From a2ee2eb3e9991ae42ebe56898e25e742c2762ff2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robin Burchell <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 23:21:10 +0100
Subject: Documentation changes to QTextLayout.

 - Improves quality of English in some cases
 - Removes some redundant redundancy

Generally makes it more pleasant to read, IMHO.
 src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp b/src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp
index ddf9411..dbfe23e 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/text/qtextlayout.cpp
@@ -282,12 +282,11 @@ Qt::LayoutDirection QTextInlineObject::textDirection() const
     \class QTextLayout
-    \brief The QTextLayout class is used to lay out and paint a single
-    paragraph of text.
+    \brief The QTextLayout class is used to lay out and render text.
     \ingroup richtext-processing
-    It offers most features expected from a modern text layout
+    It offers many features expected from a modern text layout
     engine, including Unicode compliant rendering, line breaking and
     handling of cursor positioning. It can also produce and render
     device independent layout, something that is important for WYSIWYG
@@ -297,29 +296,33 @@ Qt::LayoutDirection QTextInlineObject::textDirection() const
     implement your own text rendering for some specialized widget, you
     probably won't need to use it directly.
-    QTextLayout can currently deal with plain text and rich text
-    paragraphs that are part of a QTextDocument.
+    QTextLayout can be used with both plain and rich text.
-    QTextLayout can be used to create a sequence of QTextLine's with
-    given widths and can position them independently on the screen.
-    Once the layout is done, these lines can be drawn on a paint
-    device.
+    QTextLayout can be used to create a sequence of QTextLine
+    instances with given widths and can position them independently
+    on the screen. Once the layout is done, these lines can be drawn
+    on a paint device.
-    Here's some code snippet that presents the layout phase:
+    The text to be laid out can be provided in the constructor or set with
+    setText().
+    The layout can be seen as a sequence of QTextLine objects; use createLine()
+    to create a QTextLine instance, and lineAt() or lineForTextPosition() to retrieve
+    created lines.
+    Here is a code snippet that demonstrates the layout phase:
     \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_text_qtextlayout.cpp 0
-    The text can be drawn by calling the layout's draw() function:
+    The text can then be rendered by calling the layout's draw() function:
     \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_gui_text_qtextlayout.cpp 1
-    The text layout's text is set in the constructor or with
-    setText(). The layout can be seen as a sequence of QTextLine
-    objects; use lineAt() or lineForTextPosition() to get a QTextLine,
-    createLine() to create one. For a given position in the text you
-    can find a valid cursor position with isValidCursorPosition(),
-    nextCursorPosition(), and previousCursorPosition(). The layout
-    itself can be positioned with setPosition(); it has a
-    boundingRect(), and a minimumWidth() and a maximumWidth(). A text
-    layout can be drawn on a painter device using draw().
+    For a given position in the text you can find a valid cursor position with
+    isValidCursorPosition(), nextCursorPosition(), and previousCursorPosition().
+    The QTextLayout itself can be positioned with setPosition(); it has a
+    boundingRect(), and a minimumWidth() and a maximumWidth().
+    \sa QStaticText
cgit v0.12