//! [0] Q3ScrollView* sv = new Q3ScrollView(...); QWidget *widget = new QWidget(sv->viewport()); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(widget); addChild(widget); //! [0] //! [1] QLabel* child1 = new QLabel("CHILD", widget); QLabel* child2 = new QLabel("CHILD", widget); QLabel* child3 = new QLabel("CHILD", widget); layout->addWidget(child1); layout->addWidget(child2); layout->addWidget(child3); ... //! [1] //! [2] Q3ScrollView* sv = new Q3ScrollView(...); QLabel* child1 = new QLabel("CHILD", sv->viewport()); sv->addChild(child1); QLabel* child2 = new QLabel("CHILD", sv->viewport()); sv->addChild(child2); QLabel* child3 = new QLabel("CHILD", sv->viewport()); sv->addChild(child3); //! [2] //! [3] Q3ScrollView* sv = new Q3ScrollView(...); sv->enableClipper(true); QLabel* child1 = new QLabel("CHILD", sv->viewport()); sv->addChild(child1); QLabel* child2 = new QLabel("CHILD", sv->viewport()); sv->addChild(child2); QLabel* child3 = new QLabel("CHILD", sv->viewport()); sv->addChild(child3); //! [3] //! [4] { // Fill a 40000 by 50000 rectangle at (100000,150000) // Calculate the coordinates... int x1 = 100000, y1 = 150000; int x2 = x1+40000-1, y2 = y1+50000-1; // Clip the coordinates so X/Windows will not have problems... if (x1 < clipx) x1=clipx; if (y1 < clipy) y1=clipy; if (x2 > clipx+clipw-1) x2=clipx+clipw-1; if (y2 > clipy+cliph-1) y2=clipy+cliph-1; // Paint using the small coordinates... if (x2 >= x1 && y2 >= y1) p->fillRect(x1, y1, x2-x1+1, y2-y1+1, red); } //! [4]