/*! \page qmlanimation.html \target qmlanimation \title QML Animation QML supports three different forms of animation - basic property animation, states and transitions and property behaviors. \section1 Property Animation Animation in QML is done by animating properties of objects. Any property of a recognizable type can be animated. Currently those types include: \list \o qreal \o int \o Most of QVariant's built-in types \endlist Animations can also involve numerous properties on numerous objects. Other Features: \list \o Support for a large set of parameterized easing curves. (based on the Penner easing equations) \o Animation synchronization \endlist The simplest form of animation is using \l NumericAnimation The following example creates a bouncing effect: \code Rect { id: rect width: 120; height: 200; color: "white" Image { id: img source: "qt-logo.png" x: 60-img.width/2 y: 0 y: SequentialAnimation { running: true repeat: true NumericAnimation { to: 200-img.height; easing: "easeOutBounce"; duration: 2000 } PauseAnimation { duration: 1000 } NumericAnimation { to: 0; easing: "easeOutQuad"; duration: 1000 } } } } \endcode \image propanim.gif \target states-transitions \section1 States and Transitions \section2 States QML states describe user interface configurations, including: \list \o What UI elements are present \o The properties of those elements (including how they behave) \o What actions are available \endlist A state can also be thought of as a set of batched changes from a default configuration. Examples of states in modern UI: \list \o A Contacts application has a 'View Contact' state and an 'Edit Contact' State. In the first state the information presented is static (using labels), and in the second it is editable (using editors). \o A button has a pressed and unpressed state. When pressed the text moves down and to the right, and the button has a slightly darker appearance. \endlist In QML: \list \o Any object can use states. \o There is a default state. The default state can be explicitly set. \o A state can affect other the properties of other objects, not just the object owning the state (and not just that object's children). \endlist The following example shows a simple use of states. In the default state \c myrect is positioned at 0,0. In the 'moved' state it is positioned at 50,50. \code Item { Rect { id: myrect width: 100 height: 100 } states: [ State { name: "moved" SetProperty { target: myrect property: "x" value: 50 } SetProperty { target: myrect property: "y" value: 50 } } ] } \endcode \section2 Transitions QML transitions describe animations to perform when state changes occur. For the previous example, a transition could describe how \c myrect moved from its initial position to its new position: \code transitions: [ Transition { NumericAnimation { properties: "x,y" easing: "easeOutBounce" duration: 200 } } ] \endcode QML transitions can use selectors to determine which state changes a transition should apply to: \code Transition { fromState: "*" toState: "Details" ... } \endcode Transitions can happen in parallel, in sequence, or in any combination of the two:; \code Transition { fromState: "*" toState: "MyState" reversible: true SequentialAnimation { ColorAnimation { duration: 1000 } PauseAnimation { duration: 1000 } ParallelAnimation { NumericAnimation { duration: 1000 easing: "easeOutBounce" target: box1 properties: "x,y" } NumericAnimation { duration: 1000 target: box2 properties: "x,y" } } } } \endcode \section1 Property Behaviors \note Property behaviors are currently experimental. */