//! [0] Q3AsciiDict fields; // char* keys, QLineEdit* values fields.insert( "forename", new QLineEdit( this ) ); fields.insert( "surname", new QLineEdit( this ) ); fields["forename"]->setText( "Homer" ); fields["surname"]->setText( "Simpson" ); Q3AsciiDictIterator it( fields ); // See Q3AsciiDictIterator for( ; it.current(); ++it ) cout << it.currentKey() << ": " << it.current()->text() << endl; cout << endl; if ( fields["forename"] && fields["surname"] ) cout << fields["forename"]->text() << " " << fields["surname"]->text() << endl; // Prints "Homer Simpson" fields.remove( "forename" ); // Does not delete the line edit if ( ! fields["forename"] ) cout << "forename is not in the dictionary" << endl; //! [0] //! [1] Q3AsciiDict dict; ... if ( dict.find(key) ) dict.remove( key ); dict.insert( key, item ); //! [1] //! [2] Q3AsciiDict fields; fields.insert( "forename", new QLineEdit( this ) ); fields.insert( "surname", new QLineEdit( this ) ); fields.insert( "age", new QLineEdit( this ) ); fields["forename"]->setText( "Homer" ); fields["surname"]->setText( "Simpson" ); fields["age"]->setText( "45" ); Q3AsciiDictIterator it( fields ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) cout << it.currentKey() << ": " << it.current()->text() << endl; cout << endl; // Output (random order): // age: 45 // surname: Simpson // forename: Homer //! [2]