From 99f4379d397eacbdcffc40d6906175aa04d78456 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 12:20:54 +0100
Subject: Changelog: part 2

 dist/changes-4.6.0 | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dist/changes-4.6.0 b/dist/changes-4.6.0
index f457e63..e6f8f68 100644
--- a/dist/changes-4.6.0
+++ b/dist/changes-4.6.0
@@ -62,28 +62,11 @@ QtCore
  - QByteArray
     * New overloads for QByteArray::insert() and QByteArray::prepend()
- - QObject
-    * [259514] fixed a possible dead-lock in the destructor
- - QVariant
-    * Many optimisations
-    * Added QVariant::toFloat() and QVariant::toReal()
-    * Added QVariant(float) constructor
-    * qvariant_cast<QVariant> and qVariantFromValue<QVariant> are now
-      identify functions
-    * Added support for math3d types.
- - Qt::escape
-    * now escape the double quote (&quot;)
- - QScopedPointer
-    * New pointer class for cleaning up objects when leaving the
-      current scope
  - QFile
     * Make QFile::resize() more robust when operating on buffered files
  - QObject
+    * [259514] fixed a possible dead-lock in the destructor
     * Added the possibility to pass the flag Qt::UniqueConnection to QObject::connect
     * Fixed race conditions that occured when moving object to threads while connecting
@@ -91,9 +74,17 @@ QtCore
     * Improved performance of plugin loading by reusing the plugin cache instead of loading
       it every time.
+ - QProcessEnvironment
+    * New class; support for easy access to key/value pairs in the
+      process environment
  - QRegExp
     * New pattern syntax "QRegExp::WildcardUnix" with wildcard characters escaping
+ - QScopedPointer
+    * New pointer class for cleaning up objects when leaving the
+      current scope
  - QSharedPointer
     * Added support for creating the object along the internal private
       data in one single memory allocation. (QSharedPointer::create)
@@ -110,6 +101,14 @@ QtCore
       to STD3 to validate, thus preventing invalid hostnames from
       being accepted. See below in "Important Behavior Changes".
+ - QVariant
+    * Many optimisations
+    * Added QVariant::toFloat() and QVariant::toReal()
+    * Added QVariant(float) constructor
+    * qvariant_cast<QVariant> and qVariantFromValue<QVariant> are now
+      identify functions
+    * Added support for math3d types.
  - QXmlStreamWriter
     * [256468] fix comment indentation
@@ -118,6 +117,7 @@ QtCore
       attached to a QSharedPointer.
     * Added QWeakPointer::data which allows you to obtain the pointer
       being tracked (without protection).
+    * Added operator-> like the above data(), but requires a #define.
  - QUuid
     * [QTBUG-3543] Fixed a bug in createUuid() which caused multiple
@@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ QtCore
+ - Qt::escape
+    * now escape the double quote (&quot;)
  - QGraphicsAnchorLayout
     * Support for expanding size policy has been removed. (The Qt 4.6
       Beta had support for it).
@@ -340,13 +343,7 @@ QtGui
  - QApplication
     * [QTBUG-739] Removed internal widgets from QApplication::topLevelWidgets().
- - QDBusConnection
-    * Made sending of invalid/incomplete messages consistently fail
-      with error (no more assertions).
-   - QPlainTextEdit
+ - QPlainTextEdit
     * Fixed crash when clicking on a text edit which was smaller than the 
       height of the font used.
@@ -385,6 +382,18 @@ QtDBus
     * [QTBUG-3555] Fixed a bug in the Plastique style that would cause an
       ASSERT failure in QFont when the application font has a pixel size set.
+ - QDBusConnection
+    * Made sending of invalid/incomplete messages consistently fail
+      with error (no more assertions).
+    * [249528/QTBUG-3833] Added an overload of connect() that allows
+      one to specify strings for matching arguments.
+ - QDBusServiceWatcher
+    * New class; supports efficiently watching for a service to be
+      created, deleted or change owners
  - QAbstractSocket
@@ -928,3 +937,10 @@ Qt for Windows CE
   Animation framework for animation.  The hellogl and overpainting examples
   now compile on OpenGL/ES 1.1.  Also common code is factored.
+- qmake no longer adds Qt internal dependencies to the linker when Qt
+  is built in shared mode (not static). This means that applications
+  that made use of platform-specific API may need to adjust the LIBS
+  variable in their .pro files to match:
+    X11: LIBS += -lX11
+    Mac: LIBS += -framework AppKit -framework Carbon
cgit v0.12