\page qmlmodules.html
\target qmlmodules
\title Modules of Components
A \bold module is a collection of \l Components, in an XML namespace.
Named component in QML may include a namespace qualification,
and standard XML namespace scoping is allowed. This allows
components to be provided by different modules (even if they otherwise
have the same name).
To use a module:
To create a modules:
Create the components, with appropriate exported properties, signals, and slots (slots not currently supported),
in a single directory:
\c Clock/Face.qml: ...
\c Clock/Hand.qml: ...
\c Clock/AnalogClock.qml:
Associate the directory with the namespace:
Qml::addNameSpacePath("http://nokia.com/qml/Clock", "/usr/lib/qml/Clock");
Whole blocks of directories can be set:
Qml::addNameSpacePath("http://nokia.com/qml", "/usr/lib/qml");
Associations can also be declared in the QML itself as a processing directive:
A kludgey way to do unexported components:
Another kludgey way (if _ handled specially)):
Clock/_Hand.qml: ...
A non-XML extension to improve syntax (XMLNS blows):
Fully Qualifying names. CHOICE
IF QmlXmlParser qualifies names:
QmlXmlParser processes and tags to create a list of QmlModuleDependency.
It uses talks with the same creators as QmlCompiler::compileTypes to qualify the names.
Each of QmlMetaType, QmlCustomParser, and the QmlCompiledComponent::classFactory(ies)
must know fully-qualified names.
Pro: simpler
Con: may be harder to regenerate original XML if unqualified name is lost
Con: should QmlXmlParser "know" about the type creators?
QmlXmlParser processes and tags to create a list of QmlModuleDependency,
which get stored in the QCompiledComponent.
When QmlCompiler::compileTypes creates components, module dependencies are used
to find the correct component - turning a name into a fully-qualified name
at "ref.className = type" before passing it to the creators. QmlMetaType::typeFunc must allow
qualified names even for builtin types, for example, QFxText might be
declared with the name Qt:Text. The QML::customParser must also understand
the concept, for example ListModel might be declared with the name Qt:ListModel.
QmlXmlParser::Object::typeName should be removed (used by DOM?), as redundant.
QmlXmlParser::Object::type will not define a fully qualified typename, just a name,
so types that are actually the same may have different type id because they
were named differently ("Qt:Text" vs "Text"). Need to check if this is a problem,
or whether QmlCompiler::output->types should be compressed.
The advantage is that the namespaces could be fixed (per version), allowing proper DTDs, etc.
Attached properties. PROBLEM
Type references in JavaScript can be either unqualified, in which case QmlMetaProperty
would have to FQ the type, which seems impossible, or qualified, the syntax
of which would be odd, like Qt.GridLayout.row or property["Qt:GridLayout.row"].
Access restrictions. PROBLEM
All use of the bind context must prevent direct access between objects that
are in different modules (i.e. between types with different module prefixes).
Maybe this is accomplishable just from having the right context tree.
Components in the same module can refer to their containing components (they
need to be careful if they're allowed to be used outside).