyTab();
void home();
void forward();
void backward();
+ void activateTab(bool onlyHelpViewer = false);
+ void findNext();
+ void findPrevious();
+ void find(const QString &text, bool forward);
void currentViewerChanged();
void copyAvailable(bool yes);
@@ -168,7 +118,7 @@ signals:
void highlighted(const QString &link);
void forwardAvailable(bool available);
void backwardAvailable(bool available);
- void addNewBookmark(const QString &title, const QString &url);
+ void addBookmark(const QString &title, const QString &url);
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
@@ -187,7 +137,6 @@ private slots:
void connectSignals();
bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e);
- void find(const QString &ttf, bool forward);
bool findInWebPage(const QString &ttf, bool forward);
bool findInTextBrowser(const QString &ttf, bool forward);
void initPrinter();
@@ -199,13 +148,10 @@ private:
int lastTabPage;
- QString collectionFile;
QList<QAction*> globalActionList;
- QWidget *findBar;
QTabWidget *tabWidget;
FindWidget *findWidget;
- QHelpEngine *helpEngine;
QPrinter *printer;
bool usesDefaultCollection;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/cmdlineparser.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/cmdlineparser.cpp
index 38814a5..bbc0c37 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/cmdlineparser.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/cmdlineparser.cpp
@@ -38,29 +38,17 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
+#include <QtCore/QStringBuilder>
#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
#include "cmdlineparser.h"
-#define CHECK_NEXT_ARG \
- ++i < arguments.count() && !"-"))
- : m_enableRemoteControl(false),
- m_contents(Untouched),
- m_index(Untouched),
- m_bookmarks(Untouched),
- m_search(Untouched),
- m_register(None),
- m_removeSearchIndex(false),
- m_copy(false),
- m_quiet(false)
- m_helpMessage = QLatin1String(
+const QString CmdLineParser::m_helpMessage = QLatin1String(
"Usage: assistant [Options]\n\n"
"-collectionFile file Uses the specified collection\n"
" file instead of the default one\n"
@@ -85,156 +73,72 @@ CmdLineParser::CmdLineParser()
" file.\n"
"-setCurrentFilter filter Set the filter as the active filter.\n"
"-remove-search-index Removes the full text search index.\n"
+ "-rebuild-search-index Re-builds the full text search index (potentially slow).\n"
"-quiet Does not display any error or\n"
" status message.\n"
"-help Displays this help.\n"
-CmdLineParser::Result CmdLineParser::parse(const QStringList &arguments)
- QString error;
- bool showHelp = false;
- for (int j=1; j<arguments.count(); ++j) {
- if ( == QLatin1String("-quiet")) {
+CmdLineParser::CmdLineParser(const QStringList &arguments)
+ : m_pos(0),
+ m_enableRemoteControl(false),
+ m_contents(Untouched),
+ m_index(Untouched),
+ m_bookmarks(Untouched),
+ m_search(Untouched),
+ m_register(None),
+ m_removeSearchIndex(false),
+ m_rebuildSearchIndex(false),
+ m_quiet(false)
+ for (int i = 1; i < arguments.count(); ++i) {
+ const QString &arg =;
+ if (arg.toLower() == "-quiet")
m_quiet = true;
- break;
- }
+ else
+ m_arguments.append(arg);
- for (int i=1; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
- QString arg =;
- if (arg == QLatin1String("-collectionfile")) {
- m_collectionFile = getFileName(;
- if (m_collectionFile.isEmpty()) {
- error = QObject::tr("The specified collection file does not exist!");
- break;
- }
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Missing collection file!");
- break;
- }
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-showurl")) {
- QUrl url(;
- if (url.isValid()) {
- m_url = url;
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Invalid URL!");
- break;
- }
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Missing URL!");
- break;
- }
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-enableremotecontrol")) {
+CmdLineParser::Result CmdLineParser::parse()
+ bool showHelp = false;
+ while (m_error.isEmpty() && hasMoreArgs()) {
+ const QString &arg = nextArg().toLower();
+ if (arg == QLatin1String("-collectionfile"))
+ handleCollectionFileOption();
+ else if (arg == QLatin1String("-showurl"))
+ handleShowUrlOption();
+ else if (arg == QLatin1String("-enableremotecontrol"))
m_enableRemoteControl = true;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-show")) {
- arg =;
- if (arg == QLatin1String("contents")) {
- m_contents = Show;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("index")) {
- m_index = Show;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("bookmarks")) {
- m_bookmarks = Show;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("search")) {
- m_search = Show;
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Unknown widget: %1").arg(arg);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Missing widget!");
- break;
- }
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-hide")) {
- arg =;
- if (arg == QLatin1String("contents")) {
- m_contents = Hide;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("index")) {
- m_index = Hide;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("bookmarks")) {
- m_bookmarks = Hide;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("search")) {
- m_search = Hide;
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Unknown widget: %1").arg(arg);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Missing widget!");
- break;
- }
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-activate")) {
- arg =;
- if (arg == QLatin1String("contents")) {
- m_contents = Activate;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("index")) {
- m_index = Activate;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("bookmarks")) {
- m_bookmarks = Activate;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("search")) {
- m_search = Activate;
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Unknown widget: %1").arg(arg);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Missing widget!");
- break;
- }
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-register")) {
- m_helpFile = getFileName(;
- if (m_helpFile.isEmpty()) {
- error = QObject::tr("The specified Qt help file does not exist!");
- break;
- }
- m_register = Register;
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Missing help file!");
- break;
- }
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-unregister")) {
- m_helpFile = getFileName(;
- if (m_helpFile.isEmpty()) {
- error = QObject::tr("The specified Qt help file does not exist!");
- break;
- }
- m_register = Unregister;
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Missing help file!");
- break;
- }
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-setcurrentfilter")) {
- m_currentFilter =;
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Missing filter argument!");
- break;
- }
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-remove-search-index")) {
+ else if (arg == QLatin1String("-show"))
+ handleShowOption();
+ else if (arg == QLatin1String("-hide"))
+ handleHideOption();
+ else if (arg == QLatin1String("-activate"))
+ handleActivateOption();
+ else if (arg == QLatin1String("-register"))
+ handleRegisterOption();
+ else if (arg == QLatin1String("-unregister"))
+ handleUnregisterOption();
+ else if (arg == QLatin1String("-setcurrentfilter"))
+ handleSetCurrentFilterOption();
+ else if (arg == QLatin1String("-remove-search-index"))
m_removeSearchIndex = true;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-quiet")) {
- continue;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-help")) {
+ else if (arg == QLatin1String("-rebuild-search-index"))
+ m_rebuildSearchIndex = true;
+ else if (arg == QLatin1String("-help"))
showHelp = true;
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-copy")) {
- m_copy = true;
- } else {
- error = QObject::tr("Unknown option: %1").arg(arg);
- break;
- }
+ else
+ m_error = tr("Unknown option: %1").arg(arg);
- if (!error.isEmpty()) {
- showMessage(error + QLatin1String("\n\n\n") + m_helpMessage, true);
+ if (!m_error.isEmpty()) {
+ showMessage(m_error + QLatin1String("\n\n\n") + m_helpMessage, true);
return Error;
} else if (showHelp) {
showMessage(m_helpMessage, false);
@@ -243,8 +147,125 @@ CmdLineParser::Result CmdLineParser::parse(const QStringList &arguments)
return Ok;
+bool CmdLineParser::hasMoreArgs() const
+ return m_pos < m_arguments.count();
+const QString &CmdLineParser::nextArg()
+ Q_ASSERT(hasMoreArgs());
+ return;
+void CmdLineParser::handleCollectionFileOption()
+ if (hasMoreArgs()) {
+ const QString &fileName = nextArg();
+ m_collectionFile = getFileName(fileName);
+ if (m_collectionFile.isEmpty())
+ m_error = tr("The collection file '%1' does not exist!").
+ arg(fileName);
+ } else {
+ m_error = tr("Missing collection file!");
+ }
+void CmdLineParser::handleShowUrlOption()
+ if (hasMoreArgs()) {
+ const QString &urlString = nextArg();
+ QUrl url(urlString);
+ if (url.isValid()) {
+ m_url = url;
+ } else
+ m_error = tr("Invalid URL '%1'!").arg(urlString);
+ } else {
+ m_error = tr("Missing URL!");
+ }
+void CmdLineParser::handleShowOption()
+ handleShowOrHideOrActivateOption(Show);
+void CmdLineParser::handleHideOption()
+ handleShowOrHideOrActivateOption(Hide);
+void CmdLineParser::handleActivateOption()
+ handleShowOrHideOrActivateOption(Activate);
+void CmdLineParser::handleShowOrHideOrActivateOption(ShowState state)
+ if (hasMoreArgs()) {
+ const QString &widget = nextArg().toLower();
+ if (widget == QLatin1String("contents"))
+ m_contents = state;
+ else if (widget == QLatin1String("index"))
+ m_index = state;
+ else if (widget == QLatin1String("bookmarks"))
+ m_bookmarks = state;
+ else if (widget == QLatin1String("search"))
+ m_search = state;
+ else
+ m_error = tr("Unknown widget: %1").arg(widget);
+ } else {
+ m_error = tr("Missing widget!");
+ }
+void CmdLineParser::handleRegisterOption()
+ handleRegisterOrUnregisterOption(Register);
+void CmdLineParser::handleUnregisterOption()
+ handleRegisterOrUnregisterOption(Unregister);
+void CmdLineParser::handleRegisterOrUnregisterOption(RegisterState state)
+ if (hasMoreArgs()) {
+ const QString &fileName = nextArg();
+ m_helpFile = getFileName(fileName);
+ if (m_helpFile.isEmpty())
+ m_error = tr("The Qt help file '%1' does not exist!").arg(fileName);
+ else
+ m_register = state;
+ } else {
+ m_error = tr("Missing help file!");
+ }
+void CmdLineParser::handleSetCurrentFilterOption()
+ if (hasMoreArgs())
+ m_currentFilter = nextArg();
+ else
+ m_error = tr("Missing filter argument!");
QString CmdLineParser::getFileName(const QString &fileName)
QFileInfo fi(fileName);
if (!fi.exists())
return QString();
@@ -253,14 +274,15 @@ QString CmdLineParser::getFileName(const QString &fileName)
void CmdLineParser::showMessage(const QString &msg, bool error)
if (m_quiet)
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
- QString s = QLatin1String("<pre>") + msg + QLatin1String("</pre>");
+ QString message = QLatin1String("<pre>") % msg % QLatin1String("</pre>");
if (error)
- QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("Qt Assistant"), s);
+ QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Error"), message);
- QMessageBox::information(0, QObject::tr("Qt Assistant"), s);
+ QMessageBox::information(0, tr("Notice"), message);
fprintf(error ? stderr : stdout, "%s\n", qPrintable(msg));
@@ -268,61 +290,79 @@ void CmdLineParser::showMessage(const QString &msg, bool error)
void CmdLineParser::setCollectionFile(const QString &file)
m_collectionFile = file;
QString CmdLineParser::collectionFile() const
return m_collectionFile;
QUrl CmdLineParser::url() const
return m_url;
bool CmdLineParser::enableRemoteControl() const
return m_enableRemoteControl;
CmdLineParser::ShowState CmdLineParser::contents() const
return m_contents;
CmdLineParser::ShowState CmdLineParser::index() const
return m_index;
CmdLineParser::ShowState CmdLineParser::bookmarks() const
return m_bookmarks;
CmdLineParser::ShowState CmdLineParser::search() const
return m_search;
QString CmdLineParser::currentFilter() const
return m_currentFilter;
bool CmdLineParser::removeSearchIndex() const
return m_removeSearchIndex;
+bool CmdLineParser::rebuildSearchIndex() const
+ return m_rebuildSearchIndex;
CmdLineParser::RegisterState CmdLineParser::registerRequest() const
return m_register;
QString CmdLineParser::helpFile() const
return m_helpFile;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/cmdlineparser.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/cmdlineparser.h
index 17707cb..5573081 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/cmdlineparser.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/cmdlineparser.h
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
+#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QUrl>
@@ -49,13 +50,14 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
class CmdLineParser
enum Result {Ok, Help, Error};
enum ShowState {Untouched, Show, Hide, Activate};
enum RegisterState {None, Register, Unregister};
- CmdLineParser();
- Result parse(const QStringList &arguments);
+ CmdLineParser(const QStringList &arguments);
+ Result parse();
void setCollectionFile(const QString &file);
QString collectionFile() const;
@@ -68,17 +70,30 @@ public:
ShowState search() const;
QString currentFilter() const;
bool removeSearchIndex() const;
+ bool rebuildSearchIndex() const;
RegisterState registerRequest() const;
QString helpFile() const;
- bool copy() const { return m_copy; }
void showMessage(const QString &msg, bool error);
QString getFileName(const QString &fileName);
+ bool hasMoreArgs() const;
+ const QString &nextArg();
+ void handleCollectionFileOption();
+ void handleShowUrlOption();
+ void handleShowOption();
+ void handleHideOption();
+ void handleActivateOption();
+ void handleShowOrHideOrActivateOption(ShowState state);
+ void handleRegisterOption();
+ void handleUnregisterOption();
+ void handleRegisterOrUnregisterOption(RegisterState state);
+ void handleSetCurrentFilterOption();
- QString m_helpMessage;
+ QStringList m_arguments;
+ int m_pos;
+ static const QString m_helpMessage;
QString m_collectionFile;
QString m_cloneFile;
QString m_helpFile;
@@ -92,8 +107,9 @@ private:
RegisterState m_register;
QString m_currentFilter;
bool m_removeSearchIndex;
- bool m_copy;
+ bool m_rebuildSearchIndex;
bool m_quiet;
+ QString m_error;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/contentwindow.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/contentwindow.cpp
index 4640673..976ed7a 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/contentwindow.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/contentwindow.cpp
@@ -38,25 +38,26 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include "contentwindow.h"
#include "centralwidget.h"
+#include "helpenginewrapper.h"
+#include "helpviewer.h"
#include <QtGui/QLayout>
#include <QtGui/QFocusEvent>
#include <QtGui/QMenu>
-#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngine>
#include <QtHelp/QHelpContentWidget>
-ContentWindow::ContentWindow(QHelpEngine *helpEngine)
- : m_helpEngine(helpEngine)
- , m_contentWidget(0)
+ : m_contentWidget(HelpEngineWrapper::instance().contentWidget())
, m_expandDepth(-2)
- m_contentWidget = m_helpEngine->contentWidget();
@@ -76,10 +77,12 @@ ContentWindow::ContentWindow(QHelpEngine *helpEngine)
bool ContentWindow::syncToContent(const QUrl& url)
QModelIndex idx = m_contentWidget->indexOf(url);
if (!idx.isValid())
return false;
@@ -89,6 +92,8 @@ bool ContentWindow::syncToContent(const QUrl& url)
void ContentWindow::expandTOC()
+ Q_ASSERT(m_expandDepth >= -2);
if (m_expandDepth > -2) {
m_expandDepth = -2;
@@ -97,27 +102,34 @@ void ContentWindow::expandTOC()
void ContentWindow::expandToDepth(int depth)
+ Q_ASSERT(depth >= -2);
m_expandDepth = depth;
if (depth == -1)
+ else if (depth == 0)
+ m_contentWidget->collapseAll();
- m_contentWidget->expandToDepth(depth);
+ m_contentWidget->expandToDepth(depth - 1);
void ContentWindow::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e)
if (e->reason() != Qt::MouseFocusReason)
void ContentWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape)
emit escapePressed();
bool ContentWindow::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
if (m_contentWidget && o == m_contentWidget->viewport()
&& e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {
QMouseEvent *me = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e);
@@ -132,7 +144,7 @@ bool ContentWindow::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
if (contentModel) {
QHelpContentItem *itm = contentModel->contentItemAt(index);
- if (itm && !isPdfFile(itm))
+ if (itm && HelpViewer::canOpenPage(itm->url().path()))
} else if (button == Qt::LeftButton) {
@@ -146,6 +158,7 @@ bool ContentWindow::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
void ContentWindow::showContextMenu(const QPoint &pos)
if (!m_contentWidget->indexAt(pos).isValid())
@@ -157,7 +170,7 @@ void ContentWindow::showContextMenu(const QPoint &pos)
QMenu menu;
QAction *curTab = menu.addAction(tr("Open Link"));
QAction *newTab = menu.addAction(tr("Open Link in New Tab"));
- if (isPdfFile(itm))
+ if (!HelpViewer::canOpenPage(itm->url().path()))
@@ -171,6 +184,7 @@ void ContentWindow::showContextMenu(const QPoint &pos)
void ContentWindow::itemClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
QHelpContentModel *contentModel =
@@ -181,10 +195,4 @@ void ContentWindow::itemClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
-bool ContentWindow::isPdfFile(QHelpContentItem *item) const
- const QString &path = item->url().path();
- return path.endsWith(QLatin1String(".pdf"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/contentwindow.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/contentwindow.h
index f3bf060..62855dd 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/contentwindow.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/contentwindow.h
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class ContentWindow : public QWidget
- ContentWindow(QHelpEngine *helpEngine);
+ ContentWindow();
bool syncToContent(const QUrl &url);
@@ -78,8 +78,7 @@ private:
bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e);
bool isPdfFile(QHelpContentItem *item) const;
- QHelpEngine *m_helpEngine;
- QHelpContentWidget *m_contentWidget;
+ QHelpContentWidget * const m_contentWidget;
int m_expandDepth;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/doc/assistant.qdocconf b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/doc/assistant.qdocconf
index b8726a4..3b4b5f8 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/doc/assistant.qdocconf
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/doc/assistant.qdocconf
@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ HTML.footer = "<p /><address><hr /><div align=\"center\">\n" \
"<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr class=\"address\">\n" \
"<td width=\"30%\" align=\"left\">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)</td>\n" \
"<td width=\"40%\" align=\"center\">Trademarks</td>\n" \
- "<td width=\"30%\" align=\"right\"><div align=\"right\">Qt 4.6.2</div></td>\n" \
+ "<td width=\"30%\" align=\"right\"><div align=\"right\">Qt 4.7.0</div></td>\n" \
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/filternamedialog.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/filternamedialog.cpp
index 1560e04..f75f999 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/filternamedialog.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/filternamedialog.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include <QtGui/QPushButton>
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
FilterNameDialog::FilterNameDialog(QWidget *parent)
: QDialog(parent)
SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()));
@@ -61,11 +63,13 @@ FilterNameDialog::FilterNameDialog(QWidget *parent)
QString FilterNameDialog::filterName() const
return m_ui.lineEdit->text();
void FilterNameDialog::updateOkButton()
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/findwidget.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/findwidget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e40ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/findwidget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "tracer.h"
+#include "findwidget.h"
+#include <QtGui/QApplication>
+#include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
+#include <QtGui/QHideEvent>
+#include <QtGui/QKeyEvent>
+#include <QtGui/QLabel>
+#include <QtGui/QLayout>
+#include <QtGui/QLineEdit>
+#include <QtGui/QToolButton>
+FindWidget::FindWidget(QWidget *parent)
+ : QWidget(parent)
+ , appPalette(qApp->palette())
+ installEventFilter(this);
+ QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
+ QString resourcePath = QLatin1String(":/trolltech/assistant/images/");
+#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
+ hboxLayout->setMargin(0);
+ hboxLayout->setSpacing(6);
+ resourcePath.append(QLatin1String("win"));
+ resourcePath.append(QLatin1String("mac"));
+ toolClose = setupToolButton(QLatin1String(""),
+ resourcePath + QLatin1String("/closetab.png"));
+ hboxLayout->addWidget(toolClose);
+ editFind = new QLineEdit(this);
+ hboxLayout->addWidget(editFind);
+ editFind->setMinimumSize(QSize(150, 0));
+ connect(editFind, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this,
+ SLOT(textChanged(QString)));
+ connect(editFind, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SIGNAL(findNext()));
+ connect(editFind, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateButtons()));
+ toolPrevious = setupToolButton(tr("Previous"),
+ resourcePath + QLatin1String("/previous.png"));
+ connect(toolPrevious, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(findPrevious()));
+ hboxLayout->addWidget(toolPrevious);
+ toolNext = setupToolButton(tr("Next"),
+ resourcePath + QLatin1String("/next.png"));
+ hboxLayout->addWidget(toolNext);
+ connect(toolNext, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(findNext()));
+ checkCase = new QCheckBox(tr("Case Sensitive"), this);
+ hboxLayout->addWidget(checkCase);
+ labelWrapped = new QLabel(this);
+ labelWrapped->setScaledContents(true);
+ labelWrapped->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText);
+ labelWrapped->setMinimumSize(QSize(0, 20));
+ labelWrapped->setMaximumSize(QSize(105, 20));
+ labelWrapped->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeading | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
+ labelWrapped->setText(tr("<img src=\":/trolltech/assistant/images/wrap.png\""
+ ">&nbsp;Search wrapped"));
+ hboxLayout->addWidget(labelWrapped);
+ QSpacerItem *spacerItem = new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding,
+ QSizePolicy::Minimum);
+ hboxLayout->addItem(spacerItem);
+ setMinimumWidth(minimumSizeHint().width());
+ labelWrapped->hide();
+ updateButtons();
+void FindWidget::show()
+ QWidget::show();
+ editFind->selectAll();
+ editFind->setFocus(Qt::ShortcutFocusReason);
+void FindWidget::showAndClear()
+ show();
+ editFind->clear();
+QString FindWidget::text() const
+ return editFind->text();
+bool FindWidget::caseSensitive() const
+ return checkCase->isChecked();
+void FindWidget::setPalette(bool found)
+ QPalette palette = editFind->palette();
+ palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, found ? Qt::white
+ : QColor(255, 102, 102));
+ editFind->setPalette(palette);
+void FindWidget::setTextWrappedVisible(bool visible)
+ labelWrapped->setVisible(visible);
+void FindWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event)
+#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
+ // TODO: remove this once webkit supports setting the palette
+ if (!event->spontaneous())
+ qApp->setPalette(appPalette);
+ Q_UNUSED(event);
+void FindWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent* event)
+#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
+ // TODO: remove this once webkit supports setting the palette
+ if (!event->spontaneous()) {
+ QPalette p = appPalette;
+ p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Highlight,
+ p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight));
+ p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::HighlightedText,
+ p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText));
+ qApp->setPalette(p);
+ }
+ Q_UNUSED(event);
+void FindWidget::updateButtons()
+ const bool enable = !editFind->text().isEmpty();
+ toolNext->setEnabled(enable);
+ toolPrevious->setEnabled(enable);
+void FindWidget::textChanged(const QString &text)
+ emit find(text, true);
+bool FindWidget::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e)
+ if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
+ if ((static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e))->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) {
+ hide();
+ emit escapePressed();
+ }
+ }
+ return QWidget::eventFilter(object, e);
+QToolButton* FindWidget::setupToolButton(const QString &text, const QString &icon)
+ QToolButton *toolButton = new QToolButton(this);
+ toolButton->setText(text);
+ toolButton->setAutoRaise(true);
+ toolButton->setIcon(QIcon(icon));
+ toolButton->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon);
+ return toolButton;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/helpwindow.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/findwidget.h
index c20a21f..cf78003 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/helpwindow.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/findwidget.h
@@ -38,63 +38,64 @@
-#include <QTextBrowser>
+#include <QtGui/QWidget>
-class MainWindow;
-class QKeyEvent;
-class QMime;
-class QMouseEvent;
-class QMenu;
+class QCheckBox;
+class QLabel;
+class QLineEdit;
+class QToolButton;
-class HelpWindow : public QTextBrowser
+class FindWidget : public QWidget
- HelpWindow( MainWindow *m, QWidget *parent = 0);
- void setSource( const QUrl &name );
- void blockScrolling( bool b );
- void openLinkInNewWindow( const QString &link );
- void openLinkInNewPage( const QString &link );
- void addMimePath( const QString &path );
+ FindWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
+ ~FindWidget();
+ void show();
+ void showAndClear();
- void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
- void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
+ QString text() const;
+ bool caseSensitive() const;
+ void setPalette(bool found);
+ void setTextWrappedVisible(bool visible);
- void chooseWebBrowser();
- void choosePDFReader();
+ void escapePressed();
- virtual void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e);
- virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
+ void findNext();
+ void findPrevious();
+ void find(const QString &text, bool forward);
-protected slots:
- void ensureCursorVisible();
+ void hideEvent(QHideEvent* event);
+ void showEvent(QShowEvent * event);
private slots:
- void openLinkInNewWindow();
- void openLinkInNewPage();
+ void updateButtons();
+ void textChanged(const QString &text);
- bool isKDERunning() const;
+ bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e);
+ QToolButton* setupToolButton(const QString &text, const QString &icon);
- bool hasAnchorAt(const QPoint& pos);
- MainWindow *mw;
- QString lastAnchor;
- bool blockScroll;
- bool shiftPressed;
- bool newWindow;
- bool fwdAvail;
- bool backAvail;
+ QPalette appPalette;
+ QLineEdit *editFind;
+ QCheckBox *checkCase;
+ QLabel *labelWrapped;
+ QToolButton *toolNext;
+ QToolButton *toolClose;
+ QToolButton *toolPrevious;
-#endif // HELPWINDOW_H
+#endif // FINDWIDGET_H
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpenginewrapper.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpenginewrapper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76211c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpenginewrapper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "tracer.h"
+#include "helpenginewrapper.h"
+#include "../shared/collectionconfiguration.h"
+#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
+#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
+#include <QtCore/QFileSystemWatcher>
+#include <QtCore/QPair>
+#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
+#include <QtCore/QTimer>
+#include <QtHelp/QHelpContentModel>
+#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngine>
+#include <QtHelp/QHelpIndexModel>
+#include <QtHelp/QHelpSearchEngine>
+namespace {
+ const QString Unfiltered;
+ const QString AppFontKey(QLatin1String("appFont"));
+ const QString AppWritingSystemKey(QLatin1String("appWritingSystem"));
+ const QString BookmarksKey(QLatin1String("Bookmarks"));
+ const QString BrowserFontKey(QLatin1String("browserFont"));
+ const QString BrowserWritingSystemKey(QLatin1String("browserWritingSystem"));
+ const QString HomePageKey(QLatin1String("homepage"));
+ const QString MainWindowKey(QLatin1String("MainWindow"));
+ const QString MainWindowGeometryKey(QLatin1String("MainWindowGeometry"));
+ const QString SearchWasAttachedKey(QLatin1String("SearchWasAttached"));
+ const QString StartOptionKey(QLatin1String("StartOption"));
+ const QString UseAppFontKey(QLatin1String("useAppFont"));
+ const QString UseBrowserFontKey(QLatin1String("useBrowserFont"));
+ const QString VersionKey(QString(QLatin1String("qtVersion%1$$$%2")).
+ arg(QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR)));
+} // anonymous namespace
+class TimeoutForwarder : public QObject
+ TimeoutForwarder(const QString &fileName);
+private slots:
+ void forward();
+ friend class HelpEngineWrapperPrivate;
+ const QString m_fileName;
+class HelpEngineWrapperPrivate : public QObject
+ friend class HelpEngineWrapper;
+ friend class TimeoutForwarder;
+private slots:
+ void qchFileChanged(const QString &fileName);
+ void documentationRemoved(const QString &namespaceName);
+ void documentationUpdated(const QString &namespaceName);
+ HelpEngineWrapperPrivate(const QString &collectionFile);
+ void initFileSystemWatchers();
+ void checkDocFilesWatched();
+ void qchFileChanged(const QString &fileName, bool fromTimeout);
+ static const int UpdateGracePeriod = 2000;
+ QHelpEngine * const m_helpEngine;
+ QFileSystemWatcher * const m_qchWatcher;
+ typedef QPair<QDateTime, QSharedPointer<TimeoutForwarder> > RecentSignal;
+ QMap<QString, RecentSignal> m_recentQchUpdates;
+const QString HelpEngineWrapper::TrUnfiltered = tr("Unfiltered");
+HelpEngineWrapper *HelpEngineWrapper::helpEngineWrapper = 0;
+HelpEngineWrapper &HelpEngineWrapper::instance(const QString &collectionFile)
+ /*
+ * Note that this Singleton cannot be static, because it has to be
+ * deleted before the QApplication.
+ */
+ if (helpEngineWrapper == 0)
+ helpEngineWrapper = new HelpEngineWrapper(collectionFile);
+ return *helpEngineWrapper;
+void HelpEngineWrapper::removeInstance()
+ delete helpEngineWrapper;
+ helpEngineWrapper = 0;
+HelpEngineWrapper::HelpEngineWrapper(const QString &collectionFile)
+ : d(new HelpEngineWrapperPrivate(collectionFile))
+ connect(d, SIGNAL(documentationRemoved(QString)),
+ this, SIGNAL(documentationRemoved(QString)));
+ connect(d, SIGNAL(documentationUpdated(QString)),
+ this, SIGNAL(documentationUpdated(QString)));
+ connect(d->m_helpEngine, SIGNAL(currentFilterChanged(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(handleCurrentFilterChanged(QString)));
+ connect(d->m_helpEngine, SIGNAL(setupFinished()),
+ this, SIGNAL(setupFinished()));
+ delete d;
+QHelpSearchEngine *HelpEngineWrapper::searchEngine() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->searchEngine();
+QHelpContentModel *HelpEngineWrapper::contentModel() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->contentModel();
+QHelpIndexModel *HelpEngineWrapper::indexModel() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->indexModel();
+QHelpContentWidget *HelpEngineWrapper::contentWidget()
+ return d->m_helpEngine->contentWidget();
+QHelpIndexWidget *HelpEngineWrapper::indexWidget()
+ return d->m_helpEngine->indexWidget();
+const QStringList HelpEngineWrapper::registeredDocumentations() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->registeredDocumentations();
+const QString HelpEngineWrapper::collectionFile() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->collectionFile();
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::registerDocumentation(const QString &docFile)
+ d->checkDocFilesWatched();
+ if (!d->m_helpEngine->registerDocumentation(docFile))
+ return false;
+ d->m_qchWatcher->addPath(docFile);
+ d->checkDocFilesWatched();
+ return true;
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::unregisterDocumentation(const QString &namespaceName)
+ d->checkDocFilesWatched();
+ const QString &file = d->m_helpEngine->documentationFileName(namespaceName);
+ if (!d->m_helpEngine->unregisterDocumentation(namespaceName))
+ return false;
+ d->m_qchWatcher->removePath(file);
+ d->checkDocFilesWatched();
+ return true;
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::setupData()
+ return d->m_helpEngine->setupData();
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::addCustomFilter(const QString &filterName,
+ const QStringList &attributes)
+ return d->m_helpEngine->addCustomFilter(filterName, attributes);
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::removeCustomFilter(const QString &filterName)
+ return d->m_helpEngine->removeCustomFilter(filterName);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setCurrentFilter(const QString &currentFilter)
+ const QString &filter
+ = currentFilter == TrUnfiltered ? Unfiltered : currentFilter;
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCurrentFilter(filter);
+const QString HelpEngineWrapper::currentFilter() const
+ const QString &filter = d->m_helpEngine->currentFilter();
+ return filter == Unfiltered ? TrUnfiltered : filter;
+const QStringList HelpEngineWrapper::customFilters() const
+ QStringList filters = d->m_helpEngine->customFilters();
+ filters.removeOne(Unfiltered);
+ filters.prepend(TrUnfiltered);
+ return filters;
+QUrl HelpEngineWrapper::findFile(const QUrl &url) const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->findFile(url);
+QByteArray HelpEngineWrapper::fileData(const QUrl &url) const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->fileData(url);
+QMap<QString, QUrl> HelpEngineWrapper::linksForIdentifier(const QString &id) const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->linksForIdentifier(id);
+const QStringList HelpEngineWrapper::filterAttributes() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->filterAttributes();
+const QStringList HelpEngineWrapper::filterAttributes(const QString &filterName) const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->filterAttributes(filterName);
+QString HelpEngineWrapper::error() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->error();
+const QStringList HelpEngineWrapper::qtDocInfo(const QString &component) const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->customValue(VersionKey.arg(component)).toString().
+ split(CollectionConfiguration::ListSeparator);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setQtDocInfo(const QString &component,
+ const QStringList &doc)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(VersionKey.arg(component),
+ doc.join(CollectionConfiguration::ListSeparator));
+const QStringList HelpEngineWrapper::lastShownPages() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::lastShownPages(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setLastShownPages(const QStringList &lastShownPages)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setLastShownPages(*d->m_helpEngine, lastShownPages);
+const QStringList HelpEngineWrapper::lastZoomFactors() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::lastZoomFactors(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setLastZoomFactors(const QStringList &lastZoomFactors)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setLastZoomFactors(*d->m_helpEngine, lastZoomFactors);
+const QString HelpEngineWrapper::cacheDir() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::cacheDir(*d->m_helpEngine);
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::cacheDirIsRelativeToCollection() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::cacheDirIsRelativeToCollection(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setCacheDir(const QString &cacheDir,
+ bool relativeToCollection)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setCacheDir(*d->m_helpEngine, cacheDir,
+ relativeToCollection);
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::filterFunctionalityEnabled() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::filterFunctionalityEnabled(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setFilterFunctionalityEnabled(bool enabled)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setFilterFunctionalityEnabled(*d->m_helpEngine,
+ enabled);
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::filterToolbarVisible() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::filterToolbarVisible(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setFilterToolbarVisible(bool visible)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setFilterToolbarVisible(*d->m_helpEngine, visible);
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::addressBarEnabled() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::addressBarEnabled(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setAddressBarEnabled(bool enabled)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAddressBarEnabled(*d->m_helpEngine, enabled);
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::addressBarVisible() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::addressBarVisible(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setAddressBarVisible(bool visible)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAddressBarVisible(*d->m_helpEngine, visible);
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::documentationManagerEnabled() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::documentationManagerEnabled(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setDocumentationManagerEnabled(bool enabled)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setDocumentationManagerEnabled(*d->m_helpEngine,
+ enabled);
+const QByteArray HelpEngineWrapper::aboutMenuTexts() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::aboutMenuTexts(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setAboutMenuTexts(const QByteArray &texts)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAboutMenuTexts(*d->m_helpEngine, texts);
+const QByteArray HelpEngineWrapper::aboutIcon() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::aboutIcon(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setAboutIcon(const QByteArray &icon)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAboutIcon(*d->m_helpEngine, icon);
+const QByteArray HelpEngineWrapper::aboutImages() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::aboutImages(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setAboutImages(const QByteArray &images)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAboutImages(*d->m_helpEngine, images);
+const QByteArray HelpEngineWrapper::aboutTexts() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::aboutTexts(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setAboutTexts(const QByteArray &texts)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAboutTexts(*d->m_helpEngine, texts);
+const QString HelpEngineWrapper::windowTitle() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::windowTitle(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setWindowTitle(const QString &windowTitle)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setWindowTitle(*d->m_helpEngine, windowTitle);
+const QByteArray HelpEngineWrapper::applicationIcon() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::applicationIcon(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setApplicationIcon(const QByteArray &icon)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setApplicationIcon(*d->m_helpEngine, icon);
+const QByteArray HelpEngineWrapper::mainWindow() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->customValue(MainWindowKey).toByteArray();
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setMainWindow(const QByteArray &mainWindow)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(MainWindowKey, mainWindow);
+const QByteArray HelpEngineWrapper::mainWindowGeometry() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->customValue(MainWindowGeometryKey).toByteArray();
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setMainWindowGeometry(const QByteArray &geometry)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(MainWindowGeometryKey, geometry);
+const QByteArray HelpEngineWrapper::bookmarks() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->customValue(BookmarksKey).toByteArray();
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setBookmarks(const QByteArray &bookmarks)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(BookmarksKey, bookmarks);
+int HelpEngineWrapper::lastTabPage() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::lastTabPage(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setLastTabPage(int lastPage)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setLastTabPage(*d->m_helpEngine, lastPage);
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::searchWasAttached() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->customValue(SearchWasAttachedKey).toBool();
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setSearchWasAttached(bool attached)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(SearchWasAttachedKey, attached);
+int HelpEngineWrapper::startOption() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->customValue(StartOptionKey, ShowLastPages).toInt();
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setStartOption(int option)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(StartOptionKey, option);
+const QString HelpEngineWrapper::homePage() const
+ const QString &homePage
+ = d->m_helpEngine->customValue(HomePageKey).toString();
+ if (!homePage.isEmpty())
+ return homePage;
+ return defaultHomePage();
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setHomePage(const QString &page)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(HomePageKey, page);
+const QString HelpEngineWrapper::defaultHomePage() const
+ return CollectionConfiguration::defaultHomePage(*d->m_helpEngine);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setDefaultHomePage(const QString &page)
+ CollectionConfiguration::setDefaultHomePage(*d->m_helpEngine, page);
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::hasFontSettings() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->customValue(UseAppFontKey).isValid();
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::usesAppFont() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->customValue(UseAppFontKey).toBool();
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setUseAppFont(bool useAppFont)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(UseAppFontKey, useAppFont);
+bool HelpEngineWrapper::usesBrowserFont() const
+ return d->m_helpEngine->customValue(UseBrowserFontKey, false).toBool();
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setUseBrowserFont(bool useBrowserFont)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(UseBrowserFontKey, useBrowserFont);
+const QFont HelpEngineWrapper::appFont() const
+ return qVariantValue<QFont>(d->m_helpEngine->customValue(AppFontKey));
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setAppFont(const QFont &font)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(AppFontKey, font);
+QFontDatabase::WritingSystem HelpEngineWrapper::appWritingSystem() const
+ return static_cast<QFontDatabase::WritingSystem>(
+ d->m_helpEngine->customValue(AppWritingSystemKey).toInt());
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setAppWritingSystem(QFontDatabase::WritingSystem system)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(AppWritingSystemKey, system);
+const QFont HelpEngineWrapper::browserFont() const
+ return qVariantValue<QFont>(d->m_helpEngine->customValue(BrowserFontKey));
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setBrowserFont(const QFont &font)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(BrowserFontKey, font);
+QFontDatabase::WritingSystem HelpEngineWrapper::browserWritingSystem() const
+ return static_cast<QFontDatabase::WritingSystem>(
+ d->m_helpEngine->customValue(BrowserWritingSystemKey).toInt());
+void HelpEngineWrapper::setBrowserWritingSystem(QFontDatabase::WritingSystem system)
+ d->m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(BrowserWritingSystemKey, system);
+void HelpEngineWrapper::handleCurrentFilterChanged(const QString &filter)
+ const QString &filterToReport
+ = filter == Unfiltered ? TrUnfiltered : filter;
+ emit currentFilterChanged(filterToReport);
+TimeoutForwarder::TimeoutForwarder(const QString &fileName)
+ : m_fileName(fileName)
+void TimeoutForwarder::forward()
+ HelpEngineWrapper::instance().d->qchFileChanged(m_fileName, true);
+HelpEngineWrapperPrivate::HelpEngineWrapperPrivate(const QString &collectionFile)
+ : m_helpEngine(new QHelpEngine(collectionFile, this)),
+ m_qchWatcher(new QFileSystemWatcher(this))
+ if (!m_helpEngine->customFilters().contains(Unfiltered))
+ m_helpEngine->addCustomFilter(Unfiltered, QStringList());
+ initFileSystemWatchers();
+void HelpEngineWrapperPrivate::initFileSystemWatchers()
+ foreach(const QString &ns, m_helpEngine->registeredDocumentations()) {
+ const QString &docFile = m_helpEngine->documentationFileName(ns);
+ m_qchWatcher->addPath(docFile);
+ connect(m_qchWatcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(qchFileChanged(QString)));
+ }
+ checkDocFilesWatched();
+void HelpEngineWrapperPrivate::qchFileChanged(const QString &fileName)
+ qchFileChanged(fileName, false);
+void HelpEngineWrapperPrivate::checkDocFilesWatched()
+ const int watchedFilesCount = m_qchWatcher->files().count();
+ const int docFilesCount = m_helpEngine->registeredDocumentations().count();
+ if (watchedFilesCount != docFilesCount) {
+ qWarning("Strange: Have %d docs, but %d are being watched",
+ watchedFilesCount, docFilesCount);
+ }
+void HelpEngineWrapperPrivate::qchFileChanged(const QString &fileName,
+ bool fromTimeout)
+ /*
+ * We don't use QHelpEngineCore::namespaceName(fileName), because the file
+ * may not exist anymore or contain a different namespace.
+ */
+ QString ns;
+ foreach (const QString &curNs, m_helpEngine->registeredDocumentations()) {
+ if (m_helpEngine->documentationFileName(curNs) == fileName) {
+ ns = curNs;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * We can't do an assertion here, because QFileSystemWatcher may send the
+ * signal more than once.
+ */
+ if (ns.isEmpty()) {
+ m_recentQchUpdates.remove(fileName);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Since the QFileSystemWatcher typically sends the signal more than once,
+ * we repeatedly delay our reaction a bit until we think the last signal
+ * was sent.
+ */
+ QMap<QString, RecentSignal>::Iterator it = m_recentQchUpdates.find(fileName);
+ const QDateTime &now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ // Case 1: This is the first recent signal for the file.
+ if (it == m_recentQchUpdates.end()) {
+ QSharedPointer<TimeoutForwarder> forwarder(new TimeoutForwarder(fileName));
+ m_recentQchUpdates.insert(fileName, RecentSignal(now, forwarder));
+ QTimer::singleShot(UpdateGracePeriod,, SLOT(forward()));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Case 2: The last signal for this file has not expired yet.
+ if (it.value().first > now.addMSecs(-UpdateGracePeriod)) {
+ if (!fromTimeout)
+ it.value().first = now;
+ else
+ QTimer::singleShot(UpdateGracePeriod, it.value(),
+ SLOT(forward()));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Case 3: The last signal for this file has expired.
+ if (m_helpEngine->unregisterDocumentation(ns)) {
+ if (!QFileInfo(fileName).exists()
+ || !m_helpEngine->registerDocumentation(fileName)) {
+ m_qchWatcher->removePath(fileName);
+ emit documentationRemoved(ns);
+ } else {
+ emit documentationUpdated(ns);
+ }
+ m_helpEngine->setupData();
+ }
+ m_recentQchUpdates.erase(it);
+#include "helpenginewrapper.moc"
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpenginewrapper.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpenginewrapper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a30fab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpenginewrapper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include <QtCore/QMap>
+#include <QtCore/QObject>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include <QtCore/QUrl>
+#include <QtGui/QFont>
+#include <QtGui/QFontDatabase>
+class QFileSystemWatcher;
+class QHelpContentModel;
+class QHelpContentWidget;
+class QHelpIndexModel;
+class QHelpIndexWidget;
+class QHelpSearchEngine;
+enum {
+ ShowHomePage = 0,
+ ShowBlankPage = 1,
+ ShowLastPages = 2
+class HelpEngineWrapperPrivate;
+class TimeoutForwarder;
+class HelpEngineWrapper : public QObject
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(HelpEngineWrapper)
+ friend class TimeoutForwarder;
+ static HelpEngineWrapper &instance(const QString &collectionFile = QString());
+ static void removeInstance();
+ // Forwarded help engine member functions, possibly enriched.
+ QHelpSearchEngine *searchEngine() const;
+ QHelpContentModel *contentModel() const;
+ QHelpIndexModel *indexModel() const;
+ QHelpContentWidget *contentWidget();
+ QHelpIndexWidget *indexWidget();
+ bool setupData();
+ const QStringList registeredDocumentations() const;
+ const QString collectionFile() const;
+ bool registerDocumentation(const QString &docFile);
+ bool unregisterDocumentation(const QString &namespaceName);
+ bool addCustomFilter(const QString &filterName,
+ const QStringList &attributes);
+ bool removeCustomFilter(const QString &filterName);
+ void setCurrentFilter(const QString &filterName);
+ const QString currentFilter() const;
+ const QStringList customFilters() const;
+ QUrl findFile(const QUrl &url) const;
+ QByteArray fileData(const QUrl &url) const;
+ QMap<QString, QUrl> linksForIdentifier(const QString &id) const;
+ const QStringList filterAttributes() const;
+ const QStringList filterAttributes(const QString &filterName) const;
+ QString error() const;
+ const QStringList qtDocInfo(const QString &component) const;
+ void setQtDocInfo(const QString &component, const QStringList &doc);
+ const QString homePage() const;
+ void setHomePage(const QString &page);
+ const QString defaultHomePage() const;
+ void setDefaultHomePage(const QString &page);
+ int lastTabPage() const;
+ void setLastTabPage(int lastPage);
+ // TODO: Don't allow last pages and zoom factors to be set in isolation
+ // Perhaps also fill up missing elements automatically or assert.
+ const QStringList lastShownPages() const;
+ void setLastShownPages(const QStringList &lastShownPages);
+ const QStringList lastZoomFactors() const;
+ void setLastZoomFactors(const QStringList &lastZoomFactors);
+ const QString cacheDir() const;
+ bool cacheDirIsRelativeToCollection() const;
+ void setCacheDir(const QString &cacheDir, bool relativeToCollection);
+ bool filterFunctionalityEnabled() const;
+ void setFilterFunctionalityEnabled(bool enabled);
+ bool filterToolbarVisible() const;
+ void setFilterToolbarVisible(bool visible);
+ bool addressBarEnabled() const;
+ void setAddressBarEnabled(bool enabled);
+ bool addressBarVisible() const;
+ void setAddressBarVisible(bool visible);
+ bool documentationManagerEnabled() const;
+ void setDocumentationManagerEnabled(bool enabled);
+ const QByteArray aboutMenuTexts() const;
+ void setAboutMenuTexts(const QByteArray &texts);
+ const QByteArray aboutTexts() const;
+ void setAboutTexts(const QByteArray &texts);
+ const QByteArray aboutIcon() const;
+ void setAboutIcon(const QByteArray &icon);
+ const QByteArray aboutImages() const;
+ void setAboutImages(const QByteArray &images);
+ const QString windowTitle() const;
+ void setWindowTitle(const QString &windowTitle);
+ const QByteArray applicationIcon() const;
+ void setApplicationIcon(const QByteArray &icon);
+ const QByteArray mainWindow() const;
+ void setMainWindow(const QByteArray &mainWindow);
+ const QByteArray mainWindowGeometry() const;
+ void setMainWindowGeometry(const QByteArray &geometry);
+ const QByteArray bookmarks() const;
+ void setBookmarks(const QByteArray &bookmarks);
+ int startOption() const;
+ void setStartOption(int option);
+ bool searchWasAttached() const;
+ void setSearchWasAttached(bool attached);
+ bool hasFontSettings() const;
+ bool usesAppFont() const;
+ void setUseAppFont(bool useAppFont);
+ bool usesBrowserFont() const;
+ void setUseBrowserFont(bool useBrowserFont);
+ const QFont appFont() const;
+ void setAppFont(const QFont &font);
+ QFontDatabase::WritingSystem appWritingSystem() const;
+ void setAppWritingSystem(QFontDatabase::WritingSystem system);
+ const QFont browserFont() const;
+ void setBrowserFont(const QFont &font);
+ QFontDatabase::WritingSystem browserWritingSystem() const;
+ void setBrowserWritingSystem(QFontDatabase::WritingSystem system);
+ static const QString TrUnfiltered;
+ // For asynchronous doc updates triggered by external actions.
+ void documentationRemoved(const QString &namespaceName);
+ void documentationUpdated(const QString &namespaceName);
+ // Forwarded from QHelpEngineCore.
+ void currentFilterChanged(const QString &currentFilter);
+ void setupFinished();
+private slots:
+ void handleCurrentFilterChanged(const QString &filter);
+ HelpEngineWrapper(const QString &collectionFile);
+ ~HelpEngineWrapper();
+ static HelpEngineWrapper *helpEngineWrapper;
+ HelpEngineWrapperPrivate *d;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpviewer.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpviewer.cpp
index be6245a..8e4d3ed 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpviewer.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpviewer.cpp
@@ -38,14 +38,18 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include "helpviewer.h"
#include "centralwidget.h"
+#include "helpenginewrapper.h"
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QEvent>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
+#include <QtCore/QStringBuilder>
+#include <QtCore/QTemporaryFile>
#include <QtCore/QTimer>
#include <QtGui/QMenu>
@@ -55,14 +59,19 @@
#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
#include <QtGui/QDesktopServices>
-#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngine>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
+namespace {
+ const QString PageNotFoundMessage =
+ QCoreApplication::translate("HelpViewer",
+ "<title>Error 404...</title><div align=\"center\"><br><br>"
+ "<h1>The page could not be found</h1><br><h3>'%1'</h3></div>");
#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
class HelpNetworkReply : public QNetworkReply
@@ -88,6 +97,7 @@ HelpNetworkReply::HelpNetworkReply(const QNetworkRequest &request,
const QByteArray &fileData, const QString& mimeType)
: data(fileData), origLen(fileData.length())
@@ -99,11 +109,13 @@ HelpNetworkReply::HelpNetworkReply(const QNetworkRequest &request,
void HelpNetworkReply::abort()
// nothing to do
qint64 HelpNetworkReply::readData(char *buffer, qint64 maxlen)
qint64 len = qMin(qint64(data.length()), maxlen);
if (len) {
qMemCopy(buffer, data.constData(), len);
@@ -117,25 +129,23 @@ qint64 HelpNetworkReply::readData(char *buffer, qint64 maxlen)
class HelpNetworkAccessManager : public QNetworkAccessManager
- HelpNetworkAccessManager(QHelpEngine *engine, QObject *parent);
+ HelpNetworkAccessManager(QObject *parent);
virtual QNetworkReply *createRequest(Operation op,
const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *outgoingData = 0);
- QHelpEngine *helpEngine;
-HelpNetworkAccessManager::HelpNetworkAccessManager(QHelpEngine *engine,
- QObject *parent)
- : QNetworkAccessManager(parent), helpEngine(engine)
+HelpNetworkAccessManager::HelpNetworkAccessManager(QObject *parent)
+ : QNetworkAccessManager(parent)
QNetworkReply *HelpNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(Operation /*op*/,
const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice* /*outgoingData*/)
const QUrl& url = request.url();
QString mimeType = url.toString();
if (mimeType.endsWith(QLatin1String(".svg"))
@@ -151,14 +161,17 @@ QNetworkReply *HelpNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(Operation /*op*/,
mimeType = QLatin1String("text/html");
- const QByteArray &ba = helpEngine->fileData(url);
- return new HelpNetworkReply(request, ba.isEmpty() ? " " : ba, mimeType);
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
+ const QByteArray &data = helpEngine.findFile(url).isValid()
+ ? helpEngine.fileData(url)
+ : PageNotFoundMessage.arg(url.toString()).toUtf8();
+ return new HelpNetworkReply(request, data, mimeType);
class HelpPage : public QWebPage
- HelpPage(CentralWidget *central, QHelpEngine *engine, QObject *parent);
+ HelpPage(CentralWidget *central, QObject *parent);
virtual QWebPage *createWindow(QWebPage::WebWindowType);
@@ -169,7 +182,6 @@ protected:
CentralWidget *centralWidget;
- QHelpEngine *helpEngine;
bool closeNewTabIfNeeded;
friend class HelpViewer;
@@ -177,18 +189,19 @@ private:
Qt::KeyboardModifiers m_keyboardModifiers;
-HelpPage::HelpPage(CentralWidget *central, QHelpEngine *engine, QObject *parent)
+HelpPage::HelpPage(CentralWidget *central, QObject *parent)
: QWebPage(parent)
, centralWidget(central)
- , helpEngine(engine)
, closeNewTabIfNeeded(false)
, m_pressedButtons(Qt::NoButton)
, m_keyboardModifiers(Qt::NoModifier)
QWebPage *HelpPage::createWindow(QWebPage::WebWindowType)
HelpPage* newPage = static_cast<HelpPage*>(centralWidget->newEmptyTab()->page());
if (newPage)
newPage->closeNewTabIfNeeded = closeNewTabIfNeeded;
@@ -196,21 +209,9 @@ QWebPage *HelpPage::createWindow(QWebPage::WebWindowType)
return newPage;
-static bool isLocalUrl(const QUrl &url)
- const QString scheme = url.scheme();
- if (scheme.isEmpty()
- || scheme == QLatin1String("file")
- || scheme == QLatin1String("qrc")
- || scheme == QLatin1String("data")
- || scheme == QLatin1String("qthelp")
- || scheme == QLatin1String("about"))
- return true;
- return false;
void HelpPage::triggerAction(WebAction action, bool checked)
switch (action) {
case OpenLinkInNewWindow:
closeNewTabIfNeeded = true;
@@ -223,26 +224,25 @@ void HelpPage::triggerAction(WebAction action, bool checked)
bool HelpPage::acceptNavigationRequest(QWebFrame *,
const QNetworkRequest &request, QWebPage::NavigationType type)
const QUrl &url = request.url();
const bool closeNewTab = closeNewTabIfNeeded;
closeNewTabIfNeeded = false;
- if (isLocalUrl(url)) {
+ if (HelpViewer::isLocalUrl(url)) {
const QString& path = url.path();
- if (path.endsWith(QLatin1String(".pdf"))) {
- const int lastDash = path.lastIndexOf(QChar('/'));
- QString fileName = QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator();
- if (lastDash < 0)
- fileName += path;
- else
- fileName += path.mid(lastDash + 1, path.length());
- QFile tmpFile(QDir::cleanPath(fileName));
- if ( {
- tmpFile.write(helpEngine->fileData(url));
- tmpFile.close();
+ if (!HelpViewer::canOpenPage(path)) {
+ QTemporaryFile tmpTmpFile;
+ if (!
+ return false;
+ const QString extension = QFileInfo(path).completeSuffix();
+ QFile actualTmpFile(tmpTmpFile.fileName() % QLatin1String(".")
+ % extension);
+ if ( | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
+ actualTmpFile.write(HelpEngineWrapper::instance().fileData(url));
+ actualTmpFile.close();
+ QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(actualTmpFile.fileName()));
- QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(tmpFile.fileName()));
if (closeNewTab)
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(CentralWidget::instance(), "closeTab");
@@ -266,17 +266,18 @@ bool HelpPage::acceptNavigationRequest(QWebFrame *,
return false;
-HelpViewer::HelpViewer(QHelpEngine *engine, CentralWidget *parent)
+HelpViewer::HelpViewer(CentralWidget *parent)
: QWebView(parent)
- , helpEngine(engine)
, parentWidget(parent)
, loadFinished(false)
+ , helpEngine(HelpEngineWrapper::instance())
- setPage(new HelpPage(parent, helpEngine, this));
+ setPage(new HelpPage(parent, this));
- page()->setNetworkAccessManager(new HelpNetworkAccessManager(engine, this));
+ page()->setNetworkAccessManager(new HelpNetworkAccessManager(this));
QAction* action = pageAction(QWebPage::OpenLinkInNewWindow);
action->setText(tr("Open Link in New Tab"));
@@ -301,6 +302,7 @@ HelpViewer::HelpViewer(QHelpEngine *engine, CentralWidget *parent)
void HelpViewer::setSource(const QUrl &url)
loadFinished = false;
if (url.toString() == QLatin1String("help")) {
@@ -312,34 +314,25 @@ void HelpViewer::setSource(const QUrl &url)
void HelpViewer::resetZoom()
void HelpViewer::zoomIn(qreal range)
setTextSizeMultiplier(textSizeMultiplier() + range / 10.0);
void HelpViewer::zoomOut(qreal range)
setTextSizeMultiplier(qMax(0.0, textSizeMultiplier() - range / 10.0));
-void HelpViewer::home()
- QString homepage = helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("homepage"),
- QLatin1String("")).toString();
- if (homepage.isEmpty()) {
- homepage = helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("defaultHomepage"),
- QLatin1String("help")).toString();
- }
- setSource(homepage);
void HelpViewer::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e)
if (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) {
const int delta = e->delta();
if (delta > 0)
@@ -354,6 +347,7 @@ void HelpViewer::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e)
void HelpViewer::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
if (e->button() == Qt::XButton1) {
@@ -369,6 +363,7 @@ void HelpViewer::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
void HelpViewer::actionChanged()
QAction *a = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender());
if (a == pageAction(QWebPage::Copy))
emit copyAvailable(a->isEnabled());
@@ -380,6 +375,7 @@ void HelpViewer::actionChanged()
void HelpViewer::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
HelpPage *currentPage = static_cast<HelpPage*>(page());
if (currentPage) {
currentPage->m_pressedButtons = event->buttons();
@@ -390,31 +386,34 @@ void HelpViewer::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
void HelpViewer::setLoadFinished(bool ok)
loadFinished = ok;
emit sourceChanged(url());
#else // !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
-HelpViewer::HelpViewer(QHelpEngine *engine, CentralWidget *parent)
+HelpViewer::HelpViewer(CentralWidget *parent)
: QTextBrowser(parent)
, zoomCount(0)
, controlPressed(false)
, lastAnchor(QString())
- , helpEngine(engine)
, parentWidget(parent)
+ , helpEngine(HelpEngineWrapper::instance())
void HelpViewer::setSource(const QUrl &url)
bool help = url.toString() == QLatin1String("help");
if (url.isValid() && !help) {
if (launchedWithExternalApp(url))
- QUrl u = helpEngine->findFile(url);
+ QUrl u = helpEngine.findFile(url);
if (u.isValid()) {
@@ -426,15 +425,14 @@ void HelpViewer::setSource(const QUrl &url)
} else {
- setHtml(tr("<title>Error 404...</title><div align=\"center\"><br><br>"
- "<h1>The page could not be found</h1><br><h3>'%1'</h3></div>")
- .arg(url.toString()));
+ setHtml(PageNotFoundMessage.arg(url.toString()));
emit sourceChanged(url);
void HelpViewer::resetZoom()
if (zoomCount == 0)
@@ -444,6 +442,7 @@ void HelpViewer::resetZoom()
void HelpViewer::zoomIn(int range)
if (zoomCount == 10)
@@ -453,6 +452,7 @@ void HelpViewer::zoomIn(int range)
void HelpViewer::zoomOut(int range)
if (zoomCount == -5)
@@ -462,12 +462,11 @@ void HelpViewer::zoomOut(int range)
bool HelpViewer::launchedWithExternalApp(const QUrl &url)
- bool isPdf = url.path().endsWith(QLatin1String(".pdf"));
- if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("http")
- || url.scheme() == QLatin1String("ftp")
- || url.scheme() == QLatin1String("mailto") || isPdf) {
+ const bool canOpen = canOpenPage(url.path());
+ if (!isLocalUrl(url) || !canOpen) {
bool launched = false;
- if (isPdf && url.scheme() == QLatin1String("qthelp")) {
+ if (!canOpen && url.scheme() == QLatin1String("qthelp")) {
const QString& path = url.path();
const int lastDash = path.lastIndexOf(QChar('/'));
QString fileName = QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator();
@@ -478,7 +477,7 @@ bool HelpViewer::launchedWithExternalApp(const QUrl &url)
QFile tmpFile(QDir::cleanPath(fileName));
if ( {
- tmpFile.write(helpEngine->fileData(url));
+ tmpFile.write(helpEngine.fileData(url));
launched = QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(tmpFile.fileName()));
@@ -497,9 +496,10 @@ bool HelpViewer::launchedWithExternalApp(const QUrl &url)
QVariant HelpViewer::loadResource(int type, const QUrl &name)
QByteArray ba;
if (type < 4) {
- ba = helpEngine->fileData(name);
+ ba = helpEngine.fileData(name);
if (name.toString().endsWith(QLatin1String(".svg"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
QImage image;
image.loadFromData(ba, "svg");
@@ -512,6 +512,7 @@ QVariant HelpViewer::loadResource(int type, const QUrl &name)
void HelpViewer::openLinkInNewTab()
@@ -521,12 +522,14 @@ void HelpViewer::openLinkInNewTab()
void HelpViewer::openLinkInNewTab(const QString &link)
lastAnchor = link;
bool HelpViewer::hasAnchorAt(const QPoint& pos)
lastAnchor = anchorAt(pos);
if (lastAnchor.isEmpty())
return false;
@@ -543,6 +546,7 @@ bool HelpViewer::hasAnchorAt(const QPoint& pos)
void HelpViewer::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e)
QMenu menu(QLatin1String(""), 0);
QUrl link;
@@ -566,6 +570,7 @@ void HelpViewer::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e)
void HelpViewer::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
if (e->button() == Qt::XButton1) {
@@ -588,6 +593,7 @@ void HelpViewer::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
void HelpViewer::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
if ((e->key() == Qt::Key_Home && e->modifiers() != Qt::NoModifier)
|| (e->key() == Qt::Key_End && e->modifiers() != Qt::NoModifier)) {
QKeyEvent* event = new QKeyEvent(e->type(), e->key(), Qt::NoModifier,
@@ -597,21 +603,9 @@ void HelpViewer::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
-void HelpViewer::home()
- QString homepage = helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("homepage"),
- QLatin1String("")).toString();
- if (homepage.isEmpty()) {
- homepage = helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("defaultHomepage"),
- QLatin1String("help")).toString();
- }
- setSource(homepage);
void HelpViewer::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e)
if (e->modifiers() == Qt::CTRL) {
(e->delta() > 0) ? zoomIn() : zoomOut();
@@ -623,4 +617,31 @@ void HelpViewer::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e)
#endif // !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
+void HelpViewer::home()
+ setSource(helpEngine.homePage());
+bool HelpViewer::canOpenPage(const QString &url)
+ return url.endsWith(QLatin1String(".html"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
+ || url.endsWith(QLatin1String(".htm"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
+ || url == QLatin1String("blank");
+bool HelpViewer::isLocalUrl(const QUrl &url)
+ const QString scheme = url.scheme();
+ return scheme.isEmpty()
+ || scheme == QLatin1String("file")
+ || scheme == QLatin1String("qrc")
+ || scheme == QLatin1String("data")
+ || scheme == QLatin1String("qthelp")
+ || scheme == QLatin1String("about");
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpviewer.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpviewer.h
index 3618a73..4dd8064 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpviewer.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/helpviewer.h
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-class QHelpEngine;
class CentralWidget;
+class HelpEngineWrapper;
class QPoint;
class QString;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class HelpViewer : public QWebView
- HelpViewer(QHelpEngine *helpEngine, CentralWidget *parent);
+ HelpViewer(CentralWidget *parent);
void setSource(const QUrl &url);
inline QUrl source() const
@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@ public:
inline qreal zoom() const
{ return textSizeMultiplier(); }
+ static bool canOpenPage(const QString &url);
+ static bool isLocalUrl(const QUrl &url);
public Q_SLOTS:
void home();
void backward() { back(); }
@@ -118,9 +121,9 @@ private Q_SLOTS:
void setLoadFinished(bool ok);
- QHelpEngine *helpEngine;
CentralWidget* parentWidget;
bool loadFinished;
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine;
@@ -130,7 +133,7 @@ class HelpViewer : public QTextBrowser
- HelpViewer(QHelpEngine *helpEngine, CentralWidget *parent);
+ HelpViewer(CentralWidget *parent);
void setSource(const QUrl &url);
void resetZoom();
@@ -143,6 +146,8 @@ public:
{ return textCursor().hasSelection(); }
bool launchedWithExternalApp(const QUrl &url);
+ static bool canOpenPage(const QString &url);
+ static bool isLocalUrl(const QUrl &url);
public Q_SLOTS:
void home();
@@ -165,8 +170,8 @@ private:
int zoomCount;
bool controlPressed;
QString lastAnchor;
- QHelpEngine *helpEngine;
CentralWidget* parentWidget;
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/images/bookmark.png b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/images/bookmark.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57e57e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/images/bookmark.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/indexwindow.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/indexwindow.cpp
index 24a212e..82242e5 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/indexwindow.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/indexwindow.cpp
@@ -38,9 +38,12 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include "indexwindow.h"
#include "centralwidget.h"
+#include "helpenginewrapper.h"
+#include "helpviewer.h"
#include "topicchooser.h"
#include <QtGui/QLayout>
@@ -51,22 +54,20 @@
#include <QtGui/QContextMenuEvent>
#include <QtGui/QListWidgetItem>
-#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngine>
#include <QtHelp/QHelpIndexWidget>
-IndexWindow::IndexWindow(QHelpEngine *helpEngine, QWidget *parent)
+IndexWindow::IndexWindow(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
- , m_searchLineEdit(0)
- , m_indexWidget(0)
- , m_helpEngine(helpEngine)
+ , m_searchLineEdit(new QLineEdit)
+ , m_indexWidget(HelpEngineWrapper::instance().indexWidget())
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
QLabel *l = new QLabel(tr("&Look for:"));
- m_searchLineEdit = new QLineEdit();
connect(m_searchLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this,
@@ -74,11 +75,11 @@ IndexWindow::IndexWindow(QHelpEngine *helpEngine, QWidget *parent)
- m_indexWidget = m_helpEngine->indexWidget();
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
- connect(m_helpEngine->indexModel(), SIGNAL(indexCreationStarted()), this,
+ connect(helpEngine.indexModel(), SIGNAL(indexCreationStarted()), this,
- connect(m_helpEngine->indexModel(), SIGNAL(indexCreated()), this,
+ connect(helpEngine.indexModel(), SIGNAL(indexCreated()), this,
connect(m_indexWidget, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QUrl,QString)), this,
@@ -93,10 +94,12 @@ IndexWindow::IndexWindow(QHelpEngine *helpEngine, QWidget *parent)
void IndexWindow::filterIndices(const QString &filter)
if (filter.contains(QLatin1Char('*')))
m_indexWidget->filterIndices(filter, filter);
@@ -105,6 +108,7 @@ void IndexWindow::filterIndices(const QString &filter)
bool IndexWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e)
if (obj == m_searchLineEdit && e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e);
QModelIndex idx = m_indexWidget->currentIndex();
@@ -170,22 +174,26 @@ bool IndexWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e)
void IndexWindow::enableSearchLineEdit()
void IndexWindow::disableSearchLineEdit()
void IndexWindow::setSearchLineEditText(const QString &text)
void IndexWindow::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e)
if (e->reason() != Qt::MouseFocusReason) {
@@ -194,6 +202,7 @@ void IndexWindow::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e)
void IndexWindow::open(QHelpIndexWidget* indexWidget, const QModelIndex &index)
QHelpIndexModel *model = qobject_cast<QHelpIndexModel*>(indexWidget->model());
if (model) {
QString keyword = model->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
@@ -210,7 +219,7 @@ void IndexWindow::open(QHelpIndexWidget* indexWidget, const QModelIndex &index)
- if (url.path().endsWith(QLatin1String(".pdf"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+ if (!HelpViewer::canOpenPage(url.path()))
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/indexwindow.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/indexwindow.h
index 4343d0e..eb587b1 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/indexwindow.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/indexwindow.h
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
class QHelpIndexWidget;
-class QHelpEngine;
class QModelIndex;
class IndexWindow : public QWidget
@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ class IndexWindow : public QWidget
- IndexWindow(QHelpEngine *helpEngine, QWidget *parent = 0);
+ IndexWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
void setSearchLineEditText(const QString &text);
@@ -84,7 +83,6 @@ private:
QLineEdit *m_searchLineEdit;
QHelpIndexWidget *m_indexWidget;
- QHelpEngine *m_helpEngine;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/installdialog.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/installdialog.cpp
index 95a1226..f3bf6f6 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/installdialog.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/installdialog.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include "installdialog.h"
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ InstallDialog::InstallDialog(QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine, QWidget *parent,
const QString &host, int port)
: QDialog(parent), m_helpEngine(helpEngine), m_host(host), m_port(port)
@@ -94,15 +96,18 @@ InstallDialog::InstallDialog(QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine, QWidget *parent,
QStringList InstallDialog::installedDocumentations() const
return m_installedDocumentations;
void InstallDialog::init()
m_ui.statusLabel->setText(tr("Downloading documentation info..."));
@@ -122,6 +127,7 @@ void InstallDialog::init()
void InstallDialog::updateInstallButton()
QListWidgetItem *item = 0;
for (int i=0; i<m_ui.listWidget->count(); ++i) {
item = m_ui.listWidget->item(i);
@@ -136,6 +142,7 @@ void InstallDialog::updateInstallButton()
void InstallDialog::updateDocItemList()
QStringList registeredDocs = m_helpEngine->registeredDocumentations();
QListWidgetItem *item = 0;
for (int i=0; i<m_ui.listWidget->count(); ++i) {
@@ -151,6 +158,7 @@ void InstallDialog::updateDocItemList()
void InstallDialog::cancelDownload()
m_ui.statusLabel->setText(tr("Download canceled."));
m_httpAborted = true;
@@ -162,6 +170,7 @@ void InstallDialog::cancelDownload()
void InstallDialog::install()
QListWidgetItem *item = 0;
for (int i=0; i<m_ui.listWidget->count(); ++i) {
item = m_ui.listWidget->item(i);
@@ -174,6 +183,7 @@ void InstallDialog::install()
void InstallDialog::downloadNextFile()
if (!m_itemsToInstall.count()) {
@@ -226,6 +236,7 @@ void InstallDialog::downloadNextFile()
void InstallDialog::httpRequestFinished(int requestId, bool error)
if (requestId == m_docInfoId && m_buffer) {
if (error) {
@@ -296,6 +307,7 @@ void InstallDialog::httpRequestFinished(int requestId, bool error)
void InstallDialog::installFile(const QString &fileName)
if (m_helpEngine->registerDocumentation(fileName)) {
@@ -308,6 +320,7 @@ void InstallDialog::installFile(const QString &fileName)
void InstallDialog::readResponseHeader(const QHttpResponseHeader &responseHeader)
if (responseHeader.statusCode() != 200) {
QMessageBox::information(this, m_windowTitle,
tr("Download failed: %1.")
@@ -321,6 +334,7 @@ void InstallDialog::readResponseHeader(const QHttpResponseHeader &responseHeader
void InstallDialog::updateDataReadProgress(int bytesRead, int totalBytes)
if (m_httpAborted)
@@ -330,6 +344,7 @@ void InstallDialog::updateDataReadProgress(int bytesRead, int totalBytes)
void InstallDialog::browseDirectories()
QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, m_windowTitle,
if (!dir.isEmpty())
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/main.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/main.cpp
index 7a957e2..77e5e7c 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/main.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/main.cpp
@@ -38,27 +38,34 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
+#include <QtCore/QLibraryInfo>
#include <QtCore/QLocale>
+#include <QtCore/QScopedPointer>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QTranslator>
-#include <QtCore/QLibraryInfo>
#include <QtCore/QUrl>
-#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QDesktopServices>
-#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngineCore>
+#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngine>
+#include <QtHelp/QHelpSearchEngine>
#include <QtNetwork/QLocalSocket>
#include <QtSql/QSqlDatabase>
+#include "../shared/collectionconfiguration.h"
+#include "helpenginewrapper.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "cmdlineparser.h"
@@ -66,118 +73,57 @@ QT_USE_NAMESPACE
+namespace {
updateLastPagesOnUnregister(QHelpEngineCore& helpEngine, const QString& nsName)
- int lastPage = helpEngine.customValue(QLatin1String("LastTabPage")).toInt();
- QLatin1String sep("|");
- QLatin1String pages("LastShownPages");
-#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
- QLatin1String zoom("LastPagesZoomWebView");
- QLatin1String zoom("LastPagesZoomTextBrowser");
- QStringList currentPages =
- helpEngine.customValue(pages).toString().
- split(QLatin1Char('|'), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ int lastPage = CollectionConfiguration::lastTabPage(helpEngine);
+ QStringList currentPages = CollectionConfiguration::lastShownPages(helpEngine);
if (!currentPages.isEmpty()) {
- QVector<QString>zoomList = helpEngine.customValue(zoom).toString().
- split(sep, QString::SkipEmptyParts).toVector();
- if (zoomList.isEmpty())
- zoomList.fill(QLatin1String("0.0"), currentPages.size());
- else if(zoomList.count() < currentPages.count()) {
- zoomList.insert(zoomList.count(),
- currentPages.count() - zoomList.count(), QLatin1String("0.0"));
- }
+ QStringList zoomList = CollectionConfiguration::lastZoomFactors(helpEngine);
+ while (zoomList.count() < currentPages.count())
+ zoomList.append(CollectionConfiguration::DefaultZoomFactor);
for (int i = currentPages.count(); --i >= 0;) {
if (QUrl( == nsName) {
- zoomList.remove(i);
+ zoomList.removeAt(i);
lastPage = (lastPage == (i + 1)) ? 1 : lastPage;
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(pages, currentPages.join(sep));
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("LastTabPage"), lastPage);
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(zoom, QStringList(zoomList.toList()).join(sep));
+ CollectionConfiguration::setLastShownPages(helpEngine, currentPages);
+ CollectionConfiguration::setLastTabPage(helpEngine, lastPage);
+ CollectionConfiguration::setLastZoomFactors(helpEngine, zoomList);
updateUserCollection(QHelpEngineCore& user, const QHelpEngineCore& caller)
- const uint callerCollectionCreationTime = caller.
- customValue(QLatin1String("CreationTime"), 0).toUInt();
- const uint userCollectionCreationTime = user.
- customValue(QLatin1String("CreationTime"), 1).toUInt();
- if (callerCollectionCreationTime <= userCollectionCreationTime)
+ if (!CollectionConfiguration::isNewer(caller, user))
return false;
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("CreationTime"),
- callerCollectionCreationTime);
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("WindowTitle"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("WindowTitle")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("LastShownPages"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("LastShownPages")));
-#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
- const QLatin1String zoomKey("LastPagesZoomWebView");
- const QLatin1String zoomKey("LastPagesZoomTextBrowser");
- user.setCustomValue(zoomKey, caller.customValue(zoomKey));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("CurrentFilter"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("CurrentFilter")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("CacheDirectory"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("CacheDirectory")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("EnableFilterFunctionality"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("EnableFilterFunctionality")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("HideFilterFunctionality"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("HideFilterFunctionality")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("EnableDocumentationManager"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("EnableDocumentationManager")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("EnableAddressBar"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("EnableAddressBar")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("HideAddressBar"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("HideAddressBar")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("ApplicationIcon"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("ApplicationIcon")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("AboutMenuTexts"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("AboutMenuTexts")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("AboutIcon"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("AboutIcon")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("AboutTexts"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("AboutTexts")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("AboutImages"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("AboutImages")));
- user.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("defaultHomepage"),
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("defaultHomepage")));
+ CollectionConfiguration::copyConfiguration(caller, user);
return true;
-referencedHelpFilesExistAll(QHelpEngineCore& user, QStringList& nameSpaces)
+void stripNonexistingDocs(QHelpEngineCore& collection)
- QFileInfo fi;
- int counter = nameSpaces.count();
- for (int i = counter; --i >= 0;) {
- const QString& nameSpace =;
- fi.setFile(user.documentationFileName(nameSpace));
- if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isFile()) {
- user.unregisterDocumentation(nameSpace);
- nameSpaces.removeAll(nameSpace);
- }
+ const QStringList &namespaces = collection.registeredDocumentations();
+ foreach (const QString &ns, namespaces) {
+ QFileInfo fi(collection.documentationFileName(ns));
+ if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isFile())
+ collection.unregisterDocumentation(ns);
- return (counter != nameSpaces.count()) ? false : true;
QString indexFilesFolder(const QString &collectionFile)
QString indexFilesFolder = QLatin1String(".fulltextsearch");
if (!collectionFile.isEmpty()) {
QFileInfo fi(collectionFile);
@@ -187,192 +133,306 @@ QString indexFilesFolder(const QString &collectionFile)
return indexFilesFolder;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ * Returns the expected absolute file path of the cached collection file
+ * correspondinging to the given collection's file.
+ * It may or may not exist yet.
+ */
+QString constructCachedCollectionFilePath(const QHelpEngineCore &collection)
+ const QString &filePath = collection.collectionFile();
+ const QString &fileName = QFileInfo(filePath).fileName();
+ const QString &cacheDir = CollectionConfiguration::cacheDir(collection);
+ const QString &dir = !cacheDir.isEmpty()
+ && CollectionConfiguration::cacheDirIsRelativeToCollection(collection)
+ ? QFileInfo(filePath).dir().absolutePath()
+ + QDir::separator() + cacheDir
+ : MainWindow::collectionFileDirectory(false, cacheDir);
+ return dir + QDir::separator() + fileName;
+bool synchronizeDocs(QHelpEngineCore &collection,
+ QHelpEngineCore &cachedCollection,
+ CmdLineParser &cmd)
-#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
- // First do a quick search for arguments that imply command-line mode.
+ const QDateTime &lastCollectionRegisterTime =
+ CollectionConfiguration::lastRegisterTime(collection);
+ if (!lastCollectionRegisterTime.isValid() || lastCollectionRegisterTime
+ < CollectionConfiguration::lastRegisterTime(cachedCollection))
+ return true;
+ const QStringList &docs = collection.registeredDocumentations();
+ const QStringList &cachedDocs = cachedCollection.registeredDocumentations();
+ /*
+ * Ensure that the cached collection contains all docs that
+ * the collection contains.
+ */
+ foreach (const QString &doc, docs) {
+ if (!cachedDocs.contains(doc)) {
+ const QString &docFile = collection.documentationFileName(doc);
+ if (!cachedCollection.registerDocumentation(docFile)) {
+ cmd.showMessage(QCoreApplication::translate("Assistant",
+ "Error registering documentation file '%1': %2").
+ arg(docFile).arg(cachedCollection.error()), true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CollectionConfiguration::updateLastRegisterTime(cachedCollection);
+ return true;
+bool removeSearchIndex(const QString &collectionFile)
+ QString path = QFileInfo(collectionFile).path();
+ path += QLatin1Char('/') + indexFilesFolder(collectionFile);
+ QLocalSocket localSocket;
+ localSocket.connectToServer(QString(QLatin1String("QtAssistant%1"))
+ .arg(QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR)));
+ QDir dir(path); // check if there is no other instance ruinning
+ if (!dir.exists() || localSocket.waitForConnected())
+ return false;
+ QStringList lst = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden);
+ foreach (const QString &item, lst)
+ dir.remove(item);
+ return true;
+bool rebuildSearchIndex(QCoreApplication &app, const QString &collectionFile,
+ CmdLineParser &cmd)
+ QHelpEngine engine(collectionFile);
+ if (!engine.setupData()) {
+ cmd.showMessage(QCoreApplication::translate("Assistant", "Error: %1")
+ .arg(engine.error()), true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ QHelpSearchEngine * const searchEngine = engine.searchEngine();
+ QObject::connect(searchEngine, SIGNAL(indexingFinished()), &app,
+ SLOT(quit()));
+ searchEngine->reindexDocumentation();
+ return app.exec() == 0;
+bool useGui(int argc, char *argv[])
+ bool gui = true;
+#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
+ // Look for arguments that imply command-line mode.
const char * cmdModeArgs[] = {
- "-help", "-register", "-unregister", "-remove-search-index"
+ "-help", "-register", "-unregister", "-remove-search-index",
+ "-rebuild-search-index"
- bool useGui = true;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof cmdModeArgs/sizeof *cmdModeArgs; ++j) {
if(strcmp(argv[i], cmdModeArgs[j]) == 0) {
- useGui = false;
+ gui = false;
- QApplication a(argc, argv, useGui);
- QApplication a(argc, argv);
+ Q_UNUSED(argc)
+ Q_UNUSED(argv)
+ return gui;
+bool registerDocumentation(QHelpEngineCore &collection, CmdLineParser &cmd,
+ bool printSuccess)
+ if (!collection.registerDocumentation(cmd.helpFile())) {
+ cmd.showMessage(QCoreApplication::translate("Assistant",
+ "Could not register documentation file\n%1\n\nReason:\n%2")
+ .arg(cmd.helpFile()).arg(collection.error()), true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (printSuccess)
+ cmd.showMessage(QCoreApplication::translate("Assistant",
+ "Documentation successfully registered."),
+ false);
+ CollectionConfiguration::updateLastRegisterTime(collection);
+ return true;
+bool unregisterDocumentation(QHelpEngineCore &collection,
+ const QString &namespaceName, CmdLineParser &cmd, bool printSuccess)
+ if (!collection.unregisterDocumentation(namespaceName)) {
+ cmd.showMessage(QCoreApplication::translate("Assistant",
+ "Could not unregister documentation"
+ " file\n%1\n\nReason:\n%2").
+ arg(cmd.helpFile()).arg(collection.error()), true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ updateLastPagesOnUnregister(collection, namespaceName);
+ if (printSuccess)
+ cmd.showMessage(QCoreApplication::translate("Assistant",
+ "Documentation successfully unregistered."),
+ false);
+ return true;
+void setupTranslation(const QString &fileName, const QString &dir)
+ QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(QCoreApplication::instance());
+ if (translator->load(fileName, dir)) {
+ QCoreApplication::installTranslator(translator);
+ } else {
+ qWarning("Could not load translation file %s in directory %s.",
+ qPrintable(fileName), qPrintable(dir));
+ }
+void setupTranslations()
+ const QString& locale = QLocale::system().name();
+ const QString &resourceDir
+ = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath);
+ setupTranslation(QLatin1String("assistant_") + locale, resourceDir);
+ setupTranslation(QLatin1String("qt_") + locale, resourceDir);
+ setupTranslation(QLatin1String("qt_help_") + locale, resourceDir);
+} // Anonymous namespace.
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ QApplication a(argc, argv, useGui(argc, argv));
a.addLibraryPath(a.applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/plugins"));
- CmdLineParser cmd;
- CmdLineParser::Result res = cmd.parse(a.arguments());
+ // Parse arguments.
+ CmdLineParser cmd(a.arguments());
+ CmdLineParser::Result res = cmd.parse();
if (res == CmdLineParser::Help)
return 0;
else if (res == CmdLineParser::Error)
return -1;
- QString cmdCollectionFile = cmd.collectionFile();
- if (cmd.registerRequest() != CmdLineParser::None) {
- if (cmdCollectionFile.isEmpty())
- cmdCollectionFile = MainWindow::defaultHelpCollectionFileName();
- QHelpEngineCore help(cmdCollectionFile);
- help.setupData();
- if (cmd.registerRequest() == CmdLineParser::Register) {
- if (!help.registerDocumentation(cmd.helpFile())) {
- cmd.showMessage(
- QObject::tr("Could not register documentation file\n%1\n\nReason:\n%2")
- .arg(cmd.helpFile()).arg(help.error()), true);
- return -1;
- } else {
- cmd.showMessage(QObject::tr("Documentation successfully registered."),
- false);
- }
- } else {
- QString nsName = QHelpEngineCore::namespaceName(cmd.helpFile());
- if (help.unregisterDocumentation(nsName)) {
- updateLastPagesOnUnregister(help, nsName);
- cmd.showMessage(
- QObject::tr("Documentation successfully unregistered."),
- false);
- } else {
- cmd.showMessage(QObject::tr("Could not unregister documentation"
- " file\n%1\n\nReason:\n%2").arg(cmd.helpFile()).
- arg(help.error()), true);
- return -1;
- }
+ /*
+ * Create the collection objects that we need. We always have the
+ * cached collection file. Depending on whether the user specified
+ * one, we also may have an input collection file.
+ */
+ const QString collectionFile = cmd.collectionFile();
+ const bool collectionFileGiven = !collectionFile.isEmpty();
+ QScopedPointer<QHelpEngineCore> collection;
+ if (collectionFileGiven) {
+ collection.reset(new QHelpEngineCore(collectionFile));
+ if (!collection->setupData()) {
+ cmd.showMessage(QCoreApplication::translate("Assistant",
+ "Error reading collection file '%1': %2.").
+ arg(collectionFile).arg(collection->error()), true);
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
- help.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("DocUpdate"), true);
- return 0;
- if (cmd.removeSearchIndex()) {
- QString file = cmdCollectionFile;
- if (file.isEmpty())
- file = MainWindow::defaultHelpCollectionFileName();
- QString path = QFileInfo(file).path();
- path += QLatin1Char('/') + indexFilesFolder(file);
- QLocalSocket localSocket;
- localSocket.connectToServer(QString(QLatin1String("QtAssistant%1"))
- .arg(QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR)));
- QDir dir(path); // check if there is no other instance ruinning
- if (!localSocket.waitForConnected() && dir.exists()) {
- QStringList lst = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden);
- foreach (const QString &item, lst)
- dir.remove(item);
- return 0;
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
+ const QString &cachedCollectionFile = collectionFileGiven
+ ? constructCachedCollectionFilePath(*collection)
+ : MainWindow::defaultHelpCollectionFileName();
+ if (collectionFileGiven && !QFileInfo(cachedCollectionFile).exists()
+ && !collection->copyCollectionFile(cachedCollectionFile)) {
+ cmd.showMessage(QCoreApplication::translate("Assistant",
+ "Error creating collection file '%1': %2.").
+ arg(cachedCollectionFile).arg(collection->error()), true);
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
- {
- QSqlDatabase db;
- QStringList sqlDrivers(db.drivers());
- if (sqlDrivers.isEmpty()
- || !sqlDrivers.contains(QLatin1String("QSQLITE"))) {
- cmd.showMessage(QObject::tr("Cannot load sqlite database driver!"),
- true);
- return -1;
- }
+ QHelpEngineCore cachedCollection(cachedCollectionFile);
+ if (!cachedCollection.setupData()) {
+ cmd.showMessage(QCoreApplication::translate("Assistant",
+ "Error reading collection file '%1': %2").
+ arg(cachedCollectionFile).
+ arg(cachedCollection.error()), true);
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
- if (!cmdCollectionFile.isEmpty()) {
- QHelpEngineCore caller(cmdCollectionFile);
- if (!caller.setupData()) {
- cmd.showMessage(QObject::tr("The specified collection file could "
- "not be read!"), true);
- return -1;
- }
+ stripNonexistingDocs(cachedCollection);
+ if (collectionFileGiven) {
+ if (CollectionConfiguration::isNewer(*collection, cachedCollection))
+ CollectionConfiguration::copyConfiguration(*collection,
+ cachedCollection);
+ if (!synchronizeDocs(*collection, cachedCollection, cmd))
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
- QString fileName = QFileInfo(cmdCollectionFile).fileName();
- QString dir = MainWindow::collectionFileDirectory(false,
- caller.customValue(QLatin1String("CacheDirectory"),
- QString()).toString());
- bool collectionFileExists = true;
- QFileInfo fi(dir + QDir::separator() + fileName);
- if (!fi.exists()) {
- collectionFileExists = false;
- if (!caller.copyCollectionFile(fi.absoluteFilePath())) {
- cmd.showMessage(caller.error(), true);
- return -1;
- }
+ if (cmd.registerRequest() != CmdLineParser::None) {
+ const QStringList &cachedDocs =
+ cachedCollection.registeredDocumentations();
+ const QString &namespaceName =
+ QHelpEngineCore::namespaceName(cmd.helpFile());
+ if (cmd.registerRequest() == CmdLineParser::Register) {
+ if (collectionFileGiven
+ && !registerDocumentation(*collection, cmd, true))
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ if (!cachedDocs.contains(namespaceName)
+ && !registerDocumentation(cachedCollection, cmd, !collectionFileGiven))
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- if (collectionFileExists) {
- QHelpEngineCore user(fi.absoluteFilePath());
- if (user.setupData()) {
- // some docs might have been un/registered
- bool docUpdate = caller.
- customValue(QLatin1String("DocUpdate"), false).toBool();
- // update in case the passed collection file changed
- if (updateUserCollection(user, caller))
- docUpdate = true;
- QStringList userDocs = user.registeredDocumentations();
- // update user collection file, docs might have been (re)moved
- if (!referencedHelpFilesExistAll(user, userDocs))
- docUpdate = true;
- if (docUpdate) {
- QStringList callerDocs = caller.registeredDocumentations();
- foreach (const QString &doc, callerDocs) {
- if (!userDocs.contains(doc)) {
- user.registerDocumentation(
- caller.documentationFileName(doc));
- }
- }
- QLatin1String intern("");
- foreach (const QString &doc, userDocs) {
- if (!callerDocs.contains(doc) && !doc.startsWith(intern))
- user.unregisterDocumentation(doc);
- }
- caller.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("DocUpdate"), false);
- }
- }
+ if (cmd.registerRequest() == CmdLineParser::Unregister) {
+ if (collectionFileGiven
+ && !unregisterDocumentation(*collection, namespaceName, cmd, true))
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ if (cachedDocs.contains(namespaceName)
+ && !unregisterDocumentation(cachedCollection, namespaceName,
+ cmd, !collectionFileGiven))
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- cmd.setCollectionFile(fi.absoluteFilePath());
- if (!cmd.currentFilter().isEmpty()) {
- QString collectionFile;
- if (cmdCollectionFile.isEmpty()) {
- MainWindow::collectionFileDirectory(true);
- cmdCollectionFile = MainWindow::defaultHelpCollectionFileName();
- }
- QHelpEngineCore user(cmdCollectionFile);
- if (user.setupData())
- user.setCurrentFilter(cmd.currentFilter());
+ if (cmd.removeSearchIndex()) {
+ return removeSearchIndex(cachedCollectionFile)
- const QString& locale = QLocale::system().name();
- QString resourceDir = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath);
- QTranslator translator(0);
- translator.load(QLatin1String("assistant_") + locale, resourceDir);
- a.installTranslator(&translator);
+ if (cmd.rebuildSearchIndex()) {
+ return rebuildSearchIndex(a, cachedCollectionFile, cmd)
+ }
- QTranslator qtTranslator(0);
- qtTranslator.load(QLatin1String("qt_") + locale, resourceDir);
- a.installTranslator(&qtTranslator);
+ if (!QSqlDatabase::isDriverAvailable(QLatin1String("QSQLITE"))) {
+ cmd.showMessage(QCoreApplication::translate("Assistant",
+ "Cannot load sqlite database driver!"),
+ true);
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
- QTranslator qtHelpTranslator(0);
- qtHelpTranslator.load(QLatin1String("qt_help_") + locale, resourceDir);
- a.installTranslator(&qtHelpTranslator);
+ if (!cmd.currentFilter().isEmpty()) {
+ if (collectionFileGiven)
+ collection->setCurrentFilter(cmd.currentFilter());
+ cachedCollection.setCurrentFilter(cmd.currentFilter());
+ }
- MainWindow w(&cmd);
+ setupTranslations();
+ /*
+ * We need to be careful here: The main window has to be deleted before
+ * the help engine wrapper, which has to be deleted before the
+ * QApplication.
+ */
+ if (collectionFileGiven)
+ cmd.setCollectionFile(cachedCollectionFile);
+ MainWindow *w = new MainWindow(&cmd);
+ w->show();
a.connect(&a, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &a, SLOT(quit()));
- return a.exec();
+ const int retval = a.exec();
+ delete w;
+ HelpEngineWrapper::removeInstance();
+ return retval;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.cpp
index 0dbf813..2ff6b5e 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -38,24 +38,32 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include "bookmarkmanager.h"
#include "centralwidget.h"
#include "helpviewer.h"
#include "indexwindow.h"
#include "topicchooser.h"
#include "contentwindow.h"
#include "preferencesdialog.h"
-#include "bookmarkmanager.h"
+#include "helpenginewrapper.h"
#include "remotecontrol.h"
#include "cmdlineparser.h"
#include "aboutdialog.h"
#include "searchwidget.h"
#include "qtdocinstaller.h"
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QTimer>
+#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QFileSystemWatcher>
+#include <QtCore/QPair>
#include <QtCore/QResource>
#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
@@ -76,8 +84,9 @@
#include <QtGui/QProgressBar>
#include <QtGui/QDesktopServices>
#include <QtGui/QToolButton>
+#include <QtGui/QFileDialog>
-#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngine>
+#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngineCore>
#include <QtHelp/QHelpSearchEngine>
#include <QtHelp/QHelpContentModel>
#include <QtHelp/QHelpIndexModel>
@@ -86,6 +95,7 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
MainWindow::MainWindow(CmdLineParser *cmdLine, QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent)
+ , m_bookmarkWidget(0)
, m_filterCombo(0)
, m_toolBarMenu(0)
, m_cmdLine(cmdLine)
@@ -93,37 +103,53 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(CmdLineParser *cmdLine, QWidget *parent)
, m_qtDocInstaller(0)
, m_connectedInitSignals(false)
+ QString collectionFile;
if (usesDefaultCollection()) {
- m_helpEngine = new QHelpEngine(MainWindow::defaultHelpCollectionFileName(),
- this);
+ collectionFile = MainWindow::defaultHelpCollectionFileName();
} else {
- m_helpEngine = new QHelpEngine(cmdLine->collectionFile(), this);
+ collectionFile = cmdLine->collectionFile();
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngineWrapper =
+ HelpEngineWrapper::instance(collectionFile);
- m_centralWidget = new CentralWidget(m_helpEngine, this);
+ m_centralWidget = new CentralWidget(this);
- m_indexWindow = new IndexWindow(m_helpEngine);
+ m_indexWindow = new IndexWindow(this);
QDockWidget *indexDock = new QDockWidget(tr("Index"), this);
addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, indexDock);
- m_contentWindow = new ContentWindow(m_helpEngine);
+ m_contentWindow = new ContentWindow;
QDockWidget *contentDock = new QDockWidget(tr("Contents"), this);
addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, contentDock);
- QDockWidget *bookmarkDock = new QDockWidget(tr("Bookmarks"), this);
- bookmarkDock->setObjectName(QLatin1String("BookmarkWindow"));
- bookmarkDock->setWidget(setupBookmarkWidget());
- addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, bookmarkDock);
+ QDockWidget *bookmarkDock = 0;
+ if (BookmarkManager *manager = BookmarkManager::instance()) {
+ bookmarkDock = new QDockWidget(tr("Bookmarks"), this);
+ bookmarkDock->setObjectName(QLatin1String("BookmarkWindow"));
+ bookmarkDock->setWidget(m_bookmarkWidget = manager->bookmarkDockWidget());
+ addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, bookmarkDock);
+ connect(manager, SIGNAL(escapePressed()), this,
+ SLOT(activateCurrentCentralWidgetTab()));
+ connect(manager, SIGNAL(setSource(QUrl)), m_centralWidget,
+ SLOT(setSource(QUrl)));
+ connect(manager, SIGNAL(setSourceInNewTab(QUrl)), m_centralWidget,
+ SLOT(setSourceInNewTab(QUrl)));
+ connect(m_centralWidget, SIGNAL(addBookmark(QString, QString)), manager,
+ SLOT(addBookmark(QString, QString)));
+ }
- QHelpSearchEngine *searchEngine = m_helpEngine->searchEngine();
+ QHelpSearchEngine *searchEngine = helpEngineWrapper.searchEngine();
connect(searchEngine, SIGNAL(indexingStarted()), this, SLOT(indexingStarted()));
connect(searchEngine, SIGNAL(indexingFinished()), this, SLOT(indexingFinished()));
@@ -140,18 +166,9 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(CmdLineParser *cmdLine, QWidget *parent)
- m_bookmarkManager->setupBookmarkModels();
- m_bookmarkMenu->addSeparator();
- m_bookmarkManager->fillBookmarkMenu(m_bookmarkMenu);
- connect(m_bookmarkMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this,
- SLOT(showBookmark(QAction*)));
- connect(m_bookmarkManager, SIGNAL(bookmarksChanged()), this,
- SLOT(updateBookmarkMenu()));
- setWindowTitle(m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("WindowTitle"),
- defWindowTitle).toString());
- QByteArray iconArray = m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("ApplicationIcon"),
- QByteArray()).toByteArray();
+ const QString windowTitle = helpEngineWrapper.windowTitle();
+ setWindowTitle(windowTitle.isEmpty() ? defWindowTitle : windowTitle);
+ QByteArray iconArray = helpEngineWrapper.applicationIcon();
if (iconArray.size() > 0) {
QPixmap pix;
@@ -165,29 +182,28 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(CmdLineParser *cmdLine, QWidget *parent)
// Show the widget here, otherwise the restore geometry and state won't work
// on x11.
- QByteArray ba(m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("MainWindow")).toByteArray());
+ QByteArray ba(helpEngineWrapper.mainWindow());
if (!ba.isEmpty())
- ba = m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("MainWindowGeometry")).toByteArray();
+ ba = helpEngineWrapper.mainWindowGeometry();
if (!ba.isEmpty()) {
} else {
tabifyDockWidget(contentDock, indexDock);
- tabifyDockWidget(indexDock, bookmarkDock);
+ if (bookmarkDock)
+ tabifyDockWidget(indexDock, bookmarkDock);
resize(QSize(800, 600));
- if (!m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("useAppFont")).isValid()) {
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(QLatin1String("useAppFont"), false);
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(QLatin1String("useBrowserFont"), false);
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(QLatin1String("appFont"), qApp->font());
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(QLatin1String("appWritingSystem"),
- QFontDatabase::Latin);
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(QLatin1String("browserFont"), qApp->font());
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(QLatin1String("browserWritingSystem"),
- QFontDatabase::Latin);
+ if (!helpEngineWrapper.hasFontSettings()) {
+ helpEngineWrapper.setUseAppFont(false);
+ helpEngineWrapper.setUseBrowserFont(false);
+ helpEngineWrapper.setAppFont(qApp->font());
+ helpEngineWrapper.setAppWritingSystem(QFontDatabase::Latin);
+ helpEngineWrapper.setBrowserFont(qApp->font());
+ helpEngineWrapper.setBrowserWritingSystem(QFontDatabase::Latin);
} else {
@@ -196,7 +212,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(CmdLineParser *cmdLine, QWidget *parent)
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(insertLastPages()));
if (m_cmdLine->enableRemoteControl())
- (void)new RemoteControl(this, m_helpEngine);
+ (void)new RemoteControl(this);
if (m_cmdLine->contents() == CmdLineParser::Show)
@@ -209,9 +225,9 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(CmdLineParser *cmdLine, QWidget *parent)
if (m_cmdLine->bookmarks() == CmdLineParser::Show)
- showBookmarks();
+ showBookmarksDockWidget();
else if (m_cmdLine->bookmarks() == CmdLineParser::Hide)
- hideBookmarks();
+ hideBookmarksDockWidget();
if (m_cmdLine->search() == CmdLineParser::Show)
@@ -223,51 +239,59 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(CmdLineParser *cmdLine, QWidget *parent)
else if (m_cmdLine->index() == CmdLineParser::Activate)
else if (m_cmdLine->bookmarks() == CmdLineParser::Activate)
- showBookmarks();
+ showBookmarksDockWidget();
if (!m_cmdLine->currentFilter().isEmpty()) {
const QString &curFilter = m_cmdLine->currentFilter();
- if (m_helpEngine->customFilters().contains(curFilter))
- m_helpEngine->setCurrentFilter(curFilter);
+ if (helpEngineWrapper.customFilters().contains(curFilter))
+ helpEngineWrapper.setCurrentFilter(curFilter);
if (usesDefaultCollection())
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(lookForNewQtDocumentation()));
+ connect(&helpEngineWrapper, SIGNAL(documentationRemoved(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(documentationRemoved(QString)));
+ connect(&helpEngineWrapper, SIGNAL(documentationUpdated(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(documentationUpdated(QString)));
setTabPosition(Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas, QTabWidget::North);
if (m_qtDocInstaller)
delete m_qtDocInstaller;
bool MainWindow::usesDefaultCollection() const
return m_cmdLine->collectionFile().isEmpty();
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e)
- m_bookmarkManager->saveBookmarks();
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(QLatin1String("MainWindow"), saveState());
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(QLatin1String("MainWindowGeometry"),
- saveGeometry());
+ BookmarkManager::destroy();
+ HelpEngineWrapper::instance().setMainWindow(saveState());
+ HelpEngineWrapper::instance().setMainWindowGeometry(saveGeometry());
bool MainWindow::initHelpDB()
- if (!m_helpEngine->setupData())
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngineWrapper = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
+ if (!helpEngineWrapper.setupData())
return false;
bool assistantInternalDocRegistered = false;
QString intern(QLatin1String(""));
- foreach (const QString &ns, m_helpEngine->registeredDocumentations()) {
+ foreach (const QString &ns, helpEngineWrapper.registeredDocumentations()) {
if (ns.startsWith(intern)) {
intern = ns;
assistantInternalDocRegistered = true;
@@ -275,8 +299,7 @@ bool MainWindow::initHelpDB()
- const QString &collectionFile = m_helpEngine->collectionFile();
+ const QString &collectionFile = helpEngineWrapper.collectionFile();
QFileInfo fi(collectionFile);
QString helpFile;
QTextStream(&helpFile) << fi.absolutePath() << QDir::separator()
@@ -293,109 +316,79 @@ bool MainWindow::initHelpDB()
- QHelpEngineCore hc(fi.absoluteFilePath());
- hc.setupData();
- hc.unregisterDocumentation(intern);
- hc.registerDocumentation(helpFile);
- needsSetup = true;
- }
- const QLatin1String unfiltered("UnfilteredFilterInserted");
- if (1 != m_helpEngine->customValue(unfiltered).toInt()) {
- {
- QHelpEngineCore hc(collectionFile);
- hc.setupData();
- hc.addCustomFilter(tr("Unfiltered"), QStringList());
- hc.setCustomValue(unfiltered, 1);
- }
- m_helpEngine->blockSignals(true);
- m_helpEngine->setCurrentFilter(tr("Unfiltered"));
- m_helpEngine->blockSignals(false);
+ helpEngineWrapper.unregisterDocumentation(intern);
+ helpEngineWrapper.registerDocumentation(helpFile);
needsSetup = true;
if (needsSetup)
- m_helpEngine->setupData();
+ helpEngineWrapper.setupData();
return true;
void MainWindow::lookForNewQtDocumentation()
- m_qtDocInstaller = new QtDocInstaller(m_helpEngine->collectionFile());
- connect(m_qtDocInstaller, SIGNAL(errorMessage(QString)), this,
- SLOT(displayInstallationError(QString)));
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
+ QStringList docs;
+ docs << QLatin1String("assistant")
+ << QLatin1String("designer")
+ << QLatin1String("linguist")
+ << QLatin1String("qmake")
+ << QLatin1String("qt");
+ QList<QtDocInstaller::DocInfo> qtDocInfos;
+ foreach (const QString &doc, docs)
+ qtDocInfos.append(QtDocInstaller::DocInfo(doc, helpEngine.qtDocInfo(doc)));
+ m_qtDocInstaller = new QtDocInstaller(qtDocInfos);
connect(m_qtDocInstaller, SIGNAL(docsInstalled(bool)), this,
- QString versionKey = QString(QLatin1String("qtVersion%1$$$qt")).
- arg(QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR));
- if (m_helpEngine->customValue(versionKey, 0).toInt() != 1)
+ connect(m_qtDocInstaller, SIGNAL(qchFileNotFound(QString)), this,
+ SLOT(resetQtDocInfo(QString)));
+ connect(m_qtDocInstaller, SIGNAL(registerDocumentation(QString, QString)),
+ this, SLOT(registerDocumentation(QString, QString)));
+ if (helpEngine.qtDocInfo(QLatin1String("qt")).count() != 2)
statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Looking for Qt Documentation..."));
-void MainWindow::displayInstallationError(const QString &errorMessage)
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Qt Assistant"), errorMessage);
void MainWindow::qtDocumentationInstalled(bool newDocsInstalled)
if (newDocsInstalled)
- m_helpEngine->setupData();
+ HelpEngineWrapper::instance().setupData();
void MainWindow::checkInitState()
if (!m_cmdLine->enableRemoteControl())
- if (m_helpEngine->contentModel()->isCreatingContents()
- || m_helpEngine->indexModel()->isCreatingIndex()) {
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
+ if (helpEngine.contentModel()->isCreatingContents()
+ || helpEngine.indexModel()->isCreatingIndex()) {
if (!m_connectedInitSignals) {
- connect(m_helpEngine->contentModel(), SIGNAL(contentsCreated()),
+ connect(helpEngine.contentModel(), SIGNAL(contentsCreated()),
this, SLOT(checkInitState()));
- connect(m_helpEngine->indexModel(), SIGNAL(indexCreated()), this,
+ connect(helpEngine.indexModel(), SIGNAL(indexCreated()), this,
m_connectedInitSignals = true;
} else {
if (m_connectedInitSignals) {
- disconnect(m_helpEngine->contentModel(), 0, this, 0);
- disconnect(m_helpEngine->indexModel(), 0, this, 0);
+ disconnect(helpEngine.contentModel(), 0, this, 0);
+ disconnect(helpEngine.indexModel(), 0, this, 0);
emit initDone();
-void MainWindow::updateBookmarkMenu()
- if (m_bookmarkManager) {
- m_bookmarkMenu->removeAction(m_bookmarkMenuAction);
- m_bookmarkMenu->clear();
- m_bookmarkMenu->addAction(m_bookmarkMenuAction);
- m_bookmarkMenu->addSeparator();
- m_bookmarkManager->fillBookmarkMenu(m_bookmarkMenu);
- }
-void MainWindow::showBookmark(QAction *action)
- if (m_bookmarkManager) {
- const QUrl &url = m_bookmarkManager->urlForAction(action);
- if (url.isValid())
- m_centralWidget->setSource(url);
- }
void MainWindow::insertLastPages()
if (m_cmdLine->url().isValid())
@@ -407,6 +400,7 @@ void MainWindow::insertLastPages()
void MainWindow::setupActions()
QString resourcePath = QLatin1String(":/trolltech/assistant/images/");
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
@@ -437,8 +431,12 @@ void MainWindow::setupActions()
QAction *tmp = menu->addAction(tr("&Quit"), this, SLOT(close()));
- tmp->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Quit);
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+ tmp->setShortcut(QKeySequence(tr("CTRL+Q")));
+ tmp->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Quit);
menu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Edit"));
m_copyAction = menu->addAction(tr("&Copy selected Text"), m_centralWidget,
@@ -492,7 +490,7 @@ void MainWindow::setupActions()
m_viewMenu->addAction(tr("Index"), this, SLOT(showIndex()),
- m_viewMenu->addAction(tr("Bookmarks"), this, SLOT(showBookmarks()),
+ m_viewMenu->addAction(tr("Bookmarks"), this, SLOT(showBookmarksDockWidget()),
m_viewMenu->addAction(tr("Search"), this, SLOT(showSearchWidget()),
@@ -528,10 +526,8 @@ void MainWindow::setupActions()
tmp->setShortcuts(QList<QKeySequence>() << QKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+Alt+Left"))
<< QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_PageUp));
- m_bookmarkMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Bookmarks"));
- m_bookmarkMenuAction = m_bookmarkMenu->addAction(tr("Add Bookmark..."),
- this, SLOT(addBookmark()));
- m_bookmarkMenuAction->setShortcut(tr("CTRL+D"));
+ if (BookmarkManager *manager = BookmarkManager::instance())
+ manager->takeBookmarksMenu(menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Bookmarks")));
menu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Help"));
m_aboutAction = menu->addAction(tr("About..."), this, SLOT(showAboutDialog()));
@@ -592,14 +588,6 @@ void MainWindow::setupActions()
connect(m_centralWidget, SIGNAL(highlighted(QString)), statusBar(),
- connect(m_centralWidget, SIGNAL(addNewBookmark(QString,QString)), this,
- SLOT(addNewBookmark(QString,QString)));
- // bookmarks
- connect(m_bookmarkWidget, SIGNAL(requestShowLink(QUrl)), m_centralWidget,
- SLOT(setSource(QUrl)));
- connect(m_bookmarkWidget, SIGNAL(escapePressed()), this,
- SLOT(activateCurrentCentralWidgetTab()));
// index window
connect(m_indexWindow, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QUrl)), m_centralWidget,
@@ -624,6 +612,7 @@ void MainWindow::setupActions()
QMenu *MainWindow::toolBarMenu()
if (!m_toolBarMenu) {
m_toolBarMenu = m_viewMenu->addMenu(tr("Toolbars"));
@@ -633,8 +622,9 @@ QMenu *MainWindow::toolBarMenu()
void MainWindow::setupFilterToolbar()
- if (!m_helpEngine->
- customValue(QLatin1String("EnableFilterFunctionality"), true).toBool())
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
+ if (!helpEngine.filterFunctionalityEnabled())
m_filterCombo = new QComboBox(this);
@@ -647,16 +637,15 @@ void MainWindow::setupFilterToolbar()
- const QLatin1String hideFilter("HideFilterFunctionality");
- if (m_helpEngine->customValue(hideFilter, true).toBool())
+ if (!helpEngine.filterToolbarVisible())
- connect(m_helpEngine, SIGNAL(setupFinished()), this,
- SLOT(setupFilterCombo()));
+ connect(&helpEngine, SIGNAL(setupFinished()), this,
+ SLOT(setupFilterCombo()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_filterCombo, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this,
- connect(m_helpEngine, SIGNAL(currentFilterChanged(QString)), this,
+ connect(&helpEngine, SIGNAL(currentFilterChanged(QString)), this,
@@ -664,7 +653,9 @@ void MainWindow::setupFilterToolbar()
void MainWindow::setupAddressToolbar()
- if (!m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("EnableAddressBar"), true).toBool())
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
+ if (!helpEngine.addressBarEnabled())
m_addressLineEdit = new QLineEdit(this);
@@ -676,7 +667,7 @@ void MainWindow::setupAddressToolbar()
- if (m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("HideAddressBar"), true).toBool())
+ if (!helpEngine.addressBarVisible())
@@ -691,57 +682,53 @@ void MainWindow::setupAddressToolbar()
void MainWindow::updateAboutMenuText()
- if (m_helpEngine) {
- QByteArray ba = m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("AboutMenuTexts"),
- QByteArray()).toByteArray();
- if (ba.size() > 0) {
- QString lang;
- QString str;
- QString trStr;
- QString currentLang = QLocale::system().name();
- int i = currentLang.indexOf(QLatin1Char('_'));
- if (i > -1)
- currentLang = currentLang.left(i);
- QDataStream s(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
- while (!s.atEnd()) {
- s >> lang;
- s >> str;
- if (lang == QLatin1String("default") && trStr.isEmpty()) {
- trStr = str;
- } else if (lang == currentLang) {
- trStr = str;
- break;
- }
+ QByteArray ba = HelpEngineWrapper::instance().aboutMenuTexts();
+ if (ba.size() > 0) {
+ QString lang;
+ QString str;
+ QString trStr;
+ QString currentLang = QLocale::system().name();
+ int i = currentLang.indexOf(QLatin1Char('_'));
+ if (i > -1)
+ currentLang = currentLang.left(i);
+ QDataStream s(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ while (!s.atEnd()) {
+ s >> lang;
+ s >> str;
+ if (lang == QLatin1String("default") && trStr.isEmpty()) {
+ trStr = str;
+ } else if (lang == currentLang) {
+ trStr = str;
+ break;
- if (!trStr.isEmpty())
- m_aboutAction->setText(trStr);
+ if (!trStr.isEmpty())
+ m_aboutAction->setText(trStr);
void MainWindow::showNewAddress()
void MainWindow::showNewAddress(const QUrl &url)
-void MainWindow::addBookmark()
- addNewBookmark(m_centralWidget->currentTitle(),
- m_centralWidget->currentSource().toString());
void MainWindow::gotoAddress()
void MainWindow::updateNavigationItems()
bool hasCurrentViewer = m_centralWidget->isHomeAvailable();
@@ -755,12 +742,14 @@ void MainWindow::updateNavigationItems()
void MainWindow::updateTabCloseAction()
void MainWindow::showTopicChooser(const QMap<QString, QUrl> &links,
const QString &keyword)
TopicChooser tc(this, keyword, links);
if (tc.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
@@ -769,7 +758,8 @@ void MainWindow::showTopicChooser(const QMap<QString, QUrl> &links,
void MainWindow::showPreferences()
- PreferencesDialog dia(m_helpEngine, this);
+ PreferencesDialog dia(this);
connect(&dia, SIGNAL(updateApplicationFont()), this,
@@ -781,6 +771,7 @@ void MainWindow::showPreferences()
void MainWindow::syncContents()
const QUrl url = m_centralWidget->currentSource();
@@ -792,40 +783,32 @@ void MainWindow::syncContents()
void MainWindow::copyAvailable(bool yes)
-void MainWindow::addNewBookmark(const QString &title, const QString &url)
- if (url.isEmpty() || url == QLatin1String("about:blank"))
- return;
- m_bookmarkManager->showBookmarkDialog(this, title, url);
void MainWindow::showAboutDialog()
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
QByteArray contents;
- if (m_helpEngine) {
- QByteArray ba = m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("AboutTexts"),
- QByteArray()).toByteArray();
- if (!ba.isEmpty()) {
- QString lang;
- QByteArray cba;
- QString currentLang = QLocale::system().name();
- int i = currentLang.indexOf(QLatin1Char('_'));
- if (i > -1)
- currentLang = currentLang.left(i);
- QDataStream s(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
- while (!s.atEnd()) {
- s >> lang;
- s >> cba;
- if (lang == QLatin1String("default") && contents.isEmpty()) {
- contents = cba;
- } else if (lang == currentLang) {
- contents = cba;
- break;
- }
+ QByteArray ba = helpEngine.aboutTexts();
+ if (!ba.isEmpty()) {
+ QString lang;
+ QByteArray cba;
+ QString currentLang = QLocale::system().name();
+ int i = currentLang.indexOf(QLatin1Char('_'));
+ if (i > -1)
+ currentLang = currentLang.left(i);
+ QDataStream s(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ while (!s.atEnd()) {
+ s >> lang;
+ s >> cba;
+ if (lang == QLatin1String("default") && contents.isEmpty()) {
+ contents = cba;
+ } else if (lang == currentLang) {
+ contents = cba;
+ break;
@@ -834,11 +817,8 @@ void MainWindow::showAboutDialog()
QByteArray iconArray;
if (!contents.isEmpty()) {
- iconArray = m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("AboutIcon"),
- QByteArray()).toByteArray();
- QByteArray resources =
- m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("AboutImages"),
- QByteArray()).toByteArray();
+ iconArray = helpEngine.aboutIcon();
+ QByteArray resources = helpEngine.aboutImages();
QPixmap pix;
aboutDia.setText(QString::fromUtf8(contents), resources);
@@ -861,50 +841,109 @@ void MainWindow::showAboutDialog()
+void MainWindow::setContentsVisible(bool visible)
+ if (visible)
+ showContents();
+ else
+ hideContents();
void MainWindow::showContents()
+void MainWindow::hideContents()
+ m_contentWindow->parentWidget()->hide();
+void MainWindow::setIndexVisible(bool visible)
+ if (visible)
+ showIndex();
+ else
+ hideIndex();
void MainWindow::showIndex()
-void MainWindow::showBookmarks()
+void MainWindow::hideIndex()
- activateDockWidget(m_bookmarkWidget);
+ m_indexWindow->parentWidget()->hide();
-void MainWindow::activateDockWidget(QWidget *w)
+void MainWindow::setBookmarksVisible(bool visible)
- w->parentWidget()->show();
- w->parentWidget()->raise();
- w->setFocus();
+ if (visible)
+ showBookmarksDockWidget();
+ else
+ hideBookmarksDockWidget();
-void MainWindow::hideContents()
+void MainWindow::showBookmarksDockWidget()
- m_contentWindow->parentWidget()->hide();
+ if (m_bookmarkWidget)
+ activateDockWidget(m_bookmarkWidget);
-void MainWindow::hideIndex()
+void MainWindow::hideBookmarksDockWidget()
- m_indexWindow->parentWidget()->hide();
+ if (m_bookmarkWidget)
+ m_bookmarkWidget->parentWidget()->hide();
-void MainWindow::hideBookmarks()
+void MainWindow::setSearchVisible(bool visible)
- m_bookmarkWidget->parentWidget()->hide();
+ if (visible)
+ showSearch();
+ else
+ hideSearch();
+void MainWindow::showSearch()
+ m_centralWidget->activateSearchWidget();
+void MainWindow::hideSearch()
+ m_centralWidget->removeSearchWidget();
+void MainWindow::activateDockWidget(QWidget *w)
+ w->parentWidget()->show();
+ w->parentWidget()->raise();
+ w->setFocus();
void MainWindow::setIndexString(const QString &str)
void MainWindow::activateCurrentBrowser()
CentralWidget *cw = CentralWidget::instance();
if (cw) {
@@ -913,40 +952,36 @@ void MainWindow::activateCurrentBrowser()
void MainWindow::activateCurrentCentralWidgetTab()
-void MainWindow::showSearch()
- m_centralWidget->activateSearchWidget();
void MainWindow::showSearchWidget()
-void MainWindow::hideSearch()
- m_centralWidget->removeSearchWidget();
void MainWindow::updateApplicationFont()
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
QFont font = qApp->font();
- if (m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("useAppFont")).toBool())
- font = qVariantValue<QFont>(m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("appFont")));
+ if (helpEngine.usesAppFont())
+ font = helpEngine.appFont();
qApp->setFont(font, "QWidget");
void MainWindow::setupFilterCombo()
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
QString curFilter = m_filterCombo->currentText();
if (curFilter.isEmpty())
- curFilter = m_helpEngine->currentFilter();
+ curFilter = helpEngine.currentFilter();
- m_filterCombo->addItems(m_helpEngine->customFilters());
+ m_filterCombo->addItems(helpEngine.customFilters());
int idx = m_filterCombo->findText(curFilter);
if (idx < 0)
idx = 0;
@@ -955,16 +990,20 @@ void MainWindow::setupFilterCombo()
void MainWindow::filterDocumentation(const QString &customFilter)
- m_helpEngine->setCurrentFilter(customFilter);
+ HelpEngineWrapper::instance().setCurrentFilter(customFilter);
void MainWindow::expandTOC(int depth)
+ Q_ASSERT(depth >= -1);
void MainWindow::indexingStarted()
if (!m_progressWidget) {
m_progressWidget = new QWidget();
QLayout* hlayout = new QHBoxLayout(m_progressWidget);
@@ -990,21 +1029,15 @@ void MainWindow::indexingStarted()
void MainWindow::indexingFinished()
delete m_progressWidget;
m_progressWidget = 0;
-QWidget* MainWindow::setupBookmarkWidget()
- m_bookmarkManager = new BookmarkManager(m_helpEngine);
- m_bookmarkWidget = new BookmarkWidget(m_bookmarkManager, this);
- connect(m_bookmarkWidget, SIGNAL(addBookmark()), this, SLOT(addBookmark()));
- return m_bookmarkWidget;
QString MainWindow::collectionFileDirectory(bool createDir, const QString &cacheDir)
QString collectionPath =
if (collectionPath.isEmpty()) {
@@ -1030,16 +1063,65 @@ QString MainWindow::collectionFileDirectory(bool createDir, const QString &cache
QString MainWindow::defaultHelpCollectionFileName()
- return collectionFileDirectory() + QDir::separator() +
+ // forces creation of the default collection file path
+ return collectionFileDirectory(true) + QDir::separator() +
void MainWindow::currentFilterChanged(const QString &filter)
const int index = m_filterCombo->findText(filter);
Q_ASSERT(index != -1);
+void MainWindow::documentationRemoved(const QString &namespaceName)
+ CentralWidget* widget = CentralWidget::instance();
+ widget->closeOrReloadTabs(widget->currentSourceFileList().
+ keys(namespaceName), false);
+void MainWindow::documentationUpdated(const QString &namespaceName)
+ CentralWidget* widget = CentralWidget::instance();
+ widget->closeOrReloadTabs(widget->currentSourceFileList().
+ keys(namespaceName), true);
+void MainWindow::resetQtDocInfo(const QString &component)
+ HelpEngineWrapper::instance().setQtDocInfo(component,
+ QStringList(QDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate)));
+void MainWindow::registerDocumentation(const QString &component,
+ const QString &absFileName)
+ QString ns = QHelpEngineCore::namespaceName(absFileName);
+ if (ns.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine = HelpEngineWrapper::instance();
+ if (helpEngine.registeredDocumentations().contains(ns))
+ helpEngine.unregisterDocumentation(ns);
+ if (!helpEngine.registerDocumentation(absFileName)) {
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Qt Assistant"),
+ tr("Could not register file '%1': %2").
+ arg(absFileName).arg(helpEngine.error()));
+ } else {
+ QStringList docInfo;
+ docInfo << QFileInfo(absFileName).lastModified().toString(Qt::ISODate)
+ << absFileName;
+ helpEngine.setQtDocInfo(component, docInfo);
+ }
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.h
index 8a9b572..40ca624 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/mainwindow.h
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
class QAction;
+class QFileSystemWatcher;
class QLineEdit;
class QComboBox;
class QMenu;
@@ -57,8 +58,6 @@ class QHelpEngineCore;
class QHelpEngine;
class CentralWidget;
class ContentWindow;
-class BookmarkManager;
-class BookmarkWidget;
class CmdLineParser;
class QtDocInstaller;
@@ -76,10 +75,6 @@ public:
static QString defaultHelpCollectionFileName();
- void hideContents();
- void hideIndex();
- void hideBookmarks();
- void hideSearch();
void setIndexString(const QString &str);
void expandTOC(int depth);
bool usesDefaultCollection() const;
@@ -88,18 +83,20 @@ signals:
void initDone();
public slots:
- void showContents();
- void showIndex();
- void showBookmarks();
- void showSearch();
+ void setContentsVisible(bool visible);
+ void setIndexVisible(bool visible);
+ void setBookmarksVisible(bool visible);
+ void setSearchVisible(bool visible);
void showSearchWidget();
void syncContents();
void activateCurrentCentralWidgetTab();
void currentFilterChanged(const QString &filter);
private slots:
+ void showContents();
+ void showIndex();
+ void showSearch();
void insertLastPages();
- void addBookmark();
void gotoAddress();
void showPreferences();
void showNewAddress();
@@ -108,7 +105,6 @@ private slots:
void updateNavigationItems();
void updateTabCloseAction();
void showNewAddress(const QUrl &url);
- void addNewBookmark(const QString &title, const QString &url);
void showTopicChooser(const QMap<QString, QUrl> &links, const QString &keyword);
void updateApplicationFont();
void filterDocumentation(const QString &customFilter);
@@ -116,12 +112,13 @@ private slots:
void lookForNewQtDocumentation();
void indexingStarted();
void indexingFinished();
- void displayInstallationError(const QString &errorMessage);
void qtDocumentationInstalled(bool newDocsInstalled);
+ void registerDocumentation(const QString &component,
+ const QString &absFileName);
+ void resetQtDocInfo(const QString &component);
void checkInitState();
- void updateBookmarkMenu();
- void showBookmark(QAction *action);
+ void documentationRemoved(const QString &namespaceName);
+ void documentationUpdated(const QString &namespaceName);
bool initHelpDB();
@@ -132,14 +129,21 @@ private:
void setupFilterToolbar();
void setupAddressToolbar();
QMenu *toolBarMenu();
- QWidget *setupBookmarkWidget();
+ void hideContents();
+ void hideIndex();
+ void hideSearch();
- QHelpEngine *m_helpEngine;
+private slots:
+ void showBookmarksDockWidget();
+ void hideBookmarksDockWidget();
+ QWidget *m_bookmarkWidget;
CentralWidget *m_centralWidget;
IndexWindow *m_indexWindow;
ContentWindow *m_contentWindow;
- BookmarkWidget *m_bookmarkWidget;
- BookmarkManager *m_bookmarkManager;
QLineEdit *m_addressLineEdit;
QComboBox *m_filterCombo;
@@ -161,8 +165,6 @@ private:
QMenu *m_viewMenu;
QMenu *m_toolBarMenu;
- QMenu *m_bookmarkMenu;
- QAction *m_bookmarkMenuAction;
CmdLineParser *m_cmdLine;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/preferencesdialog.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/preferencesdialog.cpp
index ca12d8f..f0ef054 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/preferencesdialog.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/preferencesdialog.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include "preferencesdialog.h"
#include "filternamedialog.h"
@@ -45,8 +46,10 @@
#include "fontpanel.h"
#include "centralwidget.h"
#include "aboutdialog.h"
+#include "helpenginewrapper.h"
-#include <QtAlgorithms>
+#include <QtCore/QtAlgorithms>
+#include <QtCore/QFileSystemWatcher>
#include <QtGui/QHeaderView>
#include <QtGui/QFileDialog>
@@ -60,12 +63,13 @@
-PreferencesDialog::PreferencesDialog(QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine, QWidget *parent)
+PreferencesDialog::PreferencesDialog(QWidget *parent)
: QDialog(parent)
- , m_helpEngine(helpEngine)
, m_appFontChanged(false)
, m_browserFontChanged(false)
+ , helpEngine(HelpEngineWrapper::instance())
connect(m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), SIGNAL(clicked()),
@@ -73,11 +77,8 @@ PreferencesDialog::PreferencesDialog(QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine, QWidget *paren
connect(m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel), SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, SLOT(reject()));
- QLatin1String key("EnableFilterFunctionality");
- m_hideFiltersTab = !m_helpEngine->customValue(key, true).toBool();
- key = QLatin1String("EnableDocumentationManager");
- m_hideDocsTab = !m_helpEngine->customValue(key, true).toBool();
+ m_hideFiltersTab = !helpEngine.filterFunctionalityEnabled();
+ m_hideDocsTab = !helpEngine.documentationManagerEnabled();
if (!m_hideFiltersTab) {
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ PreferencesDialog::PreferencesDialog(QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine, QWidget *paren
connect(m_ui.docRemoveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
- m_docsBackup = m_helpEngine->registeredDocumentations();
+ m_docsBackup = helpEngine.registeredDocumentations();
} else {
@@ -118,27 +119,17 @@ PreferencesDialog::PreferencesDialog(QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine, QWidget *paren
- QLatin1String key("");
if (m_appFontChanged) {
- key = QLatin1String("appFont");
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(key, m_appFontPanel->selectedFont());
- key = QLatin1String("useAppFont");
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(key, m_appFontPanel->isChecked());
- key = QLatin1String("appWritingSystem");
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(key, m_appFontPanel->writingSystem());
+ helpEngine.setAppFont(m_appFontPanel->selectedFont());
+ helpEngine.setUseAppFont(m_appFontPanel->isChecked());
+ helpEngine.setAppWritingSystem(m_appFontPanel->writingSystem());
if (m_browserFontChanged) {
- key = QLatin1String("browserFont");
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(key, m_browserFontPanel->selectedFont());
- key = QLatin1String("useBrowserFont");
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(key, m_browserFontPanel->isChecked());
- key = QLatin1String("browserWritingSystem");
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(key, m_browserFontPanel->writingSystem());
+ helpEngine.setBrowserFont(m_browserFontPanel->selectedFont());
+ helpEngine.setUseBrowserFont(m_browserFontPanel->isChecked());
+ helpEngine.setBrowserWritingSystem(m_browserFontPanel->writingSystem());
if (m_appFontChanged || m_browserFontChanged) {
@@ -149,32 +140,31 @@ PreferencesDialog::~PreferencesDialog()
QString homePage = m_ui.homePageLineEdit->text();
if (homePage.isEmpty())
homePage = QLatin1String("help");
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(QLatin1String("homepage"), homePage);
+ helpEngine.setHomePage(homePage);
int option = m_ui.helpStartComboBox->currentIndex();
- m_helpEngine->setCustomValue(QLatin1String("StartOption"), option);
+ helpEngine.setStartOption(option);
void PreferencesDialog::showDialog()
if (exec() != Accepted)
m_appFontChanged = m_browserFontChanged = false;
void PreferencesDialog::updateFilterPage()
- if (!m_helpEngine)
- return;
- QHelpEngineCore help(m_helpEngine->collectionFile(), 0);
- help.setupData();
- const QStringList filters = help.customFilters();
+ const QStringList &filters = helpEngine.customFilters();
foreach (const QString &filter, filters) {
- QStringList atts = help.filterAttributes(filter);
+ if (filter == HelpEngineWrapper::TrUnfiltered)
+ continue;
+ QStringList atts = helpEngine.filterAttributes(filter);
m_filterMapBackup.insert(filter, atts);
if (!m_filterMap.contains(filter))
m_filterMap.insert(filter, atts);
@@ -182,15 +172,16 @@ void PreferencesDialog::updateFilterPage()
- foreach (const QString &a, help.filterAttributes())
+ foreach (const QString &a, helpEngine.filterAttributes())
new QTreeWidgetItem(m_ui.attributeWidget, QStringList() << a);
- if (m_filterMap.keys().count())
+ if (!m_filterMap.keys().isEmpty())
void PreferencesDialog::updateAttributes(QListWidgetItem *item)
QStringList checkedList;
if (item)
checkedList = m_filterMap.value(item->text());
@@ -206,6 +197,7 @@ void PreferencesDialog::updateAttributes(QListWidgetItem *item)
void PreferencesDialog::updateFilterMap()
if (!m_ui.filterWidget->currentItem())
QString filter = m_ui.filterWidget->currentItem()->text();
@@ -224,6 +216,7 @@ void PreferencesDialog::updateFilterMap()
void PreferencesDialog::addFilter()
FilterNameDialog dia(this);
if (dia.exec() == QDialog::Rejected)
@@ -241,6 +234,7 @@ void PreferencesDialog::addFilter()
void PreferencesDialog::removeFilter()
QListWidgetItem *item =
m_ui.filterWidget ->takeItem(m_ui.filterWidget->currentRow());
if (!item)
@@ -255,6 +249,7 @@ void PreferencesDialog::removeFilter()
void PreferencesDialog::addDocumentationLocal()
const QStringList fileNames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,
tr("Add Documentation"), QString(), tr("Qt Compressed Help Files (*.qch)"));
if (fileNames.isEmpty())
@@ -275,10 +270,11 @@ void PreferencesDialog::addDocumentationLocal()
- m_helpEngine->registerDocumentation(fileName);
- m_ui.registeredDocsListWidget->addItem(nameSpace);
- m_regDocs.append(nameSpace);
- m_unregDocs.removeAll(nameSpace);
+ if (helpEngine.registerDocumentation(fileName)) {
+ m_ui.registeredDocsListWidget->addItem(nameSpace);
+ m_regDocs.append(nameSpace);
+ m_unregDocs.removeAll(nameSpace);
+ }
if (!invalidFiles.isEmpty() || !alreadyRegistered.isEmpty()) {
@@ -307,6 +303,7 @@ void PreferencesDialog::addDocumentationLocal()
void PreferencesDialog::removeDocumentation()
bool foundBefore = false;
CentralWidget* widget = CentralWidget::instance();
QMap<int, QString> openedDocList = widget->currentSourceFileList();
@@ -338,6 +335,7 @@ void PreferencesDialog::removeDocumentation()
void PreferencesDialog::applyChanges()
bool filtersWereChanged = false;
if (!m_hideFiltersTab) {
if (m_filterMap.count() != m_filterMapBackup.count()) {
@@ -370,34 +368,28 @@ void PreferencesDialog::applyChanges()
if (filtersWereChanged) {
foreach (const QString &filter, m_removedFilters)
- m_helpEngine->removeCustomFilter(filter);
+ helpEngine.removeCustomFilter(filter);
QMapIterator<QString, QStringList> it(m_filterMap);
while (it.hasNext()) {;
- m_helpEngine->addCustomFilter(it.key(), it.value());
+ helpEngine.addCustomFilter(it.key(), it.value());
- qSort(m_TabsToClose);
- CentralWidget* widget = CentralWidget::instance();
- for (int i = m_TabsToClose.count(); --i >= 0;)
- widget->closeTabAt(;
- if (widget->availableHelpViewer()== 0)
- widget->setSource(QUrl(QLatin1String("about:blank")));
- if (m_unregDocs.count()) {
- foreach (const QString &doc, m_unregDocs)
- m_helpEngine->unregisterDocumentation(doc);
- }
+ CentralWidget::instance()->closeOrReloadTabs(m_TabsToClose, false);
+ foreach (const QString &doc, m_unregDocs)
+ helpEngine.unregisterDocumentation(doc);
- if (filtersWereChanged || m_regDocs.count() || m_unregDocs.count())
- m_helpEngine->setupData();
+ if (filtersWereChanged || !m_regDocs.isEmpty() || !m_unregDocs.isEmpty())
+ helpEngine.setupData();
void PreferencesDialog::updateFontSettingsPage()
m_browserFontPanel = new FontPanel(this);
m_ui.stackedWidget_2->insertWidget(0, m_browserFontPanel);
@@ -411,31 +403,23 @@ void PreferencesDialog::updateFontSettingsPage()
const QString customSettings(tr("Use custom settings"));
- QLatin1String key = QLatin1String("appFont");
- QFont font = qVariantValue<QFont>(m_helpEngine->customValue(key));
+ QFont font = helpEngine.appFont();
- key = QLatin1String("appWritingSystem");
- QFontDatabase::WritingSystem system = static_cast<QFontDatabase::WritingSystem>
- (m_helpEngine->customValue(key).toInt());
+ QFontDatabase::WritingSystem system = helpEngine.appWritingSystem();
- key = QLatin1String("useAppFont");
- m_appFontPanel->setChecked(m_helpEngine->customValue(key).toBool());
+ m_appFontPanel->setChecked(helpEngine.usesAppFont());
- key = QLatin1String("browserFont");
- font = qVariantValue<QFont>(m_helpEngine->customValue(key));
+ font = helpEngine.browserFont();
- key = QLatin1String("browserWritingSystem");
- system = static_cast<QFontDatabase::WritingSystem>
- (m_helpEngine->customValue(key).toInt());
+ system = helpEngine.browserWritingSystem();
- key = QLatin1String("useBrowserFont");
- m_browserFontPanel->setChecked(m_helpEngine->customValue(key).toBool());
+ m_browserFontPanel->setChecked(helpEngine.usesBrowserFont());
connect(m_appFontPanel, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this,
@@ -457,41 +441,38 @@ void PreferencesDialog::updateFontSettingsPage()
void PreferencesDialog::appFontSettingToggled(bool on)
m_appFontChanged = true;
void PreferencesDialog::appFontSettingChanged(int index)
m_appFontChanged = true;
void PreferencesDialog::browserFontSettingToggled(bool on)
m_browserFontChanged = true;
void PreferencesDialog::browserFontSettingChanged(int index)
m_browserFontChanged = true;
void PreferencesDialog::updateOptionsPage()
- QString homepage = m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("homepage"),
- QLatin1String("")).toString();
+ m_ui.homePageLineEdit->setText(helpEngine.homePage());
- if (homepage.isEmpty()) {
- homepage = m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("defaultHomepage"),
- QLatin1String("help")).toString();
- }
- m_ui.homePageLineEdit->setText(homepage);
- int option = m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("StartOption"),
- ShowLastPages).toInt();
+ int option = helpEngine.startOption();
connect(m_ui.blankPageButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setBlankPage()));
@@ -501,11 +482,13 @@ void PreferencesDialog::updateOptionsPage()
void PreferencesDialog::setBlankPage()
void PreferencesDialog::setCurrentPage()
QString homepage = CentralWidget::instance()->currentSource().toString();
if (homepage.isEmpty())
homepage = QLatin1String("help");
@@ -515,9 +498,8 @@ void PreferencesDialog::setCurrentPage()
void PreferencesDialog::setDefaultPage()
- QString homepage = m_helpEngine->customValue(QLatin1String("defaultHomepage"),
- QLatin1String("help")).toString();
- m_ui.homePageLineEdit->setText(homepage);
+ m_ui.homePageLineEdit->setText(helpEngine.defaultHomePage());
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/preferencesdialog.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/preferencesdialog.h
index 9ad6b6a..2894494 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/preferencesdialog.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/preferencesdialog.h
@@ -48,20 +48,15 @@
class FontPanel;
-class QHelpEngineCore;
-enum {
- ShowHomePage = 0,
- ShowBlankPage = 1,
- ShowLastPages = 2
+class HelpEngineWrapper;
+class QFileSystemWatcher;
class PreferencesDialog : public QDialog
- PreferencesDialog(QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine, QWidget *parent = 0);
+ PreferencesDialog(QWidget *parent = 0);
void showDialog();
@@ -93,7 +88,6 @@ private:
void updateOptionsPage();
Ui::PreferencesDialogClass m_ui;
- QHelpEngineCore *m_helpEngine;
bool m_hideFiltersTab;
bool m_hideDocsTab;
QMap<QString, QStringList> m_filterMapBackup;
@@ -107,6 +101,7 @@ private:
FontPanel *m_browserFontPanel;
bool m_appFontChanged;
bool m_browserFontChanged;
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/qtdocinstaller.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/qtdocinstaller.cpp
index 652f630..5a501bf 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/qtdocinstaller.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/qtdocinstaller.cpp
@@ -38,23 +38,27 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QLibraryInfo>
#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
+#include <QtCore/QFileSystemWatcher>
#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngineCore>
+#include "helpenginewrapper.h"
#include "qtdocinstaller.h"
-QtDocInstaller::QtDocInstaller(const QString &collectionFile)
+QtDocInstaller::QtDocInstaller(const QList<DocInfo> &docInfos)
+ : m_abort(false), m_docInfos(docInfos)
- m_abort = false;
- m_collectionFile = collectionFile;
if (!isRunning())
@@ -65,86 +69,59 @@ QtDocInstaller::~QtDocInstaller()
void QtDocInstaller::installDocs()
void QtDocInstaller::run()
- QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine = new QHelpEngineCore(m_collectionFile);
- helpEngine->setupData();
- bool changes = false;
- QStringList docs;
- docs << QLatin1String("assistant")
- << QLatin1String("designer")
- << QLatin1String("linguist")
- << QLatin1String("qmake")
- << QLatin1String("qt");
+ m_qchDir = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DocumentationPath)
+ + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("qch");
+ m_qchFiles = m_qchDir.entryList(QStringList() << QLatin1String("*.qch"));
- foreach (const QString &doc, docs) {
- changes |= installDoc(doc, helpEngine);
+ bool changes = false;
+ foreach (const DocInfo &docInfo, m_docInfos) {
+ changes |= installDoc(docInfo);
if (m_abort) {
- delete helpEngine;
- delete helpEngine;
emit docsInstalled(changes);
-bool QtDocInstaller::installDoc(const QString &name, QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine)
+bool QtDocInstaller::installDoc(const DocInfo &docInfo)
- QString versionKey = QString(QLatin1String("qtVersion%1$$$%2")).
- arg(QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR)).arg(name);
- QString info = helpEngine->customValue(versionKey, QString()).toString();
- QStringList lst = info.split(QLatin1String("|"));
+ const QString &component = docInfo.first;
+ const QStringList &info = docInfo.second;
QDateTime dt;
- if (lst.count() && !lst.first().isEmpty())
- dt = QDateTime::fromString(lst.first(), Qt::ISODate);
+ if (!info.isEmpty() && !info.first().isEmpty())
+ dt = QDateTime::fromString(info.first(), Qt::ISODate);
QString qchFile;
- if (lst.count() == 2)
- qchFile = lst.last();
- QDir dir(QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::DocumentationPath)
- + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("qch"));
+ if (info.count() == 2)
+ qchFile = info.last();
- const QStringList files = dir.entryList(QStringList() << QLatin1String("*.qch"));
- if (files.isEmpty()) {
- helpEngine->setCustomValue(versionKey, QDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate)
- + QLatin1String("|"));
+ if (m_qchFiles.isEmpty()) {
+ emit qchFileNotFound(component);
return false;
- foreach (const QString &f, files) {
- if (f.startsWith(name)) {
- QFileInfo fi(dir.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + f);
- if (dt.isValid() && fi.lastModified().toString(Qt::ISODate) == dt.toString(Qt::ISODate)
+ foreach (const QString &f, m_qchFiles) {
+ if (f.startsWith(component)) {
+ QFileInfo fi(m_qchDir.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + f);
+ if (dt.isValid() && fi.lastModified().toTime_t() == dt.toTime_t()
&& qchFile == fi.absoluteFilePath())
return false;
- QString namespaceName = QHelpEngineCore::namespaceName(fi.absoluteFilePath());
- if (namespaceName.isEmpty())
- continue;
- if (helpEngine->registeredDocumentations().contains(namespaceName))
- helpEngine->unregisterDocumentation(namespaceName);
- if (!helpEngine->registerDocumentation(fi.absoluteFilePath())) {
- emit errorMessage(
- tr("The file %1 could not be registered successfully!\n\nReason: %2")
- .arg(fi.absoluteFilePath()).arg(helpEngine->error()));
- }
- helpEngine->setCustomValue(versionKey, fi.lastModified().toString(Qt::ISODate)
- + QLatin1String("|") + fi.absoluteFilePath());
+ emit registerDocumentation(component, fi.absoluteFilePath());
return true;
+ emit qchFileNotFound(component);
return false;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/qtdocinstaller.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/qtdocinstaller.h
index 05606f9..92a707b 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/qtdocinstaller.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/qtdocinstaller.h
@@ -42,34 +42,41 @@
-#include <QtCore/QThread>
+#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QMutex>
+#include <QtCore/QPair>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+#include <QtCore/QThread>
-class QHelpEngineCore;
+class HelpEngineWrapper;
class QtDocInstaller : public QThread
- QtDocInstaller(const QString &collectionFile);
+ typedef QPair<QString, QStringList> DocInfo;
+ QtDocInstaller(const QList<DocInfo> &docInfos);
void installDocs();
- void errorMessage(const QString &msg);
+ void qchFileNotFound(const QString &component);
+ void registerDocumentation(const QString &component,
+ const QString &absFileName);
void docsInstalled(bool newDocsInstalled);
void run();
- bool installDoc(const QString &name,
- QHelpEngineCore *helpEngine);
+ bool installDoc(const DocInfo &docInfo);
bool m_abort;
- QString m_collectionFile;
QMutex m_mutex;
+ QStringList m_qchFiles;
+ QDir m_qchDir;
+ QList<DocInfo> m_docInfos;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/remotecontrol.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/remotecontrol.cpp
index 5fa7432..5ecdd69 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/remotecontrol.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/remotecontrol.cpp
@@ -38,12 +38,16 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include "remotecontrol.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "centralwidget.h"
+#include "helpenginewrapper.h"
#include <QtCore/QFile>
+#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
+#include <QtCore/QFileSystemWatcher>
#include <QtCore/QThread>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
#include <QtCore/QSocketNotifier>
@@ -65,16 +69,19 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
StdInListenerWin::StdInListenerWin(QObject *parent)
: QThread(parent)
void StdInListenerWin::run()
bool ok = true;
char chBuf[4096];
DWORD dwRead;
@@ -97,23 +104,24 @@ void StdInListenerWin::run()
while (ok) {
- ok = ReadFile(hStdinDup, chBuf, 4096, &dwRead, NULL);
+ ok = ReadFile(hStdinDup, chBuf, sizeof(chBuf), &dwRead, NULL);
if (ok && dwRead != 0)
- emit receivedCommand(QString::fromLocal8Bit(chBuf));
+ emit receivedCommand(QString::fromLocal8Bit(chBuf, dwRead));
-RemoteControl::RemoteControl(MainWindow *mainWindow, QHelpEngine *helpEngine)
+RemoteControl::RemoteControl(MainWindow *mainWindow)
: QObject(mainWindow)
, m_mainWindow(mainWindow)
- , m_helpEngine(helpEngine)
, m_debug(false)
, m_caching(true)
, m_syncContents(false)
- , m_expandTOC(-3)
+ , m_expandTOC(-2)
+ , helpEngine(HelpEngineWrapper::instance())
connect(m_mainWindow, SIGNAL(initDone()), this, SLOT(applyCache()));
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
StdInListenerWin *l = new StdInListenerWin(this);
@@ -130,6 +138,7 @@ RemoteControl::RemoteControl(MainWindow *mainWindow, QHelpEngine *helpEngine)
void RemoteControl::receivedData()
QByteArray ba;
while (true) {
char c = getc(stdin);
@@ -145,135 +154,204 @@ void RemoteControl::receivedData()
void RemoteControl::handleCommandString(const QString &cmdString)
QStringList cmds = cmdString.split(QLatin1Char(';'));
QStringList::const_iterator it = cmds.constBegin();
- QString cmdLine, cmd, arg;
while (it != cmds.constEnd()) {
- cmdLine = (*it).trimmed();
- cmd = cmdLine;
- arg.clear();
- int i = cmdLine.indexOf(QLatin1Char(' '));
- if (i > 0) {
- cmd = cmdLine.left(i);
- arg = cmdLine.mid(i+1);
- }
- cmd = cmd.toLower();
+ QString cmd, arg;
+ splitInputString(*it, cmd, arg);
if (m_debug)
QMessageBox::information(0, tr("Debugging Remote Control"),
tr("Received Command: %1 %2").arg(cmd).arg(arg));
- if (cmd == QLatin1String("debug")) {
- if (arg == QLatin1String("on"))
- m_debug = true;
- else
- m_debug = false;
- } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("show")) {
- if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("contents")) {
- m_mainWindow->showContents();
- } else if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("index")) {
- m_mainWindow->showIndex();
- } else if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("bookmarks")) {
- m_mainWindow->showBookmarks();
- } else if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("search")) {
- m_mainWindow->showSearch();
- }
- } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("hide")) {
- if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("contents")) {
- m_mainWindow->hideContents();
- } else if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("index")) {
- m_mainWindow->hideIndex();
- } else if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("bookmarks")) {
- m_mainWindow->hideBookmarks();
- } else if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("search")) {
- m_mainWindow->hideSearch();
- }
- } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("setsource")) {
- QUrl url(arg);
- if (url.isValid()) {
- if (url.isRelative())
- url = CentralWidget::instance()->currentSource().resolved(url);
- if (m_caching) {
- clearCache();
- m_setSource = url;
- } else {
- CentralWidget::instance()->setSource(url);
- }
- }
- } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("synccontents")) {
- if (m_caching)
- m_syncContents = true;
- else
- m_mainWindow->syncContents();
- } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("activatekeyword")) {
- if (m_caching) {
- clearCache();
- m_activateKeyword = arg;
- } else {
- m_mainWindow->setIndexString(arg);
- if (!arg.isEmpty())
- m_helpEngine->indexWidget()->activateCurrentItem();
- }
- } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("activateidentifier")) {
- if (m_caching) {
- clearCache();
- m_activateIdentifier = arg;
- } else {
- QMap<QString, QUrl> links =
- m_helpEngine->linksForIdentifier(arg);
- if (links.count())
- CentralWidget::instance()->setSource(links.constBegin().value());
- }
- } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("expandtoc")) {
- bool ok = false;
- int depth = -1;
- if (!arg.isEmpty())
- depth = arg.toInt(&ok);
- if (!ok)
- depth = -1;
- if (m_caching)
- m_expandTOC = depth;
- else
- m_mainWindow->expandTOC(depth);
- } else if (cmd == QLatin1String("setcurrentfilter")) {
- if (!m_helpEngine->customFilters().contains(arg))
- return;
- if (m_caching) {
- clearCache();
- m_currentFilter = arg;
- } else {
- m_helpEngine->setCurrentFilter(arg);
- }
- } else {
+ if (cmd == QLatin1String("debug"))
+ handleDebugCommand(arg);
+ else if (cmd == QLatin1String("show"))
+ handleShowOrHideCommand(arg, true);
+ else if (cmd == QLatin1String("hide"))
+ handleShowOrHideCommand(arg, false);
+ else if (cmd == QLatin1String("setsource"))
+ handleSetSourceCommand(arg);
+ else if (cmd == QLatin1String("synccontents"))
+ handleSyncContentsCommand();
+ else if (cmd == QLatin1String("activatekeyword"))
+ handleActivateKeywordCommand(arg);
+ else if (cmd == QLatin1String("activateidentifier"))
+ handleActivateIdentifierCommand(arg);
+ else if (cmd == QLatin1String("expandtoc"))
+ handleExpandTocCommand(arg);
+ else if (cmd == QLatin1String("setcurrentfilter"))
+ handleSetCurrentFilterCommand(arg);
+ else if (cmd == QLatin1String("register"))
+ handleRegisterCommand(arg);
+ else if (cmd == QLatin1String("unregister"))
+ handleUnregisterCommand(arg);
+ else
- }
+void RemoteControl::splitInputString(const QString &input, QString &cmd,
+ QString &arg)
+ QString cmdLine = input.trimmed();
+ int i = cmdLine.indexOf(QLatin1Char(' '));
+ cmd = cmdLine.left(i);
+ arg = cmdLine.mid(i+1);
+ cmd = cmd.toLower();
+void RemoteControl::handleDebugCommand(const QString &arg)
+ m_debug = arg == QLatin1String("on");
+void RemoteControl::handleShowOrHideCommand(const QString &arg, bool show)
+ if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("contents"))
+ m_mainWindow->setContentsVisible(show);
+ else if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("index"))
+ m_mainWindow->setIndexVisible(show);
+ else if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("bookmarks"))
+ m_mainWindow->setBookmarksVisible(show);
+ else if (arg.toLower() == QLatin1String("search"))
+ m_mainWindow->setSearchVisible(show);
+void RemoteControl::handleSetSourceCommand(const QString &arg)
+ QUrl url(arg);
+ if (url.isValid()) {
+ if (url.isRelative())
+ url = CentralWidget::instance()->currentSource().resolved(url);
+ if (m_caching) {
+ clearCache();
+ m_setSource = url;
+ } else {
+ CentralWidget::instance()->setSource(url);
+ }
+ }
+void RemoteControl::handleSyncContentsCommand()
+ if (m_caching)
+ m_syncContents = true;
+ else
+ m_mainWindow->syncContents();
+void RemoteControl::handleActivateKeywordCommand(const QString &arg)
+ if (m_caching) {
+ clearCache();
+ m_activateKeyword = arg;
+ } else {
+ m_mainWindow->setIndexString(arg);
+ if (!arg.isEmpty())
+ helpEngine.indexWidget()->activateCurrentItem();
+ }
+void RemoteControl::handleActivateIdentifierCommand(const QString &arg)
+ if (m_caching) {
+ clearCache();
+ m_activateIdentifier = arg;
+ } else {
+ const QMap<QString, QUrl> &links = helpEngine.linksForIdentifier(arg);
+ if (!links.isEmpty())
+ CentralWidget::instance()->setSource(links.constBegin().value());
+ }
+void RemoteControl::handleExpandTocCommand(const QString &arg)
+ bool ok = false;
+ int depth = -2;
+ if (!arg.isEmpty())
+ depth = arg.toInt(&ok);
+ if (!ok || depth < -2)
+ depth = -2;
+ if (m_caching)
+ m_expandTOC = depth;
+ else if (depth != -2)
+ m_mainWindow->expandTOC(depth);
+void RemoteControl::handleSetCurrentFilterCommand(const QString &arg)
+ if (helpEngine.customFilters().contains(arg)) {
+ if (m_caching) {
+ clearCache();
+ m_currentFilter = arg;
+ } else {
+ helpEngine.setCurrentFilter(arg);
+ }
+ }
+void RemoteControl::handleRegisterCommand(const QString &arg)
+ const QString &absFileName = QFileInfo(arg).absoluteFilePath();
+ if (helpEngine.registeredDocumentations().
+ contains(QHelpEngineCore::namespaceName(absFileName)))
+ return;
+ if (helpEngine.registerDocumentation(absFileName))
+ helpEngine.setupData();
+void RemoteControl::handleUnregisterCommand(const QString &arg)
+ const QString &absFileName = QFileInfo(arg).absoluteFilePath();
+ const QString &ns = QHelpEngineCore::namespaceName(absFileName);
+ if (helpEngine.registeredDocumentations().contains(ns)) {
+ CentralWidget* widget = CentralWidget::instance();
+ widget->closeOrReloadTabs(widget->currentSourceFileList().keys(ns), false);
+ if (helpEngine.unregisterDocumentation(ns))
+ helpEngine.setupData();
+ }
void RemoteControl::applyCache()
if (m_setSource.isValid()) {
} else if (!m_activateKeyword.isEmpty()) {
- m_helpEngine->indexWidget()->activateCurrentItem();
+ helpEngine.indexWidget()->activateCurrentItem();
} else if (!m_activateIdentifier.isEmpty()) {
QMap<QString, QUrl> links =
- m_helpEngine->linksForIdentifier(m_activateIdentifier);
- if (links.count())
+ helpEngine.linksForIdentifier(m_activateIdentifier);
+ if (!links.isEmpty())
} else if (!m_currentFilter.isEmpty()) {
- m_helpEngine->setCurrentFilter(m_currentFilter);
+ helpEngine.setCurrentFilter(m_currentFilter);
if (m_syncContents)
- if (m_expandTOC != -3)
+ Q_ASSERT(m_expandTOC >= -2);
+ if (m_expandTOC != -2)
m_caching = false;
@@ -281,6 +359,7 @@ void RemoteControl::applyCache()
void RemoteControl::clearCache()
m_syncContents = false;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/remotecontrol.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/remotecontrol.h
index b888b40..0777878 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/remotecontrol.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/remotecontrol.h
@@ -43,19 +43,20 @@
#include <QtCore/QObject>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QUrl>
+class HelpEngineWrapper;
class MainWindow;
-class QHelpEngine;
class RemoteControl : public QObject
- RemoteControl(MainWindow *mainWindow, QHelpEngine *helpEngine);
+ RemoteControl(MainWindow *mainWindow);
private slots:
void receivedData();
@@ -64,10 +65,20 @@ private slots:
void clearCache();
+ void splitInputString(const QString &input, QString &cmd, QString &arg);
+ void handleDebugCommand(const QString &arg);
+ void handleShowOrHideCommand(const QString &arg, bool show);
+ void handleSetSourceCommand(const QString &arg);
+ void handleSyncContentsCommand();
+ void handleActivateKeywordCommand(const QString &arg);
+ void handleActivateIdentifierCommand(const QString &arg);
+ void handleExpandTocCommand(const QString &arg);
+ void handleSetCurrentFilterCommand(const QString &arg);
+ void handleRegisterCommand(const QString &arg);
+ void handleUnregisterCommand(const QString &arg);
MainWindow *m_mainWindow;
- QHelpEngine *m_helpEngine;
bool m_debug;
bool m_caching;
@@ -77,6 +88,7 @@ private:
QString m_activateIdentifier;
int m_expandTOC;
QString m_currentFilter;
+ HelpEngineWrapper &helpEngine;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/searchwidget.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/searchwidget.cpp
index ad24231..d83790d 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/searchwidget.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/searchwidget.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+#include "tracer.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "searchwidget.h"
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ SearchWidget::SearchWidget(QHelpSearchEngine *engine, QWidget *parent)
, attached(false)
, searchEngine(engine)
QVBoxLayout *vLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
resultWidget = searchEngine->resultWidget();
@@ -91,11 +93,13 @@ SearchWidget::SearchWidget(QHelpSearchEngine *engine, QWidget *parent)
// nothing todo
void SearchWidget::zoomIn()
QTextBrowser* browser = qFindChild<QTextBrowser*>(resultWidget);
if (browser && zoomCount != 10) {
@@ -105,6 +109,7 @@ void SearchWidget::zoomIn()
void SearchWidget::zoomOut()
QTextBrowser* browser = qFindChild<QTextBrowser*>(resultWidget);
if (browser && zoomCount != -5) {
@@ -114,6 +119,7 @@ void SearchWidget::zoomOut()
void SearchWidget::resetZoom()
if (zoomCount == 0)
@@ -126,33 +132,39 @@ void SearchWidget::resetZoom()
bool SearchWidget::isAttached() const
return attached;
void SearchWidget::setAttached(bool state)
attached = state;
void SearchWidget::search() const
QList<QHelpSearchQuery> query = searchEngine->queryWidget()->query();
void SearchWidget::searchingStarted()
void SearchWidget::searchingFinished(int hits)
bool SearchWidget::eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent *e)
QTextBrowser* browser = qFindChild<QTextBrowser*>(resultWidget);
if (browser && o == browser->viewport()
&& e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease){
@@ -171,6 +183,7 @@ bool SearchWidget::eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent *e)
void SearchWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *keyEvent)
if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Escape)
@@ -179,6 +192,7 @@ void SearchWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *keyEvent)
void SearchWidget::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *contextMenuEvent)
QMenu menu;
QPoint point = contextMenuEvent->globalPos();
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/topicchooser.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/topicchooser.cpp
index 5c04244..262fea8 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/topicchooser.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/topicchooser.cpp
@@ -38,9 +38,7 @@
-#include <QtCore/QMap>
-#include <QtCore/QUrl>
+#include "tracer.h"
#include "topicchooser.h"
@@ -50,37 +48,40 @@ TopicChooser::TopicChooser(QWidget *parent, const QString &keyword,
const QMap<QString, QUrl> &links)
: QDialog(parent)
ui.label->setText(tr("Choose a topic for <b>%1</b>:").arg(keyword));
- m_links = links;
- QMap<QString, QUrl>::const_iterator it = m_links.constBegin();
- for (; it != m_links.constEnd(); ++it)
+ QMap<QString, QUrl>::const_iterator it = links.constBegin();
+ for (; it != links.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ m_links.append(it.value());
+ }
if (ui.listWidget->count() != 0)
- connect(ui.buttonDisplay, SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this, SLOT(accept()));
- connect(ui.buttonCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()),
- this, SLOT(reject()));
- connect(ui.listWidget, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*)),
- this, SLOT(accept()));
+ connect(ui.buttonDisplay, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()));
+ connect(ui.buttonCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()));
+ connect(ui.listWidget, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*)), this,
+ SLOT(accept()));
QUrl TopicChooser::link() const
QListWidgetItem *item = ui.listWidget->currentItem();
if (!item)
return QUrl();
QString title = item->text();
- if (title.isEmpty() || !m_links.contains(title))
+ if (title.isEmpty())
return QUrl();
- return m_links.value(title);
+ const int row = ui.listWidget->row(item);
+ Q_ASSERT(row < m_links.count());
+ return;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/topicchooser.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/topicchooser.h
index 4dba726..4113cee 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/topicchooser.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/topicchooser.h
@@ -44,9 +44,10 @@
#include "ui_topicchooser.h"
-#include <QUrl>
-#include <QMap>
-#include <QString>
+#include <QtCore/QList>
+#include <QtCore/QMap>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QUrl>
#include <QtGui/QDialog>
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ public:
Ui::TopicChooser ui;
- QMap<QString, QUrl> m_links;
+ QList<QUrl> m_links;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/lib/qassistantclient_global.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/tracer.h
index 6b58736..66d450a 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/lib/qassistantclient_global.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/tracer.h
@@ -39,25 +39,37 @@
+#ifndef TRACER_H
+#define TRACER_H
-#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
+#include <QtCore/QtGlobal>
-#if defined(QT_ASSISTANT_CLIENT_STATIC) || (!defined(QT_SHARED) && !defined(QT_DLL))
+class Tracer
+ Tracer(const char *func) : m_func(func)
+ {
+ qDebug("Entering function %s.", m_func);
+ }
+ ~Tracer()
+ {
+ qDebug("Leaving function %s.", m_func);
+ }
+ const char * const m_func;
+#define TRACE_OBJ Tracer traceObj__(Q_FUNC_INFO);
+#define TRACE_OBJ
+#endif // TRACER_H
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/xbelsupport.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/xbelsupport.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d5a08b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/xbelsupport.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "tracer.h"
+#include "xbelsupport.h"
+#include "bookmarkitem.h"
+#include "bookmarkmodel.h"
+#include <QtCore/QDate>
+#include <QtCore/QModelIndex>
+struct Bookmark {
+ QString title;
+ QString url;
+ bool folded;
+XbelWriter::XbelWriter(BookmarkModel *model)
+ : QXmlStreamWriter()
+ , bookmarkModel(model)
+ setAutoFormatting(true);
+void XbelWriter::writeToFile(QIODevice *device)
+ setDevice(device);
+ writeStartDocument();
+ writeDTD(QLatin1String("<!DOCTYPE xbel>"));
+ writeStartElement(QLatin1String("xbel"));
+ writeAttribute(QLatin1String("version"), QLatin1String("1.0"));
+ const QModelIndex &root = bookmarkModel->index(0,0, QModelIndex());
+ for (int i = 0; i < bookmarkModel->rowCount(root); ++i)
+ writeData(bookmarkModel->index(i, 0, root));
+ writeEndDocument();
+void XbelWriter::writeData(const QModelIndex &index)
+ if (index.isValid()) {
+ Bookmark entry;
+ entry.title =;
+ entry.url =;
+ if ( {
+ writeStartElement(QLatin1String("folder"));
+ entry.folded = !;
+ writeAttribute(QLatin1String("folded"), entry.folded
+ ? QLatin1String("yes") : QLatin1String("no"));
+ writeTextElement(QLatin1String("title"), entry.title);
+ for (int i = 0; i < bookmarkModel->rowCount(index); ++i)
+ writeData(bookmarkModel->index(i, 0 , index));
+ writeEndElement();
+ } else {
+ writeStartElement(QLatin1String("bookmark"));
+ writeAttribute(QLatin1String("href"), entry.url);
+ writeTextElement(QLatin1String("title"), entry.title);
+ writeEndElement();
+ }
+ }
+// -- XbelReader
+XbelReader::XbelReader(BookmarkModel *model)
+ : QXmlStreamReader()
+ , bookmarkModel(model)
+bool XbelReader::readFromFile(QIODevice *device)
+ setDevice(device);
+ while (!atEnd()) {
+ readNext();
+ if (isStartElement()) {
+ if (name() == QLatin1String("xbel")
+ && attributes().value(QLatin1String("version"))
+ == QLatin1String("1.0")) {
+ const QModelIndex &root = bookmarkModel->index(0,0, QModelIndex());
+ parents.append(bookmarkModel->addItem(root, true));
+ readXBEL();
+ bookmarkModel->setData(parents.first(),
+ QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate), Qt::EditRole);
+ } else {
+ raiseError(QLatin1String("The file is not an XBEL version 1.0 file."));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return !error();
+void XbelReader::readXBEL()
+ while (!atEnd()) {
+ readNext();
+ if (isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (isStartElement()) {
+ if (name() == QLatin1String("folder"))
+ readFolder();
+ else if (name() == QLatin1String("bookmark"))
+ readBookmark();
+ else
+ readUnknownElement();
+ }
+ }
+void XbelReader::readFolder()
+ parents.append(bookmarkModel->addItem(parents.last(), true));
+ bookmarkModel->setData(parents.last(),
+ attributes().value(QLatin1String("folded")) == QLatin1String("no"),
+ UserRoleExpanded);
+ while (!atEnd()) {
+ readNext();
+ if (isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (isStartElement()) {
+ if (name() == QLatin1String("title")) {
+ bookmarkModel->setData(parents.last(), readElementText(),
+ Qt::EditRole);
+ } else if (name() == QLatin1String("folder"))
+ readFolder();
+ else if (name() == QLatin1String("bookmark"))
+ readBookmark();
+ else
+ readUnknownElement();
+ }
+ }
+ parents.removeLast();
+void XbelReader::readBookmark()
+ const QModelIndex &index = bookmarkModel->addItem(parents.last(), false);
+ if (BookmarkItem* item = bookmarkModel->itemFromIndex(index)) {
+ item->setData(UserRoleUrl, attributes().value(QLatin1String("href"))
+ .toString());
+ }
+ while (!atEnd()) {
+ readNext();
+ if (isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (isStartElement()) {
+ if (name() == QLatin1String("title"))
+ bookmarkModel->setData(index, readElementText(), Qt::EditRole);
+ else
+ readUnknownElement();
+ }
+ }
+void XbelReader::readUnknownElement()
+ while (!atEnd()) {
+ readNext();
+ if (isEndElement())
+ break;
+ if (isStartElement())
+ readUnknownElement();
+ }
diff --git a/tools/assistant/compat/topicchooser.h b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/xbelsupport.h
index fef57df..037415f 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/compat/topicchooser.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/assistant/xbelsupport.h
@@ -39,39 +39,49 @@
-#include "ui_topicchooser.h"
+#include <QtXml/QXmlStreamReader>
+#include <QtCore/QPersistentModelIndex>
-#include <QDialog>
-#include <QStringList>
-class TopicChooser : public QDialog
+class BookmarkModel;
+class XbelWriter : public QXmlStreamWriter
- TopicChooser(QWidget *parent, const QStringList &lnkNames,
- const QStringList &lnks, const QString &title);
+ XbelWriter(BookmarkModel *model);
+ void writeToFile(QIODevice *device);
+ void writeData(const QModelIndex &index);
- QString link() const;
+ BookmarkModel *bookmarkModel;
- static QString getLink(QWidget *parent, const QStringList &lnkNames,
- const QStringList &lnks, const QString &title);
+class XbelReader : public QXmlStreamReader
+ XbelReader(BookmarkModel *model);
+ bool readFromFile(QIODevice *device);
-private slots:
- void on_buttonDisplay_clicked();
- void on_buttonCancel_clicked();
- void on_listbox_itemActivated(QListWidgetItem *item);
+ void readXBEL();
+ void readFolder();
+ void readBookmark();
+ void readUnknownElement();
- Ui::TopicChooser ui;
- QString theLink;
- QStringList links, linkNames;
+ BookmarkModel *bookmarkModel;
+ QList<QPersistentModelIndex> parents;
+#endif // XBELSUPPORT_H
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/qcollectiongenerator/main.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/qcollectiongenerator/main.cpp
index 2339c50..7fcb4e1 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/qcollectiongenerator/main.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/qcollectiongenerator/main.cpp
@@ -39,21 +39,23 @@
+#include "../shared/collectionconfiguration.h"
#include "../shared/helpgenerator.h"
+#include <private/qhelpgenerator_p.h>
+#include <private/qhelpprojectdata_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include <QtCore/QBuffer>
-#include <private/qhelpgenerator_p.h>
-#include <private/qhelpprojectdata_p.h>
#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngineCore>
#include <QtXml/QXmlStreamReader>
class CollectionConfigReader : public QXmlStreamReader
@@ -87,6 +89,7 @@ public:
QStringList filesToRegister() const { return m_filesToRegister; }
QString cacheDirectory() const { return m_cacheDirectory; }
+ bool cacheDirRelativeToCollection() const { return m_cacheDirRelativeToCollection; }
void raiseErrorWithLine();
@@ -115,11 +118,13 @@ private:
QMap<QString, QString> m_filesToGenerate;
QStringList m_filesToRegister;
QString m_cacheDirectory;
+ bool m_cacheDirRelativeToCollection;
void CollectionConfigReader::raiseErrorWithLine()
- raiseError(QObject::tr("Unknown token at line %1.")
+ raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QCollectionGenerator",
+ "Unknown token at line %1.")
@@ -139,8 +144,10 @@ void CollectionConfigReader::readData(const QByteArray &contents)
&& attributes().value(QLatin1String("version")) == QLatin1String("1.0"))
- raiseError(QObject::tr("Unknown token at line %1. Expected \"QtHelpCollectionProject\"!")
- .arg(lineNumber()));
+ raiseError(QCoreApplication::translate("QCollectionGenerator",
+ "Unknown token at line %1. "
+ "Expected \"QtHelpCollectionProject\"!")
+ .arg(lineNumber()));
@@ -198,6 +205,9 @@ void CollectionConfigReader::readAssistantSettings()
} else if (name() == QLatin1String("aboutDialog")) {
} else if (name() == "cacheDirectory") {
+ m_cacheDirRelativeToCollection =
+ attributes().value(QLatin1String("base"))
+ == QLatin1String("collection");
m_cacheDirectory = readElementText();
} else {
@@ -322,6 +332,14 @@ void CollectionConfigReader::readRegister()
+namespace {
+ QString absoluteFileName(const QString &basePath, const QString &fileName)
+ {
+ return QFileInfo(fileName).isAbsolute() ?
+ fileName : basePath + QDir::separator() + fileName;
+ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QString error;
@@ -339,7 +357,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QFileInfo fi(QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[i]));
collectionFile = fi.absoluteFilePath();
} else {
- error = QObject::tr("Missing output file name!");
+ error = QCoreApplication::translate("QCollectionGenerator",
+ "Missing output file name!");
} else if (arg == QLatin1String("-h")) {
showHelp = true;
@@ -353,14 +372,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (showVersion) {
- fprintf(stdout, "Qt Collection Generator version 1.0 (Qt %s)\n", QT_VERSION_STR);
+ fprintf(stdout, "Qt Collection Generator version 1.0 (Qt %s)\n",
return 0;
if (configFile.isEmpty() && !showHelp)
- error = QObject::tr("Missing collection config file!");
+ error = QCoreApplication::translate("QCollectionGenerator",
+ "Missing collection config file!");
- QString help = QObject::tr("\nUsage:\n\n"
+ QString help = QCoreApplication::translate("QCollectionGenerator", "\nUsage:\n\n"
"qcollectiongenerator <collection-config-file> [options]\n\n"
" -o <collection-file> Generates a collection file\n"
" called <collection-file>. If\n"
@@ -403,13 +424,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
while (it != config.filesToGenerate().constEnd()) {
fprintf(stdout, "Generating help for %s...\n", qPrintable(it.key()));
QHelpProjectData helpData;
- if (!helpData.readData(basePath + QDir::separator() + it.key())) {
+ if (!helpData.readData(absoluteFileName(basePath, it.key()))) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", qPrintable(helpData.errorMessage()));
return -1;
HelpGenerator helpGenerator;
- if (!helpGenerator.generate(&helpData, basePath + QDir::separator() + it.value())) {
+ if (!helpGenerator.generate(&helpData, absoluteFileName(basePath, it.value()))) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", qPrintable(helpGenerator.error()));
return -1;
@@ -433,49 +454,54 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
foreach (const QString &file, config.filesToRegister()) {
- if (!helpEngine.registerDocumentation(basePath + QDir::separator() + file)) {
+ if (!helpEngine.registerDocumentation(absoluteFileName(basePath, file))) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", qPrintable(helpEngine.error()));
return -1;
if (!config.title().isEmpty())
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("WindowTitle"), config.title());
+ CollectionConfiguration::setWindowTitle(helpEngine, config.title());
if (!config.homePage().isEmpty()) {
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("defaultHomepage"),
- config.homePage());
+ CollectionConfiguration::setDefaultHomePage(helpEngine,
+ config.homePage());
- if (!config.startPage().isEmpty())
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("LastShownPages"), config.startPage());
+ if (!config.startPage().isEmpty()) {
+ CollectionConfiguration::setLastShownPages(helpEngine,
+ QStringList(config.startPage()));
+ }
- if (!config.currentFilter().isEmpty())
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("CurrentFilter"), config.currentFilter());
+ if (!config.currentFilter().isEmpty()) {
+ helpEngine.setCurrentFilter(config.currentFilter());
+ }
- if (!config.cacheDirectory().isEmpty())
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("CacheDirectory"), config.cacheDirectory());
+ if (!config.cacheDirectory().isEmpty()) {
+ CollectionConfiguration::setCacheDir(helpEngine, config.cacheDirectory(),
+ config.cacheDirRelativeToCollection());
+ }
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("EnableFilterFunctionality"),
+ CollectionConfiguration::setFilterFunctionalityEnabled(helpEngine,
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("HideFilterFunctionality"),
- config.hideFilterFunctionality());
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("EnableDocumentationManager"),
+ CollectionConfiguration::setFilterToolbarVisible(helpEngine,
+ !config.hideFilterFunctionality());
+ CollectionConfiguration::setDocumentationManagerEnabled(helpEngine,
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("EnableAddressBar"),
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAddressBarEnabled(helpEngine,
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("HideAddressBar"),
- config.hideAddressBar());
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("CreationTime"),
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAddressBarVisible(helpEngine,
+ !config.hideAddressBar());
+ CollectionConfiguration::setCreationTime(helpEngine,
if (!config.applicationIcon().isEmpty()) {
- QFile icon(basePath + QDir::separator() + config.applicationIcon());
+ QFile icon(absoluteFileName(basePath, config.applicationIcon()));
if (! {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s!\n", qPrintable(icon.fileName()));
return -1;
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("ApplicationIcon"), icon.readAll());
+ CollectionConfiguration::setApplicationIcon(helpEngine, icon.readAll());
if (config.aboutMenuTexts().count()) {
@@ -487,16 +513,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
s << it.value();
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("AboutMenuTexts"), ba);
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAboutMenuTexts(helpEngine, ba);
if (!config.aboutIcon().isEmpty()) {
- QFile icon(basePath + QDir::separator() + config.aboutIcon());
+ QFile icon(absoluteFileName(basePath, config.aboutIcon()));
if (! {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s!\n", qPrintable(icon.fileName()));
return -1;
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("AboutIcon"), icon.readAll());
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAboutIcon(helpEngine, icon.readAll());
if (config.aboutTextFiles().count()) {
@@ -512,7 +538,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
while (it != config.aboutTextFiles().constEnd()) {
s << it.key();
- QFileInfo fi(basePath + QDir::separator() + it.value());
+ QFileInfo fi(absoluteFileName(basePath, it.value()));
QFile f(fi.absoluteFilePath());
if (! {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s!\n", qPrintable(f.fileName()));
@@ -544,14 +570,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("AboutTexts"), ba);
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAboutTexts(helpEngine, ba);
if (imgData.count()) {
QByteArray imageData;
QBuffer buffer(&imageData);;
QDataStream out(&buffer);
out << imgData;
- helpEngine.setCustomValue(QLatin1String("AboutImages"), imageData);
+ CollectionConfiguration::setAboutImages(helpEngine, imageData);
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/qcollectiongenerator/ b/tools/assistant/tools/qcollectiongenerator/
index cf70e48..98e6a31 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/qcollectiongenerator/
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/qcollectiongenerator/
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
-QT += xml network
+QT += xml \
+ network
DESTDIR = ../../../../bin
TARGET = qcollectiongenerator
-CONFIG += qt warn_on help console
+CONFIG += qt \
+ warn_on \
+ help \
+ console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
+target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]
INSTALLS += target
SOURCES += ../shared/helpgenerator.cpp \
- main.cpp
-HEADERS += ../shared/helpgenerator.h
+ main.cpp \
+ ../shared/collectionconfiguration.cpp
+HEADERS += ../shared/helpgenerator.h \
+ ../shared/collectionconfiguration.h
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/qhelpgenerator/main.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/qhelpgenerator/main.cpp
index 6245e33..a309f42 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/qhelpgenerator/main.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/qhelpgenerator/main.cpp
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QString basePath;
bool showHelp = false;
bool showVersion = false;
+ bool checkLinks = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
arg = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[i]);
@@ -66,12 +67,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QFileInfo fi(QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[i]));
compressedFile = fi.absoluteFilePath();
} else {
- error = QObject::tr("Missing output file name!");
+ error = QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpGenerator",
+ "Missing output file name!");
} else if (arg == QLatin1String("-v")) {
showVersion = true;
} else if (arg == QLatin1String("-h")) {
showHelp = true;
+ } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-c")) {
+ checkLinks = true;
} else {
QFileInfo fi(arg);
projectFile = fi.absoluteFilePath();
@@ -80,19 +84,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (showVersion) {
- fprintf(stdout, "Qt Help Generator version 1.0 (Qt %s)\n", QT_VERSION_STR);
+ fprintf(stdout, "Qt Help Generator version 1.0 (Qt %s)\n",
return 0;
if (projectFile.isEmpty() && !showHelp)
- error = QObject::tr("Missing Qt help project file!");
+ error = QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpGenerator",
+ "Missing Qt help project file!");
- QString help = QObject::tr("\nUsage:\n\n"
+ QString help = QCoreApplication::translate("QHelpGenerator", "\nUsage:\n\n"
"qhelpgenerator <help-project-file> [options]\n\n"
" -o <compressed-file> Generates a Qt compressed help\n"
" file called <compressed-file>.\n"
" If this option is not specified\n"
" a default name will be used.\n"
+ " -c Checks whether all links in HTML files\n"
+ " point to files in this help project.\n"
" -v Displays the version of \n"
" qhelpgenerator.\n\n");
@@ -111,9 +119,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (compressedFile.isEmpty()) {
- QFileInfo fi(projectFile);
- compressedFile = basePath + QDir::separator()
- + fi.baseName() + QLatin1String(".qch");
+ if (!checkLinks) {
+ QFileInfo fi(projectFile);
+ compressedFile = basePath + QDir::separator()
+ + fi.baseName() + QLatin1String(".qch");
+ }
} else {
// check if the output dir exists -- create if it doesn't
QFileInfo fi(compressedFile);
@@ -134,7 +144,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
HelpGenerator generator;
- bool success = generator.generate(helpData, compressedFile);
+ bool success = true;
+ if (checkLinks)
+ success = generator.checkLinks(*helpData);
+ if (success && !compressedFile.isEmpty())
+ success = generator.generate(helpData, compressedFile);
delete helpData;
if (!success) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", qPrintable(generator.error()));
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/shared/collectionconfiguration.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/shared/collectionconfiguration.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..896afaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/shared/collectionconfiguration.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "collectionconfiguration.h"
+#include <QtHelp/QHelpEngineCore>
+namespace {
+ const QString AboutIconKey(QLatin1String("AboutIcon"));
+ const QString AboutImagesKey(QLatin1String("AboutImages"));
+ const QString AboutMenuTextsKey(QLatin1String("AboutMenuTexts"));
+ const QString AboutTextsKey(QLatin1String("AboutTexts"));
+ const QString ApplicationIconKey(QLatin1String("ApplicationIcon"));
+ const QString CacheDirKey(QLatin1String("CacheDirectory"));
+ const QString CacheDirRelativeToCollectionKey(QLatin1String("CacheDirRelativeToCollection"));
+ const QString CreationTimeKey(QLatin1String("CreationTime"));
+ const QString DefaultHomePageKey(QLatin1String("defaultHomepage"));
+ const QString EnableAddressBarKey(QLatin1String("EnableAddressBar"));
+ const QString EnableDocManagerKey(QLatin1String("EnableDocumentationManager"));
+ const QString EnableFilterKey(QLatin1String("EnableFilterFunctionality"));
+ const QString HideAddressBarKey(QLatin1String("HideAddressBar"));
+ const QString FilterToolbarHiddenKey(QLatin1String("HideFilterFunctionality"));
+ const QString LastPageKey(QLatin1String("LastTabPage"));
+ const QString LastRegisterTime(QLatin1String("LastRegisterTime"));
+ const QString LastShownPagesKey(QLatin1String("LastShownPages"));
+ const QString LastZoomFactorsKey(QLatin1String(
+#if !defined(QT_NO_WEBKIT)
+ "LastPagesZoomWebView"
+ "LastPagesZoomTextBrowser"
+ ));
+ const QString WindowTitleKey(QLatin1String("WindowTitle"));
+} // anonymous namespace
+const QString CollectionConfiguration::DefaultZoomFactor(QLatin1String("0.0"));
+const QString CollectionConfiguration::ListSeparator(QLatin1String("|"));
+uint CollectionConfiguration::creationTime(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(CreationTimeKey, 0).toUInt();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setCreationTime(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine, uint time)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(CreationTimeKey, time);
+const QString CollectionConfiguration::windowTitle(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(WindowTitleKey).toString();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setWindowTitle(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QString &windowTitle)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(WindowTitleKey, windowTitle);
+bool CollectionConfiguration::filterFunctionalityEnabled(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(EnableFilterKey, true).toBool();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setFilterFunctionalityEnabled(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ bool enabled)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(EnableFilterKey, enabled);
+bool CollectionConfiguration::filterToolbarVisible(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return !helpEngine.customValue(FilterToolbarHiddenKey, true).toBool();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setFilterToolbarVisible(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ bool visible)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(FilterToolbarHiddenKey, !visible);
+bool CollectionConfiguration::addressBarEnabled(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(EnableAddressBarKey, true).toBool();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setAddressBarEnabled(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ bool enabled)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(EnableAddressBarKey, enabled);
+bool CollectionConfiguration::addressBarVisible(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return !helpEngine.customValue(HideAddressBarKey, true).toBool();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setAddressBarVisible(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ bool visible)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(HideAddressBarKey, !visible);
+const QString CollectionConfiguration::cacheDir(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(CacheDirKey).toString();
+bool CollectionConfiguration::cacheDirIsRelativeToCollection(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(CacheDirRelativeToCollectionKey).toBool();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setCacheDir(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QString &cacheDir, bool relativeToCollection)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(CacheDirKey, cacheDir);
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(CacheDirRelativeToCollectionKey,
+ relativeToCollection);
+bool CollectionConfiguration::documentationManagerEnabled(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(EnableDocManagerKey, true).toBool();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setDocumentationManagerEnabled(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ bool enabled)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(EnableDocManagerKey, enabled);
+const QByteArray CollectionConfiguration::applicationIcon(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(ApplicationIconKey).toByteArray();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setApplicationIcon(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QByteArray &icon)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(ApplicationIconKey, icon);
+const QByteArray CollectionConfiguration::aboutMenuTexts(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(AboutMenuTextsKey).toByteArray();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setAboutMenuTexts(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QByteArray &texts)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(AboutMenuTextsKey, texts);
+const QByteArray CollectionConfiguration::aboutIcon(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(AboutIconKey).toByteArray();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setAboutIcon(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QByteArray &icon)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(AboutIconKey, icon);
+const QByteArray CollectionConfiguration::aboutTexts(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(AboutTextsKey).toByteArray();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setAboutTexts(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QByteArray &texts)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(AboutTextsKey, texts);
+const QByteArray CollectionConfiguration::aboutImages(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(AboutImagesKey).toByteArray();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setAboutImages(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QByteArray &images)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(AboutImagesKey, images);
+const QString CollectionConfiguration::defaultHomePage(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(DefaultHomePageKey, QLatin1String("help")).
+ toString();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setDefaultHomePage(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QString &page)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(DefaultHomePageKey, page);
+const QStringList CollectionConfiguration::lastShownPages(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(LastShownPagesKey).toString().
+ split(ListSeparator, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+void CollectionConfiguration::setLastShownPages(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QStringList &lastShownPages)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(LastShownPagesKey,
+ lastShownPages.join(ListSeparator));
+const QStringList CollectionConfiguration::lastZoomFactors(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(LastZoomFactorsKey).toString().
+ split(ListSeparator, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+void CollectionConfiguration::setLastZoomFactors(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QStringList &lastZoomFactors)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(LastZoomFactorsKey,
+ lastZoomFactors.join(ListSeparator));
+int CollectionConfiguration::lastTabPage(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(LastPageKey, 1).toInt();
+void CollectionConfiguration::setLastTabPage(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ int lastPage)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(LastPageKey, lastPage);
+const QDateTime CollectionConfiguration::lastRegisterTime(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ return helpEngine.customValue(LastRegisterTime, QDateTime()).toDateTime();
+void CollectionConfiguration::updateLastRegisterTime(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine)
+ helpEngine.setCustomValue(LastRegisterTime, QDateTime::currentDateTime());
+bool CollectionConfiguration::isNewer(const QHelpEngineCore &newer,
+ const QHelpEngineCore &older)
+ return creationTime(newer) > creationTime(older);
+void CollectionConfiguration::copyConfiguration(const QHelpEngineCore &source,
+ QHelpEngineCore &target)
+ setCreationTime(target, creationTime(source));
+ setWindowTitle(target, windowTitle(source));
+ target.setCurrentFilter(source.currentFilter());
+ setCacheDir(target, cacheDir(source), cacheDirIsRelativeToCollection(source));
+ setFilterFunctionalityEnabled(target, filterFunctionalityEnabled(source));
+ setFilterToolbarVisible(target, filterToolbarVisible(source));
+ setAddressBarEnabled(target, addressBarEnabled(source));
+ setAddressBarVisible(target, addressBarVisible(source));
+ setDocumentationManagerEnabled(target, documentationManagerEnabled(source));
+ setApplicationIcon(target, applicationIcon(source));
+ setAboutMenuTexts(target, aboutMenuTexts(source));
+ setAboutIcon(target, aboutIcon(source));
+ setAboutTexts(target, aboutTexts(source));
+ setAboutImages(target, aboutImages(source));
+ setDefaultHomePage(target, defaultHomePage(source));
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/shared/collectionconfiguration.h b/tools/assistant/tools/shared/collectionconfiguration.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d897adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/shared/collectionconfiguration.h
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Assistant of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
+#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
+#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QStringList>
+class QHelpEngineCore;
+class CollectionConfiguration
+ static const QString windowTitle(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setWindowTitle(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QString &windowTitle);
+ static const QString cacheDir(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static bool cacheDirIsRelativeToCollection(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setCacheDir(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QString &cacheDir, bool relativeToCollection);
+ static uint creationTime(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setCreationTime(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine, uint time);
+ static bool filterFunctionalityEnabled(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setFilterFunctionalityEnabled(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ bool enabled);
+ static bool filterToolbarVisible(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setFilterToolbarVisible(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ bool visible);
+ static bool addressBarEnabled(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setAddressBarEnabled(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine, bool enabled);
+ static bool addressBarVisible(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setAddressBarVisible(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine, bool visible);
+ static bool documentationManagerEnabled(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setDocumentationManagerEnabled(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ bool enabled);
+ static const QByteArray applicationIcon(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setApplicationIcon(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QByteArray &icon);
+ // TODO: Encapsulate encoding from/to QByteArray here
+ static const QByteArray aboutMenuTexts(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setAboutMenuTexts(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QByteArray &texts);
+ static const QByteArray aboutIcon(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setAboutIcon(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QByteArray &icon);
+ // TODO: Encapsulate encoding from/to QByteArray here
+ static const QByteArray aboutTexts(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setAboutTexts(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QByteArray &texts);
+ static const QByteArray aboutImages(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setAboutImages(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QByteArray &images);
+ static const QString defaultHomePage(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setDefaultHomePage(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QString &page);
+ // TODO: Don't allow last pages and zoom factors to be set in isolation
+ // Perhaps also fill up missing elements automatically or assert.
+ static const QStringList lastShownPages(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setLastShownPages(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine,
+ const QStringList &lastShownPages);
+ static const QStringList lastZoomFactors(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setLastZoomFactors(QHelpEngineCore &helPEngine,
+ const QStringList &lastZoomFactors);
+ static int lastTabPage(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void setLastTabPage(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine, int lastPage);
+ static bool isNewer(const QHelpEngineCore &newer,
+ const QHelpEngineCore &older);
+ static void copyConfiguration(const QHelpEngineCore &source,
+ QHelpEngineCore &target);
+ /*
+ * Note that this only reflects register actions caused by the
+ * "-register" command line switch, not GUI or remote control actions.
+ */
+ static const QDateTime lastRegisterTime(const QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static void updateLastRegisterTime(QHelpEngineCore &helpEngine);
+ static const QString DefaultZoomFactor;
+ static const QString ListSeparator;
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/shared/helpgenerator.cpp b/tools/assistant/tools/shared/helpgenerator.cpp
index fa183cd..12008e6 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/shared/helpgenerator.cpp
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/shared/helpgenerator.cpp
@@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ bool HelpGenerator::generate(QHelpDataInterface *helpData,
return generator->generate(helpData, outputFileName);
+bool HelpGenerator::checkLinks(const QHelpDataInterface &helpData)
+ return generator->checkLinks(helpData);
QString HelpGenerator::error() const
return generator->error();
diff --git a/tools/assistant/tools/shared/helpgenerator.h b/tools/assistant/tools/shared/helpgenerator.h
index 903d588..6da1c2b 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/tools/shared/helpgenerator.h
+++ b/tools/assistant/tools/shared/helpgenerator.h
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ public:
bool generate(QHelpDataInterface *helpData,
const QString &outputFileName);
+ bool checkLinks(const QHelpDataInterface &helpData);
QString error() const;
private slots:
diff --git a/tools/assistant/translations/ b/tools/assistant/translations/
index 1012f3f..6f66876 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/translations/
+++ b/tools/assistant/translations/
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ TRANSLATIONS = \
$$TR_DIR/qt_help_cs.ts \
$$TR_DIR/qt_help_da.ts \
$$TR_DIR/qt_help_de.ts \
+ $$TR_DIR/qt_help_hu.ts \
$$TR_DIR/qt_help_ja.ts \
$$TR_DIR/qt_help_pl.ts \
$$TR_DIR/qt_help_ru.ts \
diff --git a/tools/assistant/translations/ b/tools/assistant/translations/
index d29ffc3..c692262 100644
--- a/tools/assistant/translations/
+++ b/tools/assistant/translations/
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ TRANSLATIONS = \
$$TR_DIR/assistant_da.ts \
$$TR_DIR/assistant_de.ts \
$$TR_DIR/assistant_fr.ts \
+ $$TR_DIR/assistant_hu.ts \
$$TR_DIR/assistant_ja.ts \
$$TR_DIR/assistant_pl.ts \
$$TR_DIR/assistant_ru.ts \
diff --git a/tools/assistant/translations/ b/tools/assistant/translations/
deleted file mode 100644
index f8da2e3..0000000
--- a/tools/assistant/translations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Include those manually as they do not contain any directory specification
-FORMS += ../compat/helpdialog.ui \
- ../compat/mainwindow.ui \
- ../compat/tabbedbrowser.ui \
- ../compat/topicchooser.ui
-SOURCES += ../compat/main.cpp \
- ../compat/helpwindow.cpp \
- ../compat/topicchooser.cpp \
- ../compat/docuparser.cpp \
- ../compat/index.cpp \
- ../compat/profile.cpp \
- ../compat/config.cpp \
- ../compat/helpdialog.cpp \
- ../compat/mainwindow.cpp \
- ../compat/tabbedbrowser.cpp \
- ../compat/fontsettingsdialog.cpp
-SOURCES += ../../shared/fontpanel/fontpanel.cpp
-HEADERS += ../compat/helpwindow.h \
- ../compat/topicchooser.h \
- ../compat/docuparser.h \
- ../compat/index.h \
- ../compat/profile.h \
- ../compat/helpdialog.h \
- ../compat/mainwindow.h \
- ../compat/tabbedbrowser.h \
- ../compat/config.h \
- ../compat/fontsettingsdialog.h
-TR_DIR = $$PWD/../../../translations
- $$TR_DIR/assistant_adp_de.ts \
- $$TR_DIR/assistant_adp_ja.ts \
- $$TR_DIR/assistant_adp_pl.ts \
- $$TR_DIR/assistant_adp_ru.ts \
- $$TR_DIR/assistant_adp_zh_CN.ts \
- $$TR_DIR/assistant_adp_zh_TW.ts