path: root/src
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Use reference count to close down idle network sessionShane Kearns2012-05-081-4/+4
* Remove not present networks from QNetworkInterface::allInterfacesShane Kearns2012-05-081-2/+1
* Symbian: fix AlignedBlockAllocator initialization on emulatorPasi Pentikainen2012-05-081-1/+1
* Fix define to build without gtk style.Frederik Gladhorn2012-05-081-1/+1
* Clicking on a disabled ListView's delegate breaks mouse interactionPasi Pentikainen2012-05-081-1/+1
* On Symbian, use 16bit OpenGL if not enough GPU memory for 32bitMurray Read2012-05-071-55/+64
* Fix application font loading in basic font dbJiang Jiang2012-05-041-5/+15
* Fix for clipped Vietnamese characters when typed with VKBMarko Kenttala2012-05-042-0/+109
* Fix Symbian key event code mapping in QSymbianControlRiikka Inkila2012-05-041-1/+1
* Pass configured timeout to callWithCallback too.David Faure2012-05-041-1/+2
* Fix unit confusion in ccf3b9e48b2d773999a9a88e249f79380618cde6David Faure2012-05-041-2/+2
* Fix compilation error on old Unix systems caused by ShapeInputSergio Ahumada2012-05-031-1/+3
* Fixed crash issue in QtDBus if D-Bus not installedTero Ahola2012-05-031-1/+1
* Fix atomics on SPARCThiago Macieira2012-05-031-8/+8
* Add implementation of virtual keyboard based on BPS eventsKevin Krammer2012-05-038-43/+339
* Handle navigator events in BPS event filterKevin Krammer2012-05-033-4/+81
* Updated WebKit to a096458b01a9387719308c99e5917a7b42196078Simon Hausmann2012-05-034-7/+33
* Register for and handle screen events delivered through BPSKevin Krammer2012-05-038-52/+100
* Use BPS based event handlingKevin Krammer2012-05-039-2/+399
* Fix crash with evaluation licenseSamuli Piippo2012-04-271-7/+2
* Fix memory leak in 64-bits ODBC driverHonglei Zhang2012-04-271-1/+2
* Compile on Mac OS X with unsupported/macx-clangBradley T. Hughes2012-04-272-2/+2
* Fix crash in TextEdit when changing text content.Andrew den Exter2012-04-271-1/+1
* Take account of spanned items in QTreeView when dragging.Stephen Kelly2012-04-261-32/+9
* Use non-blocking reads on virtual keyboard pps device.Kevin Krammer2012-04-261-1/+6
* Improved detection of libcrypto and libssl.Niels Weber2012-04-251-12/+51
* Add out-of-memory checks to QImagePauli Jarvinen2012-04-251-0/+11
* Off-by-one-line error in QVGPaintEngine::drawImageMurray Read2012-04-251-1/+1
* Symbian: fix symbian deffilesPasi Pentikainen2012-04-254-5/+8
* Fix QThread start failure due to bad thread name on SymbianJuha Kukkonen2012-04-251-1/+10
* Integrate Blackberry Platform Services (BPS) with Qt event loop.Jeff Kehres2012-04-255-7/+388
* Windows - "bypass proxy for local..." also affects IP addressesShane Kearns2012-04-251-2/+19
* QSqlQueryModel::fetchMore() documentation fixMark Brand2012-04-241-1/+1
* Do not force OpenGL sample buffers on in the qnx qpa pluginSean Harmer2012-04-231-1/+0
* QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel: Warn if bytesAvailable and no replyMartin Petersson2012-04-231-3/+4
* Fix IPv6 address returned from QUrl::hostShane Kearns2012-04-231-5/+4
* Update QSettings and Mac OS X documentation with App Store informationPasi Matilainen2012-04-231-0/+21
* Finish cleaning up com.trolltech -> org.qtproject in QtDBusThiago Macieira2012-04-205-10/+20
* Moved qmljs_debug_arguments to QCoreApplicationRafael Roquetto2012-04-205-23/+47
* Reduce virtual address space use by JavaScriptCore on SymbianMurray Read2012-04-204-40/+88
* Fix for memory leak in 64 bit ODBC driver's call to SQLGetStmtAttr()Yan Shapochnik2012-04-201-1/+2
* Fix build with QT_NO_WARNING_OUTPUTAndy Shaw2012-04-193-3/+7
* Fixed networkproxy build under WinCEBjoern Breitmeyer2012-04-192-0/+89
* directfb: Use QPlatformPixmap::fromFile for Qt resourcesHolger Hans Peter Freyther2012-04-191-8/+2
* Bump Qt version to 4.8.2aksalova2012-04-183-4/+4
* Symbian: absent changed exports in symbian def-filesPasi Pentikainen2012-04-182-2/+2
* Symbian: absent changed exports in symbian def-filesPasi Pentikainen2012-04-181-227/+227
* widgets/qpa: Fix painting to a fully transparent top level widgetHolger Hans Peter Freyther2012-04-161-5/+13
* Fix symbol visibility warnings when building uic3Andy Shaw2012-04-161-0/+1
* Refactor navigator event handlingKevin Krammer2012-04-167-207/+348