From 11f11f8ad562472759df24a410d52edd63eb2cf4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason McDonald <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 00:58:12 +1000
Subject: Add selected P1 tasks to changes file.

Reviewed-by: Trust Me
 dist/changes-4.7.2 | 271 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 138 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dist/changes-4.7.2 b/dist/changes-4.7.2
index 17a066f..c7e0089 100644
--- a/dist/changes-4.7.2
+++ b/dist/changes-4.7.2
@@ -16,35 +16,48 @@ Qt Bug Tracker:
 Merge Request:
-*                           General                                        *
-New features
- - SomeClass, SomeOtherClass
-    * New classes for foo, bar and baz
- - Optimized foo in QSomeClass
-    * See list of Important Behavior Changes below
 *                          Library                                         *
+ - QMutex
+    * [QTBUG-16115] Fixed deadlock when calling tryLock repeatedly.
  - QStateMachine
-    * [QTBUG-14491] Fix compilation on AIX 5.3 with gcc.
+    * [QTBUG-14491] Fixed compilation on AIX 5.3 with gcc.
+ - QThread
+    * [QTBUG-15378] QThread::exec returaed immediately if QThread::exit had
+      been called when event loop was not running.
+ - Painting
+    * [QTBUG-14907] Fix OpenVG painting artifacts after restoreState().
+    * [QTBUG-15320] QPainter::drawRect crashed when drawing a null QRectF 
+      with OpenGL.
+    * [QTBUG-15693] Prevent crash in drawhelper code when the cpu has MMXEXT
+      but no SSE.
+ - QDoubleValidator
+    * [QTBUG-14935] With some locales, QDoubleValidator would not accept "C"
+      locale valid numbers.
+ - QFileDialog
+    * [QTBUG-17298] QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames didn't show any file.
+ - QGraphicsView
+    * [QTBUG-16063] Fix precision loss when querying micro focus rectangle
+      in QGraphicsView.
+ - QPainterPath
+    * [QTBUG-16377] Prevent QPainterPath::connectPath() returning incorrect
+      path, which caused OpenGL paint engine to crash.
+ - QTableWidget
+    * [QTBUG-15973] Resizinag a QTableWidget column where a cell contains a
+      QProgressBar made it crash.
+ - QTextDocument
+    * [QTBUG-15777] Fxied crash in QTextDocument::markContentsDirty.
+ - QTextLayout
+    * [QTBUG-15823] Fixed crash in QTextLayout when drawing full width
+      selection spanning multiple QTextLine's.
  - QWidget
     * [QTMOBILITY-645] Send WinIdChange event when winId is set to zero.
       The window handle of a native widget may be set to zero in two
@@ -52,27 +65,32 @@ QtGui
       widget destruction.  Previously, no WinIdChange event was sent in
       either of these cases; now, it is sent in both cases.
- - foo
-    * bar
- - foo
-    * bar
+ - Bearer Management
+    * [QTBUG-15276] Fixed possible crash when parsing new connection.
+ - QUrl
+    * [QTBUG-16425] QUrl::setUrl() did not call detach().
- - foo
-    * bar
+ - [QTBUG-14374] Fixed broken alignment of rich text.
+ - [QTBUG-14727] QML Text element did not play nice with transformations.
+ - [QTBUG-14761] Fixed memory leak in QDeclarativeComponent.
+ - [QTBUG-14830] Fixed crash when adjusting width inside onWidthChanged.
+ - [QTBUG-15710] Ensure header is considered when positioning content with
+   snapping.
+ - [QTBUG-16365] When using a PathView with a VisualDataModel which in turn
+   used a Tree model (DirModel, for example), nothing was shown.
+ - [QTBUG-16769] QML BorderImage failed if .sci file contained a URL.
+ - General
+    * [QTBUG-17166] Fix ScopeChainNode memory leak in JavaScriptCore.
  - QScriptContext
     * [QTBUG-17137] Fix crash when generating backtrace involving a
       built-in (ECMA) function.
@@ -94,56 +112,55 @@ QtScript
- - foo
-    * bar
- - foo
-    * bar
-Qt Plugins
- - foo
-    * bar
-Third party components
- - Updated foo to version 2.3.9.
- - Updated bar to the latest version from
+ - [QTBUG-14132] Fix errors in Oracle (xe) stored procedures with bind
+   variables.
+ - [QTBUG-14831] Fix regression in dynamic sorting of a QSortFilterProxyModel
+   on a QSqlTableModel with OnManualSubmit.
+ - [QTBUG-17076] Fix plugins/sqldrivers/oci compile error when using
 *                      Platform Specific Changes                           *
-Qt for Unix (X11 and Mac OS X)
- - 
 Qt for Linux/X11
- -
+ - [QTBUG-15008] Fix broken prefix setting in configure when EPOCROOT shell
+   variable is set.
 Qt for Windows
- -
+ - QtQuick
+    * [QTBUG-16885] QDeclarativeEngine::addImportPath() did not work if the
+      drive letter is in lowercase.
+    * [QTBUG-17360] Make sure $QTDIR/plugins/qmldebugging/tcpserver.dll is
+      found in windows release builds.
 Qt for Mac OS X
- -
+ - [QTBUG-13772] Returning form fullscreen mode causes assertion failure.
+ - [QTBUG-14023] Added missing plugins to debug-libs package.
+ - [QTBUG-14420] Switching from an application with undocked widgets hid the
+   application.
+ - [QTBUG-15638] Fixed incorrect QComboBox drop-down menu Z-ordering.
+ - [QTBUG-15666] Fixed crash when closing QFontDialog::getFont() dialog before
+   its event loop finished.
+ - [QTBUG-16279] Fixed deadlock in QSyntaxHighlighter::highlightBlock.
 Qt for Symbian
+ - Multimedia
+    * [QTBUG-17040] Prevent menu and native title pane area popping up when
+      setting fullscreen mode off during video playback.
+ - Packaging changes
+    * [QTBUG-17399] Remove sqlite3 from Qt SIS for S60 3.2 and 5.0 to allow
+      Nokia Content Signing, which doesn't permit sis files to have other
+      sis files embedded inside.
  - Paging changes
     * [QT-3503] Remove PAGED keyword from all Qt-based binaries for
       MMP-based build systems (abld, SBSv2 (a.k.a. Raptor)).
@@ -159,65 +176,92 @@ Qt for Symbian
       appropriate types of paging rather than being forced by the binary
       (which may be deployed to several different devices with different
  - Phonon MMF backend
    * [QTBUG-11436] Added a MediaObject property which allows the client to
      specify which Internet Access Point should be used for streaming.
- - QNetworkProxyFactory
-   * [QTBUG-13857] Added systemProxyForQuery() for Symbian, allowing
-     network proxies configured on the device to be used by applications.
  - QApplication
-   * [QTBUG-15915] Fix crash when creating more than one QApplication in single test case.
+   * [QTBUG-15915] Fix crash when creating more than one QApplication in single
+     test case.
+   * [QTBUG-16065] QApplication object with QApplication::GuiServer type caused
+     crash on Symbian devices.
  - QDesktopWidget
    * [QTBUG-16095] Resize event for QDesktopWidget was sent too early.
- - QFileDialog
-   * [QTBUG-16204] Fix using QFileDialog statics in Symbian.
  - QDialog
    * [QTBUG-16277] Fix fullscreen/Maximized dialog misplacement in Symbian.
- - QSystemSemaphore
-   * [QTBUG-16615] Fix QSystemSemaphore handle management issues in Symbian.
+   * [QTBUG-16110] QMessageBox softkeys were dimmed when application returned
+     to foreground.
+ - QEventDispatcherSymbian
+   * [QTBUG-16380] Fix leaking of RTimer handles.
+ - QFileDialog
+   * [QTBUG-16204] Fix using QFileDialog statics in Symbian.
+ - QFontDatabase
+   * [QTBUG-16514] Avoid collision of application fonts.
+ - QGraphicsView
+   * [QTBUG-16932] Fix rendering errors on QGraphicsView with OpenVG engine.
  - QLineEdit
    * [QTBUG-16238] Fix one character displacement for cursor in line edits.
- - QtScript
-    * [QTBUG-16685] Fix crash in JavaScript stack allocator.
-    * [QTBUG-15847] Add compiler optimizations.
-    * [QTBUG-14293] Enhanced JavaScript heap allocator.
  - qmake & mkspecs
    * [QT-4193] Only add ICON for application projects in symbianpkgrules.pri
-   * [QTBUG-13159] Allow pkg_prerules and pkg_postrules to be targeted to separate files.
-   * [QTBUG-13367] Make default application deployment removable & added .flags modifier
-      support for DEPLOYMENT items in Symbian.
+   * [QTBUG-13159] Allow pkg_prerules and pkg_postrules to be targeted to separate
+     files.
+   * [QTBUG-13367] Make default application deployment removable & added .flags
+     modifier support for DEPLOYMENT items in Symbian.
    * [QTBUG-14280] Implement support for DEPLOYMENT.display_name in Symbian.
    * [QTBUG-13917] Localize .loc and .pkg content based on TRANSLATIONS.
-   * [QTBUG-15159] Use include(original mkspec) instead of copying of mkspec to default.
+   * [QTBUG-15159] Use include(original mkspec) instead of copying of mkspec to
+     default.
    * [QTBUG-15393] Resolve EPOCROOT in qt.conf using same logic as in .pro.
    * [QTBUG-15501] Fix symbian-mmp.conf include path.
-   * [QTBUG-15539] Use parent class function to generate Makefile headers in Symbian.
-   * [QTBUG-14472] Add NetworkServices capability automatically for network apps
+   * [QTBUG-15539] Use parent class function to generate Makefile headers.
+   * [QTBUG-14472] Add NetworkServices capability automatically for network apps.
    * [QTBUG-14736] Add libinfix support for QML plugins in Symbian.
-   * [QT-4375] Fix incorrect file name case for OpenGL libraries in symbian.conf.
-   * [QTBUG-16172] Use relative include instead of absolute in default qmake.conf.
+   * [QT-4375] Fix incorrect file name case for OpenGL libraries in
+     symbian.conf.
+   * [QTBUG-16172] Use relative include instead of absolute in default
+     qmake.conf.
    * [QTBUG-16221] Fix libinfixed usage in Symbian when def files are used.
    * [QTBUG-16261] Fix infinite loop in qmake when reading malformed .ts files.
    * [QTBUG-16298] Ignore static_and_shared in Symbian builds.
+   * [QTBUG-16477] Fix compile error when QT_NO_BEARERMANAGEMENT is defined.
    * [QTBUG-13769] Generate freeze targets in Symbian.
-   * [QTBUG-16691] Remove toolcheck from generic clean targets for symbian-sbsv2.
-   * [QT-4476] Fixed UTF-8 application names in device application menu in Symbian.
+   * [QTBUG-16691] Remove toolcheck from generic clean targets for
+     symbian-sbsv2.
+   * [QT-4476] Fixed UTF-8 application names in device application menu.
    * [QTBUG-16753] Improved QMAKE_POST_LINK support in symbian-sbsv2.
-   * [QTBUG-16881] Fix QMAKE_POST_LINK in Symbian for targets with special characters.
-   * [QTBUG-16888] No longer replace dash and dot in TARGET with underscore in Symbian.
+   * [QTBUG-16881] Fix QMAKE_POST_LINK for targets with special characters.
+   * [QTBUG-16888] No longer replace dash and dot in TARGET with underscore.
+   * [QTBUG-17187] Ensure that package generated against Symbian^3 SDK has no
+     Symbian^1 platforms as dependencies.
    * Fix partial upgrade package UID for libinfixed Qt.
    * Cleaned up sis_targets.prf.
+ - QNetworkProxyFactory
+   * [QTBUG-13857] Added systemProxyForQuery() for Symbian, allowing
+     network proxies configured on the device to be used by applications.
+ - QPaintEngine
+   * [QTBUG-16008] Fixed broken constant alpha blending on ARMV6.
+   * [QTBUG-16240] Fix blurry text in word-wrapped, center-aligned text items
+     with OpenVG.
+ - QSystemSemaphore
+   * [QTBUG-16615] Fix QSystemSemaphore handle management issues in Symbian.
+ - qtmain.lib
+   * [QTBUG-14735] Use qtmain.lib to provide entry point for all applications.
+ - QtQuick
+   * [QTBUG-15405] QML Plugins were not loaded when installed on different
+     drives.
+ - QtScript
+   * [QTBUG-14293] Enhanced JavaScript heap allocator.
+   * [QTBUG-15800] Creating QScriptEngine on the heap caused app crash.
+   * [QTBUG-15847] Add compiler optimizations.
+   * [QTBUG-16685] Fix crash in JavaScript stack allocator.
+ - QWidget
+   * [QTBUG-16578] In cases where the widget was created from the event loop
+     instead of main(), the middle three softkeys would not get the right
+     visibility and would leave a "hole" in the application where one could
+     see what was beneath it.
+   * [QT-4416, QTBUG-17288] On devices which lack support for transparency
+     in EGL surfaces, setting Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground on a widget
+     whose windowType() is Qt::Window causes that widget to be rendered
+     using the raster graphics system.
  - Tool scripts
    * [QTBUG-13886] Disallow patching capabilities of executables.
    * [QTBUG-13891] Add Location as self signable capability in
@@ -225,49 +269,10 @@ Qt for Symbian
    * Fix epocroot handling in script.
    * Unify epocroot usage in createpackage and patch_capabilities scripts.
- - qtmain.lib
-   * [QTBUG-14735] Use qtmain.lib to provide entry point for all Symbian applications.
- - QWidget
-    * [QT-4416, QTBUG-17288] On devices which lack support for transparency
-      in EGL surfaces, setting Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground on a widget
-      whose windowType() is Qt::Window causes that widget to be rendered
-      using the raster graphics system.
-Qt for Embedded Linux
- -
- -
-Qt for Windows CE
- -
 *                          Tools                                           *
- - Designer
-   * foo
- - qdoc3
-   * bar
- - Linguist
-   * baz
  - qmake
    * [QTBUG-14357] Make qmake to pass all UTF-8 characters unchanged through parser.
-* Important Behavior Changes *
- -
cgit v0.12