TEMPLATE = lib TARGET = fftreal # FFTReal HEADERS += Array.h \ Array.hpp \ DynArray.h \ DynArray.hpp \ FFTRealFixLen.h \ FFTRealFixLen.hpp \ FFTRealFixLenParam.h \ FFTRealPassDirect.h \ FFTRealPassDirect.hpp \ FFTRealPassInverse.h \ FFTRealPassInverse.hpp \ FFTRealSelect.h \ FFTRealSelect.hpp \ FFTRealUseTrigo.h \ FFTRealUseTrigo.hpp \ OscSinCos.h \ OscSinCos.hpp \ def.h # Wrapper used to export the required instantiation of the FFTRealFixLen template HEADERS += fftreal_wrapper.h SOURCES += fftreal_wrapper.cpp DEFINES += FFTREAL_LIBRARY symbian { # Provide unique ID for the generated binary, required by Symbian OS TARGET.UID3 = 0xA000E403 TARGET.CAPABILITY = UserEnvironment } else { macx { CONFIG += lib_bundle } else { DESTDIR = ../../bin } } # Install sources.files = $$SOURCES $$HEADERS fftreal.pro readme.txt license.txt sources.files += bwins/fftreal.def eabi/fftreal.def sources.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DEMOS]/spectrum/3rdparty/fftreal INSTALLS += sources