//! [0] QPushButton p("&Exit", parent); // automatic shortcut Alt+E Q3PopupMenu *fileMenu = new fileMenu(parent); fileMenu->insertItem("Undo", parent, SLOT(undo()), Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Z); //! [0] //! [1] accelerator->insertItem(QKeySequence("M")); //! [1] //! [2] Q3Accel *a = new Q3Accel(myWindow); a->connectItem(a->insertItem(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_P), myWindow, SLOT(printDoc())); //! [2] //! [3] Q3Accel *a = new Q3Accel(myWindow); // create accels for myWindow a->insertItem(CTRL + Key_P, 200); // Ctrl+P, e.g. to print document a->insertItem(ALT + Key_X, 201); // Alt+X, e.g. to quit a->insertItem(UNICODE_ACCEL + 'q', 202); // Unicode 'q', e.g. to quit a->insertItem(Key_D); // gets a unique negative id < -1 a->insertItem(CTRL + SHIFT + Key_P); // gets a unique negative id < -1 //! [3] //! [4] a->connectItem(201, mainView, SLOT(quit())); //! [4] //! [5] Q3PopupMenu *file = new Q3PopupMenu(this); file->insertItem(p1, tr("&Open..."), this, SLOT(open()), Q3Accel::stringToKey(tr("Ctrl+O", "File|Open"))); //! [5]