Qt 4.7 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes
over the 4.6.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation
included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online:


The Qt version 4.7 series is binary compatible with the 4.6.x series.
Applications compiled for 4.6 will continue to run with 4.7.

Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
corresponding to tasks in the Task Tracker:


Each of these identifiers can be entered in the task tracker to obtain more
information about a particular change.

*                           General                                        *

General Improvements

- Documentation and Examples

- Support for the GL_EXT_geometry_shader4, aka Geometry Shaders, was added
  to QGLShaderProgram.

Third party components

 - Updated libpng to version 1.4.0

 - Updated libjpeg to version 8

 - Updated libtiff to version 3.9.2

*                          Library                                         *



 - QAbstractItemView
    * Fixed a bug that would cause keyboard searches not to behave
      properly when used within 400 milliseconds of midnight.

 - QPrinter
    * Obsoleted the slightly confusing setNumCopies() and numCopies()
      functions, and replaced them with setCopyCount(), copyCount() and

*                          Database Drivers                                *

*                      Platform Specific Changes                           *

Qt for Linux/X11

Qt for Windows

Qt for Mac OS X

Qt for Embedded Linux

Qt for Windows CE

*                      Compiler Specific Changes                           *

*                          Tools                                           *

- Build System

- Assistant

- Designer

- Linguist
  - Linguist GUI

  - lupdate

  - lrelease

- rcc

- moc

- uic

- uic3

- qmake

- configure

- qtconfig

- qt3to4

*                          Plugins                                         *

*                   Important Behavior Changes                             *