import Qt 4.7 import org.webkit 1.0 Flickable { property alias title: webView.title property alias icon: webView.icon property alias progress: webView.progress property alias url: webView.url property alias back: webView.back property alias reload: webView.reload property alias forward: webView.forward id: flickable width: parent.width contentWidth: Math.max(parent.width,webView.width*webView.scale) contentHeight: Math.max(parent.height,webView.height*webView.scale) headerSpace.bottom anchors.bottom: anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right pressDelay: 200 onWidthChanged : { // Expand (but not above 1:1) if otherwise would be smaller that available width. if (width > webView.width*webView.contentsScale && webView.contentsScale < 1.0) webView.contentsScale = width / webView.width * webView.contentsScale; } WebView { id: webView pixelCacheSize: 4000000 transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft function fixUrl(url) { if (url == "") return url if (url[0] == "/") return "file://"+url if (url.indexOf(":")<0) { if (url.indexOf(".")<0 || url.indexOf(" ")>=0) { // Fall back to a search engine; hard-code Wikipedia return ""+url } else { return "http://"+url } } return url } url: fixUrl(webBrowser.urlString) smooth: false // We don't want smooth scaling, since we only scale during (fast) transitions smoothCache: true // We do want smooth rendering fillColor: "white" focus: true zoomFactor: 1 onAlert: console.log(message) function doZoom(zoom,centerX,centerY) { if (centerX) { var sc = zoom/contentsScale; = sc; flickVX.from = flickable.contentX = Math.max(0,Math.min(centerX-flickable.width/2,webView.width*sc-flickable.width)) finalX.value = flickVY.from = flickable.contentY = Math.max(0,Math.min(centerY-flickable.height/2,webView.height*sc-flickable.height)) finalY.value = finalZoom.value = zoom quickZoom.start() } } Keys.onLeftPressed: webView.contentsScale -= 0.1 Keys.onRightPressed: webView.contentsScale += 0.1 preferredWidth: flickable.width*zoomFactor preferredHeight: flickable.height*zoomFactor contentsScale: 1/zoomFactor onContentsSizeChanged: { // zoom out contentsScale = Math.min(1,flickable.width / contentsSize.width) } onUrlChanged: { // got to topleft flickable.contentX = 0 flickable.contentY = 0 if (url != null) { header.editUrl = url.toString(); } } onDoubleClick: { if (!heuristicZoom(clickX,clickY,2.5)) { var zf = flickable.width / contentsSize.width if (zf >= contentsScale) zf = 2.0/zoomFactor // zoom in (else zooming out) doZoom(zf,clickX*zf,clickY*zf) } } SequentialAnimation { id: quickZoom PropertyAction { target: webView property: "renderingEnabled" value: false } ParallelAnimation { NumberAnimation { id: scaleAnim target: webView property: "scale" from: 1 to: 0 // set before calling easing.type: Easing.Linear duration: 200 } NumberAnimation { id: flickVX target: flickable property: "contentX" easing.type: Easing.Linear duration: 200 from: 0 // set before calling to: 0 // set before calling } NumberAnimation { id: flickVY target: flickable property: "contentY" easing.type: Easing.Linear duration: 200 from: 0 // set before calling to: 0 // set before calling } } PropertyAction { id: finalZoom target: webView property: "contentsScale" } PropertyAction { target: webView property: "scale" value: 1.0 } // Have to set the contentXY, since the above 2 // size changes may have started a correction if // contentsScale < 1.0. PropertyAction { id: finalX target: flickable property: "contentX" value: 0 // set before calling } PropertyAction { id: finalY target: flickable property: "contentY" value: 0 // set before calling } PropertyAction { target: webView property: "renderingEnabled" value: true } } onZoomTo: doZoom(zoom,centerX,centerY) } }