From a9c225e6b464337d253e6b9aa5eaac82d01b3301 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thierry Bastian <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 15:15:26 +0200
Subject: QMenu: adding autotest for the geometry calculations

I also fixed an off-by-1 pixel bug
 src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp      |  8 ++++----
 tests/auto/qmenu/tst_qmenu.cpp | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp
index 1fd6816..0aa584f 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp
@@ -1704,10 +1704,10 @@ QSize QMenu::sizeHint() const
         const QRect &rect = d->;
         if (rect.isNull())
-        if (rect.bottom() > s.height())
-            s.setHeight(rect.y()+rect.height());
-        if (rect.right() > s.width())
-            s.setWidth(rect.right());
+        if (rect.bottom() >= s.height())
+            s.setHeight(rect.y() + rect.height());
+        if (rect.right() >= s.width())
+            s.setWidth(rect.x() + rect.width());
     if (d->tearoff)
         s.rheight() += style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuTearoffHeight, &opt, this);
diff --git a/tests/auto/qmenu/tst_qmenu.cpp b/tests/auto/qmenu/tst_qmenu.cpp
index 01e29f8..1d19ffa 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qmenu/tst_qmenu.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qmenu/tst_qmenu.cpp
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ private slots:
     void task176201_clear();
     void task250673_activeMultiColumnSubMenuPosition();
     void task256918_setFont();
+    void menuSizeHint();
 protected slots:
     void onActivated(QAction*);
     void onHighlighted(QAction*);
@@ -727,6 +728,40 @@ void tst_QMenu::task256918_setFont()
     QVERIFY(menu.actionGeometry(action).height() > f.pointSize());
+void tst_QMenu::menuSizeHint()
+    QMenu menu;
+    //this is a list of arbitrary strings so that we check the geometry
+    QStringList list = QStringList() << "trer" << "ezrfgtgvqd" << "sdgzgzerzerzer" << "eerzertz"  << "er";
+    foreach(QString str, list)
+        menu.addAction(str);
+    int left, top, right, bottom;
+    menu.getContentsMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom);
+    const int panelWidth =>pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuPanelWidth, 0, &menu);
+    const int hmargin =>pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuHMargin, 0, &menu),
+        vmargin =>pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuVMargin, 0, &menu);
+    int maxWidth =0;
+    QRect result;
+    foreach(QAction *action, menu.actions()) {
+        maxWidth = qMax(maxWidth, menu.actionGeometry(action).width());
+        result |= menu.actionGeometry(action);
+        QCOMPARE(result.x(), left + hmargin + panelWidth);
+        QCOMPARE(result.y(), top + vmargin + panelWidth);
+    }
+    QStyleOption opt(0);
+    opt.rect = menu.rect();
+    opt.state = QStyle::State_None;
+    QSize resSize = QSize(result.x(), result.y()) + result.size() + QSize(hmargin + right + panelWidth, vmargin + top + panelWidth);
+    resSize =>sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_Menu, &opt,
+                                    resSize.expandedTo(QApplication::globalStrut()), &menu);
+    QCOMPARE(resSize, menu.sizeHint());
 #include "tst_qmenu.moc"
cgit v0.12