#!/usr/bin/perl -w # A script to get around some shortcomings in elf2e32, namely: # - Returning 0 even when there are errors. # - Excluding symbols from the dso file even when they are present in the ELF file. # - Including symbols in the the dso file even when they are not present in the ELF file. # - Overwriting the old dso file even when there are no changes (increases build time). use File::Copy; my @args = (); my @definput; my @defoutput; my @dso; my @tmpdso; foreach (@ARGV) { if (/^--definput/o) { @definput = split('=', $_); } elsif (/^--defoutput/o) { @defoutput = split('=', $_); } elsif (/^--dso/o) { @dso = split('=', $_); } elsif (/^--tmpdso/o) { @tmpdso = split('=', $_); $tmpdso[0] = "--dso"; } else { push(@args, $_); } } @definput = () if (!@definput || ! -e $definput[1]); if (@dso && !@tmpdso || !@dso && @tmpdso) { print("--dso and --tmpdso must be used together.\n"); exit 1; } my $buildingLibrary = (@defoutput && @dso) ? 1 : 0; my $fixupFile = ""; my $runCount = 0; my $returnCode = 0; while (1) { if (++$runCount > 2) { print("Internal error in $0, link succeeded, but exports may be wrong.\n"); last; } my $elf2e32Pipe; my $elf2e32Cmd = "elf2e32 @args" . " " . join("=", @definput) . " " . join("=", @defoutput) . " " . join("=", @tmpdso); open($elf2e32Pipe, "$elf2e32Cmd 2>&1 |") or die ("Could not run elf2e32"); my %fixupSymbols; my $foundBrokenSymbols = 0; my $errors = 0; while (<$elf2e32Pipe>) { print; if (/Error:/io) { $errors = 1; } elsif (/symbol ([a-z0-9_]+) absent in the DEF file, but present in the ELF file/io) { $fixupSymbols{$1} = 1; $foundBrokenSymbols = 1; } elsif (/[0-9]+ Frozen Export\(s\) missing from the ELF file/io) { $foundBrokenSymbols = 1; } } close($elf2e32Pipe); if ($errors) { $returnCode = 1; last; } if ($buildingLibrary) { my $tmpDefFile; my $defFile; open($defFile, "< $defoutput[1]") or die("Could not open $defoutput[1]"); open($tmpDefFile, "> $defoutput[1].tmp") or die("Could not open $defoutput[1].tmp"); $fixupFile = "$defoutput[1].tmp"; while (<$defFile>) { s/\r//; s/\n//; next if (/; NEW:/); if (/([a-z0-9_]+) @/i) { if (exists($fixupSymbols{$1})) { s/ ABSENT//; } elsif (s/; MISSING://) { s/$/ ABSENT/; } } print($tmpDefFile "$_\n"); } close($defFile); close($tmpDefFile); $definput[1] = "$defoutput[1].tmp"; if (!$foundBrokenSymbols || $errors) { last; } print("Rerunning elf2e32 due to DEF file / ELF file mismatch\n"); } else { last; } }; if ($fixupFile) { unlink($defoutput[1]); move($fixupFile, $defoutput[1]); } exit $returnCode if ($returnCode != 0); if ($buildingLibrary) { my $differenceFound = 0; if (-e $dso[1]) { my $dsoFile; my $tmpdsoFile; my $dsoBuf; my $tmpdsoBuf; open($dsoFile, "< $dso[1]") or die("Could not open $dso[1]"); open($tmpdsoFile, "< $tmpdso[1]") or die("Could not open $tmpdso[1]"); binmode($dsoFile); binmode($tmpdsoFile); while(read($dsoFile, $dsoBuf, 4096) && read($tmpdsoFile, $tmpdsoBuf, 4096)) { if ($dsoBuf ne $tmpdsoBuf) { $differenceFound = 1; } } close($tmpdsoFile); close($dsoFile); } else { $differenceFound = 1; } if ($differenceFound) { copy($tmpdso[1], $dso[1]); } }