Qt 4.5.2 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 4.5.0. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5 The Qt version 4.5 series is binary compatible with the 4.4.x series. Applications compiled for 4.4 will continue to run with 4.5. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Task Tracker: http://www.qtsoftware.com/developer/task-tracker Each of these identifiers can be entered in the task tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * General * **************************************************************************** General Improvements -------------------- - Documentation and Examples * Added a new example (fancy browser) which shows how to use jQuery in QtWebKit. Third party components ---------------------- **************************************************************************** * Library * **************************************************************************** - QtWebKit * Backported fixes for critical bugs, memory leaks, and crashes from WebKit trunk (with revision numbers) related to: Canvas (r40546, r41221 r41355, r42996, r43645) Memory (r41527, r43764, r43828, r43830) JavaScript (r39882, r40086, r40131, r40133) Rendering (r41285, r41296, r41659, r42887) Network (r41664, r42516, r42747) Plugins (r41346, r43550, r43915, r43917, r43923) Clipboard (r41360) **************************************************************************** * Database Drivers * **************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** * Platform Specific Changes * **************************************************************************** Qt for Linux/X11 ---------------- Qt for Windows -------------- Qt for Mac OS X --------------- Qt for Embedded Linux --------------------- Qt for Windows CE ----------------- **************************************************************************** * Compiler Specific Changes * **************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** * Tools * **************************************************************************** - Build System - Assistant - Designer * [248769] Fixed a bug affecting the display of keyboard shortcuts in the detailed view of the action editor. * [251092] Fixed a bug preventing entering local file names for QUrl-type properties on Windows. * [251691] Fixed dynamic re-translation of table headers. * [252251] Improved readability of the property editor when using the KDE Obsidian Coast theme. * [253236] Fixed a regression bug triggered by forms with a size policy of 'Fixed' on the main cointainer. * [253278] Made it possible to set QString-type properties using QDesignerFormWindowCursor::setProperty(). - Linguist - Linguist GUI - lupdate - lrelease - rcc - moc - uic * [252333] Fixed a regression crash triggered by using icons with different pixmaps for QIcon states. - uic3 - qmake - configure - qtconfig - qt3to4 **************************************************************************** * Plugins * **************************************************************************** - directfb * Make sure we pick an approriate format for pixmaps. E.g. use the same as the primary surface for opaque pixmaps and pick an appropriate one for transparent pixmaps if the primary surface format is not transparent. * Properly fall back to the raster engine for pens that aren't solidcolor * Properly fall back to raster engine with "mirrored" scales * Make sure window surfaces are the approriate pixel format and created in video memory if supported * Fix clipping bug that would cause painting errors * Fix various crash bugs * Fix bugs when transforming/copying pixmaps with alpha channel * Fix various bugs with regards to painting with alpha channel/porter duff * Optimize a coupld of internal functions to slightly speed up drawing * Optimize raster fall backs * Allow more customization for Flipping options * Fix drawing with opacity != 1.0 * Support for better logging when trying to debug performance problems. * Fix bug in keyboard handling that caused modifiers not to work * Get rid of some compiler warnings **************************************************************************** * Important Behavior Changes * ****************************************************************************