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\title Qt Quick
\page declarativeui.html

\brief Qt Quick provides a declarative framework for building highly
dynamic, custom user interfaces.

Qt Quick provides a declarative framework for building highly dynamic,
custom user interfaces from a rich set of \l {QML Elements}{QML elements}.
Qt Quick helps programmers and designers collaborate to
build the fluid user interfaces that are becoming common in portable
consumer devices, such as mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes
and netbooks. Qt Quick consists of the QtDeclarative C++ module, QML, and
the integration of both of these into the Qt Creator IDE. Using the QtDeclarative
C++ module, you can load and interact with QML files from your Qt application.

QML provides mechanisms to declaratively build an object tree using
\l {QML Elements}{QML elements}. QML improves the integration between 
\l {http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm}{JavaScript}
and Qt's existing QObject based type
system, adds support for automatic \l {Property Binding}{property
bindings} and provides \l {Network Transparency}{network transparency}
at the language level.

The \l {QML Elements}{QML elements} are a sophisticated set of
graphical and behavioral building blocks.  These different elements
are combined together in \l {QML Documents}{QML documents} to build
components ranging in complexity from simple buttons and sliders, to
complete internet-enabled applications like a \l
{http://www.flickr.com}{Flickr} photo browser.

Qt Quick builds on \l {QML for Qt programmers}{Qt's existing
strengths}.  QML can be be used to incrementally extend an existing
application or to build completely new applications.  QML is fully \l
{Extending QML in C++}{extensible from C++} through the QtDeclarative Module.

\section1 Getting Started

\o \l {Introduction to the QML language}
\o \l {QML Tutorial}{Tutorial: 'Hello World'}
\o \l {QML Advanced Tutorial}{Tutorial: 'Same Game'}
\o \l {QML Examples and Demos}
\o \l {QML for Qt programmers}

\section1 Core QML Features
\o \l {QML Documents}
\o \l {Property Binding}
\o \l {Network Transparency}
\o \l {QML Scope}
\o \l {Integrating JavaScript}
\o \l {Data Models}
\o \l {anchor-layout.html}{Anchor-based Layout}
\o \l {qdeclarativestates.html}{States}
\o \l {qdeclarativeanimation.html}{Animation}
\o \l {qdeclarativefocus.html}{Keyboard Focus}
\o \l {qdeclarativemodules.html}{Modules}
\o \l {Extending types from QML}
\o \l {qdeclarativedynamicobjects.html}{Dynamic Object Creation}

\section1 Using QML with C++
\o \l {qmlruntime.html}{The Qt Declarative Runtime}
\o \l {Using QML in C++ Applications}
\o \l {Integrating QML with existing Qt UI code}
\o \l {Tutorial: Writing QML extensions with C++}
\o \l {Extending QML in C++}

\section1 Reference
\o \l {QML Elements}
\o \l {QML Global Object}
\o \l {QML Internationalization}
\o \l {QML Security}
\o \l {QtDeclarative Module}
\o \l {Debugging QML}
\o \l {QML Viewer}
\o \l {QML Performance}
\o \l {QML Coding Conventions}