path: root/util/scripts/win-binary/config/vs2005-qtdemo.conf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/scripts/win-binary/config/vs2005-qtdemo.conf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/util/scripts/win-binary/config/vs2005-qtdemo.conf b/util/scripts/win-binary/config/vs2005-qtdemo.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f4ba09..0000000
--- a/util/scripts/win-binary/config/vs2005-qtdemo.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# Qt-demo consists of the compiled demos + assistant
-# Required manual steps
-# - Download dxwebsetup.exe to C:\iwmake
-# - Copy vcredist_x86.exe from VS8 folder to C:\iwmake
-# - Set up environment to include ActiveX
-# - set INCLUDE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2008)\Include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Include;%INCLUDE%
-# - set LIB=C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2008)\Lib\x86;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Lib;%LIB%
-# - Run EXTRACT
-# - Patch demo/qtdemo/xml/examples.xml to only display startable demos
-# - Copy examples/qtconcurrent/README from 4.4 depot
-#extracts the package to buildDir
-Section EXTRACT
-extract dest "build_msvc_qtdemo_________________PADDING_________________"
-extract extUnpack
-#build the binaries
-build begin vs2005 "build_msvc_qtdemo_________________PADDING_________________"
-# sqlite is needed by assistant
-build configure "-confirm-license -release -plugin-sql-sqlite -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg"
-Section BUILD
-build bin sub-src
-build binInDir "tools\assistant" release
-build binInDir "tools\designer" release
-build binInDir "demos" release
-build binInDir "examples" release
-build finish
-# organize release files
-delete dir "release_msvc_qtdemo"
-copy dest "release_msvc_qtdemo"
-copy src "build_msvc_qtdemo_________________PADDING_________________"
-# copy all binary files
-copy file "bin\qtdemo.exe"
-copy file "bin\assistant.exe"
-copy files "bin\*.dll" "bin"
-# copy documentation files
-copy files "doc\qch\*.qch" "doc\qch"
-# copy plugins
-copy files "plugins\accessible\*.dll" "plugins\accessible"
-copy files "plugins\codecs\*.dll" "plugins\codecs"
-copy files "plugins\iconengines\*.dll" "plugins\iconengines"
-copy files "plugins\imageformats\*.dll" "plugins\imageformats"
-copy files "plugins\sqldrivers\*.dll" "plugins\sqldrivers"
-copy files "plugins\phonon_backend\*.dll" "plugins\phonon_backend"
-# copy demo & example files
-copy files "demos" "demos"
-copy files "examples" "examples"
-# copy external installers
-copy external "%IWMAKE_ROOT%\dxwebsetup.exe" "prerequisites"
-copy external "%IWMAKE_ROOT%\vcredist_x86.exe" "prerequisites"
-# delete build artifacts
-delete files "ui_*.h"
-delete files "Makefile"
-delete files "*.Debug"
-delete files "*.Release"
-delete files "*.a"
-delete files "*.lib"
-delete files "*.vcproj"
-delete dirs "tmp"
-delete dirs ".obj"
-delete dirs ".moc"
-Section NSIS
-# general installer options
-installer begin "Qt"
-installer version "demo-%QT_VERSION%"
-installer output "%IWMAKE_ROOT%\qt-win-demo-%QT_VERSION%.exe"
-installer startmenu "Qt Demo by Nokia v%QT_VERSION%"
-installer welcomenote "Welcome to the Qt Demos and Examples application. This application illustrates some of the key features included the cross-platform application framework Qt. Many of these examples contain source code.\n\nFor a full, free product evaluation, please visit"
-installer welcomeicon "images\qt-wizard-clean.bmp"
-installer enable directory_page
-installer enable startmenu_page
-installer instdir msvc 0 "Qt Demo Installation Directory"
-installer runfunction "Run Examples and Demos"
-# installer readmefunction "Show Documentation"
-# options
-installer module msvc
-installer src msvc "release_msvc_qtdemo"
-installer makeFileList msvc "release_msvc_qtdemo"
-installer buildDir msvc "build_msvc_qtdemo_________________PADDING_________________"
-installer module qtdemo
-installer define qtdemo vcredist "prerequisites\vcredist_x86.exe"
-installer define qtdemo directx "prerequisites\dxwebsetup.exe"
-installer licenseFile "%IWMAKE_ROOT%\build_msvc_qtdemo_________________PADDING_________________\.LICENSE-MERGED-GPL2-GPL3"
-# compile the package
-installer compile
-installer sign