path: root/util/scripts/mac-binary
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/scripts/mac-binary')
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-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/C++ Class.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp61
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-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Eval.pngbin8334 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Opensource.pngbin8503 -> 0 bytes
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-rwxr-xr-xutil/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.0.0bin12292 -> 0 bytes
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-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.0bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.1bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.2bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.3bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.4bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.5bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.6bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.0bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.0-rc1bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.1bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.2bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.3bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.4bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.5bin12293 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.0bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.1bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.2bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.3bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.4bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.5bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.0bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.0-rc1bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.1bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.2bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.3bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.4bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.5bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.5.0bin12292 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--util/scripts/mac-binary/package/opensourceStuff/InstallationCheck.stringsbin180 -> 0 bytes
164 files changed, 0 insertions, 13112 deletions
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/
deleted file mode 100755
index 109f014..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -e
-[ -r $HOME/.bashrc ] && . $HOME/.bashrc
-echo Downloading source packages...
-echo Building commercial package...
-./package/mkpackage -packages $HOME/tmp/mac-binary/install -qtpackage $PWD/$PACKAGE >log 2>&1
-echo Building opensource package...
-./package/mkpackage -packages $HOME/tmp/mac-binary/install -qtpackage $PWD/$OSPACKAGE >>log 2>&1
-echo Building eval package...
-./package/mkpackage -packages $HOME/tmp/mac-binary/install -qtpackage $PWD/$PACKAGE -licensetype eval >>log 2>&1
-echo -n Uploading results...
-scp -B outputs/*.dmg qt@tirion:public_html/packages/$VERSION
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index b421879..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Debug Libraries</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.trolltech.qt$VERSION_MAJOR$.debuglibs</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Debug Libraries</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
- <key>IFMajorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MAJOR$</integer>
- <key>IFMinorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MINOR$</integer>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAllowBackRev</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction</key>
- <string>AdminAuthorization</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation</key>
- <string>/</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagFollowLinks</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagInstallFat</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagIsRequired</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRelocatable</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRootVolumeOnly</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRestartAction</key>
- <string>NoRestart</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagUpdateInstalledLanguages</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFormatVersion</key>
- <real>0.10000000149011612</real>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/Description.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/Description.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index d12abfd..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/Description.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Debug Libraries</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key>
- <string>Qt Debug Libraries</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/Readme.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/Readme.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index f5636ca..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/Readme.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Thanks for reading me} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7acd621..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Title Qt Libraries
-DefaultLocation (null)
-### Package Flags
-NeedsAuthorization YES
-Required NO
-Relocatable YES
-RequiresReboot NO
-UseUserMask YES
-OverwritePermissions NO
-InstallFat NO
-RootVolumeOnly NO
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/postflight b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/postflight
deleted file mode 100755
index be34b81..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/Resources/postflight
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#fix the doc path
-#"$PACK_LOCATION/Contents/Resources/" -version $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$ -value "$INST_LOCATION/System/Library" Libraries
- o="$1"
- i="$INSTALLER_TEMP/`basename $o`_t"
- rm -f "$i"
- mv "$o" "$i"
- perl -e "open(SIN, \"<\" . \"$i\");
- open(SOUT, \">\" . \"$o\");
- local $/;
- binmode SIN;
- binmode SOUT;
- \$ulen = length(\"$2\")+1;
- \$plen = length(\"$3\")+1;
- \$klen = length(\"$4\")+1;
- while(\$C = <SIN>) {
- \$C =~ s,(qt_lcnsuser=).{\$ulen},\\1$2\\0,;
- \$C =~ s,(qt_lcnsprod=).{\$plen},\1$3\0,;
- \$C =~ s,(qt_qevalkey=).{\$klen},\1$4\0,;
- print SOUT \$C;
- }
- close SIN;
- close SOUT"
-for lib in QtCore QtGui QtNetwork QtXml QtOpenGL QtSql Qt3Support QtSvg QtScript; do
- [ -d "${3}/Library/Frameworks/${lib}.framework" ] || continue
- cd "${3}/Library/Frameworks/${lib}.framework/Versions/$VERSION_MAJOR$.0"
- Products="bad product"
- (Licensee="not-licensed"; LicenseKeyExt="bad-license"; . $HOME/.qt-license >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$LicenseKeyExt" != "bad-license" ]; then
- productTest=`echo $LicenseKeyExt | cut -f 1 -d - | cut -b 1`
- case $productTest in
- F)
- # Universal
- Products="Universal"
- ;;
- B)
- # Desktop
- Products="Desktop"
- ;;
- L)
- # Desktop Lite
- Products="Desktop Light"
- ;;
- *)
- Products="bad product"
- esac
- fi
- t "${lib}_debug" "$Licensee" "$Products" "$LicenseKeyExt")
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/
deleted file mode 100755
index ed3a85d..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/debuglibraries/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#options parsing
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- echo "$1" | grep '^--*=*' >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- debug) DO_DEBUG="$ARG" ;;
- qtsrc) SRCDIR="$ARG" ;;
- qtbin) BINDIR="$ARG" ;;
- outdir) OUTDIR="$ARG" ;;
- *) ;;
- esac
-[ -z "$OUTDIR" ] && exit 1
-mkdir -p "$FRAMEWORK_DIR"
-for lib in QtCore QtGui QtNetwork QtXml QtOpenGL QtSql Qt3Support QtSvg QtAssistant QtDesigner QtDesignerComponents QtTest QtScript QtScriptTools QtHelp QtXmlPatterns QtWebKit QtDBus phonon; do
- if [ ! -d "$BINDIR/lib/${lib}.framework" ]; then
- echo "No framework for $lib!"
- continue
- fi
- cp -R "$BINDIR/lib/${lib}.framework" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/" >/dev/null 2>&1
- ../libraries/ "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/${lib}_debug" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/${lib}_debug.fixed"
- mv "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/${lib}_debug.fixed" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/${lib}_debug"
- ../libraries/ "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}_debug.prl" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}_debug.prl.fixed"
- mv "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}_debug.prl.fixed" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}_debug.prl"
- # Remove the normal libraries and headers (they are part of another package)
- # some find command here.
- find "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework" -name ${lib} -o -name ${lib}'.*' -a ! -name ${lib}.framework | xargs rm >/dev/null 2>&1
- find "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/" -name Headers -exec rm -rf {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
- # Since we are using dwarf-2 for debugging, we need to store the dSYM bundles as well.
- /usr/bin/dsymutil -o "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}_debug.dSYM" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/${lib}_debug"
-#Handle the libraries in tools as well
-mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/usr/lib"
-#first QtAssistantClient, and QtUiTools since they are static
-for lib in libQtUiTools_debug.a; do
- [ -e "$BINDIR/lib/${lib}" ] && cp "$BINDIR/lib/${lib}" "$OUTDIR/usr/lib/${lib}"
-if [ -e "${BINDIR}/lib/libQtCLucene_debug.${VERSION_MAJOR}.dylib" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/usr/lib"
- for lib in libQtCLucene_debug.dylib libQtCLucene_debug.${VERSION_MAJOR}.dylib libQtCLucene_debug.${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.dylib libQtCLucene_debug.${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}.dylib; do
- cp -R "${BINDIR}/lib/$lib" "$OUTDIR/usr/lib/"
- /usr/bin/dsymutil "$OUTDIR/usr/lib/$lib"
- done
-# Now for the plugins
-for plugin in `find $BINDIR/plugins/ -name 'lib*.dylib'`; do
- if echo `basename $plugin` | grep "_debug" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- out_plugin=`echo $plugin | sed "s,^$BINDIR,$OUTDIR/Developer/Applications/Qt,g"`
- pluginDirName= `dirname $out_plugin`
- mkdir -p $pluginDirName
- [ -e "$plugin" ] && ../libraries/ "$plugin" "$out_plugin"
- /usr/bin/dsymutil -o "$pluginDirName/$out_plugin.dSYM" "$out_plugin"
- fi
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index f67feed..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Documentation</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.trolltech.qt$VERSION_MAJOR$.docs</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Documentation</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
- <key>IFMajorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MAJOR$</integer>
- <key>IFMinorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MINOR$</integer>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAllowBackRev</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction</key>
- <string>AdminAuthorization</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation</key>
- <string>/</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagFollowLinks</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagInstallFat</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagIsRequired</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRelocatable</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRestartAction</key>
- <string>NoRestart</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRootVolumeOnly</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagUpdateInstalledLanguages</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFormatVersion</key>
- <real>0.10000000149011612</real>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/Description.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/Description.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index b89be7b..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/Description.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Documentation</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key>
- <string>Qt Documentation</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/Readme.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/Readme.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index f5636ca..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/Readme.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Thanks for reading me} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6be46f2..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Title Qt Documentation
-DefaultLocation (null)
-### Package Flags
-NeedsAuthorization YES
-Required NO
-Relocatable YES
-RequiresReboot NO
-UseUserMask YES
-OverwritePermissions NO
-InstallFat NO
-RootVolumeOnly NO
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/postflight b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/postflight
deleted file mode 100755
index ecd77da..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/Resources/postflight
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#fix the doc path
-#"$PACK_LOCATION/Contents/Resources/" -version $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$ -value "$INST_LOCATION/Developer/Documentation/Qt" Documentation
-#get the documentation into the index
-DOC_INDEX="/Developer/Documentation/Help/Developer Help Viewer/MacOSXDeveloper.pbHelpIndexerList"
-if [ -e "$DOC_INDEX" ]; then
- if grep "$3/Developer/Documentation/Qt" "$DOC_INDEX" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- true
- else
- echo "$3/Developer/Documentation/Qt" >>"$$DOC_INDEX"
- /Developer/Tools/pbhelpindexer &
- fi
-fi \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/
deleted file mode 100755
index fccd6fc..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#options parsing
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- echo "$1" | grep '^--*=*' >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- qtsrc) SRCDIR="$ARG" ;;
- qtbin) BINDIR="$ARG" ;;
- outdir) OUTDIR="$ARG" ;;
- *) ;;
- esac
-[ -z "$OUTDIR" ] && exit 1
-mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/Developer/Documentation/Qt"
-for dir in `find "$SRCDIR/doc" -name 'html*' -type d`; do
- cp -R "$dir" "$OUTDIR/Developer/Documentation/Qt"
-for dir in `find "$SRCDIR/doc" -name 'qch' -type d`; do
- cp -R "$dir" "$OUTDIR/Developer/Documentation/Qt"
-# The old code.
-#cp -R "$SRCDIR/doc/html/" "$OUTDIR/Developer/Documentation/Qt"
-#[ "$SRCDIR" != "$BINDIR" ] && cp -R "$BINDIR/doc/html/" "$OUTDIR/Developer/Documentation/Qt"
-#ln -s . "$OUTDIR/Developer/Documentation/Qt/html"
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 1799025..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Examples</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.trolltech.qt$VERSION_MAJOR$.examples</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Examples</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
- <key>IFMajorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MAJOR$</integer>
- <key>IFMinorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MINOR$</integer>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAllowBackRev</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction</key>
- <string>AdminAuthorization</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation</key>
- <string>/</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagFollowLinks</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagInstallFat</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagIsRequired</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRelocatable</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRestartAction</key>
- <string>NoRestart</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRootVolumeOnly</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagUpdateInstalledLanguages</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFormatVersion</key>
- <real>0.10000000149011612</real>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/Description.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/Description.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index ad798e3..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/Description.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Examples</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key>
- <string>Qt Examples</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/Readme.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/Readme.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index f5636ca..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/Readme.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Thanks for reading me} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index f94a510..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Title Qt Examples
-DefaultLocation (null)
-### Package Flags
-NeedsAuthorization YES
-Required NO
-Relocatable YES
-RequiresReboot NO
-UseUserMask YES
-OverwritePermissions NO
-InstallFat NO
-RootVolumeOnly NO
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/postflight b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/postflight
deleted file mode 100644
index e7c10e7..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/Resources/postflight
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os, sys, grp
-startPath = os.path.join(sys.argv[2], "Developer/Examples/Qt")
-qmakeCache = open(os.path.join(startPath, ".qmake.cache"), "w")
-qmakeCache.write("#nothing anymore...")
-adminGid = grp.getgrnam('admin')[2]
-# Generate Xcode projects for everything and make things
-# writeable to the admin users
-for root, dirs, files in os.walk(startPath, topdown = False):
- for name in files:
- fullName = os.path.join(root, name)
- currUid = os.stat(fullName).st_uid
- if name.endswith(".pro"):
- os.chdir(os.path.dirname(fullName))
- print "/usr/bin/qmake -spec macx-xcode %s [%s]" % (name, fullName)
- sys.stdout.flush() # To make the logger update in a timely fashion
- os.system('/usr/bin/qmake -spec macx-xcode "%s"' % (name))
- os.chown(fullName, currUid, adminGid)
- if os.access(fullName, os.X_OK):
- os.chmod(fullName, 0775)
- elif os.access(fullName, os.W_OK):
- os.chmod(fullName, 0664)
- for name in dirs:
- fullName = os.path.join(root, name)
- currUid = os.stat(fullName).st_uid
- os.chown(fullName, currUid, adminGid)
- os.chmod(fullName, 0775)
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/
deleted file mode 100755
index f2a82f2..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-#options parsing
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- echo "$1" | grep '^--*=*' >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- qtsrc) SRCDIR="$ARG" ;;
- qtbin) BINDIR="$ARG" ;;
- outdir) OUTDIR="$ARG" ;;
- *) ;;
- esac
-[ -z "$OUTDIR" ] && exit 1
-mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/Developer/Examples/Qt"
- DIR="$1"
- IN="$2"
- for file in `find $DIR -type f`; do
- case $file in #only need sources
- */ui_*.h|*/moc_*.cpp|*/qrc_*.cpp|*.app|*.app/*|*/.obj/*|*/.ui/*|*/.rcc/*|*/.moc/*|*/Makefile|*.build*|*.xcode*|*/build|*/build/*|*.doc|*~|*.gch|*.gch/*|*/.DS_Store|*/.gdb_history) continue ;;
- *) ;;
- esac
- [ -x "$file" ] && continue
- FILE=`echo "$file" | sed "s,^$DIR,,"`
- mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/Developer/Examples/Qt/$IN/`dirname $FILE`"
- cp "$file" "$OUTDIR/Developer/Examples/Qt/$IN/$FILE"
- done
-get_sources "$SRCDIR/examples/"
-rm -rf "$OUTDIR/Developer/Examples/Qt/activeqt" #we don't need it
-for category_dir in $BINDIR/examples/*; do
- for example_dir in $category_dir/*; do
- [ -d "$example_dir" ] || continue
- example_cat=`echo $example_dir | sed "s,^$BINDIR/examples/,,"`
- [ -d "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}" ] || continue
- example=`basename $example_dir`
- EXE=
- if [ -x "${example_dir}/${example}" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/"
- EXE="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/${example}"
- cp "${example_dir}/${example}" "$EXE"
- elif [ -d "${example_dir}/${example}.app" ]; then #in a bundle
- mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/"
- cp -R "${example_dir}/${example}.app" "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/"
- EXE="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/${example}.app/Contents/MacOS/${example}"
- else
- FOUND=no
- for f in ${example_dir}/*; do
- if [ '!' -d "$f" ] && [ -x "$f" ]; then
- FOUND=yes
- mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/"
- EXE="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/`basename $f`"
- cp "$f" "$EXE"
- elif echo "$f" | grep ".dylib$" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- FOUND=yes
- mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/"
- EXE="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/`basename $f`"
- cp "$f" "$EXE"
- elif [ -d "$f" ] && echo "$f" | grep ".app$" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- FOUND=yes
- mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/"
- cp -R "$f" "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/"
- APP_NAME=`basename $f | sed "s,\.app$,,"`
- EXE="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/${APP_NAME}.app/Contents/MacOS/$APP_NAME"
- fi
- done
- #[ "$FOUND" = "no" ] && echo "Unable to find binary for Example [$example]"
- fi
- if [ "$example" = "plugandpaint" ]; then
- PLG="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/${example_cat}/plugins/"
- mkdir -p "$PLG"
- for plugin in ${example_dir}/plugins/*.dylib; do
- ../libraries/ "$plugin" "/tmp/tmp.plg"
- cp "/tmp/tmp.plg" "$PLG/`basename $plugin`"
- rm -f "/tmp/tmp.plg"
- done
- fi
- if [ -x "$EXE" ]; then
- ../libraries/ "$EXE" "/tmp/tmp.exe"
- strip "/tmp/tmp.exe"
- cp "/tmp/tmp.exe" "$EXE"
- rm -f "/tmp/tmp.exe"
- chmod a+x "$EXE"
- fi
- done
-get_sources "$SRCDIR/demos" "Demos"
-for demo_dir in $BINDIR/demos/*; do
- [ -d "$demo_dir" ] || continue
- demo=`basename $demo_dir`
- EXE=
- if [ "$demo" = "qtdemo" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Applications/Qt/"
- cp -R "$BINDIR/bin/${demo}.app" "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Applications/Qt/"
- EXE="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Applications/Qt/${demo}.app/Contents/MacOS/${demo}"
- elif [ -x "${demo_dir}/${demo}" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo}"
- EXE="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo_dir}/${demo}"
- cp "${demo}/${demo}" "$EXE"
- elif [ -d "${demo_dir}/${demo}.app" ]; then #in a bundle
- mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo}"
- cp -R "${demo_dir}/${demo}.app" "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo}"
- EXE="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo}/${demo}.app/Contents/MacOS/$demo"
- else
- FOUND=no
- for f in ${demo_dir}/*; do
- if [ '!' -d "$f" ] && [ -x "$f" ]; then
- FOUND=yes
- mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo}/"
- EXE="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo_dir}/`basename $f`"
- cp "$f" "$EXE"
- elif echo "$f" | grep ".dylib$" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- FOUND=yes
- mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo}/"
- EXE="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo_dir}/`basename $f`"
- cp "$f" "$EXE"
- elif [ -d "$f" ] && echo "$f" | grep ".app$" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- FOUND=yes
- mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo}/"
- cp -R "$f" "${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo}/"
- APP_NAME=`basename $f | sed "s,\.app$,,"`
- EXE="${OUTDIR}/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos/${demo}/${APP_NAME}.app/Contents/MacOS/$APP_NAME}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ -x "$EXE" ]; then
- ../libraries/ "$EXE" "/tmp/tmp.exe"
- strip "/tmp/tmp.exe"
- cp "/tmp/tmp.exe" "$EXE"
- rm -f "/tmp/tmp.exe"
- chmod a+x "$EXE"
- fi
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cf7064..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Headers</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.trolltech.qt$VERSION_MAJOR$.headers</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Headers</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
- <key>IFMajorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MAJOR$</integer>
- <key>IFMinorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MINOR$</integer>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAllowBackRev</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction</key>
- <string>AdminAuthorization</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation</key>
- <string>/</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagFollowLinks</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagInstallFat</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagIsRequired</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRelocatable</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRootVolumeOnly</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRestartAction</key>
- <string>NoRestart</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagUpdateInstalledLanguages</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFormatVersion</key>
- <real>0.10000000149011612</real>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/Description.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/Description.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index ddfe8a9..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/Description.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Headers</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key>
- <string>Qt Headers</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/Readme.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/Readme.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index f5636ca..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/Readme.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Thanks for reading me} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index a241de8e..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Title Qt Headers
-DefaultLocation (null)
-### Package Flags
-NeedsAuthorization YES
-Required NO
-Relocatable YES
-RequiresReboot NO
-UseUserMask YES
-OverwritePermissions NO
-InstallFat NO
-RootVolumeOnly NO
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/postflight b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/postflight
deleted file mode 100755
index aefec7b..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/Resources/postflight
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os, re
-def getEditionDefine(licenseKey):
- if len(licenseKey) == 0:
- licenseParts = licenseKey.split('-')
- productDefine = LicenseTypeMap.get(licenseParts[2], "")
- if len(productDefine) == 0:
- productDefine = ProductMap.get(licenseParts[0][0], 'QT_EDITION_UNKNOWN')
- return productDefine
-def alterQConfig(qconfigPath, licenseKey):
- qconfigFile = open(qconfigPath, 'r')
- qconfigLines = qconfigFile.readlines()
- qconfigFile.close()
- finalContents = []
- editionRE = re.compile(r"(^#\s*define QT_EDITION) (.*)$")
- licenseKeyRE = re.compile(r'(^#define QT_PRODUCT_LICENSEKEY).*$')
- for line in qconfigLines:
- tmpStr = line
- matchObj =
- if matchObj:
- tmpStr = + " " + getEditionDefine(licenseKey) + "\n"
- else:
- matchObj =
- if matchObj:
- tmpStr = + ' "' + licenseKey + '"\n'
- finalContents.append(tmpStr)
- qconfigFile = open(qconfigPath, 'w')
- qconfigFile.writelines(finalContents)
- qconfigFile.close()
-def getLicenseKey():
- licensePath = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".qt-license")
- if not os.path.exists(licensePath):
- return ""
- licenseKeyRE = re.compile(r"^LicenseKeyExt=(.+)$")
- file = open(licensePath, 'r')
- for line in file:
- matchObj =
- if matchObj:
- return
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import sys
- qconfigPath = os.path.join(sys.argv[3],
- "Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/4.0/Headers/qconfig.h")
- alterQConfig(qconfigPath, getLicenseKey())
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/
deleted file mode 100755
index 02ff489..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/headers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#options parsing
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- echo "$1" | grep '^--*=*' >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- qtsrc) SRCDIR="$ARG" ;;
- qtbin) BINDIR="$ARG" ;;
- outdir) OUTDIR="$ARG" ;;
- *) ;;
- esac
-[ -z "$OUTDIR" ] && exit 1
-mkdir -p "$FRAMEWORK_DIR"
-for lib in QtCore QtGui QtNetwork QtXml QtOpenGL QtSql Qt3Support QtSvg QtScript QtScriptTools QtXmlPatterns QtWebKit QtDBus phonon; do
- if [ ! -d "$BINDIR/lib/${lib}.framework/Headers" ]; then
- echo "No headers for $lib"
- continue
- fi
- (cd "$BINDIR/lib/${lib}.framework/"
- for header in `find . -name Headers`; do
- mkdir -p "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/`dirname $header`"
- if [ -L "$header" ]; then
- cp -RP "$header" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/`dirname $header`"
- else
- cp -R "$header" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/`dirname $header`"
- fi
- done)
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c70d73..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Libraries</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.trolltech.qt$VERSION_MAJOR$.libs</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Libraries</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
- <key>IFMajorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MAJOR$</integer>
- <key>IFMinorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MINOR$</integer>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAllowBackRev</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction</key>
- <string>AdminAuthorization</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation</key>
- <string>/</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagFollowLinks</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagInstallFat</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagIsRequired</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRelocatable</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRootVolumeOnly</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRestartAction</key>
- <string>NoRestart</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagUpdateInstalledLanguages</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFormatVersion</key>
- <real>0.10000000149011612</real>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/Description.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/Description.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index ffba86f..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/Description.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Libraries</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key>
- <string>Qt Libraries</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/Readme.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/Readme.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index f5636ca..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/Readme.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Thanks for reading me} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index aaad93f..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Title Qt Libraries
-DefaultLocation (null)
-### Package Flags
-NeedsAuthorization YES
-Required NO
-Relocatable YES
-RequiresReboot NO
-UseUserMask YES
-OverwritePermissions NO
-InstallFat NO
-RootVolumeOnly NO
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/postflight b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/postflight
deleted file mode 100755
index 4bcaa6c..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/Resources/postflight
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os, sys, shutil, re
-def replaceStrings(library, licensee, product, licenseKey):
- tmpLib = os.path.join(os.environ["INSTALLER_TEMP"], os.path.basename(library) + "_t")
- if os.path.exists(tmpLib):
- os.remove(tmpLib)
- shutil.move(library, tmpLib)
- tmpLibFile = open(tmpLib, 'r')
- libraryFile = open(library, 'w')
- namRe = re.compile(r'(qt_lcnsuser=).{' + str(len(licensee) + 1) + r'}')
- prdRe = re.compile(r'(qt_lcnsprod=).{' + str(len(product) + 1) + r'}')
- keyRe = re.compile(r'(qt_qevalkey=).{' + str(len(licenseKey) + 1) + r'}')
- for line in tmpLibFile.readlines():
- line = namRe.sub('\\1' + licensee + '\0', line)
- line = prdRe.sub('\\1' + product + '\0', line)
- line = keyRe.sub('\\1' + licenseKey + '\0', line)
- libraryFile.write(line)
- libraryFile.close()
- tmpLibFile.close()
- os.remove(tmpLib)
-def getEditionDefine(licenseKey):
- ProductMap = { 'F': 'Universal', 'B': 'Desktop',
- 'L': 'Desktop Light', 'R': 'Console',
- 'OPEN': 'Opensource' }
- LicenseTypeMap = { 'Z4M': "Evaluation", 'R4M': "Evaluation",
- 'Q4M': "Evaluation", '34M': "Academic",
- 'TBM': "Educational" }
- if len(licenseKey) == 0:
- licenseParts = licenseKey.split('-')
- productDefine = LicenseTypeMap.get(licenseParts[2], "")
- if len(productDefine) == 0:
- productDefine = ProductMap.get(licenseParts[0][0], 'QT_EDITION_UNKNOWN')
- return productDefine
-def readLicenseFile():
- licenseKeyPath = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.qt-license');
- licenseKeyRE = re.compile(r"^LicenseKeyExt=(.+)$")
- licenseeRE = re.compile(r"^Licensee=(.+)$")
- license = open(licenseKeyPath, 'r')
- licensee = "Bad Licensee"
- product = "Bad Product"
- licensekey = "Bad Key"
- for line in license:
- matchObj = licenseeRE.match(line)
- if matchObj:
- licensee =
- else:
- matchObj = licenseKeyRE.match(line)
- if matchObj:
- licensekey =
- product = getEditionDefine(licensekey)
- return (licensee, product, licensekey)
-def fixLibraries():
- licensee, product, licensekey = readLicenseFile()
- frameworks = [ "QtCore", "QtGui", "QtNetwork", "QtXml", "QtOpenGL", "QtSql", "Qt3Support", "QtSvg", "QtScript" ]
- for framework in frameworks:
- frameworkPath = os.path.join(sys.argv[3], 'Library', 'Frameworks', framework + '.framework')
- if not os.path.exists(frameworkPath):
- continue
- os.chdir(os.path.join(frameworkPath, 'Versions', '4.0'))
- replaceStrings(framework, licensee, product, licensekey)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- fixLibraries()
- sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/
deleted file mode 100755
index 781f092..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#options parsing
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- echo "$1" | grep '^--*=*' >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- debug) DO_DEBUG="$ARG" ;;
- qtsrc) SRCDIR="$ARG" ;;
- qtbin) BINDIR="$ARG" ;;
- outdir) OUTDIR="$ARG" ;;
- *) ;;
- esac
-[ -z "$OUTDIR" ] && exit 1
-mkdir -p "$FRAMEWORK_DIR"
-for lib in QtCore QtGui QtNetwork QtXml QtOpenGL QtSql Qt3Support QtSvg QtScript QtScriptTools QtXmlPatterns QtWebKit QtDBus phonon; do
- if [ ! -d "$BINDIR/lib/${lib}.framework" ]; then
- echo "No framework for $lib!"
- continue
- fi
- cp -R "$BINDIR/lib/${lib}.framework" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/" >/dev/null 2>&1
- ./ "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}.prl" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}.prl.fixed"
- mv "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}.prl.fixed" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}.prl"
- ./ "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/$lib" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/${lib}.fixed"
- mv "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/${lib}.fixed" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/$lib"
- # Make a sym-link to make things compatible with what we had in version before 4.2
- cd "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions"
- ln -s "${VERSION_MAJOR}" "4.0"
- cd "$OLDDIR"
- # Remove the debug libraries and headers (they are part of another package)
- find "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/" -name '*_debug*' -exec rm -f {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
- find "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/" -name Headers -exec rm -rf {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6b9d777..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-my %VARS = (
- "docs" => "/Developer/Documentation/Qt",
- "libs" => "/Library/Frameworks",
- "plug" => "/Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins",
- "trns" => "/Developer/Applications/Qt/translations",
- "data" => "/usr/local/Qt" . $ENV{"VERSION_MAJOR"} . "." . $ENV{"VERSION_MINOR"},
- "bins" => "/Developer/Tools/Qt",
- "demo" => "/Developer/Examples/Qt/Demos",
- "xmpl" => "/Developer/Examples/Qt/",
- "hdrs" => "/usr/include",
- "prfx" => "/"
-my $file_in = 0;
-my $file_out = 0;
-#parse args
-while ( @ARGV ) {
- my $arg = shift @ARGV;
- if($arg =~ /^-/) {
- my $val = shift @ARGV;
- my $var = $arg;
- $var =~ s,^-,,;
- $VARS{$var} = $val;
- } elsif(!$file_in) {
- $file_in = $arg;
- } elsif(!$file_out) {
- $file_out = $arg;
- } else {
- die "$0 <file_in> <file_out>";
- }
-die "$0 <file_in> <file_out>" if(!$file_in || !$file_out);
-open(FIN , "<" . $file_in ) || die "Could not open $file_in for reading";
-open(FOUT, ">" . $file_out) || die "Could not open $file_out for writing";
-local $/;
-binmode FIN;
-binmode FOUT;
-#do stuff
-while(my $CONTENT = <FIN>) {
- foreach (keys(%VARS)) {
- my $var = "qt_" . $_ . "path=";
- my $val = $VARS{$_};
- my $val_length = length($val)+1;
- $CONTENT =~ s,${var}.{$val_length},${var}${val}\0,g;
- }
- print FOUT $CONTENT;
-close FIN;
-close FOUT;
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/
deleted file mode 100755
index 62c8f7a..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/libraries/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-open(OLDFILE, "<" . "$ARGV[0]") || die "Couldn't open input file: $ARGV[0]";
-open(NEWFILE, ">" . "$ARGV[1]") || die "Couldn't open output file: $ARGV[1]";
-while (my $line = <OLDFILE>) {
- $line =~ s,-L/(\w+(\w|\s|/)*)/pgsql/lib,,g;
- $line =~ s,-L/(\w+(\w|\s|/)*)/mysql/lib/mysql,,g;
- $line =~ s,-F(/private)?/tmp/qt-stuff/source/qt-mac-\w+-src-4\.\d\.\d(-rc\d)?/lib,,g;
- $line =~ s,-L(/private)?/tmp/qt-stuff/source/qt-mac-\w+-src-4\.\d\.\d(-rc\d)?/lib,,g;
- print NEWFILE $line;
-close OLDFILE;
-close NEWFILE;
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d2ae28..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Plugins</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.trolltech.qt$VERSION_MAJOR$.plugins</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Plugins</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
- <key>IFMajorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MAJOR$</integer>
- <key>IFMinorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MINOR$</integer>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAllowBackRev</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction</key>
- <string>AdminAuthorization</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation</key>
- <string>/</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagFollowLinks</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagInstallFat</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagIsRequired</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRelocatable</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRestartAction</key>
- <string>NoRestart</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRootVolumeOnly</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagUpdateInstalledLanguages</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFormatVersion</key>
- <real>0.10000000149011612</real>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/Description.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/Description.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e94d9e..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/Description.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Plugins</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key>
- <string>Qt Plugins</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/Readme.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/Readme.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index f5636ca..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/Readme.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Thanks for reading me} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index 24fd13f..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Title Qt Tools
-DefaultLocation (null)
-### Package Flags
-NeedsAuthorization YES
-Required NO
-Relocatable YES
-RequiresReboot NO
-UseUserMask YES
-OverwritePermissions NO
-InstallFat NO
-RootVolumeOnly NO
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/postflight b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/postflight
deleted file mode 100755
index a8af8dd..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/Resources/postflight
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#fix the doc path
-#"$PACK_LOCATION/Contents/Resources/" -version $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$ -value "$INST_LOCATION/Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins" Plugins
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/
deleted file mode 100755
index b722f68..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#options parsing
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- echo "$1" | grep '^--*=*' >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- debug) DO_DEBUG="$ARG" ;;
- qtsrc) SRCDIR="$ARG" ;;
- qtbin) BINDIR="$ARG" ;;
- outdir) OUTDIR="$ARG" ;;
- *) ;;
- esac
-[ -z "$OUTDIR" ] && exit 1
-#copy plugins
-for plugin in `find $BINDIR/plugins/ -name 'lib*.dylib'`; do
- echo `basename $plugin` | grep "_debug" >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue
- out_plugin=`echo $plugin | sed "s,^$BINDIR,$OUTDIR/Developer/Applications/Qt,g"`
- mkdir -p `dirname $out_plugin`
- [ -e "$plugin" ] && ../libraries/ "$plugin" "$out_plugin"
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index f30ba03..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Tools</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.trolltech.qt$VERSION_MAJOR$.tools</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
- <key>IFMajorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MAJOR$</integer>
- <key>IFMinorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MINOR$</integer>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAllowBackRev</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction</key>
- <string>AdminAuthorization</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation</key>
- <string>/</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagFollowLinks</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagInstallFat</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagIsRequired</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRelocatable</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRestartAction</key>
- <string>NoRestart</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRootVolumeOnly</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagUpdateInstalledLanguages</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFormatVersion</key>
- <real>0.10000000149011612</real>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/Description.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/Description.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a88747..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/Description.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key>
- <string>Qt Tools</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/Readme.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/Readme.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index f5636ca..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/Readme.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Thanks for reading me} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/postflight b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/postflight
deleted file mode 100755
index d9c4a57..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/postflight
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os, sys, shutil, re
-def readLicenseFile():
- licenseKeyPath = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.qt-license');
- licenseKeyRE = re.compile(r"^LicenseKeyExt=(.+)$")
- license = open(licenseKeyPath, 'r')
- licensekey = "Bad Key"
- for line in license:
- matchObj = licenseKeyRE.match(line)
- if matchObj:
- licensekey =
- return licensekey
-def getEditionDefine():
- licenseKey = readLicenseFile()
- MeteredMap = { '5': True, 'L': True }
- if len(licenseKey) == 0:
- return false
- licenseParts = licenseKey.split('-')
- return MeteredMap.get(licenseParts[3][0], False)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- if getEditionDefine() == False:
- usageReporterPath = os.path.join(os.path.sep, 'usr', 'bin', 'qtusagereporter')
- reporterInDevToolsPath = os.path.join(os.path.sep, 'Developer', 'Tools', 'qtusagereporter')
- if os.path.exists(usageReporterPath):
- finalPath = os.path.realpath(usageReporterPath);
- os.remove(finalPath)
- if os.path.exists(reporterInDevToolsPath):
- os.remove(reporterInDevToolsPath)
- if os.path.exists(usageReporterPath):
- os.remove(usageReporterPath)
- sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index 54f8d04..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/Resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Title Qt Tools
-DefaultLocation (null)
-### Package Flags
-NeedsAuthorization YES
-Required NO
-Relocatable YES
-RequiresReboot NO
-UseUserMask YES
-OverwritePermissions NO
-InstallFat NO
-RootVolumeOnly NO
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6ed1e15..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-#options parsing
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- echo "$1" | grep '^--*=*' >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- debug) DO_DEBUG="$ARG" ;;
- qtsrc) SRCDIR="$ARG" ;;
- qtbin) BINDIR="$ARG" ;;
- outdir) OUTDIR="$ARG" ;;
- *) ;;
- esac
- mkdir -p $HEADER_DIR
- if [ `wc -l $HEADER_FILE | awk '{print $1;}'` = "1" ]; then
- LINE=`head -1 $HEADER_FILE`
- if echo "$LINE" | grep '^#include "../../' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- HEADER_FILE=`dirname $HEADER_FILE`/`echo $LINE | sed "s,^#include \"\([^\"]*\)\"\$,\1,"`
- fi
- fi
- mkdir -p "$DESTDIR"
- for header in `find "$BASEDIR" -type f`; do
- case $header in
- *_pch.h|*_p.h|*headers.pri)
- continue
- ;;
- *)
- copyHeader "$header" "$DESTDIR"
- ;;
- esac
- done
-[ -z "$OUTDIR" ] && exit 1
-#copy tools
-for a in qmake uic uic3 rcc moc Assistant Assistant_adp pixeltool Linguist Designer qt3to4 rccdump lrelease lupdate lconvert findtr qtusagereporter qdoc qcollectiongenerator qhelpconverter qhelpgenerator xmlpatterns qdbus qdbusviewer qdbusxml2cpp qdbuscpp2xml evalextender macdeployqt; do
- EXE=
- if [ -d "${BINDIR}/bin/${a}.app" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/Developer/Applications/Qt/"
- cp -R "${BINDIR}/bin/${a}.app" "$OUTDIR/Developer/Applications/Qt"
- EXE="$OUTDIR/Developer/Applications/Qt/${a}.app/Contents/MacOS/$a" #in the bundle
- #place it into the tools dir
- mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/Developer/Tools/Qt/"
- ln -s "/Developer/Applications/Qt/${a}.app" "$OUTDIR/Developer/Tools/Qt/${a}.app"
- elif [ -x "${BINDIR}/bin/${a}" -o -x "${BINDIR}/tools/qdoc3/${a}" ]; then
- mkdir -p `dirname $EXE`
- cp "${BINDIR}/bin/$a" "$EXE"
- ln -s "$a-${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" "$OUTDIR/usr/bin/$a"
- #place it into the tools dir
- mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/Developer/Tools/Qt/"
- ln -s "/usr/bin/$a-${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" "$OUTDIR/Developer/Tools/Qt/$a"
- fi
- [ -z "$EXE" ] && continue
- #configs
- if [ "$a" = "qmake" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/usr/local/Qt${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}/mkspecs"
- cp -PR $SRCDIR/mkspecs/* "$OUTDIR/usr/local/Qt${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}/mkspecs"
- sed "s,qt_no_framework,,g" "$BINDIR/mkspecs/qconfig.pri" >"$OUTDIR/usr/local/Qt${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}/mkspecs/qconfig.pri"
- cat >>"$OUTDIR/usr/local/Qt${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}/mkspecs/qconfig.pri" <<EOF
-CONFIG += no_mocdepend
- (cd "$OUTDIR/usr/local/Qt${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}/mkspecs"; rm -f default; ln -s macx-xcode default)
- ../libraries/ -data "/usr/local/Qt${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}" "$EXE" "/tmp/tmp.exe"
- cp "/tmp/tmp.exe" "$EXE"
- rm -f "/tmp/tmp.exe"
- else
- ../libraries/ "$EXE" "/tmp/tmp.exe"
- cp "/tmp/tmp.exe" "$EXE"
- rm -f /tmp/tmp.exe
- fi
- #perms
- strip "$EXE" >/dev/null 2>&1
- chmod a+x "$EXE"
-# Do the tool frameworks (Gah, this is copy-past from the libraries
-mkdir -p "$FRAMEWORK_DIR"
-for lib in QtDesigner QtDesignerComponents QtTest QtAssistant QtHelp; do
- if [ ! -d "$BINDIR/lib/${lib}.framework" ]; then
- echo "No framework for $lib!"
- continue
- fi
- cp -R "$BINDIR/lib/${lib}.framework" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/" >/dev/null 2>&1
- ../libraries/ "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}.prl" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}.prl.fixed"
- mv "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}.prl.fixed" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/${lib}.prl"
- ../libraries/ "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/$lib" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/${lib}.fixed"
- mv "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/${lib}.fixed" "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}/$lib"
- # Remove the debug libraries (they are part of another package)
- find "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/${lib}.framework/" -name '*_debug*' -exec rm -f {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
-#copy q3porting.xml. qt3to4 looks for it in QLibraryInfo::DataPath and QLibraryInfo::PrefixPath
-cp $BINDIR/tools/porting/src/q3porting.xml $OUTDIR/usr/local/Qt${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}/q3porting.xml
-# Finally handle QtUiTools
-if [ -e "${BINDIR}/lib/libQtUiTools.a" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/usr/lib"
- cp "${BINDIR}/lib/libQtUiTools.a" "$OUTDIR/usr/lib/libQtUiTools.a"
- # Copy its headers as well
- copyHeaderDir "${BINDIR}/include/QtUiTools" "$OUTDIR/usr/include/QtUiTools"
-if [ -e "${BINDIR}/lib/libQtCLucene.${VERSION_MAJOR}.dylib" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/usr/lib"
- for lib in libQtCLucene.dylib libQtCLucene.${VERSION_MAJOR}.dylib libQtCLucene.${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.dylib libQtCLucene.${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}.dylib; do
- cp -R "${BINDIR}/lib/$lib" "$OUTDIR/usr/lib/"
- done
-# finally phrase books for Linguist
-mkdir -p "$PHRASEDEST"
-for phrasebook in `find $BINDIR/tools/linguist/phrasebooks/ -name '*.qph'`; do
- cp "$phrasebook" "$PHRASEDEST"
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 73eb840..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Translations</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.trolltech.qt$VERSION_MAJOR$.translations</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Translations</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
- <key>IFMajorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MAJOR$</integer>
- <key>IFMinorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MINOR$</integer>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAllowBackRev</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction</key>
- <string>AdminAuthorization</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation</key>
- <string>/</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagFollowLinks</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagInstallFat</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagIsRequired</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRelocatable</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRestartAction</key>
- <string>NoRestart</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRootVolumeOnly</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagUpdateInstalledLanguages</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFormatVersion</key>
- <real>0.10000000149011612</real>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/Description.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/Description.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b27b2..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/Description.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ Translations</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key>
- <string>Qt Translations</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/Readme.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/Readme.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index f5636ca..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/Readme.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Thanks for reading me} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/postflight b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/postflight
deleted file mode 100755
index a8af8dd..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/postflight
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#fix the doc path
-#"$PACK_LOCATION/Contents/Resources/" -version $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$ -value "$INST_LOCATION/Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins" Plugins
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index cc0d5b3..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/Resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Title Qt Translations
-DefaultLocation (null)
-### Package Flags
-NeedsAuthorization YES
-Required NO
-Relocatable YES
-RequiresReboot NO
-UseUserMask YES
-OverwritePermissions NO
-InstallFat NO
-RootVolumeOnly NO
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/
deleted file mode 100644
index b8b2b78..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/translations/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#options parsing
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- echo "$1" | grep '^--*=*' >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- debug) DO_DEBUG="$ARG" ;;
- qtsrc) SRCDIR="$ARG" ;;
- qtbin) BINDIR="$ARG" ;;
- outdir) OUTDIR="$ARG" ;;
- *) ;;
- esac
-[ -z "$OUTDIR" ] && exit 1
-#copy translation
-for translation in `find $BINDIR/translations/ -name '*.qm'`; do
- cp "$translation" "$TRANSLATIONDEST"
-# Copy the untranslated, so there's a starting point for them as well.
-for translation in `find $BINDIR/translations/ -name '*_untranslated.ts'`; do
- cp "$translation" "$TRANSLATIONDEST"
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/.build_separate b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/.build_separate
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/.build_separate
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/.gitattributes b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/.gitattributes
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a2a8ee..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/.gitattributes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-integration/templates/*/Application/*/main.cpp -crlf
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 4410b63..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ XCode Integration</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.trolltech.qt$VERSION_MAJOR$.xcode</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ XCode Integration</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
- <key>IFMajorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MAJOR$</integer>
- <key>IFMinorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MINOR$</integer>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAllowBackRev</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction</key>
- <string>AdminAuthorization</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation</key>
- <string>/</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagFollowLinks</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagInstallFat</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagIsRequired</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRelocatable</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRestartAction</key>
- <string>NoRestart</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagRootVolumeOnly</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFPkgFlagUpdateInstalledLanguages</key>
- <false/>
- <key>IFPkgFormatVersion</key>
- <real>0.10000000149011612</real>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Resources/Description.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Resources/Description.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 386e200..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Resources/Description.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key>
- <string>Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$ XCode Integration</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key>
- <string>Qt XCode Integration</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Resources/Readme.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Resources/Readme.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index f5636ca..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Resources/Readme.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Thanks for reading me} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Resources/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f3e8a4..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/Resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Title Qt Tools
-DefaultLocation (null)
-### Package Flags
-NeedsAuthorization YES
-Required NO
-Relocatable YES
-RequiresReboot NO
-UseUserMask YES
-OverwritePermissions NO
-InstallFat NO
-RootVolumeOnly NO
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/
deleted file mode 100755
index f86932b..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#options parsing
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,^--\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- qtbin) BINDIR="$ARG" ;;
- outdir) OUTDIR="$ARG" ;;
- *) ;;
- esac
-[ -z "$OUTDIR" ] && exit 1
- if [ -d "$1" ]; then
- (cd "$1" && find . -type f -exec "$DO_TRANSLATE" {} "$2" \;)
- else
- "$DO_TRANSLATE" "$1" "$2"
- fi
-#copy the scripts
-mkdir -p "$SCRPT_DIR"
-translate_cp integration/scripts "$SCRPT_DIR"
-for a in $SCRPT_DIR/*.sh; do
- chmod a+x "$a"
-ln -sf "Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}/Resources" "$OUTDIR/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Resources"
-#copy the templates
-mkdir -p "$OUTDIR/Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/"
-translate_cp integration/templates "$OUTDIR/Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/"
-#build the bundle
-(cd "$OUTDIR/Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/MacOS"
-chmod 755 ./
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/
deleted file mode 100755
index b1b00e49..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-dir=`dirname "$2/$1"`
-mkdir -p "$dir"
-sed -e "s,\\\$VERSION_MAJOR\\\$,$VERSION_MAJOR,g" \
- -e "s,\\\$VERSION_MINOR\\\$,$VERSION_MINOR,g" \
- -e "s,\\\$VERSION_PATCH\\\$,$VERSION_PATCH,g" "$1" >"$2/$1"
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/
deleted file mode 100755
index 74175c5..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#for now
- if [ -d "$1" ]; then
- (cd "$1" && find . -type f -exec "$DO_TRANSLATE" {} "$2" \;)
- else
- "$DO_TRANSLATE" "$1" "$2"
- fi
- base=`basename "$1"`
- rm -rf "$2/$base"
- mkdir -p "$2"
- ln -sf "$1" "$2"
-#copy the templates
-rm -rf "$PWD/.faked_integration"
-mkdir -p "$PWD/.faked_integration"
-translate_cp integration/templates "$PWD/.faked_integration"
-(cd "$PWD/.faked_integration/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/MacOS"
-chmod 755 ./
-templ_dir="/Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/"
-make_link "$PWD/.faked_integration/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle" "$templ_dir/CustomDataViews"
-make_link "$PWD/.faked_integration/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application" "$templ_dir/Project Templates/Application"
-make_link "$PWD/.faked_integration/File Templates/Qt" "$templ_dir/File Templates"
-make_link "$PWD/.faked_integration/Scripts/999-Qt" "$templ_dir/Scripts"
-for a in `find "$PWD/.faked_integration/Specifications/" -name *.pb*spec`; do
- make_link "$a" "$templ_dir/Specifications"
-#copy the scripts
-mkdir -p "$SCRPT_DIR"
-for script in integration/scripts/*; do
- make_link "$PWD/$script" "$SCRPT_DIR"
-ln -sf "Versions/${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}/Resources" "/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Resources"
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/get_file_list.applescript b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/get_file_list.applescript
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f110ca..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/get_file_list.applescript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-set all_files to {}
-tell application "Xcode"
- tell project 1
- repeat with f in file references
- tell f
- set fn to absolute path
- set end of all_files to fn & "
- end tell
- end repeat
- set all_groups to {}
- repeat with grp in groups
- set end of all_groups to grp
- end repeat
- repeat with grp in all_groups
- tell grp
- repeat with grp in groups
- set end of all_groups to grp
- end repeat
- repeat with f in file references
- tell f
- set fn to absolute path
- set end of all_files to fn & "
- end tell
- end repeat
- end tell
- end repeat
- end tell
-end tell
-all_files \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index c3107fc..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-[ -z "$TEMP_FILE_DIR" ] && TEMP_FILE_DIR="/tmp"
- if grep '\bQ_OBJECT\b' "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- return 0
- fi
- return 1
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- CACHE_1="$1"
- ARG=
- case $1 in
- -*=*) #gnu style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- ;;
- -output|-moc|-file-list|-input) #second arg style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\),\1,'`
- shift
- ARG=$1
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- file-list) CFG_FILE_LIST="$ARG" ;;
- moc) CFG_MOC="$ARG" ;;
- input) CFG_INPUT="$ARG" ;;
- output) CFG_OUTPUT="$ARG" ;;
- help|*)
- [ "$OPTION" = "help" ] || echo "Unknown option $CACHE_1!"
- echo "Help!!"
- exit 888;
- ;;
- esac
-cd "${SOURCE_ROOT}"
- case "$a" in
- -D*|-I*)
- *) ;;
- esac
-echo >"$MOC_LIST"
-if [ ! -z "$CFG_INPUT" ] && [ ! -z "$CFG_OUTPUT" ]; then
- FILE_TYPE=unknown
- case "$CFG_INPUT" in
- *.cpp|*.C|*.cc|*.CPP|*.CC) FILE_TYPE=c++-source ;;
- *.h|*.H|*.hpp|*.HPP) FILE_TYPE=c++-header ;;
- esac
- [ "$FILE_TYPE" = "unknown" ] && exit 0
- if mocable "$CFG_INPUT"; then
- if [ "$FILE_TYPE" = "c++-source" ]; then
- MOC_FILE=`echo $CFG_INPUT | sed "s,\.[^.]*$,.moc,"`
- if [ ! -e "$MOC_FILE" ] || [ "$CFG_INPUT" -nt "$MOC_FILE" ]; then
- fi
- elif [ "$FILE_TYPE" = "c++-header" ]; then
- [ -f "$CFG_OUTPUT" ] && cp "$CFG_OUTPUT" "$MOC_LIST"
- echo "#include \"$CFG_INPUT\"" >>"$MOC_LIST"
- fi
- elif [ -f "$CFG_OUTPUT" ]; then
- grep -v "$CFG_INPUT" "$CFG_OUTPUT" >"$MOC_LIST"
- fi
- FILE_LIST="${TEMP_FILE_DIR}/file.list"
- osascript "$CFG_FILE_LIST" | sed "s,^[, ]*,,g" >"$FILE_LIST"
- LINE=0
- LINES=`wc -l "$FILE_LIST" | awk '{ print $1; }'`
- while [ "$LINE" -lt "$LINES" ]; do
- LINE=$((LINE+1))
- FILE=`head -$LINE ${FILE_LIST} | tail -1`
- FILE_TYPE=unknown
- case "$FILE" in
- *.cpp|*.C|*.cc|*.CPP|*.CC) FILE_TYPE=c++-source ;;
- *.h|*.H|*.hpp|*.HPP) FILE_TYPE=c++-header ;;
- *.mocs) [ -z "$CFG_OUTPUT" ] && CFG_OUTPUT="$FILE" ;;
- esac
- [ "$FILE_TYPE" = "unknown" ] && continue
- if mocable "$FILE"; then
- if [ "$FILE_TYPE" = "c++-source" ]; then
- MOC_FILE=`echo $FILE | sed "s,\.[^.]*$,.moc,"`
- if [ ! -e "$MOC_FILE" ] || [ "$FILE" -nt "$MOC_FILE" ]; then
- fi
- elif [ "$FILE_TYPE" = "c++-header" ]; then
- echo "#include \"$FILE\"" >>"$MOC_LIST"
- fi
- fi
- done
- rm -f "$FILE_LIST"
- if [ -z "$CFG_OUTPUT" ]; then
- echo "No output file specified!"
- exit 1
- fi
-# CFG_MODE=remove
-#sort it
-sort "$MOC_LIST" | uniq | grep -v '^$' >"${MOC_LIST}.sorted"
-mv "${MOC_LIST}.sorted" "${MOC_LIST}"
-#replace it
-if cmp -s "$MOC_LIST" "$CFG_OUTPUT"; then
- rm -f "$MOC_LIST"
- if [ "$CFG_MODE" = "overwrite" ]; then
- else
- if [ -z `cat "$MOC_LIST"` ]; then
- if [ ! -e "$CFG_OUTPUT" ] || [ ! -z `cat "$CFG_OUTPUT"` ]; then
- echo >"$CFG_OUTPUT"
- fi
- else
- rm -f "$CFG_OUTPUT"
- fi
- rm -f "$MOC_LIST"
- fi
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index c7f0179..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- CACHE_1="$1"
- ARG=
- case $1 in
- -*=*) #gnu style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- ;;
- -output|-input|-moc) #second arg style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\),\1,'`
- shift
- ARG=$1
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- moc) CFG_MOC="$ARG" ;;
- output) CFG_OUTPUT="$ARG" ;;
- input) CFG_INPUT="$ARG" ;;
- help|*)
- [ "$OPTION" = "help" ] || echo "Unknown option $CACHE_1!"
- echo "Help!!"
- exit 888;
- ;;
- esac
-if [ -z "$CFG_INPUT" ] || [ -z "$CFG_OUTPUT" ]; then
- echo "No input/output file specified."
- exit 1
-cd "${SOURCE_ROOT}"
- case "$a" in
- -D*|-I*)
- *) ;;
- esac
-echo >"$MOC_OUTPUT"
-#do the moc
-if [ -e "$CFG_INPUT" ]; then
- if [ '!' -e "$CFG_OUTPUT" ] || [ "$CFG_INPUT" -nt "$CFG_OUTPUT" ]; then
- else
- LINE=0
- LINES=`wc -l "$CFG_INPUT" | awk '{ print $1; }'`
- while [ "$LINE" -lt "$LINES" ]; do
- LINE=$((LINE+1))
- SOURCE=`head -$LINE ${CFG_INPUT} | tail -1`
- FILE=`echo $SOURCE | sed "s,^#include \"\([^\"]*\)\"$,\1,"`
- if [ '!' -f "$FILE" ] || [ "$FILE" -nt "$CFG_OUTPUT" ]; then
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ "$NO_CHANGE" = "no" ]; then
- LINE=0
- LINES=`wc -l "$CFG_INPUT" | awk '{ print $1; }'`
- while [ "$LINE" -lt "$LINES" ]; do
- LINE=$((LINE+1))
- SOURCE=`head -$LINE ${CFG_INPUT} | tail -1`
- FILE=`echo $SOURCE | sed "s,^#include \"\([^\"]*\)\"$,\1,"`
- if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
- fi
- done
- fi
-#replace it
-if [ "$NO_CHANGE" = "yes" ] || cmp -s "$MOC_OUTPUT" "$CFG_OUTPUT"; then
- rm -f "$MOC_OUTPUT"
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2165bec..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- CACHE_1="$1"
- ARG=
- case $1 in
- -*=*) #gnu style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- ;;
- -output|-input|-rcc) #second arg style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\),\1,'`
- shift
- ARG=$1
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- rcc) CFG_UIC="$ARG" ;;
- output) CFG_OUTPUT="$ARG" ;;
- input) CFG_INPUT="$ARG" ;;
- help|*)
- [ "$OPTION" = "help" ] || echo "Unknown option $CACHE_1!"
- echo "Help!!"
- exit 888;
- ;;
- esac
-if [ -z "$CFG_INPUT" ] || [ -z "$CFG_OUTPUT" ]; then
- echo "No input/output file specified."
- exit 1
-[ "$CFG_OUTPUT" -nt "$CFG_INPUT" ] && exit 0
-cd "${SOURCE_ROOT}"
-#do the rcc
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index e5fd5c1..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- CACHE_1="$1"
- ARG=
- case $1 in
- -*=*) #gnu style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- ;;
- -output|-input|-uic) #second arg style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\),\1,'`
- shift
- ARG=$1
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- uic) CFG_UIC="$ARG" ;;
- output) CFG_OUTPUT="$ARG" ;;
- input) CFG_INPUT="$ARG" ;;
- help|*)
- [ "$OPTION" = "help" ] || echo "Unknown option $CACHE_1!"
- echo "Help!!"
- exit 888;
- ;;
- esac
-if [ -z "$CFG_INPUT" ] || [ -z "$CFG_OUTPUT" ]; then
- echo "No input/output file specified."
- exit 1
-[ "$CFG_OUTPUT" -nt "$CFG_INPUT" ] && exit 0
-cd "${SOURCE_ROOT}"
-#do the uic
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index b775dcd..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
- <string>English</string>
- <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
- <string>QtDataFormatters</string>
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$, Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
- <string>6.0</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>Xcode Qt Data Formatters Plugin</string>
- <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
- <string>BNDL</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>1.2</string>
- <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
- <string>xccf</string>
- <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
- <string>308</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
deleted file mode 100755
index df1e225..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-[ "$1" = "-debug" ] && DO_DEBUG=yes
-#figure out compiler flags
-for a in QtCore; do
- LFLAGS="$LFLAGS -framework ${a}"
-[ "$DO_DEBUG" = "yes" ] && CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g"
-if [ -d "/Developer/Applications/" ]; then
- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I/Developer/Applications/"
-elif [ -d "/Developer/Applications/" ]; then
- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I/Developer/Applications/"
-/usr/bin/c++ -bundle bundle.cpp $CFLAGS -o QtDataFormatters $LFLAGS
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/MacOS/bundle.cpp b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/MacOS/bundle.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c28c6f..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/MacOS/bundle.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the $MODULE$ of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-** Beta Release License Agreement.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-** package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-** met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** contact the sales department at
-extern "C" {
-#include "DataFormatterPlugin.h"
- _pbxgdb_plugin_function_list *_pbxgdb_plugin_functions = 0;
-//qt stuff
-#include <QtCore/QtCore>
-static int serialId(int id)
-#if 0
- static int serialRet = 0xF00F00F0;
- return serialRet--;
- return id;
-static void *doAllocate(int id, int size)
- if(_pbxgdb_plugin_functions && _pbxgdb_plugin_functions->allocate)
- return (*_pbxgdb_plugin_functions->allocate)(id, size);
- return malloc(size);
-static char *doSprintf(int id, const char *format, va_list ap)
- if(_pbxgdb_plugin_functions && _pbxgdb_plugin_functions->vmessage)
- return (*_pbxgdb_plugin_functions->vmessage)(id, format, ap);
- return "Unable to sprintf!";
-static char *doSprintf(int id, const char *format, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, format);
- char *ret = doSprintf(id, format, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- return ret;
-char *
-Qt_QPointSummary(QPoint &point, int id)
- return doSprintf(serialId(id), "(%d,%d)", point.x(), point.y());
-char *
-Qt_QSizeSummary(QSize &size, int id)
- return doSprintf(serialId(id), "[%dx%d]", size.width(), size.height());
-char *
-Qt_QStringSummary(QString &string, int id)
- return doSprintf(serialId(id), "%s", string.toLatin1().constData());
-char *
-Qt_QDateSummary(QDate &v, int id)
- return doSprintf(serialId(id), "%s", v.toString().toLatin1().constData());
-char *
-Qt_QTimeSummary(QTime &v, int id)
- return doSprintf(serialId(id), "%s", v.toString().toLatin1().constData());
-char *
-Qt_QDateTimeSummary(QDateTime &v, int id)
- return doSprintf(serialId(id), "%s", v.toString().toLatin1().constData());
-char *
-Qt_QVariantSummary(QVariant &v, int id)
- return doSprintf(serialId(id), "%s", v.toString().toLatin1().constData());
-char *
-Qt_QRectSummary(QRect &rect, int id)
- return doSprintf(serialId(id), "(%d,%d)[%dx%d]", rect.x(), rect.y(),
- rect.width(), rect.height());
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/Resources/CustomDataViews.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/Resources/CustomDataViews.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index cebb3c7..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/Resources/CustomDataViews.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>QRect</key>
- <dict>
- <key>SummaryString</key>
- <string>{(char *)Qt_QRectSummary($VAR, $ID)}:s</string>
- </dict>
- <key>QPoint</key>
- <dict>
- <key>SummaryString</key>
- <string>{(char *)Qt_QPointSummary($VAR, $ID)}:s</string>
- </dict>
- <key>QSize</key>
- <dict>
- <key>SummaryString</key>
- <string>{(char *)Qt_QSizeSummary($VAR, $ID)}:s</string>
- </dict>
- <key>QString</key>
- <dict>
- <key>SummaryString</key>
- <string>{(char *)Qt_QStringSummary($VAR, $ID)}:s</string>
- </dict>
- <key>QDate</key>
- <dict>
- <key>SummaryString</key>
- <string>{(char *)Qt_QDateSummary($VAR, $ID)}:s</string>
- </dict>
- <key>QTime</key>
- <dict>
- <key>SummaryString</key>
- <string>{(char *)Qt_QTimeSummary($VAR, $ID)}:s</string>
- </dict>
- <key>QDateTime</key>
- <dict>
- <key>SummaryString</key>
- <string>{(char *)Qt_QDateTimeSummary($VAR, $ID)}:s</string>
- </dict>
- <key>QCoreVariant</key>
- <dict>
- <key>SummaryString</key>
- <string>{(char *)Qt_QCoreVariantSummary($VAR, $ID)}:s</string>
- </dict>
- <key>File Version</key>
- <string>1</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/version.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/version.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc21e5..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/CustomDataViews/QtDataFormatters.bundle/Contents/version.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>BuildVersion</key>
- <string>1</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
- <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
- <string>308</string>
- <key>ProjectName</key>
- <string>pbxdataformatters</string>
- <key>SourceVersion</key>
- <string>3080000</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/C++ Class.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/C++ Class.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cb6259..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/C++ Class.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- MainTemplateFile = "class.cpp";
- CounterpartTemplateFile = "class.h";
- Description = "A C++ class, with an optional header file which includes the <QtGui/QtGui> header.";
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/C++ Class.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/C++ Class.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d790000..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/C++ Class.pbfiletemplate/class.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the utils of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-** Beta Release License Agreement.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-** package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-** met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** contact the sales department at
- *
- * Created by «FULLUSERNAME» on «DATE».
- * Copyright (c) «YEAR» «ORGANIZATIONNAME». All rights reserved.
- *
- */
-#include "«FILEBASENAME».h"
-«FILEBASENAME»::«FILEBASENAME»(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/C++ Class.pbfiletemplate/class.h b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/C++ Class.pbfiletemplate/class.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c48011d4..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/C++ Class.pbfiletemplate/class.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the utils of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-** Beta Release License Agreement.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-** package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-** met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** contact the sales department at
- *
- * Created by «FULLUSERNAME» on «DATE».
- * Copyright (c) «YEAR» «ORGANIZATIONNAME». All rights reserved.
- *
- */
-#include <QtGui/QtGui>
-class «FILEBASENAME» : public QWidget
- «FILEBASENAME»(QWidget *parent=0);
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/Header File.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/Header File.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f20a37..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/Header File.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- MainTemplateFile = "header.h";
- Description = "A header file which includes the <QtGui/QtGui> header.";
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/Header File.pbfiletemplate/header.h b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/Header File.pbfiletemplate/header.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dd1cdd9..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/Header File.pbfiletemplate/header.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the utils of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-** Beta Release License Agreement.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-** package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-** met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** contact the sales department at
- *
- * Created by «FULLUSERNAME» on «DATE».
- * Copyright (c) «YEAR» «ORGANIZATIONNAME». All rights reserved.
- *
- */
-#include <QtGui/QtGui>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/QRC File.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/QRC File.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f896d4..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/QRC File.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- MainTemplateFile = "resource.qrc";
- Description = "A base Qt resource file";
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/QRC File.pbfiletemplate/resource.qrc b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/QRC File.pbfiletemplate/resource.qrc
deleted file mode 100644
index bf4f322..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/QRC File.pbfiletemplate/resource.qrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0">
-<qresource prefix="/">
- <file>YOUR_FILE</file>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/UI File.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/UI File.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index c6e3e8c..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/UI File.pbfiletemplate/TemplateInfo.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- MainTemplateFile = "class.ui";
- Description = "A base UI file to edit with the designer";
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/UI File.pbfiletemplate/class.ui b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/UI File.pbfiletemplate/class.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 95db9ca..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/File Templates/Qt/UI File.pbfiletemplate/class.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<UI version="4.0" stdsetdef="1" >
- <class>«FILEBASENAME»</class>
- <widget class="QDialog" name="«FILEBASENAME»" >
- <property name="objectName" >
- <string notr="true">«FILEBASENAME»</string>
- </property>
- <property name="geometry" >
- <rect>
- <x>0</x>
- <y>0</y>
- <width>391</width>
- <height>223</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
- </widget>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index f554bea..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
- <string>English</string>
- <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
- <string>«PROJECTNAMEASXML»</string>
- <key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
- <string>6.0</string>
- <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
- <string>APPL</string>
- <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
- <string>????</string>
- <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
- <string>0.1</string>
- <key>CSResourcesFileMapped</key>
- <true/>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/QtApp.mocs b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/QtApp.mocs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/QtApp.mocs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/QtApp.pbproj/TemplateInfo.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/QtApp.pbproj/TemplateInfo.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 8003b8d..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/QtApp.pbproj/TemplateInfo.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- FilesToRename = {
- "QtApp.mocs" = "ÇPROJECTNAMEÈ.mocs";
- };
- FilesToMacroExpand = (
- "Info.plist",
- "main.cpp",
- );
- Description = "This project builds a Qt application that uses .ui files for interfaces.";
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/QtApp.pbproj/project.pbxproj b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/QtApp.pbproj/project.pbxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index c2522e2..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/QtApp.pbproj/project.pbxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-// !$*UTF8*$!
- archiveVersion = 1;
- classes = {
- };
- objectVersion = 39;
- objects = {
- 0249A66BFF388E3F11CA2CEA = {
- expectedFileType =;
- isa = PBXFileReference;
- name = "libstdc++.a";
- path = "/usr/lib/libstdc++.a";
- refType = 0;
- sourceTree = "<absolute>";
- };
- 195DF8CFFE9D517E11CA2CBB = {
- children = (
- 8D0C4E970486CD37000505A6,
- );
- isa = PBXGroup;
- name = Products;
- refType = 4;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 20286C28FDCF999611CA2CEA = {
- buildStyles = (
- 4A9504C5FFE6A39111CA0CBA,
- 4A9504C6FFE6A39111CA0CBA,
- );
- hasScannedForEncodings = 1;
- isa = PBXProject;
- mainGroup = 20286C29FDCF999611CA2CEA;
- projectDirPath = "";
- targets = (
- 8D0C4E890486CD37000505A6,
- );
- };
- 20286C29FDCF999611CA2CEA = {
- children = (
- 20286C2AFDCF999611CA2CEA,
- 20286C32FDCF999611CA2CEA,
- 195DF8CFFE9D517E11CA2CBB,
- );
- isa = PBXGroup;
- path = "";
- refType = 4;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 20286C2AFDCF999611CA2CEA = {
- children = (
- 32DBCF6D0370B57F00C91783,
- 20286C2BFDCF999611CA2CEA,
- );
- isa = PBXGroup;
- name = Sources;
- path = "";
- refType = 4;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 20286C2BFDCF999611CA2CEA = {
- expectedFileType = sourcecode.qt.cpp;
- fileEncoding = 30;
- isa = PBXFileReference;
- path = main.cpp;
- refType = 4;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 20286C32FDCF999611CA2CEA = {
- children = (
- 20286C33FDCF999611CA2CEA,
- 20286CA3FDCF999611CA2CEA,
- 4A9504CAFFE6A41611CA0CBA,
- 4A9504C8FFE6A3BC11CA0CBA,
- 0249A66BFF388E3F11CA2CEA,
- );
- isa = PBXGroup;
- name = "External Frameworks and Libraries";
- path = "";
- refType = 4;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 20286CA3FDCF999611CA2CEA = {
- expectedFileType = wrapper.framework;
- fallbackIsa = PBXFileReference;
- isa = PBXFrameworkReference;
- name = QtGui.framework;
- path = /Library/Frameworks/QtGui.framework;
- refType = 0;
- sourceTree = "<absolute>";
- };
- 20286C33FDCF999611CA2CEA = {
- expectedFileType = wrapper.framework;
- fallbackIsa = PBXFileReference;
- isa = PBXFrameworkReference;
- name = QtCore.framework;
- path = /Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework;
- refType = 0;
- sourceTree = "<absolute>";
- };
- 32DBCF6D0370B57F00C91783 = {
- fileEncoding = 4;
- isa = PBXFileReference;
- path = "«PROJECTNAME».mocs";
- refType = 4;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 4A9504C5FFE6A39111CA0CBA = {
- buildRules = (
- );
- buildSettings = {
- };
- isa = PBXBuildStyle;
- name = Development;
- };
- 4A9504C6FFE6A39111CA0CBA = {
- buildRules = (
- );
- buildSettings = {
- };
- isa = PBXBuildStyle;
- name = Deployment;
- };
- 4A9504C8FFE6A3BC11CA0CBA = {
- expectedFileType = wrapper.framework;
- fallbackIsa = PBXFileReference;
- isa = PBXFrameworkReference;
- name = ApplicationServices.framework;
- path = /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework;
- refType = 0;
- sourceTree = "<absolute>";
- };
- 4A9504CAFFE6A41611CA0CBA = {
- expectedFileType = wrapper.framework;
- fallbackIsa = PBXFileReference;
- isa = PBXFrameworkReference;
- name = CoreServices.framework;
- path = /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework;
- refType = 0;
- sourceTree = "<absolute>";
- };
- 8D0C4E890486CD37000505A6 = {
- buildPhases = (
- 22D275D307D515930050A600, //get_mocs phase
- 8D0C4E8F0486CD37000505A6,
- 8D0C4E910486CD37000505A6,
- 8D0C4E940486CD37000505A6,
- );
- buildRules = (
- //22E554940732E0C3002CE4A0, //get_mocs rule
- 2241F8060731C52400C1F590, //make_moc rule
- 2241F8060731C52430C1F590, //make_uic rule
- 2241F8060731C59400C1F590, //make_rcc rule
- );
- buildSettings = {
- INFOPLIST_FILE = Info.plist;
- INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Applications";
- OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS = "-I/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Headers -I/Library/Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Headers";
- OTHER_CLAGS = "-I/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Headers -I/Library/Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Headers";
- WARNING_CFLAGS = "-Wmost -Wno-four-char-constants -Wno-unknown-pragmas";
- };
- dependencies = (
- );
- isa = PBXNativeTarget;
- name = "«PROJECTNAME»";
- productInstallPath = "$(HOME)/Applications";
- productName = "«PROJECTNAME»";
- productReference = 8D0C4E970486CD37000505A6;
- productType = "";
- };
- 8D0C4E8B0486CD37000505A6 = {
- fileRef = 32DBCF6D0370B57F00C91783;
- isa = PBXBuildFile;
- settings = {
- };
- };
- 22D275D307D515930050A600 = { //get_mocs phase
- buildActionMask = 2147483647;
- files = (
- );
- inputPaths = (
- //"*.h",
- );
- name = "Qt Auto-Retrieve Mocables";
- isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
- outputPaths = (
- //"«PROJECTNAME».mocs",
- );
- runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
- shellPath = /bin/sh;
- shellScript = "/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Resources/xcode/ -output \"«PROJECTNAME».mocs\"";
- };
- 22E554940732E0C3002CE4A0 = { //get_mocs rule
- compilerSpec =;
- filePatterns = "*.h";
- fileType = pattern.proxy;
- isEditable = 1;
- isa = PBXBuildRule;
- outputFiles = (
- "«PROJECTNAME».mocs",
- );
- script = "/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Resources/xcode/ -input \"${INPUT_FILE_PATH}\" -output \"«PROJECTNAME».mocs\"";
- };
- 2241F8060731C59400C1F590 = { //make_rcc rule
- compilerSpec =;
- filePatterns = "*.qrc";
- fileType = pattern.proxy;
- isEditable = 1;
- isa = PBXBuildRule;
- outputFiles = (
- );
- script = "/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Resources/xcode/ -input \"${INPUT_FILE_PATH}\" -output \"${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}/qrc_${INPUT_FILE_BASE}.cpp\"";
- };
- 2241F8060731C52430C1F590 = { //make_uic rule
- compilerSpec =;
- filePatterns = "*.ui";
- fileType = pattern.proxy;
- isEditable = 1;
- isa = PBXBuildRule;
- outputFiles = (
- );
- script = "/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Resources/xcode/ -input \"${INPUT_FILE_PATH}\" -output \"${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}/ui_${INPUT_FILE_BASE}.h\"";
- };
- 2241F8060731C52400C1F590 = { //make_moc rule
- compilerSpec =;
- filePatterns = "*.mocs";
- fileType = pattern.proxy;
- isEditable = 1;
- isa = PBXBuildRule;
- outputFiles = (
- );
- script = "/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Resources/xcode/ -input \"${INPUT_FILE_PATH}\" -output \"${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}/${INPUT_FILE_BASE}_mocs.cpp\"";
- };
- 8D0C4E8F0486CD37000505A6 = {
- buildActionMask = 2147483647;
- files = (
- 8D0C4E8B0486CD37000505A6,
- 8D0C4E900486CD37000505A6,
- );
- isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;
- runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
- };
- 8D0C4E900486CD37000505A6 = {
- fileRef = 20286C2BFDCF999611CA2CEA;
- isa = PBXBuildFile;
- settings = {
- );
- };
- };
- 8D0C4E910486CD37000505A6 = {
- buildActionMask = 2147483647;
- files = (
- 8D0C4E920486CD37000505A6,
- 8D0C4E92048CCD37000505A6,
- 8D0C4E930486CD37000505A6,
- );
- isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;
- runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
- };
- 8D0C4E92048CCD37000505A6 = {
- fileRef = 20286CA3FDCF999611CA2CEA;
- isa = PBXBuildFile;
- settings = {
- };
- };
- 8D0C4E920486CD37000505A6 = {
- fileRef = 20286C33FDCF999611CA2CEA;
- isa = PBXBuildFile;
- settings = {
- };
- };
- 8D0C4E930486CD37000505A6 = {
- fileRef = 0249A66BFF388E3F11CA2CEA;
- isa = PBXBuildFile;
- settings = {
- };
- };
- 8D0C4E940486CD37000505A6 = {
- buildActionMask = 2147483647;
- files = (
- );
- isa = PBXRezBuildPhase;
- runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
- };
- 8D0C4E970486CD37000505A6 = {
- expectedFileType = wrapper.application;
- includeInIndex = 0;
- isa = PBXFileReference;
- path = "«PROJECTNAME».app";
- refType = 3;
- sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR;
- };
- };
- rootObject = 20286C28FDCF999611CA2CEA;
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/main.cpp b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f67c971..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the utils of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-** Beta Release License Agreement.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-** package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-** met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** contact the sales department at
-#include <QtGui/QtGui>
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- QApplication a(argc, argv);
- QLabel label;
- label.setText("Hello world!");
- return a.exec();
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/version.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/version.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f3c68c..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Project Templates/Application/Qt Application/version.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>BuildVersion</key>
- <string>1</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>0.1</string>
- <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
- <string>0.1</string>
- <key>ProjectName</key>
- <string>NibPBTemplates</string>
- <key>SourceVersion</key>
- <string>1160200</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Scripts/999-Qt/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Scripts/999-Qt/
deleted file mode 100755
index 343181e..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Scripts/999-Qt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# - Will display about Qt.
-# -- PB User Script Info --
-# %%%{PBXName=About Qt}%%%
-# %%%{PBXInput=None}%%%
-# %%%{PBXOutput=SeparateWindow}%%%
-# %%%{PBXKeyEquivalent=}%%%
-echo "This program uses Qt version $VERSION_MAJOR$."
-echo "Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform GUI "
-echo "application development."
-echo "Qt provides single-source "
-echo "portability across MS Windows, Mac OS X, "
-echo "Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants."
-echo "Qt is also available for embedded devices."
-echo "Qt is a Trolltech product. "
-echo "See for more information."
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Scripts/999-Qt/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Scripts/999-Qt/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3fea677..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Scripts/999-Qt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# - Will update meta object information for your current project
-# -- PB User Script Info --
-# %%%{PBXName=Check for mocables}%%%
-# %%%{PBXInput=None}%%%
-# %%%{PBXOutput=AppendToAllText}%%%
-# %%%{PBXKeyEquivalent=}%%%
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Scripts/999-Qt/menuIcon.tiff b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Scripts/999-Qt/menuIcon.tiff
deleted file mode 100644
index 466b976..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Scripts/999-Qt/menuIcon.tiff
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Specifications/qt.pbfilespec b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Specifications/qt.pbfilespec
deleted file mode 100644
index 62b205d..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Specifications/qt.pbfilespec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/** Qt file formats
- {
- Identifier = sourcecode.qt.h;
- BasedOn = sourcecode.cpp.h;
- Name = "Qt header file";
- ComputerLanguage = qt.c.cpp;
- AppliesToBuildRules = no;
- Extensions = (h);
- IncludeInIndex = NO;
- CanSetIncludeInIndex = YES;
- },
- {
- Identifier = sourcecode.qt.cpp;
- BasedOn = sourcecode.cpp.cpp;
- Name = "Qt source file";
- ComputerLanguage = qt.c.cpp;
- AppliesToBuildRules = yes;
- Extensions = (cpp);
- IncludeInIndex = YES;
- CanSetIncludeInIndex = YES;
- },
- {
- Identifier = sourcecode.qt.qrc;
- Name = "Qt resource file";
- ComputerLanguage = qt.qrc;
- AppliesToBuildRules = yes;
- Extensions = (qrc);
- IncludeInIndex = NO;
- },
- {
- Identifier = sourcecode.qt.ui;
- Name = "Qt UI file";
- ComputerLanguage = qt.ui;
- AppliesToBuildRules = yes;
- Extensions = (ui);
- IncludeInIndex = NO;
- }
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Specifications/qt.pblangspec b/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Specifications/qt.pblangspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 6500020..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/install/xcode/integration/templates/Specifications/qt.pblangspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- {
- Identifier = qt.c.cpp;
- BasedOn = c.cpp;
- Name = "Qt C++";
- SourceScannerClassName = PBXCPPSourceScanner;
- SupportsIndentation = YES;
- Description = "Qt C++";
- SyntaxColoring = {
- CaseSensitive = YES;
- Keywords = (
- "slots",
- "signals",
- "Q_ENUMS",
- "Q_FLAGS",
- "foreach"
- );
- AltKeywords = (
- "SLOT",
- "emit"
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = qt.xml;
- Name = "Qt XML";
- Description = "Qt XML";
- BasedOn = "pbx_root_language";
- SupportsIndentation = NO;
- Indentation = {
- };
- SyntaxColoring = {
- CaseSensitive = NO;
- UnicodeSymbols = YES;
- MultiLineComment = (
- ( "<!--", "-->" )
- );
- /*KeywordDelimeters = ( // not supported yet
- ( "<", ">" )
- );*/
- String = (
- ( "<", ">" )
- );
- Character = (
- ( "&", ";", "=" )
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = qt.qrc;
- Name = "Qt Resource";
- Description = "Qt Resource";
- BasedOn = "qt.xml";
- SyntaxColoring = {
- CaseSensitive = NO;
- String = (
- "RCC",
- "qresource",
- "file",
- );
- AltKeywords = (
- "version",
- "prefix",
- "alias"
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = qt.ui;
- Name = "Qt UI";
- Description = "Qt UI";
- BasedOn = "qt.xml";
- }
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
deleted file mode 100644
index ea97bd3..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane.nib/classes.nib b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane.nib/classes.nib
deleted file mode 100644
index 73d69c9..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane.nib/classes.nib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- IBClasses = (
- {CLASS = FirstResponder; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSObject; },
- {
- CLASS = InstallerPane;
- contentView = NSView;
- firstKeyView = NSView;
- initialKeyView = NSView;
- lastKeyView = NSView;
- nextPane = InstallerPane;
- parentSection = id;
- };
- },
- {
- ACTIONS = {checkLicense = id; checkName = id; };
- CLASS = InstallerPanePane;
- LicenseField1 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField2 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField3 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField4 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField5 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField6 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField7 = NSTextField;
- errorField = NSTextField;
- myOutlet = id;
- nameField = NSTextField;
- };
- SUPERCLASS = InstallerPane;
- },
- {
- CLASS = InstallerSection;
- OUTLETS = {firstPane = InstallerPane; };
- }
- );
- IBVersion = 1;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane.nib/info.nib b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane.nib/info.nib
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ec3501..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane.nib/info.nib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IBDocumentLocation</key>
- <string>283 121 356 240 0 0 1600 1178 </string>
- <key>IBEditorPositions</key>
- <dict>
- <key>8</key>
- <string>162 556 438 372 0 0 1600 1178 </string>
- </dict>
- <key>IBFramework Version</key>
- <string>446.1</string>
- <key>IBOpenObjects</key>
- <array>
- <integer>8</integer>
- </array>
- <key>IBSystem Version</key>
- <string>8I127</string>
- <key>IBUsesTextArchiving</key>
- <true/>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane.nib/keyedobjects.nib b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane.nib/keyedobjects.nib
deleted file mode 100644
index d15482e..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane.nib/keyedobjects.nib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3688 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>$archiver</key>
- <string>NSKeyedArchiver</string>
- <key>$objects</key>
- <array>
- <string>$null</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>241</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSAccessibilityConnectors</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>238</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSAccessibilityOidsKeys</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>239</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSAccessibilityOidsValues</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>240</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSClassesKeys</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>182</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSClassesValues</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>183</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSConnections</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>8</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSFontManager</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>0</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSFramework</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>5</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNamesKeys</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>159</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNamesValues</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>160</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNextOid</key>
- <integer>130</integer>
- <key>NSObjectsKeys</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>156</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSObjectsValues</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>158</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSOidsKeys</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>184</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSOidsValues</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>185</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSRoot</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSVisibleWindows</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>6</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>4</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSClassName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>3</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string>InstallerSection</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSCustomObject</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSCustomObject</string>
- </dict>
- <string>IBCocoaFramework</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>7</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSMutableSet</string>
- <string>NSSet</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSMutableSet</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>24</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>9</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>14</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>16</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>119</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>121</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>122</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>123</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>124</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>125</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>127</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>129</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>131</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>133</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>135</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>137</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>139</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>141</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>143</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>144</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>145</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>146</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>147</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>148</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>149</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>150</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>151</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>152</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>153</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>154</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>4</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSClassName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>11</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$classes</key>
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- <string>NSNibOutletConnector</string>
- <string>NSNibConnector</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSNibOutletConnector</string>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSLabel</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>15</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string>parentSection</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSLabel</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>118</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>117</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSClassName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>115</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSExtension</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>116</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSFrameSize</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>114</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNextResponder</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>0</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSubviews</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>18</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>24</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>57</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>60</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>69</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>73</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>79</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>82</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>86</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>90</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>94</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>98</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>102</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>106</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>110</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>39</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBorderType</key>
- <integer>3</integer>
- <key>NSBoxType</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- <key>NSFrame</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>25</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSOffsets</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>26</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSubviews</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>20</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSTitleCell</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>27</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSTitlePosition</key>
- <integer>0</integer>
- <key>NSTransparent</key>
- <false/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>24</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>21</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>23</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSFrame</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>22</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNextResponder</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string>{{2, 2}, {125, 1}}</string>
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- <key>$classes</key>
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- <string>NSResponder</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSView</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
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- <string>NSMutableArray</string>
- <string>NSArray</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSMutableArray</string>
- </dict>
- <string>{{12, 154}, {394, 5}}</string>
- <string>{0, 0}</string>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>32</integer>
- </dict>
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- <integer>0</integer>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>29</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>37</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>31</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>30</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>NSfFlags</key>
- <integer>1044</integer>
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- <key>$classes</key>
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- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSFont</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>33</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColor</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>35</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>34</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorSpace</key>
- <integer>6</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>System</string>
- <string>textBackgroundColor</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorSpace</key>
- <integer>3</integer>
- <key>NSWhite</key>
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- MQA=
- </data>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
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- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSColor</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorSpace</key>
- <integer>3</integer>
- <key>NSWhite</key>
- <data>
- </data>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
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- <string>NSActionCell</string>
- <string>NSCell</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSTextFieldCell</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSBox</string>
- <string>NSView</string>
- <string>NSResponder</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSBox</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>42</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSEnabled</key>
- <true/>
- <key>NSFrame</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>41</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNextResponder</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSvFlags</key>
- <integer>256</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>{{240, 126}, {43, 22}}</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBackgroundColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>32</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCellFlags</key>
- <integer>-1804468671</integer>
- <key>NSCellFlags2</key>
- <integer>272630784</integer>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>43</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSControlView</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>40</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDrawsBackground</key>
- <true/>
- <key>NSSupport</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>29</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSTextColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>44</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string></string>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCatalogName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>33</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>46</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>45</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorSpace</key>
- <integer>6</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>textColor</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorSpace</key>
- <integer>3</integer>
- <key>NSWhite</key>
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- MAA=
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- </dict>
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- <key>$classes</key>
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- <string>NSView</string>
- <string>NSResponder</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
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- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSvFlags</key>
- <integer>256</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>{{187, 126}, {45, 22}}</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBackgroundColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>32</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCellFlags</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>43</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSControlView</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>NSSupport</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSTextColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>44</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>53</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSvFlags</key>
- <integer>256</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>{{134, 126}, {45, 22}}</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBackgroundColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSTextColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSvFlags</key>
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- </dict>
- <string>{{83, 126}, {43, 22}}</string>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBackgroundColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>43</integer>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
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- <key>NSSupport</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>29</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSTextColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>44</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>NSFrame</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSvFlags</key>
- <integer>256</integer>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBackgroundColor</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <integer>43</integer>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>57</integer>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>NSTextColor</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>44</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <string>Please Enter Your Name and License Key
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- <integer>67</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string>-
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>112</integer>
- </dict>
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- <true/>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSvFlags</key>
- <integer>256</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>{{334, 128}, {11, 17}}</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBackgroundColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>64</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCellFlags</key>
- <integer>67239424</integer>
- <key>NSCellFlags2</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>113</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>110</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>29</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSTextColor</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>67</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string>-
- <string>{418, 330}</string>
- <string>NSView</string>
- <string>NSResponder</string>
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- <string>NSCustomView</string>
- <string>NSView</string>
- <string>NSResponder</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSCustomView</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>120</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>79</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>57</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>40</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>73</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>73</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>79</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>157</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>40</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>79</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>69</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>106</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>82</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>21</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>94</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>98</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>110</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>60</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>102</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>90</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
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- <key>$classes</key>
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- <string>NSArray</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSArray</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>157</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>157</integer>
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- <key>NS.objects</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <dict>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>86</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>79</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>69</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>106</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>82</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>21</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>94</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>98</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>110</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>60</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>102</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>90</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>157</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>161</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>162</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>163</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>164</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>165</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>166</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>167</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>168</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>169</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>170</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>171</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>11</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>115</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>172</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>173</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>174</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>175</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>176</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>177</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>178</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>179</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>180</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>181</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
- <string>NSTextField</string>
- <string>File's Owner</string>
- <string>NSTextField11326</string>
- <string>NSTextField22</string>
- <string>NSTextField11321</string>
- <string>NSTextField11322</string>
- <string>NSTextField11325</string>
- <string>NSTextField211</string>
- <string>NSTextField2331</string>
- <string>NSTextField11324</string>
- <string>NSTextField21</string>
- <string>NSTextField231</string>
- <string>NSBox1</string>
- <string>NSTextField232</string>
- <string>NSTextField1132</string>
- <string>NSTextField2332</string>
- <string>NSTextField2</string>
- <string>View</string>
- <string>NSTextField11323</string>
- <string>NSTextField233</string>
- <string>NSTextField23</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>157</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>157</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>157</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>127</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>149</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>141</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>94</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>122</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>98</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>129</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>150</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>143</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>73</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>123</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>16</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>21</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>131</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>151</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>144</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>86</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>124</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>121</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>69</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>153</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>133</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>152</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>145</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>82</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>60</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>154</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>119</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>135</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>146</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>14</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>90</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>57</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>9</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>102</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>147</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>137</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>106</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>79</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>110</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>40</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>125</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>148</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>139</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>157</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>186</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>187</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>188</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>189</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>190</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>191</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>192</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>193</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>194</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>195</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>196</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>197</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>198</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>199</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>200</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>201</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>202</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>203</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>204</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>205</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>206</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>207</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>208</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>209</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>210</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>211</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>212</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>213</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>214</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>215</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>216</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>217</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>218</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>219</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>220</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>221</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>222</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>223</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>224</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>225</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>226</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>227</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>228</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>229</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>230</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>231</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>232</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>233</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>234</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>235</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>236</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>237</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
- <integer>62</integer>
- <integer>94</integer>
- <integer>116</integer>
- <integer>109</integer>
- <integer>125</integer>
- <integer>73</integer>
- <integer>89</integer>
- <integer>5</integer>
- <integer>126</integer>
- <integer>95</integer>
- <integer>117</integer>
- <integer>110</integer>
- <integer>80</integer>
- <integer>90</integer>
- <integer>9</integer>
- <integer>69</integer>
- <integer>72</integer>
- <integer>96</integer>
- <integer>118</integer>
- <integer>111</integer>
- <integer>122</integer>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <integer>91</integer>
- <integer>88</integer>
- <integer>79</integer>
- <integer>68</integer>
- <integer>120</integer>
- <integer>97</integer>
- <integer>119</integer>
- <integer>112</integer>
- <integer>121</integer>
- <integer>77</integer>
- <integer>123</integer>
- <integer>87</integer>
- <integer>98</integer>
- <integer>113</integer>
- <integer>7</integer>
- <integer>124</integer>
- <integer>8</integer>
- <integer>76</integer>
- <integer>6</integer>
- <integer>127</integer>
- <integer>114</integer>
- <integer>99</integer>
- <integer>128</integer>
- <integer>75</integer>
- <integer>129</integer>
- <integer>71</integer>
- <integer>92</integer>
- <integer>115</integer>
- <integer>74</integer>
- <integer>100</integer>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>24</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>157</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>157</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSIBObjectData</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSIBObjectData</string>
- </dict>
- </array>
- <key>$top</key>
- <dict>
- <key>IB.objectdata</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <key>$version</key>
- <integer>100000</integer>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane~.nib/classes.nib b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane~.nib/classes.nib
deleted file mode 100644
index ac5d9ad..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane~.nib/classes.nib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- IBClasses = (
- {CLASS = FirstResponder; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSObject; },
- {
- CLASS = InstallerPane;
- contentView = NSView;
- firstKeyView = NSView;
- initialKeyView = NSView;
- lastKeyView = NSView;
- nextPane = InstallerPane;
- parentSection = id;
- };
- },
- {
- ACTIONS = {checkLicense = id; checkName = id; };
- CLASS = InstallerPanePane;
- LicenseField1 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField2 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField3 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField4 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField5 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField6 = NSTextField;
- LicenseField7 = NSTextField;
- companyField = NSTextField;
- nameField = NSTextField;
- };
- SUPERCLASS = InstallerPane;
- },
- {
- CLASS = InstallerSection;
- OUTLETS = {firstPane = InstallerPane; };
- }
- );
- IBVersion = 1;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane~.nib/info.nib b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane~.nib/info.nib
deleted file mode 100644
index b06383f..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane~.nib/info.nib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IBDocumentLocation</key>
- <string>283 121 356 240 0 0 1600 1178 </string>
- <key>IBEditorPositions</key>
- <dict>
- <key>8</key>
- <string>303 597 438 372 0 0 1600 1178 </string>
- </dict>
- <key>IBFramework Version</key>
- <string>439.0</string>
- <key>IBOpenObjects</key>
- <array>
- <integer>8</integer>
- </array>
- <key>IBSystem Version</key>
- <string>8C46</string>
- <key>IBUsesTextArchiving</key>
- <true/>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane~.nib/keyedobjects.nib b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane~.nib/keyedobjects.nib
deleted file mode 100644
index 81ba051..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/InstallerPane~.nib/keyedobjects.nib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2942 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>$archiver</key>
- <string>NSKeyedArchiver</string>
- <key>$objects</key>
- <array>
- <string>$null</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>197</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSAccessibilityConnectors</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>194</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSAccessibilityOidsKeys</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>195</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSAccessibilityOidsValues</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>196</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSClassesKeys</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>146</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSClassesValues</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>147</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSConnections</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>8</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSFontManager</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>0</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSFramework</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>5</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNamesKeys</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>130</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNamesValues</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>131</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNextOid</key>
- <integer>122</integer>
- <key>NSObjectsKeys</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>127</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSObjectsValues</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>129</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSOidsKeys</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>148</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSOidsValues</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>149</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSVisibleWindows</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>6</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>4</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSClassName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>3</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSCustomObject</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSCustomObject</string>
- </dict>
- <string>IBCocoaFramework</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>7</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array/>
- </dict>
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- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSMutableSet</string>
- <string>NSSet</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSMutableSet</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>24</integer>
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- <key>NS.objects</key>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>9</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>16</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>91</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>93</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>94</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>95</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>96</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>97</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>99</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>101</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>103</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>105</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>107</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>109</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>111</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>113</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>115</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>116</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>117</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>118</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>119</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>120</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>121</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>122</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>124</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>125</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>126</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSLabel</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>12</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>4</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSClassName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>11</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string>InstallerPanePane</string>
- <string>firstPane</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSNibOutletConnector</string>
- <string>NSNibConnector</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSNibOutletConnector</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSLabel</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>15</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string>parentSection</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSLabel</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>90</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>89</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSClassName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>87</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSExtension</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>88</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSFrameSize</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>86</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNextResponder</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>0</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSubviews</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>18</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>24</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>40</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>57</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>60</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>69</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>73</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>79</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>82</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>39</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBorderType</key>
- <integer>3</integer>
- <key>NSBoxType</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- <key>NSFrame</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>25</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNextResponder</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSOffsets</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>26</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSubviews</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>20</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>27</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSTitlePosition</key>
- <integer>0</integer>
- <key>NSTransparent</key>
- <false/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>24</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>21</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>23</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSFrame</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>22</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNextResponder</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string>{{2, 2}, {125, 1}}</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSView</string>
- <string>NSResponder</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSView</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSMutableArray</string>
- <string>NSArray</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSMutableArray</string>
- </dict>
- <string>{{12, 154}, {394, 5}}</string>
- <string>{0, 0}</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>32</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCellFlags</key>
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- <key>NSCellFlags2</key>
- <integer>0</integer>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>28</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSupport</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>29</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSTextColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>37</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string>Box</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>31</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>30</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSize</key>
- <real>13</real>
- <key>NSfFlags</key>
- <integer>1044</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>LucidaGrande</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSFont</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSFont</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCatalogName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>33</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>35</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>34</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorSpace</key>
- <integer>6</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>System</string>
- <string>textBackgroundColor</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorSpace</key>
- <integer>3</integer>
- <key>NSWhite</key>
- <data>
- MQA=
- </data>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
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- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSColor</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorSpace</key>
- <integer>3</integer>
- <key>NSWhite</key>
- <data>
- </data>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
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- <string>NSActionCell</string>
- <string>NSCell</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSTextFieldCell</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSBox</string>
- <string>NSView</string>
- <string>NSResponder</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSBox</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>42</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSEnabled</key>
- <true/>
- <key>NSFrame</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>41</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNextResponder</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSvFlags</key>
- <integer>256</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>{{240, 126}, {43, 22}}</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBackgroundColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>32</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCellFlags</key>
- <integer>-1804468671</integer>
- <key>NSCellFlags2</key>
- <integer>272630784</integer>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>43</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSControlView</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>40</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDrawsBackground</key>
- <true/>
- <key>NSSupport</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>29</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSTextColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>44</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string></string>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCatalogName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>33</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>46</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorName</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>45</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorSpace</key>
- <integer>6</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>textColor</string>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSColorSpace</key>
- <integer>3</integer>
- <key>NSWhite</key>
- <data>
- MAA=
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
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- <string>%NSTextField</string>
- <string>NSControl</string>
- <string>NSView</string>
- <string>NSResponder</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSTextField</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>50</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>49</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSvFlags</key>
- <integer>256</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>{{187, 126}, {45, 22}}</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBackgroundColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>32</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCellFlags</key>
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- <integer>272630784</integer>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>43</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSControlView</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDrawsBackground</key>
- <true/>
- <key>NSSupport</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>29</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSTextColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>44</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>53</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSEnabled</key>
- <true/>
- <key>NSFrame</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>52</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNextResponder</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSvFlags</key>
- <integer>256</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>{{134, 126}, {45, 22}}</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBackgroundColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>32</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCellFlags</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>43</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSControlView</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDrawsBackground</key>
- <true/>
- <key>NSSupport</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>29</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSTextColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>44</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>56</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSEnabled</key>
- <true/>
- <key>NSFrame</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>55</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSNextResponder</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSuperview</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSvFlags</key>
- <integer>256</integer>
- </dict>
- <string>{{83, 126}, {43, 22}}</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSBackgroundColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>32</integer>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
- <string>{{291, 126}, {45, 22}}</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
- <string>{{9, 183}, {45, 17}}</string>
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- <dict>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>36</integer>
- </dict>
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- MC42NjY2NjY2OQA=
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- <dict>
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- <dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
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- </dict>
- <string>{{159, 156}, {82, 17}}</string>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>67</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
- <string>{{30, 126}, {45, 22}}</string>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
- <string>{{344, 126}, {44, 22}}</string>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>32</integer>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSTextColor</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>44</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>47</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSCell</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
- <string>{{78, 211}, {263, 17}}</string>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>38</integer>
- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>67</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string>Please Enter Your Name and License Key
- <string>{418, 330}</string>
- <string>NSView</string>
- <string>NSResponder</string>
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- <string>NSView</string>
- <string>NSResponder</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
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- <string>NSCustomView</string>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
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- <dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <dict>
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- <dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>57</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>73</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <string>nextKeyView</string>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>123</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>73</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>73</integer>
- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>123</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSSource</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>79</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>13</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NSDestination</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>128</integer>
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- <key>NS.objects</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>69</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>82</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>79</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>60</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>21</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>57</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>73</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
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- </dict>
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- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSArray</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSArray</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>128</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
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- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>128</integer>
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- <key>NS.objects</key>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>40</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>60</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>82</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>73</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>57</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
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- </dict>
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- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>128</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>132</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>133</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>87</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>135</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>136</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>137</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>138</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>139</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>140</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>141</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>142</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>11</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>143</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>144</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>145</integer>
- </dict>
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- </dict>
- <string>NSTextField11325</string>
- <string>NSTextField211</string>
- <string>NSTextField11324</string>
- <string>NSTextField11321</string>
- <string>NSBox1</string>
- <string>NSTextField1132</string>
- <string>NSTextField2</string>
- <string>NSTextField21</string>
- <string>NSTextField11323</string>
- <string>File's Owner</string>
- <string>NSTextField</string>
- <string>NSTextField11326</string>
- <string>View</string>
- <string>NSTextField11322</string>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>128</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
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- <array/>
- </dict>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>117</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>60</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>121</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>82</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>2</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>9</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>93</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>17</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>126</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>57</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>101</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>19</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>94</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>116</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>10</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>79</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>14</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>103</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>54</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>91</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>95</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>16</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>105</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>76</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>122</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>51</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>96</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>120</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>124</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>119</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>107</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>73</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>97</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>48</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>118</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>113</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>109</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>115</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>21</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>99</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
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- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>111</integer>
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- <key>$class</key>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>154</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>155</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>156</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>157</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>158</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>159</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>160</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>162</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>168</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>169</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>170</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>171</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>172</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>173</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>174</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>175</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>178</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>180</integer>
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- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
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- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>183</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>184</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>185</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>186</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>187</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>188</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>189</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>190</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>191</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>192</integer>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>193</integer>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
- <integer>119</integer>
- <integer>112</integer>
- <integer>77</integer>
- <integer>116</integer>
- <integer>121</integer>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <integer>6</integer>
- <integer>88</integer>
- <integer>8</integer>
- <integer>120</integer>
- <integer>76</integer>
- <integer>95</integer>
- <integer>68</integer>
- <integer>89</integer>
- <integer>111</integer>
- <integer>5</integer>
- <integer>75</integer>
- <integer>7</integer>
- <integer>96</integer>
- <integer>74</integer>
- <integer>87</integer>
- <integer>90</integer>
- <integer>9</integer>
- <integer>97</integer>
- <integer>62</integer>
- <integer>117</integer>
- <integer>73</integer>
- <integer>91</integer>
- <integer>115</integer>
- <integer>118</integer>
- <integer>114</integer>
- <integer>98</integer>
- <integer>80</integer>
- <integer>92</integer>
- <integer>72</integer>
- <integer>113</integer>
- <integer>109</integer>
- <integer>99</integer>
- <integer>110</integer>
- <integer>69</integer>
- <integer>94</integer>
- <integer>79</integer>
- <integer>71</integer>
- <integer>100</integer>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>24</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>128</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$class</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>128</integer>
- </dict>
- <key>NS.objects</key>
- <array/>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>$classes</key>
- <array>
- <string>NSIBObjectData</string>
- <string>NSObject</string>
- </array>
- <key>$classname</key>
- <string>NSIBObjectData</string>
- </dict>
- </array>
- <key>$top</key>
- <dict>
- <key>IB.objectdata</key>
- <dict>
- <key>CF$UID</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- <key>$version</key>
- <integer>100000</integer>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/Localizable.strings b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/Localizable.strings
deleted file mode 100644
index 13b56d9..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/English.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index b255851..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
- <string>English</string>
- <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
- <string>InstallerPane</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.trolltech.qt.installerPlugin</string>
- <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
- <string>6.0</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>Installer</string>
- <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
- <string>BNDL</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>1.0</string>
- <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
- <string>????</string>
- <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
- <string>1.0</string>
- <key>InstallerSectionTitle</key>
- <string>InstallerPane</string>
- <key>NSMainNibFile</key>
- <string>InstallerPane</string>
- <key>NSPrincipalClass</key>
- <string>InstallerSection</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPane.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPane.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c4de76..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPane.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-// !$*UTF8*$!
- 089C1669FE841209C02AAC07 = {
- activeBuildStyle = 014CEA420018CDE011CA2923;
- activeTarget = 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA;
- codeSenseManager = B4ED4491067AA67F00C170C8;
- perUserDictionary = {
- PBXConfiguration.PBXFileTableDataSource3.PBXFileTableDataSource = {
- PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingDirectionKey = "-1";
- PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingKey = PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID;
- PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnWidthsKey = (
- 20,
- 206,
- 20,
- 206,
- 43,
- 43,
- 20,
- );
- PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnsKey = (
- PBXFileDataSource_FiletypeID,
- PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID,
- PBXFileDataSource_Built_ColumnID,
- PBXFileDataSource_ObjectSize_ColumnID,
- PBXFileDataSource_Errors_ColumnID,
- PBXFileDataSource_Warnings_ColumnID,
- PBXFileDataSource_Target_ColumnID,
- );
- };
- PBXPerProjectTemplateStateSaveDate = 108701307;
- PBXPrepackagedSmartGroups_v2 = (
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- activationKey = OldTargetSmartGroup;
- clz = PBXTargetSmartGroup;
- description = "Displays all targets of the project.";
- globalID = 1C37FABC04509CD000000102;
- name = Targets;
- preferences = {
- image = Targets;
- };
- },
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- clz = PBXTargetSmartGroup2;
- description = "Displays all targets of the project as well as nested build phases.";
- globalID = 1C37FBAC04509CD000000102;
- name = Targets;
- preferences = {
- image = Targets;
- };
- },
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- clz = PBXExecutablesSmartGroup;
- description = "Displays all executables of the project.";
- globalID = 1C37FAAC04509CD000000102;
- name = Executables;
- preferences = {
- image = Executable;
- };
- },
- {
- " PBXTransientLocationAtTop " = bottom;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- clz = PBXErrorsWarningsSmartGroup;
- description = "Displays files with errors or warnings.";
- globalID = 1C08E77C0454961000C914BD;
- name = "Errors and Warnings";
- preferences = {
- fnmatch = "";
- image = WarningsErrors;
- recursive = 1;
- regex = "";
- root = "<PROJECT>";
- };
- },
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- clz = PBXFilenameSmartGroup;
- description = "Filters items in a given group (potentially recursively) based on matching the name with the regular expression of the filter.";
- globalID = 1CC0EA4004350EF90044410B;
- name = "Implementation Files";
- preferences = {
- canSave = 1;
- fnmatch = "";
- image = SmartFolder;
- isLeaf = 0;
- recursive = 1;
- regex = "?*\\.[mcMC]";
- root = "<PROJECT>";
- };
- },
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- clz = PBXFilenameSmartGroup;
- description = "This group displays Interface Builder NIB Files.";
- globalID = 1CC0EA4004350EF90041110B;
- name = "NIB Files";
- preferences = {
- canSave = 1;
- fnmatch = "*.nib";
- image = SmartFolder;
- isLeaf = 0;
- recursive = 1;
- regex = "";
- root = "<PROJECT>";
- };
- },
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = no;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- clz = PBXFindSmartGroup;
- description = "Displays Find Results.";
- globalID = 1C37FABC05509CD000000102;
- name = "Find Results";
- preferences = {
- image = spyglass;
- };
- },
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = no;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- clz = PBXBookmarksSmartGroup;
- description = "Displays Project Bookmarks.";
- globalID = 1C37FABC05539CD112110102;
- name = Bookmarks;
- preferences = {
- image = Bookmarks;
- };
- },
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- clz = XCSCMSmartGroup;
- description = "Displays files with interesting SCM status.";
- globalID = E2644B35053B69B200211256;
- name = SCM;
- preferences = {
- image = PBXRepository;
- isLeaf = 0;
- };
- },
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- clz = PBXSymbolsSmartGroup;
- description = "Displays all symbols for the project.";
- globalID = 1C37FABC04509CD000100104;
- name = "Project Symbols";
- preferences = {
- image = ProjectSymbols;
- isLeaf = 1;
- };
- },
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- clz = PBXFilenameSmartGroup;
- description = "Filters items in a given group (potentially recursively) based on matching the name with the regular expression of the filter.";
- globalID = PBXTemplateMarker;
- name = "Simple Filter SmartGroup";
- preferences = {
- canSave = 1;
- fnmatch = "*.nib";
- image = SmartFolder;
- isLeaf = 0;
- recursive = 1;
- regex = "";
- root = "<PROJECT>";
- };
- },
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom;
- absolutePathToBundle = "";
- clz = PBXFilenameSmartGroup;
- description = "Filters items in a given group (potentially recursively) based on matching the name with the regular expression of the filter.";
- globalID = PBXTemplateMarker;
- name = "Simple Regular Expression SmartGroup";
- preferences = {
- canSave = 1;
- fnmatch = "";
- image = SmartFolder;
- isLeaf = 0;
- recursive = 1;
- regex = "?*\\.[mcMC]";
- root = "<PROJECT>";
- };
- },
- {
- PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom;
- clz = XDDesignSmartGroup;
- description = "Displays Xdesign models";
- globalID = 2E4A936305E6979E00701470;
- name = Design;
- preferences = {
- image = Design;
- isLeaf = 0;
- };
- },
- );
- PBXWorkspaceStateSaveDate = 108701307;
- };
- sourceControlManager = B4ED4490067AA67F00C170C8;
- userBuildSettings = {
- };
- };
- 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA = {
- activeExec = 0;
- };
- B4ED4490067AA67F00C170C8 = {
- fallbackIsa = XCSourceControlManager;
- isa = PBXSourceControlManager;
- scmConfiguration = {
- };
- scmType = "";
- };
- B4ED4491067AA67F00C170C8 = {
- indexTemplatePath = "";
- isa = PBXCodeSenseManager;
- usesDefaults = 1;
- wantsCodeCompletion = 1;
- wantsCodeCompletionAutoPopup = 1;
- wantsCodeCompletionAutoSuggestions = 0;
- wantsCodeCompletionCaseSensitivity = 1;
- wantsCodeCompletionListAlways = 1;
- wantsCodeCompletionOnlyMatchingItems = 1;
- wantsCodeCompletionParametersIncluded = 1;
- wantsCodeCompletionPlaceholdersInserted = 1;
- wantsCodeCompletionTabCompletes = 1;
- wantsIndex = 1;
- };
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPane.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPane.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 4445b5d..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPane.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-// !$*UTF8*$!
- archiveVersion = 1;
- classes = {
- };
- objectVersion = 42;
- objects = {
-/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
- 8D5B49B0048680CD000E48DA /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 089C167DFE841241C02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */; };
- 8D5B49B4048680CD000E48DA /* Cocoa.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1058C7ADFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */; };
- B40F7FFC06739E1B0053A16B /* InstallerPlugins.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B40F7FFB06739E1B0053A16B /* InstallerPlugins.framework */; };
- B40F802906739F480053A16B /* InstallerPane.nib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B40F802706739F480053A16B /* InstallerPane.nib */; };
- B47CF355067B4E030066DBF6 /* Localizable.strings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = B47CF353067B4E030066DBF6 /* Localizable.strings */; };
- CA21468F0897D41100C0167A /* in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = CA21468E0897D41100C0167A /* */; };
- CA72AA6A089640B3001196EE /* in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = CA72AA69089640B3001196EE /* */; };
- CADBCF9F08F55066009B9612 /* in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = CADBCF9E08F55066009B9612 /* */; };
- CADBD0A108F58F9C009B9612 /* keydec.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = CADBD0A008F58F9B009B9612 /* keydec.cpp */; };
-/* End PBXBuildFile section */
-/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
- 089C1672FE841209C02AAC07 /* Foundation.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Foundation.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
- 089C167EFE841241C02AAC07 /* English */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 10; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = English; path = English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- 089C167FFE841241C02AAC07 /* AppKit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = AppKit.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
- 1058C7ADFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Cocoa.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
- 32DBCF630370AF2F00C91783 /* InstallerPane_Prefix.pch */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = InstallerPane_Prefix.pch; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA /* InstallerPane.bundle */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = InstallerPane.bundle; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
- 8D5B49B7048680CD000E48DA /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- B40F7FFB06739E1B0053A16B /* InstallerPlugins.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = InstallerPlugins.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/InstallerPlugins.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
- B40F802806739F480053A16B /* English */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.nib; name = English; path = English.lproj/InstallerPane.nib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- B44C200806739AE500D31AA1 /* InstallerPanePane.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; fileEncoding = 4; path = InstallerPanePane.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- B47CF354067B4E030066DBF6 /* English */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 10; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = English; path = English.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- B4A6B2A60673D523003CD9B2 /* InstallerSections.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = InstallerSections.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- CA21468D0897D41100C0167A /* InstallerSecionSection.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = InstallerSecionSection.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- CA21468E0897D41100C0167A /* */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path =; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- CA2146C00897D69E00C0167A /* helpfulfunc.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = helpfulfunc.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- CA72A9A40896304E001196EE /* keydec.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = keydec.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- CA72AA69089640B3001196EE /* */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path =; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- CADBCF9E08F55066009B9612 /* */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path =; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- CADBD0A008F58F9B009B9612 /* keydec.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = keydec.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
-/* End PBXFileReference section */
-/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */
- 8D5B49B3048680CD000E48DA /* Frameworks */ = {
- isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;
- buildActionMask = 2147483647;
- files = (
- 8D5B49B4048680CD000E48DA /* Cocoa.framework in Frameworks */,
- B40F7FFC06739E1B0053A16B /* InstallerPlugins.framework in Frameworks */,
- );
- runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
- };
-/* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */
-/* Begin PBXGroup section */
- 089C166AFE841209C02AAC07 /* InstallerPlugin */ = {
- isa = PBXGroup;
- children = (
- 08FB77AFFE84173DC02AAC07 /* Classes */,
- 32C88E010371C26100C91783 /* Other Sources */,
- 089C167CFE841241C02AAC07 /* Resources */,
- 089C1671FE841209C02AAC07 /* Frameworks and Libraries */,
- 19C28FB8FE9D52D311CA2CBB /* Products */,
- );
- name = InstallerPlugin;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 089C1671FE841209C02AAC07 /* Frameworks and Libraries */ = {
- isa = PBXGroup;
- children = (
- 1058C7ACFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Linked Frameworks */,
- 1058C7AEFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Other Frameworks */,
- );
- name = "Frameworks and Libraries";
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 089C167CFE841241C02AAC07 /* Resources */ = {
- isa = PBXGroup;
- children = (
- B47CF353067B4E030066DBF6 /* Localizable.strings */,
- B4A6B2A60673D523003CD9B2 /* InstallerSections.plist */,
- 8D5B49B7048680CD000E48DA /* Info.plist */,
- 089C167DFE841241C02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */,
- B40F802706739F480053A16B /* InstallerPane.nib */,
- );
- name = Resources;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 08FB77AFFE84173DC02AAC07 /* Classes */ = {
- isa = PBXGroup;
- children = (
- CADBD0A008F58F9B009B9612 /* keydec.cpp */,
- CADBCF9E08F55066009B9612 /* */,
- CA72A9A40896304E001196EE /* keydec.h */,
- B44C200806739AE500D31AA1 /* InstallerPanePane.h */,
- CA72AA69089640B3001196EE /* */,
- CA21468D0897D41100C0167A /* InstallerSecionSection.h */,
- CA21468E0897D41100C0167A /* */,
- CA2146C00897D69E00C0167A /* helpfulfunc.h */,
- );
- name = Classes;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 1058C7ACFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Linked Frameworks */ = {
- isa = PBXGroup;
- children = (
- 1058C7ADFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */,
- B40F7FFB06739E1B0053A16B /* InstallerPlugins.framework */,
- );
- name = "Linked Frameworks";
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 1058C7AEFEA557BF11CA2CBB /* Other Frameworks */ = {
- isa = PBXGroup;
- children = (
- 089C1672FE841209C02AAC07 /* Foundation.framework */,
- 089C167FFE841241C02AAC07 /* AppKit.framework */,
- );
- name = "Other Frameworks";
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 19C28FB8FE9D52D311CA2CBB /* Products */ = {
- isa = PBXGroup;
- children = (
- 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA /* InstallerPane.bundle */,
- );
- name = Products;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- 32C88E010371C26100C91783 /* Other Sources */ = {
- isa = PBXGroup;
- children = (
- 32DBCF630370AF2F00C91783 /* InstallerPane_Prefix.pch */,
- );
- name = "Other Sources";
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
-/* End PBXGroup section */
-/* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */
- 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA /* InstallerPane */ = {
- isa = PBXNativeTarget;
- buildConfigurationList = CA72A7AF0894D77F001196EE /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "InstallerPane" */;
- buildPhases = (
- 8D5B49AF048680CD000E48DA /* Resources */,
- 8D5B49B1048680CD000E48DA /* Sources */,
- 8D5B49B3048680CD000E48DA /* Frameworks */,
- );
- buildRules = (
- );
- dependencies = (
- );
- name = InstallerPane;
- productInstallPath = "$(HOME)/Library/Bundles";
- productName = InstallerPlugin;
- productReference = 8D5B49B6048680CD000E48DA /* InstallerPane.bundle */;
- productType = "";
- };
-/* End PBXNativeTarget section */
-/* Begin PBXProject section */
- 089C1669FE841209C02AAC07 /* Project object */ = {
- isa = PBXProject;
- buildConfigurationList = CA72A7B30894D77F001196EE /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "InstallerPane" */;
- compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 2.4";
- hasScannedForEncodings = 1;
- mainGroup = 089C166AFE841209C02AAC07 /* InstallerPlugin */;
- projectDirPath = "";
- projectRoot = "";
- targets = (
- 8D5B49AC048680CD000E48DA /* InstallerPane */,
- );
- };
-/* End PBXProject section */
-/* Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */
- 8D5B49AF048680CD000E48DA /* Resources */ = {
- isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;
- buildActionMask = 2147483647;
- files = (
- 8D5B49B0048680CD000E48DA /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */,
- B40F802906739F480053A16B /* InstallerPane.nib in Resources */,
- B47CF355067B4E030066DBF6 /* Localizable.strings in Resources */,
- );
- runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
- };
-/* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */
-/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */
- 8D5B49B1048680CD000E48DA /* Sources */ = {
- isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;
- buildActionMask = 2147483647;
- files = (
- CA72AA6A089640B3001196EE /* in Sources */,
- CA21468F0897D41100C0167A /* in Sources */,
- CADBCF9F08F55066009B9612 /* in Sources */,
- CADBD0A108F58F9C009B9612 /* keydec.cpp in Sources */,
- );
- runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
- };
-/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */
-/* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */
- 089C167DFE841241C02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */ = {
- isa = PBXVariantGroup;
- children = (
- 089C167EFE841241C02AAC07 /* English */,
- );
- name = InfoPlist.strings;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- B40F802706739F480053A16B /* InstallerPane.nib */ = {
- isa = PBXVariantGroup;
- children = (
- B40F802806739F480053A16B /* English */,
- );
- name = InstallerPane.nib;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
- B47CF353067B4E030066DBF6 /* Localizable.strings */ = {
- isa = PBXVariantGroup;
- children = (
- B47CF354067B4E030066DBF6 /* English */,
- );
- name = Localizable.strings;
- sourceTree = "<group>";
- };
-/* End PBXVariantGroup section */
-/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */
- CA1E6BC90897938F0079C491 /* Debug-eval */ = {
- isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
- buildSettings = {
- GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = InstallerPane_Prefix.pch;
- INFOPLIST_FILE = Info.plist;
- INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Library/Bundles";
- PRODUCT_NAME = InstallerPane;
- };
- name = "Debug-eval";
- };
- CA1E6BCA0897938F0079C491 /* Debug-eval */ = {
- isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
- buildSettings = {
- SDKROOT = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk;
- };
- name = "Debug-eval";
- };
- CA72A7B00894D77F001196EE /* Debug-commercial */ = {
- isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
- buildSettings = {
- GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = InstallerPane_Prefix.pch;
- INFOPLIST_FILE = Info.plist;
- INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Library/Bundles";
- PRODUCT_NAME = InstallerPane;
- };
- name = "Debug-commercial";
- };
- CA72A7B10894D77F001196EE /* Release-commercial */ = {
- isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
- buildSettings = {
- ARCHS = (
- ppc,
- i386,
- );
- GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = InstallerPane_Prefix.pch;
- INFOPLIST_FILE = Info.plist;
- INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Library/Bundles";
- PRODUCT_NAME = InstallerPane;
- };
- name = "Release-commercial";
- };
- CA72A7B40894D77F001196EE /* Debug-commercial */ = {
- isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
- buildSettings = {
- SDKROOT = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk;
- };
- name = "Debug-commercial";
- };
- CA72A7B50894D77F001196EE /* Release-commercial */ = {
- isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
- buildSettings = {
- SDKROOT = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk;
- };
- name = "Release-commercial";
- };
- CAEBD75C0896974E0003461D /* Release-eval */ = {
- isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
- buildSettings = {
- ARCHS = (
- ppc,
- i386,
- );
- GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = InstallerPane_Prefix.pch;
- INFOPLIST_FILE = Info.plist;
- INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Library/Bundles";
- PRODUCT_NAME = InstallerPane;
- };
- name = "Release-eval";
- };
- CAEBD75D0896974E0003461D /* Release-eval */ = {
- isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
- buildSettings = {
- SDKROOT = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk;
- };
- name = "Release-eval";
- };
-/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */
-/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */
- CA72A7AF0894D77F001196EE /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "InstallerPane" */ = {
- isa = XCConfigurationList;
- buildConfigurations = (
- CA72A7B00894D77F001196EE /* Debug-commercial */,
- CA1E6BC90897938F0079C491 /* Debug-eval */,
- CA72A7B10894D77F001196EE /* Release-commercial */,
- CAEBD75C0896974E0003461D /* Release-eval */,
- );
- defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
- defaultConfigurationName = "Debug-commercial";
- };
- CA72A7B30894D77F001196EE /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "InstallerPane" */ = {
- isa = XCConfigurationList;
- buildConfigurations = (
- CA72A7B40894D77F001196EE /* Debug-commercial */,
- CA1E6BCA0897938F0079C491 /* Debug-eval */,
- CA72A7B50894D77F001196EE /* Release-commercial */,
- CAEBD75D0896974E0003461D /* Release-eval */,
- );
- defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
- defaultConfigurationName = "Debug-commercial";
- };
-/* End XCConfigurationList section */
- };
- rootObject = 089C1669FE841209C02AAC07 /* Project object */;
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPanePane.h b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPanePane.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ff301..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPanePane.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the utils of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-** Beta Release License Agreement.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-** package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-** met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** contact the sales department at
-/* InstallerPanePane */
-#import <InstallerPlugins/InstallerPane.h>
-#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
-@interface InstallerPanePane : InstallerPane
- int licenseStatus;
- BOOL nameCheckOK;
- NSMutableString *fullLicenseKey;
- IBOutlet NSTextField *LicenseField1;
- IBOutlet NSTextField *LicenseField2;
- IBOutlet NSTextField *LicenseField3;
- IBOutlet NSTextField *LicenseField4;
- IBOutlet NSTextField *LicenseField5;
- IBOutlet NSTextField *LicenseField6;
- IBOutlet NSTextField *LicenseField7;
- IBOutlet NSTextField *nameField;
- IBOutlet NSTextField *errorField;
- NSString *initialLicensee;
- NSString *initialLicenseKey;
-- (void)checkLicense;
-- (void)checkName;
-- (void)tryEnable;
-- (void)manipulateEditorString:(NSTextField *)TextField;
-- (void)fillInForm;
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/
deleted file mode 100644
index 268d594..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-#import "InstallerPanePane.h"
-#import "helpfulfunc.h"
-static BOOL checkForLicenseFile()
- static const int LICENSESIZE = 42;
- int value = -1;
- static NSString *qtLicense = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent: @".qt-license"];
- NSData *fileContents = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsAtPath: qtLicense];
- if (fileContents != nil) {
- const char *charBuffer = (const char *)[fileContents bytes];
- int length = [fileContents length];
- char *location = strnstr(charBuffer, LicenseKeyExtString, length);
- if (location) {
- location += strlen(LicenseKeyExtString);
- char licenseString[LICENSESIZE];
- strncpy(licenseString, location, LICENSESIZE);
- licenseString[LICENSESIZE - 1] = '\0';
- while (location = strstr(licenseString, "\n"))
- *location = '\0';
- value = validateLicense(licenseString);
- }
- }
- return value == LicenseOK;
-@implementation InstallerPanePane
-- (NSString *)title
- return [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] localizedStringForKey:@"PaneTitle"
- value:nil table:nil];
-- (id)init
- self = [super init];
- if (self) {
- licenseStatus = InvalidLicense;
- nameCheckOK = NO;
- fullLicenseKey = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:35];
- [self fillInForm];
- }
- return self;
-- (void)fillInForm
- static NSString *qtLicense = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent: @".qt-license"];
- NSData *fileData = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsAtPath: qtLicense];
- NSString *fileContents = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:fileData
- encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
- if (fileContents == nil)
- return;
- NSArray *array = [fileContents componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"];
- uint totalCount = [array count];
- initialLicensee = nil;
- initialLicenseKey = nil;
- for (uint i = 0; i < totalCount; ++i) {
- if (initialLicensee != nil && initialLicenseKey != nil)
- break;
- NSString *string = [array objectAtIndex:i];
- if (initialLicenseKey == nil) {
- NSRange range = [string rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:LicenseKeyExtString]];
- if (range.location != NSNotFound && range.length != 0) {
- initialLicenseKey = [string substringFromIndex:range.location + range.length];
- [initialLicenseKey retain];
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (initialLicensee == nil) {
- NSRange range = [string rangeOfString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:LicenseeString]];
- if (range.location != NSNotFound && range.length != 0) {
- initialLicensee = [[string substringFromIndex:range.location + range.length]
- stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
- [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"\""]];
- [initialLicensee retain];
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
-- (void)willEnterPane:(InstallerSectionDirection)dir
- NSString *string = [nameField stringValue];
- if ((string == nil || [string length] == 0) && (initialLicensee != nil))
- [nameField setStringValue:initialLicensee];
- string = [LicenseField1 stringValue];
- if ((string == nil || [string length] == 0 && (initialLicenseKey != nil))) {
- NSArray *array = [initialLicenseKey componentsSeparatedByString:@"-"];
- NSArray *licenseFieldArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:LicenseField1, LicenseField2,
- LicenseField3, LicenseField4,
- LicenseField5, LicenseField6, LicenseField7, nil];
- uint count = [array count];
- count = (count > 7) ? 7 : count;
- for (uint i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- [[licenseFieldArray objectAtIndex:i] setStringValue:[array objectAtIndex:i]];
- }
- [self checkLicense];
-- (BOOL)shouldExitPane:(InstallerSectionDirection)dir
- if ((dir == InstallerDirectionForward)) {
- if ((licenseStatus != LicenseOK) && !nameCheckOK)
- return NO;
- // Copy the file first
- NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
- NSString *qtLicense = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent: @".qt-license"];
-#if 0
- if ([fm fileExistsAtPath:qtLicense]) {
- NSMutableString *alternatePlace = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 256];
- [alternatePlace setString : [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent: @".qt-license.bak"]];
- NSNumber *backNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:1];
- int index = [alternatePlace length] - 1;
- while ([fm fileExistsAtPath:alternatePlace]) {
- [alternatePlace insertString:[backNumber stringValue] atIndex:index];
- int foo = [backNumber intValue];
- ++foo;
- backNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:foo];
- }
- [fm copyPath:qtLicense toPath:alternatePlace handler:nil];
- }
- NSMutableString *finalString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:256];
- NSMutableString *nameString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:128];
- [nameString appendString: [nameField stringValue]];
- [nameString replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\"" withString:@"'"
- options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [nameString length])];
- [finalString appendString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String: LicenseeString]];
- [finalString appendString:@"\""];
- [finalString appendString:nameString];
- [finalString appendString:@"\""];
- [finalString appendString:@"\n"];
- [finalString appendString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String: LicenseKeyExtString]];
- [finalString appendString:fullLicenseKey];
- [finalString appendString:@"\n"];
- const char *finalFinalString = [finalString UTF8String];
- NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:finalFinalString length:strlen(finalFinalString)];
- [fm createFileAtPath:qtLicense contents:data attributes:nil];
- }
- return YES;
-- (void)didEnterPane:(InstallerSectionDirection)dir
- [self checkName];
- [self checkLicense];
- [nameField selectText:self];
-- (void)manipulateEditorString:(NSTextField *) textField
- NSString *string = [[textField currentEditor] string];
- NSRange range = [string rangeOfString:@"-"];
- if (range.location == NSNotFound) {
- return;
- } else {
- NSString *theBeginning = [string substringToIndex:range.location];
- NSString *theRest = [string substringFromIndex:range.location + 1];
- NSText *ed = [textField currentEditor];
- [ed setString:theBeginning];
- NSView *nextView = [textField nextValidKeyView];
- if (nextView != nil && [nextView class] == [textField class]) {
- NSTextField *nextTextField = (NSTextField *)nextView;
- [[nextTextField window] makeFirstResponder: nextTextField];
- ed = [nextTextField currentEditor];
- [ed setString:theRest];
- // Bubble this along to catch extra dashes
- [self manipulateEditorString:nextTextField];
- }
- }
-- (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification
- NSTextField *itemThatChanged = [aNotification object];
- if (itemThatChanged == nameField) {
- [self checkName];
- } else if (itemThatChanged != nil) {
- [self manipulateEditorString: itemThatChanged];
- [self checkLicense];
- }
-- (void)checkLicense
- int i;
- [fullLicenseKey setString:@""];
- NSTextField *theLicenseFields[] = { LicenseField1, LicenseField2, LicenseField3, LicenseField4,
- LicenseField5, LicenseField6, LicenseField7 };
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(theLicenseFields) / sizeof(NSTextField*); ++i) {
- NSString *part = [[theLicenseFields[i] stringValue]
- stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet
- whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
- if ([part length] <= 0) {
- licenseStatus = InvalidLicense;
- [self tryEnable];
- return;
- }
- if (i != 0)
- [fullLicenseKey appendString:@"-"];
- [fullLicenseKey appendString:[part uppercaseString]];
- }
- licenseStatus = validateLicense([fullLicenseKey UTF8String]);
- [self tryEnable];
-- (void)checkName
- NSString *name = [nameField stringValue];
- nameCheckOK = [name length] > 0;
- [self tryEnable];
-- (void)tryEnable
- [self setNextEnabled:(licenseStatus == LicenseOK) && nameCheckOK];
- switch (licenseStatus) {
- case LicenseOK:
- case InvalidLicense:
- [errorField setStringValue:@""];
- break;
- case InvalidType:
- [errorField setStringValue:@"This license cannot be used with this version of Qt"];
- break;
- case InvalidPlatform:
- [errorField setStringValue:@"This license cannot be used for this Qt Platform"];
- break;
- case LicenseExpired:
- [errorField setStringValue:@"This license has expired for this product,\n contact for an upgrade"];
- break;
- }
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPane_Prefix.pch b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPane_Prefix.pch
deleted file mode 100644
index c0a0b78..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerPane_Prefix.pch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// Prefix header for all source files of the 'InstallerPlugin' target in the 'InstallerPlugin' project.
-#ifdef __OBJC__
- #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
- #import <InstallerPlugins/InstallerPlugins.h>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerSecionSection.h b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerSecionSection.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b3abbe..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerSecionSection.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the utils of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-** Beta Release License Agreement.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-** package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-** met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** contact the sales department at
-// InstallerSecionSection.h
-// InstallerPane
-// Created by Trenton Schulz on 7/27/05.
-// Copyright 2005 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
-#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
-#include <InstallerPlugins/InstallerSection.h>
-@interface InstallerSecionSection : InstallerSection {
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d04a5e..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// InstallerPane
-// Created by Trenton Schulz on 7/27/05.
-// Copyright 2005 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
-#import "InstallerSecionSection.h"
-#import "helpfulfunc.h"
-#import <stdio.h>
-#import <string.h>
-static BOOL checkForLicenseFile()
- static const int LICENSESIZE = 42;
- int value = -1;
- static NSString *qtLicense = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent: @".qt-license"];
- NSData *fileContents = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsAtPath: qtLicense];
- if (fileContents != nil) {
- const char *charBuffer = (const char *)[fileContents bytes];
- int length = [fileContents length];
- char *location = strnstr(charBuffer, LicenseKeyExtString, length);
- if (location) {
- location += strlen(LicenseKeyExtString);
- char licenseString[LICENSESIZE];
- strncpy(licenseString, location, LICENSESIZE);
- licenseString[LICENSESIZE - 1] = '\0';
- while (location = strstr(licenseString, "\n"))
- *location = '\0';
- value = validateLicense(licenseString);
- }
- }
- return value == LicenseOK;
-@implementation InstallerSecionSection
-- (BOOL)shouldLoad
- return !checkForLicenseFile();
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerSections.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerSections.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a82f56..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/InstallerSections.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>SectionOrder</key>
- <array>
- <string>Introduction</string>
- <string>ReadMe</string>
- <string>License</string>
- <string>InstallerPane.bundle</string>
- <string>Target</string>
- <string>PackageSelection</string>
- <string>Install</string>
- </array>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/helpfulfunc.h b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/helpfulfunc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b774f60..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/helpfulfunc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the utils of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-** Beta Release License Agreement.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-** package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-** met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** contact the sales department at
- * helpfulfunc.h
- * InstallerPane
- *
- * Created by Trenton Schulz on 7/27/05.
- * Copyright 2005 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
- *
- */
-#import <stdio.h>
-extern const char LicenseeString[];
-extern const char LicenseKeyExtString[];
-enum LicenseValues { LicenseOK = 0, InvalidLicense, InvalidProduct, InvalidPlatform, InvalidType, LicenseExpired };
-int validateLicense(const char *string);
-#endif // HELPFULFUNC_H \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b877a..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- * helpfulfunc.c
- * InstallerPane
- *
- * Created by Trenton Schulz on 7/27/05.
- * Copyright 2005 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "helpfulfunc.h"
-#include "keydec.h"
-#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
-const char LicenseKeyExtString[] = "LicenseKeyExt=";
-const char LicenseeString[] = "Licensee=";
-int validateLicense(const char *string)
- KeyDecoder key(string);
- int ret = InvalidLicense;
- int validSchema =
-#ifdef QT_EVAL
- (KeyDecoder::SupportedEvaluation
- | KeyDecoder::UnsupportedEvaluation | KeyDecoder::FullSourceEvaluation);
- (KeyDecoder::FullSourceEvaluation | KeyDecoder::Academic
- | KeyDecoder::Educational | KeyDecoder::FullCommercial);
- if (key.IsValid()) {
- if (!(key.getProducts() & (KeyDecoder::QtUniversal | KeyDecoder::QtDesktop
- | KeyDecoder::QtDesktopLight | KeyDecoder::QtConsole))) {
- ret = InvalidProduct;
- } else {
- if (!(key.getPlatforms()
- & (KeyDecoder::Mac | KeyDecoder::Embedded | KeyDecoder::WinCE))) {
- ret = InvalidPlatform;
- } else {
- if (!(key.getLicenseSchema() & validSchema)) {
- ret = InvalidType;
- } else {
- ret = LicenseOK;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (ret == LicenseOK) {
- // We need to check ourselves against the build date
- // First read in the build date and then use it to compare with the
- // Expiry Date if it's commercial or the current date if it's an eval.
- CDate date = key.getExpiryDate();
- NSCalendarDate *expiryDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:date.year()
- month:date.month()
- hour:23 minute:59 second:59
- timeZone:[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone]];
- NSCalendarDate *compareDay = 0;
-#ifdef QT_EVAL
- compareDay = [NSCalendarDate calendarDate];
- // There's a lot of bundles here, so we have to make sure we get the correct one
- NSBundle *bundle = nil;
- NSArray *bundles = [NSBundle allBundles];
- for (uint i = 0; i < [bundles count]; ++i) {
- NSBundle *bun = [bundles objectAtIndex: i];
- NSRange location = [[bun bundleIdentifier] rangeOfString:@"com.trolltech.qt4."];
- if (location.length == 0)
- location = [[bun bundleIdentifier] rangeOfString:@"Trolltech Qt Packages"];
- if (location.length != 0) {
- bundle = bun;
- break;
- }
- }
- NSString *contents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[bundle pathForResource:@".package_date" ofType:nil]
- encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:0];
- compareDay = [NSCalendarDate dateWithString: contents calendarFormat:@"%Y-%m-%d"];
- if ([expiryDate laterDate: compareDay] != expiryDate)
- ret = LicenseExpired;
- }
- return ret;
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/keydec.cpp b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/keydec.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e672187..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/keydec.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the utils of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-** Beta Release License Agreement.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-** package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-** met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** contact the sales department at
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "keydec.h"
-#define MAX_STRSIZE 256
-#define NUMBER_OF_PARTS 7
-const ushort KeyDecoder::crc_tbl[] = {
- 0x0000, 0x1081, 0x2102, 0x3183,
- 0x4204, 0x5285, 0x6306, 0x7387,
- 0x8408, 0x9489, 0xa50a, 0xb58b,
- 0xc60c, 0xd68d, 0xe70e, 0xf78f
-const char KeyDecoder::Xalphabet[] = "WX9MUEC7AJH3KS6DB4YFG2L5PQRT8VNZ";
-const int KeyDecoder::XAlphabetSize = sizeof(Xalphabet) - 1;
-const CDate KeyDecoder::StartDate = CDate(2001, 1, 1);
-const uint KeyDecoder::MaxDays = 4000;
-const char *KeyDecoder::Products[] = {
- "Qt Universal",
- "Qt Desktop",
- "Qt Desktop Light",
- "Qt Console",
- "Qt Designer Only",
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- "Qtopia PDA",
- "Qtopia Phone",
- "Qtopia Reference Board",
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- "Teambuilder",
- "Solutions",
- "QSA",
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
-const char *KeyDecoder::Platforms[] = {
- "X11",
- "Embedded",
- "Windows",
- "Mac",
- "Windows CE"
-const char *KeyDecoder::LicenseSchemas[] = {
- "Supported Evaluation",
- "Unsupported Evaluation",
- "Full Source Evaluation",
- "Full Commercial",
- "Academic",
- "Educational"
-const char *KeyDecoder::LicenseFeatures[] = {
- "US Customer",
- "Floating License",
- 0,
- 0
-const int KeyDecoder::NumberOfProducts = sizeof(Products) / sizeof(char *);
-const int KeyDecoder::NumberOfPlatforms = sizeof(Platforms) / sizeof(char *);
-const int KeyDecoder::NumberOfLicenseSchemas = sizeof(LicenseSchemas) / sizeof(char *);
-const int KeyDecoder::NumberOfLicenseFeatures = sizeof(LicenseFeatures) / sizeof(char *);
-CDate::CDate() : m_jd(0)
-CDate::CDate(int y, int m, int d)
- m_jd = gregorianToJulian(y, m, d);
-CDate::CDate(CDate *d)
- m_jd = d->m_jd;
-CDate::CDate(uint julianDays)
- m_jd = julianDays;
-int CDate::year() const
- int y, m, d;
- julianToGregorian(m_jd, y, m, d);
- return y;
-int CDate::month() const
- int y, m, d;
- julianToGregorian(m_jd, y, m, d);
- return m;
-int CDate::day() const
- int y, m, d;
- julianToGregorian(m_jd, y, m, d);
- return d;
-uint CDate::gregorianToJulian(int y, int m, int d) const
- uint c, ya;
- if (y <= 99)
- y += 1900;
- if (m > 2) {
- m -= 3;
- } else {
- m += 9;
- y--;
- }
- c = y; // NOTE: Sym C++ 6.0 bug
- c /= 100;
- ya = y - 100*c;
- return 1721119 + d + (146097*c)/4 + (1461*ya)/4 + (153*m+2)/5;
-void CDate::julianToGregorian(uint jd, int &y, int &m, int &d) const
- uint x;
- uint j = jd - 1721119;
- y = (j*4 - 1)/146097;
- j = j*4 - 146097*y - 1;
- x = j/4;
- j = (x*4 + 3) / 1461;
- y = 100*y + j;
- x = (x*4) + 3 - 1461*j;
- x = (x + 4)/4;
- m = (5*x - 3)/153;
- x = 5*x - 3 - 153*m;
- d = (x + 5)/5;
- if (m < 10) {
- m += 3;
- } else {
- m -= 9;
- y++;
- }
-void KeyDecoder::encodeBaseX(uint k, char *str)
- memset(str, 0, MAX_STRSIZE);
- do {
- str[strlen(str)] = Xalphabet[ k % XAlphabetSize ];
- k /= XAlphabetSize;
- } while (k > 0u);
-uint KeyDecoder::decodeBaseX(const char *str)
- uint k = 0;
- int i = (int)strlen(str);
- while (i > 0) {
- i--;
- const char *p = strchr(Xalphabet, str[i]);
- if (p == 0) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- k = (k * XAlphabetSize) + (p - Xalphabet);
- }
- }
- return k;
-void KeyDecoder::encodedExpiryDate(const CDate &date, char *str)
- encodeBaseX(date.julianDate() ^ ExpiryDateMagic, str);
-CDate KeyDecoder::decodedExpiryDate(const char *encodedDate)
- uint y = decodeBaseX(encodedDate);
- uint x = y ^ ExpiryDateMagic;
- CDate date(x);
- char str[MAX_STRSIZE];
- encodedExpiryDate(date, str);
- if (strcmp(encodedDate, str) != 0)
- return CDate();
- return date;
-ushort KeyDecoder::qChecksum(const char *data, uint len)
- ushort crc = 0xffff;
- uchar c;
- const uchar *p = reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(data);
- while (len--) {
- c = *p++;
- crc = ((crc >> 4) & 0x0fff) ^ crc_tbl[((crc ^ c) & 15)];
- c >>= 4;
- crc = ((crc >> 4) & 0x0fff) ^ crc_tbl[((crc ^ c) & 15)];
- }
- return ~crc & 0xffff;
-KeyDecoder::KeyDecoder(const char *clicenseKey)
- : products(0), platforms(0), licenseSchema(0), licenseFeatures(0), licenseID(0), m_valid(false)
- static const int MAXCHARS = 7;
- static const char * const SEP = "-";
-#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
- char *buffer = strdup(clicenseKey);
- char *buffer = (char*) malloc(strlen(clicenseKey) + 1);
- strcpy(buffer, clicenseKey);
- char *licenseParts[NUMBER_OF_PARTS];
- int partNumber = 0;
- for (char *part = strtok(buffer, SEP); part != 0; part = strtok(0, SEP))
- licenseParts[partNumber++] = part;
- if (partNumber < (NUMBER_OF_PARTS-1)) {
- free(buffer);
- return; //invalid key
- }
- int crcPeices = NUMBER_OF_PARTS - 1;
- char *crcCheckKey = (char*)calloc(crcPeices * MAXCHARS + crcPeices, sizeof(char));
- for (int i = 0; i < crcPeices; ++i) {
- if (i != 0)
- strncat(crcCheckKey, SEP, 1);
- strncat(crcCheckKey, licenseParts[i], MAXCHARS);
- }
- int crc = qChecksum(crcCheckKey, (uint)strlen(crcCheckKey));
- char checksumVerification[5];
-#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__NT__) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__)
- _snprintf(checksumVerification, 5, "%.2X%.2X", (crc & 0xff), (crc >> 8 & 0xff));
- snprintf(checksumVerification, 5, "%.2X%.2X", (crc & 0xff), (crc >> 8 & 0xff));
- if (strncmp(checksumVerification, licenseParts[6], 5) != 0) {
- free(buffer);
- free(crcCheckKey);
- return; //invalid checksum
- }
- products = decodeBaseX(licenseParts[0]) ^ ProductMagic;
- platforms = decodeBaseX(licenseParts[1]) ^ PlatformMagic;
- licenseSchema = decodeBaseX(licenseParts[2]) ^ LicenseSchemaMagic;
- licenseFeatures = decodeBaseX(licenseParts[3]) ^ FeatureMagic;
- licenseID = decodeBaseX(licenseParts[4]) ^ LicenseIDMagic;
- expiryDate = decodedExpiryDate(licenseParts[5]);
- m_valid = true;
- free(buffer);
- free(crcCheckKey);
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/keydec.h b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/keydec.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ef1db96..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/keydec.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the utils of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-** Beta Release License Agreement.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-** package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-** met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** contact the sales department at
-#ifndef KEYDEC_H
-#define KEYDEC_H
-typedef unsigned int uint;
-typedef unsigned short ushort;
-typedef unsigned char uchar;
-class CDate
- CDate();
- CDate(int y, int m, int d);
- CDate(CDate *d);
- CDate(uint julianDays);
- int year() const;
- int month() const;
- int day() const;
- uint julianDate() const { return m_jd; }
- uint gregorianToJulian(int y, int m, int d) const;
- void julianToGregorian(uint jd, int &y, int &m, int &d) const;
- uint m_jd;
-class KeyDecoder
- static const ushort crc_tbl[16];
- static const CDate StartDate;
- static const uint MaxDays;
- void encodeBaseX(uint k, char *str);
- uint decodeBaseX(const char *str);
- void encodedExpiryDate(const CDate &date, char *str);
- CDate decodedExpiryDate(const char *encodedDate);
- ushort qChecksum(const char *data, uint len);
- uint products;
- uint platforms;
- uint licenseSchema;
- uint licenseFeatures;
- uint licenseID;
- CDate expiryDate;
- bool m_valid;
- // Magic values
- enum {
- ProductMagic = 0xB292,
- PlatformMagic = 0x5C7E,
- LicenseSchemaMagic = 0xE3B,
- LicenseIDMagic = 0xCE57,
- FeatureMagic = 0x4D5,
- ExpiryDateMagic = 0x5B7EC4
- };
- static const char Xalphabet[];
- static const int XAlphabetSize;
- // Products
- enum {
- // the first 10 bits are reserved for Qt editions
- QtUniversal = 0x00000001,
- QtDesktop = 0x00000002,
- QtDesktopLight = 0x00000004,
- QtConsole = 0x00000008,
- QtDesignerOnly = 0x00000010,
- QtReserved1 = 0x00000020,
- QtReserved2 = 0x00000040,
- QtReserved3 = 0x00000080,
- QtReserved4 = 0x00000100,
- QtReserved5 = 0x00000200,
- // the next 10 bits are reserved for Qtopia editions
- QtopiaPDA = 0x00000400,
- QtopiaPhone = 0x00000800,
- QtopiaRefboard = 0x00001000,
- QtopiaReserved1 = 0x00002000,
- QtopiaReserved2 = 0x00004000,
- QtopiaReserved3 = 0x00008000,
- QtopiaReserved4 = 0x00010000,
- QtopiaReserved5 = 0x00020000,
- QtopiaReserved6 = 0x00040000,
- QtopiaReserved7 = 0x00080000,
- // other products get the upper 12 bits
- Teambuilder = 0x00100000,
- Solutions = 0x00200000,
- QSA = 0x00400000,
- OtherReserved1 = 0x00800000,
- OtherReserved2 = 0x01000000,
- OtherReserved3 = 0x02000000,
- OtherReserved4 = 0x04000000,
- OtherReserved5 = 0x08000000,
- OtherReserved6 = 0x10000000,
- OtherReserved7 = 0x20000000,
- OtherReserved8 = 0x40000000,
- OtherReserved9 = 0x80000000
- };
- static const char *Products[];
- // Platforms
- enum {
- X11 = 0x0001,
- Embedded = 0x0002,
- Windows = 0x0004,
- Mac = 0x0008,
- WinCE = 0x0010,
- // Symbian = 0x0020,
- // Everything
- AllOS = X11 | Embedded | Windows | Mac | WinCE // | Symbian
- };
- static const char *Platforms[];
- // License Schema
- enum {
- SupportedEvaluation = 0x0001,
- UnsupportedEvaluation = 0x0002,
- FullSourceEvaluation = 0x0004,
- AnyEvaluation = SupportedEvaluation | UnsupportedEvaluation | FullSourceEvaluation,
- FullCommercial = 0x0008,
- Academic = 0x0010,
- Educational = 0x0020
- };
- static const char *LicenseSchemas[];
- // License Feature
- enum {
- USCustomer = 0x0001,
- FloatingLicense = 0x0002
- };
- static const char *LicenseFeatures[];
- static const int NumberOfProducts;
- static const int NumberOfPlatforms;
- static const int NumberOfLicenseSchemas;
- static const int NumberOfLicenseFeatures;
- KeyDecoder(const char *licenseKey);
- uint getProducts() {return products;}
- uint getPlatforms() {return platforms;}
- uint getLicenseSchema() {return licenseSchema;}
- uint getLicenseFeatures() {return licenseFeatures;}
- uint getLicenseID() {return licenseID;}
- CDate getExpiryDate() {return expiryDate;}
- bool IsValid() { return m_valid; }
-#endif //KEYDEC_H
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/version.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/version.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index bab2922..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/InstallerPane/version.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>BuildVersion</key>
- <string>43</string>
- <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
- <string>1.0</string>
- <key>ProjectName</key>
- <string>DevToolsWizardTemplates</string>
- <key>SourceVersion</key>
- <string>3670000</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/Info.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index a348db5..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$.$VERSION_PATCH$</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt Packages</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>Qt by Trolltech</string>
- <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
- <string>Qt$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
- <key>IFMajorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MAJOR$</integer>
- <key>IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction</key>
- <string>AdminAuthorization</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagFollowLinks</key>
- <true/>
- <key>IFMinorVersion</key>
- <integer>$VERSION_MINOR$</integer>
- <key>IFPkgFlagComponentDirectory</key>
- <string>../packages</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagPackageList</key>
- <array>
- <!-- PACKAGE_DICT -->
- </array>
- <key>IFPkgFormatVersion</key>
- <real>0.10000000149011612</real>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/PkgInfo b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/PkgInfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd3119..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/PkgInfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-pmkrpkg1 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/Resources/Description.plist b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/Resources/Description.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index efcf4ce..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/Resources/Description.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key>
- <string>Qt by Trolltech</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key>
- <string>Qt</string>
- <key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key>
- <string>Trolltech Qt$VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$</string>
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/Resources/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/Resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index d294490..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/MetaPackage/Resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Title Qt
-Description Qt by Trolltech
-DefaultLocation (null)
-### Package Flags
-NeedsAuthorization NO
-Required NO
-Relocatable NO
-RequiresReboot NO
-UseUserMask YES
-OverwritePermissions NO
-InstallFat NO
-RootVolumeOnly NO
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Resources/InstallationCheck b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Resources/InstallationCheck
deleted file mode 100755
index d0df5cd..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Resources/InstallationCheck
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# We need to do things differently on different platforms
-# <10.3.9 Can't install
-# =10.3.9 Can install, but must check license manually
-# >=10.4 Just jump out
-os_version=`sysctl kern.osrelease | awk '{ print $3 }'`
-os_major=`echo $os_version | cut -d . -f 1`
-os_minor=`echo $os_version | cut -d . -f 2`
-if [ $os_major -lt 7 -o $os_major -eq 7 -a $os_minor -lt 9 ]; then
- exit $((96+19))
-elif [ $os_major -eq 7 -a $os_minor -eq 9 ]; then
- [ -f $HOME/.qt-license ] || exit $((96+16));
- . $HOME/.qt-license >/dev/null 2>&1
- [ -z "$LicenseKeyExt" -o -z "$Licensee" ] && exit $((96+17))
- grep "Evaluation" "$1/Contents/Resources/Welcome.rtf" 2>&1 >/dev/null && LicenseType="Evaluation" || LicenseType="Commercial"
- # License key format is incorrect.
- echo $LicenseKeyExt | grep ".....*-....*-....*-....*-.....*-.....*-...." 2>&1 >/dev/null || exit $((96+17))
- #Test the key is correct.
- productTest=`echo $LicenseKeyExt | cut -f 1 -d - | cut -b 1`
- platformTest=`echo $LicenseKeyExt | cut -f 2 -d - | cut -b 1`
- licenseFeatureTest=`echo $LicenseKeyExt | cut -f 4 -d - | cut -b 1`
- licenseTypeTest=`echo $LicenseKeyExt | cut -f 3 -d - | cut -b 1`
- case $productTest in
- F)
- # Universal
- ProductType="Universal"
- ;;
- B)
- # Desktop
- ProductType="Desktop"
- ;;
- L)
- # Desktop Lite
- ProductType="Desktop Light"
- ;;
- R)
- # Console
- ProductType="Console"
- ;;
- *)
- exit $((96+18)) ;;
- esac
- #check the palatform.
- case $platformTest in
- 4|L|5|G|Y|2|F|B)
- # Qt/Mac
- ;;
- *)
- exit $((96+18)) ;;
- esac
- case $licenseTypeTest in
- F|T|3)
- licenseTest=Commercial
- ;;
- Z|R|Q)
- licenseTest=Evaluation
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- [ "$licenseTest" != "$LicenseType" ] && exit $((96+18))
- expiryDate=`"$1/Contents/Resources/keydecoder" $LicenseKeyExt | sed -e s,-,,g`
- if [ -z "$expiryDate" ]; then
- exit $((96+18))
- fi
- packageDate=`cat "$1/Contents/Resources/.package_date" | sed -e s,-,,g`
- today=`date +%Y%m%d`
- case $licenseTest in
- Commercial)
- if [ $packageDate -gt $expiryDate ]; then
- exit $((96+20))
- fi
- ;;
- Evaluation)
- if [ $today -gt $expiryDate ]; then
- exit $((96+21))
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Resources/InstallationCheck.strings b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Resources/InstallationCheck.strings
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ddbcd2..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Resources/InstallationCheck.strings
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Resources/background.jpg b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Resources/background.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b0840f..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Resources/background.jpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Welcome-commercial.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Welcome-commercial.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index c217aa6..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Welcome-commercial.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;}
-{\*\listtable{\list\listtemplateid1\listhybrid{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc2\leveljcn2\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace360\levelindent0{\*\levelmarker \{disc\}}{\leveltext\leveltemplateid0\'02\'05.;}{\levelnumbers\'01;}}{\listname ;}\listid1}}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Welcome to the Qt installer! This will guide you through the steps to getting \ul Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$\ulnone Commercial Edition installed on your machine! \
-After a successful install, you can find most new things in /Developer. Specifically things will be located in the following places:\
-\ls1\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Qt Designer, Qt Linguist: /Developer/Applications/Qt\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Documentation: /Developer/Documentation/Qt\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Examples: /Developer/Examples/Qt\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Plugins: /Developer/Applications/Plugins\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Frameworks: /Library/Frameworks\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Libraries: /usr/lib\
-{\listtext \'a5 }qmake, moc, uic, etc.: /Developer/Tools (symlink to /usr/bin)\
-\cf0 \
-Please contact
-\f0\b0 for any issues you have with this release of Qt/Mac.} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Welcome-eval.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Welcome-eval.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index e720beb..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Welcome-eval.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;}
-{\*\listtable{\list\listtemplateid1\listhybrid{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc2\leveljcn2\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace360\levelindent0{\*\levelmarker \{disc\}}{\leveltext\leveltemplateid0\'02\'05.;}{\levelnumbers\'01;}}{\listname ;}\listid1}}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Welcome to the Qt installer! This will guide you through the steps to getting \ul Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$\ulnone Evaluation Edition installed on your machine! \
-After a successful install, you can find most new things in /Developer. Specifically things will be located in the following places:\
-\ls1\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Qt Designer, Qt Linguist: /Developer/Applications/Qt\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Documentation: /Developer/Documentation/Qt\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Examples: /Developer/Examples/Qt\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Plugins: /Developer/Applications/Plugins\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Frameworks: /Library/Frameworks\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Libraries: /usr/lib\
-{\listtext \'a5 }qmake, moc, uic, etc.: /Developer/Tools (symlink to /usr/bin)\
-\cf0 \
-Please use the bug report form located at\
-\f1\b \cf0
-\f0\b0 \
-if you have any issues.} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Welcome-opensource.rtf b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Welcome-opensource.rtf
deleted file mode 100644
index 27b0617..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/Welcome-opensource.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;}
-{\*\listtable{\list\listtemplateid1\listhybrid{\listlevel\levelnfc23\levelnfcn23\leveljc2\leveljcn2\levelfollow0\levelstartat1\levelspace360\levelindent0{\*\levelmarker \{disc\}}{\leveltext\leveltemplateid0\'02\'05.;}{\levelnumbers\'01;}}{\listname ;}\listid1}}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 Welcome to the Qt installer! This will guide you through the steps to getting \ul Qt $VERSION_MAJOR$.$VERSION_MINOR$\ulnone Opensource Edition installed on your machine! \
-After a successful install, you can find most new things in /Developer. Specifically things will be located in the following places:\
-\ls1\ilvl0\cf0 {\listtext \'a5 }Qt Designer, Qt Linguist: /Developer/Applications/Qt\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Documentation: /Developer/Documentation/Qt\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Examples: /Developer/Examples/Qt\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Plugins: /Developer/Applications/Plugins\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Frameworks: /Library/Frameworks\
-{\listtext \'a5 }Qt Libraries: /usr/lib\
-{\listtext \'a5 }qmake, moc, uic, etc.: /Developer/Tools (symlink to /usr/bin)\
-\cf0 \
-Please use the bug report form located at\
-\f1\b \cf0
-\f0\b0 \
-if you have any issues.} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Commercial.png b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Commercial.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 8174ff4..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Commercial.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Eval.png b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Eval.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0abcd3d..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Eval.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Opensource.png b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Opensource.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a60a81..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Opensource.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DriveIcon.icns b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DriveIcon.icns
deleted file mode 100644
index 72fbe63..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DriveIcon.icns
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/keydecoder/main.cpp b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/keydecoder/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aa37f9..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/keydecoder/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-** Contact: Qt Software Information (
-** This file is part of the utils of the Qt Toolkit.
-** No Commercial Usage
-** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-** Beta Release License Agreement.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-** will be met:
-** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-** package.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-** met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** contact the sales department at
-#include <cstdio>
-#include "../InstallerPane/keydec.h"
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (argc != 2)
- return 1;
- KeyDecoder key(argv[1]);
- if (!key.IsValid())
- return 2;
- CDate date = key.getExpiryDate();
- fprintf(stdout, "%04d-%02d-%02d\n", date.year(), date.month(),;
- return 0;
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/make-model-ds_store.applescript b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/make-model-ds_store.applescript
deleted file mode 100644
index 757a3fd..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/make-model-ds_store.applescript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-(* This script works by using FileStorm to create a disk image that you can then use as a model .DS_Store file in
- the disk image. Here's what you need to do:
- Run this script, adjusting the path to the items and versions as necessary. If all items don't exist,
- then it won't finish correctly.
- Afterwords, mount the final disk image and make sure that it looks OK, sometimes FileStorm
- messes this up.
- If it's OK, copy /Volumes/Qt-x.y.z/.DS_Store to safe location (call it model-DS_Store.x.y.z)
- Edit this file and replace all occurences of backgroundXXXXXXXXXXXX (21 chars) with
- findersbackground.png.
- Save the file and you should be ready to go.
- I believe this is as automated as I can get it.
- FileStorm 1.9.1 has some new issues:
- * The file is invisible as well, you can use '/Developer/Tools/SetFile -a v' to make
- it visible if you need to use a GUI app to edit it.
-tell application "FileStorm"
- activate
- make new document at before first document with properties {name:"diskimage"}
- tell first document
- set disk image name to "/Users/twschulz/Desktop/qt-mac-commercial-4.4.5.dmg"
- set {volume name} to {"Qt 4.4.5"}
- set icon path to "/Users/twschulz/troll/qt/4.4/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DriveIcon.icns"
- set background image path to "/Users/twschulz/troll/qt/4.4/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/backgrounds/DiskImage-Commercial.png"
- set height to 660
- make new file at before first file with properties {file path:"/Users/twschulz/Desktop/foo/Qt.mpkg", left position:85, top position:117}
- make new file at before first file with properties {file path:"//Users/twschulz/Desktop/foo/ReadMe.txt", left position:85, top position:297}
- make new file at before first file with properties {file path:"/Users/twschulz/Desktop/foo/packages", left position:150, top position:640}
- tell application "FileStorm" to set bounds of window "diskimage" to {100, 100, 640, 660}
- finalize image with rebuilding
- end tell
-end tell
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/mkcommercialpackage b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/mkcommercialpackage
deleted file mode 100755
index ca8747f..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/mkcommercialpackage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# This is a simple press-one-button-to-build-a-binary-package script.
-# You specify your version number, and it will download the source package
-# from the web and build a binary from it.
-# Usage: mkcommersialpackage [version]
-# Where version is for example 4.1.0
-echo Running ${DOWNLOAD_COMMAND}
-MKPACKAGE_LOCATION=${PWD}/`dirname $0`/mkpackage
-$MKPACKAGE_COMMAND \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/mkpackage b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/mkpackage
deleted file mode 100755
index 21a2eaa..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/mkpackage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,842 +0,0 @@
-cd `dirname $0` #now we live in the mkpackage location
-PACKAGE_DIR=`(cd ../install && pwd)`
-COMMAND_PAX="/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Installation.framework/Resources/pax" #yes that pax, don't ask!
-LICENSE= # This is now the Desktop License (or Open Source)
-LICENSE_US= # Also abused for GPL3
-# Build Date
-#QTDIR stuff
-CONFIGURE_ARGS="-qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -plugin-sql-sqlite -plugin-sql-odbc -plugin-sql-psql -framework -confirm-license -no-rpath -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -universal -sdk /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -optimized-qmake"
- sed -e "s,\\\$VERSION_MAJOR\\\$,$QT_MAJOR_VERSION,g" -e "s,\\\$VERSION_MINOR\\\$,$QT_MINOR_VERSION,g" \
- -e "s,\\\$VERSION_PATCH\\\$,$QT_PATCH_VERSION,g" "$1" >tmp.out
- mv -f tmp.out "$2"
- rm -f "$2"
- cat >>"$2" <<EOF
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Oblique;\f2\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;
- sed -e 's,\(^[A-Z][A-Z :-]*$\),\\f2\\b \1 \\f0\\b0,g' \
- -e 's,^\(Qt COMMERCIAL\) \(LICENSE AGREEMENT\)$,\\f0\\fs24 \\cf0 \\ul \\ulc0 \1 \\ulnone \2 \\f0\\i0,g' \
- -e 's,^\([0-9]*\)\. ,\\f2\\b \1 \\f0\\b0. ,g' \
- -e 's,\(^Agreement version [0-9].[0-9]$\),\\f1\\i \1 \\f0\\i0,g' \
- -e 's,^\(.*\)$,\1\\,g' \
- "$1" >>"$2"
- echo "}" >>"$2"
-while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- CACHE_1="$1"
- ARG=
- case $1 in
- -*=*) #gnu style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\1,'`
- ARG=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\)=\(.*\),\2,'`
- ;;
- -output|-packages|-qtbins|-qtsrcs|-qtdir|-qtpackage|-version|-license|-licensetype|-license_us|-license_allos_us|-license_allos|license_embedded_us|license_embedded|-readme|-evalpatches) #second arg style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\),\1,'`
- shift
- ARG=$1
- ;;
- -no-*) #no style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-no-\([^=]*\),\1,'`
- ARG=no
- ;;
- -*) #yes style
- OPTION=`echo $1 | sed 's,-\([^=]*\),\1,'`
- ARG=yes
- ;;
- *) #other
- OPTION=package
- ARG="$1"
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- case "$OPTION" in
- help)
- if [ "$ARG" = "yes" ]; then
- echo "$0 <options> <packages>"
- echo
- echo " -output <directory> Where to write the generated files to"
- echo " -packages <directory> Where to find packages to create"
- echo " -qtbins <directory> Where your Qt binaries live"
- echo " -qtsrcs <directory> Where to find our Qt sources (if -qtbins not set defaults to same)"
- echo " -qtpackage <package> Given a package it will be untar'd configured and built and used."
- echo " -version <version> What version the package is creating for (falls back to qglobal.h)"
- echo " -license <license> Where your desktop license (or opensource) file lives"
- echo " -license_us <license> Where your U.S. desktop (or GPLv3) license file lives"
- echo " -license_allos <license> Where your All-OS license file lives"
- echo " -license_allos_us <license> Where your U.S. All-OS license file lives"
- echo " -license_embedded <license> Where your Embedded license file lives"
- echo " -license_embedded_us <license> Where your U.S. Embedded license file lives"
- echo " -licensetype <commercial|eval|opensource|preview-commercial|preview-opensource> The license for the package you are building"
- echo " -readme <readme> Where your readme file lives"
- echo " -image Create a disk image of the outputs"
- echo " -meta Create a meta package for all the outputs"
- echo " -evalpatches <evalpatches> Eval patches can be found here"
- echo " -no-cleanup Don't remove files (can be used to restart a previous run)"
- exit 0
- fi
- ;;
- readme) README="$ARG" ;;
- license) LICENSE="$ARG" ;;
- licensetype) LICENSETYPE="$ARG" ;;
- all) USE_SEPARATE="$ARG" ;;
- qtpackage) SOURCE_PACKAGE="$ARG" ;;
- qtsrcs) SOURCE_DIR="$ARG" ;;
- qtbins|qtdir) BINARY_DIR="$ARG" ;;
- output) OUTPUT_DIR="$ARG" ;;
- packages) PACKAGE_DIR="$ARG" ;;
- meta) MAKE_META="$ARG" ;;
- package) PACKAGES="$PACKAGES $ARG" ;;
- image) MAKE_IMAGE="$ARG" ;;
- evalpatches) EVAL_PATCHES="$ARG" ;;
- cleanup) DO_CLEANUP="$ARG" ;;
- version)
- MAJOR=`echo $VERSION | sed 's,^\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*,\1,'`
- if [ -n "$MAJOR" ]; then
- MINOR=`echo $VERSION | sed 's,^\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*,\2,'`
- [ -z "$MINOR" ] && MINOR=0
- PATCH=`echo $VERSION | sed 's,^\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*,\3,'`
- [ -z "$PATCH" ] && PATCH=0
- else
- echo "Invalid version: $VERSION"
- fi
- ;;
- help|*)
- [ "$OPTION" = "help" ] || echo "Unknown option $CACHE_1!"
- echo "Help!!"
- exit 888;
- ;;
- esac
-# No license type specified, so try to get it from the package. If we don't have a package,
-# default to commercial
-if [ -z "$LICENSETYPE" ]; then
- if [ ! -z "$SOURCE_PACKAGE" ]; then
- LICENSETYPE=`basename "$SOURCE_PACKAGE" | cut -d - -f 3`
- else
- LICENSETYPE="commercial"
- fi
-# If it's a preview license strip the preview out because there are some things
-# that are exactly the same to what we do in the non-preview case, since the
-# "preview" variant can be a "child" of the main license, we'll call it the
-# parent license.
-if [ "$LICENSETYPE" = "preview-commercial" ]; then
- PARENTLICENSE="commercial"
-elif [ "$LICENSETYPE" = "preview-opensource" ]; then
- PARENTLICENSE="opensource"
-#get the QTDIR setup
-[ -z "$BINARY_DIR" ] && [ -z "$SOURCE_PACKAGE" ] && BINARY_DIR="$QTDIR"
-if [ ! -z "$BINARY_DIR" ] && [ -z "$SOURCE_PACKAGE" ]; then
- if [ -z "$SOURCE_DIR" ]; then
- if [ -e "$BINARY_DIR/.qmake.cache" ]; then
- SOURCE_DIR=`perl -n -e 'next unless /^QT_SOURCE_TREE *= *(.*)/;
- s/\$\$quote\((.*)\)/\1/;
- print "$1\n"; exit' "$BINARY_DIR/.qmake.cache"`
- else
- fi
- fi
-elif [ ! -z "$SOURCE_PACKAGE" ]; then
- if [ "$DO_CLEANUP" = "yes" ]; then
- rm -rf "$TMP_DIR/source"
- mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR/source"
- fi
- if [ "$LICENSETYPE" = "eval" ]; then
- fi
- if [ -z `echo $PACKAGE_NAME | grep $CHECKLICENSETYPE` ]; then
- echo "I must have the $CHECKLICENSETYPE package, you gave me $SOURCE_PACKAGE"
- rm -rf "$TMP_DIR"
- exit 7
- fi
- EXTENSION=`echo "$PACKAGE_NAME" | sed -e 's,.*\.tar\.\(.*\),\1,'`
- PACKAGE_DEST=`echo "$PACKAGE_NAME" | sed -e 's,\(.*\)\.tar.*,\1,'`
- if [ "$LICENSETYPE" = "eval" ]; then
- # If you didn't set the eval patches, I'll try in the same place as the package
- if [ -z "$EVAL_PATCHES" ]; then
- PACKAGE_VERSION=`echo $PACKAGE_DEST | sed -e 's,.*src-\(.*\),\1,'`
- EVAL_PATCHES=`dirname "$SOURCE_PACKAGE"`/qt-mac-evalpatches-src-$PACKAGE_VERSION.tar.$EXTENSION
- fi
- # unzip the eval patches first since it _shouldn't_ matter.
- (cd "$TMP_DIR/source" && gunzip -c "$EVAL_PATCHES" | tar xf -);
- fi
- export QTDIR=$TMP_DIR/source/$PACKAGE_DEST
- export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
- if [ "$DO_CLEANUP" = "yes" ]; then
- if (cd "$TMP_DIR/source" && gunzip -c "$SOURCE_PACKAGE" | tar xf -); then
- realUsageReporter="$QTDIR/bin/qtusagereporter"
- tmpUsageReporter="$TMP_DIR/qtusagereporter"
- if [ -e "$realUsageReporter" ]; then
- cp "$realUsageReporter" "$tmpUsageReporter"
- fi
- if (cd "$QTDIR" && ./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS); then
- if [ -e "$tmpUsageReporter" ]; then
- mv "$tmpUsageReporter" "$realUsageReporter"
- fi
- else
- echo "Configure error"
- exit 1
- fi
- if !(cd "$QTDIR" && make); then
- echo "Build error"
- exit 2
- fi
- fi
- fi
- echo "Only a source package or a source/binary directory can be specified!"
- exit 3
-#License Stuff.
-if [ "$LICENSETYPE" = "eval" ]; then
- if [ -z "$LICENSE" ]; then
- if [ -e "$DEPOT_LICENSE" ]; then
- elif [ -e "$PACKAGE_LICENSE" ]; then
- fi
- fi
- if [ -z "$LICENSE_US" ]; then
- if [ -e "$DEPOT_LICENSE_US" ]; then
- elif [ -e "$PACKAGE_LICENSE_US" ]; then
- fi
- fi
-elif [ "$LICENSETYPE" = "opensource" ]; then
- if [ -e "$DEPOT_LICENSE" ]; then
- elif [ -e "$PACKAGE_LICENSE" ]; then
- fi
- if [ -z "$LICENSE_US" ]; then
- if [ -e "$DEPOT_LICENSE_US" ]; then
- elif [ -e "$PACKAGE_LICENSE_US" ]; then
- elif [ -e "../../../../dist/opensource/LICENSE.GPL3" ]; then
- LICENSE_US="../../../../dist/opensource/LICENSE.GPL3"
- fi
- fi
-elif [ "$LICENSETYPE" = "commercial" ]; then
-#Find the All-OS and Embedded License for commercial
- if [ -e "$LICENSE" ]; then
- # Generic license
- else
- if [ -e "$DEPOT_LICENSE" ]; then
- elif [ -e "$PACKAGE_LICENSE" ]; then
- fi
- if [ -z "$LICENSE_US" ]; then
- if [ -e "$DEPOT_LICENSE_US" ]; then
- elif [ -e "$PACKAGE_LICENSE_US" ]; then
- elif [ -e "../../../../dist/commercial/LICENSE-US" ]; then
- LICENSE_US="../../../../dist/commercial/LICENSE-US"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -z "$LICENSE_ALLOS" ]; then
- if [ -e "$DEPOT_LICENSE_ALLOS" ]; then
- elif [ -e "$PACKAGE_LICENSE_ALLOS" ]; then
- fi
- fi
- if [ -z "$LICENSE_ALLOS_US" ]; then
- if [ -e "$DEPOT_LICENSE_ALLOS_US" ]; then
- elif [ -e "$PACKAGE_LICENSE_ALLOS_US" ]; then
- fi
- fi
- if [ -z "$LICENSE_EMBEDDED" ]; then
- if [ -e "$DEPOT_LICENSE_EMBEDDED" ]; then
- elif [ -e "$PACKAGE_LICENSE_EMBEDDED" ]; then
- fi
- fi
- if [ -z "$LICENSE_EMBEDDED_US" ]; then
- if [ -e "$DEPOT_LICENSE_EMBEDDED_US" ]; then
- elif [ -e "$PACKAGE_LICENSE_EMBEDDED_US" ]; then
- fi
- fi
- fi
-#find the README
-if [ -z "$README" ]; then
- if [ -e "$DEPOT_README" ]; then
- elif [ -e "$PACKAGE_README" ]; then
- elif [ -e "../../../../dist/README" ]; then
- README="../../../../dist/README"
- fi
-#find the version from the source package
-if [ "$QT_SET_VERSION" = "no" ] && [ ! -z "$SOURCE_DIR" ]; then
- VERSION=`grep '^# *define *QT_VERSION_STR' $SOURCE_DIR/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h`
- if [ -n "$VERSION" ]; then
- VERSION=`echo $VERSION | sed 's,^# *define *QT_VERSION_STR "*\([^ ]*\)"$,\1,'`
- MAJOR=`echo $VERSION | sed 's,^\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*,\1,'`
- if [ -n "$MAJOR" ]; then
- MINOR=`echo $VERSION | sed 's,^\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*,\2,'`
- [ -z "$MINOR" ] && MINOR=0
- PATCH=`echo $VERSION | sed 's,^\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*,\3,'`
- [ -z "$PATCH" ] && PATCH=0
- else
- echo "Cannot process version from qglobal.h: $VERSION"
- fi
- fi
-if [ "$LICENSETYPE" != "opensource" ]; then
- if [ ! -z "$SOURCE_DIR" ]; then
- PACKAGEDATE=`grep '^# *define *QT_PACKAGEDATE_STR' $SOURCE_DIR/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h`
- if [ -n "$PACKAGEDATE" ]; then
- PACKAGEDATE=`echo $PACKAGEDATE | sed 's,^# *define *QT_PACKAGEDATE_STR "*\([^ ]*\)"$,\1,'`
- else
- echo "Cannot process date information from qglobal.h: $PACKAGEDATE"
- fi
- fi
-# Put the date in a little file so we can access in later
-if [ -e "$PACKAGEDATE_FILE" ]; then
-#just do all the packages
-if [ -z "$PACKAGES" ]; then
- [ -z "$MAKE_META" ] && MAKE_META=yes
- [ -z "$MAKE_IMAGE" ] && MAKE_IMAGE=yes
- for a in $PACKAGE_DIR/*; do
- if [ -d "$a" ]; then
- package=`basename $a`
- [ "$USE_SEPARATE" = "no" ] && [ -e "$a/.build_separate" ] && continue
- fi
- done
-#setup some default package options
-mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR"
-find .. -name '*~' -exec rm {} \; #just get rid of these before they end up in my package
-#create the license information
-if [ -e "$LICENSE" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR/licenses"
- echo "Creating desktop license richtext for rest of the world"
- createLicenseRTF "$LICENSE" "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License.rtf"
- echo "No license file found!"
- exit 4
-if [ -e "$LICENSE_US" ]; then
- echo "Creating desktop license richtext for U.S. (GPL3 for opensource)"
- createLicenseRTF "$LICENSE_US" "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-US.rtf"
- echo "No U.S. (GPL3 for opensource) license file found!"
- exit 5
-if [ "$LICENSETYPE" = "commercial" ] && [ -n "$LICENSE_ALLOS" ]; then
- if [ -e "$LICENSE_ALLOS" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR/licenses"
- echo "Creating all OS license richtext for rest of the world"
- createLicenseRTF "$LICENSE_ALLOS" "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-AllOS.rtf"
- else
- echo "No all OS license file found!"
- exit 6
- fi
- if [ -e "$LICENSE_ALLOS_US" ]; then
- echo "Creating desktop license richtext for U.S. (GPL3 for opensource)"
- createLicenseRTF "$LICENSE_ALLOS_US" "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-AllOS-US.rtf"
- else
- echo "No U.S. all OS license file found!"
- exit 7
- fi
- if [ -e "$LICENSE_EMBEDDED" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR/licenses"
- echo "Creating embedded license richtext for rest of the world"
- createLicenseRTF "$LICENSE_EMBEDDED" "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-Embedded.rtf"
- else
- echo "No embedded license file found!"
- exit 8
- fi
- if [ -e "$LICENSE_EMBEDDED_US" ]; then
- echo "Creating embedded license richtext for U.S. (GPL3 for opensource)"
- createLicenseRTF "$LICENSE_EMBEDDED_US" "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-Embedded-US.rtf"
- else
- echo "No U.S. embedded license file found!"
- exit 9
- fi
-# Build our license checking plugin!
-if [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "commercial" ] || [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "eval" ]; then
- # build the InstallerPane plugin
- echo "/usr/bin/xcodebuild $INSTALLERPANE_BUILDPARAMS"
- if !(/usr/bin/xcodebuild $INSTALLERPANE_BUILDPARAMS || grep '** BUILD SUCCEEDED **'); then
- echo "Could not build installer pane plugin"
- exit 100;
- fi
- # Create the key decoder for the script version
- BUILD_LINE="keydecoder/main.cpp $INSTALLERPANE_PATH/keydec.cpp -o Resources/keydecoder -arch i386 -arch ppc -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk"
- /usr/bin/g++-4.0 $BUILD_LINE
-#create the packages
-for package in $PACKAGES; do
- if [ "$LICENSETYPE" = "eval" ] && [ "$package" = "debuglibraries" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- [ "$package" = "none" ] && continue
- if [ ! -e "$PACKAGE_DIR/$package/Info.plist" ]; then
- echo "$package is not a valid package!!"
- continue
- fi
- rm -rf "$TMP_DIR/package" #cleanup
- #create files
- echo "Creating package [$package]..."
- mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR/package"
- if [ -x "$PACKAGE_DIR/$package/" ]; then
- true
- # Copy the uninstall script in for all of the packages
- mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR/package/Developer/Tools"
- cp "" "$TMP_DIR/package/Developer/Tools"
- else
- echo " Package failed"
- continue
- fi
- fi
- #create .pkg
- package_dir="$OUTPUT_DIR/packages/Qt_${package}.pkg"
- rm -rf "$package_dir"
- mkdir -p "$package_dir"
- echo " Creating installation.. ($package_dir)"
- doStringReplace "$PACKAGE_DIR/$package/Info.plist" "$TMP_DIR/Info.plist"
- if !(/Developer/Applications/Utilities/ --root "$TMP_DIR/package" --out "$package_dir" --info "$TMP_DIR/Info.plist" --filter '\.DS_Store' -v); then
- echo " Error creating package ($package_dir)"
- continue
- fi
- sed '/IFPkgPathMappings/,${/[[:space:]]/d;}' $package_dir/Contents/Info.plist > cleaned
- mv cleaned $package_dir/Contents/Info.plist
- rm -rf "$TMP_DIR/Info.plist"
- rm -rf $package_dir/Contents/Resources/*.lproj
- #merge resources
- cp -R Resources/* "$package_dir/Contents/Resources"
- cp -R "$PACKAGEDATE_FILE" "$package_dir/Contents/Resources"
- cp -R $PACKAGE_DIR/$package/Resources/* "$package_dir/Contents/Resources"
- cp "Welcome-$PARENTLICENSE.rtf" "$package_dir/Contents/Resources/Welcome.rtf"
- cp "$README" "$package_dir/Contents/Resources/ReadMe.txt"
- if [ -n "$LICENSE_ALLOS" ] && [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "commercial" ] || [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "eval" ]; then
- # Release licenses
- for lang in "Desktop North and South America" "Desktop rest of the world" "All OS North and South America" "All OS rest of the World" "Embedded North and South America" "Embedded rest of the world"; do
- LOCALDIR="$package_dir/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj"
- if [ "$lang" = "Desktop North and South America" ]; then
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-US.rtf"
- elif [ "$lang" = "All OS North and South America" ]; then
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-AllOS.rtf"
- elif [ "$lang" = "Embedded North and South America" ]; then
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-Embedded.rtf"
- elif [ "$lang" = "All OS rest of the world" ]; then
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-AllOS.rtf"
- elif [ "$lang" = "Embedded rest of the world" ]; then
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-Embedded.rtf"
- else
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License.rtf"
- fi
- if [ -e "$LOCALLICENSE" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$LOCALDIR"
- cp "$LOCALLICENSE" "$LOCALDIR/License.rtf"
- fi
- done
- elif [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "commercial" ]; then
- # Non-release license
- for lang in "North and South America" "Rest of the world"; do
- LOCALDIR="$package_dir/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj"
- mkdir -p "$LOCALDIR"
- if [ "$lang" = "North and South America" ]; then
- cp "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-US.rtf" "$LOCALDIR/License.rtf"
- else
- cp "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License.rtf" "$LOCALDIR"
- fi
- done
- elif [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "opensource" ]; then
- for lang in "GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1" "GNU General Public License Version 3"; do
- LOCALDIR="$package_dir/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj"
- mkdir -p "$LOCALDIR"
- if [ "$lang" = "GNU General Public License Version 3" ]; then
- cp "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-US.rtf" "$LOCALDIR/License.rtf"
- else
- cp "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License.rtf" "$LOCALDIR"
- fi
- done
- rm -f "$package_dir/Contents/Resources/InstallationCheck"
- rm -f "$package_dir/Contents/Resources/InstallationCheck.strings"
- cp opensourceStuff/InstallationCheck "$package_dir/Contents/Resources"
- cp opensourceStuff/InstallationCheck.strings "$package_dir/Contents/Resources"
- if [ "$package" = "libraries" ] || [ "$package" = "tools" ] || [ "$package" = "headers" ] || [ "$package" = "debuglibraries" ]; then
- rm -f "$package_dir/Contents/Resources/postflight"
- fi
- fi
- for a in $package_dir/Contents/Resources/*.plist $package_dir/Contents/Resources/*.info $package_dir/Contents/Resources/*flight $package_dir/Contents/Resources/*.rtf; do
- [ -e "$a" ] && doStringReplace "$a" "$a"
- done
- if [ -e "$package_dir/Contents/Resources/$" ]; then
- cp "$package_dir/Contents/Resources/$" "$package_dir/Contents/Resources/Qt_${package}.info"
- fi
- for a in $package_dir/Contents/Resources/*flight; do
- [ -e "$a" ] && chmod a+x $a #exe
- done
- for a in $package_dir/Contents/Resources/*Check; do
- if [ -e "$a" ]; then
- chmod a+x "$a"
- if false && [ -e "${a}.strings" ]; then
- for lang in English Norwegian French German Spanish; do
- LOCALDIR="$package_dir/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj"
- mkdir -p "$LOCALDIR"
- cp "${a}.strings" "$LOCALDIR"
- done
- #rm -f "${a}.strings"
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "commercial" ] || [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "eval" ]; then
- # Copy over the plugin
- plugin_dir="$package_dir/Contents/Plugins"
- mkdir "$plugin_dir"
- cp -r "$INSTALLERPANE_PATH/build/$INSTALLERPANE_CONFIGURATION/InstallerPane.bundle" "$plugin_dir"
- cp "$INSTALLERPANE_PATH/InstallerSections.plist" "$plugin_dir"
- fi
- if [ "$package" != "debuglibraries" ]; then
- PKG_CREATED="$PKG_CREATED $package_dir"
- fi
-if [ -z "$PKG_CREATED" ] && [ "$PACKAGES" = " none" ]; then
- if [ "$MAKE_META" = "yes" ] || [ "$MAKE_IMAGE" = "yes" ]; then
- PKG_CREATED=$OUTPUT_DIR/packages/*.pkg
- [ -z "$MAKE_META" ] && MAKE_META=yes
- fi
-#create meta package
-if [ "$MAKE_META" = "yes" ]; then
- echo "Creating meta package.."
- rm -rf "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/"
- mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/"
- cp -R "MetaPackage" "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents"
- if [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "commercial" ] || [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "eval" ]; then
- # Copy over the plugin
- plugin_dir="$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Plugins"
- mkdir -p "$plugin_dir"
- cp -r "$INSTALLERPANE_PATH/build/$INSTALLERPANE_CONFIGURATION/InstallerPane.bundle" "$plugin_dir"
- cp "$INSTALLERPANE_PATH/InstallerSections.plist" "$plugin_dir"
- fi
- mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources"
- cp -R Resources/* "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources"
- cp -R "$PACKAGEDATE_FILE" "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources"
- cp "Welcome-${PARENTLICENSE}.rtf" "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/Welcome.rtf"
- cp "$README" "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ReadMe.txt"
- if [ -n "$LICENSE_ALLOS" ] && [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "commercial" ] || [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "eval" ]; then
- # Release licenses
- for lang in "Desktop North and South America" "Desktop rest of the world" "All OS North and South America" "All OS rest of the World" "Embedded North and South America" "Embedded rest of the world"; do
- LOCALDIR="$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj"
- if [ "$lang" = "Desktop North and South America" ]; then
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-US.rtf"
- elif [ "$lang" = "All OS North and South America" ]; then
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-AllOS.rtf"
- elif [ "$lang" = "Embedded North and South America" ]; then
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-Embedded.rtf"
- elif [ "$lang" = "All OS rest of the world" ]; then
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-AllOS.rtf"
- elif [ "$lang" = "Embedded rest of the world" ]; then
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-Embedded.rtf"
- else
- LOCALLICENSE="$TMP_DIR/licenses/License.rtf"
- fi
- if [ -e "$LOCALLICENSE" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$LOCALDIR"
- cp "$LOCALLICENSE" "$LOCALDIR/License.rtf"
- fi
- done
- elif [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "commercial" ]; then
- # Non-release license
- for lang in "North and South America" "Rest of the world"; do
- LOCALDIR="$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj"
- mkdir -p "$LOCALDIR"
- if [ "$lang" = "North and South America" ]; then
- cp "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-US.rtf" "$LOCALDIR/License.rtf"
- else
- cp "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License.rtf" "$LOCALDIR"
- fi
- done
- elif [ "$PARENTLICENSE" = "opensource" ]; then
- for lang in "GNU General Public License Version 2" "GNU General Public License Version 3"; do
- LOCALDIR="$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj"
- mkdir -p "$LOCALDIR"
- if [ "$lang" = "GNU General Public License Version 3" ]; then
- cp "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License-US.rtf" "$LOCALDIR/License.rtf"
- else
- cp "$TMP_DIR/licenses/License.rtf" "$LOCALDIR"
- fi
- done
- rm -f "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/InstallationCheck"
- rm -f "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/InstallationCheck.strings"
- cp opensourceStuff/InstallationCheck "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources"
- cp opensourceStuff/InstallationCheck.strings "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources"
- fi
- for a in $OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/*.plist $OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/*.info $OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/*.plist $OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/*.rtf; do
- doStringReplace "$a" "$a"
- done
- for a in $OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/*Check; do
- if [ -e "$a" ]; then
- chmod a+x "$a"
- if false && [ -e "${a}.strings" ]; then
- for lang in English Norwegian French German Spanish; do
- LOCALDIR="$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj"
- mkdir -p "$LOCALDIR"
- cp "${a}.strings" "$LOCALDIR"
- done
- #rm -f "${a}.strings"
- fi
- fi
- done
- PACKAGE_DICT="$TMP_DIR/pkg.dict"
- for package in $PKG_CREATED; do
- package_name=`basename $package`
- package_type=selected
- if [ "$package_name" = "Qt_libraries.pkg" ] || [ "$package_name" = "Qt_tools.pkg" ]; then
- package_type=required
- fi
- cat >"${PACKAGE_DICT}.tmp" <<EOF
- <dict>
- <key>IFPkgFlagPackageLocation</key>
- <string>${package_name}</string>
- <key>IFPkgFlagPackageSelection</key>
- <string>${package_type}</string>
- </dict>
- if [ "$package_type" = "required" ]; then
- cat "${PACKAGE_DICT}.tmp" "$PACKAGE_DICT" >"$TMP_DIR/dict.combined"
- mv "$TMP_DIR/dict.combined" "$PACKAGE_DICT"
- else
- cat "${PACKAGE_DICT}.tmp" >>"$PACKAGE_DICT"
- fi
- rm -f "${PACKAGE_DICT}.tmp"
- done
- sed "/PACKAGE_DICT/r $PACKAGE_DICT" "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Info.plist" >"${TMP_DIR}/Info.plist"
- chflags nouchg "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Info.plist"
- rm -f "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Info.plist"
- cp "${TMP_DIR}/Info.plist" "$OUTPUT_DIR/Qt.mpkg/Contents/Info.plist"
- rm -f "${TMP_DIR}/Info.plist"
-#create disk image
-if [ "$MAKE_IMAGE" = "yes" ] && [ ! -z "$PKG_CREATED" ]; then
- echo "Creating disk image..."
- rm -f "$IMAGE" #remove old
- #copy
- echo " Copying..."
- DISKIMAGE="$TMP_DIR/diskimage"
- mkdir -p "$DISKIMAGE/.background"
- cp "backgrounds/DiskImage-${PARENTLICENSE}.png" "$DISKIMAGE/.background/findersbackground.png"
- cp model-DS_Store-${QT_VERSION_STRING} "$DISKIMAGE/.DS_Store"
- chmod 755 "$DISKIMAGE/.DS_Store"
- cp "backgrounds/DriveIcon.icns" "$DISKIMAGE/.VolumeIcon.icns"
- for package in $PKG_CREATED; do
- [ -z "$package" ] && continue
- OUT_PACKAGE=`echo $package | sed "s,^$OUTPUT_DIR,$DISKIMAGE/,"`
- mkdir -p "`dirname "$OUT_PACKAGE"`"
- cp -R "$package" "$OUT_PACKAGE"
- done
- [ -e "$README" ] && cp "$README" "$DISKIMAGE/ReadMe.txt"
- echo -n " Creating Image..."
- hdiutil create -format UDRW -volname "$IMAGE_NAME" -srcfolder "$DISKIMAGE" "$TMPIMAGE" | grep -v ^created:
- mountpoint=`hdiutil attach "$TMPIMAGE" | grep '/Volumes' | cut -f 3`
- /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a C "$mountpoint"
- hdiutil detach "$mountpoint"
- hdiutil convert "$TMPIMAGE" -format UDZO -o "$IMAGE" -imagekey zlib-level=9 | grep -v ^created:
- rm "$TMPIMAGE"
- echo " done!"
-# Create the disk image for the debug libraries too
-if [ "$MAKE_IMAGE" = "yes" ] && [ "$PARENTLICENSE" != "eval" ]; then
- echo "Creating the debug libraries disk image..."
- IMAGE_NAME="Qt ${QT_VERSION_STRING} Debug Libraries"
- DISKIMAGE="$TMP_DIR/diskimage"
- #remove the old stuff
- rm -f "$IMAGE"
- rm -rf "$DISKIMAGE"
- mkdir -p "$DISKIMAGE"
- cp -R "$OUTPUT_DIR/packages/Qt_debuglibraries.pkg" "$DISKIMAGE"
- hdiutil create -srcfolder "$DISKIMAGE" -o "$IMAGE" -volname "$IMAGE_NAME" -imagekey zlib-level=9
- echo " done!"
-if [ "$DO_CLEANUP" = "yes" ]; then
- rm -rf "$TMP_DIR"
-echo "Done!"
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store
deleted file mode 100644
index c9ffdf2..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.0.0 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.0.0
deleted file mode 100755
index 2b78907..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.0.0
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.0.1 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.0.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d6cf56..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.0.1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.0 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.0
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ca8894..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.0
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.1 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.1
deleted file mode 100644
index e470afb..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.2 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.2
deleted file mode 100644
index b40119e..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.3 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.3
deleted file mode 100644
index baa4439..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.3
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.4 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.4
deleted file mode 100644
index 63b76b0..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.4
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.5 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.5
deleted file mode 100644
index bc5d42f..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.5
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.6 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.6
deleted file mode 100644
index 7102dfa..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.1.6
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.0 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.0
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cd1ef7..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.0
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.0-rc1 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.0-rc1
deleted file mode 100644
index eb7b463..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.0-rc1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.1 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 32ce427..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.2 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.2
deleted file mode 100644
index 711c8a1..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.3 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.3
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f36f6..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.3
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.4 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.4
deleted file mode 100644
index 29bc0da..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.4
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.5 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.5
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e261a1..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.2.5
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.0 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.0
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bb3bf2..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.0
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.1 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a9e331..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.2 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.2
deleted file mode 100644
index 17e267c..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.3 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.3
deleted file mode 100644
index ded1369..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.3
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.4 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.4
deleted file mode 100644
index 15e0d99..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.4
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.5 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.5
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ac254a..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.3.5
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.0 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.0
deleted file mode 100644
index fee7663..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.0
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.0-rc1 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.0-rc1
deleted file mode 100644
index 367faae..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.0-rc1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.1 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.1
deleted file mode 100644
index b891927..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.2 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.2
deleted file mode 100644
index c781394..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.3 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.3
deleted file mode 100644
index c326d4a..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.3
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.4 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.4
deleted file mode 100644
index 5145329..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.4
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.5 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.5
deleted file mode 100644
index 22eeb4e..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.4.5
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.5.0 b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.5.0
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ac1714..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/model-DS_Store-4.5.0
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/opensourceStuff/InstallationCheck b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/opensourceStuff/InstallationCheck
deleted file mode 100755
index f1cd8ad..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/opensourceStuff/InstallationCheck
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# We need to do things differently on different platforms
-# <10.3.9 Can't install
-# =10.3.9 Can install, but must check license manually
-# >=10.4 Just jump out
-os_version=`sysctl kern.osrelease | awk '{ print $3 }'`
-os_major=`echo $os_version | cut -d . -f 1`
-os_minor=`echo $os_version | cut -d . -f 2`
-if [ $os_major -lt 7 -o $os_major -eq 7 -a $os_minor -lt 9 ]; then
- exit $((96+19))
-exit 0
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/opensourceStuff/InstallationCheck.strings b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/opensourceStuff/InstallationCheck.strings
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b82b30..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/opensourceStuff/InstallationCheck.strings
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/ b/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2e5cfdc..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/mac-binary/package/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-## Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-## Contact: Qt Software Information (
-## This file is part of the $MODULE$ of the Qt Toolkit.
-## No Commercial Usage
-## This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
-## You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
-## contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
-## Beta Release License Agreement.
-## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-## General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
-## Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
-## packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-## ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
-## will be met:
-## In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
-## additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
-## Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
-## package.
-## GNU General Public License Usage
-## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-## General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
-## Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
-## packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-## ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
-## met:
-## If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-## contact the sales department at
-## This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
-import commands, sys, os, shutil, glob
-trace = False
-justTest = False
-# Globals
-AllPackages = ['docs', 'headers', 'examples', 'plugins', 'tools', 'libraries', 'debuglibraries', 'translations' ]
-packagesToRemove = AllPackages
-# Travese the list and remove values that won't work.
-def realPackagesToRemove(packageList):
- for package in packageList:
- if package not in AllPackages:
- print "%s is NOT a valid package, removing it from the list" % (package)
- packageList.remove(package)
- return packageList
-#Remove the files in the list
-def removeFiles(fileList, helperFunc=0):
- directories = []
- for file in fileList:
- file = file[1:]
- if not os.path.islink(file) and os.path.isdir(file):
- directories.append(file)
- elif len(file) > 0:
- if os.path.exists(file) or os.path.islink(file):
- if trace:
- print "remove file: " + file
- if not justTest:
- os.remove(file)
- else:
- print "file: %s does not exist, skipping" % file
- # Now remove any empty directories
- directories.reverse()
- for dir in directories:
- if helperFunc:
- helperFunc(dir)
- if (os.path.exists(dir)) and len(os.listdir(dir)) == 0:
- if trace:
- print "remove dir: " + dir
- if not justTest:
- os.rmdir(dir)
- elif trace and os.path.exists(dir):
- print "NOT removing " + dir
-def removeExampleGeneratedFiles(dir):
- extraList = []
- extraList.append(os.path.join(dir, "Info.plist"))
- extraList.append(os.path.join(dir, ".DS_Store"))
- extraList.append(os.path.join(dir, ".qmake.cache"))
- extraList.append(os.path.join(dir, "Makefile"))
- extraList.append(os.path.join(dir, ".obj"))
- extraList.append(os.path.join(dir, ".moc"))
- xcodeprojects = glob.glob(dir + "/*" + os.path.basename(dir) + "*.xcode*")
- xcodeprojects += glob.glob(dir + "/.xcode*") # Grab the items from qmake mess-up in 4.0.1
- for file in xcodeprojects:
- if trace:
- print " removing the tree in " + file
- shutil.rmtree(file)
- for file in extraList:
- if os.path.exists(file):
- if trace:
- print " removing the file in " + file
- if os.path.isdir(file):
- shutil.rmtree(file)
- else:
- os.remove(file)
-# Remove the package
-def removePackage(package):
- print "removing package " + package
- realPackageName = "/Library/Receipts/Qt_" + package + ".pkg"
- bomLocation = os.path.join(realPackageName, "Contents/")
- if os.path.exists(realPackageName) and os.path.isdir(realPackageName):
- fileList = commands.getoutput("/usr/bin/lsbom -f -p f -d -l " + bomLocation).split()
- if len(fileList) > 0:
- if (package == "examples"):
- removeFiles(fileList, removeExampleGeneratedFiles)
- else:
- removeFiles(fileList)
- shutil.rmtree(realPackageName)
- else:
- print "%s is not installed, skipping." % package
-################# Here's where the actual script starts ########################################
-if os.getuid() != 0:
- print sys.argv[0] + ": This script must be run as root or with sudo, exiting now."
- sys.exit(-1)
-# Take the names of packages on the command-line
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- packagesToRemove = sys.argv[1:]
-packagesToRemove = realPackagesToRemove(packagesToRemove)
-if len(packagesToRemove) < 1:
- print "\nNo valid packages to uninstall.\nusage: %s [package ...]" % (sys.argv[0])
- sys.exit(1)
-for package in packagesToRemove:
- removePackage(package)