/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** All rights reserved. ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor ** the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ** products derived from this software without specific prior written ** permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #! [0] make all #! [0] #! [1] CONFIG += qt thread debug #! [1] #! [2] CONFIG += qt QT += network xml #! [2] #! [3] QT = network xml # This will omit the core and gui modules. #! [3] #! [4] QT -= gui # Only the core module is used. #! [4] #! [5] CONFIG += link_pkgconfig PKGCONFIG += ogg dbus-1 #! [5] #! [6] LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lmath #! [6] #! [7] INCLUDEPATH = c:/msdev/include d:/stl/include #! [7] #! [8] qmake [mode] [options] files #! [8] #! [9] qmake -makefile [options] files #! [9] #! [10] qmake -makefile -unix -o Makefile "CONFIG+=test" test.pro #! [10] #! [11] qmake "CONFIG+=test" test.pro #! [11] #! [12] qmake -project [options] files #! [12] #! [13] qmake -spec macx-g++ #! [13] #! [14] QMAKE_LFLAGS += -F/path/to/framework/directory/ #! [14] #! [15] LIBS += -framework TheFramework #! [15] #! [16] TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += lib_bundle #! [16] #! [17] FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.version = Versions FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.files = path/to/header_one.h path/to/header_two.h FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.path = Headers QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += FRAMEWORK_HEADERS #! [17] #! [18] CONFIG += x86 ppc #! [18] #! [19] qmake -spec macx-xcode project.pro #! [19] #! [20] qmake -tp vc #! [20] #! [21] qmake -tp vc -r #! [21] #! [22] CONFIG -= embed_manifest_exe #! [22] #! [23] CONFIG -= embed_manifest_dll #! [23] #! [24] make all #! [24] #! [25] build_pass:CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { unix: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,_debug) else: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,d) } #! [25] #! [26] CONFIG += qt console newstuff ... newstuff { SOURCES += new.cpp HEADERS += new.h } #! [26] #! [27] DEFINES += USE_MY_STUFF QT_DLL #! [27] #! [28] myFiles.files = path\*.png DEPLOYMENT += myFiles #! [28] #! [29] myFiles.files = path\file1.ext1 path2\file2.ext1 path3\* myFiles.path = \some\path\on\device someother.files = C:\additional\files\* someother.path = \myFiles\path2 DEPLOYMENT += myFiles someother #! [29] #! [30] DESTDIR = ../../lib #! [30] #! [31] DISTFILES += ../program.txt #! [31] #! [32] FORMS = mydialog.ui \ mywidget.ui \ myconfig.ui #! [32] #! [33] FORMS3 = my_uic3_dialog.ui \ my_uic3_widget.ui \ my_uic3_config.ui #! [33] #! [34] HEADERS = myclass.h \ login.h \ mainwindow.h #! [34] #! [35] INCLUDEPATH = c:/msdev/include d:/stl/include #! [35] #! [36] target.path += $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/imageformats INSTALLS += target #! [36] #! [37] LEXSOURCES = lexer.l #! [37] #! [38] unix:LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lmath win32:LIBS += c:/mylibs/math.lib #! [38] #! [39] CONFIG += no_lflags_merge #! [39] #! [40] unix:MOC_DIR = ../myproject/tmp win32:MOC_DIR = c:/myproject/tmp #! [40] #! [41] unix:OBJECTS_DIR = ../myproject/tmp win32:OBJECTS_DIR = c:/myproject/tmp #! [41] #! [42] app { # Conditional code for 'app' template here } #! [42] #! [43] FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.version = Versions FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.files = path/to/header_one.h path/to/header_two.h FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.path = Headers QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += FRAMEWORK_HEADERS #! [43] #! [44] QMAKE_BUNDLE_EXTENSION = .myframework #! [44] #! [45] QMAKE_RESOURCE_FLAGS += -threshold 0 -compress 9 #! [45] #! [46] QMAKE_UIC = uic -L /path/to/plugin #! [46] #! [47] QT -= gui # Only the core module is used. #! [47] #! [48] unix:RCC_DIR = ../myproject/resources win32:RCC_DIR = c:/myproject/resources #! [48] #! [49] SOURCES = myclass.cpp \ login.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp #! [49] #! [50] SUBDIRS = kernel \ tools #! [50] #! [51] CONFIG += ordered #! [51] #! [52] TEMPLATE = app TARGET = myapp SOURCES = main.cpp #! [52] #! [53] TEMPLATE = lib SOURCES = main.cpp TARGET = mylib #! [53] #! [54] unix:UI_DIR = ../myproject/ui win32:UI_DIR = c:/myproject/ui #! [54] #! [55] unix:UI_HEADERS_DIR = ../myproject/ui/include win32:UI_HEADERS_DIR = c:/myproject/ui/include #! [55] #! [56] unix:UI_SOURCES_DIR = ../myproject/ui/src win32:UI_SOURCES_DIR = c:/myproject/ui/src #! [56] #! [57] VERSION = 1.2.3 #! [57] #! [58] YACCSOURCES = moc.y #! [58] #! [59] FILE = /etc/passwd FILENAME = $$basename(FILE) #passwd #! [59] #! [60] CONFIG = debug CONFIG += release CONFIG(release, debug|release):message(Release build!) #will print CONFIG(debug, debug|release):message(Debug build!) #no print #! [60] #! [61] contains( drivers, network ) { # drivers contains 'network' message( "Configuring for network build..." ) HEADERS += network.h SOURCES += network.cpp } #! [61] #! [62] error(An error has occurred in the configuration process.) #! [62] #! [63] exists( $(QTDIR)/lib/libqt-mt* ) { message( "Configuring for multi-threaded Qt..." ) CONFIG += thread } #! [63] #! [64] MY_VAR = one two three four MY_VAR2 = $$join(MY_VAR, " -L", -L) -Lfive MY_VAR3 = $$member(MY_VAR, 2) $$find(MY_VAR, t.*) #! [64] #! [65] LIST = 1 2 3 for(a, LIST):exists(file.$${a}):message(I see a file.$${a}!) #! [65] #! [66] include( shared.pri ) OPTIONS = standard custom !include( options.pri ) { message( "No custom build options specified" ) OPTIONS -= custom } #! [66] #! [67] isEmpty( CONFIG ) { CONFIG += qt warn_on debug } #! [67] #! [68] message( "This is a message" ) #! [68] #! [69] !build_pass:message( "This is a message" ) #! [69] #! [70] This is a test. #! [70] #! [71] system(ls /bin):HAS_BIN=FALSE #! [71] #! [72] UNAME = $$system(uname -s) contains( UNAME, [lL]inux ):message( This looks like Linux ($$UNAME) to me ) #! [72] #! [73] ARGS = 1 2 3 2 5 1 ARGS = $$unique(ARGS) #1 2 3 5 #! [73] #! [74] qmake -set VARIABLE VALUE #! [74] #! [75] qmake -query VARIABLE qmake -query #queries all current VARIABLE/VALUE pairs.. #! [75] #! [76] qmake -query "1.06a/VARIABLE" #! [76] #! [77] qmake -query "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" #! [77] #! [78] QMAKE_VERS = $$[QMAKE_VERSION] #! [78] #! [79] documentation.path = /usr/local/program/doc documentation.files = docs/* #! [79] #! [80] INSTALLS += documentation #! [80] #! [81] unix:documentation.extra = create_docs; mv master.doc toc.doc #! [81] #! [82] target.path = /usr/local/myprogram INSTALLS += target #! [82] #! [83] CONFIG += create_prl #! [83] #! [84] CONFIG += link_prl #! [84] #! [85] QMAKE_EXT_MOC = .mymoc #! [85] #! [86] mytarget.target = .buildfile mytarget.commands = touch $$mytarget.target mytarget.depends = mytarget2 mytarget2.commands = @echo Building $$mytarget.target #! [86] #! [87] QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += mytarget mytarget2 #! [87] #! [88] new_moc.output = moc_${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp new_moc.commands = moc ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} -o ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} new_moc.depend_command = g++ -E -M ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} | sed "s,^.*: ,," new_moc.input = NEW_HEADERS QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += new_moc #! [88] #! [89] TARGET = myapp #! [89] #! [90] DEFINES += QT_DLL #! [90] #! [91] DEFINES -= QT_DLL #! [91] #! [92] DEFINES *= QT_DLL #! [92] #! [93] DEFINES ~= s/QT_[DT].+/QT #! [93] #! [94] EVERYTHING = $$SOURCES $$HEADERS message("The project contains the following files:") message($$EVERYTHING) #! [94] #! [95] win32:DEFINES += QT_DLL #! [95] #! [96] win32:xml { message(Building for Windows) SOURCES += xmlhandler_win.cpp } else:xml { SOURCES += xmlhandler.cpp } else { message("Unknown configuration") } #! [96] #! [97] MY_VARIABLE = value #! [97] #! [98] MY_DEFINES = $$DEFINES #! [98] #! [99] MY_DEFINES = $${DEFINES} #! [99] #! [100] TARGET = myproject_$${TEMPLATE} #! [100] #! [101] target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/designer INSTALLS += target #! [101] #! [102] defineReplace(functionName){ #function code } #! [102] #! [103] CONFIG += myfeatures #! [103] #! [105] PRECOMPILED_HEADER = stable.h #! [105] #! [106] precompile_header:!isEmpty(PRECOMPILED_HEADER) { DEFINES += USING_PCH } #! [106] #! [107] PRECOMPILED_HEADER = window.h SOURCES = window.cpp #! [107] #! [108] SOURCES += hello.cpp #! [108] #! [109] SOURCES += hello.cpp SOURCES += main.cpp #! [109] #! [110] SOURCES = hello.cpp \ main.cpp #! [110] #! [111] HEADERS += hello.h SOURCES += hello.cpp SOURCES += main.cpp #! [111] #! [112] TARGET = helloworld #! [112] #! [113] CONFIG += qt HEADERS += hello.h SOURCES += hello.cpp SOURCES += main.cpp #! [113] #! [114] qmake -o Makefile hello.pro #! [114] #! [115] qmake -tp vc hello.pro #! [115] #! [116] CONFIG += qt debug HEADERS += hello.h SOURCES += hello.cpp SOURCES += main.cpp #! [116] #! [117] win32 { SOURCES += hellowin.cpp } #! [117] #! [118] CONFIG += qt debug HEADERS += hello.h SOURCES += hello.cpp SOURCES += main.cpp win32 { SOURCES += hellowin.cpp } unix { SOURCES += hellounix.cpp } #! [118] #! [119] !exists( main.cpp ) { error( "No main.cpp file found" ) } #! [119] #! [120] CONFIG += qt debug HEADERS += hello.h SOURCES += hello.cpp SOURCES += main.cpp win32 { SOURCES += hellowin.cpp } unix { SOURCES += hellounix.cpp } !exists( main.cpp ) { error( "No main.cpp file found" ) } #! [120] #! [121] win32 { debug { CONFIG += console } } #! [121] #! [122] CONFIG += qt debug HEADERS += hello.h SOURCES += hello.cpp SOURCES += main.cpp win32 { SOURCES += hellowin.cpp } unix { SOURCES += hellounix.cpp } !exists( main.cpp ) { error( "No main.cpp file found" ) } win32:debug { CONFIG += console } #! [122] #! [123] TEMPLATE = app DESTDIR = c:/helloapp HEADERS += hello.h SOURCES += hello.cpp SOURCES += main.cpp DEFINES += QT_DLL CONFIG += qt warn_on release #! [123] #! [124] make all #! [124] #! [125] make #! [125] #! [126] make install #! [126] #! [127] CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { mac: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,_debug) win32: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,d) } #! [127] #! [128] customplugin.files = customimageplugin.dll customplugin.files += c:\myplugins\othercustomimageplugin.dll customplugin.path = imageformats dynamiclibrary.files = mylib.dll helper.exe dynamiclibrary.path = \sys\bin globalplugin.files = someglobalimageplugin.dll globalplugin.path = \resource\qt\plugins\imageformats DEPLOYMENT += customplugin dynamiclibrary globalplugin #! [128] #! [129] TARGET.EPOCALLOWDLLDATA = 1 #! [129] #! [130] TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE = 10000 10000000 TARGET.EPOCSTACKSIZE = 0x8000 #! [130] #! [131] QMAKE_CXXFLAGS.CW += -O2 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS.ARMCC += -O0 #! [131] #! [132] TARGET.UID2 = 0x00000001 TARGET.UID3 = 0x00000002 TARGET.SID = 0x00000003 TARGET.VID = 0x00000004 #! [132] #! [133] TARGET.CAPABILITY += AllFiles #! [133] #! [134] TARGET.CAPABILITY = ALL -TCB -DRM -AllFiles #! [134] #! [135] TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE = 10000 10000000 #! [135] #! [136] TARGET.EPOCSTACKSIZE = 0x8000 #! [136] #! [137] MMP_RULES += "DEFFILE hello.def" #! [137] #! [138] myBlock = \ "START RESOURCE foo.rss" \ "TARGET bar" \ "TARGETPATH private\10001234" \ "HEADER" \ "LANG 01" \ "UID 0x10002345 0x10003456" \ "END" MMP_RULES += myBlock #! [138] #! [139] myIfdefBlock = \ "$${LITERAL_HASH}ifdef WINSCW" \ "DEFFILE hello_winscw.def" \ "$${LITERAL_HASH}endif" MMP_RULES += myIfdefBlock #! [139] #! [140] somelib.files = somelib.dll somelib.path = \sys\bin somelib.pkg_prerules = "(0x12345678), 2, 2, 0, {\"Some Package\"}" \ "(0x87654321), 1, *, * ~ 2, 2, 0, {\"Some Other Package\"}" justdep.pkg_prerules = "(0xAAAABBBB), 0, 2, 0, {\"My Framework\"}" DEPLOYMENT += somelib justdep #! [140] #! [141] default_deployment.pkg_prerules -= pkg_platform_dependencies my_deployment.pkg_prerules = "[0x11223344],0,0,0,{\"SomeSpecificDeviceID\"}" DEPLOYMENT += my_deployment #! [141] #! [142] DEPLOYMENT_PLUGIN += qjpeg #! [142] #! [143] myextension = \ "start extension myextension" \ "$${LITERAL_HASH}if defined(WINSCW)" \ "option MYOPTION foo" \ "$${LITERAL_HASH}endif" \ "option MYOPTION bar" \ "end" BLD_INF_RULES.prj_extensions += myextension #! [143] #! [144] RSS_RULES += "hidden = KAppIsHidden;" #! [144] #! [145] myrssrules = \ "hidden = KAppIsHidden;" \ "launch = KAppLaunchInBackground;" \ RSS_RULES += myrssrules #! [145] #! [146] DEPLOYMENT.installer_header = 0x12345678 #! [146] #! [147] DEPLOYMENT.installer_header = "$${LITERAL_HASH}{\"My Application Installer\"},(0x12345678),1,0,0" #! [147] #! [148] # Set conditional libraries LIB.MARM = "LIBRARY myarm.lib" LIB.WINSCW = "LIBRARY mywinscw.lib" LIB.default = "LIBRARY mydefault.lib" # Add the conditional MMP rules MYCONDITIONS = MARM WINSCW MYVARIABLES = LIB addMMPRules(MYCONDITIONS, MYVARIABLES) #! [148] #! [149] SUBDIRS += my_executable my_library my_executable.subdir = app my_executable.depends = my_library my_library.subdir = lib #! [149] #! [150] symbian { SUBDIRS += emulator_dll emulator_dll.condition = WINSCW } #! [150] #! [151] RSS_RULES.service_list += "uid = 0x12345678; datatype_list = \{\}; opaque_data = r_my_icon;" RSS_RULES.footer +="RESOURCE CAPTION_AND_ICON_INFO r_my_icon \{ icon_file =\"$$PWD/my_icon.svg\"; \}" #! [151] #! [152] my_exports = \ "foo.h /epoc32/include/mylib/foo.h" \ "bar.h /epoc32/include/mylib/bar.h" BLD_INF_RULES.prj_exports += my_exports #! [152] #! [153] my_note.pkg_postrules.installer = "\"myinstallnote.txt\" - \"\", FILETEXT, TEXTCONTINUE" DEPLOYMENT += my_note #! [153] #! [154] DEPLOYMENT -= default_bin_deployment default_resource_deployment default_reg_deployment #! [154] #! [155] default_bin_deployment.flags += FILERUN RUNINSTALL dep_note.files = install_note.txt dep_note.flags = FILETEXT TEXTEXIT DEPLOYMENT += dep_note #! [155] #! [156] DEPLOYMENT.display_name = My Qt App #! [156] #! [157] packagesExist(sqlite3 QtNetwork QtDeclarative) { DEFINES += USE_FANCY_UI } #! [157] #! [158] #ifdef USE_FANCY_UI // Use the fancy UI, as we have extra packages available #endif #! [158]