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\page qdeclarativemodels.html
\ingroup qml-features
\contentspage QML Features
\previouspage {QML Animation and Transitions}{Animation and Transitions}
\nextpage {Presenting Data with Views}
\target qmlmodels
\title QML Data Models

QML items such as ListView, GridView and \l Repeater require Data Models
that provide the data to be displayed.
These items typically require a \e delegate component that
creates an instance for each item in the model.  Models may be static, or
have items modified, inserted, removed or moved dynamically.

Data is provided to the delegate via named data roles which the
delegate may bind to. Here is a ListModel with two roles, \e type and \e age,
and a ListView with a delegate that binds to these roles to display their

\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/qml-data-models/listmodel-listview.qml document

If there is a naming clash between the model's properties and the delegate's
properties, the roles can be accessed with the qualified \e model name instead.
For example, if a \l Text element had \e type or \e age properties, the text in the
above example would display those property values instead of the \e type and \e age values
from the model item. In this case, the properties could have been referenced as
\c model.type and \c model.age instead to ensure the delegate displays the
property values from the model item.

A special \e index role containing the index of the item in the model
is also available to the delegate.  Note this index is set to -1 if the item is removed from
the model.  If you bind to the index role, be sure that the logic
accounts for the possibility of index being -1, i.e. that the item
is no longer valid. (Usually the item will shortly be destroyed, but
it is possible to delay delegate destruction in some views via a \c delayRemove
attached property.)

Models that do not have named roles (such as the QStringList model shown below)
will have the data provided via the \e modelData role.  The \e modelData role is also provided for
models that have only one role.  In this case the \e modelData role
contains the same data as the named role.

QML provides several types of data models among the built-in set of
QML elements. In addition, models can be created with C++ and then
made available to QML components.

The views used to access data models are described in the
\l{Presenting Data with Views} overview.
The use of positioner items to arrange items from a model is covered in
\l{Using QML Positioner and Repeater Items}.

\keyword qml-data-models
\section1 QML Data Models

\section2 ListModel

ListModel is a simple hierarchy of elements specified in QML.  The
available roles are specified by the \l ListElement properties.

\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/qml-data-models/listelements.qml model

The above model has two roles, \e name and \e cost.  These can be bound
to by a ListView delegate, for example:

\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/qml-data-models/listelements.qml view

ListModel provides methods to manipulate the ListModel directly via JavaScript.
In this case, the first item inserted determines the roles available
to any views that are using the model. For example, if an empty ListModel is
created and populated via JavaScript, the roles provided by the first
insertion are the only roles that will be shown in the view:

\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/qml-data-models/dynamic-listmodel.qml model
\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/qml-data-models/dynamic-listmodel.qml mouse area

When the MouseArea is clicked, \c fruitModel will have two roles, \e cost and \e name.
Even if subsequent roles are added, only the first two will be handled by views
using the model. To reset the roles available in the model, call ListModel::clear().

\section2 XmlListModel

XmlListModel allows construction of a model from an XML data source. The roles
are specified via the \l XmlRole element.

The following model has three roles, \e title, \e link and \e description:
XmlListModel {
     id: feedModel
     source: "http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/oceania"
     query: "/rss/channel/item"
     XmlRole { name: "title"; query: "title/string()" }
     XmlRole { name: "link"; query: "link/string()" }
     XmlRole { name: "description"; query: "description/string()" }

The \l{demos/declarative/rssnews}{RSS News demo} shows how XmlListModel can
be used to display an RSS feed.

\section2 VisualItemModel

VisualItemModel allows QML items to be provided as a model.

This model contains both the data and delegate; the child items of a
VisualItemModel provide the contents of the delegate. The model
does not provide any roles.

\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/models/visual-model-and-view.qml visual model and view

Note that in the above example there is no delegate required.
The items of the model itself provide the visual elements that
will be positioned by the view.

\keyword qml-c++-models
\section1 C++ Data Models

Models can be defined in C++ and then made available to QML. This is useful
for exposing existing C++ data models or otherwise complex datasets to QML.

A C++ model class can be defined as a QStringList, a QList<QObject*> or a
QAbstractItemModel. The first two are useful for exposing simpler datasets,
while QAbstractItemModel provides a more flexible solution for more complex

\section2 QStringList-based model

A model may be a simple QStringList, which provides the contents of the list via the \e modelData role.

Here is a ListView with a delegate that references its model item's
value using the \c modelData role:

\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/stringlistmodel/view.qml 0

A Qt application can load this QML document and set the value of \c myModel
to a QStringList:

\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/stringlistmodel/main.cpp 0

The complete example is available in Qt's \l {declarative/modelviews/stringlistmodel}{examples/declarative/modelviews/stringlistmodel} directory.

\note There is no way for the view to know that the contents of a QStringList
have changed.  If the QStringList changes, it will be necessary to reset
the model by calling QDeclarativeContext::setContextProperty() again.

\section2 QObjectList-based model

A list of QObject* values can also be used as a model. A QList<QObject*> provides
the properties of the objects in the list as roles.

The following application creates a \c DataObject class that with
Q_PROPERTY values that will be accessible as named roles when a
QList<DataObject*> is exposed to QML:

\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/objectlistmodel/dataobject.h 0
\dots 4
\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/objectlistmodel/dataobject.h 1
\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/objectlistmodel/main.cpp 0

The QObject* is available as the \c modelData property.  As a convenience,
the properties of the object are also made available directly in the
delegate's context. Here, \c view.qml references the \c DataModel properties in
the ListView delegate:

\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/objectlistmodel/view.qml 0

Note the use of the fully qualified access to the \c color property.
The properties of the object are not replicated in the \c model
object, since they are easily available via the \c modelData

The complete example is available in Qt's \l {declarative/modelviews/objectlistmodel}{examples/declarative/modelviews/objectlistmodel} directory.

Note: There is no way for the view to know that the contents of a QList
have changed.  If the QList changes, it will be necessary to reset
the model by calling QDeclarativeContext::setContextProperty() again.

\section2 QAbstractItemModel

A model can be defined by subclassing QAbstractItemModel. This is the
best approach if you have a more complex model that cannot be supported
by the other approaches. A QAbstractItemModel can also automatically
notify a QML view when the model data has changed.

The roles of a QAbstractItemModel subclass can be exposed to QML by calling
QAbstractItemModel::setRoleNames(). The default role names set by Qt are:

\o Qt Role
\o QML Role Name
\o Qt::DisplayRole
\o display
\o Qt::DecorationRole
\o decoration

Here is an application with a QAbstractListModel subclass named \c AnimalModel
that has \e type and \e size roles. It calls QAbstractItemModel::setRoleNames() to set the
role names for accessing the properties via QML:

\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/abstractitemmodel/model.h 0
\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/abstractitemmodel/model.h 1
\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/abstractitemmodel/model.h 2
\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/abstractitemmodel/model.cpp 0
\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/abstractitemmodel/main.cpp 0

This model is displayed by a ListView delegate that accesses the \e type and \e size

\snippet examples/declarative/modelviews/abstractitemmodel/view.qml 0

QML views are automatically updated when the model changes. Remember the model
must follow the standard rules for model changes and notify the view when
the model has changed by using QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged(),
QAbstractItemModel::beginInsertRows(), etc. See the \l {Model subclassing reference} for
more information.

The complete example is available in Qt's \l {declarative/modelviews/abstractitemmodel}{examples/declarative/modelviews/abstractitemmodel} directory.

QAbstractItemModel presents a hierarchy of tables, but the views currently provided by QML
can only display list data.
In order to display child lists of a hierarchical model
the VisualDataModel element provides several properties and functions for use
with models of type QAbstractItemModel:

\o \e hasModelChildren role property to determine whether a node has child nodes.
\o \l VisualDataModel::rootIndex allows the root node to be specifed
\o \l VisualDataModel::modelIndex() returns a QModelIndex which can be assigned to VisualDataModel::rootIndex
\o \l VisualDataModel::parentModelIndex() returns a QModelIndex which can be assigned to VisualDataModel::rootIndex

\section2 Exposing C++ Data Models to QML

The above examples use QDeclarativeContext::setContextProperty() to set
model values directly in QML components. An alternative to this is to
register the C++ model class as a QML type from a QML C++ plugin using
QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin. This would allow the model classes to be
created directly as elements within QML:


class MyModelPlugin : public QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin
    void registerTypes(const char *uri)
        qmlRegisterType<MyModel>(uri, 1, 0,

Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(mymodelplugin, MyModelPlugin);

MyModel {
    id: myModel
    ListElement { someProperty: "some value" }

ListView {
    width: 200; height: 250
    model: myModel
    delegate: Text { text: someProperty }


See \l {Tutorial: Writing QML extensions with C++} for details on writing QML C++

\section1 Other Data Models

\section2 An Integer

An integer can be used to specify a model that contains a certain number
of elements. In this case, the model does not have any data roles.

The following example creates a ListView with five elements:
Item {
    width: 200; height: 250

    Component {
        id: itemDelegate
        Text { text: "I am item number: " + index }

    ListView {
        anchors.fill: parent
        model: 5
        delegate: itemDelegate


\section2 An Object Instance

An object instance can be used to specify a model with a single object element.  The
properties of the object are provided as roles.

The example below creates a list with one item, showing the color of the
\e myText text.  Note the use of the fully qualified \e model.color property
to avoid clashing with \e color property of the Text element in the delegate.

Rectangle {
    width: 200; height: 250

    Text {
        id: myText
        text: "Hello"
        color: "#dd44ee"

    Component {
        id: myDelegate
        Text { text: model.color }

    ListView {
        anchors.fill: parent
        anchors.topMargin: 30
        model: myText
        delegate: myDelegate

\section1 Accessing Views and Models from Delegates

You can access the view for which a delegate is used, and its
properties, by using ListView.view in a delegate on a ListView, or
GridView.view in a delegate on a GridView, etc. In particular, you can
access the model and its properties by using ListView.view.model.

This is useful when you want to use the same delegate for a number of
views, for example, but you want decorations or other features to be
different for each view, and you would like these different settings to
be properties of each of the views. Similarly, it might be of interest
to access or show some properties of the model.

In the following example, the delegate shows the property \e{language}
of the model, and the color of one of the fields depends on the
property \e{fruit_color} of the view.

\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/models/views-models-delegates.qml rectangle

Another important case is when some action (e.g. mouse click) in the
delegate should update data in the model. In this case you can define
a function in the model, e.g.:

        setData(int row, const QString & field_name, QVariant new_value),

...and call it from the delegate using:

        ListView.view.model.setData(index, field, value)

...assuming that \e{field} holds the name of the field which should be
updated, and that \e{value} holds the new value.


\page qml-presenting-data.html
\title Presenting Data with QML

\section1 Introduction

Qt Quick contains a set of standard items that can be used to present data in a
number of different ways. For simple user interfaces,
\l{Using QML Positioner and Repeater Items#Repeaters}{Repeaters} can be used
in combination with
\l{Using QML Positioner and Repeater Items#Positioners}{Positioners}
to obtain pieces of data and arrange them in a user interface. However, when
large quantities of data are involved, it is often better to use models with
the standard views since these contain many built-in display and navigation

\section1 Views

Views are scrolling containers for collections of items. They are feature-rich,
supporting many of the use cases found in typical applications, and can be
customized to meet requirements on style and behavior.

A set of standard views are provided in the basic set of Qt Quick
graphical elements:

\o \l{#ListView}{ListView} arranges items in a horizontal or vertical list
\o \l{#GridView}{GridView} arranges items in a grid within the available space
\o \l{#PathView}{PathView} arranges items on a path

Unlike these items, \l WebView is not a fully-featured view item, and needs
to be combined with a \l Flickable item to create a view that performs like
a Web browser.

\section2 ListView

\l ListView shows a classic list of items with horizontal or vertical placing
of items.

\inlineimage qml-listview-snippet.png

The following example shows a minimal ListView displaying a sequence of
numbers (using an \l{QML Data Models#An Integer}{integer as a model}).
A simple delegate is used to define an items for each piece of data in the

\snippet doc/src/snippets/declarative/listview/listview-snippet.qml document

\section2 GridView

\l GridView displays items in a grid like an file manager's icon view.

\section2 PathView

\l PathView displays items on a path, where the selection remains in
the same place and the items move around it.

\section1 Decorating Views

\section2 Headers and Footers

\section2 Sections

\section2 Navigation

In traditional user interfaces, views can be scrolled using standard
controls, such as scroll bars and arrow buttons. In some situations, it
is also possible to drag the view directly by pressing and holding a
mouse button while moving the cursor. In touch-based user interfaces,
this dragging action is often complemented with a flicking action, where
scrolling continues after the user has stopped touching the view.

\section1 Further Reading