/*! \page qmlexamples.html \target qmlexamples \title QML Examples A viewer application is included that allows you to quickly explore many of the examples. It has some useful options, revealed by: \code bin/duiviewer -help \endcode There are several illustrative XML examples available. From your build directory, \code bin/duiviewer $QT_SOURCE_DIR/examples/declarative/mediabrowser/mediabrowser.qml \endcode Many other simple demos can be found under the \c examples/declarative sub directory. Some can be run directly using the viewer like those above, and others require you to build and run an executable. Finally, check out the \l {tutorial} to learn a little more about writing your own QML-based applications. \note When running applications that only use the Fluid UI atoms under the software rasterizer, a simple canvas backend is used by default. To use Graphics View instead, set \c QML_USE_GRAPHICSVIEW=1. */