Qt 4.6 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes
over the 4.5.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation
included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online:


The Qt version 4.6 series is binary compatible with the 4.5.x series.
Applications compiled for 4.5 will continue to run with 4.6.

Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
corresponding to tasks in the Task Tracker:


Each of these identifiers can be entered in the task tracker to obtain more
information about a particular change.

*                           General                                        *

*                          Library                                         *

*                      Platform Specific Changes                           *


*                   Important Behavior Changes                             *

 - The experimental Direct3D paint engine has been removed. The
   reasons for this is that Qt Software focuses on OpenGL for desktop
   hardware accelerated rendering.

 - QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::exposedRect and QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::matrix
   does no longer contain fine-grained values when passed in drawItems()/paint()
   unless the QGraphicsItem::ItemUsesExtendedStyleOptions flag is enabled.
   By default, exposedRect is initialized to the item's bounding rect
   and the matrix is untransformed.

 - QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::levelOfDetails is obsoleted and its value
   is always initialized to 1. For a more fine-grained value use
   QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::levelOfDetailFromTransform(const QTransform &).