From 95baddfc2f5dc719188f52519c95206959983206 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anders Bakken <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 09:47:19 -0700
Subject: Rewrite QDFBScreen::exposeRegion

This code should be a noop in the case where one has a proper dfb cursor
and proper dfb window handling. This was the only case it actually

This patch makes it work for a screen cursor rendered by Qt and sets
exposeRegion up to work for using an offscreen backing store.

Since one can't query the background color set by directfb this patch
also adds a connect option to set the background color. This is needed
for erasing the background when the mouse cursor moves.

Reviewed-by: Donald <>
 .../gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp        | 286 +++++++++------------
 src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.h  |  14 +-
 2 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 176 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
index 0928643..88e304c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ public:
     IDirectFBDisplayLayer *dfbLayer;
     IDirectFBScreen *dfbScreen;
-    QRegion prevExpose;
     QSet<IDirectFBSurface*> allocatedSurfaces;
@@ -82,6 +81,7 @@ public:
     QDirectFBScreen::DirectFBFlags directFBFlags;
     QImage::Format alphaPixmapFormat;
+    QColor backgroundColor;
 QDirectFBScreenPrivate::QDirectFBScreenPrivate(QDirectFBScreen *screen)
@@ -1047,6 +1047,14 @@ bool QDirectFBScreen::connect(const QString &displaySpec)
         printDirectFBInfo(d_ptr->dfb, d_ptr->dfbSurface);
+    QRegExp backgroundColorRegExp("bgcolor=?(.+)");
+    backgroundColorRegExp.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+    if (displayArgs.indexOf(backgroundColorRegExp) != -1) {
+        d_ptr->backgroundColor.setNamedColor(backgroundColorRegExp.cap(1));
+    }
+    if (!d_ptr->backgroundColor.isValid())
+        d_ptr->backgroundColor = Qt::green;
     return true;
@@ -1087,7 +1095,7 @@ bool QDirectFBScreen::initDevice()
     qt_screencursor = new QDirectFBScreenCursor;
@@ -1145,203 +1153,119 @@ QWSWindowSurface *QDirectFBScreen::createSurface(const QString &key) const
     return QScreen::createSurface(key);
-void QDirectFBScreen::compose(const QRegion &region)
-    const QList<QWSWindow*> windows = QWSServer::instance()->clientWindows();
-    QRegion blitRegion = region;
-    QRegion blendRegion;
-    d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetBlittingFlags(d_ptr->dfbSurface, DSBLIT_NOFX);
-    // blit opaque region
-    for (int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i) {
-        QWSWindow *win =;
-        QWSWindowSurface *surface = win->windowSurface();
-        if (!surface)
-            continue;
-        const QRegion r = win->allocatedRegion() & blitRegion;
-        if (r.isEmpty())
-            continue;
-        blitRegion -= r;
-        if (surface->isRegionReserved()) {
-            // nothing
-        } else if (win->isOpaque()) {
-            const QPoint offset = win->requestedRegion().boundingRect().topLeft();
-            if (surface->key() == QLatin1String("directfb")) {
-                QDirectFBWindowSurface *s = static_cast<QDirectFBWindowSurface*>(surface);
-                blit(s->directFBSurface(), offset, r);
-            } else {
-                blit(surface->image(), offset, r);
-            }
-        } else {
-            blendRegion += r;
-        }
-        if (blitRegion.isEmpty())
-            break;
-    }
-    { // fill background
-        const QRegion fill = blitRegion + blendRegion;
-        if (!fill.isEmpty()) {
-            const QColor color = QWSServer::instance()->backgroundBrush().color();
-            solidFill(color, fill);
-            blitRegion = QRegion();
-        }
-    }
-    if (blendRegion.isEmpty())
-        return;
-    // blend non-opaque region
-    for (int i = windows.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-        QWSWindow *win =;
-        QWSWindowSurface *surface = win->windowSurface();
-        if (!surface)
-            continue;
-        const QRegion r = win->allocatedRegion() & blendRegion;
-        if (r.isEmpty())
-            continue;
-        DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags flags = DSBLIT_NOFX;
-        if (!win->isOpaque()) {
-            flags |= DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL;
-            const uint opacity = win->opacity();
-            if (opacity < 255) {
-                flags |= DSBLIT_BLEND_COLORALPHA;
-                d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetColor(d_ptr->dfbSurface, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, opacity);
-            }
-        }
-        d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetBlittingFlags(d_ptr->dfbSurface, flags);
-        const QPoint offset = win->requestedRegion().boundingRect().topLeft();
-        if (surface->key() == QLatin1String("directfb")) {
-            QDirectFBWindowSurface *s = static_cast<QDirectFBWindowSurface*>(surface);
-            blit(s->directFBSurface(), offset, r);
-        } else {
-            blit(surface->image(), offset, r);
-        }
-    }
-#if (Q_DIRECTFB_VERSION >= 0x010000)
-    d_ptr->dfbSurface->ReleaseSource(d_ptr->dfbSurface);
 // Normally, when using DirectFB to compose the windows (I.e. when
 // QT_NO_DIRECTFB_WM isn't set), exposeRegion will simply return. If
 // QT_NO_DIRECTFB_WM is set, exposeRegion will compose only non-directFB
 // window surfaces. Normal, directFB surfaces are handled by DirectFB.
+static inline bool needExposeRegion()
+    return true;
+    return true;
+    return false;
 void QDirectFBScreen::exposeRegion(QRegion r, int changing)
+    if (!needExposeRegion()) {
+        return;
+    }
     const QList<QWSWindow*> windows = QWSServer::instance()->clientWindows();
     if (changing < 0 || changing >= windows.size())
     QWSWindow *win =;
     QWSWindowSurface *s = win->windowSurface();
-    if (s && s->key() == QLatin1String("directfb"))
-        return;
     r &= region();
     if (r.isEmpty())
-    if (d_ptr->flipFlags & DSFLIP_BLIT) {
-        const QRect brect = r.boundingRect();
-        DFBRegion dfbRegion = { brect.left(),,
-                                brect.right(), brect.bottom() };
-        compose(r);
-        d_ptr->dfbSurface->Flip(d_ptr->dfbSurface, &dfbRegion,
-                                d_ptr->flipFlags);
+    const QRect brect = r.boundingRect();
+    if (!s) {
+        solidFill(d_ptr->backgroundColor, r);
     } else {
-        compose(r + d_ptr->prevExpose);
-        d_ptr->dfbSurface->Flip(d_ptr->dfbSurface, 0, d_ptr->flipFlags);
+        const QRect windowGeometry = s->geometry();
+        const QRegion outsideWindow = r.subtracted(windowGeometry);
+        if (!outsideWindow.isEmpty()) {
+            solidFill(d_ptr->backgroundColor, outsideWindow);
+        }
+        const QRegion insideWindow = r.intersected(windowGeometry);
+        if (!insideWindow.isEmpty()) {
+            QDirectFBWindowSurface *dfbWindowSurface = (s->key() == QLatin1String("directfb"))
+                                                       ? static_cast<QDirectFBWindowSurface*>(s) : 0;
+            if (dfbWindowSurface) {
+                IDirectFBSurface *surface = dfbWindowSurface->directFBSurface();
+                if (d_ptr->directFBFlags & BoundingRectFlip || insideWindow.numRects() == 1) {
+                    const QRect source = (insideWindow.boundingRect().intersected(windowGeometry)).translated(-windowGeometry.topLeft());
+                    const DFBRectangle rect = {
+                        source.x(), source.y(), source.width(), source.height()
+                    };
+                    d_ptr->dfbSurface->Blit(d_ptr->dfbSurface, surface, &rect,
+                                            windowGeometry.x() + source.x(),
+                                            windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
+                } else {
+                    const QVector<QRect> rects = insideWindow.rects();
+                    const int count = rects.size();
+                    Q_ASSERT(count > 1);
+                    for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+                        const QRect source = (;
+                        const DFBRectangle rect = {
+                            source.x(), source.y(), source.width(), source.height()
+                        };
+                        d_ptr->dfbSurface->Blit(d_ptr->dfbSurface, surface, &rect,
+                                                windowGeometry.x() + source.x(),
+                                                windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
-    d_ptr->prevExpose = r;
-void QDirectFBScreen::blit(const QImage &img, const QPoint &topLeft,
-                           const QRegion &reg)
-    IDirectFBSurface *src = createDFBSurface(img, QDirectFBScreen::DontTrackSurface);
-    if (!src) {
-        qWarning("QDirectFBScreen::blit(): Error creating surface");
-        return;
-    }
-    blit(src, topLeft, reg);
+    if (QScreenCursor *cursor = QScreenCursor::instance()) {
+        const QRect cursorRectangle = cursor->boundingRect();
+        if (cursor->isVisible() && !cursor->isAccelerated() && cursorRectangle.intersects(brect)) {
+            const QImage image = cursor->image();
+            IDirectFBSurface *surface = createDFBSurface(image, QDirectFBScreen::DontTrackSurface);
+            d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetBlittingFlags(d_ptr->dfbSurface, DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL);
+            d_ptr->dfbSurface->Blit(d_ptr->dfbSurface, surface, 0, cursorRectangle.x(), cursorRectangle.y());
+            surface->Release(surface);
 #if (Q_DIRECTFB_VERSION >= 0x010000)
-    d_ptr->dfbSurface->ReleaseSource(d_ptr->dfbSurface);
+            d_ptr->dfbSurface->ReleaseSource(d_ptr->dfbSurface);
-    src->Release(src);
-void QDirectFBScreen::blit(IDirectFBSurface *src, const QPoint &topLeft,
-                           const QRegion &region)
-    const QVector<QRect> rs = region.translated(-offset()).rects();
-    const int size = rs.size();
-    const QPoint tl = topLeft - offset();
-    QVarLengthArray<DFBRectangle> rects(size);
-    QVarLengthArray<DFBPoint> points(size);
-    int n = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
-        const QRect r =;
-        if (!r.isValid())
-            continue;
-        rects[n].x = r.x() - tl.x();
-        rects[n].y = r.y() - tl.y();
-        rects[n].w = r.width();
-        rects[n].h = r.height();
-        points[n].x = r.x();
-        points[n].y = r.y();
-        ++n;
+        }
-    d_ptr->dfbSurface->BatchBlit(d_ptr->dfbSurface, src,,
-                       , n);
+    flipSurface(d_ptr->dfbSurface, d_ptr->flipFlags, r, QPoint());
-// This function is only ever called by QScreen::drawBackground which
-// is only ever called by QScreen::compose which is never called with
-// DirectFB so it's really a noop.
 void QDirectFBScreen::solidFill(const QColor &color, const QRegion &region)
     if (region.isEmpty())
-    if (QDirectFBScreen::getImageFormat(d_ptr->dfbSurface) == QImage::Format_RGB32) {
-        data = QDirectFBScreen::lockSurface(d_ptr->dfbSurface, DSLF_WRITE, &lstep);
-        if (!data)
-            return;
-        QScreen::solidFill(color, region);
-        d_ptr->dfbSurface->Unlock(d_ptr->dfbSurface);
-        data = 0;
-        lstep = 0;
-    } else {
-        d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetColor(d_ptr->dfbSurface,
-                          ,,,
-                                    color.alpha());
-        const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects();
-        for (int i=0; i<rects.size(); ++i) {
-            const QRect &r =;
-            d_ptr->dfbSurface->FillRectangle(d_ptr->dfbSurface,
-                                             r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
-        }
+    d_ptr->dfbSurface->SetColor(d_ptr->dfbSurface,
+                      ,,,
+                                color.alpha());
+    const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects();
+    for (int i=0; i<rects.size(); ++i) {
+        const QRect &r =;
+        d_ptr->dfbSurface->FillRectangle(d_ptr->dfbSurface,
+                                         r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
+void QDirectFBScreen::erase(const QRegion &region)
+    solidFill(d_ptr->backgroundColor, region);
 QImage::Format QDirectFBScreen::alphaPixmapFormat() const
     return d_ptr->alphaPixmapFormat;
@@ -1377,3 +1301,31 @@ uchar *QDirectFBScreen::lockSurface(IDirectFBSurface *surface, uint flags, int *
     return reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(mem);
+void QDirectFBScreen::flipSurface(IDirectFBSurface *surface, DFBSurfaceFlipFlags flipFlags,
+                                  const QRegion &region, const QPoint &offset)
+    if (!(flipFlags & DSFLIP_BLIT)) {
+        surface->Flip(surface, 0, flipFlags);
+    } else {
+        if (!(d_ptr->directFBFlags & BoundingRectFlip) && region.numRects() > 1) {
+            const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects();
+            const DFBSurfaceFlipFlags nonWaitFlags = flipFlags & ~DSFLIP_WAIT;
+            for (int i=0; i<rects.size(); ++i) {
+                const QRect &r =;
+                const DFBRegion dfbReg = { r.x() + offset.x(), r.y() + offset.y(),
+                                           r.x() + r.width() + offset.x(),
+                                           r.y() + r.height() + offset.y() };
+                surface->Flip(surface, &dfbReg, i + 1 < rects.size() ? nonWaitFlags : flipFlags);
+            }
+        } else {
+            const QRect r = region.boundingRect();
+            const DFBRegion dfbReg = { r.x() + offset.x(), r.y() + offset.y(),
+                                       r.x() + r.width() + offset.x(),
+                                       r.y() + r.height() + offset.y() };
+            surface->Flip(surface, &dfbReg, flipFlags);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.h b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.h
index 090a685..c128932 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.h
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.h
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ QT_MODULE(Gui)
-#include <QDebug>
 #define DIRECTFB_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(F)                         \
     static inline F operator~(F f) { return F(~int(f)); } \
     static inline F operator&(F left, F right) { return F(int(left) & int(right)); } \
@@ -94,7 +93,6 @@ public:
     void shutdownDevice();
     void exposeRegion(QRegion r, int changing);
-    void blit(const QImage &img, const QPoint &topLeft, const QRegion &region);
     void scroll(const QRegion &region, const QPoint &offset);
     void solidFill(const QColor &color, const QRegion &region);
@@ -131,9 +129,12 @@ public:
                                      QImage::Format format,
                                      SurfaceCreationOptions options);
     IDirectFBSurface *copyToDFBSurface(const QImage &image,
-                                     QImage::Format format,
-                                     SurfaceCreationOptions options);
+                                       QImage::Format format,
+                                       SurfaceCreationOptions options);
+    void flipSurface(IDirectFBSurface *surface, DFBSurfaceFlipFlags flipFlags,
+                     const QRegion &region, const QPoint &offset);
     void releaseDFBSurface(IDirectFBSurface *surface);
+    void erase(const QRegion &region);
     static int depth(DFBSurfacePixelFormat format);
@@ -154,14 +155,9 @@ public:
     static uchar *lockSurface(IDirectFBSurface *surface, uint flags, int *bpl = 0);
     IDirectFBSurface *createDFBSurface(DFBSurfaceDescription desc,
                                        SurfaceCreationOptions options);
-    void compose(const QRegion &r);
-    void blit(IDirectFBSurface *src, const QPoint &topLeft,
-              const QRegion &region);
     QDirectFBScreenPrivate *d_ptr;
     friend class SurfaceCache;
cgit v0.12

From eb6fa7e03a5c91e3da93d0c6203d9bad52dfcbb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anders Bakken <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 09:50:49 -0700
Subject: Fix dfbwindowsurface handling for offscreen mode

This patch vastly simplifies the geometry handling (setGeometry/move)
It also implements a mode in which DirectFB implementations that do not
support windows can use an offscreen buffer as its backing store.
Previously the only way to do this was to paint directly on the primary
surface. This didn't work when the dfb driver didn't support an
accelerated mouse cursor.

It also detects the situation when the cursor isn't accelerated and
takes care of painting it manually when needed.

Reviewed-by: Donald <>
 .../gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.cpp | 268 +++++++++++----------
 .../gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.h   |  10 +-
 2 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.cpp b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.cpp
index 7dcf398..ed4b2d9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.cpp
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
 #include "qdirectfbpaintengine.h"
 #include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qwindowsystem_qws.h>
 #include <qpaintdevice.h>
 #include <qvarlengtharray.h>
 QDirectFBWindowSurface::QDirectFBWindowSurface(DFBSurfaceFlipFlags flip, QDirectFBScreen *scr)
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ QDirectFBWindowSurface::QDirectFBWindowSurface(DFBSurfaceFlipFlags flip, QDirect
     , flipFlags(flip)
     , boundingRectFlip(scr->directFBFlags() & QDirectFBScreen::BoundingRectFlip)
+    mode = Offscreen;
+    mode = Window;
     setSurfaceFlags(Opaque | Buffered);
     frames = 0;
@@ -75,11 +80,17 @@ QDirectFBWindowSurface::QDirectFBWindowSurface(DFBSurfaceFlipFlags flip, QDirect
     , flipFlags(flip)
     , boundingRectFlip(scr->directFBFlags() & QDirectFBScreen::BoundingRectFlip)
-    onscreen = widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen);
-    if (onscreen)
+    if (widget && widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen)) {
         setSurfaceFlags(Opaque | RegionReserved);
-    else
+        mode = Primary;
+    } else {
+        mode = Offscreen;
+        mode = Window;
         setSurfaceFlags(Opaque | Buffered);
+    }
     frames = 0;
@@ -99,7 +110,7 @@ bool QDirectFBWindowSurface::isValid() const
 void QDirectFBWindowSurface::createWindow()
     IDirectFBDisplayLayer *layer = screen->dfbDisplayLayer();
     if (!layer)
@@ -129,8 +140,40 @@ void QDirectFBWindowSurface::createWindow()
 #endif // QT_NO_DIRECTFB_WM
-void QDirectFBWindowSurface::setGeometry(const QRect &rect, const QRegion &mask)
+static DFBResult setGeometry(IDirectFBWindow *dfbWindow, const QRect &old, const QRect &rect)
+    DFBResult result = DFB_OK;
+    const bool isMove = old.isEmpty() || rect.topLeft() != old.topLeft();
+    const bool isResize = rect.size() != old.size();
+#if (Q_DIRECTFB_VERSION >= 0x010000)
+    if (isResize && isMove) {
+        result = dfbWindow->SetBounds(dfbWindow, rect.x(), rect.y(),
+                                      rect.width(), rect.height());
+    } else if (isResize) {
+        result = dfbWindow->Resize(dfbWindow,
+                                   rect.width(), rect.height());
+    } else if (isMove) {
+        result = dfbWindow->MoveTo(dfbWindow, rect.x(), rect.y());
+    }
+    if (isResize) {
+        result = dfbWindow->Resize(dfbWindow,
+                                   rect.width(), rect.height());
+    }
+    if (isMove) {
+        result = dfbWindow->MoveTo(dfbWindow, rect.x(), rect.y());
+    }
+    return result;
+void QDirectFBWindowSurface::setGeometry(const QRect &rect)
+    IDirectFBSurface *primarySurface = screen->dfbSurface();
+    Q_ASSERT(primarySurface);
     if (rect.isNull()) {
         if (dfbWindow) {
@@ -138,22 +181,21 @@ void QDirectFBWindowSurface::setGeometry(const QRect &rect, const QRegion &mask)
             dfbWindow = 0;
-        if (dfbSurface && dfbSurface != screen->dfbSurface()) {
-            dfbSurface->Release(dfbSurface);
+        if (dfbSurface) {
+            if (dfbSurface != primarySurface) {
+                dfbSurface->Release(dfbSurface);
+            }
             dfbSurface = 0;
     } else if (rect != geometry()) {
+        const QRect oldRect = geometry();
         DFBResult result = DFB_OK;
         // If we're in a resize, the surface shouldn't be locked
         Q_ASSERT((lockedImage == 0) || (rect.size() == geometry().size()));
-        if (onscreen) {
-            IDirectFBSurface *primarySurface = screen->dfbSurface();
-            Q_ASSERT(primarySurface);
+        switch (mode) {
+        case Primary:
             if (dfbSurface && dfbSurface != primarySurface)
             if (rect == screen->region().boundingRect()) {
                 dfbSurface = primarySurface;
             } else {
@@ -161,58 +203,32 @@ void QDirectFBWindowSurface::setGeometry(const QRect &rect, const QRegion &mask)
                                          rect.width(), rect.height() };
                 result = primarySurface->GetSubSurface(primarySurface, &r, &dfbSurface);
-        } else {
-            const bool isResize = rect.size() != geometry().size();
-            if (isResize) {
+            break;
+        case Window:
+            if (!dfbWindow)
+                createWindow();
+            ::setGeometry(dfbWindow, oldRect, rect);
+            // ### do I need to release and get the surface again here?
+            break;
+        case Offscreen: {
+            if (!dfbSurface || oldRect.size() != rect.size()) {
                 if (dfbSurface)
-                IDirectFB *dfb = screen->dfb();
-                if (!dfb) {
-                    qFatal("QDirectFBWindowSurface::setGeometry(): "
-                           "Unable to get DirectFB handle!");
-                }
                 dfbSurface = screen->createDFBSurface(rect.size(), screen->pixelFormat(), QDirectFBScreen::DontTrackSurface);
-            } else {
-                Q_ASSERT(dfbSurface);
-            }
-            const QRect oldRect = geometry();
-            const bool isMove = oldRect.isEmpty() ||
-                                rect.topLeft() != oldRect.topLeft();
-            if (!dfbWindow)
-                createWindow();
-#if (Q_DIRECTFB_VERSION >= 0x010000)
-            if (isResize && isMove) {
-                result = dfbWindow->SetBounds(dfbWindow, rect.x(), rect.y(),
-                                              rect.width(), rect.height());
-            } else if (isResize) {
-                result = dfbWindow->Resize(dfbWindow,
-                                           rect.width(), rect.height());
-            } else if (isMove) {
-                result = dfbWindow->MoveTo(dfbWindow, rect.x(), rect.y());
-            }
-            if (isResize) {
-                result = dfbWindow->Resize(dfbWindow,
-                                           rect.width(), rect.height());
-            if (isMove) {
-                result = dfbWindow->MoveTo(dfbWindow, rect.x(), rect.y());
-            }
+            const QRegion region = QRegion(oldRect.isEmpty() ? screen->region() : QRegion(oldRect)).subtracted(rect);
+            screen->erase(region);
+            screen->flipSurface(primarySurface, flipFlags, region, QPoint());
+            break; }
         if (result != DFB_OK)
             DirectFBErrorFatal("QDirectFBWindowSurface::setGeometry()", result);
-    QWSWindowSurface::setGeometry(rect, mask);
+    QWSWindowSurface::setGeometry(rect);
 QByteArray QDirectFBWindowSurface::permanentState() const
@@ -254,7 +270,6 @@ static inline void scrollSurface(IDirectFBSurface *surface, const QRect &r, int
     surface->Blit(surface, surface, &rect, r.x() + dx, r.y() + dy);
 bool QDirectFBWindowSurface::scroll(const QRegion &region, int dx, int dy)
     if (!dfbSurface || !(flipFlags & DSFLIP_BLIT) || region.isEmpty())
@@ -272,35 +287,13 @@ bool QDirectFBWindowSurface::scroll(const QRegion &region, int dx, int dy)
     return true;
-bool QDirectFBWindowSurface::move(const QPoint &offset)
-    QWSWindowSurface::move(offset);
-    return true; // buffered
-    if (!dfbWindow)
-        return false;
-    DFBResult status = dfbWindow->Move(dfbWindow, offset.x(), offset.y());
-    return (status == DFB_OK);
-QRegion QDirectFBWindowSurface::move(const QPoint &offset, const QRegion &newClip)
+bool QDirectFBWindowSurface::move(const QPoint &moveBy)
-    return QWSWindowSurface::move(offset, newClip);
-    Q_UNUSED(offset);
-    Q_UNUSED(newClip);
-    // DirectFB handles the entire move, so there's no need to blit.
-    return QRegion();
+    setGeometry(geometry().translated(moveBy));
+    return true;
-QPaintEngine* QDirectFBWindowSurface::paintEngine() const
+QPaintEngine *QDirectFBWindowSurface::paintEngine() const
     if (!engine) {
         QDirectFBWindowSurface *that = const_cast<QDirectFBWindowSurface*>(this);
@@ -333,57 +326,86 @@ inline bool isWidgetOpaque(const QWidget *w)
     return false;
-void QDirectFBWindowSurface::flush(QWidget *widget, const QRegion &region,
+void QDirectFBWindowSurface::flush(QWidget *, const QRegion &region,
                                    const QPoint &offset)
-    Q_UNUSED(widget);
-    Q_UNUSED(region);
-    Q_UNUSED(offset);
-    QWidget *win = window();
     // hw: make sure opacity information is updated before compositing
-    const bool opaque = isWidgetOpaque(win);
-    if (opaque != isOpaque()) {
-        SurfaceFlags flags = Buffered;
-        if (opaque)
-            flags |= Opaque;
-        setSurfaceFlags(flags);
-    }
+    if (QWidget *win = window()) {
+        const bool opaque = isWidgetOpaque(win);
+        if (opaque != isOpaque()) {
+            SurfaceFlags flags = surfaceFlags();
+            if (opaque) {
+                flags |= Opaque;
+            } else {
+                flags &= ~Opaque;
+            }
+            setSurfaceFlags(flags);
+        }
-    const quint8 winOpacity = quint8(win->windowOpacity() * 255);
-    quint8 opacity;
+        const quint8 winOpacity = quint8(win->windowOpacity() * 255);
+        quint8 opacity;
-    if (dfbWindow) {
-        dfbWindow->GetOpacity(dfbWindow, &opacity);
-        if (winOpacity != opacity)
-            dfbWindow->SetOpacity(dfbWindow, winOpacity);
-    }
+        if (dfbWindow) {
+            dfbWindow->GetOpacity(dfbWindow, &opacity);
+            if (winOpacity != opacity)
+                dfbWindow->SetOpacity(dfbWindow, winOpacity);
+        }
-    if (!(flipFlags & DSFLIP_BLIT)) {
-        dfbSurface->Flip(dfbSurface, 0, flipFlags);
-    } else {
-        if (!boundingRectFlip && region.numRects() > 1) {
+    }
+    if (mode == Offscreen) {
+        IDirectFBSurface *primarySurface = screen->dfbSurface();
+        primarySurface->SetBlittingFlags(primarySurface, DSBLIT_NOFX);
+        const QRect windowGeometry = QDirectFBWindowSurface::geometry();
+        const QRect windowRect(0, 0, windowGeometry.width(), windowGeometry.height());
+        if (boundingRectFlip || region.numRects() == 1) {
+            const QRect regionBoundingRect = region.boundingRect().translated(offset);
+            const QRect source = windowRect & regionBoundingRect;
+            const DFBRectangle rect = {
+                source.x(), source.y(), source.width(), source.height()
+            };
+            primarySurface->Blit(primarySurface, dfbSurface, &rect,
+                                 windowGeometry.x() + source.x(),
+                                 windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
+        } else {
             const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects();
-            const DFBSurfaceFlipFlags nonWaitFlags = flipFlags & ~DSFLIP_WAIT;
-            for (int i=0; i<rects.size(); ++i) {
-                const QRect &r =;
-                const DFBRegion dfbReg = { r.x() + offset.x(), r.y() + offset.y(),
-                                           r.x() + r.width() + offset.x(),
-                                           r.y() + r.height() + offset.y() };
-                dfbSurface->Flip(dfbSurface, &dfbReg, i + 1 < rects.size() ? nonWaitFlags : flipFlags);
+            const int count = rects.size();
+            for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+                const QRect &r =;
+                const QRect source = windowRect & r;
+                const DFBRectangle rect = {
+                    source.x(), source.y(), source.width(), source.height()
+                };
+                primarySurface->Blit(primarySurface, dfbSurface, &rect,
+                                     windowGeometry.x() + source.x(),
+                                     windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
-        } else {
-            const QRect r = region.boundingRect();
-            const DFBRegion dfbReg = { r.x() + offset.x(), r.y() + offset.y(),
-                                       r.x() + r.width() + offset.x(),
-                                       r.y() + r.height() + offset.y() };
-            dfbSurface->Flip(dfbSurface, &dfbReg, flipFlags);
+        if (QScreenCursor *cursor = QScreenCursor::instance()) {
+            const QRect cursorRectangle = cursor->boundingRect();
+            if (cursor->isVisible() && !cursor->isAccelerated()
+                && region.intersects(cursorRectangle.translated(-(offset + windowGeometry.topLeft())))) {
+                const QImage image = cursor->image();
+                IDirectFBSurface *surface = screen->createDFBSurface(image, QDirectFBScreen::DontTrackSurface);
+                primarySurface->SetBlittingFlags(primarySurface, DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL);
+                primarySurface->Blit(primarySurface, surface, 0, cursorRectangle.x(), cursorRectangle.y());
+                surface->Release(surface);
+#if (Q_DIRECTFB_VERSION >= 0x010000)
+                primarySurface->ReleaseSource(primarySurface);
+            }
+        }
+        screen->flipSurface(primarySurface, flipFlags, region, offset + windowGeometry.topLeft());
+    } else {
+        screen->flipSurface(dfbSurface, flipFlags, region, offset);
     enum { Secs = 3 };
diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.h b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.h
index 7885b73..c46d93b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.h
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public:
     bool isValid() const;
-    void setGeometry(const QRect &rect, const QRegion &mask);
+    void setGeometry(const QRect &rect);
     QString key() const { return QLatin1String("directfb"); }
     QByteArray permanentState() const;
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ public:
     bool scroll(const QRegion &area, int dx, int dy);
     bool move(const QPoint &offset);
-    QRegion move(const QPoint &offset, const QRegion &newClip);
     QImage image() const { return QImage(); }
     QPaintDevice *paintDevice() { return this; }
@@ -88,7 +87,6 @@ public:
     void endPaint(const QRegion &);
     QImage *buffer(const QWidget *widget);
     void createWindow();
@@ -96,7 +94,11 @@ private:
     QDirectFBPaintEngine *engine;
-    bool onscreen;
+    enum Mode {
+        Primary,
+        Offscreen,
+        Window
+    } mode;
     QList<QImage*> bufferImages;
     DFBSurfaceFlipFlags flipFlags;
cgit v0.12

From d79f61b51868712590f423483f4d3b39cb60aa64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anders Bakken <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 11:20:32 -0700
Subject: Fix IDirectFBSurface::ReleaseSource calls

Make sure that these calls are in the right order.

Reviewed-by: Donald <>
 src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbpaintengine.cpp | 2 +-
 src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp      | 3 ++-
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbpaintengine.cpp b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbpaintengine.cpp
index 94f1aeb..68f37ff 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbpaintengine.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbpaintengine.cpp
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ void QDirectFBPaintEngine::drawImage(const QRectF &r, const QImage &image,
     d->blit(r, imgSurface, sr);
     if (release) {
 #if (Q_DIRECTFB_VERSION >= 0x010000)
-        imgSurface->ReleaseSource(imgSurface);
+        d->surface->ReleaseSource(d->surface);
diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
index 88e304c..e12cbc4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ IDirectFBSurface *QDirectFBScreen::createDFBSurface(const QImage &img, SurfaceCr
     if (img.isNull()) // assert?
         return 0;
     if (QDirectFBScreen::getSurfacePixelFormat(img.format()) == DSPF_UNKNOWN) {
         QImage image = img.convertToFormat(img.hasAlphaChannel()
                                            ? d_ptr->alphaPixmapFormat
@@ -321,10 +322,10 @@ IDirectFBSurface *QDirectFBScreen::copyToDFBSurface(const QImage &img,
     DFBResult result = dfbSurface->Blit(dfbSurface, imgSurface, 0, 0, 0);
     if (result != DFB_OK)
         DirectFBError("QDirectFBScreen::copyToDFBSurface()", result);
+    imgSurface->Release(imgSurface);
 #if (Q_DIRECTFB_VERSION >= 0x010000)
-    imgSurface->Release(imgSurface);
     Q_ASSERT(image.format() == pixmapFormat);
     int bpl;
cgit v0.12

From 18728d2ddd725199017a36cb290c30d6e8c9e647 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anders Bakken <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 11:25:47 -0700
Subject: Use dfbsurface::FillRectangles in solidFill

Minor optimization

Reviewed-by: Donald <>
 src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp | 20 +++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
index e12cbc4..ae2e38b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
@@ -1254,11 +1254,21 @@ void QDirectFBScreen::solidFill(const QColor &color, const QRegion &region)
-    const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects();
-    for (int i=0; i<rects.size(); ++i) {
-        const QRect &r =;
-        d_ptr->dfbSurface->FillRectangle(d_ptr->dfbSurface,
-                                         r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
+    const int n = region.numRects();
+    if (n > 1) {
+        const QRect r = region.boundingRect();
+        d_ptr->dfbSurface->FillRectangle(d_ptr->dfbSurface, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
+    } else {
+        const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects();
+        QVarLengthArray<DFBRectangle, 32> rectArray(n);
+        for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
+            const QRect &r =;
+            rectArray[i].x = r.x();
+            rectArray[i].y = r.y();
+            rectArray[i].w = r.width();
+            rectArray[i].h = r.height();
+        }
+        d_ptr->dfbSurface->FillRectangles(d_ptr->dfbSurface, rectArray.constData(), n);
cgit v0.12

From e38aed0bf5ea35db7dc82a943dfffcd31cca4700 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anders Bakken <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 11:54:01 -0700
Subject: Use BatchBlit in flush/exposeRegion

Minor optimization.

Also make sure cursor is drawn in flush even if we're not in Offscreen

Reviewed-by: TrustMe
 .../gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp        | 25 ++++++----
 .../gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.cpp | 57 ++++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
index ae2e38b..1efebd9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
@@ -1204,7 +1204,8 @@ void QDirectFBScreen::exposeRegion(QRegion r, int changing)
                                                        ? static_cast<QDirectFBWindowSurface*>(s) : 0;
             if (dfbWindowSurface) {
                 IDirectFBSurface *surface = dfbWindowSurface->directFBSurface();
-                if (d_ptr->directFBFlags & BoundingRectFlip || insideWindow.numRects() == 1) {
+                const int n = insideWindow.numRects();
+                if (n == 1 || d_ptr->directFBFlags & BoundingRectFlip) {
                     const QRect source = (insideWindow.boundingRect().intersected(windowGeometry)).translated(-windowGeometry.topLeft());
                     const DFBRectangle rect = {
                         source.x(), source.y(), source.width(), source.height()
@@ -1214,17 +1215,21 @@ void QDirectFBScreen::exposeRegion(QRegion r, int changing)
                                             windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
                 } else {
                     const QVector<QRect> rects = insideWindow.rects();
-                    const int count = rects.size();
-                    Q_ASSERT(count > 1);
-                    for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+                    QVarLengthArray<DFBRectangle, 16> dfbRectangles(n);
+                    QVarLengthArray<DFBPoint, 16> dfbPoints(n);
+                    for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
                         const QRect source = (;
-                        const DFBRectangle rect = {
-                            source.x(), source.y(), source.width(), source.height()
-                        };
-                        d_ptr->dfbSurface->Blit(d_ptr->dfbSurface, surface, &rect,
-                                                windowGeometry.x() + source.x(),
-                                                windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
+                        DFBRectangle &rect = dfbRectangles[i];
+                        rect.x = source.x();
+                        rect.y = source.y();
+                        rect.w = source.width();
+                        rect.h = source.height();
+                        dfbPoints[i].x = (windowGeometry.x() + source.x());
+                        dfbPoints[i].y = (windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
+                    d_ptr->dfbSurface->BatchBlit(d_ptr->dfbSurface, surface, dfbRectangles.constData(),
+                                                 dfbPoints.constData(), n);
diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.cpp b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.cpp
index ed4b2d9..a1009ac 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbwindowsurface.cpp
@@ -356,12 +356,13 @@ void QDirectFBWindowSurface::flush(QWidget *, const QRegion &region,
+    const QRect windowGeometry = QDirectFBWindowSurface::geometry();
+    IDirectFBSurface *primarySurface = screen->dfbSurface();
     if (mode == Offscreen) {
-        IDirectFBSurface *primarySurface = screen->dfbSurface();
         primarySurface->SetBlittingFlags(primarySurface, DSBLIT_NOFX);
-        const QRect windowGeometry = QDirectFBWindowSurface::geometry();
         const QRect windowRect(0, 0, windowGeometry.width(), windowGeometry.height());
-        if (boundingRectFlip || region.numRects() == 1) {
+        const int n = region.numRects();
+        if (n == 1 || boundingRectFlip ) {
             const QRect regionBoundingRect = region.boundingRect().translated(offset);
             const QRect source = windowRect & regionBoundingRect;
             const DFBRectangle rect = {
@@ -372,40 +373,46 @@ void QDirectFBWindowSurface::flush(QWidget *, const QRegion &region,
                                  windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
         } else {
             const QVector<QRect> rects = region.rects();
-            const int count = rects.size();
-            for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+            QVarLengthArray<DFBRectangle, 16> dfbRectangles(n);
+            QVarLengthArray<DFBPoint, 16> dfbPoints(n);
+            for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
                 const QRect &r =;
                 const QRect source = windowRect & r;
-                const DFBRectangle rect = {
-                    source.x(), source.y(), source.width(), source.height()
-                };
-                primarySurface->Blit(primarySurface, dfbSurface, &rect,
-                                     windowGeometry.x() + source.x(),
-                                     windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
+                DFBRectangle &rect = dfbRectangles[i];
+                rect.x = source.x();
+                rect.y = source.y();
+                rect.w = source.width();
+                rect.h = source.height();
+                dfbPoints[i].x = (windowGeometry.x() + source.x());
+                dfbPoints[i].y = (windowGeometry.y() + source.y());
+            primarySurface->BatchBlit(primarySurface, dfbSurface, dfbRectangles.constData(),
+                                      dfbPoints.constData(), n);
-        if (QScreenCursor *cursor = QScreenCursor::instance()) {
-            const QRect cursorRectangle = cursor->boundingRect();
-            if (cursor->isVisible() && !cursor->isAccelerated()
-                && region.intersects(cursorRectangle.translated(-(offset + windowGeometry.topLeft())))) {
-                const QImage image = cursor->image();
-                IDirectFBSurface *surface = screen->createDFBSurface(image, QDirectFBScreen::DontTrackSurface);
-                primarySurface->SetBlittingFlags(primarySurface, DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL);
-                primarySurface->Blit(primarySurface, surface, 0, cursorRectangle.x(), cursorRectangle.y());
-                surface->Release(surface);
+    }
+    if (QScreenCursor *cursor = QScreenCursor::instance()) {
+        const QRect cursorRectangle = cursor->boundingRect();
+        if (cursor->isVisible() && !cursor->isAccelerated()
+            && region.intersects(cursorRectangle.translated(-(offset + windowGeometry.topLeft())))) {
+            const QImage image = cursor->image();
+            IDirectFBSurface *surface = screen->createDFBSurface(image, QDirectFBScreen::DontTrackSurface);
+            primarySurface->SetBlittingFlags(primarySurface, DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL);
+            primarySurface->Blit(primarySurface, surface, 0, cursorRectangle.x(), cursorRectangle.y());
+            surface->Release(surface);
 #if (Q_DIRECTFB_VERSION >= 0x010000)
-                primarySurface->ReleaseSource(primarySurface);
+            primarySurface->ReleaseSource(primarySurface);
-            }
+    }
+    if (mode == Offscreen) {
         screen->flipSurface(primarySurface, flipFlags, region, offset + windowGeometry.topLeft());
     } else {
         screen->flipSurface(dfbSurface, flipFlags, region, offset);
     enum { Secs = 3 };
cgit v0.12

From a974ce81d6324d8d85ade0153b5ce7c757ba4fdf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anders Bakken <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 12:15:57 -0700
Subject: Fix a bug in directfb mouse handling

Always check the mouse data we read for coordinates rather than asking
the layer. This approach works whether we have layers enabled/window
management enabled or any combination thereof.

Also, make sure we use a software cursor when either of NO_WM or
NO_LAYER is defined.

Reviewed: Donald <>
 src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbmouse.cpp  | 14 --------------
 src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbmouse.cpp b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbmouse.cpp
index 142993d..4365a5d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbmouse.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbmouse.cpp
@@ -203,7 +203,6 @@ void QDirectFBMouseHandlerPrivate::readMouseData()
         int wheel = 0;
         if (input.type == DIET_AXISMOTION) {
             if (input.flags & DIEF_AXISABS) {
                 switch (input.axis) {
                 case DIAI_X: x = input.axisabs; break;
@@ -223,19 +222,6 @@ void QDirectFBMouseHandlerPrivate::readMouseData()
                              "unknown axis (releative) %d", input.axis);
-            if (input.axis == DIAI_X || input.axis == DIAI_Y) {
-                DFBResult result = layer->GetCursorPosition(layer, &x, &y);
-                if (result != DFB_OK) {
-                    DirectFBError("QDirectFBMouseHandler::readMouseData",
-                                  result);
-                }
-            } else if (input.axis == DIAI_Z) {
-                Q_ASSERT(input.flags & DIEF_AXISREL);
-                wheel = input.axisrel;
-                wheel *= -120;
-            }
         Qt::MouseButtons buttons = Qt::NoButton;
diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
index 1efebd9..4b76ef6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbscreen.cpp
@@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@ bool QDirectFBScreen::initDevice()
+#if defined QT_NO_DIRECTFB_WM || defined QT_NO_DIRECTFB_LAYER
     qt_screencursor = new QDirectFBScreenCursor;
cgit v0.12

From 08d549d00816c753096d9cb97a29f4d9dd7c5573 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anders Bakken <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 17:16:43 -0700
Subject: return when brush is NoBrush in DFBPaintEngine

Reviewed-by: Noam Rosenthal <>
 src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbpaintengine.cpp | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbpaintengine.cpp b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbpaintengine.cpp
index 68f37ff..b264ac0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbpaintengine.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/gfxdrivers/directfb/qdirectfbpaintengine.cpp
@@ -608,6 +608,8 @@ void QDirectFBPaintEngine::drawTextItem(const QPointF &p,
 void QDirectFBPaintEngine::fill(const QVectorPath &path, const QBrush &brush)
+    if ( == Qt::NoBrush)
+        return;
@@ -618,6 +620,8 @@ void QDirectFBPaintEngine::fill(const QVectorPath &path, const QBrush &brush)
 void QDirectFBPaintEngine::fillRect(const QRectF &rect, const QBrush &brush)
+    if ( == Qt::NoBrush)
+        return;
     if (!d->unsupportedCompositionMode
         && !(d->transformationType & (QDirectFBPaintEnginePrivate::RectsUnsupported))
cgit v0.12

From 5027f869f8fc759148871b378e9cae6e88694bcb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rohan McGovern <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 10:43:31 +1000
Subject: Remove autotest for "Won't fix" bug 258462.

 tests/auto/qprocess/tst_qprocess.cpp | 31 -------------------------------
 1 file changed, 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/auto/qprocess/tst_qprocess.cpp b/tests/auto/qprocess/tst_qprocess.cpp
index 3ce080a..6318d1d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qprocess/tst_qprocess.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qprocess/tst_qprocess.cpp
@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ private slots:
     void startFinishStartFinish();
     void invalidProgramString_data();
     void invalidProgramString();
-    void processEventsInAReadyReadSlot();
     // keep these at the end, since they use lots of processes and sometimes
     // caused obscure failures to occur in tests that followed them (esp. on the Mac)
@@ -155,7 +154,6 @@ protected slots:
     void restartProcess();
     void waitForReadyReadInAReadyReadSlotSlot();
     void waitForBytesWrittenInABytesWrittenSlotSlot();
-    void processEventsInAReadyReadSlotSlot();
     QProcess *process;
@@ -2026,34 +2024,5 @@ void tst_QProcess::invalidProgramString()
-void tst_QProcess::processEventsInAReadyReadSlot()
-#ifdef Q_OS_WINCE
-    QSKIP("Reading and writing to a process is not supported on Qt/CE", SkipAll);
-    QProcess process;
-    QVERIFY(QObject::connect(&process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(processEventsInAReadyReadSlotSlot())));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
-        QCOMPARE(process.state(), QProcess::NotRunning);
-#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
-        process.start("testProcessOutput/");
-        process.start("testProcessOutput/testProcessOutput");
-        QVERIFY(process.waitForFinished(10000));
-    }
-void tst_QProcess::processEventsInAReadyReadSlotSlot()
-    qApp->processEvents();
 #include "tst_qprocess.moc"
cgit v0.12

From 91f85abc13a4dc75bfb810f6c6cc290a3ff75d27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 09:18:26 +0200
Subject: Recognize .jui file format in lupdate

The translator had been installed for the jui format, but the extension
wasn't recognized.

Task-number: 258547
Reviewed-by: Gunnar
 tools/linguist/lupdate/main.cpp | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/linguist/lupdate/main.cpp b/tools/linguist/lupdate/main.cpp
index cedc01e..6b454ef 100644
--- a/tools/linguist/lupdate/main.cpp
+++ b/tools/linguist/lupdate/main.cpp
@@ -485,6 +485,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
                 fetchedTor.load(*it, cd, QLatin1String("java"));
                 //fetchtr_java(*it, &fetchedTor, defaultContext, true, codecForSource);
+            else if (it->endsWith(QLatin1String(".jui"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
+                fetchedTor.load(*it, cd, QLatin1String("jui"));
+            }
             else if (it->endsWith(QLatin1String(".ui"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
                 fetchedTor.load(*it, cd, QLatin1String("ui"));
                 //fetchedTor.load(*it + QLatin1String(".h"), cd, QLatin1String("cpp"));
cgit v0.12

From ec679d7d49012996bc43a7f4152616af15d97dfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Friedemann Kleint <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 11:27:45 +0200
Subject: Enabled setting of DESIGNABLE=false-properties using FormWindowCursor

Regression breakage introduced by the PropertySheet::isEnabled handling in 4.5.

Task-number: 253278
Reviewed-by: Jarek Kobus <>
 .../src/lib/shared/qdesigner_propertysheet.cpp     | 28 ++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_propertysheet.cpp b/tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_propertysheet.cpp
index f43b527..5b22a86 100644
--- a/tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_propertysheet.cpp
+++ b/tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_propertysheet.cpp
@@ -1381,6 +1381,24 @@ bool QDesignerPropertySheet::isFakeLayoutProperty(int index) const
     return false;
+// Determine the "designable" state of a property. Properties, which have
+// a per-object boolean test function that returns false are shown in
+// disabled state ("checked" depending on "checkable", etc.)
+// Properties, which are generally not designable independent
+// of the object are not shown at all.
+enum DesignableState { PropertyIsDesignable,
+                       // Object has a Designable test function that returns false.
+                       PropertyOfObjectNotDesignable,
+                       PropertyNotDesignable };
+static inline DesignableState designableState(const QDesignerMetaPropertyInterface *p, const QObject *object)
+    if (p->attributes(object) & QDesignerMetaPropertyInterface::DesignableAttribute)
+        return PropertyIsDesignable;
+    return (p->attributes() & QDesignerMetaPropertyInterface::DesignableAttribute) ?
+            PropertyOfObjectNotDesignable : PropertyNotDesignable;
 bool QDesignerPropertySheet::isVisible(int index) const
     if (d->invalidIndex(Q_FUNC_INFO, index))
@@ -1450,9 +1468,8 @@ bool QDesignerPropertySheet::isVisible(int index) const
     if  (!(p->accessFlags() & QDesignerMetaPropertyInterface::WriteAccess))
          return false;
-    // Enabled handling
-    return (p->attributes(d->m_object) & QDesignerMetaPropertyInterface::DesignableAttribute) ||
-           (p->attributes() & QDesignerMetaPropertyInterface::DesignableAttribute);
+    // Enabled handling: Hide only statically not designable properties
+    return designableState(p, d->m_object) != PropertyNotDesignable;
 void QDesignerPropertySheet::setVisible(int index, bool visible)
@@ -1482,9 +1499,12 @@ bool QDesignerPropertySheet::isEnabled(int index) const
     if (d->m_info.value(index).visible == true) // Sun CC 5.5 oddity, wants true
         return true;
+    // Enable setting of properties for statically non-designable properties
+    // as this might be done via TaskMenu/Cursor::setProperty. Note that those
+    // properties are not visible.
     const QDesignerMetaPropertyInterface *p = d->m_meta->property(index);
     return (p->accessFlags() & QDesignerMetaPropertyInterface::WriteAccess) &&
-           (p->attributes(d->m_object) & QDesignerMetaPropertyInterface::DesignableAttribute);
+           designableState(p, d->m_object) != PropertyOfObjectNotDesignable;
 bool QDesignerPropertySheet::isAttribute(int index) const
cgit v0.12

From 9fd510721a140c46ce371b0c7bbc6917e3709c1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gunnar Sletta <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:20:14 +0200
Subject: Implement clipping in the QPaintEngineEx::stroke() function.

This is a huge impact on performance whenever this path is

Reviewed-By: Tom Cooksey
 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp |  3 +++
 src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex.cpp      | 12 ++++++------
 src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex_p.h      |  2 ++
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
index 8e91101..a34c264 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
@@ -1101,6 +1101,9 @@ void QRasterPaintEnginePrivate::systemStateChanged()
     qDebug() << "systemStateChanged" << this << "deviceRect" << deviceRect << clipRect << systemClip;
+    exDeviceRect = deviceRect;
     q->state()->strokeFlags |= QPaintEngine::DirtyClipRegion;
     q->state()->fillFlags |= QPaintEngine::DirtyClipRegion;
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex.cpp
index df7dc3e..95355f3 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex.cpp
@@ -296,12 +296,12 @@ void QPaintEngineEx::stroke(const QVectorPath &path, const QPen &pen)
             d->activeStroker = 0;
         } else {
             // ### re-enable...
-//             if (pen.isCosmetic()) {
-//                 d->dashStroker->setClipRect(d->deviceRect);
-//             } else {
-//                 QRectF clipRect = s->matrix.inverted().mapRect(QRectF(d->deviceRect));
-//                 d->dashStroker->setClipRect(clipRect);
-//             }
+            if (pen.isCosmetic()) {
+                d->dasher.setClipRect(d->exDeviceRect);
+            } else {
+                QRectF clipRect = state()->matrix.inverted().mapRect(QRectF(d->exDeviceRect));
+                d->dasher.setClipRect(clipRect);
+            }
             d->activeStroker = &d->dasher;
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex_p.h b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex_p.h
index 89b14eb..6e7e3b6 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex_p.h
@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ public:
     StrokeHandler *strokeHandler;
     QStrokerOps *activeStroker;
     QPen strokerPen;
+    QRect exDeviceRect;
 class QPixmapFilter;
cgit v0.12

From 2851458fbefcc4785a1a76f5216af6159d6c7116 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gunnar Sletta <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:30:57 +0200
Subject: Diagonal dashes are moving when touching the clip boundary.

We normally pad the clip rect with the size of the pen and miterlimit
to avoid this, but this didn't handle the case where there was a long
diagonal dash. We also need to multiply the padding with the longest

Reviewed-By: Tom Cooksey
 src/gui/painting/qstroker.cpp | 5 ++++-
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qstroker.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qstroker.cpp
index ceafe4c..362b0b3 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qstroker.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qstroker.cpp
@@ -1012,10 +1012,13 @@ void QDashStroker::processCurrentSubpath()
     int dashCount = qMin(m_dashPattern.size(), 32);
     qfixed dashes[32];
+    qreal longestLength = 0;
     qreal sumLength = 0;
     for (int i=0; i<dashCount; ++i) {
         dashes[i] = qMax(, qreal(0)) * m_stroker->strokeWidth();
         sumLength += dashes[i];
+        if (dashes[i] > longestLength)
+            longestLength = dashes[i];
     if (qFuzzyCompare(sumLength + 1, qreal(1)))
@@ -1053,7 +1056,7 @@ void QDashStroker::processCurrentSubpath()
     qfixed2d line_to_pos;
     // Pad to avoid clipping the borders of thick pens.
-    qfixed padding = qMax(m_stroker->strokeWidth(), m_stroker->miterLimit());
+    qfixed padding = qt_real_to_fixed(qMax(m_stroker->strokeWidth(), m_stroker->miterLimit()) * longestLength);
     qfixed2d clip_tl = { qt_real_to_fixed(m_clip_rect.left()) - padding,
                          qt_real_to_fixed( - padding };
     qfixed2d clip_br = { qt_real_to_fixed(m_clip_rect.right()) + padding ,
cgit v0.12

From c29d1cc49998ef895df9dcbccafe1b6d6d8e7efc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gunnar Sletta <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 15:26:11 +0200
Subject: QPainter::stroke() on raster engine would draw moveto's as lines

The reason being that there was an assumption that any non-curved path
was a continous polyline. For paths with multiple subpaths in it
we need to split this up into multiple strokePolygonCosmetic calls.

Task-number: 257621
Reviewed-by: Kim Motoyoshi Kalland
 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp | 22 +++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
index a34c264..5176444 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
@@ -1682,11 +1682,23 @@ void QRasterPaintEngine::stroke(const QVectorPath &path, const QPen &pen)
     if (!s->penData.blend)
-    if (s->flags.fast_pen && path.shape() <= QVectorPath::NonCurvedShapeHint && s->lastPen.brush().isOpaque()) {
-        strokePolygonCosmetic((QPointF *) path.points(), path.elementCount(),
-                              path.hasImplicitClose()
-                              ? WindingMode
-                              : PolylineMode);
+    if (s->flags.fast_pen && path.shape() <= QVectorPath::NonCurvedShapeHint
+        && s->lastPen.brush().isOpaque()) {
+        int count = path.elementCount();
+        QPointF *points = (QPointF *) path.points();
+        const QPainterPath::ElementType *types = path.elements();
+        int first = 0;
+        int last;
+        while (first < count) {
+            while (first < count && types[first] != QPainterPath::MoveToElement) ++first;
+            last = first + 1;
+            while (last < count && types[last] == QPainterPath::LineToElement) ++last;
+            strokePolygonCosmetic(points + first, last - first,
+                                  path.hasImplicitClose() && last == count // only close last one..
+                                  ? WindingMode
+                                  : PolylineMode);
+            first = last;
+        }
     } else if (s->flags.non_complex_pen && path.shape() == QVectorPath::LinesHint) {
         qreal width = s->lastPen.isCosmetic()
cgit v0.12

From fdaed851ce71fc474a7959d8fc30b50465a98d0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Hausmann <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 16:14:01 +0200
Subject: Updated WebKit from /home/shausman/src/webkit/trunk to
 origin/qtwebkit-4.5 ( 1535d41a668e5f74f44ff3aa1313a84d5718d2d7 )

Changes in WebKit since the last update:

++ b/WebCore/ChangeLog
2009-07-23  Simon Hausmann  <>

        Reviewed by Holger Freyther.

        Fix crashes with the QObject bindings after garbage collection.

        There is one QtInstance per wrapped QObject, and that QtInstance keeps
        references to cached JSObjects for slots. When those objects get
        deleted due to GC, then they becoming dangling pointers.

        When a cached member dies, it is now removed from the QtInstance's

        As we cannot track the lifetime of the children, we have to remove
        them from QtInstance alltogether. They are not cached and were
        only used for mark(), but we _want_ them to be subject to gc.

        * bridge/qt/qt_instance.cpp:
        (JSC::Bindings::QtInstance::~QtInstance): Minor coding style cleanup,
        use qDeleteAll().
        (JSC::Bindings::QtInstance::removeCachedMethod): New function, to
        clean m_methods and m_defaultMethod.
        (JSC::Bindings::QtInstance::mark): Avoid marking already marked objects.
        (JSC::Bindings::QtField::valueFromInstance): Don't save children for
        * bridge/qt/qt_instance.h: Declare removeCachedMethod.
        * bridge/qt/qt_runtime.cpp:
        (JSC::Bindings::QtRuntimeMethod::~QtRuntimeMethod): Call removeCachedMethod
        with this on the instance.

2009-05-04  Jakub Wieczorek  <>

        Reviewed by Simon Hausmann.

        As Qtish implementation of MIMETypeRegistry::getMIMETypeForExtension()
        returns the application/octet-stream mimetype when it can't associate
        extension with any mimetype, it can happen that the application/octet-stream
        mimetype will hit the list of supported image formats. For instance,
        it is possible when QImageReader or QImageWriter support an extension
        that is not in the extensions map.

        Make sure that this mimetype is not treated as displayable image type.

        * platform/MIMETypeRegistry.cpp:

++ b/WebKit/qt/ChangeLog
2009-07-23  Simon Hausmann  <>

        Reviewed by Holger Freyther.

        Added a testcase to verify that cached methods in the QOBject bindings
        remain alife even after garbage collection.

        * tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp:
 src/3rdparty/webkit/VERSION                        |  2 +-
 src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/ChangeLog              | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 .../webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_instance.cpp       | 31 +++++++-------
 .../webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_instance.h         |  3 +-
 .../webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_runtime.cpp        |  2 +
 .../webkit/WebCore/platform/MIMETypeRegistry.cpp   |  5 +++
 src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qwebframe.cpp    |  6 +++
 src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/ChangeLog            | 10 +++++
 .../WebKit/qt/tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp      | 25 ++++++++++++
 9 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/VERSION b/src/3rdparty/webkit/VERSION
index 88f32d9..eaa0479 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/VERSION
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/VERSION
@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ The commit imported was from the
 and has the sha1 checksum
-        a3e05ad8acdead3b534d0cef772b85f002e80b8d
+        1535d41a668e5f74f44ff3aa1313a84d5718d2d7
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/ChangeLog b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/ChangeLog
index 19bb36a..83f5e6f 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/ChangeLog
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,50 @@
+2009-07-23  Simon Hausmann  <>
+        Reviewed by Holger Freyther.
+        Fix crashes with the QObject bindings after garbage collection.
+        There is one QtInstance per wrapped QObject, and that QtInstance keeps
+        references to cached JSObjects for slots. When those objects get
+        deleted due to GC, then they becoming dangling pointers.
+        When a cached member dies, it is now removed from the QtInstance's
+        cache.
+        As we cannot track the lifetime of the children, we have to remove
+        them from QtInstance alltogether. They are not cached and were
+        only used for mark(), but we _want_ them to be subject to gc.
+        * bridge/qt/qt_instance.cpp:
+        (JSC::Bindings::QtInstance::~QtInstance): Minor coding style cleanup,
+        use qDeleteAll().
+        (JSC::Bindings::QtInstance::removeCachedMethod): New function, to
+        clean m_methods and m_defaultMethod.
+        (JSC::Bindings::QtInstance::mark): Avoid marking already marked objects.
+        (JSC::Bindings::QtField::valueFromInstance): Don't save children for
+        marking.
+        * bridge/qt/qt_instance.h: Declare removeCachedMethod.
+        * bridge/qt/qt_runtime.cpp:
+        (JSC::Bindings::QtRuntimeMethod::~QtRuntimeMethod): Call removeCachedMethod
+        with this on the instance.
+2009-05-04  Jakub Wieczorek  <>
+        Reviewed by Simon Hausmann.
+        As Qtish implementation of MIMETypeRegistry::getMIMETypeForExtension()
+        returns the application/octet-stream mimetype when it can't associate
+        extension with any mimetype, it can happen that the application/octet-stream
+        mimetype will hit the list of supported image formats. For instance,
+        it is possible when QImageReader or QImageWriter support an extension
+        that is not in the extensions map.
+        Make sure that this mimetype is not treated as displayable image type.
+        * platform/MIMETypeRegistry.cpp:
+        (WebCore::initializeSupportedImageMIMETypes):
+        (WebCore::initializeSupportedImageMIMETypesForEncoding):
 2009-06-18  Chris Evans  <>
         Reviewed by Adam Barth.
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_instance.cpp b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_instance.cpp
index 4b94a94..4fc95fa 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_instance.cpp
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_instance.cpp
@@ -110,9 +110,7 @@ QtInstance::~QtInstance()
     // clean up (unprotect from gc) the JSValues we've created
-    foreach(QtField* f, m_fields.values()) {
-        delete f;
-    }
+    qDeleteAll(m_fields);
     if (m_object) {
@@ -158,6 +156,19 @@ RuntimeObjectImp* QtInstance::getRuntimeObject(ExecState* exec, PassRefPtr<QtIns
     return ret;
+void QtInstance::removeCachedMethod(JSObject* method)
+    if (m_defaultMethod == method)
+        m_defaultMethod = 0;
+    for(QHash<QByteArray, JSObject*>::Iterator it = m_methods.begin(),
+        end = m_methods.end(); it != end; ++it)
+        if (it.value() == method) {
+            m_methods.erase(it);
+            return;
+        }
 Class* QtInstance::getClass() const
     if (!m_class)
@@ -167,16 +178,12 @@ Class* QtInstance::getClass() const
 void QtInstance::mark()
-    if (m_defaultMethod)
+    if (m_defaultMethod && !m_defaultMethod->marked())
     foreach(JSObject* val, m_methods.values()) {
         if (val && !val->marked())
-    foreach(JSValuePtr val, m_children.values()) {
-        if (val && !val->marked())
-            val->mark();
-    }
 void QtInstance::begin()
@@ -329,13 +336,7 @@ JSValuePtr QtField::valueFromInstance(ExecState* exec, const Instance* inst) con
         else if (m_type == DynamicProperty)
             val = obj->property(m_dynamicProperty);
-        JSValuePtr ret = convertQVariantToValue(exec, inst->rootObject(), val);
-        // Need to save children so we can mark them
-        if (m_type == ChildObject)
-            instance->m_children.insert(ret);
-        return ret;
+        return convertQVariantToValue(exec, inst->rootObject(), val);
     } else {
         QString msg = QString(QLatin1String("cannot access member `%1' of deleted QObject")).arg(QLatin1String(name()));
         return throwError(exec, GeneralError, msg.toLatin1().constData());
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_instance.h b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_instance.h
index 50d4cf1..bc22725 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_instance.h
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_instance.h
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ public:
     static PassRefPtr<QtInstance> getQtInstance(QObject*, PassRefPtr<RootObject>, QScriptEngine::ValueOwnership ownership);
     static RuntimeObjectImp* getRuntimeObject(ExecState* exec, PassRefPtr<QtInstance>);
+    void removeCachedMethod(JSObject*);
     static PassRefPtr<QtInstance> create(QObject *instance, PassRefPtr<RootObject> rootObject, QScriptEngine::ValueOwnership ownership)
@@ -78,7 +80,6 @@ private:
     QObject* m_hashkey;
     mutable QHash<QByteArray, JSObject*> m_methods;
     mutable QHash<QString, QtField*> m_fields;
-    mutable QSet<JSValuePtr> m_children;
     mutable QtRuntimeMetaMethod* m_defaultMethod;
     QScriptEngine::ValueOwnership m_ownership;
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_runtime.cpp b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_runtime.cpp
index c7ba6c2..c0883a9 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_runtime.cpp
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/bridge/qt/qt_runtime.cpp
@@ -913,6 +913,8 @@ QtRuntimeMethod::QtRuntimeMethod(QtRuntimeMethodData* dd, ExecState* exec, const
+    QW_D(QtRuntimeMethod);
+    d->m_instance->removeCachedMethod(this);
     delete d_ptr;
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/platform/MIMETypeRegistry.cpp b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/platform/MIMETypeRegistry.cpp
index 8f98735..a85d706 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/platform/MIMETypeRegistry.cpp
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/platform/MIMETypeRegistry.cpp
@@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ static void initializeSupportedImageMIMETypes()
+    supportedImageMIMETypes->remove("application/octet-stream");
+    supportedImageResourceMIMETypes->remove("application/octet-stream");
     // assume that all implementations at least support the following standard
     // image types:
@@ -145,6 +148,8 @@ static void initializeSupportedImageMIMETypesForEncoding()
         String mimeType = MIMETypeRegistry::getMIMETypeForExtension(;
+    supportedImageMIMETypesForEncoding->remove("application/octet-stream");
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qwebframe.cpp b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qwebframe.cpp
index e565476..bd43ce3 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qwebframe.cpp
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/Api/qwebframe.cpp
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include "Frame.h"
 #include "FrameTree.h"
 #include "FrameView.h"
+#include "GCController.h"
 #include "IconDatabase.h"
 #include "InspectorController.h"
 #include "Page.h"
@@ -105,6 +106,11 @@ void QWEBKIT_EXPORT qt_drt_setJavaScriptProfilingEnabled(QWebFrame* qframe, bool
+void QWEBKIT_EXPORT qt_drt_garbageCollector_collect()
+    gcController().garbageCollectNow();
 void QWebFramePrivate::init(QWebFrame *qframe, WebCore::Page *webcorePage, QWebFrameData *frameData)
     q = qframe;
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/ChangeLog b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/ChangeLog
index a7e176d..125e556 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/ChangeLog
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+2009-07-23  Simon Hausmann  <>
+        Reviewed by Holger Freyther.
+        Added a testcase to verify that cached methods in the QOBject bindings
+        remain alife even after garbage collection.
+        * tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp:
+        (tst_QWebPage::protectBindingsRuntimeObjectsFromCollector):
 2009-06-16  Morten Engvoldsen  <>
         Reviewed by Ariya Hidayat.
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp
index 620aa31..c3ed54c 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebKit/qt/tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ private slots:
     void textEditing();
     void requestCache();
+    void protectBindingsRuntimeObjectsFromCollector();
@@ -1037,5 +1038,29 @@ void tst_QWebPage::requestCache()
+void QWEBKIT_EXPORT qt_drt_garbageCollector_collect();
+void tst_QWebPage::protectBindingsRuntimeObjectsFromCollector()
+    QSignalSpy loadSpy(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)));
+    PluginPage* newPage = new PluginPage(m_view);
+    m_view->setPage(newPage);
+    m_view->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true);
+    m_view->setHtml(QString("<html><body><object type='application/x-qt-plugin' classid='lineedit' id='mylineedit'/></body></html>"));
+    QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1);
+    newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("function testme(text) { var lineedit = document.getElementById('mylineedit'); lineedit.setText(text); lineedit.selectAll(); }");
+    newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("testme('foo')");
+    qt_drt_garbageCollector_collect();
+    // don't crash!
+    newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("testme('bar')");
 #include "tst_qwebpage.moc"
cgit v0.12

From 6ac3cbc61a1fc80df0bac755028037586f1fdc3d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Griebl <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 16:56:05 +0200
Subject: Some minor doc fixes.

Reviewed-by: Kavindra
 doc/src/emb-charinput.qdoc | 14 +++++++-------
 doc/src/emb-kmap2qmap.qdoc |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/src/emb-charinput.qdoc b/doc/src/emb-charinput.qdoc
index 565d953..dc4eed5 100644
--- a/doc/src/emb-charinput.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/emb-charinput.qdoc
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
     \section1 Keymaps
     Starting with 4.6, \l {Qt for Embedded Linux} has gained support for
-    user defined keymaps.  Keymap handling is supported by the builtin
+    user defined keymaps.  Keymap handling is supported by the built-in
     keyboard drivers \c TTY and \c LinuxInput.  Custom keyboard drivers can
     use the existing keymap handling code via
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
     \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_emb-charinput.qdoc 2
-    The \c <driver> argument are \c TTY, \c LinuxInput and \l
+    The \c <driver> arguments are \c TTY, \c LinuxInput and \l
     {QKbdDriverPlugin::keys()}{keys} identifying custom drivers, and the
     driver specific options are typically a device, e.g., \c /dev/tty0.
@@ -142,17 +142,17 @@
     \row \o \c /dev/xxx \o
     Open the specified device, instead of the driver's default device.
     \row \o \c repeat-delay=<d> \o
-    Time in milliseconds until auto-repeat kicks in.
+    Time (in milliseconds) until auto-repeat kicks in.
     \row \o \c repeat-rate=<r> \o
-    Time in milliseconds specifying interval between auto-repeats.
+    Time (in milliseconds) specifying the interval between auto-repeats.
     \row \o \c keymap=xx.qmap \o
     File name of a keymap file in Qt's \c qmap format. See \l {kmap2qmap}
-    for instructions on how to create thoes files.\br Please note that the
-    file name can of course also be the name of a QResource.
+    for instructions on how to create thoes files.\br Note that the file
+    name can of course also be the name of a QResource.
     \row \o \c disable-zap \o
     Disable the QWS server "Zap" shortcut \bold{Ctrl+Alt+Backspace}
     \row \o \c enable-compose \o
-    Activate Latin-1 composing features in the builtin US keymap. You can
+    Activate Latin-1 composing features in the built-in US keymap. You can
     use the right \c AltGr or right \c Alt is used as a dead key modifier,
     while \c AltGr+.  is the compose key.  For example:
diff --git a/doc/src/emb-kmap2qmap.qdoc b/doc/src/emb-kmap2qmap.qdoc
index 2b3f687..19d33c1 100644
--- a/doc/src/emb-kmap2qmap.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/emb-kmap2qmap.qdoc
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     kmap2qmap i386/qwertz/de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap include/ de-latin1-nodeadkeys.qmap
-    \c kmap2qmap doesn't support all the (pseudo) symbols that the Linux
+    \c kmap2qmap does not support all the (pseudo) symbols that the Linux
     kernel supports.  If you are converting a standard keymap you will get a
     lot of warnings for things like \c Show_Registers, \c Hex_A, etc.: you
     can safely ignore those.
cgit v0.12

From 3ce677f1375bc723b5fd5a11ccc21f2af0c45ca1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joerg Bornemann <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 16:55:29 +0200
Subject: configure shows Windows CE specific build steps when its done

For cross compilation of Qt for Windows CE the user must call
setcepaths before nmake. Now configure shows a helpful message if the
xplatform configure switch was used.

Task-number: 257352
Reviewed-by: thartman
 tools/configure/configureapp.cpp | 12 ++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp b/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
index ae6ebab..39588e6 100644
--- a/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
+++ b/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
@@ -3342,8 +3342,16 @@ void Configure::generateMakefiles()
 void Configure::showSummary()
     QString make = dictionary[ "MAKE" ];
-    cout << endl << endl << "Qt is now configured for building. Just run " << qPrintable(make) << "." << endl;
-    cout << "To reconfigure, run " << qPrintable(make) << " confclean and configure." << endl << endl;
+    if (!dictionary.contains("XQMAKESPEC")) {
+        cout << endl << endl << "Qt is now configured for building. Just run " << qPrintable(make) << "." << endl;
+        cout << "To reconfigure, run " << qPrintable(make) << " confclean and configure." << endl << endl;
+    } else {
+        // we are cross compiling for Windows CE
+        cout << endl << endl << "Qt is now configured for building. To start the build run:" << endl
+             << "\tsetcepaths " << dictionary.value("XQMAKESPEC") << endl
+             << "\t" << qPrintable(make) << endl
+             << "To reconfigure, run " << qPrintable(make) << " confclean and configure." << endl << endl;
+    }
 Configure::ProjectType Configure::projectType( const QString& proFileName )
cgit v0.12

From f439550632c0552514f73d2778c7920811e225f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jens Bache-Wiig <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 17:04:18 +0200
Subject: Fix incorrect button positioning on tabs

For tabs with RoundedWest or TriangularWest the button offset was
reversed on tab selection. This was very visible on windows where
they could actually move outside the tab border.

Task-number: 255139
Reviewed-by: paul
 src/gui/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp
index 308a0b8..ba28e75 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qcommonstyle.cpp
@@ -2960,6 +2960,9 @@ QRect QCommonStyle::subElementRect(SubElement sr, const QStyleOption *opt,
                 horizontalShift *= -1;
                 verticalShift *= -1;
+            if (tab->shape == QTabBar::RoundedWest || tab->shape == QTabBar::TriangularWest)
+                horizontalShift = -horizontalShift;
             tr.adjust(0, 0, horizontalShift, verticalShift);
             if (selected)
cgit v0.12

From 098be4ffcf4c9ba615332f853fd440ea630a4453 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Norwegian Rock Cat <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 11:51:13 +0200
Subject: Implement an FSEvents-based QFileSystemWatcherEngine

This has been around for a while and really should have been put in
earlier. Mac OS X (client) has a much lower ulimit for open files than
what some other Unix-like OS's have (in defense it does save memory).
However, if you start watching a lot of files, it will start to fall
down. You can adjust the ulimit, but it's a bit inconvenient. FSEvents
watches the directory and notifies you of changes that happen in that
directory (and below, but we don't really use it). It also can be
adjusted for latency so that performance isn't affected by heavy file
system use (but Qt doesn't use that either at the moment). The other
thing is that it doesn't require any open files, so it's much better for
our number of open files. This feature is only on Leopard and up, so
people wanting to deploy Tiger will still have the "open files" problem
to deal with.

There are still some optimizations available in this code. For example,
we could coalesce things down to watch only one high-level directory
without changing much of the implementation. The current implementation
has some very simplistic ways of handling things, but this simplicity
works well. I documented it, so you can see that, yes, I really
meant to do that.

Task-Id: 164068 (and others)
Reviewed-by: Denis
 src/corelib/io/io.pri                              |   5 +-
 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp              |  10 +-
 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents.cpp     | 467 +++++++++++++++++++++
 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h     | 127 ++++++
 .../qfilesystemwatcher/tst_qfilesystemwatcher.cpp  |  80 ++++
 5 files changed, 687 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h

diff --git a/src/corelib/io/io.pri b/src/corelib/io/io.pri
index 5033b21..bd41f5e 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/io.pri
+++ b/src/corelib/io/io.pri
@@ -65,7 +65,10 @@ win32 {
         SOURCES += io/qfsfileengine_unix.cpp
         SOURCES += io/qfsfileengine_iterator_unix.cpp
         SOURCES += io/qprocess_unix.cpp
-        mac:SOURCES += io/qsettings_mac.cpp
+        macx-*: {
+            HEADERS += io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h
+            SOURCES += io/qsettings_mac.cpp io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents.cpp
+        }
             SOURCES += \
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp
index b321644..902e240 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@
 #  include "qfilesystemwatcher_inotify_p.h"
 #  include "qfilesystemwatcher_dnotify_p.h"
 #elif defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)
+#  include "qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h"
 #  include "qfilesystemwatcher_kqueue_p.h"
@@ -243,7 +246,12 @@ QFileSystemWatcherEngine *QFileSystemWatcherPrivate::createNativeEngine()
         eng = QDnotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::create();
     return eng;
 #elif defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD) || defined(Q_OS_MAC)
-    return QKqueueFileSystemWatcherEngine::create();
+    if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion >= QSysInfo::MV_10_5)
+        return QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::create();
+    else
+#  endif
+        return QKqueueFileSystemWatcherEngine::create();
     return 0;
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e0aee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
+** Beta Release License Agreement.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
+** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
+** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
+** package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** contact the sales department at
+#include <qplatformdefs.h>
+#include "qfilesystemwatcher.h"
+#include "qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h"
+#include <qdebug.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qvarlengtharray.h>
+#include <mach/mach.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <CoreFoundation/CFRunLoop.h>
+#include <CoreFoundation/CFUUID.h>
+#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
+#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
+#include <private/qcore_mac_p.h>
+// Static operator overloading so for the sake of some convieniece.
+// They only live in this compilation unit to avoid polluting Qt in general.
+static bool operator==(const struct ::timespec &left, const struct ::timespec &right)
+    return left.tv_sec == right.tv_sec
+            && left.tv_nsec == right.tv_nsec;
+static bool operator==(const struct ::stat64 &left, const struct ::stat64 &right)
+    return left.st_dev == right.st_dev
+            && left.st_mode == right.st_mode
+            && left.st_size == right.st_size
+            && left.st_ino == right.st_ino
+            && left.st_uid == right.st_uid
+            && left.st_gid == right.st_gid
+            && left.st_mtimespec == right.st_mtimespec
+            && left.st_ctimespec == right.st_ctimespec
+            && left.st_flags == right.st_flags;
+static bool operator!=(const struct ::stat64 &left, const struct ::stat64 &right)
+    return !(operator==(left, right));
+static void addPathToHash(PathHash &pathHash, const QString &key, const QFileInfo &fileInfo,
+                          const QString &path)
+    PathInfoList &list = pathHash[key];
+    list.push_back(PathInfo(path,
+                            fileInfo.absoluteFilePath().normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_D).toUtf8()));
+    pathHash.insert(key, list);
+static void removePathFromHash(PathHash &pathHash, const QString &key, const QString &path)
+    PathInfoList &list = pathHash[key];
+    // We make the assumption that the list contains unique paths
+    PathInfoList::iterator End = list.end();
+    PathInfoList::iterator it = list.begin();
+    while (it != End) {
+        if (it->originalPath == path) {
+            list.erase(it);
+            break;
+        }
+        ++it;
+    }
+    if (list.isEmpty())
+        pathHash.remove(key);
+static void stopFSStream(FSEventStreamRef stream)
+    if (stream) {
+        FSEventStreamStop(stream);
+        FSEventStreamInvalidate(stream);
+    }
+static QString createFSStreamPath(const QString &absolutePath)
+    // The path returned has a trailing slash, so ensure that here.
+    QString string = absolutePath;
+    string.reserve(string.size() + 1);
+    string.append(QLatin1Char('/'));
+    return string;
+static void cleanupFSStream(FSEventStreamRef stream)
+    if (stream)
+        FSEventStreamRelease(stream);
+const FSEventStreamCreateFlags QtFSEventFlags = (kFSEventStreamCreateFlagUseCFTypes | kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNoDefer /* | kFSEventStreamCreateFlagWatchRoot*/);
+const CFTimeInterval Latency = 0.033; // This will do updates 30 times a second which is probably more than you need.
+    : fsStream(0), pathsToWatch(0), threadsRunLoop(0)
+    // I assume that at this point, QFileSystemWatcher has already called stop
+    // on me, so I don't need to invalidate or stop my stream, simply
+    // release it.
+    cleanupFSStream(fsStream);
+    if (pathsToWatch)
+        CFRelease(pathsToWatch);
+QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine *QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::create()
+    return new QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine();
+QStringList QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths(const QStringList &paths,
+                                                       QStringList *files,
+                                                       QStringList *directories)
+    stop();
+    QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
+    QStringList failedToAdd;
+    // if we have a running FSStreamEvent, we have to kill it, we'll re-add the stream soon.
+    FSEventStreamEventId idToCheck;
+    if (fsStream) {
+        idToCheck = FSEventStreamGetLatestEventId(fsStream);
+        cleanupFSStream(fsStream);
+    } else {
+        idToCheck = kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow;
+    }
+    // Brain-dead approach, but works. FSEvents actually can already read sub-trees, but since it's
+    // work to figure out if we are doing a double register, we just register it twice as FSEvents
+    // seems smart enough to only deliver one event. We also duplicate directory entries in here
+    // (e.g., if you watch five files in the same directory, you get that directory included in the
+    // array 5 times). This stupidity also makes remove work correctly though. I'll freely admit
+    // that we could make this a bit smarter. If you do, check the auto-tests, they should catch at
+    // least a couple of the issues.
+    QCFType<CFMutableArrayRef> tmpArray = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+    for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {
+        const QString &path =;
+        QFileInfo fileInfo(path);
+        if (!fileInfo.exists()) {
+            failedToAdd.append(path);
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (fileInfo.isDir()) {
+            if (directories->contains(path)) {
+                failedToAdd.append(path);
+                continue;
+            } else {
+                directories->append(path);
+                // Full file path for dirs.
+                QCFString cfpath(createFSStreamPath(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()));
+                addPathToHash(dirPathInfoHash, cfpath, fileInfo, path);
+                CFArrayAppendValue(tmpArray, cfpath);
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (files->contains(path)) {
+                failedToAdd.append(path);
+                continue;
+            } else {
+                // Just the absolute path (minus it's filename) for files.
+                QCFString cfpath(createFSStreamPath(fileInfo.absolutePath()));
+                files->append(path);
+                addPathToHash(filePathInfoHash, cfpath, fileInfo, path);
+                CFArrayAppendValue(tmpArray, cfpath);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (CFArrayGetCount(tmpArray) > 0) {
+        if (pathsToWatch) {
+            CFArrayAppendArray(tmpArray, pathsToWatch, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(pathsToWatch)));
+            CFRelease(pathsToWatch);
+        }
+        pathsToWatch = CFArrayCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, tmpArray);
+    }
+    FSEventStreamContext context = { 0, this, 0, 0, 0 };
+    fsStream = FSEventStreamCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
+                                   QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::fseventsCallback,
+                                   &context, pathsToWatch,
+                                   idToCheck, Latency, QtFSEventFlags);
+    warmUpFSEvents();
+    return failedToAdd;
+    Q_UNUSED(paths);
+    Q_UNUSED(files);
+    Q_UNUSED(directories);
+    return QStringList();
+void QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::warmUpFSEvents()
+    // This function assumes that the mutex has already been grabbed before calling it.
+    // It exits with the mutex still locked (Q_ASSERT(mutex.isLocked()) ;-).
+    start();
+    waitCondition.wait(&mutex);
+QStringList QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::removePaths(const QStringList &paths,
+                                                          QStringList *files,
+                                                          QStringList *directories)
+    stop();
+    QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
+    // short circuit for smarties that call remove before add and we have nothing.
+    if (pathsToWatch == 0)
+        return paths;
+    QStringList failedToRemove;
+    // if we have a running FSStreamEvent, we have to stop it, we'll re-add the stream soon.
+    FSEventStreamEventId idToCheck;
+    if (fsStream) {
+        idToCheck = FSEventStreamGetLatestEventId(fsStream);
+        cleanupFSStream(fsStream);
+        fsStream = 0;
+    } else {
+        idToCheck = kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow;
+    }
+    CFIndex itemCount = CFArrayGetCount(pathsToWatch);
+    QCFType<CFMutableArrayRef> tmpArray = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, itemCount,
+                                                                   pathsToWatch);
+    CFRelease(pathsToWatch);
+    pathsToWatch = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {
+        // Get the itemCount at the beginning to avoid any overruns during the iteration.
+        itemCount = CFArrayGetCount(tmpArray);
+        const QString &path =;
+        QFileInfo fi(path);
+        QCFString cfpath(createFSStreamPath(fi.absolutePath()));
+        CFIndex index = CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(tmpArray, CFRangeMake(0, itemCount), cfpath);
+        if (index != -1) {
+            CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(tmpArray, index);
+            files->removeAll(path);
+            removePathFromHash(filePathInfoHash, cfpath, path);
+        } else {
+            // Could be a directory we are watching instead.
+            QCFString cfdirpath(createFSStreamPath(fi.absoluteFilePath()));
+            index = CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(tmpArray, CFRangeMake(0, itemCount), cfdirpath);
+            if (index != -1) {
+                CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(tmpArray, index);
+                directories->removeAll(path);
+                removePathFromHash(dirPathInfoHash, cfpath, path);
+            } else {
+                failedToRemove.append(path);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    itemCount = CFArrayGetCount(tmpArray);
+    if (itemCount != 0) {
+        pathsToWatch = CFArrayCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, tmpArray);
+        FSEventStreamContext context = { 0, this, 0, 0, 0 };
+        fsStream = FSEventStreamCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
+                                       QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::fseventsCallback,
+                                       &context, pathsToWatch, idToCheck, Latency, QtFSEventFlags);
+        warmUpFSEvents();
+    }
+    return failedToRemove;
+    Q_UNUSED(paths);
+    Q_UNUSED(files);
+    Q_UNUSED(directories);
+    return QStringList();
+void QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::updateList(PathInfoList &list, bool directory, bool emitSignals)
+    PathInfoList::iterator End = list.end();
+    PathInfoList::iterator it = list.begin();
+    while (it != End) {
+        struct ::stat64 newInfo;
+        if (::stat64(it->absolutePath, &newInfo) == 0) {
+            if (emitSignals) {
+                if (newInfo != it->savedInfo) {
+                    it->savedInfo = newInfo;
+                    if (directory)
+                        emit directoryChanged(it->originalPath, false);
+                    else
+                        emit fileChanged(it->originalPath, false);
+                }
+            } else {
+                it->savedInfo = newInfo;
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (errno == ENOENT) {
+                if (emitSignals) {
+                    if (directory)
+                        emit directoryChanged(it->originalPath, true);
+                    else
+                        emit fileChanged(it->originalPath, true);
+                }
+                it = list.erase(it);
+                continue;
+            } else {
+                qWarning("%s:%d:QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine: stat error on %s:%s",
+                         __FILE__, __LINE__, qPrintable(it->originalPath), strerror(errno));
+            }
+        }
+        ++it;
+    }
+void QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::updateHash(PathHash &pathHash)
+    PathHash::iterator HashEnd = pathHash.end();
+    PathHash::iterator it = pathHash.begin();
+    const bool IsDirectory = (&pathHash == &dirPathInfoHash);
+    while (it != HashEnd) {
+        updateList(it.value(), IsDirectory, false);
+        if (it.value().isEmpty())
+            it = pathHash.erase(it);
+        else
+            ++it;
+    }
+void QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::fseventsCallback(ConstFSEventStreamRef ,
+                                                        void *clientCallBackInfo, size_t numEvents,
+                                                        void *eventPaths,
+                                                        const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[],
+                                                        const FSEventStreamEventId [])
+    QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine *watcher = static_cast<QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine *>(clientCallBackInfo);
+    QMutexLocker locker(&watcher->mutex);
+    CFArrayRef paths = static_cast<CFArrayRef>(eventPaths);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i) {
+        const QString path = QCFString::toQString(
+                                    static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(paths, i)));
+        const FSEventStreamEventFlags pathFlags = eventFlags[i];
+        // There are several flags that may be passed, but we really don't care about them ATM.
+        // Here they are and why we don't care.
+        // kFSEventStreamEventFlagHistoryDone--(very unlikely to be gotten, but even then, not much changes).
+        // kFSEventStreamEventFlagMustScanSubDirs--Likely means the data is very much out of date, we
+        //            aren't coalescing our directories, so again not so much of an issue
+        // kFSEventStreamEventFlagRootChanged | kFSEventStreamEventFlagMount | kFSEventStreamEventFlagUnmount--
+        // These three flags indicate something has changed, but the stat will likely show this, so
+        // there's not really much to worry about.
+        // (btw, FSEvents is not the correct way of checking for mounts/unmounts,
+        //  there are real CarbonCore events for that.)
+        Q_UNUSED(pathFlags);
+        if (watcher->filePathInfoHash.contains(path))
+            watcher->updateList(watcher->filePathInfoHash[path], false, true);
+        if (watcher->dirPathInfoHash.contains(path))
+            watcher->updateList(watcher->dirPathInfoHash[path], true, true);
+    }
+    Q_UNUSED(clientCallBackInfo);
+    Q_UNUSED(numEvents);
+    Q_UNUSED(eventPaths);
+    Q_UNUSED(eventFlags);
+void QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::stop()
+    stopFSStream(fsStream);
+    if (threadsRunLoop)
+        CFRunLoopStop(threadsRunLoop);
+void QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::updateFiles()
+    QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
+    updateHash(filePathInfoHash);
+    updateHash(dirPathInfoHash);
+    if (filePathInfoHash.isEmpty() && dirPathInfoHash.isEmpty()) {
+        // Everything disappeared before we got to start, don't bother.
+        stop();
+        cleanupFSStream(fsStream);
+    }
+    waitCondition.wakeAll();
+void QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine::run()
+    threadsRunLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
+    FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(fsStream, threadsRunLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
+    bool startedOK = FSEventStreamStart(fsStream);
+    // It's recommended by Apple that you only update the files after you've started
+    // the stream, because otherwise you might miss an update in between starting it.
+    updateFiles();
+#ifdef QT_NO_DEBUG
+    Q_UNUSED(startedOK);
+    Q_ASSERT(startedOK);
+    // If for some reason we called stop up above (and invalidated our stream), this call will return
+    // immediately.
+    CFRunLoopRun();
+    threadsRunLoop = 0;
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e8b788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
+** Beta Release License Agreement.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
+** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
+** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
+** package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** contact the sales department at
+//  W A R N I N G
+//  -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API.  It exists for the convenience
+// of the QLibrary class.  This header file may change from
+// version to version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include "qfilesystemwatcher_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/qmutex.h>
+#include <QtCore/qwaitcondition.h>
+#include <QtCore/qthread.h>
+#include <QtCore/QHash>
+#include <QtCore/QLinkedList>
+#include <private/qcore_mac_p.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+typedef struct __FSEventStream *FSEventStreamRef;
+typedef const struct __FSEventStream *ConstFSEventStreamRef;
+typedef const struct __CFArray *CFArrayRef;
+typedef uint FSEventStreamEventFlags;
+typedef uint64_t FSEventStreamEventId;
+// Yes, I use a stat64 element here. QFileInfo requires too much knowledge about implementation
+// details to be used as a long-standing record. Since I'm going to have to store this information, I can
+// do the stat myself too.
+struct PathInfo {
+    PathInfo(const QString &path, const QByteArray &absPath)
+            : originalPath(path), absolutePath(absPath) {}
+    QString originalPath; // The path we need to emit
+    QByteArray absolutePath; // The path we need to stat.
+    struct ::stat64 savedInfo;  // All the info for the path so we can compare it.
+typedef QLinkedList<PathInfo> PathInfoList;
+typedef QHash<QString, PathInfoList> PathHash;
+class QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine : public QFileSystemWatcherEngine
+    ~QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine();
+    static QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine *create();
+    QStringList addPaths(const QStringList &paths, QStringList *files, QStringList *directories);
+    QStringList removePaths(const QStringList &paths, QStringList *files, QStringList *directories);
+    void stop();
+    QFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine();
+    void warmUpFSEvents();
+    void updateFiles();
+    static void fseventsCallback(ConstFSEventStreamRef streamRef, void *clientCallBackInfo, size_t numEvents,
+                                  void *eventPaths, const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[],
+                                  const FSEventStreamEventId eventIds[]);
+    void run();
+    FSEventStreamRef fsStream;
+    CFArrayRef pathsToWatch;
+    CFRunLoopRef threadsRunLoop;
+    QMutex mutex;
+    QWaitCondition waitCondition;
+    PathHash filePathInfoHash;
+    PathHash dirPathInfoHash;
+    void updateHash(PathHash &pathHash);
+    void updateList(PathInfoList &list, bool directory, bool emitSignals);
diff --git a/tests/auto/qfilesystemwatcher/tst_qfilesystemwatcher.cpp b/tests/auto/qfilesystemwatcher/tst_qfilesystemwatcher.cpp
index da06742..c883c63 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qfilesystemwatcher/tst_qfilesystemwatcher.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qfilesystemwatcher/tst_qfilesystemwatcher.cpp
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ private slots:
     void removePath();
     void addPaths();
     void removePaths();
+    void watchFileAndItsDirectory();
+    void watchFileAndItsDirectory_data() { basicTest_data(); }
     QStringList do_force_engines;
@@ -397,5 +399,83 @@ void tst_QFileSystemWatcher::removePaths()
+void tst_QFileSystemWatcher::watchFileAndItsDirectory()
+    QFETCH(QString, backend);
+    QDir().mkdir("testDir");
+    QDir testDir("testDir");
+    QString testFileName = testDir.filePath("testFile.txt");
+    QString secondFileName = testDir.filePath("testFile2.txt");
+    QFile::remove(secondFileName);
+    QFile testFile(testFileName);
+    testFile.setPermissions(QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::WriteOwner);
+    testFile.remove();
+    QVERIFY( | QIODevice::Truncate));
+    testFile.write(QByteArray("hello"));
+    testFile.close();
+    QFileSystemWatcher watcher;
+    watcher.setObjectName(QLatin1String("_qt_autotest_force_engine_") + backend);
+    watcher.addPath(testDir.dirName());
+    watcher.addPath(testFileName);
+    QSignalSpy fileChangedSpy(&watcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(const QString &)));
+    QSignalSpy dirChangedSpy(&watcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(const QString &)));
+    QEventLoop eventLoop;
+    QTimer timer;
+    connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
+    // resolution of the modification time is system dependent, but it's at most 1 second when using
+    // the polling engine. From what I know, FAT32 has a 2 second resolution. So we have to
+    // wait before modifying the directory...
+    QTest::qWait(2000);
+    QVERIFY( | QIODevice::Truncate));
+    testFile.write(QByteArray("hello again"));
+    testFile.close();
+    timer.start(3000);
+    eventLoop.exec();
+    QCOMPARE(fileChangedSpy.count(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(dirChangedSpy.count(), 0);
+    fileChangedSpy.clear();
+    QFile secondFile(secondFileName);
+ | QIODevice::Truncate);
+    secondFile.write("Foo");
+    secondFile.close();
+    timer.start(3000);
+    eventLoop.exec();
+    QCOMPARE(fileChangedSpy.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(dirChangedSpy.count(), 1);
+    dirChangedSpy.clear();
+    QFile::remove(testFileName);
+    timer.start(3000);
+    eventLoop.exec();
+    QCOMPARE(fileChangedSpy.count(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(dirChangedSpy.count(), 1);
+    fileChangedSpy.clear();
+    dirChangedSpy.clear();
+    watcher.removePath(testFileName);
+    QFile::remove(secondFileName);
+    timer.start(3000);
+    eventLoop.exec();
+    QCOMPARE(fileChangedSpy.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(dirChangedSpy.count(), 1);
+    QVERIFY(QDir().rmdir("testDir"));
 #include "tst_qfilesystemwatcher.moc"
cgit v0.12

From 2410f261eaa13442baa46537202d31ad26d797e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Denis Dzyubenko <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 15:14:34 +0200
Subject: Reverted commits that changed the behavior of the keypresses with

Apparently it changes the behavior of Qt too much and also breaks the
text input in some keyboard layouts (for example in German layout you
need to be able to use Ctrl and Alt or AltGr modifiers to type text).

Revert "Don't insert text into a text widget when a modifier is pressed."
This reverts commit 099a32d121cbc80a1a234c3146f4be9b5237e7e8.

Revert "Fixed the qlineedit autotest."
This reverts commit 9210e8cdc83b6812d10f5f5847d05703ef2e5f7c.
 src/gui/text/qtextcontrol.cpp          | 3 +--
 src/gui/widgets/qlineedit.cpp          | 3 +--
 tests/auto/qlineedit/tst_qlineedit.cpp | 6 +++---
 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/text/qtextcontrol.cpp b/src/gui/text/qtextcontrol.cpp
index 2a590fd..b2ad686 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qtextcontrol.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/text/qtextcontrol.cpp
@@ -1245,8 +1245,7 @@ void QTextControlPrivate::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
         QString text = e->text();
-        if (!text.isEmpty() && ( || == QLatin1Char('\t')) &&
-            ((e->modifiers() & (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::AltModifier | Qt::MetaModifier)) == Qt::NoModifier)) {
+        if (!text.isEmpty() && ( || == QLatin1Char('\t'))) {
             if (overwriteMode
                 // no need to call deleteChar() if we have a selection, insertText
                 // does it already
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qlineedit.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/qlineedit.cpp
index d1067a8..c7f3e97 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qlineedit.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qlineedit.cpp
@@ -2169,8 +2169,7 @@ void QLineEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
     if (unknown && !d->readOnly) {
         QString t = event->text();
-        if (!t.isEmpty() && &&
-            ((event->modifiers() & (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::AltModifier | Qt::MetaModifier)) == Qt::NoModifier)) {
+        if (!t.isEmpty() && {
diff --git a/tests/auto/qlineedit/tst_qlineedit.cpp b/tests/auto/qlineedit/tst_qlineedit.cpp
index 7fc8316..3519afa 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qlineedit/tst_qlineedit.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qlineedit/tst_qlineedit.cpp
@@ -3025,11 +3025,11 @@ void tst_QLineEdit::charWithAltOrCtrlModifier()
     QTest::keyPress(testWidget, Qt::Key_Plus);
     QCOMPARE(testWidget->text(), QString("+"));
     QTest::keyPress(testWidget, Qt::Key_Plus, Qt::ControlModifier);
-    QCOMPARE(testWidget->text(), QString("+"));
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->text(), QString("++"));
     QTest::keyPress(testWidget, Qt::Key_Plus, Qt::AltModifier);
-    QCOMPARE(testWidget->text(), QString("+"));
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->text(), QString("+++"));
     QTest::keyPress(testWidget, Qt::Key_Plus, Qt::AltModifier | Qt::ControlModifier);
-    QCOMPARE(testWidget->text(), QString("+"));
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->text(), QString("++++"));
 void tst_QLineEdit::leftKeyOnSelectedText()
cgit v0.12

From 1368c210ef9976f68eb9fb1c3e4dc14f4fa4edd2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Boddie <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 19:42:51 +0200
Subject: Doc: Clarified that the format used in QImage::fromData() is the
 image format, not the pixel format.

Reviewed-by: Trust Me
 src/gui/image/qimage.cpp | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp b/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp
index 7d7dde1..ec36224 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp
@@ -612,6 +612,9 @@ bool QImageData::checkForAlphaPixels() const
     \header \o Function \o Description
+    \o setAlphaChannel()
+    \o Sets the alpha channel of the image.
+    \row
     \o setDotsPerMeterX()
     \o Defines the aspect ratio by setting the number of pixels that fit
     horizontally in a physical meter.
@@ -1688,12 +1691,8 @@ void QImage::setColorTable(const QVector<QRgb> colors)
     d->colortable = colors;
     d->has_alpha_clut = false;
-    for (int i = 0; i < d->colortable.size(); ++i) {
-        if (qAlpha(d-> != 255) {
-            d->has_alpha_clut = true;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < d->colortable.size(); ++i)
+        d->has_alpha_clut |= (qAlpha(d-> != 255);
@@ -3948,8 +3947,10 @@ QImage QImage::scaled(const QSize& s, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectMode, Qt::Transf
     if (newSize == size())
         return copy();
-    QTransform wm = QTransform::fromScale((qreal)newSize.width() / width(), (qreal)newSize.height() / height());
-    QImage img = transformed(wm, mode);
+    QImage img;
+    QTransform wm;
+    wm.scale((qreal)newSize.width() / width(), (qreal)newSize.height() / height());
+    img = transformed(wm, mode);
     return img;
@@ -3976,8 +3977,9 @@ QImage QImage::scaledToWidth(int w, Qt::TransformationMode mode) const
     if (w <= 0)
         return QImage();
+    QTransform wm;
     qreal factor = (qreal) w / width();
-    QTransform wm = QTransform::fromScale(factor, factor);
+    wm.scale(factor, factor);
     return transformed(wm, mode);
@@ -4004,8 +4006,9 @@ QImage QImage::scaledToHeight(int h, Qt::TransformationMode mode) const
     if (h <= 0)
         return QImage();
+    QTransform wm;
     qreal factor = (qreal) h / height();
-    QTransform wm = QTransform::fromScale(factor, factor);
+    wm.scale(factor, factor);
     return transformed(wm, mode);
@@ -4626,14 +4629,17 @@ bool QImage::loadFromData(const uchar *data, int len, const char *format)
     \fn QImage QImage::fromData(const uchar *data, int size, const char *format)
     Constructs a QImage from the first \a size bytes of the given
-    binary \a data. The loader attempts to read the image using the
-    specified \a format. If \a format is not specified (which is the default),
-    the loader probes the file for a header to guess the file format.
+    binary \a data. The loader attempts to read the image, either using the
+    optional image \a format specified or by determining the image format from
+    the data.
-    If the loading of the image failed, this object is a null image.
+    If \a format is not specified (which is the default), the loader probes the
+    file for a header to determine the file format. If \a format is specified,
+    it must be one of the values returned by QImageReader::supportedImageFormats().
-    \sa load(), save(), {QImage#Reading and Writing Image
-    Files}{Reading and Writing Image Files}
+    If the loading of the image fails, the image returned will be a null image.
+    \sa load(), save(), {QImage#Reading and Writing Image Files}{Reading and Writing Image Files}
 QImage QImage::fromData(const uchar *data, int size, const char *format)
@@ -4761,7 +4767,7 @@ QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &s, QImage &image)
     image = QImageReader(s.device(), 0).read();
     return s;
 #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
@@ -4851,6 +4857,8 @@ bool QImage::operator==(const QImage & i) const
         return false;
     if (d->format != Format_RGB32) {
+        if (d->colortable != i.d->colortable)
+            return false;
         if (d->format >= Format_ARGB32) { // all bits defined
             const int n = d->width * d->depth / 8;
             if (n == d->bytes_per_line && n == i.d->bytes_per_line) {
@@ -4863,13 +4871,11 @@ bool QImage::operator==(const QImage & i) const
         } else {
-            const int w = width();
-            const int h = height();
-            const QVector<QRgb> &colortable = d->colortable;
-            const QVector<QRgb> &icolortable = i.d->colortable;
+            int w = width();
+            int h = height();
             for (int y=0; y<h; ++y) {
                 for (int x=0; x<w; ++x) {
-                    if (colortable[pixelIndex(x, y)] != icolortable[i.pixelIndex(x, y)])
+                    if (pixelIndex(x, y) != i.pixelIndex(x, y))
                         return false;
@@ -5266,7 +5272,7 @@ QPaintEngine *QImage::paintEngine() const
-    \internal
+    \reimp
     Returns the size for the specified \a metric on the device.
@@ -5584,7 +5590,7 @@ bool QImage::isDetached() const
     Note that the image will be converted to the Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied
     format if the function succeeds.
-    Use one of the composition modes in QPainter::CompositionMode instead.
+    Use one of the composition mods in QPainter::CompositionMode instead.
     \warning This function is expensive.
@@ -5662,8 +5668,6 @@ void QImage::setAlphaChannel(const QImage &alphaChannel)
-    \obsolete
     Returns the alpha channel of the image as a new grayscale QImage in which
     each pixel's red, green, and blue values are given the alpha value of the
     original image. The color depth of the returned image is 8-bit.
@@ -5743,7 +5747,7 @@ QImage QImage::alphaChannel() const
     Returns true if the image has a format that respects the alpha
     channel, otherwise returns false.
-    \sa {QImage#Image Information}{Image Information}
+    \sa alphaChannel(), {QImage#Image Information}{Image Information}
 bool QImage::hasAlphaChannel() const
cgit v0.12

From e37d314eb3e5b26b271aa5ec17dac1f2e8e16a45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Yard <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:46:21 +1000
Subject: #250741 Doc for Making task editable

 doc/src/model-view-programming.qdoc        |  9 +++++++--
 doc/src/snippets/stringlistmodel/model.cpp | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/src/model-view-programming.qdoc b/doc/src/model-view-programming.qdoc
index e216591..7d7db19 100644
--- a/doc/src/model-view-programming.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/model-view-programming.qdoc
@@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@
     The \l{QAbstractItemModel::data()}{data()} function is responsible for
     returning the item of data that corresponds to the index argument:
-    \snippet doc/src/snippets/stringlistmodel/model.cpp 1
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/stringlistmodel/model.cpp 1-data-read-only
     We only return a valid QVariant if the model index supplied is valid,
     the row number is within the range of items in the string list, and the
@@ -1390,6 +1390,7 @@
     The read-only model shows how simple choices could be presented to the
     user but, for many applications, an editable list model is much more
     useful. We can modify the read-only model to make the items editable
+    by changing the data() function we implemented for read-only, and
     by implementing two extra functions:
     \l{QAbstractItemModel::flags()}{flags()} and
@@ -1399,7 +1400,7 @@
     \snippet doc/src/snippets/stringlistmodel/model.h 3
     \section2 Making the Model Editable
     A delegate checks whether an item is editable before creating an
     editor. The model must let the delegate know that its items are
     editable. We do this by returning the correct flags for each item in
@@ -1434,6 +1435,10 @@
     one item of data has changed, the range of items specified in the signal
     is limited to just one model index.
+    Also the data() function needs to be changed to add the Qt::EditRole test:
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/stringlistmodel/model.cpp 1
     \section2 Inserting and Removing Rows
     It is possible to change the number of rows and columns in a model. In the
diff --git a/doc/src/snippets/stringlistmodel/model.cpp b/doc/src/snippets/stringlistmodel/model.cpp
index 76329dd..49e0fc7 100644
--- a/doc/src/snippets/stringlistmodel/model.cpp
+++ b/doc/src/snippets/stringlistmodel/model.cpp
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ int StringListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
 //! [0]
+#ifdef 0
+// This represents a read-only version of data(), an early stage in the 
+// development of the example leading to an editable StringListModel.
     Returns an appropriate value for the requested data.
     If the view requests an invalid index, an invalid variant is returned.
@@ -66,7 +71,7 @@ int StringListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
     string to be returned.
-//! [1]
+//! [1-data-read-only]
 QVariant StringListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
     if (!index.isValid())
@@ -80,6 +85,31 @@ QVariant StringListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
         return QVariant();
+//! [1-data-read-only]
+    Returns an appropriate value for the requested data.
+    If the view requests an invalid index, an invalid variant is returned.
+    Any valid index that corresponds to a string in the list causes that
+    string to be returned.
+//! [1]
+QVariant StringListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
+    if (!index.isValid())
+        return QVariant();
+    if (index.row() >= stringList.size())
+        return QVariant();
+    if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole)
+        return;
+    else
+        return QVariant();
 //! [1]
cgit v0.12

From 851fc0fdb1dcb54cbde82ffad0b54cfe3f896b83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Yard <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:49:35 +1000
Subject: #159306 QAbstractItemModel::reset Doc change

 src/corelib/kernel/qabstractitemmodel.cpp | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/corelib/kernel/qabstractitemmodel.cpp b/src/corelib/kernel/qabstractitemmodel.cpp
index 1c3371f..3d9263e 100644
--- a/src/corelib/kernel/qabstractitemmodel.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qabstractitemmodel.cpp
@@ -2278,7 +2278,8 @@ void QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveColumns()
     \note The view to which the model is attached to will be reset as well.
     When a model is reset it means that any previous data reported from the
-    model is now invalid and has to be queried for again.
+    model is now invalid and has to be queried for again. This also means 
+    that the current item and any selected items will become invalid.
     When a model radically changes its data it can sometimes be easier to just
     call this function rather than emit dataChanged() to inform other
cgit v0.12

From 3d272951dc9f055e9fc5064098f6a165a8c3e623 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Yard <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 11:22:30 +1000
Subject: #215745 Doc Change, virtual function (operator) called from

 src/gui/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp b/src/gui/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp
index 7113217..121b1df 100644
--- a/src/gui/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp
@@ -561,6 +561,13 @@ Qt::DropActions QListModel::supportedDropActions() const
     given \a parent.
     If the parent is not specified, the item will need to be inserted into a
     list widget with QListWidget::insertItem().
+    \note that this constructor inserts this same object into the model of 
+    the parent that is passed to the constructor. If the model is sorted then 
+    the behavior of the insert is undetermined since the model will call 
+    the '<' operator method on this object which has still not yet been 
+    constructed. In this case it would be better not to specify the parent
+    and use the QListWidget::insertItem method to insert the item instead.
     \sa type()
@@ -582,6 +589,13 @@ QListWidgetItem::QListWidgetItem(QListWidget *view, int type)
     given \a text and \a parent.
     If the parent is not specified, the item will need to be inserted into a
     list widget with QListWidget::insertItem().
+    \note that this constructor inserts this same object into the model of 
+    the parent that is passed to the constructor. If the model is sorted then 
+    the behavior of the insert is undetermined since the model will call 
+    the '<' operator method on this object which has still not yet been 
+    constructed. In this case it would be better not to specify the parent
+    and use the QListWidget::insertItem method to insert the item instead.
     \sa type()
@@ -605,7 +619,14 @@ QListWidgetItem::QListWidgetItem(const QString &text, QListWidget *view, int typ
     given \a icon, \a text and \a parent.
     If the parent is not specified, the item will need to be inserted into a
     list widget with QListWidget::insertItem().
+    \note that this constructor inserts this same object into the model of 
+    the parent that is passed to the constructor. If the model is sorted then 
+    the behavior of the insert is undetermined since the model will call 
+    the '<' operator method on this object which has still not yet been 
+    constructed. In this case it would be better not to specify the parent
+    and use the QListWidget::insertItem method to insert the item instead.
     \sa type()
 QListWidgetItem::QListWidgetItem(const QIcon &icon,const QString &text,
cgit v0.12

From c3ca46544548a95f99c8b1e320b65ff7ac1c42c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Cooksey <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 09:08:00 +0200
Subject: Fix build on HPUX

Reviewed-By: Trustme
 src/opengl/qgl_x11.cpp | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/opengl/qgl_x11.cpp b/src/opengl/qgl_x11.cpp
index 43bdec7..64f5810 100644
--- a/src/opengl/qgl_x11.cpp
+++ b/src/opengl/qgl_x11.cpp
@@ -1648,11 +1648,13 @@ QGLTexture *QGLContextPrivate::bindTextureFromNativePixmap(QPixmap *pm, const qi
 void QGLTexture::deleteBoundPixmap()
+#if !defined(GLX_VERSION_1_3) || defined(Q_OS_HPUX)
     if (boundPixmap) {
         glXReleaseTexImageEXT(QX11Info::display(), boundPixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT);
         glXDestroyPixmap(QX11Info::display(), boundPixmap);
         boundPixmap = 0;
cgit v0.12

From b4f2e138422076ed5d615181fc336dbb90279935 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Norwegian Rock Cat <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 09:50:10 +0200
Subject: Compile.

It appears that uint != UInt32 in 32-bit world, don't ask why. Correct
the typedef.

Reviewed-by: Carlos Duclos
 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h
index 2e8b788..4770867 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 typedef struct __FSEventStream *FSEventStreamRef;
 typedef const struct __FSEventStream *ConstFSEventStreamRef;
 typedef const struct __CFArray *CFArrayRef;
-typedef uint FSEventStreamEventFlags;
+typedef UInt32 FSEventStreamEventFlags;
 typedef uint64_t FSEventStreamEventId;
cgit v0.12

From c8dbff8b5ae8e4b5ef8a46a5e3b513a5f6f4a205 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gunnar Sletta <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 09:35:41 +0200
Subject: Fixed crash when vectorpath was polygonal only in raster::stroke()

Polygonal vector paths may have types==null, in which case this
would have crashed.

Reviewed-by: Eskil
 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp | 25 ++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
index 5176444..069c350 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp
@@ -1687,17 +1687,24 @@ void QRasterPaintEngine::stroke(const QVectorPath &path, const QPen &pen)
         int count = path.elementCount();
         QPointF *points = (QPointF *) path.points();
         const QPainterPath::ElementType *types = path.elements();
-        int first = 0;
-        int last;
-        while (first < count) {
-            while (first < count && types[first] != QPainterPath::MoveToElement) ++first;
-            last = first + 1;
-            while (last < count && types[last] == QPainterPath::LineToElement) ++last;
-            strokePolygonCosmetic(points + first, last - first,
-                                  path.hasImplicitClose() && last == count // only close last one..
+        if (types) {
+            int first = 0;
+            int last;
+            while (first < count) {
+                while (first < count && types[first] != QPainterPath::MoveToElement) ++first;
+                last = first + 1;
+                while (last < count && types[last] == QPainterPath::LineToElement) ++last;
+                strokePolygonCosmetic(points + first, last - first,
+                                      path.hasImplicitClose() && last == count // only close last one..
+                                      ? WindingMode
+                                      : PolylineMode);
+                first = last;
+            }
+        } else {
+            strokePolygonCosmetic(points, count,
+                                  path.hasImplicitClose()
                                   ? WindingMode
                                   : PolylineMode);
-            first = last;
     } else if (s->flags.non_complex_pen && path.shape() == QVectorPath::LinesHint) {
cgit v0.12

From 9dadc219814cd9baaa4be4cee6ee2b3cf7df4a19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Hausmann <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:22:11 +0200
Subject: Updated WebKit from /home/shausman/src/webkit/trunk to
 origin/qtwebkit-4.5 ( eb3afcbfb4006de4015047555cb256fcde93b954 )

Changes in WebKit since the last update:

++ b/WebCore/ChangeLog
2009-05-27  John Sullivan  <>

        fixed <rdar://problem/6925482> repro crash in WebCore::DragController::dragExited dropping
        bookmarks (at least) over Top Sites (at least)

        Reviewed by Kevin Decker

        * page/DragController.cpp:
        nil check m_documentUnderMouse and take the "local file" case if it's nil
 src/3rdparty/webkit/VERSION                         |  2 +-
 src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/ChangeLog               | 11 +++++++++++
 src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/html/HTMLElement.cpp    |  1 +
 src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/page/DragController.cpp |  2 +-
 4 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/VERSION b/src/3rdparty/webkit/VERSION
index eaa0479..12018e1 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/VERSION
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/VERSION
@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ The commit imported was from the
 and has the sha1 checksum
-        1535d41a668e5f74f44ff3aa1313a84d5718d2d7
+        eb3afcbfb4006de4015047555cb256fcde93b954
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/ChangeLog b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/ChangeLog
index 83f5e6f..7dc4f71 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/ChangeLog
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+2009-05-27  John Sullivan  <>
+        fixed <rdar://problem/6925482> repro crash in WebCore::DragController::dragExited dropping 
+        bookmarks (at least) over Top Sites (at least)
+        Reviewed by Kevin Decker
+        * page/DragController.cpp:
+        (WebCore::DragController::dragExited):
+        nil check m_documentUnderMouse and take the "local file" case if it's nil
 2009-07-23  Simon Hausmann  <>
         Reviewed by Holger Freyther.
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/html/HTMLElement.cpp b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/html/HTMLElement.cpp
index 4caf336..b21a3fe 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/html/HTMLElement.cpp
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/html/HTMLElement.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 #include "XMLTokenizer.h"
 #include "markup.h"
 #include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
 namespace WebCore {
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/page/DragController.cpp b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/page/DragController.cpp
index 10a11f2..c756da8 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/page/DragController.cpp
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/page/DragController.cpp
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void DragController::dragExited(DragData* dragData)
     Frame* mainFrame = m_page->mainFrame();
     if (RefPtr<FrameView> v = mainFrame->view()) {
-        ClipboardAccessPolicy policy = m_document->securityOrigin()->isLocal() ? ClipboardReadable : ClipboardTypesReadable;
+        ClipboardAccessPolicy policy = (!m_document || m_document->securityOrigin()->isLocal()) ? ClipboardReadable : ClipboardTypesReadable;
         RefPtr<Clipboard> clipboard = dragData->createClipboard(policy);
         mainFrame->eventHandler()->cancelDragAndDrop(createMouseEvent(dragData), clipboard.get());
cgit v0.12

From 5f9454326cf3768bdc973832de76daa49f5f6830 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gunnar Sletta <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:00:21 +0200
Subject: Once enabled, the emulation engine never got switched back off

The check in QPainter::checkEmulation was just plain wrong.

Reviewed-By: Eskil
 src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp
index 34305c2..0460071 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ void QPainterPrivate::checkEmulation()
             extended = emulationEngine;
-    } else if (emulationEngine && emulationEngine != extended) {
+    } else if (emulationEngine == extended) {
         extended = emulationEngine->real_engine;
cgit v0.12

From d7a054e9a887c3e73536a0ea1667492dca46adb0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Friedemann Kleint <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:46:25 +0200
Subject: Built configure.exe.

 configure.exe | Bin 1892397 -> 1896493 bytes
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure.exe b/configure.exe
index 5c5c199..322819e 100644
Binary files a/configure.exe and b/configure.exe differ
cgit v0.12

From f04b5ea9e0f06904f15d93245ef597483ba9e790 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 15:44:33 +0200
Subject: Doc: Split qdoc file for various platform and compiler specific
 pages, and update with information relevant for Qt 4.6

 doc/src/compiler-notes.qdoc      | 278 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/src/platform-notes.qdoc      | 344 +--------------------------------------
 doc/src/supported-platforms.qdoc | 141 ++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 421 insertions(+), 342 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/src/compiler-notes.qdoc
 create mode 100644 doc/src/supported-platforms.qdoc

diff --git a/doc/src/compiler-notes.qdoc b/doc/src/compiler-notes.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a7451d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/compiler-notes.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
+** Beta Release License Agreement.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
+** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
+** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
+** package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** contact the sales department at
+    \page compiler-notes.html
+    \ingroup platform-notes
+    \title Compiler Notes
+    \brief Information about the C++ compilers and tools used to build Qt.
+    This page contains information about the C++ compilers and tools used
+    to build Qt on various platforms.
+    \tableofcontents
+    Please refer to the \l{Platform Notes} for information on the platforms
+    Qt is currently known to run on, and see the \l{Supported Platforms}
+    page for information about the status of each platform.
+    If you have anything to add to this list or any of the platform or
+    compiler-specific pages, please submit it via the \l{Bug Report Form}
+    or through the \l{Public Qt Repository}.
+    \section1 Supported Features
+    Not all compilers used to build Qt are able to compile all modules. The following table
+    shows the compiler support for five modules that are not uniformly available for all
+    platforms and compilers.
+    \table
+    \header \o Compiler \o{5,1} Features
+    \header \o                  \o Concurrent \o XmlPatterns \o WebKit   \o CLucene  \o Phonon
+    \row    \o g++ 3.3          \o            \o \bold{X}    \o          \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
+    \row    \o g++ 3.4 and up   \o \bold{X}   \o \bold{X}    \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
+    \row
+    \row    \o SunCC 5.5        \o            \o             \o          \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
+    \row
+    \row    \o aCC series 3     \o            \o             \o          \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
+    \row    \o aCC series 6     \o \bold{X}   \o \bold{X}    \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
+    \row    \o xlC 6            \o            \o             \o          \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
+    \row    \o Intel CC 10      \o \bold{X}   \o \bold{X}    \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
+    \row
+    \row    \o MSVC 2003        \o \bold{X}   \o \bold{X}    \o          \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
+    \row    \o MSVC 2005 and up \o \bold{X}   \o \bold{X}    \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
+    \endtable
+    \target GCC
+    \section1 GCC
+    \section2 GCC on Windows (MinGW)
+    We have tested Qt with this compiler on Windows XP.
+    The minimal version of MinGW supported is:
+    \list
+    \o GCC 3.4.2
+    \o MinGW runtime 3.7
+    \o win32api 3.2
+    \o binutils 2.15.91
+    \o mingw32-make 3.80.0-3
+    \endlist
+    \section2 GCC 4.0.0
+    The released package of the compiler has some bugs that lead to miscompilations.
+    We recommend using GCC 4.0.1 or later, or to use a recent CVS snapshot of the
+    GCC 4.0 branch. The version of GCC 4.0.0 that is shipped with Mac OS X 10.4
+    "Tiger" is known to work with Qt for Mac OS X.
+    \section2 HP-UX
+    The hpux-g++ platform is tested with GCC 3.4.4.
+    \section2 Solaris
+    Please use GCC 3.4.2 or later.
+    \section2 Mac OS X
+    Please use the latest GCC 3.3 from Apple or a later version of GCC 3.
+    The gcc 3.3 that is provided with Xcode 1.5 is known to generate bad code.
+    Use the November 2004 GCC 3.3 updater \l{}{available from Apple}.
+    \section2 GCC 3.4.6 (Debian 3.4.6-5) on AMD64 (x86_64)
+    This compiler is known to miscompile some parts of Qt when doing a
+    release build. There are several workarounds:
+    \list 1
+    \o Use a debug build instead.
+    \o For each miscompilation encountered, recompile the file, removing the -O2 option.
+    \o Add -fno-gcse to the QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE.
+    \endlist
+    \section1 HP ANSI C++ (aCC)
+    The hpux-acc-32 and hpux-acc-64 platforms are tested with aCC A.03.57. The
+    hpuxi-acc-32 and hpuxi-acc-64 platforms are tested with aCC A.06.10.
+    \section1 Intel C++ Compiler
+    Qt supports the Intel C++ compiler on both Windows and Linux.
+    However, there are a few issues on Linux (see the following
+    section).
+    \section2 Intel C++ Compiler for Linux
+    Nokia currently tests the following compilers:
+    \list
+    \o Intel(R) C++ Compiler for applications running on IA-32,
+    Version 10.1 Build 20080602 Package ID: l_cc_p_10.1.017
+    \o Intel(R) C++ Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64,
+    Version 10.1 Build 20080602 Package ID: l_cc_p_10.1.017
+    \endlist
+    We do not currently test the IA-64 (Itanium) compiler.
+    \section2 Known Issues with Intel C++ Compiler for Linux
+    \list
+    \o Precompiled header support does not work in version 10.0.025
+       and older. For these compilers, you should configure Qt with
+       -no-pch. Precompiled header support works properly in version
+       10.0.026 and later.
+    \o Version 10.0.026 for Intel 64 is known to miscompile qmake when
+       building in release mode. For now, configure Qt with
+       -debug. Version 10.1.008 and later can compile qmake in release
+       mode.
+    \o Versions 10.1.008 to 10.1.015 for both IA-32 and Intel 64 are
+       known crash with "(0): internal error: 0_47021" when compiling
+       QtXmlPatterns, QtWebKit, and Designer in release mode. Version
+       10.1.017 compiles these modules correctly in release mode.
+    \endlist
+    \section2 Intel C++ Compiler (Windows, Altix)
+    Qt 4 has been tested successfully with:
+    \list
+    \o Windows - Intel(R) C++ Compiler for 32-bit applications,
+       Version 8.1 Build 20050309Z Package ID: W_CC_PC_8.1.026
+    \o Altix - Intel(R) C++ Itanium(R) Compiler for Itanium(R)-based
+       applications Version 8.1 Build 20050406 Package ID: l_cc_pc_8.1.030
+    \endlist
+    We currently only test the Intel compiler on 32-bit Windows versions.
+    \section1 MIPSpro (IRIX)
+    \bold{IRIX is an unsupported platform. See the \l{Supported Platforms} page
+    and Qt's Software's online \l{Platform Support Policy} page for details.}
+    Qt 4.4.x requires MIPSpro version 7.4.2m.
+    Note that MIPSpro version 7.4.4m is currently not supported, since it has
+    introduced a number of problems that have not yet been resolved.
+    We recommend using 7.4.2m for Qt development. However, please note the
+    unsupported status of this platform.
+    \target Sun Studio
+    \section1 Forte Developer / Sun Studio (Solaris)
+    \section2 Sun Studio
+    Qt is tested using Sun Studio 8 (Sun CC 5.5). Go to
+    \l{Sun Studio Patches} page on Sun's Web site to download
+    the latest patches for your Sun compiler.
+    \section2 Sun WorkShop 5.0
+    Sun WorkShop 5.0 is not supported with Qt 4.
+    \section1 Visual Studio (Windows)
+    We do most of our Windows development on Windows XP, using Microsoft
+    Visual Studio .NET 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 (both the 32- and 64-bit
+    versions).
+    Qt works with the Standard Edition, the Professional Edition and Team
+    System Edition of Visual Studio 2005.
+    We also test Qt 4 on Windows XP with Visual Studio .NET and Visual Studio 2003.
+    In order to use Qt with the Visual Studio 2005/2008 Express Edition you need
+    to download and install the platform SDK. Due to limitations in the
+    Express Edition it is not possible for us to install the Qt Visual
+    Studio Integration. You will need to use our command line tools to
+    build Qt applications with this edition.
+    The Visual C++ Linker doesn't understand filenames with spaces (as in
+    \c{C:\Program files\Qt\}) so you will have to move it to another place,
+    or explicitly set the path yourself; for example:
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_compiler-notes.qdoc 0
+    If you are experiencing strange problems with using special flags that
+    modify the alignment of structure and union members (such as \c{/Zp2})
+    then you will need to recompile Qt with the flags set for the
+    application as well.
+    If you're using Visual Studio .NET (2002) Standard Edition, you should be
+    using the Qt binary package provided, and not the source package.
+    As the Standard Edition does not optimize compiled code, your compiled
+    version of Qt would perform suboptimally with respect to speed.
+    With Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 a bug was introduced which
+    causes Qt not to compile, this has been fixed with a hotfix available
+    from Microsoft. See this
+    \l{}{Knowledge Base entry}
+    for more information.
+    \section1 IBM xlC (AIX)
+    The makeC++SharedLib utility must be in your PATH and be up to date to
+    build shared libraries. From IBM's
+    \l{}{C and C++ Application Development on AIX}
+    Redbook:
+    \list
+    \o "The second step is to use the makeC++SharedLib command to create the
+       shared object. The command has many optional arguments, but in its
+       simplest form, can be used as follows:"
+       \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_compiler-notes.qdoc 1
+    \o "The full path name to the command is not required; however, to avoid
+       this, you will have to add the directory in which it is located to
+       your PATH environment variable. The command is located in the
+       /usr/vacpp/bin directory with the VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX,
+       Version 5 compiler."
+    \endlist
+    \section2 VisualAge C++ for AIX, Version 6.0
+    Make sure you have the
+    \l{;tc=SSEP5D&amp;dc=D400}{latest upgrades}
+    installed.
diff --git a/doc/src/platform-notes.qdoc b/doc/src/platform-notes.qdoc
index 8fe8170..c788024 100644
--- a/doc/src/platform-notes.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/platform-notes.qdoc
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@
     supported by Qt can be found on the \l{Supported Platforms} page.
     If you have anything to add to this list or any of the platform or
-    compiler-specific pages, please submit it via the \l{Bug Report Form}.
+    compiler-specific pages, please submit it via the \l{Bug Report Form}
+    or through the \l{Public Qt Repository}.
@@ -373,132 +374,6 @@
     improve support for this feature.
-    \page supported-platforms.html
-    \title Supported Platforms
-    \brief The platforms supported by Nokia for Qt.
-    \ingroup platform-notes
-    Qt is supported on a variety of 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, and can
-    usually be built on each platform with GCC, a vendor-supplied compiler, or
-    a third party compiler. Although Qt may be built on a range of platform-compiler
-    combinations, only a subset of these are actively supported by Qt.
-    A more general overview of the platforms Qt runs on can be found on the
-    \l{Platform Notes} page. Information about the compilers used on each platform
-    can be found on the \l{Compiler Notes} page.
-    \tableofcontents
-    \section1 Most Common Actively Supported Platforms 
-    \table
-    \header \o Platform                \o Compilers
-    \row    \o Apple Mac OS X (32-bit) \o gcc 4.0.1
-    \row    \o Linux (32 and 64-bit)   \o gcc 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
-    \row    \o Microsoft Windows       \o gcc 3.4.2 (MinGW) (32-bit), MSVC 2003, 2005 (32 and 64-bit), 2008,
-                                          \l{Intel C++ Compiler}{Intel icc (see note)}
-    \endtable
-    Any platform-compiler combinations not listed here should be considered unsupported.
-    \section1 Actively Supported Platforms
-    \table
-    \header \o OS                \o Architecture        \o Makespec        \o Compiler version(s)
-    \row    \o AIX               \o PowerPC             \o aix-xlc         \o xlC 6
-    \row    \o AIX               \o PowerPC             \o aix-xlc-64      \o xlC 6
-    \row    \o HPUX              \o PA/RISC             \o hpux-acc*       \o A.03.57 (aCC 3.57)
-    \row    \o HPUX              \o PA/RISC             \o hpux-g++        \o GCC 3.4.4
-    \row    \o HPUX              \o PA/RISC             \o hpux-g++-64     \o GCC 3.4.4
-    \row    \o HPUX              \o Itanium             \o hpuxi-acc*      \o A.06.10 (aCC 6.10)
-    \row    \o Embedded Linux    \o ARM                 \o qws/linux-arm-g++ \o GCC 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
-    \row    \o Embedded Linux    \o Intel 32-bit        \o qws/linux-x86-g++ \o GCC 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
-    \row    \o Linux             \o Intel 32/64-bit     \o linux-g++       \o GCC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
-    \row    \o Linux             \o Intel 32/64-bit     \o linux-icc       \o icc 10.1
-    \row    \o Linux             \o Intel 32-bit        \o linux-icc-32    \o icc 10.1
-    \row    \o Linux             \o Intel 64-bit        \o linux-icc-64    \o icc 10.1
-    \row    \o Mac OS X          \o Intel 32/64-bit, PowerPC \o macx-g++   \o GCC 4.0.1
-    \row    \o Mac OS X          \o Intel 32/64-bit, PowerPC \o macx-g++42 \o GCC 4.2
-    \row    \o Solaris           \o SPARC, Intel 32-bit \o solaris-cc*     \o Sun CC 5.5
-    \row    \o Solaris           \o SPARC, Intel 32-bit \o solaris-g++*    \o GCC 3.4.2
-    \row    \o Windows XP/Vista  \o Intel 32/64-bit     \o win32-g++       \o GCC 3.4.2 (MinGW 5.1.4)
-    \row    \o Windows XP/Vista  \o Intel 32/64-bit     \o win32-icc       \o icc 9.1
-    \row    \o Windows XP/Vista  \o Intel 32/64-bit     \o win32-msvc2003  \o Visual Studio 2003
-    \row    \o Windows XP/Vista  \o Intel 32/64-bit     \o win32-msvc2005  \o Visual Studio 2005
-    \row    \o Windows XP/Vista  \o Intel 32/64-bit     \o win32-msvc2008  \o Visual Studio 2008
-    \row    \o Windows CE        \o Intel 32-bit, ARMv4i, MIPS
-                                                        \o wince*-msvc2005 \o Visual Studio 2005
-    \row    \o Windows CE        \o Intel 32-bit, ARMv4i, MIPS
-                                                        \o wince*-msvc2008 \o Visual Studio 2008
-    \endtable
-    \section1 Community Supported Platforms
-    \table
-    \header \o OS                \o Architecture    \o Makespec            \o Compiler version(s)
-    \row    \o Mac OS X          \o Intel 32-bit, PowerPC \o darwin-g++    \o -
-    \row    \o FreeBSD           \o -               \o freebsd-g++         \o -
-    \row    \o FreeBSD           \o -               \o freebsd-g++34       \o -
-    \row    \o FreeBSD           \o -               \o freebsd-g++40       \o -
-    \row    \o FreeBSD           \o -               \o freebsd-icc         \o -
-    \row    \o HPUX              \o Itanium         \o hpuxi-g++*          \o GCC 4.1
-    \row    \o Linux             \o -               \o linux-cxx           \o -
-    \row    \o Linux             \o -               \o linux-ecc-64        \o -
-    \row    \o Linux             \o Itanium         \o linux-g++           \o GCC 3.4
-    \row    \o Linux             \o Intel 32/64-bit \o linux-g++           \o GCC 3.3, 3.4
-    \row    \o Linux             \o Intel 32/64-bit \o linux-g++           \o GCC 4.0
-    \row    \o Linux             \o -               \o linux-kcc           \o -
-    \row    \o Linux             \o -               \o linux-llvm          \o -
-    \row    \o Linux             \o -               \o linux-lsb-g++       \o -
-    \row    \o LynxOS            \o -               \o lynxos-g++          \o -
-    \row    \o Mac OS X          \o -               \o macx-llvm           \o -
-    \row    \o NetBSD            \o -               \o netbsd-g++          \o -
-    \row    \o OpenBSD           \o -               \o openbsd-g++         \o -
-    \row    \o Embedded Linux    \o MIPS, PowerPC   \o qws/linux-g++       \o GCC 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
-    \endtable
-    \section1 Unsupported Platforms
-    The following platforms were supported in previous releases, either as actively supported
-    or community supported platforms, but are now unsupported.
-    \table
-    \header \o OS                \o Architecture    \o Makespec            \o Compiler version(s)
-    \row    \o IRIX              \o MIPS            \o irix-cc*            \o MIPS Pro
-    \row    \o IRIX              \o MIPS            \o irix-g++*           \o GCC 3.3
-    \row    \o Windows XP/Vista  \o Intel 32/64-bit \o win32-msvc      \o Visual C++ 6.0
-    \row    \o Windows XP/Vista  \o Intel 32/64-bit \o win32-msvc2002      \o Visual Studio 2002
-    \row    \o Windows XP/Vista  \o Intel 32/64-bit \o      \o Visual Studio 2002
-    \endtable
-    Qt's online \l{Platform Support Policy} for Qt describes the level of
-    support you should expect for these platforms.
-    \section1 Supported Features
-    Not all compilers used to build Qt are able to compile all modules. The following table
-    shows the compiler support for five modules that are not uniformly available for all
-    platforms and compilers.
-    \table
-    \header \o Compiler \o{5,1} Features
-    \header \o                  \o Concurrent \o XmlPatterns \o WebKit   \o CLucene  \o Phonon
-    \row    \o g++ 3.3          \o            \o \bold{X}    \o          \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
-    \row    \o g++ 3.4 and up   \o \bold{X}   \o \bold{X}    \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
-    \row
-    \row    \o SunCC 5.5        \o            \o             \o          \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
-    \row
-    \row    \o aCC series 3     \o            \o             \o          \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
-    \row    \o aCC series 6     \o \bold{X}   \o \bold{X}    \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
-    \row    \o xlC 6            \o            \o             \o          \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
-    \row    \o \l{Known Issues in %VERSION%}{Intel CC 10 (see note)}
-                                \o \bold{X}   \o \bold{X}    \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
-    \row
-    \row    \o MSVC 2003        \o \bold{X}   \o \bold{X}    \o          \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
-    \row    \o MSVC 2005 and up \o \bold{X}   \o \bold{X}    \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X} \o \bold{X}
-    \endtable
     \page platform-notes-windows-ce.html
@@ -521,218 +396,3 @@
     information about the combinations of platforms and compilers supported
     by Qt can be found on the \l{Supported Platforms} page.
-    \page compiler-notes.html
-    \ingroup platform-notes
-    \title Compiler Notes
-    \brief Information about the C++ compilers and tools used to build Qt.
-    This page contains information about the C++ compilers and tools used
-    to build Qt on various platforms.
-    \tableofcontents
-    Please refer to the \l{Platform Notes} for information on the platforms
-    Qt is currently known to run on, and see the \l{Supported Platforms}
-    page for information about the status of each platform.
-    If you have anything to add to this list or any of the platform or
-    compiler-specific pages, please submit it via the
-    \l{Bug Report Form}.
-    \target GCC
-    \section1 GCC
-    \section2 GCC on Windows (MinGW)
-    We have tested Qt with this compiler on Windows XP.
-    The minimal version of MinGW supported is:
-    \list
-    \o GCC 3.4.2
-    \o MinGW runtime 3.7
-    \o win32api 3.2
-    \o binutils 2.15.91
-    \o mingw32-make 3.80.0-3
-    \endlist
-    \section2 GCC 4.0.0
-    The released package of the compiler has some bugs that lead to miscompilations.
-    We recommend using GCC 4.0.1 or later, or to use a recent CVS snapshot of the
-    GCC 4.0 branch. The version of GCC 4.0.0 that is shipped with Mac OS X 10.4
-    "Tiger" is known to work with Qt for Mac OS X.
-    \section2 HP-UX
-    The hpux-g++ platform is tested with GCC 3.4.4.
-    \section2 Solaris
-    Please use GCC 3.4.2 or later.
-    \section2 Mac OS X
-    Please use the latest GCC 3.3 from Apple or a later version of GCC 3.
-    The gcc 3.3 that is provided with Xcode 1.5 is known to generate bad code.
-    Use the November 2004 GCC 3.3 updater \l{}{available from Apple}.
-    \section2 GCC 3.4.6 (Debian 3.4.6-5) on AMD64 (x86_64)
-    This compiler is known to miscompile some parts of Qt when doing a
-    release build. There are several workarounds:
-    \list 1
-    \o Use a debug build instead.
-    \o For each miscompilation encountered, recompile the file, removing the -O2 option.
-    \o Add -fno-gcse to the QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE.
-    \endlist
-    \section1 HP ANSI C++ (aCC)
-    The hpux-acc-32 and hpux-acc-64 platforms are tested with aCC A.03.57. The
-    hpuxi-acc-32 and hpuxi-acc-64 platforms are tested with aCC A.06.10.
-    \section1 Intel C++ Compiler
-    Qt supports the Intel C++ compiler on both Windows and Linux.
-    However, there are a few issues on Linux (see the following
-    section).
-    \section2 Intel C++ Compiler for Linux
-    Nokia currently tests the following compilers:
-    \list
-    \o Intel(R) C++ Compiler for applications running on IA-32,
-    Version 10.1 Build 20080602 Package ID: l_cc_p_10.1.017
-    \o Intel(R) C++ Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64,
-    Version 10.1 Build 20080602 Package ID: l_cc_p_10.1.017
-    \endlist
-    We do not currently test the IA-64 (Itanium) compiler.
-    \section2 Known Issues with Intel C++ Compiler for Linux
-    \list
-    \o Precompiled header support does not work in version 10.0.025
-       and older. For these compilers, you should configure Qt with
-       -no-pch. Precompiled header support works properly in version
-       10.0.026 and later.
-    \o Version 10.0.026 for Intel 64 is known to miscompile qmake when
-       building in release mode. For now, configure Qt with
-       -debug. Version 10.1.008 and later can compile qmake in release
-       mode.
-    \o Versions 10.1.008 to 10.1.015 for both IA-32 and Intel 64 are
-       known crash with "(0): internal error: 0_47021" when compiling
-       QtXmlPatterns, QtWebKit, and Designer in release mode. Version
-       10.1.017 compiles these modules correctly in release mode.
-    \endlist
-    \section2 Intel C++ Compiler (Windows, Altix)
-    Qt 4 has been tested successfully with:
-    \list
-    \o Windows - Intel(R) C++ Compiler for 32-bit applications,
-       Version 8.1 Build 20050309Z Package ID: W_CC_PC_8.1.026
-    \o Altix - Intel(R) C++ Itanium(R) Compiler for Itanium(R)-based
-       applications Version 8.1 Build 20050406 Package ID: l_cc_pc_8.1.030
-    \endlist
-    We currently only test the Intel compiler on 32-bit Windows versions.
-    \section1 MIPSpro (IRIX)
-    \bold{IRIX is an unsupported platform. See the \l{Supported Platforms} page
-    and Qt's Software's online \l{Platform Support Policy} page for details.}
-    Qt 4.4.x requires MIPSpro version 7.4.2m.
-    Note that MIPSpro version 7.4.4m is currently not supported, since it has
-    introduced a number of problems that have not yet been resolved.
-    We recommend using 7.4.2m for Qt development. However, please note the
-    unsupported status of this platform.
-    \target Sun Studio
-    \section1 Forte Developer / Sun Studio (Solaris)
-    \section2 Sun Studio
-    Qt is tested using Sun Studio 8 (Sun CC 5.5). Go to
-    \l{Sun Studio Patches} page on Sun's Web site to download
-    the latest patches for your Sun compiler.
-    \section2 Sun WorkShop 5.0
-    Sun WorkShop 5.0 is not supported with Qt 4.
-    \section1 Visual Studio (Windows)
-    We do most of our Windows development on Windows XP, using Microsoft
-    Visual Studio .NET 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 (both the 32- and 64-bit
-    versions).
-    Qt works with the Standard Edition, the Professional Edition and Team
-    System Edition of Visual Studio 2005.
-    We also test Qt 4 on Windows XP with Visual Studio .NET and Visual Studio 2003.
-    In order to use Qt with the Visual Studio 2005/2008 Express Edition you need
-    to download and install the platform SDK. Due to limitations in the
-    Express Edition it is not possible for us to install the Qt Visual
-    Studio Integration. You will need to use our command line tools to
-    build Qt applications with this edition.
-    The Visual C++ Linker doesn't understand filenames with spaces (as in
-    \c{C:\Program files\Qt\}) so you will have to move it to another place,
-    or explicitly set the path yourself; for example:
-    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_compiler-notes.qdoc 0
-    If you are experiencing strange problems with using special flags that
-    modify the alignment of structure and union members (such as \c{/Zp2})
-    then you will need to recompile Qt with the flags set for the
-    application as well.
-    If you're using Visual Studio .NET (2002) Standard Edition, you should be
-    using the Qt binary package provided, and not the source package.
-    As the Standard Edition does not optimize compiled code, your compiled
-    version of Qt would perform suboptimally with respect to speed.
-    With Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 a bug was introduced which
-    causes Qt not to compile, this has been fixed with a hotfix available
-    from Microsoft. See this
-    \l{}{Knowledge Base entry}
-    for more information.
-    \section1 IBM xlC (AIX)
-    The makeC++SharedLib utility must be in your PATH and be up to date to
-    build shared libraries. From IBM's
-    \l{}{C and C++ Application Development on AIX}
-    Redbook:
-    \list
-    \o "The second step is to use the makeC++SharedLib command to create the
-       shared object. The command has many optional arguments, but in its
-       simplest form, can be used as follows:"
-       \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_compiler-notes.qdoc 1
-    \o "The full path name to the command is not required; however, to avoid
-       this, you will have to add the directory in which it is located to
-       your PATH environment variable. The command is located in the
-       /usr/vacpp/bin directory with the VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX,
-       Version 5 compiler."
-    \endlist
-    \section2 VisualAge C++ for AIX, Version 6.0
-    Make sure you have the
-    \l{;tc=SSEP5D&amp;dc=D400}{latest upgrades}
-    installed.
diff --git a/doc/src/supported-platforms.qdoc b/doc/src/supported-platforms.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25251fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/supported-platforms.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the either Technology Preview License Agreement or the
+** Beta Release License Agreement.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
+** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
+** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
+** package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
+** met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** contact the sales department at
+    \page supported-platforms.html
+    \title Supported Platforms
+    \brief The platforms supported by Nokia for Qt.
+    \ingroup platform-notes
+    Qt Software strives to provide support for the platforms most
+    frequently used by Qt users. We have designed our internal testing procedure to
+    divide platforms into three test categories (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) in order
+    to prioritize internal testing and development resources so that the most
+    frequently used platforms are subjected to our most rigorous testing processes.
+    Qt is supported on a variety of 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, and can
+    usually be built on each platform with GCC, a vendor-supplied compiler, or
+    a third party compiler. Although Qt may be built on a range of platform-compiler
+    combinations, only a subset of these are actively supported by Qt.
+    \tableofcontents
+    Information about the specific platforms Qt runs on can be found on the
+    \l{Platform Notes} page. Information about the compilers used on each platform
+    can be found on the \l{Compiler Notes} page.
+    \section1 Tier 1 Platforms
+    All Tier 1 platforms are subjected to our unit test suite and other internal
+    testing tools on a frequent basis (prior to new version releases, source tree
+    branching, and at other significant period points in the development process).
+    Errors or bugs discovered in these platforms are prioritized for correction
+    by the development team. Significant errors discovered in Tier 1 platforms can
+    impact release dates and Qt Development Frameworks strives to resolve all known
+    high priority errors in Tier 1 platforms prior to new version releases.
+    \table
+    \header \o Platform
+                                     \o Compilers
+    \row    \o Linux (32 and 64-bit)
+                                     \o gcc 4.2
+    \row    \o Microsoft Windows XP
+                                     \o gcc 3.4.2 (MinGW) (32-bit), MSVC 2003, 2005 (32 and 64-bit)
+    \row    \o Microsoft Windows Vista
+                                     \o MSVC 2005, 2008
+    \row    \o Microsoft Windows Vista 64bit
+                                     \o MSVC 2008
+    \row    \o Apple Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard" x86_64 (Carbon, Cocoa 32 and 64bit)
+                                     \o As provided by Apple
+    \row    \o Embedded Linux QWS (ARM)
+                                     \o gcc (\l{http:\\}{Codesourcery version)}
+    \row    \o Windows CE 5.0 (ARMv4i, x86, MIPS)
+                                     \o MSVC 2005 WinCE 5.0 Standard (x86, pocket, smart, mipsii)
+    \endtable
+    \section1 Tier 2 Platforms
+    Tier 2 platforms are subjected to our unit test suite and other internal testing
+    tools prior to release of new product versions.  Qt users should note, however,
+    that errors may be present in released product versions for Tier 2 platforms and,
+    subject to resource availability, known errors in Tier 2 platforms may or may not
+    be corrected prior to new version releases.
+    \table
+    \header \o Platform
+                                     \o Compilers
+    \row    \o Apple Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger"
+                                     \o As provided by Apple
+    \row    \o HPUXi 11.11
+                                     \o aCC 3.57, gcc 3.4
+    \row    \o HPUXi 11.23
+                                     \o aCC 6.10
+    \row    \o Solaris 10 UltraSparc
+                                     \o Sun Studio 12
+    \row    \o AIX 6
+                                     \o Power5 xlC 7
+    \row    \o Microsoft Windows XP
+                                     \o Intel Compiler
+    \row    \o Linux
+                                     \o Intel Compiler
+    \row    \o Embedded Linux QWS (Mips, PowerPC)
+                                     \o gcc (\l{http:\\}{Codesourcery version)}
+    \row    \o Windows CE 6.0 (ARMv4i, x86, MIPS)
+                                     \o MSVC 2008 WinCE 6.0 Professional
+    \endtable
+    \section1 Tier 3 Platforms (Not supported by Nokia)
+    All platforms not specifically listed above are not supported by Nokia. Nokia does
+    not run its unit test suite or perform any other internal tests on platforms not
+    listed above.  Qt users should note, however, that there may be various open source
+    projects, community users and/or Qt partners who are able to provide assistance with
+    platforms not supported by Nokia.
+    \section1 General Legal Disclaimer
+    Please note that Qt Software�s products are offered on an "as is" basis without warranty
+    of any kind and that our products are not error or bug free. To the maximum extent
+    permitted by applicable law, Nokia on behalf of itself and its suppliers, disclaims all
+    warranties and conditions, either express or implied, including, but not limited to,
+    implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and
+    non-infringement with regard to the Licensed Software.
cgit v0.12

From 777b93a0a48096e68124feec4c0e0cab3d60c36a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Norwegian Rock Cat <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 16:59:15 +0200
Subject: Get collapsible menus working correctly.

There was an attempt to do this earlier, but it was a bit more complex
than it needed to be. We now do the update on show in Cocoa. Carbon
actually does it all for us, we just need to flip the bit. We may do the
updates to often, but it's better than not enough.

Task-Id: 195445
Reviewed-by: Denis
 src/gui/kernel/  | 29 ++++++++++++
 src/gui/kernel/qt_cocoa_helpers_mac_p.h |  1 +
 src/gui/widgets/       |  4 +-
 src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp               |  7 +++
 src/gui/widgets/            | 81 +++++++++++++--------------------
 src/gui/widgets/qmenu_p.h               |  6 +--
 6 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/ b/src/gui/kernel/
index 223e36b..3d4164a 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
 #include <private/qcore_mac_p.h>
+#include <qaction.h>
 #include <qwidget.h>
 #include <qdesktopwidget.h>
 #include <qevent.h>
@@ -1193,4 +1194,32 @@ void qt_mac_constructQIconFromIconRef(const IconRef icon, const IconRef overlayI
+void qt_mac_menu_collapseSeparators(void */*NSMenu **/ theMenu, bool collapse)
+    OSMenuRef menu = static_cast<OSMenuRef>(theMenu);
+    if (collapse) {
+        bool previousIsSeparator = true; // setting to true kills all the separators placed at the top.
+        NSMenuItem *previousItem = nil;
+        for (NSMenuItem *item in [menu itemArray]) {
+            if ([item isSeparatorItem]) {
+                [item setHidden:previousIsSeparator];
+            }
+            if (![item isHidden]) {
+                previousItem = item;
+                previousIsSeparator = ([previousItem isSeparatorItem]);
+            }
+        }
+        // We now need to check the final item since we don't want any separators at the end of the list.
+        if (previousItem && previousIsSeparator)
+            [previousItem setHidden:YES];
+    } else {
+        for (NSMenuItem *item in [menu itemArray]) {
+            if (QAction *action = reinterpret_cast<QAction *>([item tag]))
+                [item setHidden:!action->isVisible()];
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qt_cocoa_helpers_mac_p.h b/src/gui/kernel/qt_cocoa_helpers_mac_p.h
index af3b4cb..2cc7dee 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qt_cocoa_helpers_mac_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qt_cocoa_helpers_mac_p.h
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ void qt_dispatchTabletProximityEvent(void * /*NSEvent * */ tabletEvent);
 bool qt_dispatchKeyEventWithCocoa(void * /*NSEvent * */ keyEvent, QWidget *widgetToGetEvent);
+void qt_mac_menu_collapseSeparators(void * /*NSMenu */ menu, bool collapse);
 bool qt_dispatchKeyEvent(void * /*NSEvent * */ keyEvent, QWidget *widgetToGetEvent);
 void qt_dispatchModifiersChanged(void * /*NSEvent * */flagsChangedEvent, QWidget *widgetToGetEvent);
 void qt_mac_dispatchNCMouseMessage(void */* NSWindow* */eventWindow, void */* NSEvent* */mouseEvent, 
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/ b/src/gui/widgets/
index 3338fd8..f3bb73e 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/
@@ -98,7 +98,9 @@ QT_USE_NAMESPACE
     while (QWidget *popup
                 = QApplication::activePopupWidget())
-    qt_mac_emit_menuSignals(((QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(QCocoaMenu) *)menu)->qmenu, true);
+    QMenu *qtmenu = static_cast<QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(QCocoaMenu) *>(menu)->qmenu;
+    qt_mac_emit_menuSignals(qtmenu, true);
+    qt_mac_menu_collapseSeparators(menu, qtmenu->separatorsCollapsible());
 - (void)menuWillClose:(NSMenu*)menu;
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp
index 99f3880..8eec0fc 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qmenu.cpp
@@ -3013,12 +3013,19 @@ bool QMenu::separatorsCollapsible() const
 void QMenu::setSeparatorsCollapsible(bool collapse)
+    if (d->collapsibleSeparators == collapse)
+        return;
     d->collapsibleSeparators = collapse;
     d->itemsDirty = 1;
     if (isVisible()) {
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
+    if (d->mac_menu)
+        d->syncSeparatorsCollapsible(collapse);
 #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/ b/src/gui/widgets/
index 87f6f82..e6239f4 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/
@@ -458,7 +458,8 @@ OSStatus qt_mac_menu_event(EventHandlerCallRef er, EventRef event, void *)
                         int merged = 0;
                         const QMenuPrivate::QMacMenuPrivate *mac_menu = qmenu->d_func()->mac_menu;
-                        for(int i = 0; i < mac_menu->actionItems.size(); ++i) {
+                        const int ActionItemsCount = mac_menu->actionItems.size();
+                        for(int i = 0; i < ActionItemsCount; ++i) {
                             QMacMenuAction *action = mac_menu->;
                             if (action->action->isSeparator()) {
                                 bool hide = false;
@@ -972,7 +973,7 @@ void Q_GUI_EXPORT qt_mac_set_menubar_merge(bool b) { qt_mac_no_menubar_merge = !
   QMenu bindings
-QMenuPrivate::QMacMenuPrivate::QMacMenuPrivate(QMenuPrivate *menu) : menu(0), qmenu(menu)
+QMenuPrivate::QMacMenuPrivate::QMacMenuPrivate() : menu(0)
@@ -1300,61 +1301,22 @@ QMenuPrivate::QMacMenuPrivate::syncAction(QMacMenuAction *action)
     int itemIndex = [menu indexOfItem:item];
     Q_ASSERT(itemIndex != -1);
-    // Separator handling: Menu items and separators can be added to a QMenu in
-    // any order (for example, add all the separators first and then "fill inn" 
-    // the menu items). Create NSMenuItem seperatorItems for the Qt separators, 
-    // and make sure that there are no double separators and no seprators 
-    // at the top or bottom of the menu.
-    bool itemIsSeparator = action->action->isSeparator();
-    bool previousItemIsSeparator = false;
-    if (itemIndex > 0) {
-        if ([[menu itemAtIndex : itemIndex - 1] isSeparatorItem])
-            previousItemIsSeparator = true;
-    }
-    bool nexItemIsSeparator = false;
-    if (itemIndex > 0 && itemIndex < [menu numberOfItems] -1) {
-        if ([[menu itemAtIndex : itemIndex + 1] isSeparatorItem])
-            nexItemIsSeparator = true;
-    }
-    bool itemIsAtBottomOfMenu = (itemIndex == [menu numberOfItems]  - 1);
-    bool itemIsAtTopOfMenu = (itemIndex == 0);
-    if (itemIsSeparator) {
-        // Create separators items for actions that are now separators
+    if (action->action->isSeparator()) {
         action->menuItem = [NSMenuItem separatorItem];
         [action->menuItem retain];
-        // Hide duplicate/top/bottom separators.
-        if (qmenu->collapsibleSeparators && (previousItemIsSeparator || itemIsAtBottomOfMenu || itemIsAtTopOfMenu)) {
-            [action->menuItem setHidden : true];
-        }
         [menu insertItem: action->menuItem atIndex:itemIndex];
         [menu removeItem:item];
         [item release];
         item = action->menuItem;
-    } else {
-        // Create standard menu items for actions that are no longer separators
-        if ([item isSeparatorItem]) {
-            action->menuItem = createNSMenuItem(action->action->text());
-            [menu insertItem:action->menuItem atIndex:itemIndex];
-            [menu removeItem:item];
-            [item release];
-            item = action->menuItem;
-        }
-        // Show separators that should now be visible since a non-separator
-        // item (the current item) was added.
-        if (previousItemIsSeparator) {
-            [[menu itemAtIndex : itemIndex - 1] setHidden : false];
-        } else if (itemIsAtTopOfMenu && nexItemIsSeparator) {
-            [[menu itemAtIndex : itemIndex + 1] setHidden : false];
-        }
+    } else if ([item isSeparatorItem]) {
+        // I'm no longer a separator...
+        action->menuItem = createNSMenuItem(action->action->text());
+        [menu insertItem:action->menuItem atIndex:itemIndex];
+        [menu removeItem:item];
+        [item release];
+        item = action->menuItem;
     //find text (and accel)
@@ -1540,7 +1502,7 @@ QMenuPrivate::macMenu(OSMenuRef merge)
     if (mac_menu && mac_menu->menu)
         return mac_menu->menu;
     if (!mac_menu)
-        mac_menu = new QMacMenuPrivate(this);
+        mac_menu = new QMacMenuPrivate;
     mac_menu->menu = qt_mac_create_menu(q);
     if (merge) {
@@ -1552,12 +1514,31 @@ QMenuPrivate::macMenu(OSMenuRef merge)
     QList<QAction*> items = q->actions();
     for(int i = 0; i < items.count(); i++)
         mac_menu->addAction(items[i], 0, this);
+    syncSeparatorsCollapsible(collapsibleSeparators);
     return mac_menu->menu;
+QMenuPrivate::syncSeparatorsCollapsible(bool collapse)
+    if (collapse)
+        ChangeMenuAttributes(mac_menu->menu, kMenuAttrCondenseSeparators, 0);
+    else
+        ChangeMenuAttributes(mac_menu->menu, 0, kMenuAttrCondenseSeparators);
+    qt_mac_menu_collapseSeparators(mac_menu->menu, collapse);
+  \internal
 void QMenuPrivate::setMacMenuEnabled(bool enable)
     if (!macMenu(0))
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qmenu_p.h b/src/gui/widgets/qmenu_p.h
index 4e428fe..8697771 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qmenu_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qmenu_p.h
@@ -263,9 +263,8 @@ public:
     struct QMacMenuPrivate {
         QList<QMacMenuAction*> actionItems;
         OSMenuRef menu;
-        QMenuPrivate *qmenu;
-        QMacMenuPrivate(QMenuPrivate *menu);
-        ~QMacMenuPrivate();    
+        QMacMenuPrivate();
+        ~QMacMenuPrivate();
         bool merged(const QAction *action) const;
         void addAction(QAction *, QMacMenuAction* =0, QMenuPrivate *qmenu = 0);
@@ -285,6 +284,7 @@ public:
     } *mac_menu;
     OSMenuRef macMenu(OSMenuRef merge);
     void setMacMenuEnabled(bool enable = true);
+    void syncSeparatorsCollapsible(bool collapsible);
     static QHash<OSMenuRef, OSMenuRef> mergeMenuHash;
     static QHash<OSMenuRef, QMenuMergeList*> mergeMenuItemsHash;
cgit v0.12

From 5e157ed2fc5a3780959da0246ceb2b20fabbbeb5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Norwegian Rock Cat <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 11:48:33 +0200
Subject: Document my new backend.

Also rephrase some sentences.
 src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp | 8 +++++---
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp
index 902e240..27fe1c2 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemwatcher.cpp
@@ -384,15 +384,17 @@ void QFileSystemWatcherPrivate::_q_directoryChanged(const QString &path, bool re
     \note The act of monitoring files and directories for
     modifications consumes system resources. This implies there is a
     limit to the number of files and directories your process can
-    monitor simultaneously. On Mac OS and all BSD variants, for
+    monitor simultaneously. On Mac OS X 10.4 and all BSD variants, for
     example, an open file descriptor is required for each monitored
-    file. The system limits the number of open file descriptors to 256
+    file. Some system limits the number of open file descriptors to 256
     by default. This means that addPath() and addPaths() will fail if
     your process tries to add more than 256 files or directories to
     the file system monitor. Also note that your process may have
     other file descriptors open in addition to the ones for files
     being monitored, and these other open descriptors also count in
-    the total.
+    the total. Mac OS X 10.5 and up use a different backend and do not
+    suffer from this issue.
     \sa QFile, QDir
cgit v0.12

From ed2a03b3bc85be056eca87928d18a746faa07bca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Norwegian Rock Cat <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:28:12 +0200
Subject: Remove all the last vestiges of QuickDraw in Qt/Mac.

Panther was the last reason for having this around. We don't touch this
code anywhere else in Qt. As a result it's orphaned and can be safely
removed. It truly is the end of an era, but it's definitely worth
celebrating. Quartz4Life!
 src/corelib/global/qglobal.h           |   4 --
 src/gui/image/qpixmap.cpp              |  12 +---
 src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac.cpp          |  80 +------------------------
 src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac_p.h          |   5 --
 src/gui/kernel/ |  10 ----
 src/gui/kernel/          |  18 ------
 src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_mac_p.h  | 105 ---------------------------------
 7 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 231 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h b/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h
index 7b16dff..461bd36 100644
--- a/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h
+++ b/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h
@@ -319,10 +319,6 @@ namespace QT_NAMESPACE {}
 #  endif
 #ifdef __LSB_VERSION__
 #  if __LSB_VERSION__ < 40
 #    error "This version of the Linux Standard Base is unsupported"
diff --git a/src/gui/image/qpixmap.cpp b/src/gui/image/qpixmap.cpp
index 3e5c9b7..18829f4 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qpixmap.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/image/qpixmap.cpp
@@ -671,12 +671,7 @@ void QPixmap::resize_helper(const QSize &s)
         p.drawPixmap(0, 0, *this, 0, 0, qMin(width(), w), qMin(height(), h));
-#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
-    if(macData && macData->qd_alpha)
-        macData->macQDUpdateAlpha();
-#elif defined(Q_WS_X11)
+#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
     if (x11Data && x11Data->x11_mask) {
         QX11PixmapData *pmData = static_cast<QX11PixmapData*>(;
         pmData->x11_mask = (Qt::HANDLE)XCreatePixmap(X11->display,
@@ -1945,11 +1940,6 @@ void QPixmap::detach()
     if (data->ref != 1) {
         *this = copy();
-#if defined(Q_WS_MAC) && !defined(QT_MAC_NO_QUICKDRAW)
-        if (id == QPixmapData::MacClass) {
-            macData->qd_alpha = 0;
-        }
diff --git a/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac.cpp b/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac.cpp
index 25ef8ba..c14c059 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac.cpp
@@ -166,9 +166,6 @@ QMacPixmapData::QMacPixmapData(PixelType type)
     : QPixmapData(type, MacClass), has_alpha(0), has_mask(0),
       uninit(true), pixels(0), pixelsToFree(0), bytesPerRow(0),
       cg_data(0), cg_dataBeingReleased(0), cg_mask(0),
-      qd_data(0), qd_alpha(0),
@@ -494,13 +491,6 @@ int QMacPixmapData::metric(QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric theMetric) const
-    macQDDisposeAlpha();
-    if (qd_data) {
-        DisposeGWorld(qd_data);
-        qd_data = 0;
-    }
     if (cg_mask) {
         cg_mask = 0;
@@ -589,48 +579,9 @@ void QMacPixmapData::macGetAlphaChannel(QMacPixmapData *pix, bool asMask) const
 void QMacPixmapData::macSetHasAlpha(bool b)
     has_alpha = b;
-    macQDDisposeAlpha(); //let it get created lazily
-void QMacPixmapData::macQDDisposeAlpha()
-    if (qd_alpha) {
-        DisposeGWorld(qd_alpha);
-        qd_alpha = 0;
-    }
-void QMacPixmapData::macQDUpdateAlpha()
-    macQDDisposeAlpha(); // get rid of alpha pixmap
-    if (!has_alpha && !has_mask)
-        return;
-    //setup
-    Rect rect;
-    SetRect(&rect, 0, 0, w, h);
-    const int params = alignPix | stretchPix | newDepth;
-    NewGWorld(&qd_alpha, 32, &rect, 0, 0, params);
-    int *dptr = (int *)GetPixBaseAddr(GetGWorldPixMap(qd_alpha)), *drow;
-    unsigned short dbpr = GetPixRowBytes(GetGWorldPixMap(qd_alpha));
-    const int *sptr = (int*)pixels, *srow;
-    const uint sbpr = bytesPerRow;
-    uchar clr;
-    for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
-        drow = (int*)((char *)dptr + (y * dbpr));
-        srow = (int*)((char *)sptr + (y * sbpr));
-        for (int x=0; x < w; x++) {
-            clr = qAlpha(*(srow + x));
-            *(drow + x) = qRgba(~clr, ~clr, ~clr, 0);
-        }
-    }
 void QMacPixmapData::macCreateCGImageRef()
     Q_ASSERT(cg_data == 0);
@@ -979,31 +930,12 @@ QPixmap QPixmap::grabWindow(WId window, int x, int y, int w, int h)
     \warning This function is only available on Mac OS X.
+    \warning As of Qt 4.6, this function \em{always} returns zero.
 Qt::HANDLE QPixmap::macQDHandle() const
-    QMacPixmapData *d = static_cast<QMacPixmapData*>(data);
-    if (!d->qd_data) { //create the qd data
-        Rect rect;
-        SetRect(&rect, 0, 0, d->w, d->h);
-        unsigned long qdformat = k32ARGBPixelFormat;
-        GWorldFlags qdflags = 0;
-        //we play such games so we can use the same buffer in CG as QD this
-        //makes our merge much simpler, at some point the hacks will go away
-        //because QD will be removed, but until that day this keeps them coexisting
-        if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::LittleEndian)
-            qdformat = k32BGRAPixelFormat;
-        if(NewGWorldFromPtr(&d->qd_data, qdformat, &rect, 0, 0, qdflags,
-                            (char*)d->pixels, d->bytesPerRow) != noErr)
-            qWarning("Qt: internal: QPixmap::init error (%d %d %d %d)", rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
-    }
-    return d->qd_data;
     return 0;
 /*! \internal
@@ -1013,18 +945,11 @@ Qt::HANDLE QPixmap::macQDHandle() const
     long as it can be relocated.
     \warning This function is only available on Mac OS X.
+    \warning As of Qt 4.6, this function \em{always} returns zero.
 Qt::HANDLE QPixmap::macQDAlphaHandle() const
-    QMacPixmapData *d = static_cast<QMacPixmapData*>(data);
-    if (d->has_alpha || d->has_mask) {
-        if (!d->qd_alpha) //lazily created
-            d->macQDUpdateAlpha();
-        return d->qd_alpha;
-    }
     return 0;
@@ -1094,7 +1019,6 @@ IconRef qt_mac_create_iconref(const QPixmap &px)
     if (px.isNull())
         return 0;
-    QMacSavedPortInfo pi; //save the current state
     //create icon
     IconFamilyHandle iconFamily = reinterpret_cast<IconFamilyHandle>(NewHandle(0));
     //create data
diff --git a/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac_p.h b/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac_p.h
index a3ff0d3..ea6fe60 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac_p.h
@@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ private:
     uint bytesPerRow;
     QRectF cg_mask_rect;
     CGImageRef cg_data, cg_dataBeingReleased, cg_mask;
-    GWorldPtr qd_data, qd_alpha;
-    void macQDDisposeAlpha();
-    void macQDUpdateAlpha();
     static QSet<QMacPixmapData*> validDataPointers;
     QPaintEngine *pengine;
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/ b/src/gui/kernel/
index cde0c47..af36d9f 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/
@@ -506,16 +506,6 @@ bool QEventDispatcherMac::processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags)
     emit awake();
-    if(!qt_mac_safe_pdev) { //create an empty widget and this can be used for a port anytime
-        QWidget *tlw = new QWidget;
-        tlw->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
-        tlw->setObjectName(QLatin1String("empty_widget"));
-        tlw->hide();
-        qt_mac_safe_pdev = tlw;
-    }
     bool retVal = false;
     forever {
         if (d->interrupt)
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/ b/src/gui/kernel/
index 1717fbd..70eea3a 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/
@@ -1116,23 +1116,9 @@ OSStatus QWidgetPrivate::qt_widget_event(EventHandlerCallRef er, EventRef event,
                 //update handles
                 GrafPtr qd = 0;
                 CGContextRef cg = 0;
-                {
-                    if(GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamGrafPort, typeGrafPtr, 0, sizeof(qd), 0, &qd) != noErr) {
-                        GDHandle dev = 0;
-                        GetGWorld(&qd, &dev); //just use the global port..
-                    }
-                }
-                bool end_cg_context = false;
-                if(GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamCGContextRef, typeCGContextRef, 0, sizeof(cg), 0, &cg) != noErr && qd) {
-                    end_cg_context = true;
-                    QDBeginCGContext(qd, &cg);
-                }
                 if(GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamCGContextRef, typeCGContextRef, 0, sizeof(cg), 0, &cg) != noErr) {
                 widget->d_func()->hd = cg;
                 widget->d_func()->qd_hd = qd;
@@ -1252,10 +1238,6 @@ OSStatus QWidgetPrivate::qt_widget_event(EventHandlerCallRef er, EventRef event,
                 widget->d_func()->hd = 0;
                 widget->d_func()->qd_hd = 0;
-                if(end_cg_context)
-                    QDEndCGContext(qd, &cg);
             } else if(!HIObjectIsOfClass((HIObjectRef)hiview, kObjectQWidget)) {
                 CallNextEventHandler(er, event);
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_mac_p.h b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_mac_p.h
index 755b7b1..20a4a08 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_mac_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpaintengine_mac_p.h
@@ -58,9 +58,6 @@
 #include "private/qpaintengine_p.h"
 #include "private/qpolygonclipper_p.h"
 #include "QtCore/qhash.h"
-#include <private/qwidget_p.h>
 typedef struct CGColorSpace *CGColorSpaceRef;
@@ -69,108 +66,6 @@ extern int qt_defaultDpi();
 extern int qt_defaultDpiX();
 extern int qt_defaultDpiY();
-class QMacSavedPortInfo
-    RgnHandle clip;
-    GWorldPtr world;
-    GDHandle handle;
-    PenState pen; //go pennstate
-    RGBColor back, fore;
-    bool valid_gworld;
-    void init();
-    inline QMacSavedPortInfo() { init(); }
-    inline QMacSavedPortInfo(QPaintDevice *pd) { init(); setPaintDevice(pd); }
-    inline QMacSavedPortInfo(QPaintDevice *pd, const QRect &r)
-        { init(); setPaintDevice(pd); setClipRegion(r); }
-    inline QMacSavedPortInfo(QPaintDevice *pd, const QRegion &r)
-        { init(); setPaintDevice(pd); setClipRegion(r); }
-    ~QMacSavedPortInfo();
-    static inline bool setClipRegion(const QRect &r);
-    static inline bool setClipRegion(const QRegion &r);
-    static inline bool setPaintDevice(QPaintDevice *);
-inline bool
-QMacSavedPortInfo::setClipRegion(const QRect &rect)
-    Rect r;
-    SetRect(&r, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.right()+1, rect.bottom()+1);
-    ClipRect(&r);
-    return true;
-inline bool
-QMacSavedPortInfo::setClipRegion(const QRegion &r)
-    if(r.isEmpty())
-        return setClipRegion(QRect());
-    QMacSmartQuickDrawRegion rgn(r.toQDRgn());
-    SetClip(rgn);
-    return true;
-inline bool
-QMacSavedPortInfo::setPaintDevice(QPaintDevice *pd)
-    if(!pd)
-        return false;
-    bool ret = true;
-    extern GrafPtr qt_mac_qd_context(const QPaintDevice *); // qpaintdevice_mac.cpp
-    if(pd->devType() == QInternal::Widget)
-        SetPortWindowPort(qt_mac_window_for(static_cast<QWidget*>(pd)));
-    else if(pd->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap || pd->devType() == QInternal::Printer)
-        SetGWorld((GrafPtr)qt_mac_qd_context(pd), 0); //set the gworld
-    return ret;
-inline void
-    GetBackColor(&back);
-    GetForeColor(&fore);
-    GetGWorld(&world, &handle);
-    valid_gworld = true;
-    clip = NewRgn();
-    GetClip(clip);
-    GetPenState(&pen);
-inline QMacSavedPortInfo::~QMacSavedPortInfo()
-    bool set_state = false;
-    if(valid_gworld) {
-        set_state = IsValidPort(world);
-        if(set_state)
-            SetGWorld(world,handle); //always do this one first
-    } else {
-        setPaintDevice(qt_mac_safe_pdev);
-    }
-    if(set_state) {
-        SetClip(clip);
-        SetPenState(&pen);
-        RGBForeColor(&fore);
-        RGBBackColor(&back);
-    }
-    DisposeRgn(clip);
-class QMacSavedPortInfo
-    inline QMacSavedPortInfo() { }
-    inline QMacSavedPortInfo(QPaintDevice *) { }
-    inline QMacSavedPortInfo(QPaintDevice *, const QRect &) { }
-    inline QMacSavedPortInfo(QPaintDevice *, const QRegion &) { }
-    ~QMacSavedPortInfo() { }
-    static inline bool setClipRegion(const QRect &) { return false; }
-    static inline bool setClipRegion(const QRegion &) { return false; }
-    static inline bool setPaintDevice(QPaintDevice *) { return false; }
 class QCoreGraphicsPaintEnginePrivate;
 class QCoreGraphicsPaintEngine : public QPaintEngine
cgit v0.12

From 11fb6f876b94869921fa9b560ce8a3f6ae38e1f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Smith <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:49:30 +0200
Subject: qdoc: Fixed all references to obsolete QHttp classes.

 doc/src/ipc.qdoc                       | 12 ++++++------
 doc/src/porting4-overview.qdoc         |  6 +++---
 doc/src/porting4.qdoc                  | 20 ++++++++++----------
 doc/src/qt4-network.qdoc               | 10 +++++-----
 doc/src/qtnetwork.qdoc                 | 18 +++++++++---------
 doc/src/threads.qdoc                   | 13 ++++++-------
 src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp         | 17 +++++++++++------
 src/gui/widgets/qprogressbar.cpp       |  9 +++++----
 src/network/access/qftp.cpp            |  6 +++---
 src/network/kernel/qauthenticator.cpp  |  4 ++--
 src/network/kernel/qnetworkproxy.cpp   | 11 +++++------
 src/network/socket/qabstractsocket.cpp |  2 +-
 src/network/socket/qtcpsocket.cpp      |  8 ++++----
 src/xml/sax/qxml.cpp                   | 18 ++++++------------
 tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp          | 14 +++++++++++---
 15 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/src/ipc.qdoc b/doc/src/ipc.qdoc
index 1349fde..1f9d36d 100644
--- a/doc/src/ipc.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/ipc.qdoc
@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@
     \section1 TCP/IP
-    The cross-platform \l{QtNetwork} module
-    provides classes that make network programming portable and
-    easy. It offers high-level classes (e.g., QHttp, QFtp) that
-    communicate using specific application-level protocols, and
-    lower-level classes (e.g., QTcpSocket, QTcpServer, QSslSocket) for
-    implementing protocols.
+    The cross-platform \l{QtNetwork} module provides classes that make
+    network programming portable and easy. It offers high-level
+    classes (e.g., QNetworkAccessManager, QFtp) that communicate using
+    specific application-level protocols, and lower-level classes
+    (e.g., QTcpSocket, QTcpServer, QSslSocket) for implementing
+    protocols.
     \section1 Shared Memory
diff --git a/doc/src/porting4-overview.qdoc b/doc/src/porting4-overview.qdoc
index 3494c6d..3c3c085 100644
--- a/doc/src/porting4-overview.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/porting4-overview.qdoc
@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@
     QNetworkRequest, QNetworkReply, and QNetworkAccessManager documentation
     for further details.
-    It is also possible to perform operations on remote files
-    through the QHttp and QFtp classes, and on local files with
-    the QFile class.
+    It is also possible to perform operations on remote files through
+    the QNetworkAccessManager and QFtp classes, and on local files
+    with the QFile class.
     \section2 SQL Cursors (QSqlCursor)
diff --git a/doc/src/porting4.qdoc b/doc/src/porting4.qdoc
index 2414c4d..963b918 100644
--- a/doc/src/porting4.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/porting4.qdoc
@@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@
     \header \o Qt 3 function              \o Qt 4 equivalents
-    \row    \o QImageIO::description()    \o QImageWriter::description()
+    \row    \o QImageIO::description()    \o QImageWriter::text()
     \row    \o QImageIO::fileName()       \o QImageReader::fileName() and QImageWriter::fileName()
     \row    \o QImageIO::format()         \o QImageReader::format() and QImageWriter::format()
     \row    \o QImageIO::gamma()          \o QImageWriter::gamma()
@@ -1988,7 +1988,7 @@
     \row    \o QImageIO::parameters()     \o N/A
     \row    \o QImageIO::quality()        \o QImageWriter::quality()
     \row    \o QImageIO::read()           \o QImageReader::read()
-    \row    \o QImageIO::setDescription() \o QImageWriter::setDescription()
+    \row    \o QImageIO::setDescription() \o QImageWriter::setText()
     \row    \o QImageIO::setFileName()    \o QImageReader::setFileName() and QImageWriter::setFileName()
     \row    \o QImageIO::setFormat()      \o QImageReader::setFormat() and QImageWriter::setFormat()
     \row    \o QImageIO::setGamma()       \o QImageWriter::setGamma()
@@ -2350,8 +2350,9 @@
     Q3NetworkProtocolFactory<T>, and Q3NetworkOperation and have been
     moved to the Qt3Support library.
-    In Qt 4 applications, you can use classes like QFtp and QHttp
-    directly to perform file-related actions on a remote host.
+    In Qt 4 applications, you can use classes like QFtp and
+    QNetworkAccessManager directly to perform file-related actions on
+    a remote host.
     \section1 QObject
@@ -3241,12 +3242,11 @@
     moved to the Qt3Support library. In Qt 4, there is no
     direct equivalent to Q3SocketDevice:
-    \list
-    \o If you use Q3SocketDevice in a thread to perform blocking network
-    I/O (a technique encouraged by the \e{Qt Quarterly} article
-    \l{}{Unblocking Networking}),
-    you can now use QTcpSocket, QFtp, or QHttp instead, which can now be used from
-    non-GUI threads.
+    \list \o If you use Q3SocketDevice in a thread to perform blocking
+    network I/O (a technique encouraged by the \e{Qt Quarterly}
+    article \l{}
+    {Unblocking Networking}), you can now use QTcpSocket, QFtp, or
+    QNetworkAccessManager, which can be used from non-GUI threads.
     \o If you use Q3SocketDevice for UDP, you can now use QUdpSocket instead.
diff --git a/doc/src/qt4-network.qdoc b/doc/src/qt4-network.qdoc
index 3b3091e..5e1999e 100644
--- a/doc/src/qt4-network.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/qt4-network.qdoc
@@ -109,9 +109,10 @@
     of programming, with the networking logic concentrated in one or
     two functions instead of spread across multiple slots.
-    QFtp and QHttp use QTcpSocket internally to implement the FTP and
-    HTTP protocols. Both classes work asynchronously and can schedule
-    (i.e., queue) requests.
+    QFtp and QNetworkAccessManager and its associated classes use
+    QTcpSocket internally to implement the FTP and HTTP protocols. The
+    classes work asynchronously and can schedule (i.e., queue)
+    requests.
     The network module contains four helper classes: QHostAddress,
     QHostInfo, QUrl, and QUrlInfo. QHostAddress stores an IPv4 or IPv6
@@ -198,8 +199,7 @@
     level QNetworkProtocol and QUrlOperator abstraction has been
     eliminated. These classes attempted the impossible (unify FTP and
     HTTP under one roof), and unsurprisingly failed at that. Qt 4
-    still provides QFtp and QHttp classes, but only with the more
-    mature API that appeared in Qt 3.1.
+    still provides QFtp, and it also proveds the QNetworkAccessManager.
     The QSocket class in Qt 3 has been renamed QTcpSocket. The new
     class is reentrant and supports blocking. It's also easier to
diff --git a/doc/src/qtnetwork.qdoc b/doc/src/qtnetwork.qdoc
index 0443f0f..3802273 100644
--- a/doc/src/qtnetwork.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/qtnetwork.qdoc
@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@
     \l{QFtp::commandFinished()}{commandFinished()} signal with the
     command ID for each command that is executed. 
-    \o \e{Data transfer progress indicators.} QFtp emits
-    signals whenever data is transferred
-    (QFtp::dataTransferProgress(), QHttp::dataReadProgress(), and
-    QHttp::dataSendProgress()). You could connect these signals to
-    QProgressBar::setProgress() or QProgressDialog::setProgress(),
+    \o \e{Data transfer progress indicators.} QFtp emits signals
+    whenever data is transferred (QFtp::dataTransferProgress(),
+    QNetworkReply::downloadProgress(), and
+    QNetworkReply::uploadProgress()).  You could connect these signals
+    to QProgressBar::setProgress() or QProgressDialog::setProgress(),
     for example.
     \o \e{QIODevice support.} The class supports convenient
@@ -196,10 +196,10 @@
     will then stop immediately.
     QTcpSocket works asynchronously and emits signals to report status
-    changes and errors, just like QHttp and QFtp. It relies on the
-    event loop to detect incoming data and to automatically flush
-    outgoing data. You can write data to the socket using
-    QTcpSocket::write(), and read data using
+    changes and errors, just like QNetworkAccessManager and QFtp. It
+    relies on the event loop to detect incoming data and to
+    automatically flush outgoing data. You can write data to the
+    socket using QTcpSocket::write(), and read data using
     QTcpSocket::read(). QTcpSocket represents two independent streams
     of data: one for reading and one for writing.
diff --git a/doc/src/threads.qdoc b/doc/src/threads.qdoc
index 8469f51..067de5f 100644
--- a/doc/src/threads.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/threads.qdoc
@@ -362,13 +362,12 @@
     \section2 QObject Reentrancy
     QObject is reentrant. Most of its non-GUI subclasses, such as
-    QTimer, QTcpSocket, QUdpSocket, QHttp, QFtp, and QProcess, are
-    also reentrant, making it possible to use these classes from
-    multiple threads simultaneously. Note that these classes are
-    designed to be created and used from within a single thread;
-    creating an object in one thread and calling its functions from
-    another thread is not guaranteed to work. There are three
-    constraints to be aware of:
+    QTimer, QTcpSocket, QUdpSocket, QFtp, and QProcess, are also
+    reentrant, making it possible to use these classes from multiple
+    threads simultaneously. Note that these classes are designed to be
+    created and used from within a single thread; creating an object
+    in one thread and calling its functions from another thread is not
+    guaranteed to work. There are three constraints to be aware of:
     \o \e{The child of a QObject must always be created in the thread
diff --git a/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp b/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp
index 42ed04e..3e8f73e 100644
--- a/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/xml/qxmlstream.cpp
@@ -334,12 +334,17 @@ QXmlStreamEntityResolver *QXmlStreamReader::entityResolver() const
   from the PrematureEndOfDocumentError error and continues parsing the
   new data with the next call to readNext().
-  For example, if you read data from the network using QHttp, you
-  would connect its \l{QHttp::readyRead()}{readyRead()} signal to a
-  custom slot. In this slot, you read all available data with
-  \l{QHttp::readAll()}{readAll()} and pass it to the XML stream reader
-  using addData(). Then you call your custom parsing function that
-  reads the XML events from the reader.
+  For example, if your application reads data from the network using a
+  \l{QNetworkAccessManager} {network access manager}, you would issue
+  a \l{QNetworkRequest} {network request} to the manager and receive a
+  \l{QNetworkReply} {network reply} in return. Since a QNetworkReply
+  is a QIODevice, you connect its \l{QNetworkReply::readyRead()}
+  {readyRead()} signal to a custom slot, e.g. \c{slotReadyRead()} in
+  the code snippet shown in the discussion for QNetworkAccessManager.
+  In this slot, you read all available data with
+  \l{QNetworkReply::readAll()} {readAll()} and pass it to the XML
+  stream reader using addData(). Then you call your custom parsing
+  function that reads the XML events from the reader.
   \section1 Performance and memory consumption
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qprogressbar.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/qprogressbar.cpp
index 6593cd6..7e40c0d 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qprogressbar.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qprogressbar.cpp
@@ -190,10 +190,11 @@ bool QProgressBarPrivate::repaintRequired() const
     with setValue(). The progress bar can be rewound to the
     beginning with reset().
-    If minimum and maximum both are set to 0, the bar shows a busy indicator
-    instead of a percentage of steps. This is useful, for example, when using
-    QFtp or QHttp to download items when they are unable to determine the
-    size of the item being downloaded.
+    If minimum and maximum both are set to 0, the bar shows a busy
+    indicator instead of a percentage of steps. This is useful, for
+    example, when using QFtp or QNetworkAccessManager to download
+    items when they are unable to determine the size of the item being
+    downloaded.
     \row \o \inlineimage macintosh-progressbar.png Screenshot of a Macintosh style progress bar
diff --git a/src/network/access/qftp.cpp b/src/network/access/qftp.cpp
index 421e671..b00f4a4 100644
--- a/src/network/access/qftp.cpp
+++ b/src/network/access/qftp.cpp
@@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@ int QFtpPrivate::addCommand(QFtpCommand *cmd)
     \warning The current version of QFtp doesn't fully support
     non-Unix FTP servers.
-    \sa QHttp, QNetworkAccessManager, QNetworkRequest, QNetworkReply,
+    \sa QNetworkAccessManager, QNetworkRequest, QNetworkReply,
         {FTP Example}
@@ -1733,8 +1733,8 @@ int QFtp::setTransferMode(TransferMode mode)
     Enables use of the FTP proxy on host \a host and port \a
     port. Calling this function with \a host empty disables proxying.
-    QFtp does not support FTP-over-HTTP proxy servers. Use QHttp for
-    this.
+    QFtp does not support FTP-over-HTTP proxy servers. Use
+    QNetworkAccessManager for this.
 int QFtp::setProxy(const QString &host, quint16 port)
diff --git a/src/network/kernel/qauthenticator.cpp b/src/network/kernel/qauthenticator.cpp
index a26a1fc..8bad6d3 100644
--- a/src/network/kernel/qauthenticator.cpp
+++ b/src/network/kernel/qauthenticator.cpp
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ static QByteArray qNtlmPhase3(QAuthenticatorPrivate *ctx, const QByteArray& phas
   \inmodule QtNetwork
   The QAuthenticator class is usually used in the
-  \l{QHttp::}{authenticationRequired()} and
-  \l{QHttp::}{proxyAuthenticationRequired()} signals of QHttp and
+  \l{QNetworkAccessManager::}{authenticationRequired()} and
+  \l{QNetworkAccessManager::}{proxyAuthenticationRequired()} signals of QNetworkAccessManager and
   QAbstractSocket. The class provides a way to pass back the required
   authentication information to the socket when accessing services that
   require authentication.
diff --git a/src/network/kernel/qnetworkproxy.cpp b/src/network/kernel/qnetworkproxy.cpp
index 608db65..df478fd 100644
--- a/src/network/kernel/qnetworkproxy.cpp
+++ b/src/network/kernel/qnetworkproxy.cpp
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
     QNetworkProxy provides the method for configuring network layer
     proxy support to the Qt network classes. The currently supported
     classes are QAbstractSocket, QTcpSocket, QUdpSocket, QTcpServer,
-    QHttp and QFtp. The proxy support is designed to be as transparent
-    as possible. This means that existing network-enabled applications
-    that you have written should automatically support network proxy
-    using the following code.
+    QNetworkAccessManager and QFtp. The proxy support is designed to
+    be as transparent as possible. This means that existing
+    network-enabled applications that you have written should
+    automatically support network proxy using the following code.
     \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_network_kernel_qnetworkproxy.cpp 0
@@ -160,8 +160,7 @@
         \o Caching-only HTTP
         \o Implemented using normal HTTP commands, it is useful only
-           in the context of HTTP requests (see QHttp,
-           QNetworkAccessManager)
+           in the context of HTTP requests (see QNetworkAccessManager)
         \o CachingCapability, HostNameLookupCapability
diff --git a/src/network/socket/qabstractsocket.cpp b/src/network/socket/qabstractsocket.cpp
index 290522c..c8ddce0 100644
--- a/src/network/socket/qabstractsocket.cpp
+++ b/src/network/socket/qabstractsocket.cpp
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
     issue to be aware of, though: You must make sure that enough data
     is available before attempting to read it using operator>>().
-    \sa QFtp, QHttp, QTcpServer
+    \sa QFtp, QNetworkAccessManager, QTcpServer
diff --git a/src/network/socket/qtcpsocket.cpp b/src/network/socket/qtcpsocket.cpp
index dc0439d..60722cc 100644
--- a/src/network/socket/qtcpsocket.cpp
+++ b/src/network/socket/qtcpsocket.cpp
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@
     \bold{Note:} TCP sockets cannot be opened in QIODevice::Unbuffered mode.
-    \sa QTcpServer, QUdpSocket, QFtp, QHttp, {Fortune Server Example},
-        {Fortune Client Example}, {Threaded Fortune Server Example},
-        {Blocking Fortune Client Example}, {Loopback Example},
-        {Torrent Example}
+    \sa QTcpServer, QUdpSocket, QFtp, QNetworkAccessManager,
+    {Fortune Server Example}, {Fortune Client Example},
+    {Threaded Fortune Server Example}, {Blocking Fortune Client Example},
+    {Loopback Example}, {Torrent Example}
 #include "qlist.h"
diff --git a/src/xml/sax/qxml.cpp b/src/xml/sax/qxml.cpp
index 6be6988..fe1e740 100644
--- a/src/xml/sax/qxml.cpp
+++ b/src/xml/sax/qxml.cpp
@@ -3012,19 +3012,13 @@ void QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate::initIncrementalParsing()
     parse() to work incrementally, and making subsequent calls to the
     parseContinue() function, until all the data has been processed.
-    A common way to perform incremental parsing is to connect the
-    \c readyRead() signal of the input source to a slot, and handle the
-    incoming data there. For example, the following code shows how a
-    parser for \l{}{RSS feeds} can be
-    used to incrementally parse data that it receives from a QHttp
-    object:
-    \snippet doc/src/snippets/xml/rsslisting/rsslisting.cpp 1
+    A common way to perform incremental parsing is to connect the \c
+    readyRead() signal of a \l{QNetworkReply} {network reply} a slot,
+    and handle the incoming data there. See QNetworkAccessManager.
     Aspects of the parsing behavior can be adapted using setFeature()
-    and setProperty(). For example, the following code could be used
-    to enable reporting of namespace prefixes to the content handler:
+    and setProperty().
     QXmlSimpleReader is not reentrant. If you want to use the class
     in threaded code, lock the code using QXmlSimpleReader with a
     locking mechanism, such as a QMutex.
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp b/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp
index d82e9f8..ab74f13 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp
@@ -3523,9 +3523,17 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::getLink(const Atom *atom,
                 if (relative) {
                     if (relative->parent() != *node) {
                         if (relative->status() != Node::Obsolete) {
-                            relative->doc().location().warning(tr("Link to obsolete item '%1' in %2")
-                                                               .arg(atom->string())
-                                                               .arg(marker->plainFullName(relative)));
+                            bool porting = false;
+                            if (relative->type() == Node::Fake) {
+                                const FakeNode* fake = static_cast<const FakeNode*>(relative);
+                                if (fake->title().startsWith("Porting"))
+                                    porting = true;
+                            }
+                            QString name = marker->plainFullName(relative);
+                            if (!porting && !name.startsWith("Q3"))
+                                relative->doc().location().warning(tr("Link to obsolete item '%1' in %2")
+                                                                   .arg(atom->string())
+                                                                   .arg(name));
 #if 0                            
                             qDebug() << "Link to Obsolete entity"
                                      << (*node)->name();
cgit v0.12

From 034e3b490238bacded8b5c7db3d296833a850d6b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ritt Konstantin <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 14:25:36 +0200
Subject: fix minor issue introduced in 6ca14dc

GetFileAttributes call can fire at least one more error - ERROR_NOT_READY (21)
since now the fallback code will be executed for basic cases only

Merge-request: 984
Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <>
 src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_win.cpp | 12 ++++--------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_win.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_win.cpp
index 53f0144..819034a 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_win.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qfsfileengine_win.cpp
@@ -529,8 +529,7 @@ qint64 QFSFileEnginePrivate::nativeSize() const
                                         GetFileExInfoStandard, &attribData);
         if (!ok) {
             int errorCode = GetLastError();
-            if (errorCode != ERROR_INVALID_NAME
-                && errorCode != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && errorCode != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) {
+            if (errorCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || errorCode == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) {
                 QByteArray path = nativeFilePath;
                 // path for the FindFirstFile should not end with a trailing slash
                 while (path.endsWith('\\'))
@@ -903,8 +902,7 @@ static inline bool isDirPath(const QString &dirPath, bool *existed)
     DWORD fileAttrib = ::GetFileAttributes((wchar_t*)QFSFileEnginePrivate::longFileName(path).utf16());
     if (fileAttrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
         int errorCode = GetLastError();
-        if (errorCode != ERROR_INVALID_NAME
-            && errorCode != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && errorCode != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) {
+        if (errorCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || errorCode == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) {
             // path for the FindFirstFile should not end with a trailing slash
             while (path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\\')))
@@ -1194,8 +1192,7 @@ bool QFSFileEnginePrivate::doStat() const
             fileAttrib = GetFileAttributes((wchar_t*)QFSFileEnginePrivate::longFileName(fname).utf16());
             if (fileAttrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
                 int errorCode = GetLastError();
-                if (errorCode != ERROR_INVALID_NAME
-                    && errorCode != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && errorCode != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) {
+                if (errorCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || errorCode == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) {
                     QString path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(fname);
                     // path for the FindFirstFile should not end with a trailing slash
                     while (path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\\')))
@@ -1810,8 +1807,7 @@ QDateTime QFSFileEngine::fileTime(FileTime time) const
         bool ok = ::GetFileAttributesEx((wchar_t*)QFSFileEnginePrivate::longFileName(d->filePath).utf16(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &attribData);
         if (!ok) {
             int errorCode = GetLastError();
-            if (errorCode != ERROR_INVALID_NAME
-                && errorCode != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && errorCode != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) {
+            if (errorCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || errorCode == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) {
                 QString path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(d->filePath);
                 // path for the FindFirstFile should not end with a trailing slash
                 while (path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\\')))
cgit v0.12

From 03b8a4cca5f4523f9fe50434193b938171f8f2f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ritt Konstantin <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 15:06:12 +0200
Subject: improve qfileinfo autotest a bit

add a few more subtests;
fix fileTimes_oldFile test for non-UTC time

Merge-request: 966
Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <>
 tests/auto/qfileinfo/tst_qfileinfo.cpp | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/auto/qfileinfo/tst_qfileinfo.cpp b/tests/auto/qfileinfo/tst_qfileinfo.cpp
index e5831fd..512f2b6 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qfileinfo/tst_qfileinfo.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qfileinfo/tst_qfileinfo.cpp
@@ -153,9 +153,7 @@ private slots:
     void brokenShortcut();
-#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
     void isWritable();
     void isExecutable();
     void testDecomposedUnicodeNames_data();
     void testDecomposedUnicodeNames();
@@ -249,6 +247,7 @@ void tst_QFileInfo::isFile_data()
     QTest::newRow("data1") << "tst_qfileinfo.cpp" << true;
     QTest::newRow("data2") << ":/tst_qfileinfo/resources/" << false;
     QTest::newRow("data3") << ":/tst_qfileinfo/resources/file1" << true;
+    QTest::newRow("data4") << ":/tst_qfileinfo/resources/afilethatshouldnotexist" << false;
 void tst_QFileInfo::isFile()
@@ -280,6 +279,7 @@ void tst_QFileInfo::isDir_data()
     QTest::newRow("data1") << "tst_qfileinfo.cpp" << false;
     QTest::newRow("data2") << ":/tst_qfileinfo/resources/" << true;
     QTest::newRow("data3") << ":/tst_qfileinfo/resources/file1" << false;
+    QTest::newRow("data4") << ":/tst_qfileinfo/resources/afilethatshouldnotexist" << false;
     QTest::newRow("simple dir") << "resources" << true;
     QTest::newRow("simple dir with slash") << "resources/" << true;
@@ -316,8 +316,10 @@ void tst_QFileInfo::isRoot_data()
     QTest::newRow("data0") << QDir::currentPath() << false;
     QTest::newRow("data1") << "/" << true;
-    QTest::newRow("data2") << ":/tst_qfileinfo/resources/" << false;
-    QTest::newRow("data3") << ":/" << true;
+    QTest::newRow("data2") << "*" << false;
+    QTest::newRow("data3") << "/*" << false;
+    QTest::newRow("data4") << ":/tst_qfileinfo/resources/" << false;
+    QTest::newRow("data5") << ":/" << true;
     QTest::newRow("simple dir") << "resources" << false;
     QTest::newRow("simple dir with slash") << "resources/" << false;
@@ -325,6 +327,7 @@ void tst_QFileInfo::isRoot_data()
 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
     QTest::newRow("drive 1") << "c:" << false;
     QTest::newRow("drive 2") << "c:/" << true;
+    QTest::newRow("drive 3") << "p:/" << false;
     QTest::newRow("unc 1") << "//"  + QtNetworkSettings::winServerName() << true;
     QTest::newRow("unc 2") << "//"  + QtNetworkSettings::winServerName() + "/" << true;
     QTest::newRow("unc 3") << "//"  + QtNetworkSettings::winServerName() + "/testshare" << false;
@@ -916,18 +919,27 @@ void tst_QFileInfo::fileTimes_oldFile()
     // Set file times back to 1601.
+    SYSTEMTIME stime;
+    stime.wYear = 1601;
+    stime.wMonth = 1;
+    stime.wDayOfWeek = 1;
+    stime.wDay = 1;
+    stime.wHour = 1;
+    stime.wMinute = 0;
+    stime.wSecond = 0;
+    stime.wMilliseconds = 0;
     FILETIME ctime;
-    ctime.dwLowDateTime = 1;
-    ctime.dwHighDateTime = 0;
+    QVERIFY(SystemTimeToFileTime(&stime, &ctime));
     FILETIME atime = ctime;
     FILETIME mtime = atime;
     QVERIFY(SetFileTime(fileHandle, &ctime, &atime, &mtime) != 0);
-    QFileInfo info("oldfile.txt");
-    QCOMPARE(info.lastModified(), QDateTime(QDate(1601, 1, 1), QTime(1, 0)));
+    QFileInfo info("oldfile.txt");
+    QCOMPARE(info.lastModified(), QDateTime(QDate(1601, 1, 1), QTime(1, 0), Qt::UTC).toLocalTime());
@@ -959,8 +971,8 @@ void tst_QFileInfo::isHidden_data()
-    foreach (QFileInfo info, QDir::drives()) {
-	QTest::newRow(qPrintable("drive." + info.path())) << info.path() << false;
+    foreach (const QFileInfo& info, QDir::drives()) {
+        QTest::newRow(qPrintable("drive." + info.path())) << info.path() << false;
 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
     QTest::newRow("mac_etc") << QString::fromLatin1("/etc") << true;
@@ -1061,15 +1073,19 @@ void tst_QFileInfo::brokenShortcut()
-#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
 void tst_QFileInfo::isWritable()
+    QVERIFY(QFileInfo("tst_qfileinfo.cpp").isWritable());
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+    QVERIFY(!QFileInfo("c:\\pagefile.sys").isWritable());
+#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
     if (::getuid() == 0)
 void tst_QFileInfo::isExecutable()
cgit v0.12

From e8df0f74667f9b8c20630f10d1fa5d4c9d681355 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 15:45:19 +0200
Subject: Make test more robust against the case-insensitive file system on
 Windows, and link against a regular Qt build.

Reviewed-by: Trustme
 tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp b/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp
index 50cab0e..78a9d74 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp
@@ -402,7 +402,11 @@ void tst_QFiledialog::directory()
     // Check my way
     QList<QListView*> list = qFindChildren<QListView*>(&fd, "listView");
     QVERIFY(list.count() > 0);
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+    QCOMPARE(>rootIndex().data().toString().toLower(), temp.dirName().toLower());
     QCOMPARE(>rootIndex().data().toString(), temp.dirName());
     QNonNativeFileDialog *dlg = new QNonNativeFileDialog(0, "", tempPath);
     QCOMPARE(model->index(tempPath), model->index(dlg->directory().absolutePath()));
@@ -2029,6 +2033,7 @@ void tst_QFiledialog::task254490_selectFileMultipleTimes()
 void tst_QFiledialog::task257579_sideBarWithNonCleanUrls()
+#if defined QT_BUILD_INTERNAL
     QDir tempDir = QDir::temp();
     QLatin1String dirname("autotest_task257579");
     tempDir.rmdir(dirname); //makes sure it doesn't exist any more
@@ -2044,6 +2049,7 @@ void tst_QFiledialog::task257579_sideBarWithNonCleanUrls()
     //all tests are finished, we can remove the temporary dir
cgit v0.12

From a588ca19acd2f0f6a55426a30d8ef029d8dbb99b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 15:59:44 +0200
Subject: Nested classes need to be exported as well. This makes the
 QPixmapCache autotest link and pass on Windows.

Reviewed-by: Trustme
 src/gui/image/qpixmapcache.h | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/image/qpixmapcache.h b/src/gui/image/qpixmapcache.h
index c86f3fa..de589fc 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qpixmapcache.h
+++ b/src/gui/image/qpixmapcache.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class Q_GUI_EXPORT QPixmapCache
     class KeyData;
-    class Key
+    class Q_GUI_EXPORT Key
cgit v0.12

From 11985909ddb17283e392244ee72ed54baa9a7339 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Sondergaard <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 15:56:05 +0200
Subject: Specify widget when calling QToolTip::showText() to make sure the
 tool tip ends up on the right X11 screen.

Merge-request: 987
Reviewed-by: Olivier Goffart <>
 src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp | 5 ++---
 src/gui/widgets/qworkspace.cpp          | 6 +++---
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
index 4796436..9b6414d 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
@@ -3457,7 +3457,7 @@ void QGraphicsScene::helpEvent(QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent *helpEvent)
         text = toolTipItem->toolTip();
         point = helpEvent->screenPos();
-    QToolTip::showText(point, text);
+    QToolTip::showText(point, text, helpEvent->widget());
@@ -3556,8 +3556,7 @@ void QGraphicsScenePrivate::leaveScene()
 #ifndef QT_NO_TOOLTIP
-    // Remove any tooltips
-    QToolTip::showText(QPoint(), QString());
+    QToolTip::hideText();
     // Send HoverLeave events to all existing hover items, topmost first.
     QGraphicsView *senderWidget = qobject_cast<QGraphicsView *>(q->sender());
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qworkspace.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/qworkspace.cpp
index 2833c08..3184140 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qworkspace.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qworkspace.cpp
@@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ bool QMDIControl::event(QEvent *event)
         QStyle::SubControl ctrl = style()->hitTestComplexControl(QStyle::CC_MdiControls, &opt,
                                                                  helpEvent->pos(), this);
         if (ctrl == QStyle::SC_MdiCloseButton)
-            QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(), QWorkspace::tr("Close"));
+            QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(), QWorkspace::tr("Close"), this);
         else if (ctrl == QStyle::SC_MdiMinButton)
-            QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(), QWorkspace::tr("Minimize"));
+            QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(), QWorkspace::tr("Minimize"), this);
         else if (ctrl == QStyle::SC_MdiNormalButton)
-            QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(), QWorkspace::tr("Restore Down"));
+            QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(), QWorkspace::tr("Restore Down"), this);
 #endif // QT_NO_TOOLTIP
cgit v0.12

From 4d99029334105f2df9f424fd0c4764cce3230ef0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jens Bache-Wiig <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 16:20:55 +0200
Subject: Fix missing mnemonics when triggering menus by shortcut

When opening a menu by shortcut on Windows, we would loose
the keyboard mnemonic when navigating around. This is incorrect
compared to native applications and somewhat inconvenient.

The fix is basically to enable the keyboard mode when shortcuts
are triggered, not only when the alt-key is pressed.

Task-number: 254496
Reviewed-by: denis
 src/gui/widgets/qmenubar.cpp | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/qmenubar.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/qmenubar.cpp
index 6b93879..1cfb9b3 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qmenubar.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qmenubar.cpp
@@ -1758,6 +1758,9 @@ void QMenuBarPrivate::_q_internalShortcutActivated(int id)
         activateAction(act, QAction::Trigger);
         //100 is the same as the default value in QPushButton::animateClick
         autoReleaseTimer.start(100, q);
+    } else if (act && q->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_MenuBar_AltKeyNavigation, 0, q)) {
+        // When we open a menu using a shortcut, we should end up in keyboard state
+        setKeyboardMode(true);
cgit v0.12

From 365cbdf74aa0f5933bf938922ebb48fa8e37d8ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 16:31:47 +0200
Subject: Make the internal testcase more robust on Windows FS as well

 tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp | 5 +++++
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp b/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp
index 78a9d74..c31ecf2 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp
@@ -2045,7 +2045,12 @@ void tst_QFiledialog::task257579_sideBarWithNonCleanUrls()
     QCOMPARE(sidebar->urls().count(), 1);
     QVERIFY(sidebar->urls().first().toLocalFile() != url);
     QCOMPARE(sidebar->urls().first().toLocalFile(), QDir::cleanPath(url));
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+    QCOMPARE(sidebar->model()->index(0,0).data().toString().toLower(), tempDir.dirName().toLower());
     QCOMPARE(sidebar->model()->index(0,0).data().toString(), tempDir.dirName());
     //all tests are finished, we can remove the temporary dir
cgit v0.12

From f74b368c08f9bd1f638f32bccdb4da6dbd89cfea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Cooksey <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 16:54:55 +0200
Subject: Add an ARGB check for EGL-provided X visuals

Don't just assume they're going to be ARGB just because the config has
an alpha channel. This makes QGLWidgets with WA_TranslucentBackground
set work again on the rx71 when running under xcompmgr.

Reviewed-By: Trustme
 src/opengl/qgl_x11egl.cpp | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/opengl/qgl_x11egl.cpp b/src/opengl/qgl_x11egl.cpp
index 99b026d..c6904fe 100644
--- a/src/opengl/qgl_x11egl.cpp
+++ b/src/opengl/qgl_x11egl.cpp
@@ -258,7 +258,8 @@ void QGLWidget::setContext(QGLContext *context, const QGLContext* shareContext,
     // If the application has set WA_TranslucentBackground and not explicitly set
     // the alpha buffer size to zero, modify the format so it have an alpha channel
     QGLFormat& fmt = d->glcx->d_func()->glFormat;
-    if (testAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground) && fmt.alphaBufferSize() == -1)
+    const bool useArgbVisual = testAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground);
+    if (useArgbVisual && fmt.alphaBufferSize() == -1)
     bool createFailed = false;
@@ -297,8 +298,24 @@ void QGLWidget::setContext(QGLContext *context, const QGLContext* shareContext,
         int matchingCount = 0;
         chosenVisualInfo = XGetVisualInfo(x11Info().display(), VisualIDMask, &vi, &matchingCount);
         if (chosenVisualInfo) {
-            qDebug("Using X Visual ID (%d) provided by EGL", (int)vi.visualid);
-            vi = *chosenVisualInfo;
+            if (useArgbVisual) {
+                // Check to make sure the visual provided by EGL is ARGB
+                XRenderPictFormat *format;
+                format = XRenderFindVisualFormat(x11Info().display(), chosenVisualInfo->visual);
+                if (format->type == PictTypeDirect && format->direct.alphaMask) {
+                    qDebug("Using opaque X Visual ID (%d) provided by EGL", (int)vi.visualid);
+                    vi = *chosenVisualInfo;
+                }
+                else {
+                    qWarning("Warning: EGL suggested using X visual ID %d for config %d, but this is not ARGB",
+                             nativeVisualId, (int)qeglCtx->config());
+                    vi.visualid = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                qDebug("Using opaque X Visual ID (%d) provided by EGL", (int)vi.visualid);
+                vi = *chosenVisualInfo;
+            }
         else {
cgit v0.12

From 960c0a8661e3df311a85075b0ff610c4031c6012 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jens Bache-Wiig <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 17:41:56 +0200
Subject: Fix QSystemTrayIcon causing three activated signals on doubleclick

The problem was that on Windows, we would activate on WM_LButtonUp,
but a double click after activating will also generate a second
WM_LButtonUp. Hence we get three activations. The fix was basically
to filter out the second WM_LButtonUP, something we also do in

Task-number: 205499
Reviewed-by: denis
 src/gui/util/qsystemtrayicon_win.cpp | 11 +++++++++--
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/util/qsystemtrayicon_win.cpp b/src/gui/util/qsystemtrayicon_win.cpp
index 85eae26..a0648a1 100644
--- a/src/gui/util/qsystemtrayicon_win.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/util/qsystemtrayicon_win.cpp
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ public:
     uint notifyIconSize;
     int maxTipLength;
+    bool ignoreNextMouseRelease;
 bool QSystemTrayIconSys::allowsMessages()
@@ -128,7 +129,8 @@ bool QSystemTrayIconSys::supportsMessages()
 QSystemTrayIconSys::QSystemTrayIconSys(QSystemTrayIcon *object)
-    : hIcon(0), q(object)
+    : hIcon(0), q(object), ignoreNextMouseRelease(false)
 #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE
@@ -311,10 +313,15 @@ bool QSystemTrayIconSys::winEvent( MSG *m, long *result )
             switch (m->lParam) {
             case WM_LBUTTONUP:
-                emit q->activated(QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger);
+                if (ignoreNextMouseRelease)
+                    ignoreNextMouseRelease = false;
+                else 
+                    emit q->activated(QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger);
             case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK:
+                ignoreNextMouseRelease = true; // Since DBLCLICK Generates a second mouse 
+                                               // release we must ignore it
                 emit q->activated(QSystemTrayIcon::DoubleClick);
cgit v0.12

From dffbcfb0adcad91f959a47edfdb5dd623c803306 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:00:28 +0200
Subject: Re-disable QtConcurrent build with Sun CC 5.9.

QtCore compiled, but of course that means very little since most of
QtConcurrent's problems are in the template code, which isn't
instantiated inside QtCore. Examples and tests all failed to build...

I'm almost done getting it to work with that compiler, but it will
take me a little more time. I'm refactoring a bit of the QtConcurrent
code, so that things compile more smoothly, using partial template

To be on the safe side, re-disable for xlC 7 too.
 configure | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 4b75a75..5faa451 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -6116,6 +6116,7 @@ case "$XPLATFORM" in
+                canBuildQtConcurrent="no"
@@ -6158,6 +6159,7 @@ EOF
+                canBuildQtConcurrent="no"
cgit v0.12

From b7c29570b9f6fecb6f042532f81e100a1f9b99a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 22:39:55 +0200
Subject: Implement a new custom deleter implementation for QSharedPointer

Instead of using a template class derived from
QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData, use a non-template class that
has a function pointer. This avoids generating a virtual table for
each QSharedPointer type and custom deleter.

The trick here is that we don't "new" the d pointer anymore, but we
simply allocate memory (via ::operator new, so it may throw an
exception), then we use the placement new to initialise the
non-template d-pointer and the template deleter sub-objects. Then we
store the pointer to a regular function which will execute the user's
custom deleter.

I also added operator delete() to the class to make sure no smarty
compiler decides to delete the d-pointer with a fixed size (I don't
think that happens, but just to be on the safe side).
 src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h b/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
index 739a949..706c6ab 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
@@ -189,6 +189,59 @@ namespace QtSharedPointer {
         inline bool destroy() { executeDeleter(ptr, deleter); return true; }
+    template <class T, typename Deleter>
+    struct CustomDeleter
+    {
+        Deleter deleter;
+        T *ptr;
+        inline CustomDeleter(T *p, Deleter d) : deleter(d), ptr(p) {}
+    };
+    struct ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn: public ExternalRefCountData
+    {
+        typedef void (*DestroyerFn)(ExternalRefCountData *);
+        DestroyerFn destroyer;
+        inline ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn(DestroyerFn d)
+            : destroyer(d)
+        { }
+        inline bool destroy() { destroyer(this); return true; }
+        inline void operator delete(void *ptr) { ::operator delete(ptr); }
+    };
+    template <class T, typename Deleter>
+    struct ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter: public ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn
+    {
+        typedef ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter Self;
+        typedef ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn Parent;
+        typedef CustomDeleter<T, Deleter> Next;
+        Next extra;
+        static inline void deleter(ExternalRefCountData *self)
+        {
+            Self *realself = static_cast<Self *>(self);
+            executeDeleter(realself->extra.ptr, realself->extra.deleter);
+        }
+        static inline Self *create(T *ptr, Deleter userDeleter)
+        {
+            DestroyerFn destroy = &deleter;
+            Self *d = static_cast<Self *>(::operator new(sizeof(Self)));
+            // initialize the two sub-objects
+            new (&d->extra) Next(ptr, userDeleter);
+            new (d) Parent(destroy); // can't throw
+            return d;
+        }
+    private:
+        // prevent construction and the emission of virtual symbols
+        ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter();
+        ~ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter();
+    };
     template <class T>
     class ExternalRefCount: public Basic<T>
@@ -217,7 +270,7 @@ namespace QtSharedPointer {
             if (ptr)
-                d = new ExternalRefCountWithSpecializedDeleter<T, Deleter>(ptr, deleter);
+                d = ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter<T, Deleter>::create(ptr, deleter);
         inline ExternalRefCount() : d(0) { }
cgit v0.12

From 3a8c8583545b4d5eb0b1fe8d17838bea2b819703 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 22:49:46 +0200
Subject: Remove the old specialised deleter implementation from

This should be binary- and source-compatible, since these
QSharedPointer internal classes aren't exported. The compiler should
generate the symbols in all libraries and applications that used it,
which means removing it from Qt won't affect them.

(In fact, these symbols shouldn't be in QtCore at all, since we don't
use QSharedPointer in it)
 src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h | 12 ------------
 1 file changed, 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h b/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
index 706c6ab..2d48bdb 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
@@ -178,18 +178,6 @@ namespace QtSharedPointer {
     template <class T, typename Deleter>
-    struct ExternalRefCountWithSpecializedDeleter: public ExternalRefCountData
-    {
-        T *ptr;
-        Deleter deleter;
-        inline ExternalRefCountWithSpecializedDeleter(T *p, Deleter d)
-            : ptr(p), deleter(d)
-        { }
-        inline bool destroy() { executeDeleter(ptr, deleter); return true; }
-    };
-    template <class T, typename Deleter>
     struct CustomDeleter
         Deleter deleter;
cgit v0.12

From 585d01e0c2833e16899a502d53bfd62a32573b35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 22:52:10 +0200
Subject: Revert "Revert "Add support for creating the object alongside the
 Data structure in QSharedPointer""

This restores the original implementation of the creating
function. The next commit will make it suitable for use.
 src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h          |  47 +++++++++++
 tests/auto/qsharedpointer/tst_qsharedpointer.cpp | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h b/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
index 2d48bdb..98f225b 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
 #pragma qt_sync_stop_processing
+#include <new>
 #include <QtCore/qatomic.h>
 #include <QtCore/qobject.h>    // for qobject_cast
@@ -231,6 +232,34 @@ namespace QtSharedPointer {
     template <class T>
+    struct ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData: public ExternalRefCountData
+    {
+#ifdef Q_DECL_ALIGN
+# ifdef Q_ALIGNOF
+# else
+#   define QSP_ALIGNOF(T) (sizeof(T) >= 16 ? 16 : sizeof(T) >= 8 ? 8 : sizeof(T) >= 4 ? 4 : sizeof(T) >= 2 ? 2 : 1)
+# endif
+        char data[sizeof(T)] Q_DECL_ALIGN(QSP_ALIGNOF(T));
+        inline T *pointer() { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(data); }
+# undef QSP_ALIGNOF
+        union {
+            char data[sizeof(T) + 16];
+            double dummy1;
+# ifndef Q_OS_DARWIN
+            long double dummy2;
+# endif
+        };
+        inline T *pointer() { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(data + 16 - (quintptr(data) & 0xf)); }
+        inline bool destroy() { this->pointer()->~T(); return true; }
+    };
+    template <class T>
     class ExternalRefCount: public Basic<T>
         typedef ExternalRefCountData Data;
@@ -261,6 +290,16 @@ namespace QtSharedPointer {
                 d = ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter<T, Deleter>::create(ptr, deleter);
+        inline void internalCreate()
+        {
+            ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData<T> *dd = new ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData<T>;
+            T *ptr = dd->pointer();
+            new (ptr) T(); // create
+            Basic<T>::internalConstruct(ptr);
+            d = dd;
+        }
         inline ExternalRefCount() : d(0) { }
         inline ~ExternalRefCount() { if (d && !deref()) delete d; }
         inline ExternalRefCount(const ExternalRefCount<T> &other) : Basic<T>(other), d(other.d)
@@ -388,6 +427,14 @@ public:
     inline void clear() { *this = QSharedPointer<T>(); }
     QWeakPointer<T> toWeakRef() const;
+    static QSharedPointer<T> create()
+    {
+        QSharedPointer<T> result;
+        result.internalCreate();
+        return result;
+    }
 template <class T>
diff --git a/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/tst_qsharedpointer.cpp b/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/tst_qsharedpointer.cpp
index 5cb435a..dd53e3c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/tst_qsharedpointer.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/tst_qsharedpointer.cpp
@@ -65,8 +65,9 @@ private slots:
     void dynamicCastVirtualBase();
     void dynamicCastFailure();
-    void customDeleter();
     void constCorrectness();
+    void customDeleter();
+    void creating();
     void validConstructs();
     void invalidConstructs_data();
     void invalidConstructs();
@@ -104,6 +105,8 @@ public:
         delete this;
+    virtual int classLevel() { return 1; }
 int Data::generationCounter = 0;
 int Data::destructorCounter = 0;
@@ -332,6 +335,8 @@ public:
         delete this;
+    virtual int classLevel() { return 2; }
 int DerivedData::derivedDestructorCounter = 0;
@@ -339,15 +344,23 @@ class Stuffing
     char buffer[16];
+    Stuffing() { for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof buffer; ++i) buffer[i] = 16 - i; }
     virtual ~Stuffing() { }
 class DiffPtrDerivedData: public Stuffing, public Data
+    virtual int classLevel() { return 3; }
 class VirtualDerived: virtual public Data
+    int moreData;
+    VirtualDerived() : moreData(0xc0ffee) { }
+    virtual int classLevel() { return 4; }
 void tst_QSharedPointer::downCast()
@@ -993,6 +1006,82 @@ void tst_QSharedPointer::customDeleter()
     QCOMPARE(derivedDataDeleter.callCount, 1);
+void tst_QSharedPointer::creating()
+    Data::generationCounter = Data::destructorCounter = 0;
+    {
+        QSharedPointer<Data> ptr = QSharedPointer<Data>::create();
+        QVERIFY(;
+        QCOMPARE(Data::generationCounter, 1);
+        QCOMPARE(ptr->generation, 1);
+        QCOMPARE(Data::destructorCounter, 0);
+        QCOMPARE(ptr->classLevel(), 1);
+        ptr.clear();
+        QCOMPARE(Data::destructorCounter, 1);
+    }
+    Data::generationCounter = Data::destructorCounter = 0;
+    {
+        QSharedPointer<Data> ptr = QSharedPointer<Data>::create();
+        QWeakPointer<Data> weakptr = ptr;
+        QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData *d = ptr.d;
+        ptr.clear();
+        QVERIFY(ptr.isNull());
+        QCOMPARE(Data::destructorCounter, 1);
+        // valgrind will complain here if something happened to the pointer
+        QVERIFY(d->weakref == 1);
+        QVERIFY(d->strongref == 0);
+    }
+    Data::generationCounter = Data::destructorCounter = 0;
+    DerivedData::derivedDestructorCounter = 0;
+    {
+        QSharedPointer<Data> ptr = QSharedPointer<DerivedData>::create();
+        QCOMPARE(ptr->classLevel(), 2);
+        QCOMPARE(ptr.staticCast<DerivedData>()->moreData, 0);
+        ptr.clear();
+        QCOMPARE(Data::destructorCounter, 1);
+        QCOMPARE(DerivedData::derivedDestructorCounter, 1);
+    }
+    {
+        QSharedPointer<Data> ptr = QSharedPointer<DiffPtrDerivedData>::create();
+        QCOMPARE(ptr->classLevel(), 3);
+        QCOMPARE(ptr.staticCast<DiffPtrDerivedData>()->buffer[7]+0, 16-7);
+        QCOMPARE(ptr.staticCast<DiffPtrDerivedData>()->buffer[3]+0, 16-3);
+        QCOMPARE(ptr.staticCast<DiffPtrDerivedData>()->buffer[0]+0, 16);
+    }
+    {
+        QSharedPointer<VirtualDerived> ptr = QSharedPointer<VirtualDerived>::create();
+        QCOMPARE(ptr->classLevel(), 4);
+        QCOMPARE(ptr->moreData, 0xc0ffee);
+        QSharedPointer<Data> baseptr = ptr;
+        QCOMPARE(baseptr->classLevel(), 4);
+    }
+    {
+        QSharedPointer<QObject> ptr = QSharedPointer<QObject>::create();
+        QCOMPARE(ptr->metaObject(), &QObject::staticMetaObject);
+        QPointer<QObject> qptr =;
+        ptr.clear();
+        QVERIFY(qptr.isNull());
+    }
+    {
+        QSharedPointer<QObject> ptr = QSharedPointer<OtherObject>::create();
+        QCOMPARE(ptr->metaObject(), &OtherObject::staticMetaObject);
+    }
 void tst_QSharedPointer::validConstructs()
@@ -1044,6 +1133,9 @@ void tst_QSharedPointer::invalidConstructs_data()
         << "forwardDeclaredDestructorRunCount = 0;\n"
            "{ QSharedPointer<ForwardDeclared> ptr = QSharedPointer<ForwardDeclared>(forwardPointer()); }\n"
+    QTest::newRow("creating-forward-declaration")
+        << &QTest::QExternalTest::tryCompileFail
+        << "QSharedPointer<ForwardDeclared>::create();";
     // upcast without cast operator:
@@ -1076,10 +1168,16 @@ void tst_QSharedPointer::invalidConstructs_data()
         << "QSharedPointer<const Data> baseptr = QSharedPointer<const Data>(new Data);\n"
-    QTest::newRow("const-dropping-object-cast")
+    QTest::newRow("const-dropping-object-cast1")
         << &QTest::QExternalTest::tryCompileFail
         << "QSharedPointer<const QObject> baseptr = QSharedPointer<const QObject>(new QObject);\n"
+    QTest::newRow("const-dropping-object-cast2")
+        << &QTest::QExternalTest::tryCompileFail
+        << "QSharedPointer<const QObject> baseptr = QSharedPointer<const QObject>(new QObject);\n"
+        "qobject_cast<QCoreApplication *>(baseptr);";
     // arithmethics through automatic cast operators
cgit v0.12

From 25c5de7f168652ff5c3e6e49d09567d3ef4b41fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 23:05:34 +0200
Subject: Adapt the contiguous-creator code to use the new custom deleter code.

We use the same trick as the custom deleter: we allocate memory for an
object of class ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData<T>, but we do that
only to be certain of the alignment requirements for T. We initialise
the d-pointer via placement new and the T object is left for
initialisation by the outermost function.

The reason for that last trick is to support passing parameters in the
future with the least amount of template functions necessary. I still
plan on supporting arguments only with C++0x (maybe up to one
 src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h | 53 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h b/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
index 98f225b..2c9cd95 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
@@ -232,31 +232,31 @@ namespace QtSharedPointer {
     template <class T>
-    struct ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData: public ExternalRefCountData
+    struct ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData: public ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn
-#ifdef Q_DECL_ALIGN
-# ifdef Q_ALIGNOF
-# else
-#   define QSP_ALIGNOF(T) (sizeof(T) >= 16 ? 16 : sizeof(T) >= 8 ? 8 : sizeof(T) >= 4 ? 4 : sizeof(T) >= 2 ? 2 : 1)
-# endif
+        typedef ExternalRefCountWithDestroyFn Parent;
+        typedef ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData Self;
+        T data;
-        char data[sizeof(T)] Q_DECL_ALIGN(QSP_ALIGNOF(T));
-        inline T *pointer() { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(data); }
+        static void deleter(ExternalRefCountData *self)
+        {
+            ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData *that =
+                    static_cast<ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData *>(self);
+            that->data.~T();
+        }
-# undef QSP_ALIGNOF
-        union {
-            char data[sizeof(T) + 16];
-            double dummy1;
-# ifndef Q_OS_DARWIN
-            long double dummy2;
-# endif
-        };
-        inline T *pointer() { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(data + 16 - (quintptr(data) & 0xf)); }
+        static inline ExternalRefCountData *create(T **ptr)
+        {
+            DestroyerFn destroy = &deleter;
+            Self *d = static_cast<Self *>(::operator new(sizeof(Self)));
+            // initialize the d-pointer sub-object
+            // leave d->data uninitialized
+            new (d) Parent(destroy); // can't throw
-        inline bool destroy() { this->pointer()->~T(); return true; }
+            *ptr = &d->data;
+            return d;
+        }
     template <class T>
@@ -292,12 +292,10 @@ namespace QtSharedPointer {
         inline void internalCreate()
-            ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData<T> *dd = new ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData<T>;
-            T *ptr = dd->pointer();
-            new (ptr) T(); // create
+            T *ptr;
+            d = ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData<T>::create(&ptr);
-            d = dd;
         inline ExternalRefCount() : d(0) { }
@@ -429,10 +427,13 @@ public:
     QWeakPointer<T> toWeakRef() const;
-    static QSharedPointer<T> create()
+    static inline QSharedPointer<T> create()
         QSharedPointer<T> result;
+        // now initialize the data
+        new ( T();
         return result;
cgit v0.12

From f035995584ec384c03465fb3a7f73818eb8da652 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 10:32:56 +0200
Subject: Update the test to work with GCC 4.4 too

 tests/auto/bic/tst_bic.cpp | 26 +++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/tst_bic.cpp b/tests/auto/bic/tst_bic.cpp
index 36c35ff..b5b503d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/tst_bic.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/tst_bic.cpp
@@ -261,22 +261,18 @@ QBic::Info tst_Bic::getCurrentInfo(const QString &libName)
         return QBic::Info();
-    QString resultFileName = QFileInfo(tmpQFile).fileName();
-    static const char *suffixes[] = { ".t01.class", ".class", ".002t.class", 0 };
-    for (const char **p = suffixes; true; ++p) {
-        if (!p) {
-            // we didn't find the file
-            qFatal("GCC didn't produce the expected intermediary files. Please update this test!");
-            return QBic::Info();
-        }
-        QString check = resultFileName + *p;
-        if (!QFile::exists(check))
-            continue;
-        resultFileName = check;
-        break;
+    // See if we find the gcc output file, which seems to change
+    // from release to release
+    QStringList files = QDir().entryList(QStringList() << "*.class");
+    if (files.isEmpty()) {
+        qFatal("Could not locate the GCC output file, update this test");
+        return QBic::Info();
+    } else if (files.size() > 1) {
+        qFatal("Located more than one output file, please clean up before running this test");
+        return QBic::Info();
+    QString resultFileName = files.first();
     QBic::Info inf = bic.parseFile(resultFileName);
cgit v0.12

From 4a0b770b84e251ed00c6b35ff9d11c7a0d7f0ee8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 10:34:00 +0200
Subject: Add Perl code to remove template classes from the listing.

It is possible to export symbols in template classes, but I
don't think we use any such cases now (template specialisation).
It only works properly with C++0x anyway (extern template).
 tests/auto/bic/ | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/ b/tests/auto/bic/
index 2479a33..31031aa 100755
--- a/tests/auto/bic/
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/
@@ -18,5 +18,9 @@ for module in $modules; do
     echo "#include <$module/$module>" >test.cpp
     g++ -c -I$QTDIR/include -DQT_NO_STL -DQT3_SUPPORT -fdump-class-hierarchy test.cpp
     mv test.cpp*.class $module.$2.txt
+    # Remove template classes from the output
+    perl -pi -e '$skip = 0 if (/^\n/);
+        $skip = 1 if (/^(Class|Vtable).*</);
+        $_ = "" if ($skip);' $module.$2.txt
cgit v0.12

From f2e4c961b3dc6b6e0713ffe75209ab5661e53dd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 10:34:28 +0200
Subject: Apply the script I added to to existing files: remove template

 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt  | 1215 +-------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt  | 1411 +--------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   | 1411 +--------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  | 1413 +--------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt   | 1391 +--------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   | 1503 +---------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  | 1525 +---------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt    | 1447 +--------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt   | 1447 +--------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt   | 1429 +--------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   | 1811 +----------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  | 1815 +----------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt    | 1745 +----------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt   | 1751 +----------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt   | 1715 +----------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   | 1897 +-----------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   | 1895 +-----------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   | 1897 +-----------
 .../bic/data/Qt3Support.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   | 3158 +-------------------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt |  399 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt |  432 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  432 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt | 2256 +-------------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  412 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  496 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt |  516 ----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt |  440 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  440 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt  |  420 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  718 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt |  714 -----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt |  638 ----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  642 ----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt  |  618 ----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  722 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  722 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  722 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  | 1909 +-----------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  490 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt |  490 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt |  490 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  490 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt  |  490 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  534 ----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  534 ----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  534 ----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  | 2029 +------------
 .../bic/data/QtDesigner.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   |  802 -----
 .../bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   |  838 ------
 .../bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   |  838 ------
 .../bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   |  838 ------
 .../bic/data/QtDesigner.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt   | 2173 +-------------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt  |  720 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt  |  860 ------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  860 ------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  812 -----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt |  840 ------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  952 ------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  972 ------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt  |  896 ------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt |  896 ------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt |  876 ------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 1242 --------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  | 1238 --------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt  | 1178 --------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt | 1184 +-------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt | 1142 -------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 1314 --------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 1314 --------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 1314 --------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 2519 +---------------
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt   |  399 ---
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt   |  432 ---
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt    |  432 ---
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt   |  396 ---
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt    |  412 ---
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt    |  496 ---
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt   |  516 ----
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt     |  440 ---
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt    |  440 ---
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt    |  420 ---
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt    |  730 -----
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt   |  726 -----
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt     |  650 ----
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt    |  654 ----
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt    |  630 ----
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt    |  754 -----
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt    |  754 -----
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt    |  754 -----
 .../bic/data/QtNetwork.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt    | 1979 +-----------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt    |  723 -----
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt    |  864 ------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt     |  864 ------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt    |  816 -----
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt     |  844 ------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt     |  956 ------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt    |  976 ------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt |  900 ------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt     |  900 ------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt     | 1372 ---------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt     | 1250 --------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt    | 1246 --------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt | 1186 --------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt     | 1192 +-------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt     | 1642 ----------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt     | 1326 --------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt     | 1326 --------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt     | 1326 --------
 .../bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt     | 2531 +---------------
 .../bic/data/QtScript.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt     |  726 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.3.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt |  674 -----
 .../bic/data/QtScript.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt     | 1941 +-----------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt  |  408 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt  |  444 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  444 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  408 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt |  424 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  508 ----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  528 ----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt  |  452 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt |  452 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt |  432 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  730 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  726 -----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt  |  650 ----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt |  654 ----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt |  630 ----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  734 -----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  734 -----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  734 -----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 1921 +-----------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  976 ------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt |  876 ------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 1242 --------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  | 1238 --------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt  | 1178 --------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt | 1184 +-------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt | 1142 -------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 1314 --------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 1314 --------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 1314 --------
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 2519 +---------------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  560 ----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt  |  460 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  754 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt |  750 -----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt |  674 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  678 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt  |  654 ----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  758 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  758 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  |  758 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt  | 1945 +-----------
 .../auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt  |  411 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt  |  448 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  448 ---
 .../auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  412 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt |  428 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  512 ----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  532 ----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt  |  456 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt |  456 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt |  436 ---
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  734 -----
 .../auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt  |  730 -----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt  |  654 ----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt |  658 ----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt |  634 ----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  762 -----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  762 -----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt |  762 -----
 tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt | 1925 +-----------
 .../data/QtXmlPatterns.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt    | 2021 +------------
 .../data/QtXmlPatterns.4.4.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt    | 2806 +----------------
 174 files changed, 804 insertions(+), 167060 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
index 35b9859..2d54bbe 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
@@ -53,65 +53,20 @@ Class QBool
    size=1 align=1
 QBool (0x300b7280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x300cd9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x300cdf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x300d4540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x300d4b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x300e00c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x300e0680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x300e0c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x300eb200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x300eb7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x300ebd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x300f8340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x300f8900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x300f8ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30104480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30104a40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -125,9 +80,6 @@ Class QChar
    size=2 align=2
 QChar (0x30148980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30185980) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -142,13 +94,7 @@ Class sigset_t
    size=8 align=4
 sigset_t (0x3026ad80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271540) 0
 Class fsid_t
    size=8 align=4
@@ -158,21 +104,9 @@ Class fsid64_t
    size=16 align=8
 fsid64_t (0x30271c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=52 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302780c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=112 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302787c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=208 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278b40) 0
 Class _quad
    size=8 align=4
@@ -186,17 +120,11 @@ Class adspace_t
    size=68 align=4
 adspace_t (0x30281e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x302865c0) 0
 Class label_t
    size=100 align=4
 label_t (0x30286d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3028b780) 0
 Class sigset
    size=8 align=4
@@ -238,57 +166,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    size=8 align=4
 QByteRef (0x302b7540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30423740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30431080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30431340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x3042cc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30442080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30431a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30448800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x3046af00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x3046e200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x304422c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30474f80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30479700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30479a40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -306,9 +195,6 @@ Class QString
    size=4 align=4
 QString (0x300a1f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x303cf2c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -323,9 +209,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x300b7640) 0
   QString (0x300b7680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x303901c0) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -335,9 +218,6 @@ Class QListData
    size=4 align=4
 QListData (0x300732c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x302fb500) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -360,13 +240,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x303bab80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30120bc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x302cc980) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -385,21 +259,12 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3036a6c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x3036a700) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x3009b300) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
 QMetaObject (0x3058c900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30170600) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30166f00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4 entries
@@ -487,9 +352,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30365880) 0
   QObject (0x301e4440) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30365880)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x301ebec0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4 entries
@@ -507,38 +369,20 @@ Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
 QRegExp (0x303baa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x30148180) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x3012d8c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x30104900) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString> (0x30104380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
 QStringList (0x303bab00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x300c3280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x301046c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x300eba00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x300eb980) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5 entries
@@ -664,9 +508,6 @@ Class QMapData
    size=72 align=4
 QMapData (0x304b4140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3052cd00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4 entries
@@ -680,9 +521,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x3050bbc0) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x305082c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -767,41 +605,20 @@ QFile (0x3057c8c0) 0
     QObject (0x3057c980) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3057c900)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x3058a380) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
 QFileInfo (0x304b0580) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x304927c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x30390480) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x301dfa40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x301df900) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
 QDir (0x304b03c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x30365600) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x303ac7c0) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35 entries
@@ -846,9 +663,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x3057c7c0) 0
     vptr=((&QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x3031a080) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5 entries
@@ -910,73 +724,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
 QMetaType (0x30079000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x3011fb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x3013d480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint_t> (0x30148440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x3015dfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x301937c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x301a18c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x301a5d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x301ad500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x301add00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x301b22c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x301b2b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong_t> (0x301b6640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort_t> (0x301b6fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar_t> (0x301b9600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x301b9c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x301c1740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x301d7f80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -998,69 +761,24 @@ Class QVariant
    size=16 align=8
 QVariant (0x30166c00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3057e500) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x302acd80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x302ed8c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x302b7980) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x30225880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x303e8900) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303dab00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f70c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=76 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f7880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fc640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fcc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30492400) 0
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1102,77 +820,41 @@ Class localeinfo_table
    size=36 align=4
 localeinfo_table (0x303d9cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=108 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x304dc500) 0
 Class _LC_charmap_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_charmap_objhdl (0x304dcc80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=92 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561040) 0
 Class _LC_monetary_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_monetary_objhdl (0x305614c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561800) 0
 Class _LC_numeric_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_numeric_objhdl (0x30561d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083180) 0
 Class _LC_resp_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_resp_objhdl (0x300838c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=248 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083c40) 0
 Class _LC_time_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_time_objhdl (0x3012c400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x3012cc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303acac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=104 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30504a00) 0
 Class _LC_collate_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_collate_objhdl (0x301bfb80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301e8b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=80 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x305a0100) 0
 Class _LC_ctype_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1186,17 +868,11 @@ Class _LC_locale_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_locale_objhdl (0x303da600) 0
-Class _LC_object_handle::<anonymous union>
-   size=12 align=4
-_LC_object_handle::<anonymous union> (0x305911c0) 0
 Class _LC_object_handle
    size=20 align=4
 _LC_object_handle (0x30591080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3031ed80) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14 entries
@@ -1271,13 +947,7 @@ Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
 QUrl (0x302256c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x306df180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x307c8900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14 entries
@@ -1303,9 +973,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x30802000) 0
   QObject (0x30802040) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x30802000)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x30803740) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27 entries
@@ -1348,17 +1015,11 @@ Class QModelIndex
    size=16 align=4
 QModelIndex (0x3049cc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x304eb5c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x3049cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x3002e700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42 entries
@@ -1524,9 +1185,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    size=4 align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x307fe180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x30803300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4 entries
@@ -1612,17 +1270,11 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x30379340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x30880740) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x303793c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3088be80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1632,9 +1284,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x30379540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x308a3780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17 entries
@@ -1902,9 +1551,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    size=8 align=4
 QBitRef (0x305a6140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x30864700) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1922,65 +1568,41 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    size=1 align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30893ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30897f00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
 QDate (0x301eb4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x300ebe80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
 QTime (0x301f1e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x30368c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
 QDateTime (0x304b0440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x304d4880) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
 QPoint (0x301f9d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x307b9180) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
 QPointF (0x30200880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x307efcc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
 QLine (0x301eb540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x3098afc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
 QLineF (0x301eb600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x30a335c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1990,41 +1612,26 @@ Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
 QLocale (0x301eb800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x30822c80) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
 QSize (0x30200a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x30864400) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
 QSizeF (0x30209200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x30a33a80) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
 QRect (0x30213780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x30aad700) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
 QRectF (0x302138c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x30a1fdc0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2046,9 +1653,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    size=4 align=4
 QKeySequence (0x305580c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x30ad4d00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7 entries
@@ -2313,13 +1917,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    size=32 align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x307e7800) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x30a2d6c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x307e7ec0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4 entries
@@ -2577,13 +2175,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    size=1 align=1
 QAccessible (0x30c2af00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x30c36000) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x30c3b540) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19 entries
@@ -2856,21 +2448,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x30bc8900) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30aadc40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30ab3280) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30aba480) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x30aadb80) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2880,37 +2460,16 @@ Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
 QBrush (0x305317c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x30b2f040) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
 QBrushData (0x30a77a00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x30a61380) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x30bb0140) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x309db5c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x309dba40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x309dbec0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x309db500) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -3535,9 +3094,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x30d9d000) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x30d9d0c0) 8
           vptr=((&QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x30dcd640) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66 entries
@@ -4220,9 +3776,6 @@ QImage (0x305472c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x30c41b80) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x305472c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x30e4a500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7 entries
@@ -4264,9 +3817,6 @@ Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
 QIcon (0x30536cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x30eb0980) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9 entries
@@ -4580,13 +4130,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x30fdb180) 0
   QObject (0x31016480) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x30fdb180)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x30ec74c0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x30c8c300) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26 entries
@@ -4883,9 +4427,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x30c2a3c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x30c2a5c0) 8
         vptr=((&QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x309e1bc0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64 entries
@@ -5090,13 +4631,7 @@ QStyle (0x30ccda80) 0
   QObject (0x30ced6c0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x30ccda80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x30cf8a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x30d2f2c0) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67 entries
@@ -5364,18 +4899,12 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x310ccb00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x310ccb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x310e9400) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
 QStyleOptionButton (0x310e8580) 0
   QStyleOption (0x310e85c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x31149980) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5392,9 +4921,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x30f8d740) 0
   QStyleOption (0x30f8d780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x30f29880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5443,13 +4969,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x307d5680) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x307d56c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x307d57c0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x307e76c0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x307e7580) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5457,9 +4977,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x309d9180) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x309d91c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x309d9380) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x30b6fec0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5604,9 +5121,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    size=8 align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x310faec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3116aa80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18 entries
@@ -5636,26 +5150,14 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x311834c0) 0
   QObject (0x31183500) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x311834c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x31187d80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3112d340) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3112d200) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
 QItemSelection (0x30d9ad80) 0
   QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x31174fc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x3112d300) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractItemView
 QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView: 103 entries
@@ -5778,9 +5280,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x311e8dc0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x311e8ec0) 8
             vptr=((&QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x311f7440) 0
 Vtable for QFileIconProvider
 QFileIconProvider::_ZTV17QFileIconProvider: 7 entries
@@ -6027,13 +5526,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3115d940) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x31149a40) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x31149540) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6 entries
@@ -6049,9 +5542,6 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x3116f1c0) 0
     vptr=((&QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8)
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x31149680) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103 entries
@@ -6176,13 +5666,7 @@ QListView (0x310cc3c0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x310cc500) 8
               vptr=((&QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3107ee40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3107ec40) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11 entries
@@ -6896,21 +6380,9 @@ QTreeView (0x30ea3980) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x30ea3ac0) 8
               vptr=((&QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x30f5cd00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x30f5c9c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x30f7ab40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x30f7aa00) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10 entries
@@ -6930,17 +6402,8 @@ Class QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem (0x30f51340) 0
     vptr=((&QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem) + 8)
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x30f7ab00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x30f5cb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3124bd80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTreeWidget
 QTreeWidget::_ZTV11QTreeWidget: 109 entries
@@ -7749,135 +7212,60 @@ Class QColormap
    size=4 align=4
 QColormap (0x30a74040) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x30eb0200) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x30eb0000) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
 QPolygon (0x30547bc0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x30e7f4c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x30eb0140) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x304e6340) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3109d580) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3109d340) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
 QPolygonF (0x3109d300) 0
   QVector<QPointF> (0x310a2880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x3109d4c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x313a6040) 0
 Class QMatrix
    size=48 align=8
 QMatrix (0x307ef840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x314635c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
 QTextOption (0x3147a800) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x31481040) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
 QPen (0x30558c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x314ae9c0) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
 QPainter (0x30bc8a00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3156ea00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x314c5c40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x3156e940) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3159d480) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x314c5e00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x3159d3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x315e3080) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x314cf100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x315dbfc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3160ba00) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x30bd1b40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x3160b940) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
 QTextItem (0x314b5840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x31124bc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3111c2c0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24 entries
@@ -7911,9 +7299,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3097e900) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3111c900) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7927,29 +7312,17 @@ Class QPainterPath
    size=4 align=4
 QPainterPath (0x30d0fd40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x30d74080) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x30d71d80) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3082d680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x30d7fe40) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
 QPainterPathStroker (0x308cea40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x30d71ec0) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7 entries
@@ -8038,9 +7411,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x31225280) 0
     QObject (0x31225480) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x31225440)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x31430ec0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35 entries
@@ -8353,21 +7723,12 @@ Class QTextLength
    size=12 align=4
 QTextLength (0x30225540) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x315b50c0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
 QTextFormat (0x30213a00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x3166cdc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x315983c0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8413,13 +7774,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    size=4 align=4
 QTextLayout (0x30d0fa40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x317bab80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x317ba100) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8466,13 +7821,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x315517c0) 0
   QObject (0x3160b200) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x315517c0)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x31603940) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x315c7340) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8482,13 +7831,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    size=12 align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x315bccc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x315b8780) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x315b8580) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -8645,9 +7988,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x3162a4c0) 0
     QObject (0x314d8840) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x314d8800)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x31391400) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -8657,21 +7997,12 @@ Class QTextBlock
    size=8 align=4
 QTextBlock (0x317add40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x313e3cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x312bd340) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
 QTextFragment (0x315250c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x31260200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextList
 QTextList::_ZTV9QTextList: 17 entries
@@ -9263,9 +8594,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x310f8700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x310f8800) 8
             vptr=((&QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x3107e480) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64 entries
@@ -9424,9 +8752,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x316cac40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x316cacc0) 8
         vptr=((&QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x316ef780) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63 entries
@@ -11833,9 +11158,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0x31add680) 0
       QObject (0x31add740) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x31add700)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x31afad00) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -11964,13 +11286,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    size=24 align=8
 QSqlField (0x31b59380) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x31609940) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<bool> (0x316097c0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -12473,28 +11789,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    size=4 align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x311c2580) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count() const [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear() [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList() [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList() [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems(void*, void*)
-36    Q3GList::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-40    Q3GList::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x30f47000) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8)
-  Q3GList (0x30f47100) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x30f47000)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x30f47140) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x30f47100)
 Class Q3PointArray
    size=4 align=4
@@ -12502,18 +11797,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0x30da8200) 0
   QPolygon (0x30da8300) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0x30da8500) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x30e19040) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x30e12e80) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x30e12cc0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x30e25940) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -13129,27 +12414,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    size=12 align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x3142e780) 0
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI6Q3DictIvE
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count() const [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear() [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict() [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict() [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-36    Q3GDict::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x316e8980) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8)
-  Q3GDict (0x316e8a80) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x316e8980)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x316e8ac0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x316e8a80)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5 entries
@@ -13674,28 +12939,7 @@ Q3Wizard (0x31b28740) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x31b28800) 8
           vptr=((&Q3Wizard::_ZTV8Q3Wizard) + 308)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count() const [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear() [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList() [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList() [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems(void*, void*)
-36    Q3GList::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-40    Q3GList::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x31ce9d00) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8)
-  Q3GList (0x31ce9e00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x31ce9d00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x31ce9e40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x31ce9e00)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11 entries
@@ -13722,14 +12966,7 @@ Q3StrList (0x31ce9cc0) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x31cff140) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x31cff100)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x30120ac0) 0
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x31cf2ac0) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x31d8e400) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11 entries
@@ -14742,28 +13979,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x311e2840) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x311b9c80) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x311e2840)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count() const [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear() [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector() [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector() [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems(void*, void*)
-36    Q3GVector::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-40    Q3GVector::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x31263140) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8)
-  Q3GVector (0x31263400) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x31263140)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x31263480) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x31263400)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76 entries
@@ -14879,27 +14095,7 @@ Class Q3GArray
 Q3GArray (0x3146a980) 0
     vptr=((&Q3GArray::_ZTV8Q3GArray) + 8)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count() const [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear() [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict() [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict() [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-36    Q3GDict::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x31514140) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8)
-  Q3GDict (0x31514240) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x31514140)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x31514280) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x31514240)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -15005,96 +14201,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    size=12 align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x31b70a80) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count() const [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear() [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector() [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector() [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems(void*, void*)
-36    Q3GVector::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-40    Q3GVector::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x31b70f40) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8)
-  Q3GVector (0x31ccc380) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x31b70f40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x31ccc3c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x31ccc380)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count() const [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear() [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector() [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector() [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems(void*, void*)
-36    Q3GVector::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-40    Q3GVector::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x31ce4f80) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8)
-  Q3GVector (0x31ce9040) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x31ce4f80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x31ce9080) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x31ce9040)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count() const [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear() [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList() [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList() [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems(void*, void*)
-36    Q3GList::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-40    Q3GList::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x31cf0bc0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8)
-  Q3GList (0x31cf0c80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x31cf0bc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x31cf0cc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x31cf0c80)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count() const [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear() [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict() [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict() [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-36    Q3GDict::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x31d05c40) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8)
-  Q3GDict (0x31d05d00) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x31d05c40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x31d05d40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x31d05d00)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183 entries
@@ -15402,13 +14515,7 @@ Q3Ftp (0x31e30d80) 0
     QObject (0x31e30e00) 0
         primary-for Q3NetworkProtocol (0x31e30dc0)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x31e57d00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x31e57b80) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8 entries
@@ -16397,18 +15504,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x3201c580) 0
     vptr=((&Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x3186b540) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x3186b380) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x3186b200) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x317e3e80) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16416,34 +15513,12 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x3186b2c0) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x3160b500) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x3160b640) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=56 align=8
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x3186b480) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x311acfc0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x31636780) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x30328e40) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x3185c540) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x31636340) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x30e9f880) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x3185c580) 0
 Vtable for Q3SqlSelectCursor
 Q3SqlSelectCursor::_ZTV17Q3SqlSelectCursor: 40 entries
@@ -16501,13 +15576,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    size=4 align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x317331c0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3175bf80) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x3175bb80) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16 entries
@@ -16543,21 +15612,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    size=8 align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x31794140) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x31799400) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x31799280) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x317ad4c0) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x317ad300) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -16762,9 +15819,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x31789d80) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x31b0a100) 8
               vptr=((&Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x31e0db80) 0
 Vtable for Q3MultiLineEdit
 Q3MultiLineEdit::_ZTV15Q3MultiLineEdit: 192 entries
@@ -17418,114 +16472,20 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    size=4 align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x31cf6d40) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count() const [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear() [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache() [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache() [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x31fa1400) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8)
-  Q3GCache (0x31fa1500) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x31fa1400)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x31fa1540) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x31fa1500)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count() const [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear() [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict() [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict() [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-36    Q3GDict::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x31fe6c80) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8)
-  Q3GDict (0x31fe6d80) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x31fe6c80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x31fe6dc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x31fe6d80)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI7Q3CacheIvE
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count() const [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear() [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache() [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache() [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x32090200) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8)
-  Q3GCache (0x32090300) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x32090200)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x32090340) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x32090300)
 Class Q3CString
    size=4 align=4
 Q3CString (0x320b9080) 0
   QByteArray (0x320b90c0) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count() const [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear() [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache() [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache() [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x321e52c0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8)
-  Q3GCache (0x321e53c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x321e52c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x321e5400) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x321e53c0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count() const [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear() [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict() [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict() [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-36    Q3GDict::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x32203d00) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8)
-  Q3GDict (0x32203e00) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x32203d00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x32203e40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x32203e00)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10 entries
@@ -17551,73 +16511,11 @@ Q3ObjectDictionary (0x32203cc0) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x322184c0) 0
           primary-for Q3GDict (0x32218480)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count() const [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear() [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict() [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict() [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-36    Q3GDict::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x32291080) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8)
-  Q3GDict (0x32291180) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x32291080)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x322911c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x32291180)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count() const [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear() [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue() [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue() [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems(void*, void*)
-36    Q3GList::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-40    Q3GList::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x322c6680) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8)
-  Q3GList (0x322c6780) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x322c6680)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x322c67c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x322c6780)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count() const [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear() [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack() [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack() [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems(void*, void*)
-36    Q3GList::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-40    Q3GList::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x322edac0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8)
-  Q3GList (0x322edbc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x322edac0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x322edc00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x322edbc0)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4 entries
@@ -17655,28 +16553,7 @@ Q3Signal (0x32307700) 0
   QObject (0x32307740) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x32307700)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11 entries
-0     0
-4     &_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count() const [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear() [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector() [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector() [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem(void*)
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem(void*) [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems(void*, void*)
-36    Q3GVector::read(QDataStream&, void*&)
-40    Q3GVector::write(QDataStream&, void*) const
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x32328200) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8)
-  Q3GVector (0x32328300) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x32328200)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x32328340) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x32328300)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11 entries
@@ -17976,13 +16853,7 @@ Q3GroupBox (0x31f04640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x31f04700) 8
           vptr=((&Q3GroupBox::_ZTV10Q3GroupBox) + 236)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x31e1eac0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x31e1e900) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64 entries
@@ -18687,21 +17558,9 @@ Q3DockWindow (0x31ce9a40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x31ce9f00) 8
             vptr=((&Q3DockWindow::_ZTV12Q3DockWindow) + 304)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x31d48f00) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x31623100) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x31d51cc0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x31d48180) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48 entries
@@ -18765,9 +17624,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x31ce9840) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x31d3d400) 8
         vptr=((&Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x320eb740) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -19803,79 +18659,22 @@ Q3WidgetStack (0x320b2940) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x320b2a40) 8
             vptr=((&Q3WidgetStack::_ZTV13Q3WidgetStack) + 248)
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x301dfa00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x3057e4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x323f7040) 0 empty
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x30ec7480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x32453000) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x307e7680) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x324da680) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x3166cd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x32520a80) 0 empty
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x32540600) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x317baac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x325977c0) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x315b86c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x325f4040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x326ee2c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x31d48ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x32768980) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x31d51c80) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x327d6dc0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
index 13c1365..105bd7d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x2aaaad3351c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x2aaaad34b0e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x2aaaad34b380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x2aaaad34b620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x2aaaad34b8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x2aaaad34bb60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaad34be00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x2aaaad35f0e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x2aaaad35f380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x2aaaad35f620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaad35f8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x2aaaad35fb60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x2aaaad35fe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x2aaaad36f0e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x2aaaad36f380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x2aaaad36f620) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x2aaaad36f850) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x2aaaad39c930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x2aaaad39cd20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x2aaaad428150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x2aaaad428540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x2aaaad428930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x2aaaad428d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x2aaaad46e150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x2aaaad46e540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x2aaaad46e930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x2aaaad46ed20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x2aaaad4b8150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x2aaaad4b8540) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x2aaaad4b8f50) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x2aaaad4e9000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaad4e9850) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=32 align=8
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x2aaaad5244d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x2aaaad559540) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QByteRef (0x2aaaad679b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x2aaaad705bd0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -291,10 +171,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=8 base align=8
 QString (0x2aaaad705ee0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x2aaaad77e770) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=8 align=8
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x2aaaad9cfa10) 0
   QString (0x2aaaad9cfa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x2aaaad9e3000) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=32 align=8
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=8 base align=8
 QListData (0x2aaaada07ee0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaadb28e00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*> (0x2aaaadb28cb0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x2aaaadbb32a0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaadbb3310) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaadbb32a0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x2aaaadbb3e70) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=128 base align=8
 QMapData (0x2aaaadc5aa10) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x2aaaadd72930) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=32 align=8
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x2aaaadd72690) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 16u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaddaf230) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray> (0x2aaaaddaf0e0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=40 align=8
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=40 base align=8
 QTextDecoder (0x2aaaaddaff50) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaddee3f0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaddee5b0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaddee4d0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaddee690) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaddee770) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=40 align=8
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=16 base align=8
 __gconv_info (0x2aaaaddeea80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaddeec40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaddeeb60) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=24 align=8
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=216 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x2aaaaddeed20) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaddeee00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x2aaaaddeee70) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x2aaaade6d150) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=40 align=8
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x2aaaadf37bd0) 0
     QObject (0x2aaaadf37cb0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaadf37c40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x2aaaadf6da80) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=8 base align=8
 QRegExp (0x2aaaadf9b8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x2aaaadfc3700) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1048 align=8
    base size=1044 base align=8
 QStringMatcher (0x2aaaadfc3930) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaadfc3ee0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString> (0x2aaaadfc3d90) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=8 align=8
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x2aaaadff9070) 0
   QList<QString> (0x2aaaadff90e0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x2aaaae020ee0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x2aaaae0402a0) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=8 base align=8
 QFileInfo (0x2aaaae093c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x2aaaae0cf690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaae0cfaf0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaae0f82a0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaae0f8150) 0
 Class QDir
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDir (0x2aaaae0f83f0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x2aaaae0f8690) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x2aaaae0f88c0) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QUrl (0x2aaaae19c5b0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2aaaae19c8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2aaaae1faaf0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x2aaaae217150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x2aaaae217850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x2aaaae217a10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned int> (0x2aaaae217bd0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x2aaaae217d90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x2aaaae217f50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x2aaaae232150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x2aaaae232310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x2aaaae2324d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x2aaaae232690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x2aaaae232850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x2aaaae232a10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaae232bd0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaae232d90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned char> (0x2aaaae232f50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x2aaaae23c150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x2aaaae23c310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x2aaaae23c4d0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=16 align=8
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x2aaaae23c620) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaae2cf7e0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant> (0x2aaaae2cf690) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaae2cfb60) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x2aaaae2cfa10) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x2aaaae33f4d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2aaaae33ff50) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1128,10 +796,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x2aaaae3c3380) 0
     vptr=((& QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x2aaaae3c3770) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x2aaaae413070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x2aaaae413230) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2aaaae53d540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2aaaae53dd20) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x2aaaae56a8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2aaaae56aaf0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x2aaaae5b70e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2aaaae5b72a0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x2aaaae5d2b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x2aaaae5f6150) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x2aaaae622230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2aaaae622930) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x2aaaae657b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2aaaae657f50) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x2aaaae6a9a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2aaaae6df7e0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x2aaaae76b380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2aaaae79b310) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QBitRef (0x2aaaae9124d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2aaaae9240e0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=8 base align=8
 QLocale (0x2aaaaea461c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2aaaaea46c40) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x2aaaaeaf0310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2aaaaeb104d0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x2aaaaeb10700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2aaaaeb2f230) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDateTime (0x2aaaaeb2f460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2aaaaeb5d000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2aaaaebbcbd0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaebbcc40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2aaaaebbcbd0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2aaaaebbce70) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=24 base align=8
 QModelIndex (0x2aaaaec570e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2aaaaec71310) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2aaaaec71850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2aaaaec71a80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2aaaaed1e0e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2aaaaed1e9a0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaMethod (0x2aaaaed7a7e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2aaaaed7abd0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=16 align=8
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaEnum (0x2aaaaed7ae00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2aaaaeda42a0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaClassInfo (0x2aaaaeda4620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2aaaaeda4a10) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2057,25 +1637,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=8 base align=8
 QWriteLocker (0x2aaaaee56380) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaee697e0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaee698c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaee699a0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaee69700) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2092,55 +1656,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPen (0x2aaaaeeb2f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x2aaaaeefc070) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QBrush (0x2aaaaeefc380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2aaaaeefc7e0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2aaaaeefca10) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaef23150) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0x2aaaaeefcf50) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaef23380) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaef23460) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaef23540) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaef232a0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2170,25 +1702,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x2aaaaef23b60) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x2aaaaef60af0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=16 align=8
    base size=12 base align=8
 QTextFormat (0x2aaaaef608c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaef9e850) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x2aaaaef9e690) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=16 align=8
@@ -2328,10 +1848,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x2aaaaf0ed3f0) 0
     QObject (0x2aaaaf0ed4d0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x2aaaaf0ed460)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x2aaaaf125150) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=24 align=8
@@ -2343,25 +1859,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=12 base align=8
 QTextBlock (0x2aaaaf125460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x2aaaaf1577e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x2aaaaf157a80) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextFragment (0x2aaaaf157cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x2aaaaf16dcb0) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=8 align=8
@@ -2421,20 +1925,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x2aaaaf1c32a0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaf1c3310) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x2aaaaf1c32a0)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x2aaaaf1c3700) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x2aaaaf1c3bd0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x2aaaaf2022a0) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=16 align=8
@@ -2485,10 +1981,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=8 base align=8
 QKeySequence (0x2aaaaf2624d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2aaaaf262af0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2771,15 +2263,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2aaaaf350930) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaf36c2a0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2aaaaf36c150) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3063,15 +2547,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=8 base align=8
 QTextLayout (0x2aaaaf40de00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaf4351c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x2aaaaf435000) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=16 align=8
@@ -3120,10 +2596,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=8 base align=8
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x2aaaaf486620) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x2aaaaf486850) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=8 align=8
@@ -3146,15 +2618,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=24 base align=8
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x2aaaaf552700) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaf552af0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x2aaaaf552930) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=64 align=8
@@ -3981,10 +3445,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2aaaaf8403f0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2aaaaf840540) 16
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 488u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2aaaaf840bd0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4504,10 +3964,6 @@ QImage (0x2aaaaf95af50) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2aaaaf98b000) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2aaaaf95af50)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2aaaaf9ee070) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4732,10 +4188,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=8 base align=8
 QIcon (0x2aaaafae4850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x2aaaafb10380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4887,15 +4339,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x2aaaafb61e00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 16u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafba3690) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2aaaafba34d0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=8 align=8
@@ -4903,15 +4347,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x2aaaafba3770) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2aaaafba37e0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafbf4150) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2aaaafbe2f50) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=8 align=8
@@ -4924,55 +4360,19 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x2aaaafc27770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2aaaafc4f230) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPainter (0x2aaaafc4fee0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafcf3f50) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLineF> (0x2aaaafcf3d90) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafd1f3f0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLine> (0x2aaaafd1f230) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafd5b2a0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRectF> (0x2aaaafd5b0e0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafd5b700) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRect> (0x2aaaafd5b540) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5020,15 +4420,7 @@ QStyle (0x2aaaafe0e8c0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaafe0e930) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x2aaaafe0e8c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x2aaaafe0ef50) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x2aaaafe6e310) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=24 align=8
@@ -5046,25 +4438,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPainterPath (0x2aaaafe9eb60) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafed0bd0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x2aaaafed0a10) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x2aaaafed0690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x2aaaafed0d20) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=8 align=8
@@ -5076,15 +4456,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x2aaaaff205b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x2aaaaff20700) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x2aaaaff20b60) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5119,10 +4491,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x2aaaaff20930) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x2aaaaff5c700) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5134,10 +4502,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=8
 QItemSelectionRange (0x2aaaaff8d5b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x2aaaaffe72a0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5168,20 +4532,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x2aaaaffe77e0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaffe7850) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x2aaaaffe77e0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x2aaaaffe7a10) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab001c620) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x2aaab001c4d0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=8 align=8
@@ -5470,10 +4822,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x2aaab0094f50) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x2aaab0094af0) 16
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 504u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x2aaab00c1850) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5910,10 +5258,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x2aaab0205a80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x2aaab0205af0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x2aaab02293f0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=88 align=8
@@ -5921,10 +5265,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x2aaab02290e0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x2aaab0229150) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x2aaab0229310) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=96 align=8
@@ -5944,10 +5284,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x2aaab026ce70) 0
   QStyleOption (0x2aaab026cee0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x2aaab0299850) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=80 align=8
@@ -6005,15 +5341,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x2aaab0329380) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x2aaab03293f0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x2aaab0329460) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab0329e00) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x2aaab0329ee0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=112 align=8
@@ -6022,10 +5350,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x2aaab0329b60) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x2aaab0329bd0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x2aaab0329c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x2aaab03579a0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=128 align=8
@@ -6213,10 +5537,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x2aaab03beb60) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x2aaab03bed20) 16
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 784u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x2aaab045c4d0) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6399,15 +5719,7 @@ QListView (0x2aaab045caf0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x2aaab04921c0) 16
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 784u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab0492d20) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x2aaab0492b60) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7324,15 +6636,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x2aaab06bfe70) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 16u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab06ffb60) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x2aaab06ff9a0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7349,25 +6653,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x2aaab06ff7e0) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 16u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab0730540) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x2aaab0730380) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab07308c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x2aaab0730770) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7594,15 +6882,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2aaab08161c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2aaab0816380) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2aaab0816770) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8450,15 +7730,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x2aaab0a9a930) 0
   QObject (0x2aaab0a9a9a0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x2aaab0a9a930)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab0ab8540) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QAction*> (0x2aaab0ab83f0) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -8599,10 +7871,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x2aaab0af5d90) 0
     QObject (0x2aaab0af5e70) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x2aaab0af5e00)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x2aaab0b265b0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10130,10 +9398,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x2aaab0ddc540) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x2aaab0ddc700) 16
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 520u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x2aaab0ddcd20) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10293,10 +9557,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x2aaab0e14a10) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x2aaab0e14af0) 16
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 464u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x2aaab0e56620) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12177,15 +11437,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=8 base align=8
 QSqlRecord (0x2aaab136d620) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab136dd20) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<bool> (0x2aaab136dbd0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=32 align=8
@@ -12193,10 +11445,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x2aaab136d9a0) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x2aaab136da10) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x2aaab13c03f0) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -12873,29 +12121,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x2aaab1589000) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab1589070) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x2aaab1589000)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-32    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-40    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-64    Q3GVector::compareItems
-72    Q3GVector::read
-80    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x2aaab15b83f0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 16u)
-  Q3GVector (0x2aaab15b8460) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x2aaab15b83f0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab15b84d0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x2aaab15b8460)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -13052,29 +12278,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=8 base align=8
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x2aaab1688620) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-32    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-40    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-64    Q3GList::compareItems
-72    Q3GList::read
-80    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=56 align=8
-   base size=56 base align=8
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x2aaab16d0930) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 16u)
-  Q3GList (0x2aaab16d09a0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x2aaab16d0930)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab16d0a10) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x2aaab16d09a0)
 Class Q3BaseBucket
    size=16 align=8
@@ -13131,28 +12335,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=20 base align=8
 Q3GDictIterator (0x2aaab1726620) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-24    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-32    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-40    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-64    Q3GDict::read
-72    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x2aaab175b770) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 16u)
-  Q3GDict (0x2aaab175b7e0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x2aaab175b770)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab175b850) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x2aaab175b7e0)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -13263,100 +12446,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=16 base align=8
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x2aaab17ad700) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-40    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-64    Q3GVector::compareItems
-72    Q3GVector::read
-80    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x2aaab17ad930) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 16u)
-  Q3GVector (0x2aaab17ad9a0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x2aaab17ad930)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab17ada10) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x2aaab17ad9a0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-40    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-64    Q3GVector::compareItems
-72    Q3GVector::read
-80    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x2aaab17add90) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 16u)
-  Q3GVector (0x2aaab17ade00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x2aaab17add90)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab17ade70) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x2aaab17ade00)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-40    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-64    Q3GList::compareItems
-72    Q3GList::read
-80    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=56 align=8
-   base size=56 base align=8
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x2aaab17adb60) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 16u)
-  Q3GList (0x2aaab17adcb0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x2aaab17adb60)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab181e000) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x2aaab17adcb0)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-24    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-32    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-40    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-64    Q3GDict::read
-72    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x2aaab181e3f0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 16u)
-  Q3GDict (0x2aaab181e460) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x2aaab181e3f0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab181e4d0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x2aaab181e460)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -14080,21 +13176,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x2aaab197f230) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 16u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab19be230) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x2aaab19be070) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x2aaab19be2a0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x2aaab19be310) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=8 align=8
@@ -14103,31 +13186,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x2aaab19be540) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x2aaab19be5b0) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x2aaab19be620) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab19bec40) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x2aaab19beaf0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x2aaab1a19f50) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x2aaab1a19e00) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x2aaab1a3d000) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x2aaab1a3d1c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3DataView
 Q3DataView::_ZTV10Q3DataView: 69u entries
@@ -14218,15 +13280,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=8 base align=8
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x2aaab1a6da80) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab1a6dee0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x2aaab1a6dd20) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -14287,25 +13341,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x2aaab1ac29a0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab1ac2cb0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<int, QString> (0x2aaab1ac2b60) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab1ac2e70) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x2aaab1ac2620) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=72 align=8
@@ -14513,10 +13551,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x2aaab1afae70) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x2aaab1b2f000) 16
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 1360u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x2aaab1b2f230) 0
 Vtable for Q3SyntaxHighlighter
 Q3SyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV19Q3SyntaxHighlighter: 5u entries
@@ -15446,28 +14480,7 @@ Class Q3Url
 Q3Url (0x2aaab1cc1310) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Url::_ZTV5Q3Url) + 16u)
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-16    Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-24    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-32    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-40    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-64    Q3GDict::read
-72    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-Q3Dict<void> (0x2aaab1cc1f50) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 16u)
-  Q3GDict (0x2aaab1cc14d0) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x2aaab1cc1f50)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab1cef000) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x2aaab1cc14d0)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -15762,29 +14775,7 @@ Q3Accel (0x2aaab1d79d90) 0
   QObject (0x2aaab1d79e00) 0
       primary-for Q3Accel (0x2aaab1d79d90)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-32    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-40    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-64    Q3GList::compareItems
-72    Q3GList::read
-80    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=56 align=8
-   base size=56 base align=8
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x2aaab1dc9460) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 16u)
-  Q3GList (0x2aaab1dc94d0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x2aaab1dc9460)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab1dc9540) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x2aaab1dc94d0)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -15812,11 +14803,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x2aaab1dc97e0) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab1dc9930) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x2aaab1dc98c0)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x2aaab1df4e00) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x2aaab1df4e70) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -16170,29 +15156,7 @@ Class Q3CString
 Q3CString (0x2aaab1eb1a10) 0
   QByteArray (0x2aaab1eb1cb0) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-32    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-40    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-64    Q3GList::compareItems
-72    Q3GList::read
-80    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=56 align=8
-   base size=56 base align=8
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x2aaab1fa8e70) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 16u)
-  Q3GList (0x2aaab1fa8ee0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x2aaab1fa8e70)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab1fa8f50) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x2aaab1fa8ee0)
 Vtable for Q3Signal
 Q3Signal::_ZTV8Q3Signal: 14u entries
@@ -16219,75 +15183,11 @@ Q3Signal (0x2aaab1fc44d0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaab1fc4540) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x2aaab1fc44d0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-24    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-32    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-40    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-64    Q3GDict::read
-72    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x2aaab1fe3850) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 16u)
-  Q3GDict (0x2aaab1fe38c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x2aaab1fe3850)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab1fe3930) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x2aaab1fe38c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-32    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-40    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-64    Q3GList::compareItems
-72    Q3GList::read
-80    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=56 align=8
-   base size=56 base align=8
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x2aaab200dcb0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 16u)
-  Q3GList (0x2aaab200dd20) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x2aaab200dcb0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab200dd90) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x2aaab200dd20)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-40    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-64    Q3GDict::read
-72    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x2aaab202a1c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 16u)
-  Q3GDict (0x2aaab202a230) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x2aaab202a1c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab202a2a0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x2aaab202a230)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -16338,91 +15238,13 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=8 base align=8
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x2aaab2047850) 0
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-16    Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-24    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-32    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-40    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=41 base align=8
-Q3Cache<void> (0x2aaab207a2a0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 16u)
-  Q3GCache (0x2aaab207a310) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x2aaab207a2a0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab207a380) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x2aaab207a310)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-24    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-32    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-40    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=41 base align=8
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x2aaab20c92a0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 16u)
-  Q3GCache (0x2aaab20c9310) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x2aaab20c92a0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab20c9380) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x2aaab20c9310)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-32    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-40    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-64    Q3GDict::read
-72    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x2aaab20ec9a0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 16u)
-  Q3GDict (0x2aaab20eca10) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x2aaab20ec9a0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab20eca80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x2aaab20eca10)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-24    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-32    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-40    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=41 base align=8
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x2aaab212ae00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 16u)
-  Q3GCache (0x2aaab212ae70) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x2aaab212ae00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab212aee0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x2aaab212ae70)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -16437,29 +15259,7 @@ Class Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore (0x2aaab216b070) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore) + 16u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-32    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-40    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-48    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-56    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-64    Q3GVector::compareItems
-72    Q3GVector::read
-80    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x2aaab216b3f0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 16u)
-  Q3GVector (0x2aaab216b460) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x2aaab216b3f0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x2aaab216b4d0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x2aaab216b460)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -16554,21 +15354,8 @@ Class Q3PaintDeviceMetrics
    base size=8 base align=8
 Q3PaintDeviceMetrics (0x2aaab21fe620) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab2211620) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x2aaab2211460) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x2aaab2211690) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x2aaab2211700) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=8 align=8
@@ -17905,15 +16692,7 @@ Q3SocketDevice (0x2aaab251c770) 0
     QObject (0x2aaab251c850) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaab251c7e0)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab251c9a0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x2aaab251cf50) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -19238,15 +18017,7 @@ Q3VBox (0x2aaab2785230) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x2aaab2785460) 16
               vptr=((& Q3VBox::_ZTV6Q3VBox) + 488u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab2785ee0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x2aaab2785d90) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -20173,25 +18944,9 @@ Q3MainWindow (0x2aaab28f1a80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x2aaab28f1b60) 16
         vptr=((& Q3MainWindow::_ZTV12Q3MainWindow) + 656u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab2934e70) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QRect> (0x2aaab2934d20) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab297b0e0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x2aaab2934f50) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -20256,10 +19011,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x2aaab2934af0) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x2aaab2934bd0) 16
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 256u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x2aaab29beb60) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=32 align=8
@@ -20344,188 +19095,40 @@ Q3DockArea (0x2aaab29be850) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x2aaab29be930) 16
         vptr=((& Q3DockArea::_ZTV10Q3DockArea) + 464u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x2aaab2a811c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::Node (0x2aaab2abe2a0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x2aaab2b42a10) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x2aaab2b5eb60) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x2aaab2b69620) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x2aaab2b902a0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x2aaab2bb4700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x2aaab2be3460) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x2aaab2be39a0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x2aaab2be3ee0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x2aaab2bf0460) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x2aaab2c063f0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x2aaab2cbbe00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x2aaab2cc9540) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x2aaab2d13f50) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=80 align=8
-   base size=80 base align=8
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x2aaab2d61e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x2aaab2e7b540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x2aaab2e871c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x2aaab2e951c0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x2aaab2edb2a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x2aaab2edb7e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x2aaab2eeab60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x2aaab2f1e770) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x2aaab2f5e850) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab2f6f150) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab2f9c380) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab2fc67e0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x2aaab2ff3c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x2aaab300c540) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x2aaab300c690) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x2aaab301ab60) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab304e000) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x2aaab304ec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x2aaab3060540) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x2aaab3060690) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab307b0e0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab307ba10) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 8b221a0..564a297 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x40b1d000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x40b1d140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x40b1d180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x40b1d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40b1d200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40b1d240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40b1d280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40b1d2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40b1d300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40b1d340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40b1d380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40b1d3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40b1d400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40b1d440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40b1d480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40b1d4c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40b1d500) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40b1d6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40b1d740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40b1d7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40b1d840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40b1d8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40b1d940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40b1d9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40b1da40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40b1dac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40b1db40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40b1dbc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40b1dc40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40b1dd80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40b1ddc0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40b1dfc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x4142e0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x4142e180) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x4142e880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x4142e900) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,10 +176,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x4142eb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x4142ec80) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x4142ee40) 0
   QString (0x4142ee80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x4142ef00) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x416e9000) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x416e9440) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x416e9380) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x416e9680) 0
   QObject (0x416e96c0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x416e9680)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x416e9800) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x416e9900) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x416e9ec0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x416e9dc0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x416e9c00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x416e9540) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x418e7000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418e7080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x418e7100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418e70c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418e7140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418e7180) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x418e7280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x418e7300) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x418e72c0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x418e7380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418e73c0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x418e7400) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x418e7540) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x418e7c80) 0
     QObject (0x418e7d00) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x418e7cc0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x418e7e00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x418e7fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x418e7740) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x418e7900) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x419ee080) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x418e7f40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x419ee0c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x419ee100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x419ee340) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x419ee3c0) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x419ee840) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x419ee8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x419ee900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x419eea40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x419ee980) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x419eea80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x419eeb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x419eec00) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x419eec80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x419eed80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x419eedc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x419eee00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x419eee80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x419eeec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x419eef00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x419eef40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x419eef80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x419eefc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x419ee680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x419ee7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x41b2a000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x41b2a040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x41b2a080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x41b2a0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x41b2a100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x41b2a140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x41b2a180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x41b2a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x41b2a200) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x41b2a240) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x41b2a800) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x41b2a740) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x41b2a980) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x41b2a8c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x41b2abc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x41b2acc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1142,10 +810,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x41b2af80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x41b2a480) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x41b2ad80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x41b2ae00) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x41c2f4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x41c2f900) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x41c2f9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x41c2fe00) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x41c2ff00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x41c2ff40) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x41c2f500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x41c2f600) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x41c2f800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x41c2fd00) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x41d530c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x41d53480) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x41d53680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x41d53880) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x41d53980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x41d53b00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x41d53380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x41d536c0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x41f3e280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x41f3e2c0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x41f3e440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x41f3e5c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x41f3e600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x41f3e780) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x41f3e7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x41f3e900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x41f3e500) 0
   QObject (0x41f3e640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x41f3e500)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x41f3e880) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x4207b300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x4207b400) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x4207b480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x4207b540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x4207bb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x4207bbc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x4207bf00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x4207bf80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x4207bfc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x4207b180) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x4207b4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x4207b740) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2057,25 +1637,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x4215b580) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4215b6c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4215b700) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4215b740) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x4215b680) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2092,55 +1656,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x4215bb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x4215bbc0) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x4215bc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x4215bc40) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x4215bc80) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x4215bec0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x4215be00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4215bf40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4215bf80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4215bfc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x4215bf00) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -2170,25 +1702,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x4215bd00) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x422321c0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x42232100) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x42232440) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x42232380) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2328,10 +1848,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x42232b00) 0
     QObject (0x42232b80) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x42232b40)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x42232e00) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2343,25 +1859,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x42232e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x42232140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x42232200) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x42232280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x42332000) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2426,10 +1930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x42332340) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x423323c0) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2480,10 +1980,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x42332a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x42332b80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2766,15 +2262,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x423fbb00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x423fbc80) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x423fbbc0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3058,15 +2546,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x4246c9c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x4246cb80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4246cac0) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3115,10 +2595,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x4246c080) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x4246c380) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3141,15 +2617,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x42521200) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x425213c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x42521300) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -3976,10 +3444,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x4268a440) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x4268a540) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x4268a6c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4499,10 +3963,6 @@ QImage (0x4268af80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x4276d000) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x4268af80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x4276d100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4727,10 +4187,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x4276dc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x4276dd00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4882,15 +4338,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x42865200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x42865400) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x42865340) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4898,15 +4346,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x42865440) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x42865480) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x42865700) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x42865640) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4919,55 +4359,19 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x42865900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x42865940) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x42865980) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x42865b80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x42865ac0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x42865d00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x42865c40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x42865e80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x42865dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x42865180) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x42865f40) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5015,15 +4419,7 @@ QStyle (0x42865240) 0
   QObject (0x428659c0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x42865240)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x429de100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x429de180) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5041,25 +4437,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x429de340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x429de740) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x429de680) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x429de4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x429de780) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5071,15 +4455,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x429de840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x429de880) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x429de980) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5114,10 +4490,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x429de8c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x429deb00) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5129,10 +4501,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x429deb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x429dec40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5163,20 +4531,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x429decc0) 0
   QObject (0x429ded00) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x429decc0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x429dee00) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x429def40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x429dee80) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5465,10 +4821,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x42b0b4c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x42b0b580) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x42b0b680) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5905,10 +5257,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x42be0100) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42be0140) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x42be0380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5916,10 +5264,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x42be0280) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42be02c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x42be05c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5939,10 +5283,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x42be0840) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42be0880) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x42be0a80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6000,15 +5340,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x42c71100) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x42c71140) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42c71180) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x42c71480) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x42c713c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6017,10 +5349,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x42c71280) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x42c712c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42c71300) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x42c71700) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5536,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x42c71d00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x42c71e40) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x42c71f80) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6394,15 +5718,7 @@ QListView (0x42c71680) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x42d31000) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x42d31280) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x42d311c0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7319,15 +6635,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x42e2b480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x42e2b780) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x42e2b6c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7344,25 +6652,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x42e2b600) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x42e2ba00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x42e2b940) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x42e2bb80) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x42e2bac0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7589,15 +6881,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x42e2bc00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x42f10000) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x42f10080) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8445,15 +7729,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x42faab40) 0
   QObject (0x42faab80) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x42faab40)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x42faad80) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x42faacc0) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -8594,10 +7870,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x42faa300) 0
     QObject (0x42faa680) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x42faa4c0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x42faafc0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10125,10 +9397,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x4317c1c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4317ca80) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x4317cfc0) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10288,10 +9556,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x432271c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x43227280) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x432273c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -10538,10 +9802,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x43227700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x43227840) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x43227980) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -12177,15 +11437,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0x43428cc0) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x43428ec0) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x43428e00) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -12193,10 +11445,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x43428d00) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x43428d40) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x43428f80) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -12873,29 +12121,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x4351af80) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x4351afc0) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x4351af80)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x4351a980) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x4351ab40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x4351a980)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x4351ad80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x4351ab40)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -13052,29 +12278,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x435f25c0) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x435f27c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x435f2800) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x435f27c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x435f2840) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x435f2800)
 Class Q3BaseBucket
    size=8 align=4
@@ -13131,28 +12335,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x435f2e40) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x435f2f80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x435f2fc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x435f2f80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x435f2100) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x435f2fc0)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -13263,100 +12446,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x436e9480) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x436e9540) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x436e9580) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x436e9540)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x436e95c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x436e9580)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x436e9700) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x436e9740) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x436e9700)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x436e9780) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x436e9740)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x436e98c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x436e9900) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x436e98c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x436e9940) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x436e9900)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x436e9a80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x436e9ac0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x436e9a80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x436e9b00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x436e9ac0)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -14080,21 +13176,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x437b1380) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x437b1700) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x437b1640) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x437b1740) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x437b1780) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14103,31 +13186,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x437b1800) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x437b1840) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x437b1880) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x437b1a40) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x437b1980) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x437b1c80) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x437b1cc0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x437b1d00) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x437b1dc0) 0
 Vtable for Q3DataView
 Q3DataView::_ZTV10Q3DataView: 69u entries
@@ -14218,15 +13280,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x437b1f80) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x437b1f00) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x437b13c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -14287,25 +13341,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x4388f200) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x4388f380) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x4388f2c0) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x4388f6c0) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x4388f600) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -14513,10 +13551,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x4388fa00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4388fb80) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x4388fd00) 0
 Vtable for Q3SyntaxHighlighter
 Q3SyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV19Q3SyntaxHighlighter: 5u entries
@@ -15446,28 +14480,7 @@ Class Q3Url
 Q3Url (0x43944800) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Url::_ZTV5Q3Url) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x439449c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x43944a00) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x439449c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x43944a40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x43944a00)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -15762,29 +14775,7 @@ Q3Accel (0x439f9100) 0
   QObject (0x439f9140) 0
       primary-for Q3Accel (0x439f9100)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x439f9240) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x439f9280) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x439f9240)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x439f92c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x439f9280)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -15812,11 +14803,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x439f9380) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x439f9440) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x439f9400)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x439f9640) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x439f9680) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -16170,29 +15156,7 @@ Class Q3CString
 Q3CString (0x43a9f280) 0
   QByteArray (0x43a9f2c0) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x43a9f6c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x43a9f700) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x43a9f6c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x43a9f740) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x43a9f700)
 Vtable for Q3Signal
 Q3Signal::_ZTV8Q3Signal: 14u entries
@@ -16219,75 +15183,11 @@ Q3Signal (0x43a9f880) 0
   QObject (0x43a9f8c0) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x43a9f880)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x43a9fac0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x43a9fb00) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x43a9fac0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x43a9fb40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x43a9fb00)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x43a9fd80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x43a9fdc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x43a9fd80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x43a9fe00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x43a9fdc0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x43a9ff00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x43a9ff40) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x43a9ff00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x43a9ff80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x43a9ff40)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -16338,91 +15238,13 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x43b79140) 0
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x43b79280) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x43b792c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x43b79280)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x43b79300) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x43b792c0)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x43b795c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x43b79600) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x43b795c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x43b79640) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x43b79600)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x43b79880) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x43b798c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x43b79880)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x43b79900) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x43b798c0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x43b79c40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x43b79c80) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x43b79c40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x43b79cc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x43b79c80)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -16437,29 +15259,7 @@ Class Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore (0x43b79e80) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x43b79f80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x43b79fc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x43b79f80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x43b790c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x43b79fc0)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -16554,21 +15354,8 @@ Class Q3PaintDeviceMetrics
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3PaintDeviceMetrics (0x43c22980) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x43c22b40) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x43c22a80) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x43c22b80) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x43c22bc0) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -17905,15 +16692,7 @@ Q3SocketDevice (0x43d87740) 0
     QObject (0x43d877c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x43d87780)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x43d87a00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x43d87940) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -19238,15 +18017,7 @@ Q3VBox (0x43f12380) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x43f12500) 8
               vptr=((& Q3VBox::_ZTV6Q3VBox) + 244u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x43f12880) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x43f127c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -20173,25 +18944,9 @@ Q3MainWindow (0x43f96ac0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x43f96b80) 8
         vptr=((& Q3MainWindow::_ZTV12Q3MainWindow) + 328u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x43f96e80) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x43f96dc0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x43f96140) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x43f96f40) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -20256,10 +19011,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x43f96c40) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x43f96d00) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x44071080) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -20344,188 +19095,40 @@ Q3DockArea (0x43f96880) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x43f96d40) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockArea::_ZTV10Q3DockArea) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x440c15c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x440c1c80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4410de40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4414a280) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4414a440) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x4414a940) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x4414ac80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x44196100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x44196240) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x44196380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x441964c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x44196880) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4420c2c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4420c400) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x4420ca00) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=52 align=4
-   base size=52 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x44263380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x442f4600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x442f4800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x442f4a80) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4432b440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4432b540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4432b800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x4432bdc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x44374300) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x44374440) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x443745c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x44374780) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x44374940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x44374b00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x44374bc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x44374ec0) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x443f91c0) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x443f9300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x443f94c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x443f9580) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x443f99c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x443f9b00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 3287958..ca31e2e 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x30b24ee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30b4f0e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x30b4f188) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x30b4f230) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x30b4f2d8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x30b4f380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x30b4f428) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30b4f4d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x30b4f578) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x30b4f620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x30b4f6c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x30b4f770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x30b4f818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x30b4f8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30b4f968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30b4fa10) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x30b4fa80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30b4ff88) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x313e4000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x313e4070) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x313e40e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x313e4150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x313e41c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x313e4230) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x313e42a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x313e4310) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x313e4380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x313e43f0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x313e4460) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187ac0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x313e45b0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x313e4770) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x313e4888) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x313e4930) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x314fc5e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x314fc930) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,10 +176,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x314fcee0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x31634230) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x30187cc0) 0
   QString (0x31634cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x31634d90) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x31634f88) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x317234d0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x31723428) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187d00) 0
   QObject (0x317239a0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187d00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x31723b98) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x31843070) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x318436c8) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x31843578) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x318439a0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x318438f8) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x31843ab8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31843b60) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x31843c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31843bd0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31843cb0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31843d20) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x31843e70) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31843f50) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31843ee0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x31843fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31843658) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x318437a8) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x3194d1f8) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x30187f00) 0
     QObject (0x3194dc40) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x30187f40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x3194ddc8) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x3194df18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x3194dea8) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x31a20038) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x31a201f8) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x31a20150) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x319ff040) 0
   QList<QString> (0x31a202a0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x31a206c8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x31a20738) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x31a20c78) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x31a20d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x31a20d90) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x31a20f18) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x31a20e70) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x31a20fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x31af1070) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x31af1118) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x31af11c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x31af1348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x31af13b8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x31af1428) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x31af1508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x31af1578) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x31af15e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x31af1658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x31af16c8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x31af1738) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x31af17a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x31af1818) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x31af1888) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x31af18f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x31af1968) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x31af19d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x31af1a48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x31af1ab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x31af1b28) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x31af1b98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x31af1c08) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x31af1c40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31bd3118) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31bd3070) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31bd32d8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31bd3230) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31bd3498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31bd35b0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1142,10 +810,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x31bd3b98) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x31bd3d20) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x31bd3ea8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x31bd3f18) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x31c7f498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x31c7f888) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31c7fa10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31c7fe00) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x31c7ffc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31c7f4d0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31c7f770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31c7fab8) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31d8f000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x31d8f380) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x31d8f5e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x31d8f968) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x31d8fc78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x31d8fe70) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x31d8f188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x31d8f690) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x31e8e850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x31e8e968) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x31e8ef18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x31e8ef88) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x31ff1150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x31ff1310) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x31ff1380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x31ff1508) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x31ff1578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x31ff16c8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x319ff580) 0
   QObject (0x31ff15b0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x319ff580)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x320a9000) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x320a9850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x320a99d8) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x320a9a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x320a9b98) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x32150000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x321500e0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x32150508) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x321505b0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x32150620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x321506c8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x32150770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x32150818) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2057,25 +1637,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x32150e00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x321fc1f8) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x321fc268) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x321fc2d8) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x321fc188) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2092,55 +1656,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x321fc738) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x321fc7a8) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x321fc818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x321fc8c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x321fc930) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x321fcbd0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x321fcaf0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x321fcce8) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x321fcd58) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x321fcdc8) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x321fcc78) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2170,25 +1702,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x321fcea8) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x321fcf50) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x321fc658) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x322a0310) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x322a0230) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2328,10 +1848,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x319ffdc0) 0
     QObject (0x322a0930) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x319ffe00)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x322a0dc8) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2343,25 +1859,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x322a0e38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x323760a8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x32376150) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x323761c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x32376380) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2426,10 +1930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x323767e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x323768c0) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2480,10 +1980,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x32376f18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x32376af0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2766,15 +2262,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x3241ace8) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x324930a8) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x32493000) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3058,15 +2546,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x324ea230) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x324ea460) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x324ea380) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3115,10 +2595,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x324ea888) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x324ea9a0) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3141,15 +2617,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x324eaf18) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x324eafc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x324ea118) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -3976,10 +3444,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x327250c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x326cab28) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x326cad58) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4499,10 +3963,6 @@ QImage (0x32725680) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x32778888) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x32725680)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x32778b28) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4727,10 +4187,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x328517e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x32851850) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4882,15 +4338,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x328d6188) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x328d6460) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x328d6380) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4898,15 +4346,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x32725b00) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x328d64d0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x328d6888) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x328d67a8) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4919,55 +4359,19 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x328d6b98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x328d6c08) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x328d6cb0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x329b71f8) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x329b7118) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x329b73b8) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x329b72d8) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x329b7578) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x329b7498) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x329b7738) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x329b7658) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5015,15 +4419,7 @@ QStyle (0x32725b80) 0
   QObject (0x329b77a8) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x32725b80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x329b7968) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x329b79d8) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5041,25 +4437,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x329b7c40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x32ac0038) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x329b78c0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x329b7e38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x32ac00e0) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5071,15 +4455,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x32ac0310) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x32ac03b8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x32ac0540) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5114,10 +4490,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x32ac0428) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x32ac0738) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5129,10 +4501,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x32ac0770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x32ac0a10) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5163,20 +4531,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x32725c40) 0
   QObject (0x32ac0ab8) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x32725c40)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x32ac0c40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x32ac0d90) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x32ac0ce8) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5465,10 +4821,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x32725f40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x32b9f428) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x32b9f658) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5905,10 +5257,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x32be23c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32c6e3b8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x32c6e690) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5916,10 +5264,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x32be2440) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32c6e540) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x32c6e8f8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5939,10 +5283,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x32be2540) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32c6ebd0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x32c6eea8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6000,15 +5340,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x32be27c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32be2800) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32cea888) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x32ceac08) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x32ceab60) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6017,10 +5349,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x32be2840) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32be2880) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32ceaa10) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x32ceaee0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5536,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x32be2b00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x32d5c310) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x32d5c508) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6394,15 +5718,7 @@ QListView (0x32be2d00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x32d5c690) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x32d5ca10) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x32d5c930) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7319,15 +6635,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x32e5ecb0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x32e5e2d8) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x32e5ef88) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7344,25 +6652,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x32e5eea8) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x32f371f8) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x32f37118) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x32f373b8) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x32f37310) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7589,15 +6881,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x32f37ce8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x32f37dc8) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x32f37e38) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8445,15 +7729,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x33092300) 0
   QObject (0x331070e0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x33092300)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x33107310) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x33107268) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -8594,10 +7870,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x33092400) 0
     QObject (0x33107770) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x33092440)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x33107968) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10125,10 +9397,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x3328a3c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x33285a10) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x33285bd0) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10288,11 +9556,7 @@ QDockWidget (0x3328a580) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x33285e00) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x33285380) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
 0     (int (*)(...))0
@@ -10538,10 +9802,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x3328a700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x33331230) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x33331460) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -12177,15 +11437,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0x334fbea8) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x334fb380) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x334fbfc0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -12193,10 +11445,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x33497740) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x334fbee0) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x334fbd20) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -12873,29 +12121,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x33497e00) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x336aa150) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x33497e00)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x33497ec0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x33497f00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x33497ec0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x336aa348) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x33497f00)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -13052,29 +12278,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x336aac40) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x3370e140) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x3370e180) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x3370e140)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x336aae38) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x3370e180)
 Class Q3BaseBucket
    size=8 align=4
@@ -13131,28 +12335,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x3378e1f8) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x3370e400) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x3370e440) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x3370e400)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x3378e3f0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x3370e440)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -13263,100 +12446,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x3378ea10) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x3370e680) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x3370e6c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x3370e680)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x3378eb28) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x3370e6c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x3370e700) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x3370e740) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x3370e700)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x3378ece8) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x3370e740)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x3370e780) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x3370e7c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x3370e780)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x3378eea8) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x3370e7c0)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x3370e800) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x3370e840) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x3370e800)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x3378e6c8) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x3370e840)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -14080,21 +13176,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x33841d20) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x338f9000) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x338416c8) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x3370ecc0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x338f9038) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14103,31 +13186,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x3370ed40) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x3370ed80) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x338f9150) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x338f9310) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x338f9268) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x338f9620) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x3370edc0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x338f9658) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x338f9700) 0
 Vtable for Q3DataView
 Q3DataView::_ZTV10Q3DataView: 69u entries
@@ -14218,15 +13280,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x338f9ab8) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x338f9cb0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x338f9bd0) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -14287,25 +13341,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x338f9690) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x33994038) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x338f9d90) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x339942d8) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x33994230) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -14513,10 +13551,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x339c0000) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x339945e8) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x33994818) 0
 Vtable for Q3SyntaxHighlighter
 Q3SyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV19Q3SyntaxHighlighter: 5u entries
@@ -15446,28 +14480,7 @@ Class Q3Url
 Q3Url (0x33a8b1c0) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Url::_ZTV5Q3Url) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x339c08c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x339c0900) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x339c08c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x33a8b3f0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x339c0900)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -15762,29 +14775,7 @@ Q3Accel (0x339c0b80) 0
   QObject (0x33a8bb60) 0
       primary-for Q3Accel (0x339c0b80)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x339c0bc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x339c0c00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x339c0bc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x33b27118) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x339c0c00)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -15812,11 +14803,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x339c0c40) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x33b27268) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x339c0cc0)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x339c0d00) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x33b275e8) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -16170,29 +15156,7 @@ Class Q3CString
 Q3CString (0x33b931c0) 0
   QByteArray (0x33b879a0) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x33b93280) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x33b932c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x33b93280)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x33c17348) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x33b932c0)
 Vtable for Q3Signal
 Q3Signal::_ZTV8Q3Signal: 14u entries
@@ -16219,75 +15183,11 @@ Q3Signal (0x33b93300) 0
   QObject (0x33c17540) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x33b93300)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x33b933c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x33b93400) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x33b933c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x33c177e0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x33b93400)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x33b93500) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x33b93540) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x33b93500)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x33c17ab8) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x33b93540)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x33b93580) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x33b935c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x33b93580)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x33c17c40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x33b935c0)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -16338,91 +15238,13 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x33c17888) 0
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x33b937c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x33b93800) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x33b937c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x33c9a038) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x33b93800)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x33b93940) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x33b93980) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x33b93940)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x33c9a348) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x33b93980)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x33b93a80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x33b93ac0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x33b93a80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x33c9a5e8) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x33b93ac0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x33b93c00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x33b93c40) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x33b93c00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x33c9a9d8) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x33b93c40)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -16437,29 +15259,7 @@ Class Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore (0x33c9ac08) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x33b93d00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x33b93d40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x33b93d00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x33c9adc8) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x33b93d40)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -16554,21 +15354,8 @@ Class Q3PaintDeviceMetrics
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3PaintDeviceMetrics (0x33d33a80) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x33d33cb0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x33d33bd0) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x33d5e080) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x33d33ce8) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -17905,15 +16692,7 @@ Q3SocketDevice (0x33d5ecc0) 0
     QObject (0x33e45e70) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x33d5ed00)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x33e45700) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x33e451c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -19238,15 +18017,7 @@ Q3VBox (0x33fac8c0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x33ff7cb0) 8
               vptr=((& Q3VBox::_ZTV6Q3VBox) + 244u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x33ff7118) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x33ff7f50) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -20173,25 +18944,9 @@ Q3MainWindow (0x340e23c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x34096f88) 8
         vptr=((& Q3MainWindow::_ZTV12Q3MainWindow) + 328u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x34140348) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x341402a0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x341404d0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x34140428) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -20256,10 +19011,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x340e2440) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x341401f8) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x34140a80) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -20344,188 +19095,40 @@ Q3DockArea (0x340e2500) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x34140968) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockArea::_ZTV10Q3DockArea) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x341f4af0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x34211930) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x3425ebd0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3427b380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3427b620) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x342980a8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x342986c8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x34298f18) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x342c80a8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x342c8230) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x342c83b8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x342c8b28) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x3434b268) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3434b460) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x3436d118) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=56 align=8
-   base size=56 base align=8
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x3438b7a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x34418968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x34418c78) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x34437070) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3445d150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3445d2d8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x3445d7a8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x34484070) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x34484b60) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x34484d58) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x344c0230) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x344c0850) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x344c0e70) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x344fe038) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x344fe0e0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x344fe5b0) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x344feee0) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x345270a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x34527348) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x345273f0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x34527a48) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x34527c78) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index fa74eec..b8255a1 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,75 +59,19 @@ Class QBool
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBool (0x83e7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x83eb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x83ebc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x83ec80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x83ed40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x83ee00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x83eec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x83ef80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x83e240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x16c8040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x16c8100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x16c81c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x16c8280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x16c8340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x16c8400) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -144,10 +88,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x16c8700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x16c8800) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -160,10 +100,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x16c8bc0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x16c8c00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x16c8e80) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -245,70 +181,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x1776b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x1776ec0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x186d380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x186d400) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x186d480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x186d500) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x186d580) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x186d600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x186d680) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x186d700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x186d780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x186d800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x186d880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x186d900) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -335,10 +219,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1a26040) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1a26480) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -351,10 +231,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1b47080) 0
   QString (0x1b470c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1b471c0) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -366,10 +242,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1b47400) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1b47a00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -394,15 +266,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1b47880) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1b47d40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1b47c80) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -425,25 +289,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1b47f80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1b47fc0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1c9f1c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1c9f140) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1c9f440) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1c9f380) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -535,10 +387,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1c9fa80) 0
   QObject (0x1c9fac0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1c9fa80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1c9fd00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -558,25 +406,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1d842c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1d844c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1d84540) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1d84740) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1d84680) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -584,15 +420,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1d84800) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1d84840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1d84d00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1d84d80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -748,10 +576,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1f1b5c0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1f1b880) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -842,50 +666,22 @@ QFile (0x1fae440) 0
     QObject (0x1fae4c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1fae480)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1fae680) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1fae6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1fae780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1fae800) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1fae9c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1fae900) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1faea80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1faebc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1faec80) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35u entries
@@ -945,10 +741,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x1faeec0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1faefc0) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -999,90 +791,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x210c1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x210c2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x210c340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x210c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x210c440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x210c4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x210c540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x210c5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x210c640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x210c6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x210c740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x210c7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x210c840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x210c8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x210c940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x210c9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x210ca40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x210cac0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1109,50 +833,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x210cb00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x21b7040) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x210cdc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x21b7240) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x21b7180) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x21b74c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x21b7600) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21b76c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21b7740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21b77c0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1230,15 +922,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x21b7a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x228c140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x228c1c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1265,10 +949,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x228c240) 0
   QObject (0x228c280) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x228c240)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x228c480) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1313,20 +993,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x228c6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x228c880) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x228c940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x228ca80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1496,10 +1168,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x228cec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x23860c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1591,20 +1259,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x2386c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2386cc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x2386d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2386e00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1616,10 +1276,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x2386ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2386f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1907,10 +1563,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x24b7740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x24b7880) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1932,80 +1584,48 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x24b7ac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x24b7b40) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x25c1300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x25c1500) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x25c1580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x25c1740) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x25c17c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x25c1940) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x25c19c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x25c1e40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x25c1340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x25c1c00) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x268e100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x268e180) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x268e300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x268e3c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2017,50 +1637,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x268e980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x268ea00) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x268eb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x268ef40) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x27f2000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x27f2400) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x27f2780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x27f2940) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x27f2bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x27f2d80) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2087,10 +1687,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x2961800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2961980) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2394,15 +1990,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=28 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2b00300) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2b004c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2b00400) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2676,15 +2264,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2b63cc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2b63e00) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2b63e80) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -2968,25 +2548,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2bd5340) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c2e180) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c2e200) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c2e280) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2c2e100) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2998,45 +2562,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2c2e540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2c2e600) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2c2e680) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2c2e980) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2c2e880) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c2eac0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c2eb40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c2ebc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2c2ea40) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3681,10 +3217,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2e6adc0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2e6ae80) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2e6acc0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4379,10 +3911,6 @@ QImage (0x2ff55c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2ff5600) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2ff55c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2ff5900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4427,10 +3955,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x2ff5c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x30ed040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4760,15 +4284,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x3175600) 0
   QObject (0x3175640) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x3175600)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x31758c0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x3175800) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5073,10 +4589,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3218440) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x32184c0) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3218740) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5284,15 +4796,7 @@ QStyle (0x3218c40) 0
   QObject (0x3218c80) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x3218c40)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3218ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3218f40) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -5569,10 +5073,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x331dd80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x331ddc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x331dc80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5580,10 +5080,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x331dfc0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x331d140) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x33bd280) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5603,10 +5099,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x33bd600) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33bd640) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x33bd9c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5664,15 +5156,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x344c7c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x344c800) 0
     QStyleOption (0x344c840) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x344ccc0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x344cc00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5681,10 +5165,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x344ca00) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x344ca40) 0
     QStyleOption (0x344ca80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x344c5c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5837,10 +5317,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x34bda40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x34bdd40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5871,20 +5347,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x34bde00) 0
   QObject (0x34bde40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x34bde00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x34bd140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3587040) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x34bd940) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6014,10 +5478,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x3587200) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3587300) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x3587580) 0
 Vtable for QFileIconProvider
 QFileIconProvider::_ZTV17QFileIconProvider: 7u entries
@@ -6269,15 +5729,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3587e40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x365c100) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x365c000) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6418,15 +5870,7 @@ QListView (0x365c340) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x365c480) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x365c8c0) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x365c7c0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7150,25 +6594,9 @@ QTreeView (0x3720cc0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3720e00) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3805040) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3720840) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3805240) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3805180) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8015,15 +7443,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x396df40) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x396d9c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x396d280) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8031,15 +7451,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x396dd00) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3a18000) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3a18440) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3a18340) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8052,90 +7464,38 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x3a18800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x3a18880) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x3a18940) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3a18a40) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3a18ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3a18b40) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x3a18bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3b35240) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x3b35140) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3b35440) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x3b35340) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3b35640) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x3b35540) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3b35840) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x3b35740) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3b358c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3b35980) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3b35b40) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -8170,10 +7530,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3b35a00) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3b35e00) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8190,25 +7546,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x3b35e40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x3c85240) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3c85140) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3b35d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3c85300) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8306,10 +7650,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3c85c40) 0
     QObject (0x3c85cc0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3c85c80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x3c85fc0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -8631,25 +7971,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x3d2ed40) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x3d2e600) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x3d2ef80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x3db81c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x3db80c0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8704,15 +8032,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x3db8740) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3db89c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3db88c0) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8762,10 +8082,6 @@ QTextDocument (0x3db8cc0) 0
   QObject (0x3db8d00) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x3db8cc0)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x3db8c00) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8777,15 +8093,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x3ede080) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x3ede2c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3ede1c0) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -8952,10 +8260,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x3edec80) 0
     QObject (0x3eded00) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x3edecc0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x3f690c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -8967,25 +8271,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x3f69180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x3f69580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x3f69640) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x3f69700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x3f69900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextList
 QTextList::_ZTV9QTextList: 17u entries
@@ -9587,10 +8879,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x40ae140) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x40ae240) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x40ae440) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -9751,10 +9039,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x40ae700) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x40ae780) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x40aea40) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -11480,10 +10764,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x432f940) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x432fa40) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x432fcc0) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -12206,10 +11486,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0x44f99c0) 0
       QObject (0x44f9a80) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x44f9a40)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x44f9c80) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -12347,15 +11623,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=20 base align=4
 QSqlField (0x45cd3c0) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x45cd640) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x45cd580) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -12871,29 +12139,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x46889c0) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x4688cc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x4688d00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x4688cc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x4688d40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x4688d00)
 Class Q3PointArray
    size=4 align=4
@@ -12902,21 +12148,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0x4752100) 0
   QPolygon (0x4752140) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0x4752180) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4752740) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x4752640) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x4752780) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x47527c0) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -13554,28 +12787,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x4885680) 0
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x4885940) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x4885980) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x4885940)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x48859c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x4885980)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -14110,29 +13322,7 @@ Q3Wizard (0x4908ec0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x4908f80) 8
           vptr=((& Q3Wizard::_ZTV8Q3Wizard) + 308u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x49b3000) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x49b3040) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x49b3000)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x49b3080) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x49b3040)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -14160,11 +13350,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x49b3200) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x49b32c0) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x49b3280)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x49b36c0) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x49b3700) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -15197,29 +14382,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x4b99340) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x4b99380) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x4b99340)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x4b99640) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x4b99680) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x4b99640)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x4b996c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x4b99680)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -15339,28 +14502,7 @@ Class Q3GArray
 Q3GArray (0x4b99ac0) 0
     vptr=((& Q3GArray::_ZTV8Q3GArray) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x4b99040) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x4b99280) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x4b99040)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x4b99440) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x4b99280)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -15471,100 +14613,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x4c8e780) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x4c8e8c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x4c8e900) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x4c8e8c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x4c8e940) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x4c8e900)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x4c8eb40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x4c8eb80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x4c8eb40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x4c8ebc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x4c8eb80)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x4c8edc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x4c8ee00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x4c8edc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x4c8ee40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x4c8ee00)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x4c8e3c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x4c8e540) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x4c8e3c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x4c8e840) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x4c8e540)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -15878,15 +14933,7 @@ Q3Ftp (0x4d34600) 0
     QObject (0x4d34680) 0
         primary-for Q3NetworkProtocol (0x4d34640)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x4d34980) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x4d348c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -16900,21 +15947,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x4f4d340) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x4f4d6c0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x4f4d5c0) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x4f4d700) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x4f4d740) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16923,31 +15957,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x4f4d8c0) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x4f4d900) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x4f4d940) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x4f4db40) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x4f4da80) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x4f4dec0) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x4f4df00) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x4f4df40) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x4f4d2c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3SqlSelectCursor
 Q3SqlSelectCursor::_ZTV17Q3SqlSelectCursor: 40u entries
@@ -17007,15 +16020,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x4fe5300) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4fe55c0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x4fe54c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -17054,25 +16059,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x4fe5800) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x4fe59c0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x4fe5900) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x4fe5d40) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x4fe5c80) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -17280,10 +16269,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x4fe5a00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x5086000) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x50862c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3MultiLineEdit
 Q3MultiLineEdit::_ZTV15Q3MultiLineEdit: 192u entries
@@ -17944,70 +16929,11 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x5086540) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x518d080) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x518d0c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x518d080)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x518d100) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x518d0c0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x518d4c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x518d500) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x518d4c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x518d540) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x518d500)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x518d900) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x518d940) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x518d900)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x518d980) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x518d940)
 Class Q3CString
    size=4 align=4
@@ -18015,49 +16941,9 @@ Class Q3CString
 Q3CString (0x518dcc0) 0
   QByteArray (0x518dd00) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x521c9c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x521ca00) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x521c9c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x521ca40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x521ca00)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x521cd00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x521cd40) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x521cd00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x521cd80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x521cd40)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -18084,76 +16970,11 @@ Q3ObjectDictionary (0x521cec0) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x521cf80) 0
           primary-for Q3GDict (0x521cf40)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x52a5300) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x52a5340) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x52a5300)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x52a5380) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x52a5340)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x52a5780) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x52a57c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x52a5780)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x52a5800) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x52a57c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x52a5c00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x52a5c40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x52a5c00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x52a5c80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x52a5c40)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -18193,29 +17014,7 @@ Q3Signal (0x52a5f40) 0
   QObject (0x52a5f80) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x52a5f40)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x5314080) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x53140c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x5314080)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5314100) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x53140c0)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -18521,15 +17320,7 @@ Q3GroupBox (0x538c1c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x538c280) 8
           vptr=((& Q3GroupBox::_ZTV10Q3GroupBox) + 236u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x538c700) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x538c640) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -19242,25 +18033,9 @@ Q3DockWindow (0x5407a80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x5407b80) 8
             vptr=((& Q3DockWindow::_ZTV12Q3DockWindow) + 304u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x5407f80) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x5407ec0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x5407c40) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x54074c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -19325,10 +18100,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x5407d40) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x5407dc0) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x54d1680) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -20378,188 +19149,40 @@ Q3WidgetStack (0x57b5140) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x57b5240) 8
             vptr=((& Q3WidgetStack::_ZTV13Q3WidgetStack) + 248u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x582a580) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x584e400) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x596b0c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x596b300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x596b5c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x596bcc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x599ca40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x599cc00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x599cdc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x599cf80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x59c1c00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x59c1ec0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x59df1c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x59df4c0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x5a03100) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=56 align=4
-   base size=56 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x5a23dc0) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x5aef6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x5aef880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x5b1c1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x5b1c400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x5b1c880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x5b1cd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x5b38940) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x5b75200) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x5b75440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x5b757c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x5b75880) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x5b75c40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x5b75f80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x5bab600) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x5babd00) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x5bf6a40) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x5bf6bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x5bf6d80) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x5bf6e40) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x5c24540) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x5c247c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 8ac62de..7afe2b3 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x40b2c000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x40b2c0c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x40b2c100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x40b2c140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40b2c180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40b2c1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40b2c200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40b2c240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40b2c280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40b2c2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40b2c300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40b2c340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40b2c380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40b2c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40b2c400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40b2c440) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40b2c480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40b2c640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40b2c6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40b2c740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40b2c7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40b2c840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40b2c8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40b2c940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40b2c9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40b2ca40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40b2cac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40b2cb40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40b2cbc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40b2cd00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40b2cd40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40b2cf40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x42447040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x42447100) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x42447800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x42447880) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x42447ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x42447c00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x42447dc0) 0
   QString (0x42447e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x42447e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x426fe340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x426fe780) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x426fe6c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x426fe9c0) 0
   QObject (0x426fea00) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x426fe9c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x426feb40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x426fed00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x426fed40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x428612c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x428618c0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x428617c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x42861b40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x42861a80) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x42861c00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42861c80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x42861d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42861cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42861d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42861d80) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x42861e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x42861f00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x42861ec0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x42861f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42861fc0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x42861140) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x42a00000) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x42a00340) 0
   QTextStream (0x42a00380) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x42a00340)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x42a00540) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x42a00580) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x42a00500) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a005c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a00600) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a00640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a00680) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,10 +485,6 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x42a00700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a00740) 0
 Class __sched_param
    size=4 align=4
@@ -721,45 +501,17 @@ Class __pthread_attr_s
    base size=36 base align=4
 __pthread_attr_s (0x42a00800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a00840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a00880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a008c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a00900) 0
 Class _pthread_rwlock_t
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 _pthread_rwlock_t (0x42a00940) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a00980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a009c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x42a00a00) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -830,10 +582,6 @@ QFile (0x42a00f40) 0
     QObject (0x42a00fc0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x42a00f80)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x42a00ec0) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -886,50 +634,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x42b31180) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x42b31200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x42b31240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x42b31380) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x42b312c0) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x42b313c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x42b31440) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x42b31480) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x42b315c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x42b31500) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -937,30 +657,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x42b31600) 0
   QList<QString> (0x42b31640) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x42b31880) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x42b31900) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x42b31b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x42b31bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x42b31c40) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1017,10 +721,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x42b31c80) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x42b31e40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1175,110 +875,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x42c4e200) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x42c4e2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x42c4e300) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x42c4e340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x42c4e3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x42c4e400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x42c4e440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x42c4e480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x42c4e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x42c4e500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x42c4e540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x42c4e580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x42c4e5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x42c4e600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x42c4e640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x42c4e680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x42c4e6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x42c4e700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x42c4e740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x42c4e780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x42c4e7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x42c4e800) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1305,35 +925,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x42c4e840) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x42c4ee00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x42c4ed40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x42c4ef80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x42c4eec0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x42c4efc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x42d4f0c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1365,80 +965,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x42d4f300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x42d4f740) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x42d4f800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x42d4fc40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x42d4fd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x42d4fd80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x42d4fe80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x42d4ff00) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x42d4f180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x42d4f640) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x42d4f9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x42e54180) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x42e54380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x42e54580) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x42e54680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x42e54800) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1455,10 +1023,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x42e54e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x42e54ec0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1475,40 +1039,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x42e54440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x42e544c0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x4302e080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x4302e200) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x4302e240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x4302e3c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x4302e400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x4302e540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1668,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x4302ecc0) 0
   QObject (0x4302ed00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x4302ecc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x4302ee40) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1763,20 +1307,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x4302ed80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x43146040) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x43146080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x43146140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1996,10 +1532,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x43146740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x43146800) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2094,20 +1626,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x43146b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x43146bc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x43146c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x43146c80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2119,10 +1643,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x43146d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x43146d80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2245,25 +1765,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x43245200) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x43245340) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x43245380) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x432453c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x43245300) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2280,55 +1784,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x43245800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x43245940) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x43245980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x432459c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x43245a00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x43245bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x43245b00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x43245c40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x43245c80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x43245cc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x43245c00) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -2358,25 +1830,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x43245e80) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x43245780) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x43245480) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x4330b080) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x43245f40) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2516,10 +1976,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x4330b740) 0
     QObject (0x4330b7c0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x4330b780)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x4330ba40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -2544,25 +2000,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x4330bb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x4330bd40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x4330bd80) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x4330bdc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x4330bec0) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2622,20 +2066,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x4330b840) 0
   QObject (0x4340e000) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x4330b840)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x4340e140) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x4340e180) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x4340e200) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2686,10 +2122,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x4340e880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x4340e9c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2987,15 +2419,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x434dea40) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x434debc0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x434deb00) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3294,15 +2718,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x435409c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x43540c00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x43540b40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3351,10 +2767,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x43540280) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x43540580) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3377,15 +2789,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x435f4240) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x435f4400) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x435f4340) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4238,10 +3642,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x43761640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x43761740) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x437618c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4327,10 +3727,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x43761900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x43761a00) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x43761b40) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4766,10 +4162,6 @@ QImage (0x43838240) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x43838280) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x43838240)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x43838380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4876,10 +4268,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x43838740) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x43838800) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x438387c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x43838900) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -4999,10 +4387,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x43838f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x43838100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -5154,15 +4538,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x43956540) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x43956740) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x43956680) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5170,15 +4546,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x43956780) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x439567c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x43956a40) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x43956980) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5191,60 +4559,20 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x43956c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x43956c80) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x43956cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x43956dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x43956f40) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x43956e80) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x43956580) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x43956100) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x43a82100) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x43a82040) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x43a82280) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x43a821c0) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5292,15 +4620,7 @@ QStyle (0x43a822c0) 0
   QObject (0x43a82300) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x43a822c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x43a82440) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x43a824c0) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5318,25 +4638,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x43a82680) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x43a82a80) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43a829c0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x43a82800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43a82ac0) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5348,15 +4656,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x43a82b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x43a82bc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x43a82cc0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5391,30 +4691,18 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x43a82c00) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x43a82e40) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x43a82d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x43a82ec0) 0
 Class QItemSelectionRange
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x43a82f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x43a82380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5445,20 +4733,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x43a82780) 0
   QObject (0x43a82c40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x43a82780)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x43bfc000) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x43bfc140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x43bfc080) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5466,10 +4742,6 @@ Class QItemSelection
 QItemSelection (0x43bfc180) 0
   QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x43bfc1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x43bfc300) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5757,10 +5029,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x43bfc9c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x43bfca80) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x43bfcb80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6179,10 +5447,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x43d1e280) 0
   QStyleOption (0x43d1e2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x43d1e500) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6209,10 +5473,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x43d1e980) 0
   QStyleOption (0x43d1e9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x43d1ec00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6220,10 +5480,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x43d1eb00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x43d1eb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x43d1ee40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6238,10 +5494,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x43d1ef40) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x43d1ef80) 0
     QStyleOption (0x43d1efc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x43d1edc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6268,10 +5520,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x43db2280) 0
   QStyleOption (0x43db22c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x43db24c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6329,15 +5577,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x43db2f80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x43db2fc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x43db2100) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x43db2e00) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x43db2a00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6346,10 +5586,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x43db2500) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x43db2640) 0
     QStyleOption (0x43db2780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x43e36200) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6544,10 +5780,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x43e369c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x43e36b00) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x43e36c40) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6730,15 +5962,7 @@ QListView (0x43e36e00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x43e36f80) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x43e36940) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x43e36400) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7780,15 +7004,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x43fe7480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x43fe7780) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x43fe76c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7805,25 +7021,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x43fe7600) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x43fe7a00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x43fe7940) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x43fe7b80) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x43fe7ac0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8050,15 +7250,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x43fe7c00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x440d8000) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x440d8080) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8906,15 +8098,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x44175b40) 0
   QObject (0x44175b80) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x44175b40)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x44175d80) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x44175cc0) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9055,10 +8239,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x44175300) 0
     QObject (0x44175680) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x441754c0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x44175fc0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10586,10 +9766,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x443531c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x44353a80) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x44353fc0) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10749,10 +9925,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x444051c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x44405280) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x444053c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12638,15 +11810,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0x4461bc40) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x4461be40) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x4461bd80) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -12654,10 +11818,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x4461bc80) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x4461bcc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x4461bf00) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -13334,29 +12494,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x44710f40) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x44710f80) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x44710f40)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x44710940) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x44710b00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x44710940)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44710d40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x44710b00)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -13513,29 +12651,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x447ea580) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x447ea780) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x447ea7c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x447ea780)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x447ea800) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x447ea7c0)
 Class Q3BaseBucket
    size=8 align=4
@@ -13592,28 +12708,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x447eae00) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x447eaf40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x447eaf80) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x447eaf40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x447eafc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x447eaf80)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -13724,100 +12819,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x448e7440) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x448e7500) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x448e7540) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x448e7500)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x448e7580) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x448e7540)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x448e76c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x448e7700) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x448e76c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x448e7740) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x448e7700)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x448e7880) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x448e78c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x448e7880)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x448e7900) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x448e78c0)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x448e7a40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x448e7a80) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x448e7a40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x448e7ac0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x448e7a80)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -14541,21 +13549,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x449a7340) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x449a76c0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x449a7600) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x449a7700) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x449a7740) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14564,31 +13559,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x449a77c0) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x449a7800) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x449a7840) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x449a7a00) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x449a7940) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x449a7c40) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x449a7c80) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x449a7cc0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x449a7d80) 0
 Vtable for Q3DataView
 Q3DataView::_ZTV10Q3DataView: 69u entries
@@ -14679,15 +13653,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x449a7f40) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x449a7d00) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x449a72c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -14748,25 +13714,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x44a99180) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x44a99300) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x44a99240) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x44a99640) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x44a99580) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -14974,10 +13924,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x44a99980) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x44a99b00) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x44a99c80) 0
 Vtable for Q3SyntaxHighlighter
 Q3SyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV19Q3SyntaxHighlighter: 5u entries
@@ -15907,28 +14853,7 @@ Class Q3Url
 Q3Url (0x44b4d7c0) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Url::_ZTV5Q3Url) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x44b4d980) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x44b4d9c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x44b4d980)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44b4da00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x44b4d9c0)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -16289,29 +15214,7 @@ Q3Accel (0x44c01380) 0
   QObject (0x44c013c0) 0
       primary-for Q3Accel (0x44c01380)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x44c014c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x44c01500) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x44c014c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44c01540) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x44c01500)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -16339,11 +15242,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x44c01600) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x44c016c0) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x44c01680)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x44c018c0) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x44c01900) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -16899,29 +15797,7 @@ Class Q3CString
 Q3CString (0x44ca5f40) 0
   QByteArray (0x44ca5f80) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x44d2b180) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x44d2b1c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x44d2b180)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44d2b200) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x44d2b1c0)
 Vtable for Q3Signal
 Q3Signal::_ZTV8Q3Signal: 14u entries
@@ -16948,75 +15824,11 @@ Q3Signal (0x44d2b340) 0
   QObject (0x44d2b380) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x44d2b340)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x44d2b580) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x44d2b5c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x44d2b580)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44d2b600) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x44d2b5c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x44d2b840) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x44d2b880) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x44d2b840)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44d2b8c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x44d2b880)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x44d2b9c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x44d2ba00) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x44d2b9c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44d2ba40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x44d2ba00)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -17067,91 +15879,13 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x44d2be80) 0
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x44d2bfc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x44d2b240) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x44d2bfc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44d2b2c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x44d2b240)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x44dfc0c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x44dfc100) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x44dfc0c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44dfc140) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x44dfc100)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x44dfc380) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x44dfc3c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x44dfc380)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44dfc400) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x44dfc3c0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x44dfc740) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x44dfc780) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x44dfc740)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44dfc7c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x44dfc780)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -17166,29 +15900,7 @@ Class Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore (0x44dfc980) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x44dfca80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x44dfcac0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x44dfca80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x44dfcb00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x44dfcac0)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -17283,21 +15995,8 @@ Class Q3PaintDeviceMetrics
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3PaintDeviceMetrics (0x44e8e440) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x44e8e600) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x44e8e540) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x44e8e640) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x44e8e680) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -18634,15 +17333,7 @@ Q3SocketDevice (0x4504e1c0) 0
     QObject (0x4504e240) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x4504e200)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x4504e480) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x4504e3c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -19967,15 +18658,7 @@ Q3VBox (0x450fe500) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x450feec0) 8
               vptr=((& Q3VBox::_ZTV6Q3VBox) + 244u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x45197340) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x45197280) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -20992,25 +19675,9 @@ Q3MainWindow (0x45229740) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x45229800) 8
         vptr=((& Q3MainWindow::_ZTV12Q3MainWindow) + 328u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x45229b00) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x45229a40) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x45229c80) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x45229bc0) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -21075,10 +19742,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x452298c0) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x45229980) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x45229fc0) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -21163,193 +19826,41 @@ Q3DockArea (0x45229e00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x45229ec0) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockArea::_ZTV10Q3DockArea) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x45341400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x45341780) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x45341e40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x45385d40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x453ce380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x453ce540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x453cecc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x45414000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x454145c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x45414700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x45414840) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x45414980) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x45414d40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x45493ec0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x454d4000) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x454d4600) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=52 align=4
-   base size=52 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x454d4f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x455af180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x455af400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x455af680) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x455e12c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x455e13c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x455e1680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x455e1c40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x45635180) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x456352c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x45635440) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x45635600) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x456357c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x45635980) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x45635a40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x45635d40) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x456b1040) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x456b1180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x456b1340) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x456b1400) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x456b1840) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x456b1980) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 58b4f2a..83bd8d3 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x307394d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x307396c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x30739770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x30739818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x307398c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x30739968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x30739a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30739ab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x30739b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x30739c08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x30739cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x30739d58) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x30739e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x30739ea8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30739f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30771000) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x30771070) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30771578) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x307715e8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x30771658) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x307716c8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30771738) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x307717a8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x30771818) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x30771888) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x307718f8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30771968) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x307719d8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30771a48) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187bc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x30771b60) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x30771d20) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x30771e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30771ea8) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x324a5b98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x324a5ee0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x325d7498) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x325d77e0) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x30187e00) 0
   QString (0x32704268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x32704348) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x32704a80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x32704fc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x32704f18) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187ec0) 0
   QObject (0x327ef3b8) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187ec0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x327ef5b0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x327efce8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x327efd58) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x32891460) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x32891b28) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x328919d8) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x32891e00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x32891d58) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x32891f18) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x32891fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x32891c08) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x32891738) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x329f5038) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x329f50a8) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x329f51f8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x329f52d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329f5268) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x329f5348) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x329f53b8) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x329f53f0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x329f5620) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x329870c0) 0
   QTextStream (0x329f5b98) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x329870c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x329f5e70) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x329f5ee0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x329f5e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x329f5f50) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x329f5fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x329f59d8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x32a77000) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,70 +485,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x32a77070) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x32a770e0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x32a77150) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32a77230) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x32a771c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x32a772a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32a77380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x32a77310) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x32a773f0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32a774d0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x32a77460) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x32a77540) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x32a775b0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x32a77620) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -835,10 +567,6 @@ QFile (0x32987100) 0
     QObject (0x32a77c40) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x32987140)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x32a77dc8) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -891,50 +619,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x32a77f18) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x32a77fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x32a77d20) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x32ba7118) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x32ba7070) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x32ba71c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x32ba7380) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x32ba73f0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x32ba75b0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x32ba7508) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -942,30 +642,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x32987240) 0
   QList<QString> (0x32ba7658) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x32ba7a80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x32ba7af0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x32ba7e00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x32ba7f18) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x32ba7f88) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1022,10 +706,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x32ba7fc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x32c6a1f8) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1180,110 +860,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x32c6a6c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x32c6a850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x32c6a8c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x32c6a930) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x32c6aa48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x32c6aaf0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x32c6ab98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x32c6ac40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x32c6ace8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x32c6ad90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x32c6ae38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x32c6aee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x32c6af88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x32c6a310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x32c6a658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x32d03070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x32d03118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x32d031c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x32d03268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x32d03310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x32d033b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x32d03460) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1310,35 +910,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x32d034d0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x32d03a80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x32d039d8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x32d03c40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x32d03b98) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x32d03e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x32d03f18) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1370,80 +950,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x32ddd310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x32ddd700) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x32ddd8f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x32dddce8) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x32dddf18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x32dddf88) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x32ddd498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x32ddd5e8) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x32dddb60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x32e7a268) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x32e7a540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x32e7a8c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x32e7ac40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x32e7ae38) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x32e7a0e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x32e7a658) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1460,10 +1008,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x32f77888) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x32f779a0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1480,40 +1024,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x32f77cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x32f77d20) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x32f77f18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x330bb038) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x330bb0a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x330bb2a0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x330bb310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x330bb460) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1673,10 +1201,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x32987780) 0
   QObject (0x330bbfc0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x32987780)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x330bb818) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1768,20 +1292,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x33166818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x331669a0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x33166a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x33166b28) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2001,10 +1517,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x33166cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x33216038) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2099,20 +1611,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x33216460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x33216508) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x33216578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x33216620) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2124,10 +1628,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x332166c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x33216770) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2250,25 +1750,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x332163f0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x332bb150) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x332bb1c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x332bb230) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x332bb0e0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2285,55 +1769,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x332bb690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x332bb818) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x332bb888) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x332bb930) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x332bb9a0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x332bbbd0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x332bbaf0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x332bbce8) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x332bbd58) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x332bbdc8) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x332bbc78) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2363,25 +1815,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x332bbea8) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x332bbee0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x332bb5b0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x333592d8) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x333591f8) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2521,10 +1961,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x333f4000) 0
     QObject (0x333598f8) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x333f4040)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x33359d90) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -2549,25 +1985,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x33359f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x3342a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x3342a268) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x3342a2d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x3342a498) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2627,20 +2051,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x333f4080) 0
   QObject (0x3342a770) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x333f4080)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x3342a930) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x3342a968) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3342aa48) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2691,10 +2107,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x3342ac78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x334e9038) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2992,15 +2404,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x3355c230) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x3355c3b8) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x3355c310) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3299,15 +2703,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x335b8620) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x335b88c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x335b87e0) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3356,10 +2752,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x335b8ce8) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x335b8e00) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3382,15 +2774,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x33667188) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x33667380) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x336672a0) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -4243,10 +3627,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x337c43c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33746888) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x338350e0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4332,10 +3712,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x337c44c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33835268) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x33835460) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4771,10 +4147,6 @@ QImage (0x337c4980) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x33835ea8) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x337c4980)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x33835cb0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4881,10 +4253,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x337c4a40) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x3391d508) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x337c4a80)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x3391d700) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -5004,10 +4372,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x3391dee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3391df50) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -5159,15 +4523,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x339d17e0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x339d1ab8) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x339d19d8) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5175,15 +4531,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x337c4e00) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x339d1b28) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x339d1ee0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x339d1e00) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5196,60 +4544,20 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x33a55118) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x33a55188) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x33a55230) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x33a55700) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x33a55888) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x33a557a8) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x33a55a48) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x33a55968) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x33a55c08) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x33a55b28) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x33a55dc8) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x33a55ce8) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5297,15 +4605,7 @@ QStyle (0x337c4e80) 0
   QObject (0x33a55e38) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x337c4e80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x33a55348) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x33baf000) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5323,25 +4623,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x33baf268) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x33baf700) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x33baf620) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x33baf460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x33baf7a8) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5353,15 +4641,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x33baf9a0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x33bafa48) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x33bafbd0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5396,30 +4676,18 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x33bafab8) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x33bafdc8) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x33bafd20) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x33bafe38) 0
 Class QItemSelectionRange
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x33bafe70) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x33c7f000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5450,20 +4718,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x337c4f40) 0
   QObject (0x33c7f0a8) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x337c4f40)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x33c7f230) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x33c7f380) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x33c7f2d8) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5471,10 +4727,6 @@ Class QItemSelection
 QItemSelection (0x337c4f80) 0
   QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x33c7f428) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x33c7f5b0) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5762,10 +5014,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x33cd7240) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x33c7fe00) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x33c7f540) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6184,10 +5432,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x33cd7600) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33d63968) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x33d63c08) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6214,10 +5458,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x33cd7740) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33d63a10) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x33e09230) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6225,10 +5465,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x33cd77c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33e090e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x33e09498) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6243,10 +5479,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x33cd7880) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x33cd78c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x33e095b0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x33e09930) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6273,10 +5505,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x33cd7a00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33e09cb0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x33e09f88) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6334,15 +5562,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x33cd7c80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x33cd7cc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x33e919a0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x33e91d20) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x33e91c78) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6351,10 +5571,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x33cd7d00) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x33cd7d40) 0
     QStyleOption (0x33e91b28) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x33e91038) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6549,10 +5765,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x33f23040) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x33f065e8) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x33f067e0) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6735,15 +5947,7 @@ QListView (0x33f23240) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x33f06968) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x33f06ce8) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x33f06c08) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7785,15 +6989,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x33fd6e38) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x340ee380) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x340ee268) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7810,25 +7006,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x340ee188) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x340ee7e0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x340ee700) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x340ee968) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x340ee8c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8055,15 +7235,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x34189070) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x34189150) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x341891c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8911,15 +8083,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x34184980) 0
   QObject (0x342926c8) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x34184980)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x342928f8) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x34292850) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9060,10 +8224,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x34184a80) 0
     QObject (0x34292d58) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x34184ac0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x34292f50) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10591,10 +9751,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x3437fa40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x34434fc0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x34434af0) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10754,11 +9910,7 @@ QDockWidget (0x3437fc00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x344e7188) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x344e73f0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
 0     (int (*)(...))0
@@ -12643,15 +11795,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0x34780268) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x34780428) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x34780380) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -12659,10 +11803,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x34591dc0) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x347802a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x34780578) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -13339,29 +12479,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x34838480) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x348657a8) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x34838480)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x34838540) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x34838580) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x34838540)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x348659a0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x34838580)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -13518,29 +12636,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x34946070) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x348387c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x34838800) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x348387c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34946268) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x34838800)
 Class Q3BaseBucket
    size=8 align=4
@@ -13597,28 +12693,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x349467a8) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x34838a80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x34838ac0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x34838a80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x349469a0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x34838ac0)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -13729,100 +12804,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x34946fc0) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x34838d00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x34838d40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x34838d00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34946c78) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x34838d40)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x34838d80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x34838dc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x34838d80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34a18118) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x34838dc0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x34838e00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x34838e40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x34838e00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34a182d8) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x34838e40)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x34838e80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x34838ec0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x34838e80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34a184d0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x34838ec0)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -14546,21 +13534,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x34ad1150) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x34ad15e8) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x34ad1508) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x34a4f340) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x34ad1620) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14569,31 +13544,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x34a4f3c0) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x34a4f400) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x34ad1738) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x34ad18f8) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x34ad1850) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x34ad1c08) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x34a4f440) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x34ad1c40) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x34ad1ce8) 0
 Vtable for Q3DataView
 Q3DataView::_ZTV10Q3DataView: 69u entries
@@ -14684,15 +13638,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x34ad1c78) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x34b8d1c0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x34b8d0a8) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -14753,25 +13699,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x34b8d578) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x34b8d700) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x34b8d658) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x34b8d9a0) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x34b8d8f8) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -14979,10 +13909,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x34a4f680) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x34b8dcb0) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x34b8dee0) 0
 Vtable for Q3SyntaxHighlighter
 Q3SyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV19Q3SyntaxHighlighter: 5u entries
@@ -15912,28 +14838,7 @@ Class Q3Url
 Q3Url (0x34c4e888) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Url::_ZTV5Q3Url) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x34a4ff40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x34a4ff80) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x34a4ff40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34c4eab8) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x34a4ff80)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -16294,29 +15199,7 @@ Q3Accel (0x34ce02c0) 0
   QObject (0x34d099a0) 0
       primary-for Q3Accel (0x34ce02c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x34ce0300) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x34ce0340) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x34ce0300)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34d09b60) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x34ce0340)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -16344,11 +15227,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x34ce0380) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x34d09cb0) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x34ce0400)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x34ce0440) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x34d09268) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -16904,29 +15782,7 @@ Class Q3CString
 Q3CString (0x34ce0bc0) 0
   QByteArray (0x34ddce38) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x34ce0c80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x34ce0cc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x34ce0c80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34e43818) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x34ce0cc0)
 Vtable for Q3Signal
 Q3Signal::_ZTV8Q3Signal: 14u entries
@@ -16953,75 +15809,11 @@ Q3Signal (0x34ce0d00) 0
   QObject (0x34e43a10) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x34ce0d00)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x34ce0dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x34ce0e00) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x34ce0dc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34e43cb0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x34ce0e00)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x34ce0f00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x34ce0f40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x34ce0f00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34e43f88) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x34ce0f40)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x34ce0f80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x34ce0fc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x34ce0f80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34ece000) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x34ce0fc0)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -17072,91 +15864,13 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x34ece498) 0
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x34ed41c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x34ed4200) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x34ed41c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34ece5b0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x34ed4200)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x34ed4340) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x34ed4380) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x34ed4340)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34ece8c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x34ed4380)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x34ed4480) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x34ed44c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x34ed4480)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34eceb60) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x34ed44c0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x34ed4600) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x34ed4640) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x34ed4600)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34ecef50) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x34ed4640)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -17171,29 +15885,7 @@ Class Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore (0x34f7a000) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x34ed4700) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x34ed4740) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x34ed4700)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34f7a1c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x34ed4740)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -17288,21 +15980,8 @@ Class Q3PaintDeviceMetrics
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3PaintDeviceMetrics (0x34f7a0e0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x34fd7118) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x34fd7038) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x34ed4a80) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x34fd7150) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -18639,15 +17318,7 @@ Q3SocketDevice (0x3506d6c0) 0
     QObject (0x351811c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3506d700)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x35181428) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x35181380) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -19972,15 +18643,7 @@ Q3VBox (0x3527c2c0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x352cc000) 8
               vptr=((& Q3VBox::_ZTV6Q3VBox) + 244u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x352cc348) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x352cc2a0) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -20997,25 +19660,9 @@ Q3MainWindow (0x3527ce40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3536c738) 8
         vptr=((& Q3MainWindow::_ZTV12Q3MainWindow) + 328u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3536cab8) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x3536ca10) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x3536cc40) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x3536cb98) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -21080,10 +19727,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x3527cec0) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x3536c968) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x3536cd58) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -21168,193 +19811,41 @@ Q3DockArea (0x3527cf80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3536c620) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockArea::_ZTV10Q3DockArea) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x35480380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x35480ab8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x3549c8c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x354eb4d0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3550a188) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3550a428) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x355274d0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x35527af0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x35563658) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x355637e0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x35563968) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x35563af0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3557f268) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x355f39a0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x355f3b98) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x35614850) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=56 align=8
-   base size=56 base align=8
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x35637e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x356bdfc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x356e53b8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x356e57a8) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x35701ce8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x35701e70) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x35724310) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x35724c40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x357526c8) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x357528c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x35752e38) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x35797380) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x357979a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x35797c40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x35797ce8) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x357c8150) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x357c8a80) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x357c8c78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x357c8f18) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x357c8fc0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x357ef5e8) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x357ef818) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index 937efcf..0f44ea7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x6b5940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x6b5b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x6b5c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x6b5d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x6b5dc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x6b5e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x6b5f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x262c000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x262c0c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x262c180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x262c240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x262c300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x262c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x262c480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x262c540) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x262c840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x262c940) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x26b1040) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x26b1080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x26b1300) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x26b1fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x2745380) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x2745840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x27458c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x2745940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x27459c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x2745a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x2745ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x2745b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x2745bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x2745c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x2745cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x2745d40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x2745dc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x28c0500) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x28c0940) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x2a27540) 0
   QString (0x2a27580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x2a27680) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x2a27f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x2a884c0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x2a88340) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x2a88800) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x2a88740) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x2a88a40) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x2a88a80) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x2a88d40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x2a88cc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x2a88fc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x2a88f00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x2bbe540) 0
   QObject (0x2bbe580) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x2bbe540)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x2bbe7c0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x2bbee80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x2bbe680) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x2c8f000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2c8f200) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x2c8f140) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x2c8f2c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x2c8f300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x2c8f7c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x2c8f840) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x2d06600) 0
     QObject (0x2d06680) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2d06640)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x2d06840) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x2d06880) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x2d06940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x2d069c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2d06b80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x2d06ac0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x2d06c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x2d06d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x2d06e00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x2d06e40) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x2e1c000) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x2e1c500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x2e1c580) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x2eaf940) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x2eafc00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1041,35 +829,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x300a680) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x300ae40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x300aec0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x300adc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x300af40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x300afc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303c000) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1182,95 +950,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x303ca80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x303cbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x303cc80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x303cd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x303ce00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x303cec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x303cf80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x303c800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x3158040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x3158100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x31581c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x3158280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x3158340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x3158400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x31584c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x3158580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x3158640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x3158700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x31587c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1297,50 +993,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x3158840) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3158ec0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x3158e00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3158b80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x3158a00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31e4240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31e4380) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31e4440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31e44c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31e4540) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1418,15 +1082,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x31e4d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x31e4f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x31e4fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1453,10 +1109,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x31e4100) 0
   QObject (0x31e4800) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x31e4100)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x32c4140) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1501,20 +1153,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x32c4380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x32c4540) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x32c45c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x32c4700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1684,10 +1328,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x32c4e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x32c4f00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1779,20 +1419,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x3372900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x33729c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x3372a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3372b00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1804,10 +1436,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x3372bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x3372c80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2095,10 +1723,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x34a4400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x34a4540) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2110,70 +1734,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x34a4740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x34a4940) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x34a49c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x34a4c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x34a4c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x34a4e00) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x34a4e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x34a4f40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x3538240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x35386c0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x35389c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x3538a40) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x3538bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x3538c80) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2185,50 +1781,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x3650000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x3650080) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x36501c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x36505c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x3650980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x3650d80) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x3650a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x3650cc0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x3706240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x3706400) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2250,10 +1826,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x3706dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x3706f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2572,15 +2144,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x38d8a80) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x38d8c40) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x38d8b80) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2869,15 +2433,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x395d280) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x395d3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x395d440) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3161,25 +2717,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x39c4700) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x39c4a40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x39c4ac0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x39c4b40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x39c49c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3191,45 +2731,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x39c4e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x39c4ec0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x39c4f40) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x39c4c00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x39c4400) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3a4d100) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3a4d180) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3a4d200) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x3a4d080) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3625,10 +3137,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x3b1ff40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3b1f1c0) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x3c31040) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -3879,10 +3387,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x3c31580) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3c31640) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x3c31900) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4577,10 +4081,6 @@ QImage (0x3cf6f00) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x3cf6f40) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x3cf6f00)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x3db80c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4625,10 +4125,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x3db89c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3db8a80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4784,10 +4280,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x3e41100) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x3e3b240) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x3e3b200)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x3e3b480) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4963,15 +4455,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x3e3b640) 0
   QObject (0x3e3b740) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x3e3b640)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x3ee4100) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x3ee4040) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5276,10 +4760,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3ee4e80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3ee4f00) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3ee4c40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5487,15 +4967,7 @@ QStyle (0x3f6e480) 0
   QObject (0x3f6e4c0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x3f6e480)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3f6e700) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3f6e780) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -5754,10 +5226,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x3f6edc0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x406d000) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x406d380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5784,10 +5252,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x406da00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x406da40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x406de00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5795,10 +5259,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x406dc40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x406dc80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x406db40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5813,10 +5273,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x40db040) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x40db080) 0
     QStyleOption (0x40db0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x40db500) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5843,10 +5299,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x40db9c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x40dba00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x40dbd80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5904,15 +5356,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x414bc40) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x414bc80) 0
     QStyleOption (0x414bcc0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x414b800) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x414b200) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5921,10 +5365,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x414be80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x414bec0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x414bf00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x41a0300) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6084,10 +5524,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x41a0800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x4226240) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6118,20 +5554,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x4226300) 0
   QObject (0x4226340) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x4226300)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x4226500) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x4226680) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x42265c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6261,10 +5685,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x4226840) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4226940) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x4226bc0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -6576,15 +5996,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x42e9500) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x42e99c0) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x42e9880) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6725,15 +6137,7 @@ QListView (0x42e9c40) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x42e9d80) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x436e000) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x42e9600) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7522,35 +6926,15 @@ QTreeView (0x4431640) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4431780) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x4431a40) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x4431940) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x4431f00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4431e00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x44319c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x44311c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8397,15 +7781,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x4667c00) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x4667e00) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x4667d00) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8413,15 +7789,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x4667e80) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x4667ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x4700180) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x4700080) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8434,95 +7802,39 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x4700540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x47005c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x4700680) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x4700780) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x47007c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x4700980) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x4700a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x4700f80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x47f0080) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x47008c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x47f0280) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x47f0180) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x47f0480) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x47f0380) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x47f0680) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x47f0580) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x47f0700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x47f07c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x47f0980) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -8557,20 +7869,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x47f0840) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x47f0bc0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x47f0b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x47f0c40) 0
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -8582,25 +7886,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x47f0c80) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x4923080) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x47f0d80) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x47f0ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4923140) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8698,10 +7990,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4923a40) 0
     QObject (0x4923ac0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4923a80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x4923dc0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -9023,25 +8311,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x49c4b00) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x49c4e80) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x49c4d40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x49c4fc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x49c4b40) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9096,15 +8372,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x4a49540) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x4a49840) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4a49740) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9154,15 +8422,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x4a49b40) 0
   QObject (0x4a49b80) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x4a49b40)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x4a49dc0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x4a49f00) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9174,15 +8434,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x4a49a80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x4b4d180) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4b4d080) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -9344,10 +8596,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x4b4db00) 0
     QObject (0x4b4db80) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x4b4db40)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x4b4d700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -9372,25 +8620,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x4bc2180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x4bc2580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x4bc2640) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x4bc2700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x4bc2900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -10023,10 +9259,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x4ce1300) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4ce1400) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x4ce1600) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -10187,10 +9419,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x4ce18c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x4ce1940) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x4ce1c00) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12642,10 +11870,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0x5081b80) 0
       QObject (0x5081c40) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x5081c00)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x5081e80) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -12783,15 +12007,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSqlField (0x513c600) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x513c880) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x513c7c0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -13307,29 +12523,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x51e8c00) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x51e8f00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x51e8f40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x51e8f00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x51e8f80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x51e8f40)
 Class Q3PointArray
    size=4 align=4
@@ -13338,21 +12532,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0x5290300) 0
   QPolygon (0x5290340) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0x5290380) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x5290940) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x5290840) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x5290980) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x52909c0) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -13990,28 +13171,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x538f900) 0
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x538fbc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x538fc00) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x538fbc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x538fc40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x538fc00)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -14546,29 +13706,7 @@ Q3Wizard (0x540c740) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x540cd80) 8
           vptr=((& Q3Wizard::_ZTV8Q3Wizard) + 308u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x54aa240) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x54aa280) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x54aa240)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x54aa2c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x54aa280)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -14596,11 +13734,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x54aa440) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x54aa500) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x54aa4c0)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x54aa900) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x54aa940) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -15633,29 +14766,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x5626500) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x5626540) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x5626500)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x5626800) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x5626840) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x5626800)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5626880) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x5626840)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -15775,28 +14886,7 @@ Class Q3GArray
 Q3GArray (0x5626c80) 0
     vptr=((& Q3GArray::_ZTV8Q3GArray) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x5708040) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x5708080) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x5708040)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x57080c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x5708080)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -15907,100 +14997,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x5708980) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x5708ac0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x5708b00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x5708ac0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5708b40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x5708b00)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x5708d40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x5708d80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x5708d40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5708dc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x5708d80)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x5708fc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x5708180) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x5708fc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5708440) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x5708180)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x5708f40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x578d000) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x5708f40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x578d040) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x578d000)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -16314,15 +15317,7 @@ Q3Ftp (0x578d800) 0
     QObject (0x578d880) 0
         primary-for Q3NetworkProtocol (0x578d840)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x578db80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x578dac0) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -17604,21 +16599,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x598d780) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x598db00) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x598da00) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x598db40) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x598db80) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -17627,31 +16609,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x598dd00) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x598dd40) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x598dd80) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x598df80) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x598dec0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x5a15200) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x5a15240) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x5a15280) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x5a15340) 0
 Vtable for Q3SqlSelectCursor
 Q3SqlSelectCursor::_ZTV17Q3SqlSelectCursor: 40u entries
@@ -17711,15 +16672,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x5a15740) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x5a15a40) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x5a15900) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -17758,25 +16711,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x5a15cc0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x5a15e80) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x5a15dc0) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x5a15fc0) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x5a15b80) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -17984,10 +16921,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x5ab1380) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x5ab14c0) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x5ab1780) 0
 Vtable for Q3MultiLineEdit
 Q3MultiLineEdit::_ZTV15Q3MultiLineEdit: 192u entries
@@ -18648,70 +17581,11 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x5b7c380) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x5b7c540) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x5b7c580) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x5b7c540)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5b7c5c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x5b7c580)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x5b7c980) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x5b7c9c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x5b7c980)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5b7ca00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x5b7c9c0)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x5b7cdc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x5b7ce00) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x5b7cdc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5b7ce40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x5b7ce00)
 Class Q3CString
    size=4 align=4
@@ -18719,49 +17593,9 @@ Class Q3CString
 Q3CString (0x5d5d040) 0
   QByteArray (0x5d5d080) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x5d5de00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x5d5de40) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x5d5de00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5d5de80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x5d5de40)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x5de9100) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x5de9140) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x5de9100)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5de9180) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x5de9140)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -18788,76 +17622,11 @@ Q3ObjectDictionary (0x5de92c0) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x5de9380) 0
           primary-for Q3GDict (0x5de9340)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x5de97c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x5de9800) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x5de97c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5de9840) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x5de9800)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x5de9c40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x5de9c80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x5de9c40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5de9cc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x5de9c80)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x5de9dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x5de9e80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x5de9dc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5e48000) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x5de9e80)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -18897,29 +17666,7 @@ Q3Signal (0x5e482c0) 0
   QObject (0x5e48300) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x5e482c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x5e48580) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x5e485c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x5e48580)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5e48600) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x5e485c0)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -19225,15 +17972,7 @@ Q3GroupBox (0x5ea4680) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x5ea4740) 8
           vptr=((& Q3GroupBox::_ZTV10Q3GroupBox) + 236u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x5ea4bc0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x5ea4b00) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -20036,25 +18775,9 @@ Q3DockWindow (0x5f1ee00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x5fa90c0) 8
             vptr=((& Q3DockWindow::_ZTV12Q3DockWindow) + 304u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x5fa94c0) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x5fa9400) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x5fa9680) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x5fa95c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -20119,10 +18842,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x5fa9280) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x5fa9300) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x5fa9d80) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -21172,193 +19891,41 @@ Q3WidgetStack (0x60cd840) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x60cd940) 8
             vptr=((& Q3WidgetStack::_ZTV13Q3WidgetStack) + 248u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x6158e40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x6178cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x61cfd40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x62d0000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x62d0240) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x62d0500) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x62d0c00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x6300f40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x6326100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x63262c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x6326480) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x6343440) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x6343700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x6343a00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x6364080) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x6364cc0) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=52 align=4
-   base size=52 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x63a6880) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x6472380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x6472640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x6495500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x6495880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x6495d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x64b5200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x64b5dc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x64e3680) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x64e38c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x64e3c40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x64e3d00) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x65120c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x6512540) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x6512c40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x6558240) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x65588c0) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x6599140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x6599440) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x6599500) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x6599c40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x6599ec0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index f8ad384..d17a329 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x85a3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x85a600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x85a6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x85a780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x85a840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x85a900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x85a9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x85aa80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x85ab40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x85ac00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x85acc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x85ad80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x85ae40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x85af00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x85afc0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x26d82c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x26d83c0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x26d87c0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x26d8800) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x26d8a80) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x27ce740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x27ceb00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x27cefc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x28d2040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x28d20c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x28d2140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x28d21c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x28d2240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x28d22c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x28d2340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x28d23c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x28d2440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x28d24c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x28d2540) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x28d2c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x2a630c0) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x2a63cc0) 0
   QString (0x2a63d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x2a63e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x2b916c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x2b91cc0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x2b91b40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x2b91100) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x2b91f40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x2cc40c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x2cc4100) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x2cc43c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x2cc4340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x2cc4640) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x2cc4580) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x2cc4c80) 0
   QObject (0x2cc4cc0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x2cc4c80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x2cc4f00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x2d9e500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x2d9e700) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x2d9e780) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2d9e980) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x2d9e8c0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x2d9ea40) 0
   QList<QString> (0x2d9ea80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x2d9ef40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x2d9efc0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x2ecc140) 0
     QObject (0x2ecc1c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2ecc180)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x2ecc380) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x2ecc3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x2ecc480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x2ecc500) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2ecc6c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x2ecc600) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x2ecc780) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x2ecc8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x2ecc940) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x2ecc980) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x2eccc40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x3002040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30020c0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x317e080) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x317e340) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1051,35 +839,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x3206040) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x3206100) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x3206180) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x3206080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3206200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3206280) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x3206300) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1192,95 +960,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x3206dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x3206f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x3206fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x3206d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x334b080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x334b140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x334b200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x334b2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x334b380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x334b440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x334b500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x334b5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x334b680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x334b740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x334b800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x334b8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x334b980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x334ba40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x334bb00) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1307,50 +1003,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x334bb80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x33d3100) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x33d3040) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x33d3300) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x33d3240) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x33d3580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x33d36c0) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x33d3780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x33d3800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x33d3880) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1428,15 +1092,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x33d3b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x34a0140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x34a01c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1463,10 +1119,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x34a0240) 0
   QObject (0x34a0280) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x34a0240)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x34a0480) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1511,20 +1163,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x34a06c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x34a0880) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x34a0900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x34a0a40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1694,10 +1338,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x34a0e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x35b70c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1789,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x35b7c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x35b7d40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x35b7dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x35b7e80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1814,10 +1446,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x35b7f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x35b7240) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2105,10 +1733,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x36e97c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x36e9900) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2120,70 +1744,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x36e9b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x36e9d00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x36e9d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x36e9fc0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x36e9b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x37b5000) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x37b5080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x37b5500) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x37b57c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x37b5c40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x37b5f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x37b5fc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x37b5340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x37b5800) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2195,50 +1791,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x38673c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x3867440) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x3867580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x3867980) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x3867d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x38676c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x39a3200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x39a33c0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x39a3640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x39a3800) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2260,10 +1836,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x3b3b000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x3b3b180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2582,15 +2154,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=28 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x3bccf00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x3bcc4c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x3bcc040) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2879,15 +2443,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x3c6a700) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x3c6a840) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x3c6a8c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3171,25 +2727,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x3cdab40) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3cdae80) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3cdaf00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3cdaf80) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x3cdae00) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3201,45 +2741,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x3d5c000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x3d5c0c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x3d5c140) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x3d5c3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x3d5c2c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3d5c500) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3d5c580) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3d5c600) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x3d5c480) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3635,10 +3147,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x3fab140) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3fab200) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x3fab480) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -3889,10 +3397,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x3fab9c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3faba80) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x3fabd40) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4587,10 +4091,6 @@ QImage (0x4134180) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x41341c0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x4134180)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x41344c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4635,10 +4135,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x4134dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x4134e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4794,10 +4290,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x4230480) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x4215680) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x4215640)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x42158c0) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4973,15 +4465,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x42b2280) 0
   QObject (0x42b22c0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x42b2280)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x42b2540) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x42b2480) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5286,10 +4770,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x436a0c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x436a140) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x436a3c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5497,15 +4977,7 @@ QStyle (0x436a8c0) 0
   QObject (0x436a900) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x436a8c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x436ab40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x436abc0) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -5764,10 +5236,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x44ab400) 0
   QStyleOption (0x44ab440) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x44ab7c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5794,10 +5262,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x44abe40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x44abe80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x4532080) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5805,10 +5269,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x44ab500) 0
   QStyleOption (0x44ab740) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x45323c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5823,10 +5283,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x4532500) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x4532540) 0
     QStyleOption (0x4532580) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x45329c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5853,10 +5309,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x4532e80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4532ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x45b9000) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5914,15 +5366,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x45b9440) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x45b9640) 0
     QStyleOption (0x45b9840) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x4620300) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4620240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5931,10 +5375,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x4620040) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x4620080) 0
     QStyleOption (0x46200c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x4620700) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6094,10 +5534,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x46a8380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x46a8680) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6128,20 +5564,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x46a8740) 0
   QObject (0x46a8780) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x46a8740)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x46a8940) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x46a8ac0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x46a8a00) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6271,10 +5695,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x46a8c80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x46a8d80) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x46a8080) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -6586,15 +6006,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x478e980) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x478ee40) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x478ed00) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6735,15 +6147,7 @@ QListView (0x478e400) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4826000) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x4826440) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x4826340) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7532,35 +6936,15 @@ QTreeView (0x4915a80) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4915bc0) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x4915e80) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x4915d80) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x4a181c0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4a180c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4a18380) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4a182c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8407,15 +7791,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x4b9f380) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x4c41040) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x4b9fac0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8423,15 +7799,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x4c410c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x4c41100) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x4c41540) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x4c41440) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8444,95 +7812,39 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x4c41900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x4c41980) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x4c41a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x4c41b40) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x4c41bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x4c41d80) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x4c41e00) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x4d602c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x4d60480) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x4d60380) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x4d60680) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x4d60580) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x4d60880) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x4d60780) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x4d60a80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x4d60980) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x4d60b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x4d60bc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x4d60d80) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -8567,20 +7879,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x4d60c40) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x4d60e80) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x4d60f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x4e95000) 0
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=24 align=8
@@ -8592,25 +7896,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x4e95040) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x4e95580) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4e95480) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x4e95280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4e95640) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8708,10 +8000,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4e95f40) 0
     QObject (0x4e95fc0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4e95f80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x4f76180) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -9033,25 +8321,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x4f76280) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x4ff9140) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x4ff9000) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x4ff9500) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x4ff9400) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9106,15 +8382,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x4ff9a80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x4ff9d80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4ff9c80) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9164,15 +8432,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x4ff9280) 0
   QObject (0x4ff9b80) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x4ff9280)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x51211c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x5121300) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9184,15 +8444,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x5121440) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x5121680) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x5121580) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -9354,10 +8606,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x5121100) 0
     QObject (0x5121500) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x5121280)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x51d9400) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -9382,25 +8630,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x51d9640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x51d9a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x51d9b00) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x51d9bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x51d9dc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -10033,10 +9269,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x52ff800) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x52ff900) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x52ffb00) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -10197,10 +9429,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x52ffdc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x52ffe40) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x52ffcc0) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12652,10 +11880,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0x576d3c0) 0
       QObject (0x576da80) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x576d900)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x5826180) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -12793,15 +12017,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=20 base align=4
 QSqlField (0x5826b00) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x5826d80) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x5826cc0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -13317,29 +12533,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x590ba00) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x59cf240) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x59cf280) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x59cf240)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x59cf2c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x59cf280)
 Class Q3PointArray
    size=4 align=4
@@ -13348,21 +12542,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0x59cf7c0) 0
   QPolygon (0x59cf800) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0x59cf840) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x59cfe00) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x59cfd00) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x59cfe40) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x59cfe80) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14000,28 +13181,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x5b1ee40) 0
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x5b1e700) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x5b1e880) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x5b1e700)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5b1edc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x5b1e880)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -14556,29 +13716,7 @@ Q3Wizard (0x5c57400) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x5c574c0) 8
           vptr=((& Q3Wizard::_ZTV8Q3Wizard) + 308u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x5c57740) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x5c57780) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x5c57740)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5c577c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x5c57780)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -14606,11 +13744,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x5c57940) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x5c57a00) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x5c579c0)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x5c57e00) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x5c57e40) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -15643,29 +14776,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x5e10a80) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x5e10ac0) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x5e10a80)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x5e10d80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x5e10dc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x5e10d80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5e10e00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x5e10dc0)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -15785,28 +14896,7 @@ Class Q3GArray
 Q3GArray (0x5f17000) 0
     vptr=((& Q3GArray::_ZTV8Q3GArray) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x5f17540) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x5f17580) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x5f17540)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5f175c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x5f17580)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -15917,100 +15007,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x5f17e80) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x5f17fc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x5f17180) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x5f17fc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5f17680) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x5f17180)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x5fdc080) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x5fdc0c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x5fdc080)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5fdc100) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x5fdc0c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x5fdc300) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x5fdc340) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x5fdc300)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5fdc380) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x5fdc340)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x5fdc5c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x5fdc600) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x5fdc5c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5fdc640) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x5fdc600)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -16324,15 +15327,7 @@ Q3Ftp (0x5fdce00) 0
     QObject (0x5fdce80) 0
         primary-for Q3NetworkProtocol (0x5fdce40)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x5fdc700) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x5fdc280) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -17614,21 +16609,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x621ce40) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x62b7040) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x621c780) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x62b7080) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x62b70c0) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -17637,31 +16619,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x62b7240) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x62b7280) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x62b72c0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x62b74c0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x62b7400) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x62b7840) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x62b7880) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x62b78c0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x62b7980) 0
 Vtable for Q3SqlSelectCursor
 Q3SqlSelectCursor::_ZTV17Q3SqlSelectCursor: 40u entries
@@ -17721,15 +16682,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x62b7d80) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x62b7d00) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x62b7f40) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -17768,25 +16721,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x638f200) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x638f3c0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x638f300) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x638f740) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x638f680) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -17994,10 +16931,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x638fb00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x638fc40) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x638ff00) 0
 Vtable for Q3MultiLineEdit
 Q3MultiLineEdit::_ZTV15Q3MultiLineEdit: 192u entries
@@ -18658,70 +17591,11 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x646ca40) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x646cc00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x646cc40) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x646cc00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x646cc80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x646cc40)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x646c440) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x646c780) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x646c440)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x646c9c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x646c780)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x650a340) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x650a380) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x650a340)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x650a3c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x650a380)
 Class Q3CString
    size=4 align=4
@@ -18729,49 +17603,9 @@ Class Q3CString
 Q3CString (0x650a700) 0
   QByteArray (0x650a740) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x65fa440) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x65fa480) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x65fa440)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x65fa4c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x65fa480)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x65fa780) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x65fa7c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x65fa780)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x65fa800) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x65fa7c0)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -18798,76 +17632,11 @@ Q3ObjectDictionary (0x65fa940) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x65faa00) 0
           primary-for Q3GDict (0x65fa9c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x65fae40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x65fae80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x65fae40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x65faec0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x65fae80)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x66621c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x6662200) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x66621c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6662240) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x6662200)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x6662640) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x6662680) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x6662640)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x66626c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x6662680)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -18907,29 +17676,7 @@ Q3Signal (0x6662980) 0
   QObject (0x66629c0) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x6662980)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x6662c40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x6662c80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x6662c40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6662cc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x6662c80)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -19235,15 +17982,7 @@ Q3GroupBox (0x6832d00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x6832dc0) 8
           vptr=((& Q3GroupBox::_ZTV10Q3GroupBox) + 236u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x68c10c0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x68c1000) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -20046,25 +18785,9 @@ Q3DockWindow (0x694a6c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x694a7c0) 8
             vptr=((& Q3DockWindow::_ZTV12Q3DockWindow) + 304u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x694abc0) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x694ab00) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x694ad80) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x694acc0) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -20129,10 +18852,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x694a980) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x694aa00) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x6a132c0) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -21182,193 +19901,41 @@ Q3WidgetStack (0x6ab4f40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x6ab4300) 8
             vptr=((& Q3WidgetStack::_ZTV13Q3WidgetStack) + 248u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x6ba8480) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x6bd0300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x6c26380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x6d09640) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x6d09880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x6d09b40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x6d38240) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x6d64580) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x6d64740) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x6d64900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x6d64ac0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x6d7ea80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x6d7ed40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x6da1040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x6da16c0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x6dc5300) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=56 align=4
-   base size=56 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x6de5ec0) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x6eae9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x6eaec80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x6edd8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x6eddb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x6eddf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x6ef9480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x6f24000) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x6f24940) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x6f24b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x6f24f00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x6f24fc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x6f58340) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x6f58680) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x6f58d80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x6fa0380) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x6fdf100) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x6fdf280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x6fdf440) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x6fdf500) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x6fdfc40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x6fdfec0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index 6cb74a4..111154f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,80 +18,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xad4e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaea680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaea800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaea980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xaeab00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xaeac80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xaeae00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xaeaf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb06100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb06280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb06400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb06580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb06700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb06880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb06a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb06b80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -108,10 +48,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb4d840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb70cc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -139,70 +75,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc33f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd4bc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd77100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd773c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd72c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd8d100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd77a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xd949c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdc8140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdc8440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xd8d340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xdd8180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xdd8940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdd8c80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -229,10 +113,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xead500) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xead940) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -245,10 +125,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11de880) 0
   QString (0x11de8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11dec00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -311,10 +187,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x127af00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x137ae40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -339,15 +211,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xead480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13be140) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc3ca40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -370,25 +234,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x13fcfc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1402000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1419700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1402580) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1433f80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1433b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -480,10 +332,6 @@ QIODevice (0x137a700) 0
   QObject (0x14bc540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x137a700)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x14bc840) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -503,25 +351,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xead380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x158b4c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x158b840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x158bd80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x158bc40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -529,15 +365,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xead400) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15b8000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x158bec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x158be80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -666,50 +494,22 @@ QFile (0x169f840) 0
     QObject (0x169f8c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x169f880)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x16ae100) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x16d55c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x16d5f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1703e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x172d300) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x172d200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x16d5440) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x175b040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x172dc00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -766,10 +566,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x169f740) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x17da340) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -843,10 +639,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x182fc40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x182fd40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -871,10 +663,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1a79240) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1a79600) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -911,20 +699,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b07440) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b07480) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b07440)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b34680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b34800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b535c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1037,95 +813,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ce8bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1d02d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1d02ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1d1d040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1d1d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1d1d340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1d1d4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1d1d640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1d1d7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1d1d940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1d1dac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1d1dc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1d1ddc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1d1df40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1d3b0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1d3b240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1d3b3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1d3b540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1d3b6c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1152,35 +856,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x14338c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dd9540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1d4edc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dd9840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1d4ee40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1d4e000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1e3f280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1258,15 +942,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1d3bf80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1eda440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1f0af80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1293,10 +969,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1f38600) 0
   QObject (0x1f38640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1f38600)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1f38940) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1341,20 +1013,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1f71f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1fa1b40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1f71ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1fa1e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1524,10 +1188,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2011d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x20513c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1620,20 +1280,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x13fc8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x20c1900) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x13fc940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x20c1f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1645,10 +1297,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x13fca40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x20ee640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1941,10 +1589,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2234640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2294040) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1956,70 +1600,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1d3b900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x22d6900) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1d3bb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x22f9540) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x16d54c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2322300) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d3bb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2322f40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1d3bc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2370180) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d3b980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2391600) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1d3ba00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x23bbb00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2031,50 +1647,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1d3ba80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x250a300) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1d3bc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2537480) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1d3bd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x255d9c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1d3bd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x25cc440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1d3be00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x264a680) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2096,10 +1692,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x1dc6c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x276ac00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2416,15 +2008,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x28a73c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x28a78c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x28a74c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2713,15 +2297,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x294be00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2969e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x297a3c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3007,25 +2583,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x271bdc0) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a78540) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a78680) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a78780) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2a784c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3037,45 +2597,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x1da7d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2ad1300) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2aa3b00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2ae6000) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2ad18c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2ae6280) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2ae6380) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2ae65c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2ae6200) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -3487,10 +3019,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2e12680) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2e12780) 8
           vptr=((&QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2e12a40) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 70u entries
@@ -3753,10 +3281,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2e82b40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2e82c40) 8
           vptr=((&QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2ea7600) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4485,10 +4009,6 @@ QImage (0x1dc6400) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x3087900) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x1dc6400)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x3124b00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 9u entries
@@ -4537,10 +4057,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x1dc6200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x31cfbc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4696,10 +4212,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x320b600) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x320b6c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x320b680)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x320b880) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4877,15 +4389,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x32b8780) 0
   QObject (0x32fb600) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x32b8780)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x32fbfc0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x2c9d940) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5194,10 +4698,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x338bac0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x338bb80) 8
         vptr=((&QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x338bf00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 68u entries
@@ -5413,15 +4913,7 @@ QStyle (0x2c6a700) 0
   QObject (0x3453700) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x2c6a700)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3463040) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3479100) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 71u entries
@@ -5692,10 +5184,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x35ab500) 0
   QStyleOption (0x35ab540) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x35abac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5722,10 +5210,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x35cdec0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x35cdf00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x3615ac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5733,10 +5217,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x36158c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3615900) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x3651480) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5751,10 +5231,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x3651bc0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x3651c00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3651c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x36a7440) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5781,10 +5257,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x36f32c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x36f3300) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x36f3e00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5842,15 +5314,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x3787a00) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3787a40) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3787a80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x37a8200) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x37a8100) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5859,10 +5323,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x3787f80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3787fc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x37a8000) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x37a8d40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6026,10 +5486,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x38a0d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x39030c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6060,20 +5516,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x39034c0) 0
   QObject (0x3903500) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x39034c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x3903840) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x392d3c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x392d2c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6207,10 +5651,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x392da40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x392db80) 8
             vptr=((&QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x39865c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -6526,15 +5966,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3a72a80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3a95580) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3a95380) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6679,15 +6111,7 @@ QListView (0x3a95d40) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3a95ec0) 8
               vptr=((&QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 400u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3aee300) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3aee180) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7492,35 +6916,15 @@ QTreeView (0x3cb5500) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3cb5680) 8
               vptr=((&QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 408u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x3cf3680) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x3cf3240) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3d44440) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3d442c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3d44640) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3d44100) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8375,15 +7779,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x2a5e3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3feca00) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3fec880) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8391,15 +7787,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x1dc6500) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3fecb80) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x4020e00) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x4020cc0) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8412,95 +7800,39 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x2370140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x407bbc0) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x409fa40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x409fe40) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x1dc6d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x4105440) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x271bec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x4105980) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x41d2340) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x4123580) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x41d26c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x4123640) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x4215380) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x4123780) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x4215700) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x27463c0) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x41057c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x42b39c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x42b3f40) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 26u entries
@@ -8537,20 +7869,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x2a38280) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x42c9380) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x42b3700) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x42b38c0) 0
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=24 align=8
@@ -8562,25 +7886,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x2bae100) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x43a69c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43a6840) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x4352340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43a6b80) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8682,10 +7994,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x446be40) 0
     QObject (0x446bec0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x446be80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x4498600) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -9007,25 +8315,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x1d3bf00) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x4591100) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x1d3be80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x4591a80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x4585bc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9080,15 +8376,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x2b9be00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x46ec0c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x46d3d00) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9138,15 +8426,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x4533ec0) 0
   QObject (0x4717900) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x4533ec0)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x4717dc0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x4781dc0) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9158,15 +8438,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x47952c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x4795580) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4795400) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -9328,10 +8600,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x4717100) 0
     QObject (0x480e340) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x480e300)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x48377c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -9356,25 +8624,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x46d3540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x488e040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x488e1c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x47e4600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x488ec40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -10031,10 +9287,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x4a4f080) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4a4f1c0) 8
             vptr=((&QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 268u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x4a10580) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 68u entries
@@ -10203,11 +9455,7 @@ QDockWidget (0x4abe200) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x4abe2c0) 8
         vptr=((&QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x4abe780) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 67u entries
 0     0u
@@ -12762,10 +12010,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0x5142d00) 0
       QObject (0x5142dc0) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x5142d80)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x516ca80) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -12903,15 +12147,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=20 base align=8
 QSqlField (0x51b8100) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x5254140) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x5254000) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -13435,29 +12671,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x53698c0) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x53da380) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x53da480) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x53da380)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x53da4c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x53da480)
 Class Q3PointArray
    size=4 align=4
@@ -13466,21 +12680,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0x542a5c0) 0
   QPolygon (0x542a600) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0x542a640) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x5457c80) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x5457b00) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x5457a00) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x5457e40) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14124,28 +13325,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x5564b00) 0
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x55e1400) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x55e1500) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x55e1400)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x55e1540) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x55e1500)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -14696,29 +13876,7 @@ Q3Wizard (0x56fd180) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x56fd280) 8
           vptr=((&Q3Wizard::_ZTV8Q3Wizard) + 316u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x56fdd80) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x56fde80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x56fdd80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x56fdec0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x56fde80)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -14746,11 +13904,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x56fdd40) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x5739100) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x57390c0)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x56fdf40) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x5739c80) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -15795,29 +14948,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x533ec00) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x59df440) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x533ec00)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x5a1a2c0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x5a1a3c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x5a1a2c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5a1a400) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x5a1a3c0)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 80u entries
@@ -15941,28 +15072,7 @@ Class Q3GArray
 Q3GArray (0x5a6c700) 0
     vptr=((&Q3GArray::_ZTV8Q3GArray) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x5aba900) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x5abaa00) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x5aba900)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5abaa40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x5abaa00)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -16073,100 +15183,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x5b52200) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x5b522c0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x5b52600) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x5b522c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5b52640) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x5b52600)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x5b527c0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x5b52880) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x5b527c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5b528c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x5b52880)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x5b52b40) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x5b52c00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x5b52b40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5b52c40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x5b52c00)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x5b87200) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x5b872c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x5b87200)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5b87300) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x5b872c0)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 187u entries
@@ -16484,15 +15507,7 @@ Q3Ftp (0x5c05680) 0
     QObject (0x5c05700) 0
         primary-for Q3NetworkProtocol (0x5c056c0)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x5c3d380) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x5c3d240) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -17788,21 +16803,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x5ee30c0) 0
     vptr=((&Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x5fe5b80) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x5fe5a40) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x5fe58c0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x5fe5d00) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -17811,31 +16813,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x5fe5980) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x5fe5f80) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x5fe5fc0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x601b380) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x5fe5e80) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x5fe5c80) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x5fe5dc0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x601bf00) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x5fe5cc0) 0
 Vtable for Q3SqlSelectCursor
 Q3SqlSelectCursor::_ZTV17Q3SqlSelectCursor: 40u entries
@@ -17895,15 +16876,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x60c6b40) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x60e5c40) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x60e5a40) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -17942,25 +16915,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x610ea80) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x610ec40) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x610eb00) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x6130040) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x610ef40) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -18172,10 +17129,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x610e440) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x6130d00) 8
               vptr=((&Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 688u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x615e1c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3MultiLineEdit
 Q3MultiLineEdit::_ZTV15Q3MultiLineEdit: 196u entries
@@ -18848,70 +17801,11 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x6270dc0) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x62c5980) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x62c5a80) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x62c5980)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x62c5ac0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x62c5a80)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x62fba40) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x62fbb40) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x62fba40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x62fbb80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x62fbb40)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x6326900) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x6326a00) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x6326900)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6326a40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x6326a00)
 Class Q3CString
    size=4 align=4
@@ -18919,49 +17813,9 @@ Class Q3CString
 Q3CString (0x6354840) 0
   QByteArray (0x6354880) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x6435800) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x6435900) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x6435800)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6435940) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x6435900)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x64662c0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x64663c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x64662c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6466400) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x64663c0)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -18988,76 +17842,11 @@ Q3ObjectDictionary (0x6466280) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x64665c0) 0
           primary-for Q3GDict (0x6466580)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x648c6c0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x648c7c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x648c6c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x648c800) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x648c7c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x64b5540) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x64b5640) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x64b5540)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x64b5680) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x64b5640)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x64df000) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x64df100) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x64df000)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x64df140) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x64df100)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -19097,29 +17886,7 @@ Q3Signal (0x64df6c0) 0
   QObject (0x64df700) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x64df6c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x65070c0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x65071c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x65070c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6507200) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x65071c0)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -19433,15 +18200,7 @@ Q3GroupBox (0x6587e80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x6587f80) 8
           vptr=((&Q3GroupBox::_ZTV10Q3GroupBox) + 244u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x65cac40) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x65cab00) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 68u entries
@@ -20280,25 +19039,9 @@ Q3DockWindow (0x6781b40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x6781c80) 8
             vptr=((&Q3DockWindow::_ZTV12Q3DockWindow) + 312u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x67cadc0) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x4215800) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x6801040) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x67ca9c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -20363,10 +19106,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x67819c0) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x67ca940) 8
         vptr=((&Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x684a7c0) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -21460,193 +20199,41 @@ Q3WidgetStack (0x69fa140) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x69fa280) 8
             vptr=((&Q3WidgetStack::_ZTV13Q3WidgetStack) + 256u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13be100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x158bd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x6c25c00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x3d44600) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3d443c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x3fec980) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x4020d80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x41d22c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x41d2640) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4215300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4215680) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43a6940) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4591a00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x46ec040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4795500) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x32fbf80) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=56 align=8
-   base size=56 base align=8
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x5fe5b00) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3a95500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x71e0980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x721d780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x721d940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x721de80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x724b540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x7281540) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x172d2c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x1dd9500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x72c73c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x37a81c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x392d380) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x72c7b40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x72c7e00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x735b040) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x735b880) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x67cad80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x735bb40) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x6801000) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x73d3080) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x73d32c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index d7d9332..a1323fd 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f99d80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f99dc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f99e80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f99ec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f99f40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f99f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb78d2040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb78d2080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb78d2300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb78d23c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb78d2400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb78d2440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb78d2480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb78d24c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb78d2500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb78d2540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb78d2580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb78d25c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb78d2600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb78d2640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb78d2680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb78d26c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb78d2700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb78d2740) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb78d2780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb78d2880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb78d28c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb78d2900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb78d2940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb78d2980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb78d29c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb78d2a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb78d2a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb78d2a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb78d2ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb78d2b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb78d2b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb78d2b80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb78d2c40) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb78d2c80) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb78d2e40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb78d2f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb78d2f80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb5bd3280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb5bd32c0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb5bd3300) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb5bd3480) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb5bd3580) 0
   QString (0xb5bd35c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb5bd3600) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb5bd3900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb5bd3c80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb5bd3c00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb5bd3e00) 0
   QObject (0xb5bd3e40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb5bd3e00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb5bd3f00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb5bd37c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb5bd3880) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb577a580) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb577ab00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb577aa40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb577ac40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb577abc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb577acc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb577ad00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb577ad80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb577ad40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb577adc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb577ae00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb577af00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb577af80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb577af40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb577a440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb577a880) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb577aac0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb5503040) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb5503200) 0
   QTextStream (0xb5503240) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb5503200)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb5503300) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb5503340) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb55032c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5503380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55033c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5503400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5503440) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,80 +492,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb55034c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5503500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5503540) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb5503580) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb5503640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb5503600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb55035c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5503680) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5503700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb55036c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5503740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb55037c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5503780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5503800) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5503840) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5503880) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -882,10 +580,6 @@ QFile (0xb5503d40) 0
     QObject (0xb5503dc0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb5503d80)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb5503e40) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -938,50 +632,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb5503fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb5503000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb55031c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb5503e00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb5503280) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb5503f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb52e3000) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb52e3040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb52e3100) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb52e3080) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -989,30 +655,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb52e3140) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb52e3180) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb52e3200) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb52e3240) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb52e3300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb52e3380) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb52e3400) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1069,10 +719,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb52e3440) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb52e35c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1184,15 +830,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb52e3880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb52e38c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb52e3900) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1287,285 +925,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb52e3c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb52e3c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb52e3cc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb52e3d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb52e3dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb52e3e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb52e3e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb52e3e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb52e3ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb52e3f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb52e3f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb52e3f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb52e3fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb52e3540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb52e3640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb52e3700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb52e3840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb52e3980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb52e3b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb52e3bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb5256000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb5256040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb5256080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb52560c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb5256100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb5256140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb5256180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb52561c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb5256200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb5256240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb5256280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb52562c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb5256300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb5256340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb5256380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb52563c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb5256400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb5256440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb5256480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb52564c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5256500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb5256540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb5256580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb52565c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb5256600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb5256640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb5256680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb52566c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb5256700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb5256740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb5256780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb52567c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb5256800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb5256840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb5256880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb52568c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb5256900) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1592,45 +1010,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb5256940) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb5256b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb5256bc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5256cc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb5256c40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5256dc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb5256d40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb5256e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb5256f00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1662,80 +1052,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb5256b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb5256a80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb5256e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb5256fc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb516f000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb516f040) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb516f080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb516f0c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb516f100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb516f300) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb516f380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb516f580) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb516f640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb516f740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb516f780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb516f840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1752,10 +1110,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb516fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb516fc40) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1772,30 +1126,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb516fec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb516ff80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb516ffc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb516f1c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb516f200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb516f2c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1323,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb4de5040) 0
   QObject (0xb4de5080) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb4de5040)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb4de5180) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb4de5680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb4de56c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb4de5700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb4de5780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2324,10 +1654,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb4de5c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb4de5c40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2422,20 +1748,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb4de5ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb4de5f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb4de5f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb4de5f80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2447,10 +1765,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb4de5000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb4de5100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2507,10 +1821,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb4de5440) 0
   QObject (0xb4de5500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb4de5440)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb4de5600) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2558,10 +1868,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb4de5bc0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4de5dc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2573,45 +1879,21 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb4de5e80) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4d56040) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb4d56000) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4d560c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0xb4d56080) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4d56180) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4d561c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4d56200) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4d56140) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2628,20 +1910,8 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb4d563c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb4d56480) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d56540) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4d564c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2649,15 +1919,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4d56580) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4d565c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d56680) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4d56600) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2680,10 +1942,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4d56880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4d568c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2724,10 +1982,6 @@ QImage (0xb4d56a40) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4d56a80) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4d56a40)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4d56bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -2752,45 +2006,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb4d56d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb4d56dc0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb4d56e00) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4d56f40) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb4d56ec0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4d56fc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4d56240) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4d56280) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb4d56f80) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -2820,30 +2046,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb4d56800) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb4d56b00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb4d56980) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d56cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb4d56b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb4d56d00) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2983,10 +2193,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb4b33580) 0
     QObject (0xb4b33600) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb4b335c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb4b33740) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -3011,25 +2217,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb4b33800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb4b33880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb4b338c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb4b33900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb4b33940) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3089,20 +2283,12 @@ QTextDocument (0xb4b33b00) 0
   QObject (0xb4b33b40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb4b33b00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb4b33bc0) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb4b33c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb4b33c40) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3143,10 +2329,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb4b33e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb4b33f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3444,15 +2626,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb48b4c00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb48b4d00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb48b4c80) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3751,15 +2925,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb4948480) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb4948600) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb4948580) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3808,10 +2974,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0xb4948880) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb4948940) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3834,15 +2996,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb4948b40) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb4948c80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb4948c00) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4206,10 +3360,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb4948f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb4753040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -4240,20 +3390,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb4753080) 0
   QObject (0xb47530c0) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb4753080)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb4753140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb4753200) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb4753180) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4460,20 +3598,12 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb4753680) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4753740) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb4753800) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb4753840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb4753900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -4681,15 +3811,7 @@ QStyle (0xb4753c40) 0
   QObject (0xb4753c80) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb4753c40)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb4753d40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb4753d80) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -4948,10 +4070,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb4753c00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4753bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb44cc080) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4978,10 +4096,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb44cc300) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb44cc340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb44cc4c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -4989,10 +4103,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb44cc400) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb44cc440) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb44cc640) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5007,10 +4117,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb44cc6c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb44cc700) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb44cc740) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb44cc8c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5037,10 +4143,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb44ccb00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb44ccb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb44ccc80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5066,10 +4168,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb44cce80) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb44ccec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb44cc040) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5110,15 +4208,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb44ccc40) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb44cccc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb44ccd80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb43d1100) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb43d1080) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5127,10 +4217,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb44cce40) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb44ccf00) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb43d1000) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb43d12c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5338,10 +4424,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb43d1a00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb43d1b40) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb43d1c00) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -6106,10 +5188,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb42d4580) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb42d4680) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb42d4740) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6360,10 +5438,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb42d4a80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb42d4b80) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb42d4c40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6449,10 +5523,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb42d4c80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb42d4d80) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb42d4e40) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6874,10 +5944,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb41b43c0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb41b4480) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb41b4440)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb41b4500) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -7225,50 +6291,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb41b45c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb41b47c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb41b4b80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb41b4a00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb4126040) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb41b4e40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4126140) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb41260c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb4126240) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb41261c0) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7286,25 +6316,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4126340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb41265c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4126540) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4126440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4126600) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7316,15 +6334,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb4126700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb4126740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb4126800) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -7359,25 +6369,13 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb4126780) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb4126900) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb4126880) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb4126940) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4126a00) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7467,15 +6465,7 @@ QStringListModel (0xb4126b00) 0
       QObject (0xb4126bc0) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb4126b80)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb4126d40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb4126cc0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7718,15 +6708,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb4126d80) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3f18180) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb3f18100) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -8547,15 +7529,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3f18000) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3f18dc0) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3f18ac0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8572,25 +7546,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0xb3f18880) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3c88100) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3c88080) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c88200) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3c88180) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8817,15 +7775,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb3c88800) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb3c88880) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb3c888c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -9778,15 +8728,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb3b79f80) 0
   QObject (0xb3b79fc0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb3b79f80)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3b79380) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb3b79180) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9956,10 +8898,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0xb3b79f40) 0
     QObject (0xb3ad0040) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0xb3ad0000)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb3ad0200) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10481,15 +9419,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb3ad0fc0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb3ad0080) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb3ad01c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -11262,20 +10192,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb39b9880) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb39b99c0) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb39b9a40) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb39b9b00) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb39b9a80) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12527,10 +11445,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb38c8080) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb38c86c0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb38c8840) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -12690,10 +11604,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb37f9040) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb37f9100) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb37f91c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12851,10 +11761,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb37f9340) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb37f9400) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb37f9480) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -13028,10 +11934,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb37f9600) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb37f9740) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb37f9840) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -14034,10 +12936,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb3773600) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3773700) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb3773780) 0
 Vtable for QToolBar
 QToolBar::_ZTV8QToolBar: 63u entries
@@ -14577,20 +13475,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb3773e80) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb3773fc0) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb3773f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb34e3000) 0
 Class QHostInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14724,10 +13614,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb34e3340) 0
       QObject (0xb34e3400) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb34e33c0)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb34e3480) 0
 Vtable for QTcpSocket
 QTcpSocket::_ZTV10QTcpSocket: 30u entries
@@ -14779,15 +13665,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0xb34e3600) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb34e3780) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0xb34e3700) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -14795,10 +13673,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0xb34e3640) 0
   QSqlRecord (0xb34e3680) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0xb34e37c0) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -15472,32 +14346,10 @@ Class Q3GVector
    base size=20 base align=4
 Q3GVector (0xb3445380) 0
     vptr=((& Q3GVector::_ZTV9Q3GVector) + 8u)
-  Q3PtrCollection (0xb34453c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3GVector (0xb3445380)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
+  Q3PtrCollection (0xb34453c0) 0
+      primary-for Q3GVector (0xb3445380)
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0xb3445500) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb3445540) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0xb3445500)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb3445580) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb3445540)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -15654,29 +14506,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0xb3445a80) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0xb3445c00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb3445c40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0xb3445c00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb3445c80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb3445c40)
 Class Q3BaseBucket
    size=8 align=4
@@ -15733,28 +14563,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0xb3445340) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0xb3445840) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb3445a00) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0xb3445840)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb3445cc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb3445a00)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -15865,100 +14674,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0xb33694c0) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0xb3369540) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb3369580) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0xb3369540)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb33695c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb3369580)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0xb3369680) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb33696c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0xb3369680)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb3369700) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb33696c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0xb33697c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb3369800) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0xb33697c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb3369840) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb3369800)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0xb3369900) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb3369940) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0xb3369900)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb3369980) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb3369940)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -16682,21 +15404,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0xb33698c0) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb308b040) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb3369f40) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb308b080) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb308b0c0) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16705,31 +15414,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0xb308b140) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb308b180) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb308b1c0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb308b2c0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb308b240) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0xb308b380) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb308b3c0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0xb308b400) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0xb308b480) 0
 Vtable for Q3DataView
 Q3DataView::_ZTV10Q3DataView: 69u entries
@@ -16820,15 +15508,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0xb308b600) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb308b7c0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0xb308b740) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -16889,25 +15569,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0xb308b980) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb308ba80) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0xb308ba00) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0xb308bc00) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0xb308bb80) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -17115,10 +15779,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0xb308bd00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb308be80) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb308bf80) 0
 Vtable for Q3SyntaxHighlighter
 Q3SyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV19Q3SyntaxHighlighter: 5u entries
@@ -18072,28 +16732,7 @@ Class Q3Url
 Q3Url (0xb2fc8a80) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Url::_ZTV5Q3Url) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0xb2fc8bc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2fc8c00) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0xb2fc8bc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2fc8c40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2fc8c00)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -18454,29 +17093,7 @@ Q3Accel (0xb2f14140) 0
   QObject (0xb2f14180) 0
       primary-for Q3Accel (0xb2f14140)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0xb2f14200) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2f14240) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0xb2f14200)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2f14280) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2f14240)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -18504,11 +17121,6 @@ Q3StrList (0xb2f14300) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0xb2f143c0) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0xb2f14380)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0xb2f14480) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0xb2f144c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -19058,29 +17670,7 @@ Q3Process (0xb2dda0c0) 0
   QObject (0xb2dda100) 0
       primary-for Q3Process (0xb2dda0c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0xb2dda240) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2dda280) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0xb2dda240)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2dda2c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2dda280)
 Vtable for Q3Signal
 Q3Signal::_ZTV8Q3Signal: 14u entries
@@ -19107,75 +17697,11 @@ Q3Signal (0xb2dda380) 0
   QObject (0xb2dda3c0) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0xb2dda380)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0xb2dda540) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2dda580) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0xb2dda540)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2dda5c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2dda580)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0xb2dda780) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2dda7c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0xb2dda780)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2dda800) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2dda7c0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0xb2dda880) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2dda8c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0xb2dda880)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2dda900) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2dda8c0)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -19226,91 +17752,13 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0xb2ddabc0) 0
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0xb2ddacc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb2ddad00) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0xb2ddacc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2ddad40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb2ddad00)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0xb2ddaf80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb2ddafc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0xb2ddaf80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2dda080) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb2ddafc0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0xb2dda840) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2dda940) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0xb2dda840)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2ddaa80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2dda940)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0xb2cb71c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb2cb7200) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0xb2cb71c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2cb7240) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb2cb7200)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -19325,29 +17773,7 @@ Class Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore (0xb2cb73c0) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0xb2cb7440) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb2cb7480) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0xb2cb7440)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2cb74c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2cb7480)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -19442,21 +17868,8 @@ Class Q3PaintDeviceMetrics
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3PaintDeviceMetrics (0xb2cb7ac0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb2cb7b80) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb2cb7b00) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb2cb7bc0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb2cb7c00) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -20793,15 +19206,7 @@ Q3SocketDevice (0xb2b9dbc0) 0
     QObject (0xb2b9de80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb2b9dc40)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb2ac30c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0xb2ac3040) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -22126,15 +20531,7 @@ Q3VBox (0xb29bb580) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb29bb700) 8
               vptr=((& Q3VBox::_ZTV6Q3VBox) + 244u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0xb29bb9c0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0xb29bb940) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -23317,25 +21714,9 @@ Q3MainWindow (0xb287db40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb287dc00) 8
         vptr=((& Q3MainWindow::_ZTV12Q3MainWindow) + 328u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb287de40) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0xb287ddc0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0xb287df40) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0xb287dec0) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -23400,10 +21781,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0xb287dc80) 0
     QLayoutItem (0xb287dd40) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0xb287d740) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -23488,213 +21865,45 @@ Q3DockArea (0xb287d000) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb287d480) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockArea::_ZTV10Q3DockArea) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb287db00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0xb287dd80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb287dfc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb2862040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb28620c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb2862140) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb28621c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2862240) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb28622c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb2862340) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb28623c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb2862440) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb28624c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb2862700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb2862780) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb2862880) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=52 align=4
-   base size=52 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb2862900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb2862a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2862ac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2862bc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb2862c80) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb2862d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb2862d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb2862e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0xb2862f00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb2862800) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb2862cc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb2862e40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb2862f40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb23c5080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb23c5100) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb23c5180) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb23c5240) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb23c5300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb23c5380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb23c5400) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0xb23c5540) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0xb23c55c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0xb23c5680) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0xb23c5700) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0xb23c5780) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb23c5800) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 17e41f1..18e3343 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x30615a48) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x30615ab8) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x3001bac0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x30615c08) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x30615ce8) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x30615d58) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x3001bb40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x30615ea8) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x30628230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30628428) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x306284d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x30628578) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x30628620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x306286c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x30628770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30628818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x306288c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x30628968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x30628a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x30628ab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x30628b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x30628c08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30628cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30628d58) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x30628dc8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x322b62a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x322b6310) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x322b6380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x322b63f0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x322b6460) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x322b64d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x322b6540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x322b65b0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x322b6620) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x322b6690) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x322b6700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x322b6770) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x322b67e0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3001bc80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x322b68f8) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x322b6ab8) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x322b6b98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x322b6c40) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x323ee9a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x323eece8) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0x323eed90) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x323eefc0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x3001bec0) 0
   QString (0x32632150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x32632230) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x32632930) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x32632e70) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x32632dc8) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0x3001bf80) 0
   QObject (0x3273c230) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x3001bf80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x3273c428) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x3273cb60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x3273cbd0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x327dd380) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x327dda10) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x327dd8c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x327ddce8) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x327ddc40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x327dde00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x327ddea8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x327ddf88) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x327ddf18) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x327dd188) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x327dd9a0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x329430e0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x329431c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x32943150) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x32943230) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x329432a0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x329432d8) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x32943508) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x3285f180) 0
   QTextStream (0x32943a80) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x3285f180)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x32943d58) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x32943dc8) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x32943ce8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x32943e38) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x32943ea8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x32943f18) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x32943f88) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,70 +492,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x32943460) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x32943b28) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329d3038) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x329d3118) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329d30a8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329d3188) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x329d3268) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x329d31f8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329d32d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x329d33b8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329d3348) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329d3428) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329d3498) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329d3508) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -872,10 +574,6 @@ QFile (0x3285f1c0) 0
     QObject (0x329d3dc8) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3285f200)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x329d3f50) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -928,50 +626,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x32b32000) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x32b320a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x32b32118) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x32b322a0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x32b321f8) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x32b32348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x32b32540) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x32b325b0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x32b32770) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x32b326c8) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -979,30 +649,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x3285f300) 0
   QList<QString> (0x32b32818) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x32b32c40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x32b32cb0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x32b32fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x32be30e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x32be3188) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1059,10 +713,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x32be31c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x32be3428) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1174,15 +824,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x32be37e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x32be3888) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x32be3930) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1277,285 +919,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x32be3d20) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x32be3ea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x32be3f18) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x32be3f88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x32be3cb0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x32d1b070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0x32d1b118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x32d1b1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x32d1b268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x32d1b310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x32d1b3b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x32d1b460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x32d1b508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x32d1b5b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0x32d1b658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0x32d1b700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0x32d1b7a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x32d1b850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x32d1b8f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x32d1b9a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x32d1ba48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0x32d1baf0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0x32d1bb98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x32d1bc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x32d1bce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x32d1bd90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x32d1be38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x32d1bee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x32d1bf88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x32d35038) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x32d350e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x32d35188) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x32d35230) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x32d352d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x32d35380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x32d35428) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x32d354d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x32d35578) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x32d35620) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x32d356c8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x32d35770) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x32d35818) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x32d358c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x32d35968) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x32d35a10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x32d35ab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x32d35b60) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x32d35c08) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x32d35cb0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x32d35d58) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x32d35e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x32d35ea8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x32d35f50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x32d4f000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x32d4f0a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x32d4f150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x32d4f1f8) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1582,45 +1004,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x32d4f268) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0x32d4f700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0x32d4f7a8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x32d4f968) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x32d4f8c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x32d4fb28) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x32d4fa80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x32d4fc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x32d4fd58) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1652,80 +1046,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x32e12118) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x32e12508) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x32e12700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x32e12af0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x32e12d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x32e12d90) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x32e12ee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x32e12f88) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x32e12380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x32e129d8) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x32eb0268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x32eb05e8) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x32eb0968) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x32eb0b60) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x32eb0d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x32eb0f18) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1742,10 +1104,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x32fb66c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x32fb67a8) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1762,30 +1120,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x32fb6b98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x32fb6d58) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x32fb6dc8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x32fb6f88) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x32fb60e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x32fb6e70) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1971,10 +1317,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x3285f880) 0
   QObject (0x330b9c40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x3285f880)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x330b9e00) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2081,20 +1423,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x331795e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x33179770) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x331797e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x331798f8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2314,10 +1648,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x33179150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x33179850) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2412,20 +1742,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x332342a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x33234348) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x332343b8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x33234460) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2437,10 +1759,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x33234508) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x332345b0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2497,10 +1815,6 @@ QLibrary (0x3285fd00) 0
   QObject (0x33234888) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x3285fd00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x33234a10) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2548,10 +1862,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x33234cb0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x33234e38) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2563,45 +1873,21 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x33234ee0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x33234f88) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x33234f18) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x33234968) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x33234230) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x332e81c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x332e8230) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x332e82a0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x332e8150) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2618,20 +1904,8 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x332e8738) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x332e88c0) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x332e8a80) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x332e89a0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2639,15 +1913,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x3285fdc0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x332e8af0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x332e8ea8) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x332e8dc8) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2670,10 +1936,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x33389268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x333892d8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2714,10 +1976,6 @@ QImage (0x3285fe80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x333895e8) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x3285fe80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x33389930) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -2742,45 +2000,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x33389bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x33389c78) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=8
    base size=72 base align=8
 QBrushData (0x33389ce8) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0x33389f18) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0x33389e38) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x33389150) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x33389460) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x333896c8) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x33389fc0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2810,30 +2040,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x33389b60) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x3348e2a0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x3348e150) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x3348e5e8) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x3348e508) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x3348e6c8) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2973,10 +2187,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x33508280) 0
     QObject (0x3348ecb0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x335082c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x3348edc8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -3001,25 +2211,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x33582188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x33582508) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x335825b0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x33582620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x335827e0) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3079,20 +2277,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x33508300) 0
   QObject (0x33582ab8) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x33508300)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x33582c78) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x33582cb0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x33582d90) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3133,10 +2323,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x33648150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x336482d8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3434,15 +2620,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x336d5508) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x336d5690) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x336d55e8) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3741,15 +2919,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x3372f968) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3372fc08) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3372fb28) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3798,10 +2968,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x3372f150) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x3372f5b0) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3824,15 +2990,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x337d2428) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x337d2620) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x337d2540) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -4196,10 +3354,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x33870bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x33870f88) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -4230,20 +3384,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x33828240) 0
   QObject (0x33870268) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x33828240)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x339ab000) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x339ab150) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x339ab0a8) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4450,20 +3592,12 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x33828480) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x339ab738) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x339ab930) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x339ab968) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x339aba48) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -4671,15 +3805,7 @@ QStyle (0x338286c0) 0
   QObject (0x339abea8) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x338286c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x339ab578) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x339ab818) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -4938,10 +4064,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x33828940) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33acf540) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x33acf738) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4968,10 +4090,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x33828a80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33acfb98) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x33acfd90) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -4979,10 +4097,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x33828b00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33acfcb0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x33acff88) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -4997,10 +4111,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x33828bc0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x33828c00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x33acf578) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x33b910e0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5027,10 +4137,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x33828d40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33b91380) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x33b91578) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5056,10 +4162,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x33828e40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33b918c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x33b91ab8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5100,15 +4202,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x33c15040) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x33c15080) 0
     QStyleOption (0x33b917e0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x33c25118) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x33c25070) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5117,10 +4211,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x33c150c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x33c15100) 0
     QStyleOption (0x33b91e00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x33c25380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5328,10 +4418,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x33c154c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x33c25c40) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x33c25e38) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -6096,10 +5182,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x33c15cc0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33d0abd0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x33d0ae00) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6350,10 +5432,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x33c15f00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33d0aab8) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x33e1a150) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6439,10 +5517,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x33e40000) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33e1a2d8) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x33e1a4d0) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6864,10 +5938,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x33e40480) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x33e1af50) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x33e404c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x33e1ab28) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -7215,50 +6285,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x33f76310) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x33f767e0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x33f76968) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x33f76888) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x33f76b28) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x33f76a48) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x33f76ce8) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x33f76c08) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x33f76ea8) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x33f76dc8) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7276,25 +6310,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x340a60a8) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x340a6540) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x340a6460) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x340a62a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x340a65e8) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7306,15 +6328,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x340a6888) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x340a6930) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x340a6ab8) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -7349,25 +6363,13 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x340a69a0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x340a6cb0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x340a6c08) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x340a6d20) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x340a6e38) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7457,15 +6459,7 @@ QStringListModel (0x33e40900) 0
       QObject (0x340a6dc8) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x33e40980)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x341852a0) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x341851c0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7708,15 +6702,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x34185b98) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x34185f50) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x34185ea8) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -8537,15 +7523,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3429ddc8) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3429dea8) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3429d578) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8562,25 +7540,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x3429d118) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x343b83b8) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x343b82d8) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x343b8540) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x343b8498) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8807,15 +7769,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x343b8f18) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x343b8118) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x343b8428) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -9768,15 +8722,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x34586240) 0
   QObject (0x34590620) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x34586240)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x34590850) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x345907a8) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9946,10 +8892,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x345863c0) 0
     QObject (0x34590dc8) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x34586400)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x34590fc0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10471,15 +9413,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x34697c08) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x34697f18) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x34697f88) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -11252,20 +10186,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x347d6100) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x347ae428) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x347ae620) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x347ae738) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x347ae690) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12517,10 +11439,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x347d6e00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x349a23f0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x349a25b0) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -12680,10 +11598,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x347d6fc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x349a27e0) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x349a2a48) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12841,10 +11755,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x349ff0c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x349a2c78) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x349a2e70) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -13018,10 +11928,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x349ff1c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x349a26c8) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x34a9b188) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -14024,10 +12930,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x349ffac0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x34b9b818) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x34b9ba10) 0
 Vtable for QToolBar
 QToolBar::_ZTV8QToolBar: 63u entries
@@ -14567,20 +13469,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0x34cab930) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0x34cabb28) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0x34cab968) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0x34cabc08) 0
 Class QHostInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14714,10 +13608,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0x34cf1140) 0
       QObject (0x34cab230) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x34cf11c0)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0x34cabd90) 0
 Vtable for QTcpSocket
 QTcpSocket::_ZTV10QTcpSocket: 30u entries
@@ -14769,15 +13659,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0x34d970e0) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x34d972a0) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x34d971f8) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -14785,10 +13667,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x34cf12c0) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x34d97118) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x34d973f0) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -15460,34 +14338,12 @@ Q3GVector::_ZTV9Q3GVector: 11u entries
 Class Q3GVector
    size=20 align=4
    base size=20 base align=4
-Q3GVector (0x34cf1980) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3GVector::_ZTV9Q3GVector) + 8u)
-  Q3PtrCollection (0x34e92620) 0
-      primary-for Q3GVector (0x34cf1980)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x34cf1a40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x34cf1a80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x34cf1a40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34e92818) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x34cf1a80)
+Q3GVector (0x34cf1980) 0
+    vptr=((& Q3GVector::_ZTV9Q3GVector) + 8u)
+  Q3PtrCollection (0x34e92620) 0
+      primary-for Q3GVector (0x34cf1980)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -15644,29 +14500,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x34e928c0) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x34cf1cc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x34cf1d00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x34cf1cc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34f70118) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x34cf1d00)
 Class Q3BaseBucket
    size=8 align=4
@@ -15723,28 +14557,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x34f70658) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x34cf1f80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x34cf1fc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x34cf1f80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34f70850) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x34cf1fc0)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -15855,100 +14668,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x34f70e70) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x34fe3200) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x34fe3240) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x34fe3200)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34f70f88) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x34fe3240)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x34fe3280) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x34fe32c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x34fe3280)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x34f70c40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x34fe32c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x34fe3300) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x34fe3340) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x34fe3300)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x35042118) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x34fe3340)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x34fe3380) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x34fe33c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x34fe3380)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x35042310) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x34fe33c0)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -16672,21 +15398,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x35042e38) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x35112460) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x35112380) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x34fe3840) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x35112498) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16695,31 +15408,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x34fe38c0) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x34fe3900) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x351125b0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x35112770) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x351126c8) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x35112a80) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x34fe3940) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x35112ab8) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x35112b60) 0
 Vtable for Q3DataView
 Q3DataView::_ZTV10Q3DataView: 69u entries
@@ -16810,15 +15502,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x35112f18) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x351be038) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x351129d8) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -16879,25 +15563,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x351be3b8) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x351be540) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x351be498) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x351be738) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x351be690) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -17105,10 +15773,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x34fe3b00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x351be9a0) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x351bebd0) 0
 Vtable for Q3SyntaxHighlighter
 Q3SyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV19Q3SyntaxHighlighter: 5u entries
@@ -18062,28 +16726,7 @@ Class Q3Url
 Q3Url (0x3536e188) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Url::_ZTV5Q3Url) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x35319400) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x35319440) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x35319400)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x3536e3b8) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x35319440)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -18444,29 +17087,7 @@ Q3Accel (0x35319780) 0
   QObject (0x354182a0) 0
       primary-for Q3Accel (0x35319780)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x353197c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x35319800) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x353197c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x35418460) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x35319800)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -18494,11 +17115,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x35319840) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x354185b0) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x353198c0)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x35319900) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x35418930) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -19048,29 +17664,7 @@ Q3Process (0x354f8040) 0
   QObject (0x354e7658) 0
       primary-for Q3Process (0x354f8040)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x354f8100) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x354f8140) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x354f8100)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x354e7888) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x354f8140)
 Vtable for Q3Signal
 Q3Signal::_ZTV8Q3Signal: 14u entries
@@ -19097,75 +17691,11 @@ Q3Signal (0x354f8180) 0
   QObject (0x354e7a80) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x354f8180)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x354f8240) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x354f8280) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x354f8240)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x354e7d20) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x354f8280)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x354f8380) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x354f83c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x354f8380)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x354e7348) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x354f83c0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x354f8400) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x354f8440) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x354f8400)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x35568000) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x354f8440)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -19216,91 +17746,13 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x35568498) 0
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x354f8640) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x354f8680) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x354f8640)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x355685b0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x354f8680)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x354f87c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x354f8800) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x354f87c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x355688c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x354f8800)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x354f8900) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x354f8940) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x354f8900)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x35568b60) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x354f8940)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x354f8a80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x354f8ac0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x354f8a80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x35568f50) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x354f8ac0)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -19315,29 +17767,7 @@ Class Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore (0x35614000) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x354f8b80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x354f8bc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x354f8b80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x356141c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x354f8bc0)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -19432,21 +17862,8 @@ Class Q3PaintDeviceMetrics
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3PaintDeviceMetrics (0x356140e0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3566f118) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x3566f038) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x354f8f00) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x3566f150) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -20783,15 +19200,7 @@ Q3SocketDevice (0x3569eb40) 0
     QObject (0x3582a1c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3569eb80)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x3582a428) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x3582a380) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -22116,15 +20525,7 @@ Q3VBox (0x35903700) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x35904d90) 8
               vptr=((& Q3VBox::_ZTV6Q3VBox) + 244u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x359c32d8) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x359c3230) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -23307,25 +21708,9 @@ Q3MainWindow (0x35a74440) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x35a7c9d8) 8
         vptr=((& Q3MainWindow::_ZTV12Q3MainWindow) + 328u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x35a7cd58) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x35a7ccb0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x35a7cee0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x35a7ce38) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -23390,10 +21775,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x35a744c0) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x35a7cc08) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x35b48230) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -23478,213 +21859,45 @@ Q3DockArea (0x35a74580) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x35b48118) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockArea::_ZTV10Q3DockArea) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x35bb68c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x35bd4000) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x35bd4e00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x35c28fc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x35c435e8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x35c72230) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x35c72ee0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x35c93188) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x35d27150) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x35d272d8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x35d27460) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x35d275e8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x35d27770) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x35d60c78) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x35d60e70) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x35da25b0) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=56 align=8
-   base size=56 base align=8
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x35de0a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x35e8f658) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x35e8fa48) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x35e8fe38) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x35eca540) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x35eca658) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x35eca7e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x35eef118) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x35eefea8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x35f11930) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x35f11b28) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x35f4d0e0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x35f4d658) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x35f4dbd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x35f4dd58) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x35f4de00) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x35f89118) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x35f89578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x35f89888) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x35f89930) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x35faf348) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x35faf540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x35faf7e0) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x35faf888) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x35faff50) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x35fd1188) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index 180de6e..8ae374f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x732740) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x7327c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x732980) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x7329c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x732ac0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x732b40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x732d00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x732d40) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x26c0240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x26c0480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x26c0540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x26c0600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x26c06c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x26c0780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x26c0840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x26c0900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x26c09c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x26c0a80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x26c0b40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x26c0c00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x26c0cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x26c0d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x26c0e40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x2703140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x2703240) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x2703940) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x2703980) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x2703c00) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x2794940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x2794d00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x289c180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x289c200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x289c280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x289c300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x289c380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x289c400) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x289c480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x289c500) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x289c580) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x289c600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x289c680) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x289c700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x289c780) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x289cf80) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x2a1a380) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x2a1afc0) 0
   QString (0x2b15000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x2b15100) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x2b15980) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x2b15fc0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x2b15e40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x2c37180) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x2c370c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x2c373c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x2c37400) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x2c376c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x2c37640) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x2c37940) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x2c37880) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x2c37f80) 0
   QObject (0x2c37fc0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x2c37f80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x2d08180) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x2d08880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x2d08ac0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x2d08b40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2d08d40) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x2d08c80) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x2d08e00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x2d08e40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x2db3280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x2db3300) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x2e3f040) 0
     QObject (0x2e3f0c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2e3f080)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x2e3f280) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x2e3f2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x2e3f380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x2e3f400) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2e3f5c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x2e3f500) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x2e3f680) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x2e3f7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x2e3f840) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x2e3f880) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x2e3fb40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x2e3fa80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x2e3fe40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x3017400) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x30176c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1078,35 +836,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x312e140) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x312e8c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x312e940) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x312e840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x312e9c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x312ea40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x312eac0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1244,15 +982,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x322c9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x322ca80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x322cb40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1279,270 +1009,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x322cd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x322cf40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x322c440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x322c940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x3343040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x3343100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x33431c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x3343280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x3343340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x3343400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x33434c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x3343580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x3343640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x3343700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x33437c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x3343880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x3343940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x3343a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x3343ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x3343b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x3343c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x3343d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x3343dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x3343e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x3343f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x335e000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x335e0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x335e180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x335e240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x335e300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x335e3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x335e480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x335e540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x335e600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x335e6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x335e780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x335e840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x335e900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x335e9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x335ea80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x335eb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x335ec00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x335ecc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x335ed80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x335ee40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x335ef00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x335efc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x3379080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x3379140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x3379200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x33792c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x3379380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x3379440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x3379500) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1569,60 +1087,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x3379580) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x3379ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x3379b80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3379d80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x3379cc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3379f80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x3379ec0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x33798c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x340f100) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x340f1c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x340f240) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x340f2c0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1700,15 +1178,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x340fb00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x340fcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x340fd40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1735,10 +1205,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x340fdc0) 0
   QObject (0x340fe00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x340fdc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x340f580) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1783,20 +1249,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x34ef140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x34ef300) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x34ef380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x34ef4c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1966,10 +1424,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x34efc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x34efd00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2076,20 +1530,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x35a5840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x35a5900) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x35a5980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x35a5a40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2101,10 +1547,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x35a5b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x35a5bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2286,10 +1728,6 @@ QLibrary (0x361b380) 0
   QObject (0x361b3c0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x361b380)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x361b580) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2326,10 +1764,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x361b8c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x361ba80) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2341,20 +1775,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x361bb40) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x361bc00) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x361bb80) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x361bd40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2412,10 +1838,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x36ef5c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x36ef6c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2427,70 +1849,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x36ef940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x36efb40) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x36efbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x36efdc0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x36efe40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x36effc0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x36efa00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x379f240) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x379f500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x379f980) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x379fc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x379fd00) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x379fe80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x379ff40) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2502,40 +1896,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x387b280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x387b680) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x387ba40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x387be40) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x387bc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x392d040) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x392d2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x392d480) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2583,10 +1961,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x392dec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x392da40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2625,15 +1999,7 @@ Class QMacMime
 QMacMime (0x3a73080) 0
     vptr=((& QMacMime::_ZTV8QMacMime) + 8u)
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union> (0x3a733c0) 0
-Class QList<QMacMime*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*> (0x3a73300) 0
 Vtable for QMacPasteboardMime
 QMacPasteboardMime::_ZTV18QMacPasteboardMime: 10u entries
@@ -2934,15 +2300,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x3b04140) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x3b04a40) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x3b045c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3231,15 +2589,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x3b908c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x3b90a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x3b90a80) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3628,40 +2978,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x3c3f0c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3c3f400) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3c3f480) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3c3f500) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x3c3f380) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x3c3f300) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3c3f940) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3c3f840) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3669,15 +2995,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x3c3f9c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3c3fa00) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3c3fe40) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3c3fd40) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3690,10 +3008,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x3cd6100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x3cd6180) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3718,10 +3032,6 @@ QImage (0x3cd6380) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x3cd63c0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x3cd6380)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x3cd6780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3746,45 +3056,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x3cd6cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x3cd6d80) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x3cd6e00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x3cd65c0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x3cd6f80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3cd6ac0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3cd6c40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3dce000) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x3cd69c0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4180,10 +3462,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x3eb9fc0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3eb9240) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x3eb9ec0) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4434,10 +3712,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x3fed500) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3fed5c0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x3fed880) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4844,10 +4118,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x40bd1c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x40bd280) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x40bd500) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -5202,25 +4472,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x40bd380) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x4191340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4191240) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x4191040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4191400) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5275,15 +4533,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x4191780) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x4191b00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x4191b80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5872,10 +5122,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x4285640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x42857c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -6044,60 +5290,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x4308380) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x4308480) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x43084c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x4308a40) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x4308c00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x4308b00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x4308e00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x4308d00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x4308140) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x4308f00) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x43fb100) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x43fb000) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -6352,20 +5558,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x43fb6c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x43fb7c0) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x43fba00) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x43fbb40) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x43fba80) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -6392,10 +5586,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x43fbd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x4536100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6551,10 +5741,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x4567f00) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x4536b40) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x4536b00)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x4536d80) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6730,15 +5916,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x45c7740) 0
   QObject (0x45c7780) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x45c7740)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x45c7a00) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x45c7940) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -7043,10 +6221,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x46865c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x4686640) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x46868c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -7254,15 +6428,7 @@ QStyle (0x4686e40) 0
   QObject (0x4686e80) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x4686e40)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x4686380) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x4686780) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -7521,10 +6687,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x4795800) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4795840) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x4795b00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7551,10 +6713,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x4795540) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4795700) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x4840140) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7562,10 +6720,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x4840000) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4840040) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x4840400) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7580,10 +6734,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x4840540) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x4840580) 0
     QStyleOption (0x48405c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x4840940) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7610,10 +6760,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x4840d00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4840d40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x4840fc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7639,10 +6785,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x48df140) 0
   QStyleOption (0x48df180) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x48df440) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7683,15 +6825,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x48dfdc0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x48dfe00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x48dfe40) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x48dfbc0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x48df700) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7700,10 +6834,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x48dff80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x48dffc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x48df040) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x49542c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7794,10 +6924,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x4954f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x49f7140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7828,20 +6954,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x49f7200) 0
   QObject (0x49f7240) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x49f7200)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x49f7400) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x49f7580) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x49f74c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7971,10 +7085,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x49f7740) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x49f7840) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x49f7ac0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8312,15 +7422,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x4ac8580) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x4ac8b00) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4ac89c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8461,15 +7563,7 @@ QListView (0x4ac8d40) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4ac8e80) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x4b68080) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x4ac8c80) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8762,15 +7856,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x4b68cc0) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4b68e00) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x4b68780) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9288,35 +8374,15 @@ QTreeView (0x4c7ddc0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4c7df00) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x4d78000) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x4c7d880) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x4d78480) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4d78380) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4d78640) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4d78580) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10197,15 +9263,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x4f8b400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x4f8b4c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x4f8b680) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -10240,20 +9298,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x4f8b540) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x4f8b8c0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x4f8b800) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x4f8b940) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -10346,10 +9396,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4f8b300) 0
     QObject (0x4f8b780) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4f8b600)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x506f1c0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10723,30 +9769,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x50f30c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x50f3480) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x50f3300) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x50f3840) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x50f3740) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x50f3940) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10801,15 +9831,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x50f3e80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x50f3f80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x50f3180) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10859,15 +9881,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x520c2c0) 0
   QObject (0x520c300) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x520c2c0)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x520c500) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x520c640) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10879,15 +9893,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x520c780) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x520c9c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x520c8c0) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11049,10 +10055,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x52ce140) 0
     QObject (0x52ce1c0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x52ce180)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x52ce700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11077,25 +10079,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x52ce940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x52ced40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x52cee00) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x52ceec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x532d080) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12057,10 +11047,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x548b800) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x548b900) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x548bb00) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12221,10 +11207,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x548bdc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x548be40) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x548b700) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -12304,10 +11286,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x548b9c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x548bf40) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x554c280) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12469,10 +11447,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x554c500) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x554c5c0) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x554c800) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -14041,10 +13015,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x57eb3c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x57eb4c0) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x57eb800) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -14654,20 +13624,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0x59a7140) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0x59a7340) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0x59a7180) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0x59a7440) 0
 Class QNetworkProxy
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14792,15 +13754,7 @@ QUdpSocket (0x59a7840) 0
       QObject (0x59a7900) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x59a78c0)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0x59a7ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x59a7bc0) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14938,15 +13892,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSqlField (0x5c6d380) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x5c6d600) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x5c6d540) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -15462,29 +14408,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x5d21940) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x5d21c40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x5d21c80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x5d21c40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5d21cc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x5d21c80)
 Class Q3PointArray
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15493,21 +14417,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0x5dcf0c0) 0
   QPolygon (0x5dcf100) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0x5dcf140) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x5dcf700) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x5dcf600) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x5dcf740) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x5dcf780) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16145,28 +15056,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x5edc640) 0
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x5edc900) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x5edc940) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x5edc900)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5edc980) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x5edc940)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -16701,29 +15591,7 @@ Q3Wizard (0x5f50e80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x5f50f40) 8
           vptr=((& Q3Wizard::_ZTV8Q3Wizard) + 308u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x5f50d80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x5ff5000) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x5f50d80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5ff5040) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x5ff5000)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -16751,11 +15619,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x5ff51c0) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x5ff5280) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x5ff5240)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x5ff5680) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x5ff56c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -17788,29 +16651,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x61b1280) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x61b12c0) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x61b1280)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x61b1580) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x61b15c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x61b1580)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x61b1600) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x61b15c0)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -17930,28 +16771,7 @@ Class Q3GArray
 Q3GArray (0x61b1a00) 0
     vptr=((& Q3GArray::_ZTV8Q3GArray) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x61b1f40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x61b1f80) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x61b1f40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x61b1fc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x61b1f80)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -18062,100 +16882,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x6279700) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x6279840) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x6279880) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x6279840)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x62798c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x6279880)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x6279ac0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x6279b00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x6279ac0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6279b40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x6279b00)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x6279d40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x6279d80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x6279d40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6279dc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x6279d80)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x62791c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x6279340) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x62791c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x62794c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x6279340)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -18469,15 +17202,7 @@ Q3Ftp (0x630c540) 0
     QObject (0x630c5c0) 0
         primary-for Q3NetworkProtocol (0x630c580)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x630c8c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x630c800) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -19759,21 +18484,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x654b400) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x654b780) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x654b680) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x654b7c0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x654b800) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -19782,31 +18494,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x654b980) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x654b9c0) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x654ba00) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x654bc00) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x654bb40) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x654bf80) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x654bfc0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x654b380) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x654bec0) 0
 Vtable for Q3SqlSelectCursor
 Q3SqlSelectCursor::_ZTV17Q3SqlSelectCursor: 40u entries
@@ -19866,15 +18557,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x65de3c0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x65de6c0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x65de580) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -19913,25 +18596,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x65de900) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x65deac0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x65dea00) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x65ded40) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x65dec80) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -20139,10 +18806,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x65de340) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x65dec00) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x667a240) 0
 Vtable for Q3MultiLineEdit
 Q3MultiLineEdit::_ZTV15Q3MultiLineEdit: 192u entries
@@ -20827,114 +19490,15 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x6760d40) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x6760f00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x6760f40) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x6760f00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6760f80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x6760f40)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x680b240) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x680b280) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x680b240)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x680b2c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x680b280)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x680b680) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x680b6c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x680b680)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x680b700) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x680b6c0)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x680bc80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x680bcc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x680bc80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x680bd00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x680bcc0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x680bfc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x680b380) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x680bfc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x680b7c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x680b380)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -20961,76 +19525,11 @@ Q3ObjectDictionary (0x688b0c0) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x688b180) 0
           primary-for Q3GDict (0x688b140)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x688b5c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x688b600) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x688b5c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x688b640) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x688b600)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x688ba40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x688ba80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x688ba40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x688bac0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x688ba80)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x688bec0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x688bf00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x688bec0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x688bf40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x688bf00)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -21070,29 +19569,7 @@ Q3Signal (0x68e3080) 0
   QObject (0x68e30c0) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x68e3080)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x68e3340) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x68e3380) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x68e3340)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x68e33c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x68e3380)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -21398,15 +19875,7 @@ Q3GroupBox (0x6955440) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x6955500) 8
           vptr=((& Q3GroupBox::_ZTV10Q3GroupBox) + 236u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x6955980) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x69558c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -22209,25 +20678,9 @@ Q3DockWindow (0x69e3e80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x69e3f80) 8
             vptr=((& Q3DockWindow::_ZTV12Q3DockWindow) + 304u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x6a981c0) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x6a98100) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x6a98380) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x6a982c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -22292,10 +20745,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x69e3b40) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x6a98000) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x6a98a80) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -23511,223 +21960,47 @@ Q3WidgetStack (0x6be1ac0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x6be1bc0) 8
             vptr=((& Q3WidgetStack::_ZTV13Q3WidgetStack) + 248u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x6ca2400) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x6cc8280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x6d20300) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x6d5f780) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x6d5fe80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x6db4580) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x6dd4a80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x6dd4c40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x6dd4e00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x6dd4fc0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x6ebd540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x6ebd780) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x6edddc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x6f000c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x6f00740) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x6f23a80) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=52 align=4
-   base size=52 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x6f88180) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x707b100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x707ba80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x707bd00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x7097240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x70975c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x7097a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x70b4140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x70b4e00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x70df900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMacMime*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMacMime*> (0x70dfb80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::Node (0x70dfc40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x70dfec0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x70dffc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x711f6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x711fe00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x711fec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x7158280) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x7158340) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x7158700) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x7158a40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x7158d80) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x718cd40) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x718cec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x71b5180) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x71b5240) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x71b5a00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x71b5c80) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 306abd0..c32b0be 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa65340) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa653c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa65580) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xa655c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xa656c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xa65740) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xa65900) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xa65940) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xa65e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x2700080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x2700140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x2700200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x27002c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x2700380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x2700440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x2700500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x27005c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x2700680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x2700740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x2700800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x27008c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x2700980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x2700a40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x2700d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x2700e40) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x276d440) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x276d480) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x276d700) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x2814440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x2814800) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x2814c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x2814d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x2814d80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x2814e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x2814e80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x2814f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x2814f80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x292b000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x292b080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x292b100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x292b180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x292b200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x292b280) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x292ba80) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x292bec0) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x2a9aac0) 0
   QString (0x2a9ab00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x2a9ac00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x2b8c440) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x2b8ca80) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x2b8c900) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x2b8cdc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x2b8cd00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x2b8c080) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x2b8c2c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x2ca51c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x2ca5140) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x2ca5440) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x2ca5380) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x2ca5a80) 0
   QObject (0x2ca5ac0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x2ca5a80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x2ca5d00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x2d75340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x2d75580) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x2d75600) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2d75800) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x2d75740) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x2d758c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x2d75900) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x2d75dc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x2d75e40) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x2e18800) 0
     QObject (0x2e72040) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2e72000)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x2e72200) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x2e72240) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x2e72300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x2e72380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2e72540) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x2e72480) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x2e72600) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x2e72740) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x2e727c0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x2e72800) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x2e72ac0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x2e72fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x2e72a00) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x2f89fc0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x30ff200) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1088,40 +846,16 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x30fff80) 0
-Class OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union> (0x31610c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x3161800) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x3161880) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x3161780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3161900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3161980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x3161a00) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1259,15 +993,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x3267940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x3267a00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x3267ac0) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1294,270 +1020,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x3267cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x3267ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x3267f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x3267540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x3267c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x336f080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x336f140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x336f200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x336f2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x336f380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x336f440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x336f500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x336f5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x336f680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x336f740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x336f800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x336f8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x336f980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x336fa40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x336fb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x336fbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x336fc80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x336fd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x336fe00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x336fec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x336ff80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x338a040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x338a100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x338a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x338a280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x338a340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x338a400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x338a4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x338a580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x338a640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x338a700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x338a7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x338a880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x338a940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x338aa00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x338aac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x338ab80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x338ac40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x338ad00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x338adc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x338ae80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x338af40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x33a6000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x33a60c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x33a6180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x33a6240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x33a6300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x33a63c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x33a6480) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1584,60 +1098,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x33a6500) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x33a6a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x33a6b00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x33a6d00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x33a6c40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x33a6f00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x33a6e40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x33a67c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x343a080) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x343a140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x343a1c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x343a240) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1715,15 +1189,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x343aa80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x343ac40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x343acc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1750,11 +1216,7 @@ QEventLoop (0x343ad40) 0
   QObject (0x343ad80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x343ad40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x343af80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
 0     (int (*)(...))0
@@ -1798,20 +1260,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x351f0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x351f280) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x351f300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x351f440) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1435,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x351fb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x351fc80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1541,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x35d37c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x35d3880) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x35d3900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x35d39c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2116,10 +1558,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x35d3a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x35d3b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2301,10 +1739,6 @@ QLibrary (0x3651300) 0
   QObject (0x3651340) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x3651300)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x3651500) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2341,10 +1775,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x3651840) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x3651a00) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2356,20 +1786,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x3651ac0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x3651b80) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x3651b00) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x3651cc0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2427,10 +1849,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x371c580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x371c680) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2442,70 +1860,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x371c900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x371cb00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x371cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x371cd80) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x371ce00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x371cf80) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x371c940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x37ca1c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x37ca480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x37ca900) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x37cac00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x37cac80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x37cae00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x37caec0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2517,40 +1907,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x38a5240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x38a5640) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x38a5a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x38a5e00) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x38a5b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x3956000) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x3956280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x3956440) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2598,10 +1972,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x3956e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x3956340) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2640,15 +2010,7 @@ Class QMacMime
 QMacMime (0x3a9d000) 0
     vptr=((& QMacMime::_ZTV8QMacMime) + 8u)
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union> (0x3a9d340) 0
-Class QList<QMacMime*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*> (0x3a9d280) 0
 Vtable for QMacPasteboardMime
 QMacPasteboardMime::_ZTV18QMacPasteboardMime: 10u entries
@@ -2949,15 +2311,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=28 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x3b2f140) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x3b2fa40) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x3b2f5c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3246,15 +2600,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x3bb98c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x3bb9a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x3bb9a80) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3643,40 +2989,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x3c690c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3c69400) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3c69480) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3c69500) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x3c69380) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x3c69300) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3c69940) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3c69840) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3684,15 +3006,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x3c699c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3c69a00) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3c69e40) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3c69d40) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3705,10 +3019,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x3cff100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x3cff180) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3733,10 +3043,6 @@ QImage (0x3cff380) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x3cff3c0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x3cff380)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x3cff780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3761,45 +3067,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x3cffcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x3cffd80) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x3cffe00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x3cff5c0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x3cfff80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3cffac0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3cffc40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3def000) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x3cff9c0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4195,10 +3473,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x3edafc0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3eda240) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x3edaec0) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4449,10 +3723,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x4014500) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x40145c0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x4014880) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4859,10 +4129,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x40e41c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x40e4280) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x40e4500) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -5217,25 +4483,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x40e4380) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x41bb340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x41bb240) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x41bb040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x41bb400) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5290,15 +4544,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x41bb780) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x41bbb00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x41bbb80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5887,10 +5133,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x42b0640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x42b07c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -6059,60 +5301,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x4333380) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x4333480) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x4333500) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x4333a80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x4333c40) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x4333b40) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x4333e40) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x4333d40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x4333300) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x4333f40) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x4426140) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x4426040) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -6367,20 +5569,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x4426700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4426800) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x4426a40) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4426b80) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x4426ac0) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -6407,10 +5597,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x4555000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x4555140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6566,10 +5752,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x4590e00) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x4555b80) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x4555b40)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x4555dc0) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6745,15 +5927,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x45f1780) 0
   QObject (0x45f17c0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x45f1780)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x45f1a40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x45f1980) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -7058,10 +6232,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x46b1600) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x46b1680) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x46b1900) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -7269,15 +6439,7 @@ QStyle (0x46b1e80) 0
   QObject (0x46b1ec0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x46b1e80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x46b1580) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x46b1a80) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -7536,10 +6698,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x47af840) 0
   QStyleOption (0x47af880) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x47afb40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7566,10 +6724,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x47af740) 0
   QStyleOption (0x47af8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x4867180) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7577,10 +6731,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x4867040) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4867080) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x4867440) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7595,10 +6745,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x4867580) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x48675c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x4867600) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x4867980) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7625,10 +6771,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x4867d40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4867d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x4867100) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7654,10 +6796,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x4909180) 0
   QStyleOption (0x49091c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x4909480) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7698,15 +6836,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x4909e00) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x4909e40) 0
     QStyleOption (0x4909e80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x4909d00) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x49098c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7715,10 +6845,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x4909fc0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x4909080) 0
     QStyleOption (0x4909200) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x4978300) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7809,10 +6935,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x4978f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x4a18180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7843,20 +6965,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x4a18240) 0
   QObject (0x4a18280) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x4a18240)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x4a18440) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x4a185c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x4a18500) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7986,10 +7096,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x4a18780) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4a18880) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x4a18b00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8327,15 +7433,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x4af15c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x4af1b40) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4af1a00) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8476,15 +7574,7 @@ QListView (0x4af1d80) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4af1ec0) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x4b910c0) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x4af1fc0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8777,15 +7867,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x4b91d00) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4c92000) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x4b91a80) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9303,35 +8385,15 @@ QTreeView (0x4c92e00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4c92f40) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x4da0080) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x4c928c0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x4da0500) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4da0400) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4da06c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4da0600) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10212,15 +9274,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x4fb3480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x4fb3540) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x4fb3700) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -10255,20 +9309,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x4fb35c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x4fb39c0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x4fb3900) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x4fb3a40) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -10361,10 +9407,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4fb3940) 0
     QObject (0x4fb3d40) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4fb3bc0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x508e2c0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10738,30 +9780,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x5110180) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x5110540) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x51103c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x5110900) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x5110800) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x5110a00) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10816,15 +9842,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x5110f40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x521f080) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x5110600) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10874,15 +9892,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x521f380) 0
   QObject (0x521f3c0) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x521f380)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x521f5c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x521f700) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10894,15 +9904,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x521f840) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x521fa80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x521f980) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11064,10 +10066,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x52ec240) 0
     QObject (0x52ec2c0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x52ec280)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x52ec800) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11092,25 +10090,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x52eca40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x52ece40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x52ecf00) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x52ecfc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x5351140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12072,10 +11058,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x54928c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x54929c0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x5492bc0) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12236,10 +11218,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x5492e80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x5492f00) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x5492d80) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -12319,10 +11297,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x5571000) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x5571080) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x5571340) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12484,10 +11458,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x55715c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x5571680) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x55718c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -14056,10 +13026,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x580a480) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x580a580) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x580a8c0) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -14669,20 +13635,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0x59bd240) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0x59bd440) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0x59bd280) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0x59bd540) 0
 Class QNetworkProxy
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14807,15 +13765,7 @@ QUdpSocket (0x59bd940) 0
       QObject (0x59bda00) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x59bd9c0)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0x59bdbc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x59bdcc0) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14953,15 +13903,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=20 base align=4
 QSqlField (0x5c49440) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x5c496c0) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x5c49600) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -15477,29 +14419,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0x5cf7a40) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x5cf7d40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x5cf7d80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x5cf7d40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5cf7dc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x5cf7d80)
 Class Q3PointArray
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15508,21 +14428,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0x5da9180) 0
   QPolygon (0x5da91c0) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0x5da9200) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x5da97c0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x5da96c0) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x5da9800) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x5da9840) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16160,28 +15067,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x5eae740) 0
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x5eaea00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x5eaea40) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x5eaea00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5eaea80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x5eaea40)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -16716,29 +15602,7 @@ Q3Wizard (0x5f25f40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x5f250c0) 8
           vptr=((& Q3Wizard::_ZTV8Q3Wizard) + 308u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x5fd1080) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x5fd10c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x5fd1080)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x5fd1100) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x5fd10c0)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -16766,11 +15630,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x5fd1280) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x5fd1340) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x5fd1300)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x5fd1740) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x5fd1780) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -17803,29 +16662,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x61753c0) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x6175400) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x61753c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x61756c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x6175700) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x61756c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6175740) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x6175700)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -17945,28 +16782,7 @@ Class Q3GArray
 Q3GArray (0x6175b40) 0
     vptr=((& Q3GArray::_ZTV8Q3GArray) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x61754c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x6175800) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x61754c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x61759c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x6175800)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -18077,100 +16893,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x6253840) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x6253980) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x62539c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x6253980)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6253a00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x62539c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x6253c00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x6253c40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x6253c00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6253c80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x6253c40)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x6253e80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x6253ec0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x6253e80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6253f00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x6253ec0)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x6253600) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x6253900) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x6253600)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6253ac0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x6253900)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -18484,15 +17213,7 @@ Q3Ftp (0x62dc680) 0
     QObject (0x62dc700) 0
         primary-for Q3NetworkProtocol (0x62dc6c0)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x62dca00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x62dc940) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -19774,21 +18495,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x65156c0) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x6515a40) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x6515940) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x6515a80) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x6515ac0) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -19797,31 +18505,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x6515c40) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x6515c80) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x6515cc0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x6515ec0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x6515e00) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x659c180) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x659c1c0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x659c200) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x659c2c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3SqlSelectCursor
 Q3SqlSelectCursor::_ZTV17Q3SqlSelectCursor: 40u entries
@@ -19881,15 +18568,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x659c6c0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x659c9c0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x659c880) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -19928,25 +18607,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x659cc00) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x659cdc0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x659cd00) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x659c240) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x659cf80) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -20154,10 +18817,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x664b0c0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x664b200) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x664b4c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3MultiLineEdit
 Q3MultiLineEdit::_ZTV15Q3MultiLineEdit: 192u entries
@@ -20842,114 +19501,15 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x6727fc0) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x67d10c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x67d1100) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x67d10c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x67d1140) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x67d1100)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x67d1500) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x67d1540) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x67d1500)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x67d1580) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x67d1540)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x67d1940) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x67d1980) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x67d1940)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x67d19c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x67d1980)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x67d1f40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x67d1f80) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x67d1f40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x67d1fc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x67d1f80)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x6856180) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x68561c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x6856180)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6856200) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x68561c0)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -20976,76 +19536,11 @@ Q3ObjectDictionary (0x6856340) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x6856400) 0
           primary-for Q3GDict (0x68563c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x6856840) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x6856880) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x6856840)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x68568c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x6856880)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x6856cc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x6856d00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x6856cc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6856d40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x6856d00)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x68b3000) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x68b3040) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x68b3000)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x68b3080) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x68b3040)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -21085,29 +19580,7 @@ Q3Signal (0x68b3340) 0
   QObject (0x68b3380) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x68b3340)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x68b3600) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x68b3640) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x68b3600)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x68b3680) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x68b3640)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -21413,15 +19886,7 @@ Q3GroupBox (0x690d700) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x690d7c0) 8
           vptr=((& Q3GroupBox::_ZTV10Q3GroupBox) + 236u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x690dc40) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x690db80) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -22224,25 +20689,9 @@ Q3DockWindow (0x69b0b40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x6a4c080) 8
             vptr=((& Q3DockWindow::_ZTV12Q3DockWindow) + 304u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x6a4c480) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x6a4c3c0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x6a4c640) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x6a4c580) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -22307,10 +20756,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x6a4c240) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x6a4c2c0) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x6a4cd40) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -23526,223 +21971,47 @@ Q3WidgetStack (0x6b99d80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x6b99e80) 8
             vptr=((& Q3WidgetStack::_ZTV13Q3WidgetStack) + 248u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x6c75680) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x6c95500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x6cf3580) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x6d31a00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x6d62100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x6d8a800) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x6da9d00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x6da9ec0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x6dc6080) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x6dc6240) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x6e8f7c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x6e8fa00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x6ed0040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x6ed0340) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x6ed09c0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x6ef7d00) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=56 align=4
-   base size=56 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x6f5b400) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x704c380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x704cd00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x704cf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x706a4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x706a840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x706acc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x70893c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x70af280) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x70afbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMacMime*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMacMime*> (0x70afe40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::Node (0x70aff00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x70e4100) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x70e4280) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x70e4980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x70e49c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x712b080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x712b500) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x712b5c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x712b980) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x712bcc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x712bf80) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x7162000) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x718b100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x718b400) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x718b4c0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x718bc80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x718bf00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index b4d0e76..81e0ec5 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa9db00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa9dc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa9df00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xac3000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xac3180) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xac3240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xac34c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xac3580) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xaf4380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaf4b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaf4d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaf4e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xb0a000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb0a180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xb0a300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb0a480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb0a600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb0a780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb0a900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb0aa80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb0ac00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb0ad80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb0af00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb36080) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb5ff00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb97380) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -171,75 +81,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc4ab00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd71780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd83e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd940c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd83980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd9ae40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd94780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xda58c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdd9300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdd9600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xda0080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xde94c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xde9d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdef080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xdef480) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xee0240) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xee0780) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -282,10 +132,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11efdc0) 0
   QString (0x11efe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x125d140) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -348,10 +194,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12d21c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x13db180) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -376,15 +218,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xee01c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13ff480) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc5c5c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -407,25 +241,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x144a300) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x144a340) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x145fac0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x144a8c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x148f340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1475f40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -517,10 +339,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13b4a40) 0
   QObject (0x1509b40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13b4a40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1509e40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -540,25 +358,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xee00c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15d9c00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x15d9f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x15f14c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x15f1380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -566,15 +372,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xee0140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15f1740) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x15f1600) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x15f15c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -703,50 +501,22 @@ QFile (0x170f080) 0
     QObject (0x170f100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x170f0c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x170f940) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1767140) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1767a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1780ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1780f80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1780e80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1725fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x17bbc80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x17bb880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -803,10 +573,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x16fff80) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x185b0c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -880,10 +646,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x18cbb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x18cbc80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -908,10 +670,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1b10580) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1b10940) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -948,20 +706,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b9f740) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b9f780) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b9f740)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bd3980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bd3b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bf18c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1099,15 +845,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e5bcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1ea4980) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1ea4040) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1134,270 +872,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1f06400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1f29840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1f299c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1f29b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1f29cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1f29e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1f29fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1f3d140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1f3d2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1f3d440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1f3d5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1f3d740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1f3d8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1f3da40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1f3dbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1f3dd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1f3dec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1f5d040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1f5d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1f5d340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1f5d4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1f5d640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1f5d7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1f5d940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1f5dac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1f5dc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1f5ddc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1f5df40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1f7b0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1f7b240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1f7b3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1f7b540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1f7b6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1f7b840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1f7b9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1f7bb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1f7bcc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1f7be40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1f7bfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1f99140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1f992c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1f99440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1f995c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1f99740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1f998c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1f99a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1f99bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1f99d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1f99ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1fbc040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1fbc1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1fbc340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1fbc4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1fbc640) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1424,45 +950,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x1475c80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x2012e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x2012fc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2042480) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1fd0540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2042780) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1fd05c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1fbc800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x20aa100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1540,15 +1038,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1f29180) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2163440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x21c1040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1575,10 +1065,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x21c16c0) 0
   QObject (0x21c1700) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x21c16c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x21c1a00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1623,20 +1109,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x223a200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x223ae80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x223a180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x22632c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1806,10 +1284,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x22e77c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x22e7e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1917,20 +1391,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x143fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x238abc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x143fc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x23a01c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1942,10 +1408,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x143fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x23a0900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2127,10 +1589,6 @@ QLibrary (0x245e040) 0
   QObject (0x245e080) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x245e040)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x245e2c0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2172,10 +1630,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x24d07c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24fd000) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2187,20 +1641,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x24fde00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x250c140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x24fdfc0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x250c900) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2258,10 +1704,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2550ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x25ab480) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2273,70 +1715,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e5bb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2603640) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e5bbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x262b280) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1767040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2659040) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1f29340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2659c80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1f29380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2682e40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f292c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x26c92c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1f29300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x26f5780) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2348,40 +1762,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f29240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27e3fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1f29280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2835500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f291c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x28b7000) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1f29200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x293b340) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2429,10 +1827,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x1f29700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2a52280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2749,15 +2143,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2b4ae80) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2b72380) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2b4af80) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3046,15 +2432,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2c1ebc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2c33c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2c41180) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3445,40 +2823,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x29caf80) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d77dc0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d77f00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2db9000) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2d77d40) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x1f294c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2de7540) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2de73c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3486,15 +2840,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x1f295c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2de7700) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2e28980) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2e28840) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3507,10 +2853,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x1f29800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2e85800) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3537,10 +2879,6 @@ QImage (0x1f29580) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2ea7cc0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x1f29580)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2f62000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 9u entries
@@ -3567,45 +2905,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x1f29480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2fb6a00) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=8
    base size=72 base align=8
 QBrushData (0x2fb61c0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2fd5900) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2fd5080) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fd5b40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fd5c40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fd5e80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2fd5ac0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -4017,10 +3327,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x335e080) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x335e180) 8
           vptr=((&QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x335e440) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4283,10 +3589,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x33d59c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33d5ac0) 8
           vptr=((&QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x3401480) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4713,10 +4015,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x3572900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3572a00) 8
           vptr=((&QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x358a680) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 71u entries
@@ -5087,25 +4385,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x2e61a80) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x36d4980) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36d4800) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x36b71c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36d4b40) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5160,15 +4446,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x373c540) 0
     vptr=((&QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x373c680) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x3774580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5757,10 +5035,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x1f29740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x38a3e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -5929,60 +5203,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x393ea00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x393ee40) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x29fa080) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x399ca00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3a5e3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x39b37c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3a5e740) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x39b3880) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3a9e400) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x39b39c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3a9e700) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x2a0d700) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 69u entries
@@ -6249,20 +5483,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x374da40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3b6bc40) 8
             vptr=((&QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x3ba31c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3c0b440) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x373ca80) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 9u entries
@@ -6291,10 +5513,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x1f29540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3c97400) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6450,10 +5668,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x3cb6fc0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x3cd6080) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x3cd6040)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x3cd6240) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6631,15 +5845,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x3da71c0) 0
   QObject (0x3de6540) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x3da71c0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x3e10000) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x31e8d80) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -6948,10 +6154,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3ed1100) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3ed11c0) 8
         vptr=((&QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3ed16c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 68u entries
@@ -7167,15 +6369,7 @@ QStyle (0x31b69c0) 0
   QObject (0x3f9a340) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x31b69c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3f9ac80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3fbee40) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 71u entries
@@ -7446,10 +6640,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x411cf40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x411cf80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x4132440) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7476,10 +6666,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x417a740) 0
   QStyleOption (0x417a780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x41a0240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7487,10 +6673,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x41a00c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x41a0100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x41a0b80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7505,10 +6687,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x41f82c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x41f8300) 0
     QStyleOption (0x41f8340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x41f8a80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7535,10 +6713,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x4247800) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4247840) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x4298240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7564,10 +6738,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x42e5240) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42e5280) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x42e5940) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7608,15 +6778,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x43675c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x4367600) 0
     QStyleOption (0x4367640) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x4367c80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4367b80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7625,10 +6787,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x4367ac0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x4367b00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x4367b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x439b740) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7719,10 +6877,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x4473380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x44a09c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7753,20 +6907,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x44a0dc0) 0
   QObject (0x44a0e00) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x44a0dc0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x44dc140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x44dcfc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x44dcec0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7900,10 +7042,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x452d640) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x452d780) 8
             vptr=((&QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x4557480) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8245,15 +7383,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x46b1200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x46b1f00) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x46b1d00) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8398,15 +7528,7 @@ QListView (0x46d0680) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x46d0800) 8
               vptr=((&QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 400u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x46eee40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x46eecc0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8703,15 +7825,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x48283c0) 0
     vptr=((&QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x48df880) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x48288c0) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9241,35 +8355,15 @@ QTreeView (0x4a5d980) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4a5db00) 8
               vptr=((&QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 408u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x4a87ec0) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x4a87a80) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x4ab8cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4ab8b40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4ab8f00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4ab89c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10158,15 +9252,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x399c840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x4e24ec0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x4e4e4c0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 26u entries
@@ -10203,20 +9289,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x2d29b00) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x4e4e940) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x4e24c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x4e24dc0) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 9u entries
@@ -10313,10 +9391,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4f8fc40) 0
     QObject (0x4f8fcc0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4f8fc80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x4fc9500) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10690,30 +9764,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x1f29780) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x513ff80) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x1f297c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x5152900) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x513fa80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x513f600) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10768,15 +9826,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x30c1dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x52e8780) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x52e8400) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10826,15 +9876,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x382b300) 0
   QObject (0x5315fc0) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x382b300)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x532a500) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x539a700) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10846,15 +9888,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x539ac00) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x539aec0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x539ad40) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -11016,10 +10050,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x53157c0) 0
     QObject (0x5440180) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x5440140)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x5468700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11044,25 +10074,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x52c3c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x5499f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x54b5100) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x5409280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x54b5b80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12056,10 +11074,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x5772940) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x5772a80) 8
             vptr=((&QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 268u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x5749c40) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 68u entries
@@ -12228,10 +11242,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x57e4bc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x57e4c80) 8
         vptr=((&QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x57e4d80) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 67u entries
@@ -12315,10 +11325,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x583aa00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x583aac0) 8
         vptr=((&QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x583af40) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 67u entries
@@ -12488,10 +11494,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x59173c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x59174c0) 8
           vptr=((&QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x59178c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 67u entries
@@ -14136,10 +13138,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x54b5dc0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x5d72b00) 8
             vptr=((&QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 264u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x5d9d2c0) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 78u entries
@@ -14769,20 +13767,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0x605cc40) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0x6074540) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0x605cfc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0x6074200) 0
 Class QNetworkProxy
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14907,15 +13897,7 @@ QUdpSocket (0x60ccfc0) 0
       QObject (0x60ff080) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x60ff040)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0x60ff280) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x6163100) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15053,15 +14035,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=20 base align=8
 QSqlField (0x6163740) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x623da80) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x623d940) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -15581,33 +14555,11 @@ Class Q3GListIterator
 Q3GListIterator (0x638c700) 0
 Class Q3GListStdIterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3GListStdIterator (0x638c780) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
+   size=4 align=4
+   base size=4 base align=4
+Q3GListStdIterator (0x638c780) 0
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0x64011c0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x64012c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0x64011c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6401300) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x64012c0)
 Class Q3PointArray
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15616,21 +14568,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0x6454400) 0
   QPolygon (0x6454440) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0x6454480) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x6481ac0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x6481940) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x6481840) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0x6481c80) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16274,28 +15213,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0x65dc9c0) 0
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0x664f280) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x664f380) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0x664f280)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x664f3c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x664f380)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -16846,29 +15764,7 @@ Q3Wizard (0x6780740) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x6780840) 8
           vptr=((&Q3Wizard::_ZTV8Q3Wizard) + 316u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0x67bd440) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x67bd540) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0x67bd440)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x67bd580) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x67bd540)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -16896,11 +15792,6 @@ Q3StrList (0x67bd400) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x67bd7c0) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0x67bd780)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0x67bd600) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0x67fd340) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -17945,29 +16836,7 @@ Q3GVector (0x6362ac0) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0x6afb1c0) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0x6362ac0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0x6b30040) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x6b30140) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0x6b30040)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6b30180) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x6b30140)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 80u entries
@@ -18091,28 +16960,7 @@ Class Q3GArray
 Q3GArray (0x6b83580) 0
     vptr=((&Q3GArray::_ZTV8Q3GArray) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0x6bd2780) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x6bd2880) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0x6bd2780)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6bd28c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x6bd2880)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -18223,100 +17071,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0x6c66040) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x6c66100) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x6c66440) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0x6c66100)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6c66480) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x6c66440)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x6c66600) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x6c666c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0x6c66600)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6c66700) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x6c666c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x6c66980) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x6c66a40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0x6c66980)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6c66a80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x6c66a40)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0x6c9d040) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x6c9d100) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0x6c9d040)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x6c9d140) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x6c9d100)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 187u entries
@@ -18634,15 +17395,7 @@ Q3Ftp (0x6d377c0) 0
     QObject (0x6d37840) 0
         primary-for Q3NetworkProtocol (0x6d37800)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x6d69700) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0x6d695c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -19938,21 +18691,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0x7021f40) 0
     vptr=((&Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x7122cc0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x7122b80) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x7122a00) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x7122e40) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -19961,31 +18701,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0x7122ac0) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x71560c0) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x7156100) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x71564c0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x7122fc0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x7122dc0) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x7122f00) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0x71a2040) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0x7122e00) 0
 Vtable for Q3SqlSelectCursor
 Q3SqlSelectCursor::_ZTV17Q3SqlSelectCursor: 40u entries
@@ -20045,15 +18764,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0x7207c80) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x7220d40) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0x7220b40) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -20092,25 +18803,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0x724fc40) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0x724fe00) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0x724fcc0) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0x7278140) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x7278040) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -20322,10 +19017,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0x724f600) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x7278d40) 8
               vptr=((&Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 688u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x72a6200) 0
 Vtable for Q3MultiLineEdit
 Q3MultiLineEdit::_ZTV15Q3MultiLineEdit: 196u entries
@@ -21022,114 +19713,15 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0x7540180) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x7540d40) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x7540e40) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0x7540d40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x7540e80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x7540e40)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x756ee00) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x756ef00) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0x756ee00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x756ef40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x756ef00)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0x7599cc0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x7599dc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0x7599cc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x7599e00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x7599dc0)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0x75ea5c0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0x75ea6c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0x75ea5c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x75ea700) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0x75ea6c0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x761c080) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x761c180) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0x761c080)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x761c1c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x761c180)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -21156,76 +19748,11 @@ Q3ObjectDictionary (0x761c040) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0x761c380) 0
           primary-for Q3GDict (0x761c340)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0x7649480) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0x7649580) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0x7649480)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x76495c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0x7649580)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x7673300) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x7673400) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0x7673300)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x7673440) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x7673400)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0x7673dc0) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0x7673ec0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0x7673dc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x7673f00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0x7673ec0)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -21265,29 +19792,7 @@ Q3Signal (0x769d480) 0
   QObject (0x769d4c0) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0x769d480)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     0u
-4     (int (*)(...))(&_ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0x769df80) 0
-    vptr=((&Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0x76c4080) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0x769df80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0x76c40c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0x76c4080)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -21601,15 +20106,7 @@ Q3GroupBox (0x779a040) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x779a140) 8
           vptr=((&Q3GroupBox::_ZTV10Q3GroupBox) + 244u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0x77e9500) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0x77e93c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 68u entries
@@ -22448,25 +20945,9 @@ Q3DockWindow (0x79a2b40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x79a2c80) 8
             vptr=((&Q3DockWindow::_ZTV12Q3DockWindow) + 312u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x79e7e80) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0x3a9e800) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0x7a23100) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0x79e7a80) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -22531,10 +21012,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0x79a29c0) 0
     QLayoutItem (0x79e7a00) 8
         vptr=((&Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0x7a6f980) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -23802,213 +22279,45 @@ Q3WidgetStack (0x7ccb2c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x7ccb400) 8
             vptr=((&Q3WidgetStack::_ZTV13Q3WidgetStack) + 256u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13ff440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x15f1480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x14d5580) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x2de74c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x2e28900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36d4900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x3a5e340) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x3a5e6c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x3a9e380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x3a9e680) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4ab8ec0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4ab8c40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x5152880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x52e8700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x539ae40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x3de6fc0) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=56 align=8
-   base size=56 base align=8
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0x7122c40) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x46b1e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x4367740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x439b940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x44738c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x44a0c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4595f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4742100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0x491d840) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x1780f40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x2042440) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x4b2f900) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4ba34c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x4c2f3c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x3c0b400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4c2fb00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x4367c40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x44dcf80) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x48df840) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4cf2100) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0x4df7dc0) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0x79e7e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0x4e63e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0x7a230c0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0x4f8f0c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x4f8f840) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 2fb1f53..9b73b5e 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7efbd80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7efbdc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7efbe80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7efbec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7efbf40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7efbf80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7822040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7822080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7822340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7822400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7822440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7822480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb78224c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7822500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7822540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7822580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb78225c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7822600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7822640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7822680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb78226c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7822700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7822740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7822780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb78227c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb78228c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb7822900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7822940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb7822980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb78229c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb7822a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb7822a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb7822a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb7822ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb7822b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb7822b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb7822b80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb7822bc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb7822cc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb7822d00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb7822ec0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7822f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb591c000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb591c300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb591c340) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb591c380) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb591c580) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb591c680) 0
   QString (0xb591c6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb591c700) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb591ca40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb591cdc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb591cd40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb591c4c0) 0
   QObject (0xb591c500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb591c4c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb591c840) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb591cc00) 0
   QObject (0xb591ce40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb591cc00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb553c000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb553c0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb553c100) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb553c140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb553c200) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb553c180) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb553c240) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb553c280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb553c300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb553c340) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb553c6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb553c700) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb553cc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb553cd00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb553cd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb553ce00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb553ce40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb553cf00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb553cf40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb553cfc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb553c080) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb553cf80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb553c440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb553c580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb553cac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb553cc80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb553ccc0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb553cdc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb553ce80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb553cec0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb5508000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb55080c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb5508080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5508040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5508100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5508180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5508140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb55081c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5508240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5508200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5508280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb55082c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5508300) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb5508580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb5508780) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb5508800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb5508a00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb5508dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb5508e00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb5508e40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb5138040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb5138280) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb51382c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb5138500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb5138640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb5138740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb5138780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb5138840) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb5138880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb51388c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb5138900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb5138940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb5138cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb5138d00) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb5138e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb5138ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb5138f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb5138f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb5138080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb51380c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb5138100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb5138140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb5138180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb51381c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb5138200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb5138240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb5138300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb5138340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb5138380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb51383c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb5138400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb5138440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb5138480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb51384c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb5138680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb51386c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb5138700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb51387c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb5138800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb5138b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb4faa000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb4faa040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb4faa080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb4faa0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb4faa100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb4faa140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb4faa180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb4faa1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb4faa200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb4faa240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb4faa280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb4faa2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb4faa300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb4faa340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb4faa380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb4faa3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb4faa400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb4faa440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb4faa480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb4faa4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb4faa500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb4faa540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb4faa580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb4faa5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb4faa600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb4faa640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb4faa680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb4faa6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb4faa700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb4faa740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb4faa780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb4faa7c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb4faa800) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb4faaa80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb4faaac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb4faabc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb4faab40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb4faacc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb4faac40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb4faad40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb4faadc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb4faae00) 0
   QObject (0xb4faae40) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb4faae00)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb4faaf40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4faaf00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4faaf80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4faafc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb4faaa00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4faae80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb4faaa40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb4e88000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4e88040) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb4e88080) 0
     QObject (0xb4e88100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb4e880c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb4e88180) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb4e88300) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb4e88340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb4e88380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb4e88440) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb4e883c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb4e88480) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb4e88500) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb4e88580) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb4e887c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4e88880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb4e888c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb4e88a40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb4e88b00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb4e88c40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb4e88b80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb4e88d80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb4e88d00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb4e88e40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb4e88f00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb4cc80c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4cc8140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb4cc8100) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4cc81c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb4cc8200) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4cc8280) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb4cc8580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb4cc85c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb4cc86c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb4cc8700) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb4cc8740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb4cc87c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb4cc8c40) 0
   QObject (0xb4cc8c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb4cc8c40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb4cc8d80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb4cc8e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb4cc8ec0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb4cc8f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb4a45000) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb4a45080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb4a450c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2726,25 +2016,13 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb4a45500) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb4a455c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb4a45580)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb4a45640) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QImageReader (0xb4a45680) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a45740) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4a456c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2752,15 +2030,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4a45780) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4a457c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a45880) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4a45800) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2783,10 +2053,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4a45ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4a45b00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2798,25 +2064,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4a45b40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a45dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4a45d40) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4a45c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4a45e00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2828,10 +2082,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4a45f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4a45f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2872,30 +2122,10 @@ QImage (0xb4a453c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4a45480) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4a453c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4a45980) 0 empty
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a45a40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a45bc0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a45c00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4a45a00) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3083,10 +2313,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb4823940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb4823a00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -3225,10 +2451,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb4823f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb4823000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3526,15 +2748,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb4768840) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4768940) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb47688c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3823,20 +3037,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb47e5040) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb47e50c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb47e5100) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb47e5140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3867,20 +3069,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb47e5200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb47e5240) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb47e53c0) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb47e5340) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb47e52c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -4402,55 +3592,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb469c500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb469c5c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb469c600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb469c640) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb469c680) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb469c7c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb469c740) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb469c840) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb469c880) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb469c8c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb469c800) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4480,30 +3638,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb469ca80) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb469cbc0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb469cb40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb469cd40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb469ccc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb469cd80) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4643,10 +3785,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb469cc40) 0
     QObject (0xb4417040) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb4417000)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb4417180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -4671,25 +3809,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb4417240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb44172c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb4417300) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb4417340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb4417380) 0 empty
 Class QTextDocumentFragment
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4756,10 +3882,6 @@ QTextTable (0xb4417500) 0
       QObject (0xb44175c0) 0
           primary-for QTextObject (0xb4417580)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb4417740) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4808,10 +3930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb4417980) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb44179c0) 0
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4828,15 +3946,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb4417a40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb4417bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb4417b40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4886,10 +3996,6 @@ QTextDocument (0xb4417d00) 0
   QObject (0xb4417d40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb4417d00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb4417dc0) 0
 Class QPalette
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4907,15 +4013,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb4417fc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb4417700) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb4417480) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4977,10 +4075,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb4417e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb43bd0c0) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5028,15 +4122,7 @@ QStyle (0xb43bd100) 0
   QObject (0xb43bd140) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb43bd100)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb43bd200) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb43bd240) 0
 Vtable for QCommonStyle
 QCommonStyle::_ZTV12QCommonStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5242,10 +4328,6 @@ QWindowsXPStyle (0xb43bd780) 0
         QObject (0xb43bd880) 0
             primary-for QStyle (0xb43bd840)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb43bda40) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5541,10 +4623,6 @@ QWidget (0xb43bd040) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb43bd1c0) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb43bd480) 0
 Vtable for QValidator
 QValidator::_ZTV10QValidator: 16u entries
@@ -5745,10 +4823,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb41a4140) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb41a4200) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb41a4280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6167,10 +5241,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb41a4ac0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41a4b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb41a4c80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6197,10 +5267,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb41a4f00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41a4f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb41a4240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5274,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb41a4000) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41a4100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb41a46c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6226,10 +5288,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb41a4840) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb41a4980) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb41a4a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb41a4fc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6256,10 +5314,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb3ee4200) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3ee4240) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb3ee4380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6292,10 +5346,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb3ee46c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3ee4700) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb3ee4880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6351,15 +5401,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb3ee4f80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3ee4fc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3ee4000) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb3ee4540) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb3ee43c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6368,10 +5410,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb3ee4100) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3ee4280) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3ee4340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb3ee4e00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6488,10 +5526,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb3dcc780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb3dcc840) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -6663,10 +5697,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb3dccb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3dccbc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6697,20 +5727,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb3dccc00) 0
   QObject (0xb3dccc40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb3dccc00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb3dcccc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb3dccd80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3dccd00) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6872,10 +5890,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb3dccf00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3dcc180) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb3dcc3c0) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7140,15 +6154,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3d19280) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3d19540) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3d194c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7296,15 +6302,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb3d19800) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb3d19940) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb3d198c0) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7790,15 +6788,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb3d19dc0) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c72100) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb3c72080) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -7926,25 +6916,9 @@ QDirModel (0xb3c72300) 0
     QObject (0xb3c72380) 0
         primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb3c72340)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3c72500) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3c72480) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c72600) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3c72580) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8540,15 +7514,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb3c72440) 0
   QObject (0xb3c72540) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb3c72440)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c72b40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb3c72880) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -9687,10 +8653,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb37f20c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb37f2200) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb37f2280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractButton
 QAbstractButton::_ZTV15QAbstractButton: 66u entries
@@ -10012,10 +8974,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb37f26c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb37f2780) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb37f2800) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -10493,10 +9451,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb37f2f80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb37f2240) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb37f23c0) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -10576,10 +9530,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb37f2540) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb37f2980) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb37f2c40) 0
 Vtable for QScrollArea
 QScrollArea::_ZTV11QScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -10930,10 +9880,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb35b3440) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb35b3580) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb35b3600) 0
 Vtable for QFontComboBox
 QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox: 65u entries
@@ -11017,10 +9963,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb35b3640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb35b3740) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb35b37c0) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -11275,10 +10217,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb35b3ac0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb35b3c00) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb35b3d00) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -12210,10 +11148,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb34fb980) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb34fba40) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb34fbac0) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12786,20 +11720,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb34445c0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb34446c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb3444700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb34447c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -13361,50 +12283,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb3444480) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb3444600) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb3444a00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb3444680) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb3444dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb3444c00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb31b8040) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb3444f80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb31b8140) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb31b80c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -13451,20 +12337,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb31b8180) 0
   QObject (0xb31b81c0) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb31b8180)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb31b82c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb31b8380) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb31b8300) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -13553,15 +12427,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb31b83c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb31b8500) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb31b85c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb31b8600) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsItemAnimation
 QGraphicsItemAnimation::_ZTV22QGraphicsItemAnimation: 16u entries
@@ -13921,10 +12787,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb31b8b40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb31b8c40) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb31b8d00) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -14183,10 +13045,6 @@ QWizard (0xb31b8580) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb31b8b00) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb31b8cc0) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -14354,10 +13212,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb318d100) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb318d200) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb318d2c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -14694,10 +13548,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb318d7c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb318d8c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb318d980) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -15173,15 +14023,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb2ec8300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb2ec8340) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb2ec8400) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15216,20 +14058,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb2ec8380) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb2ec8500) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb2ec8480) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb2ec8540) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -15434,10 +14268,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb2ec8a40) 0
       QObject (0xb2ec8b00) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb2ec8ac0)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb2ec8b80) 0
 Class QSslCertificate
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15494,10 +14324,6 @@ QTcpSocket (0xb2ec8c40) 0
       QObject (0xb2ec8d00) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb2ec8cc0)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> > (0xb2ec8d80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSslSocket
 QSslSocket::_ZTV10QSslSocket: 30u entries
@@ -15556,20 +14382,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb2ec8000) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb2ec81c0) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb2ec8100) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb2ec83c0) 0
 Class QSslKey
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15748,10 +14566,6 @@ QTcpServer (0xb2e8b280) 0
   QObject (0xb2e8b2c0) 0
       primary-for QTcpServer (0xb2e8b280)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0xb2e8b340) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16091,15 +14905,7 @@ QSqlDriver (0xb2e8bc40) 0
   QObject (0xb2e8bc80) 0
       primary-for QSqlDriver (0xb2e8bc40)
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb2e8be40) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0xb2e8bdc0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -16288,71 +15094,11 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0xb2be6280) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0xb2be6380) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb2be63c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0xb2be6380)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2be6400) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb2be63c0)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0xb2be65c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb2be6600) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0xb2be65c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2be6640) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb2be6600)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0xb2be6800) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2be6840) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0xb2be6800)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2be6880) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2be6840)
 Class Q3CString
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16387,26 +15133,7 @@ Class Q3GArray
 Q3GArray (0xb2be6b00) 0
     vptr=((& Q3GArray::_ZTV8Q3GArray) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0xb2be6d80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb2be6dc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0xb2be6d80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2be6e00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb2be6dc0)
 Vtable for Q3Signal
 Q3Signal::_ZTV8Q3Signal: 14u entries
@@ -16433,29 +15160,7 @@ Q3Signal (0xb2be68c0) 0
   QObject (0xb2be6900) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0xb2be68c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0xb2b300c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2b30100) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0xb2b300c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2b30140) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2b30100)
 Vtable for Q3GVector
 Q3GVector::_ZTV9Q3GVector: 11u entries
@@ -16479,76 +15184,11 @@ Q3GVector (0xb2b301c0) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0xb2b30200) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2b301c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0xb2b30340) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb2b30380) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0xb2b30340)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2b303c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2b30380)
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0xb2b30500) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2b30540) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0xb2b30500)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2b30580) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2b30540)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0xb2b30680) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb2b306c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0xb2b30680)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2b30700) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2b306c0)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -16604,75 +15244,11 @@ Q3StrIVec (0xb2b308c0) 0
         Q3PtrCollection (0xb2b309c0) 0
             primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2b30980)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0xb2b30b80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2b30bc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0xb2b30b80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2b30c00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2b30bc0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0xb2b30e40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2b30e80) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0xb2b30e40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2b30ec0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2b30e80)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0xb2b30fc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2b30180) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0xb2b30fc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2b30240) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2b30180)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -16699,29 +15275,7 @@ Q3ObjectDictionary (0xb2b30400) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0xb2b30880) 0
           primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2b30740)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0xb2b30c40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2b30f00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0xb2b30c40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2a12000) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2b30f00)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -16749,11 +15303,6 @@ Q3StrList (0xb2a12080) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0xb2a12140) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0xb2a12100)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0xb2a12200) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0xb2a12240) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -16783,28 +15332,7 @@ Q3StrIList (0xb2a12280) 0
         Q3PtrCollection (0xb2a12380) 0
             primary-for Q3GList (0xb2a12340)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0xb2a124c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2a12500) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0xb2a124c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2a12540) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2a12500)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -16819,28 +15347,7 @@ Class Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore (0xb2a12640) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0xb2a12780) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2a127c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0xb2a12780)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2a12800) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2a127c0)
 Vtable for Q3Frame
 Q3Frame::_ZTV7Q3Frame: 66u entries
@@ -17051,15 +15558,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0xb2a12c80) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb2a12e40) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0xb2a12dc0) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -17120,25 +15619,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0xb2a12040) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb2a12580) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0xb2a12180) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0xb2a12c40) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0xb2a12840) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -17346,10 +15829,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0xb2a12f00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb2906140) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb2906240) 0
 Vtable for Q3TextView
 Q3TextView::_ZTV10Q3TextView: 175u entries
@@ -18131,15 +16610,7 @@ Q3NetworkOperation (0xb2906dc0) 0
   QObject (0xb2906e00) 0
       primary-for Q3NetworkOperation (0xb2906dc0)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb2906f80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0xb2906f00) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -20100,100 +18571,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0xb24ca000) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0xb24ca080) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb24ca0c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0xb24ca080)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb24ca100) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb24ca0c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0xb24ca1c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb24ca200) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0xb24ca1c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb24ca240) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb24ca200)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0xb24ca300) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb24ca340) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0xb24ca300)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb24ca380) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb24ca340)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0xb24ca440) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb24ca480) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0xb24ca440)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb24ca4c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb24ca480)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -21616,15 +20000,7 @@ Q3ProgressBar (0xb259c680) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb259c780) 8
           vptr=((& Q3ProgressBar::_ZTV13Q3ProgressBar) + 244u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0xb259ca40) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0xb259c9c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -21879,25 +20255,9 @@ Q3HButtonGroup (0xb259cd00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb259ce80) 8
               vptr=((& Q3HButtonGroup::_ZTV14Q3HButtonGroup) + 236u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb259c3c0) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0xb259c080) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0xb259c7c0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0xb259c580) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -21962,10 +20322,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0xb259cf00) 0
     QLayoutItem (0xb259cfc0) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0xb248b0c0) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -23159,21 +21515,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0xb239e0c0) 0
   QPolygon (0xb239e100) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0xb239e140) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb239e280) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb239e200) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb239e2c0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb239e300) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -24017,21 +22360,8 @@ Class Q3SqlFieldInfo
 Q3SqlFieldInfo (0xb228f280) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlFieldInfo::_ZTV14Q3SqlFieldInfo) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb228f400) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb228f380) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb228f440) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb228f480) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -24040,31 +22370,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0xb228f500) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb228f540) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb228f580) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb228f680) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb228f600) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0xb228f740) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb228f780) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0xb228f7c0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0xb228f840) 0
 Vtable for Q3SqlForm
 Q3SqlForm::_ZTV9Q3SqlForm: 26u entries
@@ -24462,243 +22771,51 @@ Q3SqlSelectCursor (0xb228fdc0) 0
     QSqlRecord (0xb228fe40) 4
     QSqlQuery (0xb228fe80) 8
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb228ff40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb228ffc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb228f240) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb228f700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb228f900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb228fec0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb1f19040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb1f190c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb1f192c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb1f19340) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb1f193c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb1f19540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb1f195c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb1f19640) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb1f196c0) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=52 align=4
-   base size=52 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb1f197c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb1f19880) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb1f19900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb1f19980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb1f19a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb1f19b40) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb1f19c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb1f19c80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb1f19d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb1f19d80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union> (0xb1f19e80) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError> (0xb1f19e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0xb1f19f80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb1f19740) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb1f198c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb1f19bc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb1f19fc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb1a9b080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb1a9b140) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb1a9b1c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb1a9b280) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb1a9b340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb1a9b3c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb1a9b440) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0xb1a9b540) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0xb1a9b5c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0xb1a9b680) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0xb1a9b700) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb1a9b7c0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0xb1a9b840) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb1a9b8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSslError>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSslError> (0xb1a9ba00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::Node (0xb1a9ba80) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 2b26b9b..b6d0c9d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f7bd80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f7bdc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f7be80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f7bec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f7bf40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f7bf80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb74a4040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb74a4080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb74a4340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb74a4400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb74a4440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb74a4480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb74a44c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb74a4500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb74a4540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb74a4580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb74a45c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb74a4600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb74a4640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb74a4680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb74a46c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb74a4700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb74a4740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb74a4780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -161,10 +75,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb74a4bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb74a4c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -227,70 +137,18 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb74a4f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb5a0a100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb5a0a140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb5a0a180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb5a0a1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb5a0a200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb5a0a240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb5a0a280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb5a0a2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb5a0a300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb5a0a340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb5a0a380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb5a0a3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb5a0a400) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -308,10 +166,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb5a0a500) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb5a0a540) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb5a0a700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -328,10 +182,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb5a0a7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb5a0a840) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -348,10 +198,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb5a0a880) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb5a0aa80) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -369,25 +215,13 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb5a0ab40) 0
   QString (0xb5a0ab80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb5a0abc0) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QStringRef (0xb5a0ac00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb5a0ad40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb5a0acc0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb5a0af80) 0
   QObject (0xb5a0afc0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb5a0af80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb5a0a000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb5a0aa00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb55ec000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb55ec040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb55ec080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb55ec0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb55ec100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb55ec140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb55ec180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb55ec1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb55ec200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb55ec240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb55ec280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb55ec2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb55ec300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb55ec340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb55ec380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb55ec3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb55ec400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb55ec440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb55ec480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb55ec4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb55ec500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb55ec540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb55ec580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb55ec5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb55ec600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb55ec640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb55ec680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb55ec6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb55ec700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb55ec740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb55ec780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb55ec7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb55ec800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb55ec840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb55ec880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb55ec8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb55ec900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb55ec940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb55ec980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb55ec9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb55eca00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb55eca40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb55eca80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb55ecac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb55ecb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb55ecb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb55ecb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb55ecbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb55ecc00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb55ecc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb55ecc80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb55eccc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb55ecd00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb55ecd40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,45 +421,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb562d200) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb562d480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb562d4c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb562d5c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb562d540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb562d6c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb562d640) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb562d740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb562d7c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -972,10 +558,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb562dc40) 0
   QObject (0xb562dc80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb562dc40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb562dd80) 0
 Vtable for QCoreApplication
 QCoreApplication::_ZTV16QCoreApplication: 16u entries
@@ -1009,10 +591,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb562df40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb562df80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimer
 QTimer::_ZTV6QTimer: 14u entries
@@ -1069,20 +647,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb562d440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb562d340) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb562d400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb562d840) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1277,20 +847,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb542a080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb542a0c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb542a100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb542a140) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1302,10 +864,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb542a1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb542a200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1408,100 +966,48 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb542a500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb542a700) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb542a780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb542a980) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb542aa40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb542ac80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb542acc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb542af00) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb542af40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb542a040) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb542a2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb542a380) 0 empty
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb542a540) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb542a580) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb542a440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb542a5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb542a600) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb542a640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb542a680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb542a6c0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1513,80 +1019,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb542a800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb542a840) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb542a880) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb542a8c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb542aa80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb542a940) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb542a900) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb542aac0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb542ab40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb542ab00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb542ab80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb542ac00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb542abc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb542ac40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb542ad00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb542ad40) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1618,35 +1068,19 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb524a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb524a200) 0 empty
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb524a980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb524a9c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb524aa00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb524aac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb524aa40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1654,15 +1088,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb524ab00) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb524ab40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb524abc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb524ac00) 0
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1695,15 +1121,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb524ae00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb524ae40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb524ae80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1730,10 +1148,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb5027000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb5027040) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1750,20 +1164,12 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb5027480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb50274c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb5027500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb5027540) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1775,30 +1181,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb50276c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb5027780) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb50277c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb5027880) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb50278c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb5027980) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1810,20 +1204,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb5027a00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5027a80) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5027a40) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5027b00) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1876,20 +1262,12 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb5027d40) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5027dc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutexLocker (0xb5027d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb5027ec0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1914,15 +1292,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb5027e00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb50273c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb5027f80) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1934,25 +1304,9 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb5027740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb5027840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5027800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5027900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5027940) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1974,15 +1328,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb4e16000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4e16080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb4e16040) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1994,10 +1340,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb4e16100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4e16140) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -2012,10 +1354,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb4e16180) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb4e16240) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -2131,35 +1469,15 @@ QFile (0xb4e16680) 0
     QObject (0xb4e16700) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb4e166c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb4e16780) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb4e167c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb4e16800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb4e16840) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb4e16900) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb4e16880) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -2212,15 +1530,7 @@ Class QDir
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb4e16a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb4e16b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb4e16b80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2277,10 +1587,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb4e16bc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb4e16d40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2409,15 +1715,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb4e16200) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb4e16480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb4e16580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDirIterator
 QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator: 4u entries
@@ -2432,10 +1730,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb4e16640) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4e16a40) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -2541,10 +1835,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb4a89140) 0
   QObject (0xb4a89180) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb4a89140)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb4a89200) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2674,10 +1964,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb4a89740) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb4a89840) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -3103,40 +2389,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0xb4a89480) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a89800) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a898c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a89980) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4a897c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0xb4a89700) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a89cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4a89a40) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3144,15 +2406,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4a89e00) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4a89f80) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a4a080) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4a4a000) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3175,10 +2429,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4a4a2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4a4a300) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3190,25 +2440,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4a4a340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a4a5c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4a4a540) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4a4a440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4a4a600) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3220,10 +2458,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4a4a700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4a4a740) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3248,10 +2482,6 @@ QImage (0xb4a4a800) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4a4a840) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4a4a800)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4a4a980) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3276,45 +2506,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb4a4ab40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb4a4abc0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb4a4ac00) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4a4ad40) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb4a4acc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a4adc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a4ae00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a4ae40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb4a4ad80) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3380,10 +2582,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb4a4aa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb4a4aac0) 0 empty
 Class QWidgetData
    size=64 align=4
@@ -3466,10 +2664,6 @@ QWidget (0xb4a4ac80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4697040) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb4697240) 0
 Class QToolTip
    size=1 align=1
@@ -3558,10 +2752,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb46974c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb4697580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAction
 QAction::_ZTV7QAction: 14u entries
@@ -3613,15 +2803,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb46976c0) 0
   QObject (0xb4697700) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb46976c0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4697840) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb46977c0) 0
 Vtable for QShortcut
 QShortcut::_ZTV9QShortcut: 14u entries
@@ -3961,15 +3143,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb46631c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb46632c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb4663240) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -4663,10 +3837,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb4515100) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb4515200) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb45152c0) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4837,10 +4007,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb45154c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb45155c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb4515680) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -5091,10 +4257,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb45159c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb4515ac0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb4515b80) 0
 Vtable for QErrorMessage
 QErrorMessage::_ZTV13QErrorMessage: 66u entries
@@ -5505,10 +4667,6 @@ QWizard (0xb4515800) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb4515e40) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb4515f80) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -5850,10 +5008,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb427e600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb427e680) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5884,20 +5038,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb427e6c0) 0
   QObject (0xb427e700) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb427e6c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb427e780) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb427e840) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb427e7c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6104,10 +5246,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb427ecc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb427ed80) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb427ee00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6315,15 +5453,7 @@ QStyle (0xb427e5c0) 0
   QObject (0xb427e740) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb427e5c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb427ea80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb427eb80) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -6582,10 +5712,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb420a440) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb420a480) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb420a600) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6612,10 +5738,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb420a880) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb420a8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb420aa40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6623,10 +5745,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb420a980) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb420a9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb420abc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6641,10 +5759,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb420ac40) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb420ac80) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb420acc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb420ae40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6671,10 +5785,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb420a300) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb420a400) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb420a780) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6707,10 +5817,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb411e000) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb411e040) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb411e1c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6766,15 +5872,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb411e8c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb411e900) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb411e940) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb411eb40) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb411eac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6783,10 +5881,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb411e9c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb411ea00) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb411ea40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb411ed00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7000,10 +6094,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb3fd5080) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3fd51c0) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb3fd5280) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7384,20 +6474,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb3fd5b80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb3fd5c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb3fd5c40) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb3fd5c80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -7428,20 +6506,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb3fd5d40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb3fd5d80) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb3fd5f00) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb3fd5e80) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb3fd5e00) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -8862,10 +7928,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb3dcf980) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3dcfac0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb3dcfb40) 0
 Vtable for QButtonGroup
 QButtonGroup::_ZTV12QButtonGroup: 14u entries
@@ -8970,10 +8032,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb3dcfc40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3dcfd00) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb3dcfdc0) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -9054,10 +8112,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb3dcfe00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3dcfec0) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb3dcff40) 0
 Vtable for QMenu
 QMenu::_ZTV5QMenu: 63u entries
@@ -9867,10 +8921,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb3b3d900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3b3da00) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb3b3da80) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -10277,10 +9327,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb3b3d000) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3b3d700) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb3b3d880) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10597,10 +9643,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb3aaf300) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3aaf3c0) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb3aaf440) 0
 Vtable for QMenuItem
 QMenuItem::_ZTV9QMenuItem: 14u entries
@@ -10672,60 +9714,32 @@ QTextDocument (0xb3aaf640) 0
   QObject (0xb3aaf680) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb3aaf640)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb3aaf700) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb3aaf740) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb3aaf780) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb3aaf7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb3aaf880) 0 empty
 Class QTextLength
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb3aaf8c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb3aafa00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb3aaf980) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb3aafb80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb3aafb00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb3aafbc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10765,10 +9779,6 @@ QTextTableFormat (0xb3aafec0) 0
   QTextFrameFormat (0xb3aaff00) 0
     QTextFormat (0xb3aaff40) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb3aaf040) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10875,10 +9885,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb3aaf840) 0
     QObject (0xb3aaf940) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb3aaf900)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb3aaffc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -10903,25 +9909,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb38ba080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb38ba100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb38ba140) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb38ba180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb38ba1c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10938,15 +9932,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb38ba240) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb38ba3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb38ba340) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -11046,10 +10032,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb38ba440) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb38ba580) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb38ba680) 0
 Vtable for QLCDNumber
 QLCDNumber::_ZTV10QLCDNumber: 63u entries
@@ -11289,10 +10271,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb38ba9c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb38baa80) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb38bab00) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -11556,15 +10534,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb38ba980) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb38bafc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb38bac80) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11788,20 +10758,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb38156c0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb38157c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb3815800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb38158c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -12363,50 +11321,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb3815780) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb3815a00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb3815e00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb3815c00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb35af040) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb3815f80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb35af140) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb35af0c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb35af240) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb35af1c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -12453,20 +11375,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb35af280) 0
   QObject (0xb35af2c0) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb35af280)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb35af3c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb35af480) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb35af400) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -12555,15 +11465,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb35af4c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb35af600) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb35af6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb35af700) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12957,10 +11859,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb333a140) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb333a200) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb333a1c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb333a280) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -13412,10 +12310,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb333aa40) 0 empty
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb333ae80) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -13876,15 +12770,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb3430b00) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3430dc0) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb3430d40) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -13998,15 +12884,7 @@ QStringListModel (0xb3430f00) 0
       QObject (0xb3430fc0) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb3430f80)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb3430540) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb3430240) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -14530,35 +13408,15 @@ QTreeView (0xb3185580) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb3185700) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb3185800) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0xb3185780) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3185940) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb31858c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3185a40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb31859c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -14726,15 +13584,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3185d00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3185fc0) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3185f40) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -15254,15 +14104,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb2f3b700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb2f3b740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb2f3b800) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15297,20 +14139,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb2f3b780) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb2f3b900) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb2f3b880) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb2f3b940) 0
 Class QColormap
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15588,10 +14422,6 @@ Class QSslCipher
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSslCipher (0xb2f3bac0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> > (0xb2f3bc40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSslSocket
 QSslSocket::_ZTV10QSslSocket: 30u entries
@@ -15678,20 +14508,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb2ee4240) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb2ee4300) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb2ee4280) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb2ee4340) 0
 Vtable for QUdpSocket
 QUdpSocket::_ZTV10QUdpSocket: 30u entries
@@ -15738,10 +14560,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb2ee4380) 0
       QObject (0xb2ee4440) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb2ee4400)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb2ee44c0) 0
 Class QSslKey
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15758,15 +14576,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0xb2ee4580) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb2ee4700) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0xb2ee4680) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -15779,10 +14589,6 @@ Class QSqlError
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSqlError (0xb2ee4740) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0xb2ee4780) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -16542,21 +15348,8 @@ Q3EditorFactory (0xb2c62580) 0
   QObject (0xb2c625c0) 0
       primary-for Q3EditorFactory (0xb2c62580)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb2c62840) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb2c627c0) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb2c62880) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb2c628c0) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16565,31 +15358,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0xb2c62940) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb2c62980) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb2c629c0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb2c62ac0) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb2c62a40) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0xb2c62b80) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb2c62bc0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0xb2c62c00) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0xb2c62c80) 0
 Vtable for Q3Frame
 Q3Frame::_ZTV7Q3Frame: 66u entries
@@ -16834,29 +15606,7 @@ Q3GVector (0xb2c621c0) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0xb2c62280) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2c621c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0xb2c62b40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb2c62c40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0xb2c62b40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2c62e00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2c62c40)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -17013,29 +15763,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0xb2bb04c0) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0xb2bb0640) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2bb0680) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0xb2bb0640)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bb06c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2bb0680)
 Class Q3BaseBucket
    size=8 align=4
@@ -17092,28 +15820,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0xb2bb0b00) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0xb2bb0c00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2bb0c40) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0xb2bb0c00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bb0c80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2bb0c40)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -17224,100 +15931,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0xb2bb0cc0) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0xb2bb0e00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb2bb0ec0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0xb2bb0e00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bb0f80) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2bb0ec0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0xb2ad8080) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb2ad80c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0xb2ad8080)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2ad8100) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2ad80c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0xb2ad81c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2ad8200) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0xb2ad81c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2ad8240) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2ad8200)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0xb2ad8300) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2ad8340) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0xb2ad8300)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2ad8380) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2ad8340)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -18082,28 +16702,7 @@ Class Q3Url
 Q3Url (0xb2ad8c00) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Url::_ZTV5Q3Url) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0xb2ad8d40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2ad8d80) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0xb2ad8d40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2ad8dc0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2ad8d80)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -18379,51 +16978,9 @@ Class Q3CString
 Q3CString (0xb29ef0c0) 0
   QByteArray (0xb29ef100) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0xb29ef280) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb29ef2c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0xb29ef280)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb29ef300) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb29ef2c0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0xb29ef400) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb29ef440) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0xb29ef400)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb29ef480) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb29ef440)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -18474,49 +17031,9 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0xb29ef740) 0
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0xb29ef840) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb29ef880) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0xb29ef840)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb29ef8c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb29ef880)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0xb29efb80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb29efbc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0xb29efb80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb29efc00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb29efbc0)
 Vtable for Q3Signal
 Q3Signal::_ZTV8Q3Signal: 14u entries
@@ -18543,50 +17060,9 @@ Q3Signal (0xb29efd00) 0
   QObject (0xb29efd40) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0xb29efd00)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0xb29efe80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb29efec0) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0xb29efe80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb29eff00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb29efec0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0xb29ef340) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb29ef4c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0xb29ef340)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb29ef600) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb29ef4c0)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -18614,11 +17090,6 @@ Q3StrList (0xb29ef700) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0xb29efd80) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0xb29efc40)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0xb291f000) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0xb291f040) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -18648,98 +17119,13 @@ Q3StrIList (0xb291f080) 0
         Q3PtrCollection (0xb291f180) 0
             primary-for Q3GList (0xb291f140)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0xb291f2c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb291f300) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0xb291f2c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb291f340) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb291f300)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0xb291f500) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb291f540) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0xb291f500)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb291f580) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb291f540)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0xb291f700) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb291f740) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0xb291f700)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb291f780) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb291f740)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0xb291f800) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb291f840) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0xb291f800)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb291f880) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb291f840)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -19777,25 +18163,9 @@ Q3SpinWidget (0xb27f6a00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb27f6ac0) 8
         vptr=((& Q3SpinWidget::_ZTV12Q3SpinWidget) + 236u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb27f6d00) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0xb27f6c80) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0xb27f6e00) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0xb27f6d80) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -19860,10 +18230,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0xb27f6b40) 0
     QLayoutItem (0xb27f6c00) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0xb27f60c0) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -20908,15 +19274,7 @@ Q3ActionGroup (0xb26ddd40) 0
     QObject (0xb26dddc0) 0
         primary-for Q3Action (0xb26ddd80)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0xb26dd380) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0xb26dd080) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -21176,15 +19534,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0xb25db1c0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb25db380) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0xb25db300) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -21245,25 +19595,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0xb25db540) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb25db640) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0xb25db5c0) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0xb25db780) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0xb25db700) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -21471,10 +19805,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0xb25db840) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb25db9c0) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb25dbac0) 0
 Vtable for Q3TextBrowser
 Q3TextBrowser::_ZTV13Q3TextBrowser: 180u entries
@@ -22136,21 +20466,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0xb24f7100) 0
   QPolygon (0xb24f7140) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0xb24f7180) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb24f72c0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb24f7240) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb24f7300) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb24f7340) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -23445,15 +21762,7 @@ Q3ServerSocket (0xb23ecf40) 0
   QObject (0xb23ecf80) 0
       primary-for Q3ServerSocket (0xb23ecf40)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb23ec500) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0xb23ec200) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -24462,243 +22771,51 @@ Class Q3Painter
 Q3Painter (0xb22df640) 0
   QPainter (0xb22df700) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb22dfa00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb22dfb80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb22dfd80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb1f4f000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb1f4f080) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb1f4f200) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb1f4f280) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb1f4f300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb1f4f380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb1f4f500) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb1f4f580) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb1f4f600) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb1f4f680) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb1f4f880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb1f4f900) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=52 align=4
-   base size=52 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb1f4fa00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb1f4fac0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb1f4fb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb1f4fbc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb1f4fc40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb1f4fd00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb1f4fe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb1f4fec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb1f4ff40) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb1f4ffc0) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union> (0xb1f4f980) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError> (0xb1f4f400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0xb1ceb000) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb1ceb100) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb1ceb180) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb1ceb240) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb1ceb300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb1ceb380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb1ceb400) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb1ceb4c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb1ceb580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb1ceb640) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb1ceb6c0) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb1ceb740) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0xb1ceb840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0xb1ceb900) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0xb1ceb980) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0xb1ceba80) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb1cebb00) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0xb1cebb80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb1cebc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSslError>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSslError> (0xb1cebd40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::Node (0xb1cebdc0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 8609b18..43b5a43 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f85d80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f85dc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f85e80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f85ec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f85f40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f85f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb78ac040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb78ac080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb78ac340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb78ac400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb78ac440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb78ac480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb78ac4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb78ac500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb78ac540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb78ac580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb78ac5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb78ac600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb78ac640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb78ac680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb78ac6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb78ac700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb78ac740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb78ac780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb78ac7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb78ac8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb78ac900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb78ac940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb78ac980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb78ac9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb78aca00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb78aca40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb78aca80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb78acac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb78acb00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb78acb40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb78acb80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb78acbc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb78accc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb78acd00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb78acec0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb78acf80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb59a6000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb59a6300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb59a6340) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb59a6380) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb59a6580) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb59a6680) 0
   QString (0xb59a66c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb59a6700) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb59a6a40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb59a6dc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb59a6d40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb59a64c0) 0
   QObject (0xb59a6500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb59a64c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb59a6840) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb59a6c00) 0
   QObject (0xb59a6e40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb59a6c00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb55c6000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb55c60c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb55c6100) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb55c6140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb55c6200) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb55c6180) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb55c6240) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb55c6280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb55c6300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb55c6340) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb55c66c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb55c6700) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb55c6c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb55c6d00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb55c6d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb55c6e00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb55c6e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb55c6f00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb55c6f40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb55c6fc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb55c6080) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb55c6f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55c6440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55c6580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55c6ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55c6c80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55c6cc0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb55c6dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55c6e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb55c6ec0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb5592000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb55920c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb5592080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5592040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5592100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5592180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5592140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb55921c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5592240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5592200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5592280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb55922c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5592300) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb5592580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb5592780) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb5592800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb5592a00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb5592dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb5592e00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb5592e40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb51c2040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb51c2280) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb51c22c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb51c2500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb51c2640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb51c2740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb51c2780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb51c2840) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb51c2880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb51c28c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb51c2900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb51c2940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb51c2cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb51c2d00) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb51c2e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb51c2ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb51c2f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb51c2f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb51c2080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb51c20c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb51c2100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb51c2140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb51c2180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb51c21c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb51c2200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb51c2240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb51c2300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb51c2340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb51c2380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb51c23c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb51c2400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb51c2440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb51c2480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb51c24c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb51c2680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb51c26c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb51c2700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb51c27c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb51c2800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb51c2b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb5034000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb5034040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb5034080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb50340c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb5034100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb5034140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb5034180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb50341c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb5034200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb5034240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb5034280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb50342c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb5034300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb5034340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5034380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb50343c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb5034400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb5034440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb5034480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb50344c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb5034500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb5034540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb5034580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb50345c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb5034600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb5034640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb5034680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb50346c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb5034700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb5034740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb5034780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb50347c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb5034800) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb5034a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb5034ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5034bc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb5034b40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5034cc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb5034c40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb5034d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb5034dc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb5034e00) 0
   QObject (0xb5034e40) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb5034e00)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb5034f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5034f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5034f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5034fc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb5034a00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5034e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5034a40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb4f12000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4f12040) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb4f12080) 0
     QObject (0xb4f12100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb4f120c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb4f12180) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb4f12300) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb4f12340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb4f12380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f12440) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb4f123c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb4f12480) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb4f12500) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb4f12580) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb4f127c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4f12880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb4f128c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb4f12a40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb4f12b00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb4f12c40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb4f12b80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f12d80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb4f12d00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb4f12e40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb4f12f00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb4d520c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4d52140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb4d52100) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4d521c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb4d52200) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4d52280) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb4d52580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb4d525c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb4d526c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb4d52700) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb4d52740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb4d527c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb4d52c40) 0
   QObject (0xb4d52c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb4d52c40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb4d52d80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb4d52e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb4d52ec0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb4d52f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb4ad0000) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb4ad0080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb4ad00c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2726,25 +2016,13 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb4ad0500) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb4ad05c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb4ad0580)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb4ad0640) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QImageReader (0xb4ad0680) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ad0740) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4ad06c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2752,15 +2030,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4ad0780) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4ad07c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ad0880) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4ad0800) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2783,10 +2053,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4ad0ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4ad0b00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2798,25 +2064,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4ad0b40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ad0dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4ad0d40) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4ad0c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4ad0e00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2828,10 +2082,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4ad0f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4ad0f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2872,30 +2122,10 @@ QImage (0xb4ad03c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4ad0480) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4ad03c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4ad0980) 0 empty
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4ad0a40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4ad0bc0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4ad0c00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4ad0a00) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3083,10 +2313,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb48ad940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb48ada00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -3225,10 +2451,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb48adf40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb48ad000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3526,15 +2748,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb47f2840) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb47f2940) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb47f28c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3823,20 +3037,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb486f040) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb486f0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb486f100) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb486f140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3867,20 +3069,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb486f200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb486f240) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb486f3c0) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb486f340) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb486f2c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -4402,55 +3592,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb4726500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb47265c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb4726600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb4726680) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb47266c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4726800) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb4726780) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4726880) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb47268c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4726900) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb4726840) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4480,30 +3638,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb4726ac0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb4726c00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb4726b80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb4726d80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb4726d00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb4726dc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4643,10 +3785,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb4726c80) 0
     QObject (0xb44a3040) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb44a3000)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb44a3180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -4671,25 +3809,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb44a3240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb44a32c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb44a3300) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb44a3340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb44a3380) 0 empty
 Class QTextDocumentFragment
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4756,10 +3882,6 @@ QTextTable (0xb44a3500) 0
       QObject (0xb44a35c0) 0
           primary-for QTextObject (0xb44a3580)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb44a3740) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4808,10 +3930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb44a3980) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb44a39c0) 0
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4828,15 +3946,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb44a3a40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb44a3bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb44a3b40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4886,10 +3996,6 @@ QTextDocument (0xb44a3d00) 0
   QObject (0xb44a3d40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb44a3d00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb44a3dc0) 0
 Class QPalette
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4907,15 +4013,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb44a3fc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb44a3700) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb44a3480) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4977,10 +4075,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb44a3e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb44480c0) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5028,15 +4122,7 @@ QStyle (0xb4448100) 0
   QObject (0xb4448140) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb4448100)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb4448200) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb4448240) 0
 Vtable for QCommonStyle
 QCommonStyle::_ZTV12QCommonStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5242,10 +4328,6 @@ QWindowsXPStyle (0xb4448780) 0
         QObject (0xb4448880) 0
             primary-for QStyle (0xb4448840)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb4448a40) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5541,10 +4623,6 @@ QWidget (0xb4448040) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb44481c0) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb4448480) 0
 Vtable for QValidator
 QValidator::_ZTV10QValidator: 16u entries
@@ -5745,10 +4823,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb422f140) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb422f200) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb422f280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6167,10 +5241,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb422fac0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb422fb00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb422fc80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6197,10 +5267,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb422ff00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb422ff40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb422f240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5274,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb422f000) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb422f100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb422f6c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6226,10 +5288,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb422f840) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb422f980) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb422fa80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb422ffc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6256,10 +5314,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb3f70200) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3f70240) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb3f70380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6292,10 +5346,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb3f706c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3f70700) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb3f70880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6351,15 +5401,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb3f70f80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3f70fc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3f70000) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb3f70540) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb3f703c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6368,10 +5410,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb3f70100) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3f70280) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3f70340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb3f70e00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6488,10 +5526,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb3e56780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb3e56840) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -6663,10 +5697,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb3e56b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3e56bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6697,20 +5727,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb3e56c00) 0
   QObject (0xb3e56c40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb3e56c00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb3e56cc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb3e56d80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3e56d00) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6872,10 +5890,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb3e56f00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3e56180) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb3e563c0) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7140,15 +6154,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3da4280) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3da4540) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3da44c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7296,15 +6302,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb3da4800) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb3da4940) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb3da48c0) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7790,15 +6788,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb3da4dc0) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3cfe100) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb3cfe080) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -7926,25 +6916,9 @@ QDirModel (0xb3cfe300) 0
     QObject (0xb3cfe380) 0
         primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb3cfe340)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3cfe500) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3cfe480) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3cfe600) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3cfe580) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8540,15 +7514,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb3cfe440) 0
   QObject (0xb3cfe540) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb3cfe440)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3cfeb40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb3cfe880) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -9687,10 +8653,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb387c0c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb387c200) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb387c280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractButton
 QAbstractButton::_ZTV15QAbstractButton: 66u entries
@@ -10012,10 +8974,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb387c6c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb387c780) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb387c800) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -10493,10 +9451,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb387cf80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb387c240) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb387c3c0) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -10576,10 +9530,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb387c540) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb387c980) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb387cc40) 0
 Vtable for QScrollArea
 QScrollArea::_ZTV11QScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -10930,10 +9880,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb363e440) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb363e580) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb363e600) 0
 Vtable for QFontComboBox
 QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox: 65u entries
@@ -11017,10 +9963,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb363e640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb363e740) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb363e7c0) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -11275,10 +10217,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb363eac0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb363ec00) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb363ed00) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -12210,10 +11148,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb3586980) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3586a40) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb3586ac0) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12786,20 +11720,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb34d05c0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb34d06c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb34d0700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb34d07c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -13361,50 +12283,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb34d0480) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb34d0600) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb34d0a00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb34d0680) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb34d0dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb34d0c00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb3244040) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb34d0f80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb3244140) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb32440c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -13451,20 +12337,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb3244180) 0
   QObject (0xb32441c0) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb3244180)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb32442c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3244380) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb3244300) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -13553,15 +12427,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb32443c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3244500) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb32445c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb3244600) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsItemAnimation
 QGraphicsItemAnimation::_ZTV22QGraphicsItemAnimation: 16u entries
@@ -13921,10 +12787,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb3244b40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3244c40) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb3244d00) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -14183,10 +13045,6 @@ QWizard (0xb3244580) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3244b00) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb3244cc0) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -14354,10 +13212,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb321a100) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb321a200) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb321a2c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -14694,10 +13548,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb321a7c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb321a8c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb321a980) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -15173,15 +14023,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb2f53300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb2f53340) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb2f53400) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15216,20 +14058,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb2f53380) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb2f53500) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb2f53480) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb2f53540) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -15434,10 +14268,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb2f53a40) 0
       QObject (0xb2f53b00) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb2f53ac0)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb2f53b80) 0
 Class QSslCertificate
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15494,10 +14324,6 @@ QTcpSocket (0xb2f53c40) 0
       QObject (0xb2f53d00) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb2f53cc0)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> > (0xb2f53d80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSslSocket
 QSslSocket::_ZTV10QSslSocket: 30u entries
@@ -15556,20 +14382,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb2f53000) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb2f531c0) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb2f53100) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb2f533c0) 0
 Class QSslKey
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15748,10 +14566,6 @@ QTcpServer (0xb2f15280) 0
   QObject (0xb2f152c0) 0
       primary-for QTcpServer (0xb2f15280)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0xb2f15340) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16091,15 +14905,7 @@ QSqlDriver (0xb2f15c40) 0
   QObject (0xb2f15c80) 0
       primary-for QSqlDriver (0xb2f15c40)
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb2f15e40) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0xb2f15dc0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -16288,71 +15094,11 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0xb2c71280) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0xb2c71380) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb2c713c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0xb2c71380)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2c71400) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb2c713c0)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0xb2c715c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb2c71600) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0xb2c715c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2c71640) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb2c71600)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0xb2c71800) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2c71840) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0xb2c71800)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2c71880) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2c71840)
 Class Q3CString
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16387,26 +15133,7 @@ Class Q3GArray
 Q3GArray (0xb2c71b00) 0
     vptr=((& Q3GArray::_ZTV8Q3GArray) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0xb2c71d80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb2c71dc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0xb2c71d80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2c71e00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb2c71dc0)
 Vtable for Q3Signal
 Q3Signal::_ZTV8Q3Signal: 14u entries
@@ -16433,29 +15160,7 @@ Q3Signal (0xb2c718c0) 0
   QObject (0xb2c71900) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0xb2c718c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0xb2bbc0c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2bbc100) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0xb2bbc0c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bbc140) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2bbc100)
 Vtable for Q3GVector
 Q3GVector::_ZTV9Q3GVector: 11u entries
@@ -16479,76 +15184,11 @@ Q3GVector (0xb2bbc1c0) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bbc200) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2bbc1c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0xb2bbc340) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb2bbc380) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0xb2bbc340)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bbc3c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2bbc380)
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0xb2bbc500) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2bbc540) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0xb2bbc500)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bbc580) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2bbc540)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0xb2bbc680) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb2bbc6c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0xb2bbc680)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bbc700) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2bbc6c0)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -16604,75 +15244,11 @@ Q3StrIVec (0xb2bbc8c0) 0
         Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bbc9c0) 0
             primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2bbc980)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0xb2bbcb80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2bbcbc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0xb2bbcb80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bbcc00) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2bbcbc0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0xb2bbce40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2bbce80) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0xb2bbce40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bbcec0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2bbce80)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0xb2bbcfc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2bbc180) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0xb2bbcfc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bbc240) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2bbc180)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -16699,29 +15275,7 @@ Q3ObjectDictionary (0xb2bbc400) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0xb2bbc880) 0
           primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2bbc740)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0xb2bbcc40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2bbcf00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0xb2bbcc40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2a9d000) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2bbcf00)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -16749,11 +15303,6 @@ Q3StrList (0xb2a9d080) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0xb2a9d140) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0xb2a9d100)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0xb2a9d200) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0xb2a9d240) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -16783,28 +15332,7 @@ Q3StrIList (0xb2a9d280) 0
         Q3PtrCollection (0xb2a9d380) 0
             primary-for Q3GList (0xb2a9d340)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0xb2a9d4c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2a9d500) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0xb2a9d4c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2a9d540) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2a9d500)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -16819,28 +15347,7 @@ Class Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore (0xb2a9d640) 0
     vptr=((& Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0xb2a9d780) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2a9d7c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0xb2a9d780)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2a9d800) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2a9d7c0)
 Vtable for Q3Frame
 Q3Frame::_ZTV7Q3Frame: 66u entries
@@ -17051,15 +15558,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0xb2a9dc80) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb2a9de40) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0xb2a9ddc0) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -17120,25 +15619,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0xb2a9d040) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb2a9d580) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0xb2a9d180) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0xb2a9dc40) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0xb2a9d840) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -17346,10 +15829,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0xb2a9df00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb2991140) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb2991240) 0
 Vtable for Q3TextView
 Q3TextView::_ZTV10Q3TextView: 175u entries
@@ -18131,15 +16610,7 @@ Q3NetworkOperation (0xb2991dc0) 0
   QObject (0xb2991e00) 0
       primary-for Q3NetworkOperation (0xb2991dc0)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb2991f80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0xb2991f00) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -20100,100 +18571,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0xb2554000) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0xb2554080) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb25540c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0xb2554080)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2554100) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb25540c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0xb25541c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb2554200) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0xb25541c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2554240) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb2554200)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0xb2554300) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb2554340) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0xb2554300)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb2554380) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb2554340)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0xb2554440) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb2554480) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0xb2554440)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb25544c0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb2554480)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -21616,15 +20000,7 @@ Q3ProgressBar (0xb2628680) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb2628780) 8
           vptr=((& Q3ProgressBar::_ZTV13Q3ProgressBar) + 244u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0xb2628a40) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0xb26289c0) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -21879,25 +20255,9 @@ Q3HButtonGroup (0xb2628d00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb2628e80) 8
               vptr=((& Q3HButtonGroup::_ZTV14Q3HButtonGroup) + 236u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb26283c0) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0xb2628080) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0xb26287c0) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0xb2628580) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -21962,10 +20322,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0xb2628f00) 0
     QLayoutItem (0xb2628fc0) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0xb25160c0) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -23159,21 +21515,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0xb24290c0) 0
   QPolygon (0xb2429100) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0xb2429140) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb2429280) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb2429200) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb24292c0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb2429300) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -24017,21 +22360,8 @@ Class Q3SqlFieldInfo
 Q3SqlFieldInfo (0xb231b280) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlFieldInfo::_ZTV14Q3SqlFieldInfo) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb231b400) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb231b380) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb231b440) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb231b480) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -24040,31 +22370,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0xb231b500) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb231b540) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb231b580) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb231b680) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb231b600) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0xb231b740) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb231b780) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0xb231b7c0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0xb231b840) 0
 Vtable for Q3SqlForm
 Q3SqlForm::_ZTV9Q3SqlForm: 26u entries
@@ -24462,243 +22771,51 @@ Q3SqlSelectCursor (0xb231bdc0) 0
     QSqlRecord (0xb231be40) 4
     QSqlQuery (0xb231be80) 8
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb231bf40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb231bfc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb231b240) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb231b700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb231b900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb231bec0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb1fa3040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb1fa30c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb1fa32c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb1fa3340) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb1fa33c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb1fa3540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb1fa35c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb1fa3640) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb1fa36c0) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=52 align=4
-   base size=52 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb1fa37c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb1fa3880) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb1fa3900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb1fa3980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb1fa3a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb1fa3b40) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb1fa3c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb1fa3c80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb1fa3d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb1fa3d80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union> (0xb1fa3e80) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError> (0xb1fa3e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0xb1fa3f80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb1fa3740) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb1fa38c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb1fa3bc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb1fa3fc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb1b47080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb1b47140) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb1b471c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb1b47280) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb1b47340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb1b473c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb1b47440) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0xb1b47540) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0xb1b475c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0xb1b47680) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0xb1b47700) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb1b477c0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0xb1b47840) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb1b478c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSslError>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSslError> (0xb1b47a00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::Node (0xb1b47a80) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 56ccd8e..d10a056 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/Qt3Support.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb6b6c000) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb6b6c03c) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7d77c40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb6b6c0b4) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb6b6c1e0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb6b6c21c) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7d77e00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb6b6c294) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb6b7f690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb6b7f870) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb6b7f960) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb6b7fa50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb6b7fb40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb6b7fc30) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb6b7fd20) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb6b7fe10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb6b7ff00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb6b9b000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb6b9b0f0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb6b9b1e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb6b9b2d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb6b9b3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb6b9b4b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb6b9b5a0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb6bb65a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb6bde258) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb5a8ae10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb5acbf00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb5ae41a4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb5ae4ac8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb5b293fc) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb5b29d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb5b3c654) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb5b3cf78) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb594e8ac) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb595d1e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb595db04) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb5972438) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb5972d5c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb5986690) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb5986fb4) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb599ea50) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb59e9ce4) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb590dc00) 0
   QString (0xb57630b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb57633c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb57cba8c) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb5674d20) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb5674078) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb568e384) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb568e30c) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb56ba100) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb56b55a0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb56b5a8c) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb56b58ac) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb56c9bf4) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb56c9b7c) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb5708f80) 0
   QObject (0xb570cbf4) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb5708f80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb5727f00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb556de10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb55a3618) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb55a3708) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb55a3c6c) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb55a3bf4) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb55ae080) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb55a3ca8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb55d0a14) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb55d0c30) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb5601f00) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5614a50) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb54e0384) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb54e0438) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb53763c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb53764b0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5376438) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5376528) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb53765a0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb5376618) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5376690) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb53766cc) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb53b4e4c) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb53e21c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb53e15a0) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb53e21c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb53f203c) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb53f20b4) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb53e1960) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb53f212c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb53f21a4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb53f221c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb53f2294) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb53f230c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb53f2384) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f23fc) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb53f2438) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb53f2564) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb53f24ec) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f24b0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f25dc) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb53f26cc) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f2654) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f2744) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb53f2834) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f27bc) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f28e8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f2960) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f29d8) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb5310780) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb53273c0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb5327348) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb5327708) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb5327834) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb5327f3c) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb5327fb4) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb516b880) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb515ba8c) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb516b880)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb51a821c) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb51c17c0) 0
   QObject (0xb51c38ac) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb51c17c0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb51c1ec0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb51c1f00) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb51c1ec0)
-    QObject (0xb51db3c0) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb51c1f00)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb52193c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb52243c0) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb52193c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb5224bb8) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb5219d40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb5224c30) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb5219f00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb5219f40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb50390b4) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb5219f40)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb5039b04) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb5039b7c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb5039d98) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb5039e88) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb5039f00) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb5039f78) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb50391a4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb505a000) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb505a078) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb505a0f0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb505a168) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb505a1e0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb505a258) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb505a2d0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb505a348) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb505a3c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb505a4b0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb505a528) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb505a5a0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb505a924) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb505a99c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb505aa8c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb505ab04) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb505ab7c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb505ad98) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb505add4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb505ae10) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb505ae4c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb505ae88) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb505aec4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb505af3c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb505af78) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb505afb4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb506e000) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb506e03c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb506e078) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb506ea50) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb50e903c) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb50e9474) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb50e9690) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb50e9a8c) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb50e9bf4) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb50e9d5c) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb512a438) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb4f3ce88) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb4f49a50) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4f49ac8) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb4f49d98) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4f49f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4f49e88) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb4f49f78) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb4fd14b0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb4fd1780) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb4fda8c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb4fd17bc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb4fd17f8) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb4fda980) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb4fd1834) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb4fd1a50) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb4e43348) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb4e43384) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb4e40c40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb4e433c0) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb4eda03c) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb4ed8200) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb4ed8240) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb4eda0b4) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb4e75fb4) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb4eda0f0) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb4ed83c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb4eda12c) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb4eda1e0) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb4ed85c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb4ed8600) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb4eda258) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb4eda168) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb4eda294) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb4eda348) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb4ed8780) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb4eda2d0) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb4d7d4ec) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb4d88740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb4d84e88) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb4d88740)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb4d88840) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb4d84f78) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb4d88840)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb4da03c0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb4da03fc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb4dab7c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb4da0438) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb4dab900) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb4dab940) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb4dab900)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb4da04b0) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb4dab940)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb4dab9c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb4daba00) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb4dab9c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb4da05a0) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb4daba00)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb4dc3384) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4c04a14) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4c04ca8) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb4c04f3c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb4c77550) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb4c47e88) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb4c77550)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb4c47ec4) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb4c80e10) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb4c90a50) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb4c80e10)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb4c90a8c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb4c81900) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb4c9ac80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb4c81900)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb4c90b7c) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb4c9ac80)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb4c90bb8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb4c81ac0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb4ca3410) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb4c81ac0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb4ca0ec4) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb4ca3410)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb4ca0f00) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb4c81b40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb4c81b80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb4c81b40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb4ca3aa0) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb4c81b80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb4ca903c) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb4ca3aa0)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb4ca9078) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb4ca9a8c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb4cb6580) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb4cbb294) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb4cb6580)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb4cb6640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb4cbb384) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb4cb6640)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb4cf19d8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb4b3ab80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb4b3abc0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb4b3ab80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb4b51000) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb4b3abc0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb4b3ac00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb4b510f0) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb4b3ac00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb4b3ac80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb4b511e0) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb4b3ac80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb4b3ad00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb4b3ad40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb4b3ad00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb4b512d0) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb4b3ad40)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb4b3adc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb4b513c0) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb4b3adc0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb4b3ae40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb4b514b0) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb4b3ae40)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4b85e80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb4b51ca8) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4b85e80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4b85ec0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb4b51d98) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4b85ec0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4bd7b40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4bd7b80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb4bb98ac) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4bd7b80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb4bb9a8c) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4bd7cc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4bd7d00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb4bb9ac8) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4bd7d00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb4bb9c6c) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4a16580) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4a165c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb4a18168) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4a165c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4a16680) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4a166c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb4a184ec) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4a166c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb4a18bf4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb4a18c30) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb4a43580) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb4a18c6c) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb4a7512c) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4a7d480 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4a8e0f0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4a7d480) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4a8e0f0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4a7d4c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb4a75168) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4a7d4c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4a7d500) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb4a7d4c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb4a753fc) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4a7d800 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4a9b190) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4a7d800) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4a9b190)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4a7d840) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb4a75438) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4a7d840)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4a7d880) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb4a7d840) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a75d20) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb4a75ca8) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb4a75c30) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb4a75b7c) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb4ac6000) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb4ac6870) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb49aace4) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb49c6910) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb49b8b00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb49c6910)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb49aaec4) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb49b8b00)
-  QRunnable (0xb49aaf00) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb49b8b80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb49c6d20) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb49b8b80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb49b8bc0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb49c6d20)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb49cf078) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb49b8bc0)
-    QRunnable (0xb49cf0b4) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb471af00) 0
     QObject (0xb4737438) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb471af40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb474fdd4) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb4762960) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb4781000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb478130c) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb4792078) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb4792000) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb4792168) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb47b16cc) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb47b17bc) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb47e1a8c) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb45f2b7c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb4610d98) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4621528) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb46864ec) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb4686564) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb46632d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb4686d5c) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb4686ec4) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb46a67bc) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb46a6bf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb46a6dd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb46a6fb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb46c41a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb46c4384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb46c4564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb46c4744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb46c4924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb46c4b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb46c4ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb46c4ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb46ce0b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb46ce294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb46ce474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb46ce654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb46ce834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb46cea14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb46cebf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb46cedd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb46cefb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb46d41a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb46d4384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb46d4564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb46d4744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb46d4924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb46d4b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb46d4ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb46d4ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb46e00b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb46e0294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb46e0474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb46e0654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb46e0834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb46e0a14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb46e0bf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb46e0dd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb46e0fb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb46e51a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb46e5384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb46e5564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb46e5744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb46e5924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb46e5b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb46e5ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb46e5ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb46ec0b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb46ec294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb46ec474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb46ec654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb46ec834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb46eca14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb46ecbf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb46ecdd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb46ecfb4) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb44ed1a4) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb451fc30) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb451fbb8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb451fd20) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb451fca8) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb455e0b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb455e6cc) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb455e8ac) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb455ea8c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb45aeb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb45b9a50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb45e54ec) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb45aabc0) 0
   QObject (0xb43ef348) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb45aabc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb43ef960) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb4415bf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb442cfb4) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb44340b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb44347f8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb4480960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb448e0f0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb44c7d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb42fb1e0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb42fb2d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb42fb708) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb42fbb04) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb42fbe4c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb434d8c0) 0
   QObject (0xb436d780) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb434d8c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb437b6cc) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb43a8ca8) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb43b4348) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb43b403c) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb43bd834) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb41f1e10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb4200b04) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb4211b04) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb423e4b0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb423e5a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb424ab04) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb424abf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb425e294) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb425e474) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb426e294) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb42814ec) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb428d348) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb42a44b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb42a4870) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb42c19d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb42cf3fc) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb4161348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb416b348) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb417dfb4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb418cd20) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb41a7e10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb41c5ce4) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb400a8e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb4023e10) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb40c95dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb40d3b40) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb40d3ca8) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb40d3c30) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb40d3d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb3ef6744) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb3ef6870) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb3f05438) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb3f05564) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb3f1a4ec) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4461,25 +2648,9 @@ Class QXmlStreamWriter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QXmlStreamWriter (0xb3f35d98) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb3f65ce4) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb3f65d5c) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb3f65dd4) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb3f65c6c) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -4501,10 +2672,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb3f91bb8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb3fa2e10) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -4802,15 +2969,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb3e2ce88) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb3e396cc) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb3e39654) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -5099,20 +3258,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb3e8c708) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb3e8c30c) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb3ea6bf4) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb3eb87bc) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -5143,20 +3290,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb3e819c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb3eb8bb8) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb3eca708) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb3eca690) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb3eca618) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -5669,15 +3804,7 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0xb3d50e10) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb3d6f30c) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb3d6f294) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5685,15 +3812,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb3d2ed80) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb3d6f348) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb3d903fc) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb3d90384) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5706,10 +3825,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb3daf348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb3dc099c) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -5721,25 +3836,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb3dcd168) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb3bf221c) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb3bf21a4) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb3de1e88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb3bf2258) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5751,10 +3854,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb3c1cac8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb3c2fbb8) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -5779,10 +3878,6 @@ QImage (0xb3c4c900) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb3c7e3c0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb3c4c900)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb3cc98ac) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -5807,45 +3902,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb3afa2d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb3afadd4) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=124 align=4
    base size=121 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb3b0d03c) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3b0dce4) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb3b0dc6c) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb3b0ddd4) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb3b0de4c) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb3b0dec4) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb3b0dd5c) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5906,10 +3973,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb3bafb7c) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb3a02bf4) 0
 Class QCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5997,10 +4060,6 @@ QWidget (0xb3a22c30) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb3a1d474) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb3a6f3c0) 0
 Vtable for QDialog
 QDialog::_ZTV7QDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6251,10 +4310,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb38f7400) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3906528) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb39156cc) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6505,20 +4560,12 @@ QFileDialog (0xb38f7e80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb393ff78) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb396403c) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb3984438) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb399a7f8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFileSystemModel
 QFileSystemModel::_ZTV16QFileSystemModel: 42u entries
@@ -6980,10 +5027,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb3812280) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb38156cc) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb382f528) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -7488,10 +5531,6 @@ QWizard (0xb3885680) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3896d20) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb38bf03c) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -7624,10 +5663,6 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb36d0960) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb3709078) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -8184,15 +6219,7 @@ QGraphicsItemGroup (0xb378a040) 0
   QGraphicsItem (0xb3783780) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsItemGroup (0xb378a040)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb3783564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb379512c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsLayoutItem
 QGraphicsLayoutItem::_ZTV19QGraphicsLayoutItem: 8u entries
@@ -8544,10 +6571,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb360d2d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb360db40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -8594,20 +6617,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb35f56c0) 0
   QObject (0xb360ddd4) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb35f56c0)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb3620b04) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3645528) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb36454b0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -8770,65 +6781,21 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb369d0f0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb36a88ac) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QTextOption::Tab>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QTextOption::Tab> (0xb36b7e88) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb36cb1a4) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb36cbc6c) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb352d6cc) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb352d654) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb352d834) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb352d7bc) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb352df78) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb352df00) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb35750f0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb3575078) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -9083,15 +7050,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb33d5480) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb33e0a14) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb340a258) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb340ae88) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -9346,10 +7305,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb3484b90) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb3489258) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb3453f00)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb3489d20) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9525,15 +7480,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb3310580) 0
   QObject (0xb3316e4c) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb3310580)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3322ca8) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb3322c30) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -9839,10 +7786,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb335ad00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb338f3fc) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb33a65a0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -10050,15 +7993,7 @@ QStyle (0xb33aea00) 0
   QObject (0xb31eaac8) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb33aea00)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb3219438) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb3233078) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -10317,10 +8252,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb32a7040) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb329cec4) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb32a8654) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -10347,10 +8278,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb32a7ac0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb30d55dc) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb30d53fc) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -10358,10 +8285,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb32a7d80) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb30d5d20) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb3106528) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -10376,10 +8299,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb30f23c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb30f2400) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3121564) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb313121c) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -10406,10 +8325,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb30f2d00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3149bf4) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb315d564) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -10442,10 +8357,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb316c9c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3192780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb3192b7c) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -10510,15 +8421,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb2feb600) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb2feb640) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb2ff0834) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb2ff0654) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb2ff0fb4) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -10527,10 +8430,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb2feb880) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb2feb8c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb2ff0ec4) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb3014870) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -10627,10 +8526,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb3083384) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb309ef3c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -10661,20 +8556,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb307abc0) 0
   QObject (0xb30b93c0) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb307abc0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb30c8654) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb2edd30c) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb2edd294) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10804,10 +8687,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb2efa180) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb2edd690) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb2f1f474) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -11270,15 +9149,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb2fbb000) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb2fbbb04) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb2fbba8c) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -11419,15 +9290,7 @@ QListView (0xb2fc5140) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb2fbbe10) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<void*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<void*>::<anonymous union> (0xb2df24ec) 0
-Class QVector<void*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<void*> (0xb2df2474) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -11720,15 +9583,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb2e764b0) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb2cd1ec4) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb2cd1e4c) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -12007,15 +9862,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb2d4a294) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb2d4af3c) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb2d4af78) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -12292,35 +10139,15 @@ QTreeView (0xb2da4380) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb2da8fb4) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb2bd0780) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0xb2db0d98) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb2c031e0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb2c03168) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb2c03618) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb2c035a0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -13296,15 +11123,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb2bbb7f8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb2bbba50) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb29cd2d0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -13339,20 +11158,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb2bbbb40) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb29e14b0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb29e1168) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb29f81a4) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -13450,10 +11261,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0xb29e3f00) 0
     QObject (0xb2a73834) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0xb29e3f40)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb2a83b40) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -13985,30 +11792,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb28e8528) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb28f2fb4) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb28f2834) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb2927474) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb29273fc) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb29431a4) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -14070,15 +11861,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb27ec000) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb27ecd20) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb27ecca8) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -14128,15 +11911,7 @@ QTextDocument (0xb27d4d40) 0
   QObject (0xb2808ce4) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb27d4d40)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb2819654) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb285a384) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14148,15 +11923,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb285a618) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb285aa14) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb285a99c) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -14318,10 +12085,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb2834f40) 0
     QObject (0xb26a3b04) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb2834f80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb26c54b0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -14346,25 +12109,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb26c599c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb26e64b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb26e65a0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb26e6744) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb26f3b04) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -15494,10 +13245,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb2642580) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb2663564) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb2663e10) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -15658,10 +13405,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb2642c00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb249a780) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb24a7bf4) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -15741,10 +13484,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb2642f80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb24bb7bc) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb24dae88) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -15906,10 +13645,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb24d3640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb250f7bc) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb2522780) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -16228,10 +13963,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb256f380) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb257e690) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb23927f8) 0
 Vtable for QMdiArea
 QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea: 65u entries
@@ -16317,10 +14048,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb256f700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb23ac3fc) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb23c6834) 0
 Vtable for QMdiSubWindow
 QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow: 63u entries
@@ -16400,10 +14127,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb256fb00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb23dd438) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb23f9528) 0
 Vtable for QMenu
 QMenu::_ZTV5QMenu: 63u entries
@@ -16681,10 +14404,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb22ba7c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb22ca168) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb23080f0) 0
 Vtable for QPlainTextEdit
 QPlainTextEdit::_ZTV14QPlainTextEdit: 69u entries
@@ -18351,20 +16070,12 @@ QNetworkAccessManager (0xb20db400) 0
   QObject (0xb20ebca8) 0
       primary-for QNetworkAccessManager (0xb20db400)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkCookiePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkCookiePrivate> (0xb2105c6c) 0
 Class QNetworkCookie
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkCookie (0xb2105618) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QNetworkCookie> (0xb2105e88) 0 empty
 Vtable for QNetworkCookieJar
 QNetworkCookieJar::_ZTV17QNetworkCookieJar: 16u entries
@@ -18393,30 +16104,14 @@ QNetworkCookieJar (0xb20db840) 0
   QObject (0xb2105f78) 0
       primary-for QNetworkCookieJar (0xb20db840)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QNetworkCookie> (0xb2119b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QNetworkCookie> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QNetworkCookie> > (0xb2119ca8) 0 empty
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkRequestPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkRequestPrivate> (0xb212830c) 0
 Class QNetworkRequest
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkRequest (0xb2119e4c) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QNetworkRequest>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QNetworkRequest> (0xb21284ec) 0 empty
 Vtable for QNetworkReply
 QNetworkReply::_ZTV13QNetworkReply: 33u entries
@@ -18532,20 +16227,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb21801a4) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb2180d20) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb2180474) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb2180e4c) 0
 Class QNetworkProxy
    size=4 align=4
@@ -18741,10 +16428,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb1fc3900) 0
       QObject (0xb1fed2d0) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb1fc3980)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb1ffe1a4) 0
 Class QSslCertificate
    size=4 align=4
@@ -18808,10 +16491,6 @@ QSslSocket (0xb1fc3f00) 0
         QObject (0xb202d708) 0
             primary-for QIODevice (0xb1fc3fc0)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> > (0xb2044b40) 0 empty
 Class QSslConfiguration
    size=4 align=4
@@ -18823,10 +16502,6 @@ Class QSslKey
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSslKey (0xb2050348) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0xb2050924) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -18964,15 +16639,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSqlField (0xb1ebef00) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb1ecbec4) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0xb1ecbe4c) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -19488,29 +17155,7 @@ Class Q3GListStdIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GListStdIterator (0xb1d9203c) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<void>
-Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIvE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<void> (0xb1db12c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb1db1300) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<void> (0xb1db12c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb1db21e0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb1db1300)
 Class Q3PointArray
    size=4 align=4
@@ -19519,21 +17164,8 @@ Q3PointArray (0xb1dcfc00) 0
   QPolygon (0xb1dcfc40) 0
     QVector<QPoint> (0xb1dde294) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb1ddef78) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb1ddef00) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb1ded2c0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3CanvasItem*> (0xb1ddefb4) 0
 Class Q3CanvasItemList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -20171,28 +17803,7 @@ Class Q3GDictIterator
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3GDictIterator (0xb1cbb12c) 0
-Vtable for Q3Dict<void>
-Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6Q3DictIvE)
-8     Q3Dict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Dict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-20    Q3Dict<type>::~Q3Dict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Dict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3Dict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3Dict<void> (0xb1ca1e80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Dict<void>::_ZTV6Q3DictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb1ca1ec0) 0
-      primary-for Q3Dict<void> (0xb1ca1e80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb1cc6618) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb1ca1ec0)
 Vtable for Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase
 Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase::_ZTV28Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase: 5u entries
@@ -20727,29 +18338,7 @@ Q3Wizard (0xb1d1b8c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb1d52dd4) 8
           vptr=((& Q3Wizard::_ZTV8Q3Wizard) + 308u)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<char>
-Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListIcE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<char>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<char> (0xb1d1bb80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<char>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb1d1bbc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<char> (0xb1d1bb80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb1d68d98) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb1d1bbc0)
 Vtable for Q3StrList
 Q3StrList::_ZTV9Q3StrList: 11u entries
@@ -20777,11 +18366,6 @@ Q3StrList (0xb1d1bc00) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0xb1d68e88) 0
           primary-for Q3GList (0xb1d1bc80)
-Class Q3PtrListStdIterator<char>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3PtrListStdIterator<char> (0xb1b94140) 0
-  Q3GListStdIterator (0xb1b8f5a0) 0
 Vtable for Q3StrIList
 Q3StrIList::_ZTV10Q3StrIList: 11u entries
@@ -21814,29 +19398,7 @@ Q3GVector (0xb1aec280) 0
   Q3PtrCollection (0xb1b05000) 0
       primary-for Q3GVector (0xb1aec280)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<void>
-Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIvE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<void>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<void> (0xb1aeccc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<void>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb1aecd00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<void> (0xb1aeccc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb1b18474) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb1aecd00)
 Vtable for Q3Header
 Q3Header::_ZTV8Q3Header: 76u entries
@@ -21956,28 +19518,7 @@ Class Q3GArray
 Q3GArray (0xb1b43f3c) 0
     vptr=((& Q3GArray::_ZTV8Q3GArray) + 8u)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<void>
-Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIvE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<void> (0xb1b6dd00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb1b6dd40) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<void> (0xb1b6dd00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb1b7a3fc) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb1b6dd40)
 Class Q3TableSelection
    size=28 align=4
@@ -22088,100 +19629,13 @@ Class Q3Table::TableWidget
    base size=12 base align=4
 Q3Table::TableWidget (0xb19b430c) 0
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = Q3TableItem]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableItem]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = Q3TableItem]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableItem]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0xb1b84980) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI11Q3TableItemE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb1b849c0) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<Q3TableItem> (0xb1b84980)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb19b4744) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb1b849c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = QWidget]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = QWidget]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = QWidget]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = QWidget]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<QWidget>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0xb1b84a00) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<QWidget>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorI7QWidgetE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb1b84a40) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<QWidget> (0xb1b84a00)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb19b4b04) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb1b84a40)
-Vtable for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE)
-8     Q3PtrList<type>::count [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-12    Q3PtrList<type>::clear [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-16    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-20    Q3PtrList<type>::~Q3PtrList [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrList<type>::deleteItem [with type = Q3TableSelection]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0xb1b84ac0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection>::_ZTV9Q3PtrListI16Q3TableSelectionE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb1b84b00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrList<Q3TableSelection> (0xb1b84ac0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb19b4ce4) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb1b84b00)
-Vtable for Q3IntDict<int>
-Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3IntDictIiE)
-8     Q3IntDict<type>::count [with type = int]
-12    Q3IntDict<type>::clear [with type = int]
-16    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-20    Q3IntDict<type>::~Q3IntDict [with type = int]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = int]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3IntDict<int>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3IntDict<int> (0xb1b84b80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntDict<int>::_ZTV9Q3IntDictIiE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb1b84bc0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntDict<int> (0xb1b84b80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb19b4ec4) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb1b84bc0)
 Vtable for Q3Table
 Q3Table::_ZTV7Q3Table: 183u entries
@@ -22495,15 +19949,7 @@ Q3Ftp (0xb19fe940) 0
     QObject (0xb1a13b40) 0
         primary-for Q3NetworkProtocol (0xb19fe980)
-Class QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb1a30924) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QString> (0xb1a308ac) 0
 Vtable for Q3HttpHeader
 Q3HttpHeader::_ZTV12Q3HttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -23785,21 +21231,8 @@ Class Q3SqlPropertyMap
 Q3SqlPropertyMap (0xb17c8a50) 0
     vptr=((& Q3SqlPropertyMap::_ZTV16Q3SqlPropertyMap) + 8u)
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb17d54ec) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb17d5474) 0
-Class Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb17c64c0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb17d5528) 0
 Class Q3SqlRecordInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -23808,31 +21241,10 @@ Q3SqlRecordInfo (0xb17c6540) 0
   Q3ValueList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb17c6580) 0
     QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb17d55dc) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb17d59d8) 0
-Class QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb17d5960) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0xb18100b4) 0
-Class Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-Q3ValueListConstIterator<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb17c6ac0) 0
-  QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::const_iterator (0xb18100f0) 0
-Class QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<Q3SqlFieldInfo>::iterator (0xb1810168) 0
 Vtable for Q3SqlSelectCursor
 Q3SqlSelectCursor::_ZTV17Q3SqlSelectCursor: 40u entries
@@ -23892,15 +21304,7 @@ Class Q3StyleSheetItem
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3StyleSheetItem (0xb184fd20) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb185fa50) 0
-Class QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, Q3StyleSheetItem*> (0xb185f9d8) 0
 Vtable for Q3StyleSheet
 Q3StyleSheet::_ZTV12Q3StyleSheet: 16u entries
@@ -23939,25 +21343,9 @@ Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection
    base size=8 base align=4
 Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Selection (0xb187e564) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb187e7bc) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString> (0xb187e744) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::<anonymous union> (0xb187eb40) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0xb187eac8) 0
 Class Q3TextEditOptimPrivate
    size=52 align=4
@@ -24165,10 +21553,6 @@ Q3TextEdit (0xb16961c0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb1690f3c) 8
               vptr=((& Q3TextEdit::_ZTV10Q3TextEdit) + 680u)
-Class QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Q3TextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb16d63fc) 0
 Vtable for Q3MultiLineEdit
 Q3MultiLineEdit::_ZTV15Q3MultiLineEdit: 192u entries
@@ -24853,114 +22237,15 @@ Class Q3GCacheIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 Q3GCacheIterator (0xb15e003c) 0
-Vtable for Q3AsciiCache<void>
-Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12Q3AsciiCacheIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiCache<type>::~Q3AsciiCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3AsciiCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3AsciiCache<void> (0xb15d4800) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiCache<void>::_ZTV12Q3AsciiCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb15d4840) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiCache<void> (0xb15d4800)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb15e0d20) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb15d4840)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<void>
-Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictIvE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<void> (0xb15fe600) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<void>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb15fe640) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<void> (0xb15fe600)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb15f68e8) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb15fe640)
-Vtable for Q3Cache<void>
-Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI7Q3CacheIvE)
-8     Q3Cache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3Cache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-20    Q3Cache<type>::~Q3Cache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3Cache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3Cache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3Cache<void> (0xb161c2c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3Cache<void>::_ZTV7Q3CacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb161c300) 0
-      primary-for Q3Cache<void> (0xb161c2c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb161a348) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb161c300)
-Vtable for Q3IntCache<void>
-Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE: 8u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3IntCacheIvE)
-8     Q3IntCache<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3IntCache<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-20    Q3IntCache<type>::~Q3IntCache [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3IntCache<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-Class Q3IntCache<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=29 base align=4
-Q3IntCache<void> (0xb1637a80) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3IntCache<void>::_ZTV10Q3IntCacheIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GCache (0xb1637ac0) 0
-      primary-for Q3IntCache<void> (0xb1637a80)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb16412d0) 0
-        primary-for Q3GCache (0xb1637ac0)
-Vtable for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE)
-8     Q3AsciiDict<type>::count [with type = QMetaObject]
-12    Q3AsciiDict<type>::clear [with type = QMetaObject]
-16    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-20    Q3AsciiDict<type>::~Q3AsciiDict [with type = QMetaObject]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3AsciiDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = QMetaObject]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0xb16522c0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject>::_ZTV11Q3AsciiDictI11QMetaObjectE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb1652300) 0
-      primary-for Q3AsciiDict<QMetaObject> (0xb16522c0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb1641a50) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb1652300)
 Vtable for Q3ObjectDictionary
 Q3ObjectDictionary::_ZTV18Q3ObjectDictionary: 10u entries
@@ -24987,76 +22272,11 @@ Q3ObjectDictionary (0xb1652340) 0
       Q3PtrCollection (0xb1641b40) 0
           primary-for Q3GDict (0xb16523c0)
-Vtable for Q3PtrDict<void>
-Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9Q3PtrDictIvE)
-8     Q3PtrDict<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrDict<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrDict<type>::~Q3PtrDict [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrDict<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GDict::read
-36    Q3GDict::write
-Class Q3PtrDict<void>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-Q3PtrDict<void> (0xb1652cc0) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrDict<void>::_ZTV9Q3PtrDictIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GDict (0xb1652d00) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrDict<void> (0xb1652cc0)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb165fa50) 0
-        primary-for Q3GDict (0xb1652d00)
-Vtable for Q3PtrQueue<void>
-Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrQueueIvE)
-8     Q3PtrQueue<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrQueue<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrQueue<type>::~Q3PtrQueue [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrQueue<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrQueue<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrQueue<void> (0xb1478900) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrQueue<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrQueueIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb1478940) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrQueue<void> (0xb1478900)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb147d438) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb1478940)
-Vtable for Q3PtrStack<void>
-Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI10Q3PtrStackIvE)
-8     Q3PtrStack<type>::count [with type = void]
-12    Q3PtrStack<type>::clear [with type = void]
-16    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-20    Q3PtrStack<type>::~Q3PtrStack [with type = void]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrStack<type>::deleteItem [with type = void]
-32    Q3GList::compareItems
-36    Q3GList::read
-40    Q3GList::write
-Class Q3PtrStack<void>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-Q3PtrStack<void> (0xb1492140) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrStack<void>::_ZTV10Q3PtrStackIvE) + 8u)
-  Q3GList (0xb1492180) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrStack<void> (0xb1492140)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb147db40) 0
-        primary-for Q3GList (0xb1492180)
 Vtable for Q3Semaphore
 Q3Semaphore::_ZTV11Q3Semaphore: 4u entries
@@ -25096,29 +22316,7 @@ Q3Signal (0xb1492400) 0
   QObject (0xb149c1a4) 0
       primary-for Q3Signal (0xb1492400)
-Vtable for Q3PtrVector<char>
-Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI11Q3PtrVectorIcE)
-8     Q3PtrVector<type>::count [with type = char]
-12    Q3PtrVector<type>::clear [with type = char]
-16    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-20    Q3PtrVector<type>::~Q3PtrVector [with type = char]
-24    Q3PtrCollection::newItem
-28    Q3PtrVector<type>::deleteItem [with type = char]
-32    Q3GVector::compareItems
-36    Q3GVector::read
-40    Q3GVector::write
-Class Q3PtrVector<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-Q3PtrVector<char> (0xb1492a40) 0
-    vptr=((& Q3PtrVector<char>::_ZTV11Q3PtrVectorIcE) + 8u)
-  Q3GVector (0xb1492a80) 0
-      primary-for Q3PtrVector<char> (0xb1492a40)
-    Q3PtrCollection (0xb14aa0b4) 0
-        primary-for Q3GVector (0xb1492a80)
 Vtable for Q3StrVec
 Q3StrVec::_ZTV8Q3StrVec: 11u entries
@@ -25424,15 +22622,7 @@ Q3GroupBox (0xb1517000) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb1515384) 8
           vptr=((& Q3GroupBox::_ZTV10Q3GroupBox) + 236u)
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>::<anonymous union> (0xb153430c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QAbstractButton*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QAbstractButton*> (0xb1534294) 0
 Vtable for Q3ButtonGroup
 Q3ButtonGroup::_ZTV13Q3ButtonGroup: 64u entries
@@ -26235,25 +23425,9 @@ Q3DockWindow (0xb156cf80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb13bfe4c) 8
             vptr=((& Q3DockWindow::_ZTV12Q3DockWindow) + 304u)
-Class QList<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb13e8f3c) 0
-Class QList<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect> (0xb13e8f78) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::<anonymous union> (0xb140a0b4) 0
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*> (0xb140a03c) 0
 Vtable for Q3DockAreaLayout
 Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout: 48u entries
@@ -26318,10 +23492,6 @@ Q3DockAreaLayout (0xb13cf440) 0
     QLayoutItem (0xb13e8a50) 8
         vptr=((& Q3DockAreaLayout::_ZTV16Q3DockAreaLayout) + 128u)
-Class QPointer<Q3DockArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<Q3DockArea> (0xb142fac8) 0
 Class Q3DockArea::DockWindowData
    size=24 align=4
@@ -27537,293 +24707,61 @@ Q3WidgetStack (0xb12e6dc0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb1319528) 8
             vptr=((& Q3WidgetStack::_ZTV13Q3WidgetStack) + 248u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb1177ce4) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb11a7294) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb12615a0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb107e0b4) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb107eb7c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb110a384) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb110a564) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb110a744) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb110a924) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb0fe30f0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb0fe32d0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb1013474) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb10138e8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb102a2d0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb0e6e000) 0
-Class QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo>
-   size=52 align=4
-   base size=52 base align=4
-QLinkedListNode<Q3SqlFieldInfo> (0xb0eaefb4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb0f2e7bc) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb0f2e834) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb0f52744) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb0f52a50) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb0da9654) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb0da9c30) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb0da9f78) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb0dc67f8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb0dc6c30) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb0dd51e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb0de4294) 0 empty
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie>::<anonymous union> (0xb0de47bc) 0
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie> (0xb0de4744) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union> (0xb0de4fb4) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError> (0xb0de4f3c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::Node
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::Node (0xb0e303c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*> (0xb0e30528) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::Node
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::Node (0xb0e305a0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb0e53168) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb0e53294) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb0e534ec) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb0e53ca8) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb0c873fc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb0c87b7c) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb0c87bf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb0cc8078) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb0cc80f0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb0cc8564) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb0cc899c) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb0cc8d20) 0
-Class QMap<int, QString>::PayloadNode
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QMap<int, QString>::PayloadNode (0xb0d1e690) 0
-Class QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::PayloadNode
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QMap<int, Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*>::PayloadNode (0xb0d1e870) 0
-Class QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<Key, T>::detach_helper() [with Key = int, T = Q3TextEditOptimPrivate::Tag*]::<anonymous union> (0xb0d1e99c) 0
-Class QList<QRect>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QRect>::Node (0xb0d1eb7c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<Q3DockWindow*> (0xb0d1ef00) 0 empty
-Class QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<Q3DockWindow*>::Node (0xb0d1ef78) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb0d3530c) 0
-Class QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLinkedList<T>::detach_helper() [with T = Q3SqlFieldInfo]::<anonymous union> (0xb0d35ce4) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb0d62168) 0
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie>::Node (0xb0d629d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSslError>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSslError> (0xb0d62c30) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::Node (0xb0d62ca8) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
index 3937776..160fcc1 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
@@ -53,65 +53,20 @@ Class QBool
    size=1 align=1
 QBool (0x300b7280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x300cd9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x300cdf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x300d4540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x300d4b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x300e00c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x300e0680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x300e0c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x300eb200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x300eb7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x300ebd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x300f8340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x300f8900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x300f8ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30104480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30104a40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -125,9 +80,6 @@ Class QChar
    size=2 align=2
 QChar (0x30148980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30185980) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -142,13 +94,7 @@ Class sigset_t
    size=8 align=4
 sigset_t (0x3026ad80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271540) 0
 Class fsid_t
    size=8 align=4
@@ -158,21 +104,9 @@ Class fsid64_t
    size=16 align=8
 fsid64_t (0x30271c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=52 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302780c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=112 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302787c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=208 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278b40) 0
 Class _quad
    size=8 align=4
@@ -186,17 +120,11 @@ Class adspace_t
    size=68 align=4
 adspace_t (0x30281e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x302865c0) 0
 Class label_t
    size=100 align=4
 label_t (0x30286d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3028b780) 0
 Class sigset
    size=8 align=4
@@ -238,57 +166,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    size=8 align=4
 QByteRef (0x302b7540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30423740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30431080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30431340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x3042cc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30442080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30431a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30448800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x3046af00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x3046e200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x304422c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30474f80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30479700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30479a40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -306,9 +195,6 @@ Class QString
    size=4 align=4
 QString (0x300a1f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x303cf2c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -323,9 +209,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x300b7640) 0
   QString (0x300b7680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x303901c0) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -335,9 +218,6 @@ Class QListData
    size=4 align=4
 QListData (0x300732c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x302fb500) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -360,13 +240,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x303bab80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30120bc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x302cc980) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -385,21 +259,12 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3036a6c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x3036a700) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x3009b300) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
 QMetaObject (0x3058c900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30170600) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30166f00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4 entries
@@ -487,9 +352,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30365880) 0
   QObject (0x301e4440) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30365880)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x301ebec0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4 entries
@@ -507,38 +369,20 @@ Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
 QRegExp (0x303baa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x30148180) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x3012d8c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x30104900) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString> (0x30104380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
 QStringList (0x303bab00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x300c3280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x301046c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x300eba00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x300eb980) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5 entries
@@ -664,9 +508,6 @@ Class QMapData
    size=72 align=4
 QMapData (0x304b4140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3052cd00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4 entries
@@ -680,9 +521,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x3050bbc0) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x305082c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -767,41 +605,20 @@ QFile (0x3057c8c0) 0
     QObject (0x3057c980) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3057c900)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x3058a380) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
 QFileInfo (0x304b0580) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x304927c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x30390480) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x301dfa40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x301df900) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
 QDir (0x304b03c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x30365600) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x303ac7c0) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35 entries
@@ -846,9 +663,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x3057c7c0) 0
     vptr=((&QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x3031a080) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5 entries
@@ -910,73 +724,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
 QMetaType (0x30079000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x3011fb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x3013d480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint_t> (0x30148440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x3015dfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x301937c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x301a18c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x301a5d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x301ad500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x301add00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x301b22c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x301b2b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong_t> (0x301b6640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort_t> (0x301b6fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar_t> (0x301b9600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x301b9c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x301c1740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x301d7f80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -998,69 +761,24 @@ Class QVariant
    size=16 align=8
 QVariant (0x30166c00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3057e500) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x302acd80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x302ed8c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x302b7980) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x30225880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x303e8900) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303dab00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f70c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=76 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f7880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fc640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fcc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30492400) 0
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1102,77 +820,41 @@ Class localeinfo_table
    size=36 align=4
 localeinfo_table (0x303d9cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=108 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x304dc500) 0
 Class _LC_charmap_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_charmap_objhdl (0x304dcc80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=92 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561040) 0
 Class _LC_monetary_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_monetary_objhdl (0x305614c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561800) 0
 Class _LC_numeric_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_numeric_objhdl (0x30561d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083180) 0
 Class _LC_resp_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_resp_objhdl (0x300838c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=248 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083c40) 0
 Class _LC_time_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_time_objhdl (0x3012c400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x3012cc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303acac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=104 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30504a00) 0
 Class _LC_collate_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_collate_objhdl (0x301bfb80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301e8b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=80 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x305a0100) 0
 Class _LC_ctype_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1186,17 +868,11 @@ Class _LC_locale_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_locale_objhdl (0x303da600) 0
-Class _LC_object_handle::<anonymous union>
-   size=12 align=4
-_LC_object_handle::<anonymous union> (0x305911c0) 0
 Class _LC_object_handle
    size=20 align=4
 _LC_object_handle (0x30591080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3031ed80) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14 entries
@@ -1271,13 +947,7 @@ Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
 QUrl (0x302256c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x306df180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x307c8900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14 entries
@@ -1303,9 +973,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x30802000) 0
   QObject (0x30802040) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x30802000)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x30803740) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27 entries
@@ -1348,17 +1015,11 @@ Class QModelIndex
    size=16 align=4
 QModelIndex (0x3049cc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x304eb5c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x3049cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x3002e700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42 entries
@@ -1524,9 +1185,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    size=4 align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x307fe180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x30803300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4 entries
@@ -1612,17 +1270,11 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x30379340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x30880740) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x303793c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3088be80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1632,9 +1284,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x30379540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x308a3780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17 entries
@@ -1902,9 +1551,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    size=8 align=4
 QBitRef (0x305a6140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x30864700) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1922,65 +1568,41 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    size=1 align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30893ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30897f00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
 QDate (0x301eb4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x300ebe80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
 QTime (0x301f1e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x30368c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
 QDateTime (0x304b0440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x304d4880) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
 QPoint (0x301f9d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x307b9180) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
 QPointF (0x30200880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x307efcc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
 QLine (0x301eb540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x3098afc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
 QLineF (0x301eb600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x30a335c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1990,41 +1612,26 @@ Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
 QLocale (0x301eb800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x30822c80) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
 QSize (0x30200a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x30864400) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
 QSizeF (0x30209200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x30a33a80) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
 QRect (0x30213780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x30aad700) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
 QRectF (0x302138c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x30a1fdc0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2034,11 +1641,5 @@ Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
 QVectorData (0x30ad4ec0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x30120ac0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x301dfa00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
index 9f5b349..10d4870 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x2aaaac1f7930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x2aaaac211850) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x2aaaac211af0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x2aaaac211d90) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x2aaaac227070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x2aaaac227310) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaac2275b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x2aaaac227850) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x2aaaac227af0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x2aaaac227d90) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaac23a070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x2aaaac23a310) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x2aaaac23a5b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x2aaaac23a850) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x2aaaac23aaf0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x2aaaac23ad90) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x2aaaac24d000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x2aaaac2d90e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x2aaaac2d94d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x2aaaac2d98c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x2aaaac2d9cb0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x2aaaac31d0e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x2aaaac31d4d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x2aaaac31d8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x2aaaac31dcb0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x2aaaac3630e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x2aaaac3634d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x2aaaac3638c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x2aaaac363cb0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x2aaaac3b0700) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x2aaaac3b0770) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaac3d6000) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=32 align=8
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x2aaaac3ebc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x2aaaac41dcb0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QByteRef (0x2aaaac556310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x2aaaac5ea380) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -291,10 +171,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=8 base align=8
 QString (0x2aaaac5ea690) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x2aaaac5eaee0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=8 align=8
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x2aaaac8aa1c0) 0
   QString (0x2aaaac8aa230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x2aaaac8aa770) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=32 align=8
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=8 base align=8
 QListData (0x2aaaac8eb690) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaca0d5b0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*> (0x2aaaaca0d460) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x2aaaaca7ca10) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaca7ca80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaaca7ca10)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x2aaaacaaf5b0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=128 base align=8
 QMapData (0x2aaaacb3a1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x2aaaacc560e0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=32 align=8
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x2aaaacc2fe00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 16u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaacc759a0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray> (0x2aaaacc75850) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=40 align=8
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=40 base align=8
 QTextDecoder (0x2aaaaccb1700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccb1b60) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaccb1d20) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccb1c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccb1e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccb1ee0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=40 align=8
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=16 base align=8
 __gconv_info (0x2aaaacccc230) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaacccc3f0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x2aaaacccc310) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=24 align=8
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=216 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x2aaaacccc4d0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaacccc5b0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x2aaaacccc620) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x2aaaacd358c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=40 align=8
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x2aaaace19380) 0
     QObject (0x2aaaace19460) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaace193f0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x2aaaace4a230) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=8 base align=8
 QRegExp (0x2aaaace7c000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x2aaaace7ce70) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1048 align=8
    base size=1044 base align=8
 QStringMatcher (0x2aaaacea10e0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaacea1690) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString> (0x2aaaacea1540) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=8 align=8
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x2aaaacea17e0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x2aaaacea1850) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x2aaaacef9690) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x2aaaacef9a10) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=8 base align=8
 QFileInfo (0x2aaaacf7f380) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x2aaaacf7fe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaacfbc2a0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaacfbca10) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaacfbc8c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDir (0x2aaaacfbcb60) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x2aaaacfbce00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x2aaaad01d070) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QUrl (0x2aaaad058d20) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2aaaad0a1070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2aaaad0d92a0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x2aaaad0d98c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x2aaaad0fd000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x2aaaad0fd1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned int> (0x2aaaad0fd380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x2aaaad0fd540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x2aaaad0fd700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x2aaaad0fd8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x2aaaad0fda80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x2aaaad0fdc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x2aaaad0fde00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x2aaaad109000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x2aaaad1091c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaad109380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaad109540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned char> (0x2aaaad109700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x2aaaad1098c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x2aaaad109a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x2aaaad109c40) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=16 align=8
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x2aaaad109d90) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaad198f50) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant> (0x2aaaad198e00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaad1c8310) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x2aaaad1c81c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x2aaaad208c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2aaaad220700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1128,10 +796,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x2aaaad28cb60) 0
     vptr=((& QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x2aaaad28cf50) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x2aaaad2d47e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x2aaaad2d49a0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2aaaad3ffcb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2aaaad41d230) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x2aaaad44b070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2aaaad44b850) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x2aaaad47c850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2aaaad47ca10) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x2aaaad4b0310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x2aaaad4b08c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x2aaaad4e89a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2aaaad4e8bd0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x2aaaad539310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2aaaad539a10) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x2aaaad5881c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2aaaad5883f0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x2aaaad633af0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2aaaad663a80) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QBitRef (0x2aaaad7d5c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2aaaad7ed850) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=8 base align=8
 QLocale (0x2aaaad90f930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2aaaad95a3f0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x2aaaad9b4a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2aaaad9dbc40) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x2aaaad9dbe70) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2aaaada039a0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDateTime (0x2aaaada03bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2aaaada23770) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2aaaadaa9310) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaadaa9380) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2aaaadaa9310)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2aaaadaa9770) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=24 base align=8
 QModelIndex (0x2aaaadb22850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2aaaadb3da80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2aaaadb50000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2aaaadb50230) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2aaaadbe18c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2aaaadbf9150) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaMethod (0x2aaaadc45f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2aaaadc6b310) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=16 align=8
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaEnum (0x2aaaadc6b540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2aaaadc6ba10) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaClassInfo (0x2aaaadc6bd90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2aaaadc871c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2057,18 +1637,6 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=8 base align=8
 QWriteLocker (0x2aaaadd1aaf0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x2aaaaddc43f0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::Node (0x2aaaaddfd4d0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x2aaaadef3000) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 133d561..9e19b0f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x4001ef40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x4001ed80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x40ab9000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x40ab9040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40ab9080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40ab90c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40ab9100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40ab9140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40ab9180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40ab91c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40ab9200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40ab9240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40ab9280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40ab92c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40ab9300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40ab9340) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40ab9380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40ab9540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40ab95c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40ab9640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40ab96c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40ab9740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40ab97c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40ab9840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40ab98c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40ab9940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40ab99c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40ab9a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40ab9ac0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40ab9c00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40ab9c40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40ab9e40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x40ab9f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x40bce000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x40bce700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x40bce780) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,10 +176,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x40bce9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x40bceb00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x40bcecc0) 0
   QString (0x40bced00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x40bced80) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x40bcee80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x40e732c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x40e73200) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x40e73500) 0
   QObject (0x40e73540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x40e73500)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x40e73680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x40e73780) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x40e73d40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x40e73c40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x40e73fc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x40e73f00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x40e733c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e73700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x40e73cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e73a80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e73d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41062000) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x41062100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x41062180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x41062140) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x41062200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41062240) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x41062280) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x410623c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x41062b00) 0
     QObject (0x41062b80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x41062b40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x41062c80) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x41062e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x41062ec0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x41062f00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x410625c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x41062f80) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x41062780) 0
   QList<QString> (0x41062bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x411731c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x41173240) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x411736c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x41173740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x41173780) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x411738c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x41173800) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x41173900) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x411739c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x41173a80) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x41173b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x41173c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x41173c40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x41173c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x41173d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x41173d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x41173d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x41173dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x41173e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x41173e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x41173e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x41173ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x41173f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x41173f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x41173f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x41173fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x41173500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x41173640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x4129d000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x4129d040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x4129d080) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x4129d0c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x4129d680) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x4129d5c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x4129d800) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x4129d740) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x4129da40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x4129db40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1142,10 +810,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x4129de00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x4129df00) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x4129d200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x4129d280) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x413aa340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x413aa780) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x413aa840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x413aac80) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x413aad80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x413aadc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x413aaec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x413aaf40) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x413aa380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x413aa880) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x413aab00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x414de280) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x414de480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x414de680) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x414de780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x414de900) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x414def40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x414defc0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x416e0100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x416e0140) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x416e02c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x416e0440) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x416e0480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x416e0600) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x416e0640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x416e0780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x416e0f00) 0
   QObject (0x416e0f40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x416e0f00)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x416e0380) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x417f6100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x417f6200) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x417f6280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x417f6340) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x417f6900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x417f69c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x417f6d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x417f6d80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x417f6dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x417f6e40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x417f6ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x417f6f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2057,18 +1637,6 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x418f33c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x41950900) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x41950fc0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x41a161c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 7adc13a..51bdaf0 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x304f6620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x304f68c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x304f6968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x304f6a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x304f6ab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x304f6b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x304f6c08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x304f6cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x304f6d58) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x304f6e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x304f6ea8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x304f6f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x304f6070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x30530000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x305300a8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30530150) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x305301c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x305306c8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30530738) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x305307a8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30530818) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30530888) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x305308f8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x30530968) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x305309d8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x30530a48) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30530ab8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30530b28) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30530b98) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187b80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x30530cb0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x30530e70) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x30530f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x31457000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,50 +155,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x31457b98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x31457ee0) 0 empty
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x31538268) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x315382d8) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x315381f8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31538348) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x315383b8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31538428) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31538498) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31538508) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -326,70 +178,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x31538578) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x315385e8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31538658) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31538738) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x315386c8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x315387a8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31538888) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x31538818) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x315388f8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x315389d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31538968) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31538a48) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31538ab8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31538b28) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -401,25 +201,9 @@ Class drand48_data
    base size=24 base align=8
 drand48_data (0x31538b98) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x31538c78) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31538c08) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31538ce8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31538d58) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -441,15 +225,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x31538ea8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31538f88) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31538f18) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -461,10 +237,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x3157f000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3157f070) 0
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -481,10 +253,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0x3157f188) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3157f1f8) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -501,15 +269,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0x3157f428) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=464 align=16
-   base size=464 base align=16
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0x3157f578) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=480 align=16
-   base size=480 base align=16
-<anonymous struct> (0x3157f508) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -536,95 +296,23 @@ Class __false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 __false_type (0x316453f0) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0x316454d0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0x316458f8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0x31645a48) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0x31645af0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0x31645b98) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0x31645c40) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0x31645ce8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0x31645d90) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0x31645e38) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0x31645ee0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0x31645f88) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0x3165d038) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0x3165d0e0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0x3165d188) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0x3165d230) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0x3165d380) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0x3165d428) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0x3165d4d0) 0 empty
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -657,75 +345,19 @@ std::random_access_iterator_tag (0x30187ec0) 0 empty
     std::forward_iterator_tag (0x30187f40) 0 empty
       std::input_iterator_tag (0x3165db60) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0x3165df18) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0x3168f268) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy<true, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy<true, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0x3168f4d0) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_normal<true, false>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_normal<true, false> (0x3168f658) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_normal<false, true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_normal<false, true> (0x3168f6c8) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_normal<true, true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_normal<true, true> (0x3168f738) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_backward<true, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_backward<true, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0x3168f8f8) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_backward_normal<true, false>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_backward_normal<true, false> (0x3168fa10) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_backward_normal<false, true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_backward_normal<false, true> (0x3168fa80) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_backward_normal<true, true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_backward_normal<true, true> (0x3168faf0) 0 empty
-Class std::__fill<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__fill<true> (0x3168fc08) 0 empty
-Class std::__fill_n<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__fill_n<true> (0x3168fea8) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0x316f7310) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0x316f7380) 0 empty
 Class __gnu_cxx::__pool_base::_Tune
    size=28 align=4
@@ -742,231 +374,51 @@ Class __gnu_cxx::__pool_base
    base size=33 base align=4
 __gnu_cxx::__pool_base (0x316f73f0) 0
-Class __gnu_cxx::__pool<false>::_Block_record
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-__gnu_cxx::__pool<false>::_Block_record (0x316f77e0) 0
-Class __gnu_cxx::__pool<false>::_Bin_record
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-__gnu_cxx::__pool<false>::_Bin_record (0x316f7818) 0
-Class __gnu_cxx::__pool<false>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-__gnu_cxx::__pool<false> (0x31689100) 0
-  __gnu_cxx::__pool_base (0x316f77a8) 0
-Class __gnu_cxx::__pool<true>::_Thread_record
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-__gnu_cxx::__pool<true>::_Thread_record (0x316f78f8) 0
-Class __gnu_cxx::__pool<true>::_Block_record
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-__gnu_cxx::__pool<true>::_Block_record (0x316f7930) 0
-Class __gnu_cxx::__pool<true>::_Bin_record
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-__gnu_cxx::__pool<true>::_Bin_record (0x316f7968) 0
-Class __gnu_cxx::__pool<true>
-   size=56 align=4
-   base size=56 base align=4
-__gnu_cxx::__pool<true> (0x31689140) 0
-  __gnu_cxx::__pool_base (0x316f78c0) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0x3175f070) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc_base<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc_base<char> (0x3175f348) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__common_pool_policy<__gnu_cxx::__pool, true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__common_pool_policy<__gnu_cxx::__pool, true> (0x3175f428) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc<char, __gnu_cxx::__common_pool_policy<__gnu_cxx::__pool, true> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc<char, __gnu_cxx::__common_pool_policy<__gnu_cxx::__pool, true> > (0x31689200) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc_base<char> (0x3175f380) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0x31689240) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc<char, __gnu_cxx::__common_pool_policy<__gnu_cxx::__pool, true> > (0x31689280) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc_base<char> (0x3175f498) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc_base<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc_base<wchar_t> (0x3175f5e8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc<wchar_t, __gnu_cxx::__common_pool_policy<__gnu_cxx::__pool, true> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc<wchar_t, __gnu_cxx::__common_pool_policy<__gnu_cxx::__pool, true> > (0x316892c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc_base<wchar_t> (0x3175f620) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0x31689300) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc<wchar_t, __gnu_cxx::__common_pool_policy<__gnu_cxx::__pool, true> > (0x31689340) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc_base<wchar_t> (0x3175f690) 0 empty
 Class std::__numeric_limits_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__numeric_limits_base (0x3175f9a0) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<bool> (0x3175fa80) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<char> (0x3175faf0) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<signed char> (0x3175fb60) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<unsigned char> (0x3175fbd0) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<wchar_t> (0x3175fc40) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<short int> (0x3175fcb0) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<short unsigned int> (0x3175fd20) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<int> (0x3175fd90) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<unsigned int> (0x3175fe00) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<long int> (0x3175fe70) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<long unsigned int> (0x3175fee0) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<long long int> (0x3175ff50) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<long long unsigned int> (0x3175ffc0) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<float> (0x31807000) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<double> (0x31807070) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<long double> (0x318070e0) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0x31689ec0) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0x31689f00) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc<char, __gnu_cxx::__common_pool_policy<__gnu_cxx::__pool, true> > (0x31689f40) 0 empty
-      __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc_base<char> (0x31881968) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0x318817e0) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0x31881a10) 0
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0x31881b28) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0x31689f80) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0x31881a48) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0x31689fc0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0x31a89000) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc<wchar_t, __gnu_cxx::__common_pool_policy<__gnu_cxx::__pool, true> > (0x31a89040) 0 empty
-      __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc_base<wchar_t> (0x31881dc8) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0x31881c40) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0x31881e70) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0x31881f50) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0x31a89080) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0x31881ea8) 0
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -988,30 +440,14 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x31ad31c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x31ad3508) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QCharRef (0x31ad3540) 0
-Class std::iterator_traits<wchar_t*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator_traits<wchar_t*> (0x31ad3f88) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<wchar_t*, std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<wchar_t*, std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > > (0x31ad3ea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x31bf0150) 0 empty
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1085,447 +521,63 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0x31c57188) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x31c576c8) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x31c579a0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0x31c57d58) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0x31a89300) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31c57e70) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0x31a89300)
-  std::ctype_base (0x31c57ea8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0x31a89380) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d15150) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0x31a89380)
-  std::ctype_base (0x31d15188) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0x31a893c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0x31a89400) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0x31a893c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31d152a0) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0x31a89400)
-    std::ctype_base (0x31d152d8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<_CharT>::~ctype_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::ctype_byname<_CharT>::~ctype_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0x31a89480) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0x31a894c0) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0x31a89480)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31d154d0) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0x31a894c0)
-    std::ctype_base (0x31d15508) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<_CharT>::~ctype_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::ctype_byname<_CharT>::~ctype_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0x31a89500) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0x31a89540) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0x31a89500)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0x31a89580) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0x31a89540)
-      std::locale::facet (0x31d15690) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0x31a89580)
-      std::ctype_base (0x31d156c8) 0 empty
 Class std::codecvt_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::codecvt_base (0x31d157e0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, mbstate_t>
-std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIcc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIcc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::__codecvt_abstract_base<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~__codecvt_abstract_base [with _InternT = char, _ExternT = char, _StateT = mbstate_t]
-12    std::__codecvt_abstract_base<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~__codecvt_abstract_base [with _InternT = char, _ExternT = char, _StateT = mbstate_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, mbstate_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a89640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIcc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d15968) 0
-      primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a89640)
-  std::codecvt_base (0x31d159a0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>
-std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt7codecvtIcc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7codecvtIcc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::~codecvt
-12    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::~codecvt
-16    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_out
-20    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_unshift
-24    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_in
-28    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_encoding
-32    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv
-36    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_length
-40    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_max_length
-Class std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a89680) 0
-    vptr=((& std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt7codecvtIcc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a896c0) 0
-      primary-for std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a89680)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31d15ab8) 0
-        primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a896c0)
-    std::codecvt_base (0x31d15af0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>
-std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIwc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIwc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::__codecvt_abstract_base<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~__codecvt_abstract_base [with _InternT = wchar_t, _ExternT = char, _StateT = mbstate_t]
-12    std::__codecvt_abstract_base<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~__codecvt_abstract_base [with _InternT = wchar_t, _ExternT = char, _StateT = mbstate_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a89700) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIwc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d15c78) 0
-      primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a89700)
-  std::codecvt_base (0x31d15cb0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>
-std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt7codecvtIwc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7codecvtIwc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::~codecvt
-12    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::~codecvt
-16    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_out
-20    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_unshift
-24    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_in
-28    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_encoding
-32    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv
-36    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_length
-40    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_max_length
-Class std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a89740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt7codecvtIwc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a89780) 0
-      primary-for std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a89740)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31d15dc8) 0
-        primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31a89780)
-    std::codecvt_base (0x31d15e00) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0x31d15f50) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0x31a89880) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d15d58) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0x31a89880)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0x31a898c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d7f150) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0x31a898c0)
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0x31a89a00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d7f3f0) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0x31a89a00)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0x31a89a40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d7f578) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0x31a89a40)
 Class std::time_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::time_base (0x31d7f6c8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__timepunct_cache<char>
-std::__timepunct_cache<char>::_ZTVSt17__timepunct_cacheIcE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17__timepunct_cacheIcE)
-8     std::__timepunct_cache<_CharT>::~__timepunct_cache [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::__timepunct_cache<_CharT>::~__timepunct_cache [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::__timepunct_cache<char>
-   size=200 align=4
-   base size=197 base align=4
-std::__timepunct_cache<char> (0x31a89b00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__timepunct_cache<char>::_ZTVSt17__timepunct_cacheIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d7f7e0) 0
-      primary-for std::__timepunct_cache<char> (0x31a89b00)
-Vtable for std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t>
-std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt17__timepunct_cacheIwE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17__timepunct_cacheIwE)
-8     std::__timepunct_cache<_CharT>::~__timepunct_cache [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__timepunct_cache<_CharT>::~__timepunct_cache [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t>
-   size=200 align=4
-   base size=197 base align=4
-std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t> (0x31a89b40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt17__timepunct_cacheIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d7f968) 0
-      primary-for std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t> (0x31a89b40)
-Vtable for std::__timepunct<char>
-std::__timepunct<char>::_ZTVSt11__timepunctIcE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt11__timepunctIcE)
-8     std::__timepunct<_CharT>::~__timepunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::__timepunct<_CharT>::~__timepunct [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::__timepunct<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-std::__timepunct<char> (0x31a89bc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__timepunct<char>::_ZTVSt11__timepunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d7fb60) 0
-      primary-for std::__timepunct<char> (0x31a89bc0)
-Vtable for std::__timepunct<wchar_t>
-std::__timepunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt11__timepunctIwE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt11__timepunctIwE)
-8     std::__timepunct<_CharT>::~__timepunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__timepunct<_CharT>::~__timepunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::__timepunct<wchar_t>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-std::__timepunct<wchar_t> (0x31a89c00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__timepunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt11__timepunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d7fce8) 0
-      primary-for std::__timepunct<wchar_t> (0x31a89c00)
 Class std::money_base::pattern
    size=4 align=1
@@ -1537,178 +589,26 @@ Class std::money_base
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::money_base (0x31d7ff18) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct<char, true>
-std::moneypunct<char, true>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIcLb1EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt10moneypunctIcLb1EE)
-8     std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-12    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-Class std::moneypunct<char, true>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct<char, true> (0x31a89e00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct<char, true>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIcLb1EE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31d7fa10) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct<char, true> (0x31a89e00)
-  std::money_base (0x31d7fc08) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct<char, false>
-std::moneypunct<char, false>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIcLb0EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt10moneypunctIcLb0EE)
-8     std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-12    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-Class std::moneypunct<char, false>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct<char, false> (0x31a89e40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct<char, false>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIcLb0EE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31e1d150) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct<char, false> (0x31a89e40)
-  std::money_base (0x31e1d188) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true>
-std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIwLb1EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt10moneypunctIwLb1EE)
-8     std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-12    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-Class std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true> (0x31a89e80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIwLb1EE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31e1d348) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true> (0x31a89e80)
-  std::money_base (0x31e1d380) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false>
-std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIwLb0EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt10moneypunctIwLb0EE)
-8     std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-12    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-Class std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false> (0x31a89ec0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIwLb0EE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31e1d540) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false> (0x31a89ec0)
-  std::money_base (0x31e1d578) 0 empty
 Class std::messages_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::messages_base (0x31e1d770) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::messages<char>
-std::messages<char>::_ZTVSt8messagesIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8messagesIcE)
-8     std::messages<_CharT>::~messages [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::messages<_CharT>::~messages [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::messages<_CharT>::do_open [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::messages<_CharT>::do_get [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::messages<_CharT>::do_close [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::messages<char>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-std::messages<char> (0x31e50000) 0
-    vptr=((& std::messages<char>::_ZTVSt8messagesIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31e1d888) 0
-      primary-for std::messages<char> (0x31e50000)
-  std::messages_base (0x31e1d8c0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::messages<wchar_t>
-std::messages<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8messagesIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8messagesIwE)
-8     std::messages<_CharT>::~messages [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::messages<_CharT>::~messages [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::messages<_CharT>::do_open [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::messages<_CharT>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::messages<_CharT>::do_close [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::messages<wchar_t>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-std::messages<wchar_t> (0x31e50040) 0
-    vptr=((& std::messages<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8messagesIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31e1da48) 0
-      primary-for std::messages<wchar_t> (0x31e50040)
-  std::messages_base (0x31e1da80) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x31e50100) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0x31e1dce8) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x31e50100)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x31e50140) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0x31e1dea8) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x31e50140)
 Vtable for std::type_info
 std::type_info::_ZTVSt9type_info: 8u entries
@@ -1759,774 +659,95 @@ std::bad_typeid (0x31e50200) 0 nearly-empty
   std::exception (0x31eb82d8) 0 nearly-empty
       primary-for std::bad_typeid (0x31e50200)
-Class std::__to_unsigned_type<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__to_unsigned_type<long int> (0x31eb8620) 0 empty
-Class std::__to_unsigned_type<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__to_unsigned_type<long long int> (0x31eb8690) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct_byname<char, false>
-std::moneypunct_byname<char, false>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb0EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb0EE)
-8     std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-12    std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-Class std::moneypunct_byname<char, false>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct_byname<char, false> (0x31e50240) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct_byname<char, false>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb0EE) + 8u)
-  std::moneypunct<char, false> (0x31e50280) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct_byname<char, false> (0x31e50240)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31eb8850) 0
-        primary-for std::moneypunct<char, false> (0x31e50280)
-    std::money_base (0x31eb8888) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct_byname<char, true>
-std::moneypunct_byname<char, true>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb1EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb1EE)
-8     std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-12    std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-Class std::moneypunct_byname<char, true>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct_byname<char, true> (0x31e502c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct_byname<char, true>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb1EE) + 8u)
-  std::moneypunct<char, true> (0x31e50300) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct_byname<char, true> (0x31e502c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31eb8a10) 0
-        primary-for std::moneypunct<char, true> (0x31e50300)
-    std::money_base (0x31eb8a48) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt9money_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 6u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9money_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~money_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~money_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50340) 0
-    vptr=((& std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt9money_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31eb8bd0) 0
-      primary-for std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50340)
-Vtable for std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt9money_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 6u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9money_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~money_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~money_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50380) 0
-    vptr=((& std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt9money_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31eb8d58) 0
-      primary-for std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50380)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0x31e503c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0x31e50400) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0x31e503c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31eb8ee0) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0x31e50400)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50440) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31eb81f8) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50440)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50480) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31eb8e00) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50480)
-Vtable for std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt8time_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 5u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8time_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e504c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt8time_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31f97118) 0
-      primary-for std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e504c0)
-Vtable for std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt15time_put_bynameIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 5u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15time_put_bynameIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::time_put_byname<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put_byname [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::time_put_byname<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put_byname [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50500) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt15time_put_bynameIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50540) 0
-      primary-for std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50500)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31f972a0) 0
-        primary-for std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50540)
-Vtable for std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt8time_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8time_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_date_order [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_time [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_date [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_weekday [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_monthname [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_year [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50580) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt8time_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31f97428) 0
-      primary-for std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50580)
-  std::time_base (0x31f97460) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt15time_get_bynameIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15time_get_bynameIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::time_get_byname<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get_byname [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::time_get_byname<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get_byname [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_date_order [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_time [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_date [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_weekday [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_monthname [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_year [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e505c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt15time_get_bynameIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50600) 0
-      primary-for std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e505c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31f975e8) 0
-        primary-for std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0x31e50600)
-    std::time_base (0x31f97620) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::messages_byname<char>
-std::messages_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15messages_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15messages_bynameIcE)
-8     std::messages_byname<_CharT>::~messages_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::messages_byname<_CharT>::~messages_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::messages<_CharT>::do_open [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::messages<_CharT>::do_get [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::messages<_CharT>::do_close [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::messages_byname<char>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-std::messages_byname<char> (0x31e50640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::messages_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15messages_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::messages<char> (0x31e50680) 0
-      primary-for std::messages_byname<char> (0x31e50640)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31f977a8) 0
-        primary-for std::messages<char> (0x31e50680)
-    std::messages_base (0x31f977e0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::codecvt_byname<char, char, mbstate_t>
-std::codecvt_byname<char, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt14codecvt_bynameIcc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14codecvt_bynameIcc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::codecvt_byname<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~codecvt_byname [with _InternT = char, _ExternT = char, _StateT = mbstate_t]
-12    std::codecvt_byname<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~codecvt_byname [with _InternT = char, _ExternT = char, _StateT = mbstate_t]
-16    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_out
-20    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_unshift
-24    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_in
-28    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_encoding
-32    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv
-36    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_length
-40    std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>::do_max_length
-Class std::codecvt_byname<char, char, mbstate_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::codecvt_byname<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e506c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::codecvt_byname<char, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt14codecvt_bynameIcc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e50700) 0
-      primary-for std::codecvt_byname<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e506c0)
-    std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e50740) 0
-        primary-for std::codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e50700)
-      std::locale::facet (0x31f97968) 0
-          primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e50740)
-      std::codecvt_base (0x31f979a0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0x31e50780) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0x31e507c0) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0x31e50780)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31f97b28) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0x31e507c0)
-Vtable for std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false>
-std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb0EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb0EE)
-8     std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-12    std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-Class std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false> (0x31e50800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb0EE) + 8u)
-  std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false> (0x31e50840) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false> (0x31e50800)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31fbc0a8) 0
-        primary-for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false> (0x31e50840)
-    std::money_base (0x31fbc0e0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true>
-std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb1EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb1EE)
-8     std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-12    std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-Class std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true> (0x31e50880) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb1EE) + 8u)
-  std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true> (0x31e508c0) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true> (0x31e50880)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31fbc268) 0
-        primary-for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true> (0x31e508c0)
-    std::money_base (0x31fbc2a0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt9money_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 6u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9money_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~money_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~money_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50900) 0
-    vptr=((& std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt9money_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31fbc428) 0
-      primary-for std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50900)
-Vtable for std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt9money_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 6u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9money_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~money_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~money_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50940) 0
-    vptr=((& std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt9money_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31fbc5b0) 0
-      primary-for std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50940)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0x31e50980) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0x31e509c0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0x31e50980)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31fbc738) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0x31e509c0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50a00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31fbc888) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50a00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50a40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31fbc9d8) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50a40)
-Vtable for std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt8time_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 5u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8time_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50a80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt8time_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31fbcb60) 0
-      primary-for std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50a80)
-Vtable for std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt15time_put_bynameIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 5u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15time_put_bynameIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::time_put_byname<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::time_put_byname<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50ac0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt15time_put_bynameIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50b00) 0
-      primary-for std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50ac0)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31fbcce8) 0
-        primary-for std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50b00)
-Vtable for std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt8time_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8time_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_date_order [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_time [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_date [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_weekday [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_monthname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_year [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50b40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt8time_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0x31fbce70) 0
-      primary-for std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50b40)
-  std::time_base (0x31fbcea8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt15time_get_bynameIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15time_get_bynameIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::time_get_byname<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::time_get_byname<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_date_order [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_time [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_date [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_weekday [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_monthname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_year [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50b80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt15time_get_bynameIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50bc0) 0
-      primary-for std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50b80)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31fbc348) 0
-        primary-for std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0x31e50bc0)
-    std::time_base (0x31fbc4d0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::messages_byname<wchar_t>
-std::messages_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15messages_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15messages_bynameIwE)
-8     std::messages_byname<_CharT>::~messages_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::messages_byname<_CharT>::~messages_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::messages<_CharT>::do_open [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::messages<_CharT>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::messages<_CharT>::do_close [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::messages_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-std::messages_byname<wchar_t> (0x31e50c00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::messages_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15messages_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::messages<wchar_t> (0x31e50c40) 0
-      primary-for std::messages_byname<wchar_t> (0x31e50c00)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31fbcd90) 0
-        primary-for std::messages<wchar_t> (0x31e50c40)
-    std::messages_base (0x31fbcf50) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>
-std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt14codecvt_bynameIwc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14codecvt_bynameIwc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::codecvt_byname<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~codecvt_byname [with _InternT = wchar_t, _ExternT = char, _StateT = mbstate_t]
-12    std::codecvt_byname<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~codecvt_byname [with _InternT = wchar_t, _ExternT = char, _StateT = mbstate_t]
-16    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_out
-20    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_unshift
-24    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_in
-28    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_encoding
-32    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv
-36    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_length
-40    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_max_length
-Class std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e50c80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt14codecvt_bynameIwc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e50cc0) 0
-      primary-for std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e50c80)
-    std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e50d00) 0
-        primary-for std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e50cc0)
-      std::locale::facet (0x31ff7150) 0
-          primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> (0x31e50d00)
-      std::codecvt_base (0x31ff7188) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0x31e50d40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0x31e50d80) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0x31e50d40)
-    std::locale::facet (0x31ff7310) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0x31e50d80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4294967292u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x31e50dc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x31e50e00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0x31ff7a48) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x31e50e00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0x31ff7f50) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4294967292u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x31e50e80) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x31e50ec0) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0x31ff7d58) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x31e50ec0)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0x32050380) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4294967288u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x31e50f80) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x31e50fc0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0x320505b0) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x31e50fc0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4294967288u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x32084000) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x32084040) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0x320508c0) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x32084040)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0x32050ce8) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    4294967284u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x0000000000000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x32084100 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2564,44 +785,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x320840c0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x32084100) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x320840c0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x32084140) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0x32050ee0) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x32084140)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x32084180) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0x32084140) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0x32050968) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    4294967284u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x0000000000000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x32084200 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2639,21 +824,6 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x320841c0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x32084200) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x320841c0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x32084240) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0x32109038) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x32084240)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x32084280) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0x32084240) alternative-path
 Class std::_List_node_base
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2670,15 +840,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x321097e0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x32109d58) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x32109cb0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -2770,10 +932,6 @@ QIODevice (0x32084400) 0
   QObject (0x32238188) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x32084400)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x32238348) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -2816,10 +974,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x323325e8) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x323327a8) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -2880,10 +1034,6 @@ QFile (0x320846c0) 0
     QObject (0x32332ce8) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x32084700)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x32332e70) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -2936,25 +1086,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x32332fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x32332700) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x32332f50) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x32489188) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x324890e0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3054,130 +1192,42 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x324899d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x32489a48) 0 empty
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x32489af0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x32489c08) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x32489c78) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x32489d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x32489e38) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x32489ee0) 0
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x32489f18) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x32489850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x32547000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x32547070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x325470e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x32547150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x325471c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x32547230) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x325472a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x32547310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x32547380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x325473f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x32547460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x325474d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x32547540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x325475b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x32547620) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x32547690) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3204,35 +1254,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x325476c8) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x32547c40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x32547b98) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x32547e70) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x32547dc8) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x32547ea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x325ca0e0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3317,10 +1347,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x325ca3f0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x325ca578) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3337,90 +1363,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x325ca770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x325ca7e0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x325caea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x325cafc0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x326ae150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x326ae540) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x326ae700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x326ae770) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x326ae8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x326ae968) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x326aeaf0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x326aee70) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x326ae348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x326aed58) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x327542a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x32754498) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x327546c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x32754850) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3437,20 +1427,12 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x328a2150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x328a2230) 0 empty
 Class std::_Bit_reference
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 std::_Bit_reference (0x328a24d0) 0
-Class std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, bool, ptrdiff_t, bool*, bool&>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, bool, ptrdiff_t, bool*, bool&> (0x328a2620) 0 empty
 Class std::_Bit_iterator_base
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3472,37 +1454,11 @@ std::_Bit_const_iterator (0x32084c40) 0
   std::_Bit_iterator_base (0x32084c80) 0
     std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, bool, ptrdiff_t, bool*, bool&> (0x328a29a0) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator_traits<std::_Bit_iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator_traits<std::_Bit_iterator> (0x328a2ce8) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, bool, ptrdiff_t, std::_Bit_reference*, std::_Bit_reference>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, bool, ptrdiff_t, std::_Bit_reference*, std::_Bit_reference> (0x328a2d90) 0 empty
-Class std::reverse_iterator<std::_Bit_iterator>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::reverse_iterator<std::_Bit_iterator> (0x32084d40) 0
-  std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, bool, ptrdiff_t, std::_Bit_reference*, std::_Bit_reference> (0x328a2dc8) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator_traits<std::_Bit_const_iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator_traits<std::_Bit_const_iterator> (0x328a2ee0) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, bool, ptrdiff_t, const bool*, bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, bool, ptrdiff_t, const bool*, bool> (0x328a2f88) 0 empty
-Class std::reverse_iterator<std::_Bit_const_iterator>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::reverse_iterator<std::_Bit_const_iterator> (0x32084d80) 0
-  std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, bool, ptrdiff_t, const bool*, bool> (0x328a2fc0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3524,40 +1480,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x3296c818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x3296c888) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x3296ca80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x3296cc40) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x3296ccb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x3296ce38) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x3296cea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x3296c000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -3632,10 +1572,6 @@ QTextCodecPlugin (0x32084f00) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x32acc1f8) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QTextCodecFactoryInterface (0x32084f40)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x32acc540) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -3755,10 +1691,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x32b09040) 0
   QObject (0x32acca80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x32b09040)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x32accc08) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3835,20 +1767,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x32b540a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x32b54230) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x32b542d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x32b543f0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -4068,10 +1992,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x32b54ab8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x32b54b98) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -4166,20 +2086,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x32b54fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x32b546c8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x32b54930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x32b54dc8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4191,10 +2103,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x32bf0038) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x32bf00e0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4317,8 +2225,4 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x32bf0930) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x32d155e8) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 3f0492d..cee4bd8 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,75 +59,19 @@ Class QBool
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBool (0x7dc080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x7dc3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x7dc480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x7dc540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x7dc600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x7dc6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x7dc780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x7dc840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x7dc900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x7dc9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x7dca80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x7dcb40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x7dcc00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x7dccc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x7dcd80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -144,10 +88,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x824080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x824180) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -160,10 +100,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x824540) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x824580) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x824800) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -245,70 +181,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xf1c480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xf1c840) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xf1cd00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xf1cd80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xf1ce00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xf1ce80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xf1cf00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xf1cf80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x103b000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x103b080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x103b100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x103b180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x103b200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x103b280) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -335,10 +219,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x103b9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x103be00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -351,10 +231,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x120da00) 0
   QString (0x120da40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x120db40) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -366,10 +242,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x120dd80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x132b380) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -394,15 +266,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x132b200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x132b6c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x132b600) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -425,25 +289,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x132b900) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x132b940) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x132bc00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x132bb80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x132be80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x132bdc0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -535,10 +387,6 @@ QIODevice (0x14343c0) 0
   QObject (0x1434400) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x14343c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1434640) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -558,25 +406,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1434d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1434f00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1434f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x15100c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1510000) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -584,15 +420,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1510180) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15101c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1510680) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1510700) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -748,10 +576,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1594040) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x16a2200) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -842,50 +666,22 @@ QFile (0x16a2e80) 0
     QObject (0x16a2f00) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x16a2ec0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x16a29c0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x177a000) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x177a0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x177a140) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x177a300) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x177a240) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x177a3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x177a500) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x177a5c0) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35u entries
@@ -945,10 +741,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x177a800) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x177a9c0) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -999,90 +791,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x177abc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x177acc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x177ad40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x177adc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x177ae40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x177aec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x177af40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x177afc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x177a900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x187f000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x187f080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x187f100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x187f180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x187f200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x187f280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x187f300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x187f380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x187f400) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1109,50 +833,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x187f440) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x187fac0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x187fa00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x187fcc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x187fc00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x187ff40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x187f700) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x187fe00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x194f040) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x194f0c0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1230,15 +922,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x194f980) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x194fb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x194fc00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1265,10 +949,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x194fc80) 0
   QObject (0x194fcc0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x194fc80)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x194fec0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1313,20 +993,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x194fe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1a4f180) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1a4f240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1a4f380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1496,10 +1168,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1a4fa40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1a4fb40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1591,20 +1259,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1af4480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1af4540) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1af45c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1af4680) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1616,10 +1276,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1af4740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1af4800) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1907,10 +1563,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1c420c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1c42200) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1932,80 +1584,48 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1c42440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1c424c0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1c42cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1c42ec0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1c42f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1c42f80) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1d77040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1d771c0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d77240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1d776c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1d77880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1d77d00) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d77f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1d77f80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1d77380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1d77500) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2017,50 +1637,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e43300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1e43380) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1e434c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1e438c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1e43b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1e43f80) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1e43dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1f86080) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x1f86300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x1f864c0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2072,18 +1672,6 @@ Class QVectorData
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVectorData (0x1f86a40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x21d2000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x21d2e80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x2286fc0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index a601666..a865326 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x4001ee80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x4001ef40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x4001ef80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x4001efc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40ac2000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40ac2040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40ac2080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40ac20c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40ac2100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40ac2140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40ac2180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40ac21c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40ac2200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40ac2240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40ac2280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40ac22c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40ac2300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40ac24c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40ac2540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40ac25c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40ac2640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40ac26c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40ac2740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40ac27c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40ac2840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40ac28c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40ac2940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40ac29c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40ac2a40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40ac2b80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40ac2bc0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40ac2dc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x40ac2ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x40ac2f80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x40bda680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x40bda700) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x40bda940) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x40bdaa80) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x40bdac40) 0
   QString (0x40bdac80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x40bdad00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x40e6e180) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x40e6e5c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x40e6e500) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x40e6e800) 0
   QObject (0x40e6e840) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x40e6e800)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x40e6e980) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x40e6eb40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x40e6eb80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x4102c100) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x4102c700) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x4102c600) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x4102c980) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x4102c8c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x4102ca40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4102cac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x4102cb40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4102cb00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4102cb80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4102cbc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x4102ccc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4102cd40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x4102cd00) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x4102cdc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4102ce00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x4102ce40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x4102cf80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x411871c0) 0
   QTextStream (0x41187200) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x411871c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x411873c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x41187400) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x41187380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41187440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41187480) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x411874c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41187500) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,10 +485,6 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x41187580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x411875c0) 0
 Class __sched_param
    size=4 align=4
@@ -721,45 +501,17 @@ Class __pthread_attr_s
    base size=36 base align=4
 __pthread_attr_s (0x41187680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x411876c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41187700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41187740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41187780) 0
 Class _pthread_rwlock_t
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 _pthread_rwlock_t (0x411877c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41187800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41187840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41187880) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -830,10 +582,6 @@ QFile (0x41187dc0) 0
     QObject (0x41187e40) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x41187e00)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x41187f40) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -886,50 +634,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x41187e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x412c5040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x412c5080) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x412c51c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x412c5100) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x412c5200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x412c5280) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x412c52c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x412c5400) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x412c5340) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -937,30 +657,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x412c5440) 0
   QList<QString> (0x412c5480) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x412c56c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x412c5740) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x412c5940) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x412c5a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x412c5a80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1017,10 +721,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x412c5ac0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x412c5c80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1175,110 +875,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x413d6000) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x413d60c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x413d6100) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x413d6140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x413d61c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x413d6200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x413d6240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x413d6280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x413d62c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x413d6300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x413d6340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x413d6380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x413d63c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x413d6400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x413d6440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x413d6480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x413d64c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x413d6500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x413d6540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x413d6580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x413d65c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x413d6600) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1305,35 +925,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x413d6640) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x413d6c00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x413d6b40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x413d6d80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x413d6cc0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x413d6fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x413d6900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1365,80 +965,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x414df180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x414df5c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x414df680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x414dfac0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x414dfbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x414dfc00) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x414dfd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x414dfd80) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x414dfe80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x414df340) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x414df6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x414dfec0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x415cb140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x415cb340) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x415cb440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x415cb5c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1455,10 +1023,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x415cbc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x415cbc80) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1475,40 +1039,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x415cbec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x415cbf00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x415cb280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x417dd000) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x417dd040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x417dd1c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x417dd200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x417dd340) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1668,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x417ddac0) 0
   QObject (0x417ddb00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x417ddac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x417ddc40) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1763,20 +1307,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x417dd740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x417ddb80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x417ddcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x417ddec0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1996,10 +1532,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x418d4580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x418d4640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2094,20 +1626,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x418d4980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x418d4a00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x418d4a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x418d4ac0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2119,10 +1643,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x418d4b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x418d4bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2245,23 +1765,7 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x419bd080) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x41a00780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x41a00b00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x41a3f1c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x41ac2100) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 2bd5059..d3c21f8 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x306bf4d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x306bf6c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x306bf770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x306bf818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x306bf8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x306bf968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x306bfa10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x306bfab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x306bfb60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x306bfc08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x306bfcb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x306bfd58) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x306bfe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x306bfea8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x306bff50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x306f6000) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x306f6070) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x306f6578) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x306f65e8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x306f6658) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x306f66c8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x306f6738) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x306f67a8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x306f6818) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x306f6888) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x306f68f8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x306f6968) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x306f69d8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x306f6a48) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187ac0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x306f6b60) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x306f6d20) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x306f6e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x306f6ea8) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30c0bb98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30c0bee0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x30d3c498) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30d3c7e0) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x30187d00) 0
   QString (0x30e64268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30e64348) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30e64a80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30e64fc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30e64f18) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187dc0) 0
   QObject (0x30f543b8) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187dc0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30f545b0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30f54ce8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30f54d58) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x30ff7460) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x30ff7b28) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x30ff79d8) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30ff7e00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x30ff7d58) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x30ff7f18) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30ff7fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x30ff7c08) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30ff7738) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31159038) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x311590a8) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x311591f8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311592d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31159268) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x31159348) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x311593b8) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x311593f0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x31159620) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x30187fc0) 0
   QTextStream (0x31159b98) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x30187fc0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x31159e70) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x31159ee0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x31159e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31159f50) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31159fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x311599d8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x311e2000) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,70 +485,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x311e2070) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x311e20e0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e2150) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311e2230) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e21c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e22a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311e2380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x311e2310) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e23f0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311e24d0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e2460) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e2540) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e25b0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e2620) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -835,10 +567,6 @@ QFile (0x312af000) 0
     QObject (0x311e2c40) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x312af040)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x311e2dc8) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -891,50 +619,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x311e2f18) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x311e2fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x311e2d20) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x3130a118) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x3130a070) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x3130a1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x3130a380) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x3130a3f0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x3130a5b0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x3130a508) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -942,30 +642,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x312af140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x3130a658) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x3130aa80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x3130aaf0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x3130ae00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x3130af18) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x3130af88) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1022,10 +706,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x3130afc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x313cd1f8) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1180,110 +860,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x313cd6c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x313cd850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x313cd8c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x313cd930) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x313cda48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x313cdaf0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x313cdb98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x313cdc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x313cdce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x313cdd90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x313cde38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x313cdee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x313cdf88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x313cd310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x313cd658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x31467070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x31467118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x314671c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x31467268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x31467310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x314673b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x31467460) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1310,35 +910,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x314674d0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31467a80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x314679d8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31467c40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31467b98) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31467e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31467f18) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1370,80 +950,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x3153e310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x3153e700) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x3153e8f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x3153ece8) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x3153ef18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x3153ef88) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x3153e498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x3153e5e8) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x3153eb60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x315e0268) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x315e0540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x315e08c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x315e0c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x315e0e38) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x315e00e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x315e0658) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1460,10 +1008,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x316d9888) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x316d99a0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1480,40 +1024,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x316d9cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x316d9d20) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x316d9f18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x31824038) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x318240a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x318242a0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x31824310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x31824460) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1673,10 +1201,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x312af680) 0
   QObject (0x31824fc0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x312af680)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x31824818) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1768,20 +1292,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x318da818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x318da9a0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x318daa10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x318dab28) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2001,10 +1517,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x318dacb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x3197b038) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2099,20 +1611,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x3197b460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x3197b508) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x3197b578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3197b620) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2124,10 +1628,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x3197b6c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x3197b770) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2250,23 +1750,7 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x3197b3f0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x31a621f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x31a62930) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x31a7c738) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x31b051c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index 50e7961..b858867 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x646140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x646380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x646440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x646500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x6465c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x646680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x646740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x646800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x6468c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x646980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x646a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x646b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x646bc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x646c80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x646d40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x687040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x687140) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x687840) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x687880) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x687b00) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xe207c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xe20b80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xf29040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xf290c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xf29140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xf291c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xf29240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xf292c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xf29340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xf293c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xf29440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xf294c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xf29540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xf295c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xf29d00) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x108c140) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x108cd40) 0
   QString (0x108cd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x108ce80) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x118b740) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x118bd80) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x118bc00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x118ba00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x118b180) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x12a9180) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x12a91c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x12a9480) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x12a9400) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x12a9700) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x12a9640) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x12a9d40) 0
   QObject (0x12a9d80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x12a9d40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x12a9fc0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x136a5c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x136a7c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x136a840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x136aa40) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x136a980) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x136ab00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x136ab40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x136a280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1414040) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x1414e80) 0
     QObject (0x1414f00) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1414ec0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1414940) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1414a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x14c0080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x14c0100) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x14c02c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x14c0200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x14c0380) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x14c04c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x14c0540) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x14c0580) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x14c0840) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x14c0d40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x14c0dc0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x16d50c0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x16d5380) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1041,35 +829,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x16d5f00) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1767600) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1767680) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1767580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1767700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1767780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1767800) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1182,95 +950,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1867200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1867340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1867400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x18674c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1867580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1867640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1867700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x18677c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1867880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1867940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1867a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1867ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1867b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1867c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1867d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1867dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1867e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1867f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1867180) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1297,50 +993,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x189e040) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x189e6c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x189e600) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x189e8c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x189e800) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x189eb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x189ec80) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x189ed40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x189edc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x189ee40) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1418,15 +1082,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x19944c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1994680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1994700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1453,10 +1109,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1994780) 0
   QObject (0x19947c0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1994780)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x19949c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1501,20 +1153,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1994c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1994dc0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1994e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1994f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1684,10 +1328,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1a58540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1a58640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1779,20 +1419,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1a58e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1ada040) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1ada0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1ada180) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1804,10 +1436,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1ada240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1ada300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2095,10 +1723,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1b72c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1b72d80) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2110,70 +1734,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1b72f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1c2a0c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1c2a140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1c2a380) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1c2a400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1c2a580) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1c2a600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1c2aa80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1c2ad40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1c2a640) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1c2af80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1cbb040) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1cbb1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1cbb280) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2185,73 +1781,37 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1cbb840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1cbb8c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1cbba00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1cbbe00) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1cbbd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1df93c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1df9840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1df9a00) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x1df9c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x1df9e40) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSharedData (0x1df9cc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x1fb7640) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x1fd74c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2026540) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x2089680) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 61c0216..b6c7d01 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x7c3b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x7c3dc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x7c3e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x7c3f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x7f2000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x7f20c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x7f2180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x7f2240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x7f2300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x7f23c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x7f2480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x7f2540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x7f2600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x7f26c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x7f2780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x7f2a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x7f2b80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x7f2f80) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x7f2fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0xea4240) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xea4f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xf4a2c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xf4a780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xf4a800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xf4a880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xf4a900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xf4a980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xf4aa00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xf4aa80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xf4ab00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xf4ab80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xf4ac00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xf4ac80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xf4ad00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1137440) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1137880) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1285480) 0
   QString (0x12854c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x12855c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1285e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x13003c0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1300240) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1300700) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1300640) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1300940) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1300980) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1300c40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1300bc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1300ec0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1300e00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x145f400) 0
   QObject (0x145f440) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x145f400)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x145f680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x145fd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x145ff40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x145ffc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1541100) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1541040) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x15411c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1541200) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x15416c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1541740) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x15c5940) 0
     QObject (0x15c59c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x15c5980)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x15c5b80) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x15c5bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x15c5c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x15c5d00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x15c5ec0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x15c5e00) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x15c5f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x16b3040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x16b30c0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x16b3100) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x16b33c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x16b38c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x16b3940) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x17cd880) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x17cdb40) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1051,35 +839,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x1923840) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1923900) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1923980) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1923880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1923a00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1923a80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1923b00) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1192,95 +960,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1a05580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1a056c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1a05780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1a05840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1a05900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1a059c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1a05a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1a05b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1a05c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1a05cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1a05d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1a05e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1a05f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1a05fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1a05500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1a93080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1a93140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1a93200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1a932c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1307,50 +1003,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1a93340) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1a939c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1a93900) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1a93bc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1a93b00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1a93e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1a93f80) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1a93580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1a93680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1a93d00) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1428,15 +1092,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1b65800) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1b659c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1b65a40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1463,10 +1119,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1b65ac0) 0
   QObject (0x1b65b00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1b65ac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1b65d00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1511,20 +1163,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1b65f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1b65ec0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1c71040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1c71180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1694,10 +1338,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1c71880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1c71980) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1789,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1d35280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1d35340) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1d353c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1d35480) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1814,10 +1446,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1d35540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1d35600) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2105,10 +1733,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1dcafc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1e7d080) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2120,70 +1744,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e7d280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1e7d480) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e7d500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1e7d740) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1e7d7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1e7d940) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1e7d9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1e7de40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1e7d800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1f29000) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f29300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1f29380) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1f29500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1f295c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2195,73 +1791,37 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1f29b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1f29c00) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f29d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1f29e80) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x208c300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x208c700) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x208cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x208cd40) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x208cfc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x208c540) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSharedData (0x219c2c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x22a1980) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x22c1800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2314880) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x23799c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index f761599..3d181ed 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,80 +18,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xad5e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaeb680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaeb800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaeb980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xaebb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xaebc80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xaebe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xaebf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb07100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb07280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb07400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb07580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb07700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb07880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb07a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb07b80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -108,10 +48,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb4d840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb6fcc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -139,70 +75,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc33f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd4ac40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd77100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd773c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd72c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd8d100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd77a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xd949c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdc8140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdc8440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xd8d340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xdd8180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xdd8940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdd8c80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -229,10 +113,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xeac500) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xeac940) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -245,10 +125,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11ce880) 0
   QString (0x11ce8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11cec00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -311,10 +187,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1268f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1369e40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -339,15 +211,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xeac480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13ab140) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc3ca40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -370,25 +234,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x13eafc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x13f0000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1405700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x13f0580) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x141ff80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x141fb80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -480,10 +332,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1369700) 0
   QObject (0x14a9540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1369700)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x14a9840) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -503,25 +351,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xeac380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15774c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1577840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1577d80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1577c40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -529,15 +365,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xeac400) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15a4000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1577ec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1577e80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -666,50 +494,22 @@ QFile (0x1694840) 0
     QObject (0x16948c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1694880)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x16a3100) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x16ca5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x16caf00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x16f8e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1722300) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1722200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x16ca440) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1750040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1722c00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -766,10 +566,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1694740) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x17cf340) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -843,10 +639,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1824c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1824d40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -871,10 +663,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1a69240) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1a69600) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -911,20 +699,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1af7440) 0
   QTextStream (0x1af7480) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1af7440)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b25680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b25800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b445c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1037,95 +813,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1cd1bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1cebd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1cebec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1d05040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1d051c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1d05340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1d054c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1d05640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1d057c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1d05940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1d05ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1d05c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1d05dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1d05f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1d230c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1d23240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1d233c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1d23540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1d236c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1152,35 +856,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x141f8c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dc0540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1d35dc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dc0840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1d35e40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1d35000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1e26280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1258,15 +942,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1d23f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1ec1440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1ef3f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1293,10 +969,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1f20600) 0
   QObject (0x1f20640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1f20600)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1f20940) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1341,20 +1013,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1f59f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1f89b40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1f59ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1f89e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1524,10 +1188,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1ff5d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x20393c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1620,20 +1280,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x13ea8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x20a9900) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x13ea940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x20a9f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1645,10 +1297,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x13eaa40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x20d6640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1941,10 +1589,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2222640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2282040) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1956,70 +1600,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1d23900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x22c3900) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1d23b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x22e7540) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x16ca4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2310300) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d23b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2310f40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1d23c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2361180) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d23980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2382600) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1d23a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x23acb00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2031,73 +1647,37 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1d23a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x24f8300) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1d23c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2525480) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1d23d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x254b9c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1d23d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x25ba440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1d23e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2639680) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSharedData (0x26e1500) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13ab100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x1577d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x28e51c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x17222c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 4be1d76..e69c115 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fcebc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7fcec00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7fcecc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fced00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fced80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7fcedc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7fcee80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fceec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7893140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7893200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7893240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7893280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb78932c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7893300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7893340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7893380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb78933c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7893400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7893440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7893480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb78934c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7893500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7893540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7893580) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb78935c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb78936c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb7893700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7893740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb7893780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb78937c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb7893800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb7893840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb7893880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb78938c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb7893900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb7893940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb7893980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb78939c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb7893a80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb7893ac0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb7893c80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7893d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7893dc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb73f10c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb73f1100) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb73f1140) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb73f12c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb73f13c0) 0
   QString (0xb73f1400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb73f1440) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb73f1740) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb73f1ac0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb73f1a40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb73f1c40) 0
   QObject (0xb73f1c80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb73f1c40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb73f1d40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb73f1ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb73f1f00) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb6f7d3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6f7d940) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6f7d880) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6f7da80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6f7da00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6f7db00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f7db40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6f7dbc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f7db80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f7dc00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f7dc40) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6f7dd40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6f7ddc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f7dd80) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6f7de40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f7de80) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6f7dec0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6f7df80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb6f7df40) 0
   QTextStream (0xb6f39000) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb6f7df40)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6f390c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6f39100) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6f39080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f39140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f39180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f391c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f39200) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,80 +492,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6f39280) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f392c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f39300) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6f39340) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6f39400) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6f393c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f39380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f39440) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6f394c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f39480) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f39500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6f39580) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f39540) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f395c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f39600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f39640) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -882,10 +580,6 @@ QFile (0xb6f39b00) 0
     QObject (0xb6f39b80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6f39b40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6f39c00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -938,50 +632,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6f39d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6f39dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6f39e00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6f39ec0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb6f39e40) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6f39f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6f39f40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6f39f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6f39ac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6f39fc0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -989,30 +655,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6f39bc0) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6f39d40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6d05040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6d05080) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6d05140) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6d051c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6d05240) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1069,10 +719,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb6d05280) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6d05400) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1184,15 +830,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6d056c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6d05700) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6d05740) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1287,285 +925,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6d05a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6d05ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6d05b00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6d05b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6d05c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6d05c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6d05c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6d05cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6d05d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6d05d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6d05d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6d05dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6d05e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6d05e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6d05e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6d05ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6d05f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6d05f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6d05f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6d05fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6d05380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6d05480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6d05540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6d05680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6d057c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6d05940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6d05a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6a57000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6a57040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6a57080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6a570c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6a57100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6a57140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6a57180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6a571c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6a57200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6a57240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6a57280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6a572c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6a57300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6a57340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6a57380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6a573c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6a57400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6a57440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6a57480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6a574c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6a57500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6a57540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6a57580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6a575c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6a57600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6a57640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6a57680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6a576c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6a57700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6a57740) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1592,45 +1010,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6a57780) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6a579c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6a57a00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6a57b00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6a57a80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6a57c00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6a57b80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6a57cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6a57d40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1662,80 +1052,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6a57f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6a57900) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6a57940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6a578c0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6a57980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6a57c80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6a57e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6a57e40) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6a57f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6a57fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb69c7000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb69c7200) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb69c72c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb69c73c0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb69c7400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb69c74c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1752,10 +1110,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb69c7880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb69c78c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1772,30 +1126,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb69c7b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb69c7c00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb69c7c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb69c7d00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb69c7d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb69c7e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1323,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb69c7bc0) 0
   QObject (0xb69c7c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb69c7bc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb69c7d80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb6823400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb6823440) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb6823480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb6823500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2324,10 +1654,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb6823980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb68239c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2422,20 +1748,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb6823c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb6823c80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb6823cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb6823d00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2447,10 +1765,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb6823d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb6823dc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2507,10 +1821,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb6823f00) 0
   QObject (0xb6823f40) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb6823f00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb6823fc0) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2558,10 +1868,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb68234c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb68236c0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2573,43 +1879,19 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb68237c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6823940) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb6823880) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6823b40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0xb6823a80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb6823e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0xb65c3000) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb65c3080) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb65c3100) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index eb8c051..909b00c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x3058e508) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x3058e578) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x3001b9c0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x3058e6c8) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x3058e7a8) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x3058e818) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x3001ba40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x3058e968) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x3058ece8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x3058eee0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x3058ef88) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x305b3038) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x305b30e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x305b3188) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x305b3230) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x305b32d8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x305b3380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x305b3428) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x305b34d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x305b3578) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x305b3620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x305b36c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x305b3770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x305b3818) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x305b3888) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x305b3d58) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x305b3dc8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x305b3e38) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x305b3ea8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x305b3f18) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x305b3f88) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x30659000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x30659070) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x306590e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30659150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x306591c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30659230) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x306592a0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3001bb80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x306593b8) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x30659578) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x30659658) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30659700) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30b7b460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30b7b7a8) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0x30b7b850) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30b7ba80) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x3001bdc0) 0
   QString (0x30ca4c08) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30ca4ce8) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30d9c3b8) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30d9c8f8) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30d9c850) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0x3001be80) 0
   QObject (0x30d9cdc8) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x3001be80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30d9cfc0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30ebc5b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30ebc620) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x30ebce70) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x30f9a498) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x30f9a348) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30f9a770) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x30f9a6c8) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x30f9a888) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f9a930) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x30f9aa10) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f9a9a0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f9aa80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f9aaf0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x30f9ac40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30f9ad20) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x30f9acb0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x30f9ad90) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f9ae00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x30f9ae38) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x30f9a578) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x310aa080) 0
   QTextStream (0x310c7508) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x310aa080)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x310c77e0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x310c7850) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x310c7770) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310c78c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310c7930) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x310c79a0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310c7a10) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,70 +492,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x310c7a80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310c7af0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c7b60) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310c7c40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c7bd0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c7cb0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310c7d90) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x310c7d20) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c7e00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310c7ee0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c7e70) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c7f50) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c7fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c75b0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -872,10 +574,6 @@ QFile (0x310aa0c0) 0
     QObject (0x31108888) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x310aa100)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x31108a10) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -928,50 +626,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x31108b60) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x31108c08) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x31108c78) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x31108e00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x31108d58) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x31108ea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x312b4000) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x312b4070) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x312b4230) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x312b4188) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -979,30 +649,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x310aa200) 0
   QList<QString> (0x312b42d8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x312b4700) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x312b4770) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x312b4a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x312b4b98) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x312b4c40) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1059,10 +713,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x312b4c78) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x312b4ee0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1174,15 +824,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x3136e230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x3136e2d8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x3136e380) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1277,285 +919,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x3136e770) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x3136e8f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x3136e968) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x3136e9d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x3136eb98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x3136ec40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0x3136ece8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x3136ed90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x3136ee38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x3136eee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x3136ef88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x3136e1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x3136e700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x3144d070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0x3144d118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0x3144d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0x3144d268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x3144d310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x3144d3b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x3144d460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x3144d508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0x3144d5b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0x3144d658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x3144d700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x3144d7a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x3144d850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x3144d8f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x3144d9a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x3144da48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x3144daf0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x3144db98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x3144dc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x3144dce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x3144dd90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x3144de38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x3144dee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x3144df88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x31468038) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x314680e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x31468188) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x31468230) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x314682d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x31468380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x31468428) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x314684d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x31468578) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x31468620) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x314686c8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x31468770) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x31468818) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x314688c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x31468968) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x31468a10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x31468ab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x31468b60) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x31468c08) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x31468cb0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1582,45 +1004,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x31468d20) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0x314b80e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0x314b8188) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x314b8348) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x314b82a0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x314b8508) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x314b8460) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x314b8620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x314b8738) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1652,80 +1046,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x314b8c78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x314b89d8) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31577000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x315773f0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x31577620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31577690) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x315777e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31577888) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31577a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x31577d90) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x31577118) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x31577b98) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x3160a2a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x3160a498) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x3160a6c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x3160a850) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1742,10 +1104,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x31767150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x31767230) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1762,30 +1120,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x31767620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x317677e0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x31767850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x31767a10) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x31767a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x31767bd0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1971,10 +1317,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x310aa780) 0
   QObject (0x3181f658) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x310aa780)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x3181f818) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2081,20 +1423,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x3181fee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x318d0118) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x318d0188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x318d02a0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2314,10 +1648,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x318d09d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x318d0ab8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2412,20 +1742,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x318d0ee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x318d0f88) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x318d01f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x318d06c8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2437,10 +1759,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x318d0bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x31998000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2497,10 +1815,6 @@ QLibrary (0x310aac00) 0
   QObject (0x319982d8) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x310aac00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x31998460) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2548,10 +1862,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x31998700) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x31998888) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2563,43 +1873,19 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x31998930) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x319989d8) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x31998968) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x31998af0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x31998a80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x31a6e038) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x31a6e770) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x31a86578) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x31b0f8c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index f6b3abe..58d6e9e 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x692c00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x692c80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x692e40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x692e80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x692f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x697000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x6971c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x697200) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x697700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x697940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x697a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x697ac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x697b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x697c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x697d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x697dc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x697e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x697f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x6d0000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x6d00c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x6d0180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x6d0240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x6d0300) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x6d0600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x6d0700) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x6d0e00) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x6d0e40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xe730c0) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xe73e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xf0e1c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xf0e640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xf0e6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xf0e740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xf0e7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xf0e840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xf0e8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xf0e940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xf0e9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xf0ea40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xf0eac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xf0eb40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xf0ebc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xf0ec40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x10df400) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x10df840) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11ff480) 0
   QString (0x11ff4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11ff5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x11ffe40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x12853c0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1285240) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1285700) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1285640) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1285940) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1285980) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1285c40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1285bc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1285ec0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1285e00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13bd400) 0
   QObject (0x13bd440) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13bd400)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x13bd680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x13bdd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x13bdfc0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x13bd540) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x148e180) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x148e0c0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x148e240) 0
   QList<QString> (0x148e280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x148e740) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x148e7c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x1504580) 0
     QObject (0x1504600) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x15045c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x15047c0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1504800) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x15048c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1504940) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1504b00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1504a40) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1504bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1504d00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1504d80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1504dc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1504700) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1633480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1633500) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x16e38c0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x16e3b80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1078,35 +836,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x1823640) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1823dc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1823e40) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1823d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1823ec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1823f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1823fc0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1244,15 +982,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1860e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1860f40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1860900) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1279,270 +1009,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1a28100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1a28300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1a283c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1a28480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1a28540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1a28600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1a286c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1a28780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1a28840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1a28900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1a289c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1a28a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1a28b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1a28c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1a28cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1a28d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1a28e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1a28f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1a28fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1a5e040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1a5e100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1a5e1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1a5e280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1a5e340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1a5e400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1a5e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1a5e580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1a5e640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1a5e700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1a5e7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1a5e880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1a5e940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1a5ea00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1a5eac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1a5eb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1a5ec40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1a5ed00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1a5edc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1a5ee80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1a5ef40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1a79000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1a790c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1a79180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1a79240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1a79300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1a793c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1a79480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1a79540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1a79600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1a796c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1a79780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1a79840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1a79900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1a799c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1569,60 +1087,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1a79a40) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1a79f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1a79c80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1ad4140) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1ad4080) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1ad4340) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1ad4280) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1ad44c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1ad4600) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1ad46c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1ad4740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1ad47c0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1700,15 +1178,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1ad43c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1b970c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1b97140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1735,10 +1205,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1b971c0) 0
   QObject (0x1b97200) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1b971c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1b97400) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1783,20 +1249,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1b97640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1b97800) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1b97880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1b979c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1966,10 +1424,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1b97c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1c98080) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2076,20 +1530,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1c98dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1c98e80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1c98f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1c98fc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2101,10 +1547,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1c98500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1c98940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2286,10 +1728,6 @@ QLibrary (0x1cf8900) 0
   QObject (0x1cf8940) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x1cf8900)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x1cf8b00) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2326,10 +1764,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x1cf8e40) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1cf8100) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2341,20 +1775,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x1cf8580) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1cf8a40) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x1cf8700) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1dc30c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2412,10 +1838,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1dc3ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1dc3bc0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2427,70 +1849,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1dc3e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1dc3e80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e81000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1e81200) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1e81280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1e81400) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1e81480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1e81900) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1e81bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1e810c0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1e81c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1e81d80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1f19040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1f19100) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2502,40 +1896,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f19740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1f19b40) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1f19f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1f19a80) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x20033c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2003580) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x2003800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x20039c0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2568,23 +1946,7 @@ QTimeLine (0x2003e80) 0
   QObject (0x2003ec0) 0
       primary-for QTimeLine (0x2003e80)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x219e700) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x21bc580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x220d600) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x228d140) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 54b1f1c..5f29b8d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x9c4800) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x9c4880) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x9c4a40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x9c4a80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x9c4b80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x9c4c00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x9c4dc0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x9c4e00) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x9dd300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x9dd540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x9dd600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x9dd6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x9dd780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x9dd840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x9dd900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x9dd9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x9dda80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x9ddb40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x9ddc00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x9ddcc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x9ddd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x9dde40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x9ddf00) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xa12200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xa12300) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xa12900) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xa12940) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0xa12bc0) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xec6900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xec6cc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xfd6140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xfd61c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xfd6240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xfd62c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xfd6340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xfd63c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xfd6440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xfd64c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xfd6540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xfd65c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xfd6640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xfd66c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xfd6740) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xfd6f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x114b340) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x114bf80) 0
   QString (0x114bfc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x12440c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1244940) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1244f80) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1244e00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x136d140) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x136d080) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x136d380) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x136d3c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x136d680) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x136d600) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x136d900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x136d840) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x136df40) 0
   QObject (0x136df80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x136df40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1434140) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1434840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1434a80) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1434b00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1434d00) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1434c40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1434dc0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1434e00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x14eb240) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x14eb2c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x156c480) 0
     QObject (0x156c500) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x156c4c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x156c6c0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x156c700) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x156c7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x156c840) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x156ca00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x156c940) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x156cac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x156cc00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x156cc80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x156ccc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x156cf80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1667400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1667480) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1746440) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1746700) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1088,40 +846,16 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x185a380) 0
-Class OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union> (0x185a580) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x185acc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x185ad40) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x185ac40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x185adc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x185ae40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x185aec0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1259,15 +993,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x188fe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x188fec0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x188ff80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1294,270 +1020,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1a56040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1a56240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1a56300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1a563c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1a56480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1a56540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1a56600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1a566c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1a56780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1a56840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1a56900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1a569c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1a56a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1a56b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1a56c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1a56cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1a56d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1a56e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1a56f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1a56fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1a8a080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1a8a140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1a8a200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1a8a2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1a8a380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1a8a440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1a8a500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1a8a5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1a8a680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1a8a740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1a8a800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1a8a8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1a8a980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1a8aa40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1a8ab00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1a8abc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1a8ac80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1a8ad40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1a8ae00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1a8aec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1a8af80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1aab040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1aab100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1aab1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1aab280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1aab340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1aab400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1aab4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1aab580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1aab640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1aab700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1aab7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1aab880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1aab940) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1584,60 +1098,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1aab9c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1aabf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1aabfc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1b040c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1b04000) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1b042c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1b04200) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1b04440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1b04580) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b04640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b046c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b04740) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1715,15 +1189,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1b04f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1be4040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1be40c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1750,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1be4140) 0
   QObject (0x1be4180) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1be4140)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1be4380) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1798,20 +1260,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1be45c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1be4780) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1be4800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1be4940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1435,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1be4880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1ccb000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1541,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1ccbd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1ccbe00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1ccbe80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1ccbf40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2116,10 +1558,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1ccb180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1ccb600) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2301,10 +1739,6 @@ QLibrary (0x1d318c0) 0
   QObject (0x1d31900) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x1d318c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x1d31ac0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2341,10 +1775,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x1d31e00) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d31fc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2356,20 +1786,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x1d31380) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d31840) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x1d31500) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1df3080) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2427,10 +1849,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1df3a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1df3b80) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2442,70 +1860,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1df3e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1df32c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1df3ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1ea61c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1ea6240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1ea63c0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1ea6440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1ea68c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1ea6b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1ea6000) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1ea6bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1ea6cc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1f49000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1f490c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2517,40 +1907,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f49700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1f49b00) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1f49ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1f499c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x2033380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2033540) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x20337c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2033980) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2583,23 +1957,7 @@ QTimeLine (0x2033e40) 0
   QObject (0x2033e80) 0
       primary-for QTimeLine (0x2033e40)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x21cb6c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x21e9540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x223b5c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x22bb100) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index 4b9c47b..9fdd210 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa9db00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa9dc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa9df00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xac2000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xac2180) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xac2240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xac24c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xac2580) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xaf3380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaf3b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaf3d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaf3e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xb0b000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb0b180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xb0b300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb0b480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb0b600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb0b780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb0b900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb0ba80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb0bc00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb0bd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb0bf00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb36080) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb5ff00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb97380) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -171,75 +81,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc4ab00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd71780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd83e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd940c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd83980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd9ae40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd94780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xda58c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdd9300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdd9600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xda0080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xde94c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xde9d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdef080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xdef480) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xedf240) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xedf780) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -282,10 +132,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11efdc0) 0
   QString (0x11efe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x125c140) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -348,10 +194,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12d21c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x13db180) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -376,15 +218,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xedf1c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13ff480) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc5c5c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -407,25 +241,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x144a300) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x144a340) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x145fac0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x144a8c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1490340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1475f40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -517,10 +339,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13b4a40) 0
   QObject (0x150ab40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13b4a40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x150ae40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -540,25 +358,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xedf0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15d8c00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x15d8f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x15f04c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x15f0380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -566,15 +372,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xedf140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15f0740) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x15f0600) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x15f05c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -703,50 +501,22 @@ QFile (0x1710080) 0
     QObject (0x1710100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x17100c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1710940) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1768140) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1768a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1781ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1781f80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1781e80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1726fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x17bcc80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x17bc880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -803,10 +573,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1700f80) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x18590c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -880,10 +646,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x18dbb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x18dbc80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -908,10 +670,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1b11580) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1b11940) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -948,20 +706,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1ba0740) 0
   QTextStream (0x1ba0780) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1ba0740)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bd4980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bd4b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bf88c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1099,15 +845,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e61cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1ea9980) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1ea9040) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1134,270 +872,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1f0b400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1f2e840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1f2e9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1f2eb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1f2ecc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1f2ee40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1f2efc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1f42140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1f422c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1f42440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1f425c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1f42740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1f428c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1f42a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1f42bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1f42d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1f42ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1f62040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1f621c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1f62340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1f624c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1f62640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1f627c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1f62940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1f62ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1f62c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1f62dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1f62f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1f800c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1f80240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1f803c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1f80540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1f806c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1f80840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1f809c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1f80b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1f80cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1f80e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1f80fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1f9e140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1f9e2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1f9e440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1f9e5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1f9e740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1f9e8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1f9ea40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1f9ebc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1f9ed40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1f9eec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1fc0040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1fc01c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1fc0340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1fc04c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1fc0640) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1424,45 +950,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x1475c80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x2017e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x2017fc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2047480) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1fd5540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2047780) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1fd55c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1fc0800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x20af100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1540,15 +1038,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1f2e180) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x216a440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x21c8040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1575,10 +1065,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x21c86c0) 0
   QObject (0x21c8700) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x21c86c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x21c8a00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1623,20 +1109,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x2240200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2240e80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2240180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x226c2c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1806,10 +1284,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x22ef7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x22efe00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1917,20 +1391,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x143ec00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x238bbc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x143ec80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x23a01c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1942,10 +1408,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x143ed80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x23a0900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2127,10 +1589,6 @@ QLibrary (0x2460040) 0
   QObject (0x2460080) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x2460040)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x24602c0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2172,10 +1630,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x24d07c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24fd000) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2187,20 +1641,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x24fde00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x250f140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x24fdfc0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x250f900) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2258,10 +1704,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2553ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x25ad480) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2273,70 +1715,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e61b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2602640) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e61bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x262a280) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1768040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2658040) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1f2e340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2658c80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1f2e380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2680e40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f2e2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x26c62c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1f2e300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x26f2780) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2348,40 +1762,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f2e240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27e3fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1f2e280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2836500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f2e1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x28b7000) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1f2e200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x293d340) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2414,23 +1812,7 @@ QTimeLine (0x29b1700) 0
   QObject (0x29b1740) 0
       primary-for QTimeLine (0x29b1700)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13ff440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x15f0480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2b9d700) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x1781f40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index dc11723..cb9091d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7ee3bc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7ee3c00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7ee3cc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7ee3d00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7ee3d80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7ee3dc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7ee3e80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7ee3ec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb778c180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb778c240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb778c280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb778c2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb778c300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb778c340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb778c380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb778c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb778c400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb778c440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb778c480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb778c4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb778c500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb778c540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb778c580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb778c5c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb778c600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb778c700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb778c740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb778c780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb778c7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb778c800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb778c840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb778c880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb778c8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb778c900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb778c940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb778c980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb778c9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb778ca00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb778cb00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb778cb40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb778cd00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb778cdc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb778ce40) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb72f1140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb72f1180) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb72f11c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb72f13c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb72f14c0) 0
   QString (0xb72f1500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb72f1540) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb72f1880) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb72f1c00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb72f1b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb72f1e40) 0
   QObject (0xb72f1e80) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb72f1e40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb72f1f00) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb72f1fc0) 0
   QObject (0xb72f1300) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb72f1fc0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb72f1680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb72f1800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb72f1a40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb72f1c80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6d4b000) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb72f1d00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6d4b040) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6d4b080) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6d4b100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6d4b140) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6d4b4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6d4b500) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6d4ba40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6d4bb00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6d4bb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6d4bc00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6d4bc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6d4bd00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb6d4bd40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d4bdc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d4be00) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6d4bd80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d4be40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d4be80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d4bec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d4bf00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d4bf40) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6d4bfc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d4b240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d4b380) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6d4b8c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6d4bb80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6d4bac0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d4ba80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d4bbc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d4bcc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d4bc80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cab000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6cab080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cab040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cab0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cab100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cab140) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6cab3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6cab5c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6cab640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6cab840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6cabc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6cabc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6cabc80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6cab740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6cab800) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6cab780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6cab7c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6b2c080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6b2c180) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6b2c1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6b2c280) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6b2c2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6b2c300) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6b2c340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6b2c380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6b2c700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6b2c740) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6b2c880) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6b2c900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6b2c940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6b2c980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6b2ca40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6b2ca80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6b2cac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6b2cb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6b2cb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6b2cb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6b2cbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6b2cc00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6b2cc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6b2cc80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6b2ccc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6b2cd00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6b2cd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6b2cd80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6b2cdc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6b2ce00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6b2ce40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6b2ce80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6b2cec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6b2cf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6b2cf40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6b2cf80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6b2cfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6b2c0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6b2c100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6b2c140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6b2c200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6b2c240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6b2c580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6755000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6755040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6755080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb67550c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6755100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6755140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6755180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb67551c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6755200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6755240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6755280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb67552c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6755300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6755340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6755380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb67553c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6755400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6755440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6755480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb67554c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6755500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6755540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6755580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb67555c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb6755600) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6755640) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb67558c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6755900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6755a00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6755980) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6755b00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6755a80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6755b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6755c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb6755c40) 0
   QObject (0xb6755c80) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb6755c40)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6755d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6755d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6755dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6755e00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6755f00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6755f80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6755f40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6755780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67557c0) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb6755800) 0
     QObject (0xb6755880) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6755840)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6755d00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb666d100) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb666d140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb666d180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb666d240) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb666d1c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb666d280) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb666d300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb666d380) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb666d5c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb666d680) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb666d6c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb666d840) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb666d900) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb666da40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb666d980) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb666db80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb666db00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb666dc40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb666dd00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb666da00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb666dcc0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb666da80) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb666df40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb648a000) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb648a080) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb648a380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb648a3c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb648a4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb648a500) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb648a540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb648a5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb648aa40) 0
   QObject (0xb648aa80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb648aa40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb648ab80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb648a880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb648a940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb648aa00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb648ab00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb648acc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb648ad80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2644,18 +1934,6 @@ QTextCodecPlugin (0xb63f7000) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb63f70c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QTextCodecFactoryInterface (0xb63f7080)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb63f71c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb63f7240) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb63f72c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 93ba994..c3671e1 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f0ebc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f0ec00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f0ecc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f0ed00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f0ed80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f0edc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f0ee80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f0eec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb73b7180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb73b7240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb73b7280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb73b72c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb73b7300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb73b7340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb73b7380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb73b73c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb73b7400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb73b7440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb73b7480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb73b74c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb73b7500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb73b7540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb73b7580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb73b75c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -161,10 +75,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb73b7a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb73b7a40) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -227,70 +137,18 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb73b7d40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb73b7b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb73b7c00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb73b7cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb73b7f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb73b7f40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb71f5000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb71f5040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb71f5080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb71f50c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb71f5100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb71f5140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb71f5180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb71f51c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -308,10 +166,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb71f52c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb71f5300) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb71f54c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -328,10 +182,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb71f5580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb71f5600) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -348,10 +198,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb71f5640) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb71f5840) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -369,25 +215,13 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb71f5900) 0
   QString (0xb71f5940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb71f5980) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QStringRef (0xb71f59c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb71f5b00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb71f5a80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb71f5d40) 0
   QObject (0xb71f5d80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb71f5d40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb71f5e40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb71f5f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb71f5fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb71f5780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb71f57c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb71f5b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb71f5c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb71f5dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb71f5ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6f43000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6f43040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6f43080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6f430c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6f43100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6f43140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6f43180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6f431c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6f43200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6f43240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6f43280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6f432c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6f43300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6f43340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6f43380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6f433c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6f43400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6f43440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6f43480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6f434c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6f43500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6f43540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6f43580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6f435c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6f43600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6f43640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6f43680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6f436c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6f43700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6f43740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6f43780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6f437c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6f43800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6f43840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6f43880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6f438c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6f43900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6f43940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6f43980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6f439c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6f43a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6f43a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6f43a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6f43ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6f43b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6f43b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb6f43b80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,45 +421,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6e15000) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6e15280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6e152c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e153c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6e15340) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e154c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6e15440) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6e15540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6e155c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -972,10 +558,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb6e15a40) 0
   QObject (0xb6e15a80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb6e15a40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb6e15b80) 0
 Vtable for QCoreApplication
 QCoreApplication::_ZTV16QCoreApplication: 16u entries
@@ -1009,10 +591,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb6e15d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb6e15d80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimer
 QTimer::_ZTV6QTimer: 14u entries
@@ -1069,20 +647,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb6e15f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb6e15f80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb6e15fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb6e15180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1277,20 +847,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb6e15b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb6e15c40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb6e15c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb6e15cc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1302,10 +864,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb6e15f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb6b9a000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1408,100 +966,48 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6b9a300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6b9a500) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6b9a580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6b9a780) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6b9a840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6b9aa80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6b9aac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6b9ad00) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6b9ad40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6b9ae40) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6b9ae80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6b9af40) 0 empty
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6b9afc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6b9a0c0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6b9af80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b9a180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b9a240) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b9a340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b9a380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b9a3c0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1513,80 +1019,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6b9a440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b9a480) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b9a4c0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6b9a5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6b9a680) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6b9a640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b9a600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b9a6c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6b9a740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b9a700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b9a880) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6b9a900) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b9a8c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b9a940) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b9a980) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b9a9c0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1618,35 +1068,19 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb69c9000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb69c9040) 0 empty
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb69c97c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb69c9800) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb69c9840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb69c9900) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb69c9880) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1654,15 +1088,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb69c9940) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb69c9980) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb69c9a00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb69c9a40) 0
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1695,15 +1121,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb69c9c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb69c9c80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb69c9cc0) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1730,10 +1148,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb69c9f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb69c9f40) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1750,20 +1164,12 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb67d12c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb67d1300) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb67d1340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb67d1380) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1775,30 +1181,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb67d1500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb67d15c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb67d1600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb67d16c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb67d1700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb67d17c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1810,20 +1204,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb67d1840) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb67d18c0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb67d1880) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb67d1940) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1876,20 +1262,12 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb67d1b80) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb67d1c00) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutexLocker (0xb67d1bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb67d1d00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1914,15 +1292,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb67d1c40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb67d1e40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb67d1dc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1934,25 +1304,9 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb67d1ec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb67d1f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67d1f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67d1f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67d1fc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1974,15 +1328,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb67d1640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb67d1740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb67d1680) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1994,10 +1340,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb67d1a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67d1cc0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -2012,10 +1354,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb67d1d40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb657d080) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -2131,35 +1469,15 @@ QFile (0xb657d4c0) 0
     QObject (0xb657d540) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb657d500)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb657d5c0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb657d600) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb657d640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb657d680) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb657d740) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb657d6c0) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -2212,15 +1530,7 @@ Class QDir
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb657d8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb657d940) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb657d9c0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2277,10 +1587,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb657da00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb657db80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2409,15 +1715,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb657de80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb657df00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb657df40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDirIterator
 QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator: 4u entries
@@ -2432,10 +1730,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb657df80) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb657d200) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -2541,10 +1835,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb657dd40) 0
   QObject (0xb657de40) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb657dd40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb657dfc0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2644,18 +1934,6 @@ QTextCodecPlugin (0xb64212c0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb6421380) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QTextCodecFactoryInterface (0xb6421340)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb6421480) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb6421500) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb6421580) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 47a55b8..8d4df6e 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fb8bc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7fb8c00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7fb8cc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fb8d00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fb8d80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7fb8dc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7fb8e80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fb8ec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7861180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7861240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7861280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb78612c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7861300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7861340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7861380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb78613c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb7861400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7861440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7861480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb78614c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb7861500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7861540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7861580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb78615c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb7861600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb7861700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb7861740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7861780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb78617c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb7861800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb7861840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb7861880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb78618c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb7861900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb7861940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb7861980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb78619c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb7861a00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb7861b00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb7861b40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb7861d00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7861dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7861e40) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb73c6140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb73c6180) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb73c61c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb73c63c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb73c64c0) 0
   QString (0xb73c6500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb73c6540) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb73c6880) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb73c6c00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb73c6b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb73c6e40) 0
   QObject (0xb73c6e80) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb73c6e40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb73c6f00) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb73c6fc0) 0
   QObject (0xb73c6300) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb73c6fc0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb73c6680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb73c6800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb73c6a40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb73c6c80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e20000) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb73c6d00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6e20040) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6e20080) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6e20100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6e20140) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6e204c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6e20500) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6e20a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6e20b00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6e20b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6e20c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6e20c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6e20d00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb6e20d40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e20dc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e20e00) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6e20d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e20e40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e20e80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e20ec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e20f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e20f40) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6e20fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e20240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e20380) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6e208c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6e20b80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6e20ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e20a80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e20bc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e20cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e20c80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d80000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d80080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d80040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d800c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d80100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d80140) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6d803c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6d805c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6d80640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6d80840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6d80c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6d80c40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6d80c80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6d80740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6d80800) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6d80780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6d807c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6c01080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6c01180) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6c011c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6c01280) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6c012c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6c01300) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6c01340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6c01380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6c01700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6c01740) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6c01880) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6c01900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6c01940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6c01980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6c01a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6c01a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6c01ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6c01b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6c01b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6c01b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6c01bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6c01c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6c01c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6c01c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6c01cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6c01d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6c01d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6c01d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6c01dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6c01e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6c01e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6c01e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6c01ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6c01f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6c01f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6c01f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6c01fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6c010c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6c01100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6c01140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6c01200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6c01240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6c01580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb682a000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb682a040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb682a080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb682a0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb682a100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb682a140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb682a180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb682a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb682a200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb682a240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb682a280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb682a2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb682a300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb682a340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb682a380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb682a3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb682a400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb682a440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb682a480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb682a4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb682a500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb682a540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb682a580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb682a5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb682a600) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb682a640) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb682a8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb682a900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb682aa00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb682a980) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb682ab00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb682aa80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb682ab80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb682ac00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb682ac40) 0
   QObject (0xb682ac80) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb682ac40)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb682ad80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb682ad40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb682adc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb682ae00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb682af00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb682af80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb682af40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb682a780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb682a7c0) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb682a800) 0
     QObject (0xb682a880) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb682a840)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb682ad00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6742100) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6742140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6742180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6742240) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb67421c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6742280) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6742300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6742380) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb67425c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb6742680) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb67426c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6742840) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb6742900) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6742a40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6742980) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6742b80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6742b00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6742c40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6742d00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb6742a00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6742cc0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb6742a80) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6742f40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb655f000) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb655f080) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb655f380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb655f3c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb655f4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb655f500) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb655f540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb655f5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb655fa40) 0
   QObject (0xb655fa80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb655fa40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb655fb80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb655f880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb655f940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb655fa00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb655fb00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb655fcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb655fd80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2644,18 +1934,6 @@ QTextCodecPlugin (0xb64cc000) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb64cc0c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QTextCodecFactoryInterface (0xb64cc080)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb64cc1c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb64cc240) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb64cc2c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 6338075..9d46f68 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtCore.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb796d960) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb796d99c) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7dd1b40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb796da14) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb796db40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb796db7c) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7dd1d00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb796dbf4) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb798e000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb798e1e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb798e2d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb798e3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb798e4b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb798e5a0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb798e690) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb798e780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb798e870) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb798e960) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb798ea50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb798eb40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb798ec30) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb798ed20) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb798ee10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb798ef00) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb79a9f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb79dcbb8) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6c82780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6cc5870) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb6cc5b04) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb6b14438) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb6b14d5c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb6b26690) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb6b26fb4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb6b388e8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb6b4321c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb6b43b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb6b5b474) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb6b5bd98) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb6b6c6cc) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb6b7f000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb6b7f924) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb6b923c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb69e0654) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb6908b00) 0
   QString (0xb6945a14) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6945d20) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb69cb348) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb686b690) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb68479d8) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb687bce4) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb687bc6c) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb68ac000) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb68a0f00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb68af3fc) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb68af21c) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb68c4564) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb68c44ec) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb66ffe80) 0
   QObject (0xb6709564) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb66ffe80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6729834) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6767780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6790f78) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb679b078) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb679b5dc) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb679b564) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6771f80) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb679b618) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb67c7384) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb67c75a0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb65f2834) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb66013c0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb66d0ce4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb66d0d98) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6547d20) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6547e10) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6547d98) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6547e88) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6547f00) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6547f78) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6579000) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb657903c) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb65ad7bc) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb63d70c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb65c6f3c) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb63d70c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb63db9d8) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb63dba50) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb63db960) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63dbac8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63dbb40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63dbbb8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63dbc30) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb63dbca8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63dbd20) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63dbd98) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb63dbdd4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb63dbf00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb63dbe88) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63dbe4c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63dbf78) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb63f503c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63db2d0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63f50b4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb63f51a4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63f512c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63f5258) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63f52d0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63f5348) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb63130b4) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb6313d20) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb6313ca8) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb632b078) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb632b1a4) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb632b8ac) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb632b924) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb635e780) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb63573c0) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb635e780)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb638bb7c) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb63b66c0) 0
   QObject (0xb63c021c) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb63b66c0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb63b6dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb63b6e00) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb63b6dc0)
-    QObject (0xb63c0d5c) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb63b6e00)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb62122c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb620dd20) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb62122c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb621e4ec) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb6212c40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb621e564) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb6212e00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb6212e40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb621ea14) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb6212e40)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb623b3fc) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb623b474) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb623b690) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb623b780) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb623b7f8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb623b870) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb623b8e8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb623b960) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb623b9d8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb623ba50) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb623bac8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb623bb40) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb623bbb8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb623bc30) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb623bca8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb623bd20) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb623be10) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb623be88) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb623bf00) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb6254294) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb625430c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb62543fc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb6254474) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb62544ec) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb6254708) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb6254744) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb6254780) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb62547bc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb62547f8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb6254834) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb62548ac) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb62548e8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb6254924) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb6254960) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb625499c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb62549d8) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb62723c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb629e99c) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb629edd4) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb60f7000) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb60f73fc) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb60f7564) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb60f76cc) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb60f7dd4) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb61327f8) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb613f3c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb613f438) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb613f708) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb613f870) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb613f7f8) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb613f8e8) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb61bae10) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5fc50f0) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb61ce7c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5fc512c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5fc5168) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb61ce880) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5fc51a4) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb5fc53c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb6025ca8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb6025ce4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb6064b40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb6025d20) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb60c099c) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5efd100) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5efd140) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb60c0a14) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb60c0924) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb60c0a50) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5efd2c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb60c0a8c) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb60c0b40) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5efd4c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5efd500) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb60c0bb8) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb60c0ac8) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb60c0bf4) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb60c0ca8) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5efd680) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb60c0c30) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5f97e88) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5fac640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5faa7f8) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5fac640)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5fac740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5faa8e8) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5fac740)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5faad5c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5faad98) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5dcb6c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5faadd4) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5dcb800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5dcb840) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5dcb800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5faae4c) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5dcb840)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5dcb8c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5dcb900) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5dcb8c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5faaf3c) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5dcb900)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5ddece4) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5e31384) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5e31618) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5e318ac) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5e98fa0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5e807f8) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5e98fa0)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5e80834) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ea5870) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5eb73c0) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ea5870)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5eb73fc) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5eaa800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5cc26e0) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5eaa800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5eb74ec) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5cc26e0)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5eb7528) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5eaa9c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5cc9e60) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5eaa9c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5cc8834) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5cc9e60)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5cc8870) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5eaaa40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5eaaa80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5eaaa40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ccd4b0) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5eaaa80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5cc89d8) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ccd4b0)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5cc8a14) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5cd2384) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5cdb480) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5cd2bf4) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5cdb480)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5cdb540) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5cd2ce4) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5cdb540)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5d42348) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5d5fa80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5d5fac0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5d5fa80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5d4299c) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5d5fac0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5d5fb00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d42a8c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5d5fb00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5d5fb80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d42b7c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5d5fb80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5d5fc00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5d5fc40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5d5fc00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5d42c6c) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5d5fc40)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5d5fcc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d42d5c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5d5fcc0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5d5fd40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d42e4c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5d5fd40)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5db3d80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5db44b0) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5db3d80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5db3dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5db45a0) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5db3dc0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5bfca40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5bfca80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5bf621c) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5bfca80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5bf63fc) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5bfcbc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5bfcc00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5bf6438) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5bfcc00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5bf65dc) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c3d480) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c3d4c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5bf6b40) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c3d4c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c3d580) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c3d5c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5bf6ec4) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c3d5c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb5c5b4ec) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5c5b528) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb5c69480) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5c5b564) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5c5bb40) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ca4380 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5cadb40) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ca4380) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5cadb40)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ca43c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5c5bb7c) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ca43c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ca4400) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ca43c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5c5be10) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ca4700 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5cbbbe0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ca4700) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5cbbbe0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ca4740) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5c5be4c) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ca4740)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ca4780) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ca4740) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb5ac5618) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb5ac55a0) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb5ac5528) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb5ac5474) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb5ac59d8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb5af51e0) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb59e0654) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb59ef370) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb59dfa00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb59ef370)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb59e0834) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb59dfa00)
-  QRunnable (0xb59e0870) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb59dfa80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb59ef780) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb59dfa80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb59dfac0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb59ef780)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb59e0a14) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb59dfac0)
-    QRunnable (0xb59e0a50) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb5943e00) 0
     QObject (0xb593ed98) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb5943e40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb597a708) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb598a2d0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb5998960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb5998c6c) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb59ad9d8) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb59ad960) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb59adac8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb57dd03c) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb57dd12c) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb580c3fc) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb581c4ec) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb5840690) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5840e88) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb58a1e4c) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb58a1ec4) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb5881c6c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb58af6cc) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb58af834) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb56d112c) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb56d1564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb56d1744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb56d1924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb56d1b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb56d1ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb56d1ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb56e70b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb56e7294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb56e7474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb56e7654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb56e7834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb56e7a14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb56e7bf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb56e7dd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb56e7fb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb56ef1a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb56ef384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb56ef564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb56ef744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb56ef924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb56efb04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb56efce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb56efec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb56f70b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb56f7294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb56f7474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb56f7654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb56f7834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb56f7a14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb56f7bf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb56f7dd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb56f7fb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb57001a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb5700384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb5700564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb5700744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5700924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb5700b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb5700ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb5700ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb57070b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb5707294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb5707474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb5707654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb5707834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb5707a14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb5707bf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb5707dd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb5707fb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb570e1a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb570e384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb570e564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb570e744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb570e924) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb570eb04) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb574a5a0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb574a528) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb574a690) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb574a618) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb577fa14) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb579203c) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb579221c) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb57923fc) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb55da474) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb55e73c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb55fce4c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb55d6ac0) 0
   QObject (0xb5610ca8) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb55d6ac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb56222d0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5644528) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb565a924) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb565aa14) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5661168) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb56b12d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb56b1a50) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb54ee690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb54eeb40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb54eec30) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb5528078) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb5528474) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb55287bc) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb55717c0) 0
   QObject (0xb55950f0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb55717c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb55a403c) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb53ce618) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb53ceca8) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb53ce99c) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb53e51a4) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb541f780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb542c474) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb544d474) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb5461e10) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb5461f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb5477474) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb5477564) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb547fc6c) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb547fe4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb5496d20) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb54a3e4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb5294dd4) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb52a3e10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb52b31e0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb52ce348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb52ced5c) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb5348ca8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb5372d98) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb538e924) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb5198a50) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb51b8780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb51d0654) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb5216258) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb5230780) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb50c7f3c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb50e04b0) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb50e0618) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb50e05a0) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb50e0690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb51050b4) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb51051e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb5105d98) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb5105ec4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb5117e4c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4461,33 +2648,9 @@ Class QXmlStreamWriter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QXmlStreamWriter (0xb5147708) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb4f9d168) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb4fb0708) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb50568ac) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb5056924) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb5075564) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb5075690) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 697235e..d5748a5 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f6b880) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f6b8c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f6b980) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f6b9c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f6ba40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f6ba80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f6bb40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f6bb80) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7f6be00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7f6bec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7f6bf00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7f6bf40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7f6bf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7f6bfc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7805000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7805040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb7805080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb78050c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7805100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7805140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb7805180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb78051c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7805200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7805240) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -161,10 +75,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7805640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7805680) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -247,75 +157,19 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7805b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb765d000) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb765d040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb765d080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb765d0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb765d100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb765d140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb765d180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb765d1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb765d200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb765d240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb765d280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb765d2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb765d300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb765d340) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -337,10 +191,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb765d3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb765d540) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -358,10 +208,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb765d600) 0
   QString (0xb765d640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb765d680) 0 empty
 Class QGenericArgument
    size=8 align=4
@@ -374,25 +220,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb765d700) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb765d740) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb765d900) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb765d8c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb765da80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb765da00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -484,10 +318,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb765dc00) 0
   QObject (0xb765dc40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb765dc00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb765dd00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,25 +337,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb765ddc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb765de00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb765de40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb765df00) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb765de80) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -533,285 +351,65 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb765df40) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb765df80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb765d4c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb765dac0) 0
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb765dd80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb73b1080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb73b10c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb73b1100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb73b1140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb73b1180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb73b11c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb73b1200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb73b1240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb73b1280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb73b12c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb73b1300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb73b1340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb73b1380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb73b13c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb73b1400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb73b1440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb73b1480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb73b14c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb73b1500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb73b1540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb73b1580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb73b15c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb73b1600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb73b1640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb73b1680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb73b16c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb73b1700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb73b1740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb73b1780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb73b17c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb73b1800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb73b1840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb73b1880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb73b18c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb73b1900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb73b1940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb73b1980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb73b19c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb73b1a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb73b1a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb73b1a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb73b1ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb73b1b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb73b1b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb73b1b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb73b1bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb73b1c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb73b1c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb73b1c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb73b1cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb73b1d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb73b1d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb73b1d80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -838,45 +436,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb73b1dc0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb73b1f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb73b1f40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb721e040) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb73b1fc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb721e140) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb721e0c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb721e200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb721e280) 0 empty
 Class QDBusObjectPath
    size=4 align=4
@@ -884,10 +454,6 @@ Class QDBusObjectPath
 QDBusObjectPath (0xb721e2c0) 0
   QString (0xb721e300) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb721e340) 0 empty
 Class QDBusSignature
    size=4 align=4
@@ -895,10 +461,6 @@ Class QDBusSignature
 QDBusSignature (0xb721e400) 0
   QString (0xb721e440) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature> (0xb721e480) 0 empty
 Class QDBusVariant
    size=12 align=4
@@ -906,40 +468,16 @@ Class QDBusVariant
 QDBusVariant (0xb721e540) 0
   QVariant (0xb721e580) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant> (0xb721e5c0) 0 empty
 Class QDBusArgument
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusArgument (0xb721e680) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument> (0xb721e6c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::const_iterator (0xb721e8c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::iterator (0xb721e940) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator (0xb721ea80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator (0xb721eb00) 0
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractAdaptor
 QDBusAbstractAdaptor::_ZTV20QDBusAbstractAdaptor: 14u entries
@@ -981,10 +519,6 @@ Class QDBusConnection
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusConnection (0xb721ec80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption> (0xb721ed00) 0
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractInterface
 QDBusAbstractInterface::_ZTV22QDBusAbstractInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1011,15 +545,7 @@ QDBusAbstractInterface (0xb721ed40) 0
   QObject (0xb721ed80) 0
       primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0xb721ed40)
-Class QDBusReply<QVariant>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QDBusReply<QVariant> (0xb721ee40) 0
-Class QDBusReply<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QDBusReply<void> (0xb721ef00) 0
 Vtable for QDBusConnectionInterface
 QDBusConnectionInterface::_ZTV24QDBusConnectionInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1048,10 +574,6 @@ QDBusConnectionInterface (0xb721ef80) 0
     QObject (0xb721e1c0) 0
         primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0xb721efc0)
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply> (0xb721e9c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDBusServer
 QDBusServer::_ZTV11QDBusServer: 14u entries
@@ -1110,18 +632,6 @@ Class QDBusMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QDBusMetaType (0xb71260c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb7126140) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant> (0xb7126380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb7126400) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 855254f..04cd88d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x30144738) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x301447a8) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x3001b6c0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x301448f8) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x301449d8) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x30144a48) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x3001b740) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x30144b98) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x30144f18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30570118) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x305701c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x30570268) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x30570310) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x305703b8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x30570460) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30570508) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x305705b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x30570658) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x30570700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x305707a8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x30570850) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x305708f8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x305709a0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30570a48) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -161,10 +75,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x305e0738) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x305e0a80) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -247,75 +157,19 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x306c0b28) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x306c0bd0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x308640e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30864150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x308641c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30864230) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x308642a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30864310) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x30864380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x308643f0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x30864460) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x308644d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30864540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x308645b0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x30864620) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -337,10 +191,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0x308646c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x308648f8) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -358,10 +208,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x3001bb00) 0
   QString (0x309b7a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x309b7af0) 0 empty
 Class QGenericArgument
    size=8 align=4
@@ -374,25 +220,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3001bb40) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x309b7bd0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x309b7d90) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x309b7d20) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x309b7f88) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x309b7ee0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -484,10 +318,6 @@ QIODevice (0x3001bc80) 0
   QObject (0x30aa8460) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x3001bc80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30aa8658) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,25 +337,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x30aa8bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x30aa8dc8) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x30aa8e38) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x30aa80e0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x30aa8f50) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -533,285 +351,65 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x3001bcc0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x30aa8930) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x30b783f0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x30b78460) 0
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x30b78700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x30b788c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x30b78968) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0x30b78a10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x30b78ab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x30b78b60) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x30b78c08) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x30b78cb0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x30b78d58) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x30b78e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x30b78ea8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0x30b78f50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0x30bcb000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0x30bcb0a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x30bcb150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x30bcb1f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x30bcb2a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x30bcb348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0x30bcb3f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0x30bcb498) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x30bcb540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x30bcb5e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x30bcb690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x30bcb738) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x30bcb7e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x30bcb888) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x30bcb930) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x30bcb9d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x30bcba80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x30bcbb28) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x30bcbbd0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x30bcbc78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x30bcbd20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x30bcbdc8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x30bcbe70) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x30bcbf18) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x30bcbfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x30be3070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x30be3118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x30be31c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x30be3268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x30be3310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x30be33b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x30be3460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x30be3508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x30be35b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x30be3658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x30be3700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x30be37a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x30be3850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x30be38f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x30be39a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x30be3a48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x30be3af0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -838,45 +436,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x30be3b60) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0x30be3ce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0x30be3e38) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x30c34188) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x30c340e0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x30c34348) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x30c342a0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x30c34460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x30c34578) 0 empty
 Class QDBusObjectPath
    size=4 align=4
@@ -884,10 +454,6 @@ Class QDBusObjectPath
 QDBusObjectPath (0x3001bd40) 0
   QString (0x30c345e8) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath> (0x30c346c8) 0 empty
 Class QDBusSignature
    size=4 align=4
@@ -895,10 +461,6 @@ Class QDBusSignature
 QDBusSignature (0x3001bd80) 0
   QString (0x30c34a10) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature> (0x30c34af0) 0 empty
 Class QDBusVariant
    size=16 align=8
@@ -906,40 +468,16 @@ Class QDBusVariant
 QDBusVariant (0x3001bdc0) 0
   QVariant (0x30c34e38) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant> (0x30c34f18) 0 empty
 Class QDBusArgument
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusArgument (0x30ca9150) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument> (0x30ca91c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::const_iterator (0x30ca95e8) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::iterator (0x30ca9690) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator (0x30ca99a0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator (0x30ca9a48) 0
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractAdaptor
 QDBusAbstractAdaptor::_ZTV20QDBusAbstractAdaptor: 14u entries
@@ -981,10 +519,6 @@ Class QDBusConnection
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusConnection (0x30ca9c78) 0
-Class QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption> (0x30ca9d58) 0
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractInterface
 QDBusAbstractInterface::_ZTV22QDBusAbstractInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1011,15 +545,7 @@ QDBusAbstractInterface (0x3001be40) 0
   QObject (0x30ca9d90) 0
       primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0x3001be40)
-Class QDBusReply<QVariant>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QDBusReply<QVariant> (0x30ca9fc0) 0
-Class QDBusReply<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QDBusReply<void> (0x30d4c038) 0
 Vtable for QDBusConnectionInterface
 QDBusConnectionInterface::_ZTV24QDBusConnectionInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1048,10 +574,6 @@ QDBusConnectionInterface (0x3001be80) 0
     QObject (0x30d4c188) 0
         primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0x3001bec0)
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply> (0x30d4c3f0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDBusServer
 QDBusServer::_ZTV11QDBusServer: 14u entries
@@ -1110,18 +632,6 @@ Class QDBusMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QDBusMetaType (0x30d4c690) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x30db8e00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant> (0x30dd8d58) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x30dd8b28) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index 38b0b2b..62c20d3 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x651880) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x651900) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x651ac0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x651b00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x651c00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x651c80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x651e40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x651e80) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,145 +24,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x663380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x6635c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x663680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x663740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x663800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x6638c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x663980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x663a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x663b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x663bc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x663c80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x663d40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x663e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x663ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x663f80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x699000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x699600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x699680) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x699700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x699780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x699800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x699880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x699900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x699980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x699a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x699a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x699b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x699b80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x699c00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -206,10 +72,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x699d40) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x699d80) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xabd040) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -226,10 +88,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xabd180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xabd280) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -242,10 +100,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xabd980) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xabd9c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xabdc40) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -327,10 +181,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb58980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb58d40) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -352,10 +202,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xc8d4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xc8d900) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -368,10 +214,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xdd7540) 0
   QString (0xdd7580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xdd7680) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -434,15 +276,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xdd7f00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xe4d4c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xe4d400) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -534,10 +368,6 @@ QIODevice (0xe4da40) 0
   QObject (0xe4da80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xe4da40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xe4dcc0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -557,270 +387,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xf98280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xf98480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xf98540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0xf98600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xf986c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xf98780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xf98840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xf98900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xf989c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xf98a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xf98b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0xf98c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0xf98cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0xf98d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xf98e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xf98f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xf98fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xfe2080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0xfe2140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0xfe2200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xfe22c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xfe2380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xfe2440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xfe2500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xfe25c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xfe2680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xfe2740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xfe2800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xfe28c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xfe2980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xfe2a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xfe2b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xfe2bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xfe2c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xfe2d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xfe2e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xfe2ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xfe2f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xffc040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xffc100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xffc1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xffc280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xffc340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xffc400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xffc4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xffc580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xffc640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xffc700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xffc7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xffc880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xffc940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xffca00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xffcac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xffcb80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -857,45 +475,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1093240) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1093780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1093840) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1093a40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1093980) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1093c40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1093b80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1093e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1093f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractAdaptor
 QDBusAbstractAdaptor::_ZTV20QDBusAbstractAdaptor: 14u entries
@@ -938,10 +528,6 @@ Class QDBusObjectPath
 QDBusObjectPath (0x117e040) 0
   QString (0x117e080) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath> (0x117e180) 0 empty
 Class QDBusSignature
    size=4 align=4
@@ -949,10 +535,6 @@ Class QDBusSignature
 QDBusSignature (0x117e4c0) 0
   QString (0x117e500) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature> (0x117e600) 0 empty
 Class QDBusVariant
    size=12 align=4
@@ -960,20 +542,12 @@ Class QDBusVariant
 QDBusVariant (0x117e940) 0
   QVariant (0x117e980) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant> (0x117ea80) 0 empty
 Class QDBusConnection
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusConnection (0x117ed00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption> (0x117edc0) 0
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractInterface
 QDBusAbstractInterface::_ZTV22QDBusAbstractInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1005,25 +579,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x117ef80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x11fe180) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x11fe200) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x11fe3c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x11fe300) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1031,55 +593,19 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x11fe480) 0
   QList<QString> (0x11fe4c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x11fe980) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x11fea00) 0
 Class QDBusArgument
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusArgument (0x11fed00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument> (0x11fed80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::const_iterator (0x12851c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::iterator (0x1285280) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator (0x1285600) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator (0x12856c0) 0
-Class QDBusReply<QVariant>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QDBusReply<QVariant> (0x1285880) 0
-Class QDBusReply<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QDBusReply<void> (0x1285a40) 0
 Vtable for QDBusConnectionInterface
 QDBusConnectionInterface::_ZTV24QDBusConnectionInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1108,10 +634,6 @@ QDBusConnectionInterface (0x1285bc0) 0
     QObject (0x1285c40) 0
         primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0x1285c00)
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply> (0x1285f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDBusInterface
 QDBusInterface::_ZTV14QDBusInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1170,18 +692,6 @@ QDBusServer (0x12fa0c0) 0
   QObject (0x12fa100) 0
       primary-for QDBusServer (0x12fa0c0)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x1376f00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant> (0x1398880) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x1398c40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index f701024..301c5e1 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x9834c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x983540) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x983700) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x983740) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x983840) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x9838c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x983a80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x983ac0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,145 +24,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x983fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x9ae200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x9ae2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x9ae380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x9ae440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x9ae500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x9ae5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x9ae680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x9ae740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x9ae800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x9ae8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x9ae980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x9aea40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x9aeb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x9aebc0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x9aec40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x9fe240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x9fe2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x9fe340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x9fe3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x9fe440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x9fe4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x9fe540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x9fe5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x9fe640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x9fe6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x9fe740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x9fe7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x9fe840) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -206,10 +72,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x9fe980) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x9fe9c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x9fec80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -226,10 +88,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x9fedc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x9feec0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -242,10 +100,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xb2b4c0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xb2b500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0xb2b780) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -327,10 +181,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xbd34c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xbd3880) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -352,10 +202,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xd12000) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xd12440) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -368,10 +214,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xe1a080) 0
   QString (0xe1a0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xe1a1c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -434,15 +276,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xe1aa40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xe1ad00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xe1a4c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -534,10 +368,6 @@ QIODevice (0xf3e540) 0
   QObject (0xf3e580) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xf3e540)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xf3e7c0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -557,270 +387,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xf3eec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xf3eb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1003080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1003140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1003200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x10032c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1003380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1003440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1003500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x10035c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1003680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1003740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1003800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x10038c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1003980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1003a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1003b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1003bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1003c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1003d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1003e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1003ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1003f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x101e040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x101e100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x101e1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x101e280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x101e340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x101e400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x101e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x101e580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x101e640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x101e700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x101e7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x101e880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x101e940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x101ea00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x101eac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x101eb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x101ec40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x101ed00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x101edc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x101ee80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x101ef40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1039000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x10390c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1039180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1039240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1039300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x10393c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1039480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1039540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1039600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x10396c0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -857,45 +475,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1039dc0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x112d200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x112d2c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x112d4c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x112d400) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x112d6c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x112d600) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x112d880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x112d9c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractAdaptor
 QDBusAbstractAdaptor::_ZTV20QDBusAbstractAdaptor: 14u entries
@@ -938,10 +528,6 @@ Class QDBusObjectPath
 QDBusObjectPath (0x112dc40) 0
   QString (0x112dc80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath> (0x112dd80) 0 empty
 Class QDBusSignature
    size=4 align=4
@@ -949,10 +535,6 @@ Class QDBusSignature
 QDBusSignature (0x11d4000) 0
   QString (0x11d4040) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature> (0x11d4140) 0 empty
 Class QDBusVariant
    size=16 align=4
@@ -960,20 +542,12 @@ Class QDBusVariant
 QDBusVariant (0x11d4480) 0
   QVariant (0x11d44c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant> (0x11d45c0) 0 empty
 Class QDBusConnection
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusConnection (0x11d4840) 0
-Class QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption> (0x11d4900) 0
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractInterface
 QDBusAbstractInterface::_ZTV22QDBusAbstractInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1005,25 +579,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x11d4ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x11d4d00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x11d4d80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x11d4f40) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x11d4e80) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1031,55 +593,19 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x11d4a40) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1259000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x12594c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1259540) 0
 Class QDBusArgument
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusArgument (0x1259840) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument> (0x12598c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::const_iterator (0x1259d00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::iterator (0x1259dc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator (0x12e20c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator (0x12e2180) 0
-Class QDBusReply<QVariant>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QDBusReply<QVariant> (0x12e2340) 0
-Class QDBusReply<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QDBusReply<void> (0x12e2500) 0
 Vtable for QDBusConnectionInterface
 QDBusConnectionInterface::_ZTV24QDBusConnectionInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1108,10 +634,6 @@ QDBusConnectionInterface (0x12e2680) 0
     QObject (0x12e2700) 0
         primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0x12e26c0)
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply> (0x12e2a00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDBusInterface
 QDBusInterface::_ZTV14QDBusInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1170,18 +692,6 @@ QDBusServer (0x12e2c80) 0
   QObject (0x12e2cc0) 0
       primary-for QDBusServer (0x12e2c80)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x13ad9c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant> (0x13d83c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x13d8780) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index 3af9455..9cc7880 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa9db80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa9dc80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa9df80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xac2080) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xac2200) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xac22c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xac2540) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xac2600) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xaf7400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaf7c00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaf7d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaf7f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xb0f080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb0f200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xb0f380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb0f500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb0f680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb0f800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb0f980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb0fb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb0fc80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb0fe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb0ff80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb36100) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb36980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb65f40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb6d240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb65ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb74fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb6d900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb7fa40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xbb5480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xbb5780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb7b200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xbc2680) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xbc2ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xbc9240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xbc9640) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xccd340) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xccd380) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xcdfb40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xd1c040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xd4a440) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -262,10 +116,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xdf7b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xf137c0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xf13d40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xf3c280) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -303,10 +149,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1260840) 0
   QString (0x1260880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1260bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -369,15 +211,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x130fc00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1416c80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1416880) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -469,10 +303,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1483580) 0
   QObject (0x14835c0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1483580)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x14838c0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -492,270 +322,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x151ffc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x15616c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1561840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x15619c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1561b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1561cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1561e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1561fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1575140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x15752c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1575440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x15755c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1575740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x15758c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1575a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1575bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1575d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1575ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1594040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x15941c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1594340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x15944c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1594640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x15947c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1594940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1594ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1594c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1594dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1594f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x15af0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x15af240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x15af3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x15af540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x15af6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x15af840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x15af9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x15afb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x15afcc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x15afe40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x15affc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x15cf140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x15cf2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x15cf440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x15cf5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x15cf740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x15cf8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x15cfa40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x15cfbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x15cfd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x15cfec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x15ee040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x15ee1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x15ee340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x15ee4c0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -792,45 +410,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x14165c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x178c600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x178c7c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x178cc80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1733bc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x178cf80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1733c40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1705d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x17fa980) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractAdaptor
 QDBusAbstractAdaptor::_ZTV20QDBusAbstractAdaptor: 14u entries
@@ -873,10 +463,6 @@ Class QDBusObjectPath
 QDBusObjectPath (0x1832c00) 0
   QString (0x1832c40) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath> (0x1832f80) 0 empty
 Class QDBusSignature
    size=4 align=4
@@ -884,10 +470,6 @@ Class QDBusSignature
 QDBusSignature (0x185f9c0) 0
   QString (0x185fa00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature> (0x185fd00) 0 empty
 Class QDBusVariant
    size=16 align=8
@@ -895,20 +477,12 @@ Class QDBusVariant
 QDBusVariant (0x18b6700) 0
   QVariant (0x18b6740) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant> (0x18b6ac0) 0 empty
 Class QDBusConnection
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusConnection (0x18f7540) 0
-Class QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption> (0x18f7b40) 0
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractInterface
 QDBusAbstractInterface::_ZTV22QDBusAbstractInterface: 14u entries
@@ -940,25 +514,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xf13bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x19669c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1966d00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x19821c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x17c2100) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -966,55 +528,19 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xf13c40) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1982440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1982300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x19822c0) 0
 Class QDBusArgument
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusArgument (0x1a12280) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument> (0x1a12600) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::const_iterator (0x178cd80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::iterator (0x178cdc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator (0x17c2180) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator (0x17c21c0) 0
-Class QDBusReply<QVariant>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QDBusReply<QVariant> (0x1a8c5c0) 0
-Class QDBusReply<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QDBusReply<void> (0x1a8c9c0) 0
 Vtable for QDBusConnectionInterface
 QDBusConnectionInterface::_ZTV24QDBusConnectionInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1043,10 +569,6 @@ QDBusConnectionInterface (0x18f74c0) 0
     QObject (0x1aae3c0) 0
         primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0x1aae380)
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply> (0x1ac41c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDBusInterface
 QDBusInterface::_ZTV14QDBusInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1105,18 +627,6 @@ QDBusServer (0x1ac4e00) 0
   QObject (0x1ac4e40) 0
       primary-for QDBusServer (0x1ac4e00)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x1982180) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant> (0x1c215c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x178cc40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 105c2ee..d79f854 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f33880) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f338c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f33980) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f339c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f33a40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f33a80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f33b40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f33b80) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7f33e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7f33f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7f33f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7f33f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7f33fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77b2000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77b2040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77b2080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77b20c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77b2100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77b2140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77b2180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77b21c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77b2200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77b2240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77b2280) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -141,70 +55,18 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xb77b2440) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xb77b2480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77b2580) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77b25c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77b2600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77b2640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77b2680) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77b26c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77b2700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77b2740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77b2780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77b27c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77b2800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77b2840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77b2880) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -222,10 +84,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77b2980) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb77b29c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb77b2b80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -242,10 +100,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77b2c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb77b2cc0) 0 empty
 Class __locale_struct
    size=116 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb77b2e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb77b2e40) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb77b2e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb75f6000) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb75f6100) 0
   QString (0xb75f6140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb75f6180) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb75f64c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb75f6840) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb75f67c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb75f6a80) 0
   QObject (0xb75f6ac0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb75f6a80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb75f6b80) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb75f6c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb75f6d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb75f6d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb75f6d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb75f6dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb75f6e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb75f6e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb75f6e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb75f6ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb75f6f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb75f6f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb75f6f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb75f6fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb75f62c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb75f6380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb75f6440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb75f6680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb75f68c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb75f6940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb75f6b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb75f6c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb732c000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb732c040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb732c080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb732c0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb732c100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb732c140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb732c180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb732c1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb732c200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb732c240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb732c280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb732c2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb732c300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb732c340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb732c380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb732c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb732c400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb732c440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb732c480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb732c4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb732c500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb732c540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb732c580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb732c5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb732c600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb732c640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb732c680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb732c6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb732c700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb732c740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb732c780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb732c7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb732c800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb732c840) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,55 +421,23 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb732cd00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb732cf80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb732cfc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb732cec0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb732ce40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb723e040) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb732cf40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb723e0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb723e140) 0 empty
 Class QDBusConnection
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusConnection (0xb723e180) 0
-Class QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption> (0xb723e200) 0
 Class QDBusError
    size=16 align=4
@@ -873,15 +455,7 @@ Class QDBusObjectPath
 QDBusObjectPath (0xb723e2c0) 0
   QString (0xb723e300) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb723e340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusObjectPath> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusObjectPath> > (0xb723e400) 0 empty
 Class QDBusSignature
    size=4 align=4
@@ -889,15 +463,7 @@ Class QDBusSignature
 QDBusSignature (0xb723e4c0) 0
   QString (0xb723e500) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature> (0xb723e540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusSignature> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusSignature> > (0xb723e600) 0 empty
 Class QDBusVariant
    size=12 align=4
@@ -905,20 +471,8 @@ Class QDBusVariant
 QDBusVariant (0xb723e6c0) 0
   QVariant (0xb723e700) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant> (0xb723e740) 0 empty
-Class QDBusReply<QVariant>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QDBusReply<QVariant> (0xb723e840) 0
-Class QDBusReply<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QDBusReply<void> (0xb723e980) 0
 Vtable for QDBusServer
 QDBusServer::_ZTV11QDBusServer: 14u entries
@@ -975,25 +529,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb723eb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb723ebc0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb723ec00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb723ecc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb723ec40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1001,15 +543,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb723ed00) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb723ed40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb723edc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb723ee00) 0
 Vtable for QDBusConnectionInterface
 QDBusConnectionInterface::_ZTV24QDBusConnectionInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1038,10 +572,6 @@ QDBusConnectionInterface (0xb723eec0) 0
     QObject (0xb723ef40) 0
         primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0xb723ef00)
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply> (0xb723e900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDBusInterface
 QDBusInterface::_ZTV14QDBusInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1075,30 +605,10 @@ Class QDBusArgument
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusArgument (0xb723efc0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument> (0xb716d000) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::const_iterator (0xb716d1c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::iterator (0xb716d240) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator (0xb716d340) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator (0xb716d3c0) 0
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractAdaptor
 QDBusAbstractAdaptor::_ZTV20QDBusAbstractAdaptor: 14u entries
@@ -1135,58 +645,14 @@ Class QDBusMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QDBusMetaType (0xb716d500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant> (0xb716d7c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb716d840) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb716d940) 0
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath>::<anonymous union> (0xb716db40) 0
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb716dac0) 0
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature>::<anonymous union> (0xb716dcc0) 0
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature> (0xb716dc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb716dd80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath>::Node (0xb716de00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDBusSignature> (0xb716de80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature>::Node (0xb716df00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index f9c6689..9b90826 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fd9880) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7fd98c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7fd9980) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fd99c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fd9a40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7fd9a80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7fd9b40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fd9b80) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7fd9e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7fd9f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7fd9f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7fd9f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7fd9fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb785a000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb785a040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb785a080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb785a0c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb785a100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb785a140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb785a180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb785a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb785a200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb785a240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb785a280) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -141,70 +55,18 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xb785a480) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xb785a4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb785a5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb785a600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb785a640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb785a680) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb785a6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb785a700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb785a740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb785a780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb785a7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb785a800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb785a840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb785a880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb785a8c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -222,10 +84,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb785a9c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb785aa00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb785abc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -242,10 +100,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb785ac80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb785ad00) 0 empty
 Class __locale_struct
    size=116 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb785ae40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb785ae80) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb785aec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb76a20c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb76a21c0) 0
   QString (0xb76a2200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb76a2240) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb76a2580) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb76a2900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb76a2880) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb76a2b40) 0
   QObject (0xb76a2b80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb76a2b40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb76a2c40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb76a2d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb76a2dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb76a2e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb76a2e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb76a2e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb76a2ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb76a2f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb76a2f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb76a2f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb76a2fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb76a2000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb76a2040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb76a2380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb76a2440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb76a2500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb76a2740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb76a2980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb76a2a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb76a2bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb76a2cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb73e0000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb73e0040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb73e0080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb73e00c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb73e0100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb73e0140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb73e0180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb73e01c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb73e0200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb73e0240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb73e0280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb73e02c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb73e0300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb73e0340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb73e0380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb73e03c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb73e0400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb73e0440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb73e0480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb73e04c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb73e0500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb73e0540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb73e0580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb73e05c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb73e0600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb73e0640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb73e0680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb73e06c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb73e0700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb73e0740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb73e0780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb73e07c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb73e0800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb73e0840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb73e0880) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,45 +421,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb73e0d40) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb73e0fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb73e0bc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb73e0f40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb73e0ec0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb72f3080) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb72f3000) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb72f3100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb72f3180) 0 empty
 Class QDBusError
    size=16 align=4
@@ -882,25 +468,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb72f32c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb72f3300) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb72f3340) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb72f3400) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb72f3380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -908,15 +482,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb72f3440) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb72f3480) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb72f3500) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb72f3540) 0
 Class QDBusObjectPath
    size=4 align=4
@@ -924,15 +490,7 @@ Class QDBusObjectPath
 QDBusObjectPath (0xb72f3600) 0
   QString (0xb72f3640) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb72f3680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusObjectPath> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusObjectPath> > (0xb72f3740) 0 empty
 Class QDBusSignature
    size=4 align=4
@@ -940,15 +498,7 @@ Class QDBusSignature
 QDBusSignature (0xb72f3800) 0
   QString (0xb72f3840) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature> (0xb72f3880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusSignature> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusSignature> > (0xb72f3940) 0 empty
 Class QDBusVariant
    size=12 align=4
@@ -956,40 +506,16 @@ Class QDBusVariant
 QDBusVariant (0xb72f3a00) 0
   QVariant (0xb72f3a40) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant> (0xb72f3a80) 0 empty
 Class QDBusArgument
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusArgument (0xb72f3b40) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument> (0xb72f3b80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::const_iterator (0xb72f3d80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::iterator (0xb72f3e00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator (0xb72f3f40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator (0xb72f3fc0) 0
 Class QDBusMetaType
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1001,10 +527,6 @@ Class QDBusConnection
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusConnection (0xb72f3e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption> (0xb7213000) 0
 Class QDBusMessage
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1036,15 +558,7 @@ QDBusAbstractInterface (0xb7213080) 0
   QObject (0xb72130c0) 0
       primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0xb7213080)
-Class QDBusReply<QVariant>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QDBusReply<QVariant> (0xb7213180) 0
-Class QDBusReply<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QDBusReply<void> (0xb7213240) 0
 Vtable for QDBusConnectionInterface
 QDBusConnectionInterface::_ZTV24QDBusConnectionInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1073,10 +587,6 @@ QDBusConnectionInterface (0xb72132c0) 0
     QObject (0xb7213340) 0
         primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0xb7213300)
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply> (0xb7213400) 0 empty
 Class QDBusContext
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1135,58 +645,14 @@ QDBusServer (0xb7213580) 0
   QObject (0xb72135c0) 0
       primary-for QDBusServer (0xb7213580)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb7213680) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant> (0xb72139c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb7213a40) 0
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath>::<anonymous union> (0xb7213c40) 0
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb7213bc0) 0
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature>::<anonymous union> (0xb7213dc0) 0
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature> (0xb7213d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb7213e80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath>::Node (0xb7213f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDBusSignature> (0xb7213f80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature>::Node (0xb7213100) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 44e38a4..2eaf562 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f55880) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f558c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f55980) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f559c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f55a40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f55a80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f55b40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f55b80) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7f55e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7f55f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7f55f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7f55f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7f55fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77d4000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77d4040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77d4080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77d40c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77d4100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77d4140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77d4180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77d41c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77d4200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77d4240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77d4280) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -141,70 +55,18 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xb77d4440) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xb77d4480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77d4580) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77d45c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77d4600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77d4640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77d4680) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77d46c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77d4700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77d4740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77d4780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77d47c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77d4800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77d4840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77d4880) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -222,10 +84,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77d4980) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb77d49c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb77d4b80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -242,10 +100,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77d4c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb77d4cc0) 0 empty
 Class __locale_struct
    size=116 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb77d4e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb77d4e40) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb77d4e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb7618000) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb7618100) 0
   QString (0xb7618140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb7618180) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb76184c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb7618840) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb76187c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb7618a80) 0
   QObject (0xb7618ac0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb7618a80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb7618b80) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb7618c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb7618d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb7618d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb7618d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb7618dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb7618e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb7618e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb7618e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb7618ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb7618f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb7618f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb7618f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb7618fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb76182c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb7618380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb7618440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb7618680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb76188c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb7618940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb7618b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb7618c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb734e000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb734e040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb734e080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb734e0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb734e100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb734e140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb734e180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb734e1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb734e200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb734e240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb734e280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb734e2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb734e300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb734e340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb734e380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb734e3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb734e400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb734e440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb734e480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb734e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb734e500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb734e540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb734e580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb734e5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb734e600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb734e640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb734e680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb734e6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb734e700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb734e740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb734e780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb734e7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb734e800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb734e840) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,55 +421,23 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb734ed00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb734ef80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb734efc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb734eec0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb734ee40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb7260040) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb734ef40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb72600c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb7260140) 0 empty
 Class QDBusConnection
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusConnection (0xb7260180) 0
-Class QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption> (0xb7260200) 0
 Class QDBusError
    size=16 align=4
@@ -873,15 +455,7 @@ Class QDBusObjectPath
 QDBusObjectPath (0xb72602c0) 0
   QString (0xb7260300) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb7260340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusObjectPath> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusObjectPath> > (0xb7260400) 0 empty
 Class QDBusSignature
    size=4 align=4
@@ -889,15 +463,7 @@ Class QDBusSignature
 QDBusSignature (0xb72604c0) 0
   QString (0xb7260500) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature> (0xb7260540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusSignature> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusSignature> > (0xb7260600) 0 empty
 Class QDBusVariant
    size=12 align=4
@@ -905,20 +471,8 @@ Class QDBusVariant
 QDBusVariant (0xb72606c0) 0
   QVariant (0xb7260700) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant> (0xb7260740) 0 empty
-Class QDBusReply<QVariant>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QDBusReply<QVariant> (0xb7260840) 0
-Class QDBusReply<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QDBusReply<void> (0xb7260980) 0
 Vtable for QDBusServer
 QDBusServer::_ZTV11QDBusServer: 14u entries
@@ -975,25 +529,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb7260b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb7260bc0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb7260c00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb7260cc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb7260c40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1001,15 +543,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb7260d00) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb7260d40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb7260dc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb7260e00) 0
 Vtable for QDBusConnectionInterface
 QDBusConnectionInterface::_ZTV24QDBusConnectionInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1038,10 +572,6 @@ QDBusConnectionInterface (0xb7260ec0) 0
     QObject (0xb7260f40) 0
         primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0xb7260f00)
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply> (0xb7260900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDBusInterface
 QDBusInterface::_ZTV14QDBusInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1075,30 +605,10 @@ Class QDBusArgument
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusArgument (0xb7260fc0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument> (0xb718f000) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::const_iterator (0xb718f1c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::iterator (0xb718f240) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator (0xb718f340) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator (0xb718f3c0) 0
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractAdaptor
 QDBusAbstractAdaptor::_ZTV20QDBusAbstractAdaptor: 14u entries
@@ -1135,58 +645,14 @@ Class QDBusMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QDBusMetaType (0xb718f500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant> (0xb718f7c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb718f840) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb718f940) 0
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath>::<anonymous union> (0xb718fb40) 0
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb718fac0) 0
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature>::<anonymous union> (0xb718fcc0) 0
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature> (0xb718fc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb718fd80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath>::Node (0xb718fe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDBusSignature> (0xb718fe80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature>::Node (0xb718ff00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 64b9425..cc08d5a 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDBus.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb77b9c30) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb77b9c6c) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7c16b40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb77b9ce4) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb77b9e10) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb77b9e4c) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7c16d00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb77b9ec4) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77d52d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77d54b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77d55a0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77d5690) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77d5780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77d5870) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77d5960) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77d5a50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77d5b40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77d5c30) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77d5d20) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77d5e10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77d5f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77f0000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77f00f0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77f01e0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb780c1e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7828e88) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6aaba50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6af2b40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb6af2dd4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb693f708) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb694a03c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb694a960) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb695c294) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb695cbb8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb696e4ec) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb696ee10) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb6983744) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb6991078) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb699199c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb69a92d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb69a9bf4) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb69bd690) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb680b924) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb6734b00) 0
   QString (0xb6769ce4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6784000) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb67f0690) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6697960) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6665ca8) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb66a50b4) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb66a5f78) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb66da000) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb66d81e0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb66d86cc) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb66d84ec) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb66ec834) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb66ec7bc) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb652be80) 0
   QObject (0xb6530834) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb652be80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb654fb40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6591a50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb65c3258) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb65c3348) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb65c38ac) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb65c3834) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb659df80) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb65c38e8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb65f2654) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb65f2870) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb641cb04) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb642b690) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb62fcfb4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6301078) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb639f000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb639f0f0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb639f078) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb639f168) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb639f1e0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb639f258) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb639f2d0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb639f30c) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb63d8a8c) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb62030c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb62041e0) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb62030c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6204ca8) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6204d20) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6204c30) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6204d98) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6204e10) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6204e88) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6204f00) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6204f78) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62045a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb621f03c) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb621f078) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb621f1a4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb621f12c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb621f0f0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb621f21c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb621f30c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb621f294) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb621f384) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb621f474) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb621f3fc) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb621f528) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb621f5a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb621f618) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb612f3c0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb6148000) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb612ffb4) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb6148348) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb6148474) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb6148b7c) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb6148bf4) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb618a780) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb61836cc) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb618a780)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb61b4e4c) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb61e26c0) 0
   QObject (0xb61e54ec) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb61e26c0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb61e2dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb61e2e00) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb61e2dc0)
-    QObject (0xb6001000) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb61e2e00)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb603f2c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb6044000) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb603f2c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb60447f8) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb603fc40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb6044870) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb603fe00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb603fe40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb6044d20) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb603fe40)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb605d6cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb605d744) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb605d960) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb605da50) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb605dac8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb605db40) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb605dbb8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb605dc30) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb605dca8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb605dd20) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb605dd98) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb605de10) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb605de88) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb605df00) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb605df78) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb607c000) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb607c0f0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb607c168) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb607c1e0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb607c564) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb607c5dc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb607c6cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb607c744) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb607c7bc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb607c9d8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb607ca14) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb607ca50) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb607ca8c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb607cac8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb607cb04) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb607cb7c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb607cbb8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb607cbf4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb607cc30) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb607cc6c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb607cca8) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb609d690) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb60c2c6c) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f150b4) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f152d0) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb5f156cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f15834) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb5f1599c) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb5f59078) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb5f5cac8) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb5f6b690) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5f6b708) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb5f6b9d8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5f6bb40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5f6bac8) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb5f6bbb8) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb5dfa0f0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5dfa3c0) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb5dfb7c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5dfa3fc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5dfa438) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5dfb880) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5dfa474) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb5dfa690) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb5e5bf78) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5e5bfb4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb5ea0b40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5e5bf3c) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5eedc6c) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5d3a100) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5d3a140) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5eedce4) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5eedbf4) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5eedd20) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5d3a2c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5eedd5c) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5eede10) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5d3a4c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5d3a500) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5eede88) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5eedd98) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5eedec4) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5eedf78) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5d3a680) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5eedf00) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5de012c) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5de8640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5de6ac8) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5de8640)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5de8740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5de6bb8) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5de8740)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5de6b7c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5de6c6c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5c096c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5c0f000) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5c09800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5c09840) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5c09800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c0f078) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5c09840)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c098c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c09900) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c098c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c0f168) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c09900)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5c0f21c) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c69654) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c698e8) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5c69b7c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5cd4fa0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5cb1ac8) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5cd4fa0)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5cb1b04) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ce3870) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5cf3690) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ce3870)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5cf36cc) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5ce7800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5afe6e0) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5ce7800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5cf37bc) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5afe6e0)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5cf37f8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5ce79c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5b05e60) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5ce79c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b04b04) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5b05e60)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5b04b40) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5ce7a40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5ce7a80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5ce7a40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b094b0) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5ce7a80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5b04ca8) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b094b0)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5b04ce4) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5b0d654) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b17480) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b0dec4) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b17480)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b17540) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b0dfb4) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b17540)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5b69618) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5b9ba80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b9bac0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5b9ba80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b69c6c) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b9bac0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b9bb00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b69d5c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b9bb00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b9bb80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b69e4c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b9bb80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5b9bc00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b9bc40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5b9bc00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b69f3c) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b9bc40)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b9bcc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b695dc) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b9bcc0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b9bd40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b69f00) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b9bd40)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5bf0d80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5be27bc) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5bf0d80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5bf0dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5be28ac) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5bf0dc0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a3aa40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a3aa80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a224ec) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a3aa80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5a226cc) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a3abc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a3ac00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a22708) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a3ac00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5a228ac) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a79480) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a794c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a22e10) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a794c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a79580) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a795c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a880f0) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a795c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb5a887f8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5a88834) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb5aa6480) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5a88870) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5a88e4c) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ae0380 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aeab40) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ae0380) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aeab40)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ae03c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5a88e88) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ae03c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ae0400) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ae03c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5af3000) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ae0700 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58f4be0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ae0700) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58f4be0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ae0740) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5af303c) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ae0740)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ae0780) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ae0740) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb5af3924) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb5af38ac) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb5af3834) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb5af3780) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb5af3ce4) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb59264b0) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb5817924) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb582c370) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb581ca00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb582c370)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb5817b04) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb581ca00)
-  QRunnable (0xb5817b40) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb581ca80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb582c780) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb581ca80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb581cac0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb582c780)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb5817ce4) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb581cac0)
-    QRunnable (0xb5817d20) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb577fe00) 0
     QObject (0xb579e078) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb577fe40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb57b59d8) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb57c65a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb57d4c30) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb57d4f3c) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb57eaca8) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb57eac30) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb57ead98) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb561630c) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb56163fc) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb56446cc) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb56577bc) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb567799c) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5686168) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb56e712c) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb56e71a4) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb56bcf3c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb56e799c) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb56e7b04) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb550c3fc) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb550c834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb550ca14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb550cbf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb550cdd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb550cfb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb55211a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb5521384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb5521564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb5521744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb5521924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb5521b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb5521ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb5521ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb552b0b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb552b294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb552b474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb552b654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb552b834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb552ba14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb552bbf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb552bdd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb552bfb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb55321a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb5532384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb5532564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb5532744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb5532924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb5532b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb5532ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb5532ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb553a0b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb553a294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb553a474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb553a654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb553a834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb553aa14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb553abf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb553add4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb553afb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb55431a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb5543384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb5543564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb5543744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb5543924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb5543b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb5543ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb5543ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb55480b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb5548294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb5548474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb5548654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb5548834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb5548a14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb5548bf4) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb5548dd4) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5582870) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb55827f8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5582960) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb55828e8) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb55bace4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb55c530c) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb55c54ec) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb55c56cc) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb5415744) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb5423690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb544a0f0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5412ac0) 0
   QObject (0xb544af78) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5412ac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb545c5a0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb547e834) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb5493bf4) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb5493ce4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb549c438) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb54e95a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb54e9d20) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb532a960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb532ae10) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb532af00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb5362348) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb5362744) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb5362a8c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb53ad7c0) 0
   QObject (0xb53d03c0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb53ad7c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb53de30c) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb52098e8) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5209f78) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5209c6c) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5220474) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb5259a50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb5268744) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb5284744) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb52a40f0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb52a41e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb52b2744) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb52b2834) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb52baf3c) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb52cc0b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb52cc690) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb50ca12c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb50caa14) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb50ec0f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb50ec4b0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb510a618) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb511b03c) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb5178f78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb51ac960) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb51c6bf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb4fd4d20) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb4ff2a50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb500b924) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb5052528) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb506ca50) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb4f101e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f1a780) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f1a8e8) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f1a870) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb4f1a960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb4f3d384) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb4f3d4b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb4f4e078) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb4f4e1a4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb4f6312c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4573,15 +2760,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0xb4dde744) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ddea50) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb4dde9d8) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -4964,40 +3143,16 @@ Class QDBusVariant
 QDBusVariant (0xb4e4df40) 0
   QVariant (0xb4e946cc) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusVariant> (0xb4e9e0b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb4e9e258) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusObjectPath> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusObjectPath> > (0xb4e9e3fc) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusSignature> (0xb4e9e5a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusSignature> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QDBusSignature> > (0xb4e9e744) 0 empty
 Class QDBusConnection
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusConnection (0xb4e9e8e8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDBusConnection::RegisterOption> (0xb4eac690) 0
 Vtable for QDBusAbstractInterface
 QDBusAbstractInterface::_ZTV22QDBusAbstractInterface: 14u entries
@@ -5029,40 +3184,12 @@ Class QDBusArgument
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDBusArgument (0xb4cd712c) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::const_iterator (0xb4cdf9d8) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::iterator (0xb4cdfa50) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator (0xb4d0c000) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator (0xb4d0c078) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument> (0xb4d0c21c) 0 empty
-Class QDBusReply<QVariant>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QDBusReply<QVariant> (0xb4d0c654) 0
-Class QDBusReply<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QDBusReply<void> (0xb4d0c924) 0
 Vtable for QDBusConnectionInterface
 QDBusConnectionInterface::_ZTV24QDBusConnectionInterface: 14u entries
@@ -5091,10 +3218,6 @@ QDBusConnectionInterface (0xb4d3f100) 0
     QObject (0xb4d42078) 0
         primary-for QDBusAbstractInterface (0xb4d3f140)
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply> (0xb4d42c6c) 0 empty
 Class QDBusContext
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5158,103 +3281,23 @@ QDBusServer (0xb4d3f840) 0
   QObject (0xb4d4f708) 0
       primary-for QDBusServer (0xb4d3f840)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb4daa474) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb4dbda14) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDBusVariant> (0xb4c545dc) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb4c54b04) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::Node
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::Node (0xb4c54fb4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb4ca621c) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb4ca6294) 0
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ad5690) 0
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb4ad5618) 0
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ad5f00) 0
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature> (0xb4ad5e88) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb4b08e10) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb4b08f3c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb4b191a4) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0xb4b1921c) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::PayloadNode
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::PayloadNode (0xb4b374b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDBusObjectPath>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDBusObjectPath> (0xb4b37ce4) 0 empty
-Class QList<QDBusObjectPath>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusObjectPath>::Node (0xb4b37d5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDBusSignature>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDBusSignature> (0xb4b37fb4) 0 empty
-Class QList<QDBusSignature>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDBusSignature>::Node (0xb4b5d03c) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 095cc1e..6a0e8e6 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7866000) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7866040) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7866100) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7866140) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb78661c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7866200) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb78662c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7866300) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7866580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7866640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7866680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb78666c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7866700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7866740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7866780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb78667c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb7866800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7866840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7866880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb78668c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb7866900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7866940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7866980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb78669c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7866b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7866bc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7866ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7866f00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb7866f40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb7866f80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7866fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb73fb000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb73fb040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb73fb080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb73fb0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb73fb100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb73fb140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb73fb180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb73fb1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb73fb200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb73fb240) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb73fb2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb73fb440) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb73fb540) 0
   QString (0xb73fb580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb73fb5c0) 0 empty
 Class QGenericArgument
    size=8 align=4
@@ -303,10 +149,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb73fb640) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb73fb680) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb73fb840) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb73fbb80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb73fbf00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb73fbe80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -478,30 +312,10 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb7119040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb7119080) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >::<anonymous union> (0xb7119900) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> > (0xb7119880) 0
-Class QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>::<anonymous union> (0xb7119a00) 0
-Class QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> (0xb7119980) 0
 Vtable for QExtensionManager
 QExtensionManager::_ZTV17QExtensionManager: 24u entries
@@ -545,60 +359,36 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb7119ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb7119cc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb7119d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb7119f40) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb7119640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb7119840) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb7119940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb7119a40) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb7119a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb7119bc0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb7119c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb7119b00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -657,10 +447,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb7119c40) 0
   QObject (0xb7119d80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb7119c40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb7119e40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -680,25 +466,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb7119f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb7119dc0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb7119ec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6da2080) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6da2000) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -706,80 +480,28 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6da20c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6da2100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6da2180) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6da21c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6da2300) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6da2340) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6da2380) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb6da22c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0xb6da2280) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6da24c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6da2500) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6da2480) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6da2540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6da2580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6da25c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6da2600) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6da2640) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -791,80 +513,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6da26c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6da2700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6da2740) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6da2780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6da2840) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6da2800) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6da27c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6da2880) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6da2900) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6da28c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6da2940) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6da29c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6da2980) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6da2a00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6da2a40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6da2a80) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -881,15 +547,7 @@ Class QVectorData
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVectorData (0xb6da2b40) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb6da2d80) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb6da2d00) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -897,15 +555,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb6da2dc0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb6da2e00) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb6da2ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb6da2e40) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -928,30 +578,18 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6da2400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6da2fc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6d12000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6d12040) 0 empty
 Class QMatrix
    size=48 align=4
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb6d12080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb6d120c0) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -976,10 +614,6 @@ QImage (0xb6d12140) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb6d12180) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb6d12140)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb6d122c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -1004,45 +638,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb6d12480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb6d124c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb6d12500) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb6d12640) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb6d125c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d126c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d12700) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d12740) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb6d12680) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1113,10 +719,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb6d12d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb6d12dc0) 0 empty
 Class QWidgetData
    size=64 align=4
@@ -1342,65 +944,17 @@ Class QDesignerDnDItemInterface
 QDesignerDnDItemInterface (0xb69f4180) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerDnDItemInterface::_ZTV25QDesignerDnDItemInterface) + 8u)
-Class QPointer<QWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QWidget> (0xb69f4300) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface> (0xb69f4380) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface> (0xb69f4400) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface> (0xb69f4480) 0
-Class QPointer<QExtensionManager>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QExtensionManager> (0xb69f4500) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface> (0xb69f4580) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface> (0xb69f4600) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface> (0xb69f4680) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface> (0xb69f4700) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerBrushManagerInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerBrushManagerInterface> (0xb69f4780) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerIconCacheInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerIconCacheInterface> (0xb69f4800) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerActionEditorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerActionEditorInterface> (0xb69f4880) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerFormEditorInterface
 QDesignerFormEditorInterface::_ZTV28QDesignerFormEditorInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1953,295 +1507,71 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb69f45c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb69f4740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb69f47c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb69f4840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb69f48c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb69f4940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb69f4a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb69f4b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb69f4bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb69f4c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb69f4d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb69f4dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb69f4f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb69f4fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb68f8000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb68f8040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb68f8080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb68f80c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb68f8100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb68f8140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb68f8180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb68f81c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb68f8200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb68f8240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb68f8280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb68f82c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb68f8300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb68f8340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb68f8380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb68f83c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb68f8400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb68f8440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb68f8480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb68f84c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb68f8500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb68f8540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb68f8580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb68f85c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb68f8600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb68f8640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb68f8680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb68f86c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb68f8700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb68f8740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb68f8780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb68f87c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb68f8800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb68f8840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb68f8880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb68f88c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb68f8900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb68f8940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb68f8980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb68f89c0) 0 empty
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb68f8a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb68f8ac0) 0 empty
 Class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget (0xb68f8c00) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::<anonymous union> (0xb68f8d40) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb68f8cc0) 0
 Class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Category
    size=12 align=4
@@ -2339,10 +1669,6 @@ QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface (0xb68f8b00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb68f8bc0) 8
         vptr=((& QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::_ZTV27QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface) + 284u)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb68f8e40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface::_ZTV36QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface: 30u entries
@@ -2383,15 +1709,7 @@ Class QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface (0xb68f8f40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface::_ZTV36QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface) + 8u)
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>::<anonymous union> (0xb68f8f80) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*> (0xb68f8c80) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface::_ZTV32QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface: 22u entries
@@ -2575,25 +1893,9 @@ Class QDesignerTaskMenuExtension
 QDesignerTaskMenuExtension (0xb6786540) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerTaskMenuExtension::_ZTV26QDesignerTaskMenuExtension) + 8u)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6786700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67866c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6786740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6786780) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2615,15 +1917,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6786880) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6786900) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb67868c0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -2635,10 +1929,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6786980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67869c0) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -2684,80 +1974,28 @@ QFile (0xb6786a00) 0
     QObject (0xb6786a80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6786a40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6786b00) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6786b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6786b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6786bc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6786c80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb6786c00) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6786cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6786d40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6786dc0) 0
-Class QHash<QObject*, bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QObject*, bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb6786f00) 0
-Class QHash<QObject*, bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QObject*, bool> (0xb6786e80) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6786000) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QAction*> (0xb6786f80) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6786280) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QActionGroup*> (0xb67860c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFormBuilder
 QAbstractFormBuilder::_ZTV20QAbstractFormBuilder: 48u entries
@@ -2875,15 +2113,7 @@ Class QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface
 QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface (0xb66d9080) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface::_ZTV40QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface) + 8u)
-Class QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>::<anonymous union> (0xb66d9240) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*> (0xb66d91c0) 0
 Vtable for QFormBuilder
 QFormBuilder::_ZTV12QFormBuilder: 49u entries
@@ -2945,43 +2175,11 @@ QFormBuilder (0xb66d9100) 0
   QAbstractFormBuilder (0xb66d9140) 0
       primary-for QFormBuilder (0xb66d9100)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb66d9380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb66d9400) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb66d9480) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::Node (0xb66d9500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb66d9580) 0 empty
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb66d9740) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb66d9800) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb66d98c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 8af0459..ec449b9 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7793080) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb77930c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7793180) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb77931c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7793240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7793280) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7793340) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7793380) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7793640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7793700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7793740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7793780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77937c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7793800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7793840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7793880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77938c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7793900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7793940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7793980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77939c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7793a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7793a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7793a80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb7793ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb7793bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb7793c00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7793c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb7793c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb7793cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb7793d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb7793d40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb7793d80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb7793dc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb7793e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb7793e40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb7793e80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb7793ec0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb7793fc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb7299000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb72991c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7299280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7299300) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7299600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7299640) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb7299680) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb7299880) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb7299980) 0
   QString (0xb72999c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb7299a00) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb7299d40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb7299c00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb7299800) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -443,60 +277,36 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6e93140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6e93340) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6e933c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6e935c0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6e93680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6e938c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6e93900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6e93b40) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6e93b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6e93c80) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6e93cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6e93d80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -555,10 +365,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6e93ec0) 0
   QObject (0xb6e93f00) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6e93ec0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6e93fc0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -578,25 +384,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6e931c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6e93200) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6e93240) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e93300) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6e93280) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -604,80 +398,28 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6e93180) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6e93400) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6e93480) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6e934c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e93700) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e93740) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e93780) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb6e936c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0xb6e93580) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e937c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e93800) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6e93880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e93940) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e93980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e939c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e93a00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e93a40) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -689,80 +431,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6e93ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e93b00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e93bc0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6e93c00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6e93d40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6e93d00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e93c40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e93e40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d0e000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e93f40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d0e040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d0e0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d0e080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d0e100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d0e140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d0e180) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -779,15 +465,7 @@ Class QVectorData
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVectorData (0xb6d0e240) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb6d0e480) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb6d0e400) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -795,15 +473,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb6d0e4c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb6d0e500) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb6d0e5c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb6d0e540) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -826,30 +496,18 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6d0e800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6d0e840) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6d0e880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6d0e8c0) 0 empty
 Class QMatrix
    size=48 align=4
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb6d0e900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb6d0e940) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -861,25 +519,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb6d0e980) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb6d0ec00) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb6d0eb80) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb6d0ea80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb6d0ec40) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -891,10 +537,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb6d0ed40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb6d0ed80) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -919,10 +561,6 @@ QImage (0xb6d0ee40) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb6d0ee80) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb6d0ee40)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb6d0efc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -947,45 +585,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb6d0e740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb6d0ea00) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb6d0ea40) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb6965000) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb6d0ef40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6965080) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb69650c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6965100) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb6965040) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1046,10 +656,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb69655c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb69656c0) 0
 Class QCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1061,10 +667,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb6965740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb6965800) 0 empty
 Class QWidgetData
    size=64 align=4
@@ -1147,10 +749,6 @@ QWidget (0xb6965880) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb6965900) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb6965b40) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface
 QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface::_ZTV32QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface: 70u entries
@@ -1324,300 +922,72 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6965e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6965ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6965f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6965f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6965f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6965fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6965300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6965480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb69654c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6965640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6965680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6965780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb69657c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6965940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6965980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb69659c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6965a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6965a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6965a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6965ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6965c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6965dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb675b000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb675b040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb675b080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb675b0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb675b100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb675b140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb675b180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb675b1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb675b200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb675b240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb675b280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb675b2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb675b300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb675b340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb675b380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb675b3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb675b400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb675b440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb675b480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb675b4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb675b500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb675b540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb675b580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb675b5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb675b600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb675b640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb675b680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb675b6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb675b700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb675b740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb675b780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb675b7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb675b800) 0 empty
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb675b840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb675b900) 0 empty
 Class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget (0xb675ba40) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::<anonymous union> (0xb675bb80) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb675bb00) 0
 Class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Category
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1715,10 +1085,6 @@ QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface (0xb675b940) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb675ba00) 8
         vptr=((& QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::_ZTV27QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface) + 284u)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb675bc80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDesignerFormWindowInterface
 QDesignerFormWindowInterface::_ZTV28QDesignerFormWindowInterface: 114u entries
@@ -1909,10 +1275,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb680f040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb680f080) 0 empty
 Class QDesignerPromotionInterface::PromotedClass
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2512,15 +1874,7 @@ Class QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface (0xb65e4600) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface::_ZTV36QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface) + 8u)
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>::<anonymous union> (0xb65e47c0) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*> (0xb65e4740) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface::_ZTV32QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface: 22u entries
@@ -2581,65 +1935,17 @@ Class QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface
 QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface (0xb65e4840) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface::_ZTV34QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface) + 8u)
-Class QPointer<QWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QWidget> (0xb65e49c0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface> (0xb65e4a40) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface> (0xb65e4ac0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface> (0xb65e4b40) 0
-Class QPointer<QExtensionManager>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QExtensionManager> (0xb65e4bc0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface> (0xb65e4c40) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface> (0xb65e4cc0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface> (0xb65e4d40) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface> (0xb65e4dc0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerBrushManagerInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerBrushManagerInterface> (0xb65e4e40) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerIconCacheInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerIconCacheInterface> (0xb65e4ec0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerActionEditorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerActionEditorInterface> (0xb65e4f40) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerFormEditorInterface
 QDesignerFormEditorInterface::_ZTV28QDesignerFormEditorInterface: 14u entries
@@ -2776,25 +2082,9 @@ Class QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface
 QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface (0xb65e4880) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface::_ZTV40QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface) + 8u)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb65e4a00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65e4980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65e4a80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65e4b00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2816,15 +2106,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb65e4d00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb65e4e00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb65e4d80) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -2836,10 +2118,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb65e4f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65e4f80) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -2885,80 +2163,28 @@ QFile (0xb64f2000) 0
     QObject (0xb64f2080) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb64f2040)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb64f2100) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb64f2140) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb64f2180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb64f21c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb64f2280) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb64f2200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb64f22c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb64f2340) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb64f23c0) 0
-Class QHash<QObject*, bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QObject*, bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb64f2500) 0
-Class QHash<QObject*, bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QObject*, bool> (0xb64f2480) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb64f2600) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QAction*> (0xb64f2580) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>::<anonymous union> (0xb64f2700) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QActionGroup*> (0xb64f2680) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFormBuilder
 QAbstractFormBuilder::_ZTV20QAbstractFormBuilder: 48u entries
@@ -3037,15 +2263,7 @@ Class QDesignerContainerExtension
 QDesignerContainerExtension (0xb64f2800) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerContainerExtension::_ZTV27QDesignerContainerExtension) + 8u)
-Class QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>::<anonymous union> (0xb64f2a80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*> (0xb64f2a00) 0
 Vtable for QFormBuilder
 QFormBuilder::_ZTV12QFormBuilder: 49u entries
@@ -3107,25 +2325,9 @@ QFormBuilder (0xb64f2940) 0
   QAbstractFormBuilder (0xb64f2980) 0
       primary-for QFormBuilder (0xb64f2940)
-Class QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >::<anonymous union> (0xb64f2cc0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> > (0xb64f2c40) 0
-Class QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>::<anonymous union> (0xb64f2dc0) 0
-Class QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> (0xb64f2d40) 0
 Vtable for QExtensionManager
 QExtensionManager::_ZTV17QExtensionManager: 24u entries
@@ -3164,53 +2366,13 @@ QExtensionManager (0xb64f2b40) 0
   QAbstractExtensionManager (0xb64f2bc0) 8 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QExtensionManager::_ZTV17QExtensionManager) + 76u)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb64f2e80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb64f2f00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb64f2f80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb64f20c0) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::Node (0xb64f2540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb64f2740) 0 empty
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb64f2b00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb64f2c00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb64f2e00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb61c1040) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 8e21c14..bebd0d7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb778f080) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb778f0c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb778f180) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb778f1c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb778f240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb778f280) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb778f340) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb778f380) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb778f640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb778f700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb778f740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb778f780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb778f7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb778f800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb778f840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb778f880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb778f8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb778f900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb778f940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb778f980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb778f9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb778fa00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb778fa40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb778fa80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb778fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb778fc80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb778ffc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb72ec000) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb72ec040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb72ec080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb72ec0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb72ec100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb72ec140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb72ec180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb72ec1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb72ec200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb72ec240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb72ec280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb72ec2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb72ec300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb72ec340) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb72ec400) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb72ec600) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb72ec700) 0
   QString (0xb72ec740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb72ec780) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb72ec840) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb72ec880) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb72eca40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb72ecd80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb72ecd00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb72ecb80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -525,15 +359,7 @@ Class QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface (0xb6e88380) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface::_ZTV36QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface) + 8u)
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e88540) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*> (0xb6e884c0) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface::_ZTV32QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface: 22u entries
@@ -638,10 +464,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6e88ac0) 0
   QObject (0xb6e88b00) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6e88ac0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6e88bc0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -661,60 +483,24 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6e88cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6e88f00) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6e88f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6e88000) 0 empty
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e88200) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e88280) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6e88080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e88340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e883c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e88480) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e88580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e88600) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -726,80 +512,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6e88b40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e88c40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e88d00) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6e88d40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6e88e00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6e88dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e88d80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e88e40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e88ec0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e88e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e88f80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6c55000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e88fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c55040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c55080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c550c0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -821,25 +551,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6c55340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6c55380) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6c553c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6c55480) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6c55400) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -847,35 +565,11 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6c554c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6c55500) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6c55580) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6c555c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6c55700) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6c55740) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6c55780) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb6c556c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -887,50 +581,26 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6c55840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6c55a40) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6c55ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6c55cc0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6c55d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6c55e80) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6c55ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6c55f80) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb6c55800) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb6c55fc0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -938,15 +608,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb6c55880) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb6c558c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb6c55980) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb6c55900) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -969,30 +631,18 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6c55c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6c55b40) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6c55b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6c55bc0) 0 empty
 Class QMatrix
    size=48 align=4
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb6c55c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb6c55dc0) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1004,25 +654,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb6c55e00) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb6b2c100) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb6b2c080) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb6c55f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb6b2c140) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1034,10 +672,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb6b2c240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb6b2c280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -1078,10 +712,6 @@ QImage (0xb6b2c440) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb6b2c480) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb6b2c440)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb6b2c5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -1106,45 +736,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb6b2c780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb6b2c800) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb6b2c840) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb6b2c980) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb6b2c900) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6b2ca00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6b2ca40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6b2ca80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb6b2c9c0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1201,65 +803,17 @@ QDesignerBrushManagerInterface (0xb6b2cc40) 0
   QObject (0xb6b2cc80) 0
       primary-for QDesignerBrushManagerInterface (0xb6b2cc40)
-Class QPointer<QWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QWidget> (0xb6b2ce00) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface> (0xb6b2ce80) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface> (0xb6b2cf00) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface> (0xb6b2cf80) 0
-Class QPointer<QExtensionManager>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QExtensionManager> (0xb6b2c380) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface> (0xb6b2c500) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface> (0xb6b2c4c0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface> (0xb6b2c540) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface> (0xb6b2c6c0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerBrushManagerInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerBrushManagerInterface> (0xb6b2c680) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerIconCacheInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerIconCacheInterface> (0xb6b2c700) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerActionEditorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerActionEditorInterface> (0xb6b2c7c0) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerFormEditorInterface
 QDesignerFormEditorInterface::_ZTV28QDesignerFormEditorInterface: 14u entries
@@ -1348,10 +902,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb6915180) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb6915280) 0
 Class QCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1363,10 +913,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb6915300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb69153c0) 0 empty
 Class QWidgetData
    size=64 align=4
@@ -1449,10 +995,6 @@ QWidget (0xb6915440) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb69154c0) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb6915700) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerResourceBrowserInterface
 QDesignerResourceBrowserInterface::_ZTV33QDesignerResourceBrowserInterface: 65u entries
@@ -1696,300 +1238,72 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6915b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6915bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6915c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6915c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6915c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6915cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6915d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6915d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6915d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6915dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6915e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6915e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6915e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6915ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6915f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6915f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6915f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6915fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6915040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6915080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6915200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6915240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6915340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6915380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6915500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6915540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6915580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb69155c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6915600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6915640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6915680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6915840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6915980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6915a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb66c0000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb66c0040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb66c0080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb66c00c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb66c0100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb66c0140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb66c0180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb66c01c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb66c0200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb66c0240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb66c0280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb66c02c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb66c0300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb66c0340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb66c0380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb66c03c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb66c0400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb66c0440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb66c0480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb66c04c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb66c0500) 0 empty
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb66c0540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb66c0600) 0 empty
 Class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget (0xb66c0740) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::<anonymous union> (0xb66c0880) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb66c0800) 0
 Class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Category
    size=12 align=4
@@ -2087,10 +1401,6 @@ QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface (0xb66c0640) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb66c0700) 8
         vptr=((& QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::_ZTV27QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface) + 284u)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb66c0980) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDesignerTaskMenuExtension
 QDesignerTaskMenuExtension::_ZTV26QDesignerTaskMenuExtension: 6u entries
@@ -2238,10 +1548,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb66c0ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb66c0f00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDesignerMetaDataBaseItemInterface
 QDesignerMetaDataBaseItemInterface::_ZTV34QDesignerMetaDataBaseItemInterface: 10u entries
@@ -2776,25 +2082,9 @@ Class QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface
 QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface (0xb655ed00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface::_ZTV40QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface) + 8u)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb655ee00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb655ed80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb655eec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb655ef80) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2816,15 +2106,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb64dc0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb64dc140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb64dc100) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -2836,10 +2118,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb64dc1c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb64dc200) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -2885,80 +2163,28 @@ QFile (0xb64dc240) 0
     QObject (0xb64dc2c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb64dc280)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb64dc340) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb64dc380) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb64dc3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb64dc400) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb64dc4c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb64dc440) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb64dc500) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb64dc580) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb64dc600) 0
-Class QHash<QObject*, bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QObject*, bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb64dc740) 0
-Class QHash<QObject*, bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QObject*, bool> (0xb64dc6c0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb64dc840) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QAction*> (0xb64dc7c0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>::<anonymous union> (0xb64dc940) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QActionGroup*> (0xb64dc8c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFormBuilder
 QAbstractFormBuilder::_ZTV20QAbstractFormBuilder: 48u entries
@@ -3017,15 +2243,7 @@ Class QAbstractFormBuilder
 QAbstractFormBuilder (0xb64dc640) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFormBuilder::_ZTV20QAbstractFormBuilder) + 8u)
-Class QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>::<anonymous union> (0xb64dcb80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*> (0xb64dcb00) 0
 Vtable for QFormBuilder
 QFormBuilder::_ZTV12QFormBuilder: 49u entries
@@ -3107,25 +2325,9 @@ Class QDesignerContainerExtension
 QDesignerContainerExtension (0xb64dcc40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerContainerExtension::_ZTV27QDesignerContainerExtension) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >::<anonymous union> (0xb64dcf00) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> > (0xb64dce80) 0
-Class QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>::<anonymous union> (0xb64dc300) 0
-Class QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> (0xb64dcf80) 0
 Vtable for QExtensionManager
 QExtensionManager::_ZTV17QExtensionManager: 24u entries
@@ -3164,53 +2366,13 @@ QExtensionManager (0xb64dcd80) 0
   QAbstractExtensionManager (0xb64dce00) 8 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QExtensionManager::_ZTV17QExtensionManager) + 76u)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb64dc780) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb64dc980) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb64dca00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb64dcc00) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::Node (0xb64dce40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb62e7000) 0 empty
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb62e71c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb62e7280) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb62e7340) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb62e73c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 5f94e31..a45f55b 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb77c7080) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb77c70c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb77c7180) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb77c71c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb77c7240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb77c7280) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb77c7340) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb77c7380) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77c7640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77c7700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77c7740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77c7780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77c77c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77c7800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77c7840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77c7880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77c78c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77c7900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77c7940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77c7980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77c79c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77c7a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77c7a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77c7a80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb77c7ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77c7bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77c7c00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77c7c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77c7c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77c7cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77c7d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77c7d40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77c7d80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77c7dc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77c7e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77c7e40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77c7e80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77c7ec0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77c7fc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb72cd000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb72cd1c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb72cd280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb72cd300) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb72cd600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb72cd640) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb72cd680) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb72cd880) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb72cd980) 0
   QString (0xb72cd9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb72cda00) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb72cdd40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb72cdc00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb72cd800) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -443,60 +277,36 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6ec7140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6ec7340) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6ec73c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6ec75c0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6ec7680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6ec78c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6ec7900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6ec7b40) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6ec7b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6ec7c80) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6ec7cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6ec7d80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -555,10 +365,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6ec7ec0) 0
   QObject (0xb6ec7f00) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6ec7ec0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6ec7fc0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -578,25 +384,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6ec71c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6ec7200) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6ec7240) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6ec7300) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6ec7280) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -604,80 +398,28 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6ec7180) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6ec7400) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6ec7480) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6ec74c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6ec7700) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6ec7740) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6ec7780) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb6ec76c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0xb6ec7580) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6ec77c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6ec7800) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6ec7880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ec7940) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ec7980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ec79c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ec7a00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ec7a40) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -689,80 +431,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6ec7ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ec7b00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ec7bc0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6ec7c00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6ec7d40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6ec7d00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ec7c40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ec7e40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d42000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ec7f40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d42040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d420c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d42080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d42100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d42140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d42180) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -779,15 +465,7 @@ Class QVectorData
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVectorData (0xb6d42240) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb6d42480) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb6d42400) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -795,15 +473,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb6d424c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb6d42500) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb6d425c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb6d42540) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -826,30 +496,18 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6d42800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6d42840) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6d42880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6d428c0) 0 empty
 Class QMatrix
    size=48 align=4
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb6d42900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb6d42940) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -861,25 +519,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb6d42980) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb6d42c00) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb6d42b80) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb6d42a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb6d42c40) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -891,10 +537,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb6d42d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb6d42d80) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -919,10 +561,6 @@ QImage (0xb6d42e40) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb6d42e80) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb6d42e40)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb6d42fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -947,45 +585,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb6d42740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb6d42a40) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb6d42a00) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb6999000) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb6d42f40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6999080) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb69990c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6999100) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb6999040) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1046,10 +656,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb69995c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb69996c0) 0
 Class QCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1061,10 +667,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb6999740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb6999800) 0 empty
 Class QWidgetData
    size=64 align=4
@@ -1147,10 +749,6 @@ QWidget (0xb6999880) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb6999900) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb6999b40) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface
 QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface::_ZTV32QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface: 70u entries
@@ -1324,300 +922,72 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6999e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6999ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6999f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6999f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6999f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6999fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6999300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6999480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb69994c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6999640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6999680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6999780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb69997c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6999940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6999980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb69999c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6999a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6999a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6999a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6999ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6999c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6999dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6790000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6790040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6790080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb67900c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6790100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6790140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6790180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb67901c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6790200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6790240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6790280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb67902c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6790300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6790340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6790380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb67903c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6790400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6790440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6790480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb67904c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6790500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6790540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6790580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb67905c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6790600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6790640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6790680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb67906c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6790700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6790740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6790780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb67907c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb6790800) 0 empty
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb6790840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb6790900) 0 empty
 Class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget (0xb6790a40) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::<anonymous union> (0xb6790b80) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb6790b00) 0
 Class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Category
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1715,10 +1085,6 @@ QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface (0xb6790940) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb6790a00) 8
         vptr=((& QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::_ZTV27QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface) + 284u)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb6790c80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDesignerFormWindowInterface
 QDesignerFormWindowInterface::_ZTV28QDesignerFormWindowInterface: 114u entries
@@ -1909,10 +1275,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6844040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6844080) 0 empty
 Class QDesignerPromotionInterface::PromotedClass
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2512,15 +1874,7 @@ Class QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface (0xb6618600) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface::_ZTV36QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface) + 8u)
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>::<anonymous union> (0xb66187c0) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*> (0xb6618740) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface::_ZTV32QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface: 22u entries
@@ -2581,65 +1935,17 @@ Class QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface
 QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface (0xb6618840) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface::_ZTV34QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface) + 8u)
-Class QPointer<QWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QWidget> (0xb66189c0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface> (0xb6618a40) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface> (0xb6618ac0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface> (0xb6618b40) 0
-Class QPointer<QExtensionManager>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QExtensionManager> (0xb6618bc0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface> (0xb6618c40) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface> (0xb6618cc0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface> (0xb6618d40) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface> (0xb6618dc0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerBrushManagerInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerBrushManagerInterface> (0xb6618e40) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerIconCacheInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerIconCacheInterface> (0xb6618ec0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerActionEditorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerActionEditorInterface> (0xb6618f40) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerFormEditorInterface
 QDesignerFormEditorInterface::_ZTV28QDesignerFormEditorInterface: 14u entries
@@ -2776,25 +2082,9 @@ Class QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface
 QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface (0xb6618880) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface::_ZTV40QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface) + 8u)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6618a00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6618980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6618a80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6618b00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2816,15 +2106,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6618d00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6618e00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6618d80) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -2836,10 +2118,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6618f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6618f80) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -2885,80 +2163,28 @@ QFile (0xb6527000) 0
     QObject (0xb6527080) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6527040)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6527100) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6527140) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6527180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb65271c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6527280) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb6527200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb65272c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6527340) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb65273c0) 0
-Class QHash<QObject*, bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QObject*, bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb6527500) 0
-Class QHash<QObject*, bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QObject*, bool> (0xb6527480) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6527600) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QAction*> (0xb6527580) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6527700) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QActionGroup*> (0xb6527680) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFormBuilder
 QAbstractFormBuilder::_ZTV20QAbstractFormBuilder: 48u entries
@@ -3037,15 +2263,7 @@ Class QDesignerContainerExtension
 QDesignerContainerExtension (0xb6527800) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerContainerExtension::_ZTV27QDesignerContainerExtension) + 8u)
-Class QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6527a80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*> (0xb6527a00) 0
 Vtable for QFormBuilder
 QFormBuilder::_ZTV12QFormBuilder: 49u entries
@@ -3107,25 +2325,9 @@ QFormBuilder (0xb6527940) 0
   QAbstractFormBuilder (0xb6527980) 0
       primary-for QFormBuilder (0xb6527940)
-Class QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >::<anonymous union> (0xb6527cc0) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> > (0xb6527c40) 0
-Class QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6527dc0) 0
-Class QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> (0xb6527d40) 0
 Vtable for QExtensionManager
 QExtensionManager::_ZTV17QExtensionManager: 24u entries
@@ -3164,53 +2366,13 @@ QExtensionManager (0xb6527b40) 0
   QAbstractExtensionManager (0xb6527bc0) 8 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QExtensionManager::_ZTV17QExtensionManager) + 76u)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb6527e80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb6527f00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb6527f80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb65270c0) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::Node (0xb6527540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb6527740) 0 empty
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb6527b00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb6527c00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb6527e00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb61f5040) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 2ed7da0..ab115b9 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtDesigner.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb77a5654) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb77a5690) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7be5f40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb77a5708) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb77a5834) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb77a5870) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb77ab100) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb77a58e8) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77b3ce4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77b3ec4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77b3fb4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77ca0b4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77ca1a4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77ca294) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77ca384) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77ca474) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77ca564) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77ca654) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77ca744) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77ca834) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77ca924) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77caa14) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77cab04) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77cabf4) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77e3bf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb69e88ac) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6a9e474) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb68e6564) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb68e67f8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb692c12c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb692ca50) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb693f384) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb693fca8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb69515dc) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb6951f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb6964834) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb6972168) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb6972a8c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb69873c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb6987ce4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb699d618) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb69b20b4) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb68032d0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb6706f00) 0
   QString (0xb6761708) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6761a14) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb65e703c) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6684384) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb66716cc) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb66989d8) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6698960) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb66bd400) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb66bcbf4) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb64d10f0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb66bcf00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb64e0258) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb64e01e0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb652e280) 0
   QObject (0xb652c258) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb652e280)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6547528) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6583474) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb65aac6c) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb65aad5c) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb65b72d0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb65b7258) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb65ad380) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb65b730c) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb63da078) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb63da294) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb64124b0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb641d0b4) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb62ed9d8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb62eda8c) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb636ea14) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb636eb04) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb636ea8c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb636eb7c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb636ebf4) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb636ec6c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb636ece4) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb636ed20) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb63c74b0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb61dd4c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb61e8c30) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb61dd4c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb61f5690) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb61f5708) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb61f5618) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb61f5780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb61f57f8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb61f5870) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb61f58e8) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb61f5960) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb61f59d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61f5a50) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb61f5a8c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb61f5bb8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb61f5b40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61f5b04) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61f5c30) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb61f5d20) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61f5ca8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61f5d98) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb61f5e88) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61f5e10) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61f5f3c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61f5fb4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb620e03c) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb6117dd4) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb6133a14) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb613399c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb6133d5c) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb6133e88) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb6156528) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb61565a0) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb616bb80) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb61840b4) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb616bb80)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb61aa870) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb5fc9ac0) 0
   QObject (0xb5fcff00) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb5fc9ac0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb5fed1c0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb5fed200) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb5fed1c0)
-    QObject (0xb5fdea50) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb5fed200)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb601b6c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb602ea14) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb601b6c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb60411e0) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb6044040) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb6041258) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb6044200) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb6044240) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb6041708) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb6044240)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb605e0f0) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb605e168) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb605e384) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb605e474) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb605e4ec) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb605e564) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb605e5dc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb605e654) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb605e6cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb605e744) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb605e7bc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb605e834) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb605e8ac) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb605e924) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb605e99c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb605ea14) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb605eb04) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb605eb7c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb605ebf4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb605ef78) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb6072000) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb60720f0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb6072168) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb60721e0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb60723fc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb6072438) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb6072474) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb60724b0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb60724ec) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb6072528) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb60725a0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb60725dc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb6072618) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb6072654) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb6072690) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb60726cc) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb60970b4) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb5ed8690) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5ed8ac8) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5ed8ce4) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb5f1e0f0) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f1e258) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb5f1e3c0) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb5f1eac8) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb5f4e4ec) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb5f5f0b4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5f5f12c) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb5f5f3fc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5f5f564) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5f5f4ec) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb5f5f5dc) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb5dd5b04) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5dd5dd4) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb5de5bc0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5dd5e10) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5dd5e4c) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5de5c80) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5dd5e88) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb5e050b4) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb5e5a99c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5e5a9d8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb5e89f40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5e5aa14) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5cfd690) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5d20500) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5d20540) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5cfd708) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5cfd618) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5cfd744) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5d206c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5cfd780) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5cfd834) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5d208c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5d20900) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5cfd8ac) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5cfd7bc) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5cfd8e8) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5cfd99c) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5d20a80) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5cfd924) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5dc4b7c) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5bc7a40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bd44ec) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5bc7a40)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5bc7b40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bd45dc) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5bc7b40)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5bd4a50) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5bd4a8c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5bf1ac0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5bd4ac8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5bf1c00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5bf1c40) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5bf1c00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5bd4b40) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5bf1c40)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5bf1cc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5bf1d00) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5bf1cc0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5bd4c30) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5bf1d00)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5c099d8) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c6603c) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c662d0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5c66564) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5ac7550) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5cb44ec) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5ac7550)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5cb4528) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ad0e10) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5ae30b4) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ad0e10)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5ae30f0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5cc3c00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5aeac80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5cc3c00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5ae31e0) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5aeac80)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5ae321c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5cc3dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5af4410) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5cc3dc0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5af1528) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5af4410)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5af1564) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5cc3e40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5cc3e80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5cc3e40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5af4aa0) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5cc3e80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5af16cc) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5af4aa0)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5af1708) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5afe078) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5afc880) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5afe8e8) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5afc880)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5afc940) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5afe9d8) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5afc940)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5b7303c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5b83e80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b83ec0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5b83e80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b73690) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b83ec0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b83f00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b73780) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b83f00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b83f80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b73870) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b83f80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5bb8000) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5bb8040) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5bb8000)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b73960) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5bb8040)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5bb80c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b73a50) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5bb80c0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5bb8140) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b73b40) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5bb8140)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59e9180) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb59e21a4) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59e9180)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59e91c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb59e2294) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59e91c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a1fe40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a1fe80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb59e2f78) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a1fe80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5a340f0) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a1ffc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a41000) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a3412c) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a41000)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5a342d0) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a41880) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a418c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a34834) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a418c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a41980) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a419c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a34bb8) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a419c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb5a8c1e0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5a8c21c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb5a8f880) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5a8c258) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5a8c834) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb58c2780 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb58d50f0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb58c2780) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb58d50f0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb58c27c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5a8c870) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb58c27c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb58c2800) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb58c27c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5a8cb04) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58c2b00 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58e5190) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58c2b00) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58e5190)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58c2b40) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5a8cb40) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58c2b40)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58c2b80) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58c2b40) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb58f630c) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb58f6294) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb58f621c) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb58f6168) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb58f66cc) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb58f6f3c) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb580f348) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb5812910) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57f9e00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb5812910)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb580f528) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57f9e00)
-  QRunnable (0xb580f564) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb57f9e80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb5812d20) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb57f9e80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57f9ec0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb5812d20)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb580f708) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57f9ec0)
-    QRunnable (0xb580f744) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb5789200) 0
     QObject (0xb5773a8c) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb5789240)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb57a73fc) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb57a7fb4) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb55c5654) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb55c5960) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb55d76cc) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb55d7654) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb55d77bc) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb55f9d20) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb55f9e10) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb56380f0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb56461e0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb5669384) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5669b7c) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb54c7b40) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb54c7bb8) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb56ad924) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb54d43c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb54d4528) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb54e1e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb5505258) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb5505438) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb5505618) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb55057f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb55059d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb5505bb8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb5505d98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb5505f78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb5518168) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb5518348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb5518528) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb5518708) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb55188e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb5518ac8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb5518ca8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb5518e88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb551e078) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb551e258) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb551e438) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb551e618) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb551e7f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb551e9d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb551ebb8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb551ed98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb551ef78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb5526168) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb5526348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb5526528) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb5526708) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb55268e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb5526ac8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb5526ca8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb5526e88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb5530078) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb5530258) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb5530438) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5530618) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb55307f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb55309d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb5530bb8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb5530d98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb5530f78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb5535168) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb5535348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb5535528) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb5535708) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb55358e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb5535ac8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb5535ca8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb5535e88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb553d078) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb553d258) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb553d438) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb553d618) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb553d7f8) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5578294) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb557821c) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5578384) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb557830c) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb55ad708) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb55add20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb55adf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb53bd0f0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb5403168) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb54170b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb5428b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb53eaec0) 0
   QObject (0xb543b99c) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb53eaec0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb543bfb4) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb547321c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb5484618) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb5484708) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5484e4c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb52cbfb4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb52d9744) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb5340384) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb5340834) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb5340924) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb5340d5c) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb5357168) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb53574b0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb538dbc0) 0
   QObject (0xb53b4e10) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb538dbc0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb51c3d5c) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb51f730c) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb51f799c) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb51f7690) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5206e88) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb524e474) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb5259168) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb527f168) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb528ab04) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb528abf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb52a1168) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb52a1258) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb52a8960) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb52a8b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb509fa14) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb50acb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb50bdac8) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb50ceb04) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb50ceec4) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb50fb03c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb50fba50) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb518399c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb4f9ba8c) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb4fb9618) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb4fc2708) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb4fe4474) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb4ffb348) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb5037f3c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb505a438) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb4ef6c30) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f0f1a4) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f0f30c) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f0f294) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb4f0f384) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb4f0fd98) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb4f0fec4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb4f32a8c) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb4f32bb8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb4f45b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4573,15 +2760,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0xb4dd3168) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4dd3474) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb4dd33fc) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -4941,25 +3120,9 @@ Class QAbstractExtensionManager
 QAbstractExtensionManager (0xb4e3f834) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAbstractExtensionManager::_ZTV25QAbstractExtensionManager) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4e5930c) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> > (0xb4e59294) 0
-Class QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4e594b0) 0
-Class QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAbstractExtensionFactory*> (0xb4e59438) 0
 Vtable for QExtensionManager
 QExtensionManager::_ZTV17QExtensionManager: 24u entries
@@ -5014,40 +3177,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0xb4e59ca8) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4caea50) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4caeac8) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4caeb40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4cae9d8) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0xb4c965a0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4cbe960) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4cbe8e8) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5055,15 +3194,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4e8fd40) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4cbe99c) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4cdea50) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4cde9d8) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5086,10 +3217,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4d18960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4d29fb4) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -5101,25 +3228,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4d33780) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d5e834) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4d5e7bc) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4d5e438) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4d5e870) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5131,10 +3246,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4b980f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4ba61e0) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -5159,10 +3270,6 @@ QImage (0xb4baac80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4bde9d8) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4baac80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4c34ec4) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -5187,45 +3294,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb4c668e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb4c773c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=124 align=4
    base size=121 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb4c77654) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4c8a30c) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb4c8a294) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4c8a3fc) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4c8a474) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4c8a4ec) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb4c8a384) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5286,10 +3365,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb4b281a4) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb4b7221c) 0
 Class QCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5301,10 +3376,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb4b89a14) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb4995ce4) 0 empty
 Class QWidgetData
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5387,10 +3458,6 @@ QWidget (0xb49aeb90) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4995780) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb49e1348) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerActionEditorInterface
 QDesignerActionEditorInterface::_ZTV30QDesignerActionEditorInterface: 67u entries
@@ -5525,65 +3592,17 @@ Class QDesignerDnDItemInterface
 QDesignerDnDItemInterface (0xb4a8c834) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerDnDItemInterface::_ZTV25QDesignerDnDItemInterface) + 8u)
-Class QPointer<QWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QWidget> (0xb4a8cf78) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface> (0xb4a8c0f0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface> (0xb4a8cf3c) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface> (0xb48a9078) 0
-Class QPointer<QExtensionManager>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QExtensionManager> (0xb48a912c) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface> (0xb48a91e0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface> (0xb48a9294) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface> (0xb48a9348) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface> (0xb48a93fc) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerBrushManagerInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerBrushManagerInterface> (0xb48a94b0) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerIconCacheInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerIconCacheInterface> (0xb48a9564) 0
-Class QPointer<QDesignerActionEditorInterface>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QDesignerActionEditorInterface> (0xb48a9618) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerFormEditorInterface
 QDesignerFormEditorInterface::_ZTV28QDesignerFormEditorInterface: 14u entries
@@ -6272,25 +4291,13 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb4958bf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb4971f78) 0 empty
 Class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget (0xb497c12c) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::<anonymous union> (0xb497cbb8) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb497cb40) 0
 Class QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Category
    size=12 align=4
@@ -6388,10 +4395,6 @@ QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface (0xb49752c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb497c0b4) 8
         vptr=((& QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::_ZTV27QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface) + 284u)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb47c04ec) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface::_ZTV36QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface: 30u entries
@@ -6432,15 +4435,7 @@ Class QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface (0xb47c07f8) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface::_ZTV36QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface) + 8u)
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>::<anonymous union> (0xb47c0e10) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*> (0xb47c0d98) 0
 Vtable for QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface
 QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface::_ZTV32QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface: 22u entries
@@ -6642,35 +4637,11 @@ Class QDesignerTaskMenuExtension
 QDesignerTaskMenuExtension (0xb4818c30) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerTaskMenuExtension::_ZTV26QDesignerTaskMenuExtension) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QObject*, bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QObject*, bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb4830834) 0
-Class QHash<QObject*, bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QObject*, bool> (0xb48307bc) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4830924) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QAction*> (0xb48308ac) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4830a14) 0
-Class QHash<QString, QActionGroup*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QString, QActionGroup*> (0xb483099c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFormBuilder
 QAbstractFormBuilder::_ZTV20QAbstractFormBuilder: 48u entries
@@ -6788,15 +4759,7 @@ Class QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface
 QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface (0xb4876e88) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface::_ZTV40QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface) + 8u)
-Class QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>::<anonymous union> (0xb488c4ec) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface*> (0xb488c474) 0
 Vtable for QFormBuilder
 QFormBuilder::_ZTV12QFormBuilder: 49u entries
@@ -6858,83 +4821,19 @@ QFormBuilder (0xb4853b40) 0
   QAbstractFormBuilder (0xb488c384) 0
       primary-for QFormBuilder (0xb4853b40)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb46e39d8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb46f6f78) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb477aa14) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb458d528) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb45af000) 0
-Class QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>::Node (0xb45bfc30) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget> (0xb45bfe88) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb45ffb04) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb45ffb7c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb465812c) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb4658258) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb46584b0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0xb4658528) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb46588ac) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb4658870) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb4497b40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
index cf1ee16..9f86ee0 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
@@ -53,65 +53,20 @@ Class QBool
    size=1 align=1
 QBool (0x300b7280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x300cd9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x300cdf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x300d4540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x300d4b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x300e00c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x300e0680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x300e0c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x300eb200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x300eb7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x300ebd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x300f8340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x300f8900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x300f8ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30104480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30104a40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -125,9 +80,6 @@ Class QChar
    size=2 align=2
 QChar (0x30148980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30185980) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -142,13 +94,7 @@ Class sigset_t
    size=8 align=4
 sigset_t (0x3026ad80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271540) 0
 Class fsid_t
    size=8 align=4
@@ -158,21 +104,9 @@ Class fsid64_t
    size=16 align=8
 fsid64_t (0x30271c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=52 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302780c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=112 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302787c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=208 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278b40) 0
 Class _quad
    size=8 align=4
@@ -186,17 +120,11 @@ Class adspace_t
    size=68 align=4
 adspace_t (0x30281e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x302865c0) 0
 Class label_t
    size=100 align=4
 label_t (0x30286d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3028b780) 0
 Class sigset
    size=8 align=4
@@ -238,57 +166,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    size=8 align=4
 QByteRef (0x302b7540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30423740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30431080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30431340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x3042cc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30442080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30431a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30448800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x3046af00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x3046e200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x304422c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30474f80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30479700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30479a40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -306,9 +195,6 @@ Class QString
    size=4 align=4
 QString (0x300a1f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x303cf2c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -323,9 +209,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x300b7640) 0
   QString (0x300b7680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x303901c0) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -335,9 +218,6 @@ Class QListData
    size=4 align=4
 QListData (0x300732c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x302fb500) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -360,13 +240,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x303bab80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30120bc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x302cc980) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -385,21 +259,12 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3036a6c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x3036a700) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x3009b300) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
 QMetaObject (0x3058c900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30170600) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30166f00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4 entries
@@ -487,9 +352,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30365880) 0
   QObject (0x301e4440) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30365880)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x301ebec0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4 entries
@@ -507,38 +369,20 @@ Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
 QRegExp (0x303baa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x30148180) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x3012d8c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x30104900) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString> (0x30104380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
 QStringList (0x303bab00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x300c3280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x301046c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x300eba00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x300eb980) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5 entries
@@ -664,9 +508,6 @@ Class QMapData
    size=72 align=4
 QMapData (0x304b4140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3052cd00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4 entries
@@ -680,9 +521,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x3050bbc0) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x305082c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -767,41 +605,20 @@ QFile (0x3057c8c0) 0
     QObject (0x3057c980) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3057c900)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x3058a380) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
 QFileInfo (0x304b0580) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x304927c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x30390480) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x301dfa40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x301df900) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
 QDir (0x304b03c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x30365600) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x303ac7c0) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35 entries
@@ -846,9 +663,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x3057c7c0) 0
     vptr=((&QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x3031a080) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5 entries
@@ -910,73 +724,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
 QMetaType (0x30079000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x3011fb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x3013d480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint_t> (0x30148440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x3015dfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x301937c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x301a18c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x301a5d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x301ad500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x301add00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x301b22c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x301b2b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong_t> (0x301b6640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort_t> (0x301b6fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar_t> (0x301b9600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x301b9c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x301c1740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x301d7f80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -998,69 +761,24 @@ Class QVariant
    size=16 align=8
 QVariant (0x30166c00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3057e500) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x302acd80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x302ed8c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x302b7980) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x30225880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x303e8900) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303dab00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f70c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=76 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f7880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fc640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fcc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30492400) 0
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1102,77 +820,41 @@ Class localeinfo_table
    size=36 align=4
 localeinfo_table (0x303d9cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=108 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x304dc500) 0
 Class _LC_charmap_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_charmap_objhdl (0x304dcc80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=92 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561040) 0
 Class _LC_monetary_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_monetary_objhdl (0x305614c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561800) 0
 Class _LC_numeric_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_numeric_objhdl (0x30561d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083180) 0
 Class _LC_resp_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_resp_objhdl (0x300838c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=248 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083c40) 0
 Class _LC_time_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_time_objhdl (0x3012c400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x3012cc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303acac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=104 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30504a00) 0
 Class _LC_collate_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_collate_objhdl (0x301bfb80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301e8b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=80 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x305a0100) 0
 Class _LC_ctype_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1186,17 +868,11 @@ Class _LC_locale_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_locale_objhdl (0x303da600) 0
-Class _LC_object_handle::<anonymous union>
-   size=12 align=4
-_LC_object_handle::<anonymous union> (0x305911c0) 0
 Class _LC_object_handle
    size=20 align=4
 _LC_object_handle (0x30591080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3031ed80) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14 entries
@@ -1271,13 +947,7 @@ Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
 QUrl (0x302256c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x306df180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x307c8900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14 entries
@@ -1303,9 +973,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x30802000) 0
   QObject (0x30802040) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x30802000)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x30803740) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27 entries
@@ -1348,17 +1015,11 @@ Class QModelIndex
    size=16 align=4
 QModelIndex (0x3049cc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x304eb5c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x3049cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x3002e700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42 entries
@@ -1524,9 +1185,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    size=4 align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x307fe180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x30803300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4 entries
@@ -1612,17 +1270,11 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x30379340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x30880740) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x303793c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3088be80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1632,9 +1284,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x30379540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x308a3780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17 entries
@@ -1902,9 +1551,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    size=8 align=4
 QBitRef (0x305a6140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x30864700) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1922,65 +1568,41 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    size=1 align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30893ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30897f00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
 QDate (0x301eb4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x300ebe80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
 QTime (0x301f1e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x30368c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
 QDateTime (0x304b0440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x304d4880) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
 QPoint (0x301f9d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x307b9180) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
 QPointF (0x30200880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x307efcc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
 QLine (0x301eb540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x3098afc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
 QLineF (0x301eb600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x30a335c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1990,41 +1612,26 @@ Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
 QLocale (0x301eb800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x30822c80) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
 QSize (0x30200a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x30864400) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
 QSizeF (0x30209200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x30a33a80) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
 QRect (0x30213780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x30aad700) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
 QRectF (0x302138c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x30a1fdc0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2046,9 +1653,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    size=4 align=4
 QKeySequence (0x305580c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x30ad4d00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7 entries
@@ -2313,13 +1917,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    size=32 align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x307e7800) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x30a2d6c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x307e7ec0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4 entries
@@ -2577,13 +2175,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    size=1 align=1
 QAccessible (0x30c2af00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x30c36000) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x30c3b540) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19 entries
@@ -2856,21 +2448,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x30bc8900) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30aadc40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30ab3280) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30aba480) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x30aadb80) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2880,37 +2460,16 @@ Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
 QBrush (0x305317c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x30b2f040) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
 QBrushData (0x30a77a00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x30a61380) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x30bb0140) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x309db5c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x309dba40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x309dbec0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x309db500) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -3535,9 +3094,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x30d9d000) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x30d9d0c0) 8
           vptr=((&QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x30dcd640) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66 entries
@@ -4220,9 +3776,6 @@ QImage (0x305472c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x30c41b80) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x305472c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x30e4a500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7 entries
@@ -4264,9 +3817,6 @@ Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
 QIcon (0x30536cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x30eb0980) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9 entries
@@ -4580,13 +4130,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x30fdb180) 0
   QObject (0x31016480) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x30fdb180)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x30ec74c0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x30c8c300) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26 entries
@@ -4883,9 +4427,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x30c2a3c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x30c2a5c0) 8
         vptr=((&QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x309e1bc0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64 entries
@@ -5090,13 +4631,7 @@ QStyle (0x30ccda80) 0
   QObject (0x30ced6c0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x30ccda80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x30cf8a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x30d2f2c0) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67 entries
@@ -5364,18 +4899,12 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x310ccb00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x310ccb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x310e9400) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
 QStyleOptionButton (0x310e8580) 0
   QStyleOption (0x310e85c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x31149980) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5392,9 +4921,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x30f8d740) 0
   QStyleOption (0x30f8d780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x30f29880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5443,13 +4969,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x307d5680) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x307d56c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x307d57c0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x307e76c0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x307e7580) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5457,9 +4977,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x309d9180) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x309d91c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x309d9380) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x30b6fec0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5604,9 +5121,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    size=8 align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x310faec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3116aa80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18 entries
@@ -5636,26 +5150,14 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x311834c0) 0
   QObject (0x31183500) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x311834c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x31187d80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3112d340) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3112d200) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
 QItemSelection (0x30d9ad80) 0
   QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x31174fc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x3112d300) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractItemView
 QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView: 103 entries
@@ -5778,9 +5280,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x311e8dc0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x311e8ec0) 8
             vptr=((&QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x311f7440) 0
 Vtable for QFileIconProvider
 QFileIconProvider::_ZTV17QFileIconProvider: 7 entries
@@ -6027,13 +5526,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3115d940) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x31149a40) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x31149540) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6 entries
@@ -6049,9 +5542,6 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x3116f1c0) 0
     vptr=((&QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8)
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x31149680) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103 entries
@@ -6176,13 +5666,7 @@ QListView (0x310cc3c0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x310cc500) 8
               vptr=((&QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3107ee40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3107ec40) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11 entries
@@ -6896,21 +6380,9 @@ QTreeView (0x30ea3980) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x30ea3ac0) 8
               vptr=((&QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x30f5cd00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x30f5c9c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x30f7ab40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x30f7aa00) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10 entries
@@ -6930,17 +6402,8 @@ Class QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem (0x30f51340) 0
     vptr=((&QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem) + 8)
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x30f7ab00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x30f5cb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3124bd80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTreeWidget
 QTreeWidget::_ZTV11QTreeWidget: 109 entries
@@ -7749,135 +7212,60 @@ Class QColormap
    size=4 align=4
 QColormap (0x30a74040) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x30eb0200) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x30eb0000) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
 QPolygon (0x30547bc0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x30e7f4c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x30eb0140) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x304e6340) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3109d580) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3109d340) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
 QPolygonF (0x3109d300) 0
   QVector<QPointF> (0x310a2880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x3109d4c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x313a6040) 0
 Class QMatrix
    size=48 align=8
 QMatrix (0x307ef840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x314635c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
 QTextOption (0x3147a800) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x31481040) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
 QPen (0x30558c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x314ae9c0) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
 QPainter (0x30bc8a00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3156ea00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x314c5c40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x3156e940) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3159d480) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x314c5e00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x3159d3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x315e3080) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x314cf100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x315dbfc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3160ba00) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x30bd1b40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x3160b940) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
 QTextItem (0x314b5840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x31124bc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3111c2c0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24 entries
@@ -7911,9 +7299,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3097e900) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3111c900) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7927,29 +7312,17 @@ Class QPainterPath
    size=4 align=4
 QPainterPath (0x30d0fd40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x30d74080) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x30d71d80) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3082d680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x30d7fe40) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
 QPainterPathStroker (0x308cea40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x30d71ec0) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7 entries
@@ -8038,9 +7411,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x31225280) 0
     QObject (0x31225480) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x31225440)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x31430ec0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35 entries
@@ -8353,21 +7723,12 @@ Class QTextLength
    size=12 align=4
 QTextLength (0x30225540) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x315b50c0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
 QTextFormat (0x30213a00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x3166cdc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x315983c0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8413,13 +7774,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    size=4 align=4
 QTextLayout (0x30d0fa40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x317bab80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x317ba100) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8466,13 +7821,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x315517c0) 0
   QObject (0x3160b200) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x315517c0)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x31603940) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x315c7340) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8482,13 +7831,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    size=12 align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x315bccc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x315b8780) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x315b8580) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -8645,9 +7988,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x3162a4c0) 0
     QObject (0x314d8840) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x314d8800)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x31391400) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -8657,21 +7997,12 @@ Class QTextBlock
    size=8 align=4
 QTextBlock (0x317add40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x313e3cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x312bd340) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
 QTextFragment (0x315250c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x31260200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextList
 QTextList::_ZTV9QTextList: 17 entries
@@ -9263,9 +8594,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x310f8700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x310f8800) 8
             vptr=((&QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x3107e480) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64 entries
@@ -9424,9 +8752,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x316cac40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x316cacc0) 8
         vptr=((&QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x316ef780) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63 entries
@@ -11541,63 +10866,18 @@ QWorkspace (0x319218c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3192f2c0) 8
         vptr=((&QWorkspace::_ZTV10QWorkspace) + 232)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x30120ac0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x301dfa00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x3057e4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x31ae9700) 0 empty
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x30ec7480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x31b48f40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x307e7680) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x31bd1f40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x3166cd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x31c13cc0) 0 empty
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x31c36840) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x317baac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x31c8b380) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x315b86c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x31cc9c00) 0 empty
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
index b5a0460..9f17bd7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x2aaaac2975b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x2aaaad2f34d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x2aaaad2f3770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x2aaaad2f3a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x2aaaad2f3cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x2aaaad2f3f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaad304230) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x2aaaad3044d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x2aaaad304770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x2aaaad304a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaad304cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x2aaaad304f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x2aaaad318230) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x2aaaad3184d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x2aaaad318770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x2aaaad318a10) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x2aaaad318c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x2aaaad345d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x2aaaad3c4150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x2aaaad3c4540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x2aaaad3c4930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x2aaaad3c4d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x2aaaad408150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x2aaaad408540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x2aaaad408930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x2aaaad408d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x2aaaad452150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x2aaaad452540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x2aaaad452930) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x2aaaad494380) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x2aaaad4943f0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaad494c40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=32 align=8
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x2aaaad4c78c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x2aaaad502930) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QByteRef (0x2aaaad621f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x2aaaad6cb000) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -291,10 +171,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=8 base align=8
 QString (0x2aaaad6cb310) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x2aaaad6cbb60) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=8 align=8
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x2aaaad973e00) 0
   QString (0x2aaaad973e70) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x2aaaad98d3f0) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=32 align=8
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=8 base align=8
 QListData (0x2aaaad9d1310) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaadaf2230) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*> (0x2aaaadaf20e0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x2aaaadb5b690) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaadb5b700) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaadb5b690)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x2aaaadb8f230) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=128 base align=8
 QMapData (0x2aaaadc00e00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x2aaaadd0ed20) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=32 align=8
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x2aaaadd0ea80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 16u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaadd55620) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray> (0x2aaaadd554d0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=40 align=8
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=40 base align=8
 QTextDecoder (0x2aaaadd93380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaadd937e0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaadd939a0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaadd938c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaadd93a80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaadd93b60) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=40 align=8
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=16 base align=8
 __gconv_info (0x2aaaadd93e70) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaddb0070) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x2aaaadd93f50) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=24 align=8
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=216 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x2aaaaddb0150) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaddb0230) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x2aaaaddb02a0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x2aaaade14540) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=40 align=8
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x2aaaadee7000) 0
     QObject (0x2aaaadee70e0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaadee7070)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x2aaaadee7ee0) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=8 base align=8
 QRegExp (0x2aaaadf38cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x2aaaadf6baf0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1048 align=8
    base size=1044 base align=8
 QStringMatcher (0x2aaaadf6bd20) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaadf86310) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString> (0x2aaaadf861c0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=8 align=8
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x2aaaadf86460) 0
   QList<QString> (0x2aaaadf864d0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x2aaaadfd4310) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x2aaaadfd4690) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=8 base align=8
 QFileInfo (0x2aaaae05d000) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x2aaaae05da80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaae05dee0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaae09c690) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaae09c540) 0
 Class QDir
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDir (0x2aaaae09c7e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x2aaaae09ca80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x2aaaae09ccb0) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QUrl (0x2aaaae13d9a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2aaaae13dcb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2aaaae19dee0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x2aaaae1b9540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x2aaaae1b9c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x2aaaae1b9e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned int> (0x2aaaae1da000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x2aaaae1da1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x2aaaae1da380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x2aaaae1da540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x2aaaae1da700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x2aaaae1da8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x2aaaae1daa80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x2aaaae1dac40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x2aaaae1dae00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaae1e5000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaae1e51c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned char> (0x2aaaae1e5380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x2aaaae1e5540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x2aaaae1e5700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x2aaaae1e58c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=16 align=8
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x2aaaae1e5a10) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaae278bd0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant> (0x2aaaae278a80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaae278f50) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x2aaaae278e00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x2aaaae2dd8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2aaaae2f5380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1128,10 +796,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x2aaaae36c770) 0
     vptr=((& QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x2aaaae36cb60) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x2aaaae3b9460) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x2aaaae3b9620) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2aaaae4dd930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2aaaae4ddb60) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x2aaaae511cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2aaaae52f230) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x2aaaae55e4d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2aaaae55e690) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x2aaaae57af50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x2aaaae59d540) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x2aaaae5c6620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2aaaae5c6d20) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x2aaaae5fff50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2aaaae623690) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x2aaaae657e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2aaaae692bd0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x2aaaae713770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2aaaae743700) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QBitRef (0x2aaaae8b58c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2aaaae8cd4d0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=8 base align=8
 QLocale (0x2aaaae9ed5b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2aaaaea42070) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x2aaaaea9c700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2aaaaeac18c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x2aaaaeac1af0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2aaaaeade620) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDateTime (0x2aaaaeade850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2aaaaeb063f0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2aaaaeb64af0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaeb85000) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2aaaaeb64af0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2aaaaeb853f0) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=24 base align=8
 QModelIndex (0x2aaaaec014d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2aaaaec17700) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2aaaaec17c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2aaaaec17e70) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2aaaaecc0540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2aaaaecc0e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaMethod (0x2aaaaed04bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2aaaaed04690) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=16 align=8
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaEnum (0x2aaaaed251c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2aaaaed25690) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaClassInfo (0x2aaaaed25a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2aaaaed25e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2057,25 +1637,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=8 base align=8
 QWriteLocker (0x2aaaaedfe770) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaee11bd0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaee11cb0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaee11d90) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaee11af0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2092,55 +1656,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPen (0x2aaaaee952a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x2aaaaee95460) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QBrush (0x2aaaaee95770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2aaaaee95bd0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2aaaaee95e00) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaeec9620) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0x2aaaaeec9460) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaeec9850) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaeec9930) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaeec9a10) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaeec9770) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2170,25 +1702,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x2aaaaeec9380) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x2aaaaef08000) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=16 align=8
    base size=12 base align=8
 QTextFormat (0x2aaaaef08d90) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaef3fd20) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x2aaaaef3fb60) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=16 align=8
@@ -2328,10 +1848,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x2aaaaf052850) 0
     QObject (0x2aaaaf052930) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x2aaaaf0528c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x2aaaaf0ce540) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=24 align=8
@@ -2343,25 +1859,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=12 base align=8
 QTextBlock (0x2aaaaf0ce850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x2aaaaf0ffbd0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x2aaaaf0ffe70) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextFragment (0x2aaaaf1100e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x2aaaaf1290e0) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=8 align=8
@@ -2421,20 +1925,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x2aaaaf167700) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaf167770) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x2aaaaf167700)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x2aaaaf167b60) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x2aaaaf1679a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x2aaaaf1a6690) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=16 align=8
@@ -2485,10 +1981,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=8 base align=8
 QKeySequence (0x2aaaaf1f99a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2aaaaf1f9310) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2771,15 +2263,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2aaaaf313380) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaf313690) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2aaaaf313540) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3063,15 +2547,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=8 base align=8
 QTextLayout (0x2aaaaf3cc150) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaf3cc5b0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x2aaaaf3cc3f0) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=16 align=8
@@ -3120,10 +2596,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=8 base align=8
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x2aaaaf42fa10) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x2aaaaf42fc40) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=8 align=8
@@ -3146,15 +2618,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=24 base align=8
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x2aaaaf4f8af0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaf4f8ee0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x2aaaaf4f8d20) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=64 align=8
@@ -3981,10 +3445,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2aaaaf7da850) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2aaaaf7da9a0) 16
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 488u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2aaaaf7dab60) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4504,10 +3964,6 @@ QImage (0x2aaaaf91a380) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2aaaaf91a3f0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2aaaaf91a380)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2aaaaf996460) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4732,10 +4188,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=8 base align=8
 QIcon (0x2aaaafa8ecb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x2aaaafab8770) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4887,15 +4339,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x2aaaafb441c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 16u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafb44af0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2aaaafb44930) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=8 align=8
@@ -4903,15 +4347,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x2aaaafb44bd0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2aaaafb44c40) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafb96540) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2aaaafb96380) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=8 align=8
@@ -4924,55 +4360,19 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x2aaaafbd0b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2aaaafbf4620) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPainter (0x2aaaafc0d310) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafcae380) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLineF> (0x2aaaafcae1c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafcae7e0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLine> (0x2aaaafcae620) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafd00690) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRectF> (0x2aaaafd004d0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafd00af0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRect> (0x2aaaafd00930) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5020,15 +4420,7 @@ QStyle (0x2aaaafdb5cb0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaafdb5d20) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x2aaaafdb5cb0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x2aaaafe09310) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x2aaaafe09700) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=24 align=8
@@ -5046,25 +4438,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPainterPath (0x2aaaafe49f50) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafe8a000) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x2aaaafe63ee0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x2aaaafe63b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x2aaaafe8a150) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=8 align=8
@@ -5076,15 +4456,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x2aaaafec79a0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x2aaaafec7af0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x2aaaafec7f50) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5119,10 +4491,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x2aaaafec7d20) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x2aaaaff03b60) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5134,10 +4502,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=8
 QItemSelectionRange (0x2aaaaff319a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x2aaaaff86690) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5168,20 +4532,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x2aaaaff86bd0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaff86c40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x2aaaaff86bd0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x2aaaaffb9380) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaffb9a10) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x2aaaaffb98c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=8 align=8
@@ -5470,10 +4822,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x2aaab00672a0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x2aaab0067380) 16
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 504u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x2aaab0067c40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5910,10 +5258,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x2aaab01a9ee0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x2aaab01a9f50) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x2aaab01cc850) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=88 align=8
@@ -5921,10 +5265,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x2aaab01cc540) 0
   QStyleOption (0x2aaab01cc5b0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x2aaab0203310) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=96 align=8
@@ -5944,10 +5284,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x2aaab023b230) 0
   QStyleOption (0x2aaab023b2a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x2aaab023bc40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=80 align=8
@@ -6005,15 +5341,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x2aaab02cf7e0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x2aaab02cf850) 0
     QStyleOption (0x2aaab02cf8c0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab02e43f0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x2aaab02e42a0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=112 align=8
@@ -6022,10 +5350,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x2aaab02cf2a0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x2aaab02cfa80) 0
     QStyleOption (0x2aaab02e4000) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x2aaab02e4e00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=128 align=8
@@ -6213,10 +5537,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x2aaab0366f50) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x2aaab03910e0) 16
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 784u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x2aaab0391930) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6399,15 +5719,7 @@ QListView (0x2aaab043d380) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x2aaab043d5b0) 16
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 784u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab0482070) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x2aaab043df50) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7324,15 +6636,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x2aaab06a8230) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 16u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab06a8f50) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x2aaab06a8d90) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7349,25 +6653,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x2aaab06a8bd0) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 16u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab06d69a0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x2aaab06d67e0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab06d6d20) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x2aaab06d6bd0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7594,15 +6882,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2aaab07b8620) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2aaab07b87e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2aaab07b8bd0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8450,15 +7730,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x2aaab0a40d20) 0
   QObject (0x2aaab0a40d90) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x2aaab0a40d20)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab0a5f930) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QAction*> (0x2aaab0a5f7e0) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -8599,10 +7871,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x2aaab0ac0150) 0
     QObject (0x2aaab0ac0230) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x2aaab0ac01c0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x2aaab0ac0a10) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10130,10 +9398,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x2aaab0d82930) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x2aaab0d82af0) 16
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 520u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x2aaab0da5070) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10293,10 +9557,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x2aaab0da5e00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x2aaab0da5ee0) 16
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 464u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x2aaab0dfda80) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -11867,153 +11127,33 @@ QDial (0x2aaab11f4230) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2aaab11f4380) 16
           vptr=((& QDial::_ZTV5QDial) + 472u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x2aaab12a09a0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::Node (0x2aaab12d7a80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x2aaab136c230) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x2aaab1387380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x2aaab1387e00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x2aaab13aba80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x2aaab13d0ee0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x2aaab1403c40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x2aaab140d1c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x2aaab140d700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x2aaab140dc40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x2aaab1424bd0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x2aaab14e4620) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x2aaab14e4d20) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x2aaab1521770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x2aaab15bdee0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x2aaab15c5b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x2aaab15d5b60) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x2aaab1612c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x2aaab1629150) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x2aaab163b540) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x2aaab1649770) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab165b000) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab16862a0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab16af700) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x2aaab16dbb60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x2aaab16f0460) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x2aaab16f05b0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x2aaab16ffa80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab17191c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index a0538d7..b598748 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x40af7000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x40af7140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x40af7180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x40af71c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40af7200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40af7240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40af7280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40af72c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40af7300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40af7340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40af7380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40af73c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40af7400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40af7440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40af7480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40af74c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40af7500) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40af76c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40af7740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40af77c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40af7840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40af78c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40af7940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40af79c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40af7a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40af7ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40af7b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40af7bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40af7c40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40af7d80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40af7dc0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40af7fc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x414060c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x41406180) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x41406880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x41406900) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,10 +176,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x41406b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x41406c80) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x41406e40) 0
   QString (0x41406e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x41406f00) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x416c4000) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x416c4440) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x416c4380) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x416c4680) 0
   QObject (0x416c46c0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x416c4680)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x416c4800) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x416c4900) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x416c4ec0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x416c4dc0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x416c4c00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x416c4540) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x418c1000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418c1080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x418c1100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418c10c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418c1140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418c1180) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x418c1280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x418c1300) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x418c12c0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x418c1380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418c13c0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x418c1400) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x418c1540) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x418c1c80) 0
     QObject (0x418c1d00) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x418c1cc0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x418c1e00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x418c1fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x418c1740) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x418c1900) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x419c8080) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x418c1f40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x419c80c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x419c8100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x419c8340) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x419c83c0) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x419c8840) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x419c88c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x419c8900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x419c8a40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x419c8980) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x419c8a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x419c8b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x419c8c00) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x419c8c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x419c8d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x419c8dc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x419c8e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x419c8e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x419c8ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x419c8f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x419c8f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x419c8f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x419c8fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x419c8680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x419c87c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x41b03000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x41b03040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x41b03080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x41b030c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x41b03100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x41b03140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x41b03180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x41b031c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x41b03200) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x41b03240) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x41b03800) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x41b03740) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x41b03980) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x41b038c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x41b03bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x41b03cc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1142,10 +810,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x41b03f80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x41b03480) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x41b03d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x41b03e00) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x41c0a4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x41c0a900) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x41c0a9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x41c0ae00) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x41c0af00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x41c0af40) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x41c0a500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x41c0a600) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x41c0a800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x41c0ad00) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x41d2c0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x41d2c480) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x41d2c680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x41d2c880) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x41d2c980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x41d2cb00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x41d2c380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x41d2c6c0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x41f15280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x41f152c0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x41f15440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x41f155c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x41f15600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x41f15780) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x41f157c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x41f15900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x41f15500) 0
   QObject (0x41f15640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x41f15500)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x41f15880) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x42054300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x42054400) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x42054480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x42054540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x42054b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x42054bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x42054f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x42054f80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x42054fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x42054180) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x420544c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x42054740) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2057,25 +1637,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x42135580) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x421356c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x42135700) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x42135740) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x42135680) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2092,55 +1656,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x42135b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x42135bc0) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x42135c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x42135c40) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x42135c80) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x42135ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x42135e00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x42135f40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x42135f80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x42135fc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x42135f00) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -2170,25 +1702,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x42135d00) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x4220c1c0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x4220c100) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x4220c440) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x4220c380) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2328,10 +1848,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x4220cb00) 0
     QObject (0x4220cb80) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x4220cb40)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x4220ce00) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2343,25 +1859,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x4220ce40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x4220c140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x4220c200) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x4220c280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x4230b000) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2426,10 +1930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x4230b340) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x4230b3c0) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2480,10 +1980,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x4230ba40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x4230bb80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2766,15 +2262,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x423d5b00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x423d5c80) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x423d5bc0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3058,15 +2546,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x424469c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x42446b80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x42446ac0) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3115,10 +2595,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x42446080) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x42446380) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3141,15 +2617,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x424fa200) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x424fa3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x424fa300) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -3976,10 +3444,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x42663440) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x42663540) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x426636c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4499,10 +3963,6 @@ QImage (0x42663f80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x42747000) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x42663f80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x42747100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4727,10 +4187,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x42747c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x42747d00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4882,15 +4338,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x4283d200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x4283d400) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x4283d340) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4898,15 +4346,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x4283d440) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x4283d480) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x4283d700) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x4283d640) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4919,55 +4359,19 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x4283d900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x4283d940) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x4283d980) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x4283db80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x4283dac0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x4283dd00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x4283dc40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x4283de80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x4283ddc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x4283d180) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x4283df40) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5015,15 +4419,7 @@ QStyle (0x4283d240) 0
   QObject (0x4283d9c0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x4283d240)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x429b8100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x429b8180) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5041,25 +4437,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x429b8340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x429b8740) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x429b8680) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x429b84c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x429b8780) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5071,15 +4455,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x429b8840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x429b8880) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x429b8980) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5114,10 +4490,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x429b88c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x429b8b00) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5129,10 +4501,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x429b8b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x429b8c40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5163,20 +4531,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x429b8cc0) 0
   QObject (0x429b8d00) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x429b8cc0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x429b8e00) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x429b8f40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x429b8e80) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5465,10 +4821,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x42ae34c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x42ae3580) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x42ae3680) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5905,10 +5257,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x42bb9100) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42bb9140) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x42bb9380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5916,10 +5264,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x42bb9280) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42bb92c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x42bb95c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5939,10 +5283,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x42bb9840) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42bb9880) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x42bb9a80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6000,15 +5340,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x42c4a100) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x42c4a140) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42c4a180) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x42c4a480) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x42c4a3c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6017,10 +5349,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x42c4a280) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x42c4a2c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42c4a300) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x42c4a700) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5536,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x42c4ad00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x42c4ae40) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x42c4af80) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6394,15 +5718,7 @@ QListView (0x42c4a680) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x42ce8000) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x42ce8280) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x42ce81c0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7319,15 +6635,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x42e04480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x42e04780) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x42e046c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7344,25 +6652,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x42e04600) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x42e04a00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x42e04940) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x42e04b80) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x42e04ac0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7589,15 +6881,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x42e04c00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x42ee9000) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x42ee9080) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8445,15 +7729,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x42f84b40) 0
   QObject (0x42f84b80) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x42f84b40)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x42f84d80) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x42f84cc0) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -8594,10 +7870,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x42f84300) 0
     QObject (0x42f84680) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x42f844c0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x42f84fc0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10125,10 +9397,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x431571c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x43157a80) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x43157fc0) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10288,10 +9556,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x432021c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x43202280) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x432023c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -10538,10 +9802,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x43202700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x43202840) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x43202980) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -11867,153 +11127,33 @@ QDial (0x432dc900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x432dcf80) 8
           vptr=((& QDial::_ZTV5QDial) + 236u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x43447500) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x43447bc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x43494d80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x434d41c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x434d4380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x434d4880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x434d4bc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x4351d040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x4351d180) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4351d2c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4351d400) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4351d7c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x43595200) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x43595340) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x43595940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x435dae80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4361b080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4361b300) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4361bcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4361bdc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4365b040) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x4365b300) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4365b440) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x4365b5c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4365b780) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x4365b940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4365bb00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x4365bbc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x4365bec0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x436c8180) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index d4588a5..6ff4c2c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x30b0b188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30b0b428) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x30b0b4d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x30b0b578) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x30b0b620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x30b0b6c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x30b0b770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30b0b818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x30b0b8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x30b0b968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x30b0ba10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x30b0bab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x30b0bb60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x30b0bc08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30b0bcb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30b0bd58) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x30b0bdc8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30b572d8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30b57348) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x30b573b8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30b57428) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30b57498) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30b57508) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x30b57578) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x30b575e8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x30b57658) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30b576c8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30b57738) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30b577a8) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187a80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x30b578c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x30b57a80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x30b57b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30b57c08) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x314857a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x31485af0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,20 +176,12 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x31485d58) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x315b90a8) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QCharRef (0x315b90e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x315b9a10) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -321,15 +193,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x315b9c08) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x31706118) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x31706070) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -421,10 +285,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187c80) 0
   QObject (0x317065b0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187c80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x31706770) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -449,30 +309,10 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x31706b98) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31706e70) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x318130a8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31813038) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31813118) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31813188) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -494,15 +334,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x318132d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x318133b8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31813348) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -514,10 +346,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x31813428) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31813498) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -532,10 +360,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x318134d0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x31813690) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -596,10 +420,6 @@ QFile (0x30187e00) 0
     QObject (0x31813c08) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x30187e40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x31813d90) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -652,25 +472,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x31813ee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x31813f50) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x31813fc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x318d70e0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x318d7038) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -770,130 +578,42 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x318d78c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x318d7930) 0 empty
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x318d79d8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x318d7af0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x318d7b60) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x318d7c08) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x318d7d20) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x318d7dc8) 0
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x318d7e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x318d7ee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x318d7f50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x318d7fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x318d7850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x31998038) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x319980a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x31998118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x31998188) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x319981f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x31998268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x319982d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x31998348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x319983b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x31998428) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x31998498) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x31998508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x31998578) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -920,35 +640,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x319985b0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31998b28) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31998a80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31998ce8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31998c40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31998ea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31998fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1033,10 +733,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x31a3e188) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x31a3e310) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1053,90 +749,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x31a3e508) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x31a3e578) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x31a3ec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x31a3e268) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31a3ee38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31b23268) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x31b23428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31b23498) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31b235e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31b23690) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31b23818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x31b23b98) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x31b23e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x31b231c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x31bc7070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x31bc7268) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x31bc7498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x31bc7620) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1153,10 +813,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x31bc7188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x31d0b038) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1178,40 +834,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x31d0b5e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x31d0b658) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x31d0b850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x31d0ba10) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x31d0ba80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x31d0bc08) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x31d0bc78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x31d0bdc8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1286,10 +926,6 @@ QTextCodecPlugin (0x3191a380) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x31e4e118) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QTextCodecFactoryInterface (0x3191a3c0)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x31e4e540) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1409,10 +1045,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x3191a4c0) 0
   QObject (0x31e4ea80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x3191a4c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x31e4ec08) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1489,20 +1121,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x31ed1070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x31ed11f8) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x31ed12a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x31ed13b8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1722,10 +1346,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x31ed1a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x31ed1b60) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1820,20 +1440,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x31ed1f88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x31ed1540) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x31ed17a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x31ed1c78) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1845,10 +1457,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x31f72000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x31f720a8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -1971,25 +1579,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x31f728f8) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31f72b28) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31f72b98) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31f72c08) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x31f72ab8) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2006,55 +1598,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x31f72460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x31f72c40) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x31f72ee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x32023000) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x32023070) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x32023310) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x32023230) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32023428) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32023498) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32023508) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x320233b8) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2084,25 +1644,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x320235e8) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x320238f8) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x320237e0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x32023c40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x32023b60) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2242,10 +1790,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x3191acc0) 0
     QObject (0x3210b070) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x3191ad00)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x3210b508) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2257,25 +1801,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x3210b578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x3210b8f8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x3210b9a0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x3210ba10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x3210bbd0) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2340,10 +1872,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x3210be00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x32190070) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2394,10 +1922,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x321906c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x32190818) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2680,15 +2204,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x32225850) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x322259d8) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x32225930) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2705,15 +2221,7 @@ QInputMethodEvent (0x321fc3c0) 0
   QEvent (0x32225818) 0
       primary-for QInputMethodEvent (0x321fc3c0)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x32225d20) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x32225c78) 0
 Vtable for QDropEvent
 QDropEvent::_ZTV10QDropEvent: 14u entries
@@ -2982,15 +2490,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x32284d20) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x32284f50) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x32284e70) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3039,10 +2539,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x322e30e0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x322e31f8) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3059,15 +2555,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x322e3380) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x322e3578) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x322e3498) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -3894,10 +3382,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x321fcf80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x323c7d20) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x323c7f18) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4417,10 +3901,6 @@ QImage (0x3244c540) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x32484968) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x3244c540)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x32484b28) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4645,10 +4125,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x3252b6c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3252b738) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4800,15 +4276,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x3252b000) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x325a1038) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3252bab8) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4816,15 +4284,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x3244c9c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x325a10a8) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x325a1460) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x325a1380) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4837,55 +4297,19 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x325a1770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x325a17e0) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x325a1888) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x325a1b60) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x325a1a80) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x325a1d20) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x325a1c40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x325a1ee0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x325a1e00) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3267a070) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x325a1fc0) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -4933,15 +4357,7 @@ QStyle (0x3244ca40) 0
   QObject (0x3267a0e0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x3244ca40)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3267a2a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3267a310) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -4959,25 +4375,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x3267a578) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x3267aa10) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3267a930) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3267a770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3267aab8) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4989,15 +4393,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3267ace8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3267ad90) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3267af18) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5032,10 +4428,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3267ae00) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3267aea8) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5047,10 +4439,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x327aa000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x327aa2a0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5081,20 +4469,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x3244cb00) 0
   QObject (0x327aa348) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x3244cb00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x327aa4d0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x327aa620) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x327aa578) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5383,10 +4759,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3244ce00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x327aadc8) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x327aa428) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5823,10 +5195,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x32874240) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32862ea8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x32862c40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5834,10 +5202,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x328742c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32862310) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x328e2188) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5857,10 +5221,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x328743c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x328e2460) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x328e2738) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5918,15 +5278,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x32874640) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32874680) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32954118) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x32954498) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x329543f0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5935,10 +5287,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x328746c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32874700) 0
     QStyleOption (0x329542a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x32954770) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6126,10 +5474,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x32874980) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x32954e70) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x32954380) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6312,15 +5656,7 @@ QListView (0x32874b80) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x32954dc8) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x32a07310) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x32a07230) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7237,15 +6573,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x32ae8540) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x32ae88f8) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x32ae8818) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7262,25 +6590,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x32ae8738) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x32ae8ce8) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x32ae8c08) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x32ae8ea8) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x32ae8e00) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7507,15 +6819,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x32bd45e8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x32bd46c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x32bd4738) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8497,10 +7801,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x32cbc280) 0
     QObject (0x32cb1d58) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x32cbc2c0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x32cb1f50) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10028,10 +9328,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x32e19240) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x32dd4e70) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x32dd4268) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10191,10 +9487,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x32e19400) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x32e6b038) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x32e6b2a0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -11738,133 +11030,29 @@ QDial (0x32f930c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x32f15700) 8
           vptr=((& QDial::_ZTV5QDial) + 236u)
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x33038f18) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x330523f0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x33052690) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x33052f50) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x3306f578) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x3306fc08) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x3306fd90) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x330a20e0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x330a2268) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x330a29d8) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x33114118) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x33114310) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x3314b428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x3314be00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3316c118) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3316c508) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3318b5e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3318b770) 0 empty
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x3318be70) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x331be348) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x331be968) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x331bef88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x331fa150) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x331fa1f8) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x331fa6c8) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x331fab98) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 807503e..a729c86 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,75 +59,19 @@ Class QBool
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBool (0x82e100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x82e440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x82e500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x82e5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x82e680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x82e740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x82e800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x82e8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x82e980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x82ea40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x82eb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x82ebc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x82ec80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x82ed40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x82ee00) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -144,10 +88,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x87a100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x87a200) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -160,10 +100,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x87a5c0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x87a600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x87a880) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -245,70 +181,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x17ad500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x17ad8c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x17add80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x17ade00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x17ade80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x17adf00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x17adf80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x18c2000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x18c2080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x18c2100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x18c2180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x18c2200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x18c2280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x18c2300) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -335,10 +219,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x18c2a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x18c2e80) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -351,10 +231,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1a6aa80) 0
   QString (0x1a6aac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1a6abc0) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -366,10 +242,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1a6ae00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1b65400) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -394,15 +266,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1b65280) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1b65740) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1b65680) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -425,25 +289,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1b65980) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1b659c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1b65c80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1b65c00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1b65f00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1b65e40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -535,10 +387,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1cb2440) 0
   QObject (0x1cb2480) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1cb2440)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1cb26c0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -558,25 +406,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1cb2d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1cb2f80) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1cb2100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1d9d140) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1d9d080) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -584,15 +420,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1d9d200) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1d9d240) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1d9d700) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1d9d780) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -748,10 +576,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1e21880) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1f16280) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -842,50 +666,22 @@ QFile (0x1f16f00) 0
     QObject (0x1f16f80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1f16f40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1ff9040) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1ff9080) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1ff9140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1ff91c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1ff9380) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1ff92c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1ff9440) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1ff9580) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1ff9640) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35u entries
@@ -945,10 +741,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x1ff9880) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1ff9a40) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -999,90 +791,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ff9c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1ff9d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1ff9dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1ff9e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1ff9ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1ff9f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1ff9fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1ff9980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x210c000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x210c080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x210c100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x210c180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x210c200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x210c280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x210c300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x210c380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x210c400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x210c480) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1109,50 +833,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x210c4c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x210cb40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x210ca80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x210cd40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x210cc80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x210cfc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x210cd80) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21df040) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21df0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21df140) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1230,15 +922,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x21dfa00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x21dfc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x21dfc80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1265,10 +949,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x21dfd00) 0
   QObject (0x21dfd40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x21dfd00)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x21dff40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1313,20 +993,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x22d0080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x22d0240) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x22d0300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x22d0440) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1496,10 +1168,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x22d0b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x22d0c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1591,20 +1259,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x237e540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x237e600) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x237e680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x237e740) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1616,10 +1276,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x237e800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x237e8c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1907,10 +1563,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x24db140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x24db280) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1932,80 +1584,48 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x24db4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x24db540) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x24dbd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x24dbf40) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x24dbfc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2604040) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x26040c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2604240) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x26042c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2604740) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x2604900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2604d80) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x2604f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2604100) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x2604500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x2604680) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2017,50 +1637,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x26ce380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x26ce400) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x26ce540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x26ce940) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x26cec00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x26ce200) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x26cef40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2810180) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x2810400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x28105c0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2087,10 +1687,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x2a17200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2a17380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2394,15 +1990,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=28 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2aacec0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2aac480) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2aacfc0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2676,15 +2264,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2b4b580) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2b4b6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2b4b740) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -2968,25 +2548,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2bbd9c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2bbdd00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2bbdd80) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2bbde00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2bbdc80) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2998,45 +2562,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2bbd6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2bbde40) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2c4a000) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2c4a300) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2c4a200) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c4a440) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c4a4c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c4a540) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2c4a3c0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3681,10 +3217,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2e82740) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2e82800) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2e82ac0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4379,10 +3911,6 @@ QImage (0x2f37880) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2f37b40) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2f37880)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x3020280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4427,10 +3955,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x3020b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3020bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4760,15 +4284,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x30de9c0) 0
   QObject (0x30dec40) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x30de9c0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x318c200) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x318c140) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5073,10 +4589,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x318cf80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x318c040) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x322a040) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5284,15 +4796,7 @@ QStyle (0x322a540) 0
   QObject (0x322a580) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x322a540)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x322a7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x322a840) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -5569,10 +5073,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x334f6c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x334f700) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x334fac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5580,10 +5080,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x334f900) 0
   QStyleOption (0x334f940) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x334fe00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5603,10 +5099,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x334fb00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x334fd80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x33c3300) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5664,15 +5156,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x3437100) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3437140) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3437180) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x3437600) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x3437540) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5681,10 +5165,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x3437340) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3437380) 0
     QStyleOption (0x34373c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x3437a00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5837,10 +5317,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x34b63c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x34b66c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5871,20 +5347,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x34b6780) 0
   QObject (0x34b67c0) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x34b6780)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x34b6980) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x34b6b00) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x34b6a40) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6014,10 +5478,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x34b6cc0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x34b6dc0) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x34b62c0) 0
 Vtable for QFileIconProvider
 QFileIconProvider::_ZTV17QFileIconProvider: 7u entries
@@ -6269,15 +5729,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x35bc800) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x35bcc80) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x35bcb80) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6418,15 +5870,7 @@ QListView (0x35bcec0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x35bc0c0) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3664240) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3664140) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7150,25 +6594,9 @@ QTreeView (0x373b600) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x373b740) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x373bb40) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x373ba40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x373bd40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x373bc80) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8015,15 +7443,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x3973840) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3973a40) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3973940) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8031,15 +7451,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x3973ac0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3973b00) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3973f40) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3973e40) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8052,90 +7464,38 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x3a44200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x3a44280) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x3a44340) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3a44440) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3a444c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3a44540) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x3a445c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3a44c80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x3a44b80) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3a44e80) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x3a44d80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3b54040) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x3a44f80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3b54240) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x3b54140) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3b542c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3b54380) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3b54540) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -8170,10 +7530,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3b54400) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3b54800) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8190,25 +7546,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x3b54840) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x3b54d80) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3b54c80) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3b54a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3b54e40) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8306,10 +7650,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3c8e640) 0
     QObject (0x3c8e6c0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3c8e680)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x3c8e9c0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -8631,25 +7971,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x3d2c680) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x3d2ca00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x3d2c8c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x3d2cdc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x3d2ccc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8704,15 +8032,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x3e1b140) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3e1b3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3e1b2c0) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8762,10 +8082,6 @@ QTextDocument (0x3e1b6c0) 0
   QObject (0x3e1b700) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x3e1b6c0)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x3e1ba00) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8777,15 +8093,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x3e1bb40) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x3e1bd80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3e1bc80) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -8952,10 +8260,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x3eeb5c0) 0
     QObject (0x3eeb640) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x3eeb600)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x3eebb80) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -8967,25 +8271,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x3eebc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x3eeb3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x3f67040) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x3f67100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x3f67300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextList
 QTextList::_ZTV9QTextList: 17u entries
@@ -9587,10 +8879,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x3ff1c00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3ff1d00) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x3ff1f00) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -9751,10 +9039,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x40b7040) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x40b70c0) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x40b7380) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -11480,10 +10764,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x4341280) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4341380) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x4341600) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -11901,153 +11181,33 @@ QWorkspace (0x444b040) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x444b0c0) 8
         vptr=((& QWorkspace::_ZTV10QWorkspace) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x44b73c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x44de240) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x45d0f00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x45f7140) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x45f7400) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x45f7b00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x4629880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x4629a40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4629c00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4629dc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x464ba40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x464bd00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x466d000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x466d300) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x466df40) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x47081c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4708380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x4708d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4708f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4729380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4729880) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x4729bc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x4729e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x474e180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x474e240) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x474e600) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x474e940) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x474e980) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4793640) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x4793680) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 00a725e..d020f63 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x40b04000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x40b040c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x40b04100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x40b04140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40b04180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40b041c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40b04200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40b04240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40b04280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40b042c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40b04300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40b04340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40b04380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40b043c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40b04400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40b04440) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40b04480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40b04640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40b046c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40b04740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40b047c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40b04840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40b048c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40b04940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40b049c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40b04a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40b04ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40b04b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40b04bc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40b04d00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40b04d40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40b04f40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x41421040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x41421100) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x41421800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x41421880) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x41421ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x41421c00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x41421dc0) 0
   QString (0x41421e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x41421e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x416d5340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x416d5780) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x416d56c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x416d59c0) 0
   QObject (0x416d5a00) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x416d59c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x416d5b40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x416d5d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x416d5d40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x418392c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x418398c0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x418397c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x41839b40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x41839a80) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x41839c00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41839c80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x41839d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41839cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41839d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41839d80) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x41839e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x41839f00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x41839ec0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x41839f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41839fc0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x41839140) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x419e1000) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x419e1340) 0
   QTextStream (0x419e1380) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x419e1340)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x419e1540) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x419e1580) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x419e1500) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e15c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e1600) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e1640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e1680) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,10 +485,6 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x419e1700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e1740) 0
 Class __sched_param
    size=4 align=4
@@ -721,45 +501,17 @@ Class __pthread_attr_s
    base size=36 base align=4
 __pthread_attr_s (0x419e1800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e1840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e1880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e18c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e1900) 0
 Class _pthread_rwlock_t
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 _pthread_rwlock_t (0x419e1940) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e1980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e19c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419e1a00) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -830,10 +582,6 @@ QFile (0x419e1f40) 0
     QObject (0x419e1fc0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x419e1f80)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x419e1ec0) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -886,50 +634,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x41b0b180) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x41b0b200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x41b0b240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x41b0b380) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x41b0b2c0) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x41b0b3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x41b0b440) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x41b0b480) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x41b0b5c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x41b0b500) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -937,30 +657,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x41b0b600) 0
   QList<QString> (0x41b0b640) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x41b0b880) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x41b0b900) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x41b0bb00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x41b0bbc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x41b0bc40) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1017,10 +721,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x41b0bc80) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x41b0be40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1175,110 +875,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x41c26200) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x41c262c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x41c26300) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x41c26340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x41c263c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x41c26400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x41c26440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x41c26480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x41c264c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x41c26500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x41c26540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x41c26580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x41c265c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x41c26600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x41c26640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x41c26680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x41c266c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x41c26700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x41c26740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x41c26780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x41c267c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x41c26800) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1305,35 +925,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x41c26840) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x41c26e00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x41c26d40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x41c26f80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x41c26ec0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x41c26fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x41d2a0c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1365,80 +965,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x41d2a300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x41d2a740) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x41d2a800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x41d2ac40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x41d2ad40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x41d2ad80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x41d2ae80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x41d2af00) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x41d2a180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x41d2a640) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x41d2a9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x41e2d180) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x41e2d380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x41e2d580) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x41e2d680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x41e2d800) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1455,10 +1023,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x41e2de40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x41e2dec0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1475,40 +1039,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x41e2d440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x41e2d4c0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x42007080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x42007200) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x42007240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x420073c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x42007400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x42007540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1668,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x42007cc0) 0
   QObject (0x42007d00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x42007cc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x42007e40) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1763,20 +1307,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x42007d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x4212e040) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x4212e080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x4212e140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1996,10 +1532,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x4212e740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x4212e800) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2094,20 +1626,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x4212eb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x4212ebc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x4212ec00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x4212ec80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2119,10 +1643,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x4212ed00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x4212ed80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2245,25 +1765,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x4221c200) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4221c340) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4221c380) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4221c3c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x4221c300) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2280,55 +1784,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x4221c800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x4221c940) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x4221c980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x4221c9c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x4221ca00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x4221cbc0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x4221cb00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4221cc40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4221cc80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4221ccc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x4221cc00) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -2358,25 +1830,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x4221ce80) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x4221c780) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x4221c480) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x422e3080) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x4221cf40) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2516,10 +1976,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x422e3740) 0
     QObject (0x422e37c0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x422e3780)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x422e3a40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -2544,25 +2000,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x422e3b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x422e3d40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x422e3d80) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x422e3dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x422e3ec0) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2622,20 +2066,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x422e3840) 0
   QObject (0x423e7000) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x422e3840)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x423e7140) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x423e7180) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x423e7200) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2686,10 +2122,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x423e7880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x423e79c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2987,15 +2419,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x424b6a40) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x424b6bc0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x424b6b00) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3294,15 +2718,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x425209c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x42520c00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x42520b40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3351,10 +2767,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x42520280) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x42520580) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3377,15 +2789,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x425cc240) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x425cc400) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x425cc340) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4238,10 +3642,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x42738640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x42738740) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x427388c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4327,10 +3727,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x42738900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x42738a00) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x42738b40) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4766,10 +4162,6 @@ QImage (0x42818240) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x42818280) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x42818240)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x42818380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4876,10 +4268,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x42818740) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x42818800) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x428187c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x42818900) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -4999,10 +4387,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x42818f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x42818100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -5154,15 +4538,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x4292f540) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x4292f740) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x4292f680) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5170,15 +4546,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x4292f780) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x4292f7c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x4292fa40) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x4292f980) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5191,60 +4559,20 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x4292fc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x4292fc80) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x4292fcc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x4292fdc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x4292ff40) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x4292fe80) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x4292f580) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x4292f100) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x42a5b100) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x42a5b040) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x42a5b280) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x42a5b1c0) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5292,15 +4620,7 @@ QStyle (0x42a5b2c0) 0
   QObject (0x42a5b300) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x42a5b2c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x42a5b440) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x42a5b4c0) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5318,25 +4638,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x42a5b680) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x42a5ba80) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x42a5b9c0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x42a5b800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x42a5bac0) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5348,15 +4656,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x42a5bb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x42a5bbc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x42a5bcc0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5391,30 +4691,18 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x42a5bc00) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x42a5be40) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x42a5bd80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x42a5bec0) 0
 Class QItemSelectionRange
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x42a5bf00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x42a5b380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5445,20 +4733,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x42a5b780) 0
   QObject (0x42a5bc40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x42a5b780)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x42bd4000) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x42bd4140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x42bd4080) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5466,10 +4742,6 @@ Class QItemSelection
 QItemSelection (0x42bd4180) 0
   QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x42bd41c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x42bd4300) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5757,10 +5029,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x42bd49c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x42bd4a80) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x42bd4b80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6179,10 +5447,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x42cd7280) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42cd72c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x42cd7500) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6209,10 +5473,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x42cd7980) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42cd79c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x42cd7c00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6220,10 +5480,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x42cd7b00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42cd7b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x42cd7e40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6238,10 +5494,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x42cd7f40) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x42cd7f80) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42cd7fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x42cd7dc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6268,10 +5520,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x42d8b280) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42d8b2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x42d8b4c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6329,15 +5577,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x42d8bf80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x42d8bfc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42d8b100) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x42d8be00) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x42d8ba00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6346,10 +5586,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x42d8b500) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x42d8b640) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42d8b780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x42e0e200) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6544,10 +5780,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x42e0e9c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x42e0eb00) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x42e0ec40) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6730,15 +5962,7 @@ QListView (0x42e0ee00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x42e0ef80) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x42e0e940) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x42e0e400) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7780,15 +7004,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x42fbe480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x42fbe780) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x42fbe6c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7805,25 +7021,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x42fbe600) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x42fbea00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x42fbe940) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x42fbeb80) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x42fbeac0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8050,15 +7250,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x42fbec00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x430b0000) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x430b0080) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8906,15 +8098,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x4314db40) 0
   QObject (0x4314db80) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x4314db40)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x4314dd80) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x4314dcc0) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9055,10 +8239,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4314d300) 0
     QObject (0x4314d680) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4314d4c0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x4314dfc0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10586,10 +9766,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x4332b1c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4332ba80) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x4332bfc0) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10749,10 +9925,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x433dc1c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x433dc280) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x433dc3c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12323,158 +11495,34 @@ QDial (0x434bb540) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x434bbb80) 8
           vptr=((& QDial::_ZTV5QDial) + 236u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x4362c600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x4362c980) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x4366f040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4366ff40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x436b5580) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x436b5740) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x436b5ec0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x436f4200) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x436f47c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x436f4900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x436f4a40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x436f4b80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x436f4f40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x437bb0c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x437bb200) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x437bb800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x437ffcc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x437fff40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4383d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4383de00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4383df00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x43879180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x43879440) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x43879580) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x43879700) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x438798c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x43879a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x43879c40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x43879d00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x43879500) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x438f02c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 850aab8..461c639 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x3070f968) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x3070fb60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x3070fc08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x3070fcb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x3070fd58) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x3070fe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x3070fea8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x3070ff50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x3073a000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x3073a0a8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x3073a150) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x3073a1f8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x3073a2a0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x3073a348) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x3073a3f0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x3073a498) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x3073a508) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x3073aa10) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x3073aa80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x3073aaf0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x3073ab60) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x3073abd0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x3073ac40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x3073acb0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x3073ad20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x3073ad90) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x3073ae00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x3073ae70) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x3073aee0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187bc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x31432000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x314321c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x314322a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x31432348) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x3151c038) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x3151c380) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x3151c930) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x3151cc78) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x30187e00) 0
   QString (0x316c8700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x316c87e0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x316c8f18) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x317223b8) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x31722310) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187ec0) 0
   QObject (0x31722888) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187ec0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x31722a80) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x318540a8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x31854118) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x318548f8) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x31854fc0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x31854e70) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x319971f8) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x31997150) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x31997310) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x319973b8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x31997498) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31997428) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31997508) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31997578) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x319976c8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x319977a8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31997738) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x31997818) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31997888) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x319978c0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x31997af0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x3195c0c0) 0
   QTextStream (0x31997ea8) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x3195c0c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x31a382a0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x31a38310) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x31a38230) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31a38380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31a383f0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31a38460) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31a384d0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,70 +485,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x31a38540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31a385b0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31a38620) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31a38700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31a38690) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31a38770) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31a38850) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x31a387e0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31a388c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31a389a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31a38930) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31a38a10) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31a38a80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31a38af0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -835,10 +567,6 @@ QFile (0x3195c100) 0
     QObject (0x31af20e0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3195c140)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x31af2268) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -891,50 +619,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x31af23b8) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x31af2460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x31af24d0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x31af2658) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x31af25b0) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x31af2700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x31af28c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x31af2930) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x31af2af0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x31af2a48) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -942,30 +642,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x3195c240) 0
   QList<QString> (0x31af2b98) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x31af2fc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x31af21c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x31bf52a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x31bf53b8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x31bf5428) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1022,10 +706,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x31bf5460) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x31bf5690) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1180,110 +860,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x31bf5b60) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x31bf5ce8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x31bf5d58) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x31bf5dc8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x31bf5ee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x31bf5f88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x31bf57a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x31bf5af0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x31cd3070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x31cd3118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x31cd31c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x31cd3268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x31cd3310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x31cd33b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x31cd3460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x31cd3508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x31cd35b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x31cd3658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x31cd3700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x31cd37a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x31cd3850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x31cd38f8) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1310,35 +910,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x31cd3968) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31cd3f18) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31cd3e70) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31d50000) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31cd3b60) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31d501c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31d502d8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1370,80 +950,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x31d50850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x31d50c40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31d50e38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31d50968) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x31e10000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31e10070) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31e101c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31e10268) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31e103f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x31e10770) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x31e10a48) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x31e10dc8) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x31e106c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x31e10cb0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x31eb91c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x31eb9348) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1460,10 +1008,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x31eb9d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x31eb9ea8) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1480,40 +1024,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x3200a118) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x3200a188) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x3200a380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x3200a540) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x3200a5b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x3200a7a8) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x3200a818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x3200a968) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1673,10 +1201,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x3195c780) 0
   QObject (0x321012a0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x3195c780)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x32101428) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1768,20 +1292,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x32101d58) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x32101ee0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x32101f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x32101380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2001,10 +1517,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x321a44d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x321a45b0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2099,20 +1611,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x321a49d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x321a4a80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x321a4af0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x321a4b98) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2124,10 +1628,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x321a4c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x321a4ce8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2250,25 +1750,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x3225f3f0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3225f620) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3225f690) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3225f700) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x3225f5b0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2285,55 +1769,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3225fb60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3225fce8) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x3225fd58) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x3225fe00) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x3225fe70) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x3225fa10) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x3225ffc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32305000) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32305070) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x323050e0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x3225fc40) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2363,25 +1815,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x323051c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x323054d0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x323053b8) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x32305818) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x32305738) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2521,10 +1961,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x323cb000) 0
     QObject (0x32305e38) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x323cb040)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x323e3118) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -2549,25 +1985,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x323e32d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x323e3658) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x323e3700) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x323e3770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x323e3930) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2627,20 +2051,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x323cb080) 0
   QObject (0x323e3c08) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x323cb080)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x323e3dc8) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x323e3e00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x323e3ee0) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2691,10 +2107,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x324894d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x32489620) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2992,15 +2404,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x325227e0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x32522968) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x325228c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3299,15 +2703,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x32579c08) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x32579ea8) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x32579dc8) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3356,10 +2752,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x325e2000) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x325e2118) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3382,15 +2774,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x325e2690) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x325e2888) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x325e27a8) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -4243,10 +3627,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x3279a3c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x327ca3f0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x327ca620) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4332,10 +3712,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x3279a4c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x327ca7a8) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x327ca9a0) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4771,10 +4147,6 @@ QImage (0x3279a980) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x328911f8) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x3279a980)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x32891498) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4881,10 +4253,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x3279aa40) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x32891a10) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x3279aa80)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x32891c08) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -5004,10 +4372,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x32981150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x329811c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -5159,15 +4523,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x32981d20) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x32981070) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x32981f18) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5175,15 +4531,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x3279ae00) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x32981428) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x32a072a0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x32a071c0) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5196,60 +4544,20 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x32a075b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x32a07620) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x32a076c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x32a07b98) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x32a07d20) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x32a07c40) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x32a07ee0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x32a07e00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x32ae7070) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x32a07fc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x32ae7230) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x32ae7150) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5297,15 +4605,7 @@ QStyle (0x3279ae80) 0
   QObject (0x32ae72a0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x3279ae80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x32ae7460) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x32ae74d0) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5323,25 +4623,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x32ae7738) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x32ae7bd0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x32ae7af0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x32ae7930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x32ae7c78) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5353,15 +4641,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x32ae7e70) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x32ae7f18) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x32ae7888) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5396,30 +4676,18 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x32ae7f88) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x32bfc1c0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x32bfc118) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x32bfc230) 0
 Class QItemSelectionRange
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x32bfc268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x32bfc508) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5450,20 +4718,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x3279af40) 0
   QObject (0x32bfc5b0) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x3279af40)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x32bfc738) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x32bfc888) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x32bfc7e0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5471,10 +4727,6 @@ Class QItemSelection
 QItemSelection (0x3279af80) 0
   QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x32bfc930) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x32bfcab8) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5762,10 +5014,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x32cac240) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x32cda150) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x32cda380) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6184,10 +5432,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x32cac600) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32cdaea8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x32cda9d8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6214,10 +5458,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x32cac740) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32dbf460) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x32dbf738) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6225,10 +5465,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x32cac7c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32dbf5e8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x32dbf9a0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6243,10 +5479,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x32cac880) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x32cac8c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32dbfab8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x32dbfe38) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6273,10 +5505,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x32caca00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32dbfdc8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x32e40268) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6334,15 +5562,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x32cacc80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32caccc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32e40f18) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x32e40fc0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x32e40bd0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6351,10 +5571,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x32cacd00) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32cacd40) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32e40428) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x32eab2a0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6549,10 +5765,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x32ef8040) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x32eabb60) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x32eabd58) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6735,15 +5947,7 @@ QListView (0x32ef8240) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x32eabee0) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x32f67000) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x32eabab8) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7785,15 +6989,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x330744d0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x330748c0) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x330747a8) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7810,25 +7006,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x330746c8) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x33074d20) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x33074c40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x33074ea8) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x33074e00) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8055,15 +7235,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x3314a5e8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x3314a6c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x3314a738) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8911,15 +8083,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x3315b980) 0
   QObject (0x33251b98) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x3315b980)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x33251dc8) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x33251d20) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9060,10 +8224,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3315ba80) 0
     QObject (0x332ff038) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3315bac0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x332ff230) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10591,10 +9751,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x33354a40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x334892d8) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x33489498) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10754,10 +9910,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x33354c00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x334896c8) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x33489930) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12328,158 +11480,34 @@ QDial (0x33569900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3364c9d8) 8
           vptr=((& QDial::_ZTV5QDial) + 236u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x33708c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x33724380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x33744188) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x33772d90) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3378ca48) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3378cce8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x337acd90) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x337ca3b8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x337caf18) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x337f70a8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x337f7230) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x337f73b8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x337f7b28) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x33888268) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x33888460) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x338ac118) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x338e7b98) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x338e7f88) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x33908380) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x339278c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x33927a48) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x33927f18) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x3394e380) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x3394e578) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x3394eaf0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x3398b000) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x3398b620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x3398b8c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x3398b968) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x3398be38) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x339ba460) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index a7b7870..e85b020 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x6952c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x695500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x6955c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x695680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x695740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x695800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x6958c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x695980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x695a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x695b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x695bc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x695c80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x695d40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x695e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x695ec0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x6ca1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x6ca2c0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x6ca9c0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x6caa00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x6cac80) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x16af940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x16afd00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x17b21c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x17b2240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x17b22c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x17b2340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x17b23c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x17b2440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x17b24c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x17b2540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x17b25c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x17b2640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x17b26c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x17b2740) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x17b2e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x19182c0) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1918ec0) 0
   QString (0x1918f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1a0f000) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1a0f8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1a0ff00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1a0fd80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1b210c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1b21000) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1b21300) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1b21340) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1b21600) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1b21580) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1b21880) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1b217c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1b21ec0) 0
   QObject (0x1b21f00) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1b21ec0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1bee080) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1bee740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1bee940) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1bee9c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1beebc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1beeb00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1beec80) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1beecc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1c8f140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1c8f1c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x1c8f5c0) 0
     QObject (0x1c8fac0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1c8f880)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1d28140) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1d28180) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1d28240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1d282c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1d28480) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1d283c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1d28540) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1d28680) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1d28700) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1d28740) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1d28a00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1d28f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1d28f80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1f4f240) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1f4f500) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1041,35 +829,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x1f4fb40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1fef780) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1fef800) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1fef700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1fef880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1fef900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1fef980) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1182,95 +950,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x20dc400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x20dc540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x20dc600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x20dc6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x20dc780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x20dc840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x20dc900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x20dc9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x20dca80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x20dcb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x20dcc00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x20dccc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x20dcd80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x20dce40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x20dcf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x20dcfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x20dc380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x212d080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x212d140) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1297,50 +993,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x212d1c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x212d840) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x212d780) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x212da40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x212d980) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x212dcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x212de00) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x212dec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x212df40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x212dfc0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1418,15 +1082,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x21ee680) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x21ee840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x21ee8c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1453,10 +1109,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x21ee940) 0
   QObject (0x21ee980) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x21ee940)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x21eeb80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1501,20 +1153,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x21eedc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x21eef80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x21ee100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x21eed40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1684,10 +1328,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x22d06c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x22d07c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1779,20 +1419,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x2365100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x23651c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x2365240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2365300) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1804,10 +1436,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x23653c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2365480) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2095,10 +1723,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x23efdc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x23eff00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2110,70 +1734,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x24950c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x24952c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x2495340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2495580) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x2495600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2495780) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2495800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2495c80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x2495f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2495940) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x2549140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x25491c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x2549340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x2549400) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2185,50 +1781,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x25499c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2549a40) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x2549b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2549f80) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x267a140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x267a540) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x267a9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x267ab80) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x267ae00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x267afc0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2250,10 +1826,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x278e6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x278e840) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2572,15 +2144,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x28b22c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x28b2480) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x28b23c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2869,15 +2433,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2909e00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2909f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2909fc0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3161,25 +2717,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x296bc80) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x29af2c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x29af340) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x29af3c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x29af240) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3191,45 +2731,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x29af680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x29af740) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x29af7c0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x29afa40) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x29af940) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x29afb80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x29afc00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x29afc80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x29afb00) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3625,10 +3137,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2b7b740) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2b7b800) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2b7ba80) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -3879,10 +3387,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2b7bfc0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2b7b940) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2c3f200) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4577,10 +4081,6 @@ QImage (0x2d097c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2d09800) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2d097c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2d09b00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4625,10 +4125,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x2dc71c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x2dc7280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4784,10 +4280,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x2e09e80) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x2dc7cc0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x2dc7c80)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x2dc7f00) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4963,15 +4455,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x2e5a980) 0
   QObject (0x2e5a9c0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x2e5a980)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x2e5ac40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x2e5ab80) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5276,10 +4760,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x2ee4740) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x2ee47c0) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x2ee4a40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5487,15 +4967,7 @@ QStyle (0x2ee4f40) 0
   QObject (0x2ee4f80) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x2ee4f40)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x2ee4e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x2fb9040) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -5754,10 +5226,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x2fb9a40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x2fb9a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x2fb9e00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5784,10 +5252,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x3062300) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3062340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x3062700) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5795,10 +5259,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x3062540) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3062580) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x3062a40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5813,10 +5273,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x3062b80) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x3062bc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3062c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x3062200) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5843,10 +5299,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x30db2c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x30db300) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x30db680) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5904,15 +5356,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x31394c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3139500) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3139540) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x31399c0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x3139900) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5921,10 +5365,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x3139700) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3139740) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3139780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x3139dc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6084,10 +5524,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x31a09c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x31a0cc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6118,20 +5554,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x31a0d80) 0
   QObject (0x31a0dc0) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x31a0d80)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x31a0f80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x31a0ec0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x31a0300) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6261,10 +5685,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x3249180) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3249280) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x3249500) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -6576,15 +5996,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3249f80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x32f7280) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x32f7140) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6725,15 +6137,7 @@ QListView (0x32f7500) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x32f7640) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x32f7a80) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x32f7980) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7522,35 +6926,15 @@ QTreeView (0x338e780) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x349a080) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x349a340) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x349a240) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x349a800) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x349a700) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x349a9c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x349a900) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8397,15 +7781,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x3679480) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3679680) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3679580) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8413,15 +7789,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x3679700) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3679740) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3679b80) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3679a80) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8434,95 +7802,39 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x3679f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x3679fc0) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x3718000) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3718100) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3718140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3718300) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x3718380) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x3718900) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3718ac0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x37189c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3718cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x3718bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3718ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x3718dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3809000) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x3718fc0) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3809080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3809140) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3809300) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -8557,20 +7869,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x38091c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3809540) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x3809480) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x38095c0) 0
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -8582,25 +7886,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x3809600) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x3809b40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3809a40) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3809840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3809c00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8698,10 +7990,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3945340) 0
     QObject (0x39453c0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3945380)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x39456c0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -9023,25 +8311,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x39b63c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x39b6740) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x39b6600) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x39b6b00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x39b6a00) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9096,15 +8372,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x39b6400) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3aa8180) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3aa8080) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9154,15 +8422,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x3aa8480) 0
   QObject (0x3aa84c0) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x3aa8480)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x3aa8700) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x3aa8840) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9174,15 +8434,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x3aa8980) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x3aa8bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3aa8ac0) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -9344,10 +8596,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x3b5c380) 0
     QObject (0x3b5c400) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x3b5c3c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x3b5c940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -9372,25 +8620,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x3b5cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x3b5cf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x3b5c540) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x3bb5080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x3bb5280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -10023,10 +9259,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x3c36d80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3c36e80) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x3c36580) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -10187,10 +9419,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x3cda1c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3cda240) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x3cda500) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12332,158 +11560,34 @@ QWorkspace (0x3fe2140) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3fe21c0) 8
         vptr=((& QWorkspace::_ZTV10QWorkspace) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x405a740) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x407b5c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x40d3640) 0 empty
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x41b3900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x41b3b40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x41b3e00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x41d5500) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x4209840) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x4209a00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4209bc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4209d80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4224d40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4242000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4242300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4242980) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x42665c0) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x42d1940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x42d1c00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x42fdac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x42fde40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x431c2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x431c7c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x431cb00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x431cd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x433e0c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x433e180) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x433e540) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x433e9c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4373000) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4373700) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x43b3080) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 309680e..ef64846 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x820d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x820f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x84b040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x84b100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x84b1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x84b280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x84b340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x84b400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x84b4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x84b580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x84b640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x84b700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x84b7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x84b880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x84b940) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x84bc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x84bd40) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x1707140) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x1707180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x1707400) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x17d50c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x17d5480) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x17d5940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x17d59c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x17d5a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x17d5ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x17d5b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x17d5bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x17d5c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x17d5cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x17d5d40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x17d5dc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x17d5e40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x17d5ec0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1947600) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1947a40) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1b15640) 0
   QString (0x1b15680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1b15780) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1b15c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1b77580) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1b77400) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1b778c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1b77800) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1b77b00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1b77b40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1b77e00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1b77d80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1b77680) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1b77fc0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1cda600) 0
   QObject (0x1cda640) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1cda600)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1cda880) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1cdaf40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1dc5040) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1dc50c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1dc52c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1dc5200) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1dc5380) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1dc53c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1dc5880) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1dc5900) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x1e4cb40) 0
     QObject (0x1e4cbc0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1e4cb80)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1e4cd80) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1e4cdc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1e4ce80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1e4cf00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1f0f000) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1e4c180) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1f0f0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1f0f200) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1f0f280) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1f0f2c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1f0f580) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1f0fa80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1f0fb00) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1fe2a80) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1fe2d40) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1051,35 +839,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x21afa40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x21afb00) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x21afb80) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x21afa80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21afc00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21afc80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x21afd00) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1192,95 +960,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x2270740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x2270880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x2270940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x2270a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x2270ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x2270b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x2270c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x2270d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x2270dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x2270e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x2270f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x2270340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x2323000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x23230c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x2323180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x2323240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x2323300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x23233c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x2323480) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1307,50 +1003,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x2323500) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2323b80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x2323ac0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2323d80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x2323cc0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x23236c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2323ec0) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23f3080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23f3100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23f3180) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1428,15 +1092,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x23f39c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x23f3b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x23f3c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1463,10 +1119,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x23f3c80) 0
   QObject (0x23f3cc0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x23f3c80)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x23f3ec0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1511,20 +1163,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x23f3e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2501180) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2501200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2501340) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1694,10 +1338,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2501a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2501b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1789,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x25ad500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x25ad5c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x25ad640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x25ad700) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1814,10 +1446,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x25ad7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x25ad880) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2105,10 +1733,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x26fe100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x26fe240) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2120,70 +1744,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x26fe440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x26fe640) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x26fe6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x26fe900) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x26fe980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x26feb00) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x26feb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x26fe480) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x26fee40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x27b8340) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x27b8640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x27b86c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x27b8840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x27b8900) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2195,50 +1791,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x27b8ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x27b8f40) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x27b8100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x29151c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x2915580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2915980) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x2915e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2915fc0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x29158c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2a10080) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2260,10 +1836,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x2a10a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2a10bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2582,15 +2154,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=28 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2bb1740) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2bb1900) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2bb1840) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2879,15 +2443,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2c12bc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2c55080) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2c55100) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3171,25 +2727,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2cc03c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cc0700) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cc0780) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cc0800) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2cc0680) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3201,45 +2741,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2cc0ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2cc0b80) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2cc0c00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2cc0e80) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2cc0d80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cc0fc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cc0340) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cc0840) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2cc0f40) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3635,10 +3147,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2e97c40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2e97d00) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2e97f80) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -3889,10 +3397,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2fbb280) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2fbb340) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2fbb600) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4587,10 +4091,6 @@ QImage (0x3093c00) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x3093c40) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x3093c00)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x3093f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4635,10 +4135,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x3180640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3180700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4794,10 +4290,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x31fc200) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x3180c40) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x3180a00)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x3205180) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4973,15 +4465,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x3205dc0) 0
   QObject (0x3205e00) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x3205dc0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x3205440) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x3205fc0) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5286,10 +4770,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x32e9bc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x32e9c40) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x32e9ec0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5497,15 +4977,7 @@ QStyle (0x339e180) 0
   QObject (0x339e1c0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x339e180)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x339e400) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x339e480) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -5764,10 +5236,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x339ee80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x339eec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x349c080) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5794,10 +5262,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x349c700) 0
   QStyleOption (0x349c740) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x349cb00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5805,10 +5269,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x349c940) 0
   QStyleOption (0x349c980) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x349ce40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5823,10 +5283,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x349cf80) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x349cfc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x349c000) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x3545240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5853,10 +5309,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x3545700) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3545740) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x3545ac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5914,15 +5366,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x35bc900) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x35bc940) 0
     QStyleOption (0x35bc980) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x35bce00) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x35bcd40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5931,10 +5375,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x35bcb40) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x35bcb80) 0
     QStyleOption (0x35bcbc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x35bcf00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6094,10 +5534,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x3621e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3621b00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6128,20 +5564,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x36c1040) 0
   QObject (0x36c1080) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x36c1040)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x36c1240) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x36c13c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x36c1300) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6271,10 +5695,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x36c1580) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x36c1680) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x36c1900) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -6586,15 +6006,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x37b8200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x37b86c0) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x37b8580) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6735,15 +6147,7 @@ QListView (0x37b8940) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x37b8a80) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x37b8ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x37b8dc0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7532,35 +6936,15 @@ QTreeView (0x395a340) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x395a480) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x395a740) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x395a640) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x395ac00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x395ab00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x395adc0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x395ad00) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8407,15 +7791,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x3ba9900) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3ba9b00) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3ba9a00) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8423,15 +7799,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x3ba9b80) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3ba9bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3ba9000) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3ba9f00) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8444,95 +7812,39 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x3c5a280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x3c5a300) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x3c5a3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3c5a4c0) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3c5a540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3c5a700) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x3c5a780) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x3c5ad00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3c5aec0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x3c5adc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3d69000) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x3c5afc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3d69200) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x3d69100) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3d69400) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x3d69300) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3d69480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3d69540) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3d69700) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -8567,20 +7879,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3d695c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3d699c0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x3d69900) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x3d69a40) 0
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=24 align=8
@@ -8592,25 +7896,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x3d69a80) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x3d69fc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3d69ec0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3d69cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3d69940) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8708,10 +8000,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3ec7840) 0
     QObject (0x3ec78c0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3ec7880)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x3ec7bc0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -9033,25 +8321,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x3f7d8c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x3f7dc40) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x3f7db00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x3f7d180) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x3f7df00) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9106,15 +8382,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x405a340) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x405a640) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x405a540) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9164,15 +8432,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x405a940) 0
   QObject (0x405a980) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x405a940)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x405abc0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x405ad00) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9184,15 +8444,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x405ae40) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x405ab00) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x405af80) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -9354,10 +8606,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x41578c0) 0
     QObject (0x4157940) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x4157900)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x4157e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -9382,25 +8630,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x41576c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x41cd380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x41cd440) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x41cd500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x41cd700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -10033,10 +9269,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x431c100) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x431c200) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x431c400) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -10197,10 +9429,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x431c6c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x431c740) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x431ca00) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12342,158 +11570,34 @@ QWorkspace (0x469c640) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x469c6c0) 8
         vptr=((& QWorkspace::_ZTV10QWorkspace) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x475fbc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x4780a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x47daac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x48bbd80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x48bbfc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x48df280) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x48df980) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x4919cc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x4919e80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4933040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4933200) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x49541c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4954480) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4954780) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4954e00) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x4978a40) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x49e2dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4a11040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x4a11cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4a11f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4a30380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4a30880) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x4a30bc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x4a30e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4a55180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x4a55240) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x4a55600) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x4a55940) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4a55980) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4a98640) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x4a98680) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index 1347448..2d15298 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,80 +18,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xad5e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaeb680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaeb800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaeb980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xaebb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xaebc80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xaebe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xaebf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb07100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb07280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb07400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb07580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb07700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb07880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb07a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb07b80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -108,10 +48,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb4d840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb70cc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -139,70 +75,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc34f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd4bc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd78100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd783c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd73c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd8d100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd78a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xd949c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdc8140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdc8440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xd8d340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xdd8180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xdd8940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdd8c80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -229,10 +113,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xeac500) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xeac940) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -245,10 +125,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11e1880) 0
   QString (0x11e18c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11e1c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -311,10 +187,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1279f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x137ce40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -339,15 +211,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xeac480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13c0140) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc3da40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -370,25 +234,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x13fefc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1404000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1418700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1404580) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1432f80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1432b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -480,10 +332,6 @@ QIODevice (0x137c700) 0
   QObject (0x14bb540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x137c700)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x14bb840) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -503,25 +351,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xeac380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15884c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1588840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1588d80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1588c40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -529,15 +365,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xeac400) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15b6000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1588ec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1588e80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -666,50 +494,22 @@ QFile (0x169c840) 0
     QObject (0x169c8c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x169c880)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x16ab100) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x16d25c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x16d2f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1700e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x172a300) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x172a200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x16d2440) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1758040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x172ac00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -766,10 +566,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x169c740) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x17d7340) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -843,10 +639,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x182cc40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x182cd40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -871,10 +663,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1a78240) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1a78600) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -911,20 +699,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b06440) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b06480) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b06440)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b33680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b33800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b525c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1037,95 +813,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ce0bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1cfad40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1cfaec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1d13040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1d131c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1d13340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1d134c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1d13640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1d137c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1d13940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1d13ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1d13c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1d13dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1d13f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1d310c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1d31240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1d313c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1d31540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1d316c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1152,35 +856,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x14328c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dce540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1d43dc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dce840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1d43e40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1d43000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1e35280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1258,15 +942,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1d31f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1ed0440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1efff80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1293,10 +969,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1f2c600) 0
   QObject (0x1f2c640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1f2c600)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1f2c940) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1341,20 +1013,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1f64f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1f97b40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1f64ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1f97e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1524,10 +1188,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2003d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x20463c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1620,20 +1280,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x13fe8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x20b7900) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x13fe940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x20b7f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1645,10 +1297,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x13fea40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x20e4640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1941,10 +1589,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2231640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2290040) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1956,70 +1600,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1d31900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x22d1900) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1d31b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x22f4540) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x16d24c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x231d300) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d31b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x231df40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1d31c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x236d180) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d31980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x238e600) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1d31a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x23b8b00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2031,50 +1647,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1d31a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x250b300) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1d31c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2539480) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1d31d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x255e9c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1d31d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x25cc440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1d31e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x264b680) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2096,10 +1692,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x1dbbc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x276cc00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2416,15 +2008,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x28a73c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x28a78c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x28a74c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2713,15 +2297,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x294ae00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2958e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x29673c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3007,25 +2583,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x271edc0) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a7d540) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a7d680) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a7d780) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2a7d4c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3037,45 +2597,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x1d9cd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2ad6300) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2aa9b00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2aeb000) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2ad68c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aeb280) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aeb380) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aeb5c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2aeb200) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -3487,10 +3019,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2e1a680) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2e1a780) 8
           vptr=((&QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2e1aa40) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 70u entries
@@ -3753,10 +3281,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2e8ab40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2e8ac40) 8
           vptr=((&QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2eaf600) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4485,10 +4009,6 @@ QImage (0x1dbb400) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x309a900) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x1dbb400)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x3137b00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 9u entries
@@ -4537,10 +4057,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x1dbb200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x31e3bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4696,10 +4212,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x321e600) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x321e6c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x321e680)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x321e880) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4877,15 +4389,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x32c7780) 0
   QObject (0x3308600) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x32c7780)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x3308fc0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x2ca7940) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5194,10 +4698,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3392ac0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3392b80) 8
         vptr=((&QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3392f00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 68u entries
@@ -5413,15 +4913,7 @@ QStyle (0x2c72700) 0
   QObject (0x345b700) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x2c72700)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x346f040) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3485100) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 71u entries
@@ -5692,10 +5184,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x35b7500) 0
   QStyleOption (0x35b7540) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x35b7ac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5722,10 +5210,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x35d9ec0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x35d9f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x3621ac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5733,10 +5217,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x36218c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3621900) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x365d480) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5751,10 +5231,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x365dbc0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x365dc00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x365dc40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x36b3440) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5781,10 +5257,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x37002c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3700300) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x3700e00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5842,15 +5314,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x3795a00) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3795a40) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3795a80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x37b6200) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x37b6100) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5859,10 +5323,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x3795f80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3795fc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x37b6000) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x37b6d40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6026,10 +5486,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x38abd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x39120c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6060,20 +5516,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x39124c0) 0
   QObject (0x3912500) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x39124c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x3912840) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x393c3c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x393c2c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6207,10 +5651,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x393ca40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x393cb80) 8
             vptr=((&QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x39955c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -6526,15 +5966,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3a82a80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3aa5580) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3aa5380) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6679,15 +6111,7 @@ QListView (0x3aa5d40) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3aa5ec0) 8
               vptr=((&QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 400u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3afa300) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3afa180) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7492,35 +6916,15 @@ QTreeView (0x3cbf500) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3cbf680) 8
               vptr=((&QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 408u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x3cfc680) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x3cfc240) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3d49440) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3d492c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3d49640) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3d49100) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8375,15 +7779,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x2a653c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3ff2a00) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3ff2880) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8391,15 +7787,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x1dbb500) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3ff2b80) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x4027e00) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x4027cc0) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8412,95 +7800,39 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x236d140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x4082bc0) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x40a5a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x40a5e40) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x1dbbd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x410e440) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x271eec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x410e980) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x41db340) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x412c580) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x41db6c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x412c640) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x421e380) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x412c780) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x421e700) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x274a3c0) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x410e7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x42bc9c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x42bcf40) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 26u entries
@@ -8537,20 +7869,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x2a35280) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x42d1380) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x42bc700) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x42bc8c0) 0
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=24 align=8
@@ -8562,25 +7886,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x2bb4100) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x43ae9c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43ae840) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x435b340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43aeb80) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8682,10 +7994,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4463e40) 0
     QObject (0x4463ec0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4463e80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x4492600) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -9007,25 +8315,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x1d31f00) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x458d100) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x1d31e80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x458da80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x4581bc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9080,15 +8376,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x2ba1e00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x46e90c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x46d0d00) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9138,15 +8426,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x452fec0) 0
   QObject (0x4714900) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x452fec0)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x4714dc0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x477cdc0) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9158,15 +8438,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x47902c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x4790580) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4790400) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -9328,10 +8600,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x4714100) 0
     QObject (0x481b340) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x481b300)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x48437c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -9356,25 +8624,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x46d0540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x489e040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x489e1c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x47f1600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x489ec40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -10031,10 +9287,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x4a5d080) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4a5d1c0) 8
             vptr=((&QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 268u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x4a20580) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 68u entries
@@ -10203,10 +9455,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x4acc200) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x4acc2c0) 8
         vptr=((&QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x4acc780) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 67u entries
@@ -12452,158 +11700,34 @@ QWorkspace (0x50023c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x5002480) 8
         vptr=((&QWorkspace::_ZTV10QWorkspace) + 240u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13c0100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x1588d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x52a4200) 0 empty
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x3d49600) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3d493c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x3ff2980) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x4027d80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x41db2c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x41db640) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x421e300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x421e680) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43ae940) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x458da00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x46e9040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4790500) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x3308f80) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3aa5500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x56ff5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x572c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x572c580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x572cac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x575d180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x172a2c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x1dce500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x575d6c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x37b61c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x393c380) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x575de40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x57ba100) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x57ba340) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x57ba840) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index fc285d1..efcd7b0 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fb7d80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7fb7dc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7fb7e80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fb7ec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fb7f40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7fb7f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb78c7040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb78c7080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb78c7300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb78c73c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb78c7400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb78c7440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb78c7480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb78c74c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb78c7500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb78c7540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb78c7580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb78c75c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb78c7600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb78c7640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb78c7680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb78c76c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb78c7700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb78c7740) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb78c7780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb78c7880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb78c78c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb78c7900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb78c7940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb78c7980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb78c79c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb78c7a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb78c7a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb78c7a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb78c7ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb78c7b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb78c7b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb78c7b80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb78c7c40) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb78c7c80) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb78c7e40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb78c7f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb78c7f80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6bf0280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6bf02c0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb6bf0300) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb6bf0480) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb6bf0580) 0
   QString (0xb6bf05c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6bf0600) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb6bf0900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6bf0c80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb6bf0c00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6bf0e00) 0
   QObject (0xb6bf0e40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6bf0e00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6bf0f00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6bf07c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6bf0880) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb6796580) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6796b00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6796a40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6796c40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6796bc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6796cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6796d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6796d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6796d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6796dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6796e00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6796f00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6796f80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6796f40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6796440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6796880) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6796ac0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb651f040) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb651f200) 0
   QTextStream (0xb651f240) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb651f200)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb651f300) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb651f340) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb651f2c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb651f380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb651f3c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb651f400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb651f440) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,80 +492,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb651f4c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb651f500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb651f540) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb651f580) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb651f640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb651f600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb651f5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb651f680) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb651f700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb651f6c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb651f740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb651f7c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb651f780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb651f800) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb651f840) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb651f880) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -882,10 +580,6 @@ QFile (0xb651fd40) 0
     QObject (0xb651fdc0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb651fd80)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb651fe40) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -938,50 +632,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb651ffc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb651f000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb651f1c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb651fe00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb651f280) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb651ff80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6500000) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6500040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6500100) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6500080) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -989,30 +655,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6500140) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6500180) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6500200) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6500240) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6500300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6500380) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6500400) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1069,10 +719,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb6500440) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb65005c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1184,15 +830,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6500880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb65008c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6500900) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1287,285 +925,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6500c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6500c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6500cc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6500d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6500dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6500e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6500e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6500e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6500ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6500f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6500f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6500f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6500fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6500540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6500640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6500700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6500840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6500980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6500b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6500bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6272000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6272040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6272080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb62720c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6272100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6272140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6272180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb62721c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6272200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6272240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6272280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb62722c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6272300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6272340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6272380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb62723c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6272400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6272440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6272480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb62724c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6272500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6272540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6272580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb62725c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6272600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6272640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6272680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb62726c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6272700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6272740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6272780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb62727c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6272800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6272840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6272880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb62728c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6272900) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1592,45 +1010,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6272940) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6272b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6272bc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6272cc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6272c40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6272dc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6272d40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6272e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6272f00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1662,80 +1052,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6272b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6272a80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6272e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6272fc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb618b000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb618b040) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb618b080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb618b0c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb618b100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb618b300) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb618b380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb618b580) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb618b640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb618b740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb618b780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb618b840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1752,10 +1110,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb618bc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb618bc40) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1772,30 +1126,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb618bec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb618bf80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb618bfc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb618b1c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb618b200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb618b2c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1323,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5e01040) 0
   QObject (0xb5e01080) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5e01040)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb5e01180) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5e01680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb5e016c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb5e01700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5e01780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2324,10 +1654,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb5e01c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb5e01c40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2422,20 +1748,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb5e01ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb5e01f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb5e01f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb5e01f80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2447,10 +1765,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb5e01000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb5e01100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2507,10 +1821,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb5e01440) 0
   QObject (0xb5e01500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb5e01440)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb5e01600) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2558,10 +1868,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb5e01bc0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5e01dc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2573,45 +1879,21 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb5e01e80) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5d72040) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5d72000) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5d720c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0xb5d72080) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5d72180) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5d721c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5d72200) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb5d72140) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2628,20 +1910,8 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb5d723c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb5d72480) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb5d72540) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb5d724c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2649,15 +1919,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb5d72580) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb5d725c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb5d72680) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb5d72600) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2680,10 +1942,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb5d72880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb5d728c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2724,10 +1982,6 @@ QImage (0xb5d72a40) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb5d72a80) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb5d72a40)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb5d72bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -2752,45 +2006,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb5d72d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb5d72dc0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb5d72e00) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb5d72f40) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb5d72ec0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5d72fc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5d72240) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5d72280) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb5d72f80) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -2820,30 +2046,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb5d72800) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb5d72b00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb5d72980) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb5d72cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb5d72b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb5d72d00) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2983,10 +2193,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb5b4f580) 0
     QObject (0xb5b4f600) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb5b4f5c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb5b4f740) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -3011,25 +2217,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb5b4f800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb5b4f880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb5b4f8c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb5b4f900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb5b4f940) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3089,20 +2283,12 @@ QTextDocument (0xb5b4fb00) 0
   QObject (0xb5b4fb40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb5b4fb00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb5b4fbc0) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb5b4fc00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb5b4fc40) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3143,10 +2329,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb5b4fe80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb5b4ff40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3444,15 +2626,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb5ad0c00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb5ad0d00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb5ad0c80) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3751,15 +2925,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb5965480) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb5965600) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb5965580) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3808,10 +2974,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0xb5965880) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb5965940) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3834,15 +2996,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb5965b40) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb5965c80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb5965c00) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4206,10 +3360,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb5965f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb5770040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -4240,20 +3390,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb5770080) 0
   QObject (0xb57700c0) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb5770080)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb5770140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb5770200) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb5770180) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4460,20 +3598,12 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb5770680) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb5770740) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb5770800) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb5770840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb5770900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -4681,15 +3811,7 @@ QStyle (0xb5770c40) 0
   QObject (0xb5770c80) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb5770c40)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb5770d40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb5770d80) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -4948,10 +4070,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb5770c00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5770bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb56ea080) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4978,10 +4096,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb56ea300) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb56ea340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb56ea4c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -4989,10 +4103,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb56ea400) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb56ea440) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb56ea640) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5007,10 +4117,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb56ea6c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb56ea700) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb56ea740) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb56ea8c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5037,10 +4143,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb56eab00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb56eab40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb56eac80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5066,10 +4168,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb56eae80) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb56eaec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb56ea040) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5110,15 +4208,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb56eac40) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb56eacc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb56ead80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb53ed100) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb53ed080) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5127,10 +4217,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb56eae40) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb56eaf00) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb53ed000) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb53ed2c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5338,10 +4424,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb53eda00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb53edb40) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb53edc00) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -6106,10 +5188,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb52d0580) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb52d0680) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb52d0740) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6360,10 +5438,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb52d0a80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb52d0b80) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb52d0c40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6449,10 +5523,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb52d0c80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb52d0d80) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb52d0e40) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6874,10 +5944,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb51cf3c0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb51cf480) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb51cf440)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb51cf500) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -7225,50 +6291,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb51cf5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb51cf7c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb51cfb80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb51cfa00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb5143040) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb51cfe40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb5143140) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb51430c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb5143240) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb51431c0) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7286,25 +6316,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb5143340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb51435c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb5143540) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb5143440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb5143600) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7316,15 +6334,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb5143700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb5143740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb5143800) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -7359,25 +6369,13 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb5143780) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb5143900) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb5143880) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb5143940) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5143a00) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7467,15 +6465,7 @@ QStringListModel (0xb5143b00) 0
       QObject (0xb5143bc0) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb5143b80)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb5143d40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb5143cc0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7718,15 +6708,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb5143d80) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f33180) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb4f33100) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -8547,15 +7529,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb4f33000) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f33dc0) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb4f33ac0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8572,25 +7546,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0xb4f33880) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4ea7100) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb4ea7080) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ea7200) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb4ea7180) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8817,15 +7775,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb4ea7800) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb4ea7880) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb4ea78c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -9778,15 +8728,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb4d95f80) 0
   QObject (0xb4d95fc0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb4d95f80)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d95380) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb4d95180) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9956,10 +8898,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0xb4d95f40) 0
     QObject (0xb4aec040) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0xb4aec000)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb4aec200) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10481,15 +9419,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb4aecfc0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb4aec080) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4aec1c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -11262,20 +10192,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb49d6880) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb49d69c0) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb49d6a40) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb49d6b00) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb49d6a80) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12527,10 +11445,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb48e3080) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb48e36c0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb48e3840) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -12690,10 +11604,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb4815040) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4815100) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb48151c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12851,10 +11761,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb4815340) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4815400) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb4815480) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -13028,10 +11934,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb4815600) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4815740) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb4815840) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -14034,10 +12936,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb478f600) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb478f700) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb478f780) 0
 Vtable for QToolBar
 QToolBar::_ZTV8QToolBar: 63u entries
@@ -14439,178 +13337,38 @@ QDial (0xb478fd40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb478fe40) 8
           vptr=((& QDial::_ZTV5QDial) + 236u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb478ff00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0xb478ff80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb478f040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb478f340) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb478f5c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb478f8c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb478fbc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb478fe80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb4490040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb44900c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb4490140) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb44901c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4490240) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb4490480) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb4490500) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb4490600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb4490700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb44907c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb44908c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb4490980) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb4490a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb4490a80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb4490b00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb4490b80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb4490c00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb4490cc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb4490d80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb4490e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb4490ec0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb4490f40) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb4490580) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb4490c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4490d00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb4490dc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb427c040) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 5643ae0..f753f64 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x305e92d8) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x305e9348) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x3001bac0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x305e9498) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x305e9578) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x305e95e8) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x3001bb40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x305e9738) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x305e9ab8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x305e9cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x305e9d58) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x305e9e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x305e9ea8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x305e9f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x30617000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x306170a8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x30617150) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x306171f8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x306172a0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x30617348) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x306173f0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x30617498) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30617540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x306175e8) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x30617658) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30617b28) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30617b98) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x30617c08) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30617c78) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30617ce8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30617d58) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x30617dc8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x30617e38) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x30617ea8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30617f18) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30617f88) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x31307000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x31307070) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3001bc80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x31307188) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x31307348) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x31307428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x313074d0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x31403230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x31403578) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0x31403620) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x31403850) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x3001bec0) 0
   QString (0x3154f9d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x3154fab8) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x31622150) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x31622690) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x316225e8) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0x3001bf80) 0
   QObject (0x31622b60) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x3001bf80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x31622d58) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x31750348) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x317503b8) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x31750c08) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x31893230) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x318930e0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x31893508) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x31893460) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x31893620) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x318936c8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x318937a8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31893738) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31893818) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31893888) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x318939d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31893ab8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31893a48) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x31893b28) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31893b98) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x31893bd0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x31893e00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x3180c180) 0
   QTextStream (0x3194f2d8) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x3180c180)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x3194f5b0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x3194f620) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x3194f540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3194f690) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3194f700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x3194f770) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3194f7e0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,70 +492,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x3194f850) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3194f8c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3194f930) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3194fa10) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3194f9a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3194fa80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3194fb60) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x3194faf0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3194fbd0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3194fcb0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3194fc40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3194fd20) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3194fd90) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3194fe00) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -872,10 +574,6 @@ QFile (0x3180c1c0) 0
     QObject (0x319f0658) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3180c200)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x319f07e0) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -928,50 +626,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x319f0930) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x319f09d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x319f0a48) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x319f0bd0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x319f0b28) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x319f0c78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x319f0e70) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x319f0ee0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x31b3b000) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x319f05e8) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -979,30 +649,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x3180c300) 0
   QList<QString> (0x31b3b0a8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x31b3b4d0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x31b3b540) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x31b3b850) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x31b3b968) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x31b3ba10) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1059,10 +713,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x31b3ba48) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x31b3bcb0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1174,15 +824,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x31b3bdc8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x31c38038) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x31c380e0) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1277,285 +919,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x31c384d0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x31c38658) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x31c386c8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x31c38738) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x31c388f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x31c389a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0x31c38a48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x31c38af0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x31c38b98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x31c38c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x31c38ce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x31c38d90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x31c38e38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x31c38ee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0x31c38f88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0x31c38348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0x31cd7038) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x31cd70e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x31cd7188) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x31cd7230) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x31cd72d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0x31cd7380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0x31cd7428) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x31cd74d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x31cd7578) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x31cd7620) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x31cd76c8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x31cd7770) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x31cd7818) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x31cd78c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x31cd7968) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x31cd7a10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x31cd7ab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x31cd7b60) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x31cd7c08) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x31cd7cb0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x31cd7d58) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x31cd7e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x31cd7ea8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x31cd7f50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x31cef000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x31cef0a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x31cef150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x31cef1f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x31cef2a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x31cef348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x31cef3f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x31cef498) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x31cef540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x31cef5e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x31cef690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x31cef738) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x31cef7e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x31cef888) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x31cef930) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x31cef9d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x31cefa80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1582,45 +1004,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x31cefaf0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0x31ceff88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0x31cefce8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31d40118) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31d40070) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31d402d8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31d40230) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31d403f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31d40508) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1652,80 +1046,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x31d40a48) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x31d40e38) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31d40658) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31dfa000) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x31dfa230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31dfa2a0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31dfa3f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31dfa498) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31dfa620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x31dfa9a0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x31dfac78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x31dfa658) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x31ea2070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x31ea2268) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x31ea2498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x31ea2620) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1742,10 +1104,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x31ea2188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x31ff6000) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1762,30 +1120,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x31ff63f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x31ff65b0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x31ff6620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x31ff67e0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x31ff6850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x31ff69a0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1971,10 +1317,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x3180c880) 0
   QObject (0x320b53b8) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x3180c880)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x320b5578) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2081,20 +1423,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x320b5fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x320b59d8) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x320b5bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x32162038) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2314,10 +1648,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x32162770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x32162850) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2412,20 +1742,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x32162c78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x32162d20) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x32162d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x32162e38) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2437,10 +1759,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x32162ee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x32162f88) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2497,10 +1815,6 @@ QLibrary (0x3180cd00) 0
   QObject (0x32233070) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x3180cd00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x322331f8) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2548,10 +1862,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x32233498) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x32233620) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2563,45 +1873,21 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x322336c8) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x32233770) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x32233700) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x32233888) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x32233818) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32233ab8) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32233b28) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32233b98) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x32233a48) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2618,20 +1904,8 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x32233428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x322ec000) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x322ec1c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x322ec0e0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2639,15 +1913,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x3180cdc0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x322ec230) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x322ec5e8) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x322ec508) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2670,10 +1936,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x322ecaf0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x322ecb60) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2714,10 +1976,6 @@ QImage (0x3180ce80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x322ece70) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x3180ce80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x323d0038) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -2742,45 +2000,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x323d02d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x323d0380) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=8
    base size=72 base align=8
 QBrushData (0x323d03f0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0x323d0620) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0x323d0540) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x323d0738) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x323d07a8) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x323d0818) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x323d06c8) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2810,30 +2040,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x323d08f8) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x323d0c40) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x323d0af0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x323d0f88) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x323d0ea8) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x323d0268) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2973,10 +2187,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x324b5280) 0
     QObject (0x324d6460) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x324b52c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x324d68f8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -3001,25 +2211,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x324d6ab8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x324d6e38) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x324d6ee0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x324d6f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x32561070) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3079,20 +2277,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x324b5300) 0
   QObject (0x32561348) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x324b5300)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x32561508) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x32561540) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x32561620) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3133,10 +2323,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x32561a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x32561c08) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3434,15 +2620,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x32639f50) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x326395e8) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x326391c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3741,15 +2919,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x326fd038) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x326fd2d8) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x326fd1f8) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3798,10 +2968,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x326fd700) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x326fd818) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3824,15 +2990,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x326fdd90) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x326fdf88) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x326fdea8) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -4196,10 +3354,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x328f0348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x328f0700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -4230,20 +3384,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x327de240) 0
   QObject (0x328f07a8) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x327de240)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x328f0930) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x328f0a80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x328f09d8) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4450,20 +3592,12 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x327de480) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x328f0888) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x329c40a8) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x329c40e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x329c41c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -4671,15 +3805,7 @@ QStyle (0x327de6c0) 0
   QObject (0x329c4620) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x327de6c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x329c47e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x329c4850) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -4938,10 +4064,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x327de940) 0
   QStyleOption (0x329c4f18) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x329c4738) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4968,10 +4090,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x327dea80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32ae3310) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x32ae3508) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -4979,10 +4097,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x327deb00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32ae3428) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x32ae3700) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -4997,10 +4111,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x327debc0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x327dec00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32ae3818) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x32ae3af0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5027,10 +4137,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x327ded40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32ae3d90) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x32ae3f88) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5056,10 +4162,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x327dee40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32ae3f18) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x32b93150) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5100,15 +4202,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x32bc2040) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32bc2080) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32b93888) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x32b93b28) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x32b93a80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5117,10 +4211,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x32bc20c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32bc2100) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32b939a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x32b93d90) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5328,10 +4418,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x32bc24c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x32c26310) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x32c26508) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -6096,10 +5182,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x32bc2cc0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x32d162d8) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x32d16508) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6350,10 +5432,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x32bc2f00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x32d168f8) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x32d16af0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6439,10 +5517,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x32ded000) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x32d16c78) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x32d16e70) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6864,10 +5938,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x32ded480) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x32e24700) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x32ded4c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x32e248f8) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -7215,50 +6285,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x32ef4c78) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x32ef4d90) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x32fb6150) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x32fb6070) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x32fb6310) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x32fb6230) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x32fb64d0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x32fb63f0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x32fb6690) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x32fb65b0) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7276,25 +6310,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x32fb6930) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x32fb6dc8) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x32fb6ce8) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x32fb6b28) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x32fb6e70) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7306,15 +6328,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x330a30a8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x330a3150) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x330a32d8) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -7349,25 +6363,13 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x330a31c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x330a34d0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x330a3428) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x330a3540) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x330a3658) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7457,15 +6459,7 @@ QStringListModel (0x32ded900) 0
       QObject (0x330a3968) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x32ded980)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x330a3c40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x330a3b60) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7708,15 +6702,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x33192348) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x33192700) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x33192658) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -8537,15 +7523,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x332f8508) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x332f8968) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x332f8850) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8562,25 +7540,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x332f8770) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x332f8d58) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x332f8c78) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x332f8ee0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x332f8e38) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8807,15 +7769,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x333e56c8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x333e57a8) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x333e5818) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -9768,15 +8722,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x33534240) 0
   QObject (0x334fff50) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x33534240)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x334ffee0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x334ffa48) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9946,10 +8892,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x335343c0) 0
     QObject (0x335cd540) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x33534400)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x335cd738) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10471,15 +9413,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x3368e310) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x3368e620) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x3368e690) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -11252,20 +10186,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x33783100) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x33745d20) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x33745f18) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x33745818) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x33745f88) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12517,10 +11439,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x33783e00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x338e7dc8) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x338e7f88) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -12680,10 +11598,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x33783fc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x338e7cb0) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x339b61f8) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12841,10 +11755,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x339ac0c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x339b6428) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x339b6620) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -13018,10 +11928,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x339ac1c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x339b6850) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x339b6af0) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -14024,10 +12930,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x339acac0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33abcd90) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x33bcd1c0) 0
 Vtable for QToolBar
 QToolBar::_ZTV8QToolBar: 63u entries
@@ -14429,178 +13331,38 @@ QDial (0x339ace00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33bcd968) 8
           vptr=((& QDial::_ZTV5QDial) + 236u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x33ca4ee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x33cc3620) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x33ce0428) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x33d2f5e8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x33d2fc08) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x33d58850) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x33d7c508) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x33d7c7a8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x33e10770) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x33e108f8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x33e10a80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x33e10c08) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x33e10d90) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x33e692a0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x33e69498) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x33e8dc08) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x33f19888) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x33f19c78) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x33f38070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x33f56770) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x33f56888) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x33f56a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x33f77348) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x33f77a80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x33f77c78) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x33fa6230) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x33fa67a8) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x33fa6d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x33fa6ea8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x33fa6f50) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x33fdf268) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x33fdf6c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x33fdf9d8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x33fdfa80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x340010a8) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index 5234b84..56819c1 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x6fe2c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x6fe340) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x6fe500) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x6fe540) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x6fe640) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x6fe6c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x6fe880) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x6fe8c0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x6fedc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x72b000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x72b0c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x72b180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x72b240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x72b300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x72b3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x72b480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x72b540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x72b600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x72b6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x72b780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x72b840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x72b900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x72b9c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x72bcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x72bdc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x16e74c0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x16e7500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x16e7780) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x17854c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x1785880) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x1785d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x1785d80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x1785e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x1785e80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x1785f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x1785f80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x1893000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x1893080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x1893100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x1893180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x1893200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x1893280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x1893300) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1893b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1893f40) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1a0db40) 0
   QString (0x1a0db80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1a0dc80) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1aff4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1affb00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1aff980) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1affe40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1affd80) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1aff780) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1affa80) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1c17240) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1c171c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1c174c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1c17400) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1c17b00) 0
   QObject (0x1c17b40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1c17b00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1c17d80) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1ceb3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1ceb600) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1ceb680) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1ceb880) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1ceb7c0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1ceb940) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1ceb980) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1cebe40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1cebec0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x1d8dcc0) 0
     QObject (0x1d8dd40) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1d8dd00)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1d8df00) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1d8df40) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1d8d280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1d8d780) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1e4e100) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1e4e040) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1e4e1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1e4e300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1e4e380) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1e4e3c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1e4e680) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1e4eb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1e4ec00) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1f07fc0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x207d200) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1078,35 +836,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x207dd80) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x20e4440) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x20e44c0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x20e43c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x20e4540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x20e45c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x20e4640) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1244,15 +982,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x2243500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x22435c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x2243680) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1279,270 +1009,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x2243880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x2243a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x2243b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x2243c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x2243cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x2243d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x2243e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x2243f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x2243fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x2243480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x22f1040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x22f1100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x22f11c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x22f1280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x22f1340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x22f1400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x22f14c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x22f1580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x22f1640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x22f1700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x22f17c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x22f1880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x22f1940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x22f1a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x22f1ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x22f1b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x22f1c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x22f1d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x22f1dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x22f1e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x22f1f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x230b000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x230b0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x230b180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x230b240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x230b300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x230b3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x230b480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x230b540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x230b600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x230b6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x230b780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x230b840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x230b900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x230b9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x230ba80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x230bb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x230bc00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x230bcc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x230bd80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x230be40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x230bf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x230bfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x2326080) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1569,60 +1087,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x2326100) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x2326640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x2326700) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2326900) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x2326840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2326b00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x2326a40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x2326c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2326dc0) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2326e80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2326f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2326f80) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1700,15 +1178,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x23c9680) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x23c9840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x23c98c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1735,10 +1205,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x23c9940) 0
   QObject (0x23c9980) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x23c9940)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x23c9b80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1783,20 +1249,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x23c9dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x23c9f80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x23c9100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x23c9d40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1966,10 +1424,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x24ce700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x24ce800) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2076,20 +1530,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x257a280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x257a340) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x257a3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x257a480) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2101,10 +1547,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x257a540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x257a600) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2286,10 +1728,6 @@ QLibrary (0x257afc0) 0
   QObject (0x257a7c0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x257afc0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x260e000) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2326,10 +1764,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x260e340) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x260e500) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2341,20 +1775,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x260e5c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x260e680) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x260e600) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x260e7c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2412,10 +1838,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x26cb140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x26cb240) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2427,70 +1849,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x26cb4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x26cb6c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x26cb740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x26cb940) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x26cb9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x26cbb40) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x26cbbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x26cb580) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x26cbf00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x27753c0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x27756c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2775740) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x27758c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x2775980) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2502,40 +1896,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x2775fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x286e000) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x286e3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x286e7c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x286ec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x286ee00) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x286e500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x286ec80) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2583,10 +1961,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x29579c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2957b80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2625,15 +1999,7 @@ Class QMacMime
 QMacMime (0x2957d80) 0
     vptr=((& QMacMime::_ZTV8QMacMime) + 8u)
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union> (0x2957900) 0
-Class QList<QMacMime*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*> (0x2957540) 0
 Vtable for QMacPasteboardMime
 QMacPasteboardMime::_ZTV18QMacPasteboardMime: 10u entries
@@ -2934,15 +2300,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2accac0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2accc80) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2accbc0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3231,15 +2589,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2b51340) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2b51480) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2b51500) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3628,40 +2978,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2bbcdc0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2bbc880) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2bbcd40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c24000) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2bbc4c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x2bbc0c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2c24440) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2c24340) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3669,15 +2995,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x2c244c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2c24500) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2c24940) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2c24840) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3690,10 +3008,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x2c24d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2c24d80) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3718,10 +3032,6 @@ QImage (0x2c24f80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2c24fc0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2c24f80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2cef2c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3746,45 +3056,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2cef800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2cef8c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2cef940) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2cefbc0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2cefac0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cefd00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cefd80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cefe00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2cefc80) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4180,10 +3462,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2ec68c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2ec6980) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2ec6c00) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4434,10 +3712,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2fc1000) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2fc10c0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2fc1380) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4844,10 +4118,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x2fc1e80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2fc1f40) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x2fc1d80) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -5202,25 +4472,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x30dbb00) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x30db480) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x30dbf40) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x30dbd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x30dbc00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5275,15 +4533,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x315b300) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x315b680) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x315b700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5872,10 +5122,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3252140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x32522c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -6044,60 +5290,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x3252640) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3252d40) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x3252f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x32ed540) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x32ed700) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x32ed600) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x32ed900) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x32ed800) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x32edb00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x32eda00) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x32edcc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x32edbc0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -6352,20 +5558,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x3427200) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3427300) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x3427540) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3427680) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x34275c0) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -6392,10 +5586,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x3427c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3427d40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6551,10 +5741,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x3516c80) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x34f9600) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x34f95c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x34f9840) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6730,15 +5916,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x358c240) 0
   QObject (0x358c280) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x358c240)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x358c500) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x358c440) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -7043,10 +6221,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3664080) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3664100) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3664380) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -7254,15 +6428,7 @@ QStyle (0x3664900) 0
   QObject (0x3664940) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x3664900)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3664b80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3664c00) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -7521,10 +6687,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x378f300) 0
   QStyleOption (0x378f340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x378f600) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7551,10 +6713,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x378fb80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x378fbc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x378fe80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7562,10 +6720,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x378fd40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x378fd80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x378f900) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7580,10 +6734,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x378fec0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x382c000) 0
     QStyleOption (0x382c040) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x382c3c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7610,10 +6760,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x382c780) 0
   QStyleOption (0x382c7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x382ca40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7639,10 +6785,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x382ce80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x382cec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x382ca80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7683,15 +6825,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x38ae880) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x38ae8c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x38ae900) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x38aec80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x38aebc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7700,10 +6834,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x38aea40) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x38aea80) 0
     QStyleOption (0x38aeac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x38ae1c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7794,10 +6924,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x39369c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3936e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7828,20 +6954,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x3936ec0) 0
   QObject (0x3936f00) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x3936ec0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x3936500) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x39d90c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x39d9000) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7971,10 +7085,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x39d9280) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x39d9380) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x39d9600) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8312,15 +7422,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3abf080) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3abf600) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3abf4c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8461,15 +7563,7 @@ QListView (0x3abf840) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3abf980) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3abfd80) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3abfc80) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8762,15 +7856,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x3b50800) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3b50c40) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x3b50b80) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9288,35 +8374,15 @@ QTreeView (0x3c6d8c0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3c6da00) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x3c6dcc0) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x3c6dbc0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3c6dfc0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3c6d380) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3d6a180) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3d6a0c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10197,15 +9263,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3eb99c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3f5f000) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3f5f1c0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -10240,20 +9298,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3f5f080) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3f5f400) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x3f5f340) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x3f5f480) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -10346,10 +9396,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3f5fb40) 0
     QObject (0x3f5fbc0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3f5fb80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x3f5fec0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10723,30 +9769,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x403fdc0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x403fa80) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x403f000) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x40d2280) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x40d2180) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x40d2380) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10801,15 +9831,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x40d28c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x40d2bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x40d2ac0) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10859,15 +9881,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x40d2ec0) 0
   QObject (0x40d2f00) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x40d2ec0)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x41eb000) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x41eb140) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10879,15 +9893,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x41eb280) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x41eb4c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x41eb3c0) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11049,10 +10055,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x41ebe40) 0
     QObject (0x41ebec0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x41ebe80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x4294240) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11077,25 +10079,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x4294480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x4294880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x4294940) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x4294a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x4294c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12057,10 +11047,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x4476300) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4476400) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x4476600) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12221,10 +11207,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x44768c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x4476940) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x4476b80) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -12304,10 +11286,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x4476bc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x4476c40) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x4476f00) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12469,10 +11447,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x4539000) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x45390c0) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x4539300) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -14041,10 +13015,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x4718600) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4718f80) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x47c0300) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -14462,188 +13432,40 @@ QWorkspace (0x47c0ec0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x47c0f40) 8
         vptr=((& QWorkspace::_ZTV10QWorkspace) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x4921700) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x4941580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x499d600) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x49dba80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x4a09180) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4a32880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x4a52dc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x4a52f80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4a6d100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4a6d2c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4b47840) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4b47a80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4b870c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4b873c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4b87a40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x4badd80) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4c5d8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x4c83200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4c83480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x4c83a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4c83d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4ca5200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4ca5900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x4ca5d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMacMime*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMacMime*> (0x4ca5fc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::Node (0x4cc3080) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x4cc3300) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x4cc3480) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4cc3b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x4d091c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x4d09280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4d09700) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x4d097c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x4d09b80) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x4d09ec0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4d2e200) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x4d2ecc0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index a8fb4ae..e3dde23 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa32ec0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa32f40) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa36100) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xa36140) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xa36240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xa362c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xa36480) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xa364c0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xa369c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xa36c00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xa36cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xa36d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xa36e40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xa36f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xa36fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xa69080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xa69140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xa69200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xa692c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xa69380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xa69440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xa69500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xa695c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xa698c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xa699c0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xa69fc0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x1743000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x1743280) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x1743fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x17d2380) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x17d2800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x17d2880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x17d2900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x17d2980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x17d2a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x17d2a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x17d2b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x17d2b80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x17d2c00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x17d2c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x17d2d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x17d2d80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x17d2e00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1966600) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1966a40) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1ad0640) 0
   QString (0x1ad0680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1ad0780) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1ad0a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1b47580) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1b47400) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1b478c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1b47800) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1b47b00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1b47b40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1b47e00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1b47d80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1b47680) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1b47fc0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1c7f600) 0
   QObject (0x1c7f640) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1c7f600)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1c7f880) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1c7ff80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1d540c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1d54140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1d54340) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1d54280) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1d54400) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1d54440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1d54900) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1d54980) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x1dcbc00) 0
     QObject (0x1dcbc80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1dcbc40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1dcbe40) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1dcbe80) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1dcbf40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1dcbfc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1e80080) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1dcbd80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1e80140) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1e80280) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1e80300) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1e80340) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1e80600) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1e80b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1e80b80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1f3ab40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1f3ae00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1088,40 +846,16 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x20dcac0) 0
-Class OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union> (0x20dccc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x2112380) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x2112400) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x2112300) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2112480) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2112500) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2112580) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1259,15 +993,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x2276480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2276540) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x2276600) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1294,270 +1020,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x2276800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x2276a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x2276ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x2276b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x2276c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x2276d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x2276dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x2276e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x2276f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x2276080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x2276740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x2321080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x2321140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x2321200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x23212c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x2321380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x2321440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x2321500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x23215c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x2321680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x2321740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x2321800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x23218c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x2321980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x2321a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x2321b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x2321bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x2321c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x2321d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x2321e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x2321ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x2321f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x233c040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x233c100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x233c1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x233c280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x233c340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x233c400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x233c4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x233c580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x233c640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x233c700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x233c7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x233c880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x233c940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x233ca00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x233cac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x233cb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x233cc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x233cd00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x233cdc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x233ce80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x233cf40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x2356000) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1584,60 +1098,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x2356080) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x23565c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x2356680) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2356880) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x23567c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2356a80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x23569c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x2356c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2356d40) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2356e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2356e80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2356f00) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1715,15 +1189,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x240e600) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x240e7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x240e840) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1750,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x240e8c0) 0
   QObject (0x240e900) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x240e8c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x240eb00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1798,20 +1260,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x240ed40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x240ef00) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x240ef80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x240e580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1435,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2500680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2500780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1541,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x25aa200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x25aa2c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x25aa340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x25aa400) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2116,10 +1558,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x25aa4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x25aa580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2301,10 +1739,6 @@ QLibrary (0x25aaf80) 0
   QObject (0x25aafc0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x25aaf80)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x25aaf00) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2341,10 +1775,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x264f300) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x264f4c0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2356,20 +1786,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x264f580) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x264f640) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x264f5c0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x264f780) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2427,10 +1849,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x26fc100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x26fc200) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2442,70 +1860,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x26fc480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x26fc680) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x26fc700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x26fc900) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x26fc980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x26fcb00) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x26fcb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x26fc4c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x26fce40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x27a5340) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x27a5640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x27a56c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x27a5840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x27a5900) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2517,40 +1907,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x27a5f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27a5f80) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x289c380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x289c780) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x289cc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x289cdc0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x289c440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x289c6c0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2598,10 +1972,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x2988980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2988b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2640,15 +2010,7 @@ Class QMacMime
 QMacMime (0x2988d40) 0
     vptr=((& QMacMime::_ZTV8QMacMime) + 8u)
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union> (0x2988840) 0
-Class QList<QMacMime*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*> (0x2988fc0) 0
 Vtable for QMacPasteboardMime
 QMacPasteboardMime::_ZTV18QMacPasteboardMime: 10u entries
@@ -2949,15 +2311,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=28 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2af9ac0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2af9c80) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2af9bc0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3246,15 +2600,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2b7e340) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2b7e480) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2b7e500) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3643,40 +2989,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2be9dc0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2be9880) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2be9d40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c51000) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2be94c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x2be90c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2c51440) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2c51340) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3684,15 +3006,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x2c514c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2c51500) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2c51940) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2c51840) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3705,10 +3019,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x2c51d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2c51d80) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3733,10 +3043,6 @@ QImage (0x2c51f80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2c51fc0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2c51f80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2d1d2c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3761,45 +3067,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2d1d800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2d1d8c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2d1d940) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2d1dbc0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2d1dac0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d1dd00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d1dd80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d1de00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2d1dc80) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4195,10 +3473,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2ef78c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2ef7980) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2ef7c00) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4449,10 +3723,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2ff0000) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2ff00c0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2ff0380) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4859,10 +4129,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x2ff0e80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2ff0f40) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x2ff0d80) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -5217,25 +4483,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x310ab00) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x310a480) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x310af40) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x310ad40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x310ac00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5290,15 +4544,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x318a300) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x318a680) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x318a700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5887,10 +5133,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3284140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x32842c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -6059,60 +5301,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x3284640) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3284d40) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x331c000) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x331c580) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x331c740) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x331c640) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x331c940) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x331c840) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x331cb40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x331ca40) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x331cd00) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x331cc00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -6367,20 +5569,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x3457240) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3457340) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x3457580) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x34576c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x3457600) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -6407,10 +5597,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x3457c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3457d80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6566,10 +5752,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x3544b80) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x352a640) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x352a600)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x352a880) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6745,15 +5927,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x35bb280) 0
   QObject (0x35bb2c0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x35bb280)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x35bb540) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x35bb480) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -7058,10 +6232,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x36930c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3693140) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x36933c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -7269,15 +6439,7 @@ QStyle (0x3693940) 0
   QObject (0x3693980) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x3693940)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3693bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3693c40) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -7536,10 +6698,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x37bd340) 0
   QStyleOption (0x37bd380) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x37bd640) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7566,10 +6724,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x37bdbc0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x37bdc00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x37bdec0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7577,10 +6731,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x37bdd80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x37bddc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x37bdac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7595,10 +6745,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x385a000) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x385a040) 0
     QStyleOption (0x385a080) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x385a400) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7625,10 +6771,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x385a7c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x385a800) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x385aa80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7654,10 +6796,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x385aec0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x385af00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x385ac40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7698,15 +6836,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x38dd8c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x38dd900) 0
     QStyleOption (0x38dd940) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x38ddcc0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x38ddc00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7715,10 +6845,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x38dda80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x38ddac0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x38ddb00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x38dd380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7809,10 +6935,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x3961a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3961e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7843,20 +6965,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x3961f40) 0
   QObject (0x3961f80) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x3961f40)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x3961700) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3a07100) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3a07040) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7986,10 +7096,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x3a072c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3a073c0) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x3a07640) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8327,15 +7433,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3aee0c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3aee640) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3aee500) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8476,15 +7574,7 @@ QListView (0x3aee880) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3aee9c0) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3aeedc0) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3aeecc0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8777,15 +7867,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x3b7f840) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3b7fc80) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x3b7fbc0) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9303,35 +8385,15 @@ QTreeView (0x3c9c900) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3c9ca40) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x3c9cd00) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x3c9cc00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3d86000) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3c9c3c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3d861c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3d86100) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10212,15 +9274,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3ee8b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3f8d040) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3f8d200) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -10255,20 +9309,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3f8d0c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3f8d4c0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x3f8d400) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x3f8d540) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -10361,10 +9407,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3f8dc00) 0
     QObject (0x3f8dc80) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3f8dc40)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x3f8df80) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10738,30 +9780,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x4066e80) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x4066f40) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x4066740) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x40fc380) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x40fc280) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x40fc480) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10816,15 +9842,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x40fc9c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x40fccc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x40fcbc0) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10874,15 +9892,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x40fcfc0) 0
   QObject (0x40fc080) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x40fcfc0)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x4211100) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x4211240) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10894,15 +9904,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x4211380) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x42115c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x42114c0) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11064,10 +10066,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x4211f40) 0
     QObject (0x4211fc0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x4211f80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x42c0300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11092,25 +10090,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x42c0540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x42c0940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x42c0a00) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x42c0ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x42c0cc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12072,10 +11058,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x44a5400) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x44a5500) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x44a5700) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12236,10 +11218,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x44a59c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x44a5a40) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x44a5c80) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -12319,10 +11297,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x44a5cc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x44a5d40) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x44a5040) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12484,10 +11458,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x455d100) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x455d1c0) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x455d400) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -14056,10 +13026,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x473fb80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x47e9080) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x47e93c0) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -14477,188 +13443,40 @@ QWorkspace (0x47e9f80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x47e9240) 8
         vptr=((& QWorkspace::_ZTV10QWorkspace) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x494c7c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x496e640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x49ca6c0) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x4a08b40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x4a36240) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4a5e940) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x4a7de80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x4a9a000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4a9a1c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4a9a380) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4b73900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4b73b40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4bb5180) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4bb5480) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4bb5b00) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x4bdae40) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4c86980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x4caf2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4caf540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x4cafac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4cafe40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4ccf2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4ccf9c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x4ccfe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMacMime*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMacMime*> (0x4cf1080) 0 empty
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::Node (0x4cf1140) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x4cf13c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x4cf1540) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4cf1c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x4d34280) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x4d34340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4d347c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x4d34880) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x4d34c40) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x4d34f80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4d582c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x4d58d80) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index c443616..d8c3bc2 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa9db00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa9dc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa9df00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xac2000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xac2180) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xac2240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xac24c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xac2580) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xaf4380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaf4b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaf4d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaf4e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xb0a000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb0a180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xb0a300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb0a480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb0a600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb0a780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb0a900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb0aa80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb0ac00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb0ad80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb0af00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb37080) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb60f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb97380) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -171,75 +81,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc4bb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd72780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd84e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd950c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd84980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd9be40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd95780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xda68c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdda300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdda600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xda1080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xde94c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xde9d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdef080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xdef480) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xee0240) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xee0780) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -282,10 +132,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11f2dc0) 0
   QString (0x11f2e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1260140) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -348,10 +194,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12d71c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x13dc180) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -376,15 +218,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xee01c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1400480) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc5d5c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -407,25 +241,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x144d300) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x144d340) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1462ac0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x144d8c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1493340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1479f40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -517,10 +339,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13b5a40) 0
   QObject (0x150ab40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13b5a40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x150ae40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -540,25 +358,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xee00c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15d8c00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x15d8f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x15f04c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x15f0380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -566,15 +372,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xee0140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15f0740) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x15f0600) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x15f05c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -703,50 +501,22 @@ QFile (0x170b080) 0
     QObject (0x170b100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x170b0c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x170b940) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1763140) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1763a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x177cac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x177cf80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x177ce80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1721fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x17b7c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x17b7880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -803,10 +573,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x16f7f80) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x18560c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -880,10 +646,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x18cbb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x18cbc80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -908,10 +670,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1aff580) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1aff940) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -948,20 +706,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b8e740) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b8e780) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b8e740)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bc2980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bc2b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1be88c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1099,15 +845,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e4ccc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1e96980) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1e96040) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1134,270 +872,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ef9400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1f13840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1f139c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1f13b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1f13cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1f13e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1f13fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1f27140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1f272c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1f27440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1f275c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1f27740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1f278c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1f27a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1f27bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1f27d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1f27ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1f47040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1f471c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1f47340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1f474c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1f47640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1f477c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1f47940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1f47ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1f47c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1f47dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1f47f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1f640c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1f64240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1f643c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1f64540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1f646c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1f64840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1f649c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1f64b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1f64cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1f64e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1f64fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1f82140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1f822c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1f82440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1f825c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1f82740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1f828c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1f82a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1f82bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1f82d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1f82ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1fa4040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1fa41c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1fa4340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1fa44c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1fa4640) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1424,45 +950,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x1479c80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1ff6e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1ff6fc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x202a480) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1fb8540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x202a780) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1fb85c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1fa4800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2092100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1540,15 +1038,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1f13180) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x214e440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x21ac040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1575,10 +1065,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x21ac6c0) 0
   QObject (0x21ac700) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x21ac6c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x21aca00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1623,20 +1109,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x2223200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2223e80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2223180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x22502c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1806,10 +1284,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x22d37c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x22d3e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1917,20 +1391,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x143fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2371bc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x143fc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x23861c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1942,10 +1408,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x143fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2386900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2127,10 +1589,6 @@ QLibrary (0x2445040) 0
   QObject (0x2445080) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x2445040)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x24452c0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2172,10 +1630,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x24b77c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24e5000) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2187,20 +1641,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x24e5e00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24f7140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x24e5fc0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24f7900) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2258,10 +1704,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x253aac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2595480) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2273,70 +1715,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e4cb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x25ed640) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e4cbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2615280) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1763040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2644040) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1f13340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2644c80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1f13380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x266ce40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f132c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x26b32c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1f13300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x26de780) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2348,40 +1762,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f13240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27d0fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1f13280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2822500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f131c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x28a7000) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1f13200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x292b340) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2429,10 +1827,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x1f13700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2a3d280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2749,15 +2143,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2b3de80) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2b65380) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2b3df80) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3046,15 +2432,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2c10bc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2c25c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2c34180) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3445,40 +2823,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x29bcf80) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d6fdc0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d6ff00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2db1000) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2d6fd40) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x1f134c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2de0540) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2de03c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3486,15 +2840,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x1f135c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2de0700) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2e22980) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2e22840) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3507,10 +2853,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x1f13800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2e7f800) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3537,10 +2879,6 @@ QImage (0x1f13580) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2ea1cc0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x1f13580)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2f59000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 9u entries
@@ -3567,45 +2905,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x1f13480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2faea00) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=8
    base size=72 base align=8
 QBrushData (0x2fae1c0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2fcd900) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2fcd080) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fcdb40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fcdc40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fcde80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2fcdac0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -4017,10 +3327,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x3358080) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3358180) 8
           vptr=((&QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x3358440) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4283,10 +3589,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x33d09c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33d0ac0) 8
           vptr=((&QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x3400480) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4713,10 +4015,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x3573900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3573a00) 8
           vptr=((&QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x358b680) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 71u entries
@@ -5087,25 +4385,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x2e5ba80) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x36cb980) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36cb800) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x36b41c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36cbb40) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5160,15 +4446,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x3734540) 0
     vptr=((&QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x3734680) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x376c580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5757,10 +5035,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x1f13740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x389fe00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -5929,60 +5203,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x3940a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3940e40) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x29ee080) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x399aa00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3a5c3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x39b27c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3a5c740) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x39b2880) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3a9b400) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x39b29c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3a9b700) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x29f7700) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 69u entries
@@ -6249,20 +5483,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x3745a40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3b65c40) 8
             vptr=((&QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x3b9d1c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3c05440) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x3734a80) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 9u entries
@@ -6291,10 +5513,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x1f13540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3c91400) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6450,10 +5668,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x3caffc0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x3cce080) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x3cce040)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x3cce240) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6631,15 +5845,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x3d9f1c0) 0
   QObject (0x3dde540) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x3d9f1c0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x3e07000) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x31e2d80) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -6948,10 +6154,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3ec8100) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3ec81c0) 8
         vptr=((&QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3ec86c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 68u entries
@@ -7167,15 +6369,7 @@ QStyle (0x31b09c0) 0
   QObject (0x3f91340) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x31b09c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3f91c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3fb5e40) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 71u entries
@@ -7446,10 +6640,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x4115f40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4115f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x412b440) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7476,10 +6666,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x4173740) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4173780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x4198240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7487,10 +6673,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x41980c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4198100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x4198b80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7505,10 +6687,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x41f02c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x41f0300) 0
     QStyleOption (0x41f0340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x41f0a80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7535,10 +6713,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x4240800) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4240840) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x4290240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7564,10 +6738,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x42dd240) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42dd280) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x42dd940) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7608,15 +6778,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x435c5c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x435c600) 0
     QStyleOption (0x435c640) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x435cc80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x435cb80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7625,10 +6787,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x435cac0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x435cb00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x435cb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x438f740) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7719,10 +6877,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x4467380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x44959c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7753,20 +6907,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x4495dc0) 0
   QObject (0x4495e00) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x4495dc0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x44d2140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x44d2fc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x44d2ec0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7900,10 +7042,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x4525640) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4525780) 8
             vptr=((&QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x454e480) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8245,15 +7383,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x46a4200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x46a4f00) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x46a4d00) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8398,15 +7528,7 @@ QListView (0x46c3680) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x46c3800) 8
               vptr=((&QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 400u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x46e2e40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x46e2cc0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8703,15 +7825,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x481b3c0) 0
     vptr=((&QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x48cf880) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x481b8c0) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9241,35 +8355,15 @@ QTreeView (0x4a4e980) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4a4eb00) 8
               vptr=((&QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 408u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x4a7aec0) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x4a7aa80) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x4aafcc0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4aafb40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4aaff00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4aaf9c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10158,15 +9252,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x399a840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x4e12ec0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x4e3a4c0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 26u entries
@@ -10203,20 +9289,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x2d1eb00) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x4e3a940) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x4e12c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x4e12dc0) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 9u entries
@@ -10313,10 +9391,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4f8bc40) 0
     QObject (0x4f8bcc0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4f8bc80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x4fc5500) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10690,30 +9764,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x1f13780) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x5135f80) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x1f137c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x5149900) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x5135a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x5135600) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10768,15 +9826,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x30bcdc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x52e1780) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x52e1400) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10826,15 +9876,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x3827300) 0
   QObject (0x530efc0) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x3827300)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x5323500) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x5394700) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10846,15 +9888,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x5394c00) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x5394ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x5394d40) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -11016,10 +10050,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x530e7c0) 0
     QObject (0x543b180) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x543b140)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x5463700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11044,25 +10074,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x52bbc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x5494f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x54af100) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x5402280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x54afb80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12056,10 +11074,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x576e940) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x576ea80) 8
             vptr=((&QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 268u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x5743c40) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 68u entries
@@ -12228,10 +11242,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x57dfbc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x57dfc80) 8
         vptr=((&QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x57dfd80) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 67u entries
@@ -12315,10 +11325,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x5835a00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x5835ac0) 8
         vptr=((&QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x5835f40) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 67u entries
@@ -12488,10 +11494,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x59123c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x59124c0) 8
           vptr=((&QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x59128c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 67u entries
@@ -14136,10 +13138,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x54afdc0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x5d6cb00) 8
             vptr=((&QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 264u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x5d972c0) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 78u entries
@@ -14577,178 +13575,38 @@ QWorkspace (0x5f2ae40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x5f2af00) 8
         vptr=((&QWorkspace::_ZTV10QWorkspace) + 240u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x1400440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x15f0480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x621e100) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x2de04c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x2e22900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36cb900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x3a5c340) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x3a5c6c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x3a9b380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x3a9b680) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4aafec0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4aafc40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x5149880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x52e1700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x5394e40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x3ddefc0) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x46a4e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x6839c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x6839fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x686e800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x686e9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x686ef00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x6896940) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x177cf40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x202a440) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x6896fc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x68cb280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x68cb4c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x3c05400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x68cb740) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x435cc40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x44d2f80) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x48cf840) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x68cbe40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x697e400) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 9eac0b0..1d72f2a 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f02d80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f02dc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f02e80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f02ec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f02f40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f02f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb77fd040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb77fd080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77fd340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77fd400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77fd440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77fd480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77fd4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77fd500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77fd540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77fd580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77fd5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77fd600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77fd640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77fd680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77fd6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77fd700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77fd740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77fd780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb77fd7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77fd8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77fd900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77fd940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77fd980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77fd9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77fda00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77fda40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77fda80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77fdac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77fdb00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77fdb40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77fdb80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77fdbc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77fdcc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb77fdd00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb77fdec0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77fdf80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb6b21000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6b21300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6b21340) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb6b21380) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb6b21580) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb6b21680) 0
   QString (0xb6b216c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6b21700) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb6b21a40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6b21dc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb6b21d40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb6b214c0) 0
   QObject (0xb6b21500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb6b214c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb6b21840) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6b21c00) 0
   QObject (0xb6b21e40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6b21c00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6541000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb65410c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6541100) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6541140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6541200) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6541180) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6541240) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6541280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6541300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6541340) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb65416c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6541700) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6541c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6541d00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6541d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6541e00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6541e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6541f00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb6541f40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6541fc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6541080) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6541f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6541440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6541580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6541ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6541c80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6541cc0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6541dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6541e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6541ec0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb650a000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb650a0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb650a080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb650a040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb650a100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb650a180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb650a140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb650a1c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb650a240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb650a200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb650a280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb650a2c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb650a300) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb650a580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb650a780) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb650a800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb650aa00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb650adc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb650ae00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb650ae40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb613d040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb613d280) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb613d2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb613d500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb613d640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb613d740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb613d780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb613d840) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb613d880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb613d8c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb613d900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb613d940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb613dcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb613dd00) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb613de40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb613dec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb613df00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb613df40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb613d080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb613d0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb613d100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb613d140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb613d180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb613d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb613d200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb613d240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb613d300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb613d340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb613d380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb613d3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb613d400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb613d440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb613d480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb613d4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb613d680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb613d6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb613d700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb613d7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb613d800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb613db40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb5fae000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb5fae040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb5fae080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb5fae0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb5fae100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb5fae140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb5fae180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb5fae1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb5fae200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb5fae240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb5fae280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb5fae2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb5fae300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb5fae340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5fae380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb5fae3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb5fae400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb5fae440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb5fae480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb5fae4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb5fae500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb5fae540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb5fae580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb5fae5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb5fae600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb5fae640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb5fae680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb5fae6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb5fae700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb5fae740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb5fae780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb5fae7c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb5fae800) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb5faea80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb5faeac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5faebc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb5faeb40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5faecc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb5faec40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb5faed40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb5faedc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb5faee00) 0
   QObject (0xb5faee40) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb5faee00)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb5faef40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5faef00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5faef80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5faefc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb5faea00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5faee80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5faea40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb5e8d000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5e8d040) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb5e8d080) 0
     QObject (0xb5e8d100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb5e8d0c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb5e8d180) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb5e8d300) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb5e8d340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb5e8d380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb5e8d440) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb5e8d3c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb5e8d480) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb5e8d500) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb5e8d580) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb5e8d7c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5e8d880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb5e8d8c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb5e8da40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb5e8db00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb5e8dc40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb5e8db80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb5e8dd80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb5e8dd00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb5e8de40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb5e8df00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb5ccc0c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5ccc140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5ccc100) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5ccc1c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb5ccc200) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5ccc280) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb5ccc580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb5ccc5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5ccc6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb5ccc700) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb5ccc740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5ccc7c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5cccc40) 0
   QObject (0xb5cccc80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5cccc40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb5cccd80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb5ccce00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb5cccec0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb5cccf80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb5a48000) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb5a48080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb5a480c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2726,25 +2016,13 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb5a48500) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb5a485c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb5a48580)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb5a48640) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QImageReader (0xb5a48680) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb5a48740) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb5a486c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2752,15 +2030,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb5a48780) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb5a487c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb5a48880) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb5a48800) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2783,10 +2053,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb5a48ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb5a48b00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2798,25 +2064,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb5a48b40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb5a48dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb5a48d40) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb5a48c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb5a48e00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2828,10 +2082,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb5a48f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb5a48f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2872,30 +2122,10 @@ QImage (0xb5a483c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb5a48480) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb5a483c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb5a48980) 0 empty
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5a48a40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5a48bc0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5a48c00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb5a48a00) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3083,10 +2313,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb5827940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb5827a00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -3225,10 +2451,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb5827f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb5827000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3526,15 +2748,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb576c840) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb576c940) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb576c8c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3823,20 +3037,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb57e9040) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb57e90c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb57e9100) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb57e9140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3867,20 +3069,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb57e9200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb57e9240) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb57e93c0) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb57e9340) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb57e92c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -4402,55 +3592,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb569f500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb569f5c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb569f600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb569f640) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb569f680) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb569f7c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb569f740) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb569f840) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb569f880) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb569f8c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb569f800) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4480,30 +3638,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb569fa80) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb569fbc0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb569fb40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb569fd40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb569fcc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb569fd80) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4643,10 +3785,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb569fc40) 0
     QObject (0xb541c040) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb541c000)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb541c180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -4671,25 +3809,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb541c240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb541c2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb541c300) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb541c340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb541c380) 0 empty
 Class QTextDocumentFragment
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4756,10 +3882,6 @@ QTextTable (0xb541c500) 0
       QObject (0xb541c5c0) 0
           primary-for QTextObject (0xb541c580)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb541c740) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4808,10 +3930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb541c980) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb541c9c0) 0
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4828,15 +3946,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb541ca40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb541cbc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb541cb40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4886,10 +3996,6 @@ QTextDocument (0xb541cd00) 0
   QObject (0xb541cd40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb541cd00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb541cdc0) 0
 Class QPalette
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4907,15 +4013,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb541cfc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb541c700) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb541c480) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4977,10 +4075,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb541ce40) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb53c00c0) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5028,15 +4122,7 @@ QStyle (0xb53c0100) 0
   QObject (0xb53c0140) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb53c0100)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb53c0200) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb53c0240) 0
 Vtable for QCommonStyle
 QCommonStyle::_ZTV12QCommonStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5242,10 +4328,6 @@ QWindowsXPStyle (0xb53c0780) 0
         QObject (0xb53c0880) 0
             primary-for QStyle (0xb53c0840)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb53c0a40) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5541,10 +4623,6 @@ QWidget (0xb53c0040) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb53c01c0) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb53c0480) 0
 Vtable for QValidator
 QValidator::_ZTV10QValidator: 16u entries
@@ -5745,10 +4823,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb51a4140) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb51a4200) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb51a4280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6167,10 +5241,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb51a4ac0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb51a4b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb51a4c80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6197,10 +5267,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb51a4f00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb51a4f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb51a4240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5274,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb51a4000) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb51a4100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb51a46c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6226,10 +5288,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb51a4840) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb51a4980) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb51a4a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb51a4fc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6256,10 +5314,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb4ee8200) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4ee8240) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb4ee8380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6292,10 +5346,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb4ee86c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4ee8700) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb4ee8880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6351,15 +5401,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb4ee8f80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb4ee8fc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb4ee8000) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ee8540) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb4ee83c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6368,10 +5410,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb4ee8100) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb4ee8280) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb4ee8340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb4ee8e00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6488,10 +5526,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb4fd0780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4fd0840) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -6663,10 +5697,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb4fd0b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb4fd0bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6697,20 +5727,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb4fd0c00) 0
   QObject (0xb4fd0c40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb4fd0c00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb4fd0cc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb4fd0d80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb4fd0d00) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6872,10 +5890,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb4fd0f00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4fd0180) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb4fd03c0) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7140,15 +6154,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb4d1e280) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d1e540) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb4d1e4c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7296,15 +6302,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb4d1e800) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d1e940) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb4d1e8c0) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7790,15 +6788,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb4d1edc0) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4c75100) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb4c75080) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -7926,25 +6916,9 @@ QDirModel (0xb4c75300) 0
     QObject (0xb4c75380) 0
         primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb4c75340)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4c75500) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb4c75480) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4c75600) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb4c75580) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8540,15 +7514,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb4c75440) 0
   QObject (0xb4c75540) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb4c75440)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4c75b40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb4c75880) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -9687,10 +8653,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb47f60c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb47f6200) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb47f6280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractButton
 QAbstractButton::_ZTV15QAbstractButton: 66u entries
@@ -10012,10 +8974,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb47f66c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb47f6780) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb47f6800) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -10493,10 +9451,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb47f6f80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb47f6240) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb47f63c0) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -10576,10 +9530,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb47f6540) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb47f6980) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb47f6c40) 0
 Vtable for QScrollArea
 QScrollArea::_ZTV11QScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -10930,10 +9880,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb47b6440) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb47b6580) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb47b6600) 0
 Vtable for QFontComboBox
 QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox: 65u entries
@@ -11017,10 +9963,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb47b6640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb47b6740) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb47b67c0) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -11275,10 +10217,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb47b6ac0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb47b6c00) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb47b6d00) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -12210,10 +11148,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb44ff980) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb44ffa40) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb44ffac0) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12786,20 +11720,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb44485c0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb44486c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4448700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb44487c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -13361,50 +12283,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb4448480) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb4448600) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4448a00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb4448680) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb4448dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb4448c00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb43bc040) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb4448f80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb43bc140) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb43bc0c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -13451,20 +12337,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb43bc180) 0
   QObject (0xb43bc1c0) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb43bc180)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb43bc2c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb43bc380) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb43bc300) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -13553,15 +12427,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb43bc3c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb43bc500) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb43bc5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb43bc600) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsItemAnimation
 QGraphicsItemAnimation::_ZTV22QGraphicsItemAnimation: 16u entries
@@ -13921,10 +12787,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb43bcb40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb43bcc40) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb43bcd00) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -14183,10 +13045,6 @@ QWizard (0xb43bc580) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb43bcb00) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb43bccc0) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -14354,10 +13212,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb4192100) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb4192200) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb41922c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -14694,10 +13548,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb41927c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb41928c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb4192980) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -15173,15 +14023,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb40cb300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb40cb340) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb40cb400) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15216,20 +14058,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb40cb380) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb40cb500) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb40cb480) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb40cb540) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -15336,188 +14170,40 @@ QInputContextPlugin (0xb40cb740) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb40cb800) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QInputContextFactoryInterface (0xb40cb7c0)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb40cb8c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb40cb940) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb40cb9c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb40cba40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb40cbac0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb40cbc40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb40cbcc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb40cbd40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb40cbf40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb40cbfc0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb40cb100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb40cb4c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb40cb700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb40cbb40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb3c80040) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb3c80100) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb3c80180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb3c80200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb3c802c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb3c803c0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3c80480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb3c80500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3c80580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb3c80600) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb3c80680) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb3c80700) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb3c807c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb3c80880) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb3c80940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb3c80a00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb3c80a80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb3c80b40) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb3c80c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb3c80c80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb3c80d00) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb3c80d80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb3c80e00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 74254cb..a9d6878 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f34d80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f34dc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f34e80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f34ec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f34f40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f34f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7430040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7430080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7430340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7430400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7430440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7430480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb74304c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7430500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7430540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7430580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb74305c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7430600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7430640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7430680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb74306c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7430700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7430740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7430780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -161,10 +75,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7430bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7430c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -227,70 +137,18 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb7430f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb69bf100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb69bf140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb69bf180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb69bf1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb69bf200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb69bf240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb69bf280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb69bf2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb69bf300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb69bf340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb69bf380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb69bf3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb69bf400) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -308,10 +166,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb69bf500) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb69bf540) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb69bf700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -328,10 +182,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb69bf7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb69bf840) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -348,10 +198,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb69bf880) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb69bfa80) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -369,25 +215,13 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb69bfb40) 0
   QString (0xb69bfb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb69bfbc0) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QStringRef (0xb69bfc00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb69bfd40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb69bfcc0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb69bff80) 0
   QObject (0xb69bffc0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb69bff80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb69bf000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb69bfa00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb65a2000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb65a2040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb65a2080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb65a20c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb65a2100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb65a2140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb65a2180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb65a21c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb65a2200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb65a2240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb65a2280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb65a22c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb65a2300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb65a2340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb65a2380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb65a23c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb65a2400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb65a2440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb65a2480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb65a24c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb65a2500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb65a2540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb65a2580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb65a25c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb65a2600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb65a2640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb65a2680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb65a26c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb65a2700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb65a2740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb65a2780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb65a27c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb65a2800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb65a2840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb65a2880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb65a28c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb65a2900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb65a2940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb65a2980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb65a29c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb65a2a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb65a2a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb65a2a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb65a2ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb65a2b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb65a2b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb65a2b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb65a2bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb65a2c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb65a2c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb65a2c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb65a2cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb65a2d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb65a2d40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,45 +421,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb65e3200) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb65e3480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb65e34c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb65e35c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb65e3540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb65e36c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb65e3640) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb65e3740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb65e37c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -972,10 +558,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb65e3c40) 0
   QObject (0xb65e3c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb65e3c40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb65e3d80) 0
 Vtable for QCoreApplication
 QCoreApplication::_ZTV16QCoreApplication: 16u entries
@@ -1009,10 +591,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb65e3f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb65e3f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimer
 QTimer::_ZTV6QTimer: 14u entries
@@ -1069,20 +647,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb65e3440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb65e3340) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb65e3400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb65e3840) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1277,20 +847,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb63df080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb63df0c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb63df100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb63df140) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1302,10 +864,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb63df1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb63df200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1408,100 +966,48 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb63df500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb63df700) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb63df780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb63df980) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb63dfa40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb63dfc80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb63dfcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb63dff00) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb63dff40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb63df040) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb63df2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb63df380) 0 empty
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb63df540) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb63df580) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb63df440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63df5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63df600) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63df640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63df680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63df6c0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1513,80 +1019,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb63df800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63df840) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63df880) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb63df8c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb63dfa80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb63df940) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63df900) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63dfac0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb63dfb40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63dfb00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63dfb80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb63dfc00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63dfbc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63dfc40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63dfd00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63dfd40) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1618,35 +1068,19 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb62001c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6200200) 0 empty
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6200980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb62009c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6200a00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6200ac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6200a40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1654,15 +1088,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6200b00) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6200b40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6200bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6200c00) 0
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1695,15 +1121,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6200e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6200e40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6200e80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1730,10 +1148,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb5fdc000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb5fdc040) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1750,20 +1164,12 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb5fdc480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb5fdc4c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb5fdc500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb5fdc540) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1775,30 +1181,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb5fdc6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb5fdc780) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb5fdc7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb5fdc880) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb5fdc8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb5fdc980) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1810,20 +1204,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb5fdca00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5fdca80) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5fdca40) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5fdcb00) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1876,20 +1262,12 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb5fdcd40) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5fdcdc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutexLocker (0xb5fdcd80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb5fdcec0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1914,15 +1292,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb5fdce00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb5fdc3c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb5fdcf80) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1934,25 +1304,9 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb5fdc740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb5fdc840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5fdc800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5fdc900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5fdc940) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1974,15 +1328,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb5dcd000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5dcd080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5dcd040) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1994,10 +1340,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb5dcd100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5dcd140) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -2012,10 +1354,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb5dcd180) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb5dcd240) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -2131,35 +1469,15 @@ QFile (0xb5dcd680) 0
     QObject (0xb5dcd700) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb5dcd6c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb5dcd780) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb5dcd7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb5dcd800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb5dcd840) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb5dcd900) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb5dcd880) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -2212,15 +1530,7 @@ Class QDir
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb5dcda80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb5dcdb00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb5dcdb80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2277,10 +1587,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb5dcdbc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb5dcdd40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2409,15 +1715,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb5dcd200) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb5dcd480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb5dcd580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDirIterator
 QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator: 4u entries
@@ -2432,10 +1730,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb5dcd640) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5dcda40) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -2541,10 +1835,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb5c3d140) 0
   QObject (0xb5c3d180) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb5c3d140)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb5c3d200) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2674,10 +1964,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb5c3d740) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb5c3d840) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -3103,40 +2389,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0xb5c3d480) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5c3d800) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5c3d8c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5c3d980) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb5c3d7c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0xb5c3d700) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb5c3dcc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb5c3da40) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3144,15 +2406,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb5c3de00) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb5c3df80) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb59ff080) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb59ff000) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3175,10 +2429,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb59ff2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb59ff300) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3190,25 +2440,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb59ff340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb59ff5c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb59ff540) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb59ff440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb59ff600) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3220,10 +2458,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb59ff700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb59ff740) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3248,10 +2482,6 @@ QImage (0xb59ff800) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb59ff840) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb59ff800)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb59ff980) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3276,45 +2506,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb59ffb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb59ffbc0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb59ffc00) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb59ffd40) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb59ffcc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb59ffdc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb59ffe00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb59ffe40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb59ffd80) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3380,10 +2582,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb59ffa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb59ffac0) 0 empty
 Class QWidgetData
    size=64 align=4
@@ -3466,10 +2664,6 @@ QWidget (0xb59ffc80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb584c040) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb584c240) 0
 Class QToolTip
    size=1 align=1
@@ -3558,10 +2752,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb584c4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb584c580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAction
 QAction::_ZTV7QAction: 14u entries
@@ -3613,15 +2803,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb584c6c0) 0
   QObject (0xb584c700) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb584c6c0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb584c840) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb584c7c0) 0
 Vtable for QShortcut
 QShortcut::_ZTV9QShortcut: 14u entries
@@ -3961,15 +3143,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb56181c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb56182c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb5618240) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -4663,10 +3837,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb54cb100) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb54cb200) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb54cb2c0) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4837,10 +4007,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb54cb4c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb54cb5c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb54cb680) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -5091,10 +4257,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb54cb9c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb54cbac0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb54cbb80) 0
 Vtable for QErrorMessage
 QErrorMessage::_ZTV13QErrorMessage: 66u entries
@@ -5505,10 +4667,6 @@ QWizard (0xb54cb800) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb54cbe40) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb54cbf80) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -5850,10 +5008,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb5434600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb5434680) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5884,20 +5038,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb54346c0) 0
   QObject (0xb5434700) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb54346c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb5434780) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb5434840) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb54347c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6104,10 +5246,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb5434cc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb5434d80) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb5434e00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6315,15 +5453,7 @@ QStyle (0xb54345c0) 0
   QObject (0xb5434740) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb54345c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb5434a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb5434b80) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -6582,10 +5712,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb51c0440) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb51c0480) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb51c0600) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6612,10 +5738,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb51c0880) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb51c08c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb51c0a40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6623,10 +5745,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb51c0980) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb51c09c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb51c0bc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6641,10 +5759,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb51c0c40) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb51c0c80) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb51c0cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb51c0e40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6671,10 +5785,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb51c0300) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb51c0400) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb51c0780) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6707,10 +5817,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb50cc000) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb50cc040) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb50cc1c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6766,15 +5872,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb50cc8c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb50cc900) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb50cc940) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb50ccb40) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb50ccac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6783,10 +5881,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb50cc9c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb50cca00) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb50cca40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb50ccd00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7000,10 +6094,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb4f8b080) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4f8b1c0) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb4f8b280) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7384,20 +6474,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb4f8bb80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb4f8bc00) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb4f8bc40) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb4f8bc80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -7428,20 +6506,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb4f8bd40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb4f8bd80) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f8bf00) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb4f8be80) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb4f8be00) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -8862,10 +7928,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb4d85980) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4d85ac0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb4d85b40) 0
 Vtable for QButtonGroup
 QButtonGroup::_ZTV12QButtonGroup: 14u entries
@@ -8970,10 +8032,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb4d85c40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4d85d00) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb4d85dc0) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -9054,10 +8112,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb4d85e00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4d85ec0) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb4d85f40) 0
 Vtable for QMenu
 QMenu::_ZTV5QMenu: 63u entries
@@ -9867,10 +8921,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb4cf4900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb4cf4a00) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb4cf4a80) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -10277,10 +9327,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb4cf4000) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4cf4700) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb4cf4880) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10597,10 +9643,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb4a65300) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4a653c0) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb4a65440) 0
 Vtable for QMenuItem
 QMenuItem::_ZTV9QMenuItem: 14u entries
@@ -10672,60 +9714,32 @@ QTextDocument (0xb4a65640) 0
   QObject (0xb4a65680) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb4a65640)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb4a65700) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb4a65740) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb4a65780) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb4a657c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb4a65880) 0 empty
 Class QTextLength
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb4a658c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb4a65a00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb4a65980) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a65b80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb4a65b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb4a65bc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10765,10 +9779,6 @@ QTextTableFormat (0xb4a65ec0) 0
   QTextFrameFormat (0xb4a65f00) 0
     QTextFormat (0xb4a65f40) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb4a65040) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10875,10 +9885,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb4a65840) 0
     QObject (0xb4a65940) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb4a65900)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb4a65fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -10903,25 +9909,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb4870080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb4870100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb4870140) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb4870180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb48701c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10938,15 +9932,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb4870240) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb48703c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb4870340) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -11046,10 +10032,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb4870440) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4870580) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb4870680) 0
 Vtable for QLCDNumber
 QLCDNumber::_ZTV10QLCDNumber: 63u entries
@@ -11289,10 +10271,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb48709c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4870a80) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb4870b00) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -11556,15 +10534,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb4870980) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb4870fc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb4870c80) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11788,20 +10758,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb47ca6c0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb47ca7c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb47ca800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb47ca8c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -12363,50 +11321,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb47ca780) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb47caa00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb47cae00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb47cac00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb4564040) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb47caf80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4564140) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb45640c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb4564240) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb45641c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -12453,20 +11375,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb4564280) 0
   QObject (0xb45642c0) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb4564280)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb45643c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4564480) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4564400) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -12555,15 +11465,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb45644c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4564600) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb45646c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb4564700) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12957,10 +11859,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb44ee140) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb44ee200) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb44ee1c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb44ee280) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -13412,10 +12310,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb44eea40) 0 empty
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb44eee80) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -13876,15 +12770,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb43e6b00) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb43e6dc0) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb43e6d40) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -13998,15 +12884,7 @@ QStringListModel (0xb43e6f00) 0
       QObject (0xb43e6fc0) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb43e6f80)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb43e6540) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb43e6240) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -14530,35 +13408,15 @@ QTreeView (0xb413c580) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb413c700) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb413c800) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0xb413c780) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb413c940) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb413c8c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb413ca40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb413c9c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -14726,15 +13584,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb413cd00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb413cfc0) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb413cf40) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -15254,15 +14104,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb40f0700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb40f0740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb40f0800) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15297,20 +14139,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb40f0780) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb40f0900) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb40f0880) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb40f0940) 0
 Class QColormap
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15336,188 +14170,40 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0xb40f09c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb40f0a80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb40f0b00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb40f0b80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb40f0c00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb40f0c80) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb40f0e00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb40f0e80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb40f0f00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb40f0f80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb40f04c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb40f07c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb40f08c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb40f0d00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb3cd81c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3cd8240) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb3cd8300) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb3cd8380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb3cd8400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb3cd8480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb3cd8540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb3cd8640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb3cd8700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3cd8780) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3cd8800) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb3cd8880) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb3cd8900) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb3cd89c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb3cd8a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb3cd8b00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb3cd8b80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb3cd8c40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb3cd8d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb3cd8dc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb3cd8e40) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb3cd8ec0) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb3cd8f80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb3cd8340) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 7fffbea..bdcd182 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7facd80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7facdc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7face80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7facec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7facf40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7facf80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb78a7040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb78a7080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb78a7340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb78a7400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb78a7440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb78a7480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb78a74c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb78a7500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb78a7540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb78a7580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb78a75c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb78a7600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb78a7640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb78a7680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb78a76c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb78a7700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb78a7740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb78a7780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb78a77c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb78a78c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb78a7900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb78a7940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb78a7980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb78a79c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb78a7a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb78a7a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb78a7a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb78a7ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb78a7b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb78a7b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb78a7b80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb78a7bc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb78a7cc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb78a7d00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb78a7ec0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb78a7f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb6bcb000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6bcb300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6bcb340) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb6bcb380) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb6bcb580) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb6bcb680) 0
   QString (0xb6bcb6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6bcb700) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb6bcba40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6bcbdc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb6bcbd40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb6bcb4c0) 0
   QObject (0xb6bcb500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb6bcb4c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb6bcb840) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6bcbc00) 0
   QObject (0xb6bcbe40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6bcbc00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb65ec000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb65ec0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb65ec100) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb65ec140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb65ec200) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb65ec180) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb65ec240) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb65ec280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb65ec300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb65ec340) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb65ec6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb65ec700) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb65ecc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb65ecd00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb65ecd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb65ece00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb65ece40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb65ecf00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb65ecf40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb65ecfc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb65ec080) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb65ecf80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65ec440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65ec580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65ecac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65ecc80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65eccc0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb65ecdc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65ece80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb65ecec0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb65b4000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb65b40c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb65b4080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb65b4040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb65b4100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb65b4180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb65b4140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb65b41c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb65b4240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb65b4200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb65b4280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb65b42c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb65b4300) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb65b4580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb65b4780) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb65b4800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb65b4a00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb65b4dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb65b4e00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb65b4e40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb61e7040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb61e7280) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb61e72c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb61e7500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb61e7640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb61e7740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb61e7780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb61e7840) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb61e7880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb61e78c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb61e7900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb61e7940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb61e7cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb61e7d00) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb61e7e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb61e7ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb61e7f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb61e7f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb61e7080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb61e70c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb61e7100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb61e7140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb61e7180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb61e71c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb61e7200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb61e7240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb61e7300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb61e7340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb61e7380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb61e73c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb61e7400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb61e7440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb61e7480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb61e74c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb61e7680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb61e76c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb61e7700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb61e77c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb61e7800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb61e7b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6058000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6058040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6058080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb60580c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6058100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6058140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6058180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb60581c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6058200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6058240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6058280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb60582c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6058300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6058340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6058380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb60583c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6058400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6058440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6058480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb60584c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6058500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6058540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6058580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb60585c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6058600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6058640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6058680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb60586c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6058700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6058740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6058780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb60587c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6058800) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6058a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6058ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6058bc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6058b40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6058cc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6058c40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6058d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6058dc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb6058e00) 0
   QObject (0xb6058e40) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb6058e00)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6058f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6058f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6058f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6058fc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6058a00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6058e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6058a40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb5f37000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5f37040) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb5f37080) 0
     QObject (0xb5f37100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb5f370c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb5f37180) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb5f37300) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb5f37340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb5f37380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb5f37440) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb5f373c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb5f37480) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb5f37500) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb5f37580) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb5f377c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5f37880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb5f378c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb5f37a40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb5f37b00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb5f37c40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb5f37b80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb5f37d80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb5f37d00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb5f37e40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb5f37f00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb5d760c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5d76140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5d76100) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5d761c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb5d76200) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5d76280) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb5d76580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb5d765c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5d766c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb5d76700) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb5d76740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5d767c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5d76c40) 0
   QObject (0xb5d76c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5d76c40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb5d76d80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb5d76e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb5d76ec0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb5d76f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb5af3000) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb5af3080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb5af30c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2726,25 +2016,13 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb5af3500) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb5af35c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb5af3580)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb5af3640) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QImageReader (0xb5af3680) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb5af3740) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb5af36c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2752,15 +2030,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb5af3780) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb5af37c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb5af3880) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb5af3800) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2783,10 +2053,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb5af3ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb5af3b00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2798,25 +2064,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb5af3b40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb5af3dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb5af3d40) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb5af3c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb5af3e00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2828,10 +2082,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb5af3f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb5af3f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2872,30 +2122,10 @@ QImage (0xb5af33c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb5af3480) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb5af33c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb5af3980) 0 empty
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5af3a40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5af3bc0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5af3c00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb5af3a00) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3083,10 +2313,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb58d1940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb58d1a00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -3225,10 +2451,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb58d1f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb58d1000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3526,15 +2748,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb5816840) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb5816940) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb58168c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3823,20 +3037,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb5893040) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb58930c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb5893100) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb5893140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3867,20 +3069,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb5893200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb5893240) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb58933c0) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb5893340) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb58932c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -4402,55 +3592,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb5749500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb57495c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb5749600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb5749680) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb57496c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb5749800) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb5749780) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5749880) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb57498c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5749900) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb5749840) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4480,30 +3638,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb5749ac0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb5749c00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb5749b80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb5749d80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb5749d00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb5749dc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4643,10 +3785,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb5749c80) 0
     QObject (0xb54c7040) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb54c7000)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb54c7180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -4671,25 +3809,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb54c7240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb54c72c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb54c7300) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb54c7340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb54c7380) 0 empty
 Class QTextDocumentFragment
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4756,10 +3882,6 @@ QTextTable (0xb54c7500) 0
       QObject (0xb54c75c0) 0
           primary-for QTextObject (0xb54c7580)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb54c7740) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4808,10 +3930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb54c7980) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb54c79c0) 0
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4828,15 +3946,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb54c7a40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb54c7bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb54c7b40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4886,10 +3996,6 @@ QTextDocument (0xb54c7d00) 0
   QObject (0xb54c7d40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb54c7d00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb54c7dc0) 0
 Class QPalette
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4907,15 +4013,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb54c7fc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb54c7700) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb54c7480) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4977,10 +4075,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb54c7e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb546b0c0) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5028,15 +4122,7 @@ QStyle (0xb546b100) 0
   QObject (0xb546b140) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb546b100)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb546b200) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb546b240) 0
 Vtable for QCommonStyle
 QCommonStyle::_ZTV12QCommonStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5242,10 +4328,6 @@ QWindowsXPStyle (0xb546b780) 0
         QObject (0xb546b880) 0
             primary-for QStyle (0xb546b840)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb546ba40) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5541,10 +4623,6 @@ QWidget (0xb546b040) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb546b1c0) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb546b480) 0
 Vtable for QValidator
 QValidator::_ZTV10QValidator: 16u entries
@@ -5745,10 +4823,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb5250140) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb5250200) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb5250280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6167,10 +5241,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb5250ac0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5250b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb5250c80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6197,10 +5267,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb5250f00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5250f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb5250240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5274,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb5250000) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5250100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb52506c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6226,10 +5288,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb5250840) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb5250980) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb5250a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb5250fc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6256,10 +5314,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb4f93200) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4f93240) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb4f93380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6292,10 +5346,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb4f936c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4f93700) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb4f93880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6351,15 +5401,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb4f93f80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb4f93fc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb4f93000) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f93540) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb4f933c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6368,10 +5410,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb4f93100) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb4f93280) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb4f93340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb4f93e00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6488,10 +5526,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb507a780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb507a840) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -6663,10 +5697,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb507ab40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb507abc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6697,20 +5727,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb507ac00) 0
   QObject (0xb507ac40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb507ac00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb507acc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb507ad80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb507ad00) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6872,10 +5890,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb507af00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb507a180) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb507a3c0) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7140,15 +6154,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb4dc8280) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4dc8540) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb4dc84c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7296,15 +6302,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb4dc8800) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb4dc8940) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb4dc88c0) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7790,15 +6788,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb4dc8dc0) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d21100) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb4d21080) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -7926,25 +6916,9 @@ QDirModel (0xb4d21300) 0
     QObject (0xb4d21380) 0
         primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb4d21340)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4d21500) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb4d21480) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d21600) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb4d21580) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8540,15 +7514,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb4d21440) 0
   QObject (0xb4d21540) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb4d21440)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d21b40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb4d21880) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -9687,10 +8653,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb48a00c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb48a0200) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb48a0280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractButton
 QAbstractButton::_ZTV15QAbstractButton: 66u entries
@@ -10012,10 +8974,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb48a06c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb48a0780) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb48a0800) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -10493,10 +9451,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb48a0f80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb48a0240) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb48a03c0) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -10576,10 +9530,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb48a0540) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb48a0980) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb48a0c40) 0
 Vtable for QScrollArea
 QScrollArea::_ZTV11QScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -10930,10 +9880,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb4862440) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4862580) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb4862600) 0
 Vtable for QFontComboBox
 QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox: 65u entries
@@ -11017,10 +9963,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb4862640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb4862740) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb48627c0) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -11275,10 +10217,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb4862ac0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4862c00) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb4862d00) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -12210,10 +11148,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb45aa980) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb45aaa40) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb45aaac0) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12786,20 +11720,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb44f35c0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb44f36c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb44f3700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb44f37c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -13361,50 +12283,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb44f3480) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb44f3600) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb44f3a00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb44f3680) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb44f3dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb44f3c00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4468040) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb44f3f80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb4468140) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb44680c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -13451,20 +12337,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb4468180) 0
   QObject (0xb44681c0) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb4468180)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb44682c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4468380) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4468300) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -13553,15 +12427,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb44683c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4468500) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb44685c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb4468600) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsItemAnimation
 QGraphicsItemAnimation::_ZTV22QGraphicsItemAnimation: 16u entries
@@ -13921,10 +12787,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb4468b40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb4468c40) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb4468d00) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -14183,10 +13045,6 @@ QWizard (0xb4468580) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb4468b00) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb4468cc0) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -14354,10 +13212,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb423d100) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb423d200) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb423d2c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -14694,10 +13548,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb423d7c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb423d8c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb423d980) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -15173,15 +14023,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb4178300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb4178340) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb4178400) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15216,20 +14058,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb4178380) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb4178500) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb4178480) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb4178540) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -15336,188 +14170,40 @@ QInputContextPlugin (0xb4178740) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb4178800) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QInputContextFactoryInterface (0xb41787c0)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb41788c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb4178940) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb41789c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb4178a40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4178ac0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb4178c40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb4178cc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb4178d40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb4178f40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb4178fc0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb4178100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb41784c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb4178700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb4178b40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb3d2c040) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb3d2c100) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb3d2c180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb3d2c200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb3d2c2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb3d2c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3d2c480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb3d2c500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3d2c580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb3d2c600) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb3d2c680) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb3d2c700) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb3d2c7c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb3d2c880) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb3d2c940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb3d2ca00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb3d2ca80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb3d2cb40) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb3d2cc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb3d2cc80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb3d2cd00) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb3d2cd80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb3d2ce00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 255a42e..e03d6c7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtGui.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb78b3294) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb78b32d0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7ca2c40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb78b3348) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb78b3474) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb78b34b0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7ca2e00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb78b3528) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb6a76924) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb6a76b04) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb6a76bf4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb6a76ce4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb6a76dd4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb6a76ec4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb6a76fb4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb6a8e0b4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb6a8e1a4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb6a8e294) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb6a8e384) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb6a8e474) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb6a8e564) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb6a8e654) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb6a8e744) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb6a8e834) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb6aab834) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb6ad44ec) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb698a0b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb69d81a4) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb69d8438) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb69d8d5c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb6a1f690) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb6a1ffb4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb6a348e8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb6a3e21c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb6a3eb40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb6a54474) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb6a54d98) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb6a666cc) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb6877000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb6877924) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb688c258) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb688cce4) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb68e0f78) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb6805c00) 0
   QString (0xb6859348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6859654) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb66bdd20) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6766fb4) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb676630c) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6585618) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb65855a0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb65b3100) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb65aa834) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb65aad20) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb65aab40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb65c1e88) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb65c1e10) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6600f80) 0
   QObject (0xb6602e88) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6600f80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6637168) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb64820b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb64978ac) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb649799c) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6497f00) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6497e88) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb64a6080) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6497f3c) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb64c3ca8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb64c3ec4) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb65090f0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6509ce4) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb63d7618) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb63d76cc) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6265654) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6265744) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62656cc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62657bc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6265834) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb62658ac) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6265924) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6265960) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb62b40f0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb62d91c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb62d5870) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb62d91c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb62e42d0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb62e4348) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb62e4258) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62e43c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62e4438) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62e44b0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62e4528) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb62e45a0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62e4618) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e4690) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb62e46cc) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb62e47f8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb62e4780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e4744) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e4870) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb62e4960) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e48e8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e49d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb62e4ac8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e4a50) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e4b7c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e4bf4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e4c6c) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb6207a14) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb6220654) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb62205dc) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb622099c) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb6220ac8) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb624a168) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb624a1e0) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6063880) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb624ad20) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6063880)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb60984b0) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb60ba7c0) 0
   QObject (0xb60bbb40) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb60ba7c0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb60baec0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb60baf00) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb60baec0)
-    QObject (0xb60cf654) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb60baf00)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb61113c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb611c654) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb61113c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb611ce4c) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb6111d40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb611cec4) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb6111f00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb6111f40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb612f348) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb6111f40)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb612fd98) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb612fe10) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb612f4b0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb614e0b4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb614e12c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb614e1a4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb614e21c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb614e294) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb614e30c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb614e384) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb614e3fc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb614e474) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb614e4ec) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb614e564) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb614e5dc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb614e654) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb614e744) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb614e7bc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb614e834) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb614ebb8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb614ec30) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb614ed20) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb614ed98) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb614ee10) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb5f6303c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb5f63078) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb5f630b4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb5f630f0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb5f6312c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb5f63168) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb5f631e0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb5f6321c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb5f63258) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb5f63294) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb5f632d0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb5f6330c) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb5f63ce4) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb5fdb2d0) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5fdb708) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5fdb924) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb5fdbd20) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5fdbe88) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb6018000) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb6018708) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb603b12c) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb603dce4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb603dd5c) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb5e6a03c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5e6a1a4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5e6a12c) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb5e6a21c) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb5ec6744) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5ec6a14) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb5ed38c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5ec6a50) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5ec6a8c) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5ed3980) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5ec6ac8) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb5ec6ce4) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb5d785dc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5d78618) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb5d7ac40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5d78654) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5dfe2d0) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5e13200) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5e13240) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5dfe348) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5dfe258) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dfe384) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5e133c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dfe3c0) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5dfe474) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5e135c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5e13600) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5dfe4ec) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5dfe3fc) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dfe528) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5dfe5dc) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5e13780) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dfe564) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5cb5780) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5cc1740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5ccd12c) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5cc1740)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5cc1840) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5ccd21c) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5cc1840)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5ccd690) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5ccd6cc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5ce57c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5ccd708) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5ce5900) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5ce5940) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5ce5900)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5ccd780) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5ce5940)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5ce59c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5ce5a00) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5ce59c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5ccd870) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5ce5a00)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5cfb618) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5d2bca8) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5d2bf3c) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5d2bd98) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5bb24b0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bae12c) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5bb24b0)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5bae168) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5bbad70) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bcace4) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5bbad70)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5bcad20) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5bbb900) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5bd4be0) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5bbb900)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5bcae10) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5bd4be0)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5bcae4c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5bbbac0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5bde370) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5bbbac0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5bdc168) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5bde370)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5bdc1a4) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5bbbb40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5bbbb80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5bbbb40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5bdea00) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5bbbb80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5bdc30c) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5bdea00)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5bdc348) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5bdcd5c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5bf0580) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bec528) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5bf0580)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5bf0640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bec618) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5bf0640)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5c28c6c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5a74b80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5a74bc0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5a74b80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5a7d294) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5a74bc0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5a74c00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5a7d384) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5a74c00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5a74c80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5a7d474) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5a74c80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5a74d00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5a74d40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5a74d00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5a7d564) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5a74d40)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5a74dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5a7d654) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5a74dc0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5a74e40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5a7d744) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5a74e40)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5abfe80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5a7df3c) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5abfe80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5abfec0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5a7d348) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5abfec0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b10b40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b10b80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5aefb40) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b10b80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5aefd20) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b10cc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b10d00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5aefd5c) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b10d00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5aeff00) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b4f580) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b4f5c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5b513fc) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b4f5c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b4f680) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b4f6c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5b51780) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b4f6c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb5b51e88) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5b51ec4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb597d580) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5b51f00) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb59953c0) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59b7480 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59c7050) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59b7480) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59c7050)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59b74c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb59953fc) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59b74c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59b7500) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59b74c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5995690) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59b7800 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59d50f0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59b7800) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59d50f0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59b7840) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb59956cc) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59b7840)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59b7880) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59b7840) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb5995fb4) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb5995f3c) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb5995ec4) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb5995e10) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb59fa294) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb59fab04) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb58dff78) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58ff870) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb58f2b00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58ff870)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb5906168) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb58f2b00)
-  QRunnable (0xb59061a4) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb58f2b80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58ffc80) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb58f2b80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb58f2bc0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58ffc80)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb5906348) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb58f2bc0)
-    QRunnable (0xb5906384) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb5853f00) 0
     QObject (0xb56696cc) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb5853f40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb569503c) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb5695bf4) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb56b8294) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb56b85a0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb56c730c) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb56c7294) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb56c73fc) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb56e7960) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb56e7a50) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb5717d20) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb5727e10) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb57467f8) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb575a7bc) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb55bd780) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb55bd7f8) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb559c564) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb55c2000) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb55c2168) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb55daa50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb55dae88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb55fc078) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb55fc258) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb55fc438) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb55fc618) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb55fc7f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb55fc9d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb55fcbb8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb55fcd98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb55fcf78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb5605168) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb5605348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb5605528) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb5605708) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb56058e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb5605ac8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb5605ca8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb5605e88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb560b078) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb560b258) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb560b438) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb560b618) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb560b7f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb560b9d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb560bbb8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb560bd98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb560bf78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb5615168) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb5615348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb5615528) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb5615708) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb56158e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb5615ac8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb5615ca8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb5615e88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb561e078) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb561e258) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb561e438) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb561e618) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb561e7f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb561e9d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb561ebb8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb561ed98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb561ef78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb5625168) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb5625348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb5625528) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb5625708) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb56258e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb5625ac8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb5625ca8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb5625e88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb562c078) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb562c258) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb562c438) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5457ec4) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb5457e4c) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5457fb4) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb5457f3c) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb5497348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb5497960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb5497b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb5497d20) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb54e8dd4) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb54f2ce4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb551c780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb54e4bc0) 0
   QObject (0xb552d5dc) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb54e4bc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb552dbf4) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5550e88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb536b258) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb536b348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb536ba8c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb53b9bf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb53c8384) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb53fffb4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb5433474) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb5433564) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb543399c) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb5433d98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb54480f0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb52838c0) 0
   QObject (0xb52a0a50) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb52838c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb52af99c) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb52ddf3c) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb52e75dc) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb52e72d0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb52f0ac8) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb53390b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb5339d98) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb5347d98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb5157744) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb5157834) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb5161e10) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb5161f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb5172564) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb5172744) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb51885a0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb5197780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb51a4690) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb51ba744) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb51bab04) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb51dac6c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb51e8690) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb50795dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb5084654) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb50a2258) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb50aa294) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb50cb0b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb50d9258) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb5120b7c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb4f42078) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb4fe3870) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4fece10) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4fecf78) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4fecf00) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb4fec000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb500f9d8) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb500fb04) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb501d6cc) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb501d7f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb4e2f780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4461,25 +2648,9 @@ Class QXmlStreamWriter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QXmlStreamWriter (0xb4e6003c) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4e7df78) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4e85000) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4e85078) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4e7df00) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -4501,10 +2672,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb4ea7ec4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb4ed203c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -4802,15 +2969,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb4d4f078) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d4f960) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb4d4f8e8) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -5099,20 +3258,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb4da49d8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb4db7258) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb4db7e88) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb4dd1a50) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -5143,20 +3290,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb4d9b9c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb4dd1e4c) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb4de299c) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb4de2924) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb4de28ac) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -5669,15 +3804,7 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0xb4c7603c) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4c835a0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4c83528) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5685,15 +3812,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4c46d80) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4c835dc) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ca7690) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4ca7618) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5706,10 +3825,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4cc55dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4cd6c30) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -5721,25 +3836,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4ce53fc) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d0a4b0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4d0a438) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4d0a0b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4d0a4ec) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5751,10 +3854,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4b34d5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4b47e4c) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -5779,10 +3878,6 @@ QImage (0xb4b66900) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4b8c654) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4b66900)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4be1b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -5807,45 +3902,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb4c13564) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb4c2203c) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=124 align=4
    base size=121 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb4c222d0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4c22f78) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb4c22f00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a4903c) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a490b4) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4a4912c) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb4c22ec4) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5906,10 +3973,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb4ac6e10) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb4b1ce88) 0
 Class QCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5997,10 +4060,6 @@ QWidget (0xb493cb90) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4936708) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb4982654) 0
 Vtable for QDialog
 QDialog::_ZTV7QDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6251,10 +4310,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb4a15400) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb4a207bc) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb4a2d99c) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6505,20 +4560,12 @@ QFileDialog (0xb4a15e80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb48671e0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb487830c) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb48986cc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb48b1a8c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFileSystemModel
 QFileSystemModel::_ZTV16QFileSystemModel: 42u entries
@@ -6980,10 +5027,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb472d280) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb472b960) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb47467bc) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -7488,10 +5531,6 @@ QWizard (0xb479d680) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb47adfb4) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb47d62d0) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -7624,10 +5663,6 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb47f1bf4) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb462030c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -8184,15 +6219,7 @@ QGraphicsItemGroup (0xb46a4040) 0
   QGraphicsItem (0xb469ca14) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsItemGroup (0xb46a4040)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb46ab21c) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb46ab3c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsLayoutItem
 QGraphicsLayoutItem::_ZTV19QGraphicsLayoutItem: 8u entries
@@ -8544,10 +6571,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb4527564) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb4527dd4) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -8594,20 +6617,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb470f6c0) 0
   QObject (0xb4537000) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb470f6c0)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb4537d98) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb455c7bc) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb455c744) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -8770,65 +6781,21 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb45b33c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb45c0b40) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QTextOption::Tab>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QTextOption::Tab> (0xb45e112c) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb45e1438) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb45e1f00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4446960) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb44468e8) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb4446ac8) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb4446a50) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb447921c) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb44791a4) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb4479384) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb447930c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -9083,15 +7050,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb44ee480) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb44f5ca8) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb43214ec) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb433412c) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -9346,10 +7305,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb439eaf0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb43a1528) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb436df00)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb43a121c) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9525,15 +7480,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb422a580) 0
   QObject (0xb42360f0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb422a580)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4236f3c) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb4236ec4) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -9839,10 +7786,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb4274d00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb42a66cc) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb42b9870) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -10050,15 +7993,7 @@ QStyle (0xb42c7a00) 0
   QObject (0xb4301d5c) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb42c7a00)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb412f6cc) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb414530c) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -10317,10 +8252,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb41c1040) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41c012c) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb41c08e8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -10347,10 +8278,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb41c1ac0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41e98ac) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb41fe258) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -10358,10 +8285,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb41c1d80) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41e90f0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb42167bc) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -10376,10 +8299,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb420c3c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb420c400) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb40307f8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb40494b0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -10406,10 +8325,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb420cd00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4063e88) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb40767f8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -10442,10 +8357,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb40869c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb40a8a50) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb40bc258) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -10510,15 +8421,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb4104600) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb4104640) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb4107b04) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb411a21c) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb411a1a4) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -10527,10 +8430,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb4104880) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb41048c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb411a0b4) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb411ab40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -10627,10 +8526,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb3f9b654) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3fce1e0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -10661,20 +8556,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb3f94bc0) 0
   QObject (0xb3fce654) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb3f94bc0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb3fde924) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb3ff75a0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3ff7528) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10804,10 +8687,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb4014180) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3ff7924) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb3e34708) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -11270,15 +9149,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3ed4294) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3ed4d98) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3ed4d20) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -11419,15 +9290,7 @@ QListView (0xb3edd140) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb3ef1000) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<void*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<void*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3f0c780) 0
-Class QVector<void*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<void*> (0xb3f0c708) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -11720,15 +9583,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb3d8c744) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3df3168) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb3df30f0) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -12007,15 +9862,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb3c62528) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c71294) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb3c7121c) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -12292,35 +10139,15 @@ QTreeView (0xb3cbe380) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb3cc6258) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb3ce8a14) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0xb3ce8000) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3b1c474) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3b1c3fc) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3b1c8ac) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3b1c834) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -13296,15 +11123,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb3ad2a8c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb3ad2ce4) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb3ae1564) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -13339,20 +11158,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb3ad2dd4) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb3afb744) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb3afb3fc) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb3b10438) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -13450,10 +11261,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0xb3afdf00) 0
     QObject (0xb398bac8) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0xb3afdf40)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb399add4) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -13985,30 +11792,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb383e7f8) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb3858258) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb384aac8) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb387b708) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb387b690) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb389b438) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -14070,15 +11861,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb3744294) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb3744fb4) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb3744f3c) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -14128,15 +11911,7 @@ QTextDocument (0xb372dd40) 0
   QObject (0xb3761f78) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb372dd40)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb37728e8) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb37a8618) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14148,15 +11923,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb37a88ac) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb37a8ca8) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb37a8c30) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -14318,10 +12085,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb378ef40) 0
     QObject (0xb37f8d98) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb378ef80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb361f744) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -14346,25 +12109,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb361fc30) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb363f744) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb363f834) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb363f9d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb364cd98) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -15494,10 +13245,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb359b580) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb35b6834) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb35cd078) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -15658,10 +13405,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb359bc00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb35f1a50) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb3601e88) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -15741,10 +13484,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb359bf80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3415a50) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb34430f0) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -15906,10 +13645,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb342d640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3465a8c) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb3475a50) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -16228,10 +13963,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb34c8380) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb34d5924) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb34eaac8) 0
 Vtable for QMdiArea
 QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea: 65u entries
@@ -16317,10 +14048,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb34c8700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb34fa690) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb331cb04) 0
 Vtable for QMdiSubWindow
 QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow: 63u entries
@@ -16400,10 +14127,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb34c8b00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb332c6cc) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb33517bc) 0
 Vtable for QMenu
 QMenu::_ZTV5QMenu: 63u entries
@@ -16681,10 +14404,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb32147c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb32223fc) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb325f384) 0
 Vtable for QPlainTextEdit
 QPlainTextEdit::_ZTV14QPlainTextEdit: 69u entries
@@ -18196,203 +15915,43 @@ QWorkspace (0xb31cf7c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb31f20f0) 8
         vptr=((& QWorkspace::_ZTV10QWorkspace) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb305b564) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb3070b04) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb2f24e4c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb2f3c924) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb2f593fc) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb2fcec30) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb2fcee10) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb2fce03c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb2fe31a4) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb2ea3960) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb2ea3b40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb2ed1ce4) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2ee9168) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2ee9b40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb2cec870) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb2d29d20) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb2d29d98) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb2d55ca8) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2d55fb4) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb2d9cbb8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb2dc0168) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb2dc04b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb2dc0d5c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2bc61a4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2bc6744) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb2bd57f8) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb2bd5e4c) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb2bd5f78) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb2be51e0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb2be599c) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb2c1a0f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb2c1a870) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb2c1a8e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb2c1ad98) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb2c1ae10) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb2c52258) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb2c52690) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb2c52a14) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2c529d8) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb2c88654) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
index 2072f0a..a7b7925 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
@@ -53,65 +53,20 @@ Class QBool
    size=1 align=1
 QBool (0x300b7280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x300cd9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x300cdf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x300d4540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x300d4b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x300e00c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x300e0680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x300e0c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x300eb200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x300eb7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x300ebd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x300f8340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x300f8900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x300f8ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30104480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30104a40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -125,9 +80,6 @@ Class QChar
    size=2 align=2
 QChar (0x30148980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30185980) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -142,13 +94,7 @@ Class sigset_t
    size=8 align=4
 sigset_t (0x3026ad80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271540) 0
 Class fsid_t
    size=8 align=4
@@ -158,21 +104,9 @@ Class fsid64_t
    size=16 align=8
 fsid64_t (0x30271c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=52 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302780c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=112 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302787c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=208 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278b40) 0
 Class _quad
    size=8 align=4
@@ -186,17 +120,11 @@ Class adspace_t
    size=68 align=4
 adspace_t (0x30281e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x302865c0) 0
 Class label_t
    size=100 align=4
 label_t (0x30286d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3028b780) 0
 Class sigset
    size=8 align=4
@@ -238,57 +166,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    size=8 align=4
 QByteRef (0x302b7540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30423740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30431080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30431340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x3042cc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30442080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30431a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30448800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x3046af00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x3046e200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x304422c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30474f80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30479700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30479a40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -306,9 +195,6 @@ Class QString
    size=4 align=4
 QString (0x300a1f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x303cf2c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -323,9 +209,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x300b7640) 0
   QString (0x300b7680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x303901c0) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -335,9 +218,6 @@ Class QListData
    size=4 align=4
 QListData (0x300732c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x302fb500) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -360,13 +240,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x303bab80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30120bc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x302cc980) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -385,21 +259,12 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3036a6c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x3036a700) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x3009b300) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
 QMetaObject (0x3058c900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30170600) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30166f00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4 entries
@@ -487,9 +352,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30365880) 0
   QObject (0x301e4440) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30365880)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x301ebec0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4 entries
@@ -507,38 +369,20 @@ Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
 QRegExp (0x303baa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x30148180) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x3012d8c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x30104900) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString> (0x30104380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
 QStringList (0x303bab00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x300c3280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x301046c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x300eba00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x300eb980) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5 entries
@@ -664,9 +508,6 @@ Class QMapData
    size=72 align=4
 QMapData (0x304b4140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3052cd00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4 entries
@@ -680,9 +521,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x3050bbc0) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x305082c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -767,41 +605,20 @@ QFile (0x3057c8c0) 0
     QObject (0x3057c980) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3057c900)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x3058a380) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
 QFileInfo (0x304b0580) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x304927c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x30390480) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x301dfa40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x301df900) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
 QDir (0x304b03c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x30365600) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x303ac7c0) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35 entries
@@ -846,9 +663,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x3057c7c0) 0
     vptr=((&QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x3031a080) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5 entries
@@ -910,73 +724,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
 QMetaType (0x30079000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x3011fb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x3013d480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint_t> (0x30148440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x3015dfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x301937c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x301a18c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x301a5d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x301ad500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x301add00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x301b22c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x301b2b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong_t> (0x301b6640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort_t> (0x301b6fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar_t> (0x301b9600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x301b9c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x301c1740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x301d7f80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -998,69 +761,24 @@ Class QVariant
    size=16 align=8
 QVariant (0x30166c00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3057e500) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x302acd80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x302ed8c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x302b7980) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x30225880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x303e8900) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303dab00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f70c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=76 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f7880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fc640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fcc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30492400) 0
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1102,77 +820,41 @@ Class localeinfo_table
    size=36 align=4
 localeinfo_table (0x303d9cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=108 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x304dc500) 0
 Class _LC_charmap_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_charmap_objhdl (0x304dcc80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=92 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561040) 0
 Class _LC_monetary_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_monetary_objhdl (0x305614c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561800) 0
 Class _LC_numeric_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_numeric_objhdl (0x30561d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083180) 0
 Class _LC_resp_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_resp_objhdl (0x300838c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=248 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083c40) 0
 Class _LC_time_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_time_objhdl (0x3012c400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x3012cc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303acac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=104 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30504a00) 0
 Class _LC_collate_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_collate_objhdl (0x301bfb80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301e8b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=80 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x305a0100) 0
 Class _LC_ctype_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1186,17 +868,11 @@ Class _LC_locale_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_locale_objhdl (0x303da600) 0
-Class _LC_object_handle::<anonymous union>
-   size=12 align=4
-_LC_object_handle::<anonymous union> (0x305911c0) 0
 Class _LC_object_handle
    size=20 align=4
 _LC_object_handle (0x30591080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3031ed80) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14 entries
@@ -1271,13 +947,7 @@ Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
 QUrl (0x302256c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x306df180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x307c8900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14 entries
@@ -1303,9 +973,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x30802000) 0
   QObject (0x30802040) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x30802000)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x30803740) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27 entries
@@ -1348,17 +1015,11 @@ Class QModelIndex
    size=16 align=4
 QModelIndex (0x3049cc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x304eb5c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x3049cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x3002e700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42 entries
@@ -1524,9 +1185,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    size=4 align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x307fe180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x30803300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4 entries
@@ -1612,17 +1270,11 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x30379340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x30880740) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x303793c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3088be80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1632,9 +1284,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x30379540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x308a3780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17 entries
@@ -1902,9 +1551,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    size=8 align=4
 QBitRef (0x305a6140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x30864700) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1922,65 +1568,41 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    size=1 align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30893ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30897f00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
 QDate (0x301eb4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x300ebe80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
 QTime (0x301f1e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x30368c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
 QDateTime (0x304b0440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x304d4880) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
 QPoint (0x301f9d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x307b9180) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
 QPointF (0x30200880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x307efcc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
 QLine (0x301eb540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x3098afc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
 QLineF (0x301eb600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x30a335c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1990,41 +1612,26 @@ Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
 QLocale (0x301eb800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x30822c80) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
 QSize (0x30200a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x30864400) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
 QSizeF (0x30209200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x30a33a80) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
 QRect (0x30213780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x30aad700) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
 QRectF (0x302138c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x30a1fdc0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2326,11 +1933,5 @@ QUdpSocket (0x308c1040) 0
       QObject (0x308c16c0) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x308c1340)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x30120ac0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x301dfa00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
index 0942e9c..1d0c56c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x2aaaac20f1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x2aaaac2260e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x2aaaac226380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x2aaaac226620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x2aaaac2268c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x2aaaac226b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaac226e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x2aaaac2370e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x2aaaac237380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x2aaaac237620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaac2378c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x2aaaac237b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x2aaaac237e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x2aaaac2490e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x2aaaac249380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x2aaaac249620) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x2aaaac249850) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x2aaaac275930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x2aaaac275d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x2aaaac301150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x2aaaac301540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x2aaaac301930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x2aaaac301d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x2aaaac346150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x2aaaac346540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x2aaaac346930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x2aaaac346d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x2aaaac393150) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x2aaaac393540) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x2aaaac393f50) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x2aaaac3c3000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaac3c3850) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=32 align=8
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x2aaaac3fb4d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x2aaaac431540) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QByteRef (0x2aaaac552b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x2aaaac5dfbd0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -291,10 +171,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=8 base align=8
 QString (0x2aaaac5dfee0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x2aaaac659770) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=8 align=8
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x2aaaac8a9a10) 0
   QString (0x2aaaac8a9a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x2aaaac8bd000) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=32 align=8
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=8 base align=8
 QListData (0x2aaaac8e0ee0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaca00e00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*> (0x2aaaaca00cb0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x2aaaaca8d2a0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaca8d310) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaaca8d2a0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x2aaaaca8de70) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=128 base align=8
 QMapData (0x2aaaacb2fa10) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x2aaaacc4b930) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=32 align=8
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x2aaaacc4b690) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 16u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaacc89230) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray> (0x2aaaacc890e0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=40 align=8
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=40 base align=8
 QTextDecoder (0x2aaaacc89f50) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc53f0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaccc55b0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc54d0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc5690) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc5770) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=40 align=8
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=16 base align=8
 __gconv_info (0x2aaaaccc5a80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc5c40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaccc5b60) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=24 align=8
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=216 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x2aaaaccc5d20) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc5e00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x2aaaaccc5e70) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x2aaaacd47150) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=40 align=8
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x2aaaace11bd0) 0
     QObject (0x2aaaace11cb0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaace11c40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x2aaaace47a80) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=8 base align=8
 QRegExp (0x2aaaace768c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x2aaaace9e700) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1048 align=8
    base size=1044 base align=8
 QStringMatcher (0x2aaaace9e930) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaace9eee0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString> (0x2aaaace9ed90) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=8 align=8
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x2aaaaced5070) 0
   QList<QString> (0x2aaaaced50e0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x2aaaacef8ee0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x2aaaacf172a0) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=8 base align=8
 QFileInfo (0x2aaaacf6ac40) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x2aaaacfa8690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaacfa8af0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaacfd12a0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaacfd1150) 0
 Class QDir
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDir (0x2aaaacfd13f0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x2aaaacfd1690) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x2aaaacfd18c0) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QUrl (0x2aaaad0765b0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2aaaad0768c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2aaaad0d5af0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x2aaaad0f1150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x2aaaad0f1850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x2aaaad0f1a10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned int> (0x2aaaad0f1bd0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x2aaaad0f1d90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x2aaaad0f1f50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x2aaaad10a150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x2aaaad10a310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x2aaaad10a4d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x2aaaad10a690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x2aaaad10a850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x2aaaad10aa10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaad10abd0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaad10ad90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned char> (0x2aaaad10af50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x2aaaad117150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x2aaaad117310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x2aaaad1174d0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=16 align=8
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x2aaaad117620) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaad1aa7e0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant> (0x2aaaad1aa690) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaad1aab60) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x2aaaad1aaa10) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x2aaaad2184d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2aaaad218f50) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1128,10 +796,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x2aaaad29b380) 0
     vptr=((& QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x2aaaad29b770) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x2aaaad2f5070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x2aaaad2f5230) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2aaaad417540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2aaaad417d20) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x2aaaad4458c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2aaaad445af0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x2aaaad4900e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2aaaad4902a0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x2aaaad4adb60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x2aaaad4d1150) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x2aaaad4fc230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2aaaad4fc930) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x2aaaad533b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2aaaad533f50) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x2aaaad583a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2aaaad5ba7e0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x2aaaad646380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2aaaad676310) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QBitRef (0x2aaaad7ea4d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2aaaad8000e0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=8 base align=8
 QLocale (0x2aaaad9201c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2aaaad920c40) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x2aaaad9cc310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2aaaad9eb4d0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x2aaaad9eb700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2aaaada11230) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDateTime (0x2aaaada11460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2aaaada38000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2aaaada98bd0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaada98c40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2aaaada98bd0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2aaaada98e70) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=24 base align=8
 QModelIndex (0x2aaaadb310e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2aaaadb4b310) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2aaaadb4b850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2aaaadb4ba80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2aaaadbf80e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2aaaadbf89a0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaMethod (0x2aaaadc547e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2aaaadc54bd0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=16 align=8
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaEnum (0x2aaaadc54e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2aaaadc7e2a0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaClassInfo (0x2aaaadc7e620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2aaaadc7ea10) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2362,18 +1942,6 @@ QTcpSocket (0x2aaaade3c460) 0
       QObject (0x2aaaade3c5b0) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaade3c540)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x2aaaaded5b60) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::Node (0x2aaaadf0dc40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x2aaaae004770) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index cd6c35e..ee89343 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x4001ef40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x4001ed80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x40abd000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x40abd040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40abd080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40abd0c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40abd100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40abd140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40abd180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40abd1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40abd200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40abd240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40abd280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40abd2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40abd300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40abd340) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40abd380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40abd540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40abd5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40abd640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40abd6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40abd740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40abd7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40abd840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40abd8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40abd940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40abd9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40abda40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40abdac0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40abdc00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40abdc40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40abde40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x40abdf40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x40bd1000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x40bd1700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x40bd1780) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,10 +176,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x40bd19c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x40bd1b00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x40bd1cc0) 0
   QString (0x40bd1d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x40bd1d80) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x40bd1e80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x40e772c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x40e77200) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x40e77500) 0
   QObject (0x40e77540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x40e77500)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x40e77680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x40e77780) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x40e77d40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x40e77c40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x40e77fc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x40e77f00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x40e773c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e77700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x40e77cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e77a80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e77d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41066000) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x41066100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x41066180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x41066140) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x41066200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41066240) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x41066280) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x410663c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x41066b00) 0
     QObject (0x41066b80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x41066b40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x41066c80) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x41066e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x41066ec0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x41066f00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x410665c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x41066f80) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x41066780) 0
   QList<QString> (0x41066bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x411761c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x41176240) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x411766c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x41176740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x41176780) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x411768c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x41176800) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x41176900) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x411769c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x41176a80) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x41176b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x41176c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x41176c40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x41176c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x41176d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x41176d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x41176d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x41176dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x41176e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x41176e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x41176e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x41176ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x41176f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x41176f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x41176f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x41176fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x41176500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x41176640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x412a2000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x412a2040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x412a2080) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x412a20c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x412a2680) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x412a25c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x412a2800) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x412a2740) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x412a2a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x412a2b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1142,10 +810,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x412a2e00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x412a2f00) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x412a2200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x412a2280) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x413ad340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x413ad780) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x413ad840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x413adc80) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x413add80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x413addc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x413adec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x413adf40) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x413ad380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x413ad880) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x413adb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x414e2280) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x414e2480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x414e2680) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x414e2780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x414e2900) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x414e2f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x414e2fc0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x416e3100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x416e3140) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x416e32c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x416e3440) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x416e3480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x416e3600) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x416e3640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x416e3780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x416e3f00) 0
   QObject (0x416e3f40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x416e3f00)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x416e3380) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x417fa100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x417fa200) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x417fa280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x417fa340) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x417fa900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x417fa9c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x417fad00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x417fad80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x417fadc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x417fae40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x417faec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x417faf40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2362,18 +1942,6 @@ QTcpSocket (0x418f6f40) 0
       QObject (0x418f6100) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x418f6fc0)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x419f72c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x419f7980) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x41a7ab80) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index f08e983..f8bb41e 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x30ac3188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30ac3428) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x30ac34d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x30ac3578) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x30ac3620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x30ac36c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x30ac3770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30ac3818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x30ac38c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x30ac3968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x30ac3a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x30ac3ab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x30ac3b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x30ac3c08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30ac3cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30ac3d58) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x30ac3dc8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30b0c2d8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30b0c348) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x30b0c3b8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30b0c428) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30b0c498) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30b0c508) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x30b0c578) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x30b0c5e8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x30b0c658) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30b0c6c8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30b0c738) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30b0c7a8) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187980) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x30b0c8c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x30b0ca80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x30b0cb60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30b0cc08) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30c1a7a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30c1aaf0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,20 +176,12 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x30c1ad58) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30d4f0a8) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QCharRef (0x30d4f0e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30d4fa10) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -321,15 +193,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30d4fc08) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30e98118) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30e98070) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -421,10 +285,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187b80) 0
   QObject (0x30e985b0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187b80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30e98770) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -449,30 +309,10 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x30e98b98) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30e98e70) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x30fa60a8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30fa6038) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30fa6118) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30fa6188) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -494,15 +334,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x30fa62d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30fa63b8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x30fa6348) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -514,10 +346,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x30fa6428) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30fa6498) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -532,10 +360,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x30fa64d0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x30fa6690) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -596,10 +420,6 @@ QFile (0x30187d00) 0
     QObject (0x30fa6c08) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x30187d40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x30fa6d90) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -652,25 +472,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x30fa6ee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x30fa6f50) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x30fa6fc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x3106c0e0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x3106c038) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -770,130 +578,42 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x3106c8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x3106c930) 0 empty
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x3106c9d8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x3106caf0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x3106cb60) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x3106cc08) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x3106cd20) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x3106cdc8) 0
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x3106ce00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x3106cee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x3106cf50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x3106cfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x3106c850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x3112e038) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x3112e0a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x3112e118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x3112e188) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x3112e1f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x3112e268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x3112e2d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x3112e348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x3112e3b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x3112e428) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x3112e498) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x3112e508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x3112e578) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -920,35 +640,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x3112e5b0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3112eb28) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x3112ea80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3112ece8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x3112ec40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x3112eea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x3112efc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1033,10 +733,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x311d4188) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x311d4310) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1053,90 +749,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x311d4508) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x311d4578) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x311d4c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x311d4268) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x311d4e38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x312ba268) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x312ba428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x312ba498) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x312ba5e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x312ba690) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x312ba818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x312bab98) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x312bae00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x312ba1c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x3135c070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x3135c268) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x3135c498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x3135c620) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1153,10 +813,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x3135c188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x3149f038) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1178,40 +834,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x3149f5e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x3149f658) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x3149f850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x3149fa10) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x3149fa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x3149fc08) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x3149fc78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x3149fdc8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1286,10 +926,6 @@ QTextCodecPlugin (0x311a3280) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x315e3118) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QTextCodecFactoryInterface (0x311a32c0)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x315e3540) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1409,10 +1045,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x311a33c0) 0
   QObject (0x315e3a80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x311a33c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x315e3c08) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1489,20 +1121,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x31667070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x316671f8) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x316672a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x316673b8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1722,10 +1346,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x31667a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x31667b60) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1820,20 +1440,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x31667f88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x31667540) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x316677a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x31667c78) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1845,10 +1457,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x31709000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x317090a8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2276,8 +1884,4 @@ QTcpSocket (0x311a3b00) 0
       QObject (0x317c6348) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x311a3b80)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x31892150) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 4556f1d..949efd0 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,75 +59,19 @@ Class QBool
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBool (0x7c2480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x7c27c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x7c2880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x7c2940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x7c2a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x7c2ac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x7c2b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x7c2c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x7c2d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x7c2dc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x7c2e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x7c2f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x7c2140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x807080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x807140) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -144,10 +88,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x807440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x807540) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -160,10 +100,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x807900) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x807940) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x807bc0) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -245,70 +181,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xec9840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xec9c00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xff60c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xff6140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xff61c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xff6240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xff62c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xff6340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xff63c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xff6440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xff64c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xff6540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xff65c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xff6640) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -335,10 +219,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xff6d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x11811c0) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -351,10 +231,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1181dc0) 0
   QString (0x1181e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1181f00) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -366,10 +242,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12a1140) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x12a1740) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -394,15 +266,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x12a15c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x12a1a80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x12a19c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -425,25 +289,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x12a1cc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x12a1d00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x12a1fc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x12a1f40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1405180) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x14050c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -535,10 +387,6 @@ QIODevice (0x14057c0) 0
   QObject (0x1405800) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x14057c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1405a40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -558,25 +406,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x14f1000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x14f1200) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x14f1280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x14f1480) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x14f13c0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -584,15 +420,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x14f1540) 0
   QList<QString> (0x14f1580) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x14f1a40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x14f1ac0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -748,10 +576,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1680300) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x16805c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -842,50 +666,22 @@ QFile (0x1713180) 0
     QObject (0x1713200) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x17131c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x17133c0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1713400) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x17134c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1713540) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1713700) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1713640) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x17137c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1713900) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x17139c0) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35u entries
@@ -945,10 +741,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x1713c00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1713dc0) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -999,90 +791,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1713fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1713f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x187b040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x187b0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x187b140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x187b1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x187b240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x187b2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x187b340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x187b3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x187b440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x187b4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x187b540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x187b5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x187b640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x187b6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x187b740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x187b7c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1109,50 +833,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x187b800) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x187be80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x187bdc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x187bac0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x187bfc0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x191a1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x191a300) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x191a3c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x191a440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x191a4c0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1230,15 +922,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x191ad80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x191af80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x191a080) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1265,10 +949,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x191a900) 0
   QObject (0x191ac80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x191a900)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1a201c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1313,20 +993,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1a20400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1a205c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1a20680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1a207c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1496,10 +1168,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1a20e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1a20f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1591,20 +1259,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1ae6900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1ae69c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1ae6a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1ae6b00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1616,10 +1276,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1ae6bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1ae6c80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1907,10 +1563,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1c33480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1c335c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1932,80 +1584,48 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1c33800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1c33880) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1d32040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1d32240) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1d322c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1d32480) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1d32500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1d32680) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d32700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1d32b80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1d32d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1d32540) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d32a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1d32d80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1e13040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1e13100) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2017,50 +1637,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e136c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1e13740) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1e13880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1e13c80) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1e13f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1e13bc0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f47300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1f474c0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x1f47740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x1f47900) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2377,18 +1977,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0x22272c0) 0
       QObject (0x2227380) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x2227340)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x2298580) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x22bb400) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x2370540) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index dea6c49..b4ba11b 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x4001ee80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x4001ef40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x4001ef80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x4001efc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40ac6000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40ac6040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40ac6080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40ac60c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40ac6100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40ac6140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40ac6180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40ac61c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40ac6200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40ac6240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40ac6280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40ac62c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40ac6300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40ac64c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40ac6540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40ac65c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40ac6640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40ac66c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40ac6740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40ac67c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40ac6840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40ac68c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40ac6940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40ac69c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40ac6a40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40ac6b80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40ac6bc0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40ac6dc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x40ac6ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x40ac6f80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x40bde680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x40bde700) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x40bde940) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x40bdea80) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x40bdec40) 0
   QString (0x40bdec80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x40bded00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x40e6e180) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x40e6e5c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x40e6e500) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x40e6e800) 0
   QObject (0x40e6e840) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x40e6e800)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x40e6e980) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x40e6eb40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x40e6eb80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x41030100) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x41030700) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x41030600) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x41030980) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x410308c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x41030a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x41030b40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030b80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030bc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x41030cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x41030d40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x41030d00) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x41030dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030e00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x41030e40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x41030f80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x4118b1c0) 0
   QTextStream (0x4118b200) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x4118b1c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x4118b3c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x4118b400) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x4118b380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b480) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b4c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b500) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,10 +485,6 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x4118b580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b5c0) 0
 Class __sched_param
    size=4 align=4
@@ -721,45 +501,17 @@ Class __pthread_attr_s
    base size=36 base align=4
 __pthread_attr_s (0x4118b680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b6c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b780) 0
 Class _pthread_rwlock_t
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 _pthread_rwlock_t (0x4118b7c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b880) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -830,10 +582,6 @@ QFile (0x4118bdc0) 0
     QObject (0x4118be40) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x4118be00)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x4118bf40) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -886,50 +634,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x4118be80) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x412c9040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x412c9080) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x412c91c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x412c9100) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x412c9200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x412c9280) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x412c92c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x412c9400) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x412c9340) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -937,30 +657,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x412c9440) 0
   QList<QString> (0x412c9480) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x412c96c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x412c9740) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x412c9940) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x412c9a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x412c9a80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1017,10 +721,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x412c9ac0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x412c9c80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1175,110 +875,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x413da000) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x413da0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x413da100) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x413da140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x413da1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x413da200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x413da240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x413da280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x413da2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x413da300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x413da340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x413da380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x413da3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x413da400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x413da440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x413da480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x413da4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x413da500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x413da540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x413da580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x413da5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x413da600) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1305,35 +925,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x413da640) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x413dac00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x413dab40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x413dad80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x413dacc0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x413dafc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x413da900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1365,80 +965,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x414e3180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x414e35c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x414e3680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x414e3ac0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x414e3bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x414e3c00) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x414e3d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x414e3d80) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x414e3e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x414e3340) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x414e36c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x414e3ec0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x415cf140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x415cf340) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x415cf440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x415cf5c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1455,10 +1023,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x415cfc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x415cfc80) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1475,40 +1039,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x415cfec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x415cff00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x415cf280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x417e1000) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x417e1040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x417e11c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x417e1200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x417e1340) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1668,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x417e1ac0) 0
   QObject (0x417e1b00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x417e1ac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x417e1c40) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1763,20 +1307,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x417e1740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x417e1b80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x417e1cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x417e1ec0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1996,10 +1532,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x418d8580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x418d8640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2094,20 +1626,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x418d8980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x418d8a00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x418d8a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x418d8ac0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2119,10 +1643,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x418d8b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x418d8bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2555,23 +2075,7 @@ QTcpSocket (0x419c1c40) 0
       QObject (0x419c1d00) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x419c1cc0)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x41ab8180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x41ab8500) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x41ab8bc0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x41b32b00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 5b1bbdc..3253146 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x306c4818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x306c4a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x306c4ab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x306c4b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x306c4c08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x306c4cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x306c4d58) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x306c4e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x306c4ea8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x306c4f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x306f2000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x306f20a8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x306f2150) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x306f21f8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x306f22a0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x306f2348) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x306f23b8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x306f28c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x306f2930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x306f29a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x306f2a10) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x306f2a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x306f2af0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x306f2b60) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x306f2bd0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x306f2c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x306f2cb0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x306f2d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x306f2d90) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187ac0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x306f2ea8) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x30bcc070) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x30bcc150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30bcc1f8) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30bccee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30cb6230) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x30cb67e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30cb6b28) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x30187d00) 0
   QString (0x30e5b5b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30e5b690) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30e5bdc8) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30f2a230) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30f2a188) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187dc0) 0
   QObject (0x30f2a700) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187dc0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30f2a8f8) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30f2a4d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30f2ac08) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x30ff27a8) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x30ff2e70) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x30ff2d20) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x31133070) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x30ff2f50) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x31133188) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31133230) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x31133310) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x311332a0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31133380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x311333f0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x31133540) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31133620) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311335b0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x31133690) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31133700) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x31133738) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x31133968) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x30187fc0) 0
   QTextStream (0x31133ee0) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x30187fc0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x311d5118) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x311d5188) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x311d50a8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x311d51f8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x311d5268) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x311d52d8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x311d5348) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,70 +485,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x311d53b8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x311d5428) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311d5498) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311d5578) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311d5508) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311d55e8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311d56c8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x311d5658) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311d5738) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311d5818) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311d57a8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311d5888) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311d58f8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311d5968) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -835,10 +567,6 @@ QFile (0x312b3000) 0
     QObject (0x311d5f88) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x312b3040)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x312c30e0) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -891,50 +619,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x312c3230) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x312c32d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x312c3348) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x312c34d0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x312c3428) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x312c3578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x312c3738) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x312c37a8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x312c3968) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x312c38c0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -942,30 +642,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x312b3140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x312c3a10) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x312c3e38) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x312c3ea8) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x31390150) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x31390268) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x313902d8) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1022,10 +706,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x31390310) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x31390540) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1180,110 +860,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x31390a10) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x31390b98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x31390c08) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x31390c78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x31390d90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x31390e38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x31390ee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x31390f88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x31390658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x313909a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x31467070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x31467118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x314671c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x31467268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x31467310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x314673b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x31467460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x31467508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x314675b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x31467658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x31467700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x314677a8) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1310,35 +910,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x31467818) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31467dc8) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31467d20) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31467f88) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31467ee0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31504000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31504118) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1370,80 +950,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x31504690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x31504a80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31504c78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x315046c8) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x31504d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31504e70) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x315aa070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x315aa118) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x315aa2a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x315aa620) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x315aa8f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x315aac78) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x315aa2d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x315aa578) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x3168a070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x3168a1f8) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1460,10 +1008,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x3168ac40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x3168ad58) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1480,40 +1024,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x3168a658) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x317d4038) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x317d4230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x317d43f0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x317d4460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x317d4658) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x317d46c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x317d4818) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1673,10 +1201,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x312b3680) 0
   QObject (0x318a4118) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x312b3680)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x318a42a0) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1768,20 +1292,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x318a4bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x318a4d58) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x318a4dc8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x318a4ee0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2001,10 +1517,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x31957348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x31957428) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2099,20 +1611,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x31957850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x319578f8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x31957968) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x31957a10) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2124,10 +1628,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x31957ab8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x31957b60) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2560,23 +2060,7 @@ QTcpSocket (0x312b3e80) 0
       QObject (0x31a02620) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x312b3f00)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x31b0a1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x31b0a8f8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x31b25700) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x31bb0188) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index e4e3b80..cf3fa19 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x62ee00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x652040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x652100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x6521c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x652280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x652340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x652400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x6524c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x652580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x652640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x652700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x6527c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x652880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x652940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x652a00) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x652d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x652e00) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x6be500) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x6be540) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x6be7c0) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xe70480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xe70840) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xe70d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xe70d80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xe70e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xe70e80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xe70f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xe70f80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xf79000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xf79080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xf79100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xf79180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xf79200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xf79280) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xf799c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xf79e00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1113a00) 0
   QString (0x1113a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1113b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x11b5380) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x11b59c0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x11b5840) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x11b5d00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x11b5c40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x11b5f40) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x11b5f80) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x12cc140) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x12cc0c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x12cc3c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x12cc300) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x12cca00) 0
   QObject (0x12cca40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x12cca00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x12ccc80) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x139b240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x139b440) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x139b4c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x139b6c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x139b600) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x139b780) 0
   QList<QString> (0x139b7c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x139bc80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x139bd00) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x1442b40) 0
     QObject (0x1442bc0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1442b80)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1442d80) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1442dc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1442e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1442f00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1442700) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1442100) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1502040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1502180) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1502200) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1502240) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1502500) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1502a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1502a80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x15a9e00) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1723000) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1041,35 +829,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x1723b80) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x17792c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1779340) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1779240) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x17793c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1779440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x17794c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1182,95 +950,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1779f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1779ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1895080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1895140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1895200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x18952c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1895380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1895440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1895500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x18955c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1895680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1895740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1895800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x18958c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1895980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1895a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1895b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1895bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1895c80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1297,50 +993,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1895d00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x18e6280) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x18e61c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x18e6480) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x18e63c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x18e6700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x18e6840) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x18e6900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x18e6980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x18e6a00) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1418,15 +1082,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x19a5140) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x19a5300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x19a5380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1453,10 +1109,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x19a5400) 0
   QObject (0x19a5440) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x19a5400)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x19a5640) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1501,20 +1153,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x19a5880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x19a5a40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x19a5ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x19a5c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1684,10 +1328,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1a87180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1a87280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1779,20 +1419,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1a87e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1a87f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1a87f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1a87400) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1804,10 +1436,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1a87880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1a87b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2095,10 +1723,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1b9e900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1b9ea40) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2110,70 +1734,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1b9ec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1b9ee40) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1b9eec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1b9efc0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1c52040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1c521c0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1c52240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1c526c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1c52980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1c52e00) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1c52380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1c52480) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1c52ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1c52c40) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2185,50 +1781,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1cee500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1cee580) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1cee6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1ceeac0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1ceee80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1cee980) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1e0f340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1e0f500) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x1e0f780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x1e0f940) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2545,23 +2121,7 @@ QUdpSocket (0x1f87b80) 0
       QObject (0x2020000) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x1f87f00)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x207b540) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x209e3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x20ec440) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x214f580) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index e22209c..4ebdf92 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x7c8840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x7c8a80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x7c8b40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x7c8c00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x7c8cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x7c8d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x7c8e40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x7c8f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x7c8fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x7ff080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x7ff140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x7ff200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x7ff2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x7ff380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x7ff440) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x7ff740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x7ff840) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x7ffc40) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x7ffc80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x7fff00) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xec7bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xec7f80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xfbd440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xfbd4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xfbd540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xfbd5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xfbd640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xfbd6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xfbd740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xfbd7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xfbd840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xfbd8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xfbd940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xfbd9c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1163100) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1163540) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x129e140) 0
   QString (0x129e180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x129e280) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x129eb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x13b9000) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x129efc0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13b9340) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x13b9280) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x13b9580) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x13b95c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x13b9880) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x13b9800) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x13b9b00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x13b9a40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1494080) 0
   QObject (0x14940c0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1494080)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1494300) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x14949c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1494bc0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1494c40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1494e40) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1494d80) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1494f00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1494f40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1575380) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1575400) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x16005c0) 0
     QObject (0x1600640) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1600600)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1600800) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1600840) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1600900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1600980) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1600b40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1600a80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1600c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1600d40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1600dc0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1600e00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x170f040) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x170f540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x170f5c0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1809540) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1809800) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1051,35 +839,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x193d4c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x193d580) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x193d600) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x193d500) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x193d680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x193d700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x193d780) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1192,95 +960,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1a641c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1a64300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1a643c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1a64480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1a64540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1a64600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1a646c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1a64780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1a64840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1a64900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1a649c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1a64a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1a64b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1a64c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1a64cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1a64d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1a64e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1a64f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1a64fc0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1307,50 +1003,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1aa6000) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1aa6680) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1aa65c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1aa6880) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1aa67c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1aa6b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1aa6c40) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1aa6d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1aa6d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1aa6e00) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1428,15 +1092,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1bc0480) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1bc0640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1bc06c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1463,10 +1119,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1bc0740) 0
   QObject (0x1bc0780) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1bc0740)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1bc0980) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1511,20 +1163,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1bc0bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1bc0d80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1bc0e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1bc0f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1694,10 +1338,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1cb3500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1cb3600) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1789,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1cb3d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1d49000) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1d49080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1d49140) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1814,10 +1446,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1d49200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1d492c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2105,10 +1733,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1dfbc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1dfbd80) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2120,70 +1744,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1dfbf80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1ebe0c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1ebe140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1ebe380) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1ebe400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1ebe580) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1ebe600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1ebea80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1ebed40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1ebe640) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1ebef80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1f60040) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1f601c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1f60280) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2195,50 +1791,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1f60840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1f608c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f60a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1f60e00) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1f60d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x20c33c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x20c3840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x20c3a00) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x20c3c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x20c3e40) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2555,23 +2131,7 @@ QUdpSocket (0x231e300) 0
       QObject (0x231e3c0) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x231e380)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x2390880) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x23af700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2402780) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x24678c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index e841de6..a55e5f0 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,80 +18,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xad5e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaeb680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaeb800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaeb980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xaebb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xaebc80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xaebe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xaebf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb07100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb07280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb07400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb07580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb07700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb07880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb07a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb07b80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -108,10 +48,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb4d840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb70cc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -139,70 +75,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc34f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd4bc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd78100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd783c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd73c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd8d100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd78a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xd949c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdc8140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdc8440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xd8d340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xdd8180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xdd8940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdd8c80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -229,10 +113,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xeac500) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xeac940) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -245,10 +125,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11e1880) 0
   QString (0x11e18c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11e1c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -311,10 +187,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1279f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x137ae40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -339,15 +211,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xeac480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13be140) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc3da40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -370,25 +234,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x13fcfc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1402000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1419700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1402580) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1433f80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1433b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -480,10 +332,6 @@ QIODevice (0x137a700) 0
   QObject (0x14bd540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x137a700)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x14bd840) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -503,25 +351,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xeac380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x158c4c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x158c840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x158cd80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x158cc40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -529,15 +365,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xeac400) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15b9000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x158cec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x158ce80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -666,50 +494,22 @@ QFile (0x16a0840) 0
     QObject (0x16a08c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x16a0880)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x16af100) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x16d65c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x16d6f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1704e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x172e300) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x172e200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x16d6440) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x175c040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x172ec00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -766,10 +566,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x16a0740) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x17db340) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -843,10 +639,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1830c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1830d40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -871,10 +663,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1a78240) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1a78600) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -911,20 +699,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b06440) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b06480) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b06440)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b33680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b33800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b525c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1037,95 +813,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ce8bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1d02d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1d02ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1d1a040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1d1a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1d1a340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1d1a4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1d1a640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1d1a7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1d1a940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1d1aac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1d1ac40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1d1adc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1d1af40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1d380c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1d38240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1d383c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1d38540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1d386c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1152,35 +856,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x14338c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dd5540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1d4adc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dd5840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1d4ae40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1d4a000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1e3b280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1258,15 +942,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1d38f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1ed6440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1f08f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1293,10 +969,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1f35600) 0
   QObject (0x1f35640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1f35600)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1f35940) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1341,20 +1013,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1f6df40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1fa0b40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1f6dec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1fa0e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1524,10 +1188,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2011d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x20503c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1620,20 +1280,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x13fc8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x20be900) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x13fc940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x20bef00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1645,10 +1297,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x13fca40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x20eb640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1941,10 +1589,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2237640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2296040) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1956,70 +1600,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1d38900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x22d4900) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1d38b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x22f7540) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x16d64c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2320300) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d38b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2320f40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1d38c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x236e180) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d38980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x238f600) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1d38a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x23b9b00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2031,50 +1647,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1d38a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2509300) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1d38c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2537480) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1d38d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x255d9c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1d38d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x25cc440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1d38e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x264a680) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2391,23 +1987,7 @@ QUdpSocket (0x2826e00) 0
       QObject (0x2826ec0) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x2826e80)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13be100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x158cd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x29f0d40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x172e2c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 448bbad..0992a30 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f07bc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f07c00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f07cc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f07d00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f07d80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f07dc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f07e80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f07ec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77d0140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77d0200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77d0240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77d0280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77d02c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77d0300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77d0340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77d0380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77d03c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77d0400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77d0440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77d0480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77d04c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77d0500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77d0540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77d0580) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb77d05c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77d06c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77d0700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77d0740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77d0780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77d07c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77d0800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77d0840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77d0880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77d08c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77d0900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77d0940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77d0980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77d09c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77d0a80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb77d0ac0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb77d0c80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77d0d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb77d0dc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb732e0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb732e100) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb732e140) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb732e2c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb732e3c0) 0
   QString (0xb732e400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb732e440) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb732e740) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb732eac0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb732ea40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb732ec40) 0
   QObject (0xb732ec80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb732ec40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb732ed40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb732eec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb732ef00) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb6eba3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6eba940) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6eba880) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6ebaa80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6ebaa00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6ebab00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ebab40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6ebabc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ebab80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ebac00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ebac40) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6ebad40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6ebadc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ebad80) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6ebae40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ebae80) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6ebaec0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6ebaf80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb6ebaf40) 0
   QTextStream (0xb6e77000) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb6ebaf40)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e770c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e77100) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6e77080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e77140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e77180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e771c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e77200) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,80 +492,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6e77280) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e772c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e77300) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6e77340) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6e77400) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6e773c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e77380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e77440) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e774c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e77480) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e77500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e77580) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e77540) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e775c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e77600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e77640) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -882,10 +580,6 @@ QFile (0xb6e77b00) 0
     QObject (0xb6e77b80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6e77b40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6e77c00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -938,50 +632,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6e77d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6e77dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6e77e00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e77ec0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb6e77e40) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6e77f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6e77f40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6e77f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e77ac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6e77fc0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -989,30 +655,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6e77bc0) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6e77d40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6c42040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6c42080) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6c42140) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6c421c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6c42240) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1069,10 +719,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb6c42280) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6c42400) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1184,15 +830,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6c426c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6c42700) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6c42740) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1287,285 +925,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6c42a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6c42ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6c42b00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6c42b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6c42c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6c42c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6c42c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6c42cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6c42d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6c42d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6c42d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6c42dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6c42e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6c42e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6c42e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6c42ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6c42f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6c42f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6c42f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6c42fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6c42380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6c42480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6c42540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6c42680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6c427c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6c42940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6c42a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6995000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6995040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6995080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb69950c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6995100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6995140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6995180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb69951c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6995200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6995240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6995280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb69952c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6995300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6995340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6995380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb69953c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6995400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6995440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6995480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb69954c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6995500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6995540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6995580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb69955c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6995600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6995640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6995680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb69956c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6995700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6995740) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1592,45 +1010,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6995780) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb69959c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6995a00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6995b00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6995a80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6995c00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6995b80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6995cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6995d40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1662,80 +1052,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6995f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6995900) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6995940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb69958c0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6995980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6995c80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6995e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6995e40) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6995f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6995fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6905000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6905200) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb69052c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb69053c0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6905400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb69054c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1752,10 +1110,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6905880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb69058c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1772,30 +1126,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6905b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6905c00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6905c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6905d00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6905d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6905e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1323,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb6905bc0) 0
   QObject (0xb6905c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb6905bc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb6905d80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb6760400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb6760440) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb6760480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb6760500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2324,10 +1654,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb6760980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb67609c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2422,20 +1748,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb6760c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb6760c80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb6760cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb6760d00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2447,10 +1765,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb6760d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb6760dc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2507,10 +1821,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb6760f00) 0
   QObject (0xb6760f40) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb6760f00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb6760fc0) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2558,10 +1868,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb67604c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb67606c0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2573,20 +1879,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb67607c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6760940) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb6760880) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6760b40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2731,20 +2029,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb64ad380) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb64ad440) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb64ad3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb64ad480) 0
 Class QHostInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2878,10 +2168,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb64ad7c0) 0
       QObject (0xb64ad880) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb64ad840)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb64ad900) 0
 Vtable for QTcpSocket
 QTcpSocket::_ZTV10QTcpSocket: 30u entries
@@ -2928,23 +2214,7 @@ QTcpSocket (0xb64ad940) 0
       QObject (0xb64ada00) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb64ad9c0)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb64adac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0xb64adb40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb64adbc0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb64adc40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 9190183..b09d8ce 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x30592e38) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x30592ea8) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x3001b9c0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x30596000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x305960e0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x30596150) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x3001ba40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x305962a0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x30596620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30596818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x305968c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x30596968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x30596a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x30596ab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x30596b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30596c08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x30596cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x30596d58) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x30596e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x30596ea8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x30596f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x305ca000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x305ca0a8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x305ca150) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x305ca1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x305ca690) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x305ca700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x305ca770) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x305ca7e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x305ca850) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x305ca8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x305ca930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x305ca9a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x305caa10) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x305caa80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x305caaf0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x305cab60) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x305cabd0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3001bb80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x305cace8) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x305caea8) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x305caf88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30aee038) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30aeed90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30bbc0e0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0x30bbc188) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30bbc3b8) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x3001bdc0) 0
   QString (0x30d54540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30d54620) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30d54d20) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30e48188) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30e480e0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0x3001be80) 0
   QObject (0x30e48658) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x3001be80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30e48850) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30e48f88) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30e482d8) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x30f05770) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x30f05e00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x30f05cb0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x3104e000) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x30f05a10) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x3104e118) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3104e1c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x3104e2a0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3104e230) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3104e310) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x3104e380) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x3104e4d0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3104e5b0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3104e540) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x3104e620) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3104e690) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x3104e6c8) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x3104e8f8) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x310b0080) 0
   QTextStream (0x3104ee70) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x310b0080)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x310f40a8) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x310f4118) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x310f4038) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310f4188) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310f41f8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x310f4268) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310f42d8) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,70 +492,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x310f4348) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310f43b8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f4428) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310f4508) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f4498) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f4578) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310f4658) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x310f45e8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f46c8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310f47a8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f4738) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f4818) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f4888) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f48f8) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -872,10 +574,6 @@ QFile (0x310b00c0) 0
     QObject (0x311f61c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x310b0100)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x311f6348) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -928,50 +626,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x311f6498) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x311f6540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x311f65b0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x311f6738) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x311f6690) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x311f67e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x311f69d8) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x311f6a48) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x311f6c08) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x311f6b60) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -979,30 +649,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x310b0200) 0
   QList<QString> (0x311f6cb0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x312ed038) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x312ed0a8) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x312ed3b8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x312ed4d0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x312ed578) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1059,10 +713,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x312ed5b0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x312ed818) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1174,15 +824,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x312edbd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x312edc78) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x312edd20) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1277,285 +919,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x312ede38) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x31404118) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x31404188) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x314041f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x314043b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x31404460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0x31404508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x314045b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x31404658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x31404700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x314047a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x31404850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x314048f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x314049a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0x31404a48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0x31404af0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0x31404b98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x31404c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x31404ce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x31404d90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x31404e38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0x31404ee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0x31404f88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x3145d038) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x3145d0e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x3145d188) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x3145d230) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x3145d2d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x3145d380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x3145d428) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x3145d4d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x3145d578) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x3145d620) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x3145d6c8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x3145d770) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x3145d818) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x3145d8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x3145d968) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x3145da10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x3145dab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x3145db60) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x3145dc08) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x3145dcb0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x3145dd58) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x3145de00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x3145dea8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x3145df50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x31475000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x314750a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x31475150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x314751f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x314752a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x31475348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x314753f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x31475498) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x31475540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x314755e8) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1582,45 +1004,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x31475658) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0x31475af0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0x31475b98) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31475d58) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31475cb0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31475f18) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31475e70) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31475850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31508038) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1652,80 +1046,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x31508578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x31508968) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31508b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31508f50) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x315087e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x315088c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31508dc8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x315bf000) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x315bf188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x315bf508) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x315bf7e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x315bfb60) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x315bfee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x315bf310) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x315bfab8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x3169e070) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1742,10 +1104,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x3169eab8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x3169eb98) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1762,30 +1120,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x3169ef88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x317bf0a8) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x317bf118) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x317bf2d8) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x317bf348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x317bf498) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1971,10 +1317,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x310b0780) 0
   QObject (0x317bf5b0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x310b0780)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x31871038) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2081,20 +1423,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x31871a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x31871c08) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x31871c78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x31871d90) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2314,10 +1648,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x3193b230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x3193b310) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2412,20 +1742,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x3193b738) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x3193b7e0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x3193b850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3193b8f8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2437,10 +1759,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x3193b9a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x3193ba48) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2497,10 +1815,6 @@ QLibrary (0x310b0c00) 0
   QObject (0x3193bd20) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x310b0c00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x3193bea8) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2548,10 +1862,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x3193bb60) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x319fe118) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2563,20 +1873,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x319fe1c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x319fe268) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x319fe1f8) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x319fe380) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2721,20 +2023,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0x319fec08) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0x319fee00) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0x319fec40) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0x319feee0) 0
 Class QHostInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2868,10 +2162,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0x310b0f00) 0
       QObject (0x31abf1c0) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x310b0f80)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0x31abf348) 0
 Vtable for QTcpSocket
 QTcpSocket::_ZTV10QTcpSocket: 30u entries
@@ -2918,23 +2208,7 @@ QTcpSocket (0x310b0fc0) 0
       QObject (0x31abf380) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x31af1040)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x31b428f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x31b5d038) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x31b5de38) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x31c00968) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index dd66da6..885d3cef 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x697f80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x699000) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x6991c0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x699200) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x699300) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x699380) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x699540) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x699580) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x699a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x699cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x699d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x699e40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x699f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x699fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x6cc080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x6cc140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x6cc200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x6cc2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x6cc380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x6cc440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x6cc500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x6cc5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x6cc680) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x6cc980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x6cca80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xe5a180) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xe5a1c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xe5a440) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xef1180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xef1540) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xef19c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xef1a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xef1ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xef1b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xef1bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xef1c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xef1cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xef1d40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xef1dc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xef1e40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xef1ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xef1f40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xef1fc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x10467c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1046c00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11f6800) 0
   QString (0x11f6840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11f6940) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1266100) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1266740) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x12665c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1266a80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x12669c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1266cc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1266d00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1266fc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1266f40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1397180) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x13970c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13977c0) 0
   QObject (0x1397800) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13977c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1397a40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1470040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1470280) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1470300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1470500) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1470440) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x14705c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1470600) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1470ac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1470b40) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x14fd940) 0
     QObject (0x14fd9c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x14fd980)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x14fdb80) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x14fdbc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x14fdc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x14fdd00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x14fdec0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x14fde00) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x14fdf80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x14fdac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x15f3040) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x15f3080) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x15f3340) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x15f3840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x15f38c0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1673c80) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1673f40) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1078,35 +836,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x180ca00) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1850100) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1850180) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1850080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1850200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1850280) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1850300) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1244,15 +982,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x19ca140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x19ca200) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x19ca2c0) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1279,270 +1009,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x19ca4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x19ca6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x19ca780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x19ca840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x19ca900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x19ca9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x19caa80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x19cab40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x19cac00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x19cacc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x19cad80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x19cae40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x19caf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x19cafc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1a5e000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1a5e0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1a5e180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1a5e240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1a5e300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1a5e3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1a5e480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1a5e540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1a5e600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1a5e6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1a5e780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1a5e840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1a5e900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1a5e9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1a5ea80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1a5eb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1a5ec00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1a5ecc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1a5ed80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1a5ee40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1a5ef00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1a5efc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1a79080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1a79140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1a79200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1a792c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1a79380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1a79440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1a79500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1a795c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1a79680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1a79740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1a79800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1a798c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1a79980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1a79a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1a79b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1a79bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1a79c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1a79d40) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1569,60 +1087,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1a79dc0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1ab6280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1ab6340) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1ab6540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1ab6480) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1ab6740) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1ab6680) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1ab68c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1ab6a00) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1ab6ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1ab6b40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1ab6bc0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1700,15 +1178,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1b742c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1b74480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1b74500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1735,10 +1205,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1b74580) 0
   QObject (0x1b745c0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1b74580)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1b747c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1783,20 +1249,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1b74a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1b74bc0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1b74c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1b74d80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1966,10 +1424,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1c69380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1c69480) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2076,20 +1530,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1c69d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1ceb000) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1ceb080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1ceb140) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2101,10 +1547,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1ceb200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1ceb2c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2286,10 +1728,6 @@ QLibrary (0x1cebc80) 0
   QObject (0x1cebcc0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x1cebc80)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x1cebe80) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2326,10 +1764,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x1cebfc0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1dad180) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2341,20 +1775,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x1dad240) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1dad300) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x1dad280) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1dad440) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2412,10 +1838,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1dade40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1dadf40) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2427,70 +1849,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e3e180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1e3e380) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e3e400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1e3e600) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1e3e680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1e3e800) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1e3e880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1e3ed00) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1e3efc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1e3ea40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1eeb1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1eeb240) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1eeb3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1eeb480) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2502,40 +1896,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1eebac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1eebec0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1ffa080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1ffa480) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1ffa900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1ffaac0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x1ffad40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x1ffaf00) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2760,20 +2138,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0x21eb000) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0x21eb200) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0x21eb040) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0x21eb300) 0
 Class QNetworkProxy
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2898,28 +2268,8 @@ QUdpSocket (0x21eb700) 0
       QObject (0x21eb7c0) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x21eb780)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0x21eb980) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x22b5040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x22b5ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2301f40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x23a3380) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 73d5922..65d9c0f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x9cab80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x9cac00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x9cadc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x9cae00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x9caf00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x9caf80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x9d1140) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x9d1180) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x9d1680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x9d18c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x9d1980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x9d1a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x9d1b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x9d1bc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x9d1c80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x9d1d40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x9d1e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x9d1ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x9d1f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xa0d040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xa0d100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xa0d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xa0d280) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xa0d580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xa0d680) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xa0dc80) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xa0dcc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0xa0df40) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xeb9c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xf91040) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xf914c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xf91540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xf915c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xf91640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xf916c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xf91740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xf917c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xf91840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xf918c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xf91940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xf919c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xf91a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xf91ac0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x111f280) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x111f6c0) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x123e300) 0
   QString (0x123e340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x123e440) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x123ecc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1340200) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1340080) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1340540) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1340480) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1340780) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x13407c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1340a80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1340a00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1340d00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1340c40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1410240) 0
   QObject (0x1410280) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1410240)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x14104c0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1410bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1410e00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1410e80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x14c7000) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1410fc0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x14c70c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x14c7100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x14c75c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x14c7640) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x153d800) 0
     QObject (0x153d880) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x153d840)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x153da40) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x153da80) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x153db40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x153dbc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x153dd80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x153dcc0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x153de40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x153df80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x153d980) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x164b000) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x164b2c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x164b7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x164b840) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x171c7c0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x171ca80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1088,40 +846,16 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x1851740) 0
-Class OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union> (0x1851940) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x187f040) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x187f0c0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1851140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x187f140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x187f1c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x187f240) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1259,15 +993,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1a070c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1a07180) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1a07240) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1294,270 +1020,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1a07440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1a07640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1a07700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1a077c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1a07880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1a07940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1a07a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1a07ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1a07b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1a07c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1a07d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1a07dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1a07e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1a07f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1a07040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1a8a040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1a8a100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1a8a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1a8a280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1a8a340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1a8a400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1a8a4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1a8a580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1a8a640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1a8a700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1a8a7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1a8a880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1a8a940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1a8aa00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1a8aac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1a8ab80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1a8ac40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1a8ad00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1a8adc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1a8ae80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1a8af40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1aa9000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1aa90c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1aa9180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1aa9240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1aa9300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1aa93c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1aa9480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1aa9540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1aa9600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1aa96c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1aa9780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1aa9840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1aa9900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1aa99c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1aa9a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1aa9b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1aa9c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1aa9cc0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1584,60 +1098,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1aa9d40) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1af5180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1af5240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1af5440) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1af5380) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1af5640) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1af5580) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1af57c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1af5900) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1af59c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1af5a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1af5ac0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1715,15 +1189,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1ba5240) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1ba5400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1ba5480) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1750,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1ba5500) 0
   QObject (0x1ba5540) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1ba5500)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1ba5740) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1798,20 +1260,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1ba5980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1ba5b40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1ba5bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1ba5d00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1435,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1c8e300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1c8e400) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1541,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1c8ea00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1c8ed40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1d1c000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1d1c0c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2116,10 +1558,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1d1c180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1d1c240) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2301,10 +1739,6 @@ QLibrary (0x1d1cc40) 0
   QObject (0x1d1cc80) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x1d1cc40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x1d1ce40) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2341,10 +1775,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x1d1cd80) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1ddf140) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2356,20 +1786,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x1ddf200) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1ddf2c0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x1ddf240) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1ddf400) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2427,10 +1849,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1ddfe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1ddff00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2442,70 +1860,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e6e140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1e6e340) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e6e3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1e6e5c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1e6e640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1e6e7c0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1e6e840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1e6ecc0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1e6ef80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1e6ea00) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f23180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1f23200) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1f23380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1f23440) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2517,40 +1907,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f23a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1f23e80) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x2027040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2027440) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x20278c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2027a80) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x2027d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2027ec0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2775,20 +2149,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0x213af80) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0x221d1c0) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0x221d000) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0x221d2c0) 0
 Class QNetworkProxy
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2913,28 +2279,8 @@ QUdpSocket (0x221d6c0) 0
       QObject (0x221d780) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x221d740)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0x221d940) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x22e3000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x22e3e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x232ff00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x23cf340) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index 9b2f4ca..00c2a1c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa9db00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa9dc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa9df00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xac3000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xac3180) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xac3240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xac34c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xac3580) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xaf3380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaf3b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaf3d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaf3e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xb0b000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb0b180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xb0b300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb0b480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb0b600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb0b780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb0b900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb0ba80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb0bc00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb0bd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb0bf00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb37080) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb60f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb97380) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -171,75 +81,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc4bb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd72780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd84e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd940c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd84980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd9ae40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd94780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xda58c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdd9300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdd9600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xda0080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xde94c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xde9d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdef080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xdef480) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xee0240) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xee0780) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -282,10 +132,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11f3dc0) 0
   QString (0x11f3e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1260140) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -348,10 +194,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12d61c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x13dc180) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -376,15 +218,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xee01c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1400480) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc5d5c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -407,25 +241,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x144b300) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x144b340) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1460ac0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x144b8c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1490340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1476f40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -517,10 +339,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13b5a40) 0
   QObject (0x150ab40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13b5a40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x150ae40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -540,25 +358,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xee00c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15d9c00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x15d9f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x15f14c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x15f1380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -566,15 +372,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xee0140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15f1740) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x15f1600) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x15f15c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -703,50 +501,22 @@ QFile (0x1708080) 0
     QObject (0x1708100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x17080c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1708940) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1760140) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1760a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1779ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1779f80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1779e80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x171efc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x17b4c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x17b4880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -803,10 +573,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x16f5f80) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x18540c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -880,10 +646,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x18bbb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x18bbc80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -908,10 +670,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1afb580) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1afb940) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -948,20 +706,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b89740) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b89780) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b89740)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bbd980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bbdb00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1be98c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1099,15 +845,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e50cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1e99980) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1e99040) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1134,270 +872,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1efb400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1f1c840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1f1c9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1f1cb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1f1ccc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1f1ce40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1f1cfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1f30140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1f302c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1f30440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1f305c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1f30740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1f308c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1f30a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1f30bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1f30d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1f30ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1f50040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1f501c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1f50340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1f504c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1f50640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1f507c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1f50940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1f50ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1f50c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1f50dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1f50f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1f6d0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1f6d240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1f6d3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1f6d540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1f6d6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1f6d840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1f6d9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1f6db40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1f6dcc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1f6de40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1f6dfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1f8c140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1f8c2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1f8c440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1f8c5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1f8c740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1f8c8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1f8ca40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1f8cbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1f8cd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1f8cec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1fae040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1fae1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1fae340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1fae4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1fae640) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1424,45 +950,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x1476c80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x2000e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x2000fc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2034480) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1fc2540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2034780) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1fc25c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1fae800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x209c100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1540,15 +1038,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1f1c180) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2158440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x21b6040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1575,10 +1065,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x21b66c0) 0
   QObject (0x21b6700) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x21b66c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x21b6a00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1623,20 +1109,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x222d200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x222de80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x222d180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x225a2c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1806,10 +1284,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x22dd7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x22dde00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1917,20 +1391,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x143fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x237bbc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x143fc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x23901c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1942,10 +1408,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x143fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2390900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2127,10 +1589,6 @@ QLibrary (0x2451040) 0
   QObject (0x2451080) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x2451040)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x24512c0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2172,10 +1630,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x24c17c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24ee000) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2187,20 +1641,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x24eee00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x2500140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x24eefc0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x2500900) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2258,10 +1704,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2543ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x259e480) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2273,70 +1715,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e50b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x25f3640) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e50bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x261b280) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1760040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2648040) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1f1c340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2648c80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1f1c380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x266ee40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f1c2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x26b42c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1f1c300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x26df780) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2348,40 +1762,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f1c240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27d0fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1f1c280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2823500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f1c1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x28b7000) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1f1c200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x292b340) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2606,20 +2004,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0x2add380) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0x2addc80) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0x2add700) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0x2add940) 0
 Class QNetworkProxy
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2744,28 +2134,8 @@ QUdpSocket (0x2b42700) 0
       QObject (0x2b427c0) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0x2b42780)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0x2b429c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x1400440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x15f1480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2d46d80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x1779f40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index c567de7..45d9480 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f8fbc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f8fc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f8fcc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f8fd00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f8fd80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f8fdc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f8fe80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f8fec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb783e180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb783e240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb783e280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb783e2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb783e300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb783e340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb783e380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb783e3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb783e400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb783e440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb783e480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb783e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb783e500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb783e540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb783e580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb783e5c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb783e600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb783e700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb783e740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb783e780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb783e7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb783e800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb783e840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb783e880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb783e8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb783e900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb783e940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb783e980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb783e9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb783ea00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb783eb00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb783eb40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb783ed00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb783edc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb783ee40) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb73a5140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb73a5180) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb73a51c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb73a53c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb73a54c0) 0
   QString (0xb73a5500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb73a5540) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb73a5880) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb73a5c00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb73a5b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb73a5e40) 0
   QObject (0xb73a5e80) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb73a5e40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb73a5f00) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb73a5fc0) 0
   QObject (0xb73a5300) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb73a5fc0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb73a5680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb73a5800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb73a5a40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb73a5c80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6dfe000) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb73a5d00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6dfe040) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6dfe080) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6dfe100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6dfe140) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6dfe4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6dfe500) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6dfea40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6dfeb00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6dfeb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6dfec00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6dfec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6dfed00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb6dfed40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfedc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfee00) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6dfed80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfee40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfee80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfeec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfef00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfef40) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6dfefc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfe240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6dfe380) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6dfe8c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6dfeb80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6dfeac0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6dfea80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6dfebc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfecc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6dfec80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d5d000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d5d080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d5d040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d5d0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d5d100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d5d140) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6d5d3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6d5d5c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6d5d640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6d5d840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6d5dc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6d5dc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6d5dc80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6d5d740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6d5d800) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6d5d780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6d5d7c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb69de080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb69de180) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb69de1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb69de280) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb69de2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb69de300) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb69de340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb69de380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb69de700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb69de740) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb69de880) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb69de900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb69de940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb69de980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb69dea40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb69dea80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb69deac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb69deb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb69deb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb69deb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb69debc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb69dec00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb69dec40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb69dec80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb69decc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb69ded00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb69ded40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb69ded80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb69dedc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb69dee00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb69dee40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb69dee80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb69deec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb69def00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb69def40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb69def80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb69defc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb69de0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb69de100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb69de140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb69de200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb69de240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb69de580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6808000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6808040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6808080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb68080c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6808100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6808140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6808180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb68081c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6808200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6808240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6808280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb68082c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6808300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6808340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6808380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb68083c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6808400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6808440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6808480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb68084c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6808500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6808540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6808580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb68085c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb6808600) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6808640) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb68088c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6808900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6808a00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6808980) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6808b00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6808a80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6808b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6808c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb6808c40) 0
   QObject (0xb6808c80) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb6808c40)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6808d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6808d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6808dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6808e00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6808f00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6808f80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6808f40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6808780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb68087c0) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb6808800) 0
     QObject (0xb6808880) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6808840)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6808d00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb671f100) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb671f140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb671f180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb671f240) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb671f1c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb671f280) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb671f300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb671f380) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb671f5c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb671f680) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb671f6c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb671f840) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb671f900) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb671fa40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb671f980) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb671fb80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb671fb00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb671fc40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb671fd00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb671fa00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb671fcc0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb671fa80) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb671ff40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb653d000) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb653d080) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb653d380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb653d3c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb653d4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb653d500) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb653d540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb653d5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb653da40) 0
   QObject (0xb653da80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb653da40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb653db80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb653d880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb653d940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb653da00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb653db00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb653dcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb653dd80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2742,10 +2032,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb64a9340) 0
       QObject (0xb64a9400) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb64a93c0)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb64a9480) 0
 Class QSslCertificate
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2802,10 +2088,6 @@ QTcpSocket (0xb64a9540) 0
       QObject (0xb64a9600) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb64a95c0)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> > (0xb64a9680) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSslSocket
 QSslSocket::_ZTV10QSslSocket: 30u entries
@@ -2864,20 +2146,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb64a9900) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb64a99c0) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb64a9940) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb64a9a00) 0
 Class QSslKey
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3056,38 +2330,10 @@ QTcpServer (0xb64a9fc0) 0
   QObject (0xb64a9100) 0
       primary-for QTcpServer (0xb64a9fc0)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb64a9280) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb64a9640) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union> (0xb64a9cc0) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError> (0xb64a9b40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb64a9e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSslError>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSslError> (0xb612c000) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::Node (0xb612c080) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 2b8d36d..c326a48 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f4dbc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f4dc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f4dcc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f4dd00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f4dd80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f4ddc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f4de80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f4dec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb73fc180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb73fc240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb73fc280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb73fc2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb73fc300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb73fc340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb73fc380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb73fc3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb73fc400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb73fc440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb73fc480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb73fc4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb73fc500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb73fc540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb73fc580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb73fc5c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -161,10 +75,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb73fca00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb73fca40) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -227,70 +137,18 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb73fcd40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb73fcb40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb73fcc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb73fccc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb73fcf00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb73fcf40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb723a000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb723a040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb723a080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb723a0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb723a100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb723a140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb723a180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb723a1c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -308,10 +166,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb723a2c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb723a300) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb723a4c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -328,10 +182,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb723a580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb723a600) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -348,10 +198,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb723a640) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb723a840) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -369,25 +215,13 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb723a900) 0
   QString (0xb723a940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb723a980) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QStringRef (0xb723a9c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb723ab00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb723aa80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb723ad40) 0
   QObject (0xb723ad80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb723ad40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb723ae40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb723af00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb723afc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb723a780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb723a7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb723ab80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb723ac00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb723adc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb723aec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6f88000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6f88040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6f88080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6f880c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6f88100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6f88140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6f88180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6f881c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6f88200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6f88240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6f88280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6f882c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6f88300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6f88340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6f88380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6f883c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6f88400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6f88440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6f88480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6f884c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6f88500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6f88540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6f88580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6f885c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6f88600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6f88640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6f88680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6f886c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6f88700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6f88740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6f88780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6f887c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6f88800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6f88840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6f88880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6f888c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6f88900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6f88940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6f88980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6f889c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6f88a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6f88a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6f88a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6f88ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6f88b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6f88b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb6f88b80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,45 +421,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6e5b000) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6e5b280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6e5b2c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e5b3c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6e5b340) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e5b4c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6e5b440) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6e5b540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6e5b5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -972,10 +558,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb6e5ba40) 0
   QObject (0xb6e5ba80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb6e5ba40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb6e5bb80) 0
 Vtable for QCoreApplication
 QCoreApplication::_ZTV16QCoreApplication: 16u entries
@@ -1009,10 +591,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb6e5bd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb6e5bd80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimer
 QTimer::_ZTV6QTimer: 14u entries
@@ -1069,20 +647,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb6e5bf40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb6e5bf80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb6e5bfc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb6e5b180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1277,20 +847,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb6e5bb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb6e5bc40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb6e5bc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb6e5bcc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1302,10 +864,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb6e5bf00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb6bdf000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1408,100 +966,48 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6bdf300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6bdf500) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6bdf580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6bdf780) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6bdf840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6bdfa80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6bdfac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6bdfd00) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6bdfd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6bdfe40) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6bdfe80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6bdff40) 0 empty
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6bdffc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6bdf0c0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6bdff80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bdf180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bdf240) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bdf340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bdf380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bdf3c0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1513,80 +1019,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6bdf440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bdf480) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6bdf4c0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6bdf5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6bdf680) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6bdf640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6bdf600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6bdf6c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6bdf740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6bdf700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6bdf880) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6bdf900) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6bdf8c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6bdf940) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6bdf980) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6bdf9c0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1618,35 +1068,19 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6a0e000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6a0e040) 0 empty
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6a0e7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6a0e800) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6a0e840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6a0e900) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6a0e880) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1654,15 +1088,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6a0e940) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6a0e980) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6a0ea00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6a0ea40) 0
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1695,15 +1121,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6a0ec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6a0ec80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6a0ecc0) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1730,10 +1148,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6a0ef00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6a0ef40) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1750,20 +1164,12 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb68162c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6816300) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6816340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6816380) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1775,30 +1181,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6816500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb68165c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6816600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb68166c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6816700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb68167c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1810,20 +1204,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb6816840) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb68168c0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb6816880) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6816940) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1876,20 +1262,12 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb6816b80) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6816c00) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutexLocker (0xb6816bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6816d00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1914,15 +1292,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6816c40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6816e40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6816dc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1934,25 +1304,9 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6816ec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6816f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6816f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6816f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6816fc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1974,15 +1328,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6816640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6816740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6816680) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1994,10 +1340,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6816a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6816cc0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -2012,10 +1354,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6816d40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb65c2080) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -2131,35 +1469,15 @@ QFile (0xb65c24c0) 0
     QObject (0xb65c2540) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb65c2500)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb65c25c0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb65c2600) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb65c2640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb65c2680) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb65c2740) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb65c26c0) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -2212,15 +1530,7 @@ Class QDir
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb65c28c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb65c2940) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb65c29c0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2277,10 +1587,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb65c2a00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb65c2b80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2409,15 +1715,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb65c2e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb65c2f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb65c2f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDirIterator
 QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator: 4u entries
@@ -2432,10 +1730,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb65c2f80) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb65c2200) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -2541,10 +1835,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb65c2d40) 0
   QObject (0xb65c2e40) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb65c2d40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb65c2fc0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2896,10 +2186,6 @@ Class QSslCipher
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSslCipher (0xb6468cc0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> > (0xb6468d00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSslSocket
 QSslSocket::_ZTV10QSslSocket: 30u entries
@@ -2986,20 +2272,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb6468100) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb6468400) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb6468240) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb64683c0) 0
 Vtable for QUdpSocket
 QUdpSocket::_ZTV10QUdpSocket: 30u entries
@@ -3046,48 +2324,16 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb64684c0) 0
       QObject (0xb6468900) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb6468840)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb64689c0) 0
 Class QSslKey
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSslKey (0xb6468a80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb6468c40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb6468fc0) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union> (0xb6273140) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError> (0xb62730c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb62731c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSslError>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSslError> (0xb6273240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::Node (0xb62732c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 6d3b148..9ea28ae 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fa1bc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7fa1c00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7fa1cc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fa1d00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fa1d80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7fa1dc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7fa1e80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fa1ec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7850180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7850240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7850280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb78502c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7850300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7850340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7850380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb78503c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb7850400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7850440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7850480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb78504c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb7850500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7850540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7850580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb78505c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb7850600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb7850700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb7850740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7850780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb78507c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb7850800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb7850840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb7850880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb78508c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb7850900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb7850940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb7850980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb78509c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb7850a00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb7850b00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb7850b40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb7850d00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7850dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7850e40) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb73b7140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb73b7180) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb73b71c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb73b73c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb73b74c0) 0
   QString (0xb73b7500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb73b7540) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb73b7880) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb73b7c00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb73b7b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb73b7e40) 0
   QObject (0xb73b7e80) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb73b7e40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb73b7f00) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb73b7fc0) 0
   QObject (0xb73b7300) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb73b7fc0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb73b7680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb73b7800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb73b7a40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb73b7c80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e10000) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb73b7d00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6e10040) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6e10080) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6e10100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6e10140) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6e104c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6e10500) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6e10a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6e10b00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6e10b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6e10c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6e10c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6e10d00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb6e10d40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e10dc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e10e00) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6e10d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e10e40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e10e80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e10ec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e10f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e10f40) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6e10fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e10240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e10380) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6e108c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6e10b80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6e10ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e10a80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e10bc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e10cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e10c80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d6f000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d6f080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d6f040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d6f0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d6f100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d6f140) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6d6f3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6d6f5c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6d6f640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6d6f840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6d6fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6d6fc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6d6fc80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6d6f740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6d6f800) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6d6f780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6d6f7c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb69f0080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb69f0180) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb69f01c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb69f0280) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb69f02c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb69f0300) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb69f0340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb69f0380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb69f0700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb69f0740) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb69f0880) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb69f0900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb69f0940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb69f0980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb69f0a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb69f0a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb69f0ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb69f0b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb69f0b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb69f0b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb69f0bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb69f0c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb69f0c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb69f0c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb69f0cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb69f0d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb69f0d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb69f0d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb69f0dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb69f0e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb69f0e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb69f0e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb69f0ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb69f0f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb69f0f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb69f0f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb69f0fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb69f00c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb69f0100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb69f0140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb69f0200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb69f0240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb69f0580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb681a000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb681a040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb681a080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb681a0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb681a100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb681a140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb681a180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb681a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb681a200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb681a240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb681a280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb681a2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb681a300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb681a340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb681a380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb681a3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb681a400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb681a440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb681a480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb681a4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb681a500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb681a540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb681a580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb681a5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb681a600) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb681a640) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb681a8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb681a900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb681aa00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb681a980) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb681ab00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb681aa80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb681ab80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb681ac00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb681ac40) 0
   QObject (0xb681ac80) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb681ac40)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb681ad80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb681ad40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb681adc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb681ae00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb681af00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb681af80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb681af40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb681a780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb681a7c0) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb681a800) 0
     QObject (0xb681a880) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb681a840)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb681ad00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6731100) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6731140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6731180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6731240) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb67311c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6731280) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6731300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6731380) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb67315c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb6731680) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb67316c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6731840) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb6731900) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6731a40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6731980) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6731b80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6731b00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6731c40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6731d00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb6731a00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6731cc0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb6731a80) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6731f40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb654f000) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb654f080) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb654f380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb654f3c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb654f4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb654f500) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb654f540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb654f5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb654fa40) 0
   QObject (0xb654fa80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb654fa40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb654fb80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb654f880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb654f940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb654fa00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb654fb00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb654fcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb654fd80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2742,10 +2032,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb64bb340) 0
       QObject (0xb64bb400) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb64bb3c0)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb64bb480) 0
 Class QSslCertificate
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2802,10 +2088,6 @@ QTcpSocket (0xb64bb540) 0
       QObject (0xb64bb600) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb64bb5c0)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> > (0xb64bb680) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSslSocket
 QSslSocket::_ZTV10QSslSocket: 30u entries
@@ -2864,20 +2146,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb64bb900) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb64bb9c0) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb64bb940) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb64bba00) 0
 Class QSslKey
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3056,38 +2330,10 @@ QTcpServer (0xb64bbfc0) 0
   QObject (0xb64bb100) 0
       primary-for QTcpServer (0xb64bbfc0)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb64bb280) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb64bb640) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union> (0xb64bbcc0) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError> (0xb64bbb40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb64bbe40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSslError>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSslError> (0xb613f000) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::Node (0xb613f080) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 0c22422..c13de66 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtNetwork.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb77b7f3c) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb77b7f78) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7c12b40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb77bc000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb77bc12c) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb77bc168) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7c12d00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb77bc1e0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77cf5dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77cf7bc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77cf8ac) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77cf99c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77cfa8c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77cfb7c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77cfc6c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77cfd5c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77cfe4c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77cff3c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77e903c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77e912c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77e921c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77e930c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77e93fc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77e94ec) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb78064ec) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb782c1a4) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6ac8d5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6b0be4c) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb69240f0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb6924a14) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb6967348) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb6967c6c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb69795a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb6979ec4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb698c7f8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb699b12c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb699ba50) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb69af384) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb69afca8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb69c35dc) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb69c3f00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb69db99c) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb6826c30) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb6752b00) 0
   QString (0xb67a0000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb67a030c) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb680a9d8) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb66b4c6c) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6675fb4) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb66cd2d0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb66cd258) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb66f8000) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb66f54ec) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb66f59d8) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb66f57f8) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6709b40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb6709ac8) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb654ae80) 0
   QObject (0xb654cb40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb654ae80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6567e4c) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb65aed5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb65df564) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb65df654) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb65dfbb8) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb65dfb40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb65bcf80) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb65dfbf4) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb660e960) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb660eb7c) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb6436e4c) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb644999c) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb631f2d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb631f384) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63b730c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb63b73fc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63b7384) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63b7474) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63b74ec) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb63b7564) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63b75dc) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb63b7618) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb63f4d98) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb62220c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb62204ec) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb62220c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6220fb4) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6231000) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6220f3c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6231078) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62310f0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6231168) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62311e0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6231258) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62312d0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6231348) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6231384) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb62314b0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6231438) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62313fc) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6231528) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6231618) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62315a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6231690) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6231780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6231708) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6231834) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62318ac) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6231924) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb614d6cc) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb616530c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb6165294) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb6165654) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb6165780) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb6165e88) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb6165f00) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb61a8780) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb619a9d8) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb61a8780)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb61e7168) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb62006c0) 0
   QObject (0xb62017f8) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb62006c0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb6200dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb6200e00) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb6200dc0)
-    QObject (0xb601a30c) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb6200e00)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb605d2c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb606230c) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb605d2c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb6062b04) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb605dc40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb6062b7c) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb605de00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb605de40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb6078000) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb605de40)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb6078a50) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb6078ac8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb6078ce4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb6078dd4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb6078e4c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb6078ec4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb6078f3c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb6078fb4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb6078168) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb609903c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb60990b4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb609912c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb60991a4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb609921c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb6099294) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb609930c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb60993fc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb6099474) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb60994ec) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb6099870) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb60998e8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb60999d8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb6099a50) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb6099ac8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb6099ce4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb6099d20) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb6099d5c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb6099d98) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb6099dd4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb6099e10) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb6099e88) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb6099ec4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb6099f00) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb6099f3c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb6099f78) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb6099fb4) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb60ae99c) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb60ddf78) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f2d3c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f2d5dc) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb5f2d9d8) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f2db40) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb5f2dca8) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb5f72384) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb5f7add4) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb5f8899c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5f88a14) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb5f88ce4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5f88e4c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5f88dd4) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb5f88ec4) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb60113fc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb60116cc) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb5e097c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb6011708) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb6011744) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5e09880) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb6011780) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb601199c) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb5eb2294) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5eb22d0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb5eaeb40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5eb230c) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5ee5f78) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5d48100) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5d48140) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5ee5fb4) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5ee5f00) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d8a000) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5d482c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d8a03c) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5d8a0f0) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5d484c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5d48500) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5d8a168) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5d8a078) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d8a1a4) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5d8a258) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5d48680) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d8a1e0) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5dec438) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5df6640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5df2dd4) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5df6640)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5df6740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5df2ec4) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5df6740)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5c112d0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5c1130c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5c186c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5c11348) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5c18800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5c18840) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5c18800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c113c0) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5c18840)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c188c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c18900) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c188c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c114b0) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c18900)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5c312d0) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c71960) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c71bf4) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5c71e88) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5ce2fa0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5cb6dd4) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5ce2fa0)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5cb6e10) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5cf1870) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b0299c) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5cf1870)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5b029d8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5cf5800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b0c6e0) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5cf5800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b02ac8) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b0c6e0)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5b02b04) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5cf59c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5b13e60) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5cf59c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b12e10) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5b13e60)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5b12e4c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5cf5a40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5cf5a80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5cf5a40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b174b0) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5cf5a80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5b12fb4) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b174b0)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5b12d5c) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5b1a99c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b25480) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b2c1e0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b25480)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b25540) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b2c2d0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b25540)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5b63924) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5ba9a80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5ba9ac0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5ba9a80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b63f78) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5ba9ac0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5ba9b00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bc103c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5ba9b00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5ba9b80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bc112c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5ba9b80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5ba9c00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5ba9c40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5ba9c00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5bc121c) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5ba9c40)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5ba9cc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bc130c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5ba9cc0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5ba9d40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bc13fc) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5ba9d40)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5bfed80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5bc1bf4) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5bfed80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5bfedc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5bc1ce4) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5bfedc0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a48a40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a48a80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a2a7f8) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a48a80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5a2a9d8) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a48bc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a48c00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a2aa14) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a48c00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5a2abb8) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a87480) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a874c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a890b4) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a874c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a87580) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a875c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a89438) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a875c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb5a89b40) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5a89b7c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb5ab4480) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5a89bb8) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5aea078) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aef380 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5afab40) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aef380) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5afab40)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aef3c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5aea0b4) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aef3c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aef400) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aef3c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5aea348) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aef700 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5902be0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aef700) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5902be0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aef740) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5aea384) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aef740)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aef780) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aef740) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb5aeac6c) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb5aeabf4) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb5aeab7c) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb5aeaac8) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb5aea438) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb59347bc) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb581cc30) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb583a370) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb582aa00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb583a370)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb581ce10) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb582aa00)
-  QRunnable (0xb581ce4c) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb582aa80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb583a780) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb582aa80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb582aac0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb583a780)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb581cf00) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb582aac0)
-    QRunnable (0xb583f000) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb578de00) 0
     QObject (0xb57a7384) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb578de40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb57bece4) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb57d18ac) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb57e2f3c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb57f4258) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb57f4fb4) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb57f4f3c) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb56160b4) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb5622618) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb5622708) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb56529d8) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb5663ac8) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb5683ca8) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5691474) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb56f5438) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb56f54b0) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb56d521c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb56f5ca8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb56f5e10) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb5510708) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb5510b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb5510d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb5510f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb552e0f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb552e2d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb552e4b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb552e690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb552e870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb552ea50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb552ec30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb552ee10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb5538000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb55381e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb55383c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb55385a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb5538780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb5538960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb5538b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb5538d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb5538f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb553e0f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb553e2d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb553e4b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb553e690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb553e870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb553ea50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb553ec30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb553ee10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb5548000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb55481e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb55483c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb55485a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb5548780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb5548960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb5548b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb5548d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5548f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb554f0f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb554f2d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb554f4b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb554f690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb554f870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb554fa50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb554fc30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb554fe10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb5556000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb55561e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb55563c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb55565a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb5556780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb5556960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb5556b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb5556d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb5556f00) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb555e0f0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb558fb7c) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb558fb04) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb558fc6c) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb558fbf4) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb55d2000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb55d2618) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb55d27f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb55d29d8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb541fa8c) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb542899c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb5454438) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5421ac0) 0
   QObject (0xb5464294) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5421ac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb54648ac) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5488b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb54a0f00) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb54a9000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb54a9744) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb54f58ac) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb52ff03c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb5337c6c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb536c12c) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb536c21c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb536c654) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb536ca50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb536cd98) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb53bc7c0) 0
   QObject (0xb53dd6cc) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb53bc7c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb53ec618) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb5217bf4) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5224294) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5217f78) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb522c780) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb5264d5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb5273a50) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb5285a50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb52b23fc) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb52b24ec) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb52bca50) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb52bcb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb52d21e0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb52d23c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb52e31a4) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb50d8438) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb50e0294) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb50f83fc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb50f87bc) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb5116924) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb5123348) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb51b7294) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb51bf294) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb51d1f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb4fe17f8) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb4ffdd5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb5019c30) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb505d834) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb5078d5c) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb4f1d528) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f26a8c) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f26bf4) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f26b7c) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb4f26c6c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb4f49690) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb4f497bc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb4f59384) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb4f594b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb4f6e438) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4616,20 +2803,12 @@ QNetworkAccessManager (0xb4fbd7c0) 0
   QObject (0xb4dec0f0) 0
       primary-for QNetworkAccessManager (0xb4fbd7c0)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkCookiePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkCookiePrivate> (0xb4dff0f0) 0
 Class QNetworkCookie
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkCookie (0xb4decac8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QNetworkCookie> (0xb4dff30c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QNetworkCookieJar
 QNetworkCookieJar::_ZTV17QNetworkCookieJar: 16u entries
@@ -4658,30 +2837,14 @@ QNetworkCookieJar (0xb4fbdc00) 0
   QObject (0xb4dff3fc) 0
       primary-for QNetworkCookieJar (0xb4fbdc00)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QNetworkCookie> (0xb4dfffb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QNetworkCookie> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QNetworkCookie> > (0xb4e140f0) 0 empty
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkRequestPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkRequestPrivate> (0xb4e14780) 0
 Class QNetworkRequest
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkRequest (0xb4e14294) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QNetworkRequest>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QNetworkRequest> (0xb4e14960) 0 empty
 Vtable for QNetworkReply
 QNetworkReply::_ZTV13QNetworkReply: 33u entries
@@ -4797,20 +2960,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb4e68618) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb4e751a4) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb4e688e8) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb4e752d0) 0
 Class QNetworkProxy
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5006,10 +3161,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb4e8ecc0) 0
       QObject (0xb4ece780) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb4e8ed40)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb4cdf618) 0
 Class QSslCertificate
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5073,10 +3224,6 @@ QSslSocket (0xb4ce22c0) 0
         QObject (0xb4d00b7c) 0
             primary-for QIODevice (0xb4ce2380)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> > (0xb4d0efb4) 0 empty
 Class QSslConfiguration
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5088,68 +3235,16 @@ Class QSslKey
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSslKey (0xb4d237bc) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb4d7d21c) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb4d8f7bc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb4c4b9d8) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb4c4ba50) 0
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie>::<anonymous union> (0xb4c6d564) 0
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie> (0xb4c6d4ec) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union> (0xb4c6dd5c) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError> (0xb4c6dce4) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb4ca52d0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb4ca53fc) 0
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie>::Node (0xb4cbc744) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSslError>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSslError> (0xb4cbc99c) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::Node (0xb4cbca14) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
index 2639cec..2aedf18 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
@@ -53,65 +53,20 @@ Class QBool
    size=1 align=1
 QBool (0x300b7280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x300cd9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x300cdf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x300d4540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x300d4b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x300e00c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x300e0680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x300e0c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x300eb200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x300eb7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x300ebd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x300f8340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x300f8900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x300f8ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30104480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30104a40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -125,9 +80,6 @@ Class QChar
    size=2 align=2
 QChar (0x30148980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30185980) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -142,13 +94,7 @@ Class sigset_t
    size=8 align=4
 sigset_t (0x3026ad80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271540) 0
 Class fsid_t
    size=8 align=4
@@ -158,21 +104,9 @@ Class fsid64_t
    size=16 align=8
 fsid64_t (0x30271c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=52 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302780c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=112 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302787c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=208 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278b40) 0
 Class _quad
    size=8 align=4
@@ -186,17 +120,11 @@ Class adspace_t
    size=68 align=4
 adspace_t (0x30281e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x302865c0) 0
 Class label_t
    size=100 align=4
 label_t (0x30286d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3028b780) 0
 Class sigset
    size=8 align=4
@@ -238,57 +166,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    size=8 align=4
 QByteRef (0x302b7540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30423740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30431080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30431340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x3042cc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30442080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30431a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30448800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x3046af00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x3046e200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x304422c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30474f80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30479700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30479a40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -306,9 +195,6 @@ Class QString
    size=4 align=4
 QString (0x300a1f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x303cf2c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -323,9 +209,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x300b7640) 0
   QString (0x300b7680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x303901c0) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -335,9 +218,6 @@ Class QListData
    size=4 align=4
 QListData (0x300732c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x302fb500) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -360,13 +240,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x303bab80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30120bc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x302cc980) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -385,21 +259,12 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3036a6c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x3036a700) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x3009b300) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
 QMetaObject (0x3058c900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30170600) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30166f00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4 entries
@@ -487,9 +352,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30365880) 0
   QObject (0x301e4440) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30365880)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x301ebec0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4 entries
@@ -507,38 +369,20 @@ Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
 QRegExp (0x303baa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x30148180) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x3012d8c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x30104900) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString> (0x30104380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
 QStringList (0x303bab00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x300c3280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x301046c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x300eba00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x300eb980) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5 entries
@@ -664,9 +508,6 @@ Class QMapData
    size=72 align=4
 QMapData (0x304b4140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3052cd00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4 entries
@@ -680,9 +521,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x3050bbc0) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x305082c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -767,41 +605,20 @@ QFile (0x3057c8c0) 0
     QObject (0x3057c980) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3057c900)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x3058a380) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
 QFileInfo (0x304b0580) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x304927c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x30390480) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x301dfa40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x301df900) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
 QDir (0x304b03c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x30365600) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x303ac7c0) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35 entries
@@ -846,9 +663,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x3057c7c0) 0
     vptr=((&QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x3031a080) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5 entries
@@ -910,73 +724,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
 QMetaType (0x30079000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x3011fb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x3013d480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint_t> (0x30148440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x3015dfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x301937c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x301a18c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x301a5d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x301ad500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x301add00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x301b22c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x301b2b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong_t> (0x301b6640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort_t> (0x301b6fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar_t> (0x301b9600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x301b9c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x301c1740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x301d7f80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -998,69 +761,24 @@ Class QVariant
    size=16 align=8
 QVariant (0x30166c00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3057e500) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x302acd80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x302ed8c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x302b7980) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x30225880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x303e8900) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303dab00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f70c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=76 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f7880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fc640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fcc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30492400) 0
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1102,77 +820,41 @@ Class localeinfo_table
    size=36 align=4
 localeinfo_table (0x303d9cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=108 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x304dc500) 0
 Class _LC_charmap_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_charmap_objhdl (0x304dcc80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=92 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561040) 0
 Class _LC_monetary_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_monetary_objhdl (0x305614c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561800) 0
 Class _LC_numeric_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_numeric_objhdl (0x30561d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083180) 0
 Class _LC_resp_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_resp_objhdl (0x300838c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=248 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083c40) 0
 Class _LC_time_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_time_objhdl (0x3012c400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x3012cc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303acac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=104 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30504a00) 0
 Class _LC_collate_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_collate_objhdl (0x301bfb80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301e8b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=80 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x305a0100) 0
 Class _LC_ctype_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1186,17 +868,11 @@ Class _LC_locale_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_locale_objhdl (0x303da600) 0
-Class _LC_object_handle::<anonymous union>
-   size=12 align=4
-_LC_object_handle::<anonymous union> (0x305911c0) 0
 Class _LC_object_handle
    size=20 align=4
 _LC_object_handle (0x30591080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3031ed80) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14 entries
@@ -1271,13 +947,7 @@ Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
 QUrl (0x302256c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x306df180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x307c8900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14 entries
@@ -1303,9 +973,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x30802000) 0
   QObject (0x30802040) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x30802000)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x30803740) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27 entries
@@ -1348,17 +1015,11 @@ Class QModelIndex
    size=16 align=4
 QModelIndex (0x3049cc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x304eb5c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x3049cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x3002e700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42 entries
@@ -1524,9 +1185,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    size=4 align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x307fe180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x30803300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4 entries
@@ -1612,17 +1270,11 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x30379340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x30880740) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x303793c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3088be80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1632,9 +1284,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x30379540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x308a3780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17 entries
@@ -1902,9 +1551,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    size=8 align=4
 QBitRef (0x305a6140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x30864700) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1922,65 +1568,41 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    size=1 align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30893ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30897f00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
 QDate (0x301eb4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x300ebe80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
 QTime (0x301f1e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x30368c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
 QDateTime (0x304b0440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x304d4880) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
 QPoint (0x301f9d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x307b9180) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
 QPointF (0x30200880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x307efcc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
 QLine (0x301eb540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x3098afc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
 QLineF (0x301eb600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x30a335c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1990,41 +1612,26 @@ Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
 QLocale (0x301eb800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x30822c80) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
 QSize (0x30200a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x30864400) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
 QSizeF (0x30209200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x30a33a80) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
 QRect (0x30213780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x30aad700) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
 QRectF (0x302138c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x30a1fdc0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2046,9 +1653,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    size=4 align=4
 QKeySequence (0x305580c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x30ad4d00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7 entries
@@ -2313,13 +1917,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    size=32 align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x307e7800) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x30a2d6c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x307e7ec0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4 entries
@@ -2577,13 +2175,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    size=1 align=1
 QAccessible (0x30c2af00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x30c36000) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x30c3b540) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19 entries
@@ -2856,21 +2448,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x30bc8900) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30aadc40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30ab3280) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30aba480) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x30aadb80) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2880,37 +2460,16 @@ Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
 QBrush (0x305317c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x30b2f040) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
 QBrushData (0x30a77a00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x30a61380) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x30bb0140) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x309db5c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x309dba40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x309dbec0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x309db500) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -3535,9 +3094,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x30d9d000) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x30d9d0c0) 8
           vptr=((&QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x30dcd640) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66 entries
@@ -4220,9 +3776,6 @@ QImage (0x305472c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x30c41b80) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x305472c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x30e4a500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7 entries
@@ -4264,9 +3817,6 @@ Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
 QIcon (0x30536cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x30eb0980) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9 entries
@@ -4580,13 +4130,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x30fdb180) 0
   QObject (0x31016480) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x30fdb180)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x30ec74c0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x30c8c300) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26 entries
@@ -4883,9 +4427,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x30c2a3c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x30c2a5c0) 8
         vptr=((&QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x309e1bc0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64 entries
@@ -5090,13 +4631,7 @@ QStyle (0x30ccda80) 0
   QObject (0x30ced6c0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x30ccda80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x30cf8a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x30d2f2c0) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67 entries
@@ -5364,18 +4899,12 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x310ccb00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x310ccb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x310e9400) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
 QStyleOptionButton (0x310e8580) 0
   QStyleOption (0x310e85c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x31149980) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5392,9 +4921,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x30f8d740) 0
   QStyleOption (0x30f8d780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x30f29880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5443,13 +4969,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x307d5680) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x307d56c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x307d57c0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x307e76c0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x307e7580) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5457,9 +4977,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x309d9180) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x309d91c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x309d9380) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x30b6fec0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5604,9 +5121,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    size=8 align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x310faec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3116aa80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18 entries
@@ -5636,26 +5150,14 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x311834c0) 0
   QObject (0x31183500) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x311834c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x31187d80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3112d340) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3112d200) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
 QItemSelection (0x30d9ad80) 0
   QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x31174fc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x3112d300) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractItemView
 QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView: 103 entries
@@ -5778,9 +5280,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x311e8dc0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x311e8ec0) 8
             vptr=((&QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x311f7440) 0
 Vtable for QFileIconProvider
 QFileIconProvider::_ZTV17QFileIconProvider: 7 entries
@@ -6027,13 +5526,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3115d940) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x31149a40) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x31149540) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6 entries
@@ -6049,9 +5542,6 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x3116f1c0) 0
     vptr=((&QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8)
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x31149680) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103 entries
@@ -6176,13 +5666,7 @@ QListView (0x310cc3c0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x310cc500) 8
               vptr=((&QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3107ee40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3107ec40) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11 entries
@@ -6896,21 +6380,9 @@ QTreeView (0x30ea3980) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x30ea3ac0) 8
               vptr=((&QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x30f5cd00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x30f5c9c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x30f7ab40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x30f7aa00) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10 entries
@@ -6930,17 +6402,8 @@ Class QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem (0x30f51340) 0
     vptr=((&QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem) + 8)
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x30f7ab00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x30f5cb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3124bd80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTreeWidget
 QTreeWidget::_ZTV11QTreeWidget: 109 entries
@@ -7749,135 +7212,60 @@ Class QColormap
    size=4 align=4
 QColormap (0x30a74040) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x30eb0200) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x30eb0000) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
 QPolygon (0x30547bc0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x30e7f4c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x30eb0140) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x304e6340) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3109d580) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3109d340) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
 QPolygonF (0x3109d300) 0
   QVector<QPointF> (0x310a2880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x3109d4c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x313a6040) 0
 Class QMatrix
    size=48 align=8
 QMatrix (0x307ef840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x314635c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
 QTextOption (0x3147a800) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x31481040) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
 QPen (0x30558c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x314ae9c0) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
 QPainter (0x30bc8a00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3156ea00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x314c5c40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x3156e940) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3159d480) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x314c5e00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x3159d3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x315e3080) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x314cf100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x315dbfc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3160ba00) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x30bd1b40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x3160b940) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
 QTextItem (0x314b5840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x31124bc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3111c2c0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24 entries
@@ -7911,9 +7299,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3097e900) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3111c900) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7927,29 +7312,17 @@ Class QPainterPath
    size=4 align=4
 QPainterPath (0x30d0fd40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x30d74080) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x30d71d80) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3082d680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x30d7fe40) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
 QPainterPathStroker (0x308cea40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x30d71ec0) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7 entries
@@ -8038,9 +7411,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x31225280) 0
     QObject (0x31225480) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x31225440)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x31430ec0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35 entries
@@ -8353,21 +7723,12 @@ Class QTextLength
    size=12 align=4
 QTextLength (0x30225540) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x315b50c0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
 QTextFormat (0x30213a00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x3166cdc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x315983c0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8413,13 +7774,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    size=4 align=4
 QTextLayout (0x30d0fa40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x317bab80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x317ba100) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8466,13 +7821,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x315517c0) 0
   QObject (0x3160b200) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x315517c0)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x31603940) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x315c7340) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8482,13 +7831,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    size=12 align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x315bccc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x315b8780) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x315b8580) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -8645,9 +7988,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x3162a4c0) 0
     QObject (0x314d8840) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x314d8800)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x31391400) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -8657,21 +7997,12 @@ Class QTextBlock
    size=8 align=4
 QTextBlock (0x317add40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x313e3cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x312bd340) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
 QTextFragment (0x315250c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x31260200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextList
 QTextList::_ZTV9QTextList: 17 entries
@@ -9263,9 +8594,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x310f8700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x310f8800) 8
             vptr=((&QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x3107e480) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64 entries
@@ -9424,9 +8752,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x316cac40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x316cacc0) 8
         vptr=((&QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x316ef780) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63 entries
@@ -11549,9 +10874,6 @@ Class QGLColormap
    size=4 align=4
 QGLColormap (0x319d2a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x319f5a80) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
@@ -11663,63 +10985,18 @@ QGLWidget (0x30e6bac0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x31b25200) 8
         vptr=((&QGLWidget::_ZTV9QGLWidget) + 272)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x30120ac0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x301dfa00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x3057e4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x31c8b440) 0 empty
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x30ec7480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x31ce8ec0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x307e7680) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x31d72580) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x3166cd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x31db89c0) 0 empty
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x31dd9540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x317baac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x31e2e740) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x315b86c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x31e6cfc0) 0 empty
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
index ee892ce..5693e93 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x2aaaad406a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x2aaaad421930) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x2aaaad421bd0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x2aaaad421e70) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x2aaaad438150) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x2aaaad4383f0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaad438690) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x2aaaad438930) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x2aaaad438bd0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x2aaaad438e70) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaad449150) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x2aaaad4493f0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x2aaaad449690) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x2aaaad449930) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x2aaaad449bd0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x2aaaad449e70) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x2aaaad45c0e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x2aaaad4e61c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x2aaaad4e65b0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x2aaaad4e69a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x2aaaad4e6d90) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x2aaaad52d1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x2aaaad52d5b0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x2aaaad52d9a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x2aaaad52dd90) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x2aaaad5741c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x2aaaad5745b0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x2aaaad5749a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x2aaaad574d90) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x2aaaad5c07e0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x2aaaad5c0850) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaad5d40e0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=32 align=8
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x2aaaad5fcd20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x2aaaad62dd90) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QByteRef (0x2aaaad7683f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x2aaaad7fa460) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -291,10 +171,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=8 base align=8
 QString (0x2aaaad7fa770) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x2aaaad885000) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=8 align=8
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x2aaaadabe2a0) 0
   QString (0x2aaaadabe310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x2aaaadabe850) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=32 align=8
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=8 base align=8
 QListData (0x2aaaadafa770) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaadc1e690) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*> (0x2aaaadc1e540) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x2aaaadc8daf0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaadc8db60) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaadc8daf0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x2aaaadcbf690) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=128 base align=8
 QMapData (0x2aaaadd4b2a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x2aaaade661c0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=32 align=8
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x2aaaade40ee0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 16u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaade86a80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray> (0x2aaaade86930) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=40 align=8
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=40 base align=8
 QTextDecoder (0x2aaaadec17e0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaadec1c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaadec1e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaadec1d20) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaadec1ee0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaadedd000) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=40 align=8
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=16 base align=8
 __gconv_info (0x2aaaadedd310) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaadedd4d0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x2aaaadedd3f0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=24 align=8
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=216 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x2aaaadedd5b0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaadedd690) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x2aaaadedd700) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x2aaaadf449a0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=40 align=8
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x2aaaae01a460) 0
     QObject (0x2aaaae01a540) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaae01a4d0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x2aaaae04d310) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=8 base align=8
 QRegExp (0x2aaaae08d0e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x2aaaae08df50) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1048 align=8
    base size=1044 base align=8
 QStringMatcher (0x2aaaae0b11c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaae0b1770) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString> (0x2aaaae0b1620) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=8 align=8
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x2aaaae0b18c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x2aaaae0b1930) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x2aaaae108770) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x2aaaae108af0) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=8 base align=8
 QFileInfo (0x2aaaae190460) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x2aaaae190ee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaae1ce380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaae1ceaf0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaae1ce9a0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDir (0x2aaaae1cec40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x2aaaae1ceee0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x2aaaae231150) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QUrl (0x2aaaae26ae00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2aaaae2af150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2aaaae2eb380) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x2aaaae2eb9a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x2aaaae30f0e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x2aaaae30f2a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned int> (0x2aaaae30f460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x2aaaae30f620) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x2aaaae30f7e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x2aaaae30f9a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x2aaaae30fb60) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x2aaaae30fd20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x2aaaae30fee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x2aaaae31c0e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x2aaaae31c2a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaae31c460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaae31c620) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned char> (0x2aaaae31c7e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x2aaaae31c9a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x2aaaae31cb60) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x2aaaae31cd20) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=16 align=8
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x2aaaae31ce70) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaae3c8070) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant> (0x2aaaae3b3ee0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaae3c83f0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x2aaaae3c82a0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x2aaaae416d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2aaaae42f7e0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1128,10 +796,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x2aaaae4a5c40) 0
     vptr=((& QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x2aaaae4a5e70) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x2aaaae4ec8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x2aaaae4eca80) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2aaaae610d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2aaaae62d3f0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x2aaaae65b150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2aaaae65b930) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x2aaaae68d930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2aaaae68daf0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x2aaaae6bf3f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x2aaaae6bf9a0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x2aaaae6f7a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2aaaae6f7d90) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x2aaaae7493f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2aaaae749af0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x2aaaae7a02a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2aaaae7d3070) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x2aaaae844bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2aaaae875b60) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QBitRef (0x2aaaae9e2d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2aaaae9ff930) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=8 base align=8
 QLocale (0x2aaaaeb20a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2aaaaeb6a4d0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x2aaaaebcdb60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2aaaaebf3d20) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x2aaaaebf3f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2aaaaec11b60) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDateTime (0x2aaaaec11d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2aaaaec35850) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2aaaaecba3f0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaecba460) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2aaaaecba3f0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2aaaaecba850) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=24 base align=8
 QModelIndex (0x2aaaaed32930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2aaaaed4db60) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2aaaaed5f0e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2aaaaed5f310) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2aaaaedf49a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2aaaaee0c230) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaMethod (0x2aaaaee57000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2aaaaee573f0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=16 align=8
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaEnum (0x2aaaaee57620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2aaaaee57af0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaClassInfo (0x2aaaaee57e70) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2aaaaee772a0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2057,25 +1637,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=8 base align=8
 QWriteLocker (0x2aaaaef2abd0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaef7b070) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaef7b150) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaef7b230) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaef45f50) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2092,55 +1656,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPen (0x2aaaaefc8700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x2aaaaefc88c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QBrush (0x2aaaaefc8bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2aaaaeff9070) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2aaaaeff92a0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaeff9a80) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0x2aaaaeff98c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaeff9cb0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaeff9d90) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaeff9e70) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaeff9bd0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2170,25 +1702,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x2aaaaf0303f0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x2aaaaf052380) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=16 align=8
    base size=12 base align=8
 QTextFormat (0x2aaaaf052150) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaf0900e0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x2aaaaf0524d0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=16 align=8
@@ -2328,10 +1848,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x2aaaaf1becb0) 0
     QObject (0x2aaaaf1bed90) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x2aaaaf1bed20)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x2aaaaf1ff9a0) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=24 align=8
@@ -2343,25 +1859,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=12 base align=8
 QTextBlock (0x2aaaaf1ffcb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x2aaaaf243070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x2aaaaf243310) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextFragment (0x2aaaaf243540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x2aaaaf259540) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=8 align=8
@@ -2421,20 +1925,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x2aaaaf27eb60) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaf27ebd0) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x2aaaaf27eb60)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x2aaaaf27e690) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x2aaaaf2d03f0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x2aaaaf2d0af0) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=16 align=8
@@ -2485,10 +1981,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=8 base align=8
 QKeySequence (0x2aaaaf32ee00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2aaaaf36a230) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2771,15 +2263,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2aaaaf446850) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaf446b60) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2aaaaf446a10) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3063,15 +2547,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=8 base align=8
 QTextLayout (0x2aaaaf5025b0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaf502a10) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x2aaaaf502850) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=16 align=8
@@ -3120,10 +2596,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=8 base align=8
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x2aaaaf563e70) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x2aaaaf59a0e0) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=8 align=8
@@ -3146,15 +2618,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=24 base align=8
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x2aaaaf62bf50) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaf642380) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x2aaaaf6421c0) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=64 align=8
@@ -3981,10 +3445,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2aaaaf90ecb0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2aaaaf90ee00) 16
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 488u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2aaaaf94d3f0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4504,10 +3964,6 @@ QImage (0x2aaaafa4c7e0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2aaaafa4c850) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2aaaafa4c7e0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2aaaafac88c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4732,10 +4188,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=8 base align=8
 QIcon (0x2aaaafbd5070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x2aaaafbd5bd0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4887,15 +4339,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x2aaaafc75620) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 16u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafc75f50) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2aaaafc75d90) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=8 align=8
@@ -4903,15 +4347,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x2aaaafcad000) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2aaaafcad070) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafcc79a0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2aaaafcc77e0) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=8 align=8
@@ -4924,55 +4360,19 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x2aaaafd0f000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2aaaafd0fa80) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPainter (0x2aaaafd3d770) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafde07e0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLineF> (0x2aaaafde0620) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafde0c40) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QLine> (0x2aaaafde0a80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafe30af0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRectF> (0x2aaaafe30930) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaafe30f50) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QRect> (0x2aaaafe30d90) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5020,15 +4420,7 @@ QStyle (0x2aaaafefe150) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaafefe1c0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x2aaaafefe150)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x2aaaafefe7e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x2aaaafefebd0) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=24 align=8
@@ -5046,25 +4438,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPainterPath (0x2aaaaff8c3f0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaffbf460) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x2aaaaffbf2a0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x2aaaaff8c5b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x2aaaaffbf5b0) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=8 align=8
@@ -5076,15 +4456,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x2aaaafff6e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x2aaaafff6f50) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x2aaab00143f0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5119,10 +4491,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x2aaab00141c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x2aaab00145b0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5134,10 +4502,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=8
 QItemSelectionRange (0x2aaab005ce00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x2aaab00b8af0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5168,20 +4532,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x2aaab00da070) 0
   QObject (0x2aaab00da0e0) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x2aaab00da070)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x2aaab00da850) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab00daee0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x2aaab00dad90) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=8 align=8
@@ -5470,10 +4822,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x2aaab0190770) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x2aaab0190850) 16
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 504u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x2aaab01c4070) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5910,10 +5258,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x2aaab02f72a0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x2aaab02f7310) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x2aaab02f7cb0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=88 align=8
@@ -5921,10 +5265,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x2aaab02f79a0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x2aaab02f7a10) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x2aaab032b770) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=96 align=8
@@ -5944,10 +5284,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x2aaab0367700) 0
   QStyleOption (0x2aaab0367770) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x2aaab038c000) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=80 align=8
@@ -6005,15 +5341,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x2aaab03fdcb0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x2aaab03fdd20) 0
     QStyleOption (0x2aaab03fdd90) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab0419850) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x2aaab0419700) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=112 align=8
@@ -6022,10 +5350,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x2aaab0419380) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x2aaab04193f0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x2aaab0419460) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x2aaab04511c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=128 align=8
@@ -6213,10 +5537,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x2aaab04c33f0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x2aaab04c35b0) 16
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 784u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x2aaab04c3e00) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6399,15 +5719,7 @@ QListView (0x2aaab0563850) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x2aaab0563a80) 16
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 784u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab05a6540) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x2aaab05a6380) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7324,15 +6636,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x2aaab07d9690) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 16u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab07ee380) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x2aaab07ee1c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7349,25 +6653,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x2aaab07ee000) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 16u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab07eee70) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x2aaab07eecb0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab084c070) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x2aaab07ee690) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7594,15 +6882,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2aaab08eca80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2aaab08ecc40) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2aaab092e000) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8450,15 +7730,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x2aaab0b861c0) 0
   QObject (0x2aaab0b86230) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x2aaab0b861c0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab0b86e00) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QAction*> (0x2aaab0b86cb0) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -8599,10 +7871,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x2aaab0bf25b0) 0
     QObject (0x2aaab0bf2690) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x2aaab0bf2620)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x2aaab0bf2e70) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10130,10 +9398,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x2aaab0eb2e00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x2aaab0eb2070) 16
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 520u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x2aaab0ed6540) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10293,10 +9557,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x2aaab0f1e230) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x2aaab0f1e310) 16
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 464u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x2aaab0f1eee0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -11877,10 +11137,6 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=8 base align=8
 QGLColormap (0x2aaab13210e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x2aaab1354620) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=8 align=8
@@ -11995,153 +11251,33 @@ QGLWidget (0x2aaab1354af0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x2aaab163e000) 16
         vptr=((& QGLWidget::_ZTV9QGLWidget) + 544u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x2aaab170e4d0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::Node (0x2aaab174b5b0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x2aaab17d1d20) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x2aaab17ebe70) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x2aaab17f7930) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x2aaab181b5b0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x2aaab1841a10) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x2aaab1871770) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x2aaab1871cb0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x2aaab187d230) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x2aaab187d770) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x2aaab1895700) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x2aaab1955150) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x2aaab1955850) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x2aaab19912a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x2aaab1a36770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x2aaab1a403f0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x2aaab1a503f0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x2aaab1a964d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x2aaab1a96a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x2aaab1aa3d90) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x2aaab1ac8460) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab1ac8d20) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab1aec150) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab1b2e3f0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x2aaab1b59850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x2aaab1b6f150) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x2aaab1b6f2a0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x2aaab1b7e770) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x2aaab1b8ee70) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 50caea3..155c41e 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x40b66000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x40b66140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x40b66180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x40b661c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40b66200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40b66240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40b66280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40b662c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40b66300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40b66340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40b66380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40b663c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40b66400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40b66440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40b66480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40b664c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40b66500) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40b666c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40b66740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40b667c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40b66840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40b668c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40b66940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40b669c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40b66a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40b66ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40b66b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40b66bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40b66c40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40b66d80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40b66dc0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40b66fc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x414760c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x41476180) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x41476880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x41476900) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,10 +176,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x41476b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x41476c80) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x41476e40) 0
   QString (0x41476e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x41476f00) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x41735000) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x41735440) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x41735380) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x41735680) 0
   QObject (0x417356c0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x41735680)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x41735800) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x41735900) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x41735ec0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x41735dc0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x41735c00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x41735540) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x41931000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41931080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x41931100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419310c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41931140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41931180) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x41931280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x41931300) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x419312c0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x41931380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x419313c0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x41931400) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x41931540) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x41931c80) 0
     QObject (0x41931d00) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x41931cc0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x41931e00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x41931fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x41931740) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x41931900) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x41a2f080) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x41931f40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x41a2f0c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x41a2f100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x41a2f340) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x41a2f3c0) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x41a2f840) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x41a2f8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x41a2f900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x41a2fa40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x41a2f980) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x41a2fa80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x41a2fb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x41a2fc00) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x41a2fc80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x41a2fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x41a2fdc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x41a2fe00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x41a2fe80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x41a2fec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x41a2ff00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x41a2ff40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x41a2ff80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x41a2ffc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x41a2f680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x41a2f7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x41b73000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x41b73040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x41b73080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x41b730c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x41b73100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x41b73140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x41b73180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x41b731c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x41b73200) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x41b73240) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x41b73800) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x41b73740) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x41b73980) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x41b738c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x41b73bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x41b73cc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1142,10 +810,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x41b73f80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x41b73480) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x41b73d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x41b73e00) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x41c774c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x41c77900) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x41c779c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x41c77e00) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x41c77f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x41c77f40) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x41c77500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x41c77600) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x41c77800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x41c77d00) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x41d9c0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x41d9c480) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x41d9c680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x41d9c880) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x41d9c980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x41d9cb00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x41d9c380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x41d9c6c0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x41f85280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x41f852c0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x41f85440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x41f855c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x41f85600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x41f85780) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x41f857c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x41f85900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x41f85500) 0
   QObject (0x41f85640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x41f85500)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x41f85880) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x420c1300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x420c1400) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x420c1480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x420c1540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x420c1b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x420c1bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x420c1f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x420c1f80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x420c1fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x420c1180) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x420c14c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x420c1740) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2057,25 +1637,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x421a6580) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x421a66c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x421a6700) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x421a6740) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x421a6680) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2092,55 +1656,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x421a6b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x421a6bc0) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x421a6c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x421a6c40) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x421a6c80) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x421a6ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x421a6e00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x421a6f40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x421a6f80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x421a6fc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x421a6f00) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -2170,25 +1702,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x421a6d00) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x4227b1c0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x4227b100) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x4227b440) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x4227b380) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2328,10 +1848,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x4227bb00) 0
     QObject (0x4227bb80) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x4227bb40)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x4227be00) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2343,25 +1859,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x4227be40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x4227b140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x4227b200) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x4227b280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x4237b000) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2426,10 +1930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x4237b340) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x4237b3c0) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2480,10 +1980,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x4237ba40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x4237bb80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2766,15 +2262,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x42445b00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x42445c80) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x42445bc0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3058,15 +2546,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x424b69c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x424b6b80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x424b6ac0) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3115,10 +2595,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x424b6080) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x424b6380) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3141,15 +2617,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x4256b200) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x4256b3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4256b300) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -3976,10 +3444,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x426d2440) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x426d2540) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x426d26c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4499,10 +3963,6 @@ QImage (0x426d2f80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x427b7000) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x426d2f80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x427b7100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4727,10 +4187,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x427b7c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x427b7d00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4882,15 +4338,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x428ae200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x428ae400) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x428ae340) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4898,15 +4346,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x428ae440) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x428ae480) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x428ae700) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x428ae640) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4919,55 +4359,19 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x428ae900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x428ae940) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x428ae980) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x428aeb80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x428aeac0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x428aed00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x428aec40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x428aee80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x428aedc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x428ae180) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x428aef40) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5015,15 +4419,7 @@ QStyle (0x428ae240) 0
   QObject (0x428ae9c0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x428ae240)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x42a28100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x42a28180) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5041,25 +4437,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x42a28340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x42a28740) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x42a28680) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x42a284c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x42a28780) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5071,15 +4455,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x42a28840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x42a28880) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x42a28980) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5114,10 +4490,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x42a288c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x42a28b00) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5129,10 +4501,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x42a28b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x42a28c40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5163,20 +4531,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x42a28cc0) 0
   QObject (0x42a28d00) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x42a28cc0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x42a28e00) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x42a28f40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x42a28e80) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5465,10 +4821,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x42b534c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x42b53580) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x42b53680) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5905,10 +5257,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x42c29100) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42c29140) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x42c29380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5916,10 +5264,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x42c29280) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42c292c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x42c295c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5939,10 +5283,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x42c29840) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42c29880) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x42c29a80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6000,15 +5340,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x42cba100) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x42cba140) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42cba180) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x42cba480) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x42cba3c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6017,10 +5349,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x42cba280) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x42cba2c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42cba300) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x42cba700) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5536,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x42cbad00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x42cbae40) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x42cbaf80) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6394,15 +5718,7 @@ QListView (0x42cba680) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x42d57000) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x42d57280) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x42d571c0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7319,15 +6635,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x42e73480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x42e73780) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x42e736c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7344,25 +6652,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x42e73600) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x42e73a00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x42e73940) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x42e73b80) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x42e73ac0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7589,15 +6881,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x42e73c00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x42f5a000) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x42f5a080) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8445,15 +7729,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x42ff4b40) 0
   QObject (0x42ff4b80) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x42ff4b40)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x42ff4d80) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x42ff4cc0) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -8594,10 +7870,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x42ff4300) 0
     QObject (0x42ff4680) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x42ff44c0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x42ff4fc0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10125,10 +9397,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x431c61c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x431c6a80) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x431c6fc0) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10288,10 +9556,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x432721c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x43272280) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x432723c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -10538,10 +9802,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x43272700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x43272840) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x43272980) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -11877,10 +11137,6 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0x4346f080) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x4346f180) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
@@ -11995,153 +11251,33 @@ QGLWidget (0x4346f3c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x4346f480) 8
         vptr=((& QGLWidget::_ZTV9QGLWidget) + 272u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x436078c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x43607f80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x43695140) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x43695580) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x43695740) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x43695c40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x43695f80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x436d5400) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x436d5540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x436d5680) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x436d57c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x436d5b80) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x437555c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x43755700) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x43755d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x437dd380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x437dd580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x437dd800) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x438171c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x438172c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x43817580) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x438178c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x43817a00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x43817b80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x43817d40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x43817f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x43817b00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x43817d80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x438902c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x43890700) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 57dbbaa..b25928c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x30b739a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30b73c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x30b73ce8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x30b73d90) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x30b73e38) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x30b73ee0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x30b73f88) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30b73578) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x313ca038) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x313ca0e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x313ca188) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x313ca230) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x313ca2d8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x313ca380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x313ca428) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x313ca4d0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x313ca540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x313caa48) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x313caab8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x313cab28) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x313cab98) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x313cac08) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x313cac78) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x313cace8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x313cad58) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x313cadc8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x313cae38) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x313caea8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x313caf18) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187a80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x31492038) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x314921f8) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x314922d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x31492380) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x31492f18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x31561268) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,20 +176,12 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x315614d0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x31561818) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QCharRef (0x31561850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x316c1188) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -321,15 +193,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x316c1380) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x316c18c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x316c1818) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -421,10 +285,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187c80) 0
   QObject (0x316c1d58) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187c80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x316c1f18) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -449,30 +309,10 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x317dd268) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x317dd7a8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x317dd888) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x317dd818) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x317dd8f8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x317dd968) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -494,15 +334,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x317ddab8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x317ddb98) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x317ddb28) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -514,10 +346,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x317ddc08) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x317ddc78) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -532,10 +360,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x317ddcb0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x317dde70) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -596,10 +420,6 @@ QFile (0x30187e00) 0
     QObject (0x318d0348) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x30187e40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x318d04d0) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -652,25 +472,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x318d0620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x318d0690) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x318d0700) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x318d08c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x318d0818) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -770,130 +578,42 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x318d0f18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x319ac038) 0 empty
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x319ac0e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x319ac1f8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x319ac268) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x319ac310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x319ac428) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x319ac4d0) 0
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x319ac508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x319ac5e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x319ac658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x319ac6c8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x319ac738) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x319ac7a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x319ac818) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x319ac888) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x319ac8f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x319ac968) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x319ac9d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x319aca48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x319acab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x319acb28) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x319acb98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x319acc08) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x319acc78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x319acce8) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -920,35 +640,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x319acd20) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31a501c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31a50118) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31a50380) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31a502d8) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31a50540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31a50658) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1033,10 +733,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x31a509a0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x31a50b28) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1053,90 +749,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x31a50d20) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x31a50d90) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x31afb310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x31afb700) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31afb888) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31afbc78) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x31afbe38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31afbea8) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31afb038) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31afb428) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31afb930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x31bfc0a8) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x31bfc310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x31bfc690) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x31bfc9a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x31bfcb98) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x31bfcdc8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x31bfcf50) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1153,10 +813,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x31cf86c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x31cf87e0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1178,40 +834,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x31cf8d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x31cf8e00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x31cf80e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x31e85188) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x31e851f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x31e85380) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x31e853f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x31e85540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1286,10 +926,6 @@ QTextCodecPlugin (0x31993380) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x31e85a10) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QTextCodecFactoryInterface (0x319933c0)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x31e85e38) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1409,10 +1045,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x319934c0) 0
   QObject (0x31f0d0a8) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x319934c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x31f0d230) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1489,20 +1121,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x31f0d930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x31f0dab8) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x31f0db60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x31f0dc78) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1722,10 +1346,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x31faf0e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x31faf1c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1820,20 +1440,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x31faf5e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x31faf690) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x31faf700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x31faf7a8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1845,10 +1457,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x31faf850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x31faf8f8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -1971,25 +1579,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x31faff18) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x320411f8) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32041268) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x320412d8) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x32041188) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2006,55 +1598,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x32041700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x32041770) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x320417e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x32041850) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x320418c0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x32041b60) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x32041a80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32041c78) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32041ce8) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32041d58) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x32041c08) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2084,25 +1644,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x32041e38) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x32041a10) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x32041380) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x320f12a0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x320f11c0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2242,10 +1790,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x31993cc0) 0
     QObject (0x320f18c0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x31993d00)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x320f1d58) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2257,25 +1801,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x320f1dc8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x321bf038) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x321bf0e0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x321bf150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x321bf310) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2340,10 +1872,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x321bf770) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x321bf850) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2394,10 +1922,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x321bfea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x321bf540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2680,15 +2204,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x32261700) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x32261d90) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x32261a48) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2705,15 +2221,7 @@ QInputMethodEvent (0x322763c0) 0
   QEvent (0x322615e8) 0
       primary-for QInputMethodEvent (0x322763c0)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x322cd2a0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x322cd1f8) 0
 Vtable for QDropEvent
 QDropEvent::_ZTV10QDropEvent: 14u entries
@@ -2982,15 +2490,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x3231b2a0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3231b4d0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3231b3f0) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3039,10 +2539,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x3231b8f8) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x3231ba10) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3059,15 +2555,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x3231bb98) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x3231bd90) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3231bcb0) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -3894,10 +3382,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x32276f80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x324a6380) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x324a6578) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4417,10 +3901,6 @@ QImage (0x324c3540) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x324a6fc0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x324c3540)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x32555188) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4645,10 +4125,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x32555f88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x325550e0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4800,15 +4276,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x325f25b0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x325f2888) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x325f27a8) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4816,15 +4284,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x324c39c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x325f28f8) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x325f2cb0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x325f2bd0) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4837,55 +4297,19 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x325f2fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x325f2230) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x3267e000) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3267e2d8) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x3267e1f8) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3267e498) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x3267e3b8) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3267e658) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x3267e578) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3267e818) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x3267e738) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -4933,15 +4357,7 @@ QStyle (0x324c3a40) 0
   QObject (0x3267e888) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x324c3a40)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3267ea48) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3267eab8) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -4959,25 +4375,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x3267ed20) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x327b50e0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x327b5000) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3267ef18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x327b5188) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4989,15 +4393,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x327b53b8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x327b5460) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x327b55e8) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5032,10 +4428,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x327b54d0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x327b57e0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5047,10 +4439,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x327b5818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x327b5ab8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5081,20 +4469,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x324c3b00) 0
   QObject (0x327b5b60) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x324c3b00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x327b5ce8) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x327b5e38) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x327b5d90) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5383,10 +4759,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x324c3e00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x328884d0) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x32888700) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5823,10 +5195,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x328ec240) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3292d508) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x3292d7e0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5834,10 +5202,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x328ec2c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3292d690) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x3292da48) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5857,10 +5221,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x328ec3c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3292dd20) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x3292d0e0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5918,15 +5278,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x328ec640) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x328ec680) 0
     QStyleOption (0x329a89d8) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x329a8d58) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x329a8cb0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5935,10 +5287,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x328ec6c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x328ec700) 0
     QStyleOption (0x329a8b60) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x329a81f8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6126,10 +5474,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x328ec980) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x32a13460) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x32a13658) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6312,15 +5656,7 @@ QListView (0x328ecb80) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x32a137e0) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x32a13b60) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x32a13a80) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7237,15 +6573,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x32ad8e00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x32ad8b98) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x32ad8428) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7262,25 +6590,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x32ad80a8) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x32bc9348) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x32bc9268) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x32bc9508) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x32bc9460) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7507,15 +6819,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x32bc9e38) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x32bc9f18) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x32bc9f88) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8497,10 +7801,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x32d35280) 0
     QObject (0x32d8e348) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x32d352c0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x32d8e540) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10028,10 +9328,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x32e92240) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x32e9b4d0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x32e9b690) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10191,10 +9487,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x32e92400) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x32e9b8c0) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x32e9bb28) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -11748,10 +11040,6 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0x32fe68c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x32fe6a48) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
@@ -11866,133 +11154,29 @@ QGLWidget (0x3300e180) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x32fe6d20) 8
         vptr=((& QGLWidget::_ZTV9QGLWidget) + 272u)
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x33276bd0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x332900a8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x33290348) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x33290c08) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x332ba230) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x332ba8c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x332baa48) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x332bad90) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x332baf18) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x332dd690) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x33333dc8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x33333fc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x3338b3f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x3338bdc8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x333aa0e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x333aa4d0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x333c95b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x333c9738) 0 empty
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x333c9f18) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x333fd3f0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x333fda10) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x333fd428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x3343b1f8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x3343b2a0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x3343b770) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x3343bc40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 2f5d4dc..23530d1 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,75 +59,19 @@ Class QBool
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBool (0x87ccc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x87c500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x1720000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x17200c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x1720180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x1720240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x1720300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x17203c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x1720480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x1720540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x1720600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x17206c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x1720780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x1720840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x1720900) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -144,10 +88,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x1720c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x1720d00) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -160,10 +100,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x17b90c0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x17b9100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x17b9380) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -245,70 +181,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x1863000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x18633c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x1863880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x1863900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x1863980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x1863a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x1863a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x1863b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x1863b80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x1863c00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x1863c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x1863d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x1863d80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x1863e00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -335,10 +219,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1a0d540) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1a0d980) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -351,10 +231,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1b9a580) 0
   QString (0x1b9a5c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1b9a6c0) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -366,10 +242,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1b9a900) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1b9af00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -394,15 +266,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1b9ad80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1cc5180) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1cc50c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -425,25 +289,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1cc53c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1cc5400) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1cc56c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1cc5640) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1cc5940) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1cc5880) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -535,10 +387,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1cc5f80) 0
   QObject (0x1cc5fc0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1cc5f80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1dab180) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -558,25 +406,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1dab840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1daba40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1dabac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1dabcc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1dabc00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -584,15 +420,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1dabd80) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1dabdc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1e65200) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1e65280) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -748,10 +576,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1ed8b00) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1ed8dc0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -842,50 +666,22 @@ QFile (0x1ff49c0) 0
     QObject (0x1ff4a40) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1ff4a00)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1ff4c00) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1ff4c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1ff4d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1ff4d80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1ff4f40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1ff4e80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1ff4200) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x210a080) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x210a140) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35u entries
@@ -945,10 +741,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x210a380) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x210a540) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -999,90 +791,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x210a740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x210a840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x210a8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x210a940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x210a9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x210aa40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x210aac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x210ab40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x210abc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x210ac40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x210acc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x210ad40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x210adc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x210ae40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x210aec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x210af40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x210afc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x210a480) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1109,50 +833,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x210a6c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x21b8640) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x21b8580) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x21b8840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x21b8780) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x21b8ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x21b8c00) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21b8cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21b8d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21b8dc0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1230,15 +922,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x22be4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x22be6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x22be740) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1265,10 +949,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x22be7c0) 0
   QObject (0x22be800) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x22be7c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x22bea00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1313,20 +993,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x22bec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x22bee00) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x22beec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x22be040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1496,10 +1168,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x238d580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x238d680) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1591,20 +1259,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x238ddc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2437040) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x24370c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2437180) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1616,10 +1276,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x2437240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2437300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1907,10 +1563,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x24e2c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x24e2dc0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1932,80 +1584,48 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x24e24c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x2589040) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x2589840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2589a40) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x2589ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2589c80) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x2589d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2589e80) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2589f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2589fc0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x26ac180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x26ac600) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x26ac800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x26ac880) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x26aca00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x26acac0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2017,50 +1637,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x26ac2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x26ac3c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x280d000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x280d400) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x280d6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x280dac0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x280de40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x280d040) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x280d880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x280df00) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2087,10 +1687,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x2917d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2917e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2394,15 +1990,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=28 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2b42900) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2b42ac0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2b42a00) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2676,15 +2264,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2ba2d80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2be10c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2be1140) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -2968,25 +2548,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2c4d400) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c4d740) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c4d7c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c4d840) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2c4d6c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2998,45 +2562,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2c4db00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2c4dbc0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2c4dc40) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2c4df40) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2c4de40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c4d540) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c4d900) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c4ddc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2c4d100) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3681,10 +3217,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2f241c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2f24280) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2f24540) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4379,10 +3911,6 @@ QImage (0x3010b40) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x3010b80) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x3010b40)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x3010e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4427,10 +3955,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x30fa4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x30fa580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4760,15 +4284,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x3167c00) 0
   QObject (0x3167c40) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x3167c00)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x3167ec0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x3167e00) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5073,10 +4589,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3239a00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3239a80) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3239d00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5284,15 +4796,7 @@ QStyle (0x3239e80) 0
   QObject (0x32f0000) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x3239e80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x32f0240) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x32f02c0) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -5569,10 +5073,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x33d4140) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33d4180) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x33d4540) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5580,10 +5080,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x33d4380) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33d43c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x33d4880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5603,10 +5099,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x33d4c00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33d4c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x33d4fc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5664,15 +5156,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x346fd80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x346fdc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x346fe00) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x34b9040) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x346fc80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5681,10 +5165,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x346ffc0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x346f140) 0
     QStyleOption (0x346f340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x34b9440) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5837,10 +5317,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x34b9140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3594140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5871,20 +5347,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x3594200) 0
   QObject (0x3594240) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x3594200)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x3594400) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3594580) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x35944c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6014,10 +5478,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x3594740) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3594840) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x3594ac0) 0
 Vtable for QFileIconProvider
 QFileIconProvider::_ZTV17QFileIconProvider: 7u entries
@@ -6269,15 +5729,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3674240) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x36746c0) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x36745c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6418,15 +5870,7 @@ QListView (0x3674900) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3674a40) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3674e80) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3674d80) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7150,25 +6594,9 @@ QTreeView (0x380a080) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x380a1c0) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x380a5c0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x380a4c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x380a7c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x380a700) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8015,15 +7443,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x3a49280) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3a49480) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3a49380) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8031,15 +7451,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x3a49500) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3a49540) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3a49980) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3a49880) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8052,90 +7464,38 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x3a49d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x3a49dc0) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x3a49e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3a49f80) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3a49040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3b0f040) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x3b0f0c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3b0f780) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x3b0f680) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3b0f980) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x3b0f880) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3b0fb80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x3b0fa80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3b0fd80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x3b0fc80) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3b0fe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3b0fec0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3c67000) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -8170,10 +7530,6 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3b0ff40) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3c672c0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8190,25 +7546,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x3c67300) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x3c67840) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3c67740) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3c67540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3c67900) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8306,10 +7650,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3d3f0c0) 0
     QObject (0x3d3f140) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3d3f100)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x3d3f440) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -8631,25 +7971,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x3dba100) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x3dba480) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x3dba340) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x3dba840) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x3dba740) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8704,15 +8032,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x3dbadc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3dba140) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3dbaf40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -8762,10 +8082,6 @@ QTextDocument (0x3ee11c0) 0
   QObject (0x3ee1200) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x3ee11c0)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x3ee1500) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8777,15 +8093,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x3ee1640) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x3ee1880) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3ee1780) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -8952,10 +8260,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x3f89040) 0
     QObject (0x3f890c0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x3f89080)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x3f89600) 0 empty
 Class QTextBlock::iterator
    size=16 align=4
@@ -8967,25 +8271,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x3f896c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x3f89ac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x3f89b80) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x3f89c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x3f89e40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextList
 QTextList::_ZTV9QTextList: 17u entries
@@ -9587,10 +8879,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x40b7680) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x40b7780) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x40b7980) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -9751,10 +9039,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x40b7c40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x40b7cc0) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x40b7f80) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -11480,10 +10764,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x433fec0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x433ffc0) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x440d080) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -11911,10 +11191,6 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0x440dec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x440d540) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
@@ -12028,153 +11304,33 @@ QGLWidget (0x45e5180) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x45e5200) 8
         vptr=((& QGLWidget::_ZTV9QGLWidget) + 272u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x4678500) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x469d380) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x47b9040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x47b9280) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x47b9540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x47b9c40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x47ea9c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x47eab80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x47ead40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x47eaf00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x480cb80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x480ce40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x482d140) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x482d440) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x4852080) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x48c1680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x48c1840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x48ec180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x48ec3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x48ec840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x48ecd40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x490b180) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x490b3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x490b740) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x490b800) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x490bbc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x490bf00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4942580) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4942c80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x49895c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 0a07c75..c455fe7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x40b74000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x40b740c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x40b74100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x40b74140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40b74180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40b741c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40b74200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40b74240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40b74280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40b742c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40b74300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40b74340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40b74380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40b743c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40b74400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40b74440) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40b74480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40b74640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40b746c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40b74740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40b747c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40b74840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40b748c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40b74940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40b749c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40b74a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40b74ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40b74b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40b74bc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40b74d00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40b74d40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40b74f40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x41491040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x41491100) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x41491800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x41491880) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x41491ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x41491c00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x41491dc0) 0
   QString (0x41491e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x41491e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x41746340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x41746780) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x417466c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x417469c0) 0
   QObject (0x41746a00) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x417469c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x41746b40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x41746d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x41746d40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x418a92c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x418a98c0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x418a97c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x418a9b40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x418a9a80) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x418a9c00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418a9c80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x418a9d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418a9cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418a9d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418a9d80) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x418a9e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x418a9f00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x418a9ec0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x418a9f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x418a9fc0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x418a9140) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x41a48000) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x41a48340) 0
   QTextStream (0x41a48380) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x41a48340)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x41a48540) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x41a48580) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x41a48500) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a485c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a48600) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a48640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a48680) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,10 +485,6 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x41a48700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a48740) 0
 Class __sched_param
    size=4 align=4
@@ -721,45 +501,17 @@ Class __pthread_attr_s
    base size=36 base align=4
 __pthread_attr_s (0x41a48800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a48840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a48880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a488c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a48900) 0
 Class _pthread_rwlock_t
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 _pthread_rwlock_t (0x41a48940) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a48980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a489c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41a48a00) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -830,10 +582,6 @@ QFile (0x41a48f40) 0
     QObject (0x41a48fc0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x41a48f80)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x41a48ec0) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -886,50 +634,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x41b7b180) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x41b7b200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x41b7b240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x41b7b380) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x41b7b2c0) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x41b7b3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x41b7b440) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x41b7b480) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x41b7b5c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x41b7b500) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -937,30 +657,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x41b7b600) 0
   QList<QString> (0x41b7b640) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x41b7b880) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x41b7b900) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x41b7bb00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x41b7bbc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x41b7bc40) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1017,10 +721,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x41b7bc80) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x41b7be40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1175,110 +875,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x41c97200) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x41c972c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x41c97300) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x41c97340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x41c973c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x41c97400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x41c97440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x41c97480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x41c974c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x41c97500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x41c97540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x41c97580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x41c975c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x41c97600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x41c97640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x41c97680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x41c976c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x41c97700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x41c97740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x41c97780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x41c977c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x41c97800) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1305,35 +925,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x41c97840) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x41c97e00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x41c97d40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x41c97f80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x41c97ec0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x41c97fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x41d980c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1365,80 +965,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x41d98300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x41d98740) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x41d98800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x41d98c40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x41d98d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x41d98d80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x41d98e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x41d98f00) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x41d98180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x41d98640) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x41d989c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x41e9d180) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x41e9d380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x41e9d580) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x41e9d680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x41e9d800) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1455,10 +1023,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x41e9de40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x41e9dec0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1475,40 +1039,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x41e9d440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x41e9d4c0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x42078080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x42078200) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x42078240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x420783c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x42078400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x42078540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1668,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x42078cc0) 0
   QObject (0x42078d00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x42078cc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x42078e40) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1763,20 +1307,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x42078d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x4218f040) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x4218f080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x4218f140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1996,10 +1532,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x4218f740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x4218f800) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2094,20 +1626,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x4218fb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x4218fbc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x4218fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x4218fc80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2119,10 +1643,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x4218fd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x4218fd80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2245,25 +1765,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x4228c200) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4228c340) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4228c380) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4228c3c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x4228c300) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2280,55 +1784,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x4228c800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x4228c940) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x4228c980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x4228c9c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x4228ca00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x4228cbc0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x4228cb00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4228cc40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4228cc80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x4228ccc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x4228cc00) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -2358,25 +1830,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x4228ce80) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x4228c780) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x4228c480) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x42353080) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x4228cf40) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2516,10 +1976,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x42353740) 0
     QObject (0x423537c0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x42353780)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x42353a40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -2544,25 +2000,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x42353b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x42353d40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x42353d80) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x42353dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x42353ec0) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2622,20 +2066,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x42353840) 0
   QObject (0x42458000) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x42353840)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x42458140) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x42458180) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x42458200) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2686,10 +2122,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x42458880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x424589c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2987,15 +2419,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x42526a40) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x42526bc0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x42526b00) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3294,15 +2718,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x425889c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x42588c00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x42588b40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3351,10 +2767,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x42588280) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x42588580) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3377,15 +2789,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x4263b240) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x4263b400) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4263b340) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4238,10 +3642,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x427a9640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x427a9740) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x427a98c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4327,10 +3727,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x427a9900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x427a9a00) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x427a9b40) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4766,10 +4162,6 @@ QImage (0x4287f240) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x4287f280) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x4287f240)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x4287f380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4876,10 +4268,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x4287f740) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x4287f800) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x4287f7c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x4287f900) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -4999,10 +4387,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x4287ff80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x4287f100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -5154,15 +4538,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x4299f540) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x4299f740) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x4299f680) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5170,15 +4546,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x4299f780) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x4299f7c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x4299fa40) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x4299f980) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5191,60 +4559,20 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x4299fc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x4299fc80) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x4299fcc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x4299fdc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x4299ff40) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x4299fe80) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x4299f580) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x4299f100) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x42acc100) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x42acc040) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x42acc280) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x42acc1c0) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5292,15 +4620,7 @@ QStyle (0x42acc2c0) 0
   QObject (0x42acc300) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x42acc2c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x42acc440) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x42acc4c0) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5318,25 +4638,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x42acc680) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x42acca80) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x42acc9c0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x42acc800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x42accac0) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5348,15 +4656,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x42accb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x42accbc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x42acccc0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5391,30 +4691,18 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x42accc00) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x42acce40) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x42accd80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x42accec0) 0
 Class QItemSelectionRange
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x42accf00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x42acc380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5445,20 +4733,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x42acc780) 0
   QObject (0x42accc40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x42acc780)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x42c44000) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x42c44140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x42c44080) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5466,10 +4742,6 @@ Class QItemSelection
 QItemSelection (0x42c44180) 0
   QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x42c441c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x42c44300) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5757,10 +5029,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x42c449c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x42c44a80) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x42c44b80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6179,10 +5447,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x42d66280) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42d662c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x42d66500) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6209,10 +5473,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x42d66980) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42d669c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x42d66c00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6220,10 +5480,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x42d66b00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42d66b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x42d66e40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6238,10 +5494,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x42d66f40) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x42d66f80) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42d66fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x42d66dc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6268,10 +5520,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x42dfc280) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42dfc2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x42dfc4c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6329,15 +5577,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x42dfcf80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x42dfcfc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42dfc100) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x42dfce00) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x42dfca00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6346,10 +5586,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x42dfc500) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x42dfc640) 0
     QStyleOption (0x42dfc780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x42e7e200) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6544,10 +5780,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x42e7e9c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x42e7eb00) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x42e7ec40) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6730,15 +5962,7 @@ QListView (0x42e7ee00) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x42e7ef80) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x42e7e940) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x42e7e400) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7780,15 +7004,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x4302e480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x4302e780) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4302e6c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7805,25 +7021,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x4302e600) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x4302ea00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4302e940) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4302eb80) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4302eac0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8050,15 +7250,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x4302ec00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x43121000) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x43121080) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8906,15 +8098,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x431beb40) 0
   QObject (0x431beb80) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x431beb40)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x431bed80) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x431becc0) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9055,10 +8239,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x431be300) 0
     QObject (0x431be680) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x431be4c0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x431befc0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10586,10 +9766,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x4339b1c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4339ba80) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x4339bfc0) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10749,10 +9925,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x4344b1c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x4344b280) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x4344b3c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12333,10 +11505,6 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0x4352af00) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x4365c0c0) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
@@ -12469,158 +11637,34 @@ QGLPixelBuffer (0x4365c480) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x4365c4c0) 0
       primary-for QGLPixelBuffer (0x4365c480)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x437f1a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x437f1e00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x438314c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x438803c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x43880a00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x43880bc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x438ba340) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x438ba680) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x438bac40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x438bad80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x438baec0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x43900000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x439003c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x43982540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x43982680) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x43982c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x43a0f280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x43a0f500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x43a0f780) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x43a423c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x43a424c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x43a42780) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x43a42ac0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x43a42c00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x43a42d80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x43a42f40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x43a42dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x43abe100) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x43abe1c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x43abe4c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x43abe900) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 74bf8e8..cc8e74c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x3078b380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x3078b578) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x3078b620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x3078b6c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x3078b770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x3078b818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x3078b8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x3078b968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x3078ba10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x3078bab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x3078bb60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x3078bc08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x3078bcb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x3078bd58) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x3078be00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x3078bea8) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x3078bf18) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x313e3428) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x313e3498) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x313e3508) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x313e3578) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x313e35e8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x313e3658) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x313e36c8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x313e3738) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x313e37a8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x313e3818) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x313e3888) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x313e38f8) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187bc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x313e3a10) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x313e3bd0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x313e3cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x313e3d58) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x31519a48) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x31519d90) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x31666348) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x31666690) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x30187e00) 0
   QString (0x31756118) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x317561f8) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x31756930) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x31756e70) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x31756dc8) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187ec0) 0
   QObject (0x3184f230) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187ec0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x3184f428) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x3184fb60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x3184fbd0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x318e5310) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x318e59d8) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x318e5888) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x318e5cb0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x318e5c08) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x318e5dc8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x318e5e70) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x318e5f50) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x318e5ee0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x318e5fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x318e55e8) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x31a480a8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31a48188) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31a48118) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x31a481f8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31a48268) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x31a482a0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x31a484d0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x319d50c0) 0
   QTextStream (0x31a48a48) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x319d50c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x31a48d20) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x31a48d90) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x31a48cb0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31a48e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31a48e70) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31a48ee0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31a48f50) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,70 +485,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x31a48fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31a48888) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31ad4000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31ad40e0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31ad4070) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31ad4150) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31ad4230) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x31ad41c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31ad42a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31ad4380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31ad4310) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31ad43f0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31ad4460) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31ad44d0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -835,10 +567,6 @@ QFile (0x319d5100) 0
     QObject (0x31ad4af0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x319d5140)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x31ad4c78) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -891,50 +619,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x31ad4dc8) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x31ad4e70) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x31ad4ee0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x31ad4d58) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x31ad4fc0) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x31c07070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x31c07230) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x31c072a0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x31c07460) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x31c073b8) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -942,30 +642,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x319d5240) 0
   QList<QString> (0x31c07508) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x31c07930) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x31c079a0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x31c07cb0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x31c07dc8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x31c07e38) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1022,10 +706,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x31c07e70) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x31cc40a8) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1180,110 +860,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x31cc4578) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x31cc4700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x31cc4770) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x31cc47e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x31cc48f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x31cc49a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x31cc4a48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x31cc4af0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x31cc4b98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x31cc4c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x31cc4ce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x31cc4d90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x31cc4e38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x31cc4ee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x31cc4f88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x31cc41c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x31cc4508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x31d54070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x31d54118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x31d541c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x31d54268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x31d54310) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1310,35 +910,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x31d54380) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31d54930) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31d54888) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31d54af0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31d54a48) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31d54cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31d54dc8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1370,80 +950,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x31e31188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x31e31578) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31e31770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31e31b60) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x31e31d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31e31e00) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31e31f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31e311c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31e314d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x31ecb000) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x31ecb2d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x31ecb658) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x31ecb9d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x31ecbbd0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x31ecbe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x31ecbf88) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1460,10 +1008,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x31fcb738) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x31fcb850) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1480,40 +1024,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x31fcbb60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x31fcbbd0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x31fcbdc8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x31fcbf88) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x31fcb150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x32116118) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x32116188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x321162d8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1673,10 +1201,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x319d5780) 0
   QObject (0x32116e38) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x319d5780)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x32116fc0) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1768,20 +1292,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x321bd658) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x321bd7e0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x321bd850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x321bd968) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2001,10 +1517,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x321bd188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x321bd8c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2099,20 +1611,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x3226e310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x3226e3b8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x3226e428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3226e4d0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2124,10 +1628,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x3226e578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x3226e620) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2250,25 +1750,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x3226ef18) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3231d000) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3231d070) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3231d0e0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x3226e9a0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2285,55 +1769,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3231d540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3231d6c8) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x3231d738) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x3231d7e0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x3231d850) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x3231da80) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x3231d9a0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3231db98) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3231dc08) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3231dc78) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x3231db28) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2363,25 +1815,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x3231dd58) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x3231d188) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x3231df50) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x323b5118) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x323b5038) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2521,10 +1961,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x32445000) 0
     QObject (0x323b5738) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x32445040)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x323b5bd0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -2549,25 +1985,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x323b5d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x32482070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x32482118) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x32482188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x32482348) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2627,20 +2051,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x32445080) 0
   QObject (0x32482620) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x32445080)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x324827e0) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x32482818) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x324828f8) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2691,10 +2107,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x32482f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x32482b28) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2992,15 +2404,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x325b00a8) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x325b0230) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x325b0188) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3299,15 +2703,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x32613498) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x32613738) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x32613658) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3356,10 +2752,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x32613b60) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x32613c78) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3382,15 +2774,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x326c8038) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x326c8230) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x326c8150) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -4243,10 +3627,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x328143c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x327b4f18) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x327b4a80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4332,10 +3712,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x328144c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x328980e0) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x328982d8) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4771,10 +4147,6 @@ QImage (0x32814980) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x32898d20) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x32814980)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x32898fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4881,10 +4253,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x32814a40) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x32990348) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x32814a80)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x32990540) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -5004,10 +4372,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x32990d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x32990d90) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -5159,15 +4523,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0x32a29690) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x32a29968) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x32a29888) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5175,15 +4531,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x32814e00) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x32a299d8) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x32a29d90) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x32a29cb0) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5196,60 +4544,20 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x32a29770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x32abb038) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x32abb0e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x32abb5b0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x32abb738) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x32abb658) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x32abb8f8) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x32abb818) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x32abbab8) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x32abb9d8) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x32abbc78) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x32abbb98) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5297,15 +4605,7 @@ QStyle (0x32814e80) 0
   QObject (0x32abbce8) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x32814e80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x32abbea8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x32abbf18) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5323,25 +4623,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x32c11118) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x32c115b0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x32c114d0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x32c11310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x32c11658) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5353,15 +4641,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x32c11850) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x32c118f8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x32c11a80) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5396,30 +4676,18 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x32c11968) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x32c11c78) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x32c11bd0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x32c11ce8) 0
 Class QItemSelectionRange
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x32c11d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x32c11fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5450,20 +4718,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x32814f40) 0
   QObject (0x32c11a10) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x32814f40)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x32cdf0e0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x32cdf230) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x32cdf188) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5471,10 +4727,6 @@ Class QItemSelection
 QItemSelection (0x32814f80) 0
   QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x32cdf2d8) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x32cdf460) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5762,10 +5014,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x32d25240) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x32cdfcb0) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x32cdfee0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6184,10 +5432,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x32d25600) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32da97e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x32da9a80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6214,10 +5458,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x32d25740) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32da9fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x32e5f0a8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6225,10 +5465,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x32d257c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32da9a10) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x32e5f310) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6243,10 +5479,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x32d25880) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x32d258c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32e5f428) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x32e5f7a8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6273,10 +5505,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x32d25a00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32e5fb28) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x32e5fe00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6334,15 +5562,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x32d25c80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32d25cc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32ee7818) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x32ee7b98) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x32ee7af0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6351,10 +5571,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x32d25d00) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32d25d40) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32ee79a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x32ee7e70) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6549,10 +5765,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x32f71040) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x32f5d460) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x32f5d658) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6735,15 +5947,7 @@ QListView (0x32f71240) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x32f5d7e0) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x32f5db60) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x32f5da80) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7785,15 +6989,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x33031498) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3313f1f8) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3313f0e0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7810,25 +7006,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x3313f000) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3313f658) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3313f578) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3313f7e0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3313f738) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8055,15 +7235,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x3313f968) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x331e8000) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x331e8070) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8911,15 +8083,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x331d3980) 0
   QObject (0x332ea540) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x331d3980)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x332ea770) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x332ea6c8) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9060,10 +8224,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x331d3a80) 0
     QObject (0x332eabd0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x331d3ac0)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x332eadc8) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10591,10 +9751,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x333cca40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3348de38) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x3348d0a8) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10754,10 +9910,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x333ccc00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3353d000) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x3353d268) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12338,10 +11490,6 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0x3371b4d0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x3371b658) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
@@ -12474,158 +11622,34 @@ QGLPixelBuffer (0x335e2a40) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x3371baf0) 0
       primary-for QGLPixelBuffer (0x335e2a40)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x3394ec78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x3396a3b8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x3398c1c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x339b7dc8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x339d6a80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x339d6d20) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x339f4dc8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x33a103f0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x33a10f50) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x33a3d0e0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x33a3d268) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x33a3d3f0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x33a3db60) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x33acd2a0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x33acd498) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x33af1150) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x33b29ee0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x33b512d8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x33b516c8) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x33b70c08) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x33b70d90) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x33b93230) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x33b937a8) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x33b939a0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x33b93f18) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x33bd0460) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x33bd0a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x33bd0d20) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x33bd0dc8) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x33c00230) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x33c00888) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index e8197c4..fe400d4 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x1678240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x1678480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x1678540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x1678600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x16786c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x1678780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x1678840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x1678900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x16789c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x1678a80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x1678b40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x1678c00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x1678cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x1678d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x1678e40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x16bb140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x16bb240) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x16bb940) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x16bb980) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x16bbc00) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x174a8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x174ac80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x184e140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x184e1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x184e240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x184e2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x184e340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x184e3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x184e440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x184e4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x184e540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x184e5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x184e640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x184e6c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x184ee00) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x19b4240) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x19b4e40) 0
   QString (0x19b4e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x19b4f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1ab2840) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1ab2e80) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1ab2d00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1bbc040) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1ab2e00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1bbc280) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1bbc2c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1bbc580) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1bbc500) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1bbc800) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1bbc740) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1bbce40) 0
   QObject (0x1bbce80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1bbce40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1c88000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1c886c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1c888c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1c88940) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1c88b40) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1c88a80) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1c88c00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1c88c40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1d2c0c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1d2c140) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x1d2cf80) 0
     QObject (0x1d2c540) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1d2cfc0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1dc20c0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1dc2100) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1dc21c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1dc2240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1dc2400) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1dc2340) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1dc24c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1dc2600) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1dc2680) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1dc26c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1dc2980) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1dc2e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1dc2f00) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1fea1c0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1fea480) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1041,35 +829,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x1fea3c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x208b700) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x208b780) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x208b680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x208b800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x208b880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x208b900) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1182,95 +950,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x2181340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x2181480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x2181540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x2181600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x21816c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x2181780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x2181840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x2181900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x21819c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x2181a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x2181b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x2181c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x2181cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x2181d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x2181e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x2181f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x2181fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x21c6000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x21c60c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1297,50 +993,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x21c6140) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x21c67c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x21c6700) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x21c69c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x21c6900) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x21c6c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x21c6d80) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21c6e40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21c6ec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21c6f40) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1418,15 +1082,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x2298600) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x22987c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2298840) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1453,10 +1109,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x22988c0) 0
   QObject (0x2298900) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x22988c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2298b00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1501,20 +1153,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x2298d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2298f00) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2298f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2298580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1684,10 +1328,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2364640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2364740) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1779,20 +1419,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x23f7080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x23f7140) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x23f71c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x23f7280) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1804,10 +1436,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x23f7340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x23f7400) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2095,10 +1723,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2488d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2488e80) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2110,70 +1734,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x2515040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2515240) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x25152c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2515500) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x2515580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2515700) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2515780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2515c00) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x2515ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2515840) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x25c00c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x25c0140) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x25c02c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x25c0380) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2185,50 +1781,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x25c0940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x25c09c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x25c0b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x25c0f00) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x26fc0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x26fc4c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x26fc940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x26fcb00) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x26fcd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x26fcf40) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2250,10 +1826,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x283b640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x283b7c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2572,15 +2144,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2930200) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x29303c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2930300) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2869,15 +2433,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x298cd40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x298ce80) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x298cf00) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3161,25 +2717,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x29ec880) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a2d240) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a2d2c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a2d340) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2a2d1c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3191,45 +2731,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2a2d600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2a2d6c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2a2d740) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2a2d9c0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2a2d8c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a2db00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a2db80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a2dc00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2a2da80) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3625,10 +3137,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2c066c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2c06780) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2c06a00) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -3879,10 +3387,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2c06f40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2c06340) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2cc1180) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4577,10 +4081,6 @@ QImage (0x2d82740) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2d82780) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2d82740)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2d82a80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4625,10 +4125,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x2e3f140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x2e3f200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4784,10 +4280,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x2e80e80) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x2e3fc40) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x2e3fc00)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x2e3fe80) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4963,15 +4455,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x2ed5880) 0
   QObject (0x2ed58c0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x2ed5880)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x2ed5b40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x2ed5a80) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5276,10 +4760,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x2f5d6c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x2f5d740) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x2f5d9c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5487,15 +4967,7 @@ QStyle (0x2f5dec0) 0
   QObject (0x2f5df00) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x2f5dec0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x2f5d880) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x2f5ddc0) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -5754,10 +5226,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x303b9c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x303ba00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x303bd80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5784,10 +5252,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x30d8240) 0
   QStyleOption (0x30d8280) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x30d8640) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5795,10 +5259,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x30d8480) 0
   QStyleOption (0x30d84c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x30d8980) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5813,10 +5273,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x30d8ac0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x30d8b00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x30d8b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x30d8f80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5843,10 +5299,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x3152240) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3152280) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x3152600) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5904,15 +5356,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x31af440) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x31af480) 0
     QStyleOption (0x31af4c0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x31af940) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x31af880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5921,10 +5365,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x31af680) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x31af6c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x31af700) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x31afd40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6084,10 +5524,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x3217940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3217c40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6118,20 +5554,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x3217d00) 0
   QObject (0x3217d40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x3217d00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x3217f00) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3217640) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3217fc0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6261,10 +5685,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x32bf100) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x32bf200) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x32bf480) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -6576,15 +5996,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x32bff00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3370200) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x33700c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6725,15 +6137,7 @@ QListView (0x3370480) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x33705c0) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3370a00) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3370900) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7522,35 +6926,15 @@ QTreeView (0x340b500) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x34ef000) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x34ef2c0) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x34ef1c0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x34ef780) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x34ef680) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x34ef940) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x34ef880) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8397,15 +7781,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x36ee400) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x36ee600) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x36ee500) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8413,15 +7789,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x36ee680) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x36ee6c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x36eeb00) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x36eea00) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8434,95 +7802,39 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x36eeec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x36eef40) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x36ee000) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3792080) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x37920c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3792280) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x3792300) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x3792880) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3792a40) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x3792940) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3792c40) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x3792b40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3792e40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x3792d40) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x37921c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x3792f40) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x38e4000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x38e40c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x38e4280) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -8557,20 +7869,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x38e4140) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x38e44c0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x38e4400) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x38e4540) 0
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -8582,25 +7886,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x38e4580) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x38e4ac0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x38e49c0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x38e47c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x38e4b80) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8698,10 +7990,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x39bc2c0) 0
     QObject (0x39bc340) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x39bc300)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x39bc640) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -9023,25 +8311,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x3a2c340) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x3a2c6c0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x3a2c580) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x3a2ca80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x3a2c980) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9096,15 +8372,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x3a2c000) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3b1d100) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3b1d000) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9154,15 +8422,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x3b1d400) 0
   QObject (0x3b1d440) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x3b1d400)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x3b1d680) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x3b1d7c0) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9174,15 +8434,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x3b1d900) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x3b1db40) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3b1da40) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -9344,10 +8596,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x3bd1300) 0
     QObject (0x3bd1380) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x3bd1340)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x3bd18c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -9372,25 +8620,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x3bd1b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x3bd1f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x3bd1fc0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x3c2b000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x3c2b200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -10023,10 +9259,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x3caed00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3caee00) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x3cae040) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -10187,10 +9419,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x3d5c140) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3d5c1c0) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x3d5c480) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12342,10 +11570,6 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0x4066300) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x40664c0) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
@@ -12477,158 +11701,34 @@ QGLPixelBuffer (0x4066a40) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x4066a80) 0
       primary-for QGLPixelBuffer (0x4066a40)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x41e1e40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x4203cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x4258d40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x435a000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x435a240) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x435a500) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x435ac00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x438bf40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x43b0100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x43b02c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x43b0480) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43cb440) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x43cb700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x43cba00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x43ee080) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x43eecc0) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x44823c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4482680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x44a7540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x44a78c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x44a7d40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x44c6240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x44c6680) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x44c68c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x44c6c40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x44c6d00) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x44e80c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x44e8540) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x44e8c40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x452c240) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x452cc80) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index b75730c..405f769 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x16f8b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x16f8d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x16f8e40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x16f8f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x16f8fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x1727080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x1727140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x1727200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x17272c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x1727380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x1727440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x1727500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x17275c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x1727680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x1727740) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x1727a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x1727b40) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x1727f40) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x1727f80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x17d3200) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x17d3ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x1879280) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x1879740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x18797c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x1879840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x18798c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x1879940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x18799c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x1879a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x1879ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x1879b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x1879bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x1879c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x1879cc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1a75400) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1a75840) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1bb5440) 0
   QString (0x1bb5480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1bb5580) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1bb5e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1c81380) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1c81200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1c816c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1c81600) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1c81900) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1c81940) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1c81c00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1c81b80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1c81e80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1c81dc0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1d8e3c0) 0
   QObject (0x1d8e400) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1d8e3c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1d8e640) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1d8ed00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1d8ef00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1d8ef80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1e660c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1e66000) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1e66180) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1e661c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1e66680) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1e66700) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x1eea900) 0
     QObject (0x1eea980) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1eea940)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1eeab40) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1eeab80) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1eeac40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1eeacc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1eeae80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1eeadc0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1eeaf40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1fd8000) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1fd8080) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1fd80c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1fd8380) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1fd8880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1fd8900) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x20f3840) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x20f3b00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1051,35 +839,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x2249800) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x22498c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x2249940) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x2249840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x22499c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2249a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2249ac0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1192,95 +960,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x232b540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x232b680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x232b740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x232b800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x232b8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x232b980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x232ba40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x232bb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x232bbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x232bc80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x232bd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x232be00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x232bec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x232bf80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x232b2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x23b9040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x23b9100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x23b91c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x23b9280) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1307,50 +1003,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x23b9300) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x23b9980) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x23b98c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x23b9b80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x23b9ac0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x23b9e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x23b9f40) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23b94c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23b95c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23b9bc0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1428,15 +1092,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x24917c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2491980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2491a00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1463,10 +1119,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2491a80) 0
   QObject (0x2491ac0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2491a80)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2491cc0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1511,20 +1163,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x2491f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2491c00) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2591000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2591140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1694,10 +1338,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2591840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2591940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1789,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x2645240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2645300) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x2645380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2645440) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1814,10 +1446,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x2645500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x26455c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2105,10 +1733,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x26def80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x278f040) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2120,70 +1744,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x278f240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x278f440) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x278f4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x278f700) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x278f780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x278f900) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x278f980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x278fe00) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x278f5c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x278fd40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x283b2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x283b340) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x283b4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x283b580) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2195,50 +1791,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x283bb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x283bbc0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x283bd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x283be40) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x299f2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x299f6c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x299fb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x299fd00) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x299ff80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x299f500) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2260,10 +1836,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x2aaa840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2aaa9c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2582,15 +2154,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=28 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2c354c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2c35680) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2c355c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2879,15 +2443,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2c98080) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2c98800) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2c98b00) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3171,25 +2727,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2d4a180) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d4a4c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d4a540) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d4a5c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2d4a440) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3201,45 +2741,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2d4a880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2d4a940) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2d4a9c0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2d4ac40) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2d4ab40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d4ad80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d4ae00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d4ae80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2d4ad00) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3635,10 +3147,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2f4a900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2f4a9c0) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2f4ac40) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -3889,10 +3397,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x303d040) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x303d100) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x303d3c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4587,10 +4091,6 @@ QImage (0x313b9c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x313ba00) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x313b9c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x313bd00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4635,10 +4135,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x32173c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3217480) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4794,10 +4290,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x326f200) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x3217ec0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x3217e80)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x3217bc0) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4973,15 +4465,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x32a3b80) 0
   QObject (0x32a3bc0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x32a3b80)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x32a3e40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x32a3d80) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5286,10 +4770,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3369940) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x33699c0) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3369c40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -5497,15 +4977,7 @@ QStyle (0x33698c0) 0
   QObject (0x3369b00) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x33698c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x34331c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3433240) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -5764,10 +5236,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x3433c40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3433c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x3433100) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5794,10 +5262,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x35414c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3541500) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x35418c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5805,10 +5269,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x3541700) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3541740) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x3541c00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5823,10 +5283,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x3541d40) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x3541d80) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3541dc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x35bb000) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5853,10 +5309,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x35bb4c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x35bb500) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x35bb880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5914,15 +5366,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x363b6c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x363b700) 0
     QStyleOption (0x363b740) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x363bbc0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x363bb00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5931,10 +5375,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x363b900) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x363b940) 0
     QStyleOption (0x363b980) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x363bfc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6094,10 +5534,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x36acbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x36acec0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6128,20 +5564,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x36acf80) 0
   QObject (0x36acfc0) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x36acf80)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x374a000) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x374a180) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x374a0c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6271,10 +5695,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x374a340) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x374a440) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x374a6c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -6586,15 +6006,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x374ae40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3845480) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3845340) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6735,15 +6147,7 @@ QListView (0x3845700) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3845840) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3845c80) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3845b80) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7532,35 +6936,15 @@ QTreeView (0x39ed140) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x39ed280) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x39ed540) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x39ed440) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x39eda00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x39ed900) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x39edbc0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x39edb00) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8407,15 +7791,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x3c38680) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3c38880) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3c38780) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8423,15 +7799,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x3c38900) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3c38940) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3c38d80) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3c38c80) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8444,95 +7812,39 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x3cd9080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x3cd9100) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x3cd91c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3cd92c0) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3cd9340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3cd9500) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x3cd9580) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x3cd9b00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3cd9cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x3cd9bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3cd9ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x3cd9dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3e03000) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x3cd9fc0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3e03200) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x3e03100) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3e03280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3e03340) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3e03500) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -8567,20 +7879,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3e033c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3e037c0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x3e03700) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x3e03840) 0
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=24 align=8
@@ -8592,25 +7896,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x3e03880) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x3e03dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3e03cc0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3e03ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3e03e80) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8708,10 +8000,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3f57640) 0
     QObject (0x3f576c0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3f57680)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x3f579c0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -9033,25 +8321,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x4001680) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x4001a00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x40018c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x4001dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x4001cc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9106,15 +8382,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x40f8140) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x40f8440) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x40f8340) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9164,15 +8432,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x40f8740) 0
   QObject (0x40f8780) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x40f8740)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x40f89c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x40f8b00) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9184,15 +8444,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x40f8c40) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x40f8e80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x40f8d80) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -9354,10 +8606,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x41d8640) 0
     QObject (0x41d86c0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x41d8680)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x41d8c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -9382,25 +8630,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x41d8e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x4250180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x4250240) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x4250300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x4250500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -10033,10 +9269,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x42c7380) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x42c7f40) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x439a1c0) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -10197,10 +9429,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x439a480) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x439a500) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x439a7c0) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12352,10 +11580,6 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0x472b640) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x472b800) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
@@ -12487,158 +11711,34 @@ QGLPixelBuffer (0x472bd80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x472bdc0) 0
       primary-for QGLPixelBuffer (0x472bd80)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x4945140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x4945fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x49be040) 0 empty
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4aa6300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4aa6540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x4aa6800) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x4aa6f00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x4afd240) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x4afd400) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4afd5c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4afd780) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4b18740) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4b18a00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4b18d00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4b3d380) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x4b3dfc0) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4bd16c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4bd1980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x4bfa5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4bfa800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4bfac80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4c16180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x4c165c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x4c16800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4c16b80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x4c16c40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x4c3c000) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x4c3c340) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4c3ca40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4c84000) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x4c84a40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index 01a355e..54d9e39 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,80 +18,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xad5e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaeb680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaeb800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaeb980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xaebb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xaebc80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xaebe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xaebf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb07100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb07280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb07400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb07580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb07700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb07880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb07a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb07b80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -108,10 +48,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb4d840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb70cc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -139,70 +75,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc34f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd4bc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd78100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd783c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd73c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd8d100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd78a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xd949c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdc8140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdc8440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xd8d340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xdd8180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xdd8940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdd8c80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -229,10 +113,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xeac500) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xeac940) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -245,10 +125,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11e1880) 0
   QString (0x11e18c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11e1c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -311,10 +187,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1279f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x137ce40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -339,15 +211,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xeac480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13c0140) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc3da40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -370,25 +234,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x13fefc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1404000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1417700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1404580) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1431f80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1431b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -480,10 +332,6 @@ QIODevice (0x137c700) 0
   QObject (0x14ba540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x137c700)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x14ba840) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -503,25 +351,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xeac380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15884c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1588840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1588d80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1588c40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -529,15 +365,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xeac400) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15b5000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1588ec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1588e80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -666,50 +494,22 @@ QFile (0x169c840) 0
     QObject (0x169c8c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x169c880)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x16ab100) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x16d25c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x16d2f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1700e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x172a300) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x172a200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x16d2440) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1758040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x172ac00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -766,10 +566,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x169c740) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x17d7340) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -843,10 +639,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x182cc40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x182cd40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -871,10 +663,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1a69240) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1a69600) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -911,20 +699,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1af7440) 0
   QTextStream (0x1af7480) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1af7440)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b24680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b24800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b435c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1037,95 +813,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1cdebc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1cf8d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1cf8ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1d0a040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1d0a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1d0a340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1d0a4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1d0a640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1d0a7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1d0a940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1d0aac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1d0ac40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1d0adc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1d0af40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1d280c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1d28240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1d283c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1d28540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1d286c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1152,35 +856,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x14318c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dc5540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1d3adc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dc5840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1d3ae40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1d3a000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1e2c280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1258,15 +942,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1d28f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1ec7440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1ef6f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1293,10 +969,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1f23600) 0
   QObject (0x1f23640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1f23600)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1f23940) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1341,20 +1013,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1f5bf40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1f8eb40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1f5bec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1f8ee80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1524,10 +1188,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1ffad80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x203e3c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1620,20 +1280,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x13fe8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x20ad900) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x13fe940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x20adf00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1645,10 +1297,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x13fea40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x20db640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1941,10 +1589,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2223640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2283040) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1956,70 +1600,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1d28900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x22c3900) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1d28b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x22e6540) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x16d24c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x230f300) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d28b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x230ff40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1d28c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x235d180) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d28980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x237e600) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1d28a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x23a9b00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2031,50 +1647,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1d28a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x24f7300) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1d28c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2524480) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1d28d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x25499c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1d28d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x25b8440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1d28e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2637680) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2096,10 +1692,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x1db2c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x275bc00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2416,15 +2008,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x28973c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x28978c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x28974c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2713,15 +2297,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x293be00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2959e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x29673c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3007,25 +2583,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2707dc0) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a77540) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a77680) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a77780) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2a774c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3037,45 +2597,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x1d93d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2acf300) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2aa2b00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2ae4000) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2acf8c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2ae4280) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2ae4380) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2ae45c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2ae4200) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -3487,10 +3019,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2e10680) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2e10780) 8
           vptr=((&QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2e10a40) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 70u entries
@@ -3753,10 +3281,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2e80b40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2e80c40) 8
           vptr=((&QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2ea5600) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4485,10 +4009,6 @@ QImage (0x1db2400) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x308b900) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x1db2400)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x3122b00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 9u entries
@@ -4537,10 +4057,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x1db2200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x31cebc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4696,10 +4212,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x3209600) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x32096c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x3209680)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x3209880) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4877,15 +4389,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x32b2780) 0
   QObject (0x32f7600) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x32b2780)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x32f7fc0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x2c9c940) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5194,10 +4698,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3384ac0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3384b80) 8
         vptr=((&QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3384f00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 68u entries
@@ -5413,15 +4913,7 @@ QStyle (0x2c68700) 0
   QObject (0x3448700) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x2c68700)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3457040) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x346d100) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 71u entries
@@ -5692,10 +5184,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x359d500) 0
   QStyleOption (0x359d540) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x359dac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5722,10 +5210,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x35bfec0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x35bff00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x3607ac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5733,10 +5217,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x36078c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3607900) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x3643480) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5751,10 +5231,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x3643bc0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x3643c00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3643c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x3699440) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5781,10 +5257,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x36e62c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x36e6300) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x36e6e00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5842,15 +5314,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x377ba00) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x377ba40) 0
     QStyleOption (0x377ba80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x379d200) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x379d100) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5859,10 +5323,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x377bf80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x377bfc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x379d000) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x379dd40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6026,10 +5486,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x3896d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x38fb0c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6060,20 +5516,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x38fb4c0) 0
   QObject (0x38fb500) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x38fb4c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x38fb840) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x39253c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x39252c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6207,10 +5651,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x3925a40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3925b80) 8
             vptr=((&QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x397e5c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -6526,15 +5966,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3a6ba80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3a8f580) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3a8f380) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6679,15 +6111,7 @@ QListView (0x3a8fd40) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3a8fec0) 8
               vptr=((&QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 400u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3ae7300) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3ae7180) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7492,35 +6916,15 @@ QTreeView (0x3cb3500) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3cb3680) 8
               vptr=((&QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 408u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x3cf0680) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x3cf0240) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3d41440) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3d412c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3d41640) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3d41100) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8375,15 +7779,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x2a5f3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3fe5a00) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3fe5880) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8391,15 +7787,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x1db2500) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3fe5b80) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x401be00) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x401bcc0) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8412,95 +7800,39 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x235d140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x4076bc0) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x4099a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x4099e40) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x1db2d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x4101440) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x2707ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x4101980) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x41ce340) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x411f580) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x41ce6c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x411f640) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x4211380) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x411f780) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x4211700) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x27323c0) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x41017c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x42af9c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x42aff40) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 26u entries
@@ -8537,20 +7869,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x2a37280) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x42c4380) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x42af700) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x42af8c0) 0
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=24 align=8
@@ -8562,25 +7886,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x2bac100) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x43a09c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43a0840) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x434e340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43a0b80) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8682,10 +7994,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4467e40) 0
     QObject (0x4467ec0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4467e80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x4494600) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -9007,25 +8315,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x1d28f00) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x4591100) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x1d28e80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x4591a80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x4585bc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9080,15 +8376,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x2b99e00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x46e90c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x46d0d00) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9138,15 +8426,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x4532ec0) 0
   QObject (0x4714900) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x4532ec0)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x4714dc0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x477edc0) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9158,15 +8438,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x47922c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x4792580) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4792400) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -9328,10 +8600,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x4714100) 0
     QObject (0x480d340) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x480d300)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x48357c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -9356,25 +8624,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x46d0540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x488e040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x488e1c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x47e2600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x488ec40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -10031,10 +9287,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x4a50080) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4a501c0) 8
             vptr=((&QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 268u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x4a13580) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 68u entries
@@ -10203,10 +9455,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x4ac0200) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x4ac02c0) 8
         vptr=((&QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x4ac0780) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 67u entries
@@ -12547,30 +11795,14 @@ Class _EXCEPTION_POINTERS
    base size=8 base align=4
 _EXCEPTION_POINTERS (0x50efd40) 0
-Class _LARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_LARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct> (0x50eff80) 0
-Class _LARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_LARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct> (0x50f50c0) 0
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 _LARGE_INTEGER (0x50eff00) 0
-Class _ULARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_ULARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct> (0x50f5300) 0
-Class _ULARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_ULARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct> (0x50f53c0) 0
    size=8 align=8
@@ -12767,10 +11999,6 @@ Class _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
    base size=4 base align=4
 _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY (0x5172780) 0
-Class _SLIST_HEADER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_SLIST_HEADER::<anonymous struct> (0x5172a80) 0
    size=8 align=8
@@ -12857,70 +12085,26 @@ Class _IMAGE_ROM_HEADERS
    base size=76 base align=4
 _IMAGE_ROM_HEADERS (0x51a2d00) 0
-Class _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER::<anonymous union> (0x51a2ec0) 0
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER (0x51a2e40) 0
-Class _IMAGE_SYMBOL::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=2
-   base size=8 base align=2
-_IMAGE_SYMBOL::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2df13c0) 0
-Class _IMAGE_SYMBOL::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=2
-   base size=8 base align=2
-_IMAGE_SYMBOL::<anonymous union> (0x2df1300) 0
    size=18 align=2
    base size=18 base align=2
 _IMAGE_SYMBOL (0x2df1280) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2df1880) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x2df1800) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=2
-   base size=8 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2df1ac0) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=2
-   base size=8 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2df1c40) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=2
-   base size=8 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x2df1a40) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>
-   size=18 align=2
-   base size=18 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct> (0x2df1740) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>
-   size=18 align=1
-   base size=18 base align=1
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct> (0x2df1ec0) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=2
-   base size=16 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct> (0x2df1f80) 0
    size=18 align=2
@@ -12932,10 +12116,6 @@ Class _IMAGE_COFF_SYMBOLS_HEADER
    base size=32 base align=2
-Class _IMAGE_RELOCATION::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-_IMAGE_RELOCATION::<anonymous union> (0x51f14c0) 0
    size=10 align=2
@@ -12947,10 +12127,6 @@ Class _IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION
    base size=8 base align=4
-Class _IMAGE_LINENUMBER::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-_IMAGE_LINENUMBER::<anonymous union> (0x51f18c0) 0
    size=6 align=2
@@ -12972,30 +12148,18 @@ Class _IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME
    base size=4 base align=2
 _IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME (0x51f1f80) 0
-Class _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32::<anonymous union> (0x5205180) 0
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 (0x5205100) 0
-Class _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64::<anonymous union> (0x5205480) 0
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64 (0x5205400) 0
-Class _IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR::<anonymous union> (0x5205740) 0
    size=20 align=4
@@ -13027,25 +12191,9 @@ Class _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY
    base size=16 base align=4
-Class _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5219400) 0
-Class _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union> (0x5219380) 0
-Class _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5219680) 0
-Class _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union> (0x52195c0) 0
    size=8 align=4
@@ -13102,45 +12250,21 @@ Class _IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER
    base size=48 base align=4
-Class _NT_TIB::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_NT_TIB::<anonymous union> (0x523b580) 0
 Class _NT_TIB
    size=28 align=4
    base size=28 base align=4
 _NT_TIB (0x523b380) 0
-Class _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x523b940) 0
-Class _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x523bb80) 0
-Class _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x523bc80) 0
-Class _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union> (0x523b8c0) 0
    size=20 align=4
    base size=20 base align=4
 _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER (0x523b7c0) 0
-Class _REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-_REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous struct> (0x523bf40) 0
    size=28 align=4
@@ -13207,10 +12331,6 @@ Class _JOBOBJECT_JOBSET_INFORMATION
    base size=4 base align=4
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x5260fc0) 0
    size=12 align=4
@@ -13412,10 +12532,6 @@ Class tagPOINTS
    base size=4 base align=2
 tagPOINTS (0x52b0140) 0
-Class _CHAR_INFO::<anonymous union>
-   size=2 align=2
-   base size=2 base align=2
-_CHAR_INFO::<anonymous union> (0x52b0f80) 0
    size=4 align=2
@@ -13447,10 +12563,6 @@ Class _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO
    base size=22 base align=2
-Class _KEY_EVENT_RECORD::<anonymous union>
-   size=2 align=2
-   base size=2 base align=2
-_KEY_EVENT_RECORD::<anonymous union> (0x52b3c00) 0
    size=16 align=1
@@ -13477,10 +12589,6 @@ Class _FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD
    base size=4 base align=4
 _FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD (0x52c5200) 0
-Class _INPUT_RECORD::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_INPUT_RECORD::<anonymous union> (0x52c53c0) 0
    size=20 align=4
@@ -13567,10 +12675,6 @@ Class _RIP_INFO
    base size=8 base align=4
 _RIP_INFO (0x53316c0) 0
-Class _DEBUG_EVENT::<anonymous union>
-   size=84 align=4
-   base size=84 base align=4
-_DEBUG_EVENT::<anonymous union> (0x53319c0) 0
    size=96 align=4
@@ -13642,15 +12746,7 @@ Class tagHW_PROFILE_INFOW
    base size=244 base align=4
 tagHW_PROFILE_INFOW (0x5352b00) 0
-Class _SYSTEM_INFO::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-_SYSTEM_INFO::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5352e80) 0
-Class _SYSTEM_INFO::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_SYSTEM_INFO::<anonymous union> (0x5352dc0) 0
    size=36 align=4
@@ -13672,40 +12768,16 @@ Class _MEMORYSTATUS
    base size=32 base align=4
 _MEMORYSTATUS (0x5362840) 0
-Class _LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-_LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5362fc0) 0
-Class _LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x536c1c0) 0
-Class _LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union> (0x5362f40) 0
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 _LDT_ENTRY (0x5362e40) 0
-Class _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x536c840) 0
-Class _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x536c9c0) 0
-Class _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union> (0x536c7c0) 0
    size=28 align=4
@@ -13782,60 +12854,28 @@ Class tagCIEXYZTRIPLE
    base size=36 base align=4
 tagCIEXYZTRIPLE (0x5481980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=108 align=4
-   base size=108 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x5481b80) 0
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 tagFONTSIGNATURE (0x548c200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x548c3c0) 0
    size=24 align=2
    base size=24 base align=2
 tagCOLORADJUSTMENT (0x548c5c0) 0
-Class _devicemodeA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=2
-   base size=16 base align=2
-_devicemodeA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x548ccc0) 0
-Class _devicemodeA::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_devicemodeA::<anonymous union> (0x548cc40) 0
-Class _devicemodeA::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_devicemodeA::<anonymous union> (0x5497380) 0
 Class _devicemodeA
    size=156 align=4
    base size=156 base align=4
 _devicemodeA (0x548ca40) 0
-Class _devicemodeW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=2
-   base size=16 base align=2
-_devicemodeW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5497900) 0
-Class _devicemodeW::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_devicemodeW::<anonymous union> (0x5497880) 0
-Class _devicemodeW::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_devicemodeW::<anonymous union> (0x5497a80) 0
 Class _devicemodeW
    size=220 align=4
@@ -14537,25 +13577,13 @@ Class tagDELETEITEMSTRUCT
    base size=20 base align=4
 tagDELETEITEMSTRUCT (0x56a5180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=18 align=2
-   base size=18 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x56a5340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=18 align=2
-   base size=18 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x56a54c0) 0
    size=48 align=4
    base size=48 base align=4
 tagDRAWITEMSTRUCT (0x56a5700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x56a59c0) 0
    size=64 align=4
@@ -14617,30 +13645,14 @@ Class _WINDOWPLACEMENT
    base size=44 base align=4
 _WINDOWPLACEMENT (0x56c7580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x56c7800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=6 align=2
-   base size=6 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x56c7940) 0
 Class tagHELPINFO
    size=28 align=4
    base size=28 base align=4
 tagHELPINFO (0x56c7c80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x56c7f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x56d5300) 0
    size=12 align=4
@@ -14874,10 +13886,6 @@ Class tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT
    base size=20 base align=4
 tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT (0x5734180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x573bb00) 0
 Class _cpinfo
    size=20 align=4
@@ -15084,35 +14092,11 @@ Class _SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONSW
    base size=20 base align=4
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=2 align=2
-   base size=2 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x58ffb00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x58ffcc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=6 align=2
-   base size=6 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x58ffe80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=6 align=2
-   base size=6 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x5906000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x5906100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=6 align=2
-   base size=6 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x5906200) 0
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15244,20 +14228,8 @@ Class tagIMEMENUITEMINFOW
    base size=192 base align=4
 tagIMEMENUITEMINFOW (0x5955480) 0
-Class mmtime_tag::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-mmtime_tag::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x599c200) 0
-Class mmtime_tag::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-mmtime_tag::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x599c380) 0
-Class mmtime_tag::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-mmtime_tag::<anonymous union> (0x599c100) 0
 Class mmtime_tag
    size=12 align=1
@@ -15429,100 +14401,48 @@ Class tagMIXERCAPSW
    base size=80 base align=1
 tagMIXERCAPSW (0x59e7040) 0
-Class tagMIXERLINEA::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=1
-   base size=48 base align=1
-tagMIXERLINEA::<anonymous struct> (0x59e74c0) 0
    size=168 align=1
    base size=168 base align=1
 tagMIXERLINEA (0x59e71c0) 0
-Class tagMIXERLINEW::<anonymous struct>
-   size=80 align=1
-   base size=80 base align=1
-tagMIXERLINEW::<anonymous struct> (0x59e7780) 0
    size=280 align=1
    base size=280 base align=1
 tagMIXERLINEW (0x59e7700) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x59e7b40) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x59e7c80) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=1
-   base size=24 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union> (0x59e7ac0) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=1
-   base size=24 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union> (0x59e7e80) 0
    size=148 align=1
    base size=148 base align=1
 tagMIXERCONTROLA (0x59e7940) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x59fb240) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x59fb300) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=1
-   base size=24 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union> (0x59fb1c0) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=1
-   base size=24 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union> (0x59fb440) 0
    size=228 align=1
    base size=228 base align=1
 tagMIXERCONTROLW (0x59fb140) 0
-Class tagMIXERLINECONTROLSA::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-tagMIXERLINECONTROLSA::<anonymous union> (0x59fb6c0) 0
    size=24 align=1
    base size=24 base align=1
 tagMIXERLINECONTROLSA (0x59fb640) 0
-Class tagMIXERLINECONTROLSW::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-tagMIXERLINECONTROLSW::<anonymous union> (0x59fb9c0) 0
    size=24 align=1
    base size=24 base align=1
 tagMIXERLINECONTROLSW (0x59fb940) 0
-Class tMIXERCONTROLDETAILS::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-tMIXERCONTROLDETAILS::<anonymous union> (0x59fbc40) 0
    size=24 align=1
@@ -15879,15 +14799,7 @@ Class _RPC_POLICY
    base size=12 base align=4
 _RPC_POLICY (0x5aeab00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x5aead40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x5aeae80) 0
    size=16 align=4
@@ -15904,10 +14816,6 @@ Class _SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_A
    base size=28 base align=4
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x5af6580) 0
    size=8 align=4
@@ -15934,10 +14842,6 @@ Class _RPC_MESSAGE
    base size=44 base align=4
 _RPC_MESSAGE (0x5b2e5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x5b2ea00) 0
    size=8 align=4
@@ -16064,15 +14968,7 @@ Class tagDEVNAMES
    base size=8 base align=1
 tagDEVNAMES (0x5b9d640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=1
-   base size=40 base align=1
-<anonymous struct> (0x5b9d880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=1
-   base size=40 base align=1
-<anonymous struct> (0x5b9db00) 0
 Class tagOFNA
    size=76 align=1
@@ -16319,15 +15215,7 @@ Class _PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1W
    base size=4 base align=4
 _PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1W (0x5c1e3c0) 0
-Class _PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5c1e6c0) 0
-Class _PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA::<anonymous union> (0x5c1e600) 0
    size=20 align=4
@@ -16414,20 +15302,8 @@ Class protoent
    base size=12 base align=4
 protoent (0x5c91a80) 0
-Class in_addr::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-in_addr::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5ca7900) 0
-Class in_addr::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-in_addr::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5ca7b00) 0
-Class in_addr::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-in_addr::<anonymous union> (0x5ca7880) 0
 Class in_addr
    size=4 align=4
@@ -16564,55 +15440,23 @@ Class _WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW
    base size=628 base align=4
 _WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW (0x5cfff40) 0
-Class _WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-_WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5d0f4c0) 0
-Class _WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5d0f5c0) 0
-Class _WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5d0f680) 0
-Class _WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-_WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5d0f7c0) 0
-Class _WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-_WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union> (0x5d0f440) 0
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 _WSACOMPLETION (0x5d0f3c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x5d40ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x5d5d180) 0
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 _SCONTEXT_QUEUE (0x5d5d240) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x5d5d640) 0
    size=180 align=4
@@ -16659,10 +15503,6 @@ Class _NDR_CS_ROUTINES
    base size=8 base align=4
 _NDR_CS_ROUTINES (0x5d7abc0) 0
-Class _MIDL_STUB_DESC::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_MIDL_STUB_DESC::<anonymous union> (0x5d7ad40) 0
    size=80 align=4
@@ -16694,15 +15534,7 @@ Class _FULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT
    base size=16 base align=4
-Class _FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES::<anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-_FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES::<anonymous struct> (0x5d8dd40) 0
-Class _FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES::<anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-_FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES::<anonymous struct> (0x5d8df00) 0
    size=32 align=4
@@ -16719,10 +15551,6 @@ Class _FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB
    base size=12 base align=4
 _FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB (0x5ddda80) 0
-Class tagCY::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-tagCY::<anonymous struct> (0x5de8000) 0
 Class tagCY
    size=8 align=8
@@ -16759,25 +15587,9 @@ Class _HYPER_SIZEDARR
    base size=8 base align=4
 _HYPER_SIZEDARR (0x5df1780) 0
-Class tagDEC::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=2 align=1
-   base size=2 base align=1
-tagDEC::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5df19c0) 0
-Class tagDEC::<anonymous union>
-   size=2 align=2
-   base size=2 base align=2
-tagDEC::<anonymous union> (0x5df1940) 0
-Class tagDEC::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-tagDEC::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x5df1b80) 0
-Class tagDEC::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-tagDEC::<anonymous union> (0x5df1b00) 0
 Class tagDEC
    size=16 align=8
@@ -16886,10 +15698,6 @@ Class tagBIND_OPTS2
    base size=32 base align=4
 tagBIND_OPTS2 (0x5e46400) 0
-Class tagSTGMEDIUM::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-tagSTGMEDIUM::<anonymous union> (0x5e46740) 0
    size=12 align=4
@@ -17011,20 +15819,12 @@ Class tagCAPROPVARIANT
    base size=8 base align=4
 tagCAPROPVARIANT (0x5e64f00) 0
-Class tagPROPVARIANT::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-tagPROPVARIANT::<anonymous union> (0x5e7d040) 0
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 tagPROPVARIANT (0x5e64e40) 0
-Class tagPROPSPEC::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-tagPROPSPEC::<anonymous union> (0x5e7dd40) 0
 Class tagPROPSPEC
    size=8 align=4
@@ -18116,10 +16916,6 @@ Class _wireSAFEARR_HAVEIID
    base size=24 base align=4
 _wireSAFEARR_HAVEIID (0x609dd40) 0
-Class _wireSAFEARRAY_UNION::<anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-_wireSAFEARRAY_UNION::<anonymous union> (0x609df00) 0
    size=28 align=4
@@ -18136,45 +16932,21 @@ Class tagSAFEARRAY
    base size=24 base align=4
 tagSAFEARRAY (0x60ad5c0) 0
-Class tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x60adb00) 0
-Class tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x60ad8c0) 0
-Class tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x60ad840) 0
-Class tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-tagVARIANT::<anonymous union> (0x60ad7c0) 0
 Class tagVARIANT
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 tagVARIANT (0x60ad740) 0
-Class _wireVARIANT::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-_wireVARIANT::<anonymous union> (0x60ade40) 0
 Class _wireVARIANT
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 _wireVARIANT (0x609d680) 0
-Class tagTYPEDESC::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-tagTYPEDESC::<anonymous union> (0x60d33c0) 0
 Class tagTYPEDESC
    size=8 align=4
@@ -18201,10 +16973,6 @@ Class tagIDLDESC
    base size=8 base align=4
 tagIDLDESC (0x60d3a80) 0
-Class tagELEMDESC::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-tagELEMDESC::<anonymous union> (0x60d3cc0) 0
 Class tagELEMDESC
    size=16 align=4
@@ -18231,10 +16999,6 @@ Class tagFUNCDESC
    base size=52 base align=4
 tagFUNCDESC (0x60e2ec0) 0
-Class tagVARDESC::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-tagVARDESC::<anonymous union> (0x60eb540) 0
 Class tagVARDESC
    size=36 align=4
@@ -18590,15 +17354,7 @@ Class tagINTERFACEDATA
    base size=8 base align=4
 tagINTERFACEDATA (0x61650c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=18 align=2
-   base size=18 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x6165280) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6165400) 0
 Class tagOleMenuGroupWidths
    size=24 align=4
@@ -19092,10 +17848,6 @@ Class _OLESTREAMVTBL
    base size=8 base align=4
 _OLESTREAMVTBL (0x62accc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x62fa8c0) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
@@ -19233,158 +17985,34 @@ QGLPixelBuffer (0x63a9fc0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x63f8640) 0
       primary-for QGLPixelBuffer (0x63a9fc0)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13c0100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x1588d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x6605f40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x3d41600) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3d413c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x3fe5980) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x401bd80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x41ce2c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x41ce640) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4211300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4211680) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43a0940) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4591a00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x46e9040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4792500) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x32f7f80) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3a8f500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x6ac6700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x6af5500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x6af56c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x6af5c00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x6b232c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x172a2c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x1dc5500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x6b239c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x379d1c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x3925380) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x6b63140) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x6b63400) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x6b63640) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x6b63b40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 62150ed..01586e6 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fbed80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7fbedc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7fbee80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fbeec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fbef40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7fbef80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb793e040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb793e080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb793e300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb793e3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb793e400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb793e440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb793e480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb793e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb793e500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb793e540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb793e580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb793e5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb793e600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb793e640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb793e680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb793e6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb793e700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb793e740) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb793e780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb793e880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb793e8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb793e900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb793e940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb793e980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb793e9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb793ea00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb793ea40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb793ea80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb793eac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb793eb00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb793eb40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb793eb80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb793ec40) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb793ec80) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb793ee40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb793ef00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb793ef80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6a68280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6a682c0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb6a68300) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb6a68480) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb6a68580) 0
   QString (0xb6a685c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6a68600) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb6a68900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6a68c80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb6a68c00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6a68e00) 0
   QObject (0xb6a68e40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6a68e00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6a68f00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6a687c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6a68880) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb680f580) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb680fb00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb680fa40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb680fc40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb680fbc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb680fcc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb680fd00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb680fd80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb680fd40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb680fdc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb680fe00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb680ff00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb680ff80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb680ff40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb680f440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb680f880) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb680fac0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb659f040) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb659f200) 0
   QTextStream (0xb659f240) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb659f200)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb659f300) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb659f340) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb659f2c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb659f380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb659f3c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb659f400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb659f440) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,80 +492,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb659f4c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb659f500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb659f540) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb659f580) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb659f640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb659f600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb659f5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb659f680) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb659f700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb659f6c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb659f740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb659f7c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb659f780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb659f800) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb659f840) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb659f880) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -882,10 +580,6 @@ QFile (0xb659fd40) 0
     QObject (0xb659fdc0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb659fd80)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb659fe40) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -938,50 +632,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb659ffc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb659f000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb659f1c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb659fe00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb659f280) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb659ff80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6378000) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6378040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6378100) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6378080) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -989,30 +655,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6378140) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6378180) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6378200) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6378240) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6378300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6378380) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6378400) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1069,10 +719,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb6378440) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb63785c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1184,15 +830,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6378880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb63788c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6378900) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1287,285 +925,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6378c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6378c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6378cc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6378d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6378dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6378e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6378e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6378e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6378ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6378f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6378f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6378f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6378fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6378540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6378640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6378700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6378840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6378980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6378b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6378bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb62f0000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb62f0040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb62f0080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb62f00c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb62f0100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb62f0140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb62f0180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb62f01c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb62f0200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb62f0240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb62f0280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb62f02c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb62f0300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb62f0340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb62f0380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb62f03c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb62f0400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb62f0440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb62f0480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb62f04c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb62f0500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb62f0540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb62f0580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb62f05c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb62f0600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb62f0640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb62f0680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb62f06c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb62f0700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb62f0740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb62f0780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb62f07c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb62f0800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb62f0840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb62f0880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb62f08c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb62f0900) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1592,45 +1010,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb62f0940) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb62f0b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb62f0bc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb62f0cc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb62f0c40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb62f0dc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb62f0d40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb62f0e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb62f0f00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1662,80 +1052,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb62f0b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb62f0a80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb62f0e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb62f0fc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6203000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6203040) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6203080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb62030c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6203100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6203300) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6203380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6203580) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6203640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6203740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6203780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6203840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1752,10 +1110,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6203c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6203c40) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1772,30 +1126,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6203ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6203f80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6203fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb62031c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6203200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb62032c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1323,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5e7e040) 0
   QObject (0xb5e7e080) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5e7e040)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb5e7e180) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5e7e680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb5e7e6c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb5e7e700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5e7e780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2324,10 +1654,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb5e7ec00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb5e7ec40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2422,20 +1748,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb5e7eec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb5e7ef00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb5e7ef40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb5e7ef80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2447,10 +1765,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb5e7e000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb5e7e100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2507,10 +1821,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb5e7e440) 0
   QObject (0xb5e7e500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb5e7e440)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb5e7e600) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2558,10 +1868,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb5e7ebc0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5e7edc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2573,45 +1879,21 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb5e7ee80) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5dea040) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5dea000) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5dea0c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0xb5dea080) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5dea180) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5dea1c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5dea200) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb5dea140) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2628,20 +1910,8 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb5dea3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb5dea480) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb5dea540) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb5dea4c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2649,15 +1919,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb5dea580) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb5dea5c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb5dea680) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb5dea600) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2680,10 +1942,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb5dea880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb5dea8c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2724,10 +1982,6 @@ QImage (0xb5deaa40) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb5deaa80) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb5deaa40)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb5deabc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -2752,45 +2006,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb5dead80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb5deadc0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb5deae00) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb5deaf40) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb5deaec0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5deafc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5dea240) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5dea280) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb5deaf80) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -2820,30 +2046,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb5dea800) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb5deab00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb5dea980) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb5deacc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb5deab40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb5dead00) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2983,10 +2193,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb5bc6580) 0
     QObject (0xb5bc6600) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb5bc65c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb5bc6740) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -3011,25 +2217,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb5bc6800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb5bc6880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb5bc68c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb5bc6900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb5bc6940) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3089,20 +2283,12 @@ QTextDocument (0xb5bc6b00) 0
   QObject (0xb5bc6b40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb5bc6b00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb5bc6bc0) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb5bc6c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb5bc6c40) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3143,10 +2329,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb5bc6e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb5bc6f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3444,15 +2626,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb5948c00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb5948d00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb5948c80) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3751,15 +2925,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb59dd480) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb59dd600) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb59dd580) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3808,10 +2974,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0xb59dd880) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb59dd940) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3834,15 +2996,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb59ddb40) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb59ddc80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb59ddc00) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4206,10 +3360,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb59ddf80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb57ee040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -4240,20 +3390,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb57ee080) 0
   QObject (0xb57ee0c0) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb57ee080)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb57ee140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb57ee200) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb57ee180) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4460,20 +3598,12 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb57ee680) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb57ee740) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb57ee800) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb57ee840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb57ee900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -4681,15 +3811,7 @@ QStyle (0xb57eec40) 0
   QObject (0xb57eec80) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb57eec40)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb57eed40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb57eed80) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -4948,10 +4070,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb57eec00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb57eebc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb5560080) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4978,10 +4096,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb5560300) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5560340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb55604c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -4989,10 +4103,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb5560400) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5560440) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb5560640) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5007,10 +4117,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb55606c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb5560700) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb5560740) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb55608c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5037,10 +4143,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb5560b00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5560b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb5560c80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5066,10 +4168,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb5560e80) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5560ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb5560040) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5110,15 +4208,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb5560c40) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb5560cc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb5560d80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb5466100) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb5466080) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5127,10 +4217,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb5560e40) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb5560f00) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb5466000) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb54662c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5338,10 +4424,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb5466a00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb5466b40) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb5466c00) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -6106,10 +5188,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb5368580) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb5368680) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb5368740) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6360,10 +5438,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb5368a80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb5368b80) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb5368c40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6449,10 +5523,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb5368c80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb5368d80) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb5368e40) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6874,10 +5944,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb524e3c0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb524e480) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb524e440)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb524e500) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -7225,50 +6291,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb524e5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb524e7c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb524eb80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb524ea00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb51ba040) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb524ee40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb51ba140) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb51ba0c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb51ba240) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb51ba1c0) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7286,25 +6316,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb51ba340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb51ba5c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb51ba540) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb51ba440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb51ba600) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7316,15 +6334,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb51ba700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb51ba740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb51ba800) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -7359,25 +6369,13 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb51ba780) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb51ba900) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb51ba880) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb51ba940) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb51baa00) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7467,15 +6465,7 @@ QStringListModel (0xb51bab00) 0
       QObject (0xb51babc0) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb51bab80)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb51bad40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb51bacc0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7718,15 +6708,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb51bad80) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4fab180) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb4fab100) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -8547,15 +7529,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb4fab000) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4fabdc0) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb4fabac0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8572,25 +7546,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0xb4fab880) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4d1e100) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb4d1e080) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d1e200) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb4d1e180) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8817,15 +7775,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb4d1e800) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb4d1e880) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb4d1e8c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -9778,15 +8728,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb4c0df80) 0
   QObject (0xb4c0dfc0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb4c0df80)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4c0d380) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb4c0d180) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9956,10 +8898,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0xb4c0df40) 0
     QObject (0xb4b63040) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0xb4b63000)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb4b63200) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10481,15 +9419,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb4b63fc0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb4b63080) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4b631c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -11262,20 +10192,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb4a4d880) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4a4d9c0) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb4a4da40) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a4db00) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4a4da80) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12527,10 +11445,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb495b080) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb495b6c0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb495b840) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -12690,10 +11604,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb488d040) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb488d100) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb488d1c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12851,10 +11761,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb488d340) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb488d400) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb488d480) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -13028,10 +11934,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb488d600) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb488d740) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb488d840) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -14034,10 +12936,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb4606600) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb4606700) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb4606780) 0
 Vtable for QToolBar
 QToolBar::_ZTV8QToolBar: 63u entries
@@ -14449,20 +13347,12 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0xb4606ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0xb4606f40) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLFormat (0xb4606f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag> (0xb4606040) 0
 Vtable for QGLContext
 QGLContext::_ZTV10QGLContext: 11u entries
@@ -14608,178 +13498,38 @@ QGLPixelBuffer (0xb4606d00) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4606e80) 0
       primary-for QGLPixelBuffer (0xb4606d00)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb42df040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0xb42df0c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb42df140) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb42df1c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb42df240) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb42df2c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb42df340) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb42df3c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb42df440) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb42df4c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb42df540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb42df5c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb42df640) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb42df880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb42df900) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb42dfa00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb42dfb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb42dfbc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb42dfcc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb42dfd80) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb42dfe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb42dfe80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb42dff00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb42dff80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb42df980) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb42dfdc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb42dffc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb4047080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb4047100) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb4047180) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb4047240) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb4047300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4047380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb4047400) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb4047480) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 47e21c9..b2e5041 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x32285460) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x322854d0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x3001bac0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x32285620) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x32285700) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x32285770) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x3001bb40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x322858c0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x32285c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x32285e38) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x32285ee0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x32285f88) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x322ad038) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x322ad0e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x322ad188) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x322ad230) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x322ad2d8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x322ad380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x322ad428) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x322ad4d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x322ad578) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x322ad620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x322ad6c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x322ad770) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x322ad7e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x322adcb0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x322add20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x322add90) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x322ade00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x322ade70) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x322adee0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x322adf50) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x322adfc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x32363038) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x323630a8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x32363118) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x32363188) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x323631f8) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3001bc80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x32363310) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x323634d0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x323635b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x32363658) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x324743b8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x32474700) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0x324747a8) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x324749d8) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x3001bec0) 0
   QString (0x3259fb60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x3259fc40) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x32697310) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x32697850) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x326977a8) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0x3001bf80) 0
   QObject (0x32697d20) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x3001bf80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x32697f18) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x327b6508) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x327b6578) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x327b6dc8) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x328c33f0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x328c32a0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x328c36c8) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x328c3620) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x328c37e0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x328c3888) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x328c3968) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x328c38f8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x328c39d8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x328c3a48) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x328c3b98) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x328c3c78) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x328c3c08) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x328c3ce8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x328c3d58) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x328c3d90) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x328c3fc0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x32884180) 0
   QTextStream (0x329c2460) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x32884180)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x329c2738) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x329c27a8) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x329c26c8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x329c2818) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x329c2888) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x329c28f8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x329c2968) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,70 +492,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x329c29d8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x329c2a48) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329c2ab8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x329c2b98) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329c2b28) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329c2c08) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x329c2ce8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x329c2c78) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329c2d58) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x329c2e38) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329c2dc8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329c2ea8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329c2f18) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x329c2f88) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -872,10 +574,6 @@ QFile (0x328841c0) 0
     QObject (0x32a157e0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x32884200)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x32a15968) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -928,50 +626,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x32a15ab8) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x32a15b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x32a15bd0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x32a15d58) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x32a15cb0) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x32a15e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x32a15770) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x32a15a48) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x32bb5188) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x32bb50e0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -979,30 +649,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x32884300) 0
   QList<QString> (0x32bb5230) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x32bb5658) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x32bb56c8) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x32bb59d8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x32bb5af0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x32bb5b98) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1059,10 +713,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x32bb5bd0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x32bb5e38) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1174,15 +824,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x32c70188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x32c70230) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x32c702d8) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1277,285 +919,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x32c706c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x32c70850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x32c708c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x32c70930) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x32c70af0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x32c70b98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0x32c70c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x32c70ce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x32c70d90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x32c70e38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x32c70ee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x32c70f88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x32c70118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x32c70658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0x32d49070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0x32d49118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0x32d491c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x32d49268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x32d49310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x32d493b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x32d49460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0x32d49508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0x32d495b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x32d49658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x32d49700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x32d497a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x32d49850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x32d498f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x32d499a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x32d49a48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x32d49af0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x32d49b98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x32d49c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x32d49ce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x32d49d90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x32d49e38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x32d49ee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x32d49f88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x32d63038) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x32d630e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x32d63188) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x32d63230) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x32d632d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x32d63380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x32d63428) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x32d634d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x32d63578) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x32d63620) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x32d636c8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x32d63770) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x32d63818) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x32d638c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x32d63968) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x32d63a10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x32d63ab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x32d63b60) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x32d63c08) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1582,45 +1004,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x32d63c78) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0x32db5038) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0x32db50e0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x32db52a0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x32db51f8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x32db5460) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x32db53b8) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x32db5578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x32db5690) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1652,80 +1046,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x32db5bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x32db5fc0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x32db5e38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x32e722d8) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x32e72508) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x32e72578) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x32e726c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x32e72770) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x32e728f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x32e72c78) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x32e72f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x32e729a0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x32f081f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x32f083f0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x32f08620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x32f087a8) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1742,10 +1104,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x330630a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x33063188) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1762,30 +1120,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x33063578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x33063738) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x330637a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x33063968) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x330639d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x33063b28) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1971,10 +1317,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x32884880) 0
   QObject (0x33117578) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x32884880)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x33117738) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2081,20 +1423,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x33117b98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x331cf070) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x331cf0e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x331cf1f8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2314,10 +1648,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x331cf930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x331cfa10) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2412,20 +1742,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x331cfe38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x331cfee0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x331cff50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x331cf150) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2437,10 +1759,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x331cf620) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x331cfb28) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2497,10 +1815,6 @@ QLibrary (0x32884d00) 0
   QObject (0x3329a230) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x32884d00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x3329a3b8) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2548,10 +1862,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x3329a658) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x3329a7e0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2563,45 +1873,21 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x3329a888) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x3329a930) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x3329a8c0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x3329aa48) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x3329a9d8) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3329ac78) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3329ace8) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3329ad58) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x3329ac08) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2618,20 +1904,8 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3335a070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3335a1f8) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3335a3b8) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3335a2d8) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2639,15 +1913,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x32884dc0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3335a428) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x3335a7e0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x3335a700) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2670,10 +1936,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x3335ace8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x3335ad58) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2714,10 +1976,6 @@ QImage (0x32884e80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x3335ab60) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x32884e80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x334331f8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -2742,45 +2000,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x33433498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x33433540) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=8
    base size=72 base align=8
 QBrushData (0x334335b0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0x334337e0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0x33433700) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x334338f8) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x33433968) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x334339d8) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x33433888) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2810,30 +2040,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x33433ab8) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x33433e00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x33433cb0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x33433b60) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x33433348) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x334fe000) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2973,10 +2187,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x3352f280) 0
     QObject (0x334fe5e8) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x3352f2c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x334fea80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -3001,25 +2211,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x334fec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x334fefc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x334fe700) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x335d5038) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x335d51f8) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3079,20 +2277,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x3352f300) 0
   QObject (0x335d54d0) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x3352f300)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x335d5690) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x335d56c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x335d57a8) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3133,10 +2323,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x335d5c08) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x335d5d90) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3434,15 +2620,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x336a66c8) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x336a6d58) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x336a6a10) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3741,15 +2919,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x3376c1f8) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3376c498) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3376c3b8) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3798,10 +2968,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x3376c8c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x3376c9d8) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3824,15 +2990,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x3376cf50) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x33827000) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3376c2d8) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -4196,10 +3354,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x3392c4d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3392c888) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -4230,20 +3384,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x3384e240) 0
   QObject (0x3392c930) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x3384e240)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x3392cab8) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3392cc08) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3392cb60) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4450,20 +3592,12 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3384e480) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x33a260a8) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x33a262a0) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x33a262d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x33a263b8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -4671,15 +3805,7 @@ QStyle (0x3384e6c0) 0
   QObject (0x33a26818) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x3384e6c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x33a269d8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x33a26a48) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -4938,10 +4064,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x3384e940) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33a26658) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x33b51070) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4968,10 +4090,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x3384ea80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33b514d0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x33b516c8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -4979,10 +4097,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x3384eb00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33b515e8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x33b518c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -4997,10 +4111,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x3384ebc0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x3384ec00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x33b519d8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x33b51cb0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5027,10 +4137,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x3384ed40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33b51f50) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x33b51700) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5056,10 +4162,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x3384ee40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x33c00150) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x33c00348) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5100,15 +4202,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x33c3d040) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x33c3d080) 0
     QStyleOption (0x33c00a80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x33c00d20) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x33c00c78) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5117,10 +4211,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x33c3d0c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x33c3d100) 0
     QStyleOption (0x33c00b98) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x33c00f88) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5328,10 +4418,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x33c3d4c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x33c96508) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x33c96700) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -6096,10 +5182,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x33c3dcc0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33d7e498) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x33d7e6c8) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6350,10 +5432,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x33c3df00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33d7eab8) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x33d7ecb0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6439,10 +5517,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x33e67000) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33d7ee38) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x33d7e1c0) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6864,10 +5938,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x33e67480) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x33e928c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x33e674c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x33e92ab8) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -7215,50 +6285,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x33f63e38) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x34015150) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x340152d8) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x340151f8) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x34015498) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x340153b8) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x34015658) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x34015578) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x34015818) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x34015738) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7276,25 +6310,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x34015ab8) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x34015f50) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x34015e70) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x34015cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x34015b98) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7306,15 +6328,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x34104230) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x341042d8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x34104460) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -7349,25 +6363,13 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x34104348) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x34104658) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x341045b0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x341046c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x341047e0) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7457,15 +6459,7 @@ QStringListModel (0x33e67900) 0
       QObject (0x34104af0) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x33e67980)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x34104dc8) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x34104ce8) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7708,15 +6702,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x341f7508) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x341f78c0) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x341f7818) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -8537,15 +7523,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x343616c8) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x34361b28) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x34361a10) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8562,25 +7540,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x34361930) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x34361f18) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x34361e38) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x343615b0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x34361070) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8807,15 +7769,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x34424888) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x34424968) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x344249d8) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -9768,15 +8722,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x345ae240) 0
   QObject (0x34577c08) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x345ae240)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x3462d188) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x3462d0e0) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9946,10 +8892,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x345ae3c0) 0
     QObject (0x3462d700) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x345ae400)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x3462d8f8) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10471,15 +9413,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x347014d0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x347017e0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x34701850) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -11252,20 +10186,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x347fc100) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x347abee0) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x347abc78) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x34845070) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x347abfc0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12517,10 +11439,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x347fce00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3494af88) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x3494a8f8) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -12680,10 +11598,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x347fcfc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x34a1d150) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x34a1d3b8) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12841,10 +11755,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x34a270c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x34a1d5e8) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x34a1d7e0) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -13018,10 +11928,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x34a271c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x34a1da10) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x34a1dcb0) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -14024,10 +12930,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x34a27ac0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x34c3a188) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x34c3a380) 0
 Vtable for QToolBar
 QToolBar::_ZTV8QToolBar: 63u entries
@@ -14439,20 +13341,12 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0x34c3acb0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x34c3ae38) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLFormat (0x34c3ae70) 0
-Class QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag> (0x34c3a070) 0
 Vtable for QGLContext
 QGLContext::_ZTV10QGLContext: 11u entries
@@ -14598,178 +13492,38 @@ QGLPixelBuffer (0x34a27f80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x34ea8268) 0
       primary-for QGLPixelBuffer (0x34a27f80)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x34f1b818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x34f1bf50) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x34f38d58) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x34f88f18) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x34fa3540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x34fd6188) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x34fd6e38) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x34ff50e0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x350880a8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x35088230) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x350883b8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x35088540) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x350886c8) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x350bfbd0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x350bfdc8) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x35112508) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x351937e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x35193bd0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x35193fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x351cf6c8) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x351cf7e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x351cf968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x351f02a0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x351f0b98) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x351f0d90) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x3521c348) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x3521c8c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x3521ce38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x3521cfc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x3521c850) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x35258380) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x352587e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x35258af0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x35258b98) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x352781c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index bf1d004..96a46d3 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x1721500) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x1721580) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x1721740) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x1721780) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x1721880) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x1721900) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x1721ac0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x1721b00) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x1749000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x1749240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x1749300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x17493c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x1749480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x1749540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x1749600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x17496c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x1749780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x1749840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x1749900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x17499c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x1749a80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x1749b40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x1749c00) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x1749f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x17ad000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x17ad700) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x17ad740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x17ad9c0) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x183d700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x183dac0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x183df40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x183dfc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x193b040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x193b0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x193b140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x193b1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x193b240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x193b2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x193b340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x193b3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x193b440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x193b4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x193b540) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x193bd40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1aa1140) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1aa1d80) 0
   QString (0x1aa1dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1aa1ec0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1bac740) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1bacd80) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1bacc00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1baca00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1bac1c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1cda180) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1cda1c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1cda480) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1cda400) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1cda700) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1cda640) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1cdad40) 0
   QObject (0x1cdad80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1cdad40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1cdafc0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1da2600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1da2840) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1da28c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1da2ac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1da2a00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1da2b80) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1da2bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1e37040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1e370c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x1e37f00) 0
     QObject (0x1e37f80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1e37f40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1ee1000) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1ee1040) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1ee1100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1ee1180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1ee1340) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1ee1280) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1ee1400) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1ee1540) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1ee15c0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1ee1600) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1ee18c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1ee1dc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1ee1e40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x2115180) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x2115440) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1078,35 +836,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x2115fc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x21b2680) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x21b2700) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x21b2600) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21b2780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21b2800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21b2880) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1244,15 +982,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x22d1780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x22d1840) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x22d1900) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1279,270 +1009,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x22d1b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x22d1d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x22d1dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x22d1e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x22d1f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x22d1200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x22d1700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x23c2040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x23c2100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x23c21c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x23c2280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x23c2340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x23c2400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x23c24c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x23c2580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x23c2640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x23c2700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x23c27c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x23c2880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x23c2940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x23c2a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x23c2ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x23c2b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x23c2c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x23c2d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x23c2dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x23c2e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x23c2f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x23db000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x23db0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x23db180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x23db240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x23db300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x23db3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x23db480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x23db540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x23db600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x23db6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x23db780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x23db840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x23db900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x23db9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x23dba80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x23dbb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x23dbc00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x23dbcc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x23dbd80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x23dbe40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x23dbf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x23dbfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x23f6080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x23f6140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x23f6200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x23f62c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1569,60 +1087,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x23f6340) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x23f6880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x23f6940) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x23f6b40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x23f6a80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x23f6d40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x23f6c80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x23f6ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x23f6500) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23f6680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2493000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2493080) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1700,15 +1178,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x24938c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2493a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2493b00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1735,10 +1205,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2493b80) 0
   QObject (0x2493bc0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2493b80)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2493dc0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1783,20 +1249,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x2493340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x257e080) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x257e100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x257e240) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1966,10 +1424,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x257e980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x257ea80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2076,20 +1530,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x261b5c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x261b680) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x261b700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x261b7c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2101,10 +1547,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x261b880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x261b940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2286,10 +1728,6 @@ QLibrary (0x26b30c0) 0
   QObject (0x26b3100) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x26b30c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x26b32c0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2326,10 +1764,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x26b3600) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x26b37c0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2341,20 +1775,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x26b3880) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x26b3940) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x26b38c0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x26b3a80) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2412,10 +1838,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2772380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2772480) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2427,70 +1849,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x2772700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2772900) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x2772980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2772b80) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x2772c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2772d80) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2772e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2772e40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x280a1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x280a640) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x280a940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x280a9c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x280ab40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x280ac00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2502,40 +1896,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x2917000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2917400) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x29177c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2917bc0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x29170c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2917340) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x29e3080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x29e3240) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2583,10 +1961,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x29e3c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x29e3e40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2625,15 +1999,7 @@ Class QMacMime
 QMacMime (0x29e3140) 0
     vptr=((& QMacMime::_ZTV8QMacMime) + 8u)
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union> (0x2ae1100) 0
-Class QList<QMacMime*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*> (0x2ae1040) 0
 Vtable for QMacPasteboardMime
 QMacPasteboardMime::_ZTV18QMacPasteboardMime: 10u entries
@@ -2934,15 +2300,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2b74d80) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2b74f40) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2b74e80) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3231,15 +2589,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2bfc600) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2bfc740) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2bfc7c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3628,40 +2978,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2c60340) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cbd140) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cbd1c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cbd240) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2cbd0c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x2cbd040) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2cbd680) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2cbd580) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3669,15 +2995,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x2cbd700) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2cbd740) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2cbdb80) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2cbda80) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3690,10 +3008,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x2cbdf40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2cbdfc0) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3718,10 +3032,6 @@ QImage (0x2d65140) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2d65180) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2d65140)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2d65540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3746,45 +3056,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2d65a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2d65b40) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2d65bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2d65e40) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2d65d40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d65f80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d65200) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d65380) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2d65f00) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4180,10 +3462,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2f59c80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2f59d40) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2f59fc0) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4434,10 +3712,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x305c280) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x305c340) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x305c600) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4844,10 +4118,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x305c900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3134000) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x3134280) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -5202,25 +4472,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x3134dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x31e8100) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x31e8000) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x3134100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x31e81c0) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5275,15 +4533,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x31e8540) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x31e88c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x31e8940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5872,10 +5122,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x32e9400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x32e9580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -6044,60 +5290,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x3366100) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3366200) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x3366240) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x33667c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3366980) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x3366880) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3366b80) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x3366a80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3366d80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x3366c80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3366f40) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x3366e40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -6352,20 +5558,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x34b3480) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x34b3580) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x34b37c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x34b3900) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x34b3840) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -6392,10 +5586,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x34b3e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x34b3fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6551,10 +5741,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x359ac80) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x35798c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x3579880)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x3579b00) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6730,15 +5916,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x36294c0) 0
   QObject (0x3629500) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x36294c0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x3629780) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x36296c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -7043,10 +6221,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x36d0300) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x36d0380) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x36d0600) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -7254,15 +6428,7 @@ QStyle (0x36d0b80) 0
   QObject (0x36d0bc0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x36d0b80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x36d0e00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x36d0e80) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -7521,10 +6687,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x37ed580) 0
   QStyleOption (0x37ed5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x37ed880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7551,10 +6713,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x37ede00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x37ede40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x37ed600) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7562,10 +6720,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x37edfc0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x37ed080) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x3891140) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7580,10 +6734,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x3891280) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x38912c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3891300) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x3891680) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7610,10 +6760,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x3891a40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3891a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x3891d00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7639,10 +6785,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x3891880) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3891ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x3926180) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7683,15 +6825,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x3926b00) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3926b40) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3926b80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x3926f00) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x3926e40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7700,10 +6834,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x3926cc0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3926d00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3926d40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x3990000) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7794,10 +6924,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x3990c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3990600) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7828,20 +6954,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x3990c00) 0
   QObject (0x3a35000) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x3990c00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x3a351c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3a35340) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3a35280) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7971,10 +7085,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x3a35500) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3a35600) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x3a35880) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8312,15 +7422,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3b25300) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3b25880) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3b25740) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8461,15 +7563,7 @@ QListView (0x3b25ac0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3b25c00) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3b25000) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3b25f00) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8762,15 +7856,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x3bb7a40) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3bb7e80) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x3bb7dc0) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9288,35 +8374,15 @@ QTreeView (0x3ce0b40) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3ce0c80) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x3ce0f40) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x3ce0e40) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3dca240) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3dca140) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3dca400) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3dca340) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10197,15 +9263,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3fce1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3fce280) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3fce440) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -10240,20 +9298,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3fce300) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3fce680) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x3fce5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x3fce700) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -10346,10 +9396,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3fcedc0) 0
     QObject (0x3fcee40) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3fcee00)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x3fce880) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10723,30 +9769,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x40b4280) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x413e180) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x413e000) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x413e540) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x413e440) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x413e640) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10801,15 +9831,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x413eb80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x413ee80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x413ed80) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10859,15 +9881,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x4250040) 0
   QObject (0x4250080) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x4250040)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x4250280) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x42503c0) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10879,15 +9893,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x4250500) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x4250740) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4250640) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11049,10 +10055,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x4250840) 0
     QObject (0x4250cc0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x4250a00)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x43064c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11077,25 +10079,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x4306700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x4306b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x4306bc0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x4306c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x4306e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12057,10 +11047,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x44e5580) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x44e5680) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x44e5880) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12221,10 +11207,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x44e5b40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x44e5bc0) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x44e5e00) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -12304,10 +11286,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x44e5e40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x44e5ec0) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x4597000) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12469,10 +11447,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x4597280) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x4597340) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x4597580) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -14041,10 +13015,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x4835140) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4835240) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x4835580) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -14472,20 +13442,12 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0x4931200) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x49313c0) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLFormat (0x4931400) 0
-Class QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag> (0x49315c0) 0
 Vtable for QGLContext
 QGLContext::_ZTV10QGLContext: 10u entries
@@ -14630,188 +13592,40 @@ QGLPixelBuffer (0x4931b80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x4931bc0) 0
       primary-for QGLPixelBuffer (0x4931b80)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x4af82c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x4b20140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x4b761c0) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x4bb3640) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x4bb3d40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4c0d440) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x4c2c940) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x4c2cb00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4c2ccc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4c2ce80) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4d22400) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4d22640) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4d42c80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4d42f80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4d64600) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x4d87940) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4e35b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x4e614c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4e61740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x4e61cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4e7e040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4e7e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4e7ebc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x4e9c200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMacMime*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMacMime*> (0x4e9c480) 0 empty
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::Node (0x4e9c540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x4e9c7c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x4e9c940) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4e9c980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x4ee4680) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x4ee4740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4ee4bc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x4ee4c80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x4f08040) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x4f08380) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4f086c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x4f3b100) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 6008f75..d2c8ab3 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x17190c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x1719140) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x1719300) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x1719340) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x1719440) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x17194c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x1719680) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x17196c0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x1719bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x1719e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x1719ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x1719f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x174a040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x174a100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x174a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x174a280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x174a340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x174a400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x174a4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x174a580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x174a640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x174a700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x174a7c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x174aac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x174abc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x17ca1c0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x17ca200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x17ca480) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x185d1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x185d580) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x185da00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x185da80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x185db00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x185db80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x185dc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x185dc80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x185dd00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x185dd80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x185de00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x185de80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x185df00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x185df80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x19ab000) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x19ab800) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x19abc40) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1b66840) 0
   QString (0x1b66880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1b66980) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1bd4180) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1bd47c0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1bd4640) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1bd4b00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1bd4a40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1bd4d40) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1bd4d80) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1bd4440) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1bd4fc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1d071c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1d07100) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1d07800) 0
   QObject (0x1d07840) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1d07800)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1d07a80) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1dc6080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1dc62c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1dc6340) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1dc6540) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1dc6480) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1dc6600) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1dc6640) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1dc6b00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1dc6b80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x1e62e00) 0
     QObject (0x1e62e80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1e62e40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1e62440) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1e62540) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1f09040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1f090c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1f09280) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1f091c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1f09340) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1f09480) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1f09500) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1f09540) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1f09800) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1f09d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1f09d80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1fd1d40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1fd1400) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1088,40 +846,16 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x2164cc0) 0
-Class OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union> (0x2164ec0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x21a8580) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x21a8600) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x21a8500) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21a8680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x21a8700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x21a8780) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1259,15 +993,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x22ce6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x22ce780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x22ce840) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1294,270 +1020,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x22cea40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x22cec40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x22ced00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x22cedc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x22cee80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x22cef40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x22ce140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x22ce640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x23b5040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x23b5100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x23b51c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x23b5280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x23b5340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x23b5400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x23b54c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x23b5580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x23b5640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x23b5700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x23b57c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x23b5880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x23b5940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x23b5a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x23b5ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x23b5b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x23b5c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x23b5d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x23b5dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x23b5e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x23b5f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x23d0000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x23d00c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x23d0180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x23d0240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x23d0300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x23d03c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x23d0480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x23d0540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x23d0600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x23d06c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x23d0780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x23d0840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x23d0900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x23d09c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x23d0a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x23d0b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x23d0c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x23d0cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x23d0d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x23d0e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x23d0f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x23d0fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x23eb080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x23eb140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x23eb200) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1584,60 +1098,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x23eb280) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x23eb7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x23eb880) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x23eba80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x23eb9c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x23ebc80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x23ebbc0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x23ebe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x23ebf40) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23eb440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23eb540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23ebd00) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1715,15 +1189,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x2489800) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x24899c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2489a40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1750,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2489ac0) 0
   QObject (0x2489b00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2489ac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2489d00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1798,20 +1260,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x2489f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2489ec0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2578040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2578180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1435,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x25788c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x25789c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1541,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x26134c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2613580) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x2613600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x26136c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2116,10 +1558,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x2613780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2613840) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2301,10 +1739,6 @@ QLibrary (0x26b1000) 0
   QObject (0x26b1040) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x26b1000)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x26b1200) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2341,10 +1775,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x26b1540) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x26b1700) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2356,20 +1786,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x26b17c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x26b1880) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x26b1800) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x26b19c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2427,10 +1849,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2768300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2768400) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2442,70 +1860,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x2768680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2768880) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x2768900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2768b00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x2768b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2768d00) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2768d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2768c40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x280a140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x280a5c0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x280a8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x280a940) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x280aac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x280ab80) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2517,40 +1907,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x280a500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x290c340) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x290c700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x290cb00) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x290cf80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x290c200) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x29d8000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x29d81c0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2598,10 +1972,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x29d8c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x29d8dc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2640,15 +2010,7 @@ Class QMacMime
 QMacMime (0x29d8fc0) 0
     vptr=((& QMacMime::_ZTV8QMacMime) + 8u)
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union> (0x2ad4080) 0
-Class QList<QMacMime*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*> (0x29d8f40) 0
 Vtable for QMacPasteboardMime
 QMacPasteboardMime::_ZTV18QMacPasteboardMime: 10u entries
@@ -2949,15 +2311,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=28 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2b64d40) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2b64f00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2b64e40) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3246,15 +2600,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2bea5c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2bea700) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2bea780) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3643,40 +2989,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2c520c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cb0100) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cb0180) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2cb0200) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2cb0080) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x2cb0000) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2cb0640) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2cb0540) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3684,15 +3006,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x2cb06c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2cb0700) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2cb0b40) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2cb0a40) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3705,10 +3019,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x2cb0f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2cb0f80) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3733,10 +3043,6 @@ QImage (0x2d58100) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2d58140) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2d58100)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2d58500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3761,45 +3067,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2d58a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2d58b00) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2d58b80) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2d58e00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2d58d00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d58f40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d58fc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d58240) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2d58ec0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4195,10 +3473,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2f54c00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2f54cc0) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2f54f40) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4449,10 +3723,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x3056240) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3056300) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x30565c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4859,10 +4129,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x30568c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3056fc0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x313e240) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -5217,25 +4483,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x313ed80) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x31eb0c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x313ef00) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x313efc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x31eb180) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5290,15 +4544,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x31eb500) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x31eb880) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x31eb900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5887,10 +5133,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x32ec3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x32ec540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -6059,60 +5301,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x33690c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x33691c0) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x3369240) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x33697c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3369980) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x3369880) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3369b80) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x3369a80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3369d80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x3369c80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3369f40) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x3369e40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -6367,20 +5569,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x34b7480) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x34b7580) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x34b77c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x34b7900) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x34b7840) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -6407,10 +5597,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x34b7e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x34b7fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6566,10 +5752,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x35bdb80) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x359e8c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x359e880)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x359eb00) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6745,15 +5927,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x364d4c0) 0
   QObject (0x364d500) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x364d4c0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x364d780) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x364d6c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -7058,10 +6232,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x36f3300) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x36f3380) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x36f3600) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -7269,15 +6439,7 @@ QStyle (0x36f3b80) 0
   QObject (0x36f3bc0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x36f3b80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x36f3e00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x36f3e80) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -7536,10 +6698,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x3812580) 0
   QStyleOption (0x38125c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x3812880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7566,10 +6724,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x3812e00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3812e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x3812600) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7577,10 +6731,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x3812fc0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3812080) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x38b3140) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7595,10 +6745,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x38b3280) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x38b32c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x38b3300) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x38b3680) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7625,10 +6771,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x38b3a40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x38b3a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x38b3d00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7654,10 +6796,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x38b3880) 0
   QStyleOption (0x38b3ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x3949180) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7698,15 +6836,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x3949b00) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3949b40) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3949b80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x3949f00) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x3949e40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7715,10 +6845,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x3949cc0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x3949d00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3949d40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x39b3000) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7809,10 +6935,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x39b3c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x39b3600) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7843,20 +6965,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x39b3c00) 0
   QObject (0x3a58000) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x39b3c00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x3a581c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3a58340) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3a58280) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7986,10 +7096,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x3a58500) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3a58600) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x3a58880) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8327,15 +7433,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3b47300) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3b47880) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3b47740) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8476,15 +7574,7 @@ QListView (0x3b47ac0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3b47c00) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3b47000) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3b47f00) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8777,15 +7867,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x3bdaa40) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3bdae80) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x3bdadc0) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9303,35 +8385,15 @@ QTreeView (0x3d01b40) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3d01c80) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x3d01f40) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x3d01e40) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3ded240) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3ded140) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3ded400) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3ded340) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10212,15 +9274,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3fef1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3fef280) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3fef440) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -10255,20 +9309,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3fef300) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3fef700) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x3fef640) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x3fef780) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -10361,10 +9407,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3fefe40) 0
     QObject (0x3fefec0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3fefe80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x3feff80) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10738,30 +9780,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x40d0500) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x415e200) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x415e080) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x415e5c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x415e4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x415e6c0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10816,15 +9842,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x415ec00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x415ef00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x415ee00) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10874,15 +9892,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x4270100) 0
   QObject (0x4270140) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x4270100)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x4270340) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x4270480) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10894,15 +9904,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x42705c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x4270800) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4270700) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11064,10 +10066,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x4270d80) 0
     QObject (0x4321000) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x4270f80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x4321540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11092,25 +10090,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x4321780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x4321b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x4321c40) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x4321d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x4321f00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12072,10 +11058,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x44fb600) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x44fb700) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x44fb900) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12236,10 +11218,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x44fbbc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x44fbc40) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x44fbe80) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -12319,10 +11297,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x44fbec0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x44fbf40) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x45b7080) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12484,10 +11458,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x45b7300) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x45b73c0) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x45b7600) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -14056,10 +13026,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x484a1c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x484a2c0) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x484a600) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -14487,20 +13453,12 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0x4951280) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x4951440) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLFormat (0x4951480) 0
-Class QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag> (0x4951640) 0
 Vtable for QGLContext
 QGLContext::_ZTV10QGLContext: 10u entries
@@ -14645,188 +13603,40 @@ QGLPixelBuffer (0x4951c00) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x4951c40) 0
       primary-for QGLPixelBuffer (0x4951c00)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x4b18340) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x4b411c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x4b95240) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x4bd36c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x4bd3dc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4c2c4c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x4c4a9c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x4c4ab80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4c4ad40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4c4af00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4d33480) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4d336c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4d52d00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4d83000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4d83680) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x4da79c0) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4e54c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x4e83540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4e837c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x4e83d40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4ea00c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4ea0540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4ea0c40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x4ebe280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMacMime*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMacMime*> (0x4ebe500) 0 empty
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::Node (0x4ebe5c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x4ebe840) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x4ebe9c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4ef1000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x4ef1740) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x4ef1800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4ef1c80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x4ef1d40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x4f280c0) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x4f28400) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4f28740) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x4f5a180) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index dcbaefb..b312b0a 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa9db00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa9dc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa9df00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xac3000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xac3180) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xac3240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xac34c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xac3580) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xaf4380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaf4b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaf4d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaf4e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xb0a000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb0a180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xb0a300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb0a480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb0a600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb0a780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb0a900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb0aa80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb0ac00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb0ad80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb0af00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb36080) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb60f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb97380) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -171,75 +81,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc4ab00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd72780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd84e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd940c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd84980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd9ae40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd94780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xda58c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdd9300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdd9600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xda0080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xde94c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xde9d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdef080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xdef480) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xee1240) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xee1780) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -282,10 +132,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11f2dc0) 0
   QString (0x11f2e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1260140) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -348,10 +194,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12d61c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x13db180) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -376,15 +218,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xee11c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13ff480) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc5c5c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -407,25 +241,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x144a300) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x144a340) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1460ac0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x144a8c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1490340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1476f40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -517,10 +339,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13b4a40) 0
   QObject (0x150ab40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13b4a40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x150ae40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -540,25 +358,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xee10c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15d8c00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x15d8f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x15f04c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x15f0380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -566,15 +372,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xee1140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15f0740) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x15f0600) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x15f05c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -703,50 +501,22 @@ QFile (0x1709080) 0
     QObject (0x1709100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x17090c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1709940) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1762140) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1762a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x177bac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x177bf80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x177be80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x171ffc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x17b6c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x17b6880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -803,10 +573,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x16f8f80) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x18550c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -880,10 +646,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x18bbb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x18bbc80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -908,10 +670,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1aff580) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1aff940) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -948,20 +706,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b90740) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b90780) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b90740)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bc4980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bc4b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1be28c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1099,15 +845,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e4acc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1e91980) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1e91040) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1134,270 +872,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ef3400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1f16840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1f169c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1f16b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1f16cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1f16e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1f16fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1f2a140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1f2a2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1f2a440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1f2a5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1f2a740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1f2a8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1f2aa40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1f2abc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1f2ad40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1f2aec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1f4a040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1f4a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1f4a340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1f4a4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1f4a640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1f4a7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1f4a940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1f4aac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1f4ac40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1f4adc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1f4af40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1f670c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1f67240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1f673c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1f67540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1f676c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1f67840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1f679c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1f67b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1f67cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1f67e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1f67fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1f86140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1f862c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1f86440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1f865c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1f86740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1f868c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1f86a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1f86bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1f86d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1f86ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1fa8040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1fa81c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1fa8340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1fa84c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1fa8640) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1424,45 +950,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x1476c80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1ffae00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1ffafc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x202e480) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1fbc540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x202e780) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1fbc5c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1fa8800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2096100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1540,15 +1038,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1f16180) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2152440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x21b0040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1575,10 +1065,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x21b06c0) 0
   QObject (0x21b0700) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x21b06c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x21b0a00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1623,20 +1109,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x2228200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2228e80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2228180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x22542c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1806,10 +1284,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x22d77c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x22d7e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1917,20 +1391,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x143fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2376bc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x143fc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x238b1c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1942,10 +1408,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x143fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x238b900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2127,10 +1589,6 @@ QLibrary (0x2449040) 0
   QObject (0x2449080) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x2449040)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x24492c0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2172,10 +1630,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x24b97c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24e7000) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2187,20 +1641,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x24e7e00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24f8140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x24e7fc0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24f8900) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2258,10 +1704,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x253cac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2597480) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2273,70 +1715,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e4ab40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x25ee640) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e4abc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2616280) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1762040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2644040) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1f16340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2644c80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1f16380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x266be40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f162c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x26b22c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1f16300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x26dd780) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2348,40 +1762,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f16240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27cefc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1f16280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2821500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f161c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x28a7000) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1f16200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x292c340) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2429,10 +1827,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x1f16700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2a45280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2749,15 +2143,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2b3de80) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2b65380) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2b3df80) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3046,15 +2432,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2c10bc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2c25c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2c34180) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3445,40 +2823,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x29bef80) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d6adc0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d6af00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2dad000) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2d6ad40) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x1f164c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2ddc540) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2ddc3c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3486,15 +2840,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x1f165c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2ddc700) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2e1d980) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2e1d840) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3507,10 +2853,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x1f16800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2e79800) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3537,10 +2879,6 @@ QImage (0x1f16580) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2e9bcc0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x1f16580)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2f56000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 9u entries
@@ -3567,45 +2905,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x1f16480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2faaa00) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=8
    base size=72 base align=8
 QBrushData (0x2faa1c0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2fc9900) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2fc9080) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fc9b40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fc9c40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fc9e80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2fc9ac0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -4017,10 +3327,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x3353080) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3353180) 8
           vptr=((&QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x3353440) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4283,10 +3589,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x33ca9c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33caac0) 8
           vptr=((&QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x33f6480) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4713,10 +4015,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x3567900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3567a00) 8
           vptr=((&QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x357f680) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 71u entries
@@ -5087,25 +4385,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x2e55a80) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x36c4980) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36c4800) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x36ad1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36c4b40) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5160,15 +4446,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x372c540) 0
     vptr=((&QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x372c680) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x3764580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5757,10 +5035,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x1f16740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3895e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -5929,60 +5203,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x3930a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3930e40) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x29f0080) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x398ea00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3a4f3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x39a57c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3a4f740) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x39a5880) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3a8f400) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x39a59c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3a8f700) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x2a00700) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 69u entries
@@ -6249,20 +5483,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x373da40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3b59c40) 8
             vptr=((&QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x3b921c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3bfa440) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x372ca80) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 9u entries
@@ -6291,10 +5513,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x1f16540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3c86400) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6450,10 +5668,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x3ca5fc0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x3cc4080) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x3cc4040)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x3cc4240) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6631,15 +5845,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x3d951c0) 0
   QObject (0x3dd4540) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x3d951c0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x3dfd000) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x31dbd80) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -6948,10 +6154,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3ebe100) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3ebe1c0) 8
         vptr=((&QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3ebe6c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 68u entries
@@ -7167,15 +6369,7 @@ QStyle (0x31a99c0) 0
   QObject (0x3f87340) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x31a99c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3f87c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3face40) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 71u entries
@@ -7446,10 +6640,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x410ef40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x410ef80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x4124440) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7476,10 +6666,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x416d740) 0
   QStyleOption (0x416d780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x4192240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7487,10 +6673,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x41920c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4192100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x4192b80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7505,10 +6687,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x41ea2c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x41ea300) 0
     QStyleOption (0x41ea340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x41eaa80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7535,10 +6713,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x423a800) 0
   QStyleOption (0x423a840) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x428a240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7564,10 +6738,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x42d6240) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42d6280) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x42d6940) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7608,15 +6778,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x43585c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x4358600) 0
     QStyleOption (0x4358640) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x4358c80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4358b80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7625,10 +6787,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x4358ac0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x4358b00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x4358b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x438c740) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7719,10 +6877,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x4462380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x448c9c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7753,20 +6907,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x448cdc0) 0
   QObject (0x448ce00) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x448cdc0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x44c8140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x44c8fc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x44c8ec0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7900,10 +7042,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x451a640) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x451a780) 8
             vptr=((&QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x4543480) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8245,15 +7383,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x469e200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x469ef00) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x469ed00) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8398,15 +7528,7 @@ QListView (0x46bd680) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x46bd800) 8
               vptr=((&QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 400u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x46dbe40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x46dbcc0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8703,15 +7825,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x48153c0) 0
     vptr=((&QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x48cf880) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x48158c0) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9241,35 +8355,15 @@ QTreeView (0x4a3b980) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4a3bb00) 8
               vptr=((&QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 408u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x4a67ec0) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x4a67a80) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x4a9ccc0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4a9cb40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4a9cf00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4a9c9c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10158,15 +9252,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x398e840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x4e0fec0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x4e3a4c0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 26u entries
@@ -10203,20 +9289,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x2d1cb00) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x4e3a940) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x4e0fc40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x4e0fdc0) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 9u entries
@@ -10313,10 +9391,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4f7dc40) 0
     QObject (0x4f7dcc0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4f7dc80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x4fb6500) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10690,30 +9764,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x1f16780) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x512bf80) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x1f167c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x513e900) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x512ba80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x512b600) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10768,15 +9826,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x30b4dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x52d3780) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x52d3400) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10826,15 +9876,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x381d300) 0
   QObject (0x5300fc0) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x381d300)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x5315500) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x5385700) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10846,15 +9888,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x5385c00) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x5385ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x5385d40) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -11016,10 +10050,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x53007c0) 0
     QObject (0x542c180) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x542c140)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x5455700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11044,25 +10074,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x52aec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x5486f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x54a1100) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x53f5280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x54a1b80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12056,10 +11074,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x5765940) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x5765a80) 8
             vptr=((&QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 268u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x573bc40) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 68u entries
@@ -12228,10 +11242,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x57d6bc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x57d6c80) 8
         vptr=((&QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x57d6d80) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 67u entries
@@ -12315,10 +11325,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x582ca00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x582cac0) 8
         vptr=((&QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x582cf40) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 67u entries
@@ -12488,10 +11494,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x590a3c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x590a4c0) 8
           vptr=((&QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x590a8c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 67u entries
@@ -14136,10 +13138,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x54a1dc0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x5d66b00) 8
             vptr=((&QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 264u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x5d912c0) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 78u entries
@@ -14672,30 +13670,14 @@ Class _EXCEPTION_POINTERS
    base size=8 base align=4
 _EXCEPTION_POINTERS (0x60688c0) 0
-Class _LARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_LARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct> (0x6068b00) 0
-Class _LARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_LARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct> (0x6068c40) 0
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 _LARGE_INTEGER (0x6068a80) 0
-Class _ULARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_ULARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct> (0x6068e80) 0
-Class _ULARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_ULARGE_INTEGER::<anonymous struct> (0x6068f40) 0
    size=8 align=8
@@ -14892,10 +13874,6 @@ Class _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
    base size=4 base align=4
 _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY (0x60be300) 0
-Class _SLIST_HEADER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_SLIST_HEADER::<anonymous struct> (0x60be600) 0
    size=8 align=8
@@ -14982,70 +13960,26 @@ Class _IMAGE_ROM_HEADERS
    base size=76 base align=4
 _IMAGE_ROM_HEADERS (0x60ef880) 0
-Class _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER::<anonymous union> (0x60efa40) 0
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER (0x60ef9c0) 0
-Class _IMAGE_SYMBOL::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=2
-   base size=8 base align=2
-_IMAGE_SYMBOL::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x60eff40) 0
-Class _IMAGE_SYMBOL::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=2
-   base size=8 base align=2
-_IMAGE_SYMBOL::<anonymous union> (0x60efe80) 0
    size=18 align=2
    base size=18 base align=2
 _IMAGE_SYMBOL (0x60efe00) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x60fc400) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x60fc380) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=2
-   base size=8 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x60fc640) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=2
-   base size=8 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x60fc7c0) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=2
-   base size=8 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x60fc5c0) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>
-   size=18 align=2
-   base size=18 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct> (0x60fc2c0) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>
-   size=18 align=1
-   base size=18 base align=1
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct> (0x60fca40) 0
-Class _IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=2
-   base size=16 base align=2
-_IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL::<anonymous struct> (0x60fcb00) 0
    size=18 align=2
@@ -15057,10 +13991,6 @@ Class _IMAGE_COFF_SYMBOLS_HEADER
    base size=32 base align=2
-Class _IMAGE_RELOCATION::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-_IMAGE_RELOCATION::<anonymous union> (0x610f040) 0
    size=10 align=2
@@ -15072,10 +14002,6 @@ Class _IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION
    base size=8 base align=4
-Class _IMAGE_LINENUMBER::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-_IMAGE_LINENUMBER::<anonymous union> (0x610f440) 0
    size=6 align=2
@@ -15097,30 +14023,18 @@ Class _IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME
    base size=4 base align=2
 _IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME (0x610fb00) 0
-Class _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32::<anonymous union> (0x610fd00) 0
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 (0x610fc80) 0
-Class _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64::<anonymous union> (0x6125000) 0
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64 (0x610ff80) 0
-Class _IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR::<anonymous union> (0x61252c0) 0
    size=20 align=4
@@ -15152,25 +14066,9 @@ Class _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY
    base size=16 base align=4
-Class _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6125f80) 0
-Class _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union> (0x6125f00) 0
-Class _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6136200) 0
-Class _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::<anonymous union> (0x6136140) 0
    size=8 align=4
@@ -15227,45 +14125,21 @@ Class _IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER
    base size=48 base align=4
-Class _NT_TIB::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_NT_TIB::<anonymous union> (0x6155100) 0
 Class _NT_TIB
    size=28 align=4
    base size=28 base align=4
 _NT_TIB (0x614af00) 0
-Class _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x61554c0) 0
-Class _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6155700) 0
-Class _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6155800) 0
-Class _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous union> (0x6155440) 0
    size=20 align=4
    base size=20 base align=4
 _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER (0x6155340) 0
-Class _REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous struct>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-_REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER::<anonymous struct> (0x6155ac0) 0
    size=28 align=4
@@ -15332,10 +14206,6 @@ Class _JOBOBJECT_JOBSET_INFORMATION
    base size=4 base align=4
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6191b40) 0
    size=12 align=4
@@ -15537,10 +14407,6 @@ Class tagPOINTS
    base size=4 base align=2
 tagPOINTS (0x61cecc0) 0
-Class _CHAR_INFO::<anonymous union>
-   size=2 align=2
-   base size=2 base align=2
-_CHAR_INFO::<anonymous union> (0x61dfb00) 0
    size=4 align=2
@@ -15572,10 +14438,6 @@ Class _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO
    base size=22 base align=2
-Class _KEY_EVENT_RECORD::<anonymous union>
-   size=2 align=2
-   base size=2 base align=2
-_KEY_EVENT_RECORD::<anonymous union> (0x61e7780) 0
    size=16 align=1
@@ -15602,10 +14464,6 @@ Class _FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD
    base size=4 base align=4
 _FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD (0x61e7d80) 0
-Class _INPUT_RECORD::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_INPUT_RECORD::<anonymous union> (0x61e7f40) 0
    size=20 align=4
@@ -15692,10 +14550,6 @@ Class _RIP_INFO
    base size=8 base align=4
 _RIP_INFO (0x6254240) 0
-Class _DEBUG_EVENT::<anonymous union>
-   size=84 align=4
-   base size=84 base align=4
-_DEBUG_EVENT::<anonymous union> (0x6254540) 0
    size=96 align=4
@@ -15767,15 +14621,7 @@ Class tagHW_PROFILE_INFOW
    base size=244 base align=4
 tagHW_PROFILE_INFOW (0x6274680) 0
-Class _SYSTEM_INFO::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-_SYSTEM_INFO::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6274a00) 0
-Class _SYSTEM_INFO::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_SYSTEM_INFO::<anonymous union> (0x6274940) 0
    size=36 align=4
@@ -15797,40 +14643,16 @@ Class _MEMORYSTATUS
    base size=32 base align=4
 _MEMORYSTATUS (0x62823c0) 0
-Class _LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-_LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6282b40) 0
-Class _LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6282d40) 0
-Class _LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_LDT_ENTRY::<anonymous union> (0x6282ac0) 0
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 _LDT_ENTRY (0x62829c0) 0
-Class _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x628d3c0) 0
-Class _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x628d540) 0
-Class _PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY::<anonymous union> (0x628d340) 0
    size=28 align=4
@@ -15907,60 +14729,28 @@ Class tagCIEXYZTRIPLE
    base size=36 base align=4
 tagCIEXYZTRIPLE (0x63e4500) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=108 align=4
-   base size=108 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x63e4700) 0
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 tagFONTSIGNATURE (0x63e4d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x63e4f40) 0
    size=24 align=2
    base size=24 base align=2
 tagCOLORADJUSTMENT (0x63f1140) 0
-Class _devicemodeA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=2
-   base size=16 base align=2
-_devicemodeA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x63f1840) 0
-Class _devicemodeA::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_devicemodeA::<anonymous union> (0x63f17c0) 0
-Class _devicemodeA::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_devicemodeA::<anonymous union> (0x63f1f00) 0
 Class _devicemodeA
    size=156 align=4
    base size=156 base align=4
 _devicemodeA (0x63f15c0) 0
-Class _devicemodeW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=2
-   base size=16 base align=2
-_devicemodeW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x63fd480) 0
-Class _devicemodeW::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-_devicemodeW::<anonymous union> (0x63fd400) 0
-Class _devicemodeW::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_devicemodeW::<anonymous union> (0x63fd600) 0
 Class _devicemodeW
    size=220 align=4
@@ -16662,25 +15452,13 @@ Class tagDELETEITEMSTRUCT
    base size=20 base align=4
 tagDELETEITEMSTRUCT (0x6603cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=18 align=2
-   base size=18 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x6603e80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=18 align=2
-   base size=18 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x6613000) 0
    size=48 align=4
    base size=48 base align=4
 tagDRAWITEMSTRUCT (0x6613240) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6613500) 0
    size=64 align=4
@@ -16742,30 +15520,14 @@ Class _WINDOWPLACEMENT
    base size=44 base align=4
 _WINDOWPLACEMENT (0x66340c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x6634340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=6 align=2
-   base size=6 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x6634480) 0
 Class tagHELPINFO
    size=28 align=4
    base size=28 base align=4
 tagHELPINFO (0x66347c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6634a80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6634e40) 0
    size=12 align=4
@@ -16999,10 +15761,6 @@ Class tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT
    base size=20 base align=4
 tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT (0x6695cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x66a4640) 0
 Class _cpinfo
    size=20 align=4
@@ -17209,35 +15967,11 @@ Class _SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONSW
    base size=20 base align=4
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=2 align=2
-   base size=2 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x6823640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x6823800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=6 align=2
-   base size=6 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x68239c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=6 align=2
-   base size=6 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x6823b40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x6823c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=6 align=2
-   base size=6 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x6823d40) 0
    size=4 align=4
@@ -17369,20 +16103,8 @@ Class tagIMEMENUITEMINFOW
    base size=192 base align=4
 tagIMEMENUITEMINFOW (0x686dfc0) 0
-Class mmtime_tag::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-mmtime_tag::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x68bbd40) 0
-Class mmtime_tag::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-mmtime_tag::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x68bbec0) 0
-Class mmtime_tag::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-mmtime_tag::<anonymous union> (0x68bbc40) 0
 Class mmtime_tag
    size=12 align=1
@@ -17554,100 +16276,48 @@ Class tagMIXERCAPSW
    base size=80 base align=1
 tagMIXERCAPSW (0x6902b80) 0
-Class tagMIXERLINEA::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=1
-   base size=48 base align=1
-tagMIXERLINEA::<anonymous struct> (0x6915000) 0
    size=168 align=1
    base size=168 base align=1
 tagMIXERLINEA (0x6902d00) 0
-Class tagMIXERLINEW::<anonymous struct>
-   size=80 align=1
-   base size=80 base align=1
-tagMIXERLINEW::<anonymous struct> (0x69152c0) 0
    size=280 align=1
    base size=280 base align=1
 tagMIXERLINEW (0x6915240) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6915680) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x69157c0) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=1
-   base size=24 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union> (0x6915600) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=1
-   base size=24 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLA::<anonymous union> (0x69159c0) 0
    size=148 align=1
    base size=148 base align=1
 tagMIXERCONTROLA (0x6915480) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6915d80) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=1
-   base size=8 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6915e40) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=1
-   base size=24 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union> (0x6915d00) 0
-Class tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=1
-   base size=24 base align=1
-tagMIXERCONTROLW::<anonymous union> (0x6915f80) 0
    size=228 align=1
    base size=228 base align=1
 tagMIXERCONTROLW (0x6915c80) 0
-Class tagMIXERLINECONTROLSA::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-tagMIXERLINECONTROLSA::<anonymous union> (0x6930200) 0
    size=24 align=1
    base size=24 base align=1
 tagMIXERLINECONTROLSA (0x6930180) 0
-Class tagMIXERLINECONTROLSW::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-tagMIXERLINECONTROLSW::<anonymous union> (0x6930500) 0
    size=24 align=1
    base size=24 base align=1
 tagMIXERLINECONTROLSW (0x6930480) 0
-Class tMIXERCONTROLDETAILS::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-tMIXERCONTROLDETAILS::<anonymous union> (0x6930780) 0
    size=24 align=1
@@ -18004,15 +16674,7 @@ Class _RPC_POLICY
    base size=12 base align=4
 _RPC_POLICY (0x6a095c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6a09800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6a09940) 0
    size=16 align=4
@@ -18029,10 +16691,6 @@ Class _SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_A
    base size=28 base align=4
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6a21040) 0
    size=8 align=4
@@ -18059,10 +16717,6 @@ Class _RPC_MESSAGE
    base size=44 base align=4
 _RPC_MESSAGE (0x6a58080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6a584c0) 0
    size=8 align=4
@@ -18189,15 +16843,7 @@ Class tagDEVNAMES
    base size=8 base align=1
 tagDEVNAMES (0x6ad0100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=1
-   base size=40 base align=1
-<anonymous struct> (0x6ad0340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=1
-   base size=40 base align=1
-<anonymous struct> (0x6ad05c0) 0
 Class tagOFNA
    size=76 align=1
@@ -18444,15 +17090,7 @@ Class _PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1W
    base size=4 base align=4
 _PRINTPROCESSOR_INFO_1W (0x6b69e80) 0
-Class _PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6b76180) 0
-Class _PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA::<anonymous union> (0x6b760c0) 0
    size=20 align=4
@@ -18539,20 +17177,8 @@ Class protoent
    base size=12 base align=4
 protoent (0x6bd2540) 0
-Class in_addr::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=1
-   base size=4 base align=1
-in_addr::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6bd83c0) 0
-Class in_addr::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=2
-   base size=4 base align=2
-in_addr::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6bd85c0) 0
-Class in_addr::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-in_addr::<anonymous union> (0x6bd8340) 0
 Class in_addr
    size=4 align=4
@@ -18689,55 +17315,23 @@ Class _WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW
    base size=628 base align=4
 _WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW (0x6c34a00) 0
-Class _WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-_WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6c34f80) 0
-Class _WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6c45080) 0
-Class _WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-_WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6c45140) 0
-Class _WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-_WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6c45280) 0
-Class _WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-_WSACOMPLETION::<anonymous union> (0x6c34f00) 0
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 _WSACOMPLETION (0x6c34e80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6c79580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6c8dc40) 0
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 _SCONTEXT_QUEUE (0x6c8dd00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x6c92100) 0
    size=180 align=4
@@ -18784,10 +17378,6 @@ Class _NDR_CS_ROUTINES
    base size=8 base align=4
 _NDR_CS_ROUTINES (0x6cb3680) 0
-Class _MIDL_STUB_DESC::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-_MIDL_STUB_DESC::<anonymous union> (0x6cb3800) 0
    size=80 align=4
@@ -18819,15 +17409,7 @@ Class _FULL_PTR_TO_REFID_ELEMENT
    base size=16 base align=4
-Class _FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES::<anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-_FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES::<anonymous struct> (0x6cc4800) 0
-Class _FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES::<anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-_FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES::<anonymous struct> (0x6cc49c0) 0
    size=32 align=4
@@ -18844,10 +17426,6 @@ Class _FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB
    base size=12 base align=4
 _FLAGGED_WORD_BLOB (0x6d11540) 0
-Class tagCY::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-tagCY::<anonymous struct> (0x6d11ac0) 0
 Class tagCY
    size=8 align=8
@@ -18884,25 +17462,9 @@ Class _HYPER_SIZEDARR
    base size=8 base align=4
 _HYPER_SIZEDARR (0x6d2a240) 0
-Class tagDEC::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=2 align=1
-   base size=2 base align=1
-tagDEC::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6d2a480) 0
-Class tagDEC::<anonymous union>
-   size=2 align=2
-   base size=2 base align=2
-tagDEC::<anonymous union> (0x6d2a400) 0
-Class tagDEC::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-tagDEC::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6d2a640) 0
-Class tagDEC::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-tagDEC::<anonymous union> (0x6d2a5c0) 0
 Class tagDEC
    size=16 align=8
@@ -19011,10 +17573,6 @@ Class tagBIND_OPTS2
    base size=32 base align=4
 tagBIND_OPTS2 (0x6d6bec0) 0
-Class tagSTGMEDIUM::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-tagSTGMEDIUM::<anonymous union> (0x6d7e200) 0
    size=12 align=4
@@ -19136,20 +17694,12 @@ Class tagCAPROPVARIANT
    base size=8 base align=4
 tagCAPROPVARIANT (0x6d9b9c0) 0
-Class tagPROPVARIANT::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-tagPROPVARIANT::<anonymous union> (0x6d9bb00) 0
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 tagPROPVARIANT (0x6d9b900) 0
-Class tagPROPSPEC::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-tagPROPSPEC::<anonymous union> (0x6daf800) 0
 Class tagPROPSPEC
    size=8 align=4
@@ -20241,10 +18791,6 @@ Class _wireSAFEARR_HAVEIID
    base size=24 base align=4
 _wireSAFEARR_HAVEIID (0x6fdf740) 0
-Class _wireSAFEARRAY_UNION::<anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-_wireSAFEARRAY_UNION::<anonymous union> (0x6fdf900) 0
    size=28 align=4
@@ -20261,45 +18807,21 @@ Class tagSAFEARRAY
    base size=24 base align=4
 tagSAFEARRAY (0x6fdffc0) 0
-Class tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6fed500) 0
-Class tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x6fed2c0) 0
-Class tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x6fed240) 0
-Class tagVARIANT::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-tagVARIANT::<anonymous union> (0x6fed1c0) 0
 Class tagVARIANT
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 tagVARIANT (0x6fed140) 0
-Class _wireVARIANT::<anonymous union>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-_wireVARIANT::<anonymous union> (0x6fed840) 0
 Class _wireVARIANT
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 _wireVARIANT (0x6fdf080) 0
-Class tagTYPEDESC::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-tagTYPEDESC::<anonymous union> (0x6feddc0) 0
 Class tagTYPEDESC
    size=8 align=4
@@ -20326,10 +18848,6 @@ Class tagIDLDESC
    base size=8 base align=4
 tagIDLDESC (0x7006480) 0
-Class tagELEMDESC::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-tagELEMDESC::<anonymous union> (0x70066c0) 0
 Class tagELEMDESC
    size=16 align=4
@@ -20356,10 +18874,6 @@ Class tagFUNCDESC
    base size=52 base align=4
 tagFUNCDESC (0x701a8c0) 0
-Class tagVARDESC::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-tagVARDESC::<anonymous union> (0x701af40) 0
 Class tagVARDESC
    size=36 align=4
@@ -20715,15 +19229,7 @@ Class tagINTERFACEDATA
    base size=8 base align=4
 tagINTERFACEDATA (0x7089ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=18 align=2
-   base size=18 base align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x7089c80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x7089e00) 0
 Class tagOleMenuGroupWidths
    size=24 align=4
@@ -21217,20 +19723,12 @@ Class _OLESTREAMVTBL
    base size=8 base align=4
 _OLESTREAMVTBL (0x71e16c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0x600e300) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLFormat (0x600e700) 0
-Class QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag> (0x72b95c0) 0
 Vtable for QGLContext
 QGLContext::_ZTV10QGLContext: 10u entries
@@ -21383,178 +19881,38 @@ QGLPixelBuffer (0x7306300) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x7366280) 0
       primary-for QGLPixelBuffer (0x7306300)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13ff440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x15f0480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x75c2f00) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x2ddc4c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x2e1d900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36c4900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x3a4f340) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x3a4f6c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x3a8f380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x3a8f680) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4a9cec0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4a9cc40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x513e880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x52d3700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x5385e40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x3dd4fc0) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x469ee80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x7c93240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x7c935c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x7c93e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x7c93fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x7cc0500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x7cc0f40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x177bf40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x202e440) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x7ceb940) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x7cebc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x7cebe40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x3bfa400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x7d740c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x4358c40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x44c8f80) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x48cf840) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x7d747c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x7d74d80) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 369f40e..32cf29f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fcdd80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7fcddc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7fcde80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fcdec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fcdf40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7fcdf80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb5acb040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb5acb080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb5acb340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb5acb400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb5acb440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb5acb480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb5acb4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb5acb500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb5acb540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb5acb580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb5acb5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb5acb600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb5acb640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb5acb680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb5acb6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb5acb700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb5acb740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb5acb780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb5acb7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb5acb8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb5acb900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb5acb940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb5acb980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb5acb9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb5acba00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb5acba40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb5acba80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb5acbac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb5acbb00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb5acbb40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb5acbb80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb5acbbc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb5acbcc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb5acbd00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb5acbec0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb5acbf80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb5a0f000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb5a0f300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb5a0f340) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb5a0f380) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb5a0f580) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb5a0f680) 0
   QString (0xb5a0f6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb5a0f700) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb5a0fa40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb5a0fdc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb5a0fd40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb5a0f4c0) 0
   QObject (0xb5a0f500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb5a0f4c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb5a0f840) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb5a0fc00) 0
   QObject (0xb5a0fe40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb5a0fc00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb5631000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb56310c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb5631100) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb5631140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb5631200) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb5631180) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb5631240) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb5631280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb5631300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb5631340) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb56316c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb5631700) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb5631c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb5631d00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb5631d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb5631e00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb5631e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb5631f00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb5631f40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb5631fc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb5631080) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb5631f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5631440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5631580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5631ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5631c80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5631cc0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb5631dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5631e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5631ec0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb53f2000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb53f20c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb53f2080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f2040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f2100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb53f2180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f2140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f21c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb53f2240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f2200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f2280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f22c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53f2300) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb53f2580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb53f2780) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb53f2800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb53f2a00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb53f2dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb53f2e00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb53f2e40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb522c040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb522c280) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb522c2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb522c500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb522c640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb522c740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb522c780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb522c840) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb522c880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb522c8c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb522c900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb522c940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb522ccc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb522cd00) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb522ce40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb522cec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb522cf00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb522cf40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb522c080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb522c0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb522c100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb522c140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb522c180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb522c1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb522c200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb522c240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb522c300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb522c340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb522c380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb522c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb522c400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb522c440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb522c480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb522c4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb522c680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb522c6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb522c700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb522c7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb522c800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb522cb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb509e000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb509e040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb509e080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb509e0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb509e100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb509e140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb509e180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb509e1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb509e200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb509e240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb509e280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb509e2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb509e300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb509e340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb509e380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb509e3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb509e400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb509e440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb509e480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb509e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb509e500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb509e540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb509e580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb509e5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb509e600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb509e640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb509e680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb509e6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb509e700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb509e740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb509e780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb509e7c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb509e800) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb509ea80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb509eac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb509ebc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb509eb40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb509ecc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb509ec40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb509ed40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb509edc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb509ee00) 0
   QObject (0xb509ee40) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb509ee00)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb509ef40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb509ef00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb509ef80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb509efc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb509ea00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb509ee80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb509ea40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb4f7d000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4f7d040) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb4f7d080) 0
     QObject (0xb4f7d100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb4f7d0c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb4f7d180) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb4f7d300) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb4f7d340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb4f7d380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f7d440) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb4f7d3c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb4f7d480) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb4f7d500) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb4f7d580) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb4f7d7c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4f7d880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb4f7d8c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb4f7da40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb4f7db00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb4f7dc40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb4f7db80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f7dd80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb4f7dd00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb4f7de40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb4f7df00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb4bbc0c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4bbc140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb4bbc100) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4bbc1c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb4bbc200) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4bbc280) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb4bbc580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb4bbc5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb4bbc6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb4bbc700) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb4bbc740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb4bbc7c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb4bbcc40) 0
   QObject (0xb4bbcc80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb4bbcc40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb4bbcd80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb4bbce00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb4bbcec0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb4bbcf80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb4b38000) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb4b38080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb4b380c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2726,25 +2016,13 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb4b38500) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb4b385c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb4b38580)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb4b38640) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QImageReader (0xb4b38680) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4b38740) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4b386c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2752,15 +2030,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4b38780) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4b387c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4b38880) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4b38800) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2783,10 +2053,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4b38ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4b38b00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2798,25 +2064,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4b38b40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb4b38dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4b38d40) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4b38c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4b38e00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2828,10 +2082,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4b38f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4b38f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2872,30 +2122,10 @@ QImage (0xb4b383c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4b38480) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4b383c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4b38980) 0 empty
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4b38a40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4b38bc0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4b38c00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4b38a00) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3083,10 +2313,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb4915940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb4915a00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -3225,10 +2451,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb4915f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb4915000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3526,15 +2748,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb485c840) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb485c940) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb485c8c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3823,20 +3037,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb46d7040) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb46d70c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb46d7100) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb46d7140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3867,20 +3069,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb46d7200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb46d7240) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb46d73c0) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb46d7340) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb46d72c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -4402,55 +3592,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb478f500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb478f5c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb478f600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb478f640) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb478f680) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb478f7c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb478f740) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb478f840) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb478f880) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb478f8c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb478f800) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4480,30 +3638,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb478fa80) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb478fbc0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb478fb40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb478fd40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb478fcc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb478fd80) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4643,10 +3785,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb478fc40) 0
     QObject (0xb450b040) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb450b000)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb450b180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -4671,25 +3809,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb450b240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb450b2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb450b300) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb450b340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb450b380) 0 empty
 Class QTextDocumentFragment
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4756,10 +3882,6 @@ QTextTable (0xb450b500) 0
       QObject (0xb450b5c0) 0
           primary-for QTextObject (0xb450b580)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb450b740) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4808,10 +3930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb450b980) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb450b9c0) 0
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4828,15 +3946,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb450ba40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb450bbc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb450bb40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4886,10 +3996,6 @@ QTextDocument (0xb450bd00) 0
   QObject (0xb450bd40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb450bd00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb450bdc0) 0
 Class QPalette
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4907,15 +4013,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb450bfc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb450b700) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb450b480) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4977,10 +4075,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb450be40) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb42b00c0) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5028,15 +4122,7 @@ QStyle (0xb42b0100) 0
   QObject (0xb42b0140) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb42b0100)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb42b0200) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb42b0240) 0
 Vtable for QCommonStyle
 QCommonStyle::_ZTV12QCommonStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5242,10 +4328,6 @@ QWindowsXPStyle (0xb42b0780) 0
         QObject (0xb42b0880) 0
             primary-for QStyle (0xb42b0840)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb42b0a40) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5541,10 +4623,6 @@ QWidget (0xb42b0040) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb42b01c0) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb42b0480) 0
 Vtable for QValidator
 QValidator::_ZTV10QValidator: 16u entries
@@ -5745,10 +4823,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb4094140) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4094200) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb4094280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6167,10 +5241,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb4094ac0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4094b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb4094c80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6197,10 +5267,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb4094f00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4094f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb4094240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5274,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb4094000) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4094100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb40946c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6226,10 +5288,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb4094840) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb4094980) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb4094a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb4094fc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6256,10 +5314,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb3fd9200) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3fd9240) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb3fd9380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6292,10 +5346,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb3fd96c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3fd9700) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb3fd9880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6351,15 +5401,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb3fd9f80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3fd9fc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3fd9000) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb3fd9540) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb3fd93c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6368,10 +5410,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb3fd9100) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3fd9280) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3fd9340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb3fd9e00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6488,10 +5526,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb3ec0780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb3ec0840) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -6663,10 +5697,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb3ec0b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3ec0bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6697,20 +5727,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb3ec0c00) 0
   QObject (0xb3ec0c40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb3ec0c00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb3ec0cc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb3ec0d80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3ec0d00) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6872,10 +5890,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb3ec0f00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3ec0180) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb3ec03c0) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7140,15 +6154,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3e0e280) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3e0e540) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3e0e4c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7296,15 +6302,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb3e0e800) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb3e0e940) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb3e0e8c0) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7790,15 +6788,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb3e0edc0) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3b65100) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb3b65080) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -7926,25 +6916,9 @@ QDirModel (0xb3b65300) 0
     QObject (0xb3b65380) 0
         primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb3b65340)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3b65500) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3b65480) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3b65600) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3b65580) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8540,15 +7514,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb3b65440) 0
   QObject (0xb3b65540) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb3b65440)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3b65b40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb3b65880) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -9687,10 +8653,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb38e50c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb38e5200) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb38e5280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractButton
 QAbstractButton::_ZTV15QAbstractButton: 66u entries
@@ -10012,10 +8974,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb38e56c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb38e5780) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb38e5800) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -10493,10 +9451,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb38e5f80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb38e5240) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb38e53c0) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -10576,10 +9530,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb38e5540) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb38e5980) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb38e5c40) 0
 Vtable for QScrollArea
 QScrollArea::_ZTV11QScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -10930,10 +9880,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb36a7440) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb36a7580) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb36a7600) 0
 Vtable for QFontComboBox
 QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox: 65u entries
@@ -11017,10 +9963,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb36a7640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb36a7740) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb36a77c0) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -11275,10 +10217,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb36a7ac0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb36a7c00) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb36a7d00) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -12210,10 +11148,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb35ee980) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb35eea40) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb35eeac0) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12786,20 +11720,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb35385c0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb35386c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb3538700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb35387c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -13361,50 +12283,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb3538480) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb3538600) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb3538a00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb3538680) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb3538dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb3538c00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb32ab040) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb3538f80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb32ab140) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb32ab0c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -13451,20 +12337,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb32ab180) 0
   QObject (0xb32ab1c0) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb32ab180)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb32ab2c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb32ab380) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb32ab300) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -13553,15 +12427,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb32ab3c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb32ab500) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb32ab5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb32ab600) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsItemAnimation
 QGraphicsItemAnimation::_ZTV22QGraphicsItemAnimation: 16u entries
@@ -13921,10 +12787,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb32abb40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb32abc40) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb32abd00) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -14183,10 +13045,6 @@ QWizard (0xb32ab580) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb32abb00) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb32abcc0) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -14354,10 +13212,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb3082100) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3082200) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb30822c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -14694,10 +13548,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb30827c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb30828c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb3082980) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -15173,15 +14023,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb2fbb300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb2fbb340) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb2fbb400) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15216,20 +14058,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb2fbb380) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb2fbb500) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb2fbb480) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb2fbb540) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -15346,25 +14180,13 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0xb2fbb880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb2fbb900) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0xb2fbb940) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLFormat (0xb2fbb980) 0
-Class QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag> (0xb2fbba40) 0
 Vtable for QGLContext
 QGLContext::_ZTV10QGLContext: 11u entries
@@ -15510,188 +14332,40 @@ QGLFramebufferObject (0xb2fbbd40) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb2fbbd80) 0
       primary-for QGLFramebufferObject (0xb2fbbd40)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb2fbbe80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb2fbbf00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb2fbbf80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb2fbb000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb2fbb1c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb2fbb700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2fbb9c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2fbbac0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb2aa9100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb2aa9180) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb2aa9200) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb2aa9380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb2aa9400) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb2aa9480) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb2aa9500) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb2aa95c0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2aa9640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb2aa96c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2aa9780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2aa9880) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb2aa9940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb2aa99c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb2aa9a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb2aa9ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb2aa9b40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb2aa9bc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb2aa9c80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb2aa9d40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb2aa9e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb2aa9ec0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb2aa9f40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb2aa9280) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb2aa9900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb2aa9c00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb2aa9cc0) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2aa9e40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb2931040) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 45ee928..282b429 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fa1d80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7fa1dc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7fa1e80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7fa1ec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7fa1f40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7fa1f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb5aa1040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb5aa1080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb5aa1340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb5aa1400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb5aa1440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb5aa1480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb5aa14c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb5aa1500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb5aa1540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb5aa1580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb5aa15c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb5aa1600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb5aa1640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb5aa1680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb5aa16c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb5aa1700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb5aa1740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb5aa1780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -161,10 +75,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb5aa1bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb5aa1c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -227,70 +137,18 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb5aa1f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb5a53100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb5a53140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb5a53180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb5a531c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb5a53200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb5a53240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb5a53280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb5a532c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb5a53300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb5a53340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb5a53380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb5a533c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb5a53400) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -308,10 +166,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb5a53500) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb5a53540) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb5a53700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -328,10 +182,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb5a537c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb5a53840) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -348,10 +198,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb5a53880) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb5a53a80) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -369,25 +215,13 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb5a53b40) 0
   QString (0xb5a53b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb5a53bc0) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QStringRef (0xb5a53c00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb5a53d40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb5a53cc0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb5a53f80) 0
   QObject (0xb5a53fc0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb5a53f80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb5a53000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb5a53a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb5635000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb5635040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb5635080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb56350c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb5635100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb5635140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb5635180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb56351c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb5635200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb5635240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb5635280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb56352c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb5635300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb5635340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb5635380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb56353c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb5635400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb5635440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb5635480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb56354c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb5635500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb5635540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb5635580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb56355c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb5635600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb5635640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb5635680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb56356c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb5635700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb5635740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb5635780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb56357c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb5635800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb5635840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb5635880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb56358c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5635900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb5635940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb5635980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb56359c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb5635a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb5635a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb5635a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb5635ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb5635b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb5635b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb5635b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb5635bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb5635c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb5635c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb5635c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb5635cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb5635d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb5635d40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,45 +421,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb5678200) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb5678480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb56784c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb56785c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb5678540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb56786c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb5678640) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb5678740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb56787c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -972,10 +558,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5678c40) 0
   QObject (0xb5678c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5678c40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb5678d80) 0
 Vtable for QCoreApplication
 QCoreApplication::_ZTV16QCoreApplication: 16u entries
@@ -1009,10 +591,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb5678f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb5678f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimer
 QTimer::_ZTV6QTimer: 14u entries
@@ -1069,20 +647,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5678440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb5678340) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb5678400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5678840) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1277,20 +847,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb5472080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb54720c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb5472100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb5472140) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1302,10 +864,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb54721c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb5472200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1408,100 +966,48 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb5472500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb5472700) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb5472780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb5472980) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb5472a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb5472c80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb5472cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb5472f00) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb5472f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb5472040) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb54722c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb5472380) 0 empty
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb5472540) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb5472580) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb5472440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb54725c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5472600) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5472640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5472680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb54726c0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1513,80 +1019,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb5472800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5472840) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5472880) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb54728c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb5472a80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb5472940) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5472900) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5472ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5472b40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5472b00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5472b80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5472c00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5472bc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5472c40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5472d00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5472d40) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1618,35 +1068,19 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb50941c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb5094200) 0 empty
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb5094980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb50949c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb5094a00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb5094ac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb5094a40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1654,15 +1088,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb5094b00) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb5094b40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb5094bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb5094c00) 0
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1695,15 +1121,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb5094e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb5094e40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb5094e80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1730,10 +1148,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb5074000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb5074040) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1750,20 +1164,12 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb5074480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb50744c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb5074500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb5074540) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1775,30 +1181,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb50746c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb5074780) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb50747c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb5074880) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb50748c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb5074980) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1810,20 +1204,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb5074a00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5074a80) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5074a40) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5074b00) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1876,20 +1262,12 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb5074d40) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5074dc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutexLocker (0xb5074d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb5074ec0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1914,15 +1292,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb5074e00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb50743c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb5074f80) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1934,25 +1304,9 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb5074740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb5074840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5074800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5074900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5074940) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1974,15 +1328,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb4e5f000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4e5f080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb4e5f040) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1994,10 +1340,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb4e5f100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4e5f140) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -2012,10 +1354,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb4e5f180) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb4e5f240) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -2131,35 +1469,15 @@ QFile (0xb4e5f680) 0
     QObject (0xb4e5f700) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb4e5f6c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb4e5f780) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb4e5f7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb4e5f800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb4e5f840) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb4e5f900) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb4e5f880) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -2212,15 +1530,7 @@ Class QDir
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb4e5fa80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb4e5fb00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb4e5fb80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2277,10 +1587,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb4e5fbc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb4e5fd40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2409,15 +1715,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb4e5f200) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb4e5f480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb4e5f580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDirIterator
 QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator: 4u entries
@@ -2432,10 +1730,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb4e5f640) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4e5fa40) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -2541,10 +1835,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb4ad1140) 0
   QObject (0xb4ad1180) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb4ad1140)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb4ad1200) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2674,10 +1964,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb4ad1740) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb4ad1840) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -3103,40 +2389,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0xb4ad1480) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4ad1800) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4ad18c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4ad1980) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4ad17c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0xb4ad1700) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ad1cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4ad1a40) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3144,15 +2406,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4ad1e00) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4ad1f80) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4893080) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4893000) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3175,10 +2429,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb48932c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4893300) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3190,25 +2440,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4893340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb48935c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4893540) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4893440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4893600) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3220,10 +2458,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4893700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4893740) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3248,10 +2482,6 @@ QImage (0xb4893800) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4893840) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4893800)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4893980) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3276,45 +2506,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb4893b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb4893bc0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb4893c00) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4893d40) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb4893cc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4893dc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4893e00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4893e40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb4893d80) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3380,10 +2582,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb4893a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb4893ac0) 0 empty
 Class QWidgetData
    size=64 align=4
@@ -3466,10 +2664,6 @@ QWidget (0xb4893c80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb46e2040) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb46e2240) 0
 Class QToolTip
    size=1 align=1
@@ -3558,10 +2752,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb46e24c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb46e2580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAction
 QAction::_ZTV7QAction: 14u entries
@@ -3613,15 +2803,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb46e26c0) 0
   QObject (0xb46e2700) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb46e26c0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb46e2840) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb46e27c0) 0
 Vtable for QShortcut
 QShortcut::_ZTV9QShortcut: 14u entries
@@ -3961,15 +3143,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb44ad1c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb44ad2c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb44ad240) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -4663,10 +3837,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb455d100) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb455d200) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb455d2c0) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4837,10 +4007,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb455d4c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb455d5c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb455d680) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -5091,10 +4257,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb455d9c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb455dac0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb455db80) 0
 Vtable for QErrorMessage
 QErrorMessage::_ZTV13QErrorMessage: 66u entries
@@ -5505,10 +4667,6 @@ QWizard (0xb455d800) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb455de40) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb455df80) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -5850,10 +5008,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb42ca600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb42ca680) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5884,20 +5038,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb42ca6c0) 0
   QObject (0xb42ca700) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb42ca6c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb42ca780) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb42ca840) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb42ca7c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6104,10 +5246,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb42cacc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb42cad80) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb42cae00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6315,15 +5453,7 @@ QStyle (0xb42ca5c0) 0
   QObject (0xb42ca740) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb42ca5c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb42caa80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb42cab80) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -6582,10 +5712,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb4254440) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4254480) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb4254600) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6612,10 +5738,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb4254880) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb42548c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb4254a40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6623,10 +5745,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb4254980) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb42549c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb4254bc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6641,10 +5759,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb4254c40) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb4254c80) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb4254cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb4254e40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6671,10 +5785,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb4254300) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4254400) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb4254780) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6707,10 +5817,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb3f58000) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3f58040) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb3f581c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6766,15 +5872,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb3f588c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3f58900) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3f58940) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb3f58b40) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb3f58ac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6783,10 +5881,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb3f589c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3f58a00) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3f58a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb3f58d00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7000,10 +6094,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb4020080) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb40201c0) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb4020280) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7384,20 +6474,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb4020b80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb4020c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb4020c40) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb4020c80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -7428,20 +6506,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb4020d40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb4020d80) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb4020f00) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb4020e80) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb4020e00) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -8862,10 +7928,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb3e19980) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3e19ac0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb3e19b40) 0
 Vtable for QButtonGroup
 QButtonGroup::_ZTV12QButtonGroup: 14u entries
@@ -8970,10 +8032,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb3e19c40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3e19d00) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb3e19dc0) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -9054,10 +8112,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb3e19e00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3e19ec0) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb3e19f40) 0
 Vtable for QMenu
 QMenu::_ZTV5QMenu: 63u entries
@@ -9867,10 +8921,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb3b88900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3b88a00) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb3b88a80) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -10277,10 +9327,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb3b88000) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3b88700) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb3b88880) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10597,10 +9643,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb3af8300) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3af83c0) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb3af8440) 0
 Vtable for QMenuItem
 QMenuItem::_ZTV9QMenuItem: 14u entries
@@ -10672,60 +9714,32 @@ QTextDocument (0xb3af8640) 0
   QObject (0xb3af8680) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb3af8640)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb3af8700) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb3af8740) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb3af8780) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb3af87c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb3af8880) 0 empty
 Class QTextLength
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb3af88c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb3af8a00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb3af8980) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb3af8b80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb3af8b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb3af8bc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10765,10 +9779,6 @@ QTextTableFormat (0xb3af8ec0) 0
   QTextFrameFormat (0xb3af8f00) 0
     QTextFormat (0xb3af8f40) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb3af8040) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10875,10 +9885,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb3af8840) 0
     QObject (0xb3af8940) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb3af8900)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb3af8fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -10903,25 +9909,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb3904080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb3904100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb3904140) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb3904180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb39041c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10938,15 +9932,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb3904240) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb39043c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb3904340) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -11046,10 +10032,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb3904440) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3904580) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb3904680) 0
 Vtable for QLCDNumber
 QLCDNumber::_ZTV10QLCDNumber: 63u entries
@@ -11289,10 +10271,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb39049c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3904a80) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb3904b00) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -11556,15 +10534,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb3904980) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb3904fc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb3904c80) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11788,20 +10758,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb365f6c0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb365f7c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb365f800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb365f8c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -12363,50 +11321,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb365f780) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb365fa00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb365fe00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb365fc00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb35f9040) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb365ff80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb35f9140) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb35f90c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb35f9240) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb35f91c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -12453,20 +11375,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb35f9280) 0
   QObject (0xb35f92c0) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb35f9280)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb35f93c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb35f9480) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb35f9400) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -12555,15 +11465,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb35f94c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb35f9600) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb35f96c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb35f9700) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12957,10 +11859,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb3381140) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb3381200) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb33811c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb3381280) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -13412,10 +12310,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb3381a40) 0 empty
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb3381e80) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -13876,15 +12770,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb327ab00) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb327adc0) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb327ad40) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -13998,15 +12884,7 @@ QStringListModel (0xb327af00) 0
       QObject (0xb327afc0) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb327af80)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb327a540) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb327a240) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -14530,35 +13408,15 @@ QTreeView (0xb31cf580) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb31cf700) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb31cf800) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0xb31cf780) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb31cf940) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb31cf8c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb31cfa40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb31cf9c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -14726,15 +13584,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb31cfd00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb31cffc0) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb31cff40) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -15254,15 +14104,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb2f83700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb2f83740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb2f83800) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15297,20 +14139,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb2f83780) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb2f83900) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb2f83880) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb2f83940) 0
 Class QColormap
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15346,25 +14180,13 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0xb2f83a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb2f83ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0xb2f83b00) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLFormat (0xb2f83b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag> (0xb2f83c00) 0
 Vtable for QGLContext
 QGLContext::_ZTV10QGLContext: 11u entries
@@ -15510,188 +14332,40 @@ QGLFramebufferObject (0xb2f83f00) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb2f83f40) 0
       primary-for QGLFramebufferObject (0xb2f83f00)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb2f832c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb2f83680) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb2f83840) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb2f83a00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb2f83bc0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb2a89000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb2a89080) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2a89100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2a89180) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb2a89300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb2a89380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb2a89400) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb2a89480) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb2a89680) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb2a89700) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb2a897c0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2a89840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb2a898c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb2a89940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2a89a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2a89b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb2a89bc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb2a89c40) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb2a89cc0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb2a89d40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb2a89dc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb2a89e80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb2a89f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb2a89fc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb2a89280) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb2a89d80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb2a89e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb2903000) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb2903080) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb2903100) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb29031c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb2903240) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index ccdf2c8..640e4a7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f91d80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f91dc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f91e80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f91ec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f91f40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f91f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb5a8f040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb5a8f080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb5a8f340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb5a8f400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb5a8f440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb5a8f480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb5a8f4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb5a8f500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb5a8f540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb5a8f580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb5a8f5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb5a8f600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb5a8f640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb5a8f680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb5a8f6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb5a8f700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb5a8f740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb5a8f780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb5a8f7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb5a8f8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb5a8f900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb5a8f940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb5a8f980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb5a8f9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb5a8fa00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb5a8fa40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb5a8fa80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb5a8fac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb5a8fb00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb5a8fb40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb5a8fb80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb5a8fbc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb5a8fcc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb5a8fd00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb5a8fec0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb5a8ff80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb59d3000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb59d3300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb59d3340) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb59d3380) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb59d3580) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb59d3680) 0
   QString (0xb59d36c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb59d3700) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb59d3a40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb59d3dc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb59d3d40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb59d34c0) 0
   QObject (0xb59d3500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb59d34c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb59d3840) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb59d3c00) 0
   QObject (0xb59d3e40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb59d3c00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb55f5000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb55f50c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb55f5100) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb55f5140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb55f5200) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb55f5180) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb55f5240) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb55f5280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb55f5300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb55f5340) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb55f56c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb55f5700) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb55f5c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb55f5d00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb55f5d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb55f5e00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb55f5e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb55f5f00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb55f5f40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb55f5fc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb55f5080) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb55f5f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55f5440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55f5580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55f5ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55f5c80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55f5cc0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb55f5dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb55f5e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb55f5ec0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb53b7000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb53b70c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb53b7080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53b7040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53b7100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb53b7180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53b7140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53b71c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb53b7240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53b7200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53b7280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53b72c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb53b7300) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb53b7580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb53b7780) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb53b7800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb53b7a00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb53b7dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb53b7e00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb53b7e40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb51f0040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb51f0280) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb51f02c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb51f0500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb51f0640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb51f0740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb51f0780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb51f0840) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb51f0880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb51f08c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb51f0900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb51f0940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb51f0cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb51f0d00) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb51f0e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb51f0ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb51f0f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb51f0f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb51f0080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb51f00c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb51f0100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb51f0140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb51f0180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb51f01c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb51f0200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb51f0240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb51f0300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb51f0340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb51f0380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb51f03c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb51f0400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb51f0440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb51f0480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb51f04c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb51f0680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb51f06c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb51f0700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb51f07c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb51f0800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb51f0b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb5062000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb5062040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb5062080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb50620c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb5062100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb5062140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb5062180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb50621c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb5062200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb5062240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb5062280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb50622c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb5062300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb5062340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5062380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb50623c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb5062400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb5062440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb5062480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb50624c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb5062500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb5062540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb5062580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb50625c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb5062600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb5062640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb5062680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb50626c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb5062700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb5062740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb5062780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb50627c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb5062800) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb5062a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb5062ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5062bc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb5062b40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5062cc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb5062c40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb5062d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb5062dc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb5062e00) 0
   QObject (0xb5062e40) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb5062e00)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb5062f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5062f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5062f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5062fc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb5062a00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5062e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5062a40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb4f42000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4f42040) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb4f42080) 0
     QObject (0xb4f42100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb4f420c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb4f42180) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb4f42300) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb4f42340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb4f42380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f42440) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb4f423c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb4f42480) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb4f42500) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb4f42580) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb4f427c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4f42880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb4f428c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb4f42a40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb4f42b00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb4f42c40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb4f42b80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f42d80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb4f42d00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb4f42e40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb4f42f00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb4b800c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4b80140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb4b80100) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4b801c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb4b80200) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4b80280) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb4b80580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb4b805c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb4b806c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb4b80700) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb4b80740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb4b807c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb4b80c40) 0
   QObject (0xb4b80c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb4b80c40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb4b80d80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb4b80e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb4b80ec0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb4b80f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb4afc000) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb4afc080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb4afc0c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2726,25 +2016,13 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb4afc500) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb4afc5c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb4afc580)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb4afc640) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QImageReader (0xb4afc680) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4afc740) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4afc6c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2752,15 +2030,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4afc780) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4afc7c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4afc880) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4afc800) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2783,10 +2053,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4afcac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4afcb00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2798,25 +2064,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4afcb40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb4afcdc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4afcd40) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4afcc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4afce00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2828,10 +2082,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4afcf00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4afcf40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2872,30 +2122,10 @@ QImage (0xb4afc3c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4afc480) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4afc3c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4afc980) 0 empty
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4afca40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4afcbc0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4afcc00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4afca00) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3083,10 +2313,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb48d9940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb48d9a00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -3225,10 +2451,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb48d9f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb48d9000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3526,15 +2748,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb4820840) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4820940) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb48208c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3823,20 +3037,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb469c040) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb469c0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb469c100) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb469c140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3867,20 +3069,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb469c200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb469c240) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb469c3c0) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb469c340) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb469c2c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -4402,55 +3592,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb4753500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb47535c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb4753600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb4753680) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb47536c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4753800) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb4753780) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4753880) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb47538c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4753900) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb4753840) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4480,30 +3638,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb4753ac0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb4753c00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb4753b80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb4753d80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb4753d00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb4753dc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4643,10 +3785,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb4753c80) 0
     QObject (0xb44d0040) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb44d0000)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb44d0180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -4671,25 +3809,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb44d0240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb44d02c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb44d0300) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb44d0340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb44d0380) 0 empty
 Class QTextDocumentFragment
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4756,10 +3882,6 @@ QTextTable (0xb44d0500) 0
       QObject (0xb44d05c0) 0
           primary-for QTextObject (0xb44d0580)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb44d0740) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4808,10 +3930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb44d0980) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb44d09c0) 0
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4828,15 +3946,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb44d0a40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb44d0bc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb44d0b40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4886,10 +3996,6 @@ QTextDocument (0xb44d0d00) 0
   QObject (0xb44d0d40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb44d0d00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb44d0dc0) 0
 Class QPalette
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4907,15 +4013,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb44d0fc0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb44d0700) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb44d0480) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4977,10 +4075,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb44d0e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb42750c0) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5028,15 +4122,7 @@ QStyle (0xb4275100) 0
   QObject (0xb4275140) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb4275100)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb4275200) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb4275240) 0
 Vtable for QCommonStyle
 QCommonStyle::_ZTV12QCommonStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5242,10 +4328,6 @@ QWindowsXPStyle (0xb4275780) 0
         QObject (0xb4275880) 0
             primary-for QStyle (0xb4275840)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb4275a40) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5541,10 +4623,6 @@ QWidget (0xb4275040) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb42751c0) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb4275480) 0
 Vtable for QValidator
 QValidator::_ZTV10QValidator: 16u entries
@@ -5745,10 +4823,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb405a140) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb405a200) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb405a280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6167,10 +5241,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb405aac0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb405ab00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb405ac80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6197,10 +5267,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb405af00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb405af40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb405a240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5274,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb405a000) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb405a100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb405a6c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6226,10 +5288,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb405a840) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb405a980) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb405aa80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb405afc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6256,10 +5314,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb3f9d200) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3f9d240) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb3f9d380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6292,10 +5346,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb3f9d6c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3f9d700) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb3f9d880) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6351,15 +5401,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb3f9df80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3f9dfc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3f9d000) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb3f9d540) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb3f9d3c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6368,10 +5410,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb3f9d100) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3f9d280) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3f9d340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb3f9de00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6488,10 +5526,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb3e84780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb3e84840) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -6663,10 +5697,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb3e84b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3e84bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6697,20 +5727,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb3e84c00) 0
   QObject (0xb3e84c40) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb3e84c00)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb3e84cc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb3e84d80) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3e84d00) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6872,10 +5890,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb3e84f00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3e84180) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb3e843c0) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7140,15 +6154,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3dd3280) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3dd3540) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3dd34c0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7296,15 +6302,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb3dd3800) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb3dd3940) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb3dd38c0) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7790,15 +6788,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb3dd3dc0) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3b2b100) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb3b2b080) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -7926,25 +6916,9 @@ QDirModel (0xb3b2b300) 0
     QObject (0xb3b2b380) 0
         primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb3b2b340)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3b2b500) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3b2b480) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3b2b600) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3b2b580) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8540,15 +7514,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb3b2b440) 0
   QObject (0xb3b2b540) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb3b2b440)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3b2bb40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb3b2b880) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -9687,10 +8653,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb38a90c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb38a9200) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb38a9280) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractButton
 QAbstractButton::_ZTV15QAbstractButton: 66u entries
@@ -10012,10 +8974,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb38a96c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb38a9780) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb38a9800) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -10493,10 +9451,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb38a9f80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb38a9240) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb38a93c0) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -10576,10 +9530,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb38a9540) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb38a9980) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb38a9c40) 0
 Vtable for QScrollArea
 QScrollArea::_ZTV11QScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -10930,10 +9880,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb366c440) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb366c580) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb366c600) 0
 Vtable for QFontComboBox
 QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox: 65u entries
@@ -11017,10 +9963,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb366c640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb366c740) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb366c7c0) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -11275,10 +10217,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb366cac0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb366cc00) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb366cd00) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -12210,10 +11148,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb35b3980) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb35b3a40) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb35b3ac0) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12786,20 +11720,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb34fe5c0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb34fe6c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb34fe700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb34fe7c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -13361,50 +12283,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb34fe480) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb34fe600) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb34fea00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb34fe680) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb34fedc0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb34fec00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb3271040) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb34fef80) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb3271140) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb32710c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -13451,20 +12337,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb3271180) 0
   QObject (0xb32711c0) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb3271180)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb32712c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3271380) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb3271300) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -13553,15 +12427,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb32713c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3271500) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb32715c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb3271600) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsItemAnimation
 QGraphicsItemAnimation::_ZTV22QGraphicsItemAnimation: 16u entries
@@ -13921,10 +12787,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb3271b40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3271c40) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb3271d00) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -14183,10 +13045,6 @@ QWizard (0xb3271580) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3271b00) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb3271cc0) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -14354,10 +13212,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb3046100) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3046200) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb30462c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -14694,10 +13548,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb30467c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb30468c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb3046980) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -15173,15 +14023,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb2f82300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb2f82340) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb2f82400) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15216,20 +14058,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb2f82380) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb2f82500) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb2f82480) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb2f82540) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -15346,25 +14180,13 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0xb2f82880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb2f82900) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0xb2f82940) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLFormat (0xb2f82980) 0
-Class QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag> (0xb2f82a40) 0
 Vtable for QGLContext
 QGLContext::_ZTV10QGLContext: 11u entries
@@ -15510,188 +14332,40 @@ QGLFramebufferObject (0xb2f82d40) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb2f82d80) 0
       primary-for QGLFramebufferObject (0xb2f82d40)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb2f82e80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb2f82f00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb2f82f80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb2f82000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb2f821c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb2f82700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2f829c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2f82ac0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb2a6e100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb2a6e180) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb2a6e200) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb2a6e380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb2a6e400) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb2a6e480) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb2a6e500) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb2a6e5c0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2a6e640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb2a6e6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2a6e780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2a6e880) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb2a6e940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb2a6e9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb2a6ea40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb2a6eac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb2a6eb40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb2a6ebc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb2a6ec80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb2a6ed40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb2a6ee00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb2a6eec0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb2a6ef40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb2a6e280) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb2a6e900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb2a6ec00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb2a6ecc0) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2a6ee40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb28f5040) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 708f7f3..7490f82 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtOpenGL.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb6bbc8ac) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb6bbc8e8) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7d6cc40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb6bbc960) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb6bbca8c) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb6bbcac8) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7d6ce00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb6bbcb40) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb6bc8f3c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb6bde12c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb6bde21c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb6bde30c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb6bde3fc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb6bde4ec) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb6bde5dc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb6bde6cc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb6bde7bc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb6bde8ac) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb6bde99c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb6bdea8c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb6bdeb7c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb6bdec6c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb6bded5c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb6bdee4c) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb6bf6e4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb6c2ab04) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6a476cc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6a8a7bc) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb6a8aa50) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb68d5384) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb68d5ca8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb68e95dc) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb68e9f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb68fa834) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb6905168) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb6905a8c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb691b3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb691bce4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb692d618) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb692df3c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb6944870) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb695430c) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb67a25a0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb66c2c00) 0
   QString (0xb6706960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6706c6c) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb678e294) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb662d5dc) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb660d924) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb663ec30) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb663ebb8) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb6670100) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb6664e4c) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb6672348) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb6672168) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb66874b0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb6687438) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb64bef80) 0
   QObject (0xb64cf4b0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb64bef80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb64ef780) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb65286cc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6552ec4) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6552fb4) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb655f528) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb655f4b0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6564080) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb655f564) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb658a2d0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb658a4ec) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb63b9780) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb63c530c) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6293c30) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6293ce4) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb630bc6c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb630bd5c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb630bce4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb630bdd4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb630be4c) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb630bec4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb630bf3c) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb630bf78) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb636f708) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb61961c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb6387e88) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb61961c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb619c924) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb619c99c) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb619c8ac) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb619ca14) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb619ca8c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb619cb04) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb619cb7c) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb619cbf4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb619cc6c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb619cce4) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb619cd20) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb619ce4c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb619cdd4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb619cd98) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb619cec4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb619cfb4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb619cf3c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61b6000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb61b60f0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61b6078) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61b61a4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61b621c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61b6294) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb60d7000) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb60d7c6c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb60d7bf4) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb60d7fb4) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb60f50b4) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb60f57bc) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb60f5834) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6121880) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb612030c) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6121880)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb614dac8) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb61777c0) 0
   QObject (0xb6181168) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb61777c0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb6177ec0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb6177f00) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb6177ec0)
-    QObject (0xb6181ca8) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb6177f00)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb5fce3c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb5fd1c6c) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb5fce3c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb5fde438) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb5fced40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb5fde4b0) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb5fcef00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb5fcef40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb5fde960) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb5fcef40)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb5ffc348) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb5ffc3c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb5ffc5dc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb5ffc6cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb5ffc744) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb5ffc7bc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb5ffc834) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb5ffc8ac) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb5ffc924) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb5ffc99c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb5ffca14) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb5ffca8c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb5ffcb04) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5ffcb7c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb5ffcbf4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb5ffcc6c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb5ffcd5c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb5ffcdd4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb5ffce4c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb60161e0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb6016258) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb6016348) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb60163c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb6016438) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb6016654) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb6016690) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb60166cc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb6016708) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb6016744) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb6016780) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb60167f8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb6016834) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb6016870) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb60168ac) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb60168e8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb6016924) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb603830c) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb607b8e8) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb607bd20) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb607bf3c) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb5ebc348) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5ebc4b0) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb5ebc618) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb5ebcd20) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb5ef6744) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb5f0230c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5f02384) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb5f02654) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5f027bc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5f02744) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb5f02834) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb5f7cd5c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5d9c03c) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb5f8f8c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5d9c078) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5d9c0b4) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5f8f980) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5d9c0f0) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb5d9c30c) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb5dfbbf4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5dfbc30) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb5e37c40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5dfbc6c) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5c9a8e8) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5cd1200) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5cd1240) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5c9a960) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5c9a870) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5c9a99c) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5cd13c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5c9a9d8) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5c9aa8c) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5cd15c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5cd1600) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5c9ab04) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5c9aa14) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5c9ab40) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5c9abf4) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5cd1780) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5c9ab7c) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5d6bdd4) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5d80740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d7f744) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5d80740)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5d80840) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d7f834) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5d80840)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5d7fca8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5d7fce4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5b9e7c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5d7fd20) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5b9e900) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5b9e940) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5b9e900)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5d7fd98) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5b9e940)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5b9e9c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5b9ea00) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5b9e9c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5d7fe88) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5b9ea00)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5bafc30) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c032d0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c03564) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5c037f8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5c6f4b0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c5a744) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5c6f4b0)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5c5a780) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5c77d70) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c8930c) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5c77d70)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5c89348) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5c79900) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5a91be0) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5c79900)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c89438) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5a91be0)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5c89474) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5c79ac0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5a9a370) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5c79ac0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5a98780) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5a9a370)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5a987bc) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c79b40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5c79b80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c79b40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5a9aa00) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5c79b80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5a98924) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5a9aa00)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5a98960) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5aa42d0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5aac580) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5aa4b40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5aac580)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5aac640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5aa4c30) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5aac640)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5b15294) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5b31b80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b31bc0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5b31b80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b158e8) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b31bc0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b31c00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b159d8) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b31c00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b31c80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b15ac8) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b31c80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5b31d00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b31d40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5b31d00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b15bb8) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b31d40)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b31dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b15ca8) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b31dc0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b31e40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b15d98) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b31e40)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b7be80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5b853fc) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b7be80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b7bec0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5b854ec) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b7bec0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59cbb40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59cbb80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb59cf168) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59cbb80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb59cf348) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59cbcc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59cbd00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb59cf384) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59cbd00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb59cf528) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a0d580) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a0d5c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb59cfa8c) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a0d5c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a0d680) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a0d6c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb59cfe10) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a0d6c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb5a2d438) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5a2d474) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb5a39580) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5a2d4b0) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5a2da8c) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a73480 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a83050) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a73480) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a83050)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a734c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5a2dac8) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a734c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a73500) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a734c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5a2dd5c) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a73800 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb588d0f0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a73800) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb588d0f0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a73840) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5a2dd98) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a73840)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a73880) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a73840) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb5897564) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb58974ec) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb5897474) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb58973c0) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb5897924) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb58cf0f0) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb57b35a0) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb57bd870) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57aeb00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb57bd870)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb57b3780) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57aeb00)
-  QRunnable (0xb57b37bc) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb57aeb80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb57bdc80) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb57aeb80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57aebc0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb57bdc80)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb57b3960) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57aebc0)
-    QRunnable (0xb57b399c) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb570ff00) 0
     QObject (0xb5715ce4) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb570ff40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb574d654) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb575d21c) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb576d8ac) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb576dbb8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb577f924) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb577f8ac) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb577fa14) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb55a0f78) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb55b503c) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb55dd348) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb55ec438) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb56135dc) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5613dd4) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb5670d98) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb5670e10) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb5653bb8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb567f618) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb567f780) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb54a3078) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb54a34b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb54a3690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb54a3870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb54a3a50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb54a3c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb54a3e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb54ba000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb54ba1e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb54ba3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb54ba5a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb54ba780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb54ba960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb54bab40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb54bad20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb54baf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb54c10f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb54c12d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb54c14b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb54c1690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb54c1870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb54c1a50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb54c1c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb54c1e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb54c8000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb54c81e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb54c83c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb54c85a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb54c8780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb54c8960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb54c8b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb54c8d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb54c8f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb54d30f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb54d32d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb54d34b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb54d3690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb54d3870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb54d3a50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb54d3c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb54d3e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb54d7000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb54d71e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb54d73c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb54d75a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb54d7780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb54d7960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb54d7b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb54d7d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb54d7f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb54e00f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb54e02d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb54e04b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb54e0690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb54e0870) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb54e0a50) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb551d4ec) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb551d474) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb551d5dc) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb551d564) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb5550960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb5550f78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb5564168) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb5564348) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb53ac3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb53b930c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb53d1d98) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb53a0bc0) 0
   QObject (0xb53e4bf4) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb53a0bc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb53f421c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5419474) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb542a870) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb542a960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb54330b4) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb548321c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb548399c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb52c15dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb52c1a8c) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb52c1b7c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb52c1fb4) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb52fa3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb52fa708) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb53448c0) 0
   QObject (0xb536803c) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb53448c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb5368fb4) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb519b564) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb519bbf4) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb519b8e8) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb51b30f0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb51f26cc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb51fc3c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb52223c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb5231d5c) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb5231e4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb52443c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb52444b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb524ebb8) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb524ed98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb5264c6c) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb5270d98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb5060d20) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb5071d5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb508312c) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb509e294) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb509eca8) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb511abf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb5140ce4) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb515c870) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb4f6799c) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb4f856cc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb4f9e5a0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb4fe51a4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb4ffe6cc) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb4e96e88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4eb03fc) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4eb0564) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4eb04ec) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb4eb05dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb4ed6000) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb4ed612c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb4ed6ce4) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb4ed6e10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb4ee7d98) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4461,25 +2648,9 @@ Class QXmlStreamWriter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QXmlStreamWriter (0xb4f17654) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4f3d5a0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4f3d618) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4f3d690) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4f3d528) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -4501,10 +2672,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb4d723fc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb4d7c6cc) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -4802,15 +2969,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb4e09690) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4e09f78) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb4e09f00) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -5099,20 +3258,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb4c60780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb4c6e870) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb4c824b0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb4c93078) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -5143,20 +3290,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb4e589c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb4c93474) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb4c93fb4) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb4c93f3c) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb4c93ec4) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -5669,15 +3804,7 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0xb4d2e690) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d40bb8) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4d40b40) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5685,15 +3812,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4d04d80) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4d40bf4) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d5cca8) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4d5cc30) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5706,10 +3825,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4b7dbf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4b98258) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -5721,25 +3836,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4b98a14) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb4bc2ac8) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4bc2a50) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4bc26cc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4bc2b04) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5751,10 +3854,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4bf9384) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4c09474) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -5779,10 +3878,6 @@ QImage (0xb4c24900) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4c41c6c) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4c24900)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4aa5168) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -5807,45 +3902,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb4accb7c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb4ad8690) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=124 align=4
    base size=121 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb4ad8924) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4af15a0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb4af1528) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4af1690) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4af1708) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4af1780) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb4af1618) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5906,10 +3973,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb498f438) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb49db4b0) 0
 Class QCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5997,10 +4060,6 @@ QWidget (0xb49f8b90) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb49e9d20) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb4a2fe10) 0
 Vtable for QDialog
 QDialog::_ZTV7QDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6251,10 +4310,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb48ce400) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb48cfe10) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb48e3fb4) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6505,20 +4560,12 @@ QFileDialog (0xb48cee80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb49207f8) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb4932924) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb4953ce4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb47740b4) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFileSystemModel
 QFileSystemModel::_ZTV16QFileSystemModel: 42u entries
@@ -6980,10 +5027,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb47f1280) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb47eafb4) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb4806dd4) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -7488,10 +5531,6 @@ QWizard (0xb4653680) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb46735a0) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb4680924) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -7624,10 +5663,6 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb46af1e0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb46da924) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -8184,15 +6219,7 @@ QGraphicsItemGroup (0xb4560040) 0
   QGraphicsItem (0xb4562000) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsItemGroup (0xb4560040)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4562870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb4562a14) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsLayoutItem
 QGraphicsLayoutItem::_ZTV19QGraphicsLayoutItem: 8u entries
@@ -8544,10 +6571,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb45dfb7c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb45ec3fc) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -8594,20 +6617,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb45cc6c0) 0
   QObject (0xb45ec690) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb45cc6c0)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb4610384) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4610dd4) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4610d5c) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -8770,65 +6781,21 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb4465a50) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb4487168) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QTextOption::Tab>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QTextOption::Tab> (0xb4496744) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb4496a50) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb44da528) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb44f8f78) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb44f8f00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb451c0f0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb451c078) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb451c834) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb451c7bc) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb451c99c) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb451c924) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -9083,15 +7050,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb43ac480) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb43c0294) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb43dab40) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb43e9744) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -9346,10 +7305,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb425daf0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb4257b7c) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb442af00)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb42695a0) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9525,15 +7480,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb42e6580) 0
   QObject (0xb42f1708) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb42e6580)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb42ff528) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb42ff4b0) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -9839,10 +7786,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb4330d00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb415fce4) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb416de88) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -10050,15 +7993,7 @@ QStyle (0xb4186a00) 0
   QObject (0xb41c4384) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb4186a00)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb41e5d20) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb41f9924) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -10317,10 +8252,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb407e040) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4079780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb4079f3c) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -10347,10 +8278,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb407eac0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb409dec4) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb40b18ac) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -10358,10 +8285,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb407ed80) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb40b15a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb40c9dd4) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -10376,10 +8299,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb40ca3c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb40ca400) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb40e6e4c) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb4102ac8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -10406,10 +8325,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb40cad00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb412f474) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb412fe10) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -10442,10 +8357,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb41429c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3f7003c) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb3f708ac) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -10510,15 +8421,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb3fc2600) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3fc2640) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3fd3078) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb3fd3870) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb3fd37f8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -10527,10 +8430,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb3fc2880) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3fc28c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3fd3708) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb3ff30f0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -10627,10 +8526,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb3e4fc6c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3e7e7f8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -10661,20 +8556,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb3e52bc0) 0
   QObject (0xb3e7ec6c) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb3e52bc0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb3e95f3c) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb3ea9bb8) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3ea9b40) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10804,10 +8687,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb3ed1180) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3ea9f3c) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb3ee9d5c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -11270,15 +9149,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3d898e8) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3d98384) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3d9830c) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -11419,15 +9290,7 @@ QListView (0xb3d9a140) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb3d98690) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<void*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<void*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3dc0dd4) 0
-Class QVector<void*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<void*> (0xb3dc0d5c) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -11720,15 +9583,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb3e37d98) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3cae780) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb3cae708) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -12007,15 +9862,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb3d15b7c) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb3d268ac) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb3d26834) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -12292,35 +10139,15 @@ QTreeView (0xb3b7c380) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb3b80870) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb3bab03c) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0xb3ba2618) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3bd7a8c) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3bd7a14) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3bd7ec4) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3bd7e4c) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -13296,15 +11123,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb39960b4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb399630c) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb3996b7c) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -13339,20 +11158,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb39963fc) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb39b1d5c) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb39b1a14) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb39c4a50) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -13450,10 +11261,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0xb39b9f00) 0
     QObject (0xb38500f0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0xb39b9f40)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb38643c0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -13985,30 +11792,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb38f4e10) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb390c870) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb390c0f0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb392fd20) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb392fca8) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb3755a50) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -14070,15 +11861,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb37fd8ac) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb380a5dc) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb380a564) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -14128,15 +11911,7 @@ QTextDocument (0xb37ead40) 0
   QObject (0xb38275a0) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb37ead40)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb3827f3c) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb3658c30) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14148,15 +11923,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb3658ec4) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb367c294) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb367c21c) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -14318,10 +12085,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb364df40) 0
     QObject (0xb36c1384) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb364df80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb36d9d5c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -14346,25 +12109,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb36e3258) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb36f6d5c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb36f6e4c) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb3703000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb370d3c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -15494,10 +13245,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb3458580) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb346fe4c) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb34826cc) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -15658,10 +13405,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb3458c00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb34b503c) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb34c7474) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -15741,10 +13484,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb3458f80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb34e8078) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb34f9708) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -15906,10 +13645,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb34eb640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb352e078) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb353e03c) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -16228,10 +13963,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb3385380) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb338cf78) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb33af0b4) 0
 Vtable for QMdiArea
 QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea: 65u entries
@@ -16317,10 +14048,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb3385700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb33afca8) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb33e20f0) 0
 Vtable for QMdiSubWindow
 QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow: 63u entries
@@ -16400,10 +14127,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb3385b00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb33e2ce4) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb3404e10) 0
 Vtable for QMenu
 QMenu::_ZTV5QMenu: 63u entries
@@ -16681,10 +14404,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb32d07c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb32d6a50) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb331a99c) 0
 Vtable for QPlainTextEdit
 QPlainTextEdit::_ZTV14QPlainTextEdit: 69u entries
@@ -18206,25 +15925,13 @@ Class QGLColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLColormap (0xb30bc708) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb30cf0f0) 0
-Class QFlags<QGL::FormatOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGL::FormatOption> (0xb30cf1a4) 0
 Class QGLFormat
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QGLFormat (0xb30cfac8) 0
-Class QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlag> (0xb2e92528) 0
 Vtable for QGLContext
 QGLContext::_ZTV10QGLContext: 11u entries
@@ -18370,203 +16077,43 @@ QGLPixelBuffer (0xb2ec5680) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb2ee2ca8) 0
       primary-for QGLPixelBuffer (0xb2ec5680)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb2d447bc) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb2d5cd5c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb2e2a078) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb2e2ab7c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb2c49654) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb2cbee88) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb2cd303c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb2cd321c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb2cd33fc) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb2b94bb8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb2b94d98) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb2bbff3c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2bd83c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2bd8d98) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb2c1dac8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb2a67a50) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb2a67ac8) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb2a8d9d8) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2a8dce4) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb2add8e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb2addec4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb2b041e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb2b04a8c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2b04ec4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2b10474) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb2b1e528) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb2b1ef3c) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb2b2c078) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb2b2c2d0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb2b2ca8c) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb29601e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb2960960) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb29609d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb2960e88) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb2960f00) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb299e348) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb299e780) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb299eb04) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb29d40b4) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb29d4744) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 929e8bf..b37e2db 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f46bc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f46c00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f46d00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f46d40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f46dc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f46e00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f46f00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f46f40) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb737c2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb737c380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb737c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb737c400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb737c440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb737c480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb737c4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb737c500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb737c540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb737c580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb737c5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb737c600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb737c640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb737c680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb737c6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb737c700) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb737c740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb737c900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb737c980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb737ca00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb737ca80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb737cb00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb737cb80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb737cc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb737cc80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb737cd00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb737cd80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb737ce00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb737ce80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb737cf00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb7288040) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb7288080) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb7288280) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7288380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7288440) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7288b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7288c00) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb7288c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb7288f00) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb708b240) 0
   QString (0xb708b280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb708b300) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb708b980) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb708bdc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb708bd00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb708bb40) 0
   QObject (0xb708be40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb708bb40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6eff080) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -512,10 +342,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6eff280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6eff2c0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -527,10 +353,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb6effa00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6efffc0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -555,15 +377,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6effec0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6cd1100) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6cd1040) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -575,30 +389,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6cd11c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1240) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6cd12c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1280) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1300) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1340) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -620,15 +414,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6cd1440) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd14c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cd1480) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -640,10 +426,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6cd1540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1580) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -658,10 +440,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6cd15c0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6cd1700) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -698,40 +476,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb6cd1a40) 0
   QTextStream (0xb6cd1a80) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb6cd1a40)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1c40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1c80) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6cd1c00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1d80) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -743,10 +497,6 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6cd1e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1e40) 0
 Class __sched_param
    size=4 align=4
@@ -763,45 +513,17 @@ Class __pthread_attr_s
    base size=36 base align=4
 __pthread_attr_s (0xb6cd1f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1640) 0
 Class _pthread_rwlock_t
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 _pthread_rwlock_t (0xb6cd1900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd1ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7c000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7c040) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -872,10 +594,6 @@ QFile (0xb6b7c7c0) 0
     QObject (0xb6b7c840) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6b7c800)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6b7c940) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -928,50 +646,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6b7cb00) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6b7cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6b7cbc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6b7cd00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb6b7cc40) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6b7cd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6b7cdc0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6b7ce00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6b7cf40) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6b7ce80) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -979,30 +669,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6b7cf80) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6b7cfc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6962140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb69621c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb69623c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6962480) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6962540) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1059,10 +733,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb6962580) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6962780) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1192,15 +862,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6962bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6962c00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6962c80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1235,10 +897,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb6962dc0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb6962f00) 0
 Vtable for QBuffer
 QBuffer::_ZTV7QBuffer: 30u entries
@@ -1313,290 +971,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6962b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb68a8000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb68a8040) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb68a8080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb68a8140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb68a8180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb68a81c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb68a8200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb68a8240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb68a8280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb68a82c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb68a8300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb68a8340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb68a8380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb68a83c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb68a8400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb68a8440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb68a8480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb68a84c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb68a8500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb68a8540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb68a8580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb68a85c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb68a8600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb68a8640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb68a8680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb68a86c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb68a8700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb68a8740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb68a8780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb68a87c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb68a8800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb68a8840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb68a8880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb68a88c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb68a8900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb68a8940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb68a8980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb68a89c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb68a8a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb68a8a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb68a8a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb68a8ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb68a8b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb68a8b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb68a8b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb68a8bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb68a8c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb68a8c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb68a8c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb68a8cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb68a8d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb68a8d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb68a8d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb68a8dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb68a8e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb68a8e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb68a8e80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1623,45 +1057,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb68a8ec0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb673e3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb673e400) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb673e580) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb673e4c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb673e700) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb673e640) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb673e7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb673e8c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1693,80 +1099,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb673eb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb673ef40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb673e000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb673ec40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb673ee40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb673eec0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb66480c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6648140) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6648240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6648600) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6648740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6648b00) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6648d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6648f00) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6648280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6648480) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1783,10 +1157,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb65e8380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb65e8400) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1808,30 +1178,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb65e8780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb65e8900) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb65e8940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb65e8ac0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb65e8b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb65e8c40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -2017,10 +1375,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb650e200) 0
   QObject (0xb650e240) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb650e200)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb650e3c0) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2127,20 +1481,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb650eac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb650ebc0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb650ec00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb650ecc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2360,10 +1706,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb650e940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb650ec40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2458,20 +1800,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb6422280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb6422300) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb6422340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb64223c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2483,10 +1817,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb6422440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb64224c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2543,10 +1873,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb64226c0) 0
   QObject (0xb6422700) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb64226c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb6422800) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2594,10 +1920,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb6422a80) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6422b40) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2609,20 +1931,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb6422c00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6422c80) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb6422c40) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6422d80) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2634,25 +1948,9 @@ Class QScriptValue
    base size=4 base align=4
 QScriptValue (0xb6422e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QScriptValue::ResolveFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QScriptValue::ResolveFlag> (0xb6422f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QScriptValue::PropertyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QScriptValue::PropertyFlag> (0xb6422fc0) 0
-Class QList<QScriptValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QScriptValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb6422a00) 0
-Class QList<QScriptValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QScriptValue> (0xb6422200) 0
 Class QScriptContext
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2684,10 +1982,6 @@ QScriptEngine (0xb6127080) 0
   QObject (0xb61270c0) 0
       primary-for QScriptEngine (0xb6127080)
-Class QFlags<QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOption> (0xb6127380) 0
 Vtable for QScriptExtensionInterface
 QScriptExtensionInterface::_ZTV25QScriptExtensionInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2753,28 +2047,8 @@ Class QScriptValueIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 QScriptValueIterator (0xb6127680) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb61a3cc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb61e4640) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb60b5200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QScriptValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QScriptValue> (0xb60b5340) 0 empty
-Class QList<QScriptValue>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QScriptValue>::Node (0xb60b5400) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.3.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.3.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index 9c87f57..7d61f35 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.3.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.3.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x66d2c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x66d340) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x66d500) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x66d540) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x66d640) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x66d6c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x66d880) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x66d8c0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,145 +24,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x66de80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x6980c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x698180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x698240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x698300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x6983c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x698480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x698540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x698600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x6986c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x698780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x698840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x698900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x6989c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x698a80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x698b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xec0100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xec0180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xec0200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xec0280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xec0300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xec0380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xec0400) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xec0480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xec0500) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xec0580) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xec0600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xec0680) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xec0700) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -206,10 +72,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xec0880) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xec08c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xec0b80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -226,10 +88,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xec0cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xec0dc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -242,10 +100,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xfc64c0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xfc6500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xfc6780) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -312,10 +166,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x106a440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x106a800) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -337,10 +187,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x11ae040) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x11ae480) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -353,10 +199,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x12ea0c0) 0
   QString (0x12ea100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x12ea200) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -424,15 +266,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12eadc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x13e7340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x13e7280) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -524,10 +358,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13e7a00) 0
   QObject (0x13e7a40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13e7a00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x13e7c40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -557,10 +387,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x14de440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x14de4c0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -572,10 +398,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x1581280) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1581a40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -600,15 +422,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x15818c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1581d80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1581cc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -643,10 +457,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x16f5040) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x16f5300) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -818,35 +628,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x17671c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1767380) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1767400) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1767300) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1767540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x17675c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1767640) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -907,10 +697,6 @@ QFile (0x18842c0) 0
     QObject (0x1884340) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1884300)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1884500) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -963,50 +749,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1884740) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1884800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1884880) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1884a40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1884980) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1884b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1884d40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1884dc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1884fc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1884f00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1014,30 +772,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x18846c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1994000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x19944c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1994540) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1994840) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1994980) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1994a00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1094,10 +836,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1994a40) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1994d00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1227,15 +965,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1a5f300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1a5f400) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1a5f4c0) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1270,10 +1000,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0x1a5f740) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x1a5f940) 0
 Vtable for QBuffer
 QBuffer::_ZTV7QBuffer: 30u entries
@@ -1348,290 +1074,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1a5fcc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1a5fe80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1a5ff00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1a5ff80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1b7f000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1b7f0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1b7f180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1b7f240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1b7f300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1b7f3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1b7f480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1b7f540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1b7f600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1b7f6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1b7f780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1b7f840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1b7f900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1b7f9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1b7fa80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1b7fb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1b7fc00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1b7fcc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1b7fd80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1b7fe40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1b7ff00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1b7ffc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1b9a080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1b9a140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1b9a200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1b9a2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1b9a380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1b9a440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1b9a500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1b9a5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1b9a680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1b9a740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1b9a800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1b9a8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1b9a980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1b9aa40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1b9ab00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1b9abc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1b9ac80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1b9ad40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1b9ae00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1b9aec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1b9af80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1bb6040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1bb6100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1bb61c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1bb6280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1bb6340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1bb6400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1bb64c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1bb6580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1bb6640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1bb6700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0x1bb67c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1658,65 +1160,21 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1bb6840) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1bb6e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1bb6ec0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1bb6b80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1bb6a00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1c23180) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1c230c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1c23280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1c233c0) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1c23480) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1c23500) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1c23580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3164 align=4
-   base size=3164 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1c23600) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1748,80 +1206,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1c23d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1c23e40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1cf41c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1cf4640) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1cf4940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1cf49c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1cf4b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1cf4c00) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1cf4dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1cf4400) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1d991c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1d995c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1d99a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1d99c00) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x1d99e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x1d99280) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1838,10 +1264,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1eb1b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1eb1c00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1863,30 +1285,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1fa9200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1fa9400) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1fa9480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1fa9680) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1fa9700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1fa9880) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -2072,10 +1482,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2069600) 0
   QObject (0x2069640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2069600)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2069840) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2182,20 +1588,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x2123180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2123340) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x21233c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2123500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2415,10 +1813,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2123f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2123740) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2513,20 +1907,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x21de440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x21de500) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x21de580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x21de640) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2538,10 +1924,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x21de700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x21de7c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2598,10 +1980,6 @@ QLibrary (0x21deb40) 0
   QObject (0x21deb80) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x21deb40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x21ded40) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2649,10 +2027,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x21de1c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x22a10c0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2664,20 +2038,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x22a1180) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x22a1240) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x22a11c0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x22a1380) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2689,25 +2055,9 @@ Class QScriptValue
    base size=4 base align=4
 QScriptValue (0x22a1480) 0
-Class QList<QScriptValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QScriptValue>::<anonymous union> (0x22a1680) 0
-Class QList<QScriptValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QScriptValue> (0x22a15c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QScriptValue::ResolveFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QScriptValue::ResolveFlag> (0x22a1780) 0
-Class QFlags<QScriptValue::PropertyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QScriptValue::PropertyFlag> (0x22a1800) 0
 Class QScriptContext
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2739,10 +2089,6 @@ QScriptEngine (0x22a18c0) 0
   QObject (0x22a1900) 0
       primary-for QScriptEngine (0x22a18c0)
-Class QFlags<QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOption> (0x22a1c40) 0
 Vtable for QScriptExtensionInterface
 QScriptExtensionInterface::_ZTV25QScriptExtensionInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2808,28 +2154,8 @@ Class QScriptValueIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 QScriptValueIterator (0x22a1d80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x23c3c80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x24012c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x24d6540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QScriptValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QScriptValue> (0x24d67c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QScriptValue>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QScriptValue>::Node (0x24d6880) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index fb70146..a7dd5c7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtScript.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb782b03c) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb782b078) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7c89b40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb782b0f0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb782b21c) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb782b258) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7c89d00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb782b2d0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb783f6cc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb783f8ac) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb783f99c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb783fa8c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb783fb7c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb783fc6c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb783fd5c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb783fe4c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb783ff3c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb785a03c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb785a12c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb785a21c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb785a30c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb785a3fc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb785a4ec) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb785a5dc) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb78765dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb789c294) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6b3ae4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6b7bf3c) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb6b941e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb6b94b04) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb69d8438) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb69d8d5c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb69eb690) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb69ebfb4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb69fe8e8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb6a0d21c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb6a0db40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb6a21474) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb6a21d98) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb6a356cc) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb6a46000) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb6a46a8c) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb6898d20) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb67c3b00) 0
   QString (0xb68110f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb68113fc) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb687aac8) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6721d5c) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb67210b4) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb673d3c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb673d348) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb6769000) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb67625dc) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb6762ac8) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb67628e8) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6779c30) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb6779bb8) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb65bae80) 0
   QObject (0xb65bcc30) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb65bae80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb65d7f3c) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb661de4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6651654) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6651744) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6651ca8) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6651c30) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb662cf80) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6651ce4) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb667da50) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb667dc6c) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb64a8f3c) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64bba8c) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb638e3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb638e474) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb64253fc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb64254ec) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6425474) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6425564) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb64255dc) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6425654) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb64256cc) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6425708) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6465e88) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb62930c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb628f5dc) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb62930c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb62a1078) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb62a10f0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb62a1000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62a1168) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62a11e0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62a1258) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62a12d0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb62a1348) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62a13c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62a1438) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb62a1474) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb62a15a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb62a1528) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62a14ec) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62a1618) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb62a1708) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62a1690) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62a1780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb62a1870) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62a17f8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62a1924) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62a199c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62a1a14) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb61be7bc) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb61d53fc) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb61d5384) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb61d5744) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb61d5870) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb61d5f78) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb61d5708) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6219780) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb620bac8) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6219780)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb6256258) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb62726c0) 0
   QObject (0xb62718e8) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb62726c0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb6272dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb6272e00) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb6272dc0)
-    QObject (0xb608b3fc) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb6272e00)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60cd2c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb60d33fc) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60cd2c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb60d3bf4) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb60cdc40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb60d3c6c) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb60cde00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60cde40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb60e80f0) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60cde40)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb60e8b40) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb60e8bb8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb60e8dd4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb60e8ec4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb60e8f3c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb60e8fb4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb60e8258) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb610903c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb61090b4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb610912c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb61091a4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb610921c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb6109294) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb610930c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb6109384) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb61093fc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb61094ec) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb6109564) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb61095dc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb6109960) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb61099d8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb6109ac8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb6109b40) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb6109bb8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb6109dd4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb6109e10) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb6109e4c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb6109e88) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb6109ec4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb6109f00) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb6109f78) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb6109fb4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb611e000) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb611e03c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb611e078) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb611e0b4) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb611ea8c) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb5f99078) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f994b0) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f996cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb5f99ac8) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f99c30) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb5f99d98) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb5fd7474) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb5febec4) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb5ff7a8c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5ff7b04) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb5ff7dd4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5ff7f3c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5ff7ec4) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb5ff7fb4) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb60814ec) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb60817bc) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb5e7b7c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb60817f8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb6081834) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5e7b880) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb6081870) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb6081a8c) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb5f24384) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5f243c0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb5f20b40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5f243fc) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5dbb078) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5db9100) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5db9140) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5dbb0f0) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5dbb000) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dbb12c) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5db92c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dbb168) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5dbb21c) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5db94c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5db9500) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5dbb294) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5dbb1a4) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dbb2d0) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5dbb384) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5db9680) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dbb30c) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5e5d528) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5e68640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5e64ec4) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5e68640)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5e68740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5e64fb4) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5e68740)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5c7c3fc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5c7c438) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5c896c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5c7c474) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5c89800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5c89840) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5c89800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c7c4ec) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5c89840)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c898c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c89900) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c898c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c7c5dc) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c89900)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5ca33c0) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ce2a50) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ce2ce4) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5ce2f78) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5d58050) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d28ec4) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5d58050)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5d28f00) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5d61910) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d71a8c) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5d61910)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5d71ac8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5d66800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b7d780) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5d66800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5d71bb8) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b7d780)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5d71bf4) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5d669c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5b84f00) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5d669c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b83f00) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5b84f00)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5b83f3c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5d66a40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5d66a80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5d66a40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b88550) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5d66a80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5b8a078) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b88550)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5b8a0b4) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5b8aac8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b96480) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b9c2d0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b96480)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b96540) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b9c3c0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b96540)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5bd2a14) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5c1aa80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5c1aac0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5c1aa80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c3103c) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5c1aac0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c1ab00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c3112c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c1ab00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c1ab80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c3121c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c1ab80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c1ac00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5c1ac40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c1ac00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c3130c) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5c1ac40)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c1acc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c313fc) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c1acc0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c1ad40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c314ec) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c1ad40)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c6fd80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5c31ce4) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c6fd80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c6fdc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5c31dd4) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c6fdc0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ab7a40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ab7a80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a9a8e8) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ab7a80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5a9aac8) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ab7bc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ab7c00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a9ab04) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ab7c00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5a9aca8) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5af8480) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5af84c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5af91a4) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5af84c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5af8580) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5af85c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5af9528) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5af85c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb5af9c30) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5af9c6c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb5b25480) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5af9ca8) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5b54168) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b61380 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b69be0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b61380) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b69be0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b613c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5b541a4) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b613c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b61400) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b613c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5b54438) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b61700 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b77c80) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b61700) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b77c80)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b61740) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5b54474) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b61740)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b61780) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b61740) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb5b54d5c) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb5b54ce4) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb5b54c6c) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb5b54bb8) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb59a003c) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb59a08ac) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb588bd20) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58aa410) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb589ba00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58aa410)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb588bf00) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb589ba00)
-  QRunnable (0xb588bf3c) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb589ba80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58aa820) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb589ba80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb589bac0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58aa820)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb58b00f0) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb589bac0)
-    QRunnable (0xb58b012c) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb57fee00) 0
     QObject (0xb5815474) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb57fee40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb582de10) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb584199c) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb585f03c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb585f348) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb58720b4) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb587203c) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb58721a4) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb5691708) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb56917f8) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb56c3ac8) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb56d4bb8) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb56f0dd4) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5702564) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb5766528) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb57665a0) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb574530c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb5766d98) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb5766f00) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb55817f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb5581c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb5581e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb559f000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb559f1e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb559f3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb559f5a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb559f780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb559f960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb559fb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb559fd20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb559ff00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb55a90f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb55a92d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb55a94b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb55a9690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb55a9870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb55a9a50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb55a9c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb55a9e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb55ae000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb55ae1e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb55ae3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb55ae5a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb55ae780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb55ae960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb55aeb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb55aed20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb55aef00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb55b90f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb55b92d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb55b94b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb55b9690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb55b9870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb55b9a50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb55b9c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb55b9e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb55c0000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb55c01e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb55c03c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb55c05a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb55c0780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb55c0960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb55c0b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb55c0d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb55c0f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb55c70f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb55c72d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb55c74b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb55c7690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb55c7870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb55c7a50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb55c7c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb55c7e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb55ce000) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb55ce1e0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5600c6c) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb5600bf4) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5600d5c) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb5600ce4) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb563f0f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb563f708) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb563f8e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb563fac8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb548eb7c) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb5499a8c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb54c5528) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5492ac0) 0
   QObject (0xb54d4384) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5492ac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb54d499c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb54f9c30) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb5518000) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb55180f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5518834) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb556599c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb536f12c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb53a8d5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb53dc21c) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb53dc30c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb53dc744) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb53dcb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb53dce88) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb542e7c0) 0
   QObject (0xb544c7bc) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb542e7c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb545b708) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb5288ce4) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5295384) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5295078) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb529d870) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb52d5e4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb52e5b40) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb52f5b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb53234ec) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb53235dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb532db40) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb532dc30) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb53412d0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb53414b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb53542d0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb5366528) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb51513c0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb51684ec) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb51688ac) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb5187a14) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb5194438) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb5226384) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb522f3c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb504f000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb504fe88) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb506ce4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb5087d5c) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb50ce924) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb50e9e4c) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb4f8e618) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f97b7c) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f97ce4) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f97c6c) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb4f97d5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb4fba780) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb4fba8ac) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb4fc9474) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb4fc95a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb4fdc528) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4471,25 +2658,9 @@ Class QScriptValue
    base size=4 base align=4
 QScriptValue (0xb5010870) 0
-Class QFlags<QScriptValue::ResolveFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QScriptValue::ResolveFlag> (0xb50237f8) 0
-Class QFlags<QScriptValue::PropertyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QScriptValue::PropertyFlag> (0xb50238e8) 0
-Class QList<QScriptValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QScriptValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb5023d20) 0
-Class QList<QScriptValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QScriptValue> (0xb5023ca8) 0
 Vtable for QScriptClass
 QScriptClass::_ZTV12QScriptClass: 13u entries
@@ -4513,10 +2684,6 @@ Class QScriptClass
 QScriptClass (0xb4e507bc) 0
     vptr=((& QScriptClass::_ZTV12QScriptClass) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QScriptClass::QueryFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QScriptClass::QueryFlag> (0xb4e631a4) 0
 Vtable for QScriptClassPropertyIterator
 QScriptClassPropertyIterator::_ZTV28QScriptClassPropertyIterator: 13u entries
@@ -4580,10 +2747,6 @@ QScriptEngine (0xb5035700) 0
   QObject (0xb4e88870) 0
       primary-for QScriptEngine (0xb5035700)
-Class QFlags<QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOption> (0xb4e9e5dc) 0
 Vtable for QScriptEngineAgent
 QScriptEngineAgent::_ZTV18QScriptEngineAgent: 15u entries
@@ -4668,43 +2831,11 @@ Class QScriptValueIterator
    base size=4 base align=4
 QScriptValueIterator (0xb4edd30c) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb4f21dd4) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb4d4d384) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb4df3ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb4df3f3c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb4e373fc) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb4e37528) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QScriptValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QScriptValue> (0xb4e37780) 0 empty
-Class QList<QScriptValue>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QScriptValue>::Node (0xb4e377f8) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
index 74a08e0..2bf0214 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
@@ -53,65 +53,20 @@ Class QBool
    size=1 align=1
 QBool (0x300b7280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x300cd9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x300cdf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x300d4540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x300d4b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x300e00c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x300e0680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x300e0c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x300eb200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x300eb7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x300ebd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x300f8340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x300f8900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x300f8ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30104480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30104a40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -125,9 +80,6 @@ Class QChar
    size=2 align=2
 QChar (0x30148980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30185980) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -142,13 +94,7 @@ Class sigset_t
    size=8 align=4
 sigset_t (0x3026ad80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271540) 0
 Class fsid_t
    size=8 align=4
@@ -158,21 +104,9 @@ Class fsid64_t
    size=16 align=8
 fsid64_t (0x30271c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=52 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302780c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=112 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302787c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=208 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278b40) 0
 Class _quad
    size=8 align=4
@@ -186,17 +120,11 @@ Class adspace_t
    size=68 align=4
 adspace_t (0x30281e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x302865c0) 0
 Class label_t
    size=100 align=4
 label_t (0x30286d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3028b780) 0
 Class sigset
    size=8 align=4
@@ -238,57 +166,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    size=8 align=4
 QByteRef (0x302b7540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30423740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30431080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30431340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x3042cc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30442080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30431a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30448800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x3046af00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x3046e200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x304422c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30474f80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30479700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30479a40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -306,9 +195,6 @@ Class QString
    size=4 align=4
 QString (0x300a1f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x303cf2c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -323,9 +209,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x300b7640) 0
   QString (0x300b7680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x303901c0) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -335,9 +218,6 @@ Class QListData
    size=4 align=4
 QListData (0x300732c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x302fb500) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -360,13 +240,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x303bab80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30120bc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x302cc980) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -385,21 +259,12 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3036a6c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x3036a700) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x3009b300) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
 QMetaObject (0x3058c900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30170600) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30166f00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4 entries
@@ -487,9 +352,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30365880) 0
   QObject (0x301e4440) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30365880)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x301ebec0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4 entries
@@ -507,38 +369,20 @@ Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
 QRegExp (0x303baa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x30148180) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x3012d8c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x30104900) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString> (0x30104380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
 QStringList (0x303bab00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x300c3280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x301046c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x300eba00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x300eb980) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5 entries
@@ -664,9 +508,6 @@ Class QMapData
    size=72 align=4
 QMapData (0x304b4140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3052cd00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4 entries
@@ -680,9 +521,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x3050bbc0) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x305082c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -767,41 +605,20 @@ QFile (0x3057c8c0) 0
     QObject (0x3057c980) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3057c900)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x3058a380) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
 QFileInfo (0x304b0580) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x304927c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x30390480) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x301dfa40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x301df900) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
 QDir (0x304b03c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x30365600) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x303ac7c0) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35 entries
@@ -846,9 +663,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x3057c7c0) 0
     vptr=((&QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x3031a080) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5 entries
@@ -910,73 +724,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
 QMetaType (0x30079000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x3011fb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x3013d480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint_t> (0x30148440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x3015dfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x301937c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x301a18c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x301a5d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x301ad500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x301add00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x301b22c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x301b2b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong_t> (0x301b6640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort_t> (0x301b6fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar_t> (0x301b9600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x301b9c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x301c1740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x301d7f80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -998,69 +761,24 @@ Class QVariant
    size=16 align=8
 QVariant (0x30166c00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3057e500) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x302acd80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x302ed8c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x302b7980) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x30225880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x303e8900) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303dab00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f70c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=76 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f7880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fc640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fcc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30492400) 0
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1102,77 +820,41 @@ Class localeinfo_table
    size=36 align=4
 localeinfo_table (0x303d9cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=108 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x304dc500) 0
 Class _LC_charmap_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_charmap_objhdl (0x304dcc80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=92 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561040) 0
 Class _LC_monetary_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_monetary_objhdl (0x305614c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561800) 0
 Class _LC_numeric_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_numeric_objhdl (0x30561d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083180) 0
 Class _LC_resp_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_resp_objhdl (0x300838c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=248 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083c40) 0
 Class _LC_time_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_time_objhdl (0x3012c400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x3012cc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303acac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=104 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30504a00) 0
 Class _LC_collate_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_collate_objhdl (0x301bfb80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301e8b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=80 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x305a0100) 0
 Class _LC_ctype_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1186,17 +868,11 @@ Class _LC_locale_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_locale_objhdl (0x303da600) 0
-Class _LC_object_handle::<anonymous union>
-   size=12 align=4
-_LC_object_handle::<anonymous union> (0x305911c0) 0
 Class _LC_object_handle
    size=20 align=4
 _LC_object_handle (0x30591080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3031ed80) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14 entries
@@ -1271,13 +947,7 @@ Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
 QUrl (0x302256c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x306df180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x307c8900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14 entries
@@ -1303,9 +973,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x30802000) 0
   QObject (0x30802040) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x30802000)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x30803740) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27 entries
@@ -1348,17 +1015,11 @@ Class QModelIndex
    size=16 align=4
 QModelIndex (0x3049cc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x304eb5c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x3049cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x3002e700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42 entries
@@ -1524,9 +1185,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    size=4 align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x307fe180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x30803300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4 entries
@@ -1612,17 +1270,11 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x30379340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x30880740) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x303793c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3088be80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1632,9 +1284,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x30379540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x308a3780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17 entries
@@ -1902,9 +1551,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    size=8 align=4
 QBitRef (0x305a6140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x30864700) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1922,65 +1568,41 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    size=1 align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30893ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30897f00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
 QDate (0x301eb4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x300ebe80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
 QTime (0x301f1e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x30368c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
 QDateTime (0x304b0440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x304d4880) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
 QPoint (0x301f9d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x307b9180) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
 QPointF (0x30200880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x307efcc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
 QLine (0x301eb540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x3098afc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
 QLineF (0x301eb600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x30a335c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1990,41 +1612,26 @@ Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
 QLocale (0x301eb800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x30822c80) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
 QSize (0x30200a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x30864400) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
 QSizeF (0x30209200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x30a33a80) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
 QRect (0x30213780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x30aad700) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
 QRectF (0x302138c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x30a1fdc0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2034,9 +1641,6 @@ Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
 QVectorData (0x30ad4ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x30bc8b80) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2165,13 +1769,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    size=24 align=8
 QSqlField (0x30b1b040) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x304d4240) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<bool> (0x304d8ac0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2423,11 +2021,5 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x30b5e180) 0
           QObject (0x30b5e2c0) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x30b5e280)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x30120ac0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x301dfa00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
index 0bb960a..07ab0ee 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x2aaaac200930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x2aaaac219850) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x2aaaac219af0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x2aaaac219d90) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x2aaaac22f070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x2aaaac22f310) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaac22f5b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x2aaaac22f850) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x2aaaac22faf0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x2aaaac22fd90) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaac242070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x2aaaac242310) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x2aaaac2425b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x2aaaac242850) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x2aaaac242af0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x2aaaac242d90) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x2aaaac255000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x2aaaac2e10e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x2aaaac2e14d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x2aaaac2e18c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x2aaaac2e1cb0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x2aaaac3250e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x2aaaac3254d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x2aaaac3258c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x2aaaac325cb0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x2aaaac36c0e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x2aaaac36c4d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x2aaaac36c8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x2aaaac36ccb0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x2aaaac3b8700) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x2aaaac3b8770) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaac3df000) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=32 align=8
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x2aaaac3f3c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x2aaaac426cb0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QByteRef (0x2aaaac55e310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x2aaaac5f2380) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -291,10 +171,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=8 base align=8
 QString (0x2aaaac5f2690) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x2aaaac5f2ee0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=8 align=8
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x2aaaac8b21c0) 0
   QString (0x2aaaac8b2230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x2aaaac8b2770) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=32 align=8
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=8 base align=8
 QListData (0x2aaaac8f3690) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaca155b0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*> (0x2aaaaca15460) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x2aaaaca84a10) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaca84a80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaaca84a10)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x2aaaacab75b0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=128 base align=8
 QMapData (0x2aaaacb421c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x2aaaacc5e0e0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=32 align=8
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x2aaaacc37e00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 16u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaacc7d9a0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray> (0x2aaaacc7d850) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=40 align=8
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=40 base align=8
 QTextDecoder (0x2aaaaccb9700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccb9b60) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaccb9d20) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccb9c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccb9e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccb9ee0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=40 align=8
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=16 base align=8
 __gconv_info (0x2aaaaccd4230) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccd43f0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaccd4310) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=24 align=8
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=216 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x2aaaaccd44d0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccd45b0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x2aaaaccd4620) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x2aaaacd3d8c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=40 align=8
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x2aaaace21380) 0
     QObject (0x2aaaace21460) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaace213f0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x2aaaace53230) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=8 base align=8
 QRegExp (0x2aaaace84000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x2aaaace84e70) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1048 align=8
    base size=1044 base align=8
 QStringMatcher (0x2aaaacea90e0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaacea9690) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString> (0x2aaaacea9540) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=8 align=8
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x2aaaacea97e0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x2aaaacea9850) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x2aaaaceff690) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x2aaaaceffa10) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=8 base align=8
 QFileInfo (0x2aaaacf85380) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x2aaaacf85e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaacfc22a0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaacfc2a10) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaacfc28c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDir (0x2aaaacfc2b60) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x2aaaacfc2e00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x2aaaad025070) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QUrl (0x2aaaad060d20) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2aaaad0a9070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2aaaad0e12a0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x2aaaad0e18c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x2aaaad105000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x2aaaad1051c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned int> (0x2aaaad105380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x2aaaad105540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x2aaaad105700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x2aaaad1058c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x2aaaad105a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x2aaaad105c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x2aaaad105e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x2aaaad112000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x2aaaad1121c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaad112380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaad112540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned char> (0x2aaaad112700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x2aaaad1128c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x2aaaad112a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x2aaaad112c40) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=16 align=8
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x2aaaad112d90) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaad1a0f50) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant> (0x2aaaad1a0e00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaad1d0310) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x2aaaad1d01c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x2aaaad210c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2aaaad228700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1128,10 +796,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x2aaaad294b60) 0
     vptr=((& QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x2aaaad294f50) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x2aaaad2dc7e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x2aaaad2dc9a0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2aaaad407cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2aaaad425230) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x2aaaad453070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2aaaad453850) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x2aaaad484850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2aaaad484a10) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x2aaaad4b8310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x2aaaad4b88c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x2aaaad4f09a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2aaaad4f0bd0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x2aaaad541310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2aaaad541a10) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x2aaaad5901c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2aaaad5903f0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x2aaaad63caf0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2aaaad66ba80) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QBitRef (0x2aaaad7dec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2aaaad7f5850) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=8 base align=8
 QLocale (0x2aaaad917930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2aaaad9623f0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x2aaaad9bda80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2aaaad9e3c40) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x2aaaad9e3e70) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2aaaada0b9a0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDateTime (0x2aaaada0bbd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2aaaada2b770) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2aaaadab1310) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaadab1380) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2aaaadab1310)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2aaaadab1770) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=24 base align=8
 QModelIndex (0x2aaaadb2a850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2aaaadb45a80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2aaaadb58000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2aaaadb58230) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2aaaadbe98c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2aaaadc23150) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaMethod (0x2aaaadc4df50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2aaaadc73310) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=16 align=8
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaEnum (0x2aaaadc73540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2aaaadc73a10) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaClassInfo (0x2aaaadc73d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2aaaadc8f1c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2062,15 +1642,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=8 base align=8
 QSqlRecord (0x2aaaadd3c460) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaadd3cb60) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<bool> (0x2aaaadd3ca10) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=32 align=8
@@ -2078,10 +1650,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x2aaaadd3c7e0) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x2aaaadd3c850) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x2aaaadd892a0) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -2464,18 +2032,6 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x2aaaade85d20) 0
           QObject (0x2aaaade85f50) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x2aaaade85ee0)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x2aaaadf445b0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::Node (0x2aaaadf7f690) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x2aaaae0c3380) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 9357a01..10ecbeb 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x4001ef40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x4001ed80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x40abe000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x40abe040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40abe080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40abe0c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40abe100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40abe140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40abe180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40abe1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40abe200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40abe240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40abe280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40abe2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40abe300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40abe340) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40abe380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40abe540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40abe5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40abe640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40abe6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40abe740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40abe7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40abe840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40abe8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40abe940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40abe9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40abea40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40abeac0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40abec00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40abec40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40abee40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x40abef40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x40bd1000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x40bd1700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x40bd1780) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,10 +176,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x40bd19c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x40bd1b00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x40bd1cc0) 0
   QString (0x40bd1d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x40bd1d80) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x40bd1e80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x40e772c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x40e77200) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x40e77500) 0
   QObject (0x40e77540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x40e77500)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x40e77680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x40e77780) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x40e77d40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x40e77c40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x40e77fc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x40e77f00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x40e773c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e77700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x40e77cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e77a80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e77d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41066000) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x41066100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x41066180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x41066140) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x41066200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41066240) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x41066280) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x410663c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x41066b00) 0
     QObject (0x41066b80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x41066b40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x41066c80) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x41066e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x41066ec0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x41066f00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x410665c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x41066f80) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x41066780) 0
   QList<QString> (0x41066bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x411761c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x41176240) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x411766c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x41176740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x41176780) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x411768c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x41176800) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x41176900) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x411769c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x41176a80) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x41176b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x41176c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x41176c40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x41176c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x41176d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x41176d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x41176d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x41176dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x41176e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x41176e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x41176e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x41176ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x41176f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x41176f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x41176f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x41176fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x41176500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x41176640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x412a2000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x412a2040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x412a2080) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x412a20c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x412a2680) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x412a25c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x412a2800) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x412a2740) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x412a2a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x412a2b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1142,10 +810,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x412a2e00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x412a2f00) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x412a2200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x412a2280) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x413ad340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x413ad780) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x413ad840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x413adc80) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x413add80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x413addc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x413adec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x413adf40) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x413ad380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x413ad880) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x413adb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x414e2280) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x414e2480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x414e2680) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x414e2780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x414e2900) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x414e2f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x414e2fc0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x416e3100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x416e3140) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x416e32c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x416e3440) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x416e3480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x416e3600) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x416e3640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x416e3780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x416e3f00) 0
   QObject (0x416e3f40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x416e3f00)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x416e3380) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x417fa100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x417fa200) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x417fa280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x417fa340) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x417fa900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x417fa9c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x417fad00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x417fad80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x417fadc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x417fae40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x417faec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x417faf40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2062,15 +1642,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0x418f6480) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x418f6680) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x418f65c0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2078,10 +1650,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x418f64c0) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x418f6500) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x418f6740) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -2464,18 +2032,6 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x419db000) 0
           QObject (0x419db140) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x419db100)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x41a22680) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x41a22d40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x41ae8100) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index a279f27..76e4171 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x30ab7540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30ab77e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x30ab7888) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x30ab7930) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x30ab79d8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x30ab7a80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x30ab7b28) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30ab7bd0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x30ab7c78) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x30ab7d20) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x30ab7dc8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x30ab7e70) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x30ab7f18) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x30ab7fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30af3000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30af30a8) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x30af3118) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30af3620) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30af3690) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x30af3700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30af3770) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30af37e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30af3850) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x30af38c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x30af3930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x30af39a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30af3a10) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30af3a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30af3af0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187980) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x30af3c08) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x30af3dc8) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x30af3ea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30af3f50) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30bf0af0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30bf0e38) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,20 +176,12 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x30d190a8) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30d193f0) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QCharRef (0x30d19428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30d19d58) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -321,15 +193,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30d19f50) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30e0f498) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30e0f3f0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -421,10 +285,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187b80) 0
   QObject (0x30e0f930) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187b80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30e0faf0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -449,30 +309,10 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x30e0ff18) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f1e348) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x30f1e428) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f1e3b8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f1e498) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f1e508) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -494,15 +334,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x30f1e658) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30f1e738) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x30f1e6c8) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -514,10 +346,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x30f1e7a8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f1e818) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -532,10 +360,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x30f1e850) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x30f1ea10) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -596,10 +420,6 @@ QFile (0x30187d00) 0
     QObject (0x30f1ef88) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x30187d40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x3103f0a8) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -652,25 +472,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x3103f1f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x3103f268) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x3103f2d8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x3103f498) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x3103f3f0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -770,130 +578,42 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x3103fc78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x3103fce8) 0 empty
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x3103fd90) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x3103fea8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x3103ff18) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x3103ffc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x31114000) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x311140a8) 0
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x311140e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x311141c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x31114230) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x311142a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x31114310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x31114380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x311143f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x31114460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x311144d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x31114540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x311145b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x31114620) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x31114690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x31114700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x31114770) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x311147e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x31114850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x311148c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -920,35 +640,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x311148f8) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31114e70) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31114dc8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31114af0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31114f88) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x311a30e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x311a31f8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1033,10 +733,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x311a3540) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x311a36c8) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1053,90 +749,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x311a38c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x311a3930) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x311a3000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x3129c188) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x3129c310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x3129c700) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x3129c8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x3129c930) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x3129ca80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x3129cb28) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x3129ccb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x3129c070) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x3129cd58) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x3133d118) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x3133d428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x3133d620) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x3133d850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x3133d9d8) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1153,10 +813,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x31486268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x31486380) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1178,40 +834,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x31486930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x314869a0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x31486b98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x31486d58) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x31486dc8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x31486f50) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x31486fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x31486e70) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1286,10 +926,6 @@ QTextCodecPlugin (0x311ac280) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x315cb498) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QTextCodecFactoryInterface (0x311ac2c0)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x315cb8c0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1409,10 +1045,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x311ac3c0) 0
   QObject (0x315cbe00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x311ac3c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x315cbf88) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1489,20 +1121,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x31652428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x316525b0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x31652658) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x31652770) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1722,10 +1346,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x31652e38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x31652f18) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1820,20 +1440,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x316ef118) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x316ef1c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x316ef230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x316ef2d8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1845,10 +1457,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x316ef380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x316ef428) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -1976,15 +1584,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0x316efd20) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x316efee0) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x316efe38) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1992,10 +1592,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x311ac800) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x316efd58) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x316ef540) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -2378,8 +1974,4 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x311acb40) 0
           QObject (0x3179db60) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x311acc40)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x318b9b98) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 6cc4886..719d47f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,75 +59,19 @@ Class QBool
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBool (0x7b8880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x7b8bc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x7b8c80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x7b8d40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x7b8e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x7b8ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x7b8f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x7b8300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x7fe040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x7fe100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x7fe1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x7fe280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x7fe340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x7fe400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x7fe4c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -144,10 +88,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x7fe7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x7fe8c0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -160,10 +100,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x7fec80) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x7fecc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x7fef40) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -245,70 +181,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xebcbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xebcf80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xfb3440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xfb34c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xfb3540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xfb35c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xfb3640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xfb36c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xfb3740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xfb37c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xfb3840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xfb38c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xfb3940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xfb39c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -335,10 +219,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1155100) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1155540) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -351,10 +231,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x128e140) 0
   QString (0x128e180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x128e280) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -366,10 +242,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x128e4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x128eac0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -394,15 +266,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x128e940) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x128ee00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x128ed40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -425,25 +289,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x128ea40) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x128ebc0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x13e8280) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x13e8200) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x13e8500) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x13e8440) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -535,10 +387,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13e8b40) 0
   QObject (0x13e8b80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13e8b40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x13e8dc0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -558,25 +406,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x14cf3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x14cf5c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x14cf640) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x14cf840) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x14cf780) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -584,15 +420,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x14cf900) 0
   QList<QString> (0x14cf940) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x14cfe00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x14cfe80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -748,10 +576,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x165a680) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x165a940) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -842,50 +666,22 @@ QFile (0x16f8540) 0
     QObject (0x16f85c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x16f8580)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x16f8780) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x16f87c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x16f8880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x16f8900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x16f8ac0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x16f8a00) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x16f8b80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x16f8cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x16f8d80) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35u entries
@@ -945,10 +741,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x16f8fc0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x18480c0) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -999,90 +791,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x18482c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x18483c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1848440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x18484c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1848540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x18485c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1848640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x18486c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1848740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x18487c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1848840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x18488c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1848940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x18489c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1848a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1848ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1848b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1848bc0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1109,50 +833,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1848c00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1902100) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1902040) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1902300) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1902240) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1902580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x19026c0) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1902780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1902800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1902880) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1230,15 +922,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x19ce000) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x19ce200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x19ce280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1265,10 +949,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x19ce300) 0
   QObject (0x19ce340) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x19ce300)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x19ce540) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1313,20 +993,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x19ce780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x19ce940) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x19cea00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x19ceb40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1496,10 +1168,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1ac00c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1ac01c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1591,20 +1259,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1ac0d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1ac0dc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1ac0e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1ac0f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1616,10 +1276,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1ac0fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1ac04c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1907,10 +1563,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1c02840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1c02980) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1932,80 +1584,48 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1c02bc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1c02c40) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1c94400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1c94600) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1c94680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1c94840) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1c948c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1c94a40) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1c94ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1c94f40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1c94740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1c94e80) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1dd61c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1dd6240) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1dd63c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1dd6480) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2017,50 +1637,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1dd6a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1dd6ac0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1dd6c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1dd68c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1f2f0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1f2f4c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f2f840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1f2fa00) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x1f2fc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x1f2fe40) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2072,10 +1672,6 @@ Class QVectorData
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVectorData (0x20bb100) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x20bb680) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2213,15 +1809,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=20 base align=4
 QSqlField (0x20bb800) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x2212180) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x22120c0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2479,18 +2067,6 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x2212900) 0
           QObject (0x2212a40) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x2212a00)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x22e0bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x22fea40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x23d5000) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 94e2655..ac830a7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x4001ee80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x4001ef40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x4001ef80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x4001efc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40ac6000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40ac6040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40ac6080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40ac60c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40ac6100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40ac6140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40ac6180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40ac61c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40ac6200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40ac6240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40ac6280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40ac62c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40ac6300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40ac64c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40ac6540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40ac65c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40ac6640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40ac66c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40ac6740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40ac67c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40ac6840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40ac68c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40ac6940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40ac69c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40ac6a40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40ac6b80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40ac6bc0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40ac6dc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x40ac6ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x40ac6f80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x40bde680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x40bde700) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x40bde940) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x40bdea80) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x40bdec40) 0
   QString (0x40bdec80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x40bded00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x40e6d180) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x40e6d5c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x40e6d500) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x40e6d800) 0
   QObject (0x40e6d840) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x40e6d800)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x40e6d980) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x40e6db40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x40e6db80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x41030100) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x41030700) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x41030600) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x41030980) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x410308c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x41030a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x41030b40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030b80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030bc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x41030cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x41030d40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x41030d00) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x41030dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030e00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x41030e40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x41030f80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x4118b1c0) 0
   QTextStream (0x4118b200) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x4118b1c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x4118b3c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x4118b400) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x4118b380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b480) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b4c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b500) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,10 +485,6 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x4118b580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b5c0) 0
 Class __sched_param
    size=4 align=4
@@ -721,45 +501,17 @@ Class __pthread_attr_s
    base size=36 base align=4
 __pthread_attr_s (0x4118b680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b6c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b780) 0
 Class _pthread_rwlock_t
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 _pthread_rwlock_t (0x4118b7c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118b880) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -830,10 +582,6 @@ QFile (0x4118bdc0) 0
     QObject (0x4118be40) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x4118be00)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x4118bf40) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -886,50 +634,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x4118be80) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x412ca040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x412ca080) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x412ca1c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x412ca100) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x412ca200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x412ca280) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x412ca2c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x412ca400) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x412ca340) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -937,30 +657,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x412ca440) 0
   QList<QString> (0x412ca480) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x412ca6c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x412ca740) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x412ca940) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x412caa00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x412caa80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1017,10 +721,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x412caac0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x412cac80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1175,110 +875,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x413db000) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x413db0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x413db100) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x413db140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x413db1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x413db200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x413db240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x413db280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x413db2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x413db300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x413db340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x413db380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x413db3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x413db400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x413db440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x413db480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x413db4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x413db500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x413db540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x413db580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x413db5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x413db600) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1305,35 +925,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x413db640) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x413dbc00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x413dbb40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x413dbd80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x413dbcc0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x413dbfc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x413db900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1365,80 +965,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x414e3180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x414e35c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x414e3680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x414e3ac0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x414e3bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x414e3c00) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x414e3d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x414e3d80) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x414e3e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x414e3340) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x414e36c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x414e3ec0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x415cf140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x415cf340) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x415cf440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x415cf5c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1455,10 +1023,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x415cfc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x415cfc80) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1475,40 +1039,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x415cfec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x415cff00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x415cf280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x417e2000) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x417e2040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x417e21c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x417e2200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x417e2340) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1668,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x417e2ac0) 0
   QObject (0x417e2b00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x417e2ac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x417e2c40) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1763,20 +1307,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x417e2740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x417e2b80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x417e2cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x417e2ec0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1996,10 +1532,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x418d8580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x418d8640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2094,20 +1626,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x418d8980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x418d8a00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x418d8a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x418d8ac0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2119,10 +1643,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x418d8b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x418d8bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2250,15 +1770,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0x419c1140) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x419c1340) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x419c1280) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2266,10 +1778,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x419c1180) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x419c11c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x419c1400) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -2652,23 +2160,7 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x419c1f00) 0
           QObject (0x419c1480) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x419c1200)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x41ad5500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x41ad5880) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x41ad5f40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x41b95040) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 69c196d..f3b5d86 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x306c54d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x306c56c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x306c5770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x306c5818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x306c58c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x306c5968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x306c5a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x306c5ab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x306c5b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x306c5c08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x306c5cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x306c5d58) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x306c5e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x306c5ea8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x306c5f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x306fa000) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x306fa070) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x306fa578) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x306fa5e8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x306fa658) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x306fa6c8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x306fa738) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x306fa7a8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x306fa818) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x306fa888) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x306fa8f8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x306fa968) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x306fa9d8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x306faa48) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187ac0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x306fab60) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x306fad20) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x306fae00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x306faea8) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30c0fb98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30c0fee0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x30d40498) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30d407e0) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x30187d00) 0
   QString (0x30e68268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30e68348) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30e68a80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30e68fc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30e68f18) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187dc0) 0
   QObject (0x30f583b8) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187dc0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30f585b0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30f58ce8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30f58d58) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x30ffc460) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x30ffcb28) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x30ffc9d8) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30ffce00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x30ffcd58) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x30ffcf18) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30ffcfc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x30ffcc08) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30ffc738) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3115d038) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x3115d0a8) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x3115d1f8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x3115d2d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3115d268) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x3115d348) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3115d3b8) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x3115d3f0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x3115d620) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x30187fc0) 0
   QTextStream (0x3115db98) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x30187fc0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x3115de70) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x3115dee0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x3115de00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3115df50) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3115dfc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x3115d9d8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x311e6000) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,70 +485,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x311e6070) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x311e60e0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e6150) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311e6230) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e61c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e62a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311e6380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x311e6310) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e63f0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311e64d0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e6460) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e6540) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e65b0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311e6620) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -835,10 +567,6 @@ QFile (0x312b3000) 0
     QObject (0x311e6c40) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x312b3040)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x311e6dc8) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -891,50 +619,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x311e6f18) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x311e6fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x311e6d20) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x3130e118) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x3130e070) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x3130e1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x3130e380) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x3130e3f0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x3130e5b0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x3130e508) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -942,30 +642,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x312b3140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x3130e658) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x3130ea80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x3130eaf0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x3130ee00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x3130ef18) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x3130ef88) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1022,10 +706,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x3130efc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x313d21f8) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1180,110 +860,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x313d26c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x313d2850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x313d28c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x313d2930) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x313d2a48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x313d2af0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x313d2b98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x313d2c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x313d2ce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x313d2d90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x313d2e38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x313d2ee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x313d2f88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x313d2310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x313d2658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x3146b070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x3146b118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x3146b1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x3146b268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x3146b310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x3146b3b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x3146b460) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1310,35 +910,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x3146b4d0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3146ba80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x3146b9d8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3146bc40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x3146bb98) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x3146be00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x3146bf18) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1370,80 +950,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x31543310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x31543700) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x315438f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31543ce8) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x31543f18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31543f88) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31543498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x315435e8) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31543b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x315e4268) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x315e4540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x315e48c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x315e4c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x315e4e38) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x315e40e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x315e4658) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1460,10 +1008,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x316dd888) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x316dd9a0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1480,40 +1024,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x316ddcb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x316ddd20) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x316ddf18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x31828038) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x318280a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x318282a0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x31828310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x31828460) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1673,10 +1201,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x312b3680) 0
   QObject (0x31828fc0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x312b3680)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x31828818) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1768,20 +1292,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x318de818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x318de9a0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x318dea10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x318deb28) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2001,10 +1517,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x318decb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x3197f038) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2099,20 +1611,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x3197f460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x3197f508) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x3197f578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3197f620) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2124,10 +1628,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x3197f6c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x3197f770) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2255,15 +1755,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0x3197fd58) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x31a27188) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x31a270e0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2271,10 +1763,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x312b3b40) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x31a27000) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x31a272d8) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -2657,23 +2145,7 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x312b3e80) 0
           QObject (0x31a27ee0) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x312b3f80)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x31b38038) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x31b38770) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x31b52578) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x31bda3f0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index e3da0c7..cc0eca0 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x62ea00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x62ec40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x62ed00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x62edc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x62ee80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x62ef40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x65c000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x65c0c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x65c180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x65c240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x65c300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x65c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x65c480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x65c540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x65c600) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x65c900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x65ca00) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xde8100) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xde8140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xde83c0) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xe86080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xe86440) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xe86900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xe86980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xe86a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xe86a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xe86b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xe86b80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xe86c00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xe86c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xe86d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xe86d80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xe86e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xe86e80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xffa5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xffaa00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x116b600) 0
   QString (0x116b640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x116b740) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x116ba40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x11cb580) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x11cb400) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x11cb8c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x11cb800) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x11cbb00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x11cbb40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x11cbe00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x11cbd80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x11cb680) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x11cbfc0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x12fe600) 0
   QObject (0x12fe640) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x12fe600)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x12fe880) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x12fef40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x13cf040) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x13cf0c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x13cf2c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x13cf200) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x13cf380) 0
   QList<QString> (0x13cf3c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x13cf880) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x13cf900) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x144e6c0) 0
     QObject (0x144e740) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x144e700)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x144e900) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x144e940) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x144ea00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x144ea80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x144ec40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x144eb80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x144ed00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x144ee40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x144eec0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x144ef00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1561100) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1561600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1561680) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x15bca00) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x15bccc0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1041,35 +829,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x1750740) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1750f00) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1750f80) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1750e80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1750200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1781040) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x17810c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1182,95 +950,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1781b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1781c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1781d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1781e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1781ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1781f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x17818c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x189e040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x189e100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x189e1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x189e280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x189e340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x189e400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x189e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x189e580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x189e640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x189e700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x189e7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x189e880) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1297,50 +993,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x189e900) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x189ef80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x189eec0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1928080) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x189ec40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1928300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1928440) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1928500) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1928580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1928600) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1418,15 +1082,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1928e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x19280c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x19288c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1453,10 +1109,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1928dc0) 0
   QObject (0x1a02000) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1928dc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1a02200) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1501,20 +1153,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1a02440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1a02600) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1a02680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1a027c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1684,10 +1328,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1a02ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1a02fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1779,20 +1419,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1ab59c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1ab5a80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1ab5b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1ab5bc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1804,10 +1436,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1ab5c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1ab5d40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2095,10 +1723,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1bc64c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1bc6600) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2110,70 +1734,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1bc6800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1bc6a00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1bc6a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1bc6cc0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1bc6d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1bc6ec0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1bc6f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1c7a040) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1c7a300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1c7a780) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1c7aa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1c7ab00) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1c7ac80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1c7ad40) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2185,60 +1781,36 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1d7b0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1d7b140) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1d7b280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1d7b680) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1d7ba40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1d7be40) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1d7bc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1e42080) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x1e42300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x1e424c0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSharedData (0x1e428c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x1e42c40) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2376,15 +1948,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSqlField (0x1fbd500) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x1fbd780) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x1fbd6c0) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2642,23 +2206,7 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x1fbdf00) 0
           QObject (0x1fbd180) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x1fbd000)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x20b5380) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x20de200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2125280) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x2189840) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 86e0c40..6508207 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x7cd440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x7cd680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x7cd740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x7cd800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x7cd8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x7cd980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x7cda40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x7cdb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x7cdbc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x7cdc80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x7cdd40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x7cde00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x7cdec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x7cdf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x80d040) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x80d340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x80d440) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x80d840) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x80d880) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x80db00) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xee67c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xee6b80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x100b040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x100b0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x100b140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x100b1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x100b240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x100b2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x100b340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x100b3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x100b440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x100b4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x100b540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x100b5c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x100bd00) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x11a0140) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11a0d40) 0
   QString (0x11a0d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11a0e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12bc740) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x12bcd40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x12bcbc0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x12bc580) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x12bcfc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1401140) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1401180) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1401440) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x14013c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x14016c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1401600) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1401d00) 0
   QObject (0x1401d40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1401d00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1401f80) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x14e0580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x14e0780) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x14e0800) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x14e0a00) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x14e0940) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x14e0ac0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x14e0b00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x14e0fc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1591000) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x16131c0) 0
     QObject (0x1613240) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1613200)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1613400) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1613440) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1613500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1613580) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1613740) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1613680) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1613800) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1613940) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x16139c0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1613a00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1613cc0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x17400c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1740140) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x18b1100) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x18b13c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1051,35 +839,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x194a0c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x194a180) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x194a200) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x194a100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x194a280) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x194a300) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x194a380) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1192,95 +960,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x194ae40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x194af80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x194abc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1a8f040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1a8f100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1a8f1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1a8f280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1a8f340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1a8f400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1a8f4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1a8f580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1a8f640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1a8f700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1a8f7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1a8f880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1a8f940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1a8fa00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1a8fac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1a8fb80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1307,50 +1003,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1a8fc00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1af3180) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1af30c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1af3380) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1af32c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1af3600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1af3740) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1af3800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1af3880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1af3900) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1428,15 +1092,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1bdb000) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1bdb1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1bdb240) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1463,10 +1119,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1bdb2c0) 0
   QObject (0x1bdb300) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1bdb2c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1bdb500) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1511,20 +1163,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1bdb740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1bdb900) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1bdb980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1bdbac0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1694,10 +1338,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1cef040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1cef140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1789,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1cefd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1cefdc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1cefe40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1ceff00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1814,10 +1446,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1ceffc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1cef5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2105,10 +1733,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1e2b840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1e2b980) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2120,70 +1744,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e2bb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1e2bd80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e2be00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1e2bbc0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1e2be80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1eec0c0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1eec140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1eec5c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1eec880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1eecd00) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1eec000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1eec200) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1eec500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1eec9c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2195,60 +1791,36 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1fb9440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1fb94c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1fb9600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1fb9a00) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1fb9dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1fb97c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x20df280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x20df440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x20df6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x20df880) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSharedData (0x20dfc80) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x20df2c0) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2386,15 +1958,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=20 base align=4
 QSqlField (0x2286880) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x2286b00) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x2286a40) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2652,23 +2216,7 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x2366080) 0
           QObject (0x23661c0) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x2366180)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x23d06c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x23ee540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x24425c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x24a1b80) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index c33efe4..9f80f3d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,80 +18,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xad5e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaeb680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaeb800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaeb980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xaebb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xaebc80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xaebe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xaebf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb07100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb07280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb07400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb07580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb07700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb07880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb07a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb07b80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -108,10 +48,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb4d840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb70cc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -139,70 +75,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc34f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd4bc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd78100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd783c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd73c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd8d100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd78a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xd949c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdc8140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdc8440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xd8d340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xdd8180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xdd8940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdd8c80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -229,10 +113,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xeac500) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xeac940) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -245,10 +125,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11e1880) 0
   QString (0x11e18c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11e1c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -311,10 +187,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1279f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x137ae40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -339,15 +211,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xeac480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13be140) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc3da40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -370,25 +234,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x13fcfc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1402000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1419700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1402580) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1433f80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1433b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -480,10 +332,6 @@ QIODevice (0x137a700) 0
   QObject (0x14bc540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x137a700)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x14bc840) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -503,25 +351,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xeac380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x158b4c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x158b840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x158bd80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x158bc40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -529,15 +365,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xeac400) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15b8000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x158bec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x158be80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -666,50 +494,22 @@ QFile (0x169f840) 0
     QObject (0x169f8c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x169f880)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x16ae100) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x16d55c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x16d5f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1703e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x172d300) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x172d200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x16d5440) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x175b040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x172dc00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -766,10 +566,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x169f740) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x17da340) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -843,10 +639,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x182fc40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x182fd40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -871,10 +663,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1a78240) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1a78600) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -911,20 +699,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b06440) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b06480) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b06440)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b33680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b33800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b525c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1037,95 +813,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ce8bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1d02d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1d02ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1d19040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1d191c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1d19340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1d194c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1d19640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1d197c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1d19940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1d19ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1d19c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1d19dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1d19f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1d380c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1d38240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1d383c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1d38540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1d386c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1152,35 +856,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x14338c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dd4540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1d4adc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dd4840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1d4ae40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1d4a000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1e3a280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1258,15 +942,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1d38f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1ed6440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1f07f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1293,10 +969,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1f34600) 0
   QObject (0x1f34640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1f34600)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1f34940) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1341,20 +1013,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1f6cf40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1f9fb40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1f6cec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1f9fe80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1524,10 +1188,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x200fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x204f3c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1620,20 +1280,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x13fc8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x20be900) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x13fc940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x20bef00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1645,10 +1297,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x13fca40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x20eb640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1941,10 +1589,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2239640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2298040) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1956,70 +1600,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1d38900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x22d9900) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1d38b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x22fc540) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x16d54c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2325300) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d38b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2325f40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1d38c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2373180) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d38980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2394600) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1d38a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x23beb00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2031,60 +1647,36 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1d38a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x250c300) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1d38c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x253a480) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1d38d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x255f9c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1d38d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x25cd440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1d38e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x264b680) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSharedData (0x26f3500) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x2740040) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2222,15 +1814,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=20 base align=8
 QSqlField (0x2740780) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x27e6b40) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x27e6a00) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2488,23 +2072,7 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x2862fc0) 0
           QObject (0x28a2100) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x28a20c0)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13be100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x158bd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2a36b40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x172d2c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 5312c4f..83683ec 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7ef6bc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7ef6c00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7ef6cc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7ef6d00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7ef6d80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7ef6dc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7ef6e80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7ef6ec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77bf140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77bf200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77bf240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77bf280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77bf2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77bf300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77bf340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77bf380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77bf3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77bf400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77bf440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77bf480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77bf4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77bf500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77bf540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77bf580) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb77bf5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77bf6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77bf700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77bf740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77bf780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77bf7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77bf800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77bf840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77bf880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77bf8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77bf900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77bf940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77bf980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77bf9c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77bfa80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb77bfac0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb77bfc80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77bfd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb77bfdc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb731d0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb731d100) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb731d140) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb731d2c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb731d3c0) 0
   QString (0xb731d400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb731d440) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb731d740) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb731dac0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb731da40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb731dc40) 0
   QObject (0xb731dc80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb731dc40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb731dd40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb731dec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb731df00) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb6ea93c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6ea9940) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6ea9880) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6ea9a80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6ea9a00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6ea9b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ea9b40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6ea9bc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ea9b80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ea9c00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ea9c40) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6ea9d40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6ea9dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ea9d80) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6ea9e40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ea9e80) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6ea9ec0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6ea9f80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb6ea9f40) 0
   QTextStream (0xb6e65000) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb6ea9f40)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e650c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e65100) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6e65080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e65140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e65180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e651c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e65200) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,80 +492,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6e65280) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e652c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e65300) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6e65340) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6e65400) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6e653c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e65380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e65440) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e654c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e65480) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e65500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e65580) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e65540) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e655c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e65600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e65640) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -882,10 +580,6 @@ QFile (0xb6e65b00) 0
     QObject (0xb6e65b80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6e65b40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6e65c00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -938,50 +632,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6e65d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6e65dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6e65e00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e65ec0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb6e65e40) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6e65f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6e65f40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6e65f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e65ac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6e65fc0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -989,30 +655,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6e65bc0) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6e65d40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6c30040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6c30080) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6c30140) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6c301c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6c30240) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1069,10 +719,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb6c30280) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6c30400) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1184,15 +830,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6c306c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6c30700) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6c30740) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1287,285 +925,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6c30a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6c30ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6c30b00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6c30b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6c30c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6c30c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6c30c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6c30cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6c30d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6c30d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6c30d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6c30dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6c30e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6c30e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6c30e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6c30ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6c30f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6c30f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6c30f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6c30fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6c30380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6c30480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6c30540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6c30680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6c307c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6c30940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6c30a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6983000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6983040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6983080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb69830c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6983100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6983140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6983180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb69831c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6983200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6983240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6983280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb69832c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6983300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6983340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6983380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb69833c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6983400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6983440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6983480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb69834c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6983500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6983540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6983580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb69835c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6983600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6983640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6983680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb69836c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6983700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6983740) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1592,45 +1010,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6983780) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb69839c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6983a00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6983b00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6983a80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6983c00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6983b80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6983cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6983d40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1662,80 +1052,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6983f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6983900) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6983940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb69838c0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6983980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6983c80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6983e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6983e40) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6983f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6983fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb68f3000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb68f3200) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb68f32c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb68f33c0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb68f3400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb68f34c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1752,10 +1110,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb68f3880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb68f38c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1772,30 +1126,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb68f3b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb68f3c00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb68f3c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb68f3d00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb68f3d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb68f3e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1323,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb68f3bc0) 0
   QObject (0xb68f3c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb68f3bc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb68f3d80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb674f400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb674f440) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb674f480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb674f500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2324,10 +1654,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb674f980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb674f9c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2422,20 +1748,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb674fc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb674fc80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb674fcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb674fd00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2447,10 +1765,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb674fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb674fdc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2507,10 +1821,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb674ff00) 0
   QObject (0xb674ff40) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb674ff00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb674ffc0) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2558,10 +1868,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb674f4c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb674f6c0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2573,20 +1879,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb674f7c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb674f940) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb674f880) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb674fb40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2598,15 +1896,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0xb674fc00) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb649b0c0) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0xb649b040) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2614,10 +1904,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0xb674fe80) 0
   QSqlRecord (0xb674ff80) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0xb649b100) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -3000,23 +2286,7 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0xb649b9c0) 0
           QObject (0xb649bb00) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb649bac0)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb649bbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0xb649bc40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb649bcc0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb649bd40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 63901fd..39a80b7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x305925b0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x30592620) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x3001b9c0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x30592770) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x30592850) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x305928c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x3001ba40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x30592a10) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x30592d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30592f88) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x305b6038) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x305b60e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x305b6188) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x305b6230) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x305b62d8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x305b6380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x305b6428) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x305b64d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x305b6578) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x305b6620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x305b66c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x305b6770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x305b6818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x305b68c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x305b6930) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x305b6e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x305b6e70) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x305b6ee0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x305b6f50) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x305b6fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30651038) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x306510a8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x30651118) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x30651188) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x306511f8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30651268) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x306512d8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x30651348) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3001bb80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x30651460) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x30651620) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x30651700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x306517a8) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30b72508) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30b72850) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0x30b728f8) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30b72b28) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x3001bdc0) 0
   QString (0x30ca6cb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30ca6d90) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30d9e498) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30d9e9d8) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30d9e930) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0x3001be80) 0
   QObject (0x30d9eea8) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x3001be80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30d9e700) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30eb8658) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30eb86c8) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x30eb8f18) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x30f96540) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x30f963f0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30f96818) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x30f96770) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x30f96930) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f969d8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x30f96ab8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f96a48) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f96b28) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f96b98) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x30f96ce8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30f96dc8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x30f96d58) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x30f96e38) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30f96ea8) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x30f96ee0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x310c1038) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x310af080) 0
   QTextStream (0x310c15b0) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x310af080)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x310c1888) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x310c18f8) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x310c1818) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310c1968) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310c19d8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x310c1a48) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310c1ab8) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,70 +492,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x310c1b28) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310c1b98) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c1c08) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310c1ce8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c1c78) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c1d58) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310c1e38) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x310c1dc8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c1ea8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310c1f88) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c1f18) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310c13f0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3110b000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x3110b070) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -872,10 +574,6 @@ QFile (0x310af0c0) 0
     QObject (0x3110b930) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x310af100)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x3110bab8) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -928,50 +626,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x3110bc08) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x3110bcb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x3110bd20) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x3110bea8) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x3110be00) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x3110bf50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x312b60a8) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x312b6118) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x312b62d8) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x312b6230) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -979,30 +649,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x310af200) 0
   QList<QString> (0x312b6380) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x312b67a8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x312b6818) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x312b6b28) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x312b6c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x312b6ce8) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1059,10 +713,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x312b6d20) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x312b6f88) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1174,15 +824,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x31371310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x313713b8) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x31371460) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1277,285 +919,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x31371850) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x313719d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x31371a48) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x31371ab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x31371c78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x31371d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0x31371dc8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x31371e70) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x31371f18) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x31371fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x313712a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x313717e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x31450070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x31450118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0x314501c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0x31450268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0x31450310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x314503b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x31450460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x31450508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x314505b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0x31450658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0x31450700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x314507a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x31450850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x314508f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x314509a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x31450a48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x31450af0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x31450b98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x31450c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x31450ce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x31450d90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x31450e38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x31450ee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x31450f88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x3146a038) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x3146a0e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x3146a188) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x3146a230) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x3146a2d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x3146a380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x3146a428) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x3146a4d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x3146a578) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x3146a620) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x3146a6c8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x3146a770) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x3146a818) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x3146a8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x3146a968) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x3146aa10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x3146aab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x3146ab60) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x3146ac08) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x3146acb0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x3146ad58) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1582,45 +1004,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x3146adc8) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0x314aa1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0x314aa268) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x314aa428) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x314aa380) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x314aa5e8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x314aa540) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x314aa700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x314aa818) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1652,80 +1046,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x314aad58) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x314aad90) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x315720a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31572498) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x315726c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31572738) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31572888) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31572930) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31572ab8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x31572e38) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x31572310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x31572d90) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x31605348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x31605540) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x31605770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x316058f8) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1742,10 +1104,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x317671f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x317672d8) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1762,30 +1120,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x317676c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x31767888) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x317678f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x31767ab8) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x31767b28) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x31767c78) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1971,10 +1317,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x310af780) 0
   QObject (0x3181e700) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x310af780)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x3181e8c0) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2081,20 +1423,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x318ca038) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x318ca1c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x318ca230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x318ca348) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2314,10 +1648,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x318caa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x318cab60) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2412,20 +1742,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x318caf88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x318ca4d0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x318ca770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x318cac78) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2437,10 +1759,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x3199a000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x3199a0a8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2497,10 +1815,6 @@ QLibrary (0x310afc00) 0
   QObject (0x3199a380) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x310afc00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x3199a508) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2548,10 +1862,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x3199a7a8) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x3199a930) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2563,20 +1873,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x3199a9d8) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x3199aa80) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x3199aa10) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x3199ab98) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2588,15 +1890,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0x3199ac40) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x3199ae00) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x3199ad58) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2604,10 +1898,6 @@ Class QSqlIndex
 QSqlIndex (0x310afc80) 0
   QSqlRecord (0x3199ac78) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x3199af50) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -2990,23 +2280,7 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x310affc0) 0
           QObject (0x31a62a48) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x31aee0c0)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x31b38f18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x31b54658) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x31b6c460) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x31bf1b98) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index 38716ab..fcb4662 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x697580) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x697600) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x6977c0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x697800) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x697900) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x697980) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x697b40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x697b80) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x6bd080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x6bd2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x6bd380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x6bd440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x6bd500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x6bd5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x6bd680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x6bd740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x6bd800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x6bd8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x6bd980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x6bda40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x6bdb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x6bdbc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x6bdc80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x6bdf80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x718080) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x718780) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x7187c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x718a40) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xeb3780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xeb3b40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xeb3fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xfb8040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xfb80c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xfb8140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xfb81c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xfb8240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xfb82c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xfb8340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xfb83c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xfb8440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xfb84c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xfb8540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xfb85c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xfb8dc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x11201c0) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1120e00) 0
   QString (0x1120e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1120f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12337c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1233e00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1233c80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1233f00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1233640) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1353200) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1353240) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1353500) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1353480) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1353780) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x13536c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1353dc0) 0
   QObject (0x1353e00) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1353dc0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1353a80) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1428680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x14288c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1428940) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1428b40) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1428a80) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1428c00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1428c40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x14c40c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x14c4140) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x14c4f80) 0
     QObject (0x14c4540) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x14c4fc0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x155e0c0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x155e100) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x155e1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x155e240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x155e400) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x155e340) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x155e4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x155e600) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x155e680) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x155e6c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x155e980) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x155ee80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x155ef00) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x179d200) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x179d4c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1078,35 +836,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x179d800) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1840700) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1840780) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1840680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1840800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1840880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1840900) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1244,15 +982,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x195c800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x195c8c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x195c980) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1279,270 +1009,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x195cb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x195cd80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x195ce40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x195cf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x195cfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x195c580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1a54000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1a540c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1a54180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1a54240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1a54300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1a543c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1a54480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1a54540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1a54600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1a546c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1a54780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1a54840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1a54900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1a549c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1a54a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1a54b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1a54c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1a54cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1a54d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1a54e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1a54f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1a54fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1a6e080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1a6e140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1a6e200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1a6e2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1a6e380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1a6e440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1a6e500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1a6e5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1a6e680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1a6e740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1a6e800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1a6e8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1a6e980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1a6ea40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1a6eb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1a6ebc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1a6ec80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1a6ed40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1a6ee00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1a6eec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1a6ef80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1a89040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1a89100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1a891c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1a89280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1a89340) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1569,60 +1087,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1a893c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1a89900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1a899c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1a89bc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1a89b00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1a89dc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1a89d00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1a89f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1a89680) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b26000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b26080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b26100) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1700,15 +1178,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1b26940) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1b26b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1b26b80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1735,10 +1205,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1b26c00) 0
   QObject (0x1b26c40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1b26c00)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1b26e40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1783,20 +1249,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1b26540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1c0d100) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1c0d180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1c0d2c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1966,10 +1424,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1c0da00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1c0db00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2076,20 +1530,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1cc1640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1cc1700) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1cc1780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1cc1840) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2101,10 +1547,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1cc1900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1cc19c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2286,10 +1728,6 @@ QLibrary (0x1d53140) 0
   QObject (0x1d53180) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x1d53140)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x1d53340) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2326,10 +1764,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x1d53680) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d53840) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2341,20 +1775,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x1d53900) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d539c0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x1d53940) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d53b00) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2412,10 +1838,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1e17400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1e17500) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2427,70 +1849,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e17780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1e17980) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e17a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1e17c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1e17c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1e17e00) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1e17e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1e17f40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1ec0240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1ec06c0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1ec09c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1ec0a40) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1ec0bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1ec0c80) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2502,40 +1896,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1fc9080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1fc9480) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1fc9840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1fc9c40) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1fc9240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1fc9900) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x2058100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x20582c0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2568,10 +1946,6 @@ QTimeLine (0x2058780) 0
   QObject (0x20587c0) 0
       primary-for QTimeLine (0x2058780)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x2058a80) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2709,15 +2083,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSqlField (0x21b0280) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x21b0500) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x21b0440) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2975,23 +2341,7 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x21b0c80) 0
           QObject (0x21b0dc0) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x21b0d80)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x22aa500) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x22cd380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x231a400) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x239a3c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 0677e90..c99f8e2 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x9ca180) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x9ca200) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x9ca3c0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x9ca400) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x9ca500) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x9ca580) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x9ca740) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x9ca780) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x9cac80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x9caec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x9caf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x9fb040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x9fb100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x9fb1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x9fb280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x9fb340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x9fb400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x9fb4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x9fb580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x9fb640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x9fb700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x9fb7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x9fb880) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x9fbb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x9fbc80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xa78280) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xa782c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0xa78540) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xf1a280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xf1a640) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xf1aac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xf1ab40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xf1abc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xf1ac40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xf1acc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xf1ad40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xf1adc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xf1ae40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xf1aec0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xf1af40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xf1afc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x105e040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x105e0c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x105e8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x105ed00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11d8900) 0
   QString (0x11d8940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11d8a40) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1292240) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1292880) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1292700) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1292bc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1292b00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1292e00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1292e40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x13b4000) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1292800) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x13b4280) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x13b41c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13b48c0) 0
   QObject (0x13b4900) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13b48c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x13b4b40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1483140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1483380) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1483400) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1483600) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1483540) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x14836c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1483700) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1483bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1483c40) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x1529f00) 0
     QObject (0x1529f80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1529f40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x15a6000) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x15a6040) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x15a6100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x15a6180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x15a6340) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x15a6280) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x15a6400) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x15a6540) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x15a65c0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x15a6600) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x15a68c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x15a6dc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x15a6e40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x169ae00) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x181f000) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1088,40 +846,16 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x181fd80) 0
-Class OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union> (0x181ff80) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x186e640) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x186e6c0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x186e5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x186e740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x186e7c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x186e840) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1259,15 +993,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1992780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1992840) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1992900) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1294,270 +1020,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1992b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1992d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1992dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1992e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1992f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1992200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1992700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1a80040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1a80100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1a801c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1a80280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1a80340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1a80400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1a804c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1a80580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1a80640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1a80700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1a807c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1a80880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1a80940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1a80a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1a80ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1a80b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1a80c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1a80d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1a80dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1a80e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1a80f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1a9f000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1a9f0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1a9f180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1a9f240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1a9f300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1a9f3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1a9f480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1a9f540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1a9f600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1a9f6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1a9f780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1a9f840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1a9f900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1a9f9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1a9fa80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1a9fb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1a9fc00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1a9fcc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1a9fd80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1a9fe40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1a9ff00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1a9ffc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1ab9080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1ab9140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1ab9200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1ab92c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1584,60 +1098,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1ab9340) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1ab9880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1ab9940) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1ab9b40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1ab9a80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1ab9d40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1ab9c80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1ab9ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1ab9500) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1ab9680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b57000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b57080) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1715,15 +1189,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1b578c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1b57a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1b57b00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1750,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1b57b80) 0
   QObject (0x1b57bc0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1b57b80)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1b57dc0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1798,20 +1260,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1b57340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1c41080) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1c41100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1c41240) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1435,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1c41980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1c41a80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1541,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1cf45c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1cf4680) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1cf4700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1cf47c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2116,10 +1558,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1cf4880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1cf4940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2301,10 +1739,6 @@ QLibrary (0x1d89100) 0
   QObject (0x1d89140) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x1d89100)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x1d89300) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2341,10 +1775,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x1d89640) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d89800) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2356,20 +1786,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x1d898c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d89980) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x1d89900) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d89ac0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2427,10 +1849,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1e473c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1e474c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2442,70 +1860,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e47740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1e47940) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e479c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1e47bc0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1e47c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1e47dc0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1e47e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1e47e80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1ef0200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1ef0680) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1ef0980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1ef0a00) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1ef0b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1ef0c40) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2517,40 +1907,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1ff6040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1ff6440) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1ff6800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1ff6c00) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1ff6180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1ff6840) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x20880c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2088280) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2583,10 +1957,6 @@ QTimeLine (0x2088740) 0
   QObject (0x2088780) 0
       primary-for QTimeLine (0x2088740)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x2088a40) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2724,15 +2094,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=20 base align=4
 QSqlField (0x21df240) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x21df4c0) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x21df400) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2990,23 +2352,7 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x21dfc40) 0
           QObject (0x21dfd80) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x21dfd40)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x22d84c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x22fb340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x23483c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x23c7380) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index c266659..8f02ceb 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa9db00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa9dc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa9df00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xac3000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xac3180) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xac3240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xac34c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xac3580) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xaf3380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaf3b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaf3d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaf3e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xb0b000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb0b180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xb0b300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb0b480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb0b600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb0b780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb0b900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb0ba80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb0bc00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb0bd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb0bf00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb37080) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb60f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb97380) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -171,75 +81,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc4bb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd71780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd83e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd930c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd83980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd99e40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd93780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xda58c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdda300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdda600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xd9f080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xdeb4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xdebd00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdf1080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xdf1480) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xee1240) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xee1780) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -282,10 +132,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11f3dc0) 0
   QString (0x11f3e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1260140) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -348,10 +194,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12d71c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x13dc180) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -376,15 +218,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xee11c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1400480) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc5d5c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -407,25 +241,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x144b300) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x144b340) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1460ac0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x144b8c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1490340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1476f40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -517,10 +339,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13b5a40) 0
   QObject (0x150ab40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13b5a40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x150ae40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -540,25 +358,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xee10c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15d9c00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x15d9f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x15f14c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x15f1380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -566,15 +372,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xee1140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15f1740) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x15f1600) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x15f15c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -703,50 +501,22 @@ QFile (0x1707080) 0
     QObject (0x1707100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x17070c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1707940) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x175f140) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x175fa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1778ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1778f80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1778e80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x171dfc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x17b3c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x17b3880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -803,10 +573,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x16f6f80) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x18520c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -880,10 +646,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x18cbb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x18cbc80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -908,10 +670,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1b06580) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1b06940) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -948,20 +706,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b97740) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b97780) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b97740)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bcb980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bcbb00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bf18c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1099,15 +845,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e59cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1ea3980) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1ea3040) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1134,270 +872,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1f04400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1f27840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1f279c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1f27b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1f27cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1f27e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1f27fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1f3b140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1f3b2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1f3b440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1f3b5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1f3b740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1f3b8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1f3ba40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1f3bbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1f3bd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1f3bec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1f5c040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1f5c1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1f5c340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1f5c4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1f5c640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1f5c7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1f5c940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1f5cac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1f5cc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1f5cdc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1f5cf40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1f790c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1f79240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1f793c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1f79540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1f796c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1f79840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1f799c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1f79b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1f79cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1f79e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1f79fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1f98140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1f982c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1f98440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1f985c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1f98740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1f988c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1f98a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1f98bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1f98d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1f98ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1fba040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1fba1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1fba340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1fba4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1fba640) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1424,45 +950,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x1476c80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x2010e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x2010fc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2040480) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1fce540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2040780) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1fce5c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1fba800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x20a8100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1540,15 +1038,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1f27180) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2164440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x21c2040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1575,10 +1065,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x21c26c0) 0
   QObject (0x21c2700) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x21c26c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x21c2a00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1623,20 +1109,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x2239200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2239e80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2239180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x22662c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1806,10 +1284,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x22e97c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x22e9e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1917,20 +1391,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x143fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2388bc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x143fc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x239d1c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1942,10 +1408,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x143fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x239d900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2127,10 +1589,6 @@ QLibrary (0x245e040) 0
   QObject (0x245e080) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x245e040)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x245e2c0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2172,10 +1630,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x24cf7c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24fc000) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2187,20 +1641,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x24fce00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x250d140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x24fcfc0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x250d900) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2258,10 +1704,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2550ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x25ab480) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2273,70 +1715,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e59b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2603640) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e59bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x262b280) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x175f040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2659040) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1f27340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2659c80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1f27380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x267de40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f272c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x26c32c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1f27300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x26ee780) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2348,40 +1762,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f27240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27dffc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1f27280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2831500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f271c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x28a7000) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1f27200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x292b340) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2414,10 +1812,6 @@ QTimeLine (0x299f700) 0
   QObject (0x299f740) 0
       primary-for QTimeLine (0x299f700)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0x29ee200) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2555,15 +1949,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=20 base align=8
 QSqlField (0x29ee940) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0x2abc040) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0x2aa0f00) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2821,23 +2207,7 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0x2b42680) 0
           QObject (0x2b427c0) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x2b42780)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x1400440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x15f1480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2d366c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x1778f40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 2bd1018..69eb922 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f8fbc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f8fc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f8fcc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f8fd00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f8fd80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f8fdc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f8fe80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f8fec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb783c180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb783c240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb783c280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb783c2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb783c300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb783c340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb783c380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb783c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb783c400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb783c440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb783c480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb783c4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb783c500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb783c540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb783c580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb783c5c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb783c600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb783c700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb783c740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb783c780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb783c7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb783c800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb783c840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb783c880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb783c8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb783c900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb783c940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb783c980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb783c9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb783ca00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb783cb00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb783cb40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb783cd00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb783cdc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb783ce40) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb73a2140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb73a2180) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb73a21c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb73a23c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb73a24c0) 0
   QString (0xb73a2500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb73a2540) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb73a2880) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb73a2c00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb73a2b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb73a2e40) 0
   QObject (0xb73a2e80) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb73a2e40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb73a2f00) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb73a2fc0) 0
   QObject (0xb73a2300) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb73a2fc0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb73a2680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb73a2800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb73a2a40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb73a2c80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6dfb000) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb73a2d00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6dfb040) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6dfb080) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6dfb100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6dfb140) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6dfb4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6dfb500) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6dfba40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6dfbb00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6dfbb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6dfbc00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6dfbc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6dfbd00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb6dfbd40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfbdc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfbe00) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6dfbd80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfbe40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfbe80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfbec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfbf00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfbf40) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6dfbfc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfb240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6dfb380) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6dfb8c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6dfbb80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6dfbac0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6dfba80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6dfbbc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6dfbcc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6dfbc80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d5b000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d5b080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d5b040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d5b0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d5b100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d5b140) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6d5b3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6d5b5c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6d5b640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6d5b840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6d5bc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6d5bc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6d5bc80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6d5b740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6d5b800) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6d5b780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6d5b7c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6bdc080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6bdc180) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6bdc1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6bdc280) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6bdc2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6bdc300) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6bdc340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6bdc380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6bdc700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6bdc740) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6bdc880) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6bdc900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6bdc940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6bdc980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6bdca40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6bdca80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6bdcac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6bdcb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6bdcb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6bdcb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6bdcbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6bdcc00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6bdcc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6bdcc80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6bdccc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6bdcd00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6bdcd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6bdcd80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6bdcdc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6bdce00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6bdce40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6bdce80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6bdcec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6bdcf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6bdcf40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6bdcf80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6bdcfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6bdc0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6bdc100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6bdc140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6bdc200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6bdc240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6bdc580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6805000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6805040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6805080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb68050c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6805100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6805140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6805180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb68051c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6805200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6805240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6805280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb68052c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6805300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6805340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6805380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb68053c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6805400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6805440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6805480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb68054c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6805500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6805540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6805580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb68055c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb6805600) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6805640) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb68058c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6805900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6805a00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6805980) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6805b00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6805a80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6805b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6805c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb6805c40) 0
   QObject (0xb6805c80) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb6805c40)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6805d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6805d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6805dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6805e00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6805f00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6805f80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6805f40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6805780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb68057c0) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb6805800) 0
     QObject (0xb6805880) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6805840)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6805d00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb671d100) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb671d140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb671d180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb671d240) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb671d1c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb671d280) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb671d300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb671d380) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb671d5c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb671d680) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb671d6c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb671d840) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb671d900) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb671da40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb671d980) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb671db80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb671db00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb671dc40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb671dd00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb671da00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb671dcc0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb671da80) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb671df40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb653a000) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb653a080) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb653a380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb653a3c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb653a4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb653a500) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb653a540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb653a5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb653aa40) 0
   QObject (0xb653aa80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb653aa40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb653ab80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb653a880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb653a940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb653aa00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb653ab00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb653acc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb653ad80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2644,10 +1934,6 @@ QTextCodecPlugin (0xb64a7000) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb64a70c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QTextCodecFactoryInterface (0xb64a7080)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0xb64a7180) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2987,15 +2273,7 @@ QSqlDriver (0xb64a7a80) 0
   QObject (0xb64a7ac0) 0
       primary-for QSqlDriver (0xb64a7a80)
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb64a7c80) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0xb64a7c00) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3051,18 +2329,6 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSqlField (0xb64a7dc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb64a7e40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb64a7ec0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb64a7f40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index e79f2ef..be62690 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7facbc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7facc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7faccc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7facd00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7facd80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7facdc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7face80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7facec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7459180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7459240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7459280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb74592c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7459300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7459340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7459380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb74593c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb7459400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7459440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7459480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb74594c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb7459500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7459540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7459580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb74595c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -161,10 +75,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7459a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7459a40) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -227,70 +137,18 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb7459d40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb7459b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb7459c00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7459cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb7459f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb7459f40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb7297000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb7297040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb7297080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb72970c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb7297100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb7297140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb7297180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb72971c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -308,10 +166,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb72972c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb7297300) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb72974c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -328,10 +182,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7297580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7297600) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -348,10 +198,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb7297640) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb7297840) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -369,25 +215,13 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb7297900) 0
   QString (0xb7297940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb7297980) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QStringRef (0xb72979c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb7297b00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb7297a80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb7297d40) 0
   QObject (0xb7297d80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb7297d40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb7297e40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb7297f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb7297fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb7297780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb72977c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb7297b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb7297c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb7297dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb7297ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6fe4000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6fe4040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6fe4080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6fe40c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6fe4100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6fe4140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6fe4180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6fe41c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6fe4200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6fe4240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6fe4280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6fe42c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6fe4300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6fe4340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6fe4380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6fe43c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6fe4400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6fe4440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6fe4480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6fe44c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6fe4500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6fe4540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6fe4580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6fe45c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6fe4600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6fe4640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6fe4680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6fe46c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6fe4700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6fe4740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6fe4780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6fe47c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6fe4800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6fe4840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6fe4880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6fe48c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6fe4900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6fe4940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6fe4980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6fe49c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6fe4a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6fe4a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6fe4a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6fe4ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6fe4b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6fe4b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb6fe4b80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,45 +421,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6eb8000) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6eb8280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6eb82c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6eb83c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6eb8340) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6eb84c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6eb8440) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6eb8540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6eb85c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -972,10 +558,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb6eb8a40) 0
   QObject (0xb6eb8a80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb6eb8a40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb6eb8b80) 0
 Vtable for QCoreApplication
 QCoreApplication::_ZTV16QCoreApplication: 16u entries
@@ -1009,10 +591,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb6eb8d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb6eb8d80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimer
 QTimer::_ZTV6QTimer: 14u entries
@@ -1069,20 +647,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb6eb8f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb6eb8f80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb6eb8fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb6eb8180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1277,20 +847,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb6eb8b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb6eb8c40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb6eb8c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb6eb8cc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1302,10 +864,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb6eb8f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb6c3c000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1408,100 +966,48 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6c3c300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6c3c500) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6c3c580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6c3c780) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6c3c840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6c3ca80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6c3cac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6c3cd00) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6c3cd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6c3ce40) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6c3ce80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6c3cf40) 0 empty
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6c3cfc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6c3c0c0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6c3cf80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6c3c180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6c3c240) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6c3c340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6c3c380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6c3c3c0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1513,80 +1019,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6c3c440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6c3c480) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c3c4c0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6c3c5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6c3c680) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6c3c640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c3c600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c3c6c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6c3c740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c3c700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c3c880) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6c3c900) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c3c8c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c3c940) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c3c980) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6c3c9c0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1618,35 +1068,19 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6a6a000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6a6a040) 0 empty
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6a6a7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6a6a800) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6a6a840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6a6a900) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6a6a880) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1654,15 +1088,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6a6a940) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6a6a980) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6a6aa00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6a6aa40) 0
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1695,15 +1121,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6a6ac40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6a6ac80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6a6acc0) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1730,10 +1148,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6a6af00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6a6af40) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1750,20 +1164,12 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb68732c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6873300) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6873340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6873380) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1775,30 +1181,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6873500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb68735c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6873600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb68736c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6873700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb68737c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1810,20 +1204,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb6873840) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb68738c0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb6873880) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6873940) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1876,20 +1262,12 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb6873b80) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6873c00) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutexLocker (0xb6873bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6873d00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1914,15 +1292,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6873c40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6873e40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6873dc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1934,25 +1304,9 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6873ec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6873f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6873f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6873f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6873fc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1974,15 +1328,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6873640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6873740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6873680) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1994,10 +1340,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6873a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6873cc0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -2012,10 +1354,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6873d40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb661f080) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -2131,35 +1469,15 @@ QFile (0xb661f4c0) 0
     QObject (0xb661f540) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb661f500)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb661f5c0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb661f600) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb661f640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb661f680) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb661f740) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb661f6c0) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -2212,15 +1530,7 @@ Class QDir
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb661f8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb661f940) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb661f9c0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2277,10 +1587,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb661fa00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb661fb80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2409,15 +1715,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb661fe80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb661ff00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb661ff40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDirIterator
 QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator: 4u entries
@@ -2432,10 +1730,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb661ff80) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb661f200) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -2541,10 +1835,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb661fd40) 0
   QObject (0xb661fe40) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb661fd40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb661ffc0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2654,15 +1944,7 @@ Class QSqlRecord
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSqlRecord (0xb64c4480) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb64c4600) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0xb64c4580) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2675,10 +1957,6 @@ Class QSqlError
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSqlError (0xb64c4640) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0xb64c4680) 0
 Vtable for QSqlResult
 QSqlResult::_ZTV10QSqlResult: 29u entries
@@ -3051,18 +2329,6 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0xb64c4f00) 0
           QObject (0xb64c4100) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb64c4080)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb64c43c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb64c4540) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb64c4800) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 85ec1d3..c8900a9 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f1dbc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f1dc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f1dcc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f1dd00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f1dd80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f1ddc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f1de80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f1dec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77ca180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77ca240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77ca280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77ca2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77ca300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77ca340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77ca380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77ca3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77ca400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77ca440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77ca480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77ca4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77ca500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77ca540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77ca580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77ca5c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb77ca600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77ca700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77ca740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77ca780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77ca7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77ca800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77ca840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77ca880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77ca8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77ca900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77ca940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77ca980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77ca9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77caa00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77cab00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb77cab40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb77cad00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77cadc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb77cae40) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7330140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7330180) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb73301c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb73303c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb73304c0) 0
   QString (0xb7330500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb7330540) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb7330880) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb7330c00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb7330b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb7330e40) 0
   QObject (0xb7330e80) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb7330e40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb7330f00) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb7330fc0) 0
   QObject (0xb7330300) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb7330fc0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb7330680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb7330800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb7330a40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb7330c80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6d89000) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb7330d00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6d89040) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6d89080) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6d89100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6d89140) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6d894c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6d89500) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6d89a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6d89b00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6d89b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6d89c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6d89c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6d89d00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb6d89d40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d89dc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d89e00) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6d89d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d89e40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d89e80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d89ec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d89f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d89f40) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6d89fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d89240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d89380) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6d898c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6d89b80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6d89ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d89a80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d89bc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d89cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d89c80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ce9000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6ce9080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ce9040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ce90c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ce9100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ce9140) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6ce93c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6ce95c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6ce9640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6ce9840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6ce9c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6ce9c40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6ce9c80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6ce9740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6ce9800) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6ce9780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6ce97c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6b6a080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6b6a180) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6b6a1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6b6a280) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6b6a2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6b6a300) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6b6a340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6b6a380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6b6a700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6b6a740) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6b6a880) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6b6a900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6b6a940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6b6a980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6b6aa40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6b6aa80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6b6aac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6b6ab00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6b6ab40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6b6ab80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6b6abc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6b6ac00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6b6ac40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6b6ac80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6b6acc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6b6ad00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6b6ad40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6b6ad80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6b6adc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6b6ae00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6b6ae40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6b6ae80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6b6aec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6b6af00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6b6af40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6b6af80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6b6afc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6b6a0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6b6a100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6b6a140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6b6a200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6b6a240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6b6a580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6793000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6793040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6793080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb67930c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6793100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6793140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6793180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb67931c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6793200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6793240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6793280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb67932c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6793300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6793340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6793380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb67933c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6793400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6793440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6793480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb67934c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6793500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6793540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6793580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb67935c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb6793600) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6793640) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb67938c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6793900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6793a00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6793980) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6793b00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6793a80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6793b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6793c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb6793c40) 0
   QObject (0xb6793c80) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb6793c40)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6793d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6793d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6793dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6793e00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6793f00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6793f80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6793f40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6793780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67937c0) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb6793800) 0
     QObject (0xb6793880) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6793840)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6793d00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb66ab100) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb66ab140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb66ab180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb66ab240) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb66ab1c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb66ab280) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb66ab300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb66ab380) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb66ab5c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb66ab680) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb66ab6c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb66ab840) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb66ab900) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb66aba40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb66ab980) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb66abb80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb66abb00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb66abc40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb66abd00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb66aba00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb66abcc0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb66aba80) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb66abf40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb64c8000) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64c8080) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb64c8380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb64c83c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb64c84c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb64c8500) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb64c8540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb64c85c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb64c8a40) 0
   QObject (0xb64c8a80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb64c8a40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb64c8b80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb64c8880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb64c8940) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb64c8a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb64c8b00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb64c8cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb64c8d80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2644,10 +1934,6 @@ QTextCodecPlugin (0xb6436000) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb64360c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QTextCodecFactoryInterface (0xb6436080)
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0xb6436180) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2987,15 +2273,7 @@ QSqlDriver (0xb6436a80) 0
   QObject (0xb6436ac0) 0
       primary-for QSqlDriver (0xb6436a80)
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb6436c80) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0xb6436c00) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3051,18 +2329,6 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSqlField (0xb6436dc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb6436e40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb6436ec0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb6436f40) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index fe662bf..4f5248d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSql.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb78223fc) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7822438) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7c81b40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb78224b0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb78225dc) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7822618) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7c81d00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7822690) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7836a8c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7836c6c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7836d5c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7836e4c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7836f3c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb784b03c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb784b12c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb784b21c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb784b30c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb784b3fc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb784b4ec) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb784b5dc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb784b6cc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb784b7bc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb784b8ac) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb784b99c) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb786899c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7894654) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6b3921c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6b8430c) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb6b845a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb6b84ec4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb69cf7f8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb69db12c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb69dba50) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb69ee384) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb69eeca8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb6a015dc) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb6a01f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb6a16834) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb6a24168) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb6a24a8c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb6a3c3c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb6a3ce4c) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb689e078) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb67beb00) 0
   QString (0xb68054b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb68057bc) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb686ae88) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb672212c) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6716474) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6735780) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6735708) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb6763000) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb675999c) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb6759e88) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb6759ca8) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb677e000) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb6770f78) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb65b4e80) 0
   QObject (0xb65cb000) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb65b4e80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb65e72d0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb662521c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6648a14) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6648b04) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6656078) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6656000) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6626f80) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb66560b4) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6671e10) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb668903c) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb64af258) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64afe4c) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6386780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6386834) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb64167bc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb64168ac) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6416834) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6416924) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb641699c) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6416a14) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6416a8c) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6416ac8) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6466258) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb628c0c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb62859d8) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb628c0c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6295438) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb62954b0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb62953c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6295528) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62955a0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6295618) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6295690) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6295708) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6295780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62957f8) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6295834) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6295960) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb62958e8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62958ac) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62959d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6295ac8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6295a50) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6295b40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6295c30) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6295bb8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6295ce4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6295d5c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6295dd4) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb61b4b7c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb61cd7bc) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb61cd744) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb61cdb04) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb61cdc30) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb61f62d0) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb61f6348) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6212780) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb61f6e88) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6212780)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb6247618) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb626b6c0) 0
   QObject (0xb6269ca8) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb626b6c0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb626bdc0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb626be00) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb626bdc0)
-    QObject (0xb62817bc) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb626be00)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60c72c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb60c97bc) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60c72c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb60c9fb4) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb60c7c40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb60df000) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb60c7e00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60c7e40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb60df4b0) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60c7e40)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb60dff00) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb60dff78) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb60fd12c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb60fd21c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb60fd294) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb60fd30c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb60fd384) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb60fd3fc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb60fd474) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb60fd4ec) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb60fd564) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb60fd5dc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb60fd654) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb60fd6cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb60fd744) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb60fd7bc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb60fd8ac) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb60fd924) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb60fd99c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb60fdd20) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb60fdd98) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb60fde88) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb60fdf00) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb60fdf78) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb61101a4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb61101e0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb611021c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb6110258) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb6110294) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb61102d0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb6110348) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb6110384) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb61103c0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb61103fc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb6110438) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb6110474) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb6110e4c) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb6178438) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb6178870) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb6178a8c) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb6178e88) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5fc1000) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb5fc1168) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb5fc1870) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb5fec294) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb5feee4c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5feeec4) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb60181a4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb601830c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6018294) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb6018384) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb60738ac) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb6073b7c) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb5e747c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb6073bb8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb6073bf4) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5e74880) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb6073c30) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb6073e4c) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb5f16744) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5f16780) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb5f19b40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5f167bc) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5d94438) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5db2100) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5db2140) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5d944b0) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5d943c0) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d944ec) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5db22c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d94528) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5d945dc) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5db24c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5db2500) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5d94654) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5d94564) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d94690) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5d94744) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5db2680) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d946cc) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5e528e8) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5e60640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5e64294) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5e60640)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5e60740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5e64384) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5e60740)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5e647f8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5e64834) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5c816c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5e64870) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5c81800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5c81840) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5c81800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5e648e8) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5c81840)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c818c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c81900) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c818c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5e649d8) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c81900)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5c96780) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5cc9e10) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5cc9ec4) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5cc9f3c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5d52050) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d4c294) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5d52050)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5d4c2d0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5d5a910) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d6ae4c) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5d5a910)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5d6ae88) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5d5f800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b76780) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5d5f800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5d6af78) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b76780)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5d6afb4) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5d5f9c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5b7df00) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5d5f9c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b7e2d0) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5b7df00)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5b7e30c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5d5fa40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5d5fa80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5d5fa40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b82550) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5d5fa80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5b7e474) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b82550)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5b7e4b0) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5b7eec4) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b90480) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b8d690) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b90480)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b90540) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b8d780) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b90540)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5bc5dd4) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5c13a80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5c13ac0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5c13a80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c183fc) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5c13ac0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c13b00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c184ec) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c13b00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c13b80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c185dc) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c13b80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c13c00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5c13c40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c13c00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c186cc) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5c13c40)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c13cc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c187bc) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c13cc0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c13d40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c188ac) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c13d40)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c68d80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5c18780) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c68d80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c68dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5a7d03c) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c68dc0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ab0a40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ab0a80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a7dd20) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ab0a80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5a7df00) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ab0bc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ab0c00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a7df3c) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ab0c00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5ad7000) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5af2480) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5af24c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5ad7564) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5af24c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5af2580) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5af25c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5ad78e8) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5af25c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb5ad7654) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5ad799c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb5b1e480) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5ad7fb4) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5b235a0) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b5a380 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b62be0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b5a380) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b62be0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b5a3c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5b235dc) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b5a3c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b5a400) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b5a3c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5b23870) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b5a700 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b70c80) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b5a700) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b70c80)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b5a740) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5b238ac) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b5a740)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b5a780) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b5a740) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb598503c) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb5b23960) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb5b23690) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb5b23000) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb59853fc) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb5985c6c) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb58a10f0) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58a5410) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5894a00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58a5410)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb58a12d0) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5894a00)
-  QRunnable (0xb58a130c) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb5894a80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58a5820) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb5894a80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5894ac0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58a5820)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb58a14b0) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5894ac0)
-    QRunnable (0xb58a14ec) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb57f7e00) 0
     QObject (0xb5805834) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb57f7e40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb58341a4) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb5834d5c) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb58563fc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb5856708) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb5866474) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb58663fc) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb5866564) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb5687ac8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb5687bb8) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb56b8e88) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb56c8f78) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb56f712c) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb56f7924) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb575e8e8) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb575e960) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb573d6cc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb5764168) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb57642d0) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb5572bb8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb5597000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb55971e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb55973c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb55975a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb5597780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb5597960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb5597b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb5597d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb5597f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb55a10f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb55a12d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb55a14b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb55a1690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb55a1870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb55a1a50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb55a1c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb55a1e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb55a6000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb55a61e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb55a63c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb55a65a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb55a6780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb55a6960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb55a6b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb55a6d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb55a6f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb55ae0f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb55ae2d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb55ae4b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb55ae690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb55ae870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb55aea50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb55aec30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb55aee10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb55b9000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb55b91e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb55b93c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb55b95a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb55b9780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb55b9960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb55b9b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb55b9d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb55b9f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb55bd0f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb55bd2d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb55bd4b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb55bd690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb55bd870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb55bda50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb55bdc30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb55bde10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb55c6000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb55c61e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb55c63c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb55c65a0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb560203c) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb55f6fb4) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb560212c) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb56020b4) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb56354b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb5635ac8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb5635ca8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb5635e88) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb5486f3c) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb5490e4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb54b98e8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb548bac0) 0
   QObject (0xb54c7744) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb548bac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb54c7d5c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb54e9870) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb55103c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb55104b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5510bf4) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb555ed5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb53674ec) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb53d012c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb53d05dc) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb53d06cc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb53d0b04) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb53d0f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb53e6258) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb54267c0) 0
   QObject (0xb5441bb8) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb54267c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb5450b04) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb52870b4) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5287744) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5287438) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5294c30) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb52dc21c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb52dcf00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb52e8f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb531b8ac) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb531b99c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb5322f78) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb532e000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb5335708) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb53358e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb534d744) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb535b8e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb5149834) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb515c8ac) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb515cc6c) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb517cdd4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb518a7f8) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb5216744) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb5228834) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb50453c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb504e438) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb506d21c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb50890f0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb50c3ce4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb50e71e0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb4f859d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f8ef78) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f9d0b4) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f9d03c) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb4f9d12c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb4f9db40) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb4f9dc6c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb4fbe834) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb4fbe960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb4fd08e8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4461,10 +2648,6 @@ Class QXmlStreamWriter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QXmlStreamWriter (0xb50021a4) 0
-Class QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSql::ParamTypeFlag> (0xb5002780) 0
 Class QSqlRecord
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4602,15 +2785,7 @@ Class QSqlField
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSqlField (0xb4e5fd20) 0
-Class QList<bool>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool>::<anonymous union> (0xb4e68d20) 0
-Class QList<bool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<bool> (0xb4e68ca8) 0
 Class QSqlIndex
    size=16 align=4
@@ -4868,33 +3043,9 @@ QSqlRelationalTableModel (0xb4ea27c0) 0
           QObject (0xb4ec7708) 0
               primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb4ea28c0)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb4f205dc) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb4f34b7c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb4de9294) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb4de930c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb4e0b12c) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb4e0b258) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 63cd665..9b5c58b 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7f5ef00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7f5efc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7879000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7879040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7879080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb78790c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7879100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7879140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb7879180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb78791c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7879200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7879240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb7879280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb78792c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7879300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7879340) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb7879380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb7879480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb78794c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7879500) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb7879540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb7879580) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb78795c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb7879600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb7879640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb7879680) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb78796c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb7879700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb7879740) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb7879840) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb7879880) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb7879a40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7879b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7879b80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7879e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7879ec0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -250,10 +130,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb7879f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb6a6b040) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb6a6b140) 0
   QString (0xb6a6b180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6a6b1c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb6a6b4c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6a6b840) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb6a6b7c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6a6b9c0) 0
   QObject (0xb6a6ba00) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6a6b9c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6a6bac0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6a6bc40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6a6bc80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb6714180) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6714700) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6714640) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6714840) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb67147c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb67148c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6714980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714940) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67149c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714a00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6714b00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6714b80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6714b40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6714c00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714c40) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6714c80) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6714d40) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb6714f00) 0
   QTextStream (0xb6714f40) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb6714f00)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6714040) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6714480) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6714fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67146c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714ec0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,80 +485,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb64be000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb64be040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb64be080) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb64be0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb64be180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb64be140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb64be100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb64be1c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb64be240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb64be200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb64be280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb64be300) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb64be2c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb64be340) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb64be380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb64be3c0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -845,10 +573,6 @@ QFile (0xb64be740) 0
     QObject (0xb64be7c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb64be780)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb64be840) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -901,50 +625,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb64be9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb64bea00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb64bea40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb64beb00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb64bea80) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb64beb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb64beb80) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb64bebc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb64bec80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb64bec00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -952,30 +648,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb64becc0) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb64bed00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb64bed80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb64bedc0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb64bee80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb64bef00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb64bef80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1032,10 +712,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb64befc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6492080) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1190,110 +866,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6492440) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb64924c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6492500) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6492540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0xb64925c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0xb6492600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned int> (0xb6492640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0xb6492680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0xb64926c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0xb6492700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0xb6492740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0xb6492780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0xb64927c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0xb6492800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0xb6492840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int> (0xb6492880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int> (0xb64928c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned char> (0xb6492900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0xb6492940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0xb6492980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0xb64929c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0xb6492a00) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1320,35 +916,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6492a40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6492d40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6492cc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6492e40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6492dc0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6492fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6492100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1380,80 +956,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6492bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6492c00) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6492c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6492e80) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6492f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6225000) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6225040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6225080) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb62250c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb62252c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6225340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6225540) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6225600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6225700) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6225740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6225800) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1470,10 +1014,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6225bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6225c00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1490,40 +1030,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6225dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6225e00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6225f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6225140) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6225180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6225240) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6225280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6225100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1683,10 +1207,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5ed3080) 0
   QObject (0xb5ed30c0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5ed3080)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb5ed31c0) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1778,20 +1298,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5ed3600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb5ed3640) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb5ed3680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5ed3700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2011,10 +1523,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb5ed3b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb5ed3bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2109,20 +1617,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb5ed3e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb5ed3e80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb5ed3ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb5ed3f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2134,10 +1634,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb5ed3f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb5ed3fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2260,25 +1756,9 @@ Class QWriteLocker
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0xb5ed3d40) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5e1a040) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5e1a080) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5e1a0c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb5e1a000) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2295,55 +1775,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb5e1a280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb5e1a340) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb5e1a380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb5e1a3c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb5e1a400) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb5e1a540) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb5e1a4c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5e1a5c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5e1a600) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5e1a640) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb5e1a580) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -2373,25 +1821,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb5e1a800) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb5e1a940) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb5e1a8c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb5e1aac0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb5e1aa40) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2531,10 +1967,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb5e1a200) 0
     QObject (0xb5e1a2c0) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb5e1a240)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb5e1a880) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -2559,25 +1991,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb5e1a9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb5d60000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb5d60040) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb5d60080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb5d600c0) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2637,20 +2057,12 @@ QTextDocument (0xb5d60280) 0
   QObject (0xb5d602c0) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb5d60280)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb5d60380) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb5d603c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb5d60400) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2701,10 +2113,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb5d60780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb5d60840) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3002,15 +2410,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb5c72200) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb5c72300) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb5c72280) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3309,15 +2709,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb5c72240) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb5c72800) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb5c725c0) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3366,10 +2758,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0xb5c72ec0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb5b19040) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3392,15 +2780,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb5b19240) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb5b19380) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb5b19300) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4253,10 +3633,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb5b19c00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb58dc040) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb58dc100) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4342,10 +3718,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb58dc140) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb58dc240) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb58dc300) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4781,10 +4153,6 @@ QImage (0xb58dcb00) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb58dcb40) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb58dcb00)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb58dcc00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -4891,10 +4259,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb58dcf40) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb58dc0c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb58dcfc0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb58dc2c0) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -5014,10 +4378,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb583b140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb583b1c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -5169,15 +4529,7 @@ Class QPrintEngine
 QPrintEngine (0xb583b880) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QPrintEngine::_ZTV12QPrintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb583b980) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb583b900) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5185,15 +4537,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb583b9c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb583ba00) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb583bac0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb583ba40) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5206,60 +4550,20 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb583bb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb583bbc0) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb583bc00) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb583bc80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb583bd80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb583bd00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb583be80) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb583be00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb583bf80) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb583bf00) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb583b340) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb583b100) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5307,15 +4611,7 @@ QStyle (0xb583b4c0) 0
   QObject (0xb583b600) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb583b4c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb583b8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb583bc40) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5333,25 +4629,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb56140c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb5614340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb56142c0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb56141c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb5614380) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5363,15 +4647,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb5614440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb5614480) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb5614540) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -5406,30 +4682,18 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb56144c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb5614640) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb56145c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb5614680) 0
 Class QItemSelectionRange
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb56146c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb5614700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5460,20 +4724,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb5614740) 0
   QObject (0xb5614780) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb5614740)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb5614800) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb56148c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb5614840) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5481,10 +4733,6 @@ Class QItemSelection
 QItemSelection (0xb5614900) 0
   QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb5614940) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5614a00) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -5772,10 +5020,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb5614f80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb5614180) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb5614500) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6194,10 +5438,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb5384540) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5384580) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb5384700) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6224,10 +5464,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb5384980) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb53849c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb5384b40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6235,10 +5471,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb5384a80) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5384ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb5384cc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6253,10 +5485,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb5384d40) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb5384d80) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb5384dc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb5384f40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6283,10 +5511,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb53845c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb53846c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb5384a40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6344,15 +5568,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb52a63c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb52a6400) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb52a6440) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb52a6640) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb52a65c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6361,10 +5577,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb52a64c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb52a6500) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb52a6540) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb52a6800) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6559,10 +5771,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb52a6d80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb52a6ec0) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb52a6f80) 0
 Vtable for QStringListModel
 QStringListModel::_ZTV16QStringListModel: 42u entries
@@ -6745,15 +5953,7 @@ QListView (0xb52a6240) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb52a67c0) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb52a6d40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb52a6a80) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7795,15 +6995,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb5194fc0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb509f200) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb509f180) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7820,25 +7012,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0xb509f100) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb509f3c0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb509f340) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb509f4c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb509f440) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8065,15 +7241,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb509fac0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb509fb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb509fb80) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -8921,15 +8089,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb4f83e00) 0
   QObject (0xb4f83e40) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb4f83e00)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f83f80) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb4f83f00) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9070,10 +8230,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0xb4f83640) 0
     QObject (0xb4f83900) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0xb4f83780)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb4f83dc0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10601,10 +9757,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb4d959c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4d95b00) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb4d95b80) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10764,10 +9916,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb4d95d40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4d95e00) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb4d95ec0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12441,158 +11589,34 @@ QSvgWidget (0xb4a6e700) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4a6e7c0) 8
         vptr=((& QSvgWidget::_ZTV10QSvgWidget) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb4a6e880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0xb4a6e900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb4a6e980) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb4a6ea00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb4a6ea80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb4a6eb00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb4a6eb80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb4a6ec00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb4a6ec80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb4a6ed00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb4a6ed80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb4a6ee00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4a6ee80) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb4a6ef00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb4a6ef80) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb4a6e000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb4a6e140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb4a6e440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb4939000) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb4939140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb49391c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb4939240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb49392c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb4939340) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb4939400) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb49394c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb4939580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb4939640) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb49396c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb49397c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb4939980) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index c4dac94..087876a 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,80 +18,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xad4e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaea680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaea800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaea980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xaeab00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xaeac80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xaeae00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xaeaf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb07100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb07280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb07400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb07580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb07700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb07880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb07a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb07b80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -108,10 +48,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb4d840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb71cc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -139,70 +75,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc34f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd4bc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd78100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd783c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd73c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd8d100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd78a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xd949c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdc8140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdc8440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xd8d340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xdd8180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xdd8940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdd8c80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -229,10 +113,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xeac500) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xeac940) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -245,10 +125,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11e1880) 0
   QString (0x11e18c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11e1c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -311,10 +187,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1279f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x137ce40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -339,15 +211,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xeac480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13c0140) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc3da40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -370,25 +234,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x13fefc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1404000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1417700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1404580) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1432f80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1432b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -480,10 +332,6 @@ QIODevice (0x137c700) 0
   QObject (0x14bb540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x137c700)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x14bb840) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -503,25 +351,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xeac380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15884c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1588840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1588d80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1588c40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -529,15 +365,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xeac400) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15b6000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1588ec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1588e80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -666,50 +494,22 @@ QFile (0x169c840) 0
     QObject (0x169c8c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x169c880)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x16ab100) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x16d25c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x16d2f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1700e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x172a300) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x172a200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x16d2440) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1758040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x172ac00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -766,10 +566,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x169c740) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x17d7340) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -843,10 +639,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x182cc40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x182cd40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -871,10 +663,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1a79240) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1a79600) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -911,20 +699,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b07440) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b07480) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b07440)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b34680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b34800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b535c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1037,95 +813,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1cecbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1d06d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1d06ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1d1e040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1d1e1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1d1e340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1d1e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1d1e640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1d1e7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1d1e940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1d1eac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1d1ec40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1d1edc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1d1ef40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1d3b0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1d3b240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1d3b3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1d3b540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1d3b6c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1152,35 +856,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x14328c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dd7540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1d4ddc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dd7840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1d4de40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1d4d000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1e3e280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1258,15 +942,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1d3bf80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1ed9440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1f08f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1293,10 +969,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1f35600) 0
   QObject (0x1f35640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1f35600)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1f35940) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1341,20 +1013,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1f6df40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1fa0b40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1f6dec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1fa0e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1524,10 +1188,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2010d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x204f3c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1620,20 +1280,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x13fe8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x20c0900) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x13fe940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x20c0f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1645,10 +1297,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x13fea40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x20ee640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1941,10 +1589,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x223c640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x229b040) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1956,70 +1600,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1d3b900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x22dc900) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1d3bb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x22ff540) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x16d24c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2328300) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d3bb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2328f40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1d3bc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2376180) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d3b980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2397600) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1d3ba00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x23c1b00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2031,50 +1647,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1d3ba80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2510300) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1d3bc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x253e480) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1d3bd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x25639c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1d3bd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x25d2440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1d3be00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2651680) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2096,10 +1692,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x1dc5c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2779c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2416,15 +2008,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x28a73c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x28a78c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x28a74c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2713,15 +2297,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x294be00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2968e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x29793c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3007,25 +2583,9 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2721dc0) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a7f540) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a7f680) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2a7f780) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2a7f4c0) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3037,45 +2597,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x1da6d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2ad7300) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2aaab00) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2aec000) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2ad78c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aec280) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aec380) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aec5c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2aec200) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -3487,10 +3019,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2e19680) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2e19780) 8
           vptr=((&QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2e19a40) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 70u entries
@@ -3753,10 +3281,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2e89b40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2e89c40) 8
           vptr=((&QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2eae600) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4485,10 +4009,6 @@ QImage (0x1dc5400) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x3097900) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x1dc5400)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x3134b00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 9u entries
@@ -4537,10 +4057,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x1dc5200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x31e2bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -4696,10 +4212,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x321d600) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x321d6c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x321d680)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x321d880) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4877,15 +4389,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x32c7780) 0
   QObject (0x330a600) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x32c7780)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x330afc0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x2ca3940) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -5194,10 +4698,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3396ac0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3396b80) 8
         vptr=((&QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3396f00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 68u entries
@@ -5413,15 +4913,7 @@ QStyle (0x2c6f700) 0
   QObject (0x345e700) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x2c6f700)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x346d040) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3483100) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 71u entries
@@ -5692,10 +5184,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x35b0500) 0
   QStyleOption (0x35b0540) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x35b0ac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5722,10 +5210,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x35d2ec0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x35d2f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x361aac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5733,10 +5217,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x361a8c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x361a900) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x3656480) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5751,10 +5231,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x3656bc0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x3656c00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x3656c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x36ab440) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5781,10 +5257,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x36f72c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x36f7300) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x36f7e00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5842,15 +5314,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x378ca00) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x378ca40) 0
     QStyleOption (0x378ca80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x37ae200) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x37ae100) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5859,10 +5323,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x378cf80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x378cfc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x37ae000) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x37aed40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6026,10 +5486,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x38a5d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x39080c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6060,20 +5516,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x39084c0) 0
   QObject (0x3908500) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x39084c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x3908840) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x39313c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x39312c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6207,10 +5651,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x3931a40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3931b80) 8
             vptr=((&QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x398a5c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -6526,15 +5966,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3a79a80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3a9c580) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3a9c380) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -6679,15 +6111,7 @@ QListView (0x3a9cd40) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3a9cec0) 8
               vptr=((&QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 400u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3af5300) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3af5180) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7492,35 +6916,15 @@ QTreeView (0x3cc1500) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3cc1680) 8
               vptr=((&QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 408u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x3cfe680) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x3cfe240) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3d4f440) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3d4f2c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3d4f640) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3d4f100) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8375,15 +7779,7 @@ Class QColormap
    base size=4 base align=4
 QColormap (0x2a673c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x3ff2a00) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x3ff2880) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8391,15 +7787,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x1dc5500) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x3ff2b80) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x4027e00) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x4027cc0) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8412,95 +7800,39 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x2376140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x4083bc0) 0 empty
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x40a6a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x40a6e40) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x1dc5d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x410d440) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x2721ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x410d980) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x41da340) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x412a580) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x41da6c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x412a640) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x421d380) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x412a780) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x421d700) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x274e3c0) 0
 Class QTextItem
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x410d7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x42bb9c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x42bbf40) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 26u entries
@@ -8537,20 +7869,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x2a4a280) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x42d0380) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x42bb700) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x42bb8c0) 0
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=24 align=8
@@ -8562,25 +7886,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x2bb4100) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x43ab9c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43ab840) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x4359340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43abb80) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -8682,10 +7994,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4472e40) 0
     QObject (0x4472ec0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4472e80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x44a1600) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -9007,25 +8315,13 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x1d3bf00) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x4598100) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x1d3be80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x4598a80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x458cbc0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9080,15 +8376,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x2ba1e00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x46f00c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x46d7d00) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -9138,15 +8426,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x453dec0) 0
   QObject (0x471b900) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x453dec0)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x471bdc0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x4785dc0) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9158,15 +8438,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x47992c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x4799580) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4799400) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -9328,10 +8600,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x471b100) 0
     QObject (0x4814340) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x4814300)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x483c7c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -9356,25 +8624,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x46d7540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x489e040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x489e1c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x47e9600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x489ec40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -10031,10 +9287,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x4a54080) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4a541c0) 8
             vptr=((&QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 268u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x4a12580) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 68u entries
@@ -10203,10 +9455,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x4ac4200) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x4ac42c0) 8
         vptr=((&QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x4ac4780) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 67u entries
@@ -12559,158 +11807,34 @@ QSvgWidget (0x51d6980) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x51d6a40) 8
         vptr=((&QSvgWidget::_ZTV10QSvgWidget) + 240u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13c0100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x1588d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x544d280) 0 empty
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x3d4f600) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3d4f3c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x3ff2980) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x4027d80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x41da2c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x41da640) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x421d300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x421d680) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x43ab940) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4598a00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x46f0040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4799500) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x330af80) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3a9c500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x58a19c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x58dd7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x58dd980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x58ddec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x5906580) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x172a2c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x1dd7500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x5906b80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x37ae1c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x3931380) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x5951300) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x59515c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x5951800) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x59e70c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 6079e12..c229400 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f31d80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f31dc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f31e80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f31ec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f31f40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f31f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7845040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7845080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7845300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb78453c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7845400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7845440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7845480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb78454c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7845500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7845540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb7845580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb78455c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7845600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7845640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb7845680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb78456c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7845700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7845740) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb7845780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb7845880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb78458c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7845900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb7845940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb7845980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb78459c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb7845a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb7845a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb7845a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb7845ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb7845b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb7845b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb7845b80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb7845c40) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb7845c80) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb7845e40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7845f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7845f80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6b6e280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6b6e2c0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb6b6e300) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb6b6e480) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb6b6e580) 0
   QString (0xb6b6e5c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6b6e600) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb6b6e900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6b6ec80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb6b6ec00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6b6ee00) 0
   QObject (0xb6b6ee40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6b6ee00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6b6ef00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6b6e7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6b6e880) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb6714580) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6714b00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6714a40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6714c40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6714bc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6714cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6714d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714e00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6714f00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6714f80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6714f40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6714440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6714880) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6714ac0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb649d040) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb649d200) 0
   QTextStream (0xb649d240) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb649d200)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb649d300) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb649d340) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb649d2c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb649d380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb649d3c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb649d400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb649d440) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,80 +492,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb649d4c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb649d500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb649d540) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb649d580) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb649d640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb649d600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb649d5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb649d680) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb649d700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb649d6c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb649d740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb649d7c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb649d780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb649d800) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb649d840) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb649d880) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -882,10 +580,6 @@ QFile (0xb649dd40) 0
     QObject (0xb649ddc0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb649dd80)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb649de40) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -938,50 +632,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb649dfc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb649d000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb649d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb649de00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb649d280) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb649df80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb647e000) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb647e040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb647e100) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb647e080) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -989,30 +655,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb647e140) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb647e180) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb647e200) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb647e240) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb647e300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb647e380) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb647e400) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1069,10 +719,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb647e440) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb647e5c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1184,15 +830,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb647e880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb647e8c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb647e900) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1287,285 +925,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb647ec00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb647ec80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb647ecc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb647ed00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb647edc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb647ee00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb647ee40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb647ee80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb647eec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb647ef00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb647ef40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb647ef80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb647efc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb647e540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb647e640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb647e700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb647e840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb647e980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb647eb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb647ebc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb61f0000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb61f0040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb61f0080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb61f00c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb61f0100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb61f0140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb61f0180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb61f01c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb61f0200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb61f0240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb61f0280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb61f02c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb61f0300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb61f0340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb61f0380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb61f03c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb61f0400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb61f0440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb61f0480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb61f04c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb61f0500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb61f0540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb61f0580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb61f05c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb61f0600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb61f0640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb61f0680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb61f06c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb61f0700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb61f0740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb61f0780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb61f07c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb61f0800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb61f0840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb61f0880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb61f08c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb61f0900) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1592,45 +1010,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb61f0940) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb61f0b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb61f0bc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb61f0cc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb61f0c40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb61f0dc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb61f0d40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb61f0e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb61f0f00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1662,80 +1052,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb61f0b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb61f0a80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb61f0e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb61f0fc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6109000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6109040) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6109080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb61090c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6109100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6109300) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6109380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6109580) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6109640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6109740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6109780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6109840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1752,10 +1110,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6109c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6109c40) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1772,30 +1126,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6109ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6109f80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6109fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb61091c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6109200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb61092c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1323,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5d7f040) 0
   QObject (0xb5d7f080) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5d7f040)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb5d7f180) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5d7f680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb5d7f6c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb5d7f700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5d7f780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2324,10 +1654,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb5d7fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb5d7fc40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2422,20 +1748,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb5d7fec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb5d7ff00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb5d7ff40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb5d7ff80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2447,10 +1765,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb5d7f000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb5d7f100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2507,10 +1821,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb5d7f440) 0
   QObject (0xb5d7f500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb5d7f440)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb5d7f600) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2558,10 +1868,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb5d7fbc0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5d7fdc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2573,45 +1879,21 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb5d7fe80) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5cf1040) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5cf1000) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5cf10c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0xb5cf1080) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5cf1180) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5cf11c0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5cf1200) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb5cf1140) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2628,20 +1910,8 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb5cf13c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb5cf1480) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb5cf1540) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb5cf14c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2649,15 +1919,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb5cf1580) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb5cf15c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb5cf1680) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb5cf1600) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2680,10 +1942,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb5cf1880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb5cf18c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2724,10 +1982,6 @@ QImage (0xb5cf1a40) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb5cf1a80) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb5cf1a40)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb5cf1bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -2752,45 +2006,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb5cf1d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb5cf1dc0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb5cf1e00) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb5cf1f40) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb5cf1ec0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5cf1fc0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5cf1240) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5cf1280) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb5cf1f80) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -2820,30 +2046,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb5cf1800) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb5cf1b00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb5cf1980) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb5cf1cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb5cf1b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb5cf1d00) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2983,10 +2193,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb5acc580) 0
     QObject (0xb5acc600) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb5acc5c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb5acc740) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -3011,25 +2217,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb5acc800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb5acc880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb5acc8c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb5acc900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb5acc940) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3089,20 +2283,12 @@ QTextDocument (0xb5accb00) 0
   QObject (0xb5accb40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb5accb00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb5accbc0) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb5accc00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb5accc40) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3143,10 +2329,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb5acce80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb5accf40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3444,15 +2626,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb5a4ec00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb5a4ed00) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb5a4ec80) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3751,15 +2925,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb58e3480) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb58e3600) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb58e3580) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3808,10 +2974,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0xb58e3880) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb58e3940) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3834,15 +2996,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb58e3b40) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb58e3c80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb58e3c00) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4206,10 +3360,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb58e3f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb56ef040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -4240,20 +3390,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb56ef080) 0
   QObject (0xb56ef0c0) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb56ef080)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb56ef140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb56ef200) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb56ef180) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4460,20 +3598,12 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb56ef680) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb56ef740) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb56ef800) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb56ef840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb56ef900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -4681,15 +3811,7 @@ QStyle (0xb56efc40) 0
   QObject (0xb56efc80) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb56efc40)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb56efd40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb56efd80) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -4948,10 +4070,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb56efc00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb56efbc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb5466080) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4978,10 +4096,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb5466300) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5466340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb54664c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -4989,10 +4103,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb5466400) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5466440) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb5466640) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -5007,10 +4117,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb54666c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb5466700) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb5466740) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb54668c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5037,10 +4143,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb5466b00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5466b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb5466c80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5066,10 +4168,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb5466e80) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb5466ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb5466040) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5110,15 +4208,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb5466c40) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb5466cc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb5466d80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb536b100) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb536b080) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5127,10 +4217,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb5466e40) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb5466f00) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb536b000) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb536b2c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5338,10 +4424,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb536ba00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb536bb40) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb536bc00) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -6106,10 +5188,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb524e580) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb524e680) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb524e740) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6360,10 +5438,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb524ea80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb524eb80) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb524ec40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6449,10 +5523,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb524ec80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb524ed80) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb524ee40) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6874,10 +5944,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb514d3c0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb514d480) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb514d440)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb514d500) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -7225,50 +6291,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb514d5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb514d7c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb514db80) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb514da00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb50c0040) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb514de40) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb50c0140) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb50c00c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb50c0240) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb50c01c0) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7286,25 +6316,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb50c0340) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb50c05c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb50c0540) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb50c0440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb50c0600) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7316,15 +6334,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb50c0700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb50c0740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb50c0800) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -7359,25 +6369,13 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb50c0780) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb50c0900) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb50c0880) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb50c0940) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb50c0a00) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7467,15 +6465,7 @@ QStringListModel (0xb50c0b00) 0
       QObject (0xb50c0bc0) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb50c0b80)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb50c0d40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb50c0cc0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7718,15 +6708,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb50c0d80) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4eb0180) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb4eb0100) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -8547,15 +7529,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb4eb0000) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4eb0dc0) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb4eb0ac0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8572,25 +7546,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0xb4eb0880) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4e24100) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb4e24080) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4e24200) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb4e24180) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8817,15 +7775,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb4e24800) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb4e24880) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb4e248c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -9778,15 +8728,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb4d12f80) 0
   QObject (0xb4d12fc0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb4d12f80)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d12380) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb4d12180) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9956,10 +8898,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0xb4d12f40) 0
     QObject (0xb4a69040) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0xb4a69000)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb4a69200) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10481,15 +9419,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb4a69fc0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb4a69080) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4a691c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -11262,20 +10192,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb4953880) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb49539c0) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb4953a40) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4953b00) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4953a80) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12527,10 +11445,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb4861080) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb48616c0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb4861840) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -12690,10 +11604,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb4793040) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4793100) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb47931c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12851,10 +11761,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb4793340) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb4793400) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb4793480) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -13028,10 +11934,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb4793600) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb4793740) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb4793840) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -14034,10 +12936,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb470d600) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb470d700) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb470d780) 0
 Vtable for QToolBar
 QToolBar::_ZTV8QToolBar: 63u entries
@@ -14611,178 +13509,38 @@ QGraphicsSvgItem (0xb445ca00) 0
   QGraphicsItem (0xb445cb40) 8
       vptr=((& QGraphicsSvgItem::_ZTV16QGraphicsSvgItem) + 76u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb445cc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0xb445ce80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb439d040) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb439d0c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb439d140) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb439d1c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb439d240) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb439d2c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb439d340) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb439d3c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb439d440) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb439d4c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb439d540) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb439d780) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb439d800) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb439d900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb439da00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb439dac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb439dbc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb439dc80) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb439dd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb439dd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb439de00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb439de80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb439df00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb439dfc0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb439d880) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb439dec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb439df80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb40d4040) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb40d4100) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb40d41c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb40d4240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb40d42c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb40d4480) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index f4c20db..06800ad 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x305ed3f0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x305ed460) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x3001bac0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x305ed5b0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x305ed690) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x305ed700) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x3001bb40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x305ed850) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x305edbd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x305eddc8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x305ede70) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x305edf18) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x305edfc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x30616070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x30616118) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x306161c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x30616268) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x30616310) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x306163b8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x30616460) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x30616508) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x306165b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30616658) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30616700) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x30616770) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30616c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30616cb0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x30616d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30616d90) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30616e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30616e70) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x30616ee0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x30616f50) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x30616fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x312f8038) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x312f80a8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x312f8118) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x312f8188) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3001bc80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x312f82a0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x312f8460) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x312f8540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x312f85e8) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x31404348) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x31404690) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0x31404738) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x31404968) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x3001bec0) 0
   QString (0x31528af0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x31528bd0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x31622268) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x316227a8) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x31622700) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0x3001bf80) 0
   QObject (0x31622c78) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x3001bf80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x31622e70) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x3174d498) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x3174d508) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x3174dd58) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x31871348) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x318711f8) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x31871620) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x31871578) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x31871738) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x318717e0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x318718c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31871850) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31871930) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x318719a0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x31871af0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31871bd0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31871b60) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x31871c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31871cb0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x31871ce8) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x31871f18) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x31810180) 0
   QTextStream (0x319473f0) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x31810180)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x319476c8) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x31947738) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x31947658) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x319477a8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31947818) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31947888) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x319478f8) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,70 +492,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x31947968) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x319479d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31947a48) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31947b28) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31947ab8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31947b98) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31947c78) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x31947c08) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31947ce8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31947dc8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31947d58) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31947e38) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31947ea8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31947f18) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -872,10 +574,6 @@ QFile (0x318101c0) 0
     QObject (0x319a0770) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x31810200)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x319a08f8) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -928,50 +626,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x319a0a48) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x319a0af0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x319a0b60) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x319a0ce8) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x319a0c40) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x319a0d90) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x319a0f88) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x319a0700) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x31b3e118) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x31b3e070) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -979,30 +649,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x31810300) 0
   QList<QString> (0x31b3e1c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x31b3e5e8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x31b3e658) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x31b3e968) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x31b3ea80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x31b3eb28) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1059,10 +713,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x31b3eb60) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x31b3edc8) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1174,15 +824,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x31c0e0e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x31c0e188) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x31c0e230) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1277,285 +919,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x31c0e620) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x31c0e7a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x31c0e818) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x31c0e888) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x31c0ea48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x31c0eaf0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0x31c0eb98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x31c0ec40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x31c0ece8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x31c0ed90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x31c0ee38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x31c0eee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x31c0ef88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x31c0e348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0x31cd9000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0x31cd90a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0x31cd9150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x31cd91f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x31cd92a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x31cd9348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x31cd93f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0x31cd9498) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0x31cd9540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x31cd95e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x31cd9690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x31cd9738) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x31cd97e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x31cd9888) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x31cd9930) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x31cd99d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x31cd9a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x31cd9b28) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x31cd9bd0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x31cd9c78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x31cd9d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x31cd9dc8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x31cd9e70) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x31cd9f18) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x31cd9fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x31cf1070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x31cf1118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x31cf11c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x31cf1268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x31cf1310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x31cf13b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x31cf1460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x31cf1508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x31cf15b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x31cf1658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x31cf1700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x31cf17a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x31cf1850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x31cf18f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x31cf19a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x31cf1a48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x31cf1af0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x31cf1b98) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1582,45 +1004,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x31cf1c08) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0x31cf1ee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0x31d40070) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31d40230) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31d40188) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31d403f0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31d40348) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31d40508) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31d40620) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1652,80 +1046,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x31d40b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x31d40f50) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31d40ce8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31dfd1f8) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x31dfd428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31dfd498) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31dfd5e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31dfd690) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31dfd818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x31dfdb98) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x31dfde70) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x31dfd8c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x31e97188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x31e97380) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x31e975b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x31e97738) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1742,10 +1104,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x31fef038) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x31fef118) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1762,30 +1120,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x31fef508) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x31fef6c8) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x31fef738) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x31fef8f8) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x31fef968) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x31fefab8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1971,10 +1317,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x31810880) 0
   QObject (0x320b3508) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x31810880)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x320b36c8) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2081,20 +1423,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x320b38f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x3215e000) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x3215e070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x3215e188) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2314,10 +1648,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x3215e8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x3215e9a0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2412,20 +1742,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x3215edc8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x3215ee70) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x3215eee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3215ef88) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2437,10 +1759,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x3215e310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x3215e738) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2497,10 +1815,6 @@ QLibrary (0x31810d00) 0
   QObject (0x322231c0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x31810d00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x32223348) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2548,10 +1862,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x322235e8) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x32223770) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2563,45 +1873,21 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x32223818) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x322238c0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x32223850) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x322239d8) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QWriteLocker (0x32223968) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32223c08) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32223c78) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x32223ce8) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x32223b98) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -2618,20 +1904,8 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x322e6000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x322e6188) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x322e6348) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x322e6268) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2639,15 +1913,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x31810dc0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x322e63b8) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x322e6770) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x322e6690) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2670,10 +1936,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x322e6c78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x322e6ce8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2714,10 +1976,6 @@ QImage (0x31810e80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x322e6070) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x31810e80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x323bf188) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -2742,45 +2000,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x323bf428) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x323bf4d0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=8
    base size=72 base align=8
 QBrushData (0x323bf540) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0x323bf770) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0x323bf690) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x323bf888) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x323bf8f8) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x323bf968) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x323bf818) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -2810,30 +2040,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x323bfa48) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x323bfd90) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x323bfc40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x323bf620) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x323bf000) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x323bfe38) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -2973,10 +2187,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x324ba280) 0
     QObject (0x324a6578) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x324ba2c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x324a6a10) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -3001,25 +2211,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x324a6bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x324a6f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x324a6268) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x324a6690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x3255d188) 0 empty
 Class QFontMetrics
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3079,20 +2277,12 @@ QTextDocument (0x324ba300) 0
   QObject (0x3255d460) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x324ba300)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x3255d620) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=32 align=8
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x3255d658) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3255d738) 0
 Class QTextTableCell
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3133,10 +2323,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x3255db98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x3255dd20) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3434,15 +2620,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x32631348) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x32631ab8) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x32631770) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3741,15 +2919,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x326f9188) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x326f9428) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x326f9348) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3798,10 +2968,6 @@ Class QTextDocumentFragment
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextDocumentFragment (0x326f9850) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x326f9968) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3824,15 +2990,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x326f9ee0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x326f9a48) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x326f9000) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -4196,10 +3354,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x328db460) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x328db818) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -4230,20 +3384,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x327e2240) 0
   QObject (0x328db8c0) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x327e2240)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x328dba48) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x328dbb98) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x328dbaf0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4450,20 +3592,12 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x327e2480) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x329b7000) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x329b71f8) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x329b7230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x329b7310) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -4671,15 +3805,7 @@ QStyle (0x327e26c0) 0
   QObject (0x329b7770) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x327e26c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x329b7930) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x329b79a0) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -4938,10 +4064,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x327e2940) 0
   QStyleOption (0x329b7460) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x329b7f88) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4968,10 +4090,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x327e2a80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32ae3428) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x32ae3620) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -4979,10 +4097,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x327e2b00) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32ae3540) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x32ae3818) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -4997,10 +4111,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x327e2bc0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x327e2c00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32ae3930) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x32ae3c08) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -5027,10 +4137,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x327e2d40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32ae3ea8) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x32ae3460) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -5056,10 +4162,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x327e2e40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x32b8d0e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x32b8d2d8) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5100,15 +4202,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x32bc6040) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32bc6080) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32b8da10) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x32b8dcb0) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x32b8dc08) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -5117,10 +4211,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x32bc60c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x32bc6100) 0
     QStyleOption (0x32b8db28) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x32b8df18) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -5328,10 +4418,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x32bc64c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x32c26460) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x32c26658) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -6096,10 +5182,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x32bc6cc0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x32d0d3f0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x32d0d620) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6350,10 +5432,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x32bc6f00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x32d0da10) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x32d0dc08) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractPrintDialog
 QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6439,10 +5517,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x32df1000) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x32d0dd90) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x32d0df88) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -6864,10 +5938,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x32df1480) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x32e22850) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x32df14c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x32e22a48) 0
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -7215,50 +6285,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x32ef1dc8) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x32fa30e0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x32fa3268) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x32fa3188) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x32fa3428) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x32fa3348) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x32fa35e8) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x32fa3508) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x32fa37a8) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x32fa36c8) 0
 Class QStylePainter
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7276,25 +6310,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x32fa3a48) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x32fa3ee0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x32fa3e00) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x32fa3c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x32fa3f88) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7306,15 +6328,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x330a11c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x330a1268) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x330a13f0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -7349,25 +6363,13 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x330a12d8) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x330a15e8) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x330a1540) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x330a1658) 0
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x330a1770) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -7457,15 +6459,7 @@ QStringListModel (0x32df1900) 0
       QObject (0x330a1a80) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0x32df1980)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x330a1d58) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x330a1c78) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -7708,15 +6702,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x3318a498) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3318a850) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x3318a7a8) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -8537,15 +7523,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x332ed658) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x332edab8) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x332ed9a0) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8562,25 +7540,9 @@ Class QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory (0x332ed8c0) 0
     vptr=((& QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x332edea8) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x332eddc8) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x332ed268) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x332edf88) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8807,15 +7769,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x333c97e0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x333c98c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x333c9930) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -9768,15 +8722,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x33538240) 0
   QObject (0x33503818) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x33538240)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x335bf0e0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x335bf038) 0
 Vtable for QSound
 QSound::_ZTV6QSound: 14u entries
@@ -9946,10 +8892,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x335383c0) 0
     QObject (0x335bf658) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x33538400)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x335bf850) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10471,15 +9413,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x3368d460) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x3368d770) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x3368d7e0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -11252,20 +10186,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x33787100) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x33738e38) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x33738930) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x337cf000) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x33738bd0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12517,10 +11439,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x33787e00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x338c9f18) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x338c96c8) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -12680,10 +11598,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x33787fc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x339a90a8) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x339a9310) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -12841,10 +11755,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x339b10c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x339a9540) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x339a9738) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -13018,10 +11928,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x339b11c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x339a9968) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x339a9c08) 0
 Vtable for QProgressBar
 QProgressBar::_ZTV12QProgressBar: 64u entries
@@ -14024,10 +12930,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x339b1ac0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33bc6118) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x33bc6310) 0
 Vtable for QToolBar
 QToolBar::_ZTV8QToolBar: 63u entries
@@ -14601,178 +13503,38 @@ QGraphicsSvgItem (0x33ca4400) 0
   QGraphicsItem (0x33d2fe00) 8
       vptr=((& QGraphicsSvgItem::_ZTV16QGraphicsSvgItem) + 76u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x33dd3700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x33dd3e38) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x33deec40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x33e3fe00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x33e5e428) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x33e8b070) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x33e8bd20) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x33e8bfc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x33f31f88) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x33f4e118) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x33f4e2a0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x33f4e428) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x33f4e5b0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x33f86ab8) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x33f86cb0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x33fca3f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x3404b2a0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x3404b690) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x3404ba80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x34080188) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x340802a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x34080428) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x34080d90) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x340a7540) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x340a7738) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x340a7d58) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x340e61f8) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x340e6770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x340e68f8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x340e69a0) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x340e6d90) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x34115188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x34115498) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x34115540) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x34115ea8) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index 068a6b8..17e7491 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x702cc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x702d40) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x702f00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x702f40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x708040) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x7080c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x708280) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x7082c0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x7087c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x708a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x708ac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x708b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x708c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x708d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x708dc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x708e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x708f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x168d000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x168d0c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x168d180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x168d240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x168d300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x168d3c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x168d6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x168d7c0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x168dec0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x168df00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x171a180) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x171aec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x17ad280) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x17ad700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x17ad780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x17ad800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x17ad880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x17ad900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x17ad980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x17ada00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x17ada80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x17adb00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x17adb80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x17adc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x17adc80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x17add00) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x195d4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x195d900) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1aaa540) 0
   QString (0x1aaa580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1aaa680) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1aaaf00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1b20480) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1b20300) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1b207c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1b20700) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1b20a00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1b20a40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1b20d00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1b20c80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1b20f80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1b20ec0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1c58500) 0
   QObject (0x1c58540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1c58500)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1c58780) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1c58e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1c58b40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1d2b040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1d2b240) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1d2b180) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1d2b300) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1d2b340) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1d2b800) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1d2b880) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x1da4640) 0
     QObject (0x1da46c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1da4680)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1da4880) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1da48c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1da4980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1da4a00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1da4bc0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1da4b00) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1da4c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1da4dc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1da4e40) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1da4e80) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1ec8040) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1ec8540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1ec85c0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1f2a9c0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1f2ac80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1078,35 +836,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x20c3700) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x20c3e80) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x20c3f00) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x20c3e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x20c3f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x20c31c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x20f4040) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1244,15 +982,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x20f4f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x20f49c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x20f4ec0) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1279,270 +1009,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x22ca1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x22ca3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x22ca480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x22ca540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x22ca600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x22ca6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x22ca780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x22ca840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x22ca900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x22ca9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x22caa80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x22cab40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x22cac00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x22cacc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x22cad80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x22cae40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x22caf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x22cafc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x22ff040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x22ff100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x22ff1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x22ff280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x22ff340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x22ff400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x22ff4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x22ff580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x22ff640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x22ff700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x22ff7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x22ff880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x22ff940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x22ffa00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x22ffac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x22ffb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x22ffc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x22ffd00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x22ffdc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x22ffe80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x22fff40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x231a000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x231a0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x231a180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x231a240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x231a300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x231a3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x231a480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x231a540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x231a600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x231a6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x231a780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x231a840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x231a900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x231a9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x231aa80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1569,60 +1087,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x231ab00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x231ad40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x2372000) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2372200) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x2372140) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2372400) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x2372340) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x2372580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x23726c0) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2372780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2372800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2372880) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1700,15 +1178,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x2372cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2427180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2427200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1735,10 +1205,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2427280) 0
   QObject (0x24272c0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2427280)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x24274c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1783,20 +1249,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x2427700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x24278c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2427940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2427a80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1966,10 +1424,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x252b040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x252b140) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2076,20 +1530,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x252be80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x252bf40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x252bfc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x252b5c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2101,10 +1547,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x252ba00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2599000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2286,10 +1728,6 @@ QLibrary (0x25999c0) 0
   QObject (0x2599a00) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x25999c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x2599bc0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2326,10 +1764,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x2599f00) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x2599640) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2341,20 +1775,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x2599b00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x265c040) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x2599d00) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x265c180) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2412,10 +1838,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x265cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x265cc80) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2427,70 +1849,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x265cf00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2721040) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x27210c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x27212c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x2721340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x27214c0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2721540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x27219c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x2721c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2721400) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x2721e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2721f40) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x27aa100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x27aa1c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2502,40 +1896,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x27aa800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27aac00) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x27aafc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x289f000) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x289f480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x289f640) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x289f8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x289fa80) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2583,10 +1961,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x29da380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x29da540) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2625,15 +1999,7 @@ Class QMacMime
 QMacMime (0x29da740) 0
     vptr=((& QMacMime::_ZTV8QMacMime) + 8u)
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union> (0x29daa80) 0
-Class QList<QMacMime*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*> (0x29da9c0) 0
 Vtable for QMacPasteboardMime
 QMacPasteboardMime::_ZTV18QMacPasteboardMime: 10u entries
@@ -2934,15 +2300,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2adb380) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2adb540) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2adb480) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3231,15 +2589,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2b31f40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2b313c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2b316c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3628,40 +2978,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2bd76c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2bd7a00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2bd7a80) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2bd7b00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2bd7980) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x2bd7900) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2bd7f40) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2bd7e40) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3669,15 +2995,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x2bd7fc0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2bd7180) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2c612c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2c611c0) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3690,10 +3008,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x2c61680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2c61700) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3718,10 +3032,6 @@ QImage (0x2c61900) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2c61940) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2c61900)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2c61d00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3746,45 +3056,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2c61fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2d5c080) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2d5c100) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2d5c380) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2d5c280) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d5c4c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d5c540) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d5c5c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2d5c440) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4180,10 +3462,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2f6d280) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2f6d340) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2f6d5c0) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4434,10 +3712,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2f6db00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2f6dbc0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2f6de80) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4844,10 +4118,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x3018800) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x30188c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x3018b40) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -5202,25 +4472,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x3111480) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x31119c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x31118c0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x31116c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x3111a80) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5275,15 +4533,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x3111e00) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x3111f80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x31c2040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5872,10 +5122,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x323bbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x323bd40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -6044,60 +5290,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x32a4a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x32a4b00) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x32a4b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x32a4600) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x33650c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x32a4c80) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x33652c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x33651c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x33654c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x33653c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3365680) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x3365580) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -6352,20 +5558,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x3365c40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3365d40) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x3365f80) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3486000) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x3365880) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -6392,10 +5586,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x3486580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x34866c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6551,10 +5741,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x351ec80) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x3486c00) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x34869c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x3526180) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6730,15 +5916,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x3526e00) 0
   QObject (0x3526e40) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x3526e00)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x35264c0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x3526040) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -7043,10 +6221,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x361cc00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x361cc80) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x361cf00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -7254,15 +6428,7 @@ QStyle (0x36c4240) 0
   QObject (0x36c4280) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x36c4240)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x36c44c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x36c4540) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -7521,10 +6687,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x36c4e40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x36c4e80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x36c4940) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7551,10 +6713,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x37c9480) 0
   QStyleOption (0x37c94c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x37c9780) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7562,10 +6720,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x37c9640) 0
   QStyleOption (0x37c9680) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x37c9a40) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7580,10 +6734,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x37c9b80) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x37c9bc0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x37c9c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x37c9f80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7610,10 +6760,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x38640c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3864100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x3864380) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7639,10 +6785,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x38647c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x3864800) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x3864ac0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7683,15 +6825,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x38e4180) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x38e41c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0x38e4200) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x38e4580) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x38e44c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7700,10 +6834,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x38e4340) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x38e4380) 0
     QStyleOption (0x38e43c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x38e4900) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7794,10 +6924,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x39622c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3962700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7828,20 +6954,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x39627c0) 0
   QObject (0x3962800) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x39627c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x39629c0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x3962b40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x3962a80) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7971,10 +7085,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x3962d00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3962e00) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x3962f40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8312,15 +7422,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3a41bc0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3a41b40) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3a41140) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8461,15 +7563,7 @@ QListView (0x3aed180) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3aed2c0) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3aed6c0) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3aed5c0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8762,15 +7856,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x3ba5180) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3ba55c0) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x3ba5500) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9288,35 +8374,15 @@ QTreeView (0x3cee240) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3cee380) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x3cee640) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x3cee540) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3ceeac0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3cee9c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3ceec80) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3ceebc0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10197,15 +9263,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3efca80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3efcb40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3efcd00) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -10240,20 +9298,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3efcbc0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3efcf40) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x3efce80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x3efcfc0) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -10346,10 +9396,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x3ff6440) 0
     QObject (0x3ff64c0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x3ff6480)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x3ff67c0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10723,30 +9769,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x408d6c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x408da80) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x408d900) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x408de40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x408dd40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x408df40) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10801,15 +9831,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x4168280) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x4168580) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4168480) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10859,15 +9881,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x4168880) 0
   QObject (0x41688c0) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x4168880)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x4168ac0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x4168c00) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10879,15 +9893,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x4168d40) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x4168f80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4168e80) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11049,10 +10055,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x4253780) 0
     QObject (0x4253800) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x42537c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x4253d40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11077,25 +10079,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x4253f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x42c2280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x42c2340) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x42c2400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x42c2600) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12057,10 +11047,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x43eee00) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x43eef00) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x43eed00) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12221,10 +11207,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x44bc240) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x44bc2c0) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x44bc500) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -12304,10 +11286,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x44bc540) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x44bc5c0) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x44bc880) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12469,10 +11447,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x44bcb00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x44bcbc0) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x44bce00) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -14041,10 +13015,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x475e9c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x475eac0) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x475ee00) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -14634,188 +13604,40 @@ QSvgWidget (0x49ba980) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x49baa00) 8
         vptr=((& QSvgWidget::_ZTV10QSvgWidget) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x4a7c280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x4aa6100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x4af6180) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x4b38600) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x4b38d00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4b8f400) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x4bad900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x4badac0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4badc80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4bade40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4ca43c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4ca4600) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4cc3c40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4cc3f40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4ce75c0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x4d07900) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4dbf680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x4dbf600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4de7240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x4de77c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4de7b40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4de7fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4e036c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x4e03bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMacMime*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMacMime*> (0x4e03e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::Node (0x4e03f00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x4e27180) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x4e27300) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4e27a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x4e6b040) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x4e6b100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4e6b580) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x4e6b640) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x4e6ba00) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x4e6bd40) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4e8e080) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x4e8ef00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 8cbc112..4e180e5 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa378c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa37940) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa37b00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xa37b40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xa37c40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xa37cc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xa37e80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xa37ec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xa453c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xa45600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xa456c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xa45780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xa45840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xa45900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xa459c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xa45a80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xa45b40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xa45c00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xa45cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xa45d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xa45e40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xa45f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xa45fc0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xa7f2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xa7f3c0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xa7f9c0) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xa7fa00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0xa7fc80) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x17709c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x1770d80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x1872200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x1872280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x1872300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x1872380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x1872400) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x1872480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x1872500) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x1872580) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x1872600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x1872680) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x1872700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x1872780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x1872800) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1872ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x19e8400) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1aee040) 0
   QString (0x1aee080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1aee180) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1aeea00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1aee640) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1aeeec0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1c0c240) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1c0c180) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1c0c480) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1c0c4c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1c0c780) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1c0c700) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1c0ca00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1c0c940) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1c0cb80) 0
   QObject (0x1c0cd00) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1c0cb80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1cd1200) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1cd1900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1cd1b40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1cd1bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1cd1dc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1cd1d00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1cd1e80) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1cd1ec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1d8b300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1d8b380) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x1e09540) 0
     QObject (0x1e095c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1e09580)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1e09780) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1e097c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1e09880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1e09900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1e09ac0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1e09a00) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1e09b80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1e09cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1e09d40) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1e09d80) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1e09f80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1f094c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1f09540) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1fe0500) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1fe07c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1088,40 +846,16 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x20fc440) 0
-Class OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union> (0x20fc640) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x20fcd80) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x20fce00) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x20fcd00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x20fce80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x20fcf00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x20fcf80) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1259,15 +993,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x2131ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2131f80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x2131ac0) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1294,270 +1020,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x22fc140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x22fc340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x22fc400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x22fc4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x22fc580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x22fc640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x22fc700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x22fc7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x22fc880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x22fc940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x22fca00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x22fcac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x22fcb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x22fcc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x22fcd00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x22fcdc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x22fce80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x22fcf40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x22fc080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x232f080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x232f140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x232f200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x232f2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x232f380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x232f440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x232f500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x232f5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x232f680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x232f740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x232f800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x232f8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x232f980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x232fa40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x232fb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x232fbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x232fc80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x232fd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x232fe00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x232fec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x232ff80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x234b040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x234b100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x234b1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x234b280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x234b340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x234b400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x234b4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x234b580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x234b640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x234b700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x234b7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x234b880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x234b940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x234ba00) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1584,60 +1098,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x234ba80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x234bfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x234bd40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x23a3180) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x23a30c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x23a3380) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x23a32c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x23a3500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x23a3640) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23a3700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23a3780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x23a3800) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1715,15 +1189,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x23a3ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x245e100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x245e180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1750,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x245e200) 0
   QObject (0x245e240) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x245e200)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x245e440) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1798,20 +1260,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x245e680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x245e840) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x245e8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x245ea00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1435,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x245ee80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x25680c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1541,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x2568e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2568ec0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x2568f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2568240) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2116,10 +1558,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x25686c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2568a00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2301,10 +1739,6 @@ QLibrary (0x25cb980) 0
   QObject (0x25cb9c0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x25cb980)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x25cbb80) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2341,10 +1775,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x25cbec0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x25cb440) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2356,20 +1786,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x25cb900) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x268d000) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x25cbac0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x268d140) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2427,10 +1849,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x268db40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x268dc40) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2442,70 +1860,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x268dec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x274f000) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x274f080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x274f280) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x274f300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x274f480) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x274f500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x274f980) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x274fc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x274f340) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x274fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x274fe80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x27d90c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x27d9180) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2517,40 +1907,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x27d97c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27d9bc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x27d9f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x27d9fc0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x28cd440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x28cd600) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x28cd880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x28cda40) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2598,10 +1972,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x2a1b340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2a1b500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2640,15 +2010,7 @@ Class QMacMime
 QMacMime (0x2a1b700) 0
     vptr=((& QMacMime::_ZTV8QMacMime) + 8u)
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::<anonymous union> (0x2a1ba40) 0
-Class QList<QMacMime*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*> (0x2a1b980) 0
 Vtable for QMacPasteboardMime
 QMacPasteboardMime::_ZTV18QMacPasteboardMime: 10u entries
@@ -2949,15 +2311,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=28 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2b0a380) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2b0a540) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2b0a480) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3246,15 +2600,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2b5ff40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2b5f3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2b5f6c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3643,40 +2989,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x2c066c0) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c06a00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c06a80) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2c06b00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2c06980) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x2c06900) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2c06f40) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2c06e40) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3684,15 +3006,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x2c06fc0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2c06180) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2c8f2c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2c8f1c0) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3705,10 +3019,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0x2c8f680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2c8f700) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3733,10 +3043,6 @@ QImage (0x2c8f900) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2c8f940) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x2c8f900)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2c8fd00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3761,45 +3067,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x2c8ffc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2d81080) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QBrushData (0x2d81100) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2d81380) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2d81280) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d814c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d81540) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d815c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2d81440) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4195,10 +3473,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x2f91280) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2f91340) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x2f915c0) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4449,10 +3723,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x2f91b00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x2f91bc0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x2f91e80) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -4859,10 +4129,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x3048800) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x30488c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x3048b40) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -5217,25 +4483,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x313e480) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x313e9c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x313e8c0) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x313e6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x313ea80) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5290,15 +4544,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x313ee00) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x313ef80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x31ed040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5887,10 +5133,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x3266bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3266d40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -6059,60 +5301,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0x32d0a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x32d0b00) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x32d0b80) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x32d07c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3391100) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x3391000) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3391300) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x3391200) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3391500) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x3391400) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x33916c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x33915c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -6367,20 +5569,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x3391c80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3391d80) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x3391fc0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x34b1040) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x3391b80) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -6407,10 +5597,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x34b15c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x34b1700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6566,10 +5752,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x3549b80) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x34b1e40) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x34b1c40)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x35511c0) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6745,15 +5927,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x3551e40) 0
   QObject (0x3551e80) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x3551e40)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x3551600) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x3551380) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -7058,10 +6232,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3647c40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3647cc0) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3647f40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -7269,15 +6439,7 @@ QStyle (0x36ef280) 0
   QObject (0x36ef2c0) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x36ef280)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x36ef500) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x36ef580) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -7536,10 +6698,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x36efe80) 0
   QStyleOption (0x36efec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x36efbc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7566,10 +6724,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x37f14c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x37f1500) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x37f17c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7577,10 +6731,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x37f1680) 0
   QStyleOption (0x37f16c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x37f1a80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7595,10 +6745,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x37f1bc0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x37f1c00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x37f1c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x37f1fc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7625,10 +6771,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x388d100) 0
   QStyleOption (0x388d140) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x388d3c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7654,10 +6796,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x388d800) 0
   QStyleOption (0x388d840) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x388db00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7698,15 +6836,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x390d200) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x390d240) 0
     QStyleOption (0x390d280) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x390d600) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x390d540) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7715,10 +6845,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x390d3c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x390d400) 0
     QStyleOption (0x390d440) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x390d980) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7809,10 +6935,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x398b340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x398b780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7843,20 +6965,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x398b840) 0
   QObject (0x398b880) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x398b840)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x398ba40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x398bbc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x398bb00) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7986,10 +7096,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x398bd80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x398be80) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x3a59000) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8327,15 +7433,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x3a59c00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x3a59d00) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x3a59300) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8476,15 +7574,7 @@ QListView (0x3b0f1c0) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3b0f300) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x3b0f700) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x3b0f600) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8777,15 +7867,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x3bce1c0) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3bce600) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x3bce540) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9303,35 +8385,15 @@ QTreeView (0x3d0c280) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x3d0c3c0) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x3d0c680) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x3d0c580) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x3d0cb00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x3d0ca00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3d0ccc0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x3d0cc00) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10212,15 +9274,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3f24ac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x3f24b80) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x3f24d40) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -10255,20 +9309,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x3f24c00) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x3f24180) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x3f24f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x3f24480) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -10361,10 +9407,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x400f540) 0
     QObject (0x400f5c0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x400f580)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x400f8c0) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10738,30 +9780,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0x40ac7c0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x40acb80) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x40aca00) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x40acf40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x40ace40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x40ac240) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10816,15 +9842,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x4189340) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x4189640) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4189540) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10874,15 +9892,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x4189940) 0
   QObject (0x4189980) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x4189940)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x4189b80) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x4189cc0) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10894,15 +9904,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x4189e00) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x4189880) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4189f40) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11064,10 +10066,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x426e880) 0
     QObject (0x426e900) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x426e8c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x426ee40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11092,25 +10090,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x426e480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x42e4340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x42e4400) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x42e44c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x42e46c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12072,10 +11058,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x4408ec0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4408fc0) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x44cf040) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12236,10 +11218,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x44cf300) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x44cf380) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x44cf5c0) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -12319,10 +11297,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x44cf600) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x44cf680) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x44cf940) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -12484,10 +11458,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x44cfbc0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x44cfc80) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x44cfec0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -14056,10 +13026,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x4786ac0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x4786bc0) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x4786f00) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -14649,188 +13615,40 @@ QSvgWidget (0x49e0a40) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x49e0ac0) 8
         vptr=((& QSvgWidget::_ZTV10QSvgWidget) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x4aa2340) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x4acb1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x4b1f240) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x4b5f6c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x4b5fdc0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x4bb74c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x4bd49c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x4bd4b80) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x4bd4d40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x4bd4f00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4ccc480) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4ccc6c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x4cebd00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4d0d000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4d0d680) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x4d309c0) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x4de4740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x4e0b080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4e0b300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x4e0b880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x4e0bc00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x4e27080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x4e27780) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x4e27c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMacMime*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMacMime*> (0x4e27f00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QMacMime*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QMacMime*>::Node (0x4e27fc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x4e4c240) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x4e4c3c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x4e4cac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x4e91100) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x4e911c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x4e91640) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x4e91700) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x4e91ac0) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x4e91e00) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x4eb6140) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x4eb6fc0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index c434f46..dcbff57 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa9db00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa9dc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa9df00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xac2000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xac2180) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xac2240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xac24c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xac2580) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xaf4380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaf4b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaf4d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaf4e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xb0a000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb0a180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xb0a300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb0a480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb0a600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb0a780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb0a900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb0aa80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb0ac00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb0ad80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb0af00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb36080) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb60f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb97380) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -171,75 +81,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc4bb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd72780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd84e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd940c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd84980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd9ae40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd94780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xda58c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdd9300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdd9600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xda0080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xde94c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xde9d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdef080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xdef480) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xee0240) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xee0780) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -282,10 +132,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11f3dc0) 0
   QString (0x11f3e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1260140) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -348,10 +194,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12d61c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x13dc180) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -376,15 +218,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xee01c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1400480) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc5d5c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -407,25 +241,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x144b300) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x144b340) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1460ac0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x144b8c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1490340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1476f40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -517,10 +339,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13b5a40) 0
   QObject (0x150ab40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13b5a40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x150ae40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -540,25 +358,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xee00c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15d9c00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x15d9f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x15f14c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x15f1380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -566,15 +372,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xee0140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15f1740) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x15f1600) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x15f15c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -703,50 +501,22 @@ QFile (0x1705080) 0
     QObject (0x1705100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x17050c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1705940) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x175d140) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x175da80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1776ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1776f80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1776e80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x171bfc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x17b1c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x17b1880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -803,10 +573,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x16f5f80) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x184e0c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -880,10 +646,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x18bbb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x18bbc80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -908,10 +670,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1afb580) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1afb940) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -948,20 +706,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b8c740) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b8c780) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b8c740)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bc1980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bc1b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1be78c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1099,15 +845,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e50cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1e98980) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1e98040) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1134,270 +872,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ef9400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1f19840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1f199c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1f19b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1f19cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1f19e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1f19fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1f2d140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1f2d2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1f2d440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1f2d5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1f2d740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1f2d8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1f2da40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1f2dbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1f2dd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1f2dec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1f4d040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1f4d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1f4d340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1f4d4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1f4d640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1f4d7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1f4d940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1f4dac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1f4dc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1f4ddc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1f4df40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1f6a0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1f6a240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1f6a3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1f6a540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1f6a6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1f6a840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1f6a9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1f6ab40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1f6acc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1f6ae40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1f6afc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1f89140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1f892c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1f89440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1f895c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1f89740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1f898c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1f89a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1f89bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1f89d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1f89ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1fab040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1fab1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1fab340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1fab4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1fab640) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1424,45 +950,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x1476c80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1ffde00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1ffdfc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2031480) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1fbf540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2031780) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1fbf5c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1fab800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2099100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1540,15 +1038,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1f19180) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2155440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x21b3040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1575,10 +1065,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x21b36c0) 0
   QObject (0x21b3700) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x21b36c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x21b3a00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1623,20 +1109,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x222b200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x222be80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x222b180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x22542c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1806,10 +1284,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x22d77c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x22d7e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1917,20 +1391,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x143fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x237abc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x143fc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x238f1c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1942,10 +1408,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x143fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x238f900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2127,10 +1589,6 @@ QLibrary (0x244d040) 0
   QObject (0x244d080) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x244d040)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x244d2c0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2172,10 +1630,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x24be7c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24eb000) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2187,20 +1641,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x24ebe00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24fc140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x24ebfc0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24fc900) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2258,10 +1704,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x253eac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2599480) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2273,70 +1715,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e50b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x25f1640) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e50bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2619280) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x175d040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2648040) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1f19340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2648c80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1f19380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2670e40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f192c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x26b72c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1f19300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x26e2780) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2348,40 +1762,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f19240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27d3fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1f19280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2826500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f191c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x28b7000) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1f19200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x293d340) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2429,10 +1827,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0x1f19700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0x2a4e280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -2749,15 +2143,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0x2b46e80) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2b6e380) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0x2b46f80) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3046,15 +2432,7 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0x2c1abc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0x2c2fc40) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0x2c3d180) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3445,40 +2823,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0x29cff80) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d73dc0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2d73f00) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2db4000) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0x2d73d40) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0x1f194c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0x2de2540) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0x2de23c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3486,15 +2840,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0x1f195c0) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0x2de2700) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0x2e1e980) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0x2e1e840) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3507,10 +2853,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=8
 QMatrix (0x1f19800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0x2e7b800) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3537,10 +2879,6 @@ QImage (0x1f19580) 0
   QPaintDevice (0x2e9dcc0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0x1f19580)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0x2f59000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 9u entries
@@ -3567,45 +2905,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0x1f19480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0x2faca00) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=72 align=8
    base size=72 base align=8
 QBrushData (0x2fac1c0) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop>::<anonymous union> (0x2fcb900) 0
-Class QVector<QGradientStop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QGradientStop> (0x2fcb080) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fcbb40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fcbc40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-   base size=24 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2fcbe80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0x2fcbac0) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=64 align=8
@@ -4017,10 +3327,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0x3353080) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3353180) 8
           vptr=((&QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0x3353440) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4283,10 +3589,6 @@ QFileDialog (0x33c99c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x33c9ac0) 8
           vptr=((&QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0x33fa480) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 70u entries
@@ -4713,10 +4015,6 @@ QMessageBox (0x3567900) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x3567a00) 8
           vptr=((&QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0x357c680) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 71u entries
@@ -5087,25 +4385,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0x2e57a80) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0x36c5980) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36c5800) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0x36aa1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36c5b40) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5160,15 +4446,7 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0x372d540) 0
     vptr=((&QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0x372d680) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0x3765580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -5757,10 +5035,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0x1f19740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0x3897e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -5929,60 +5203,20 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=28 base align=8
 QTextOption (0x3936a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0x3936e40) 0
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0x2a00080) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0x3994a00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0x3a523c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0x39a97c0) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0x3a52740) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0x39a9880) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0x3a92400) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0x39a99c0) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0x3a92700) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0x2a09700) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 69u entries
@@ -6249,20 +5483,8 @@ QGraphicsView (0x373ea40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x3b5cc40) 8
             vptr=((&QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0x3b951c0) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x3bfd440) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0x372da80) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 9u entries
@@ -6291,10 +5513,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0x1f19540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0x3c89400) 0 empty
 Vtable for QIconEngine
 QIconEngine::_ZTV11QIconEngine: 9u entries
@@ -6450,10 +5668,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0x3ca8fc0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x3cc7080) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0x3cc7040)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0x3cc7240) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6631,15 +5845,7 @@ QActionGroup (0x3d981c0) 0
   QObject (0x3dd7540) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0x3d981c0)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0x3e00000) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0x31dad80) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 25u entries
@@ -6948,10 +6154,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0x3ec1100) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x3ec11c0) 8
         vptr=((&QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0x3ec16c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 68u entries
@@ -7167,15 +6369,7 @@ QStyle (0x31a89c0) 0
   QObject (0x3f8a340) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0x31a89c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0x3f8ac80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0x3fafe40) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 71u entries
@@ -7446,10 +6640,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0x4111f40) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4111f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0x4127440) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -7476,10 +6666,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0x416f740) 0
   QStyleOption (0x416f780) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0x4195240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7487,10 +6673,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0x41950c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0x4195100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0x4195b80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -7505,10 +6687,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0x41ed2c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0x41ed300) 0
     QStyleOption (0x41ed340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0x41eda80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -7535,10 +6713,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0x423c800) 0
   QStyleOption (0x423c840) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0x428c240) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -7564,10 +6738,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0x42d9240) 0
   QStyleOption (0x42d9280) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0x42d9940) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7608,15 +6778,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0x435b5c0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x435b600) 0
     QStyleOption (0x435b640) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0x435bc80) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x435bb80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -7625,10 +6787,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0x435bac0) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0x435bb00) 0
     QStyleOption (0x435bb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0x438f740) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7719,10 +6877,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0x4466380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0x44909c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -7753,20 +6907,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0x4490dc0) 0
   QObject (0x4490e00) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0x4490dc0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0x44cc140) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0x44ccfc0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0x44ccec0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -7900,10 +7042,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0x451f640) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x451f780) 8
             vptr=((&QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0x4548480) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -8245,15 +7383,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0x46a1200) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0x46a1f00) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x46a1d00) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -8398,15 +7528,7 @@ QListView (0x46c0680) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x46c0800) 8
               vptr=((&QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 400u)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0x46dde40) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0x46ddcc0) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -8703,15 +7825,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0x48163c0) 0
     vptr=((&QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x48cf880) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0x48168c0) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -9241,35 +8355,15 @@ QTreeView (0x4a3d980) 0
           QPaintDevice (0x4a3db00) 8
               vptr=((&QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 408u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0x4a68ec0) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0x4a68a80) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0x4a9ccc0) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4a9cb40) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0x4a9cf00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x4a9c9c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -10158,15 +9252,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0x3994840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0x4e0dec0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0x4e384c0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 26u entries
@@ -10203,20 +9289,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0x2d27b00) 0
     vptr=((&QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0x4e38940) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0x4e0dc40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0x4e0ddc0) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 9u entries
@@ -10313,10 +9391,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0x4f7bc40) 0
     QObject (0x4f7bcc0) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0x4f7bc80)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0x4fb3500) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -10690,30 +9764,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=16 base align=8
 QTextLength (0x1f19780) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0x5129f80) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0x1f197c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0x513c900) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0x5129a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0x5129600) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10768,15 +9826,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0x30b7dc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0x52d3780) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x52d3400) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10826,15 +9876,7 @@ QTextDocument (0x381e300) 0
   QObject (0x5300fc0) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0x381e300)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0x5315500) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0x5385700) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10846,15 +9888,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0x5385c00) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0x5385ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x5385d40) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=56 align=8
@@ -11016,10 +10050,6 @@ QTextFrame (0x53007c0) 0
     QObject (0x542c180) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0x542c140)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0x5455700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -11044,25 +10074,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0x52aec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0x5486f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0x54a1100) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0x53f5280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0x54a1b80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -12056,10 +11074,6 @@ QDateEdit (0x5765940) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x5765a80) 8
             vptr=((&QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 268u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0x573bc40) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 68u entries
@@ -12228,10 +11242,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0x57d6bc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x57d6c80) 8
         vptr=((&QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0x57d6d80) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 67u entries
@@ -12315,10 +11325,6 @@ QDockWidget (0x582ba00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x582bac0) 8
         vptr=((&QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0x582bf40) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 67u entries
@@ -12488,10 +11494,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0x59093c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0x59094c0) 8
           vptr=((&QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0x59098c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 67u entries
@@ -14136,10 +13138,6 @@ QTextEdit (0x54a1dc0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0x5d6cb00) 8
             vptr=((&QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 264u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0x5d972c0) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 78u entries
@@ -14753,178 +13751,38 @@ QSvgWidget (0x61270c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0x6127180) 8
         vptr=((&QSvgWidget::_ZTV10QSvgWidget) + 240u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x1400440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x15f1480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x639be00) 0 empty
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0x2de24c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0x2e1e900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=40 align=8
-   base size=40 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0x36c5900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0x3a52340) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0x3a526c0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0x3a92380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0x3a92680) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0x4a9cec0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0x4a9cc40) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0x513c880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x52d3700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x5385e40) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0x3dd7fc0) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0x46a1e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0x6a25cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0x6a59040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0x6a59880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0x6a59a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0x6a59f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0x6a829c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x1776f40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x2031440) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0x6abb100) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0x6abb3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0x6abb600) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0x3bfd400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0x6abb880) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0x435bc40) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0x44ccf80) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0x48cf840) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0x6abbf80) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0x6b51900) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 0ceb568..7b63289 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f40e40) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f40e80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f40f40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f40f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7840000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7840040) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7840100) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7840140) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7840400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb78404c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7840500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7840540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7840580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb78405c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7840600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7840640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb7840680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb78406c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7840700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7840740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb7840780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb78407c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7840800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7840840) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb7840880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb7840980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb78409c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7840a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb7840a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb7840a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb7840ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb7840b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb7840b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb7840b80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb7840bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb7840c00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb7840c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb7840c80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb7840d80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb7840dc0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb7840f80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb5b3b040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb5b3b0c0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb5b3b3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb5b3b400) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb5b3b440) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb5b3b640) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb5b3b740) 0
   QString (0xb5b3b780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb5b3b7c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb5b3bb00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb5b3be80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb5b3be00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb5b3b9c0) 0
   QObject (0xb5b3ba80) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb5b3b9c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb5b3bcc0) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb576c000) 0
   QObject (0xb576c040) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb576c000)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb576c100) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb576c1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb576c200) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb576c240) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb576c300) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb576c280) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb576c340) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb576c380) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb576c400) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb576c440) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb576c7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb576c800) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb576cd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb576ce00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb576ce40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb576cf00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb576cf40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb576c080) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb576c180) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb576c680) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb576cbc0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb576c540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb576cd80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb576cdc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb576ce80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb576cec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb576cf80) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb554a000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb554a040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb554a080) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb554a0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb554a180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb554a140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb554a100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb554a1c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb554a240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb554a200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb554a280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb554a300) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb554a2c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb554a340) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb554a380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb554a3c0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb554a640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb554a840) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb554a8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb554aac0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb554ae80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb554aec0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb554af00) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb5366100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb5366340) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb5366380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb53665c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb5366700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb5366800) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb5366840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb5366900) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb5366940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb5366980) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb53669c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb5366a00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb5366d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb5366dc0) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb5366f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb5366f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb5366fc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb5366140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb5366200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb5366240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb5366280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb53662c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb5366300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb53663c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb5366400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb5366440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb5366480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb53664c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb5366500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb5366540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb5366580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb5366740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb5366780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb53667c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb5366880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb53668c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb5366c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb4fee000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb4fee040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb4fee080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb4fee0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb4fee100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb4fee140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb4fee180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb4fee1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb4fee200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb4fee240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb4fee280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb4fee2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb4fee300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb4fee340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb4fee380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb4fee3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb4fee400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb4fee440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb4fee480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb4fee4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb4fee500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb4fee540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb4fee580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb4fee5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb4fee600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb4fee640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb4fee680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb4fee6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb4fee700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb4fee740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb4fee780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb4fee7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb4fee800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb4fee840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb4fee880) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb4fee8c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb4feeb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb4feeb80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb4feec80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb4feec00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb4feed80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb4feed00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb4feee00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb4feee80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb4feeec0) 0
   QObject (0xb4feef00) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb4feeec0)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb4feea00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4feefc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4feea40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4feea80) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb4feef80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4ecd040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb4ecd000) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb4ecd0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4ecd100) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb4ecd140) 0
     QObject (0xb4ecd1c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb4ecd180)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb4ecd240) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb4ecd3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb4ecd400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb4ecd440) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ecd500) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb4ecd480) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb4ecd540) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb4ecd5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb4ecd640) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb4ecd880) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4ecd940) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb4ecd980) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb4ecdb00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb4ecdbc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb4ecdd00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb4ecdc40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ecde40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb4ecddc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb4ecdf00) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb4ecdfc0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb4cf91c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4cf9240) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb4cf9200) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4cf92c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb4cf9300) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4cf9380) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb4cf9680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb4cf96c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb4cf97c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb4cf9800) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb4cf9840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb4cf98c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb4cf9d40) 0
   QObject (0xb4cf9d80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb4cf9d40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb4cf9e80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb4a78040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb4a78080) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb4a780c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb4a78100) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb4a78180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb4a781c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2726,25 +2016,13 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb4a78600) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb4a786c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb4a78680)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb4a78740) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QImageReader (0xb4a78780) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a78840) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4a787c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2752,15 +2030,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4a78880) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4a788c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a78980) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4a78900) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2783,10 +2053,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4a78bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4a78c00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2798,25 +2064,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4a78c40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a78ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4a78e40) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4a78d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4a78f00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2828,10 +2082,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4a78000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4a78280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2872,30 +2122,10 @@ QImage (0xb4a78a80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4a78ac0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4a78a80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4a78b00) 0 empty
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4869000) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4869040) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4869080) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4a78d00) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3083,10 +2313,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb4869a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb4869ac0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -3225,10 +2451,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb48690c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb4869100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3526,15 +2748,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb479d940) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb479da40) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb479d9c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3823,20 +3037,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb4828140) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb48281c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb4828200) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb4828240) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3867,20 +3069,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb4828300) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb4828340) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb48284c0) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb4828440) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb48283c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -4402,55 +3592,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb46db640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb46db700) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb46db740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb46db780) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb46db7c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb46db900) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb46db880) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb46db980) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb46db9c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb46dba00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb46db940) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4480,30 +3638,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb46dbbc0) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb46dbd00) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb46dbc80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb46dbe80) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb46dbe00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb46dbec0) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4643,10 +3785,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb44560c0) 0
     QObject (0xb4456140) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb4456100)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb4456280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -4671,25 +3809,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb4456340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb44563c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb4456400) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb4456440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb4456480) 0 empty
 Class QTextDocumentFragment
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4756,10 +3882,6 @@ QTextTable (0xb4456600) 0
       QObject (0xb44566c0) 0
           primary-for QTextObject (0xb4456680)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb4456840) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4808,10 +3930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb4456a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb4456ac0) 0
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4828,15 +3946,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb4456b40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb4456cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb4456c40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4886,10 +3996,6 @@ QTextDocument (0xb4456e00) 0
   QObject (0xb4456e40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb4456e00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb4456ec0) 0
 Class QPalette
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4907,15 +4013,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb4456700) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb4456d80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb44569c0) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4977,10 +4075,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb43f4080) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb43f4180) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5028,15 +4122,7 @@ QStyle (0xb43f41c0) 0
   QObject (0xb43f4200) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb43f41c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb43f42c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb43f4300) 0
 Vtable for QCommonStyle
 QCommonStyle::_ZTV12QCommonStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5242,10 +4328,6 @@ QWindowsXPStyle (0xb43f4840) 0
         QObject (0xb43f4940) 0
             primary-for QStyle (0xb43f4900)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb43f4b00) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5541,10 +4623,6 @@ QWidget (0xb43f4280) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb43f4540) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb43f4800) 0
 Vtable for QValidator
 QValidator::_ZTV10QValidator: 16u entries
@@ -5745,10 +4823,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb41d9240) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb41d9300) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb41d9380) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6167,10 +5241,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb41d9bc0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41d9c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb41d9d80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6197,10 +5267,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb41d9000) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41d9100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb41d9680) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5274,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb41d9340) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41d94c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb41d9a80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6226,10 +5288,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb41d9b80) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb41d9c40) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb41d9d40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb3f210c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6256,10 +5314,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb3f21300) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3f21340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb3f21480) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6292,10 +5346,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb3f217c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3f21800) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb3f21980) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6351,15 +5401,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb3f21080) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3f21100) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3f21200) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb3f21840) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb3f21580) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6368,10 +5410,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb3f21380) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3f21440) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3f214c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb3ff2040) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6488,10 +5526,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb3ff28c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb3ff2980) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -6663,10 +5697,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb3ff2c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3ff2d00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6697,20 +5727,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb3ff2d40) 0
   QObject (0xb3ff2d80) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb3ff2d40)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb3ff2e00) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb3ff2ec0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3ff2e40) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6872,10 +5890,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb3ff2000) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3ff2500) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb3ff2880) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7140,15 +6154,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3d5d340) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3d5d600) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3d5d580) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7296,15 +6302,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb3d5d8c0) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb3d5da00) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb3d5d980) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7790,15 +6788,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb3c8b080) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c8b240) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb3c8b1c0) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -7926,25 +6916,9 @@ QDirModel (0xb3c8b440) 0
     QObject (0xb3c8b4c0) 0
         primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb3c8b480)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3c8b640) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3c8b5c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c8b740) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3c8b6c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8540,15 +7514,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb3c8b780) 0
   QObject (0xb3c8b9c0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb3c8b780)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c8bfc0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb3c8bc80) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -9687,10 +8653,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb38311c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3831300) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb3831380) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractButton
 QAbstractButton::_ZTV15QAbstractButton: 66u entries
@@ -10012,10 +8974,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb38317c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3831880) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb3831900) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -10493,10 +9451,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb3831040) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb38314c0) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb3831640) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -10576,10 +9530,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb3831780) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3831c00) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb3831e80) 0
 Vtable for QScrollArea
 QScrollArea::_ZTV11QScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -10930,10 +9880,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb37f9500) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb37f9640) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb37f96c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontComboBox
 QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox: 65u entries
@@ -11017,10 +9963,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb37f9700) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb37f9800) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb37f9880) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -11275,10 +10217,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb37f9b80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb37f9cc0) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb37f9dc0) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -12210,10 +11148,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb352fa80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb352fb40) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb352fbc0) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12786,20 +11720,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb3481700) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb3481800) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb3481840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb3481900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -13361,50 +12283,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb3481780) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb3481740) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb3481d40) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb3481b40) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb33e5000) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb3481f00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb33e5100) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb33e5080) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb33e5200) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb33e5180) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -13451,20 +12337,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb33e5240) 0
   QObject (0xb33e5280) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb33e5240)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb33e5380) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb33e5440) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb33e53c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -13553,15 +12427,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb33e5480) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb33e55c0) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb33e5680) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb33e56c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsItemAnimation
 QGraphicsItemAnimation::_ZTV22QGraphicsItemAnimation: 16u entries
@@ -13921,10 +12787,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb33e5c00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb33e5d00) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb33e5dc0) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -14183,10 +13045,6 @@ QWizard (0xb33e5a40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb31a3000) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb31a3080) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -14354,10 +13212,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb31a3200) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb31a3300) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb31a33c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -14694,10 +13548,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb31a38c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb31a39c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb31a3a80) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -15173,15 +14023,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb310a3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb310a400) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb310a4c0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15216,20 +14058,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb310a440) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb310a5c0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb310a540) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb310a600) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -15526,188 +14360,40 @@ QGraphicsSvgItem (0xb2e90f40) 0
   QGraphicsItem (0xb2e90fc0) 8
       vptr=((& QGraphicsSvgItem::_ZTV16QGraphicsSvgItem) + 76u)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb2e90dc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb2c63000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb2c63080) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb2c63100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb2c63180) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb2c63300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2c63380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2c63400) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb2c63600) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb2c63680) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb2c63700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb2c63880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb2c63900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb2c63980) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb2c63a00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb2c63ac0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2c63b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb2c63bc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2c63c80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2c63d80) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb2c63e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb2c63ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb2c63f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb2c63fc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb2c63780) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb2c63800) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb2c63b00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb29e8000) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb29e80c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb29e8180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb29e8200) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb29e82c0) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb29e8380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb29e8400) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb29e8480) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb29e8640) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb29e86c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index bde594f..a85c6ce 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7ef6e40) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7ef6e80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7ef6f40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7ef6f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb73f7000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb73f7040) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb73f7100) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb73f7140) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb73f7400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb73f74c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb73f7500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb73f7540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb73f7580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb73f75c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb73f7600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb73f7640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb73f7680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb73f76c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb73f7700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb73f7740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb73f7780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb73f77c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb73f7800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb73f7840) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -161,10 +75,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb73f7c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb73f7cc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -227,70 +137,18 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb73f7fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb593a1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb593a200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb593a240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb593a280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb593a2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb593a300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb593a340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb593a380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb593a3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb593a400) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb593a440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb593a480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb593a4c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -308,10 +166,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb593a5c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb593a600) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb593a7c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -328,10 +182,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb593a880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb593a900) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -348,10 +198,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb593a940) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb593ab40) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -369,25 +215,13 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb593ac00) 0
   QString (0xb593ac40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb593ac80) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QStringRef (0xb593acc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb593ae00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb593ad80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb593a100) 0
   QObject (0xb593aa80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb593a100)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb593ae80) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb5534040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb5534100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb5534140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb5534180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb55341c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb5534200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb5534240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb5534280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb55342c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb5534300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb5534340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb5534380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb55343c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb5534400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb5534440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb5534480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb55344c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb5534500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb5534540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb5534580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb55345c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb5534600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb5534640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb5534680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb55346c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb5534700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb5534740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb5534780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb55347c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb5534800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb5534840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb5534880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb55348c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb5534900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb5534940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb5534980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb55349c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5534a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb5534a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb5534a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb5534ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb5534b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb5534b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb5534b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb5534bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb5534c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb5534c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb5534c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb5534cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb5534d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb5534d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb5534d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb5534dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb5534e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb5534e40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,45 +421,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb55a02c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb55a0540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb55a0580) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb55a0680) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb55a0600) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb55a0780) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb55a0700) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb55a0800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb55a0880) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -972,10 +558,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb55a0d00) 0
   QObject (0xb55a0d40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb55a0d00)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb55a0e40) 0
 Vtable for QCoreApplication
 QCoreApplication::_ZTV16QCoreApplication: 16u entries
@@ -1009,10 +591,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb55a0140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb55a0400) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimer
 QTimer::_ZTV6QTimer: 14u entries
@@ -1069,20 +647,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb55a0900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb55a09c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb55a0a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb55a0b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1277,20 +847,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb538d180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb538d1c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb538d200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb538d240) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1302,10 +864,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb538d2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb538d300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1408,100 +966,48 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb538d600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb538d800) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb538d880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb538da80) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb538db40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb538dd80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb538ddc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb538d080) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb538d140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb538d3c0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb538d480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb538d540) 0 empty
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb538d680) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb538d6c0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb538d640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb538d700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb538d740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb538d780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb538d7c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb538d8c0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1513,80 +1019,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb538d940) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb538d980) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb538d9c0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb538da00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb538dbc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb538db80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb538da40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb538dc00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb538dc80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb538dc40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb538dcc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb538dd40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb538dd00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb538de00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb538de40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb538de80) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1618,35 +1068,19 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb516e280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb516e2c0) 0 empty
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb516ea40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb516ea80) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb516eac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb516eb80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb516eb00) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1654,15 +1088,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb516ebc0) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb516ec00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb516ec80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb516ecc0) 0
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1695,15 +1121,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb516eec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb516ef00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb516ef40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1730,10 +1148,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb4f730c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb4f73100) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1750,20 +1164,12 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb4f73540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb4f73580) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb4f735c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb4f73600) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1775,30 +1181,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb4f73780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb4f73840) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb4f73880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb4f73940) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb4f73980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb4f73a40) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1810,20 +1204,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb4f73ac0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4f73b40) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb4f73b00) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4f73bc0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1876,20 +1262,12 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb4f73e00) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4f73e80) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutexLocker (0xb4f73e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb4f73f80) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1914,15 +1292,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb4f73ec0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f738c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb4f737c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1934,25 +1304,9 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb4f739c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f73cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4f73a00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4f73f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4f73fc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1974,15 +1328,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb4d940c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4d94140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb4d94100) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1994,10 +1340,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb4d941c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4d94200) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -2012,10 +1354,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb4d94240) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb4d94300) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -2131,35 +1469,15 @@ QFile (0xb4d94740) 0
     QObject (0xb4d947c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb4d94780)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb4d94840) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb4d94880) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb4d948c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb4d94900) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d949c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb4d94940) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -2212,15 +1530,7 @@ Class QDir
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb4d94b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb4d94bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb4d94c40) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2277,10 +1587,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb4d94c80) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb4d94e00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2409,15 +1715,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb4d94640) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb4d94800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb4d94b00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDirIterator
 QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator: 4u entries
@@ -2432,10 +1730,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb4d94d80) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4d94f00) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -2541,10 +1835,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb4bc9280) 0
   QObject (0xb4bc92c0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb4bc9280)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb4bc9340) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2674,10 +1964,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb4bc9880) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb4bc9980) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -3103,40 +2389,16 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0xb4bc9780) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4bc9ac0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4bc9b80) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4bc9cc0) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4bc9a00) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
    base size=14 base align=4
 QColor (0xb4bc9900) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb49a5000) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4bc9e00) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3144,15 +2406,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb49a5040) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb49a5080) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb49a5140) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb49a50c0) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3175,10 +2429,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb49a5380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb49a53c0) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3190,25 +2440,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb49a5400) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb49a5680) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb49a5600) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb49a5500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb49a56c0) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3220,10 +2458,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb49a57c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb49a5800) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3248,10 +2482,6 @@ QImage (0xb49a58c0) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb49a5900) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb49a58c0)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb49a5a40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -3276,45 +2506,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb49a5c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb49a5c80) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb49a5cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb49a5e00) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb49a5d80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb49a5e80) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb49a5ec0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb49a5f00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb49a5e40) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -3380,10 +2582,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb49a5d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb47fd080) 0 empty
 Class QWidgetData
    size=64 align=4
@@ -3466,10 +2664,6 @@ QWidget (0xb47fd100) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb47fd180) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb47fd380) 0
 Class QToolTip
    size=1 align=1
@@ -3558,10 +2752,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb47fd600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb47fd6c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAction
 QAction::_ZTV7QAction: 14u entries
@@ -3613,15 +2803,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb47fd800) 0
   QObject (0xb47fd840) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb47fd800)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb47fd980) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb47fd900) 0
 Vtable for QShortcut
 QShortcut::_ZTV9QShortcut: 14u entries
@@ -3961,15 +3143,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb45dd2c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb45dd3c0) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb45dd340) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -4663,10 +3837,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb447f200) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb447f300) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb447f3c0) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -4837,10 +4007,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb447f5c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb447f6c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb447f780) 0
 Vtable for QProgressDialog
 QProgressDialog::_ZTV15QProgressDialog: 66u entries
@@ -5091,10 +4257,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb447fac0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb447fbc0) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb447fc80) 0
 Vtable for QErrorMessage
 QErrorMessage::_ZTV13QErrorMessage: 66u entries
@@ -5505,10 +4667,6 @@ QWizard (0xb447fc40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb43d1040) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb43d10c0) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -5850,10 +5008,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb43d1700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb43d1780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -5884,20 +5038,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb43d17c0) 0
   QObject (0xb43d1800) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb43d17c0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb43d1880) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb43d1940) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb43d18c0) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6104,10 +5246,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb43d1dc0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb43d1e80) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb43d1f00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6315,15 +5453,7 @@ QStyle (0xb43d1a80) 0
   QObject (0xb43d1b80) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb43d1a80)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb43d1d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb43d1ec0) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -6582,10 +5712,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb4187500) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4187540) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb41876c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6612,10 +5738,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb4187940) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4187980) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb4187b00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6623,10 +5745,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb4187a40) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4187a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb4187c80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6641,10 +5759,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb4187d00) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb4187d40) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb4187d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb4187f00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6671,10 +5785,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb4187580) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4187680) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb4187a00) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6707,10 +5817,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb40950c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4095100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb4095280) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6766,15 +5872,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb4095980) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb40959c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb4095a00) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb4095c00) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb4095b80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6783,10 +5881,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb4095a80) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb4095ac0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb4095b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb4095dc0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -7000,10 +6094,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb3f4a140) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3f4a280) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb3f4a340) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7384,20 +6474,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb3f4ac40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb3f4acc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb3f4ad00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb3f4ad40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -7428,20 +6506,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb3f4ae00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb3f4ae40) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb3f4afc0) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb3f4af40) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb3f4aec0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -8862,10 +7928,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb3d42a40) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3d42b80) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb3d42c00) 0
 Vtable for QButtonGroup
 QButtonGroup::_ZTV12QButtonGroup: 14u entries
@@ -8970,10 +8032,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb3d42d00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3d42dc0) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb3d42e80) 0
 Vtable for QMainWindow
 QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow: 64u entries
@@ -9054,10 +8112,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb3d42ec0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3d42f80) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb3d420c0) 0
 Vtable for QMenu
 QMenu::_ZTV5QMenu: 63u entries
@@ -9867,10 +8921,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb3cb59c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb3cb5ac0) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb3cb5b40) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -10277,10 +9327,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb3cb54c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3cb5cc0) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb3cb5e40) 0
 Vtable for QLabel
 QLabel::_ZTV6QLabel: 63u entries
@@ -10597,10 +9643,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb3a2c3c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3a2c480) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb3a2c500) 0
 Vtable for QMenuItem
 QMenuItem::_ZTV9QMenuItem: 14u entries
@@ -10672,60 +9714,32 @@ QTextDocument (0xb3a2c700) 0
   QObject (0xb3a2c740) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb3a2c700)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb3a2c7c0) 0
 Class QTextOption
    size=24 align=4
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb3a2c800) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb3a2c840) 0
 Class QPen
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb3a2c880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb3a2c940) 0 empty
 Class QTextLength
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb3a2c980) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb3a2cac0) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb3a2ca40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb3a2cc40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb3a2cbc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb3a2cc80) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10765,10 +9779,6 @@ QTextTableFormat (0xb3a2cf80) 0
   QTextFrameFormat (0xb3a2cfc0) 0
     QTextFormat (0xb3a2c100) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb3a2c380) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10875,10 +9885,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb3a2ca00) 0
     QObject (0xb3a2cb00) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb3a2ca80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb38230c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -10903,25 +9909,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb3823180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb3823200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb3823240) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb3823280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb38232c0) 0 empty
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -10938,15 +9932,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb3823340) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb38234c0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb3823440) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -11046,10 +10032,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb3823540) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3823680) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb3823780) 0
 Vtable for QLCDNumber
 QLCDNumber::_ZTV10QLCDNumber: 63u entries
@@ -11289,10 +10271,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb3823ac0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb3823b80) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb3823c00) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -11556,15 +10534,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb3823d80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb377c0c0) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb377c040) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -11788,20 +10758,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb377c7c0) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb377c8c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb377c900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb377c9c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -12363,50 +11321,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb377cb00) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb377cd00) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb351c000) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb377cf00) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb351c100) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb351c080) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb351c200) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb351c180) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb351c300) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb351c280) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -12453,20 +11375,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb351c340) 0
   QObject (0xb351c380) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb351c340)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb351c480) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb351c540) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb351c4c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -12555,15 +11465,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb351c580) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb351c6c0) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb351c780) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb351c7c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -12957,10 +11859,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb34a0240) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb34a0300) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb34a02c0)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb34a0380) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -13412,10 +12310,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb34a0e00) 0 empty
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb339a080) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -13876,15 +12770,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb339ac40) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb339af00) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb339ae80) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -13998,15 +12884,7 @@ QStringListModel (0xb339a040) 0
       QObject (0xb339a380) 0
           primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb339a180)
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb339a9c0) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb339a680) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -14530,35 +13408,15 @@ QTreeView (0xb3103640) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb31037c0) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb31038c0) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0xb3103840) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3103a00) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3103980) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3103b00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3103a80) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -14726,15 +13584,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3103dc0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3103440) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3103140) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -15254,15 +14104,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb3085800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb3085840) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb3085900) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15297,20 +14139,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb3085880) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb3085a00) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb3085980) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb3085a40) 0
 Class QColormap
    size=4 align=4
@@ -15526,188 +14360,40 @@ QGraphicsSvgItem (0xb2d290c0) 0
   QGraphicsItem (0xb2d29140) 8
       vptr=((& QGraphicsSvgItem::_ZTV16QGraphicsSvgItem) + 76u)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb2d29200) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb2d29280) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb2d29300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb2d29380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb2d29400) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb2d29580) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb2d29600) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2d29680) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2d29700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb2d29880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb2d29900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb2d29980) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb2d29a00) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb2d29c00) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb2d29c80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb2d29d40) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2d29dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb2d29e40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb2d29ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2d29f80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2d29480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb2d29d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb2959040) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb29590c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb2959140) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb29591c0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb2959280) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb2959340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb29593c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb2959440) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb2959500) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb29595c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb2959680) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb2959700) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb2959780) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2959980) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb2959a00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 81ebfb7..5c0b9f9 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f3ae40) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f3ae80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f3af40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f3af80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb783a000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb783a040) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb783a100) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb783a140) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb783a400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb783a4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb783a500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb783a540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb783a580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb783a5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb783a600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb783a640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb783a680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb783a6c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb783a700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb783a740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb783a780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb783a7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb783a800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb783a840) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb783a880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb783a980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb783a9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb783aa00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb783aa40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb783aa80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb783aac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb783ab00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb783ab40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb783ab80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb783abc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb783ac00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb783ac40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb783ac80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb783ad80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb783adc0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb783af80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb5b35040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb5b350c0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb5b353c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb5b35400) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb5b35440) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb5b35640) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb5b35740) 0
   QString (0xb5b35780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb5b357c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb5b35b00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb5b35e80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb5b35e00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb5b359c0) 0
   QObject (0xb5b35a80) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb5b359c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb5b35cc0) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb5766000) 0
   QObject (0xb5766040) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb5766000)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb5766100) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb57661c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb5766200) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb5766240) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb5766300) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb5766280) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb5766340) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb5766380) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb5766400) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb5766440) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb57667c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb5766800) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb5766d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb5766e00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb5766e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb5766f00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb5766f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb5766080) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb5766180) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb5766680) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb5766bc0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb5766540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5766d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5766dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5766e80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5766ec0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5766f80) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb5544000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5544040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5544080) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb55440c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb5544180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb5544140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5544100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb55441c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5544240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5544200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5544280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5544300) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb55442c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5544340) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb5544380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb55443c0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb5544640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb5544840) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb55448c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb5544ac0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb5544e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb5544ec0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb5544f00) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb5361100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb5361340) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb5361380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb53615c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb5361700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb5361800) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb5361840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb5361900) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb5361940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb5361980) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb53619c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb5361a00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb5361d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb5361dc0) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb5361f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb5361f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb5361fc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb5361140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb5361200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb5361240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb5361280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb53612c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb5361300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb53613c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb5361400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb5361440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb5361480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb53614c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb5361500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb5361540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb5361580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb5361740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb5361780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb53617c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb5361880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb53618c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb5361c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb4fe8000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb4fe8040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb4fe8080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb4fe80c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb4fe8100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb4fe8140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb4fe8180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb4fe81c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb4fe8200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb4fe8240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb4fe8280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb4fe82c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb4fe8300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb4fe8340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb4fe8380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb4fe83c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb4fe8400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb4fe8440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb4fe8480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb4fe84c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb4fe8500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb4fe8540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb4fe8580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb4fe85c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb4fe8600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb4fe8640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb4fe8680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb4fe86c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb4fe8700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb4fe8740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb4fe8780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb4fe87c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb4fe8800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb4fe8840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb4fe8880) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb4fe88c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb4fe8b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb4fe8b80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb4fe8c80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb4fe8c00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb4fe8d80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb4fe8d00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb4fe8e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb4fe8e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb4fe8ec0) 0
   QObject (0xb4fe8f00) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb4fe8ec0)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb4fe8a00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4fe8fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4fe8a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4fe8a80) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb4fe8f80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4ec7040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb4ec7000) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb4ec70c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb4ec7100) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb4ec7140) 0
     QObject (0xb4ec71c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb4ec7180)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb4ec7240) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb4ec73c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb4ec7400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb4ec7440) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ec7500) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb4ec7480) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb4ec7540) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb4ec75c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb4ec7640) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb4ec7880) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb4ec7940) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb4ec7980) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb4ec7b00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb4ec7bc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb4ec7d00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb4ec7c40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ec7e40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb4ec7dc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb4ec7f00) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb4ec7fc0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb4cf41c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4cf4240) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb4cf4200) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4cf42c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb4cf4300) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4cf4380) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb4cf4680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb4cf46c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb4cf47c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb4cf4800) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb4cf4840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb4cf48c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb4cf4d40) 0
   QObject (0xb4cf4d80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb4cf4d40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb4cf4e80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb4a72040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb4a72080) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb4a720c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb4a72100) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb4a72180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb4a721c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2726,25 +2016,13 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb4a72600) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb4a726c0) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb4a72680)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb4a72740) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QImageReader (0xb4a72780) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a72840) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4a727c0) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2752,15 +2030,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4a72880) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4a728c0) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a72980) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4a72900) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2783,10 +2053,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4a72bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4a72c00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2798,25 +2064,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4a72c40) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb4a72ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4a72e40) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4a72d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4a72f00) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2828,10 +2082,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4a72000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4a72280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice: 7u entries
@@ -2872,30 +2122,10 @@ QImage (0xb4a72a80) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4a72ac0) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4a72a80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4a72b00) 0 empty
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4864000) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4864040) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4864080) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4a72d00) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -3083,10 +2313,6 @@ Class QIcon
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb4864a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb4864ac0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPicture
 QPicture::_ZTV8QPicture: 8u entries
@@ -3225,10 +2451,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb48640c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb4864100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -3526,15 +2748,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb4797940) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4797a40) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb47979c0) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3823,20 +3037,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb4823140) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb48231c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb4823200) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb4823240) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -3867,20 +3069,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb4823300) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb4823340) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb48234c0) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb4823440) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb48233c0) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -4402,55 +3592,23 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb46d6640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb46d6700) 0 empty
 Class QBrush
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb46d6740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb46d67c0) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=108 align=4
    base size=105 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb46d6800) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb46d6940) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb46d68c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb46d69c0) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb46d6a00) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb46d6a40) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb46d6980) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -4480,30 +3638,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb46d6c00) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb46d6d40) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb46d6cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb46d6ec0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb46d6e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb46d6f00) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4643,10 +3785,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb44510c0) 0
     QObject (0xb4451140) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb4451100)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb4451280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -4671,25 +3809,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb4451340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb44513c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb4451400) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb4451440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb4451480) 0 empty
 Class QTextDocumentFragment
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4756,10 +3882,6 @@ QTextTable (0xb4451600) 0
       QObject (0xb44516c0) 0
           primary-for QTextObject (0xb4451680)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb4451840) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4808,10 +3930,6 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb4451a80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb4451ac0) 0
 Class QTextInlineObject
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4828,15 +3946,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb4451b40) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb4451cc0) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb4451c40) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4886,10 +3996,6 @@ QTextDocument (0xb4451e00) 0
   QObject (0xb4451e40) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb4451e00)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb4451ec0) 0
 Class QPalette
    size=8 align=4
@@ -4907,15 +4013,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb4451700) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb4451d80) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb44519c0) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -4977,10 +4075,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb43ef080) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb43ef180) 0
 Vtable for QStyle
 QStyle::_ZTV6QStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5028,15 +4122,7 @@ QStyle (0xb43ef1c0) 0
   QObject (0xb43ef200) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb43ef1c0)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb43ef2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb43ef300) 0
 Vtable for QCommonStyle
 QCommonStyle::_ZTV12QCommonStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5242,10 +4328,6 @@ QWindowsXPStyle (0xb43ef840) 0
         QObject (0xb43ef940) 0
             primary-for QStyle (0xb43ef900)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb43efb00) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -5541,10 +4623,6 @@ QWidget (0xb43ef280) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb43ef540) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb43ef800) 0
 Vtable for QValidator
 QValidator::_ZTV10QValidator: 16u entries
@@ -5745,10 +4823,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb41d4240) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb41d4300) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb41d4380) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -6167,10 +5241,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb41d4bc0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41d4c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb41d4d80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -6197,10 +5267,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb41d4000) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41d4100) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb41d4680) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6208,10 +5274,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb41d4340) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb41d44c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb41d4a80) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -6226,10 +5288,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb41d4b80) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb41d4c40) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb41d4d40) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb3f1d0c0) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -6256,10 +5314,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb3f1d300) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3f1d340) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb3f1d480) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -6292,10 +5346,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb3f1d7c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb3f1d800) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb3f1d980) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6351,15 +5401,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb3f1d080) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3f1d100) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3f1d200) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb3f1d840) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb3f1d580) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -6368,10 +5410,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb3f1d380) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb3f1d440) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3f1d4c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb3fec040) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -6488,10 +5526,6 @@ Class QStyleFactory
    base size=0 base align=1
 QStyleFactory (0xb3fec8c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb3fec980) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
@@ -6663,10 +5697,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb3fecc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3fecd00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -6697,20 +5727,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb3fecd40) 0
   QObject (0xb3fecd80) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb3fecd40)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb3fece00) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb3fecec0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3fece40) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -6872,10 +5890,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb3fec000) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3fec500) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb3fec880) 0
 Vtable for QListView
 QListView::_ZTV9QListView: 103u entries
@@ -7140,15 +6154,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3d58340) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3d58600) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3d58580) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -7296,15 +6302,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb3d588c0) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb3d58a00) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb3d58980) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -7790,15 +6788,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb3c87080) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c87240) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb3c871c0) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -7926,25 +6916,9 @@ QDirModel (0xb3c87440) 0
     QObject (0xb3c874c0) 0
         primary-for QAbstractItemModel (0xb3c87480)
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3c87640) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3c875c0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c87740) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3c876c0) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -8540,15 +7514,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb3c87780) 0
   QObject (0xb3c879c0) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb3c87780)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c87fc0) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb3c87c80) 0
 Vtable for QLayoutItem
 QLayoutItem::_ZTV11QLayoutItem: 18u entries
@@ -9687,10 +8653,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb382c1c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb382c300) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb382c380) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractButton
 QAbstractButton::_ZTV15QAbstractButton: 66u entries
@@ -10012,10 +8974,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb382c7c0) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb382c880) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb382c900) 0
 Vtable for QCalendarWidget
 QCalendarWidget::_ZTV15QCalendarWidget: 64u entries
@@ -10493,10 +9451,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb382c040) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb382c4c0) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb382c640) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -10576,10 +9530,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb382c780) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb382cc00) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb382ce80) 0
 Vtable for QScrollArea
 QScrollArea::_ZTV11QScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -10930,10 +9880,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb37f5500) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb37f5640) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb37f56c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontComboBox
 QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox: 65u entries
@@ -11017,10 +9963,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb37f5700) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb37f5800) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb37f5880) 0
 Vtable for QToolBox
 QToolBox::_ZTV8QToolBox: 65u entries
@@ -11275,10 +10217,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb37f5b80) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb37f5cc0) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb37f5dc0) 0
 Vtable for QTextBrowser
 QTextBrowser::_ZTV12QTextBrowser: 74u entries
@@ -12210,10 +11148,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb352aa80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb352ab40) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb352abc0) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -12786,20 +11720,8 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb347b700) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb347b800) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb347b840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb347b900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -13361,50 +12283,14 @@ Class QPainter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb347b780) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb347b740) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb347bd40) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb347bb40) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb33e0000) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb347bf00) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb33e0100) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb33e0080) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb33e0200) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb33e0180) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -13451,20 +12337,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb33e0240) 0
   QObject (0xb33e0280) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb33e0240)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb33e0380) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb33e0440) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb33e03c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsView
 QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView: 68u entries
@@ -13553,15 +12427,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb33e0480) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb33e05c0) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb33e0680) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb33e06c0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsItemAnimation
 QGraphicsItemAnimation::_ZTV22QGraphicsItemAnimation: 16u entries
@@ -13921,10 +12787,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb33e0c00) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb33e0d00) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb33e0dc0) 0
 Vtable for QPrintDialog
 QPrintDialog::_ZTV12QPrintDialog: 67u entries
@@ -14183,10 +13045,6 @@ QWizard (0xb33e0a40) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb319d000) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb319d080) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -14354,10 +13212,6 @@ QFileDialog (0xb319d200) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb319d300) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb319d3c0) 0
 Vtable for QFontDialog
 QFontDialog::_ZTV11QFontDialog: 66u entries
@@ -14694,10 +13548,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb319d8c0) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb319d9c0) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb319da80) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -15173,15 +14023,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb31053c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb3105400) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb31054c0) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -15216,20 +14058,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb3105440) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb31055c0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb3105540) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb3105600) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -15526,188 +14360,40 @@ QGraphicsSvgItem (0xb2e8bf40) 0
   QGraphicsItem (0xb2e8bfc0) 8
       vptr=((& QGraphicsSvgItem::_ZTV16QGraphicsSvgItem) + 76u)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb2e8bdc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb2c5d000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb2c5d080) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb2c5d100) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb2c5d180) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb2c5d300) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2c5d380) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2c5d400) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb2c5d600) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb2c5d680) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb2c5d700) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb2c5d880) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb2c5d900) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb2c5d980) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb2c5da00) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb2c5dac0) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2c5db40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb2c5dbc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2c5dc80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2c5dd80) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb2c5de40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb2c5dec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb2c5df40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb2c5dfc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb2c5d780) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb2c5d800) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb2c5db00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb29e2000) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb29e20c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb29e2180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb29e2200) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb29e22c0) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb29e2380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb29e2400) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb29e2480) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb29e2640) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb29e26c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index e2ee205..a802fc8 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtSvg.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7858c30) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7858c6c) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7c47c40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7858ce4) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7858e10) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7858e4c) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7c47e00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7858ec4) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb6a242d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb6a244b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb6a245a0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb6a24690) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb6a24780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb6a24870) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb6a24960) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb6a24a50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb6a24b40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb6a24c30) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb6a24d20) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb6a24e10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb6a24f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb6a3f000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb6a3f0f0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb6a3f1e0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb6a5b1e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb6a77e88) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb692ba50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb696fb40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb696fdd4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb69bc708) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb69c803c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb69c8960) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb69da294) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb69dabb8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb69ed4ec) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb69ede10) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb6a01744) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb6a0f078) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb6a0f99c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb68262d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb6826bf4) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb683c690) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb688a924) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb67abc00) 0
   QString (0xb67e7ce4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6803000) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb6670690) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6515960) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb66e3ca8) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb65240b4) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6524f78) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb6558100) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb65591e0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb65596cc) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb65594ec) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6569834) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb65697bc) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb65a6f80) 0
   QObject (0xb65ae834) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb65a6f80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb65ceb40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb660da50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6442258) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6442348) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb64428ac) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6442834) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb644c080) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb64428e8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6471654) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6471870) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb64a4b04) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64b3690) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb637bfb4) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb637f078) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb621d000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb621d0f0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb621d078) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb621d168) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb621d1e0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb621d258) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb621d2d0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb621d30c) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6254a8c) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb627e1c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb62821e0) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb627e1c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6282ca8) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6282d20) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6282c30) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6282d98) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6282e10) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6282e88) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6282f00) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6282f78) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62825a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb629c03c) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb629c078) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb629c1a4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb629c12c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb629c0f0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb629c21c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb629c30c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb629c294) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb629c384) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb629c474) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb629c3fc) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb629c528) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb629c5a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb629c618) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb61b03c0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb61c8000) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb61b0fb4) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb61c8348) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb61c8474) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb61c8b7c) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb61c8bf4) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6009880) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb62046cc) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6009880)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb6032e4c) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb60607c0) 0
   QObject (0xb60644ec) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb60607c0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb6060ec0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb6060f00) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb6060ec0)
-    QObject (0xb607d000) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb6060f00)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60b73c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb60c3000) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60b73c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb60c37f8) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb60b7d40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb60c3870) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb60b7f00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60b7f40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb60c3d20) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60b7f40)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb60dc6cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb60dc744) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb60dc960) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb60dca50) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb60dcac8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb60dcb40) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb60dcbb8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb60dcc30) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb60dcca8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb60dcd20) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb60dcd98) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb60dce10) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb60dce88) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb60dcf00) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb60dcf78) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb60fb000) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb60fb0f0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb60fb168) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb60fb1e0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb60fb564) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb60fb5dc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb60fb6cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb60fb744) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb60fb7bc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb60fb9d8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb60fba14) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb60fba50) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb60fba8c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb60fbac8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb60fbb04) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb60fbb7c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb60fbbb8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb60fbbf4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb60fbc30) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb60fbc6c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb60fbca8) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb5f1c690) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb5f40c6c) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f930b4) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f932d0) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb5f936cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb5f93834) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb5f9399c) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb5fd6078) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb5fdaac8) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb5fe9690) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5fe9708) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb5fe99d8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5fe9b40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5fe9ac8) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb5fe9bb8) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb5e7a0f0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5e7a3c0) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb5e788c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5e7a3fc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5e7a438) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5e78980) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5e7a474) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb5e7a690) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb5ed9f78) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5ed9fb4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb5d1fc40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5ed9f3c) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5d6dc6c) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5db8200) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5db8240) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5d6dce4) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5d6dbf4) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d6dd20) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5db83c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d6dd5c) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5d6de10) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5db85c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5db8600) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5d6de88) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5d6dd98) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d6dec4) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5d6df78) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5db8780) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5d6df00) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5c5f12c) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5c67740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c66ac8) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5c67740)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c67840) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c66bb8) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c67840)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5c66b7c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5c66c6c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5c8a7c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5c92000) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5c8a900) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5c8a940) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5c8a900)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c92078) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5c8a940)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c8a9c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c8aa00) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c8a9c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c92168) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5c8aa00)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5c9221c) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ce9654) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ce98e8) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5ce9b7c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5b574b0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b31ac8) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5b574b0)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5b31b04) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b60d70) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b71690) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b60d70)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5b716cc) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5b61900) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b7abe0) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5b61900)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b717bc) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b7abe0)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5b717f8) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5b61ac0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5b83370) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5b61ac0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b81b04) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5b83370)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5b81b40) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5b61b40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5b61b80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5b61b40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b83a00) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5b61b80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5b81ca8) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5b83a00)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5b81ce4) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5b8b654) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b95580) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b8bec4) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b95580)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b95640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b8bfb4) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b95640)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5be8618) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5a1ab80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5a1abc0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5a1ab80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5be8c6c) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5a1abc0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5a1ac00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5be8d5c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5a1ac00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5a1ac80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5be8e4c) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5a1ac80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5a1ad00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5a1ad40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5a1ad00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5be8f3c) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5a1ad40)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5a1adc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5be85dc) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5a1adc0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5a1ae40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5be8f00) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5a1ae40)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a65e80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5a607bc) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a65e80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a65ec0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5a608ac) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a65ec0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ab6b40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ab6b80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5aa14ec) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ab6b80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5aa16cc) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ab6cc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ab6d00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5aa1708) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ab6d00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5aa18ac) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5af5580) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5af55c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5aa1e10) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5af55c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5af5680) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5af56c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb59060f0) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5af56c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb59067f8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5906834) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb5923580) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5906870) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5906e4c) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb595c480 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb596c050) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb595c480) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb596c050)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb595c4c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5906e88) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb595c4c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb595c500) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb595c4c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5971000) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb595c800 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb597b0f0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb595c800) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb597b0f0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb595c840) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb597103c) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb595c840)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb595c880) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb595c840) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb5971924) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb59718ac) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb5971834) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb5971780) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb5971ce4) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb59a94b0) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb5895924) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58a5870) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5898b00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58a5870)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb5895b04) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5898b00)
-  QRunnable (0xb5895b40) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb5898b80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58a5c80) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb5898b80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5898bc0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58a5c80)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb5895ce4) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5898bc0)
-    QRunnable (0xb5895d20) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb57f9f00) 0
     QObject (0xb561b078) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb57f9f40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb56339d8) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb56455a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb5653c30) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb5653f3c) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb5668ca8) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb5668c30) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb5668d98) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb569330c) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb56933fc) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb56c16cc) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb56d47bc) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb56f599c) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5504168) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb556512c) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb55651a4) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb5539f3c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb556599c) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb5565b04) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb558e3fc) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb558e834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb558ea14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb558ebf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb558edd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb558efb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb55a71a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb55a7384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb55a7564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb55a7744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb55a7924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb55a7b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb55a7ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb55a7ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb55ae0b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb55ae294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb55ae474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb55ae654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb55ae834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb55aea14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb55aebf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb55aedd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb55aefb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb55b71a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb55b7384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb55b7564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb55b7744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb55b7924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb55b7b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb55b7ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb55b7ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb55bf0b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb55bf294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb55bf474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb55bf654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb55bf834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb55bfa14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb55bfbf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb55bfdd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb55bffb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb55c61a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb55c6384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb55c6564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb55c6744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb55c6924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb55c6b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb55c6ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb55c6ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb55cd0b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb55cd294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb55cd474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb55cd654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb55cd834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb55cda14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb55cdbf4) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb55cddd4) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5400870) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb54007f8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5400960) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb54008e8) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb5436ce4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb544230c) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb54424ec) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb54426cc) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb5493744) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb54a1690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb54cb0f0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb548abc0) 0
   QObject (0xb54cbf78) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb548abc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb54da5a0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb54fb834) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb530dbf4) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb530dce4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5316438) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb53635a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb5363d20) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb53a7960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb53a7e10) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb53a7f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb53e0348) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb53e0744) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb53e0a8c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb52288c0) 0
   QObject (0xb524b3c0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb52288c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb525b30c) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb52848e8) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5284f78) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb5284c6c) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb529a474) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb52d3a50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb52e2744) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb50de744) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb50ff0f0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb50ff1e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb510c744) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb510c834) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb5114f3c) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb51270b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb5127690) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb514312c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb5143a14) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb51670f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb51674b0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb5184618) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb519703c) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb4ff0f78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb5025960) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb5040bf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb504dd20) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb506ba50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb5085924) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb50cb528) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb4ee4a50) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb4f8b1e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f96780) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4f968e8) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4f96870) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb4f96960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb4fb9384) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb4fb94b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb4fc9078) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb4fc91a4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb4de012c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4461,25 +2648,9 @@ Class QXmlStreamWriter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QXmlStreamWriter (0xb4dfa9d8) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4e25924) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4e2599c) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4e25a14) 0
-Class QColor::<anonymous union>
-   size=10 align=2
-   base size=10 base align=2
-QColor::<anonymous union> (0xb4e258ac) 0
 Class QColor
    size=16 align=4
@@ -4501,10 +2672,6 @@ Class QKeySequence
    base size=4 base align=4
 QKeySequence (0xb4e54780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QKeySequence> (0xb4e63a50) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeSource
 QMimeSource::_ZTV11QMimeSource: 7u entries
@@ -4802,15 +2969,7 @@ Class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute
    base size=24 base align=4
 QInputMethodEvent::Attribute (0xb4ceda50) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4cf930c) 0
-Class QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> (0xb4cf9294) 0
 Vtable for QInputMethodEvent
 QInputMethodEvent::_ZTV17QInputMethodEvent: 4u entries
@@ -5099,20 +3258,8 @@ Class QAccessible
    base size=0 base align=1
 QAccessible (0xb4d512d0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::StateFlag> (0xb4d51bf4) 0
-Class QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAccessible::RelationFlag> (0xb4d65834) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb4d7c3fc) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterface
 QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface: 19u entries
@@ -5143,20 +3290,8 @@ QAccessibleInterface (0xb4d409c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QAccessibleInterface::_ZTV20QAccessibleInterface) + 8u)
   QAccessible (0xb4d7c7f8) 0 empty
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d8c30c) 0
-Class QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb4d8c294) 0
-Class QSet<QAccessible::Method>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSet<QAccessible::Method> (0xb4d8c21c) 0
 Vtable for QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 QAccessibleInterfaceEx::_ZTV22QAccessibleInterfaceEx: 22u entries
@@ -5669,15 +3804,7 @@ Class QPaintDevice
 QPaintDevice (0xb4c14a50) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintDevice::_ZTV12QPaintDevice) + 8u)
-Class QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint>::<anonymous union> (0xb4c26f3c) 0
-Class QVector<QPoint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPoint> (0xb4c26ec4) 0
 Class QPolygon
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5685,15 +3812,7 @@ Class QPolygon
 QPolygon (0xb4bebd80) 0
   QVector<QPoint> (0xb4c26f78) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF>::<anonymous union> (0xb4c5603c) 0
-Class QVector<QPointF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPointF> (0xb4c41fb4) 0
 Class QPolygonF
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5706,10 +3825,6 @@ Class QMatrix
    base size=48 base align=4
 QMatrix (0xb4c56f78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMatrix> (0xb4c815dc) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPath::Element
    size=20 align=4
@@ -5721,25 +3836,13 @@ Class QPainterPath
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainterPath (0xb4c81d98) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ca5e4c) 0
-Class QVector<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4ca5dd4) 0
 Class QPainterPathPrivate
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPainterPathPrivate (0xb4ca5a50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb4ca5e88) 0 empty
 Class QPainterPathStroker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5751,10 +3854,6 @@ Class QTransform
    base size=80 base align=4
 QTransform (0xb4ade708) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTransform> (0xb4aee7f8) 0 empty
 Class QImageTextKeyLang
    size=8 align=4
@@ -5779,10 +3878,6 @@ QImage (0xb4b0c900) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb4b53000) 0
       primary-for QImage (0xb4b0c900)
-Class QTypeInfo<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QImage> (0xb4b894ec) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPixmap
 QPixmap::_ZTV7QPixmap: 7u entries
@@ -5807,45 +3902,17 @@ Class QBrush
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBrush (0xb4bb2f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBrush> (0xb4bbea14) 0 empty
 Class QBrushData
    size=124 align=4
    base size=121 base align=4
 QBrushData (0xb4bbeca8) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >::<anonymous union> (0xb4bd2924) 0
-Class QVector<QPair<double, QColor> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QPair<double, QColor> > (0xb4bd28ac) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4bd2a14) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4bd2a8c) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb4bd2b04) 0
-Class QGradient::<anonymous union>
-   size=40 align=4
-   base size=40 base align=4
-QGradient::<anonymous union> (0xb4bd299c) 0
 Class QGradient
    size=56 align=4
@@ -5906,10 +3973,6 @@ Class QSizePolicy
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSizePolicy (0xb4a747bc) 0
-Class QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QSizePolicy::ControlType> (0xb4ac3834) 0
 Class QCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5997,10 +4060,6 @@ QWidget (0xb48e1b90) 0
   QPaintDevice (0xb48e30b4) 8
       vptr=((& QWidget::_ZTV7QWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWidget::RenderFlag> (0xb490ee10) 0
 Vtable for QDialog
 QDialog::_ZTV7QDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6251,10 +4310,6 @@ QAbstractPrintDialog (0xb49bb400) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb49ca168) 8
           vptr=((& QAbstractPrintDialog::_ZTV20QAbstractPrintDialog) + 248u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption> (0xb47d730c) 0
 Vtable for QColorDialog
 QColorDialog::_ZTV12QColorDialog: 66u entries
@@ -6505,20 +4560,12 @@ QFileDialog (0xb49bbe80) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb4803bb8) 8
           vptr=((& QFileDialog::_ZTV11QFileDialog) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileDialog::Option> (0xb4815ca8) 0
 Class QIcon
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QIcon (0xb4844078) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QIcon> (0xb485a438) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFileSystemModel
 QFileSystemModel::_ZTV16QFileSystemModel: 42u entries
@@ -6980,10 +5027,6 @@ QMessageBox (0xb46d2280) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb46d630c) 8
           vptr=((& QMessageBox::_ZTV11QMessageBox) + 244u)
-Class QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMessageBox::StandardButton> (0xb46f6168) 0
 Vtable for QPageSetupDialog
 QPageSetupDialog::_ZTV16QPageSetupDialog: 67u entries
@@ -7488,10 +5531,6 @@ QWizard (0xb4743680) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb475b960) 8
           vptr=((& QWizard::_ZTV7QWizard) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QWizard::WizardOption> (0xb476dca8) 0
 Vtable for QWizardPage
 QWizardPage::_ZTV11QWizardPage: 68u entries
@@ -7624,10 +5663,6 @@ Class QGraphicsItem
 QGraphicsItem (0xb479f564) 0
     vptr=((& QGraphicsItem::_ZTV13QGraphicsItem) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag> (0xb47c5d5c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::_ZTV26QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem: 39u entries
@@ -8184,15 +6219,7 @@ QGraphicsItemGroup (0xb464a040) 0
   QGraphicsItem (0xb46443c0) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsItemGroup (0xb464a040)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb4644c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QGraphicsScene*> (0xb4644dd4) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsLayoutItem
 QGraphicsLayoutItem::_ZTV19QGraphicsLayoutItem: 8u entries
@@ -8544,10 +6571,6 @@ Class QPen
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPen (0xb44c3f3c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPen> (0xb44d1780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QGraphicsScene
 QGraphicsScene::_ZTV14QGraphicsScene: 34u entries
@@ -8594,20 +6617,8 @@ QGraphicsScene (0xb46b56c0) 0
   QObject (0xb44d1a14) 0
       primary-for QGraphicsScene (0xb46b56c0)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsScene::SceneLayer> (0xb44f6744) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb4508168) 0
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb45080f0) 0
 Vtable for QGraphicsSceneEvent
 QGraphicsSceneEvent::_ZTV19QGraphicsSceneEvent: 4u entries
@@ -8770,65 +6781,21 @@ Class QTextOption
    base size=24 base align=4
 QTextOption (0xb454be10) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextOption::Flag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextOption::Flag> (0xb456c4ec) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QTextOption::Tab>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QTextOption::Tab> (0xb457dac8) 0 empty
 Class QPainter
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPainter (0xb457ddd4) 0
-Class QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPainter::RenderHint> (0xb45918ac) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF>::<anonymous union> (0xb43f330c) 0
-Class QVector<QLineF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLineF> (0xb43f3294) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine>::<anonymous union> (0xb43f3474) 0
-Class QVector<QLine>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QLine> (0xb43f33fc) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF>::<anonymous union> (0xb43f3bb8) 0
-Class QVector<QRectF>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRectF> (0xb43f3b40) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect>::<anonymous union> (0xb43f3d20) 0
-Class QVector<QRect>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QRect> (0xb43f3ca8) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractScrollArea
 QAbstractScrollArea::_ZTV19QAbstractScrollArea: 65u entries
@@ -9083,15 +7050,7 @@ QGraphicsView (0xb4494480) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb44a5618) 8
             vptr=((& QGraphicsView::_ZTV13QGraphicsView) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::CacheModeFlag> (0xb44b1ec4) 0
-Class QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QGraphicsView::OptimizationFlag> (0xb42d1ac8) 0
 Vtable for QBitmap
 QBitmap::_ZTV7QBitmap: 7u entries
@@ -9346,10 +7305,6 @@ QImageIOPlugin (0xb4344af0) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0xb433af00) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface (0xb4313f00)
-Class QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QImageIOPlugin::Capability> (0xb434d960) 0
 Class QImageReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -9525,15 +7480,7 @@ QActionGroup (0xb41d0580) 0
   QObject (0xb41d7a8c) 0
       primary-for QActionGroup (0xb41d0580)
-Class QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::<anonymous union> (0xb41e58ac) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*> (0xb41e5834) 0
 Vtable for QInputContext
 QInputContext::_ZTV13QInputContext: 26u entries
@@ -9839,10 +7786,6 @@ QAbstractSpinBox (0xb4219d00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb425203c) 8
         vptr=((& QAbstractSpinBox::_ZTV16QAbstractSpinBox) + 252u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag> (0xb42671e0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractSlider
 QAbstractSlider::_ZTV15QAbstractSlider: 64u entries
@@ -10050,15 +7993,7 @@ QStyle (0xb426da00) 0
   QObject (0xb42ac708) 0
       primary-for QStyle (0xb426da00)
-Class QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::StateFlag> (0xb40dc078) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyle::SubControl>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyle::SubControl> (0xb40dcca8) 0
 Vtable for QTabBar
 QTabBar::_ZTV7QTabBar: 67u entries
@@ -10317,10 +8252,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionFrame
 QStyleOptionFrame (0xb4166040) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb415eb04) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature> (0xb416d258) 0
 Class QStyleOptionFrameV2
    size=56 align=4
@@ -10347,10 +8278,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionHeader
 QStyleOptionHeader (0xb4166ac0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb419721c) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature> (0xb4197c6c) 0
 Class QStyleOptionButton
    size=64 align=4
@@ -10358,10 +8285,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionButton
 QStyleOptionButton (0xb4166d80) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4197960) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget> (0xb3fc7168) 0
 Class QStyleOptionTab
    size=72 align=4
@@ -10376,10 +8299,6 @@ QStyleOptionTabV2 (0xb41b23c0) 0
   QStyleOptionTab (0xb41b2400) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb3fe01a4) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature> (0xb3fe0e4c) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolBar
    size=68 align=4
@@ -10406,10 +8325,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionMenuItem
 QStyleOptionMenuItem (0xb41b2d00) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb4012834) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature> (0xb4024168) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
    size=64 align=4
@@ -10442,10 +8357,6 @@ Class QStyleOptionViewItem
 QStyleOptionViewItem (0xb402c9c0) 0
   QStyleOption (0xb40543c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionViewItemV2::ViewItemFeature> (0xb4054c30) 0
 Class QStyleOptionViewItemV2
    size=84 align=4
@@ -10510,15 +8421,7 @@ QStyleOptionSpinBox (0xb40aa600) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb40aa640) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb40b3474) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb40b3c6c) 0
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb40b3bf4) 0
 Class QStyleOptionQ3ListView
    size=84 align=4
@@ -10527,10 +8430,6 @@ QStyleOptionQ3ListView (0xb40aa880) 0
   QStyleOptionComplex (0xb40aa8c0) 0
     QStyleOption (0xb40b3b04) 0
-Class QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature> (0xb3eda474) 0
 Class QStyleOptionToolButton
    size=96 align=4
@@ -10627,10 +8526,6 @@ Class QItemSelectionRange
    base size=8 base align=4
 QItemSelectionRange (0xb3f319d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3f62b7c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QItemSelectionModel
 QItemSelectionModel::_ZTV19QItemSelectionModel: 18u entries
@@ -10661,20 +8556,8 @@ QItemSelectionModel (0xb3f3abc0) 0
   QObject (0xb3f7c000) 0
       primary-for QItemSelectionModel (0xb3f3abc0)
-Class QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag> (0xb3f8b294) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb3f8bf3c) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange> (0xb3f8bec4) 0
 Class QItemSelection
    size=4 align=4
@@ -10804,10 +8687,6 @@ QAbstractItemView (0xb3fb9180) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb3fba2d0) 8
             vptr=((& QAbstractItemView::_ZTV17QAbstractItemView) + 392u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger> (0xb3de00b4) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractProxyModel
 QAbstractProxyModel::_ZTV19QAbstractProxyModel: 47u entries
@@ -11270,15 +9149,7 @@ Class QItemEditorCreatorBase
 QItemEditorCreatorBase (0xb3e6ac6c) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QItemEditorCreatorBase::_ZTV22QItemEditorCreatorBase) + 8u)
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3e7d708) 0
-Class QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QHash<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb3e7d690) 0
 Vtable for QItemEditorFactory
 QItemEditorFactory::_ZTV18QItemEditorFactory: 6u entries
@@ -11419,15 +9290,7 @@ QListView (0xb3e83140) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb3e7da14) 8
               vptr=((& QListView::_ZTV9QListView) + 392u)
-Class QVector<void*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<void*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3ebb12c) 0
-Class QVector<void*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<void*> (0xb3ebb0b4) 0
 Vtable for QListWidgetItem
 QListWidgetItem::_ZTV15QListWidgetItem: 11u entries
@@ -11720,15 +9583,7 @@ Class QStandardItem
 QStandardItem (0xb3d370f0) 0
     vptr=((& QStandardItem::_ZTV13QStandardItem) + 8u)
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3d93b04) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*> (0xb3d93a8c) 0
 Vtable for QStandardItemModel
 QStandardItemModel::_ZTV18QStandardItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -12007,15 +9862,7 @@ Class QTableWidgetSelectionRange
    base size=16 base align=4
 QTableWidgetSelectionRange (0xb3beff00) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData>::<anonymous union> (0xb3c0bc30) 0
-Class QVector<QWidgetItemData>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QWidgetItemData> (0xb3c0bbb8) 0
 Vtable for QTableWidgetItem
 QTableWidgetItem::_ZTV16QTableWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -12292,35 +10139,15 @@ QTreeView (0xb3c64380) 0
           QPaintDevice (0xb3c68bf4) 8
               vptr=((& QTreeView::_ZTV9QTreeView) + 400u)
-Class QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb3c913c0) 0
 Class QTreeWidgetItemIterator
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTreeWidgetItemIterator (0xb3c819d8) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >::<anonymous union> (0xb3cb9e10) 0
-Class QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb3cb9d98) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::<anonymous union> (0xb3ad621c) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb3ad61a4) 0
 Vtable for QTreeWidgetItem
 QTreeWidgetItem::_ZTV15QTreeWidgetItem: 10u entries
@@ -13296,15 +11123,7 @@ Class QTextItem
    base size=0 base align=1
 QTextItem (0xb3a7d438) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextItem> (0xb3a7d690) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature> (0xb3a7df00) 0
 Vtable for QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine: 24u entries
@@ -13339,20 +11158,12 @@ Class QPaintEngine
 QPaintEngine (0xb3a7d780) 0
     vptr=((& QPaintEngine::_ZTV12QPaintEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag> (0xb3aa50f0) 0
 Class QPaintEngineState
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPaintEngineState (0xb3a96dd4) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextItem::RenderFlag> (0xb3aa5e10) 0
 Vtable for QPrinter
 QPrinter::_ZTV8QPrinter: 7u entries
@@ -13450,10 +11261,6 @@ QCommonStyle (0xb3aa2f00) 0
     QObject (0xb3934474) 0
         primary-for QStyle (0xb3aa2f40)
-Class QPointer<QFocusFrame>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QFocusFrame> (0xb394a744) 0
 Vtable for QMotifStyle
 QMotifStyle::_ZTV11QMotifStyle: 35u entries
@@ -13985,30 +11792,14 @@ Class QTextLength
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextLength (0xb37eb168) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextFormatPrivate> (0xb37f3bf4) 0
 Class QTextFormat
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextFormat (0xb37f3474) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength>::<anonymous union> (0xb382a0b4) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLength>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLength> (0xb382a03c) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextFormat::PageBreakFlag> (0xb382add4) 0
 Class QTextCharFormat
    size=8 align=4
@@ -14070,15 +11861,7 @@ Class QTextLayout
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTextLayout (0xb36e3c30) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::<anonymous union> (0xb36ef960) 0
-Class QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb36ef8e8) 0
 Class QTextLine
    size=8 align=4
@@ -14128,15 +11911,7 @@ QTextDocument (0xb36d2d40) 0
   QObject (0xb370d924) 0
       primary-for QTextDocument (0xb36d2d40)
-Class QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextDocument::FindFlag> (0xb3726294) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QTextCursorPrivate> (0xb3735fb4) 0
 Class QTextCursor
    size=4 align=4
@@ -14148,15 +11923,7 @@ Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection
    base size=12 base align=4
 QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection (0xb375b21c) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>::<anonymous union> (0xb375b618) 0
-Class QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb375b5a0) 0
 Class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext
    size=48 align=4
@@ -14318,10 +12085,6 @@ QTextFrame (0xb3734f40) 0
     QObject (0xb37a6708) 0
         primary-for QTextObject (0xb3734f80)
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFrame::iterator> (0xb35c80f0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextBlockUserData
 QTextBlockUserData::_ZTV18QTextBlockUserData: 4u entries
@@ -14346,25 +12109,13 @@ Class QTextBlock
    base size=8 base align=4
 QTextBlock (0xb35c85dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock> (0xb35e80f0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextBlock::iterator> (0xb35e81e0) 0 empty
 Class QTextFragment
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QTextFragment (0xb35e8384) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextFragment>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextFragment> (0xb35f5744) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSyntaxHighlighter
 QSyntaxHighlighter::_ZTV18QSyntaxHighlighter: 15u entries
@@ -15494,10 +13245,6 @@ QDateEdit (0xb3542580) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb35651a4) 8
             vptr=((& QDateEdit::_ZTV9QDateEdit) + 260u)
-Class QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDateTimeEdit::Section> (0xb3565a50) 0
 Vtable for QDial
 QDial::_ZTV5QDial: 64u entries
@@ -15658,10 +13405,6 @@ QDialogButtonBox (0xb3542c00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb359e3c0) 8
         vptr=((& QDialogButtonBox::_ZTV16QDialogButtonBox) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton> (0xb35ab7f8) 0
 Vtable for QDockWidget
 QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget: 63u entries
@@ -15741,10 +13484,6 @@ QDockWidget (0xb3542f80) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb33c63fc) 8
         vptr=((& QDockWidget::_ZTV11QDockWidget) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature> (0xb33dea8c) 0
 Vtable for QFocusFrame
 QFocusFrame::_ZTV11QFocusFrame: 63u entries
@@ -15906,10 +13645,6 @@ QFontComboBox (0xb33d3640) 0
       QPaintDevice (0xb34163fc) 8
           vptr=((& QFontComboBox::_ZTV13QFontComboBox) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFontComboBox::FontFilter> (0xb34243c0) 0
 Vtable for QGroupBox
 QGroupBox::_ZTV9QGroupBox: 63u entries
@@ -16228,10 +13963,6 @@ QMainWindow (0xb346d380) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb347f2d0) 8
         vptr=((& QMainWindow::_ZTV11QMainWindow) + 236u)
-Class QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMainWindow::DockOption> (0xb3496438) 0
 Vtable for QMdiArea
 QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea: 65u entries
@@ -16317,10 +14048,6 @@ QMdiArea (0xb346d700) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb32b803c) 8
             vptr=((& QMdiArea::_ZTV8QMdiArea) + 240u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiArea::AreaOption> (0xb32ca474) 0
 Vtable for QMdiSubWindow
 QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow: 63u entries
@@ -16400,10 +14127,6 @@ QMdiSubWindow (0xb346db00) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb32eb078) 8
         vptr=((& QMdiSubWindow::_ZTV13QMdiSubWindow) + 232u)
-Class QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QMdiSubWindow::SubWindowOption> (0xb32fb168) 0
 Vtable for QMenu
 QMenu::_ZTV5QMenu: 63u entries
@@ -16681,10 +14404,6 @@ QTextEdit (0xb31ba7c0) 0
         QPaintDevice (0xb31bddd4) 8
             vptr=((& QTextEdit::_ZTV9QTextEdit) + 256u)
-Class QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag> (0xb3201d20) 0
 Vtable for QPlainTextEdit
 QPlainTextEdit::_ZTV14QPlainTextEdit: 69u entries
@@ -18386,203 +16105,43 @@ QSvgWidget (0xb2fcb100) 0
     QPaintDevice (0xb2fc5780) 8
         vptr=((& QSvgWidget::_ZTV10QSvgWidget) + 232u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb3028870) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb3040e10) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPoint>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPoint> (0xb2f0d12c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPointF>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPointF> (0xb2f0dc30) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QPainterPath::Element> (0xb2f2b708) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLineF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLineF> (0xb2f9bf3c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QLine>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QLine> (0xb2fb30f0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRectF>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRectF> (0xb2fb32d0) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QRect>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QRect> (0xb2fb34b0) 0
-Class QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::Node (0xb2e74c6c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> >
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QVector<QWidgetItemData> > (0xb2e74e4c) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLength>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLength> (0xb2c76000) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2c76474) 0
-Class QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-QVectorTypedData<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2c76e4c) 0
-Class QList<QAction*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QAction*>::Node (0xb2cbbb7c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb2d1303c) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb2d130b4) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSet<QAccessible::Method> > (0xb2d2afb4) 0 empty
-Class QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=13 base align=4
-QHashNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2d3a2d0) 0
-Class QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QHashNode<QVariant::Type, QItemEditorCreatorBase*> (0xb2d6fec4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStandardItem*> (0xb2b84474) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTreeWidgetItem*> (0xb2b847bc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLength> (0xb2b95078) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTextLayout::FormatRange> (0xb2b954b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection> (0xb2b95a50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QAction*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QAction*> (0xb2ba8b04) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb2bb4168) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb2bb4294) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb2bb44ec) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPoint]::<anonymous union> (0xb2bb4ca8) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPointF]::<anonymous union> (0xb2be63fc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QGraphicsItem*> (0xb2be6b7c) 0 empty
-Class QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Node (0xb2be6bf4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem> (0xb2c24078) 0 empty
-Class QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem>::Node (0xb2c240f0) 0
-Class QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QItemSelectionRange>::Node (0xb2c24564) 0
-Class QList<QStandardItem*>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QStandardItem*>::Node (0xb2c2499c) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QTextLength]::<anonymous union> (0xb2c24d20) 0
-Class QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-QHashDummyNode<QAccessible::Method, QHashDummyValue> (0xb2c562d0) 0
-Class QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<T>::realloc(int, int) [with T = QPainterPath::Element]::<anonymous union> (0xb2c56960) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index fb9596e..40f7bf9 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7f75f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7841000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7841040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7841080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb78410c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7841100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7841140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7841180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb78411c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7841200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7841240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7841280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb78412c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7841300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7841340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7841380) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb78413c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb78414c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb7841500) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7841540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb7841580) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb78415c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb7841600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb7841640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb7841680) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb78416c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb7841700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb7841740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb7841780) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb7841880) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb78418c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb7841a80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7841b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7841bc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7841ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7841f00) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -250,10 +130,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb7841f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb724f080) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb724f180) 0
   QString (0xb724f1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb724f200) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb724f500) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb724f880) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb724f800) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb724fa00) 0
   QObject (0xb724fa40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb724fa00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb724fb00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb724fc80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb724fcc0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb6efc1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6efc740) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6efc680) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6efc880) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6efc800) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6efc900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6efc940) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6efc9c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6efc980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6efca00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6efca40) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6efcb40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6efcbc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6efcb80) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6efcc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6efcc80) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6efccc0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6efcd80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb6efcf40) 0
   QTextStream (0xb6efcf80) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb6efcf40)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6efc4c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6efc700) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6efc080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6efc780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6efcd40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6efcf00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6efcfc0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,80 +485,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6eb1040) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6eb1080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6eb10c0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6eb1100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6eb11c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6eb1180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6eb1140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6eb1200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6eb1280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6eb1240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6eb12c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6eb1340) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6eb1300) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6eb1380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6eb13c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6eb1400) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -845,10 +573,6 @@ QFile (0xb6eb1780) 0
     QObject (0xb6eb1800) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6eb17c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6eb1880) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -901,50 +625,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6eb1a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6eb1a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6eb1a80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6eb1b40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb6eb1ac0) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6eb1b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6eb1bc0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6eb1c00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6eb1cc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6eb1c40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -952,30 +648,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6eb1d00) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6eb1d40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6eb1dc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6eb1e00) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6eb1ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6eb1f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6eb1fc0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1032,10 +712,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb6eb1740) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6c7a0c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1190,110 +866,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6c7a480) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6c7a500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6c7a540) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6c7a580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0xb6c7a600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0xb6c7a640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned int> (0xb6c7a680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0xb6c7a6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0xb6c7a700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0xb6c7a740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0xb6c7a780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0xb6c7a7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0xb6c7a800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0xb6c7a840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0xb6c7a880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int> (0xb6c7a8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int> (0xb6c7a900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned char> (0xb6c7a940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0xb6c7a980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0xb6c7a9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0xb6c7aa00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0xb6c7aa40) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1320,35 +916,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6c7aa80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6c7ad80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6c7ad00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6c7ae80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6c7ae00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6c7a040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6c7a200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1380,80 +956,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6c7abc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6c7ac00) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6c7aec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6c7af80) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6a0f000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6a0f040) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6a0f080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6a0f0c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6a0f100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6a0f300) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6a0f380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6a0f580) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6a0f640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6a0f740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6a0f780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6a0f840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1470,10 +1014,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6a0fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6a0fc40) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1490,40 +1030,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6a0fe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6a0fe40) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6a0ffc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6a0f1c0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6a0f200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6a0f2c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6a0f140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6a0f180) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1683,10 +1207,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb68bf100) 0
   QObject (0xb68bf140) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb68bf100)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb68bf240) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1778,20 +1298,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb68bf680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb68bf6c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb68bf700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb68bf780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2011,10 +1523,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb68bfc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb68bfc40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2109,20 +1617,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb68bfec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb68bff00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb68bff40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb68bff80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2134,10 +1634,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb68bf000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb68bf0c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2265,30 +1761,10 @@ Class QTestData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTestData (0xb65f50c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QStringList> (0xb65f5100) 0 empty
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union> (0xb65f5340) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> > (0xb65f52c0) 0
-Class QList<int>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::<anonymous union> (0xb65f5500) 0
-Class QList<int>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int> (0xb65f5480) 0
 Vtable for QSignalSpy
 QSignalSpy::_ZTV10QSignalSpy: 14u entries
@@ -2341,48 +1817,12 @@ QTestEventLoop (0xb65f5780) 0
   QObject (0xb65f57c0) 0
       primary-for QTestEventLoop (0xb65f5780)
-Class QPointer<QTestEventLoop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QTestEventLoop> (0xb65f5880) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb65f59c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0xb65f5a40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb65f5ac0) 0
-Class QList<int>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::Node (0xb65f5bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> > (0xb65f5c40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node (0xb65f5cc0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb65f5d40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb65f5dc0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index b152f41..82131cf 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,80 +18,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xad5e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaeb680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaeb800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaeb980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xaebb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xaebc80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xaebe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xaebf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb07100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb07280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb07400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb07580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb07700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb07880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb07a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb07b80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -108,10 +48,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb4d840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb70cc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -139,70 +75,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc34f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd4bc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd77100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd773c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd72c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd8d100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd77a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xd949c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdc8140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdc8440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xd8d340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xdd8180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xdd8940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdd8c80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -229,10 +113,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xeac500) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xeac940) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -245,10 +125,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11e1880) 0
   QString (0x11e18c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11e1c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -311,10 +187,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1279f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x137ce40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -339,15 +211,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xeac480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13c0140) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc3da40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -370,25 +234,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x13fefc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1404000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1417700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1404580) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1431f80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1431b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -480,10 +332,6 @@ QIODevice (0x137c700) 0
   QObject (0x14bb540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x137c700)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x14bb840) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -503,25 +351,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xeac380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15884c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1588840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1588d80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1588c40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -529,15 +365,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xeac400) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15b6000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1588ec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1588e80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -666,50 +494,22 @@ QFile (0x169c840) 0
     QObject (0x169c8c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x169c880)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x16ab100) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x16d25c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x16d2f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1700e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x172a300) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x172a200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x16d2440) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1758040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x172ac00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -766,10 +566,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x169c740) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x17d7340) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -843,10 +639,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x182cc40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x182cd40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -871,10 +663,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1a78240) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1a78600) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -911,20 +699,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b06440) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b06480) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b06440)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b33680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b33800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b525c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1037,95 +813,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ce1bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1cfbd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1cfbec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1d15040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1d151c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1d15340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1d154c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1d15640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1d157c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1d15940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1d15ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1d15c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1d15dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1d15f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1d340c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1d34240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1d343c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1d34540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1d346c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1152,35 +856,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x14318c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dd0540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1d46dc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dd0840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1d46e40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1d46000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1e36280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1258,15 +942,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1d34f80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1ed2440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1f01f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1293,10 +969,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1f2e600) 0
   QObject (0x1f2e640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1f2e600)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1f2e940) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1341,20 +1013,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1f66f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1f9ab40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1f66ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1f9ae80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1524,10 +1188,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x200bd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x204b3c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1620,20 +1280,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x13fe8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x20ba900) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x13fe940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x20baf00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1645,10 +1297,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x13fea40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x20e8640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1941,10 +1589,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x2235640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2294040) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1956,70 +1600,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1d34900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x22d1900) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1d34b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x22f4540) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x16d24c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x231d300) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d34b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x231df40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1d34c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x236e180) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d34980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x238f600) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1d34a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x23b9b00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2031,75 +1647,39 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1d34a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x250a300) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1d34c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2538480) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1d34d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x255d9c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1d34d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x25cb440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1d34e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2649680) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSharedData (0x26f1500) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union> (0x2719e40) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> > (0x2719d00) 0
-Class QList<int>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::<anonymous union> (0x27513c0) 0
-Class QList<int>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int> (0x137c9c0) 0
 Vtable for QSignalSpy
 QSignalSpy::_ZTV10QSignalSpy: 14u entries
@@ -2132,10 +1712,6 @@ Class QTestData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTestData (0x27d73c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QStringList> (0x27f47c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTestEventLoop
 QTestEventLoop::_ZTV14QTestEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -2162,48 +1738,12 @@ QTestEventLoop (0x2816ec0) 0
   QObject (0x2816f00) 0
       primary-for QTestEventLoop (0x2816ec0)
-Class QPointer<QTestEventLoop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QTestEventLoop> (0x2843600) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13c0100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x1588d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x29fb6c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<int>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::Node (0x2751380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> > (0x2a73240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node (0x2719e00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x172a2c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x1dd0500) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 7bc73ba..a8441c6 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f36d80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f36dc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f36e80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f36ec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f36f40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f36f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb77f3040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb77f3080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77f3300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77f33c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77f3400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77f3440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77f3480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77f34c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77f3500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77f3540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77f3580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77f35c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77f3600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77f3640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77f3680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77f36c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77f3700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77f3740) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb77f3780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77f3880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77f38c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77f3900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77f3940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77f3980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77f39c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77f3a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77f3a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77f3a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77f3ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77f3b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77f3b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77f3b80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77f3c40) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb77f3c80) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb77f3e40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77f3f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb77f3f80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb733d280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb733d2c0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb733d300) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb733d480) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb733d580) 0
   QString (0xb733d5c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb733d600) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb733d900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb733dc80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb733dc00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb733de00) 0
   QObject (0xb733de40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb733de00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb733df00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb733d7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb733d880) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb6ee3580) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6ee3b00) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6ee3a40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6ee3c40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6ee3bc0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6ee3cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ee3d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6ee3d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ee3d40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ee3dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ee3e00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6ee3f00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6ee3f80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6ee3f40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6ee3440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6ee3880) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6ee3ac0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6e73040) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb6e73200) 0
   QTextStream (0xb6e73240) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb6e73200)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e73300) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e73340) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6e732c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e73380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e733c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e73400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e73440) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,80 +492,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6e734c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e73500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e73540) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6e73580) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6e73640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6e73600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e735c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e73680) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e73700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e736c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e73740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e737c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e73780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e73800) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e73840) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e73880) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -882,10 +580,6 @@ QFile (0xb6e73d40) 0
     QObject (0xb6e73dc0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6e73d80)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6e73e40) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -938,50 +632,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6e73fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6e73000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6e731c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e73e00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb6e73280) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6e73f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6c4a000) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6c4a040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6c4a100) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6c4a080) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -989,30 +655,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6c4a140) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6c4a180) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6c4a200) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6c4a240) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6c4a300) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6c4a380) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6c4a400) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1069,10 +719,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb6c4a440) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6c4a5c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1184,15 +830,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6c4a880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6c4a8c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6c4a900) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1287,285 +925,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6c4ac00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6c4ac80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6c4acc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6c4ad00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6c4adc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6c4ae00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6c4ae40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6c4ae80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6c4aec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6c4af00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6c4af40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6c4af80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6c4afc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6c4a540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6c4a640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6c4a700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6c4a840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6c4a980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6c4ab00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6c4abc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb69bd000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb69bd040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb69bd080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb69bd0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb69bd100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb69bd140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb69bd180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb69bd1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb69bd200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb69bd240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb69bd280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb69bd2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb69bd300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb69bd340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb69bd380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb69bd3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb69bd400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb69bd440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb69bd480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb69bd4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb69bd500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb69bd540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb69bd580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb69bd5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb69bd600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb69bd640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb69bd680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb69bd6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb69bd700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb69bd740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb69bd780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb69bd7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb69bd800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb69bd840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb69bd880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb69bd8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb69bd900) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1592,45 +1010,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb69bd940) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb69bdb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb69bdbc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb69bdcc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb69bdc40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb69bddc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb69bdd40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb69bde80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb69bdf00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1662,80 +1052,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb69bdb40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb69bda80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb69bde40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb69bdfc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb68d7000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb68d7040) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb68d7080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb68d70c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb68d7100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb68d7300) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb68d7380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb68d7580) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb68d7640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb68d7740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb68d7780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb68d7840) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1752,10 +1110,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb68d7c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb68d7c40) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1772,30 +1126,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb68d7ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb68d7f80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb68d7fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb68d71c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb68d7200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb68d72c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1323,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb6763040) 0
   QObject (0xb6763080) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb6763040)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb6763180) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb6763680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb67636c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb6763700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb6763780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2324,10 +1654,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb6763c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb6763c40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2422,20 +1748,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb6763ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb6763f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb6763f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb6763f80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2447,10 +1765,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb6763000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb6763100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2507,10 +1821,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb6763440) 0
   QObject (0xb6763500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb6763440)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb6763600) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2558,10 +1868,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb6763bc0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6763dc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2573,20 +1879,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb6763e80) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64c1040) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb64c1000) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64c10c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2598,25 +1896,9 @@ Class QTestData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTestData (0xb64c11c0) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union> (0xb64c1400) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> > (0xb64c1380) 0
-Class QList<int>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::<anonymous union> (0xb64c15c0) 0
-Class QList<int>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int> (0xb64c1540) 0
 Vtable for QSignalSpy
 QSignalSpy::_ZTV10QSignalSpy: 14u entries
@@ -2669,48 +1951,12 @@ QTestEventLoop (0xb64c1800) 0
   QObject (0xb64c1840) 0
       primary-for QTestEventLoop (0xb64c1800)
-Class QPointer<QTestEventLoop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QTestEventLoop> (0xb64c1900) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb64c1a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0xb64c1ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb64c1b40) 0
-Class QList<int>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::Node (0xb64c1bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> > (0xb64c1c40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node (0xb64c1cc0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb64c1d40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb64c1dc0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 85a06f8..a2b4de4 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x30590d90) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x30590e00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x3001bac0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x30590f50) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x30597038) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x305970a8) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x3001bb40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x305971f8) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x30597578) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30597770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x30597818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x305978c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x30597968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x30597a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x30597ab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30597b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x30597c08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x30597cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x30597d58) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x30597e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x30597ea8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x30597f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x305cc000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x305cc0a8) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x305cc118) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x305cc5e8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x305cc658) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x305cc6c8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x305cc738) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x305cc7a8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x305cc818) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x305cc888) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x305cc8f8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x305cc968) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x305cc9d8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x305cca48) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x305ccab8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x305ccb28) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3001bc80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x305ccc40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x305cce00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x305ccee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x305ccf88) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30af0ce8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30be8038) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0x30be80e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30be8310) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x3001bec0) 0
   QString (0x30d57498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30d57578) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30d57c78) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30e4c0e0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30e4c038) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0x3001bf80) 0
   QObject (0x30e4c5b0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x3001bf80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30e4c7a8) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30e4cee0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30e4cf50) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x30f076c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x30f07d58) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x30f07c08) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30f07968) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x30f07f88) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x31068070) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31068118) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x310681f8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31068188) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31068268) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x310682d8) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x31068428) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31068508) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31068498) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x31068578) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310685e8) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x31068620) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x31068850) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x30f93180) 0
   QTextStream (0x31068dc8) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x30f93180)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x310f5000) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x310f5070) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x31068c08) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310f50e0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310f5150) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x310f51c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310f5230) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,70 +492,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x310f52a0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310f5310) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f5380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310f5460) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f53f0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f54d0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310f55b0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x310f5540) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f5620) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310f5700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f5690) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f5770) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f57e0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310f5850) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -872,10 +574,6 @@ QFile (0x30f931c0) 0
     QObject (0x311fa118) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x30f93200)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x311fa2a0) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -928,50 +626,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x311fa3f0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x311fa498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x311fa508) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x311fa690) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x311fa5e8) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x311fa738) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x311fa930) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x311fa9a0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x311fab60) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x311faab8) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -979,30 +649,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x30f93300) 0
   QList<QString> (0x311fac08) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x311fa1f8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x312f7000) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x312f7310) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x312f7428) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x312f74d0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1059,10 +713,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x312f7508) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x312f7770) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1174,15 +824,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x312f7b28) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x312f7bd0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x312f7c78) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1277,285 +919,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x312f7888) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x3140f070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x3140f0e0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x3140f150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x3140f310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x3140f3b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0x3140f460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x3140f508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x3140f5b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x3140f658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x3140f700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x3140f7a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x3140f850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x3140f8f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0x3140f9a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0x3140fa48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0x3140faf0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x3140fb98) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x3140fc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x3140fce8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x3140fd90) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0x3140fe38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0x3140fee0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x3140ff88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x3145e038) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x3145e0e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x3145e188) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x3145e230) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x3145e2d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x3145e380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x3145e428) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x3145e4d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x3145e578) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x3145e620) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x3145e6c8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x3145e770) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x3145e818) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x3145e8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x3145e968) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x3145ea10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x3145eab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x3145eb60) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x3145ec08) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x3145ecb0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x3145ed58) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x3145ee00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x3145eea8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x3145ef50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x3147c000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x3147c0a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x3147c150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x3147c1f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x3147c2a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x3147c348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x3147c3f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x3147c498) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x3147c540) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1582,45 +1004,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x3147c5b0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0x3147ca48) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0x3147caf0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3147ccb0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x3147cc08) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3147ce70) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x3147cdc8) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x3147cf88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x3147c888) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1652,80 +1046,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x315084d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x315088c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31508ab8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31508ea8) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x315085e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x315086c8) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31508bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31508d20) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x315c40e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x315c4460) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x315c4738) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x315c4ab8) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x315c4e38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x315c4188) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x315c4930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x315c4f50) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1742,10 +1104,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x316a5a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x316a5af0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1762,30 +1120,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x316a5ee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x317c7000) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x317c7070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x317c7230) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x317c72a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x317c73f0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1971,10 +1317,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x30f93880) 0
   QObject (0x317c7118) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x30f93880)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x317c7b60) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2081,20 +1423,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x3189d9d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x3189db60) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x3189dbd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x3189dce8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2314,10 +1648,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x31945188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x31945268) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2412,20 +1742,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x31945690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x31945738) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x319457a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x31945850) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2437,10 +1759,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x319458f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x319459a0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2497,10 +1815,6 @@ QLibrary (0x30f93d00) 0
   QObject (0x31945c78) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x30f93d00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x31945e00) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2548,10 +1862,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x31945380) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x31a01070) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2563,20 +1873,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x31a01118) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x31a011c0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x31a01150) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x31a012d8) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2588,25 +1890,9 @@ Class QTestData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTestData (0x31a01460) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union> (0x31a01b98) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> > (0x31a01af0) 0
-Class QList<int>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::<anonymous union> (0x31a01dc8) 0
-Class QList<int>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int> (0x31a01d20) 0
 Vtable for QSignalSpy
 QSignalSpy::_ZTV10QSignalSpy: 14u entries
@@ -2659,48 +1945,12 @@ QTestEventLoop (0x30f93f40) 0
   QObject (0x31aa9310) 0
       primary-for QTestEventLoop (0x30f93f40)
-Class QPointer<QTestEventLoop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QTestEventLoop> (0x31aa9540) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x31b18d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x31b35460) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x31b50268) 0
-Class QList<int>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::Node (0x31b93f88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> > (0x31bbc1c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node (0x31bfca10) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x31bfcdc8) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x31c28348) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index 8c04781..b1a9b8b 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x696900) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x696980) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x696b40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x696b80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x696c80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x696d00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x696ec0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x696f00) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x6a2400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x6a2640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x6a2700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x6a27c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x6a2880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x6a2940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x6a2a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x6a2ac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x6a2b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x6a2c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x6a2d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x6a2dc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x6a2e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x6a2f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x6dd000) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x6dd300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x6dd400) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x6ddb00) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x6ddb40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x6dddc0) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xe85b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xe85ec0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xf65340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xf653c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xf65440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xf654c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xf65540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xf655c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xf65640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xf656c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xf65740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xf657c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xf65840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xf658c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xf65940) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x10f3100) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x10f3540) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1212180) 0
   QString (0x12121c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x12122c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1212b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1324080) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x12125c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13243c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1324300) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1324600) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1324640) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1324900) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1324880) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1324b80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1324ac0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13e50c0) 0
   QObject (0x13e5100) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13e50c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x13e5340) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x13e5a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x13e5c80) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x13e5d00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x13e5f00) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x13e5e40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x13e5fc0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x13e5200) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x14b4440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x14b44c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x1531200) 0
     QObject (0x1531280) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1531240)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1531440) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1531480) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1531540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x15315c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1531780) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x15316c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1531840) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1531980) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1531a00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1531a40) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1531d00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1654100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1654180) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x17155c0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1715880) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1078,35 +836,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x1836300) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1836a80) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1836b00) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1836a00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1836b80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1836c00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1836c80) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1244,15 +982,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x18d7b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x18d7c40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x18d7d00) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1279,270 +1009,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x18d7f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x18d7e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1a48080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1a48140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1a48200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1a482c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1a48380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1a48440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1a48500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1a485c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1a48680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1a48740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1a48800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1a488c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1a48980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1a48a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1a48b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1a48bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1a48c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1a48d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1a48e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1a48ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1a48f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1a68040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1a68100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1a681c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1a68280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1a68340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1a68400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1a684c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1a68580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1a68640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1a68700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1a687c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1a68880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1a68940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1a68a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1a68ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1a68b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1a68c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1a68d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1a68dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1a68e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1a68f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1a83000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1a830c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1a83180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1a83240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1a83300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1a833c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1a83480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1a83540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1a83600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1a836c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1569,60 +1087,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1a83740) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1a83c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1a83d40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1a83f40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1a83e80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1af2040) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1a83a00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1af21c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1af2300) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1af23c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1af2440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1af24c0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1700,15 +1178,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1af2d00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1af2ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1af2f40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1735,10 +1205,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1af2fc0) 0
   QObject (0x1af20c0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1af2fc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1bd9100) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1783,20 +1249,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1bd9340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1bd9500) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1bd9580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1bd96c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1966,10 +1424,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1bd9e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1bd9f00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2076,20 +1530,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1cb5a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1cb5b40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1cb5bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1cb5c80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2101,10 +1547,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1cb5d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1cb5e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2286,10 +1728,6 @@ QLibrary (0x1d25580) 0
   QObject (0x1d255c0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x1d25580)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x1d25780) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2326,10 +1764,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x1d25ac0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d25c80) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2341,20 +1775,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x1d25d40) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d25e00) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x1d25d80) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d25f40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2412,10 +1838,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1de17c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1de18c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2427,70 +1849,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1de1b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1de1d40) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1de1dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1de1fc0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1de1b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1eac000) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1eac080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1eac500) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1eac7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1eacc40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1eacf40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1eacfc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1eac340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1eac800) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2502,40 +1896,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f4c440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1f4c840) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1f4cc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1f4c240) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x20270c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2027280) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x2027500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x20276c0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2568,25 +1946,9 @@ QTimeLine (0x2027b80) 0
   QObject (0x2027bc0) 0
       primary-for QTimeLine (0x2027b80)
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union> (0x2027f00) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> > (0x2027e40) 0
-Class QList<int>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::<anonymous union> (0x216a000) 0
-Class QList<int>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int> (0x2027540) 0
 Vtable for QSignalSpy
 QSignalSpy::_ZTV10QSignalSpy: 14u entries
@@ -2644,48 +2006,12 @@ QTestEventLoop (0x216a140) 0
   QObject (0x216a200) 0
       primary-for QTestEventLoop (0x216a140)
-Class QPointer<QTestEventLoop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QTestEventLoop> (0x221e000) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x227bc40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x229aac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x22ebb40) 0 empty
-Class QList<int>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::Node (0x2321980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> > (0x2321c00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node (0x2398c40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x23c9100) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x23c9740) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 38d733b..4b3f06f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x9ca500) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x9ca580) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x9ca740) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x9ca780) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x9ca880) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x9ca900) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x9caac0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x9cab00) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x9f3000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x9f3240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x9f3300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x9f33c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x9f3480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x9f3540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x9f3600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x9f36c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x9f3780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x9f3840) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x9f3900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x9f39c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x9f3a80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x9f3b40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x9f3c00) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x9f3f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xa57000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xa57600) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xa57640) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0xa578c0) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xf03600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xf039c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xf03e40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xf03ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xf03f40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xf03fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x100b040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x100b0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x100b140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x100b1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x100b240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x100b2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x100b340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x100b3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x100b440) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x100bc40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1181040) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1181c80) 0
   QString (0x1181cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1181dc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1289640) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1289c80) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1289b00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1289fc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1289f00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x139d080) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x139d0c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x139d380) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x139d300) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x139d600) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x139d540) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x139dc40) 0
   QObject (0x139dc80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x139dc40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x139dec0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1465500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1465740) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x14657c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x14659c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1465900) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1465a80) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1465ac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1465f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x14651c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x157b180) 0
     QObject (0x157b200) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x157b1c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x157b3c0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x157b400) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x157b4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x157b540) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x157b700) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x157b640) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x157b7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x157b900) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x157b980) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x157b9c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x157bc80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x168b080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x168b100) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x17db100) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x17db3c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1088,40 +846,16 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x1866080) 0
-Class OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union> (0x1866280) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x18669c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1866a40) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1866940) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1866ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1866b40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1866bc0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1259,15 +993,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1917b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1917bc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1917c80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1294,270 +1020,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1917e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1917880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1a7a000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1a7a0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1a7a180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1a7a240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1a7a300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1a7a3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1a7a480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1a7a540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1a7a600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1a7a6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1a7a780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1a7a840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1a7a900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1a7a9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1a7aa80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1a7ab40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1a7ac00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1a7acc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1a7ad80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1a7ae40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1a7af00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1a7afc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1a94080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1a94140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1a94200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1a942c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1a94380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1a94440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1a94500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1a945c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1a94680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1a94740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1a94800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1a948c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1a94980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1a94a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1a94b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1a94bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1a94c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1a94d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1a94e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1a94ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1a94f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1ab6040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1ab6100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1ab61c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1ab6280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1ab6340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1ab6400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1ab64c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1ab6580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1ab6640) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1584,60 +1098,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1ab66c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1ab6c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1ab6cc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1ab6ec0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1ab6e00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1ab6a00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1ab6880) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1b29140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1b29280) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b29340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b293c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b29440) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1715,15 +1189,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1b29c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1b29e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1b29ec0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1750,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1b29f40) 0
   QObject (0x1b29f80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1b29f40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1c10040) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1798,20 +1260,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1c10280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1c10440) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1c104c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1c10600) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1435,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1c10d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1c10e40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1541,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1ce79c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1ce7a80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1ce7b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1ce7bc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2116,10 +1558,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1ce7c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1ce7d40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2301,10 +1739,6 @@ QLibrary (0x1d56540) 0
   QObject (0x1d56580) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x1d56540)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x1d56740) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2341,10 +1775,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x1d56a80) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d56c40) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2356,20 +1786,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x1d56d00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d56dc0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x1d56d40) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d56f00) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2427,10 +1849,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1e1a740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1e1a840) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2442,70 +1860,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e1aac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1e1acc0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e1ad40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1e1af40) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1e1afc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1e1ae00) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1edc040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1edc4c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1edc780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1edcc00) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1edcf00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1edcf80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1edc280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1edc400) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2517,40 +1907,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f7a400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1f7a800) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1f7abc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1f7afc0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x2055080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2055240) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x20554c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2055680) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2583,25 +1957,9 @@ QTimeLine (0x2055b40) 0
   QObject (0x2055b80) 0
       primary-for QTimeLine (0x2055b40)
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union> (0x2055ec0) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> > (0x2055e00) 0
-Class QList<int>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::<anonymous union> (0x2055c40) 0
-Class QList<int>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int> (0x2055140) 0
 Vtable for QSignalSpy
 QSignalSpy::_ZTV10QSignalSpy: 14u entries
@@ -2659,48 +2017,12 @@ QTestEventLoop (0x21aaf80) 0
   QObject (0x21aafc0) 0
       primary-for QTestEventLoop (0x21aaf80)
-Class QPointer<QTestEventLoop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QTestEventLoop> (0x21aae80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x22a8b80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x22c6a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2317a80) 0 empty
-Class QList<int>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::Node (0x23508c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> > (0x2350b40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node (0x23c6b80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x23f5040) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x23f5680) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index 224be3d..ea4291c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa9db00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa9dc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa9df00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xac2000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xac2180) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xac2240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xac24c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xac2580) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xaf4380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaf4b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaf4d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaf4e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xb0a000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb0a180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xb0a300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb0a480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb0a600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb0a780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb0a900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb0aa80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb0ac00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb0ad80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb0af00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb36080) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb60f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb97380) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -171,75 +81,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc4bb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd72780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd84e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd940c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd84980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd9ae40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd94780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xda58c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdd9300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdd9600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xda0080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xde94c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xde9d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdef080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xdef480) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xee1240) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xee1780) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -282,10 +132,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11f2dc0) 0
   QString (0x11f2e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1260140) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -348,10 +194,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12d61c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x13dc180) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -376,15 +218,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xee11c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1400480) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc5d5c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -407,25 +241,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x144d300) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x144d340) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1462ac0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x144d8c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1492340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1478f40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -517,10 +339,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13b5a40) 0
   QObject (0x150cb40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13b5a40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x150ce40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -540,25 +358,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xee10c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15dbc00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x15dbf80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x15f34c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x15f3380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -566,15 +372,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xee1140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15f3740) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x15f3600) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x15f35c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -703,50 +501,22 @@ QFile (0x1706080) 0
     QObject (0x1706100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x17060c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1706940) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x175e140) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x175ea80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1777ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1777f80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1777e80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x171cfc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x17b2c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x17b2880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -803,10 +573,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x16f6f80) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x18520c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -880,10 +646,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x18bbb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x18bbc80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -908,10 +670,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1afc580) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1afc940) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -948,20 +706,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b8c740) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b8c780) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b8c740)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bc1980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bc1b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1be78c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1099,15 +845,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e51cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1e95980) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1e95040) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1134,270 +872,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ef6400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1f18840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1f189c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1f18b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1f18cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1f18e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1f18fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1f2c140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1f2c2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1f2c440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1f2c5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1f2c740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1f2c8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1f2ca40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1f2cbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1f2cd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1f2cec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1f4d040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1f4d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1f4d340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1f4d4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1f4d640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1f4d7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1f4d940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1f4dac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1f4dc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1f4ddc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1f4df40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1f6a0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1f6a240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1f6a3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1f6a540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1f6a6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1f6a840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1f6a9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1f6ab40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1f6acc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1f6ae40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1f6afc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1f89140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1f892c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1f89440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1f895c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1f89740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1f898c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1f89a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1f89bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1f89d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1f89ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1fab040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1fab1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1fab340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1fab4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1fab640) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1424,45 +950,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x1478c80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1ffde00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1ffdfc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2031480) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1fbf540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2031780) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1fbf5c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1fab800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2099100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1540,15 +1038,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1f18180) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2155440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x21b3040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1575,10 +1065,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x21b36c0) 0
   QObject (0x21b3700) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x21b36c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x21b3a00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1623,20 +1109,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x222a200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x222ae80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x222a180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x22572c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1806,10 +1284,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x22da7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x22dae00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1917,20 +1391,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x143fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2376bc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x143fc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x238b1c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1942,10 +1408,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x143fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x238b900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2127,10 +1589,6 @@ QLibrary (0x2449040) 0
   QObject (0x2449080) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x2449040)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x24492c0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2172,10 +1630,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x24ba7c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24e7000) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2187,20 +1641,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x24e7e00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24f6140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x24e7fc0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24f6900) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2258,10 +1704,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x253aac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2594480) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2273,70 +1715,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e51b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x25ec640) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e51bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2614280) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x175e040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2643040) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1f18340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2643c80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1f18380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x266be40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f182c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x26b22c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1f18300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x26dd780) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2348,40 +1762,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f18240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27cffc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1f18280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2820500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f181c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x28a7000) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1f18200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x292b340) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2414,25 +1812,9 @@ QTimeLine (0x299f700) 0
   QObject (0x299f740) 0
       primary-for QTimeLine (0x299f700)
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union> (0x29ef000) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> > (0x29bcec0) 0
-Class QList<int>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::<anonymous union> (0x29ef580) 0
-Class QList<int>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int> (0x13b5d00) 0
 Vtable for QSignalSpy
 QSignalSpy::_ZTV10QSignalSpy: 14u entries
@@ -2490,48 +1872,12 @@ QTestEventLoop (0x2b09180) 0
   QObject (0x2b091c0) 0
       primary-for QTestEventLoop (0x2b09180)
-Class QPointer<QTestEventLoop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QTestEventLoop> (0x2b09b40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x1400440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x15f3480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2cc8f80) 0 empty
-Class QList<int>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::Node (0x29ef540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> > (0x2d9e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node (0x29bcfc0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x1777f40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0x2031440) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index a19e441..7535e0d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f03d80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f03dc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f03e80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f03ec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f03f40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f03f80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb77a5040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb77a5080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77a5340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77a5400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77a5440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77a5480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77a54c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77a5500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77a5540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77a5580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77a55c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77a5600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77a5640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77a5680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77a56c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77a5700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77a5740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77a5780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb77a57c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77a58c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77a5900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77a5940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77a5980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77a59c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77a5a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77a5a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77a5a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77a5ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77a5b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77a5b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77a5b80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77a5bc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77a5cc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb77a5d00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb77a5ec0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77a5f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb72e5000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb72e5300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb72e5340) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb72e5380) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb72e5580) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb72e5680) 0
   QString (0xb72e56c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb72e5700) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb72e5a40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb72e5dc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb72e5d40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb72e54c0) 0
   QObject (0xb72e5500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb72e54c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb72e5840) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb72e5c00) 0
   QObject (0xb72e5e40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb72e5c00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6f09000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6f090c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6f09100) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6f09140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6f09200) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6f09180) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6f09240) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6f09280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6f09300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6f09340) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6f096c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6f09700) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6f09c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6f09d00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6f09d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6f09e00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6f09e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6f09f00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb6f09f40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6f09fc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6f09080) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6f09f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f09440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f09580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f09ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f09c80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f09cc0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6f09dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f09e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f09ec0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6cca000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6cca0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6cca080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cca040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cca100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6cca180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cca140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cca1c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6cca240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cca200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cca280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cca2c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cca300) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6cca580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6cca780) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6cca800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6ccaa00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6ccadc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6ccae00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6ccae40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6b03040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6b03280) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6b032c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6b03500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6b03640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6b03740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6b03780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6b03840) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6b03880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6b038c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6b03900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6b03940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6b03cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6b03d00) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6b03e40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6b03ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6b03f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6b03f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6b03080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6b030c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6b03100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6b03140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6b03180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6b031c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6b03200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6b03240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6b03300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6b03340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6b03380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6b033c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6b03400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6b03440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6b03480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6b034c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6b03680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6b036c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6b03700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6b037c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6b03800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6b03b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6773000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6773040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6773080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb67730c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6773100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6773140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6773180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb67731c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6773200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6773240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6773280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb67732c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6773300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6773340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6773380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb67733c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6773400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6773440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6773480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb67734c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6773500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6773540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6773580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb67735c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6773600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6773640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6773680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb67736c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6773700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6773740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6773780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb67737c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6773800) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6773a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6773ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6773bc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6773b40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6773cc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6773c40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6773d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6773dc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb6773e00) 0
   QObject (0xb6773e40) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb6773e00)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6773f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6773f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6773f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6773fc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6773a00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6773e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6773a40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6653000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6653040) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb6653080) 0
     QObject (0xb6653100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb66530c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6653180) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6653300) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6653340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6653380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6653440) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb66533c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6653480) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6653500) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6653580) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb66537c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb6653880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb66538c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6653a40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb6653b00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6653c40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6653b80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6653d80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6653d00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6653e40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6653f00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb64930c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6493140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb6493100) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64931c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb6493200) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6493280) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb6493580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb64935c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb64936c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb6493700) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb6493740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb64937c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb6493c40) 0
   QObject (0xb6493c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb6493c40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb6493d80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb6493e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb6493ec0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb6493f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb640c000) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb640c080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb640c0c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2669,35 +1959,15 @@ QTestEventLoop (0xb640c380) 0
   QObject (0xb640c3c0) 0
       primary-for QTestEventLoop (0xb640c380)
-Class QPointer<QTestEventLoop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QTestEventLoop> (0xb640c480) 0
 Class QTestData
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTestData (0xb640c740) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union> (0xb640c9c0) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> > (0xb640c940) 0
-Class QList<int>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::<anonymous union> (0xb640cb80) 0
-Class QList<int>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int> (0xb640cb00) 0
 Vtable for QSignalSpy
 QSignalSpy::_ZTV10QSignalSpy: 14u entries
@@ -2725,38 +1995,10 @@ QSignalSpy (0xb640ca00) 0
       primary-for QSignalSpy (0xb640ca00)
   QList<QList<QVariant> > (0xb640ca80) 8
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb640ccc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb640cd40) 0
-Class QList<int>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::Node (0xb640cdc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> > (0xb640ce40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node (0xb640cec0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb640cf40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb640cfc0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index e5b39cb..8d794d1 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f7ed80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f7edc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f7ee80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f7eec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f7ef40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f7ef80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7420040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7420080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7420340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7420400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7420440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7420480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb74204c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7420500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7420540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7420580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb74205c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7420600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7420640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7420680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb74206c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7420700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7420740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7420780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -161,10 +75,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7420bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7420c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -227,70 +137,18 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb7420f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb73ce100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb73ce140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb73ce180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb73ce1c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb73ce200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb73ce240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb73ce280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb73ce2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb73ce300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb73ce340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb73ce380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb73ce3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb73ce400) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -308,10 +166,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb73ce500) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb73ce540) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb73ce700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -328,10 +182,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb73ce7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb73ce840) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -348,10 +198,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb73ce880) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb73cea80) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -369,25 +215,13 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb73ceb40) 0
   QString (0xb73ceb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb73cebc0) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QStringRef (0xb73cec00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb73ced40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb73cecc0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb73cef80) 0
   QObject (0xb73cefc0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb73cef80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb73ce000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb73cea00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6fb3000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6fb3040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6fb3080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6fb30c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6fb3100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6fb3140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6fb3180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6fb31c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6fb3200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6fb3240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6fb3280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6fb32c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6fb3300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6fb3340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6fb3380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6fb33c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6fb3400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6fb3440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6fb3480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6fb34c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6fb3500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6fb3540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6fb3580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6fb35c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6fb3600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6fb3640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6fb3680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6fb36c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6fb3700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6fb3740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6fb3780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6fb37c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6fb3800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6fb3840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6fb3880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6fb38c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6fb3900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6fb3940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6fb3980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6fb39c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6fb3a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6fb3a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6fb3a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6fb3ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6fb3b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6fb3b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6fb3b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6fb3bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6fb3c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6fb3c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6fb3c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6fb3cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6fb3d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb6fb3d40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,45 +421,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6df2200) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6df2480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6df24c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6df25c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6df2540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6df26c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6df2640) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6df2740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6df27c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -972,10 +558,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb6df2c40) 0
   QObject (0xb6df2c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb6df2c40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb6df2d80) 0
 Vtable for QCoreApplication
 QCoreApplication::_ZTV16QCoreApplication: 16u entries
@@ -1009,10 +591,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb6df2f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb6df2f80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimer
 QTimer::_ZTV6QTimer: 14u entries
@@ -1069,20 +647,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb6df2440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb6df2340) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb6df2400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb6df2840) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1277,20 +847,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb6bee080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb6bee0c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb6bee100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb6bee140) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1302,10 +864,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb6bee1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb6bee200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1408,100 +966,48 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6bee500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6bee700) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6bee780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6bee980) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6beea40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6beec80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6beecc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6beef00) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6beef40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6bee040) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6bee2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6bee380) 0 empty
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6bee540) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6bee580) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6bee440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bee5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bee600) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bee640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bee680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bee6c0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1513,80 +1019,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6bee800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6bee840) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6bee880) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6bee8c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6beea80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6bee940) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6bee900) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6beeac0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6beeb40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6beeb00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6beeb80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6beec00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6beebc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6beec40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6beed00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6beed40) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1618,35 +1068,19 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6a0d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6a0d200) 0 empty
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6a0d980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6a0d9c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6a0da00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6a0dac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6a0da40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1654,15 +1088,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6a0db00) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6a0db40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6a0dbc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6a0dc00) 0
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1695,15 +1121,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6a0de00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6a0de40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6a0de80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1730,10 +1148,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb67e7000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb67e7040) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1750,20 +1164,12 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb67e7480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb67e74c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb67e7500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb67e7540) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1775,30 +1181,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb67e76c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb67e7780) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb67e77c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb67e7880) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb67e78c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb67e7980) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1810,20 +1204,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb67e7a00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb67e7a80) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb67e7a40) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb67e7b00) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1876,20 +1262,12 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb67e7d40) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb67e7dc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutexLocker (0xb67e7d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb67e7ec0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1914,15 +1292,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb67e7e00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb67e73c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb67e7f80) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1934,25 +1304,9 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb67e7740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb67e7840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67e7800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67e7900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67e7940) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1974,15 +1328,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb65cb000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb65cb080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb65cb040) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1994,10 +1340,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb65cb100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65cb140) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -2012,10 +1354,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb65cb180) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb65cb240) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -2131,35 +1469,15 @@ QFile (0xb65cb680) 0
     QObject (0xb65cb700) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb65cb6c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb65cb780) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb65cb7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb65cb800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb65cb840) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb65cb900) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb65cb880) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -2212,15 +1530,7 @@ Class QDir
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb65cba80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb65cbb00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb65cbb80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2277,10 +1587,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb65cbbc0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb65cbd40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2409,15 +1715,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb65cb200) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb65cb480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb65cb580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDirIterator
 QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator: 4u entries
@@ -2432,10 +1730,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb65cb640) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb65cba40) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -2541,10 +1835,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb644c140) 0
   QObject (0xb644c180) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb644c140)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb644c200) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2649,25 +1939,9 @@ Class QTestData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTestData (0xb644c680) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union> (0xb644c9c0) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> > (0xb644c940) 0
-Class QList<int>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::<anonymous union> (0xb644cb80) 0
-Class QList<int>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int> (0xb644cb00) 0
 Vtable for QSignalSpy
 QSignalSpy::_ZTV10QSignalSpy: 14u entries
@@ -2720,43 +1994,11 @@ QTestEventLoop (0xb644cd80) 0
   QObject (0xb644cdc0) 0
       primary-for QTestEventLoop (0xb644cd80)
-Class QPointer<QTestEventLoop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QTestEventLoop> (0xb644ce80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb644cfc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb644c1c0) 0
-Class QList<int>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::Node (0xb644c340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> > (0xb644c600) 0 empty
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node (0xb644c740) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb644c840) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb644c8c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 25081ae..d0070d1 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f3fd80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f3fdc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f3fe80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f3fec0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f3ff40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f3ff80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb77e1040) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb77e1080) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77e1340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77e1400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77e1440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77e1480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77e14c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77e1500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77e1540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77e1580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77e15c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77e1600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77e1640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77e1680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77e16c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77e1700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77e1740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77e1780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb77e17c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77e18c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77e1900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77e1940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77e1980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77e19c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77e1a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77e1a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77e1a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77e1ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77e1b00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77e1b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77e1b80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77e1bc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77e1cc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb77e1d00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb77e1ec0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77e1f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7321000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7321300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7321340) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb7321380) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb7321580) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb7321680) 0
   QString (0xb73216c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb7321700) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb7321a40) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb7321dc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb7321d40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb73214c0) 0
   QObject (0xb7321500) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb73214c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb7321840) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb7321c00) 0
   QObject (0xb7321e40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb7321c00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6f45000) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6f450c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6f45100) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6f45140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6f45200) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6f45180) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6f45240) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6f45280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6f45300) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6f45340) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6f456c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6f45700) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6f45c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6f45d00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6f45d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6f45e00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6f45e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6f45f00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb6f45f40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6f45fc0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6f45080) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6f45f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f45440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f45580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f45ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f45c80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f45cc0) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6f45dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6f45e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6f45ec0) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6d06000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6d060c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6d06080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d06040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d06100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d06180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d06140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d061c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d06240) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d06200) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d06280) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d062c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d06300) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6d06580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6d06780) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6d06800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6d06a00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6d06dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6d06e00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6d06e40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6b3f040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6b3f280) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6b3f2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6b3f500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6b3f640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6b3f740) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6b3f780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6b3f840) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6b3f880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6b3f8c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6b3f900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6b3f940) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6b3fcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6b3fd00) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6b3fe40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6b3fec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6b3ff00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6b3ff40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6b3f080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6b3f0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6b3f100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6b3f140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6b3f180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6b3f1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6b3f200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6b3f240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6b3f300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6b3f340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6b3f380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6b3f3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6b3f400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6b3f440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6b3f480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6b3f4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6b3f680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6b3f6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6b3f700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6b3f7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6b3f800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6b3fb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb67b0000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb67b0040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb67b0080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb67b00c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb67b0100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb67b0140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb67b0180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb67b01c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb67b0200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb67b0240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb67b0280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb67b02c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb67b0300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb67b0340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb67b0380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb67b03c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb67b0400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb67b0440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb67b0480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb67b04c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb67b0500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb67b0540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb67b0580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb67b05c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb67b0600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb67b0640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb67b0680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb67b06c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb67b0700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb67b0740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb67b0780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb67b07c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb67b0800) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb67b0a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb67b0ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb67b0bc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb67b0b40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb67b0cc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb67b0c40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb67b0d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb67b0dc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb67b0e00) 0
   QObject (0xb67b0e40) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb67b0e00)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb67b0f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67b0f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67b0f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb67b0fc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb67b0a00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb67b0e80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb67b0a40) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb668f000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb668f040) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb668f080) 0
     QObject (0xb668f100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb668f0c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb668f180) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb668f300) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb668f340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb668f380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb668f440) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb668f3c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb668f480) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb668f500) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb668f580) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb668f7c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb668f880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb668f8c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb668fa40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb668fb00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb668fc40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb668fb80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb668fd80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb668fd00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb668fe40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb668ff00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb64cf0c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64cf140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb64cf100) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64cf1c0) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb64cf200) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64cf280) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb64cf580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb64cf5c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb64cf6c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb64cf700) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb64cf740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb64cf7c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb64cfc40) 0
   QObject (0xb64cfc80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb64cfc40)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb64cfd80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb64cfe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb64cfec0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb64cff80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb6448000) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb6448080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb64480c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2669,35 +1959,15 @@ QTestEventLoop (0xb6448380) 0
   QObject (0xb64483c0) 0
       primary-for QTestEventLoop (0xb6448380)
-Class QPointer<QTestEventLoop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QTestEventLoop> (0xb6448480) 0
 Class QTestData
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTestData (0xb6448740) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union> (0xb64489c0) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6448940) 0
-Class QList<int>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::<anonymous union> (0xb6448b80) 0
-Class QList<int>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int> (0xb6448b00) 0
 Vtable for QSignalSpy
 QSignalSpy::_ZTV10QSignalSpy: 14u entries
@@ -2725,38 +1995,10 @@ QSignalSpy (0xb6448a00) 0
       primary-for QSignalSpy (0xb6448a00)
   QList<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6448a80) 8
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb6448cc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb6448d40) 0
-Class QList<int>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::Node (0xb6448dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6448e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node (0xb6448ec0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb6448f40) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb6448fc0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index e19076b..e8a5071 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtTest.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb79373fc) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7937438) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7d96b80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb79374b0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb79375dc) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7937618) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7d96d40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7937690) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7949a8c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7949c6c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7949d5c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7949e4c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7949f3c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb795e03c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb795e12c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb795e21c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb795e30c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb795e3fc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb795e4ec) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb795e5dc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb795e6cc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb795e7bc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb795e8ac) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb795e99c) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb797e99c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb79a8654) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6c2e21c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6c7a30c) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb6c7a5a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb6c7aec4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb6ac47f8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb6acf12c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb6acfa50) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb6ae2384) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb6ae2ca8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb6af65dc) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb6af6f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb6b0a834) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb6b18168) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb6b18a8c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb6b2f3c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb6b2fe4c) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb6991078) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb68aeb40) 0
   QString (0xb68f84b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb68f87bc) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb695de88) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb681612c) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6808474) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6827780) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6827708) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb6855040) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb684b99c) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb684be88) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb684bca8) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb6870000) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb6863f78) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb66a6ec0) 0
   QObject (0xb66bf000) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb66a6ec0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb66db2d0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb671921c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb673ca14) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb673cb04) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6749078) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6749000) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb671afc0) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb67490b4) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6764e10) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb677c03c) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb65a2258) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb65a2e4c) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6479780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6479834) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65087bc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb65088ac) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6508834) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6508924) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb650899c) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6508a14) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6508a8c) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6508ac8) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6559258) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb637e100) 0
   QTextStream (0xb65789d8) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb637e100)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6389438) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb63894b0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb63893c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6389528) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63895a0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6389618) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6389690) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6389708) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6389780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63897f8) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6389834) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6389960) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb63898e8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63898ac) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63899d8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6389ac8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6389a50) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6389b40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6389c30) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6389bb8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6389ce4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6389d5c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6389dd4) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb62a7b7c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb62c07bc) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb62c0744) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb62c0b04) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb62c0c30) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb62ea2d0) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb62ea348) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb63067c0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb62eae88) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb63067c0)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb633a618) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb635e700) 0
   QObject (0xb635cca8) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb635e700)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb635ee00) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb635ee40) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb635ee00)
-    QObject (0xb63747bc) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb635ee40)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb61b9300) 0
   QRunnable (0xb61be7bc) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb61b9300)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb61befb4) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb61b9c80) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb61d2000) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb61b9e40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb61b9e80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb61d24b0) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb61b9e80)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb61d2f00) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb61d2f78) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb61ef12c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb61ef21c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb61ef294) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb61ef30c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb61ef384) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb61ef3fc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb61ef474) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb61ef4ec) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb61ef564) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb61ef5dc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb61ef654) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb61ef6cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb61ef744) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb61ef7bc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb61ef8ac) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb61ef924) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb61ef99c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb61efd20) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb61efd98) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb61efe88) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb61eff00) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb61eff78) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb62021a4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb62021e0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb620221c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb6202258) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb6202294) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb62022d0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb6202348) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb6202384) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb62023c0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb62023fc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb6202438) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb6202474) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb6202e4c) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb626a438) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb626a870) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb626aa8c) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb626ae88) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb60b3000) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb60b3168) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb60b3870) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb60de294) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb60e0e4c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb60e0ec4) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb610b1a4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb610b30c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb610b294) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb610b384) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb61658ac) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb6165b7c) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb5f68800) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb6165bb8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb6165bf4) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5f688c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb6165c30) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb6165e4c) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb600a744) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb600a780) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb600db80) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb600a7bc) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5e88438) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5ea7140) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5ea7180) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5e884b0) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5e883c0) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5e884ec) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5ea7300) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5e88528) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5e885dc) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5ea7500) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5ea7540) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5e88654) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5e88564) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5e88690) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5e88744) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5ea76c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5e886cc) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5f468e8) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5f54680) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5f59294) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5f54680)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5f54780) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5f59384) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5f54780)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5f597f8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5f59834) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5d75700) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5f59870) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5d75840) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5d75880) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5d75840)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5f598e8) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5d75880)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5d75900) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5d75940) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5d75900)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5f599d8) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5d75940)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5d8b780) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5dbce10) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5dbcec4) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5dbcf3c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5e44140) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5e3f294) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5e44140)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5e3f2d0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5e4ca00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5e5ce4c) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5e4ca00)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5e5ce88) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5e50840) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5c68870) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5e50840)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5e5cf78) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5c68870)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5e5cfb4) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5e50a00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5c70d20) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5e50a00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c712d0) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5c70d20)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5c7130c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5e50a80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5e50ac0) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5e50a80)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5c75640) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5e50ac0)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5c71474) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5c75640)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5c714b0) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5c71ec4) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5c854c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c81690) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5c854c0)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5c85580) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c81780) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5c85580)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5cb9dd4) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5d07ac0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5d07b00) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5d07ac0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5d0c3fc) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5d07b00)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5d07b40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d0c4ec) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5d07b40)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5d07bc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d0c5dc) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5d07bc0)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5d07c40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5d07c80) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5d07c40)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5d0c6cc) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5d07c80)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5d07d00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d0c7bc) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5d07d00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5d07d80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d0c8ac) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5d07d80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5d5adc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5d0c780) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5d5adc0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5d5ae00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5b7003c) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5d5ae00)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ba6a80) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ba6ac0) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5b70d20) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ba6ac0)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5b70f00) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ba6c00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ba6c40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5b70f3c) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ba6c40)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5bcc000) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5be54c0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5be5500) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5bcc564) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5be5500)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5be55c0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5be5600) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5bcc8e8) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5be5600)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb5bcc654) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5bcc99c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb5c114c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5bccfb4) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5c165a0) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c4d3c0 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c56cd0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c4d3c0) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c56cd0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c4d400) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5c165dc) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c4d400)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c4d440) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c4d400) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5c16870) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c4d740 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c63d70) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c4d740) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c63d70)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c4d780) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5c168ac) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c4d780)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c4d7c0) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c4d780) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb5a7803c) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb5c16960) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb5c16690) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb5c16000) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb5a783fc) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb5a78c6c) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb59950f0) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb5997500) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5988a40) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb5997500)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb59952d0) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5988a40)
-  QRunnable (0xb599530c) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb5988ac0) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb5997910) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb5988ac0)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5988b00) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb5997910)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb59954b0) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb5988b00)
-    QRunnable (0xb59954ec) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb58ebe40) 0
     QObject (0xb58fa834) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb58ebe80)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb59281a4) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb5928d5c) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb594b3fc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb594b708) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb595c474) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb595c3fc) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb595c564) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb577eac8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb577ebb8) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb57ace88) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb57bbf78) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb57ec12c) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb57ec924) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb58508e8) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb5850960) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb58316cc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb5856168) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb58562d0) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb5664bb8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb5689000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb56891e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb56893c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb56895a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb5689780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb5689960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb5689b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb5689d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb5689f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb56930f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb56932d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb56934b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb5693690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb5693870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb5693a50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb5693c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb5693e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb5698000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb56981e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb56983c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb56985a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb5698780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb5698960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb5698b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb5698d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb5698f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb56a10f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb56a12d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb56a14b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb56a1690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb56a1870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb56a1a50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb56a1c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb56a1e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb56ab000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb56ab1e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb56ab3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb56ab5a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb56ab780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb56ab960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb56abb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb56abd20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb56abf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb56b00f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb56b02d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb56b04b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb56b0690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb56b0870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb56b0a50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb56b0c30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb56b0e10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb56b8000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb56b81e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb56b83c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb56b85a0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb56f603c) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb56eafb4) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb56f612c) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb56f60b4) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb57284b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb5728ac8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb5728ca8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb5728e88) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb5579f3c) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb5584e4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb55ac8e8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5576b00) 0
   QObject (0xb55bb744) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5576b00)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb55bbd5c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb55dc870) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb56033c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb56034b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5603bf4) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb5651d5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb545a4ec) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb54c312c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb54c35dc) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb54c36cc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb54c3b04) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb54c3f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb54d8258) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb551c800) 0
   QObject (0xb5536bb8) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb551c800)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb5545b04) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb537b0b4) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb537b744) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb537b438) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb5388c30) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb53d021c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb53d0f00) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb53ddf00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb540d8ac) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb540d99c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb5414f78) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb5421000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb5428708) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb54288e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb5440744) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb544f8e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb523d834) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb524f8ac) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb524fc6c) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb5271dd4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb527e7f8) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb530a744) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb531d834) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb51393c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb5142438) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb516021c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb517c0f0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb51b6ce4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb51da1e0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb50799d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb5082f78) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb50920b4) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb509203c) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb509212c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb5092b40) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb5092c6c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb50b2834) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb50b2960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb50c68e8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4461,25 +2648,9 @@ Class QXmlStreamWriter
    base size=4 base align=4
 QXmlStreamWriter (0xb50f71a4) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::<anonymous union> (0xb50f77f8) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> > (0xb50f7780) 0
-Class QList<int>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::<anonymous union> (0xb50f7a50) 0
-Class QList<int>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int> (0xb50f79d8) 0
 Vtable for QSignalSpy
 QSignalSpy::_ZTV10QSignalSpy: 14u entries
@@ -4537,58 +2708,14 @@ QTestEventLoop (0xb4f8b700) 0
   QObject (0xb4fa40f0) 0
       primary-for QTestEventLoop (0xb4f8b700)
-Class QPointer<QTestEventLoop>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QPointer<QTestEventLoop> (0xb4fb21a4) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb4fff99c) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb5014f3c) 0
-Class QList<int>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<int>::Node (0xb4e9f690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QList<QVariant> > (0xb4e9f870) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb4ed9d5c) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb4ed9dd4) 0
-Class QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QList<QVariant> >::Node (0xb4f0bec4) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb4d335a0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb4d336cc) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::Node (0xb4d33e10) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
index d131c87..83a6e88 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.aix-gcc-power32.txt
@@ -53,65 +53,20 @@ Class QBool
    size=1 align=1
 QBool (0x300b7280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x300cd9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x300cdf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x300d4540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x300d4b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x300e00c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x300e0680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x300e0c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x300eb200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x300eb7c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x300ebd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x300f8340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x300f8900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x300f8ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30104480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30104a40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -125,9 +80,6 @@ Class QChar
    size=2 align=2
 QChar (0x30148980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30185980) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -142,13 +94,7 @@ Class sigset_t
    size=8 align=4
 sigset_t (0x3026ad80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30271540) 0
 Class fsid_t
    size=8 align=4
@@ -158,21 +104,9 @@ Class fsid64_t
    size=16 align=8
 fsid64_t (0x30271c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=52 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302780c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=112 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x302787c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=208 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30278b40) 0
 Class _quad
    size=8 align=4
@@ -186,17 +120,11 @@ Class adspace_t
    size=68 align=4
 adspace_t (0x30281e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x302865c0) 0
 Class label_t
    size=100 align=4
 label_t (0x30286d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3028b780) 0
 Class sigset
    size=8 align=4
@@ -238,57 +166,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    size=8 align=4
 QByteRef (0x302b7540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30423740) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30431080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30431340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x3042cc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30442080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30431a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30448800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x3046af00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x3046e200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x304422c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30474f80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30479700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30479a40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -306,9 +195,6 @@ Class QString
    size=4 align=4
 QString (0x300a1f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x303cf2c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -323,9 +209,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x300b7640) 0
   QString (0x300b7680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x303901c0) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -335,9 +218,6 @@ Class QListData
    size=4 align=4
 QListData (0x300732c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x302fb500) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -360,13 +240,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x303bab80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x30120bc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x302cc980) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -385,21 +259,12 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3036a6c0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x3036a700) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x3009b300) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
 QMetaObject (0x3058c900) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30170600) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30166f00) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4 entries
@@ -487,9 +352,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30365880) 0
   QObject (0x301e4440) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30365880)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x301ebec0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4 entries
@@ -507,38 +369,20 @@ Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
 QRegExp (0x303baa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x30148180) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x3012d8c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x30104900) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString> (0x30104380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
 QStringList (0x303bab00) 0
   QList<QString> (0x300c3280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x301046c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x300eba00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x300eb980) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5 entries
@@ -664,9 +508,6 @@ Class QMapData
    size=72 align=4
 QMapData (0x304b4140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3052cd00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4 entries
@@ -680,9 +521,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x3050bbc0) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x305082c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -767,41 +605,20 @@ QFile (0x3057c8c0) 0
     QObject (0x3057c980) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x3057c900)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x3058a380) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
 QFileInfo (0x304b0580) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x304927c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x30390480) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x301dfa40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x301df900) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
 QDir (0x304b03c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x30365600) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x303ac7c0) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35 entries
@@ -846,9 +663,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x3057c7c0) 0
     vptr=((&QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 8)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x3031a080) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5 entries
@@ -910,73 +724,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
 QMetaType (0x30079000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x3011fb00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x3013d480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint_t> (0x30148440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x3015dfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x301937c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x301a18c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x301a5d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x301ad500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x301add00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x301b22c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x301b2b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong_t> (0x301b6640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort_t> (0x301b6fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar_t> (0x301b9600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x301b9c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x301c1740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x301d7f80) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -998,69 +761,24 @@ Class QVariant
    size=16 align=8
 QVariant (0x30166c00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x3057e500) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x302acd80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x302ed8c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x302b7980) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x30225880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x303e8900) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303dab00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f70c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=76 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303f7880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fc640) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303fcc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=36 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30414f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30486d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30492400) 0
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1102,77 +820,41 @@ Class localeinfo_table
    size=36 align=4
 localeinfo_table (0x303d9cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=108 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x304dc500) 0
 Class _LC_charmap_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_charmap_objhdl (0x304dcc80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=92 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561040) 0
 Class _LC_monetary_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_monetary_objhdl (0x305614c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30561800) 0
 Class _LC_numeric_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_numeric_objhdl (0x30561d00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=56 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083180) 0
 Class _LC_resp_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_resp_objhdl (0x300838c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=248 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30083c40) 0
 Class _LC_time_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_time_objhdl (0x3012c400) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=10 align=2
-<anonymous struct> (0x3012cc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301df5c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x303acac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=104 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30504a00) 0
 Class _LC_collate_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_collate_objhdl (0x301bfb80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x301e8b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=80 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x305a0100) 0
 Class _LC_ctype_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1186,17 +868,11 @@ Class _LC_locale_objhdl
    size=12 align=4
 _LC_locale_objhdl (0x303da600) 0
-Class _LC_object_handle::<anonymous union>
-   size=12 align=4
-_LC_object_handle::<anonymous union> (0x305911c0) 0
 Class _LC_object_handle
    size=20 align=4
 _LC_object_handle (0x30591080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x3031ed80) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14 entries
@@ -1271,13 +947,7 @@ Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
 QUrl (0x302256c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x306df180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x307c8900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14 entries
@@ -1303,9 +973,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x30802000) 0
   QObject (0x30802040) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x30802000)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x30803740) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27 entries
@@ -1348,17 +1015,11 @@ Class QModelIndex
    size=16 align=4
 QModelIndex (0x3049cc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x304eb5c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x3049cb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x3002e700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42 entries
@@ -1524,9 +1185,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    size=4 align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x307fe180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x30803300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4 entries
@@ -1612,17 +1270,11 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x30379340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x30880740) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x303793c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3088be80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1632,9 +1284,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    size=8 align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x30379540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x308a3780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17 entries
@@ -1902,9 +1551,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    size=8 align=4
 QBitRef (0x305a6140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x30864700) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1922,65 +1568,41 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    size=1 align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30893ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30897f00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
 QDate (0x301eb4c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x300ebe80) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
 QTime (0x301f1e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x30368c00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
 QDateTime (0x304b0440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x304d4880) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
 QPoint (0x301f9d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x307b9180) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
 QPointF (0x30200880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x307efcc0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
 QLine (0x301eb540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x3098afc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
 QLineF (0x301eb600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x30a335c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1990,41 +1612,26 @@ Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
 QLocale (0x301eb800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x30822c80) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
 QSize (0x30200a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x30864400) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
 QSizeF (0x30209200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x30a33a80) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
 QRect (0x30213780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x30aad700) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
 QRectF (0x302138c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x30a1fdc0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2127,13 +1734,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    size=16 align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x301d1980) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x304fb8c0) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x304ffa00) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4 entries
@@ -2147,13 +1748,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes (0x307b61c0) 0
     vptr=((&QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes) + 8)
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x30b26cc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x304fb880) 0
 Vtable for QXmlInputSource
 QXmlInputSource::_ZTV15QXmlInputSource: 11 entries
@@ -2458,11 +2053,5 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x307b62c0) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x30aefe40) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((&QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x30120ac0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x301dfa00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
index be980d5..1e5b2a2 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-amd64.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x2aaaac211070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x2aaaac211f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x2aaaac226230) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x2aaaac2264d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x2aaaac226770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x2aaaac226a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaac226cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x2aaaac226f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x2aaaac238230) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x2aaaac2384d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaac238770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x2aaaac238a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x2aaaac238cb0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x2aaaac238f50) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x2aaaac249230) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x2aaaac2494d0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x2aaaac249700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x2aaaac2767e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x2aaaac276bd0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x2aaaac301000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x2aaaac3013f0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x2aaaac3017e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x2aaaac301bd0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x2aaaac347000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x2aaaac3473f0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x2aaaac3477e0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x2aaaac347bd0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x2aaaac393000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x2aaaac3933f0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x2aaaac393e00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x2aaaac393e70) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaac3c5700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=32 align=8
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x2aaaac3fc380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x2aaaac4343f0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QByteRef (0x2aaaac555a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x2aaaac5e4a80) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -291,10 +171,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=8 base align=8
 QString (0x2aaaac5e4d90) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x2aaaac674620) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=8 align=8
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x2aaaac8a98c0) 0
   QString (0x2aaaac8a9930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x2aaaac8a9e70) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=32 align=8
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=8 base align=8
 QListData (0x2aaaac8e4d90) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaca03cb0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QObject*> (0x2aaaaca03b60) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x2aaaaca8d150) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaaca8d1c0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaaca8d150)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x2aaaaca8dd20) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=128 base align=8
 QMapData (0x2aaaacb318c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x2aaaacc4e7e0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=32 align=8
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x2aaaacc4e540) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 16u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaacc890e0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray> (0x2aaaacc78f50) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=40 align=8
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=40 base align=8
 QTextDecoder (0x2aaaacc89e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc62a0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaccc6460) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc6380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc6540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc6620) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=40 align=8
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=16 base align=8
 __gconv_info (0x2aaaaccc6930) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc6af0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=72 align=8
-   base size=72 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaccc6a10) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=24 align=8
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=216 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x2aaaaccc6bd0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=8
-   base size=32 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x2aaaaccc6cb0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x2aaaaccc6d20) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x2aaaacd47000) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=40 align=8
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x2aaaace14a80) 0
     QObject (0x2aaaace14b60) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x2aaaace14af0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x2aaaace48930) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=8 base align=8
 QRegExp (0x2aaaace7b700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x2aaaace9f5b0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1048 align=8
    base size=1044 base align=8
 QStringMatcher (0x2aaaace9f7e0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaace9fd90) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString> (0x2aaaace9fc40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=8 align=8
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x2aaaace9fee0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x2aaaace9ff50) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x2aaaacefad90) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x2aaaacf1a150) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=8 base align=8
 QFileInfo (0x2aaaacf6eaf0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x2aaaacfad540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaacfad9a0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaacfd4150) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x2aaaacfd4000) 0
 Class QDir
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDir (0x2aaaacfd42a0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x2aaaacfd4540) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x2aaaacfd4770) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QUrl (0x2aaaad07a460) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2aaaad07a770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x2aaaad0d69a0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x2aaaad0f3000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x2aaaad0f3700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x2aaaad0f38c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned int> (0x2aaaad0f3a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x2aaaad0f3c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x2aaaad0f3e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x2aaaad10c000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x2aaaad10c1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x2aaaad10c380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x2aaaad10c540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x2aaaad10c700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x2aaaad10c8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long unsigned int> (0x2aaaad10ca80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short unsigned int> (0x2aaaad10cc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<unsigned char> (0x2aaaad10ce00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x2aaaad117000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x2aaaad1171c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x2aaaad117380) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=16 align=8
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x2aaaad1174d0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaad1aa690) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QVariant> (0x2aaaad1aa540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaad1aaa10) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x2aaaad1aa8c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x2aaaad21b380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x2aaaad21be00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1128,10 +796,6 @@ Class QFileEngine
 QFileEngine (0x2aaaad29d230) 0
     vptr=((& QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine) + 16u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x2aaaad29d620) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x2aaaad2d3ee0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x2aaaad2f70e0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x2aaaad4183f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2aaaad418bd0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x2aaaad447770) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2aaaad447f50) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x2aaaad479f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x2aaaad49b150) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x2aaaad4aea10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x2aaaad4d1000) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x2aaaad5000e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2aaaad5007e0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x2aaaad534a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2aaaad534c40) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x2aaaad5868c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2aaaad5ba690) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x2aaaad647230) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2aaaad6771c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=12 base align=8
 QBitRef (0x2aaaad7ea380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2aaaad7eaf50) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=8 base align=8
 QLocale (0x2aaaad920070) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2aaaad920af0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x2aaaad9cc1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x2aaaad9ee380) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x2aaaad9ee5b0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2aaaada120e0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QDateTime (0x2aaaada12310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2aaaada12f50) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x2aaaada9aa80) 0
   QObject (0x2aaaada9aaf0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x2aaaada9aa80)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x2aaaada9aee0) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=24 base align=8
 QModelIndex (0x2aaaadb22f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x2aaaadb4c1c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=8 align=8
    base size=8 base align=8
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x2aaaadb4c700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x2aaaadb4c930) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2aaaadbcfcb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x2aaaadc1e850) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaMethod (0x2aaaadc5d690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2aaaadc5da80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=16 align=8
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaEnum (0x2aaaadc5dcb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x2aaaadc7f150) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=32 align=8
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=12 base align=8
 QMetaClassInfo (0x2aaaadc7f4d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2aaaadc7f8c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2169,15 +1749,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=32 base align=8
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x2aaaaddbbee0) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2aaaaddee230) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x2aaaaddee0e0) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -2507,28 +2079,8 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x2aaaade8e4e0) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x2aaaade8d3f0) 40 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 536u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x2aaaadf6e540) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QString>::Node (0x2aaaadfaa620) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x2aaaae0e3ee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x2aaaae0f6850) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x2aaaae0f69a0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 3f5e15d..f881e61 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x4001ef40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x4001ed80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x40abc000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x40abc040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40abc080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40abc0c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40abc100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40abc140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40abc180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40abc1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40abc200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40abc240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40abc280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40abc2c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40abc300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40abc340) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40abc380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40abc540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40abc5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40abc640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40abc6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40abc740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40abc7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40abc840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40abc8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40abc940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40abc9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40abca40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40abcac0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40abcc00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40abcc40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40abce40) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x40abcf40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x40bd1000) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x40bd1700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x40bd1780) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,10 +176,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x40bd19c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x40bd1b00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -312,10 +188,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x40bd1cc0) 0
   QString (0x40bd1d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x40bd1d80) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -327,15 +199,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x40bd1e80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x40e772c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x40e77200) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -427,10 +291,6 @@ QIODevice (0x40e77500) 0
   QObject (0x40e77540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x40e77500)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x40e77680) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -455,10 +315,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x40e77780) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x40e77d40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -483,15 +339,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x40e77c40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x40e77fc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x40e77f00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -503,30 +351,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x40e773c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e77700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x40e77cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e77a80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x40e77d80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41066000) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -548,15 +376,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x41066100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x41066180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x41066140) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -568,10 +388,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x41066200) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41066240) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -586,10 +402,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x41066280) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x410663c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -680,10 +492,6 @@ QFile (0x41066b00) 0
     QObject (0x41066b80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x41066b40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x41066c80) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -736,25 +544,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x41066e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x41066ec0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x41066f00) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x410665c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x41066f80) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -762,15 +558,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x41066780) 0
   QList<QString> (0x41066bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x411761c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x41176240) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -864,145 +652,45 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x411766c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x41176740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x41176780) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x411768c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x41176800) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x41176900) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x411769c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x41176a80) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x41176b00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x41176c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x41176c40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x41176c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x41176d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x41176d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x41176d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x41176dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x41176e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x41176e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x41176e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x41176ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x41176f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x41176f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x41176f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x41176fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x41176500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x41176640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x412a1000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x412a1040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x412a1080) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1029,35 +717,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x412a10c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x412a1680) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x412a15c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x412a1800) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x412a1740) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x412a1a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x412a1b40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1142,10 +810,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x412a1e00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x412a1f00) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1162,90 +826,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x412a1200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x412a1280) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x413ad340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x413ad780) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x413ad840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x413adc80) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x413add80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x413addc0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x413adec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x413adf40) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x413ad380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x413ad880) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x413adb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x414e2280) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x414e2480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x414e2680) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x414e2780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x414e2900) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1262,10 +890,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x414e2f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x414e2fc0) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1287,40 +911,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x416e3100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x416e3140) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x416e32c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x416e3440) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x416e3480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x416e3600) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x416e3640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x416e3780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1480,10 +1088,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x416e3f00) 0
   QObject (0x416e3f40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x416e3f00)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x416e3380) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1575,20 +1179,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x417fa100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x417fa200) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x417fa280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x417fa340) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1808,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x417fa900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x417fa9c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1906,20 +1498,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x417fad00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x417fad80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x417fadc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x417fae40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1931,10 +1515,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x417faec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x417faf40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2169,15 +1749,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x418f6d80) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x418f6f00) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x418f6e40) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -2507,28 +2079,8 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x419d1ec4) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x4199ca40) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x41a49280) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x41a49940) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x41ac9c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x41ac9dc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x41ac9e80) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 051635f..b656a27 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,145 +59,37 @@ Class QBool
    base size=1 base align=1
 QBool (0x30acd0e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30acd380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x30acd428) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x30acd4d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x30acd578) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x30acd620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x30acd6c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30acd770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x30acd818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x30acd8c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x30acd968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x30acda10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x30acdab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x30acdb60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x30acdc08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x30acdcb0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x30acdd20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x30b12230) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x30b122a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x30b12310) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x30b12380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x30b123f0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x30b12460) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x30b124d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x30b12540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x30b125b0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x30b12620) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x30b12690) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x30b12700) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -215,10 +107,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187980) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x30b12818) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x30b129d8) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -235,10 +123,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x30b12ab8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30b12b60) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -271,10 +155,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30c20700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30c20a48) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -296,20 +176,12 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x30c20cb0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30d67000) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QCharRef (0x30d67038) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30d67968) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -321,15 +193,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30d67b60) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30e98070) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30d67dc8) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -421,10 +285,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187b80) 0
   QObject (0x30e98508) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187b80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30e986c8) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -449,30 +309,10 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x30e98af0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30e98310) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x30fa6000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30e98888) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30fa6070) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x30fa60e0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -494,15 +334,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x30fa6230) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x30fa6310) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x30fa62a0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -514,10 +346,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x30fa6380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x30fa63f0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -532,10 +360,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x30fa6428) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x30fa65e8) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -596,10 +420,6 @@ QFile (0x30187d00) 0
     QObject (0x30fa6b60) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x30187d40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x30fa6ce8) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -652,25 +472,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x30fa6e38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x30fa6ea8) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x30fa6f18) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x3106c038) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x30fa6c40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -770,130 +578,42 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x3106c818) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x3106c888) 0 empty
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x3106c930) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x3106ca48) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x3106cab8) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x3106cb60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x3106cc78) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x3106cd20) 0
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x3106cd58) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x3106ce38) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x3106cea8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x3106cf18) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x3106cf88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x3106c690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x31130000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x31130070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x311300e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x31130150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x311301c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x31130230) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x311302a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x31130310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x31130380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x311303f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x31130460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x311304d0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -920,35 +640,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x31130508) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31130a80) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x311309d8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31130c40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31130b98) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31130e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31130f18) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1033,10 +733,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x311e10e0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x311e1268) 0
 Class QHashData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1053,90 +749,54 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x311e1460) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x311e14d0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x311e1b98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x311e1f88) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x311e1c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x312bb118) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x312bb2d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x312bb348) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x312bb498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x312bb540) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x312bb6c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x312bba48) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x312bbcb0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x312bb070) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x312bbf88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x3136e1c0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x3136e3f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x3136e578) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1153,10 +813,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x3136efc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x3136e498) 0 empty
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1178,40 +834,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x314a0540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x314a05b0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x314a07a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x314a0968) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x314a09d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x314a0b60) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x314a0bd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x314a0d20) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1286,10 +926,6 @@ QTextCodecPlugin (0x311a3280) 0
     QFactoryInterface (0x315e6038) 8 nearly-empty
         primary-for QTextCodecFactoryInterface (0x311a32c0)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x315e6460) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1409,10 +1045,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x311a33c0) 0
   QObject (0x315e69a0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x311a33c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x315e6b28) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1489,20 +1121,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x315e6f88) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x3166e150) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x3166e1f8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x3166e310) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1722,10 +1346,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x3166e9d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x3166eab8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1820,20 +1440,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x3166eee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x3166ef88) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x3166e268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x3166e700) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1845,10 +1457,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x3166ebd0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x3170a000) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2083,15 +1691,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x3170ad20) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x3170aea8) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x3170ae00) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -2421,18 +2021,6 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x31827348) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x317eef88) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x318e9a10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x3190b658) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x3190b700) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index cc77fee..fae8d3c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.0.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -59,75 +59,19 @@ Class QBool
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBool (0x7c43c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x7c4700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x7c47c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x7c4880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x7c4940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x7c4a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x7c4ac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x7c4b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x7c4c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x7c4d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x7c4dc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x7c4e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x7c4f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x7c4080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x809080) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -144,10 +88,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x809380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x809480) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -160,10 +100,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x809840) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x809880) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x809b00) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -245,70 +181,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xed4780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xed4b40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xff6000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xff6080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xff6100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xff6180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xff6200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xff6280) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xff6300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xff6380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xff6400) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xff6480) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xff6500) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xff6580) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -335,10 +219,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xff6cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1188100) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -351,10 +231,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1188d00) 0
   QString (0x1188d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1188e40) 0 empty
 Class QListData::Data
    size=24 align=4
@@ -366,10 +242,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12bd080) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x12bd680) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -394,15 +266,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x12bd500) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x12bd9c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x12bd900) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -425,25 +289,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x12bdc00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x12bdc40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x12bdf00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x12bde80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x14060c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1406000) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -535,10 +387,6 @@ QIODevice (0x1406700) 0
   QObject (0x1406740) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x1406700)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1406980) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -558,25 +406,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x14063c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1509140) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x15091c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x15093c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1509300) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -584,15 +420,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x1509480) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15094c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1509980) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1509a00) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -748,10 +576,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1686240) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1686500) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -842,50 +666,22 @@ QFile (0x17170c0) 0
     QObject (0x1717140) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x1717100)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1717300) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1717340) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1717400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1717480) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1717640) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1717580) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1717700) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1717840) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1717900) 0
 Vtable for QFileEngine
 QFileEngine::_ZTV11QFileEngine: 35u entries
@@ -945,10 +741,6 @@ Class QFileEngineHandler
 QFileEngineHandler (0x1717b40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QFileEngineHandler::_ZTV18QFileEngineHandler) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1717d00) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -999,90 +791,22 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1717f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1717240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1717c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x187c000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x187c080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x187c100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x187c180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x187c200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x187c280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x187c300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x187c380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x187c400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x187c480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x187c500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x187c580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x187c600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x187c680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x187c700) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1109,50 +833,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x187c740) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x187cdc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x187cd00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x187cfc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x187cf00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x192d0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x192d200) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x192d2c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x192d340) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x192d3c0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1230,15 +922,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x192dc80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x192de80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x192df00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1265,10 +949,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x192df80) 0
   QObject (0x192dfc0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x192df80)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1a23100) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1313,20 +993,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1a23340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1a23500) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1a235c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1a23700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1496,10 +1168,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1a23dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1a23ec0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1591,20 +1259,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1ae7840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1ae7900) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1ae7980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1ae7a40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1616,10 +1276,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1ae7b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1ae7bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1907,10 +1563,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1c363c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1c36500) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1932,80 +1584,48 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1c36740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1c367c0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1c36fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1d5a140) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1d5a1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1d5a380) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1d5a400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1d5a580) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d5a600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1d5aa80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1d5ac40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1d5a280) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d5a8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1d5a9c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1d5af00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1e22040) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2017,50 +1637,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e22600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1e22680) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1e227c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1e22bc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1e22e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1e22a80) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f4f240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1f4f400) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x1f4f680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x1f4f840) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2184,15 +1784,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x2148a80) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2148c40) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x2148b80) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -2522,28 +2114,8 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x2273900) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x223d280) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x22f9e40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x2319cc0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x23f8100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x23f8380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x23f8440) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index c759b33..eee8187 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x4001ee80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x4001ef40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x4001ef80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x4001efc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x40ac6000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x40ac6040) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x40ac6080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x40ac60c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x40ac6100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x40ac6140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x40ac6180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x40ac61c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x40ac6200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x40ac6240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x40ac6280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x40ac62c0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x40ac6300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x40ac64c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x40ac6540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x40ac65c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x40ac6640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x40ac66c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x40ac6740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x40ac67c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x40ac6840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x40ac68c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x40ac6940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x40ac69c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x40ac6a40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x40ac6b80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x40ac6bc0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x40ac6dc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x40ac6ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x40ac6f80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x40bde680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x40bde700) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x40bde940) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x40bdea80) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x40bdec40) 0
   QString (0x40bdec80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x40bded00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x40e6d180) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x40e6d5c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x40e6d500) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x40e6d800) 0
   QObject (0x40e6d840) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x40e6d800)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x40e6d980) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x40e6db40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x40e6db80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x41030100) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x41030700) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x41030600) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x41030980) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x410308c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x41030a40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030ac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x41030b40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030b80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030bc0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x41030cc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x41030d40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x41030d00) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0x41030dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x41030e00) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x41030e40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x41030f80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x4118a1c0) 0
   QTextStream (0x4118a200) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x4118a1c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x4118a3c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x4118a400) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x4118a380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a480) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a4c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a500) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,10 +485,6 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x4118a580) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a5c0) 0
 Class __sched_param
    size=4 align=4
@@ -721,45 +501,17 @@ Class __pthread_attr_s
    base size=36 base align=4
 __pthread_attr_s (0x4118a680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a6c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a700) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a740) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a780) 0
 Class _pthread_rwlock_t
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 _pthread_rwlock_t (0x4118a7c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a840) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x4118a880) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -830,10 +582,6 @@ QFile (0x4118adc0) 0
     QObject (0x4118ae40) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x4118ae00)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x4118af40) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -886,50 +634,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x4118ae80) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x412c9040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x412c9080) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x412c91c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x412c9100) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x412c9200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x412c9280) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x412c92c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x412c9400) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x412c9340) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -937,30 +657,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x412c9440) 0
   QList<QString> (0x412c9480) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x412c96c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x412c9740) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x412c9940) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x412c9a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x412c9a80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1017,10 +721,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x412c9ac0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x412c9c80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1175,110 +875,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x413da000) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x413da0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x413da100) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x413da140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x413da1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x413da200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x413da240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x413da280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x413da2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x413da300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x413da340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x413da380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x413da3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x413da400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x413da440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x413da480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x413da4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x413da500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x413da540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x413da580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x413da5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x413da600) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1305,35 +925,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x413da640) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x413dac00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x413dab40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x413dad80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x413dacc0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x413dafc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x413da900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1365,80 +965,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x414e3180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x414e35c0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x414e3680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x414e3ac0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x414e3bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x414e3c00) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x414e3d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x414e3d80) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x414e3e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x414e3340) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x414e36c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x414e3ec0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x415cf140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x415cf340) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x415cf440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x415cf5c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1455,10 +1023,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x415cfc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x415cfc80) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1475,40 +1039,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x415cfec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x415cff00) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x415cf280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x417e1000) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x417e1040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x417e11c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x417e1200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x417e1340) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1668,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x417e1ac0) 0
   QObject (0x417e1b00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x417e1ac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x417e1c40) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1763,20 +1307,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x417e1740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x417e1b80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x417e1cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x417e1ec0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1996,10 +1532,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x418d8580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x418d8640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2094,20 +1626,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x418d8980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x418d8a00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x418d8a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x418d8ac0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2119,10 +1643,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x418d8b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x418d8bc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2357,15 +1877,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x419c1a40) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x419c1bc0) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x419c1b00) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -2695,33 +2207,9 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x41a81288) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x41a67640) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x41aff100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x41aff480) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x41affb40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x41b7cbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x41b7cd00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x41b7cdc0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index b9691df..2da296a 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,145 +18,37 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x306d3188) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x306d3380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x306d3428) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x306d34d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x306d3578) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x306d3620) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x306d36c8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x306d3770) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x306d3818) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x306d38c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x306d3968) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x306d3a10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x306d3ab8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x306d3b60) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x306d3c08) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x306d3cb0) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x306d3d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x3071c230) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x3071c2a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x3071c310) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x3071c380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x3071c3f0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x3071c460) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x3071c4d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x3071c540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x3071c5b0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x3071c620) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x3071c690) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x3071c700) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -174,10 +66,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x30187ac0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x3071c818) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x3071c9d8) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -194,10 +82,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x3071cab8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x3071cb60) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -230,10 +114,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30c41850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30c41b98) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -255,10 +135,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x30d89150) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30d89498) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -271,10 +147,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x30187d00) 0
   QString (0x30d89f18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30e71000) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -337,15 +209,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30e71738) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30e71c78) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30e71bd0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -437,10 +301,6 @@ QIODevice (0x30187dc0) 0
   QObject (0x30f7f000) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x30187dc0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30f7f1f8) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -470,10 +330,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30f7f930) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30f7f9a0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -485,10 +341,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x310610e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x310617a8) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -513,15 +365,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x31061658) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x31061a80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x310619d8) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -533,30 +377,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x31061b98) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31061c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x31061d20) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31061cb0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31061d90) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31061e00) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -578,15 +402,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x31061f50) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31061738) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31061fc0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -598,10 +414,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x31163000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31163070) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -616,10 +428,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x311630a8) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x311632d8) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -656,40 +464,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x30187fc0) 0
   QTextStream (0x31163850) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x30187fc0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x31163b28) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x31163b98) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x31163ab8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31163c08) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31163c78) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31163ce8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31163d58) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -701,70 +485,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x31163dc8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31163e38) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31163ea8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31163f88) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31163f18) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x31163230) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311ec038) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x311638f8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311ec0a8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x311ec188) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311ec118) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311ec1f8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311ec268) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x311ec2d8) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -835,10 +567,6 @@ QFile (0x312b3000) 0
     QObject (0x311ec8f8) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x312b3040)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x311eca80) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -891,50 +619,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x311ecbd0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x311ecc78) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x311ecce8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x311ece70) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x311ecdc8) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x311ecf18) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x31337038) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x313370a8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x31337268) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x313371c0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -942,30 +642,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x312b3140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x31337310) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x31337738) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x313377a8) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x31337ab8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x31337bd0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x31337c40) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1022,10 +706,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x31337c78) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x31337ea8) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1180,110 +860,30 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x313f7310) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x313f7498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x313f7508) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x313f7578) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x313f7690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x313f7738) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x313f77e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x313f7888) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x313f7930) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x313f79d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x313f7a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x313f7b28) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x313f7bd0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x313f7c78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x313f7d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x313f7dc8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x313f7e70) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x313f7f18) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x313f7fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x313f72a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x31471070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x31471118) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1310,35 +910,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x31471188) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31471738) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31471690) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x314718f8) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x31471850) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x31471ab8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x31471bd0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1370,80 +950,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x31471d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x31562348) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x31562540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x31562930) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x31562b60) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31562bd0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31562d20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31562dc8) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31562f50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x31562578) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x315fe0e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x315fe460) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x315fe7e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x315fe9d8) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x315fec08) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x315fed90) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1460,10 +1008,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x3173b508) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x3173b620) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1480,40 +1024,24 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x3173b930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x3173b9a0) 0 empty
 Class QDate
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x3173bb98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x3173bd58) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x3173bdc8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x3173bfc0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x3173bc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x3184d038) 0 empty
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -1673,10 +1201,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x312b3680) 0
   QObject (0x3184db98) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x312b3680)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x3184dd20) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1768,20 +1292,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x318f93f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x318f9578) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x318f95e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x318f9700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2001,10 +1517,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x318f9e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x318f9ee0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2099,20 +1611,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x319a10a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x319a1150) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x319a11c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x319a1268) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2124,10 +1628,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x319a1310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x319a13b8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2362,15 +1862,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x31a750a8) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x31a75230) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x31a75188) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -2700,33 +2192,9 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x31ad84b0) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x31ad51c0) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x31b580a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x31b587e0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x31b715e8) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x31bfa310) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x31bfa540) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x31bfa5e8) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index 71f1d15..917cda7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x62e640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x62e880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x62e940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x62ea00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x62eac0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x62eb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x62ec40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x62ed00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x62edc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x62ee80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x62ef40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x665000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x6650c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x665180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x665240) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x665540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x665640) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x665d40) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x665d80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xe07000) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xe07cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xeaf080) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xeaf540) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xeaf5c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xeaf640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xeaf6c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xeaf740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xeaf7c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xeaf840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xeaf8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xeaf940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xeaf9c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xeafa40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xeafac0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1056200) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1056640) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1172240) 0
   QString (0x1172280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1172380) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1172c40) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x126e180) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x126e000) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x126e4c0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x126e400) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x126e700) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x126e740) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x126ea00) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x126e980) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x126ec80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x126ebc0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13261c0) 0
   QObject (0x1326200) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13261c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1326440) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1326b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1326d00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1326d80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1326f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1326ec0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x13267c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x13f0000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x13f04c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x13f0540) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x1452280) 0
     QObject (0x1452300) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x14522c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x14524c0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1452500) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x14525c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1452640) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1452800) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1452740) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x14528c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1452a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x1452a80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1452ac0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x1452d80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x1582180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1582200) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1640600) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x16408c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1041,35 +829,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x175b340) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x175bb00) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x175bb80) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x175ba80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x175bc00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x175bc80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x175bd00) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1182,95 +950,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x17f5780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x17f58c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x17f5980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x17f5a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x17f5b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x17f5bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x17f5c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x17f5d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x17f5e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x17f5ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x17f5f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x17f5500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x189a040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x189a100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x189a1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x189a280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x189a340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x189a400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x189a4c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1297,50 +993,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x189a540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x189abc0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x189ab00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x189adc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x189ad00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x189a780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1952000) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x19520c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1952140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x19521c0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1418,15 +1082,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1952a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1952bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1952c40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1453,10 +1109,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1952cc0) 0
   QObject (0x1952d00) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1952cc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1952f00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1501,20 +1153,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1a23000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1a231c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1a23240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1a23380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1684,10 +1328,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1a23a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1a23b80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1779,20 +1419,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1abf540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1abf600) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1abf680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1abf740) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1804,10 +1436,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1abf800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1abf8c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2095,10 +1723,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1be2100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1be2240) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2110,70 +1734,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1be2440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1be2640) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1be26c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1be2900) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1be2980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1be2b00) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1be2b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1be2480) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1be2e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1c97340) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1c97640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1c976c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1c97840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1c97900) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2185,50 +1781,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1c97ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1c97f40) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1c97100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1dd11c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1dd1580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1dd1980) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1dd1e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1dd1fc0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x1dd18c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x1eae080) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2347,15 +1923,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x1fda040) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x1fda200) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x1fda140) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -2685,33 +2253,9 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x2043780) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x203b440) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x20c9680) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x20e8500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2138580) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x21a09c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x21a0c40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x21a0d00) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 05b19eb..ef1ff04 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -18,75 +18,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x7e8080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x7e82c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x7e8380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x7e8440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x7e8500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x7e85c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x7e8680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x7e8740) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x7e8800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x7e88c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x7e8980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x7e8a40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x7e8b00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x7e8bc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x7e8c80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -103,10 +47,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x7e8f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x84c080) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -119,10 +59,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0x84c480) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0x84c4c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x84c740) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -204,70 +140,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xf2a400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xf2a7c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xf2ac80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xf2ad00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xf2ad80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xf2ae00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xf2ae80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xf2af00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xf2af80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x1057000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x1057080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x1057100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x1057180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x1057200) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -294,10 +178,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1057940) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x1057d80) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -310,10 +190,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1224980) 0
   QString (0x12249c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1224ac0) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -376,10 +252,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12d7300) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x12d7900) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -404,15 +276,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x12d7780) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x12d7c40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x12d7b80) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -435,25 +299,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x12d7e80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x12d7ec0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x140d080) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x140d000) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x140d300) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x140d240) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -545,10 +397,6 @@ QIODevice (0x140d940) 0
   QObject (0x140d980) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x140d940)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x140dbc0) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -568,25 +416,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1505180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1505380) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1505400) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1505600) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1505540) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -594,15 +430,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x15056c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1505700) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1505bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1505c40) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -736,50 +564,22 @@ QFile (0x15b2f00) 0
     QObject (0x15b2f80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x15b2f40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x163a000) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x163a040) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x163a100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x163a180) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x163a340) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x163a280) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x163a400) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x163a540) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x163a5c0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -836,10 +636,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x163a600) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x163a8c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -913,10 +709,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x163adc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x163ae40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -941,10 +733,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x174fdc0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x174ffc0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1051,35 +839,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x1908d80) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1908e40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x1908ec0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x1908dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1908f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1908fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1908780) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1192,95 +960,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1952a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1952bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1952c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1952d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1952e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1952ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1952f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1952800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1a8f040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1a8f100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1a8f1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1a8f280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1a8f340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1a8f400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1a8f4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1a8f580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1a8f640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1a8f700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1a8f7c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1307,50 +1003,18 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1a8f840) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1a8fec0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1a8fe00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1a8fb80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1a8fa00) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1b2d240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1b2d380) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b2d440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b2d4c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b2d540) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1428,15 +1092,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1b2dd80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1b2df40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1b2dfc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1463,10 +1119,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1b2d100) 0
   QObject (0x1b2d800) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1b2d100)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1c34140) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1511,20 +1163,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1c34380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1c34540) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1c345c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1c34700) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1694,10 +1338,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1c34e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1c34f00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1789,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1d11900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1d119c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1d11a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1d11b00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1814,10 +1446,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1d11bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1d11c80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2105,10 +1733,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1e61440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1e61580) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2120,70 +1744,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e61780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1e61980) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e61a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1e61c40) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1e61cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1e61e40) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1e61ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1e61f80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1f06280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1f06700) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f06a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1f06a80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1f06c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1f06cc0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2195,50 +1791,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x202d040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x202d0c0) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x202d200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x202d600) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x202d9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x202ddc0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x202db00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2110000) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x2110280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2110440) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2357,15 +1933,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x22ca380) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x22ca540) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x22ca480) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -2695,33 +2263,9 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x2362a80) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x234c800) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x23ed9c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x240b840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x245e8c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x24c2d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x24c2f80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x24eb040) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index bc8d77b..9ffb7e3 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.1.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -18,80 +18,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xad5e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaeb680) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaeb800) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaeb980) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xaebb00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xaebc80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xaebe00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xaebf80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb07100) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb07280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb07400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb07580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb07700) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb07880) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb07a00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb07b80) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -108,10 +48,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb4d840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb71cc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -139,70 +75,18 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc34f80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd4bc40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd78100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd783c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd73c80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd8d100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd78a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xd949c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdc8140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdc8440) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xd8d340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xdd8180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xdd8940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdd8c80) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -229,10 +113,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xeac500) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xeac940) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -245,10 +125,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11e1880) 0
   QString (0x11e18c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11e1c00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -311,10 +187,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1279f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x137ce40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -339,15 +211,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xeac480) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x13c0140) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc3da40) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -370,25 +234,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x13fefc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1404000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1417700) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1404580) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1431f80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1431b80) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -480,10 +332,6 @@ QIODevice (0x137c700) 0
   QObject (0x14bb540) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x137c700)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x14bb840) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -503,25 +351,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xeac380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15884c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1588840) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1588d80) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1588c40) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -529,15 +365,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xeac400) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15b6000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1588ec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1588e80) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -666,50 +494,22 @@ QFile (0x169c840) 0
     QObject (0x169c8c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x169c880)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x16ab100) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x16d25c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x16d2f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1700e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x172a300) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x172a200) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x16d2440) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1758040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x172ac00) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -766,10 +566,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x169c740) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x17d7340) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -843,10 +639,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x182cc40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x182cd40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -871,10 +663,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1a78240) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1a78600) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -911,20 +699,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b06440) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b06480) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b06440)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b33680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b33800) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1b525c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1037,95 +813,23 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ce4bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QString> (0x1cfed40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<int> (0x1cfeec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uint> (0x1d11040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<bool> (0x1d111c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<double> (0x1d11340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QByteArray> (0x1d114c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QChar> (0x1d11640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void> (0x1d117c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<long int> (0x1d11940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<short int> (0x1d11ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<char> (0x1d11c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ulong> (0x1d11dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<ushort> (0x1d11f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<uchar> (0x1d2f0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<float> (0x1d2f240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QObject*> (0x1d2f3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QWidget*> (0x1d2f540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<void*> (0x1d2f6c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1152,35 +856,15 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x14318c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dcb540) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1d41dc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1dcb840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1d41e40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1d41000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1e31280) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1258,15 +942,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1d2ff80) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1ecc440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1efcf80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1293,10 +969,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1f2a600) 0
   QObject (0x1f2a640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1f2a600)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1f2a940) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1341,20 +1013,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1f62f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1f95b40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1f62ec0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1f95e80) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1524,10 +1188,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x2001d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x20443c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1620,20 +1280,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x13fe8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x20b3900) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x13fe940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x20b3f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1645,10 +1297,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x13fea40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x20e0640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -1941,10 +1589,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x222e640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x228d040) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1956,70 +1600,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1d2f900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x22cb900) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1d2fb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x22ee540) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x16d24c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2318300) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1d2fb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2318f40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1d2fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x2369180) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1d2f980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x238b600) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1d2fa00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x23b5b00) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2031,50 +1647,30 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1d2fa80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x2508300) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1d2fc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x2536480) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1d2fd00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x255b9c0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1d2fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x25c9440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1d2fe00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2648680) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2193,15 +1789,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x27dec40) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x27def00) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x27ded80) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -2531,33 +2119,9 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x27de200) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x286c5c0) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((&QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x13c0100) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x1588d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2a496c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x172a2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x2b13c00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x27deec0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index b363d19..6ce60a8 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f27bc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f27c00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f27cc0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f27d00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f27d80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f27dc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f27e80) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f27ec0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77f0140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77f0200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77f0240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77f0280) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77f02c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77f0300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77f0340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77f0380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77f03c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77f0400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77f0440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77f0480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77f04c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77f0500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77f0540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77f0580) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb77f05c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77f06c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77f0700) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77f0740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77f0780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77f07c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77f0800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77f0840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77f0880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77f08c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77f0900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77f0940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77f0980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77f09c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77f0a80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb77f0ac0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb77f0c80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77f0d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb77f0dc0) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb734e0c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb734e100) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb734e140) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb734e2c0) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb734e3c0) 0
   QString (0xb734e400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb734e440) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb734e740) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb734eac0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb734ea40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb734ec40) 0
   QObject (0xb734ec80) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb734ec40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb734ed40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb734eec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb734ef00) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0xb6eda3c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6eda940) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6eda880) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6edaa80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6edaa00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6edab00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6edab40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6edabc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6edab80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6edac00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6edac40) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6edad40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6edadc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6edad80) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6edae40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6edae80) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6edaec0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6edaf80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb6edaf40) 0
   QTextStream (0xb6e96000) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb6edaf40)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e960c0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e96100) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6e96080) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e96140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e96180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e961c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e96200) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,80 +492,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6e96280) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6e962c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e96300) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6e96340) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6e96400) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6e963c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e96380) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e96440) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e964c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e96480) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e96500) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6e96580) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e96540) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e965c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e96600) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6e96640) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -882,10 +580,6 @@ QFile (0xb6e96b00) 0
     QObject (0xb6e96b80) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6e96b40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6e96c00) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -938,50 +632,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6e96d80) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6e96dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6e96e00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e96ec0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb6e96e40) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb6e96f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6e96f40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6e96f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6e96ac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6e96fc0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -989,30 +655,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6e96bc0) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6e96d40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6c61040) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6c61080) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6c61140) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6c611c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6c61240) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1069,10 +719,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb6c61280) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6c61400) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1184,15 +830,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6c616c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6c61700) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6c61740) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1287,285 +925,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6c61a40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6c61ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6c61b00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6c61b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6c61c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6c61c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6c61c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6c61cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6c61d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6c61d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6c61d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6c61dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6c61e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6c61e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6c61e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6c61ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6c61f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6c61f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6c61f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6c61fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6c61380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6c61480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6c61540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6c61680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6c617c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6c61940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6c61a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb69b4000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb69b4040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb69b4080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb69b40c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb69b4100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb69b4140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb69b4180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb69b41c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb69b4200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb69b4240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb69b4280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb69b42c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb69b4300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb69b4340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb69b4380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb69b43c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb69b4400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb69b4440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb69b4480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb69b44c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb69b4500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb69b4540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb69b4580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb69b45c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb69b4600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb69b4640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb69b4680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb69b46c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb69b4700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb69b4740) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1592,45 +1010,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb69b4780) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb69b49c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb69b4a00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb69b4b00) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb69b4a80) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb69b4c00) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb69b4b80) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb69b4cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb69b4d40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1662,80 +1052,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb69b4f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb69b4900) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb69b4940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb69b48c0) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb69b4980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb69b4c80) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb69b4e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb69b4e40) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb69b4f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb69b4fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6924000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6924200) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb69242c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb69243c0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6924400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb69244c0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1752,10 +1110,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6924880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb69248c0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1772,30 +1126,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6924b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6924c00) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6924c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6924d00) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6924d40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6924e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1323,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb6924bc0) 0
   QObject (0xb6924c80) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb6924bc0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb6924d80) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1429,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb677f400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb677f440) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb677f480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb677f500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2324,10 +1654,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb677f980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb677f9c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2422,20 +1748,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb677fc40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb677fc80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb677fcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb677fd00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2447,10 +1765,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb677fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb677fdc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2507,10 +1821,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb677ff00) 0
   QObject (0xb677ff40) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb677ff00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb677ffc0) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2558,10 +1868,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb677f4c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb677f6c0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2573,20 +1879,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb677f7c0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb677f940) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb677f880) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb677fb40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2705,15 +2003,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0xb64da840) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb64da940) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb64da8c0) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -3043,33 +2333,9 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0xb655e730) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0xb64dac00) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb63dd040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0xb63dd0c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb63dd140) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb63dd1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb63dd240) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0xb63dd2c0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 2ae5af6..f61b3d2 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.linux-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x30592150) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x305921c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x3001b9c0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x30592310) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x305923f0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x30592460) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x3001ba40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x305925b0) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x30592930) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x30592b28) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x30592bd0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x30592c78) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0x30592d20) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x30592dc8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0x30592e70) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x30592f18) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0x30592fc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x305c1070) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0x305c1118) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0x305c11c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0x305c1268) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x305c1310) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x305c13b8) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0x305c1460) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0x305c14d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0x305c19a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0x305c1a10) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0x305c1a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0x305c1af0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0x305c1b60) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0x305c1bd0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0x305c1c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0x305c1cb0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0x305c1d20) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0x305c1d90) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0x305c1e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x305c1e70) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x305c1ee0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x3001bb80) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x30aac000) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x30aac1c0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x30aac2a0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x30aac348) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0x30b920a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0x30b923f0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0x30b92498) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x30b926c8) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x3001bdc0) 0
   QString (0x30d0d850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x30d0d930) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -374,15 +216,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x30d0dd20) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x30db04d0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x30db0428) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -474,10 +308,6 @@ QIODevice (0x3001be80) 0
   QObject (0x30db09a0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x3001be80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x30db0b98) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -507,10 +337,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x30edb1c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x30edb230) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -522,10 +348,6 @@ Class QMapData
    base size=72 base align=4
 QMapData (0x30edba80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x310330a8) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -550,15 +372,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x30edbfc0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x31033380) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x310332d8) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -570,30 +384,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0x31033498) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31033540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0x31033620) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310335b0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31033690) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x31033700) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -615,15 +409,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0x31033850) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x31033930) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310338c0) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -635,10 +421,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=152 base align=8
 _IO_FILE (0x310339a0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x31033a10) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -653,10 +435,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x31033a48) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x31033c78) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -693,40 +471,16 @@ QTextOStream (0x310ae080) 0
   QTextStream (0x310e1118) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x310ae080)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x310e13f0) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x310e1460) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x310e1380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310e14d0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310e1540) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x310e15b0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310e1620) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -738,70 +492,18 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0x310e1690) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x310e1700) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310e1770) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310e1850) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310e17e0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310e18c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310e19a0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=8
-   base size=48 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0x310e1930) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310e1a10) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0x310e1af0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310e1a80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310e1b60) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310e1bd0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0x310e1c40) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -872,10 +574,6 @@ QFile (0x310ae0c0) 0
     QObject (0x311964d0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x310ae100)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x31196658) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -928,50 +626,22 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x311967a8) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x31196850) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x311968c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x31196a48) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x311969a0) 0
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x31196af0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x31196ce8) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x31196d58) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x31196f18) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x31196e70) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -979,30 +649,14 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x310ae200) 0
   QList<QString> (0x31196fc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x312dd348) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x312dd3b8) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x312dd6c8) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x312dd7e0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x312dd888) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1059,10 +713,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x312dd8c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x312ddb28) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1174,15 +824,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x312ddee0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x312ddf88) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x312ddc40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1277,285 +919,65 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x313d8348) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x313d84d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x313d8540) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x313d85b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x313d8770) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x313d8818) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0x313d88c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x313d8968) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x313d8a10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x313d8ab8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x313d8b60) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x313d8c08) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x313d8cb0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x313d8d58) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0x313d8e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0x313d8ea8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0x313d8f50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x313d8070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x31457000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x314570a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x31457150) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0x314571f8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0x314572a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x31457348) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x314573f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x31457498) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x31457540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x314575e8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x31457690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x31457738) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x314577e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x31457888) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x31457930) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x314579d8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x31457a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x31457b28) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x31457bd0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x31457c78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x31457d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x31457dc8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x31457e70) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x31457f18) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x31457fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x31471070) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x31471118) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x314711c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x31471268) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x31471310) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x314713b8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x31471460) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x31471508) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x314715b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x31471658) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x31471700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x314717a8) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x31471850) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x314718f8) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1582,45 +1004,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x31471968) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0x31471e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0x31471ea8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x31471bd0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x31471fc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x314d8150) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x314d80a8) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x314d8268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x314d8380) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1652,80 +1046,48 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x314d88c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x314d8cb0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x314d8ea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x314d8ab8) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x315910a8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x31591118) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x31591268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x31591310) 0 empty
 Class QSize
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x31591498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x31591818) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x31591af0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x31591e70) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x31591c08) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x31642038) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x31642268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x316423f0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1742,10 +1104,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x31642e38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x31642f18) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1762,30 +1120,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x31788268) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x31788428) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x31788498) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x31788658) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x317886c8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x31788818) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1971,10 +1317,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x310ae780) 0
   QObject (0x31850230) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x310ae780)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x318503f0) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2081,20 +1423,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x31850e38) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x31850fc0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x318501c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x31850738) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2314,10 +1648,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x318ff5e8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x318ff6c8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -2412,20 +1742,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x318ffaf0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x318ffb98) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x318ffc08) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x318ffcb0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2437,10 +1759,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x318ffd58) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x318ffe00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2497,10 +1815,6 @@ QLibrary (0x310aec00) 0
   QObject (0x318ff578) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x310aec00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x319cb038) 0
 Class QSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2548,10 +1862,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x319cb2d8) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x319cb460) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2563,20 +1873,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x319cb508) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x319cb5b0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x319cb540) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x319cb6c8) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2695,15 +1997,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x319cbb98) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x319cbd20) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x319cbc78) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -3033,33 +2327,9 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x31adb078) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x31aa7e38) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x31b46ea8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x31b605e8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x31b7b3f0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x31c059d8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x31c05c08) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x31c05cb0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
index e3c6ab8..3a92b2c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x698080) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x698100) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x6982c0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x698300) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x698400) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x698480) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x698640) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x698680) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x698b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x698dc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x698e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x698f40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x6c9000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x6c90c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x6c9180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x6c9240) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x6c9300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x6c93c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0x6c9480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0x6c9540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0x6c9600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0x6c96c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0x6c9780) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0x6c9a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0x6c9b80) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xe56280) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xe562c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xe56540) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xee7280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xee7640) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xee7ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xee7b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xee7bc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xee7c40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xee7cc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xee7d40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xee7dc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xee7e40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xee7ec0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xee7f40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xee7fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0x102c040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0x102c0c0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x102c8c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x102cd00) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11a6900) 0
   QString (0x11a6940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x11a6a40) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1261240) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1261880) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1261700) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1261bc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1261b00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1261e00) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x1261e40) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1382000) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1261800) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1382280) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x13821c0) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13828c0) 0
   QObject (0x1382900) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13828c0)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x1382b40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x1459140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x1459380) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x1459400) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x1459600) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x1459540) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x14596c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x1459700) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x1459bc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x1459c40) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x14f7a80) 0
     QObject (0x14f7b00) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x14f7ac0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x14f7cc0) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x14f7d00) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x14f7dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x14f7e40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x14f7040) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x14f7f40) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x14f7640) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x15cb0c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x15cb140) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x15cb180) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x15cb440) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x15cb940) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x15cb9c0) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x166fd80) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x166fa40) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1078,35 +836,15 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=4
 rlimit (0x1803b00) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x184d200) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x184d280) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x184d180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x184d300) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x184d380) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x184d400) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1244,15 +982,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x19c2280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x19c2340) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x19c2400) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1279,270 +1009,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x19c2600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x19c2800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x19c28c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x19c2980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x19c2a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x19c2b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x19c2bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x19c2c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x19c2d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x19c2e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x19c2ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x19c2f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x19c2200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1a5c040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1a5c100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1a5c1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1a5c280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1a5c340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1a5c400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1a5c4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1a5c580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1a5c640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1a5c700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1a5c7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1a5c880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1a5c940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1a5ca00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1a5cac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1a5cb80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1a5cc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1a5cd00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1a5cdc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1a5ce80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1a5cf40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1a75000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1a750c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1a75180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1a75240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1a75300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1a753c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1a75480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1a75540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1a75600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1a756c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1a75780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1a75840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1a75900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1a759c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1a75a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1a75b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1a75c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1a75cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1a75d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1a75e40) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1569,60 +1087,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1a75ec0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1aaf400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1aaf4c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1aaf6c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1aaf600) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1aaf8c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1aaf800) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1aafa40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1aafb80) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1aafc40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1aafcc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1aafd40) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1700,15 +1178,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1b70400) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1b705c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1b70640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1735,10 +1205,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1b706c0) 0
   QObject (0x1b70700) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1b706c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1b70900) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1783,20 +1249,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1b70b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1b70d00) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1b70d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1b70ec0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1966,10 +1424,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1c52480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1c52580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2076,20 +1530,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1ce2040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1ce2100) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1ce2180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1ce2240) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2101,10 +1547,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1ce2300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1ce23c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2286,10 +1728,6 @@ QLibrary (0x1ce2d80) 0
   QObject (0x1ce2dc0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x1ce2d80)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x1ce2f80) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2326,10 +1764,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x1d9e0c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d9e280) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2341,20 +1775,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x1d9e340) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d9e400) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x1d9e380) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1d9e540) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2412,10 +1838,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1d9ef40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1e36000) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2427,70 +1849,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e36280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1e36480) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e36500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1e36700) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1e36780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1e36900) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1e36980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1e36e00) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1e365c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1e36d40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1ee12c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1ee1340) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1ee14c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1ee1580) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2502,40 +1896,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1ee1bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1ee1fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x1ff1180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x1ff1580) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1ff1a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x1ff1bc0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x1ff1e40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x1ff11c0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2680,15 +2058,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x2105d40) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2105f00) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x2105e40) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -3018,33 +2388,9 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x2224600) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x2226080) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x22b2700) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x22d0580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2321600) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x23a4440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x23a46c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x23a4780) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
index 9966650..8b438f0 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.macx-gcc-ppc32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0x9c8c80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0x9c8d00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0x9c8ec0) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0x9c8f00) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0x9cf000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0x9cf080) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0x9cf240) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0x9cf280) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,75 +24,19 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0x9cf780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0x9cf9c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0x9cfa80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0x9cfb40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0x9cfc00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0x9cfcc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0x9cfd80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0x9cfe40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0x9cff00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0x9cffc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xa07080) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xa07140) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xa07200) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xa072c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xa07380) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -135,10 +53,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xa07680) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xa07780) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -151,10 +65,6 @@ Class QAtomic
 QAtomic (0xa07d80) 0
   QBasicAtomic (0xa07dc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=128 align=8
-   base size=128 base align=8
-<anonymous union> (0xeb4040) 0
 Class __darwin_pthread_handler_rec
    size=12 align=4
@@ -236,75 +146,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xeb4d80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xf58140) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xf585c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xf58640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xf586c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xf58740) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xf587c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xf58840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xf588c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xf58940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xf589c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xf58a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xf58ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xf58b40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xf58bc0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -331,10 +185,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0x1118380) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0x11187c0) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -347,10 +197,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x1235400) 0
   QString (0x1235440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1235540) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -413,10 +259,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x1235dc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x1309300) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -441,15 +283,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0x1309180) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1309640) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0x1309580) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -472,25 +306,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x1309880) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x13098c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1309b80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x1309b00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1309e00) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1309d40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -582,10 +404,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13f4380) 0
   QObject (0x13f43c0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13f4380)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x13f4600) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -605,25 +423,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0x13f4d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x13f4f40) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x13f4fc0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x14c6100) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x14c6040) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -631,15 +437,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0x14c61c0) 0
   QList<QString> (0x14c6200) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x14c66c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x14c6740) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -773,50 +571,22 @@ QFile (0x153b940) 0
     QObject (0x153b9c0) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x153b980)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x153bb80) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x153bbc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x153bc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x153bd00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x153bec0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x153be00) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x153bf80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x1611040) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x16110c0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -873,10 +643,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x1611100) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x16113c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -950,10 +716,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x16118c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x1611940) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -978,10 +740,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x170f8c0) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x170fb80) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1088,40 +846,16 @@ Class rlimit
    base size=16 base align=8
 rlimit (0x1849840) 0
-Class OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=8
-   base size=8 base align=8
-OSReadSwapInt64(const volatile void*, uintptr_t)::<anonymous union> (0x1849a40) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x187b140) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0x187b1c0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0x187b0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x187b240) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x187b2c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x187b340) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1259,15 +993,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x19f41c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x19f4280) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x19f4340) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1294,270 +1020,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x19f4540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x19f4740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x19f4800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x19f48c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x19f4980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x19f4a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x19f4b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x19f4bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x19f4c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x19f4d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x19f4e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x19f4ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x19f4f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x19f4480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1a86080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1a86140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1a86200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1a862c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1a86380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1a86440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1a86500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1a865c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1a86680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1a86740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1a86800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1a868c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1a86980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1a86a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1a86b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1a86bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1a86c80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1a86d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1a86e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1a86ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1a86f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1aa7040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1aa7100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1aa71c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1aa7280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1aa7340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1aa7400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1aa74c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1aa7580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1aa7640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1aa7700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1aa77c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1aa7880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1aa7940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1aa7a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1aa7ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1aa7b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1aa7c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1aa7d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1aa7dc0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1584,60 +1098,20 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=4
 QVariant (0x1aa7e40) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1ae5380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1ae5440) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1ae5640) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1ae5580) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x1ae5840) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1ae5780) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1ae59c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x1ae5b00) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1ae5bc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1ae5c40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=3156 align=4
-   base size=3156 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1ae5cc0) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1715,15 +1189,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1ba0340) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x1ba0500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x1ba0580) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1750,10 +1216,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x1ba0600) 0
   QObject (0x1ba0640) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x1ba0600)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x1ba0840) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1798,20 +1260,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x1ba0a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x1ba0c40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x1ba0cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x1ba0e00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1981,10 +1435,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x1c84400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x1c84500) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2091,20 +1541,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x1c84f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x1d19080) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x1d19100) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x1d191c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2116,10 +1558,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x1d19280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x1d19340) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2301,10 +1739,6 @@ QLibrary (0x1d19d40) 0
   QObject (0x1d19d80) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x1d19d40)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x1d19f40) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2341,10 +1775,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x1dd4080) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1dd4240) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2356,20 +1786,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x1dd4300) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1dd43c0) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x1dd4340) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x1dd4500) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2427,10 +1849,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x1dd4f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x1dd4740) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2442,70 +1860,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e65240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x1e65440) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e654c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x1e656c0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1e65740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x1e658c0) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1e65940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x1e65dc0) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0x1e65500) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x1e65c80) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f13280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x1f13300) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0x1f13480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x1f13540) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2517,40 +1907,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f13b80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x1f13f80) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0x2020140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2020540) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x20209c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x2020b80) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0x2020e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x2020fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2695,15 +2069,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x2135d00) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2135ec0) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x2135e00) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -3033,33 +2399,9 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x2251700) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x2252040) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x22e06c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x22fe540) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x234f5c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x23d2400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x23d2680) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x23d2740) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
index cbc1df6..318b311 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.2.0.win32-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xa9db00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xa9dc00) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xa9df00) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xac2000) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xac2180) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xac2240) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xac24c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xac2580) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xaf4380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xaf4b80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xaf4d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xaf4e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uchar> (0xb0a000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb0a180) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ushort> (0xb0a300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb0a480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<uint> (0xb0a600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb0a780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<ulong> (0xb0a900) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<qint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<qint64> (0xb0aa80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<quint64>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<quint64> (0xb0ac00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb0ad80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb0af00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb36080) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb60f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb97380) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -171,75 +81,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xc4bb00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xd72780) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xd84e00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xd940c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xd84980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xd9ae40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xd94780) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xda58c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xdd9300) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xdd9600) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xda0080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xde94c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xde9d00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xdef080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xdef480) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QLatin1String
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLatin1String (0xee0240) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xee0780) 0
 Class QCharRef
    size=8 align=4
@@ -282,10 +132,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0x11f3dc0) 0
   QString (0x11f3e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0x1260140) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -348,10 +194,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0x12d61c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0x13dc180) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -376,15 +218,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xee01c0) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((&QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0x1400480) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xc5d5c0) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -407,25 +241,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0x144b300) 0
   QGenericArgument (0x144b340) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0x1460ac0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0x144b8c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0x1490340) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0x1476f40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -517,10 +339,6 @@ QIODevice (0x13b5a40) 0
   QObject (0x150ab40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0x13b5a40)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0x150ae40) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -540,25 +358,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xee00c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0x15d9c00) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0x15d9f80) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0x15f14c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0x15f1380) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -566,15 +372,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xee0140) 0
   QList<QString> (0x15f1740) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0x15f1600) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0x15f15c0) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -703,50 +501,22 @@ QFile (0x1700080) 0
     QObject (0x1700100) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0x17000c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0x1700940) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0x1758140) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0x1758a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0x1771ac0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0x1771f80) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0x1771e80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0x1716fc0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0x17acc80) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0x17ac880) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -803,10 +573,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0x16f0f80) 0
     vptr=((&QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0x18490c0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -880,10 +646,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0x18abb80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0x18abc80) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -908,10 +670,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0x1aec580) 0
     vptr=((&QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0x1aec940) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -948,20 +706,8 @@ QTextOStream (0x1b7d740) 0
   QTextStream (0x1b7d780) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0x1b7d740)
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bb1980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bb1b00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=8
-   base size=16 base align=8
-<anonymous struct> (0x1bd78c0) 0
 Class QVectorData
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1099,15 +845,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0x1e3dcc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0x1e87980) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0x1e87040) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1134,270 +872,58 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0x1ee9400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0x1f0a840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0x1f0a9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uint> (0x1f0ab40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0x1f0acc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0x1f0ae40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0x1f0afc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0x1f1e140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0x1f1e2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0x1f1e440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0x1f1e5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ulong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ulong> (0x1f1e740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<ushort>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<ushort> (0x1f1e8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<uchar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<uchar> (0x1f1ea40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0x1f1ebc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0x1f1ed40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0x1f1eec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0x1f3e040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qlonglong> (0x1f3e1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<qulonglong> (0x1f3e340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0x1f3e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0x1f3e640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0x1f3e7c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0x1f3e940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0x1f3eac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0x1f3ec40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0x1f3edc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0x1f3ef40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0x1f5b0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0x1f5b240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0x1f5b3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0x1f5b540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0x1f5b6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0x1f5b840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0x1f5b9c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0x1f5bb40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0x1f5bcc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0x1f5be40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0x1f5bfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0x1f7a140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0x1f7a2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0x1f7a440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0x1f7a5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0x1f7a740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0x1f7a8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0x1f7aa40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0x1f7abc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0x1f7ad40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0x1f7aec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0x1f9c040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0x1f9c1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0x1f9c340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0x1f9c4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0x1f9c640) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1424,45 +950,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=16 base align=8
 QVariant (0x1476c80) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantList> (0x1feee00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QVariantMap> (0x1feefc0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2022480) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0x1fb0540) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0x2022780) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0x1fb05c0) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0x1f9c800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0x208a100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1540,15 +1038,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0x1f0a180) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0x2144440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0x21a2040) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -1575,10 +1065,6 @@ QEventLoop (0x21a26c0) 0
   QObject (0x21a2700) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0x21a26c0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0x21a2a00) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -1623,20 +1109,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0x221d200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0x221de80) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0x221d180) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0x22492c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1806,10 +1284,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0x22ce7c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0x22cee00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -1917,20 +1391,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0x143fc00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0x2372bc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0x143fc80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0x23871c0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1942,10 +1408,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0x143fd80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0x2387900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2127,10 +1589,6 @@ QLibrary (0x2446040) 0
   QObject (0x2446080) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0x2446040)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0x24462c0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2172,10 +1630,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0x24b77c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24e5000) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2187,20 +1641,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0x24e5e00) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24f7140) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0x24e5fc0) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0x24f7900) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2258,10 +1704,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0x253aac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0x2595480) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -2273,70 +1715,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0x1e3db40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0x25ed640) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0x1e3dbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0x2615280) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0x1758040) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0x2644040) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0x1f0a340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0x2644c80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QPointF (0x1f0a380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0x266ce40) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0x1f0a2c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0x26b32c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QLineF (0x1f0a300) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0x26de780) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2348,40 +1762,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0x1f0a240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0x27d0fc0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=8
    base size=16 base align=8
 QSizeF (0x1f0a280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0x2820500) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0x1f0a1c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0x28a7000) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=8
    base size=32 base align=8
 QRectF (0x1f0a200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0x292b340) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2526,15 +1924,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0x2a83d80) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0x2a9b040) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x2a83ec0) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -2864,33 +2254,9 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0x2a83340) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0x2b13700) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((&QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0x1400440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0x15f1480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDebug::Stream*> (0x2cf0b80) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0x1771f40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0x2e19e00) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0x2a9b000) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index a0788b7..0dc3e8b 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f0ac80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f0acc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7f0ad80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f0adc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f0ae40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7f0ae80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7f0af40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7f0af80) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77b3240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77b3300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77b3340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77b3380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77b33c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77b3400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77b3440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77b3480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77b34c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77b3500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77b3540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77b3580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77b35c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77b3600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77b3640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77b3680) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb77b36c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77b37c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb77b3800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb77b3840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb77b3880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77b38c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb77b3900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb77b3940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb77b3980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77b39c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb77b3a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb77b3a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb77b3a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb77b3ac0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb77b3bc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb77b3c00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb77b3dc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77b3e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb77b3f00) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb7315200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb7315240) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb7315280) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb7315480) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb7315580) 0
   QString (0xb73155c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb7315600) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb7315940) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb7315cc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb7315c40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb7315f00) 0
   QObject (0xb7315f40) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb7315f00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb7315fc0) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb7315740) 0
   QObject (0xb7315800) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb7315740)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb7315b00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb7315dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb7315f80) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6d72000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6d720c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6d72040) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6d72100) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6d72140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6d721c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6d72200) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6d72580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6d725c0) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6d72b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6d72bc0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6d72c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6d72cc0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6d72d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6d72dc0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb6d72e00) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d72e80) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d72ec0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6d72e40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d72f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d72f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d72f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d72fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d72300) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6d72980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d72b40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d72b80) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6d72c40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6d72d80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6d72d40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d72c80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cd4000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd4080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cd4040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cd40c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6cd4140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cd4100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cd4180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cd41c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cd4200) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6cd4480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6cd4680) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6cd4700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6cd4900) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6cd4cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6cd4d00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6cd4d40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6cd48c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6cd4b80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6cd4dc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6b36200) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6b36340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6b36440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6b36480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6b36540) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6b36580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6b365c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6b36600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6b36640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6b369c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6b36a00) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6b36b40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6b36bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6b36c00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6b36c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6b36d00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6b36d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6b36d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6b36dc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6b36e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6b36e40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6b36e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6b36ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6b36f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6b36f40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6b36f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6b36fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6b36000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6b36040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6b36080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6b360c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6b36100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6b36140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6b36180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6b361c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6b36380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6b363c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6b36400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6b364c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6b36500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6b36840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb677e000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb677e040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb677e080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb677e0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb677e100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb677e140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb677e180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb677e1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb677e200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb677e240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb677e280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb677e2c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb677e300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb677e340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb677e380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb677e3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb677e400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb677e440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb677e480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb677e4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb677e500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb677e540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb677e580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb677e5c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb677e600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb677e640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb677e680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb677e6c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb677e700) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb677e980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb677e9c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb677eac0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb677ea40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb677ebc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb677eb40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb677ec40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb677ecc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb677ed00) 0
   QObject (0xb677ed40) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb677ed00)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb677ee40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb677ee00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb677ee80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb677eec0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb677efc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb677e880) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb677e840) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb677e900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb677e940) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb677ed80) 0
     QObject (0xb666f000) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb677edc0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb666f080) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb666f200) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb666f240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb666f280) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb666f340) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb666f2c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb666f380) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb666f400) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb666f480) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb666f6c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb666f780) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb666f7c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb666f940) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb666fa00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb666fb40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb666fa80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb666fc80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb666fc00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb666fd40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb666fe00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb666fdc0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64a8000) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb666ff80) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64a8080) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb64a80c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb64a8140) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb64a8440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb64a8480) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb64a8580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb64a85c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb64a8600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb64a8680) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb64a8b00) 0
   QObject (0xb64a8b40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb64a8b00)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb64a8c40) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb64a8ac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb64a8bc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb64a8cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb64a8d80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb64a8f00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb64a8fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2654,15 +1944,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0xb6420300) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb6420400) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb6420380) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -3002,20 +2284,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb6420e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb6420ec0) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb6420f80) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb6420f00) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3028,30 +2298,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb6420200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb6420240) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb6420440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb64204c0) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb6420640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb64206c0) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3165,28 +2423,8 @@ Class QDomProcessingInstruction
 QDomProcessingInstruction (0xb6153680) 0
   QDomNode (0xb61536c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb6153740) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb61537c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb6153840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb61538c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0xb6153940) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 97af188..6f17d8f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7ef1c80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7ef1cc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7ef1d80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7ef1dc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7ef1e40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7ef1e80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7ef1f40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7ef1f80) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb739b240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb739b300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb739b340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb739b380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb739b3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb739b400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb739b440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb739b480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb739b4c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb739b500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb739b540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb739b580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb739b5c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb739b600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb739b640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb739b680) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -161,10 +75,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb739bac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb739bb00) 0 empty
 Vtable for std::exception
 std::exception::_ZTVSt9exception: 5u entries
@@ -227,70 +137,18 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb739be00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb739bd80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb739bfc0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb71c2000) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb71c2040) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb71c2080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb71c20c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb71c2100) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb71c2140) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb71c2180) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb71c21c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb71c2200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb71c2240) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb71c2280) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -308,10 +166,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb71c2380) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb71c23c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb71c2580) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -328,10 +182,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb71c2640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb71c26c0) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -348,10 +198,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb71c2700) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb71c2900) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -369,25 +215,13 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb71c29c0) 0
   QString (0xb71c2a00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb71c2a40) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
    base size=12 base align=4
 QStringRef (0xb71c2a80) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb71c2bc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb71c2b40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -479,10 +313,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb71c2e00) 0
   QObject (0xb71c2e40) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb71c2e00)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb71c2f00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -502,275 +332,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb71c2fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb71c2c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb71c2cc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb71c2e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb71c2f80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6f28000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6f28040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6f28080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6f280c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6f28100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6f28140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6f28180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6f281c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6f28200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6f28240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6f28280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6f282c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6f28300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6f28340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6f28380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6f283c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6f28400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6f28440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6f28480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6f284c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6f28500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6f28540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6f28580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6f285c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6f28600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb6f28640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6f28680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6f286c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6f28700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb6f28740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6f28780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6f287c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6f28800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb6f28840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6f28880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6f288c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6f28900) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb6f28940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6f28980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6f289c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6f28a00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb6f28a40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6f28a80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6f28ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6f28b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb6f28b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6f28b80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6f28bc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6f28c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb6f28c40) 0 empty
 Class QMapData::Node
    size=8 align=4
@@ -807,45 +421,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6dd50c0) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6dd5340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb6dd5380) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6dd5480) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6dd5400) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6dd5580) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6dd5500) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6dd5600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6dd5680) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -972,10 +558,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb6dd5b00) 0
   QObject (0xb6dd5b40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb6dd5b00)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb6dd5c40) 0
 Vtable for QCoreApplication
 QCoreApplication::_ZTV16QCoreApplication: 16u entries
@@ -1009,10 +591,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb6dd5e00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb6dd5e40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimer
 QTimer::_ZTV6QTimer: 14u entries
@@ -1069,20 +647,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb6dd5200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb6dd5240) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb6dd5280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb6dd5300) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -1277,20 +847,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb6dd5d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb6dd5f00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb6dd5fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb6b7a000) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1302,10 +864,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb6b7a080) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb6b7a0c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSocketNotifier
 QSocketNotifier::_ZTV15QSocketNotifier: 14u entries
@@ -1408,100 +966,48 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6b7a3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6b7a5c0) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6b7a640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6b7a840) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6b7a900) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6b7ab40) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6b7ab80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6b7adc0) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6b7ae00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6b7af00) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6b7af40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6b7a180) 0 empty
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7a300) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7a400) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6b7a240) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7a440) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7a480) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7a4c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7a500) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7a540) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1513,80 +1019,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6b7a680) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7a6c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b7a700) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6b7a740) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6b7a800) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6b7a7c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b7a780) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b7a940) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7a9c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b7a980) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b7aa00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6b7aa80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b7aa40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b7aac0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b7ab00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6b7abc0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1618,35 +1068,19 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb69a70c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb69a7100) 0 empty
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb69a7880) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb69a78c0) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb69a7900) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb69a79c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb69a7940) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1654,15 +1088,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb69a7a00) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb69a7a40) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb69a7ac0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb69a7b00) 0
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -1695,15 +1121,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb69a7d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb69a7d40) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb69a7d80) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -1730,10 +1148,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb69a7fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb69a76c0) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1750,20 +1164,12 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6770380) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb67703c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6770400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6770440) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1775,30 +1181,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb67705c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6770680) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb67706c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6770780) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb67707c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6770880) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -1810,20 +1204,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb6770900) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6770980) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb6770940) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6770a00) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1876,20 +1262,12 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb6770c40) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6770cc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutexLocker (0xb6770c80) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6770dc0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1914,15 +1292,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6770d00) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6770f00) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6770e80) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1934,25 +1304,9 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb6770f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb67702c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6770fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6770600) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6770640) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1974,15 +1328,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6770840) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6770d80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6770b00) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1994,10 +1340,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6542000) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6542040) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -2012,10 +1354,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6542080) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6542140) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -2131,35 +1469,15 @@ QFile (0xb6542580) 0
     QObject (0xb6542600) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb65425c0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6542680) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb65426c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6542700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6542740) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6542800) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb6542780) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -2212,15 +1530,7 @@ Class QDir
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6542980) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6542a00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6542a80) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2277,10 +1587,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb6542ac0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6542c40) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2409,15 +1715,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6542f40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6542fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6542100) 0 empty
 Vtable for QDirIterator
 QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator: 4u entries
@@ -2432,10 +1730,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb65422c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb6542480) 0
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -2541,10 +1835,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb63eb000) 0
   QObject (0xb63eb040) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb63eb000)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb63eb0c0) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -2654,20 +1944,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb63eb580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb63eb5c0) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb63eb680) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb63eb600) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2680,30 +1958,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb63eb740) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb63eb780) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb63eb800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb63eb840) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb63eb8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb63eb900) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2827,15 +2093,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0xb62fe140) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb62fe240) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb62fe1c0) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -3165,28 +2423,8 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0xb6155948) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0xb62fea40) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb62fecc0) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb62fed40) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb62fedc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb62fee40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0xb62feec0) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index 4098d45..12730a8 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.3.2.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7ef0c80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7ef0cc0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7ef0d80) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7ef0dc0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7ef0e40) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7ef0e80) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7ef0f40) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7ef0f80) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,150 +24,38 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7799240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7799300) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7799340) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7799380) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77993c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7799400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7799440) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7799480) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77994c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7799500) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7799540) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7799580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77995c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7799600) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7799640) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7799680) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFlag (0xb77996c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb77997c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb7799800) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb7799840) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb7799880) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb77998c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb7799900) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb7799940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb7799980) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb77999c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb7799a00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb7799a40) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb7799a80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb7799ac0) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -211,10 +73,6 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb7799bc0) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb7799c00) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb7799dc0) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
@@ -231,10 +89,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7799e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7799f00) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomic
    size=4 align=4
@@ -267,10 +121,6 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb72fc200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb72fc240) 0 empty
 Class QString::Null
    size=1 align=1
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb72fc280) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb72fc480) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -308,10 +154,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb72fc580) 0
   QString (0xb72fc5c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb72fc600) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -379,15 +221,7 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb72fc940) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb72fccc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb72fcc40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -463,10 +297,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb72fcf00) 0
   QObject (0xb72fcf40) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb72fcf00)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb72fcfc0) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -514,10 +344,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb72fc740) 0
   QObject (0xb72fc800) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb72fc740)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb72fcb00) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -537,25 +363,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb72fcdc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb72fcf80) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6d58000) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb6d580c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6d58040) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -563,15 +377,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6d58100) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6d58140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb6d581c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb6d58200) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -627,10 +433,6 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb6d58580) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb6d585c0) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -642,75 +444,35 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb6d58b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb6d58bc0) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb6d58c00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb6d58cc0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb6d58d00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb6d58dc0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
    base size=1032 base align=4
 QByteArrayMatcher (0xb6d58e00) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d58e80) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb6d58ec0) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb6d58e40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d58f00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d58f40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d58f80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d58fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d58300) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -722,80 +484,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb6d58980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6d58b40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d58b80) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb6d58c40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb6d58d80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb6d58d40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6d58c80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cba000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6cba080) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cba040) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cba0c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6cba140) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cba100) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cba180) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cba1c0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6cba200) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -817,20 +523,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb6cba480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb6cba680) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb6cba700) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb6cba900) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -842,15 +540,7 @@ Class QLocale
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb6cbacc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb6cbad00) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb6cbad40) 0
 Vtable for QSystemLocale
 QSystemLocale::_ZTV13QSystemLocale: 6u entries
@@ -887,60 +577,36 @@ Class QPoint
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb6cba8c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb6cbab80) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb6cbadc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb6b1c200) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb6b1c340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb6b1c440) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb6b1c480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb6b1c540) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb6b1c580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb6b1c5c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb6b1c600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb6b1c640) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimeLine
 QTimeLine::_ZTV9QTimeLine: 15u entries
@@ -978,10 +644,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb6b1c9c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb6b1ca00) 0 empty
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -993,290 +655,66 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb6b1cb40) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb6b1cbc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb6b1cc00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb6b1cc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb6b1cd00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb6b1cd40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb6b1cd80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb6b1cdc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb6b1ce00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb6b1ce40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb6b1ce80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb6b1cec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb6b1cf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb6b1cf40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb6b1cf80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb6b1cfc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb6b1c000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb6b1c040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb6b1c080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb6b1c0c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb6b1c100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb6b1c140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb6b1c180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb6b1c1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb6b1c380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb6b1c3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb6b1c400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb6b1c4c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb6b1c500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb6b1c840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb6764000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb6764040) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb6764080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb67640c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb6764100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb6764140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb6764180) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb67641c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb6764200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb6764240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb6764280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb67642c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb6764300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb6764340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb6764380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb67643c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb6764400) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb6764440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb6764480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb67644c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb6764500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb6764540) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb6764580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb67645c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb6764600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb6764640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb6764680) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb67646c0) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1303,45 +741,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb6764700) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb6764980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb67649c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6764ac0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb6764a40) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb6764bc0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb6764b40) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb6764c40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb6764cc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -1368,25 +778,9 @@ QSettings (0xb6764d00) 0
   QObject (0xb6764d40) 0
       primary-for QSettings (0xb6764d00)
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6764e40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6764e00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6764e80) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6764ec0) 0
 Class __gconv_trans_data
    size=20 align=4
@@ -1408,15 +802,7 @@ Class __gconv_info
    base size=8 base align=4
 __gconv_info (0xb6764fc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb6764880) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb6764840) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -1428,10 +814,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6764900) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6764940) 0
 Vtable for QFile
 QFile::_ZTV5QFile: 31u entries
@@ -1477,10 +859,6 @@ QFile (0xb6764d80) 0
     QObject (0xb6655000) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb6764dc0)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb6655080) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -1533,40 +911,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb6655200) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb6655240) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb6655280) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb6655340) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb66552c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb6655380) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb6655400) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb6655480) 0
 Vtable for QProcess
 QProcess::_ZTV8QProcess: 31u entries
@@ -1650,10 +1004,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb66556c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb6655780) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1710,10 +1060,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb66557c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb6655940) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -1747,10 +1093,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 QAbstractFileEngineIterator (0xb6655a00) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngineIterator::_ZTV27QAbstractFileEngineIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb6655b40) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -1775,15 +1117,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6655a80) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6655c80) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6655c00) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -1808,10 +1142,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6655d40) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb6655e00) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -1958,20 +1288,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb6655dc0) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb648e000) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb6655f80) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb648e080) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1983,10 +1305,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb648e0c0) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb648e140) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -2066,10 +1384,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb648e440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb648e480) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -2104,20 +1418,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb648e580) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb648e5c0) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb648e600) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb648e680) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -2357,10 +1663,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb648eb00) 0
   QObject (0xb648eb40) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb648eb00)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb648ec40) 0
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -2555,20 +1857,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb648eac0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb648ebc0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb648ecc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb648ed80) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -2580,10 +1874,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb648ef00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb648efc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 QTextCodecFactoryInterface::_ZTV26QTextCodecFactoryInterface: 6u entries
@@ -2654,15 +1944,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0xb6406300) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb6406400) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb6406380) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -3002,20 +2284,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb6406e80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb6406ec0) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb6406f80) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb6406f00) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3028,30 +2298,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb6406200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb6406240) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb6406440) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb64064c0) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb6406640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb64066c0) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamReader
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3165,28 +2423,8 @@ Class QDomProcessingInstruction
 QDomProcessingInstruction (0xb6139680) 0
   QDomNode (0xb61396c0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb6139740) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb61397c0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb6139840) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb61398c0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0xb6139940) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index b39d2ed..0a2fb27 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXml.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb78937bc) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb78937f8) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7cf3b40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7893870) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb789399c) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb78939d8) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7cf3d00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7893a50) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb789fe4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb78b703c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb78b712c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb78b721c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb78b730c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb78b73fc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb78b74ec) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb78b75dc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb78b76cc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb78b77bc) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb78b78ac) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb78b799c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb78b7a8c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb78b7b7c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb78b7c6c) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb78b7d5c) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb78d0d5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7902a14) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6b895dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb6bce6cc) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb6bce960) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb6a19294) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb6a19bb8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb6a2b4ec) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb6a2be10) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb6a3d744) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb6a48078) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb6a4899c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb6a602d0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb6a60bf4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb6a71528) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb6a71e4c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb6a89780) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb6a9721c) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb68e9438) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb680db00) 0
   QString (0xb684c870) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb684cb7c) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb68d31a4) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb67704ec) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6757834) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6781b40) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6781ac8) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb67b1000) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb67a5d5c) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb67b4258) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb67b4078) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb67cb3c0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb67cb348) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6604e80) 0
   QObject (0xb66153c0) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6604e80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6631690) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb666f5dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb6696dd4) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6696ec4) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb66a3438) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb66a33c0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6676f80) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb66a3474) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb66ce1e0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb66ce3fc) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb64fb618) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb650621c) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb65d5b40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb65d5bf4) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6458b7c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6458c6c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6458bf4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6458ce4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6458d5c) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6458dd4) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6458e4c) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6458e88) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb64b4618) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb62dc0c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb64ced98) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb62dc0c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb62e0834) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb62e08ac) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb62e07bc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62e0924) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62e099c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62e0a14) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62e0a8c) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb62e0b04) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb62e0b7c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e0bf4) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb62e0c30) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb62e0d5c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb62e0ce4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e0ca8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e0dd4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb62e0ec4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e0e4c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e0f3c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb62fa000) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62e0fb4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62fa0b4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62fa12c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb62fa1a4) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb6200f3c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb621cb7c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb621cb04) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb621cec4) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb621ce88) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb62386cc) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb6238744) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6262780) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb626621c) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6262780)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb62919d8) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb62bb6c0) 0
   QObject (0xb62c5078) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb62bb6c0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb62bbdc0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb62bbe00) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb62bbdc0)
-    QObject (0xb62c5bb8) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb62bbe00)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb61172c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb6113b7c) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb61172c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb6126348) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb6117c40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb61263c0) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb6117e00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb6117e40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb6126870) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb6117e40)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb6144258) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb61442d0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb61444ec) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb61445dc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb6144654) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb61446cc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb6144744) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb61447bc) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb6144834) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb61448ac) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb6144924) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb614499c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb6144a14) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb6144a8c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb6144b04) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb6144b7c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb6144c6c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb6144ce4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb6144d5c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb615c0f0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb615c168) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb615c258) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb615c2d0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb615c348) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb615c564) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb615c5a0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb615c5dc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb615c618) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb615c654) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb615c690) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb615c708) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb615c744) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb615c780) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb615c7bc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb615c7f8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb615c834) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb617c21c) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb61be7f8) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb61bec30) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb61bee4c) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb6003258) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb60033c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb6003528) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb6003c30) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb6037654) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb604a21c) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb604a294) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb604a564) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb604a6cc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb604a654) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb604a744) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb60c0c6c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb60c0f3c) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb60d37c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb60c0f78) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb60c0fb4) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb60d3880) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5eda000) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb5eda21c) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb5f2fb04) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5f2fb40) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb5f69b40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5f2fb7c) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5dcf7f8) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5e02100) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5e02140) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5dcf870) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5dcf780) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dcf8ac) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5e022c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dcf8e8) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5dcf99c) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5e024c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5e02500) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5dcfa14) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5dcf924) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dcfa50) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5dcfb04) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5e02680) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dcfa8c) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5ea0ce4) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5eb1640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5eb0654) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5eb1640)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5eb1740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5eb0744) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5eb1740)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5eb0bb8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5eb0bf4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5cd06c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5eb0c30) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5cd0800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5cd0840) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5cd0800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5eb0ca8) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5cd0840)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5cd08c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5cd0900) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5cd08c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5eb0d98) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5cd0900)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5ce4b40) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5d371e0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5d37474) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5d37708) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5d9dfa0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5d8b654) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5d9dfa0)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5d8b690) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5daa870) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5dbc21c) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5daa870)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5dbc258) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5dae800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5bc76e0) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5dae800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5dbc348) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5bc76e0)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5dbc384) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5dae9c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5bcee60) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5dae9c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5bcd690) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5bcee60)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5bcd6cc) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5daea40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5daea80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5daea40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5bd24b0) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5daea80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5bcd834) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5bd24b0)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5bcd870) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5bd91e0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5be0480) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bd9a50) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5be0480)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5be0540) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5bd9b40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5be0540)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5c4a1a4) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5c64a80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5c64ac0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5c64a80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c4a7f8) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5c64ac0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c64b00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c4a8e8) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c64b00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c64b80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c4a9d8) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5c64b80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c64c00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5c64c40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5c64c00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5c4aac8) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5c64c40)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c64cc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c4abb8) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c64cc0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c64d40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c4aca8) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5c64d40)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5cb8d80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5cb930c) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5cb8d80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5cb8dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5cb93fc) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5cb8dc0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b00a40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b00a80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5b06078) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b00a80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5b06258) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b00bc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b00c00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5b06294) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b00c00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5b06438) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b42480) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b424c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5b0699c) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b424c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b42580) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b425c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5b06d20) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5b425c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb5b64348) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5b64384) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb5b6e480) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5b643c0) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5b6499c) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ba9380 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5bb2b40) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ba9380) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5bb2b40)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ba93c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5b649d8) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ba93c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ba9400) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ba93c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5b64c6c) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ba9700 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5bc0be0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ba9700) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5bc0be0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ba9740) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5b64ca8) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ba9740)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ba9780) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5ba9740) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb59cb474) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb59cb3fc) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb59cb384) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb59cb2d0) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb59cb834) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb59cbf00) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb58ea4b0) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58f5370) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb58e4a00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58f5370)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb58ea690) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb58e4a00)
-  QRunnable (0xb58ea6cc) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb58e4a80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58f5780) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb58e4a80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb58e4ac0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb58f5780)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb58ea870) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb58e4ac0)
-    QRunnable (0xb58ea8ac) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb5847e00) 0
     QObject (0xb584abf4) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb5847e40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb5880564) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb588f12c) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb58a17bc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb58a1ac8) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb58b2834) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb58b27bc) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb58b2924) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb56d1e88) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb56d1f78) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb5711258) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb5723348) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb57454ec) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb5745ce4) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb57a6ca8) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb57a6d20) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb5787a8c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb57b4528) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb57b4690) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb55b9f78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb55da3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb55da5a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb55da780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb55da960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb55dab40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb55dad20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb55daf00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb55ed0f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb55ed2d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb55ed4b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb55ed690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb55ed870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb55eda50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb55edc30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb55ede10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb55f5000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb55f51e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb55f53c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb55f55a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb55f5780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb55f5960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb55f5b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb55f5d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb55f5f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb55fd0f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb55fd2d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb55fd4b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb55fd690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb55fd870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb55fda50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb55fdc30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb55fde10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb5607000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb56071e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb56073c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb56075a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5607780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb5607960) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb5607b40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb5607d20) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb5607f00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb560c0f0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb560c2d0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb560c4b0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb560c690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb560c870) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb560ca50) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb560cc30) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb560ce10) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb5615000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb56151e0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb56153c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb56155a0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb5615780) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb5615960) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb56503fc) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb5650384) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb56504ec) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb5650474) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb5684870) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb5684e88) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb5698078) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb5698258) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb54df2d0) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb54ec21c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb5503ca8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb54dbac0) 0
   QObject (0xb5515b04) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb54dbac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb552912c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb554c384) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb555f780) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb555f870) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb555ffb4) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb55b712c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb55b78ac) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb53f44ec) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb53f499c) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb53f4a8c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb53f4ec4) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb542f2d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb542f618) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb54767c0) 0
   QObject (0xb548cf78) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb54767c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb549eec4) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb52d3474) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb52d3b04) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb52d37f8) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb52eb000) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb53285dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb53312d0) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb535a2d0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb5366c6c) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb5366d5c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb537d2d0) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb537d3c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb5384ac8) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb5384ca8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb539bb7c) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb53a9ca8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb5199c30) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb51a8c6c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb51be03c) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb51d41a4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb51d4bb8) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb5255b04) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb5277bf4) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb5293780) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb509d8ac) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb50bd5dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb50d64b0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb511d0b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb51355dc) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb4fced98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4fe830c) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4fe8474) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4fe83fc) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb4fe84ec) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb4fe8f00) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb500c03c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb500cbf4) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb500cd20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb501cca8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4573,15 +2760,7 @@ Class QXmlAttributes::Attribute
    base size=16 base align=4
 QXmlAttributes::Attribute (0xb4eac2d0) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4eac5dc) 0
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb4eac564) 0
 Vtable for QXmlAttributes
 QXmlAttributes::_ZTV14QXmlAttributes: 4u entries
@@ -4911,43 +3090,11 @@ QXmlDefaultHandler (0xb4ef87e8) 0
   QXmlDeclHandler (0xb4eeebf4) 20 nearly-empty
       vptr=((& QXmlDefaultHandler::_ZTV18QXmlDefaultHandler) + 268u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb4f658ac) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb4f78e4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb4e2e438) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb4e2e4b0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb4e561e0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb4e5630c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlAttributes::Attribute> (0xb4e56564) 0 empty
-Class QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QXmlAttributes::Attribute>::Node (0xb4e565dc) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXmlPatterns.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXmlPatterns.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index ffc05cd..b3f65d1 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXmlPatterns.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXmlPatterns.4.4.0.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb77a33c0) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb77a33fc) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7bfab40) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb77a3474) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb77a35a0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb77a35dc) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7bfad00) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb77a3654) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb77b7a50) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb77b7c30) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb77b7d20) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb77b7e10) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb77b7f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb77cd000) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb77cd0f0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb77cd1e0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb77cd2d0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb77cd3c0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb77cd4b0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb77cd5a0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb77cd690) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb77cd780) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb77cd870) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb77cd960) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb77eb960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb7815618) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6a7a1e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb68c72d0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb68c7564) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb68c7e88) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb690f7bc) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb691b0f0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb691ba14) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb692e348) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb692ec6c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb69435a0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb6943ec4) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb69577f8) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb696312c) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb6963a50) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb697c384) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb697ce10) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb67e003c) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb66fdb00) 0
   QString (0xb6745474) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb6745780) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QListData
    base size=4 base align=4
 QListData (0xb67aae4c) 0
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb66630f0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -386,15 +228,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb6656438) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6675744) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb66756cc) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -417,25 +251,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb66a2000) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb6699960) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb6699e4c) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb6699c6c) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb66b1fb4) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb66b1f3c) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -527,10 +349,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb64f5e80) 0
   QObject (0xb64f1fb4) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb64f5e80)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6527294) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -550,25 +368,13 @@ Class QRegExp
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb65681e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb65889d8) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb6588ac8) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb659603c) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb6588fb4) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -576,15 +382,7 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb6566f80) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb6596078) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb65b1dd4) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb63c1000) 0
 Vtable for QFactoryInterface
 QFactoryInterface::_ZTV17QFactoryInterface: 5u entries
@@ -664,10 +462,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb63f021c) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb63f0e10) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -747,35 +541,11 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb62c6744) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb62c67f8) 0 empty
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6356780) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6356870) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63567f8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63568e8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6356960) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -787,10 +557,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb63569d8) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6356a50) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -805,10 +571,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6356a8c) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb63a621c) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -845,40 +607,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb61cc0c0) 0
   QTextStream (0xb61c599c) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb61cc0c0)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb61d53fc) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb61d5474) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb61d5384) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb61d54ec) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb61d5564) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb61d55dc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb61d5654) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -890,80 +628,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb61d56cc) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb61d5744) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61d57bc) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb61d57f8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb61d5924) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb61d58ac) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61d5870) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61d599c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb61d5a8c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61d5a14) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61d5b04) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb61d5bf4) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61d5b7c) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61d5ca8) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61d5d20) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb61d5d98) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -995,20 +677,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb60f7b40) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb610f780) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb610f708) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb610fac8) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -1028,10 +698,6 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase
 QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase (0xb610fbf4) 0
     vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ResultStoreBase::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15ResultStoreBaseE) + 8u)
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::iterator (0xb6138294) 0
 Vtable for QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase: 4u entries
@@ -1046,25 +712,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb613830c) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6154780) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb6138e4c) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb6154780)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb61895dc) 0
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1093,34 +742,7 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb61ad6c0) 0
   QObject (0xb61abc6c) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb61ad6c0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb61addc0) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb61ade00) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb61addc0)
-    QObject (0xb5fc1780) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb61ade00)
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1219,60 +841,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60082c0) 0
   QRunnable (0xb6009780) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb60082c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb6009f78) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb6008c40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb60098ac) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    -4u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    -4u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb6008e00) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb6008e40) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb601f474) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb6008e40)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1315,225 +891,49 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb601fec4) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb601ff3c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb603e0f0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb603e1e0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb603e258) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb603e2d0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb603e348) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb603e3c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb603e438) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb603e4b0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb603e528) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb603e5a0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb603e618) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb603e690) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb603e708) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb603e780) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb603e870) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb603e8e8) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb603e960) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb603ece4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb603ed5c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<char> (0xb603ee4c) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<signed char> (0xb603eec4) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_byte<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_byte<unsigned char> (0xb603ef3c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb6051168) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb60511a4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb60511e0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb605121c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb6051258) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb6051294) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb605130c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb6051348) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb6051384) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb60513c0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb60513fc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb6051438) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb6051e10) 0 empty
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb60b83fc) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb60b8834) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_move_backward<false, false, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb60b8a50) 0 empty
-Class std::__equal<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__equal<true> (0xb60b8e4c) 0 empty
-Class std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lc_rai<std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb60b8fb4) 0 empty
-Class std::__lexicographical_compare<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__lexicographical_compare<true> (0xb5f0412c) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb5f04834) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb5f2c258) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1550,10 +950,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb5f2ee10) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5f2ee88) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1570,15 +966,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb5f59168) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb5f592d0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb5f59258) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1590,32 +978,10 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb5f59348) 0
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb5fb3870) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5fb3b40) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb5dc37c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5fb3b7c) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5fb3bb8) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5dc3880) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5fb3bf4) 0 empty
 Vtable for __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE: 5u entries
@@ -1631,82 +997,19 @@ Class __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind
 __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind (0xb5fb3e10) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& __cxxabiv1::__forced_unwind::_ZTVN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE) + 8u)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<int> > (0xb5e66708) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5e66744) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<int> (0xb5e69b40) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<int> (0xb5e66780) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5ce53fc) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5d03100) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5d03140) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5ce5474) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5ce5384) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5ce54b0) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5d032c0) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5ce54ec) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5ce55a0) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5d034c0) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5d03500) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5ce5618) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5ce5528) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5ce5654) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5ce5708) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5d03680) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5ce5690) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1736,97 +1039,16 @@ Class std::locale::_Impl
    base size=20 base align=4
 std::locale::_Impl (0xb5da28ac) 0
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5db0640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5db5258) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5db0640)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5db0740) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5db5348) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5db0740)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<long unsigned int> > (0xb5db57bc) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5db57f8) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<long unsigned int> (0xb5bd26c0) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb5db5834) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5bd2800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb5bd2840) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb5bd2800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5db58ac) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5bd2840)
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5bd28c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5bd2900) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5bd28c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5db599c) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5bd2900)
 Vtable for std::ios_base::failure
 std::ios_base::failure::_ZTVNSt8ios_base7failureE: 5u entries
@@ -1872,583 +1094,85 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5be7744) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c19dd4) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c19e4c) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5c19f3c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5c9dfa0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5c9c258) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5c9dfa0)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5c9c294) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5cab870) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5abae10) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5cab870)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5abae4c) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5caf800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ac66e0) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5caf800)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5abaf3c) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ac66e0)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5abaf78) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<char>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5caf9c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5acde60) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5caf9c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5ace294) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5acde60)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5ace2d0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-12    std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::~ctype_byname
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5cafa40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5cafa80) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5cafa40)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ad24b0) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5cafa80)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5ace438) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ad24b0)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5ace474) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5acee88) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5ae0480) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5adc654) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5ae0480)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5ae0540) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5adc744) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5ae0540)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, long unsigned int, long long unsigned int> (0xb5b17d98) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5b64a80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b64ac0) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb5b64a80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b6b3c0) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5b64ac0)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b64b00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b6b4b0) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b64b00)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b64b80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b6b5a0) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb5b64b80)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5b64c00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b64c40) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5b64c00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5b6b690) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5b64c40)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b64cc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b6b780) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b64cc0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b64d40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b6b870) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb5b64d40)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5bb8d80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5b6b654) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5bb8d80)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5bb8dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5b6b924) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5bb8dc0)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a02a40) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a02a80) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb59d7ca8) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a02a80)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb59d7e88) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a02bc0) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a02c00) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb59d7ec4) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a02c00)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb59d7f78) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a42480) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a424c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a31528) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5a424c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    -8u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a42580) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a425c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5a318ac) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5a425c0)
-Class __gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__conditional_type<true, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>, __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_floating<short int> > (0xb5a31fb4) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5a31618) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<short int> (0xb5a6e480) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits_integer<short int> (0xb5a31960) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5a784ec) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aaa380 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -2486,44 +1210,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ab4b40) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aaa380) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5ab4b40)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aaa3c0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5a78528) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aaa3c0)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aaa400) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5aaa3c0) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb5a787bc) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    -12u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aaa700 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -2561,110 +1249,21 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58bdbe0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aaa700) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb58bdbe0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aaa740) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x00000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5a787f8) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aaa740)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aaa780) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5aaa740) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb58d5000) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb5a788ac) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb5a785dc) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb5a78f3c) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb58d53c0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb58d5c30) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb57f10b4) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb57f6370) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57e5a00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb57f6370)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb57f1294) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57e5a00)
-  QRunnable (0xb57f12d0) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb57e5a80) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb57f6780) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb57e5a80)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57e5ac0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb57f6780)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb57f1474) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb57e5ac0)
-    QRunnable (0xb57f14b0) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Class QLibraryInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2715,50 +1314,22 @@ QFile (0xb5747e00) 0
     QObject (0xb57567f8) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb5747e40)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb5784168) 0
 Class QFileInfo
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb5784d20) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb57a63c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb57a66cc) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb55b6438) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb55b63c0) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb55b6528) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb55d8a8c) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb55d8b7c) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -2833,10 +1404,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb5609e4c) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb5619f3c) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -2926,10 +1493,6 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb56480f0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb56488e8) 0
 Vtable for QFileSystemWatcher
 QFileSystemWatcher::_ZTV18QFileSystemWatcher: 14u entries
@@ -3067,25 +1630,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb56ae8ac) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb56ae924) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb568d690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb56b412c) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb56b4294) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3097,275 +1648,59 @@ Class QMetaType
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb54c2b7c) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb54c2fb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb54e71a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb54e7384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb54e7564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb54e7744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb54e7924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb54e7b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb54e7ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb54e7ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb54f10b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb54f1294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb54f1474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb54f1654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb54f1834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb54f1a14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb54f1bf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb54f1dd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb54f1fb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb54f61a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb54f6384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb54f6564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb54f6744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb54f6924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb54f6b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb54f6ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb54f6ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb54ff0b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb54ff294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb54ff474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb54ff654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb54ff834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb54ffa14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb54ffbf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb54ffdd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb54fffb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb55091a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5509384) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb5509564) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb5509744) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb5509924) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb5509b04) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb5509ce4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb5509ec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb550d0b4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb550d294) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb550d474) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb550d654) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb550d834) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb550da14) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb550dbf4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb550ddd4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb550dfb4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb55161a4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb5516384) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3392,45 +1727,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb5516564) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb5552000) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb5547f78) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb55520f0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb5552078) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb5585474) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb5585a8c) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb5585c6c) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb5585e4c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3508,15 +1815,7 @@ Class QUrl
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb53d6f00) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb53e0e10) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb540a8ac) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEventLoop
 QEventLoop::_ZTV10QEventLoop: 14u entries
@@ -3543,10 +1842,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb53dbac0) 0
   QObject (0xb5419708) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb53dbac0)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb5419d20) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -3591,20 +1886,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb5439fb4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb5460384) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb5460474) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5460bb8) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -3774,10 +2061,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb54aed20) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb52b74b0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QEvent
 QEvent::_ZTV6QEvent: 4u entries
@@ -3889,20 +2172,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb53200f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb53205a0) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb5320690) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb5320ac8) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -3914,10 +2189,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb5320ec4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb533621c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QMimeData
 QMimeData::_ZTV9QMimeData: 17u entries
@@ -4129,10 +2400,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb53767c0) 0
   QObject (0xb5392b7c) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb53767c0)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb53a2ac8) 0
 Vtable for QPluginLoader
 QPluginLoader::_ZTV13QPluginLoader: 14u entries
@@ -4169,20 +2436,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb51d8078) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb51d8708) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb51d83fc) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb51e5bf4) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4209,10 +2468,6 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb522d1e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb522dec4) 0 empty
 Class QByteArrayMatcher
    size=1032 align=4
@@ -4229,70 +2484,42 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb5239ec4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb526b870) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb526b960) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb5273f3c) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb5273384) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb52866cc) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb52868ac) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb529d708) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb508b8ac) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb509a7bc) 0 empty
 Class QLine
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb50ad870) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb50adc30) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb50ced98) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb50db7bc) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4304,40 +2531,24 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb5166708) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb51797bc) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb4f95384) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb4f9e3fc) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb4fbe1e0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb4fd90b4) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb5014ca8) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb50371a4) 0 empty
 Class QSharedData
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4385,20 +2596,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb4ed599c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4edef3c) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4eef078) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4eef000) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4411,30 +2610,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb4eef0f0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb4eefb04) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb4eefc30) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb4f0f7f8) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb4f0f924) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb4f218ac) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -4616,20 +2803,12 @@ QNetworkAccessManager (0xb4f777c0) 0
   QObject (0xb4da3564) 0
       primary-for QNetworkAccessManager (0xb4f777c0)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkCookiePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkCookiePrivate> (0xb4db5564) 0
 Class QNetworkCookie
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkCookie (0xb4da3f3c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QNetworkCookie> (0xb4db5780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QNetworkCookieJar
 QNetworkCookieJar::_ZTV17QNetworkCookieJar: 16u entries
@@ -4658,30 +2837,14 @@ QNetworkCookieJar (0xb4f77c00) 0
   QObject (0xb4db5870) 0
       primary-for QNetworkCookieJar (0xb4f77c00)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QNetworkCookie> (0xb4dcc3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QNetworkCookie> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QNetworkCookie> > (0xb4dcc564) 0 empty
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkRequestPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkRequestPrivate> (0xb4dccbf4) 0
 Class QNetworkRequest
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkRequest (0xb4dcc708) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QNetworkRequest>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QNetworkRequest> (0xb4dccdd4) 0 empty
 Vtable for QNetworkReply
 QNetworkReply::_ZTV13QNetworkReply: 33u entries
@@ -4797,20 +2960,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb4e1da8c) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb4e2d618) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb4e1dd5c) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb4e2d744) 0
 Class QNetworkProxy
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5006,10 +3161,6 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb4e4acc0) 0
       QObject (0xb4e84bf4) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb4e4ad40)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb4c93ac8) 0
 Class QSslCertificate
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5073,10 +3224,6 @@ QSslSocket (0xb4c9c2c0) 0
         QObject (0xb4cc4000) 0
             primary-for QIODevice (0xb4c9c380)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> > (0xb4cdc3fc) 0 empty
 Class QSslConfiguration
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5088,25 +3235,13 @@ Class QSslKey
    base size=4 base align=4
 QSslKey (0xb4cdcc30) 0
-Class QSourceLocation::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QSourceLocation::<anonymous union> (0xb4ceb654) 0
 Class QSourceLocation
    size=20 align=4
    base size=20 base align=4
 QSourceLocation (0xb4ceb21c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSourceLocation>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSourceLocation> (0xb4ceb690) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSourceLocation>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSourceLocation> (0xb4ceb780) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractMessageHandler
 QAbstractMessageHandler::_ZTV23QAbstractMessageHandler: 15u entries
@@ -5165,20 +3300,8 @@ Class QXmlName
    base size=8 base align=4
 QXmlName (0xb4d0d0b4) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlName>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlName> (0xb4d0fec4) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QXmlName>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QXmlName> (0xb4d0ffb4) 0 empty
-Class QPatternist::NodeIndexStorage::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QPatternist::NodeIndexStorage::<anonymous union> (0xb4d1b1a4) 0
 Class QPatternist::NodeIndexStorage
    size=20 align=4
@@ -5224,30 +3347,14 @@ QAbstractXmlNodeModel (0xb4d0c900) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractXmlNodeModel::_ZTV21QAbstractXmlNodeModel) + 8u)
   QSharedData (0xb4d42b04) 4
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlNodeModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlNodeModelIndex> (0xb4d4a8ac) 0 empty
-Class QXmlItem::<anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QXmlItem::<anonymous union> (0xb4d4aec4) 0
 Class QXmlItem
    size=20 align=4
    base size=20 base align=4
 QXmlItem (0xb4d4a99c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlItem> (0xb4d4af78) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QXmlItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QXmlItem> (0xb4d5b03c) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractXmlReceiver
 QAbstractXmlReceiver::_ZTV20QAbstractXmlReceiver: 18u entries
@@ -5377,10 +3484,6 @@ QXmlFormatter (0xb4d710c0) 0
     QAbstractXmlReceiver (0xb4d7603c) 0
         primary-for QXmlSerializer (0xb4d71100)
-Class QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QPatternist::NamePool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QPatternist::NamePool> (0xb4d76654) 0
 Class QXmlNamePool
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5400,68 +3503,16 @@ Class QXmlResultItems
 QXmlResultItems (0xb4d76690) 0
     vptr=((& QXmlResultItems::_ZTV15QXmlResultItems) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb4bd603c) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb4be85dc) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb4aa4c30) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb4aa4ca8) 0
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie>::<anonymous union> (0xb4acb7bc) 0
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie> (0xb4acb744) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union> (0xb4acbfb4) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError> (0xb4acbf3c) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb4aff9d8) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb4affb04) 0
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie>::Node (0xb4b14e4c) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSslError>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSslError> (0xb4b390b4) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::Node (0xb4b3912c) 0
diff --git a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXmlPatterns.4.4.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXmlPatterns.4.4.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
index baf261b..e4e14be 100644
--- a/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXmlPatterns.4.4.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
+++ b/tests/auto/bic/data/QtXmlPatterns.4.4.1.linux-gcc-ia32.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,8 @@
-Class QUintForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<4> (0xb7f56f40) 0 empty
-Class QUintForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QUintForSize<8> (0xb7f56f80) 0 empty
-Class QUintForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QUintForType<void*> (0xb7a60040) 0 empty
-  QUintForSize<4> (0xb7a60080) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<4>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<4> (0xb7a601c0) 0 empty
-Class QIntForSize<8>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QIntForSize<8> (0xb7a60200) 0 empty
-Class QIntForType<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-QIntForType<void*> (0xb7a602c0) 0 empty
-  QIntForSize<4> (0xb7a60300) 0 empty
 Class QSysInfo
    size=1 align=1
@@ -50,80 +24,20 @@ Class qIsNull(float)::U
    base size=4 base align=4
 qIsNull(float)::U (0xb7a60b00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<bool> (0xb7a60bc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<char> (0xb7a60c00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<signed char> (0xb7a60c40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned char> (0xb7a60c80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short int> (0xb7a60cc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<short unsigned int> (0xb7a60d00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<int> (0xb7a60d40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<unsigned int> (0xb7a60d80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long int> (0xb7a60dc0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long unsigned int> (0xb7a60e00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long int> (0xb7a60e40) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long long unsigned int> (0xb7a60e80) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<float> (0xb7a60ec0) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<double> (0xb7a60f00) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<long double> (0xb7a60f40) 0 empty
 Class QFlag
    size=4 align=4
@@ -140,10 +54,6 @@ Class QChar
    base size=2 base align=2
 QChar (0xb7a96400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QChar> (0xb6ad4840) 0 empty
 Class QBasicAtomicInt
    size=4 align=4
@@ -176,75 +86,19 @@ Class QByteRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QByteRef (0xb6b812c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QByteArray> (0xb69bd240) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<Qt::MouseButton>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MouseButton> (0xb69bd340) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::Orientation>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::Orientation> (0xb69bdc00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::KeyboardModifier> (0xb6a104c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowType>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowType> (0xb6a10d80) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> (0xb6a21640) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ImageConversionFlag> (0xb6a21f00) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DockWidgetArea> (0xb6a337c0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ToolBarArea> (0xb6a3f080) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::WindowState>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::WindowState> (0xb6a3f940) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::DropAction>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::DropAction> (0xb6a53200) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> (0xb6a53ac0) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> (0xb6a6b380) 0
-Class QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<Qt::TextInteractionFlag> (0xb6a6bc40) 0
 Class QInternal
    size=1 align=1
@@ -266,10 +120,6 @@ Class QString
    base size=4 base align=4
 QString (0xb6a7f680) 0
-Class QFlags<QString::SectionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QString::SectionFlag> (0xb68cc300) 0
 Class QLatin1String
    size=4 align=4
@@ -287,10 +137,6 @@ Class QConstString
 QConstString (0xb681c1c0) 0
   QString (0xb681c200) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QString> (0xb681c340) 0 empty
 Class QStringRef
    size=12 align=4
@@ -358,10 +204,6 @@ Class QMutex
    base size=4 base align=4
 QMutex (0xb6867200) 0
-Class QMutexLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMutexLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb6867bc0) 0
 Class QMutexLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -447,25 +289,13 @@ Class QGenericReturnArgument
 QGenericReturnArgument (0xb6741880) 0
   QGenericArgument (0xb67418c0) 0
-Class QMetaObject::<anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMetaObject::<anonymous struct> (0xb6741c80) 0
 Class QMetaObject
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QMetaObject (0xb6741ac0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*>::<anonymous union> (0xb65e3bc0) 0
-Class QList<QObject*>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QObject*> (0xb65e3b40) 0
 Vtable for QObjectData
 QObjectData::_ZTV11QObjectData: 4u entries
@@ -557,10 +387,6 @@ QIODevice (0xb6628400) 0
   QObject (0xb6628440) 0
       primary-for QIODevice (0xb6628400)
-Class QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> (0xb6647240) 0
 Vtable for QDataStream
 QDataStream::_ZTV11QDataStream: 4u entries
@@ -590,15 +416,7 @@ Class QHashDummyValue
    base size=0 base align=1
 QHashDummyValue (0xb64ab400) 0 empty
-Class QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QHashDummyValue> (0xb64ab440) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextCodec::ConversionFlag> (0xb653a8c0) 0
 Class QTextCodec::ConverterState
    size=28 align=4
@@ -623,15 +441,7 @@ Class QTextCodec
 QTextCodec (0xb64abb40) 0 nearly-empty
     vptr=((& QTextCodec::_ZTV10QTextCodec) + 8u)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::<anonymous union> (0xb6547800) 0
-Class QList<QByteArray>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray> (0xb6547780) 0
 Class QTextEncoder
    size=32 align=4
@@ -643,30 +453,10 @@ Class QTextDecoder
    base size=32 base align=4
 QTextDecoder (0xb656acc0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6575100) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous union> (0xb6575180) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6575140) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65751c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb6575200) 0
 Class _IO_marker
    size=12 align=4
@@ -678,10 +468,6 @@ Class _IO_FILE
    base size=148 base align=4
 _IO_FILE (0xb6575280) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb65752c0) 0
 Vtable for QTextStream
 QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream: 4u entries
@@ -696,10 +482,6 @@ Class QTextStream
 QTextStream (0xb6575300) 0
     vptr=((& QTextStream::_ZTV11QTextStream) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QTextStream::NumberFlag> (0xb63a65c0) 0
 Class QTextStreamManipulator
    size=24 align=4
@@ -736,40 +518,16 @@ QTextOStream (0xb63cb280) 0
   QTextStream (0xb63cb2c0) 0
       primary-for QTextOStream (0xb63cb280)
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb63cb900) 0
-Class wait::<anonymous struct>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-wait::<anonymous struct> (0xb63cb940) 0
 Class wait
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 wait (0xb63cb8c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63cb980) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63cb9c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63cba00) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63cba40) 0
 Class timespec
    size=8 align=4
@@ -781,80 +539,24 @@ Class timeval
    base size=8 base align=4
 timeval (0xb63cbac0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb63cbb00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=36 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63cbb40) 0
 Class __pthread_internal_slist
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 __pthread_internal_slist (0xb63cbb80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s::<anonymous union> (0xb63cbc40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::__pthread_mutex_s (0xb63cbc00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=24 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63cbbc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63cbc80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb63cbd00) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=48 align=4
-   base size=48 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63cbcc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63cbd40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct> (0xb63cbdc0) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63cbd80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63cbe40) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63cbe80) 0
-Class <anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-<anonymous union> (0xb63cbec0) 0
 Class random_data
    size=28 align=4
@@ -886,20 +588,8 @@ Class QtConcurrent::ResultItem
    base size=8 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::ResultItem (0xb62d9ac0) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::<anonymous union> (0xb62f9180) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb62f9100) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::const_iterator (0xb62f9540) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::ResultIteratorBase
    size=8 align=4
@@ -932,25 +622,8 @@ Class QFutureInterfaceBase
 QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb62f9780) 0
     vptr=((& QFutureInterfaceBase::_ZTV20QFutureInterfaceBase) + 8u)
-Vtable for QFutureInterface<void>
-QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI16QFutureInterfaceIvE)
-8     QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-12    QFutureInterface<void>::~QFutureInterface
-Class QFutureInterface<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFutureInterface<void> (0xb62f9e80) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureInterface<void>::_ZTV16QFutureInterfaceIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb62f9ec0) 0
-      primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb62f9e80)
-Class QFuture<void>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QFuture<void> (0xb63500c0) 0
 Vtable for QRunnable
 QRunnable::_ZTV9QRunnable: 5u entries
@@ -1017,64 +690,10 @@ QThreadPool (0xb619b1c0) 0
   QObject (0xb619b200) 0
       primary-for QThreadPool (0xb619b1c0)
-Class QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::SelectSpecialization<void> (0xb619b800) 0 empty
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::~RunFunctionTaskBase
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<T>::run [with T = void]
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb619b9c0) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 8u)
-  QFutureInterface<void> (0xb619ba00) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb619b9c0)
-    QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb619ba40) 0
-        primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb619ba00)
-  QRunnable (0xb619ba80) 8
-      vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent19RunFunctionTaskBaseIvEE) + 32u)
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-8     QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-12    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::~RunFunctionTask
-16    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::run
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE)
-32    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvE3runEv
-36    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED1Ev
-40    QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZThn8_N12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvED0Ev
-Class QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb619bb40) 0
-    vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 8u)
-  QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb619bb80) 0
-      primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void> (0xb619bb40)
-    QFutureInterface<void> (0xb619bbc0) 0
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTaskBase<void> (0xb619bb80)
-      QFutureInterfaceBase (0xb619bc00) 0
-          primary-for QFutureInterface<void> (0xb619bbc0)
-    QRunnable (0xb619bc40) 8
-        vptr=((& QtConcurrent::RunFunctionTask<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent15RunFunctionTaskIvEE) + 32u)
 Vtable for QFutureWatcherBase
 QFutureWatcherBase::_ZTV18QFutureWatcherBase: 16u entries
@@ -1103,39 +722,8 @@ QFutureWatcherBase (0xb6270ac0) 0
   QObject (0xb6270b00) 0
       primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb6270ac0)
-Vtable for QFutureWatcher<void>
-QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI14QFutureWatcherIvE)
-8     QFutureWatcherBase::metaObject
-12    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacast
-16    QFutureWatcherBase::qt_metacall
-20    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-24    QFutureWatcher<void>::~QFutureWatcher
-28    QFutureWatcherBase::event
-32    QObject::eventFilter
-36    QObject::timerEvent
-40    QObject::childEvent
-44    QObject::customEvent
-48    QFutureWatcherBase::connectNotify
-52    QFutureWatcherBase::disconnectNotify
-56    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-60    QFutureWatcher<void>::futureInterface
-Class QFutureWatcher<void>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb60b7000) 0
-    vptr=((& QFutureWatcher<void>::_ZTV14QFutureWatcherIvE) + 8u)
-  QFutureWatcherBase (0xb60b7040) 0
-      primary-for QFutureWatcher<void> (0xb60b7000)
-    QObject (0xb60b7080) 0
-        primary-for QFutureWatcherBase (0xb60b7040)
-Class QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QtConcurrent::ReduceOption> (0xb60b7900) 0
 Class QWaitCondition
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1169,60 +757,14 @@ QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb612ea40) 0
   QRunnable (0xb612ea80) 0
       primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb612ea40)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb612ed00) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarter<void> (0xb612ed40) 0
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineStarterBase<void> (0xb612ed80) 0
-Vtable for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 26u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-12    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::result [with T = void]
-16    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<T>::asynchronousFinish [with T = void]
-20    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-24    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::~ThreadEngine
-28    4294967292u
-32    0u
-36    0u
-40    0u
-44    0u
-48    0u
-52    4294967292u
-56    0u
-60    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000004
-64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTIN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE)
-68    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::run
-72    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED1Ev
-76    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n16_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvED0Ev
-80    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::start
-84    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::finish
-88    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::threadFunction
-92    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldStartThread
-96    QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase::shouldThrottleThread
-100   QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTv0_n40_N12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvE18asynchronousFinishEv
 VTT for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
 QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTTN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-Class QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>
-   size=36 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void> (0xb614d080) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 12u)
-  QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb614d0c0) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& QtConcurrent::ThreadEngine<void>::_ZTVN12QtConcurrent12ThreadEngineIvEE) + 68u)
-    QRunnable (0xb614d100) 4
-        primary-for QtConcurrent::ThreadEngineBase (0xb614d0c0)
 Class std::input_iterator_tag
    size=1 align=1
@@ -1265,170 +807,38 @@ Class std::__false_type
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__false_type (0xb614d600) 0 empty
-Class std::__truth_type<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__truth_type<true> (0xb614d680) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_void<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_void<void> (0xb614d7c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<bool> (0xb614d840) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<char> (0xb614d880) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<signed char> (0xb614d8c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned char> (0xb614d900) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<wchar_t> (0xb614d940) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short int> (0xb614d980) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<short unsigned int> (0xb614d9c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<int> (0xb614da00) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<unsigned int> (0xb614da40) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long int> (0xb614da80) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long unsigned int> (0xb614dac0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long int> (0xb614db00) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_integer<long long unsigned int> (0xb614db40) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<float> (0xb614dbc0) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<double> (0xb614dc00) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_floating<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_floating<long double> (0xb614dc40) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<char> (0xb617b000) 0 empty
-Class std::__is_char<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__is_char<wchar_t> (0xb617b040) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<char> (0xb617b200) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<signed char> (0xb617b240) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<short int> (0xb617b280) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<int> (0xb617b2c0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long int> (0xb617b300) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__add_unsigned<long long int> (0xb617b340) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<char> (0xb617b3c0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned char> (0xb617b400) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<short unsigned int> (0xb617b440) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<unsigned int> (0xb617b480) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long unsigned int> (0xb617b4c0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::__remove_unsigned<long long unsigned int> (0xb617b500) 0 empty
-Class std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> (0xb617b600) 0 empty
 Class lconv
    size=56 align=4
@@ -1445,10 +855,6 @@ Class __sched_param
    base size=4 base align=4
 __sched_param (0xb617b880) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=128 align=4
-   base size=128 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb617b8c0) 0
 Class tm
    size=44 align=4
@@ -1465,15 +871,7 @@ Class _pthread_cleanup_buffer
    base size=16 base align=4
 _pthread_cleanup_buffer (0xb617b9c0) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct>
-   size=28 align=4
-   base size=28 base align=4
-<anonymous struct>::<anonymous struct> (0xb617ba40) 0
-Class <anonymous struct>
-   size=44 align=4
-   base size=44 base align=4
-<anonymous struct> (0xb617ba00) 0
 Class __pthread_cleanup_frame
    size=16 align=4
@@ -1485,243 +883,55 @@ Class __pthread_cleanup_class
    base size=16 base align=4
 __pthread_cleanup_class (0xb617bac0) 0
-Class std::__iter_swap<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__iter_swap<true> (0xb6004140) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy<true, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy<true, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb6004200) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_normal<true, false>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_normal<true, false> (0xb6004280) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_normal<false, true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_normal<false, true> (0xb60042c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_normal<true, true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_normal<true, true> (0xb6004300) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_backward<true, std::random_access_iterator_tag>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_backward<true, std::random_access_iterator_tag> (0xb60043c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_backward_normal<true, false>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_backward_normal<true, false> (0xb6004440) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_backward_normal<false, true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_backward_normal<false, true> (0xb6004480) 0 empty
-Class std::__copy_backward_normal<true, true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__copy_backward_normal<true, true> (0xb60044c0) 0 empty
-Class std::__fill<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__fill<true> (0xb6004540) 0 empty
-Class std::__fill_n<true>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::__fill_n<true> (0xb60045c0) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<char> (0xb6004780) 0 empty
-Class std::char_traits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::char_traits<wchar_t> (0xb5ebfc00) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<void> (0xb5ec7fc0) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5eec100) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<char> (0xb5eec140) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5eec180) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5eec1c0) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5eec200) 0 empty
-  __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5eec240) 0 empty
 Class std::__numeric_limits_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__numeric_limits_base (0xb5eec380) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<bool> (0xb5eec440) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<char> (0xb5eec480) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<signed char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<signed char> (0xb5eec4c0) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<unsigned char> (0xb5eec500) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<wchar_t> (0xb5eec540) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<short int> (0xb5eec580) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<short unsigned int> (0xb5eec5c0) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<int> (0xb5eec600) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<unsigned int> (0xb5eec640) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<long int> (0xb5eec680) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<long unsigned int> (0xb5eec6c0) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<long long int> (0xb5eec700) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<long long unsigned int> (0xb5eec740) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<float> (0xb5eec780) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<double> (0xb5eec9c0) 0 empty
-Class std::numeric_limits<long double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::numeric_limits<long double> (0xb5eecc00) 0 empty
-Class std::allocator<char>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<char>::rebind<char> (0xb5dc4800) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5dc4880) 0
-  std::allocator<char> (0xb5dc48c0) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char> (0xb5dc4900) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > (0xb5dc4780) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dc4940) 0
-Class std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep (0xb5dc4980) 0
-  std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dc49c0) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<wchar_t> (0xb5dc4a80) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Alloc_hider (0xb5dc4b00) 0
-  std::allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5dc4b40) 0 empty
-    __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<wchar_t> (0xb5dc4b80) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> > (0xb5dc4a00) 0
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dc4bc0) 0
-Class std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::allocator<wchar_t>::rebind<char> (0xb5dc4cc0) 0 empty
-Class std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep (0xb5dc4c00) 0
-  std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::_Rep_base (0xb5dc4c40) 0
 Class std::locale
    size=4 align=4
@@ -1795,447 +1005,63 @@ Class std::ios_base
 std::ios_base (0xb5be5040) 0
     vptr=((& std::ios_base::_ZTVSt8ios_base) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5c18ac0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-Vtable for std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_streambuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::imbue [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::setbuf [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-24    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekoff [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-28    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::seekpos [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-32    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::sync [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-36    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::showmanyc [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-40    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsgetn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-44    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::underflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-48    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::uflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-52    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::pbackfail [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-56    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::xsputn [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-60    std::basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>::overflow [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=32 align=4
-   base size=32 base align=4
-std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5c18cc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt15basic_streambufIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
 Class std::ctype_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::ctype_base (0xb5c18fc0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<char>
-std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIcE)
-8     std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<char>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype<char> (0xb5a875c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<char>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5a87600) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5a875c0)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5a87640) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE)
-8     std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__ctype_abstract_base<_CharT>::~__ctype_abstract_base [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-44    __cxa_pure_virtual
-48    __cxa_pure_virtual
-52    __cxa_pure_virtual
-56    __cxa_pure_virtual
-60    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ab3800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt21__ctype_abstract_baseIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5ab3840) 0
-      primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ab3800)
-  std::ctype_base (0xb5ab3880) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype<wchar_t>
-std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt5ctypeIwE)
-8     std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-12    std::ctype<wchar_t>::~ctype
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5ab3900) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt5ctypeIwE) + 8u)
-  std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ab3940) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5ab3900)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5ab3980) 0
-        primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ab3940)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5ab39c0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<char>
-std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIcE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<_CharT>::~ctype_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::ctype_byname<_CharT>::~ctype_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-20    std::ctype<char>::do_toupper
-24    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-28    std::ctype<char>::do_tolower
-32    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-36    std::ctype<char>::do_widen
-40    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-44    std::ctype<char>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<char>
-   size=544 align=4
-   base size=542 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5ac2d80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<char>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<char> (0xb5ac2dc0) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<char> (0xb5ac2d80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5ac2e00) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<char> (0xb5ac2dc0)
-    std::ctype_base (0xb5ac2e40) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE: 16u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt12ctype_bynameIwE)
-8     std::ctype_byname<_CharT>::~ctype_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::ctype_byname<_CharT>::~ctype_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-20    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_is
-24    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_is
-28    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not
-32    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-36    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_toupper
-40    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-44    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_tolower
-48    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-52    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_widen
-56    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-60    std::ctype<wchar_t>::do_narrow
-Class std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=1264 align=4
-   base size=1264 base align=4
-std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5ac2f00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::ctype_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt12ctype_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5ac2f40) 0
-      primary-for std::ctype_byname<wchar_t> (0xb5ac2f00)
-    std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ac2f80) 0
-        primary-for std::ctype<wchar_t> (0xb5ac2f40)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5ac2fc0) 0
-          primary-for std::__ctype_abstract_base<wchar_t> (0xb5ac2f80)
-      std::ctype_base (0xb5ac2cc0) 0 empty
 Class std::codecvt_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::codecvt_base (0xb5acf700) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, __mbstate_t>
-std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIcc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIcc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::__codecvt_abstract_base<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~__codecvt_abstract_base [with _InternT = char, _ExternT = char, _StateT = __mbstate_t]
-12    std::__codecvt_abstract_base<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~__codecvt_abstract_base [with _InternT = char, _ExternT = char, _StateT = __mbstate_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, __mbstate_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5acf880) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIcc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5acf8c0) 0
-      primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5acf880)
-  std::codecvt_base (0xb5acf900) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>
-std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt7codecvtIcc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7codecvtIcc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::~codecvt
-12    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::~codecvt
-16    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_out
-20    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_unshift
-24    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_in
-28    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_encoding
-32    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv
-36    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_length
-40    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_max_length
-Class std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5acf980) 0
-    vptr=((& std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt7codecvtIcc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5acf9c0) 0
-      primary-for std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5acf980)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5acfa00) 0
-        primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5acf9c0)
-    std::codecvt_base (0xb5acfa40) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>
-std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIwc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIwc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::__codecvt_abstract_base<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~__codecvt_abstract_base [with _InternT = wchar_t, _ExternT = char, _StateT = __mbstate_t]
-12    std::__codecvt_abstract_base<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~__codecvt_abstract_base [with _InternT = wchar_t, _ExternT = char, _StateT = __mbstate_t]
-16    __cxa_pure_virtual
-20    __cxa_pure_virtual
-24    __cxa_pure_virtual
-28    __cxa_pure_virtual
-32    __cxa_pure_virtual
-36    __cxa_pure_virtual
-40    __cxa_pure_virtual
-Class std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5ae9580) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt23__codecvt_abstract_baseIwc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5ae95c0) 0
-      primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5ae9580)
-  std::codecvt_base (0xb5ae9600) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>
-std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt7codecvtIwc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7codecvtIwc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::~codecvt
-12    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::~codecvt
-16    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_out
-20    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_unshift
-24    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_in
-28    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_encoding
-32    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv
-36    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_length
-40    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_max_length
-Class std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5ae9680) 0
-    vptr=((& std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt7codecvtIwc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5ae96c0) 0
-      primary-for std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5ae9680)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5ae9700) 0
-        primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5ae96c0)
-    std::codecvt_base (0xb5ae9740) 0 empty
 Class std::__num_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::__num_base (0xb5af42c0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::numpunct<char>
-std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIcE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<char> (0xb5af4800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<char>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5af4840) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb5af4800)
-Vtable for std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8numpunctIwE)
-8     std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct<_CharT>::~numpunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5af48c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8numpunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5af4900) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb5af48c0)
-Vtable for std::collate<char>
-std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIcE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<char> (0xb5af4b80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<char>::_ZTVSt7collateIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5af4bc0) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb5af4b80)
-Vtable for std::collate<wchar_t>
-std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7collateIwE)
-8     std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate<_CharT>::~collate [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5af4c80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt7collateIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5af4cc0) 0
-      primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5af4c80)
 Class std::time_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::time_base (0xb5af4e00) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::__timepunct_cache<char>
-std::__timepunct_cache<char>::_ZTVSt17__timepunct_cacheIcE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17__timepunct_cacheIcE)
-8     std::__timepunct_cache<_CharT>::~__timepunct_cache [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::__timepunct_cache<_CharT>::~__timepunct_cache [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::__timepunct_cache<char>
-   size=200 align=4
-   base size=197 base align=4
-std::__timepunct_cache<char> (0xb5af4ec0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__timepunct_cache<char>::_ZTVSt17__timepunct_cacheIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5af4f00) 0
-      primary-for std::__timepunct_cache<char> (0xb5af4ec0)
-Vtable for std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t>
-std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt17__timepunct_cacheIwE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17__timepunct_cacheIwE)
-8     std::__timepunct_cache<_CharT>::~__timepunct_cache [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__timepunct_cache<_CharT>::~__timepunct_cache [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t>
-   size=200 align=4
-   base size=197 base align=4
-std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t> (0xb5af4f80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt17__timepunct_cacheIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5af4fc0) 0
-      primary-for std::__timepunct_cache<wchar_t> (0xb5af4f80)
-Vtable for std::__timepunct<char>
-std::__timepunct<char>::_ZTVSt11__timepunctIcE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt11__timepunctIcE)
-8     std::__timepunct<_CharT>::~__timepunct [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::__timepunct<_CharT>::~__timepunct [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::__timepunct<char>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-std::__timepunct<char> (0xb5af4940) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__timepunct<char>::_ZTVSt11__timepunctIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5af4c00) 0
-      primary-for std::__timepunct<char> (0xb5af4940)
-Vtable for std::__timepunct<wchar_t>
-std::__timepunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt11__timepunctIwE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt11__timepunctIwE)
-8     std::__timepunct<_CharT>::~__timepunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::__timepunct<_CharT>::~__timepunct [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::__timepunct<wchar_t>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-std::__timepunct<wchar_t> (0xb5af4d00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::__timepunct<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt11__timepunctIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5af4f40) 0
-      primary-for std::__timepunct<wchar_t> (0xb5af4d00)
 Class std::money_base::pattern
    size=4 align=1
@@ -2247,178 +1073,26 @@ Class std::money_base
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::money_base (0xb5b67280) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct<char, true>
-std::moneypunct<char, true>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIcLb1EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt10moneypunctIcLb1EE)
-8     std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-12    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-Class std::moneypunct<char, true>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct<char, true> (0xb5b675c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct<char, true>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIcLb1EE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b67600) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct<char, true> (0xb5b675c0)
-  std::money_base (0xb5b67640) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct<char, false>
-std::moneypunct<char, false>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIcLb0EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt10moneypunctIcLb0EE)
-8     std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-12    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-Class std::moneypunct<char, false>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct<char, false> (0xb5b676c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct<char, false>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIcLb0EE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b67700) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct<char, false> (0xb5b676c0)
-  std::money_base (0xb5b67740) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true>
-std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIwLb1EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt10moneypunctIwLb1EE)
-8     std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-12    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-Class std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true> (0xb5b677c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIwLb1EE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b67800) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true> (0xb5b677c0)
-  std::money_base (0xb5b67840) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false>
-std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIwLb0EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt10moneypunctIwLb0EE)
-8     std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-12    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-Class std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false> (0xb5b678c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false>::_ZTVSt10moneypunctIwLb0EE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b67900) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false> (0xb5b678c0)
-  std::money_base (0xb5b67940) 0 empty
 Class std::messages_base
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 std::messages_base (0xb5b67b40) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::messages<char>
-std::messages<char>::_ZTVSt8messagesIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8messagesIcE)
-8     std::messages<_CharT>::~messages [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::messages<_CharT>::~messages [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::messages<_CharT>::do_open [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::messages<_CharT>::do_get [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::messages<_CharT>::do_close [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::messages<char>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-std::messages<char> (0xb5b67c40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::messages<char>::_ZTVSt8messagesIcE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b67c80) 0
-      primary-for std::messages<char> (0xb5b67c40)
-  std::messages_base (0xb5b67cc0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::messages<wchar_t>
-std::messages<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8messagesIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8messagesIwE)
-8     std::messages<_CharT>::~messages [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::messages<_CharT>::~messages [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::messages<_CharT>::do_open [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::messages<_CharT>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::messages<_CharT>::do_close [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::messages<wchar_t>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-std::messages<wchar_t> (0xb5b67e40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::messages<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt8messagesIwE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb5b67e80) 0
-      primary-for std::messages<wchar_t> (0xb5b67e40)
-  std::messages_base (0xb5b67ec0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-Class std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=136 align=4
-   base size=136 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b67d00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb5b67f00) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5b67d00)
-Vtable for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 4u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-8     std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-12    std::basic_ios<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ios [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-Class std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=140 base align=4
-std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59f7040) 0
-    vptr=((& std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 8u)
-  std::ios_base (0xb59f7080) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59f7040)
 Vtable for std::type_info
 std::type_info::_ZTVSt9type_info: 8u entries
@@ -2469,774 +1143,95 @@ std::bad_typeid (0xb59f7b00) 0 nearly-empty
   std::exception (0xb59f7b40) 0 nearly-empty
       primary-for std::bad_typeid (0xb59f7b00)
-Class std::iterator_traits<char*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-std::iterator_traits<char*> (0xb59f7e00) 0 empty
-Class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > (0xb59f7d80) 0
-Vtable for std::moneypunct_byname<char, false>
-std::moneypunct_byname<char, false>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb0EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb0EE)
-8     std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-12    std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = false]
-Class std::moneypunct_byname<char, false>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct_byname<char, false> (0xb59f7e40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct_byname<char, false>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb0EE) + 8u)
-  std::moneypunct<char, false> (0xb59f7e80) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct_byname<char, false> (0xb59f7e40)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb59f7ec0) 0
-        primary-for std::moneypunct<char, false> (0xb59f7e80)
-    std::money_base (0xb59f7f00) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct_byname<char, true>
-std::moneypunct_byname<char, true>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb1EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb1EE)
-8     std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-12    std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = char, bool _Intl = true]
-Class std::moneypunct_byname<char, true>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct_byname<char, true> (0xb59f7f80) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct_byname<char, true>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIcLb1EE) + 8u)
-  std::moneypunct<char, true> (0xb59f7fc0) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct_byname<char, true> (0xb59f7f80)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb59f7000) 0
-        primary-for std::moneypunct<char, true> (0xb59f7fc0)
-    std::money_base (0xb59f70c0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt9money_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 6u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9money_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~money_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~money_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb59f76c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt9money_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb59f7ac0) 0
-      primary-for std::money_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb59f76c0)
-Vtable for std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt9money_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 6u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9money_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~money_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~money_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb59f7d00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt9money_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb59f7d40) 0
-      primary-for std::money_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb59f7d00)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<char>
-std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIcE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = char]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = char]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb58d1000) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<char> (0xb58d1040) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<char> (0xb58d1000)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb58d1080) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<char> (0xb58d1040)
-Vtable for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1100) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb58d1140) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1100)
-Vtable for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d11c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb58d1200) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d11c0)
-Vtable for std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt8time_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 5u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8time_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1280) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt8time_putIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb58d12c0) 0
-      primary-for std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1280)
-Vtable for std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt15time_put_bynameIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 5u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15time_put_bynameIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::time_put_byname<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put_byname [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::time_put_byname<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put_byname [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = char, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1340) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt15time_put_bynameIcSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1380) 0
-      primary-for std::time_put_byname<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1340)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb58d13c0) 0
-        primary-for std::time_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1380)
-Vtable for std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt8time_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8time_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_date_order [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_time [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_date [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_weekday [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_monthname [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_year [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1440) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt8time_getIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb58d1480) 0
-      primary-for std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1440)
-  std::time_base (0xb58d14c0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt15time_get_bynameIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15time_get_bynameIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE)
-8     std::time_get_byname<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get_byname [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-12    std::time_get_byname<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get_byname [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-16    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_date_order [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-20    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_time [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-24    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_date [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-28    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_weekday [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-32    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_monthname [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-36    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_year [with _CharT = char, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >]
-Class std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1540) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_ZTVSt15time_get_bynameIcSt19istreambuf_iteratorIcSt11char_traitsIcEEE) + 8u)
-  std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1580) 0
-      primary-for std::time_get_byname<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1540)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb58d15c0) 0
-        primary-for std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > > (0xb58d1580)
-    std::time_base (0xb58d1600) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::messages_byname<char>
-std::messages_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15messages_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15messages_bynameIcE)
-8     std::messages_byname<_CharT>::~messages_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::messages_byname<_CharT>::~messages_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::messages<_CharT>::do_open [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::messages<_CharT>::do_get [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::messages<_CharT>::do_close [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::messages_byname<char>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-std::messages_byname<char> (0xb58d1680) 0
-    vptr=((& std::messages_byname<char>::_ZTVSt15messages_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::messages<char> (0xb58d16c0) 0
-      primary-for std::messages_byname<char> (0xb58d1680)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb58d1700) 0
-        primary-for std::messages<char> (0xb58d16c0)
-    std::messages_base (0xb58d1740) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::codecvt_byname<char, char, __mbstate_t>
-std::codecvt_byname<char, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt14codecvt_bynameIcc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14codecvt_bynameIcc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::codecvt_byname<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~codecvt_byname [with _InternT = char, _ExternT = char, _StateT = __mbstate_t]
-12    std::codecvt_byname<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~codecvt_byname [with _InternT = char, _ExternT = char, _StateT = __mbstate_t]
-16    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_out
-20    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_unshift
-24    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_in
-28    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_encoding
-32    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv
-36    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_length
-40    std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t>::do_max_length
-Class std::codecvt_byname<char, char, __mbstate_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::codecvt_byname<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb58d1800) 0
-    vptr=((& std::codecvt_byname<char, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt14codecvt_bynameIcc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb58d1840) 0
-      primary-for std::codecvt_byname<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb58d1800)
-    std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb58d1880) 0
-        primary-for std::codecvt<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb58d1840)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb58d18c0) 0
-          primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<char, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb58d1880)
-      std::codecvt_base (0xb58d1900) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<char>
-std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIcE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = char]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = char]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = char]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = char]
-Class std::collate_byname<char>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<char> (0xb58d1980) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<char>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIcE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<char> (0xb58d19c0) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<char> (0xb58d1980)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb58d1a00) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<char> (0xb58d19c0)
-Vtable for std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false>
-std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb0EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb0EE)
-8     std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-12    std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = false]
-Class std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false> (0xb58d1ac0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb0EE) + 8u)
-  std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false> (0xb58d1b00) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, false> (0xb58d1ac0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb58d1b40) 0
-        primary-for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false> (0xb58d1b00)
-    std::money_base (0xb58d1b80) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true>
-std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb1EE: 13u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb1EE)
-8     std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-12    std::moneypunct_byname<_CharT, _Intl>::~moneypunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-16    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-20    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-24    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-28    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_curr_symbol [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-32    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_positive_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-36    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_negative_sign [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-40    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_frac_digits [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-44    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_pos_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-48    std::moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>::do_neg_format [with _CharT = wchar_t, bool _Intl = true]
-Class std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true> (0xb58d1c00) 0
-    vptr=((& std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true>::_ZTVSt17moneypunct_bynameIwLb1EE) + 8u)
-  std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true> (0xb58d1c40) 0
-      primary-for std::moneypunct_byname<wchar_t, true> (0xb58d1c00)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb58d1c80) 0
-        primary-for std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true> (0xb58d1c40)
-    std::money_base (0xb58d1cc0) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt9money_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 6u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9money_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~money_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~money_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::money_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1d40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt9money_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb58d1d80) 0
-      primary-for std::money_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1d40)
-Vtable for std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt9money_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 6u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt9money_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~money_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~money_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::money_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1e40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt9money_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb58d1e80) 0
-      primary-for std::money_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1e40)
-Vtable for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE: 9u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15numpunct_bynameIwE)
-8     std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::numpunct_byname<_CharT>::~numpunct_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_decimal_point [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_thousands_sep [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_grouping [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-28    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_truename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-32    std::numpunct<_CharT>::do_falsename [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb58d1f40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15numpunct_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb58d1f80) 0
-      primary-for std::numpunct_byname<wchar_t> (0xb58d1f40)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb58d1fc0) 0
-        primary-for std::numpunct<wchar_t> (0xb58d1f80)
-Vtable for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 15u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~num_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-48    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-52    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-56    std::num_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d10c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb58d1180) 0
-      primary-for std::num_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d10c0)
-Vtable for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 12u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~num_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-40    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-44    std::num_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1240) 0
-    vptr=((& std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt7num_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb58d1300) 0
-      primary-for std::num_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1240)
-Vtable for std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt8time_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 5u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8time_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1400) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt8time_putIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb58d1500) 0
-      primary-for std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1400)
-Vtable for std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt15time_put_bynameIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 5u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15time_put_bynameIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::time_put_byname<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::time_put_byname<_CharT, _OutIter>::~time_put_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::time_put<_CharT, _OutIter>::do_put [with _CharT = wchar_t, _OutIter = std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1640) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt15time_put_bynameIwSt19ostreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1780) 0
-      primary-for std::time_put_byname<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1640)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb58d1940) 0
-        primary-for std::time_put<wchar_t, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1780)
-Vtable for std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt8time_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt8time_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_date_order [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_time [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_date [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_weekday [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_monthname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_year [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1a40) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt8time_getIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::locale::facet (0xb58d1bc0) 0
-      primary-for std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1a40)
-  std::time_base (0xb58d1d00) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt15time_get_bynameIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE: 10u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15time_get_bynameIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE)
-8     std::time_get_byname<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-12    std::time_get_byname<_CharT, _InIter>::~time_get_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-16    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_date_order [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-20    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_time [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-24    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_date [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-28    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_weekday [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-32    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_monthname [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-36    std::time_get<_CharT, _InIter>::do_get_year [with _CharT = wchar_t, _InIter = std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >]
-Class std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1dc0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > >::_ZTVSt15time_get_bynameIwSt19istreambuf_iteratorIwSt11char_traitsIwEEE) + 8u)
-  std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1ec0) 0
-      primary-for std::time_get_byname<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1dc0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5935000) 0
-        primary-for std::time_get<wchar_t, std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > > (0xb58d1ec0)
-    std::time_base (0xb5935040) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::messages_byname<wchar_t>
-std::messages_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15messages_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt15messages_bynameIwE)
-8     std::messages_byname<_CharT>::~messages_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::messages_byname<_CharT>::~messages_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::messages<_CharT>::do_open [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::messages<_CharT>::do_get [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::messages<_CharT>::do_close [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::messages_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-std::messages_byname<wchar_t> (0xb59350c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::messages_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt15messages_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::messages<wchar_t> (0xb5935100) 0
-      primary-for std::messages_byname<wchar_t> (0xb59350c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5935140) 0
-        primary-for std::messages<wchar_t> (0xb5935100)
-    std::messages_base (0xb5935180) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>
-std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt14codecvt_bynameIwc11__mbstate_tE: 11u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14codecvt_bynameIwc11__mbstate_tE)
-8     std::codecvt_byname<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~codecvt_byname [with _InternT = wchar_t, _ExternT = char, _StateT = __mbstate_t]
-12    std::codecvt_byname<_InternT, _ExternT, _StateT>::~codecvt_byname [with _InternT = wchar_t, _ExternT = char, _StateT = __mbstate_t]
-16    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_out
-20    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_unshift
-24    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_in
-28    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_encoding
-32    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv
-36    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_length
-40    std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::do_max_length
-Class std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5935240) 0
-    vptr=((& std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t>::_ZTVSt14codecvt_bynameIwc11__mbstate_tE) + 8u)
-  std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5935280) 0
-      primary-for std::codecvt_byname<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5935240)
-    std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb59352c0) 0
-        primary-for std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb5935280)
-      std::locale::facet (0xb5935300) 0
-          primary-for std::__codecvt_abstract_base<wchar_t, char, __mbstate_t> (0xb59352c0)
-      std::codecvt_base (0xb5935340) 0 empty
-Vtable for std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE: 7u entries
-0     (int (*)(...))0
-4     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14collate_bynameIwE)
-8     std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-12    std::collate_byname<_CharT>::~collate_byname [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-16    std::collate<_CharT>::do_compare [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-20    std::collate<_CharT>::do_transform [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-24    std::collate<_CharT>::do_hash [with _CharT = wchar_t]
-Class std::collate_byname<wchar_t>
-   size=12 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb59353c0) 0
-    vptr=((& std::collate_byname<wchar_t>::_ZTVSt14collate_bynameIwE) + 8u)
-  std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5935400) 0
-      primary-for std::collate_byname<wchar_t> (0xb59353c0)
-    std::locale::facet (0xb5935440) 0
-        primary-for std::collate<wchar_t> (0xb5935400)
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4294967292u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISo)
-32    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSoD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSo: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=140 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5935500) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5935540) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSo) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5935580) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5935540)
-Class std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5935640) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     4u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_ostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4294967292u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000004
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5935680) 0 nearly-empty
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59356c0) 4 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_ostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5935700) 4
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb59356c0)
-Class std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb59357c0) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4294967288u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISi)
-32    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSiD0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSi: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=144 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5935880) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59358c0) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSi) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5935900) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59358c0)
-Vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 10u entries
-0     8u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_istream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4294967288u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 VTT for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 2u entries
 0     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
 4     ((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5935bc0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5935c00) 8 virtual
-      vptridx=4u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt13basic_istreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::ios_base (0xb5935c40) 8
-        primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5935c00)
-Class std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::sentry (0xb5935080) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits<char>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-32    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZThn8_NSdD0Ev
-40    4294967284u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x0000000000000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISd)
-52    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSdD0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5935380 instance) in std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
 std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTCSd0_Si: 10u entries
@@ -3274,44 +1269,8 @@ std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTTSd: 7u entries
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >
-   size=148 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59351c0) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5935380) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb59351c0)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5935480) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5935600) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5935480)
-  std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5935780) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::_ZTVSd) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char> > (0xb5935480) alternative-path
-Class std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=1 base align=1
-std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::sentry (0xb59359c0) 0
-Vtable for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE: 15u entries
-0     12u
-4     (int (*)(...))0
-8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-12    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-16    std::basic_iostream<_CharT, _Traits>::~basic_iostream [with _CharT = wchar_t, _Traits = std::char_traits<wchar_t>]
-20    4u
-24    (int (*)(...))-0x00000000000000008
-28    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-32    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-36    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZThn8_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
-40    4294967284u
-44    (int (*)(...))-0x0000000000000000c
-48    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTISt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE)
-52    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED1Ev
-56    std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTv0_n12_NSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEED0Ev
 Construction vtable for std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5935c80 instance) in std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
 std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTCSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE0_St13basic_istreamIwS1_E: 10u entries
@@ -3349,71 +1308,28 @@ std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTTSt14basic_iostream
 20    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
 24    ((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-Class std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >
-   size=152 align=4
-   base size=12 base align=4
-std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5935940) 0
-    vptridx=0u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 12u)
-  std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5935c80) 0
-      primary-for std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5935940)
-      subvttidx=4u
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5935cc0) 12 virtual
-        vptridx=20u vbaseoffset=-0x0000000000000000c vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 52u)
-      std::ios_base (0xb5935d00) 12
-          primary-for std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5935cc0)
-  std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5808000) 8 nearly-empty
-      subvttidx=12u vptridx=24u vptr=((& std::basic_iostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >::_ZTVSt14basic_iostreamIwSt11char_traitsIwEE) + 32u)
-    std::basic_ios<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > (0xb5935cc0) alternative-path
-Class QVector<double>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double>::<anonymous union> (0xb5808380) 0
-Class QVector<double>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<double> (0xb5808300) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::Median<double>
-   size=24 align=4
-   base size=22 base align=4
-QtConcurrent::Median<double> (0xb5808280) 0
 Class QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager
    size=72 align=4
    base size=72 base align=4
 QtConcurrent::BlockSizeManager (0xb58081c0) 0
-Class QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QtConcurrent::ResultReporter<void> (0xb5808600) 0 empty
 Class QRegExp
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QRegExp (0xb5808940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRegExp> (0xb585f940) 0 empty
 Class QStringMatcher
    size=1036 align=4
    base size=1036 base align=4
 QStringMatcher (0xb585f980) 0
-Class QList<QString>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::<anonymous union> (0xb585fe40) 0
-Class QList<QString>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString> (0xb585fdc0) 0
 Class QStringList
    size=4 align=4
@@ -3421,290 +1337,66 @@ Class QStringList
 QStringList (0xb585fe80) 0
   QList<QString> (0xb585fec0) 0
-Class QList<QString>::iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::iterator (0xb5694140) 0
-Class QList<QString>::const_iterator
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::const_iterator (0xb5694300) 0
 Class QMetaType
    size=1 align=1
    base size=0 base align=1
 QMetaType (0xb56fcc40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QString>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QString> (0xb56fce00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<int> (0xb56fcf40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned int> (0xb577d080) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<bool>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<bool> (0xb577d1c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<double>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<double> (0xb577d300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QByteArray> (0xb577d440) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QChar>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QChar> (0xb577d580) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long int> (0xb577d6c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short int> (0xb577d800) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<char> (0xb577d940) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long unsigned int> (0xb577da80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<short unsigned int> (0xb577dbc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<unsigned char> (0xb577dd00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<float>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<float> (0xb577de40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QObject*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QObject*> (0xb577df80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QWidget*> (0xb55840c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<void*>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<void*> (0xb5584200) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long int> (0xb5584340) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<long long unsigned int> (0xb5584480) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QStringList>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QStringList> (0xb55845c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitArray> (0xb5584700) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDate> (0xb5584840) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTime> (0xb5584980) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QDateTime> (0xb5584ac0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QUrl> (0xb5584c00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLocale> (0xb5584d40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRect> (0xb5584e80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRectF> (0xb5584fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSize> (0xb5591100) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizeF> (0xb5591240) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLine> (0xb5591380) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QLineF> (0xb55914c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPoint> (0xb5591600) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPointF> (0xb5591740) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegExp> (0xb5591880) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColorGroup> (0xb55919c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QFont>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QFont> (0xb5591b00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPixmap> (0xb5591c40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBrush>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBrush> (0xb5591d80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QColor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QColor> (0xb5591ec0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPalette>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPalette> (0xb559d000) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QIcon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QIcon> (0xb559d140) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QImage>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QImage> (0xb559d280) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPolygon> (0xb559d3c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QRegion>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QRegion> (0xb559d500) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QBitmap> (0xb559d640) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QCursor>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QCursor> (0xb559d780) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QSizePolicy> (0xb559d8c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QKeySequence> (0xb559da00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QPen>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QPen> (0xb559db40) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextLength> (0xb559dc80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTextFormat> (0xb559ddc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMatrix> (0xb559df00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QTransform>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QTransform> (0xb55a7040) 0 empty
 Class QVariant::PrivateShared
    size=8 align=4
@@ -3731,45 +1423,17 @@ Class QVariant
    base size=12 base align=4
 QVariant (0xb55a7180) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb55e02c0) 0
-Class QList<QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QVariant> (0xb55e0240) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant>::<anonymous union> (0xb55e03c0) 0
-Class QMap<QString, QVariant>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QMap<QString, QVariant> (0xb55e0340) 0
 Class QVariantComparisonHelper
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QVariantComparisonHelper (0xb560cd40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QVariant>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QVariant> (0xb560cf80) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QList<QVariant> > (0xb56220c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId2<QMap<QString, QVariant> > (0xb5622200) 0 empty
 Vtable for QSettings
 QSettings::_ZTV9QSettings: 14u entries
@@ -3840,10 +1504,6 @@ QFile (0xb56581c0) 0
     QObject (0xb5658240) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb5658200)
-Class QFlags<QFile::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFile::Permission> (0xb566c440) 0
 Vtable for QTemporaryFile
 QTemporaryFile::_ZTV14QTemporaryFile: 31u entries
@@ -3965,40 +1625,16 @@ Class QFileInfo
    base size=4 base align=4
 QFileInfo (0xb54a89c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QFileInfo::Permission> (0xb54bad00) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QFileInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QFileInfo> (0xb54baec0) 0 empty
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::<anonymous union> (0xb54d0b00) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo> (0xb54d0a80) 0
 Class QDir
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDir (0xb54d0c00) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::SortFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::SortFlag> (0xb54fa2c0) 0
-Class QFlags<QDir::Filter>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDir::Filter> (0xb54fa3c0) 0
 Class QAbstractFileEngine::ExtensionOption
    size=1 align=1
@@ -4073,10 +1709,6 @@ Class QAbstractFileEngine
 QAbstractFileEngine (0xb5525c40) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractFileEngine::_ZTV19QAbstractFileEngine) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QAbstractFileEngine::FileFlag> (0xb5532e80) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 QAbstractFileEngineHandler::_ZTV26QAbstractFileEngineHandler: 5u entries
@@ -4220,25 +1852,13 @@ Class QLocale::Data
    base size=4 base align=2
 QLocale::Data (0xb538a780) 0
-Class QLocale::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QLocale::<anonymous union> (0xb538a7c0) 0
 Class QLocale
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QLocale (0xb5568400) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLocale>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLocale> (0xb538afc0) 0 empty
-Class QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLocale::NumberOption> (0xb5391080) 0
 Class QResource
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4258,25 +1878,13 @@ Class QDirIterator
 QDirIterator (0xb53af3c0) 0
     vptr=((& QDirIterator::_ZTV12QDirIterator) + 8u)
-Class QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QDirIterator::IteratorFlag> (0xb53afb80) 0
 Class QUrl
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QUrl (0xb53c3940) 0
-Class QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUrl::FormattingOption> (0xb53cf940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QUrl>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QUrl> (0xb53eda80) 0 empty
 Class QSystemSemaphore
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4335,10 +1943,6 @@ QEventLoop (0xb5414580) 0
   QObject (0xb54145c0) 0
       primary-for QEventLoop (0xb5414580)
-Class QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag> (0xb5414bc0) 0
 Vtable for QAbstractEventDispatcher
 QAbstractEventDispatcher::_ZTV24QAbstractEventDispatcher: 27u entries
@@ -4483,10 +2087,6 @@ Class QBasicTimer
    base size=4 base align=4
 QBasicTimer (0xb5277c80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBasicTimer> (0xb52773c0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QTimer
 QTimer::_ZTV6QTimer: 14u entries
@@ -4543,20 +2143,12 @@ Class QMetaMethod
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaMethod (0xb52a1800) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaMethod> (0xb52a1b00) 0 empty
 Class QMetaEnum
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaEnum (0xb52a1b40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaEnum> (0xb52a1d40) 0 empty
 Class QMetaProperty
    size=20 align=4
@@ -4568,10 +2160,6 @@ Class QMetaClassInfo
    base size=8 base align=4
 QMetaClassInfo (0xb52a1fc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QMetaClassInfo> (0xb52bf100) 0 empty
 Class __exception
    size=32 align=4
@@ -4686,20 +2274,12 @@ Class QModelIndex
    base size=16 base align=4
 QModelIndex (0xb531b280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QModelIndex> (0xb532df40) 0 empty
 Class QPersistentModelIndex
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QPersistentModelIndex (0xb532df80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPersistentModelIndex> (0xb5334680) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractItemModel
 QAbstractItemModel::_ZTV18QAbstractItemModel: 42u entries
@@ -4895,20 +2475,12 @@ Class QSize
    base size=8 base align=4
 QSize (0xb51889c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSize>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSize> (0xb5196b80) 0 empty
 Class QSizeF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QSizeF (0xb51ac940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSizeF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSizeF> (0xb51bab80) 0 empty
 Class QBitArray
    size=4 align=4
@@ -4920,50 +2492,30 @@ Class QBitRef
    base size=8 base align=4
 QBitRef (0xb51f9940) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QBitArray>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QBitArray> (0xb520b240) 0 empty
 Class QPoint
    size=8 align=4
    base size=8 base align=4
 QPoint (0xb520b340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPoint>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPoint> (0xb521a200) 0 empty
 Class QPointF
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QPointF (0xb52248c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QPointF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QPointF> (0xb5230900) 0 empty
 Class QRect
    size=16 align=4
    base size=16 base align=4
 QRect (0xb523fb80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRect>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRect> (0xb52595c0) 0 empty
 Class QRectF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QRectF (0xb509d640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QRectF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QRectF> (0xb50b7740) 0 empty
 Class QTextBoundaryFinder
    size=28 align=4
@@ -4985,20 +2537,12 @@ Class QLine
    base size=16 base align=4
 QLine (0xb510a340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLine>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLine> (0xb510a6c0) 0 empty
 Class QLineF
    size=32 align=4
    base size=32 base align=4
 QLineF (0xb5165bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QLineF>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QLineF> (0xb4f78440) 0 empty
 Class QCryptographicHash
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5010,30 +2554,18 @@ Class QDate
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDate (0xb4f9a640) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDate>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDate> (0xb4fa8a40) 0 empty
 Class QTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QTime (0xb4fa8a80) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QTime> (0xb4fb9b80) 0 empty
 Class QDateTime
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QDateTime (0xb4fb9bc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QDateTime>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QDateTime> (0xb4fc6fc0) 0 empty
 Class QLinkedListData
    size=20 align=4
@@ -5079,10 +2611,6 @@ QLibrary (0xb4fdd480) 0
   QObject (0xb4fdd4c0) 0
       primary-for QLibrary (0xb4fdd480)
-Class QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QLibrary::LoadHint> (0xb4fdd3c0) 0
 Class QUuid
    size=16 align=4
@@ -5129,20 +2657,12 @@ Class QReadWriteLock
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadWriteLock (0xb4e91280) 0
-Class QReadLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QReadLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4e91940) 0
 Class QReadLocker
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QReadLocker (0xb4e91640) 0
-Class QWriteLocker::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QWriteLocker::<anonymous union> (0xb4e99a40) 0
 Class QWriteLocker
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5159,20 +2679,8 @@ Class QXmlStreamAttribute
    base size=53 base align=4
 QXmlStreamAttribute (0xb4eb8140) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4ec5100) 0 empty
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>::<anonymous union> (0xb4ec51c0) 0
-Class QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QVector<QXmlStreamAttribute> (0xb4ec5140) 0
 Class QXmlStreamAttributes
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5185,30 +2693,18 @@ Class QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
    base size=28 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration (0xb4ec5280) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration> (0xb4ec5a00) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
    size=40 align=4
    base size=40 base align=4
 QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration (0xb4ec5a40) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration> (0xb4ef2280) 0 empty
 Class QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
    size=64 align=4
    base size=64 base align=4
 QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration (0xb4ef22c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration> (0xb4ef2d00) 0 empty
 Vtable for QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 QXmlStreamEntityResolver::_ZTV24QXmlStreamEntityResolver: 6u entries
@@ -5536,25 +3032,13 @@ QUdpSocket (0xb4da4400) 0
       QObject (0xb4da44c0) 0
           primary-for QIODevice (0xb4da4480)
-Class QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QUdpSocket::BindFlag> (0xb4da4e80) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkRequestPrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkRequestPrivate> (0xb4dc0ec0) 0
 Class QNetworkRequest
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkRequest (0xb4dc0980) 0
-Class QMetaTypeId<QNetworkRequest>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QNetworkRequest> (0xb4dc0fc0) 0 empty
 Vtable for QHttpHeader
 QHttpHeader::_ZTV11QHttpHeader: 8u entries
@@ -5757,20 +3241,12 @@ QNetworkReply (0xb4e21700) 0
     QObject (0xb4e21780) 0
         primary-for QIODevice (0xb4e21740)
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkCookiePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkCookiePrivate> (0xb4e406c0) 0
 Class QNetworkCookie
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkCookie (0xb4e40000) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QNetworkCookie> (0xb4e40800) 0 empty
 Vtable for QNetworkCookieJar
 QNetworkCookieJar::_ZTV17QNetworkCookieJar: 16u entries
@@ -5799,15 +3275,7 @@ QNetworkCookieJar (0xb4e40840) 0
   QObject (0xb4e40880) 0
       primary-for QNetworkCookieJar (0xb4e40840)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QNetworkCookie> (0xb4e40fc0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QNetworkCookie> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QNetworkCookie> > (0xb4e5a000) 0 empty
 Class QAuthenticator
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5819,20 +3287,12 @@ Class QNetworkAddressEntry
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkAddressEntry (0xb4e5a500) 0
-Class QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QSharedDataPointer<QNetworkInterfacePrivate> (0xb4e68140) 0
 Class QNetworkInterface
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QNetworkInterface (0xb4e5a800) 0
-Class QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> (0xb4e68200) 0
 Class QHostInfo
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5906,10 +3366,6 @@ QSslSocket (0xb4c79680) 0
         QObject (0xb4c79780) 0
             primary-for QIODevice (0xb4c79740)
-Class QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> >
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QList<QSslError> > (0xb4c8c7c0) 0 empty
 Class QSslConfiguration
    size=4 align=4
@@ -5926,20 +3382,8 @@ Class QXmlName
    base size=8 base align=4
 QXmlName (0xb4c9f480) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlName>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlName> (0xb4cac300) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QXmlName>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QXmlName> (0xb4cac340) 0 empty
-Class QPatternist::NodeIndexStorage::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QPatternist::NodeIndexStorage::<anonymous union> (0xb4cac440) 0
 Class QPatternist::NodeIndexStorage
    size=20 align=4
@@ -5985,30 +3429,14 @@ QAbstractXmlNodeModel (0xb4cd56c0) 0
     vptr=((& QAbstractXmlNodeModel::_ZTV21QAbstractXmlNodeModel) + 8u)
   QSharedData (0xb4cd5700) 4
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlNodeModelIndex>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlNodeModelIndex> (0xb4ce3300) 0 empty
-Class QXmlItem::<anonymous union>
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QXmlItem::<anonymous union> (0xb4ce3880) 0
 Class QXmlItem
    size=20 align=4
    base size=20 base align=4
 QXmlItem (0xb4ce3340) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QXmlItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QXmlItem> (0xb4ce38c0) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QXmlItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QXmlItem> (0xb4ce3900) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractXmlReceiver
 QAbstractXmlReceiver::_ZTV20QAbstractXmlReceiver: 18u entries
@@ -6102,35 +3530,19 @@ QXmlFormatter (0xb4cf93c0) 0
     QAbstractXmlReceiver (0xb4cf9440) 0
         primary-for QXmlSerializer (0xb4cf9400)
-Class QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QPatternist::NamePool>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QPatternist::NamePool> (0xb4cf9940) 0
 Class QXmlNamePool
    size=4 align=4
    base size=4 base align=4
 QXmlNamePool (0xb4cf9600) 0
-Class QSourceLocation::<anonymous union>
-   size=8 align=4
-   base size=8 base align=4
-QSourceLocation::<anonymous union> (0xb4cf9dc0) 0
 Class QSourceLocation
    size=20 align=4
    base size=20 base align=4
 QSourceLocation (0xb4cf9980) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSourceLocation>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSourceLocation> (0xb4cf9e00) 0 empty
-Class QMetaTypeId<QSourceLocation>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QMetaTypeId<QSourceLocation> (0xb4cf9e40) 0 empty
 Vtable for QAbstractMessageHandler
 QAbstractMessageHandler::_ZTV23QAbstractMessageHandler: 15u entries
@@ -6233,68 +3645,16 @@ QAbstractUriResolver (0xb4d1fd40) 0
   QObject (0xb4d1fd80) 0
       primary-for QAbstractUriResolver (0xb4d1fd40)
-Class QList<QByteArray>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QByteArray>::Node (0xb4d32440) 0
-Class QList<QString>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QString>::Node (0xb4d324c0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QtConcurrent::ResultItem> (0xb4d328c0) 0 empty
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node
-   size=20 align=4
-   base size=20 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::Node (0xb4d32940) 0
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d32a80) 0
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie> (0xb4d32a00) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::<anonymous union> (0xb4d32b80) 0
-Class QList<QSslError>
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError> (0xb4d32b00) 0
-Class QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode
-   size=16 align=4
-   base size=16 base align=4
-QMap<int, QtConcurrent::ResultItem>::PayloadNode (0xb4d32bc0) 0
-Class QList<QFileInfo>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QFileInfo>::Node (0xb4d32c40) 0
-Class QList<QNetworkCookie>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QNetworkCookie>::Node (0xb4d32cc0) 0
-Class QTypeInfo<QSslError>
-   size=1 align=1
-   base size=0 base align=1
-QTypeInfo<QSslError> (0xb4d32d40) 0 empty
-Class QList<QSslError>::Node
-   size=4 align=4
-   base size=4 base align=4
-QList<QSslError>::Node (0xb4d32dc0) 0
cgit v0.12

From 2d8716756ef648dcb34d7493d145360a0e029393 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 10:41:00 +0200
Subject: Fix warnings when compiling Qt (tst_warnings).

Don't use old-style casts in Qt code. And avoid signed/unsigned
comparisons (sizeof returns size_t, which is unsigned).
 src/corelib/tools/qstringbuilder.h | 4 ++--
 src/testlib/qtestcoreelement.h     | 2 +-
 src/testlib/qtestfilelogger.cpp    | 6 +++---
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qstringbuilder.h b/src/corelib/tools/qstringbuilder.h
index 3b43253..463c32d 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qstringbuilder.h
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qstringbuilder.h
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ template <> struct QConcatenable<QString>
     static inline void appendTo(const QString &a, QChar *&out)
         const int n = a.size();
-        memcpy(out, (char*)a.constData(), sizeof(QChar) * n);
+        memcpy(out, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(a.constData()), sizeof(QChar) * n);
         out += n; 
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ template <> struct QConcatenable<QStringRef>
     static inline void appendTo(QStringRef a, QChar *&out)
         const int n = a.size();
-        memcpy(out, (char*)a.constData(), sizeof(QChar) * n);
+        memcpy(out, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(a.constData()), sizeof(QChar) * n);
         out += n; 
diff --git a/src/testlib/qtestcoreelement.h b/src/testlib/qtestcoreelement.h
index a6aa56d..8c029b5 100644
--- a/src/testlib/qtestcoreelement.h
+++ b/src/testlib/qtestcoreelement.h
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class QTestCoreElement: public QTestCoreList<ElementType>
 template<class ElementType>
 QTestCoreElement<ElementType>::QTestCoreElement(int t)
-:listOfAttributes(0), type((QTest::LogElementType)t)
+    :listOfAttributes(0), type(QTest::LogElementType(t))
diff --git a/src/testlib/qtestfilelogger.cpp b/src/testlib/qtestfilelogger.cpp
index a717058..a64a452 100644
--- a/src/testlib/qtestfilelogger.cpp
+++ b/src/testlib/qtestfilelogger.cpp
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ void QTestFileLogger::init()
     // Keep filenames simple
-    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(filename) && filename[i]; ++i) {
+    for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof(filename) && filename[i]; ++i) {
         char& c = filename[i];
-        if (!(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c == '-'
-            || c == '.')) {
+        if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
+              || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '.')) {
             c = '_';
cgit v0.12

From a4bee26c82d87241bde62188f7871d601e3242d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 11:30:30 +0200
Subject: Add support for debugging and valgrinding external tests

This requires modifying slightl QProcess on Unix to forward stdin too.
 tests/auto/qsharedpointer/externaltests.cpp | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/externaltests.cpp b/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/externaltests.cpp
index 8077b84..d10c161 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/externaltests.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/externaltests.cpp
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@
 # error DEFAULT_MAKESPEC not defined
+#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
+# include <fcntl.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
 static QString makespec()
     static const char default_makespec[] = DEFAULT_MAKESPEC;
@@ -104,6 +109,27 @@ static bool removeRecursive(const QString &pathname)
 namespace QTest {
+    class QExternalProcess: public QProcess
+    {
+    protected:
+#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
+        void setupChildProcess()
+        {
+            // run in user code
+            QProcess::setupChildProcess();
+            if (processChannelMode() == ForwardedChannels) {
+                // reopen /dev/tty into stdin
+                int fd = ::open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY);
+                if (fd == -1)
+                    return;
+                ::dup2(fd, 0);
+                ::close(fd);
+            }
+        }
+    };
     class QExternalTestPrivate
@@ -373,11 +399,7 @@ namespace QTest {
             "void q_external_test_user_code()\n"
-            "    // HERE STARTS THE USER CODE\n";
-        sourceCode += body;
-        sourceCode +=
-            "\n"
-            "    // HERE ENDS THE USER CODE\n"
+            "#include \"user_code.cpp\"\n"
             "#ifdef Q_OS_WIN\n"
@@ -442,6 +464,15 @@ namespace QTest {
+        sourceFile.close();
+        sourceFile.setFileName(temporaryDir + QLatin1String("/user_code.cpp"));
+        if (! | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text)) {
+            std_err = sourceFile.errorString().toLocal8Bit();
+            return false;
+        }
+        sourceFile.write(body);
         return true;
@@ -552,6 +583,24 @@ namespace QTest {
             "embedded:test_run.commands += -qws\n"
             "QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += test_run\n");
+        // Use qmake to debug:
+        projectFile.write(
+            "\n"
+            "*-g++* {\n"
+            "    unix:test_debug.commands      =  gdb --args ./$(QMAKE_TARGET)\n"
+            "    else:test_debug.commands      = gdb --args $(QMAKE_TARGET)\n"
+            "    embedded:test_debug.commands += -qws\n"
+            "    QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += test_debug\n"
+            "}\n");
+        // Also use qmake to run the app with valgrind:
+        projectFile.write(
+            "\n"
+            "unix:test_valgrind.commands      = valgrind ./$(QMAKE_TARGET)\n"
+            "else:test_valgrind.commands      = valgrind $(QMAKE_TARGET)\n"
+            "embedded:test_valgrind.commands += -qws\n"
+            "QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS    += test_valgrind\n");
         return true;
@@ -593,7 +642,7 @@ namespace QTest {
-        QProcess make;
+        QExternalProcess make;
         QStringList environment = QProcess::systemEnvironment();
@@ -601,10 +650,22 @@ namespace QTest {
         QStringList args;
-        if (target == Compile)
+        QProcess::ProcessChannelMode channelMode = QProcess::SeparateChannels;
+        if (target == Compile) {
             args << QLatin1String("test_compile");
-        else if (target == Run)
-            args << QLatin1String("test_run");
+        } else if (target == Run) {
+            QByteArray run = qgetenv("QTEST_EXTERNAL_RUN");
+            if (run == "valgrind")
+                args << QLatin1String("test_valgrind");
+            else if (run == "debug")
+                args << QLatin1String("test_debug");
+            else
+                args << QLatin1String("test_run");
+            if (!run.isEmpty())
+                channelMode = QProcess::ForwardedChannels;
+        }
+        make.setProcessChannelMode(channelMode);
 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(Q_CC_MINGW)
         make.start(QLatin1String("nmake.exe"), args);
@@ -630,7 +691,10 @@ namespace QTest {
             return false;
-        bool ok = make.waitForFinished();
+        make.closeWriteChannel();
+        bool ok = make.waitForFinished(channelMode == QProcess::ForwardedChannels ? -1 : 60000);
+        if (!ok)
+            make.terminate();
         exitCode = make.exitCode();
         std_out += make.readAllStandardOutput();
         std_err += make.readAllStandardError();
cgit v0.12

From 4c12010fac555bce0a6c8d69a267a56f4c15087f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 12:05:28 +0200
Subject: Fix a running external tests: user program headers must come first.

No wonder QT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS was having no effect:
there was an #include <QtCore/QtCore> before it.
 tests/auto/qsharedpointer/externaltests.cpp | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/externaltests.cpp b/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/externaltests.cpp
index d10c161..aaef779 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/externaltests.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qsharedpointer/externaltests.cpp
@@ -360,6 +360,8 @@ namespace QTest {
+        sourceCode += programHeader;
         // Add Qt header includes
         if (qtModules & QExternalTest::QtCore)
             sourceCode += "#include <QtCore/QtCore>\n";
@@ -393,8 +395,6 @@ namespace QTest {
             "#include <stdlib.h>\n"
             "#include <stddef.h>\n";
-        sourceCode += programHeader;
         sourceCode +=
             "void q_external_test_user_code()\n"
cgit v0.12

From 486920375bdd00ac47b44a770838e50071220b46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thiago Macieira <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 12:07:27 +0200
Subject: Fix compilation with older GCC versions: need a constructor.

I don't know exactly why this is needed, but otherwise GCC complains
that there is no default constructor.
 src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h | 5 +++++
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h b/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
index 2c9cd95..630ca4f 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h
@@ -257,6 +257,11 @@ namespace QtSharedPointer {
             *ptr = &d->data;
             return d;
+    private:
+        // prevent construction and the emission of virtual symbols
+        ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData();
+        ~ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData();
     template <class T>
cgit v0.12

From c5d8cf81436ead74b6bab6332f59cf86411aef16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:20:33 +0200
Subject: No link-errors when building from repository

 tests/auto/qgraphicssceneindex/ | 1 +
 tests/auto/qgraphicsview/tst_qgraphicsview.cpp         | 5 +++++
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/auto/qgraphicssceneindex/ b/tests/auto/qgraphicssceneindex/
index 740a23e..d1bf3cc 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qgraphicssceneindex/
+++ b/tests/auto/qgraphicssceneindex/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 SOURCES  += tst_qgraphicssceneindex.cpp
diff --git a/tests/auto/qgraphicsview/tst_qgraphicsview.cpp b/tests/auto/qgraphicsview/tst_qgraphicsview.cpp
index 37c5967..8056d74 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qgraphicsview/tst_qgraphicsview.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qgraphicsview/tst_qgraphicsview.cpp
@@ -2253,6 +2253,8 @@ void tst_QGraphicsView::viewportUpdateMode2()
     const QRect viewportRect = view.viewport()->rect();
     QCOMPARE(viewportRect, QRect(0, 0, 200, 200));
+#if defined QT_BUILD_INTERNAL
     QGraphicsViewPrivate *viewPrivate = static_cast<QGraphicsViewPrivate *>(qt_widget_private(&view));
     QRect boundingRect;
@@ -2280,6 +2282,7 @@ void tst_QGraphicsView::viewportUpdateMode2()
     QCOMPARE(view.lastUpdateRegions.size(), 1);
     // Note that we adjust by 2 for antialiasing.
     QCOMPARE(, QRegion(boundingRect.adjusted(-2, -2, 2, 2) & viewportRect));
 void tst_QGraphicsView::acceptDrops()
@@ -3454,6 +3457,7 @@ void tst_QGraphicsView::update()
     const QRect viewportRect = view.viewport()->rect();
     QCOMPARE(viewportRect, QRect(0, 0, 200, 200));
+#if defined QT_BUILD_INTERNAL
     const bool intersects = updateRect.intersects(viewportRect);
     QGraphicsViewPrivate *viewPrivate = static_cast<QGraphicsViewPrivate *>(qt_widget_private(&view));
     QCOMPARE(viewPrivate->updateRect(updateRect), intersects);
@@ -3472,6 +3476,7 @@ void tst_QGraphicsView::update()
         QCOMPARE(, QRegion(updateRect.adjusted(-2, -2, 2, 2) & viewportRect));
 void tst_QGraphicsView::inputMethodSensitivity()
cgit v0.12

From bdca76715f52df3730b33dfd240085486e6f8e01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:21:30 +0200
Subject: Build without Qt3Support

 tests/auto/qsettings/tst_qsettings.cpp | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/auto/qsettings/tst_qsettings.cpp b/tests/auto/qsettings/tst_qsettings.cpp
index 5b9e9e1..d0f11aa 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qsettings/tst_qsettings.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qsettings/tst_qsettings.cpp
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ void tst_QSettings::init()
 #if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
-	if (qWinVersion() & Qt::WV_NT_based)
+        if (QSysInfo::windowsVersion() & QSysInfo::WV_NT_based)
 	    system(QString("rmdir /Q /S %1").arg(settingsPath()).toLatin1());
 	    system(QString("deltree /Y %1").arg(settingsPath()).toLatin1());
cgit v0.12

From ad28fb5e4a90f671af94baed19a2cab18f07cc30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:38:10 +0200
Subject: Compile from repo checkout

 tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp b/tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp
index 78ea146..d487908 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qurl/tst_qurl.cpp
@@ -3212,11 +3212,13 @@ void tst_QUrl::std3violations()
     QFETCH(QString, source);
         QString prepped = source;
         qt_nameprep(&prepped, 0);
         QVERIFY(!qt_check_std3rules(prepped.constData(), prepped.length()));
     if (source.contains('.'))
         return; // this test ends here
cgit v0.12

From 1aa359225fbeee7780ab4e4145e57b8dd51d8f81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:48:47 +0200
Subject: Doc: \em is not a qdoc command, \e is correct

 src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac.cpp | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac.cpp b/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac.cpp
index c14c059..45392f1 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/image/qpixmap_mac.cpp
@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ QPixmap QPixmap::grabWindow(WId window, int x, int y, int w, int h)
     \warning This function is only available on Mac OS X.
-    \warning As of Qt 4.6, this function \em{always} returns zero.
+    \warning As of Qt 4.6, this function \e{always} returns zero.
 Qt::HANDLE QPixmap::macQDHandle() const
@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ Qt::HANDLE QPixmap::macQDHandle() const
     long as it can be relocated.
     \warning This function is only available on Mac OS X.
-    \warning As of Qt 4.6, this function \em{always} returns zero.
+    \warning As of Qt 4.6, this function \e{always} returns zero.
 Qt::HANDLE QPixmap::macQDAlphaHandle() const
cgit v0.12

From dcaeddda521f90dafa1608ff8769719da5113d5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 14:02:10 +0200
Subject: Revert "Doc: Clarified that the format used in QImage::fromData() is
 the image"

This reverts commit 1368c210ef9976f68eb9fb1c3e4dc14f4fa4edd2, which
accidentially reverted previous commits.
 src/gui/image/qimage.cpp | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp b/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp
index ec36224..7d7dde1 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp
@@ -612,9 +612,6 @@ bool QImageData::checkForAlphaPixels() const
     \header \o Function \o Description
-    \o setAlphaChannel()
-    \o Sets the alpha channel of the image.
-    \row
     \o setDotsPerMeterX()
     \o Defines the aspect ratio by setting the number of pixels that fit
     horizontally in a physical meter.
@@ -1691,8 +1688,12 @@ void QImage::setColorTable(const QVector<QRgb> colors)
     d->colortable = colors;
     d->has_alpha_clut = false;
-    for (int i = 0; i < d->colortable.size(); ++i)
-        d->has_alpha_clut |= (qAlpha(d-> != 255);
+    for (int i = 0; i < d->colortable.size(); ++i) {
+        if (qAlpha(d-> != 255) {
+            d->has_alpha_clut = true;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
@@ -3947,10 +3948,8 @@ QImage QImage::scaled(const QSize& s, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectMode, Qt::Transf
     if (newSize == size())
         return copy();
-    QImage img;
-    QTransform wm;
-    wm.scale((qreal)newSize.width() / width(), (qreal)newSize.height() / height());
-    img = transformed(wm, mode);
+    QTransform wm = QTransform::fromScale((qreal)newSize.width() / width(), (qreal)newSize.height() / height());
+    QImage img = transformed(wm, mode);
     return img;
@@ -3977,9 +3976,8 @@ QImage QImage::scaledToWidth(int w, Qt::TransformationMode mode) const
     if (w <= 0)
         return QImage();
-    QTransform wm;
     qreal factor = (qreal) w / width();
-    wm.scale(factor, factor);
+    QTransform wm = QTransform::fromScale(factor, factor);
     return transformed(wm, mode);
@@ -4006,9 +4004,8 @@ QImage QImage::scaledToHeight(int h, Qt::TransformationMode mode) const
     if (h <= 0)
         return QImage();
-    QTransform wm;
     qreal factor = (qreal) h / height();
-    wm.scale(factor, factor);
+    QTransform wm = QTransform::fromScale(factor, factor);
     return transformed(wm, mode);
@@ -4629,17 +4626,14 @@ bool QImage::loadFromData(const uchar *data, int len, const char *format)
     \fn QImage QImage::fromData(const uchar *data, int size, const char *format)
     Constructs a QImage from the first \a size bytes of the given
-    binary \a data. The loader attempts to read the image, either using the
-    optional image \a format specified or by determining the image format from
-    the data.
-    If \a format is not specified (which is the default), the loader probes the
-    file for a header to determine the file format. If \a format is specified,
-    it must be one of the values returned by QImageReader::supportedImageFormats().
+    binary \a data. The loader attempts to read the image using the
+    specified \a format. If \a format is not specified (which is the default),
+    the loader probes the file for a header to guess the file format.
-    If the loading of the image fails, the image returned will be a null image.
+    If the loading of the image failed, this object is a null image.
-    \sa load(), save(), {QImage#Reading and Writing Image Files}{Reading and Writing Image Files}
+    \sa load(), save(), {QImage#Reading and Writing Image
+    Files}{Reading and Writing Image Files}
 QImage QImage::fromData(const uchar *data, int size, const char *format)
@@ -4767,7 +4761,7 @@ QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &s, QImage &image)
     image = QImageReader(s.device(), 0).read();
     return s;
 #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
@@ -4857,8 +4851,6 @@ bool QImage::operator==(const QImage & i) const
         return false;
     if (d->format != Format_RGB32) {
-        if (d->colortable != i.d->colortable)
-            return false;
         if (d->format >= Format_ARGB32) { // all bits defined
             const int n = d->width * d->depth / 8;
             if (n == d->bytes_per_line && n == i.d->bytes_per_line) {
@@ -4871,11 +4863,13 @@ bool QImage::operator==(const QImage & i) const
         } else {
-            int w = width();
-            int h = height();
+            const int w = width();
+            const int h = height();
+            const QVector<QRgb> &colortable = d->colortable;
+            const QVector<QRgb> &icolortable = i.d->colortable;
             for (int y=0; y<h; ++y) {
                 for (int x=0; x<w; ++x) {
-                    if (pixelIndex(x, y) != i.pixelIndex(x, y))
+                    if (colortable[pixelIndex(x, y)] != icolortable[i.pixelIndex(x, y)])
                         return false;
@@ -5272,7 +5266,7 @@ QPaintEngine *QImage::paintEngine() const
-    \reimp
+    \internal
     Returns the size for the specified \a metric on the device.
@@ -5590,7 +5584,7 @@ bool QImage::isDetached() const
     Note that the image will be converted to the Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied
     format if the function succeeds.
-    Use one of the composition mods in QPainter::CompositionMode instead.
+    Use one of the composition modes in QPainter::CompositionMode instead.
     \warning This function is expensive.
@@ -5668,6 +5662,8 @@ void QImage::setAlphaChannel(const QImage &alphaChannel)
+    \obsolete
     Returns the alpha channel of the image as a new grayscale QImage in which
     each pixel's red, green, and blue values are given the alpha value of the
     original image. The color depth of the returned image is 8-bit.
@@ -5747,7 +5743,7 @@ QImage QImage::alphaChannel() const
     Returns true if the image has a format that respects the alpha
     channel, otherwise returns false.
-    \sa alphaChannel(), {QImage#Image Information}{Image Information}
+    \sa {QImage#Image Information}{Image Information}
 bool QImage::hasAlphaChannel() const
cgit v0.12

From e04323202c2ca99b1ec879d47af25a5d021d7647 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 15:05:25 +0200
Subject: Using QNetworkAccessManager, so need to pull in QtNetwork

 tests/auto/qxmlschema/                   | 1 +
 tests/auto/qxmlschemavalidator/ | 1 +
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/auto/qxmlschema/ b/tests/auto/qxmlschema/
index 9dd7469..f5abe4f 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qxmlschema/
+++ b/tests/auto/qxmlschema/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 SOURCES += tst_qxmlschema.cpp
+QT += network
 include (../xmlpatterns.pri)
diff --git a/tests/auto/qxmlschemavalidator/ b/tests/auto/qxmlschemavalidator/
index 88ef317..0b439d7 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qxmlschemavalidator/
+++ b/tests/auto/qxmlschemavalidator/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 SOURCES += tst_qxmlschemavalidator.cpp
+QT += network
 include (../xmlpatterns.pri)
cgit v0.12

From 04a7da1d0dc68d15b3c620e902f1d9cc1e37ef20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 15:31:15 +0200
Subject: Doc: Replace links to obsolete APIs.

 doc/src/paintsystem.qdoc                     |  4 +---
 doc/src/resources.qdoc                       |  2 +-
 src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp               | 10 ++++++----
 src/corelib/io/qprocess.cpp                  |  6 +++---
 src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp                 |  2 +-
 src/gui/dialogs/qabstractprintdialog.cpp     |  6 ++----
 src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicssceneevent.cpp |  2 +-
 src/gui/image/qimage.cpp                     |  5 ++---
 src/gui/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp            |  2 +-
 src/gui/itemviews/qtablewidget.cpp           |  2 +-
 src/gui/itemviews/qtreewidget.cpp            |  8 ++++----
 src/gui/kernel/qgridlayout.cpp               | 19 ++++++++++---------
 src/gui/painting/qpainterpath.cpp            |  2 +-
 src/gui/painting/qprinter.cpp                |  4 ++--
 src/gui/text/qtextlist.cpp                   |  2 --
 15 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/src/paintsystem.qdoc b/doc/src/paintsystem.qdoc
index 56f60a3..a75908b 100644
--- a/doc/src/paintsystem.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/paintsystem.qdoc
@@ -292,9 +292,7 @@
     looking the same.
     Qt provides the QPicture::load() and QPicture::save() functions
-    for loading and saving pictures. But in addition the QPictureIO
-    class is provided to enable the programmer to install new picture
-    file formats in addition to those that Qt provides.
+    as well as streaming operators for loading and saving pictures.
     \section2 Printer
diff --git a/doc/src/resources.qdoc b/doc/src/resources.qdoc
index e4d4c35..6f3f939 100644
--- a/doc/src/resources.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/resources.qdoc
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
     Qt's resources support the concept of a search path list. If you then
     refer to a resource with \c : instead of \c :/ as the prefix, the
     resource will be looked up using the search path list. The search
-    path list is empty at startup; call QDir::addResourceSearchPath() to
+    path list is empty at startup; call QDir::addSearchPath() to
     add paths to it.
     If you have resources in a static library, you might need to
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp
index 244299c..1023868 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qdatastream.cpp
@@ -362,17 +362,19 @@ QDataStream::~QDataStream()
     \fn QIODevice *QDataStream::device() const
-    Returns the I/O device currently set.
+    Returns the I/O device currently set, or 0 if no
+    device is currently set.
-    \sa setDevice(), unsetDevice()
+    \sa setDevice()
     void QDataStream::setDevice(QIODevice *d)
-    Sets the I/O device to \a d.
+    Sets the I/O device to \a d, which can be 0
+    to unset to current I/O device.
-    \sa device(), unsetDevice()
+    \sa device()
 void QDataStream::setDevice(QIODevice *d)
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qprocess.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qprocess.cpp
index 8d23d35..e75c314 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qprocess.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qprocess.cpp
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ void QProcessPrivate::Channel::clear()
     writes to its standard output and standard error will be written
     to the standard output and standard error of the main process.
-    \sa setReadChannelMode()
+    \sa setProcessChannelMode()
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ void QProcess::setReadChannelMode(ProcessChannelMode mode)
     Returns the channel mode of the QProcess standard output and
     standard error channels.
-    \sa setReadChannelMode(), ProcessChannelMode, setReadChannel()
+    \sa setProcessChannelMode(), ProcessChannelMode, setReadChannel()
 QProcess::ProcessChannelMode QProcess::processChannelMode() const
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ QProcess::ProcessChannelMode QProcess::processChannelMode() const
     \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_corelib_io_qprocess.cpp 0
-    \sa readChannelMode(), ProcessChannelMode, setReadChannel()
+    \sa processChannelMode(), ProcessChannelMode, setReadChannel()
 void QProcess::setProcessChannelMode(ProcessChannelMode mode)
diff --git a/src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp b/src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp
index a70b92f..16927ea 100644
--- a/src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/io/qresource.cpp
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ QResource::addSearchPath(const QString &path)
   Returns the current search path list. This list is consulted when
   creating a relative resource.
-  \sa addSearchPath()
+  \sa QDir::addSearchPath() QDir::setSearchPaths()
diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/qabstractprintdialog.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/qabstractprintdialog.cpp
index 2ffc400..beb6918 100644
--- a/src/gui/dialogs/qabstractprintdialog.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/dialogs/qabstractprintdialog.cpp
@@ -395,10 +395,8 @@ void QAbstractPrintDialogPrivate::setPrinter(QPrinter *newPrinter)
     On Windows and Mac OS X, the native print dialog is used, which means that
     some QWidget and QDialog properties set on the dialog won't be respected.
-    The native print dialog on
-    Mac OS X does not support setting printer options, i.e.
-    QAbstractPrintDialog::setEnabledOptions() and
-    QAbstractPrintDialog::addEnabledOption() have no effect.
+    The native print dialog on Mac OS X does not support setting printer options,
+    i.e. setOptions() and setOption() have no effect.
     In Qt 4.4, it was possible to use the static functions to show a sheet on
     Mac OS X. This is no longer supported in Qt 4.5. If you want this
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicssceneevent.cpp b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicssceneevent.cpp
index 53019f2..92af0cc 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicssceneevent.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicssceneevent.cpp
@@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ void QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent::acceptProposedAction()
     Returns the action that was performed in this drag and drop.
     This should be set by the receiver of the drop and is
-    returned by QDrag::start().
+    returned by QDrag::exec().
     \sa setDropAction(), acceptProposedAction()
diff --git a/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp b/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp
index 7d7dde1..dd56765 100644
--- a/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/image/qimage.cpp
@@ -590,9 +590,8 @@ bool QImageData::checkForAlphaPixels() const
     The mirrored() function returns a mirror of the image in the
     desired direction, the scaled() returns a copy of the image scaled
-    to a rectangle of the desired measures, the rgbSwapped() function
-    constructs a BGR image from a RGB image, and the alphaChannel()
-    function constructs an image from this image's alpha channel.
+    to a rectangle of the desired measures, and the rgbSwapped() function
+    constructs a BGR image from a RGB image.
     The scaledToWidth() and scaledToHeight() functions return scaled
     copies of the image.
diff --git a/src/gui/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp b/src/gui/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp
index 121b1df..2565657 100644
--- a/src/gui/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/itemviews/qlistwidget.cpp
@@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ void QListWidgetPrivate::_q_dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft,
     This signal is emitted whenever the selection changes.
-    \sa selectedItems() isItemSelected() currentItemChanged()
+    \sa selectedItems() QListWidgetItem::isSelected() currentItemChanged()
diff --git a/src/gui/itemviews/qtablewidget.cpp b/src/gui/itemviews/qtablewidget.cpp
index d975d58..5756f35 100644
--- a/src/gui/itemviews/qtablewidget.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/itemviews/qtablewidget.cpp
@@ -1719,7 +1719,7 @@ void QTableWidgetPrivate::_q_dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft,
     This signal is emitted whenever the selection changes.
-    \sa selectedItems() isItemSelected()
+    \sa selectedItems() QTableWidgetItem::isSelected()
diff --git a/src/gui/itemviews/qtreewidget.cpp b/src/gui/itemviews/qtreewidget.cpp
index ccfa568..e724a7d 100644
--- a/src/gui/itemviews/qtreewidget.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/itemviews/qtreewidget.cpp
@@ -2437,7 +2437,7 @@ void QTreeWidgetPrivate::_q_dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft,
     \note This signal will not be emitted if an item changes its state when
     expandAll() is invoked.
-    \sa isItemExpanded(), itemCollapsed(), expandItem()
+    \sa QTreeWidgetItem::isExpanded(), itemCollapsed(), expandItem()
@@ -2449,7 +2449,7 @@ void QTreeWidgetPrivate::_q_dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft,
     \note This signal will not be emitted if an item changes its state when
     collapseAll() is invoked.
-    \sa isItemExpanded(), itemExpanded(), collapseItem()
+    \sa QTreeWidgetItem::isExpanded(), itemExpanded(), collapseItem()
@@ -3109,9 +3109,9 @@ bool QTreeWidget::isItemExpanded(const QTreeWidgetItem *item) const
     \sa expandItem(), collapseItem(), itemExpanded()
-  \obsolete
+    \obsolete
-  This function is deprecated. Use \l{QTreeWidgetItem::setExpanded()} instead.
+    This function is deprecated. Use \l{QTreeWidgetItem::setExpanded()} instead.
 void QTreeWidget::setItemExpanded(const QTreeWidgetItem *item, bool expand)
diff --git a/src/gui/kernel/qgridlayout.cpp b/src/gui/kernel/qgridlayout.cpp
index 8dbc3cb..7ac874e 100644
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qgridlayout.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qgridlayout.cpp
@@ -1034,14 +1034,15 @@ QRect QGridLayoutPrivate::cellRect(int row, int col) const
     other layouts into the cells of your grid layout using
     addWidget(), addItem(), and addLayout().
-    QGridLayout also includes two margin widths: the margin() and the
-    spacing(). The margin is the width of the reserved space along
-    each of the QGridLayout's four sides. The spacing is the width of
-    the automatically allocated spacing between neighboring boxes.
-    The default margin() and spacing() values are provided by the
-    style. The default margin Qt styles specify is 9 for child
-    widgets and 11 for windows. The spacing defaults to the same as
+    QGridLayout also includes two margin widths:
+    the \l{getContentsMargins()}{contents margin} and the spacing().
+    The contents margin is the width of the reserved space along each
+    of the QGridLayout's four sides. The spacing() is the width of the
+    automatically allocated spacing between neighboring boxes.
+    The default contents margin values are provided by the
+    \l{QStyle::pixelMetric()}{style}. The default value Qt styles specify
+    is 9 for child widgets and 11 for windows. The spacing defaults to the same as
     the margin width for a top-level layout, or to the same as the
     parent layout.
@@ -1078,7 +1079,7 @@ QGridLayout::QGridLayout()
 #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
-  \obsolete
+    \obsolete
     Constructs a new QGridLayout with \a nRows rows, \a nCols columns
     and parent widget, \a  parent. \a parent may not be 0. The grid
     layout is called \a name.
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpainterpath.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qpainterpath.cpp
index 027d5c8..ea86cf5 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpainterpath.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpainterpath.cpp
@@ -3156,7 +3156,7 @@ void QPainterPath::addRoundRect(const QRectF &r, int xRnd, int yRnd)
     Set operations on paths will treat the paths as areas. Non-closed
     paths will be treated as implicitly closed.
-    \sa intersected(), subtracted(), subtractedInverted()
+    \sa intersected(), subtracted()
 QPainterPath QPainterPath::united(const QPainterPath &p) const
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qprinter.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qprinter.cpp
index 411b74d..02a5a02 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qprinter.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qprinter.cpp
@@ -2162,8 +2162,8 @@ bool QPrinter::collateCopiesEnabled() const
-    Use QPrintDialog::addEnabledOption(QPrintDialog::PrintCollateCopies)
-    or QPrintDialog::setEnabledOptions(QPrintDialog::enabledOptions()
+    Use QPrintDialog::setOption(QPrintDialog::PrintCollateCopies)
+    or QPrintDialog::setOptions(QPrintDialog::options()
     & ~QPrintDialog::PrintCollateCopies) instead, depending on \a
diff --git a/src/gui/text/qtextlist.cpp b/src/gui/text/qtextlist.cpp
index 02b1c63..5e9898a 100644
--- a/src/gui/text/qtextlist.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/text/qtextlist.cpp
@@ -129,8 +129,6 @@ QTextList::~QTextList()
     Returns the number of items in the list.
-    \sa isEmpty()
 int QTextList::count() const
cgit v0.12

From 7bd3b2655bf11d829f2bae26b75a757d9b30aa03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 16:12:35 +0200
Subject: Doc: Replace more links to obsolete APIs.

 doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_styles.qdoc |  2 +-
 doc/src/styles.qdoc                       | 16 ++++++++--------
 src/gui/styles/qstyle.cpp                 | 26 +++++---------------------
 src/gui/styles/qstyleoption.cpp           | 10 ++++------
 4 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_styles.qdoc b/doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_styles.qdoc
index e11dc05..9d5756a 100644
--- a/doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_styles.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_styles.qdoc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 //! [0]
-    opt.init(q);
+    opt.initFrom(q);
         if (down)
         opt.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken;
     if (tristate && noChange)
diff --git a/doc/src/styles.qdoc b/doc/src/styles.qdoc
index b818c4a..752fef0 100644
--- a/doc/src/styles.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/styles.qdoc
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
     defined by the \l{QStyle::}{State} enum. Some of the state flags have
     different meanings depending on the widget, but others are common
     for all widgets like State_Disabled. It is QStyleOption that sets
-    the common states with QStyleOption::init(); the rest of the
+    the common states with QStyleOption::initFrom(); the rest of the
     states are set by the individual widgets.
     Most notably, the style options contain the palette and bounding
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@
     \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_styles.qdoc 0
     First we let QStyleOption set up the option with the information
-    that is common for all widgets with \c init().  We will look at
+    that is common for all widgets with \c initFrom().  We will look at
     this shortly.
     The down boolean is true when the user press the box down; this is
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@
     set - you set this in QStyle::polish(). In addition, the style
     option also contains the text, icon, and icon size of the button.
-    \l{QStyleOption::}{init()} sets up the style option with the
+    \l{QStyleOption::}{initFrom()} sets up the style option with the
     attributes that are common for all widgets. We print its
     implementation here:
@@ -726,9 +726,9 @@
     \section2 Common Widget Properties
     Some states and variables are common for all widgets. These are
-    set with QStyleOption::init(). Not all elements use this function;
+    set with QStyleOption::initFrom(). Not all elements use this function;
     it is the widgets that create the style options, and for some
-    elements the information from \l{QStyleOption::}{init()} is not
+    elements the information from \l{QStyleOption::}{initFrom()} is not
     A table with the common states follows:
@@ -1451,7 +1451,7 @@
             \o Set if it is a horizontal splitter
-    QSplitter does not use \l{QStyleOption::}{init()} to set up its
+    QSplitter does not use \l{QStyleOption::}{initFrom()} to set up its
     option; it sets the State_MouseOver and State_Disabled flags
@@ -1625,7 +1625,7 @@
     QToolBarSaparator uses QStyleOption for their style option. It
     sets the State_horizontal flag if the toolbar they live in is
-    horizontal. Other than that, they use \l{QStyleOption::}{init()}.
+    horizontal. Other than that, they use \l{QStyleOption::}{initFrom()}.
     The style option for QToolBar is QStyleOptionToolBar. The only
     state flag set (besides the common flags) is State_Horizontal
@@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@
     The setup of the style option for CE_MenuTearOff and
     CE_MenuScroller also uses QStyleOptionMenuItem; they only set the
     \c menuRect variable in addition to the common settings with
-    QStyleOption's \l{QStyleOption::}{init()}. 
+    QStyleOption's \l{QStyleOption::}{initFrom()}. 
     \section3 Menu Bar
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qstyle.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qstyle.cpp
index a5ab80e..c869976 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qstyle.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qstyle.cpp
@@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ void QStyle::drawItemPixmap(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, int alignment,
     \value CC_ScrollBar         A scroll bar, like QScrollBar.
     \value CC_Slider            A slider, like QSlider.
     \value CC_ToolButton        A tool button, like QToolButton.
-    \value CC_TitleBar          A Title bar, like those used in QWorkspace.
+    \value CC_TitleBar          A Title bar, like those used in QMdiSubWindow.
     \value CC_Q3ListView        Used for drawing the Q3ListView class.
     \value CC_GroupBox          A group box, like QGroupBox.
     \value CC_Dial              A dial, like QDial.
@@ -1894,7 +1894,7 @@ void QStyle::drawItemPixmap(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, int alignment,
     can follow some existing GUI style or guideline.
     \value SP_TitleBarMinButton  Minimize button on title bars (e.g.,
-        in QWorkspace).
+        in QMdiSubWindow).
     \value SP_TitleBarMenuButton Menu button on a title bar.
     \value SP_TitleBarMaxButton  Maximize button on title bars.
     \value SP_TitleBarCloseButton  Close button on title bars.
@@ -1966,22 +1966,7 @@ void QStyle::drawItemPixmap(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, int alignment,
     \value SP_CustomBase  Base value for custom standard pixmaps;
     custom values must be greater than this value.
-    \sa standardPixmap() standardIcon()
-  \enum QStyle::IconMode
-  This enum represents the effects performed on a pixmap to achieve a
-  GUI style's perferred way of representing the image in different
-  states.
-  \value IM_Disabled  A disabled pixmap (drawn on disabled widgets)
-  \value IM_Active  An active pixmap (drawn on active tool buttons and menu items)
-  \value IM_CustomBase  Base value for custom PixmapTypes; custom
-  values must be greater than this value
-  \sa generatedIconPixmap()
+    \sa standardIcon()
@@ -2264,7 +2249,7 @@ QPalette QStyle::standardPalette() const
     slot in your subclass instead. The standardIcon() function will
     dynamically detect the slot and call it.
-    \sa standardIconImplementation(), standardPixmap()
+    \sa standardIconImplementation()
 QIcon QStyle::standardIcon(StandardPixmap standardIcon, const QStyleOption *option,
                            const QWidget *widget) const
@@ -2289,8 +2274,7 @@ QIcon QStyle::standardIcon(StandardPixmap standardIcon, const QStyleOption *opti
     subclass; because of binary compatibility constraints, the
     standardIcon() function (introduced in Qt 4.1) is not
     virtual. Instead, standardIcon() will dynamically detect and call
-    \e this slot.  The default implementation simply calls the
-    standardPixmap() function with the given parameters.
+    \e this slot.
     The \a standardIcon is a standard pixmap which can follow some
     existing GUI style or guideline. The \a option argument can be
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qstyleoption.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qstyleoption.cpp
index e174370..0ff1ccf 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qstyleoption.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qstyleoption.cpp
@@ -4258,8 +4258,7 @@ QStyleOptionRubberBand::QStyleOptionRubberBand(int version)
     parameters for drawing a title bar.
     QStyleOptionTitleBar contains all the information that QStyle
-    functions need to draw the title bars of QWorkspace's MDI
-    children.
+    functions need to draw the title bar of a QMdiSubWindow.
     For performance reasons, the access to the member variables is
     direct (i.e., using the \c . or \c -> operator). This low-level feel
@@ -4269,7 +4268,7 @@ QStyleOptionRubberBand::QStyleOptionRubberBand(int version)
     For an example demonstrating how style options can be used, see
     the \l {widgets/styles}{Styles} example.
-    \sa QStyleOption, QStyleOptionComplex, QWorkspace
+    \sa QStyleOption, QStyleOptionComplex, QMdiSubWindow
@@ -4983,8 +4982,7 @@ QStyleOptionSizeGrip::QStyleOptionSizeGrip(int version)
-    Constructs a QStyleOptionGraphicsItem. The levelOfDetail parameter is
-    initialized to 1.
+    Constructs a QStyleOptionGraphicsItem.
     : QStyleOption(Version, Type), levelOfDetail(1)
@@ -5054,7 +5052,7 @@ qreal QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::levelOfDetailFromTransform(const QTransform &wor
      To find the dimentions of an item in screen coordinates (i.e., pixels),
      you can use the mapping functions of QMatrix, such as QMatrix::map().
-     \sa QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::levelOfDetail
+     \sa QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::levelOfDetailFromTransform()
cgit v0.12

From 965639a06e624534f4ad8e869fea7b2df33a657d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 21:29:32 +0200
Subject: Doc: Document that coordinates are dropped.

 src/gui/math3d/qvector3d.cpp | 6 ++++--
 src/gui/math3d/qvector4d.cpp | 6 ++++--
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/math3d/qvector3d.cpp b/src/gui/math3d/qvector3d.cpp
index 881f47c..c1f5a3e 100644
--- a/src/gui/math3d/qvector3d.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/math3d/qvector3d.cpp
@@ -513,7 +513,8 @@ QVector4D QVector3D::toVector4D() const
     \fn QPoint QVector3D::toPoint() const
-    Returns the QPoint form of this 3D vector.
+    Returns the QPoint form of this 3D vector. The z coordinate
+    is dropped.
     \sa toPointF(), toVector2D()
@@ -521,7 +522,8 @@ QVector4D QVector3D::toVector4D() const
     \fn QPointF QVector3D::toPointF() const
-    Returns the QPointF form of this 3D vector.
+    Returns the QPointF form of this 3D vector. The z coordinate
+    is dropped.
     \sa toPoint(), toVector2D()
diff --git a/src/gui/math3d/qvector4d.cpp b/src/gui/math3d/qvector4d.cpp
index 1a84db6..ae03bc7 100644
--- a/src/gui/math3d/qvector4d.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/math3d/qvector4d.cpp
@@ -484,7 +484,8 @@ QVector3D QVector4D::toVector3DAffine() const
     \fn QPoint QVector4D::toPoint() const
-    Returns the QPoint form of this 4D vector.
+    Returns the QPoint form of this 4D vector. The z and w coordinates
+    are dropped.
     \sa toPointF(), toVector2D()
@@ -492,7 +493,8 @@ QVector3D QVector4D::toVector3DAffine() const
     \fn QPointF QVector4D::toPointF() const
-    Returns the QPointF form of this 4D vector.
+    Returns the QPointF form of this 4D vector. The z and w coordinates
+    are dropped.
     \sa toPoint(), toVector2D()
cgit v0.12

From 99ecf471075088eba042575772196e63cab5b8f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 00:43:12 +0200
Subject: Doc: Replace QMatrix with QTransform and respective functions in
 various places.

 doc/src/coordsys.qdoc                   | 18 +++++++++---------
 doc/src/examples/transformations.qdoc   |  6 +++---
 doc/src/graphicsview.qdoc               | 10 +++-------
 src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp |  2 +-
 src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp  | 20 +++++++++++---------
 src/gui/painting/qmatrix.cpp            |  7 +++++--
 src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp           |  2 +-
 7 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/src/coordsys.qdoc b/doc/src/coordsys.qdoc
index 7ba3946..4a73d67 100644
--- a/doc/src/coordsys.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/coordsys.qdoc
@@ -224,12 +224,12 @@
     Transformations} demo for a visualization of a sheared coordinate
     system. All the transformation operations operate on QPainter's
     transformation matrix that you can retrieve using the
-    QPainter::worldMatrix() function. A matrix transforms a point in the
-    plane to another point.
+    QPainter::worldTransform() function. A matrix transforms a point
+    in the plane to another point.
     If you need the same transformations over and over, you can also
-    use QMatrix objects and the QPainter::worldMatrix() and
-    QPainter::setWorldMatrix() functions. You can at any time save the
+    use QTransform objects and the QPainter::worldTransform() and
+    QPainter::setWorldTransform() functions. You can at any time save the
     QPainter's transformation matrix by calling the QPainter::save()
     function which saves the matrix on an internal stack. The
     QPainter::restore() function pops it back.
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
     transformations affects the result.
     For more information about the transformation matrix, see the
-    QMatrix documentation.
+    QTransform documentation.
     \section1 Window-Viewport Conversion
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
     The mapping of the logical coordinates to the physical coordinates
     are handled by QPainter's world transformation \l
-    {QPainter::worldMatrix()}{worldMatrix()} (described in the \l
+    {QPainter::worldTransform()}{worldTransform()} (described in the \l
     Transformations section), and QPainter's \l
     {QPainter::viewport()}{viewport()} and \l
     {QPainter::window()}{window()}.  The viewport represents the
@@ -419,14 +419,14 @@
     The 2D transformations of the coordinate system are specified
-    using the QMatrix class:
+    using the QTransform class:
     \header \o Class \o Description
-    \o QMatrix
+    \o QTransform
-    A 3 x 3 transformation matrix. Use QMatrix to rotate, shear,
+    A 3 x 3 transformation matrix. Use QTransform to rotate, shear,
     scale, or translate the coordinate system.
diff --git a/doc/src/examples/transformations.qdoc b/doc/src/examples/transformations.qdoc
index a449d4c..a5f92a8 100644
--- a/doc/src/examples/transformations.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/examples/transformations.qdoc
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
     All the tranformation operations operate on QPainter's
     tranformation matrix that you can retrieve using the
-    QPainter::matrix() function. A matrix transforms a point in the
+    QPainter::worldTransform() function. A matrix transforms a point in the
     plane to another point. For more information about the
     transformation matrix, see the \l {The Coordinate System} and
-    QMatrix documentation.
+    QTransform documentation.
     \snippet examples/painting/transformations/renderarea.h 0
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
     All the tranformation operations operate on QPainter's
     tranformation matrix. For more information about the
     transformation matrix, see the \l {The Coordinate System} and
-    QMatrix documentation.
+    QTransform documentation.
     The Qt reference documentation provides several painting
     demos. Among these is the \l {demos/affine}{Affine
diff --git a/doc/src/graphicsview.qdoc b/doc/src/graphicsview.qdoc
index f42c0d4..89f9f3d 100644
--- a/doc/src/graphicsview.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/graphicsview.qdoc
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
         to scene coordinates where appropriate), before sending the events
         to the visualized scene.
-        Using its transformation matrix, QGraphicsView::matrix(), the view can
+        Using its transformation matrix, QGraphicsView::transform(), the view can
         \e transform the scene's coordinate system. This allows advanced
         navigation features such as zooming and rotation. For convenience,
         QGraphicsView also provides functions for translating between view and
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
         also provides many functions for mapping coordinates between the item
         and the scene, and from item to item. Also, like QGraphicsView, it can
         transform its coordinate system using a matrix:
-        QGraphicsItem::matrix(). This is useful for rotating and scaling
+        QGraphicsItem::transform(). This is useful for rotating and scaling
         individual items.
         Items can contain other items (children). Parent items'
@@ -461,11 +461,7 @@
         By making an item a child of another, you can achieve the most
         essential feature of item grouping: the items will move together, and
-        all transformations are propagated from parent to child. QGraphicsItem
-        can also handle all events for its children (see
-        QGraphicsItem::setHandlesChildEvents()). This allows the parent item
-        to act on behalf of its children, effectively treating all items as
-        one.
+        all transformations are propagated from parent to child.
         In addition, QGraphicsItemGroup is a special item that combines child
         event handling with a useful interface for adding and removing items
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
index 9b6414d..0dce26b 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
@@ -4697,7 +4697,7 @@ void QGraphicsScenePrivate::processDirtyItemsRecursive(QGraphicsItem *item, bool
     background has been drawn, and before the foreground has been
     drawn.  All painting is done in \e scene coordinates. Before
     drawing each item, the painter must be transformed using
-    QGraphicsItem::sceneMatrix().
+    QGraphicsItem::sceneTransform().
     The \a options parameter is the list of style option objects for
     each item in \a items. The \a numItems parameter is the number of
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp
index 53b044c..ca55f2e 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsview.cpp
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ static const int QGRAPHICSVIEW_PREALLOC_STYLE_OPTIONS = 503; // largest prime <
     setViewport(new QGLWidget). QGraphicsView takes ownership of the viewport
-    QGraphicsView supports affine transformations, using QMatrix. You can
-    either pass a matrix to setMatrix(), or you can call one of the
+    QGraphicsView supports affine transformations, using QTransform. You can
+    either pass a matrix to setTransform(), or you can call one of the
     convenience functions rotate(), scale(), translate() or shear(). The most
     two common transformations are scaling, which is used to implement
     zooming, and rotation. QGraphicsView keeps the center of the view fixed
@@ -1583,7 +1583,7 @@ void QGraphicsView::setSceneRect(const QRectF &rect)
     Returns the current transformation matrix for the view. If no current
     transformation is set, the identity matrix is returned.
-    \sa setMatrix(), rotate(), scale(), shear(), translate()
+    \sa setMatrix(), transform(), rotate(), scale(), shear(), translate()
 QMatrix QGraphicsView::matrix() const
@@ -1615,7 +1615,7 @@ QMatrix QGraphicsView::matrix() const
     a view coordinate to a floating point scene coordinate, or mapFromScene()
     to map from floating point scene coordinates to view coordinates.
-    \sa matrix(), rotate(), scale(), shear(), translate()
+    \sa matrix(), setTransform(), rotate(), scale(), shear(), translate()
 void QGraphicsView::setMatrix(const QMatrix &matrix, bool combine)
@@ -1624,6 +1624,8 @@ void QGraphicsView::setMatrix(const QMatrix &matrix, bool combine)
     Resets the view transformation matrix to the identity matrix.
+    \sa resetTransform()
 void QGraphicsView::resetMatrix()
@@ -1633,7 +1635,7 @@ void QGraphicsView::resetMatrix()
     Rotates the current view transformation \a angle degrees clockwise.
-    \sa setMatrix(), matrix(), scale(), shear(), translate()
+    \sa setTransform(), transform(), scale(), shear(), translate()
 void QGraphicsView::rotate(qreal angle)
@@ -1646,7 +1648,7 @@ void QGraphicsView::rotate(qreal angle)
     Scales the current view transformation by (\a sx, \a sy).
-    \sa setMatrix(), matrix(), rotate(), shear(), translate()
+    \sa setTransform(), transform(), rotate(), shear(), translate()
 void QGraphicsView::scale(qreal sx, qreal sy)
@@ -1659,7 +1661,7 @@ void QGraphicsView::scale(qreal sx, qreal sy)
     Shears the current view transformation by (\a sh, \a sv).
-    \sa setMatrix(), matrix(), rotate(), scale(), translate()
+    \sa setTransform(), transform(), rotate(), scale(), translate()
 void QGraphicsView::shear(qreal sh, qreal sv)
@@ -1672,7 +1674,7 @@ void QGraphicsView::shear(qreal sh, qreal sv)
     Translates the current view transformation by (\a dx, \a dy).
-    \sa setMatrix(), matrix(), rotate(), shear()
+    \sa setTransform(), transform(), rotate(), shear()
 void QGraphicsView::translate(qreal dx, qreal dy)
@@ -1830,7 +1832,7 @@ void QGraphicsView::ensureVisible(const QGraphicsItem *item, int xmargin, int ym
     If \a rect is empty, or if the viewport is too small, this
     function will do nothing.
-    \sa setMatrix(), ensureVisible(), centerOn()
+    \sa setTransform(), ensureVisible(), centerOn()
 void QGraphicsView::fitInView(const QRectF &rect, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode)
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qmatrix.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qmatrix.cpp
index 221267f..bc08235 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qmatrix.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qmatrix.cpp
@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
     A matrix specifies how to translate, scale, shear or rotate the
     coordinate system, and is typically used when rendering graphics.
+    QMatrix, in contrast to QTransform, does not allow perspective
+    transformations. QTransform is the recommended transformation
+    class in Qt.
     A QMatrix object can be built using the setMatrix(), scale(),
     rotate(), translate() and shear() functions.  Alternatively, it
@@ -172,8 +175,8 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
     \snippet doc/src/snippets/matrix/matrix.cpp 2
-    \sa QPainter, {The Coordinate System}, {demos/affine}{Affine
-    Transformations Demo}, {Transformations Example}
+    \sa QPainter, QTransform, {The Coordinate System}, 
+    {demos/affine}{Affine Transformations Demo}, {Transformations Example}
diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp
index 0460071..4c10a5a 100644
--- a/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qpainter.cpp
@@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ void QPainterPrivate::updateState(QPainterState *newState)
     \o layoutDirection() defines the layout direction used by the
        painter when drawing text.
-    \o matrixEnabled() tells whether world transformation is enabled.
+    \o worldMatrixEnabled() tells whether world transformation is enabled.
     \o viewTransformEnabled() tells whether view transformation is
cgit v0.12

From 092b004126f82545b4237e43507f21920d06ac58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Hilsheimer <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 00:43:36 +0200
Subject: Doc: Remove more links to obsolete functions.

 doc/src/examples/scribble.qdoc          | 2 +-
 src/gui/embedded/qdirectpainter_qws.cpp | 8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/src/examples/scribble.qdoc b/doc/src/examples/scribble.qdoc
index 3a5e018..f32440a 100644
--- a/doc/src/examples/scribble.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/examples/scribble.qdoc
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
     To retrieve a new pen width in the \c penWidth() slot, we use
     QInputDialog. The QInputDialog class provides a simple
     convenience dialog to get a single value from the user. We use
-    the static QInputDialog::getInteger() function, which combines a
+    the static QInputDialog::getInt() function, which combines a
     QLabel and a QSpinBox. The QSpinBox is initialized with the
     scribble area's pen width, allows a range from 1 to 50, a step of
     1 (meaning that the up and down arrow increment or decrement the
diff --git a/src/gui/embedded/qdirectpainter_qws.cpp b/src/gui/embedded/qdirectpainter_qws.cpp
index e97367c..b3dff06 100644
--- a/src/gui/embedded/qdirectpainter_qws.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/embedded/qdirectpainter_qws.cpp
@@ -150,14 +150,14 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
     \value ReservedSynchronous The allocated region will never change and
     each function that changes the allocated region will be blocking.
-    \sa reservedRegion(), allocatedRegion()
+    \sa allocatedRegion()
     \fn QRegion QDirectPainter::region()
-    Use QDirectPainter::reservedRegion() instead.
+    Use QDirectPainter::allocatedRegion() instead.
 static inline QScreen *getPrimaryScreen()
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ void QDirectPainter::setRegion(const QRegion &region)
     returned by the allocatedRegion() function. Otherwise they might
     differ (see \l {Dynamic Allocation} for details).
-    \sa geometry(), setRegion()
+    \sa geometry(), setRegion(), allocatedRegion()
 QRegion QDirectPainter::requestedRegion() const
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ void QDirectPainter::lower()
     any. If not released explicitly, the region will be released on
     application exit.
-    \sa reservedRegion(), {Static Allocation}
+    \sa allocatedRegion(), {Static Allocation}
cgit v0.12

From f68fed388dcdba6ab6dad3af4933bcd3aa123cf8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andreas Aardal Hanssen <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 03:40:51 +0200
Subject: Add QGraphicsItem::ItemAutoDetectsFocusProxy and improve subfocus

If you set this flag on an item, and descendant item that gains input
focus will become this item's focus proxy. This simplifies how focus
proxy items are assigned from QML; instead of binding the possible
focusProxy property to a named child widget, this assignment happens
automatically as you set the focus property of a descendant to true.

As part of this change, QGraphicsWidget::focusWidget behavior has been
improved and moved into QGraphicsItem. For example, if you set focus on
an item that it's part of a scene, it can gain focus once the parent
has been assigned (which is how object trees are built in QML).

Autotests are included.

Reviewed-by: Michael Brasser
 src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp         | 120 ++++++++++++++++++++-----
 src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.h           |   5 +-
 src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem_p.h         |   9 +-
 src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp        |  29 ++++--
 src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget.cpp       |   8 +-
 src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.cpp     |  34 -------
 src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.h       |   4 -
 tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp
index 0ff3685..2425354 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.cpp
@@ -325,6 +325,10 @@
     \value ItemAcceptsInputMethod The item supports input methods typically
     used for Asian languages.
     This flag was introduced in Qt 4.6.
+    \value ItemAutoDetectsFocusProxy The item will assign any child that
+    gains input focus as its focus proxy. See also focusProxy().
+    This flag was introduced in Qt 4.6.
@@ -907,12 +911,12 @@ void QGraphicsItemPrivate::setParentItemHelper(QGraphicsItem *newParent)
         scene->d_func()->index->itemChange(q, QGraphicsItem::ItemParentChange, newParentVariant);
-    if (QGraphicsWidget *w = isWidget ? static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(q) : q->parentWidget()) {
-        // Update the child focus chain; when reparenting a widget that has a
+    QGraphicsItem *lastSubFocusItem = subFocusItem;
+    if (subFocusItem) {
+        // Update the child focus chain; when reparenting an item that has a
         // focus child, ensure that that focus child clears its focus child
         // chain from our parents before it's reparented.
-        if (QGraphicsWidget *focusChild = w->focusWidget())
-            focusChild->clearFocus();
+        subFocusItem->clearFocus();
     // We anticipate geometry changes. If the item is deleted, it will be
@@ -1000,6 +1004,21 @@ void QGraphicsItemPrivate::setParentItemHelper(QGraphicsItem *newParent)
     resolveDepth(parent ? parent->d_ptr->depth : -1);
     dirtySceneTransform = 1;
+    // Restore the sub focus chain.
+    if (lastSubFocusItem)
+        lastSubFocusItem->d_ptr->setSubFocus();
+    // Auto-update focus proxy. The closest parent that detects
+    // focus proxies is updated as the proxy gains or loses focus.
+    QGraphicsItem *p = newParent;
+    while (p) {
+        if (p->d_ptr->flags & QGraphicsItem::ItemAutoDetectsFocusProxy) {
+            p->setFocusProxy(q);
+            break;
+        }
+        p = p->d_ptr->parent;
+    }
     // Deliver post-change notification
     q->itemChange(QGraphicsItem::ItemParentHasChanged, newParentVariant);
@@ -2463,33 +2482,45 @@ bool QGraphicsItem::hasFocus() const
     be passed into any focus event generated by this function; it is used to
     give an explanation of what caused the item to get focus.
-    Only items that set the ItemIsFocusable flag can accept keyboard focus.
+    Only enabled items that set the ItemIsFocusable flag can accept keyboard
+    focus.
-    If this item is not visible (i.e., isVisible() returns false), not
-    enabled, not associated with a scene, or if it already has input focus,
-    this function will do nothing.
+    If this item is not visible, or not associated with a scene, it will not
+    gain immediate input focus. However, it will be registered as the preferred
+    focus item for its subtree of items, should it later become visible.
     As a result of calling this function, this item will receive a focus in
     event with \a focusReason. If another item already has focus, that item
     will first receive a focus out event indicating that it has lost input
-    \sa clearFocus(), hasFocus()
+    \sa clearFocus(), hasFocus(), focusItem()
 void QGraphicsItem::setFocus(Qt::FocusReason focusReason)
-    if (!d_ptr->scene || !isEnabled() || hasFocus() || !(d_ptr->flags & ItemIsFocusable))
+    // Disabled / unfocusable items cannot accept focus.
+    if (!isEnabled() || !(d_ptr->flags & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable))
+        return;
+    // Find focus proxy.
+    QGraphicsItem *f = this;
+    while (f->d_ptr->focusProxy)
+        f = f->d_ptr->focusProxy;
+    // Return if it already has focus.
+    if (d_ptr->scene && d_ptr->scene->focusItem() == f)
-    QGraphicsItem *item = this;
-    QGraphicsItem *f;
-    while ((f = item->d_ptr->focusProxy))
-        item = f;
-    if (item->isVisible()) {
-        // Visible items immediately gain focus from scene.
-        d_ptr->scene->d_func()->setFocusItemHelper(item, focusReason);
-    } else if (item->d_ptr->isWidget) {
-        // Just set up subfocus.
-        static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(item)->d_func()->setFocusWidget();
+    // Update the child focus chain.
+    d_ptr->setSubFocus();
+    // Update the scene's focus item.
+    if (d_ptr->scene) {
+        QGraphicsWidget *w = window();
+        if (!w || w->isActiveWindow()) {
+            // Visible items immediately gain focus from scene.
+            d_ptr->scene->d_func()->setFocusItemHelper(f, focusReason);
+        }
@@ -2508,10 +2539,8 @@ void QGraphicsItem::clearFocus()
     if (!d_ptr->scene)
-    if (d_ptr->isWidget) {
-        // Invisible widget items with focus must explicitly clear subfocus.
-        static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(this)->d_func()->clearFocusWidget();
-    }
+    // Invisible items with focus must explicitly clear subfocus.
+    d_ptr->clearSubFocus();
     if (hasFocus()) {
         // If this item has the scene's input focus, clear it.
@@ -2579,6 +2608,18 @@ void QGraphicsItem::setFocusProxy(QGraphicsItem *item)
+    If this item, a child or descendant of this item currently has input
+    focus, this function will return a pointer to that item. If
+    no descendant has input focus, 0 is returned.
+    \sa QWidget::focusWidget()
+QGraphicsItem *QGraphicsItem::focusItem() const
+    return d_ptr->subFocusItem;
     \since 4.4
     Grabs the mouse input.
@@ -4668,6 +4709,34 @@ void QGraphicsItemPrivate::ensureSceneTransform()
+void QGraphicsItemPrivate::setSubFocus()
+    // Update focus child chain.
+    QGraphicsItem *item = q_ptr;
+    QGraphicsItem *parent = item;
+    bool hidden = !visible;
+    do {
+        parent->d_func()->subFocusItem = item;
+    } while (!parent->isWindow() && (parent = parent->d_ptr->parent) && (!hidden || !parent->d_func()->visible));
+    \internal
+void QGraphicsItemPrivate::clearSubFocus()
+    // Reset focus child chain.
+    QGraphicsItem *parent = q_ptr;
+    do {
+        if (parent->d_ptr->subFocusItem != q_ptr)
+            break;
+        parent->d_ptr->subFocusItem = 0;
+    } while (!parent->isWindow() && (parent = parent->d_ptr->parent));
+    \internal
     Tells us if it is a proxy widget
@@ -10038,6 +10107,9 @@ QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlag flag)
     case QGraphicsItem::ItemAcceptsInputMethod:
         str = "ItemAcceptsInputMethod";
+    case QGraphicsItem::ItemAutoDetectsFocusProxy:
+        str = "ItemAutoDetectsFocusProxy";
+        break;
     debug << str;
     return debug;
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.h b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.h
index 5c9297f..0e21a47 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.h
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem.h
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ public:
         ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 0x200,
         ItemHasNoContents = 0x400,
         ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 0x800,
-        ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 0x1000
+        ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 0x1000,
+        ItemAutoDetectsFocusProxy = 0x2000
         // NB! Don't forget to increase the d_ptr->flags bit field by 1 when adding a new flag.
     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(GraphicsItemFlags, GraphicsItemFlag)
@@ -229,6 +230,8 @@ public:
     QGraphicsItem *focusProxy() const;
     void setFocusProxy(QGraphicsItem *item);
+    QGraphicsItem *focusItem() const;
     void grabMouse();
     void ungrabMouse();
     void grabKeyboard();
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem_p.h b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem_p.h
index 1cf188e..c208b99 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsitem_p.h
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ public:
+        subFocusItem(0),
@@ -391,6 +392,9 @@ public:
                || (childrenCombineOpacity() && isFullyTransparent());
+    void setSubFocus();
+    void clearSubFocus();
     inline QTransform transformToParent() const;
     inline void ensureSortedChildren();
@@ -411,6 +415,7 @@ public:
     int siblingIndex;
     int depth;
     QGraphicsItem *focusProxy;
+    QGraphicsItem *subFocusItem;
     // Packed 32 bytes
     quint32 acceptedMouseButtons : 5;
@@ -440,7 +445,7 @@ public:
     // New 32 bits
     quint32 fullUpdatePending : 1;
-    quint32 flags : 13;
+    quint32 flags : 14;
     quint32 dirtyChildrenBoundingRect : 1;
     quint32 paintedViewBoundingRectsNeedRepaint : 1;
     quint32 dirtySceneTransform : 1;
@@ -453,7 +458,7 @@ public:
     quint32 acceptedTouchBeginEvent : 1;
     quint32 filtersDescendantEvents : 1;
     quint32 sceneTransformTranslateOnly : 1;
-    quint32 unused : 6; // feel free to use
+    quint32 unused : 5; // feel free to use
     // Optional stacking order
     int globalStackingOrder;
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
index 0dce26b..f223cbe 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp
@@ -484,6 +484,8 @@ void QGraphicsScenePrivate::removeItemHelper(QGraphicsItem *item)
+    item->d_ptr->clearSubFocus();
     if (!item->d_ptr->inDestructor && item == tabFocusFirst) {
         QGraphicsWidget *widget = static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(item);
         widget->d_func()->fixFocusChainBeforeReparenting(0, 0);
@@ -572,17 +574,34 @@ void QGraphicsScenePrivate::setFocusItemHelper(QGraphicsItem *item,
     if (item == focusItem)
+    // Clear focus if asked to set focus on something that can't
+    // accept input focus.
     if (item && (!(item->flags() & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable)
                  || !item->isVisible() || !item->isEnabled())) {
         item = 0;
+    // Set focus on the scene if an item requests focus.
     if (item) {
         if (item == focusItem)
+    // Auto-update focus proxy. The closest parent that detects
+    // focus proxies is updated as the proxy gains or loses focus.
+    if (item) {
+        QGraphicsItem *p = item->d_ptr->parent;
+        while (p) {
+            if (p->d_ptr->flags & QGraphicsItem::ItemAutoDetectsFocusProxy) {
+                p->setFocusProxy(item);
+                break;
+            }
+            p = p->d_ptr->parent;
+        }
+    }
     if (focusItem) {
         QFocusEvent event(QEvent::FocusOut, focusReason);
         lastFocusItem = focusItem;
@@ -602,11 +621,6 @@ void QGraphicsScenePrivate::setFocusItemHelper(QGraphicsItem *item,
     if (item) {
-        if (item->isWidget()) {
-            // Update focus child chain.
-            static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(item)->d_func()->setFocusWidget();
-        }
         focusItem = item;
         QFocusEvent event(QEvent::FocusIn, focusReason);
         sendEvent(item, &event);
@@ -2342,6 +2356,11 @@ void QGraphicsScene::addItem(QGraphicsItem *item)
     // Deliver post-change notification
     item->itemChange(QGraphicsItem::ItemSceneHasChanged, newSceneVariant);
+    // Ensure that newly added items that have subfocus set, gain
+    // focus automatically if there isn't a focus item already.
+    if (!d->focusItem && item->focusItem())
+        item->focusItem()->setFocus();
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget.cpp b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget.cpp
index 86c0b48..6937584 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget.cpp
@@ -1716,14 +1716,16 @@ void QGraphicsWidget::setFocusPolicy(Qt::FocusPolicy policy)
     If this widget, a child or descendant of this widget currently has input
     focus, this function will return a pointer to that widget. If
-    no descendant has input focus, 0 is returned.
+    no descendant widget has input focus, 0 is returned.
-    \sa QWidget::focusWidget()
+    \sa QGraphicsItem::focusItem(), QWidget::focusWidget()
 QGraphicsWidget *QGraphicsWidget::focusWidget() const
     Q_D(const QGraphicsWidget);
-    return d->focusChild;
+    if (d->subFocusItem && d->subFocusItem->d_ptr->isWidget)
+        return static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(d->subFocusItem);
+    return 0;
 /*! \property QGraphicsWidget::horizontalShear
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.cpp b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.cpp
index c9212f7..8eac063 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.cpp
@@ -626,34 +626,6 @@ bool QGraphicsWidgetPrivate::hasDecoration() const
     return (windowFlags & Qt::Window) && (windowFlags & Qt::WindowTitleHint);
-    \internal
-void QGraphicsWidgetPrivate::setFocusWidget()
-    // Update focus child chain.
-    QGraphicsWidget *widget = static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(q_ptr);
-    QGraphicsWidget *parent = widget;
-    bool hidden = !visible;
-    do {
-        parent->d_func()->focusChild = widget;
-    } while (!parent->isWindow() && (parent = parent->parentWidget()) && (!hidden || !parent->d_func()->visible));
-    \internal
-void QGraphicsWidgetPrivate::clearFocusWidget()
-    // Reset focus child chain.
-    QGraphicsWidget *parent = static_cast<QGraphicsWidget *>(q_ptr);
-    do {
-        if (parent->d_func()->focusChild != q_ptr)
-            break;
-        parent->d_func()->focusChild = 0;
-    } while (!parent->isWindow() && (parent = parent->parentWidget()));
  * is called after a reparent has taken place to fix up the focus chain(s)
@@ -670,12 +642,6 @@ void QGraphicsWidgetPrivate::fixFocusChainBeforeReparenting(QGraphicsWidget *new
     QGraphicsWidget *firstOld = 0;
     bool wasPreviousNew = true;
-    if (focusChild) {
-        // Ensure that the current focus child doesn't leave pointers around
-        // before reparenting.
-        focusChild->clearFocus();
-    }
     while (w != q) {
         bool isCurrentNew = q->isAncestorOf(w);
diff --git a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.h b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.h
index 0c34baa..92e520a 100644
--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.h
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicswidget_p.h
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ public:
-          focusChild(0),
@@ -178,9 +177,6 @@ public:
     Qt::FocusPolicy focusPolicy;
     QGraphicsWidget *focusNext;
     QGraphicsWidget *focusPrev;
-    QGraphicsWidget *focusChild;
-    void setFocusWidget();
-    void clearFocusWidget();
     // Windows
     Qt::WindowFlags windowFlags;
diff --git a/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp b/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp
index 011e480..9f1693d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qgraphicsitem/tst_qgraphicsitem.cpp
@@ -275,6 +275,9 @@ private slots:
     void itemHasNoContents();
     void hitTestUntransformableItem();
     void focusProxy();
+    void autoDetectFocusProxy();
+    void subFocus();
+    void reverseCreateAutoFocusProxy();
     // task specific tests below me
     void task141694_textItemEnsureVisible();
@@ -7464,5 +7467,109 @@ void tst_QGraphicsItem::focusProxy()
     QCOMPARE(item3->focusProxy(), (QGraphicsItem *)0);
+void tst_QGraphicsItem::autoDetectFocusProxy()
+    QGraphicsScene scene;
+    QGraphicsItem *item = scene.addRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
+    item->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable);
+    QGraphicsItem *item2 = scene.addRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
+    item2->setParentItem(item);
+    item2->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable);
+    QGraphicsItem *item3 = scene.addRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
+    item3->setParentItem(item2);
+    item3->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable);
+    item->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemAutoDetectsFocusProxy);
+    QCOMPARE(item->focusProxy(), (QGraphicsItem *)0);
+    item2->setFocus();
+    QCOMPARE(item->focusProxy(), item2);
+    item3->setFocus();
+    QCOMPARE(item->focusProxy(), item3);
+    item3->clearFocus();
+    QCOMPARE(item->focusProxy(), item3);
+void tst_QGraphicsItem::subFocus()
+    // Construct a text item that's not part of a scene (yet)
+    // and has no parent. Setting focus on it will not make
+    // the item gain input focus; that requires a scene. But
+    // it does set subfocus, indicating that the item wishes
+    // to gain focus later.
+    QGraphicsTextItem *text = new QGraphicsTextItem("Hello");
+    text->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextEditorInteraction);
+    QVERIFY(!text->hasFocus());
+    text->setFocus();
+    QVERIFY(!text->hasFocus());
+    QCOMPARE(text->focusItem(), (QGraphicsItem *)text);
+    // Add a sibling.
+    QGraphicsTextItem *text2 = new QGraphicsTextItem("Hi");
+    text2->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextEditorInteraction);
+    text2->setPos(30, 30);
+    // Add both items to a scene and check that it's text that
+    // got input focus.
+    QGraphicsScene scene;
+    scene.addItem(text);
+    scene.addItem(text2);
+    QVERIFY(text->hasFocus());
+    text->setData(0, "text");
+    text2->setData(0, "text2");
+    // Remove text2 and set subfocus on it. Then readd. Reparent it onto the
+    // other item and see that although it becomes text's focus
+    // item, it does not immediately gain input focus.
+    scene.removeItem(text2);
+    text2->setFocus();
+    scene.addItem(text2);
+    QCOMPARE(text2->focusItem(), (QGraphicsItem *)text2);
+    text2->setParentItem(text);
+    qDebug() << text->data(0).toString() << (void*)(QGraphicsItem *)text;
+    qDebug() << text2->data(0).toString() << (void*)(QGraphicsItem *)text2;
+    QCOMPARE(text->focusItem(), (QGraphicsItem *)text2);
+    QVERIFY(text->hasFocus());
+    QVERIFY(!text2->hasFocus());
+    // Remove both items from the scene, restore subfocus and
+    // readd them. Now the subfocus should kick in and give
+    // text2 focus.
+    scene.removeItem(text);
+    QCOMPARE(text->focusItem(), (QGraphicsItem *)0);
+    QCOMPARE(text2->focusItem(), (QGraphicsItem *)0);
+    text2->setFocus();
+    QCOMPARE(text->focusItem(), (QGraphicsItem *)text2);
+    QCOMPARE(text2->focusItem(), (QGraphicsItem *)text2);
+    scene.addItem(text);
+    // Hiding and showing text should pass focus to text2.
+    QCOMPARE(text->focusItem(), (QGraphicsItem *)text2);
+    QVERIFY(text2->hasFocus());
+void tst_QGraphicsItem::reverseCreateAutoFocusProxy()
+    QGraphicsTextItem *text = new QGraphicsTextItem;
+    text->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextEditorInteraction);
+    text->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemAutoDetectsFocusProxy);
+    QGraphicsTextItem *text2 = new QGraphicsTextItem;
+    text2->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextEditorInteraction);
+    text2->setFocus();
+    QVERIFY(!text2->hasFocus());
+    QCOMPARE(text->focusProxy(), (QGraphicsItem *)0);
+    text2->setParentItem(text);
+    QCOMPARE(text->focusProxy(), (QGraphicsItem *)text2);
+    QCOMPARE(text->focusItem(), (QGraphicsItem *)text2);
+    QGraphicsScene scene;
+    scene.addItem(text);
+    QVERIFY(text2->hasFocus());
 #include "tst_qgraphicsitem.moc"
cgit v0.12

From 3bf3981c7026de9017887d08312391b54fe8afc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Cooksey <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 09:30:20 +0200
Subject: Really, really fix HPUX this time

The conditionals were the wrong way round.

Reviewed-By: Samuel
 src/opengl/qgl_x11.cpp | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/opengl/qgl_x11.cpp b/src/opengl/qgl_x11.cpp
index 64f5810..a95b7a0 100644
--- a/src/opengl/qgl_x11.cpp
+++ b/src/opengl/qgl_x11.cpp
@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ QGLTexture *QGLContextPrivate::bindTextureFromNativePixmap(QPixmap *pm, const qi
 void QGLTexture::deleteBoundPixmap()
-#if !defined(GLX_VERSION_1_3) || defined(Q_OS_HPUX)
+#if defined(GLX_VERSION_1_3) && !defined(Q_OS_HPUX)
     if (boundPixmap) {
         glXReleaseTexImageEXT(QX11Info::display(), boundPixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT);
         glXDestroyPixmap(QX11Info::display(), boundPixmap);
cgit v0.12