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[4] //! [5] var obj = { x: 123 }; var fun = function() { print(this.x); }; myQObject.somethingChanged.connect(obj, fun); //! [5] //! [6] myQObject.somethingChanged.disconnect(obj, fun); //! [6] //! [7] var obj = { x: 123, fun: function() { print(this.x); } }; myQObject.somethingChanged.connect(obj, "fun"); //! [7] //! [8] myQObject.somethingChanged.disconnect(obj, "fun"); //! [8] //! [9] try { myQObject.somethingChanged.connect(myQObject, "slotThatDoesntExist"); } catch (e) { print(e); } //! [9] //! [10] myQObject.somethingChanged("hello"); //! [10] //! [11] myQObject.myOverloadedSlot(10); // will call the int overload myQObject.myOverloadedSlot("10"); // will call the QString overload //! [11] //! [12] myQObject['myOverloadedSlot(int)']("10"); // call int overload; the argument is converted to an int myQObject['myOverloadedSlot(QString)'](10); // call QString overload; the argument is converted to a string //! [12] //! [14] myQObject.enabled = true; // ... myQObject.enabled = !myQObject.enabled; //! [14] //! [15] myDialog.okButton //! [15] //! [16] myDialog.okButton.objectName = "cancelButton"; // from now on, myDialog.cancelButton references the button //! [16] //! [17] var okButton = myDialog.findChild("okButton"); if (okButton != null) { // do something with the OK button } var buttons = myDialog.findChildren(RegExp("button[0-9]+")); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) { // do something with buttons[i] } //! [17] //! [21] var obj = new MyObject; obj.setEnabled( true ); print( "obj is enabled: " + obj.isEnabled() ); //! [21] //! [22] var obj = new MyObject; obj.enabled = true; print( "obj is enabled: " + obj.enabled ); //! [22] //! [26] function enabledChangedHandler( b ) { print( "state changed to: " + b ); } function init() { var obj = new MyObject(); // connect a script function to the signal obj["enabledChanged(bool)"].connect(enabledChangedHandler); obj.enabled = true; print( "obj is enabled: " + obj.enabled ); } //! [26] //! [27] var o = new Object(); o.foo = 123; print(o.hasOwnProperty('foo')); // true print(o.hasOwnProperty('bar')); // false print(o); // calls o.toString(), which returns "[object Object]" //! [27] //! [28] function Person(name) { this.name = name; } //! [28] //! [29] Person.prototype.toString = function() { return "Person(name: " + this.name + ")"; } //! [29] //! [30] var p1 = new Person("John Doe"); var p2 = new Person("G.I. Jane"); print(p1); // "Person(name: John Doe)" print(p2); // "Person(name: G.I. Jane)" //! [30] //! [31] print(p1.hasOwnProperty('name')); // 'name' is an instance variable, so this returns true print(p1.hasOwnProperty('toString')); // returns false; inherited from prototype print(p1 instanceof Person); // true print(p1 instanceof Object); // true //! [31] //! [32] function Employee(name, salary) { Person.call(this, name); // call base constructor this.salary = salary; } // set the prototype to be an instance of the base class Employee.prototype = new Person(); // initialize prototype Employee.prototype.toString = function() { // ... } //! [32] //! [33] var e = new Employee("Johnny Bravo", 5000000); print(e instanceof Employee); // true print(e instanceof Person); // true print(e instanceof Object); // true print(e instanceof Array); // false //! [33] //! [40] var o = new Object(); (o.__proto__ === Object.prototype); // this evaluates to true //! [40] //! [41] var o = new Object(); o.__defineGetter__("x", function() { return 123; }); var y = o.x; // 123 //! [41] //! [42] var o = new Object(); o.__defineSetter__("x", function(v) { print("and the value is:", v); }); o.x = 123; // will print "and the value is: 123" //! [42] //! [49] var getProperty = function(name) { return this[name]; }; name = "Global Object"; // creates a global variable print(getProperty("name")); // "Global Object" var myObject = { name: 'My Object' }; print(getProperty.call(myObject, "name")); // "My Object" myObject.getProperty = getProperty; print(myObject.getProperty("name")); // "My Object" getProperty.name = "The getProperty() function"; getProperty.getProperty = getProperty; getProperty.getProperty("name"); // "The getProperty() function" //! [49] //! [50] var o = { a: 1, b: 2, sum: function() { return a + b; } }; print(o.sum()); // reference error, or sum of global variables a and b!! //! [50] //! [51] var o = { a: 1, b: 2, sum: function() { return this.a + this.b; } }; print(o.sum()); // 3 //! [51] //! [56] function add(a, b) { return a + b; } //! [56] //! [57] function add() { return arguments[0] + arguments[1]; } //! [57] //! [59] function add() { if (arguments.length != 2) throw Error("add() takes exactly two arguments"); return arguments[0] + arguments[1]; } //! [59] //! [60] function add() { if (arguments.length != 2) throw Error("add() takes exactly two arguments"); if (typeof arguments[0] != "number") throw TypeError("add(): first argument is not a number"); if (typeof arguments[1] != "number") throw TypeError("add(): second argument is not a number"); return arguments[0] + arguments[1]; } //! [60] //! [61] function add() { if (arguments.length != 2) throw Error("add() takes exactly two arguments"); return Number(arguments[0]) + Number(arguments[1]); } //! [61] //! [64] function concat() { var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) result += String(arguments[i]); return result; } //! [64] //! [66] function sort(comparefn) { if (comparefn == undefined) comparefn = fn; /* replace fn with the built-in comparison function */ else if (typeof comparefn != "function") throw TypeError("sort(): argument must be a function"); // ... } //! [66] //! [68] function foo() { // Let bar() take care of this. print("calling bar() with " + arguments.length + "arguments"); var result = bar.apply(this, arguments); print("bar() returned" + result); return result; } //! [68] //! [70] function counter() { var count = 0; return function() { return count++; } } //! [70] //! [71] var c1 = counter(); // create a new counter function var c2 = counter(); // create a new counter function print(c1()); // 0 print(c1()); // 1 print(c2()); // 0 print(c2()); // 1 //! [71] //! [75] function Book(isbn) { this.isbn = isbn; } var coolBook1 = new Book("978-0131872493"); var coolBook2 = new Book("978-1593271473"); //! [75] //! [80] obj.x = "Roberta sent me"; print(obj.x); // "Ken sent me" obj.x = "I sent the bill to Roberta"; print(obj.x); // "I sent the bill to Ken" //! [80] //! [81] obj = {}; obj.__defineGetter__("x", function() { return this._x; }); obj.__defineSetter__("x", function(v) { print("setting x to", v); this._x = v; }); obj.x = 123; //! [81] //! [82] myButton.text = qsTr("Hello world!"); //! [82] //! [83] myButton.text = qsTranslate("MyAwesomeScript", "Hello world!"); //! [83] //! [84] FriendlyConversation.prototype.greeting = function(type) { if (FriendlyConversation['greeting_strings'] == undefined) { FriendlyConversation['greeting_strings'] = [ QT_TR_NOOP("Hello"), QT_TR_NOOP("Goodbye") ]; } return qsTr(FriendlyConversation.greeting_strings[type]); } //! [84] //! [85] FriendlyConversation.prototype.greeting = function(type) { if (FriendlyConversation['greeting_strings'] == undefined) { FriendlyConversation['greeting_strings'] = [ QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("FriendlyConversation", "Hello"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("FriendlyConversation", "Goodbye") ]; } return qsTranslate("FriendlyConversation", FriendlyConversation.greeting_strings[type]); } //! [85] //! [86] FileCopier.prototype.showProgress = function(done, total, currentFileName) { this.label.text = qsTr("%1 of %2 files copied.\nCopying: %3") .arg(done) .arg(total) .arg(currentFileName); } //! [86] //! [90] ({ unitName: "Celsius", toKelvin: function(x) { return x + 273; } }) //! [90]