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In this getting started guide, we teach basic Qt knowledge by implementing a simple Notepad application. After reading this guide, you should be ready to delve into our overviews and API documentation, and find the information you need for the application you are developing. \section1 Hello Notepad In this first example, we simply create and show a text edit in a window frame on the desktop. This represents the simplest possible Qt program that has a GUI. \image gs1.png Here is the code: \code 1 #include 2 #include 3 4 int main(int argv, char **args) 5 { 6 QApplication app(argv, args); 7 8 QTextEdit textEdit; 9 textEdit.show(); 10 11 return app.exec(); 12 } \endcode Let's go through the code line by line. In the first two lines, we include the header files for QApplication and QTextEdit, which are the two classes that we need for this example. All Qt classes have a header file named after them. Line 6 creates a QApplication object. This object manages application-wide resources and is necessary to run any Qt program that has a GUI. It needs \c argv and \c args because Qt accepts a few command line arguments. Line 8 creates a QTextEdit object. A text edit is a visual element in the GUI. In Qt, we call such elements widgets. Examples of other widgets are scroll bars, labels, and radio buttons. A widget can also be a container for other widgets; a dialog or a main application window, for example. Line 9 shows the text edit on the screen in its own window frame. Since widgets also function as containers (for instance a QMainWindow, which has toolbars, menus, a status bar, and a few other widgets), it is possible to show a single widget in its own window. Widgets are not visible by default; the function \l{QWidget::}{show()} makes the widget visible. Line 11 makes the QApplication enter its event loop. When a Qt application is running, events are generated and sent to the widgets of the application. Examples of events are mouse presses and key strokes. When you type text in the text edit widget, it receives key pressed events and responds by drawing the text typed. To run the application, open a command prompt, and enter the directory in which you have the \c .cpp file of the program. The following shell commands build the program. \code vattekar@positive:~/testing/gssnippets/part1$ qmake -project vattekar@positive:~/testing/gssnippets/part1$ qmake vattekar@positive:~/testing/gssnippets/part1$ make \endcode This will leave an executable in the \c part1 directory (note that on Windows, you may have to use \c nmake instead of \c make. Also, the executable will be placed in part1/debug or part1/release). \c qmake is Qt's build tool, which takes a configuration file. \c qmake generates this for us when given the \c{-project} argument. Given the configuration file (suffixed .pro), \c qmake produces a \c make file that will build the program for you. We will look into writing our own \c .pro files later. \section2 Learn More \table \header \o About \o Here \row \o Widgets and Window Geometry \o \l{Window and Dialog Widgets} \row \o Events and event handling \o \l{The Event System} \endtable \section1 Adding a Quit Button In a real application, you will normally need more than one widget. We will now introduce a QPushButton beneath the text edit. The button will exit the Notepad application when pushed (i.e., clicked on with the mouse). \image gs2.png Let's take a look at the code. \code 1 #include 2 3 int main(int argv, char **args) 4 { 5 QApplication app(argv, args); 6 7 QTextEdit textEdit; 8 QPushButton quitButton("Quit"); 9 10 QObject::connect(&quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); 11 12 QVBoxLayout layout; 13 layout.addWidget(&textEdit); 14 layout.addWidget(&quitButton); 15 16 QWidget window; 17 window.setLayout(&layout); 18 19 window.show(); 20 21 return app.exec(); 22 } \endcode Line 1 includes QtGui, which contains all of Qt's GUI classes. Line 10 uses Qt's Signals and Slots mechanism to make the application exit when the \gui {Quit button} is pushed. A slot is a function that can be invoked at runtime using its name (as a literal string). A signal is a function that when called will invoke slots registered with it; we call that to connect the slot to the signal and to emit the signal. \l{QApplication::}{quit()} is a slot of QApplication that exits the application. \l{QPushButton::}{clicked()} is a signal that QPushButton emits when it is pushed. The static QObject::connect() function takes care of connecting the slot to the signal. SIGNAL() and SLOT() are two macros that take the function signatures of the signal and slot to connect. We also need to give pointers to the objects that should send and receive the signal. Line 12 creates a QVBoxLayout. As mentioned, widgets can contain other widgets. It is possible to set the bounds (the location and size) of child widgets directly, but it is usually easier to use a layout. A layout manages the bounds of a widget's children. QVBoxLayout, for instance, places the children in a vertical row. Line 13 and 14 adds the text edit and button to the layout. In line 17, we set the layout on a widget. \section2 Learn More \table \header \o About \o Here \row \o Signals and slots \o \l{Signals & Slots} \row \o Layouts \o \l{Layout Management}, \l{Widgets and Layouts}, \l{Layout Examples} \row \o The widgets that come with Qt \o \l{Qt Widget Gallery}, \l{Widget Examples} \endtable \section1 Subclassing QWidget When the user wants to quit an application, you might want to pop-up a dialog that asks whether he/she really wants to quit. In this example, we subclass QWidget, and add a slot that we connect to the \gui {Quit button}. \image gs3.png Let's look at the code: \code 5 class Notepad : public QWidget 6 { 7 Q_OBJECT 8 9 public: 10 Notepad(); 11 12 private slots: 13 void quit(); 14 15 private: 16 QTextEdit *textEdit; 17 QPushButton *quitButton; 18 }; \endcode The \c Q_OBJECT macro must be first in the class definition, and declares our class as a \c QObject (Naturally, it must also inherit from QObject). A \l{QObject} adds several abilities to a normal C++ class. Notably, the class name and slot names can be queried at run-time. It is also possible to query a slot's parameter types and invoke it. Line 13 declares the slot \c quit(). This is easy using the \c slots macro. The \c quit() slot can now be connected to signals with a matching signature (any signal that takes no parameters). Instead of setting up the GUI and connecting the slot in the \c main() function, we now use \c{Notepad}'s constructor. \code Notepad::Notepad() { textEdit = new QTextEdit; quitButton = new QPushButton(tr("Quit")); connect(quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(quit())); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(textEdit); layout->addWidget(quitButton); setLayout(layout); setWindowTitle(tr("Notepad")); } \endcode As you saw in the class definition, we use pointers to our \l {QObject}s (\c textEdit and \c quitButton). As a rule, you should always allocate \l{QObject}s on the heap and never copy them. We now use the function \l{QObject::}{tr()} around our user visible strings. This function is necessary when you want to provide your application in more than one language (e.g. English and Chinese). We won't go into details here, but you can follow the \c {Qt Linguist} link from the learn more table. \section2 Learn More \table \header \o About \o Here \row \o tr() and internationalization \o \l{Qt Linguist Manual}, \l{Writing Source Code for Translation}, \l{Hello tr() Example}, \l{Internationalization with Qt} \row \o QObjects and the Qt Object model (This is essential to understand Qt) \o \l{Object Model} \row \o qmake and the Qt build system \o \l{qmake Manual} \endtable \section2 Creating a .pro file For this example, we write our own \c .pro file instead of using \c qmake's \c -project option. \code HEADERS = notepad.h SOURCES = notepad.cpp \ main.cpp \endcode The following shell commands build the example. \code vattekar@positive:~/testing/gssnippets/part3$ qmake vattekar@positive:~/testing/gssnippets/part3$ make \endcode \section1 Using a QMainWindow Many applications will benefit from using a QMainWindow, which has its own layout to which you can add a menu bar, dock widgets, tool bars, and a status bar. QMainWindow has a center area that can be occupied by any kind of widget. In our case, we will place our text edit there. \image gs4.png Let's look at the new \c Notepad class definition. \code #include class Notepad : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: Notepad(); private slots: void open(); void save(); void quit(); private: QTextEdit *textEdit; QAction *openAction; QAction *saveAction; QAction *exitAction; QMenu *fileMenu; }; \endcode We include two more slots that can save and open a document. We will implement these in the next section. Often, in a main window, the same slot should be invoked by several widgets. Examples are menu items and buttons on a tool bar. To make this easier, Qt provides QAction, which can be given to several widgets, and be connected to a slot. For instance, both QMenu and QToolBar can create menu items and tool buttons from the same \l{QAction}s. We will see how this works shortly. As before, we use the \c {Notepad}s constructor to set up the GUI. \code Notepad::Notepad() { saveAction = new QAction(tr("&Open"), this); saveAction = new QAction(tr("&Save"), this); exitAction = new QAction(tr("E&xit"), this); connect(openAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(open())); connect(saveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(save())); connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File")); fileMenu->addAction(openAction); fileMenu->addAction(saveAction); fileMenu->addSeparator(); fileMenu->addAction(exitAction); textEdit = new QTextEdit; setCentralWidget(textEdit); setWindowTitle(tr("Notepad")); } \endcode \l{QAction}s are created with the text that should appear on the widgets that we add them to (in our case, menu items). If we also wanted to add them to a tool bar, we could have given \l{QIcon}{icons} to the actions. When a menu item is clicked now, the item will trigger the action, and the respective slot will be invoked. \section2 Learn More \table \header \o About \o Here \row \o Main windows and main window classes \o \l{Application Main Window}, \l{Main Window Examples} \row \o MDI applications \o QMdiArea, \l{MDI Example} \endtable \section1 Saving and Loading In this example, we will implement the functionality of the \c open() and \c save() slots that we added in the previous example. \image gs5.png Let's start with the \c open() slot: \code QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), "", tr("Text Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)")); if (fileName != "") { QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Could not open file")); return; } QString contents = file.readAll().constData(); textEdit->setPlainText(contents); file.close(); } \endcode The first step is asking the user for the name of the file to open. Qt comes with QFileDialog, which is a dialog from which the user can select a file. The image above shows the dialog on Kubuntu. The static \l{QFileDialog::}{getOpenFileName()} function displays a modal file dialog, and does not return until the user has selected a file. It returns the file path of the file selected, or an empty string if the user canceled the dialog. If we have a file name, we try to open the file with \l{QIODevice::}{open()}, which returns true if the file could be opened. We won't go into error handling here, but you can follow the links from the learn more section. If the file could not be opened, we use QMessageBox to display a dialog with an error message (see the QMessageBox class description for further details). Actually reading in the data is trivial using the \l{QIODevice::}{readAll()} function, which returns all data in the file in a QByteArray. The \l{QByteArray::}{constData()} returns all data in the array as a const char*, which QString has a constructor for. The contents can then be displayed in the text edit. We then \l{QIODevice::}{close()} the file to return the file descriptor back to the operating system. Now, let's move on to the the \c save() slot. \code QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), "", tr("Text Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)")); if (fileName != "") { QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { // error message } else { QTextStream stream(&file); stream << textEdit->toPlainText(); stream.flush(); file.close(); } } \endcode When we write the contents of the text edit to the file, we use the QTextStream class, which wraps the QFile object. The text stream can write QStrings directly to the file; QFile only accepts raw data (char*) with the \l{QIODevice::}{write()} functions of QIODevice. \section2 Learn More \table \header \o About \o Here \row \o Files and I/O devices \o QFile, QIODevice \endtable \omit \section1 Moving On This may not be true for the first release. The Qt documentation comes with three getting started guides. You have come to the end of the first, which concerns itself with basic Qt concepts. We also have guides covering intermediate and advanced topics. They are found here: You may also have noticed that the learn more sections in this guide frequently linked to them. Basic Qt Architecture \endomit */