import Qt 4.6 import "content" import "fieldtext" Item { id: WebBrowser property string urlString : "" state: "Normal" width: 640 height: 480 Item { id: WebPanel anchors.fill: parent clip: true Rectangle { color: "#555555" anchors.fill: parent } Image { source: "content/pics/softshadow-bottom.png" width: WebPanel.width height: 16 } Image { source: "content/pics/softshadow-top.png" width: WebPanel.width height: 16 anchors.bottom: } RectSoftShadow { x: -Flick.viewportX y: -Flick.viewportY width: MyWebView.width*MyWebView.scale height: Flick.y+MyWebView.height*MyWebView.scale } Item { id: HeaderSpace width: parent.width height: 60 z: 1 Rectangle { id: HeaderSpaceTint color: "black" opacity: 0 anchors.fill: parent } Image { id: Header source: "content/pics/header.png" width: parent.width height: 64 state: "Normal" x: Flick.viewportX < 0 ? -Flick.viewportX : Flick.viewportX > Flick.viewportWidth-Flick.width ? -Flick.viewportX+Flick.viewportWidth-Flick.width : 0 y: Flick.viewportY < 0 ? -Flick.viewportY : progressOff* (Flick.viewportY>height?-height:-Flick.viewportY) Text { id: HeaderText text: MyWebView.title!='' || MyWebView.progress == 1.0 ? MyWebView.title : 'Loading...' elide: "ElideRight" color: "white" styleColor: "black" style: "Raised" "Helvetica" font.pointSize: 10 font.bold: true anchors.left: Header.left anchors.right: Header.right anchors.leftMargin: 4 anchors.rightMargin: 4 anchors.topMargin: 4 horizontalAlignment: "AlignHCenter" } Item { width: parent.width HeaderText.bottom anchors.topMargin: 2 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom Item { id: UrlBox height: 31 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 12 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 12 clip: true property bool mouseGrabbed: false BorderImage { source: "content/pics/addressbar.sci" anchors.fill: UrlBox } BorderImage { id: UrlBoxhl source: "content/pics/addressbar-filled.sci" width: parent.width*MyWebView.progress height: parent.height opacity: 1-Header.progressOff clip: true } FieldText { id: EditUrl mouseGrabbed: parent.mouseGrabbed text: WebBrowser.urlString label: "url:" onConfirmed: { WebBrowser.urlString = EditUrl.text; MyWebView.focus=true } onCancelled: { MyWebView.focus=true } onStartEdit: { MyWebView.focus=false } anchors.left: UrlBox.left anchors.right: UrlBox.right anchors.leftMargin: 6 anchors.verticalCenter: UrlBox.verticalCenter anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 1 } } } property real progressOff : 1 states: [ State { name: "Normal" when: MyWebView.progress == 1.0 PropertyChanges { target: Header; progressOff: 1 } }, State { name: "ProgressShown" when: MyWebView.progress < 1.0 PropertyChanges { target: Header; progressOff: 0; } } ] transitions: [ Transition { NumberAnimation { target: Header properties: "progressOff" easing: "easeInOutQuad" duration: 300 } } ] } } Flickable { id: Flick width: parent.width viewportWidth: Math.max(parent.width,MyWebView.width*MyWebView.scale) viewportHeight: Math.max(parent.height,MyWebView.height*MyWebView.scale) HeaderSpace.bottom anchors.bottom: anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right WebView { id: MyWebView pixelCacheSize: 4000000 Script { function fixUrl(url) { if (url == "") return url if (url[0] == "/") return "file://"+url if (url.indexOf(":")<0) { if (url.indexOf(".")<0 || url.indexOf(" ")>=0) { // Fall back to a search engine; hard-code Wikipedia return ""+url } else { return "http://"+url } } return url } } url: fixUrl(WebBrowser.urlString) smooth: true fillColor: "white" focus: true preferredWidth: Flick.width webPageWidth: 980 onUrlChanged: { if (url != null) { WebBrowser.urlString = url.toString(); } } onDoubleClick: { heuristicZoom(clickX,clickY) } SequentialAnimation { id: QuickZoom PropertyAction { target: MyWebView property: "renderingEnabled" value: false } ParallelAnimation { NumberAnimation { id: ScaleAnim target: MyWebView property: "scale" from: 1 to: 0 // set before calling easing: "easeLinear" duration: 200 } NumberAnimation { id: FlickVX target: Flick property: "viewportX" easing: "easeLinear" duration: 200 from: 0 // set before calling to: 0 // set before calling } NumberAnimation { id: FlickVY target: Flick property: "viewportY" easing: "easeLinear" duration: 200 from: 0 // set before calling to: 0 // set before calling } } PropertyAction { id: FinalZoom target: MyWebView property: "zoomFactor" } PropertyAction { target: MyWebView property: "scale" value: 1.0 } // Have to set the viewportXY, since the above 2 // size changes may have started a correction if // zoomFactor < 1.0. PropertyAction { id: FinalX target: Flick property: "viewportX" value: 0 // set before calling } PropertyAction { id: FinalY target: Flick property: "viewportY" value: 0 // set before calling } PropertyAction { target: MyWebView property: "renderingEnabled" value: true } } onZooming: { if (centerX) { sc = zoom/zoomFactor; = sc; FlickVX.from = Flick.viewportX = Math.min(Math.max(0,centerX-Flick.width/2),MyWebView.width*sc-Flick.width) FinalX.value = Math.min(Math.max(0,centerX-Flick.width/2),MyWebView.width*sc-Flick.width) FlickVY.from = Flick.viewportY = Math.min(Math.max(0,centerY-Flick.height/2),MyWebView.height*sc-Flick.height) FinalY.value = Math.min(Math.max(0,centerY-Flick.height/2),MyWebView.height*sc-Flick.height) FinalZoom.value = zoom QuickZoom.start() } } } Rectangle { id: WebViewTint color: "black" opacity: 0 anchors.fill: MyWebView /*MouseRegion { anchors.fill: WebViewTint onClicked: { proxy.focus=false } }*/ } } BorderImage { id: Footer source: "content/pics/footer.sci" width: parent.width height: 43 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom Rectangle { y: -1 width: parent.width height: 1 color: "#555555" } Item { id: backbutton width: back_e.width height: back_e.height anchors.right: reload.left anchors.rightMargin: 10 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter Image { id: back_e source: "content/pics/back.png" anchors.fill: parent } Image { id: back_d source: "content/pics/back-disabled.png" anchors.fill: parent } states: [ State { name: "Enabled" when: MyWebView.back.enabled==true PropertyChanges { target: back_e; opacity: 1 } PropertyChanges { target: back_d; opacity: 0 } }, State { name: "Disabled" when: MyWebView.back.enabled==false PropertyChanges { target: back_e; opacity: 0 } PropertyChanges { target: back_d; opacity: 1 } } ] transitions: [ Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity" easing: "easeInOutQuad" duration: 300 } } ] MouseRegion { anchors.fill: back_e onClicked: { if (MyWebView.back.enabled) MyWebView.back.trigger() } } } Image { id: reload source: "content/pics/reload.png" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } MouseRegion { anchors.fill: reload onClicked: { MyWebView.reload.trigger() } } Item { id: forwardbutton width: forward_e.width height: forward_e.height anchors.left: reload.right anchors.leftMargin: 10 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter Image { id: forward_e source: "content/pics/forward.png" anchors.fill: parent anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } Image { id: forward_d source: "content/pics/forward-disabled.png" anchors.fill: parent } states: [ State { name: "Enabled" when: MyWebView.forward.enabled==true PropertyChanges { target: forward_e; opacity: 1 } PropertyChanges { target: forward_d; opacity: 0 } }, State { name: "Disabled" when: MyWebView.forward.enabled==false PropertyChanges { target: forward_e; opacity: 0 } PropertyChanges { target: forward_d; opacity: 1 } } ] transitions: [ Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity" easing: "easeInOutQuad" duration: 320 } } ] MouseRegion { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if (MyWebView.forward.enabled) MyWebView.forward.trigger() } } } } } }