//! [0] SELECT forename, surname FROM people; //! [0] //! [1] QSqlQuery q("select * from employees"); QSqlRecord rec = q.record(); qDebug() << "Number of columns: " << rec.count(); int nameCol = rec.indexOf("name"); // index of the field "name" while (q.next()) qDebug() << q.value(nameCol).toString(); // output all names //! [1] //! [2] QSqlQuery q; q.prepare("insert into myTable values (?, ?)"); QVariantList ints; ints << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4; q.addBindValue(ints); QVariantList names; names << "Harald" << "Boris" << "Trond" << QVariant(QVariant::String); q.addBindValue(names); if (!q.execBatch()) qDebug() << q.lastError(); //! [2] //! [3] 1 Harald 2 Boris 3 Trond 4 NULL //! [3]