\page qml.html
\title 'Qt Declarative' Documentation
\target qtdeclarativemainpage
The Qt Declarative module provides a user interface framework for building
highly dynamic and fluid applications. It is targetted at the sorts of user
interface and the sorts of hardware in embedded devices such as phones, media
players, and set-top boxes. It is also appropriate for highly custom desktop
user-interfaces, or special elements in more traditional desktop
Building fluid applications is done declaratively, rather than procedurally.
That is, you specify \e what the UI should look like and how it should behave
in an XML-based format called QML instead of specifying step-by-step \e how to
build it in a language like C++ or JavaScript. Specifying a UI declaratively
does not just include the layout of the interface items, but also the way each
individual item looks and behaves and the overall flow of the application.
Getting Started:
\o \l {qmlexamples}{Examples}
\o \l {tutorial}{Tutorial}
\o \l {qmlforcpp}{Qt Declarative Markup Language For C++ Programmers}
Core Features:
\o \l {binding}{Data Binding}
\o \l {anchor-layout}{Layout Anchors}
\o \l {animation}{Animation}
\o \l {effects}{Visual Effects}
\o \l {components}{Components}
\o \l {qmlmodules}{Modules}
\o \l {qmlfocus}{Keyboard Focus}
QML Reference:
\o \l {elements}{Qml Elements}
C++ Reference:
\o \l {qtprogrammers}{QML for Qt programmers}
\o \l {qtbinding}{C++ Data Binding}
\o \l {cppitem}{C++ Components}