path: root/translations/designer_zh_TW.ts
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix the About Qt dialog text to be truthful, post-LGPLJason McDonald2009-04-181-205/+1459
* Long live Qt 4.5!Lars Knoll2009-03-231-0/+7609
n52' href='#n52'>52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
from test import test_support
import unittest

import sys, os, cStringIO
import quopri

Here's a bunch of special=20


characters... have fun!

# First line ends with a space
DECSAMPLE = "Here's a bunch of special \n" + \


characters... have fun!

def withpythonimplementation(testfunc):
    def newtest(self):
        # Test default implementation
        # Test Python implementation
        if quopri.b2a_qp is not None or quopri.a2b_qp is not None:
            oldencode = quopri.b2a_qp
            olddecode = quopri.a2b_qp
                quopri.b2a_qp = None
                quopri.a2b_qp = None
                quopri.b2a_qp = oldencode
                quopri.a2b_qp = olddecode
    newtest.__name__ = testfunc.__name__
    return newtest

class QuopriTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    # Each entry is a tuple of (plaintext, encoded string).  These strings are
    # used in the "quotetabs=0" tests.
    STRINGS = (
        # Some normal strings
        ('hello', 'hello'),
        world''', '''hello
''', '''hello
        ('\201\202\203', '=81=82=83'),
        # Add some trailing MUST QUOTE strings
        ('hello ', 'hello=20'),
        ('hello\t', 'hello=09'),
        # Some long lines.  First, a single line of 108 characters
        # A line of exactly 76 characters, no soft line break should be needed
        # A line of 77 characters, forcing a soft line break at position 75,
        # and a second line of exactly 2 characters (because the soft line
        # break `=' sign counts against the line length limit).
        # A line of 151 characters, forcing a soft line break at position 75,
        # with a second line of exactly 76 characters and no trailing =
        # A string containing a hard line break, but which the first line is
        # 151 characters and the second line is exactly 76 characters.  This
        # should leave us with three lines, the first which has a soft line
        # break, and which the second and third do not.
        # Now some really complex stuff ;)

    # These are used in the "quotetabs=1" tests.
    ESTRINGS = (
        ('hello world', 'hello=20world'),
        ('hello\tworld', 'hello=09world'),

    # These are used in the "header=1" tests.
    HSTRINGS = (
        ('hello world', 'hello_world'),
        ('hello_world', 'hello=5Fworld'),

    def test_encodestring(self):
        for p, e in self.STRINGS:
            self.assert_(quopri.encodestring(p) == e)

    def test_decodestring(self):
        for p, e in self.STRINGS:
            self.assert_(quopri.decodestring(e) == p)

    def test_idempotent_string(self):
        for p, e in self.STRINGS:
            self.assert_(quopri.decodestring(quopri.encodestring(e)) == e)

    def test_encode(self):
        for p, e in self.STRINGS:
            infp = cStringIO.StringIO(p)
            outfp = cStringIO.StringIO()
            quopri.encode(infp, outfp, quotetabs=False)
            self.assert_(outfp.getvalue() == e)

    def test_decode(self):
        for p, e in self.STRINGS:
            infp = cStringIO.StringIO(e)
            outfp = cStringIO.StringIO()
            quopri.decode(infp, outfp)
            self.assert_(outfp.getvalue() == p)

    def test_embedded_ws(self):
        for p, e in self.ESTRINGS:
            self.assert_(quopri.encodestring(p, quotetabs=True) == e)
            self.assert_(quopri.decodestring(e) == p)

    def test_encode_header(self):
        for p, e in self.HSTRINGS:
            self.assert_(quopri.encodestring(p, header=True) == e)

    def test_decode_header(self):
        for p, e in self.HSTRINGS:
            self.assert_(quopri.decodestring(e, header=True) == p)

    def test_scriptencode(self):
        (p, e) = self.STRINGS[-1]
        (cin, cout) = os.popen2("%s -mquopri" % sys.executable)
        self.assert_( == e)

    def test_scriptdecode(self):
        (p, e) = self.STRINGS[-1]
        (cin, cout) = os.popen2("%s -mquopri -d" % sys.executable)
        self.assert_( == p)

def test_main():

if __name__ == "__main__":